#i am soppy
parisoonic · 5 months
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Having a lie in 💤
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i-got-da-rubes · 11 months
“Thank you for asking what nobody else did.
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What not even I considered.”
Drawn with my non-dominant hand.
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alfazoings · 1 year
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my malevolent brainrot has me locked in a little birdcage forcing me to photosynthesise my own food for my hyperfixation
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thisdayin1dhistory · 1 month
This Day in 1D History - May 19
Harry makes his first-ever Instagram post (with the caption "Deerstagram") - with the username givememynameplease because someone had already taken harrystyles 😭😭
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TMH Verona! 💚🤍❤️😍
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deweyduck · 7 months
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@pscentral​​ event 21: growth
↳ HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY FROZEN ❄️ 27 November, 2013
The PSCentral event theme being growth the month of the Frozen 10th Anniversary is so fitting for me in so many ways. (I know the theme this month was literally my idea but I promise I didn't even think of giffing Frozen until after I suggested it)
There's the obvious growth of the characters and their relationships in the movie itself, which I highlighted in this gifset. But there's also the growth I experienced myself in the 10 years since the film's release.
I was 15 when Frozen came out. Honestly before I even watched the movie I knew I would love it. I was so hyped the moment Disney announced it, and when I did see it the weekend it came out in the cinemas, it was everything I needed. A story that focused on two unique women and the complexities both of their individual characters and their relationship with each other. A story where the message was non-romantic love can be just as important and powerful as romantic love.
When I first watched the movie as a teenager, I always related to Anna but now as an adult, I related more to Elsa. Over the 10 years since Frozen's release, I have changed but my unwavering love for it has not. I am just able to connect to and see parts of myself in different aspects.
Something else very appropriate with this month's theme is that Frozen is actually the reason I got into gifmaking. Yes, extremely low quality gifs that I made on GIMP (not even Photoshop!) as a teenager in the early 2010s is my gifmaker origin story. I've come so far as a gifmaker since those days. But I'm not linking any of those early gifsets I've moved blogs twice since then for a reason just trust me when I say I've improved. I love making gifs and the community of people I've formed through this hobby. I've learned so many techniques and skills over the years and Frozen really is the biggest reason for that.
I am so grateful to have been able to grow up with Anna and Elsa this past decade. Thank you, Anna and Elsa. Thank you, Frozen, for being my favourite movie.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
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miles kane, swg3 glasgow 01/02/2024
oh my god oh my GOD i don't even know where to start. last night was hands down not just one of the best gigs of my life, but one of the best nights of my life full stop. it's twenty four hours later and my heart just feels so full and i still can't stop smiling with pure happiness 🥹 i've been to a LOT of gigs over the years, and a lot of those have been really amazing gigs too - but this one. wow. there was truly just something so special about this one that i know i'll carry with me for a long time to come 💗
i feel like i could ramble endlessly about all the things that made it so incredible (i.e. literally everything), so to try and avoid writing an actual essay, here are a few bullet points of my favourite things:
being right in the front row was AMAZING for obvious reasons, but also because of the number of times miles made eye contact with me and smiled at me as he was singing 😭 (naturally any time this happened i smiled back like a total idiot and forgot all the words) me and the lovely human i was there with were the only ones at the barrier who were really getting into it at the start, and i got the sense he loved seeing how much we were loving being there 💗
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miles just has the most incredible energy ✨ that's absolutely something you pick up from listening to his music, watching interview etc - but it's quite something else to experience in person. the moment he walks into a room he just gives off such good vibes and such warmth. there's such a sense of groundedness to him as well as all the amazing passion, and also idk. i feel like in person you can really feel the sensitivity and vulnerability that's so present in his music too. he truly lights up a room and just has such a knack for holding everyone captive 💫
getting to witness miles being overwhelmed and unable to stop smiling at how enthusiastic the crowd was truly wonderful 🥹 you could just *feel* how much it all meant to him, and watching him get all the love and appreciation he deserves was just magic 💖
at the end, he came down into the crowd towards me and was making direct eye contact and then he FUCKING SPOKE TO ME??????? 😭 i was too dazed to actually take in what he was saying (i'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of "i like your necklace" but honestly who knows lol), and it was very brief because naturally i wasn't the only person in the crowd he was saying hi to, but fucking HELL. i was totally, totally unprepared 😭 i then had the privilege of a sweaty miles kane leaning over me to high five the people behind me, and i held his hand and - yeah. it was all so truly surreal that i might think i'd imagined it if it wasn't for the fact i can literally see the moment in this video 😭
i was there with @perfectly-clear-from-here and we were both just utterly ECSTATIC after the show, it was amazing getting to share the sheer giddy joy of all that with one of the loveliest humans i know 💜
and then of course (as if all of that wasn't already enough to make it the most wonderful night), we MET MILES after the show 😭😭 i've already rambled about that here so i won't do it again, but - yeah. let's just say he truly is the most wonderful person with the loveliest energy, and he is so easy to be around 🥹
the last six months or so have not been easy ones for me, and this felt like the most wonderful break in the clouds that just - idk. really restored me to myself. it was so special to get to experience live so many of the amazing songs that have got me through and been such a comfort in the difficult times, and i am just so endlessly grateful to miles for his courage in creating and sharing all that he shares 💗
**please do not repost my photos without permission**
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ejunkiet · 14 days
I consider myself a romantic, but not a 'love at first sight', or 'fall in love with every stranger you meet' sort of romantic -- the sort of romantic I mean is the loyal and devoted, who wouldn't hesitate to throw themself in the line of fire or give their life for yours.
soppy romance doesn't do it for me, but the hard earned, hard fought for love story? *chefs kiss*
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sophiethewitch1 · 3 months
Gaz is obviously really nice and sweet and lovely but he also does give me the vibe of someone who like, if you were with a group of people jumping off somewhere high into water and you were scared and hesitating he'd absolutely delight in shoving you in. Like you come up later yelling at him and he goes 'i was just trying to help you!!! I'm sorry :(!!!' but he's not. He will take more opportunities to scare the shit out of you just to hear you squeal. The sooner you catch on the sooner you can put a stop to it because he doesn't want you to think he's mean or anything... He's not, but he's just the slightest bit of a sadist.
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ughgoaway · 5 months
matty leaving the studio early and bringing teacher girlie a travel mug of peppermint tea to the school during her lunch breaks when shes early on in the pregnancy because he knows how nauseous shes been 🥺
Oh, this is SO SWEET. I just know Matty would be doing absolutely everything he could to make sure you were as happy as you could be, pregnancy is rough as fuck (from what I've heard lmao) so he does whatever little things he can to make it better. 
You've probably been violently nauseous the first trimester, the only thing you can stomach is peppermint tea and crackers. So imagine your disappointment when you get to work, and there's no peppermint tea left in the cupboard. Despite you labelling it a thousand times, someone had stolen it.
You fight the tears brewing and take a deep breath, you almost text Matty to complain to him but you are starting to feel bad about how much he is dealing with from you.
Every morning you wake up and immediately rush to the bathroom to vomit, to say the morning sickness has been bad would be the understatement of the century. And each time, despite your protests, Matty comes to sit with you. Sometimes he rubs your back or holds your hair but mostly he just sits with you. And once you're done coughing up your guts, he escorts you back to bed and doesn't let you get up until he's made you some herbal tea.
He kisses your forehead with a cheesy smile as you hands you your tea, and feels his heart flutter each time you grin up at him before taking your first sip. Matty always waits for you to take one sip, he loves the little happy wiggle you do each time. It was the little things like that that made him fall so unbelievably in love with you. And you doing those same things whilst pregnant with his child? well, lets just say the fact that he's not just staring at you lovesick all day is impressive.
But you're feeling pretty high maintenance about it all, despite Matty assuring you he would do this and more if it made you even fractionally happier. so you don't message. You take a shaky breath and shut the cupboard, going back to your classroom with no tea and trying to prepare for the energy of god knows how many 5-year-olds.
When lunch swings around and you finally get 5 minutes of silence, you once again feel like crying. God pregnancy hormones were making you a fucking mess. you felt as if your brain was swimming in them, and you weren't even that far along.
The kids had been gone for just 10 minutes when you get a knock at your door, and you assume it's one of them coming back to annoy you. You love them, but you sometimes just need time away. 
However, it was literally your job to look after them, so you plaster on a faux smile and say, “Come in!” in your fakest sweet voice. 
You can't hide the gasp of surprise that escapes you when Matty walks in, he's wearing the leather jacket and douchey rockstar sunglasses combo you loved so much, and holding your favourite travel mug. 
He pulls his glasses off with a smile, pressing a kiss on your head when he finally reaches your desk. “Hi my love, just popping in to drop you some peppermint tea. Assumed you wouldn't get a second over lunch to grab your own, and I know how nauseous you've been so I brought it from the studio for you” he softly says, leaning on your desk and stroking your cheek with his cold hands.
“But the studio is so far from here?” you say, sipping the tea happily. And Matty can't hide the Cheshire cat-like grin that pulls at his cheek when he sees you do that little happy wiggle he loves so much. 
“I know, but I had to come and see my girls! And this little one of course. Saw Annie running around like a maniac outside already” Matty rubs your stomach with a grin on his face, flicking his eyes from your face to your bump. He was obsessed with your little bump, even though you're only a few months along matty insists on having his hands on you whenever he can. 
You immediately tear up at his words, and you can't help but let them fall, borderline sobbing in the middle of your classroom over some tea.
Matty immediately snaps into overprotective dad/boyfriend mode, “Woah woah woah. Whats up sweetheart? You okay? Is the baby bothering you or something?” he crouches next to your chair and tries to wipe the tears falling down your cheeks, but they keep streaming as you blubber and sob even harder at his words. 
You try to give him a coherent response, but nothing apart from vaguely word-sounding gibberish leaves your lips, matty gives you a worried look and pulls you into his neck. Rubbing your back gently and shushing you softly, “Oh it's okay darling, whatever it is we can fix it okay? Do you not want the tea? Because I can go throw it away right now” he assures you, pulling your head from his neck and holding your face between his hands.
His worried eyes scan your features, desperately trying to figure out what made you suddenly burst into tears. You sniffle and eventually, your tears stop falling, now you just have wet pink cheeks and a slightly snotty nose.
You suck in a shaky breath before answering Matty, “No no, it's perfect. You're perfect.” you say, smiling at him with love swimming in your eyes. 
Matty smiles bashfully and goes to wave you off, but before he can start speaking again, you cut in, “No, I really mean it. You have just been the most perfect boyfriend I could ask for. I don't know how you knew I needed peppermint tea right now, but you did. And you came out of your way to bring it to me. Just love you a lot, s’all” You feel your cheeks heating up at the slightly embarrassing confession of your unbelievable love for him. But any embarrassment fades when you see the same pink flush rising on Matty's cheeks. 
Very few things felt as good as making Matty Healy blush, an almost impossible task for anyone but you.
“I love you too sweetheart,” Matty whispers back at you, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. You quickly shoot back and shake your head at him, trying not to laugh at his disgruntled pout. 
“You can't kiss me! Im all gross and snotty” you pout back, wiping at your face and laughing at yourself.
“I don't care. You're the mother of my children, I always wanna kiss you” Matty smiles as he moves in again, and this time you don't pull back.
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piovascosimo · 11 months
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my dear and special friend | wembley july 2023
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rycbarmerlin · 9 months
I am delighted to have been a part of Carlos and Lando's journey since 2019 and it doesn't feel like an exaggeration or projection to say that it has been their joint dream for all this time to get a podium together. Monaco 2021 was a treat and well enjoyed, for sure, but this 1-2 is the ultimate for them. They would have loved to achieve it together at McLaren - and the wish for a McLaren 1-2 was achieved for Lando at Monza '21 but with Daniel - so that left the other alternative for a 1-2 between them, between Ferrari and McLaren
And though Monaco '21 was special, it was a completely different race. Bottas' essentially multi-day pitstop took him out the race and moved everyone up a spot. And, yes, they had qualified very strongly, but though Perez was closing on Lando for P3, the risk was greatly reduced for an overtake. As we know from Singapore, Carlos and Lando worked together for that win. So not only did they secure an individual P1 and P2, they secured it for eachother. I don't think it's outlandish to say other drivers would not have considered the DRS strategy that Carlos went for, and I don't think it is outlandish to say that other drivers wouldn't have picked up on the tactic. Of course their main priority was themselves, but they were racing for each other too.... like a lot.
That result was the ultimate display to the world of the friendship, connection, and level of knowing-eachother between them.
They support each other in a way other drivers just simply do not. And yes, driver friendships are a lot more wide-ranging and common than they used to be (or, just at least more openly allowed) but Carlos and Lando are just so much more than that! Like you saw Grosjean celebrating Pierre's win at Monza, or Max celebrating Daniel's win, Pierre and Charles supporting eachother, especially after the loss of Hubert, but Carlos and Lando continually back each other, support each other and celebrate each other like no one else. Honestly it is a privilege to have witnessed today ❤️🧡
It is no doubt that they've made each other better people and drivers and LONG MAY IT CONTINUE ❤️🧡
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rosenfey · 2 months
I don't know. I just really like my quiet little corner of the internet that is this blog. and being surrounded by people who are a bit like me. who are not part of a big social circle, who are not social in general. people who don't talk to others much because they are shy or just don't have the energy. I really appreciate mutuals who also feel like they are a little bit out of it because they don't have many friends or are not as talkative. I am really grateful because they make me feel like I am not alone. and as someone who sometimes really struggles with feeling like I don't belong anywhere because I've been raised to believe that being socially anxious and quiet and shy will one day kill me... I just want to say seeing other people on here who also sometimes feel like they don't get much traction, or that they are missing out somehow because they don't have many friends here... I know how it feels sometimes even though I know it's not actually true and I'm incredibly grateful I am surrounded by other people who are so kind and talented on here and whom I love seeing on my dash. we are learning to be comfortable with ourselves the way we are without waiting for others to accommodate us. because I think that's the whole deal. if you can only be comfortable with yourself if others accommodate you, you will never be comfortable with yourself. I don't know, I am just really glad of all the progress I've made on myself and ever since I decided to post freely about what I love and enjoy, my little game screenshots and liveblogs... it has brought me so much joy, and I am so glad I am surrounded by people who do the same. <3
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
It's the second time my shuffle playlist decides to put on the Hey Ya cover on my way to music class (re: i don't even listen to it that much). And the Shelter began right after, and we just passed a beautiful orange sunset and now I'm fight back tears on the mf bus.
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animentality · 7 months
As per usual, I am LATE.
But I have posted my newest Durgetash brainrot fic.
And it's a multi-chapter one, so...
I imagine I will try to be consistent with how often I update it...I imagine I will fail.
But I have every intention of at least updating either every week, or every two weeks, should disastrous things happen, or if I simply need a break to think of more disgusting ideas.
With that being said.
Pairing: (Trans male) Dark Urge x Gortash
Warnings: Sex and swearing. Also, mind the tags on AO3. Not present yet, but I have every intention of being disgusting.
The Dark Urge does not remember Enver Gortash, but the lordling refuses to accept that. He will force him to remember what they were to one another, before his memories were carved out. Whether he wants to remember or not.
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dontmesswithnoheroin · 7 months
I'm so glad we're not normal about bg3 because I desperately need to talk about the fact that, while all the origin characters are tragic in some way, Astarion's fate is so grim no matter the choices you make in the game, which can be compared only to Karlach who is doomed to either die or live as an illithid. We all know if Astarion ascends, he just continues on the path of power hungry violence Cazador set him on. But even if he doesn't, if we choose the "better" option for his personal development, he's doomed to be a vampire spawn forever. He loses the hope to ever feel the sun on his skin again, something he clearly misses so much when he's adventuring with a tadpole in his head. And while other characters get to choose their next steps at the end of the game, he runs off into the shadows. He never gets his full freedom, after a century of torture, sa and literally being mind controlled, his only choices are to either accept the life of a vampire spawn or become the one he hated the most.
In fact, the only time he ever is afforded freedom is those precious few weeks between being abducted by the nautiloid and defeating the Absolute. The time spent with accidental chosen family, treated like his own person, free to roam in the daylight.
I realized it gets to me because life is like this: you get faced with terrors and impossible choices, and all you have to power you is the moments in-between, moments where other people carry the weight on your shoulders with you for no other reason than deeply caring about you. BG3 origin character stories are so great because all of them seek freedom and the price to pay for that freedom is too great. But it becomes less daunting because everyone gets to support each other along the journey.
And I do ugly cry about it.
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awakefor48hours · 3 months
Real things Zuko has done in ATLA:
Took down a small army's worth of trained fire nation soldiers without fire-bending
Took down a fire nation general by himself
Took on a bolt of lightning
Went toe-to-toe with a water-bender (who already kicked his ass) in the middle of blizzard, in middle of the night, and was just injured from an explosion.
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