#i am unnormal about this movie
ymeisli · 1 year
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my friends when they suddenly hear me go “yk what movie i wanna watch…” (im about to talk about velvet goldmine for the 26718628195241th time)
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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defiant-art · 7 months
dude im so unnormal about ur blondie art i fucking love the dollars trilogy and eastwood movies i am ravaging ur art like a wild dog
GOSH THANK U FRIEND!!!!!!! I didn’t realize there was such a big eastwood movies fandom presence here on tumblr hehe im so glad u like my art!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ if I make more it will be posted to my tumblr 👍❤️
honestly this is from the fact that I watched thunderbolt and lightfoot last night but it had me missing blondie so I wound up drawing him instead lolol
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transkingofgames · 6 months
I am incredibly unnormal about Kojima releasing a new horror “game/movie hybrid” with Jordan Peele. This is going to change the face of horror forever I fully believe that, everything horror Kojima touches is gold & consistently changes the game of horror playable media and Jordan Peele’s understanding of nuanced terror is so beyond comprehension. If I’d watched the Game Awards live and seen Kojima walk through the PT door live I seriously would have had some kind of medical emergency
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raccoonspooky · 2 years
Hi friends! Ive gotten a handful of followers recently and I thought to introduce myself!
I’m poki but also you can call me raccoons or possum or what ever other type of rodent lmao. I write stuff and im unnormal about video games and horror movies!
This blog is a sideblog so like when I comment on a post or follow people its gonna be from @possumteeths ! Just in case you were wondering whomst this random ass blog is commenting back to you or something lol!
I am comfortable with they/them or she/her pronouns or honestly whatever you vibe with me its all good. Im not big on what the fuck my gender is besides some kinda thirsty garbage creature. Like im more of a critter than a girl hahaha.
I exist in the gloomy pnw where its excellent inspo for writing lol. Its just starting to get rainy and gloomy again and I love it!
I really really like possums and raccoons if u couldnt tell ha! I like hiking and camping a lot and I have unfortunately found no harem of werewolves to rail me so I guess thats my goal in life. Like smh where are the werewolves??? Hot topics???
I write for hella fandoms, but ive been on a violently commanding house of wax kick recently, fallout is always my sort of comfort series and I always loop back to it every few months hahaha its like move away horror movie hotties lemme strap on my cowboy boots
I am also back on by bullshit with dead by daylight, i’d love to play with you! Also any of yall are free to DM me for idk discord or steam or whatever ✨
Also! If you ever have ideas you wanna share about things to write or like requests even?? Im so down!
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sparrowsarus · 9 months
💛🤍🖤 for the ask game please!
💛 a favorite familial relationship: Holga & Ed from the D&D movie. I am very unnormal about it.
🤍 a new ship: Xenk/Edgin; see above
🖤 a dark ship: Okay. Hear me out.
Like! Imagine! Eärendil, dead; Elwing, desperate and utterly terrified, offering the only thing she can to prevent The Sons of Feanor from slaughtering her people the way they did her parents, her home, her brothers.
(Maglor, sick of slaughter, saying do it, saying take her sons as your own, saying have we not shed enough blood--)
Oh man. Thoughts!!
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 23:
Tonight I watched 1408 because I’m in a bit of a Silent Hill mood for some reason, and in my opinion 1408 does a better job at SH-style horror than the actual SH movie (the only one I watched anyway). It’s all about the Evil Fucking Place tormenting the protagonist with their own personal demons. If somebody asked me to show them what Silent Hill is like in the form of movies, I would choose this and House on Haunted Hill. And maybe the actual movie, if only for the visuals, but there are probably better choices like Jacob’s Ladder or something. Also, I originally watched 1408 out of a vague sense that SH4 was inspired by it—probably by the original short story given the timing, but it’s hard to be sure—and I feel this movie puts SH4 to shame over the parts they have in common. Needless to say, it’s one of my favorites. I… suspect I am overdue to watch a few I haven’t seen before next.
Treehouse of Horror 23 (The Greatest Story Ever Holed/UNnormal Activity/Bart and Homer’s Excellent Adventure)
I thought this was pretty good! The Mayan intro was enjoyable with a lot of cool designs and visuals, the first segment was fun with great animation and got mildly unsettling at times, the second segment milked the parody perspective for all it was worth with great effect, and had a decent Spooky atmosphere, and the third segment was a fantastic parody of some of my favorite movies. I think parodies tend to work best when you set up the characters in their roles, and then set them off to react in-character rather than sticking slavishly to the parody script, and I feel like this is a good example of it working well. My list is now 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 9, 8, 17, 23, 16, 15, 19, 13, 21, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11.
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smallpwbbles · 2 years
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parkers-gal · 3 years
tom x actress reader where she’s a big feminist and he’s just so so so proud of her
this is cute; hope you like it!
(requests are closed)
“No, it’s not about wanting to rule men. It’s about being equal to men,” You gesture in a way that’s easy to understand. You’re close to the audience members, a brave gentlemen asking a question about your stance on ‘politics,’ and why you went to a Women’s March last month.
“We’ve spent so long in…” You hum, rubbing your palms on your thighs and exhaling in thought. “Work environments and neighborhoods where women are treated as these… these things that happen to work just as well as men. I’m afraid some of us have grown in such misogynistic environments that we don’t know what’s normal and what should be unnormalized.”
“I march because I love women, not because I hate men.” You eye the crowd, lips pursing. “I know that’s a whole thing,” You switch voices for interpretation purposes, a few audience members giggling. “‘Kill all men!’ and ‘women are better!’” You sigh, “I just hope to work alongside men and not be treated as this damsel in distress that can’t do anything for herself. I love women — especially my women of color out there — and I love what we do and why we work and that we work hard and honestly.”
You smile sweetly, bringing it back around for the full circle. “I want women in positions of power, and women doing stereotypical ‘male’ jobs. I want people like me to be more successful so that those little girls out there can see that one day, they can do that. I want people like me to be more successful so that little boys watching at home can realize it’s not a bad thing for women to be better than them at something and that it’s not- that it’s not an intimidating experience but rather an experience they can learn more from. I want a movie with women as all the main characters — and not some princess movie or a rom com with another boy. I want to work on a real movie with a real plot, and I want women on screen for all those people to witness.”
“As far as why I march,” You sigh again. “I march for those who can’t. I march for the women and the gays and the people of color who marched before me. I march because I have feet.”
Somebody hoots and hollers in the background, and eventually the crowd cheers and claps start going around. You smile, shying away from the appraise, attempting to calm everyone down. You make eye contact with Tom, who’s standing by the edge of the set, out of view of everyone but you. He offers a soft smile, one you mirror, and he sends you a kiss with his hand.
Eventually, the interview session ends and you’re hopping off the chair, padding your way off the set and into the arms of your loving boyfriend. He smiles, engulfing you with both arms while he guides the two of you to your dressing room.
He kisses your head a second time while you smile into his chest, arms wrapped around his middle.
“‘M so proud of you.”
“Yeah,” He smiles bashfully with a blush. “You were great out there. That marching statement? Babe, you fucking blew me away.”
You laugh, scratching your neck. “You don’t think it was too much?”
“No!” he shakes his head furiously. “I think all those little girls need someone like you.”
“Really?” You glance up from making a cup of tea for both of you. Your eyes are hopeful and Tom almost melts at the doe-likeness of them, cooing.
“Yeah. I needed someone like you,” He admits. “And look at how good I am now.”
The two of you share a chuckle, and as you hand him the mug, you mutter something before you take a sip. “Yeah, mostly.”
“You’re a troublemaker, Tom. That’s all you know how to do.”
“Well,” he gasps dramatically. “I’m your troublemaker.”
“You did not just say that.”
He pouts, “I thought it was cute.”
“It was cliche, that’s what it was.”
His lip juts out further, “I thought you loved cliche.”
“No,” You smile, grabbing his hand. “But I love being cliche with you.”
“See, that was cliche.”
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thepatricktreestump · 5 years
pride month asks!
some questions and answers about my experience with LGBTQ+
1.       What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? 
I identify as bisexual and genderfluid, so my pronouns regularly change from she/her to he/him.
2.      How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
I have always been a huge ally to the LGBTQ+ community, but one day I was stepping out of the shower, and kind of thinking to myself what the difference between having sex with a guy and having sex with a girl was. After contemplation, I thought to myself that they really weren’t all that different to me, and I’d probably enjoy having sex with a girl just as much as having sex with a guy. I researched online a little bit, and I figured out that yeah, I’m probably bi. Especially after I fell in love with both Brendon Urie and his wife Sarah, I was pretty damn sure I was bi.
3.      Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
Sometimes I do, but it honestly doesn’t bother me too much because I come from a very conservative, religious, small town background. I grew up in a private Catholic school where everyone is Republican and nobody even knows what being gay is, much less a different gender. So I’m kind of used to putting up a façade for others. As I graduated and moved away from my hometown, things have been much better, and by politely correcting others, I’m able to be confident in who I am as well as educate the people around me.
4.      Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
Oh god, haha. I distinctly remember that night when I knew I was going to tell my best friend I was genderfluid. I was so nervous and scared, I just sort of blurted it out over text, in all caps, like “I’M GENDERFLUID” and then I kind of panicked, so I proceeded to send her about a hundred Hamilton gifs to cover up what I had typed out and sent. Although it was awkward in the moment, we both laugh about it to this day, and she’s been so accepting and kind to me ever since that moment.
5.      Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?
For my friends, it was a lot of anxiety and doubt. For my parents, fear and chaos. My friends didn’t understand, they thought it was a disease of some sort, and actually a lot of them stopped talking to me. Again, conservative religious background, but still, no excuse. I grew up in a very abusive household, and it wasn’t my choice to come out. My therapist had forced me to tell my parents in a session and it was an absolute mess. Coming out wasn’t the best experience, especially as a freshman in high school.
6.      If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
I kind of explained above, but basically not so well. My dad went absolutely off on me, and said some of the most horrible things I have ever been told in my life. He said that I was dragging everyone I knew towards hell, that what I was is unmoral, unnatural, and unnormal, acted like I was some sort of monster, said it was extremely difficult to even be related to me, and that I was corrupting his family and disrespecting his household. It was a miserable time for me, but through music, I was able to write a song about it that helped me cope.
7.      What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
A lot of people assume that because I’m bisexual, I’m some sort of fetish they can use to fulfill their dirty fantasies. I’m always asked to be a part of a couple’s threesome. I am told that the only reason I’m bi is because I want double the opportunities to have sex. It’s ridiculous and disgusting. I’m bi because I like people. Not because I like sex.
8.     Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
I really fucking love beanies! Most of the time I read that’s the essential clothing item for all genderfluid people, which makes me laugh, because it’s true. Combat boots or converse, black jeans, a band t-shirt, a sports bra or binder, a jean jacket, and a beanie is always my go-to outfit. So much so, to the point my sister told me that every time I go out in public I’m always wearing the same thing, which kind of makes me laugh.
9.      Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?
I don’t know if you’ve ever read the magna, Tamen de Gushi, but I absolutely love it! That lesbian couple is everything! I also really love Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams, of course. Captain Holt from Brooklyn Nine Nine and his husband is amazing. Elijah Daniels and Sam also make me super fucking happy.
10.  What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
Growing up as a theater kid, I’ve always seen makeup as accentuated and over the top. I only ever wore makeup on stage, and even then, it was special effects type stuff, zombies and clowns and shit. Once I hit puberty though, my mom would force me to wear makeup because she said it would make me beautiful. I hated it. She would force me to put on makeup before I left the door and it made me have horrible self image issues. As I grew older, I found a love for makeup through beauty gurus and drag queens, and I sometimes dabble in it either for fun or for special events like prom or fancy dinners. I always prefer no makeup though, I feel like to me, wearing it is just hiding behind a mask.
11.   Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
ALL THE GODDAMN FUCKING TIME. Since I’ve gotten my haircut, a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Wearing a binder also helps so much! However, I still really want to start T and I think that will help a lot. Dysphoria affects me in so many ways, whether my self confidence or my body image, my anxiety and my mood, etc., a lot of it depends on how comfortable I am in my own skin.
12.  What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
Homophobic people are probably the stupidest people I’ve ever met in my life, to be honest. I’ve heard thousands of dumb things come from their mouths. I think the most outrageous myth I’ve heard is probably that being gay is a disease, and that simply being around another gay person will make you gay. Like who the fuck comes up with this shit? Smh.
13.  What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
How creative we are. We’re resilient and outspoken and passionate, but most of all, so talented. The queer community is full of inventors, politicians, emperors, artists, directors, actors, musicians, and more. It’s gorgeous just how much we are capable of.
14.  What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
The discrimination breaks my heart. The fact that we are terrified to so much as hold hands with the one we love in public. To be beaten, tortured, and killed simply for who we are. That is what hurts me the most.
15.  Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
No, I find it sort of ironic every time there is a pride event I happen to have a concert on that day. Once, a Panic! concert, which honestly is sort of the equivalent of Pride. We went and there were so many LGTBQ+ flags and people and it was so gorgeous. I have attended pride prom once though, and it was probably the most fun I had ever had in a really long time.
16.  Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
I absolutely adore Miles McKenna. He has helped me so much in finding myself and accepting who I am. He’s such a huge spokesperson for the community and I am so grateful to have him in my life.
17.   Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I’ve been in several relationships, surprisingly, through parties and discussions and friends. My s.o. right now I met through high school, which was crazy in itself, but we’ve been dating for almost two years now and I love them to death.
18.  What is your favourite lgbt+ book?
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children is one of my favorite books ever and it’s about being FTM trans and I love it so much wow.
19.  Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
So very much. After coming out to one of my best friends, she stared at me, disgusted and went “well don’t try to have sex with me or anything” and then proceeded to never talk to me again. I’ve received dirty looks and glares, been misgendered on purpose, and even received death threats. It’s horrible.
20. Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?
I love American Horror Story so much because of just how much representation it gives our community and how natural they make it seem! And of course, “Love, Simon” was an amazing movie that made me cry like a baby.
21.  Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
I don’t really know about bloggers, but definitely Youtubers! Shane Dawson, Miles Chronicles, Thomas Sanders, Ally Hills, Anthony Amorim, Elijah Daniels, Elle Mills, Garrett Watts, Sam Collins, Todrick Hall, and Trevor Moran are a couple of my favorites.
22. Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?
I don’t think queer should be a slur. I think queer is a form of self expression and an umbrella term for the community, and I believe many other LGBTQ+ members agree. It’s a word that we take great pride in rather than shame or discrimination.
23. Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?
No, but god I would love to.
24. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?
For me, it’s simply just a part of who I am. Just like the weather, my gender simply changes and I adapt to it. It makes me comfortable in my own skin and proud of who I am. I wouldn’t change being genderfluid for the world.
25. Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?
I fucking hate the idea of pushing a human being out of my vagina, and I would probably want anything else in the entire world other than giving birth. Being pregnant for nine months sounds absolutely miserable and dysphoric, and I cannot even imagine going through labor. However, I would like to have kids, just simply through foster care or adoption, never like my own biological children. There are more than enough kids who need good homes who already exist and I’m more than happy to give it to them.
26. What identity advice would you give your younger self?
You aren’t alone and there are so many people just like you. Your parents do not own you and cannot tell you who you are supposed to be. You are you.
27.  What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
Gender roles are complete bullshit. Let a guy be a stay at home dad. Let a woman be the working one. Everyone should have responsibilities regardless of their gender. If there’s dirty dishes, do the fucking dishes, don’t wait for your spouse to get home to do them. It’s absolutely ridiculous, really. Just do your part in the relationship.
28. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
It breaks my heart how much pain and suffering one has to go through just to be themselves, especially for women and trans people. It’s horrible.
29. What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?
It’s natural! It’s comfortable! And it’s normal! Being oneself is just part of life, there’s no need to have shame or guilt about it. Respect someone the way you wish you would be accepted and loved.
30. Why are proud to be lgbt+?
We have worked so fucking hard to be recognized for who we are. There’s still so much we need to do though, and we aren’t ever going to stop until every single one of our siblings gain the love and respect they deserve.
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my-footprints · 3 years
Pretty Ordinary, yet pretty Special
Thu, 15th of April 2021
After all these unnormal time, normality felt pretty unnormal and kind of stressful. Here I was, hoping for normality rushing back as fast as possible, reveling in memories of ordinary-seeming days in the past - if it was meeting friends or colleagues in a restaurant, going to a beach bar, simply watching a movie in the cinema or just strolling around with a group of people without feeling guilty. Yet two days of somewhat-normality drained so much of my energy, I wished for a day off of work. It was a pretty normal week - normal for Corona times, not for “normal” times. What means normal anyway, nowadays? And even knowing what it means, why be normal? The norm is the boring average and dissapearing in the vast majority of what the society defines as okay. 
But I am drifting off here... So there I was, two days in a row in the office, trying to stay active in the evenings, eating healthy and making minor appointments.
Thusday, in the office was really nice. Having a chat with Mark about my future and how life goes, getting some nice advice from somone with who’s approach I do not always agree but who achieved a lot and might somewhat be a role model in certain areas. Also having lunch (for about an hour - who thought she would ever make so much time just for me!) Shireen and talking about life, career and important things. I realized I hadn’t done this enough in the past and noticed once again how nice it was to just communicate openly and honestly, being transparent while not judging. After going home I decided to go for a run. I was disappointed with my past runs and wanted to challenge myself again. And it was worth it, because I ran more than intended for and even though it was definately not my best run, it was much better than the last ones - and anyway, comparing shouldn’t take place anyhow, correct? After a quick shower, I went upstairs to meet Laura and Isabell which I wanted to appreciate as much as possible while I was still living here. I went back to my flat before they turned off the TV, because I needed my sleep as much as my socializing and intended to respect my boundaries more from now on independent from others’ opionions.
Wednesday, I just couldn’t get out of bed. The alarm rang at 6 but it took me about half an hour to leave the bed. I got ready to head to the office once more this week. It was a nice day. I met Valerius, my favorite friend from the JuPro last year, and chattet with him for about an hour about job, happiness, ambition, investment and the stock exchange, career and Corona. It was so nice to see him again after all this time! Another great yet ordinary thing was the meeting, I had come to the office for, this day. My boss wanted me to be part of a really cool project before I left in order to give my opinion and input on these topics and support the global communication, collaboration and approach. It was just about the stuff I love doing! And he knew it all too well. I am really thankful that I could work on things which I loved during my last weeks instead of doing boring tasks because they considered me being on the sidetrack since I would leave. It was a really cool meeting and I got to present some slides I had made up and been working on over the last few days. After work I quickly brought my stuff home and then headed to Nick’s place to get some overview about investment options. It was really nice of him to take some time doing this and he explained me quite a lot. I don’t know what it is about finances, but I could talk about it all day with other people who are interested in it. Strange that I didn’t consider doing this as a job, but it just didn’t feel like the right career path somehow... After all I had given it a slight chance already. Being done with the financial topics, I headed back home, warmed up some food and talked with Gerrit about our plans for the sailing trip this summer. Right before I wanted to call the day off by just reading a few pages on my sofa and then going to bed, Carina rushed back in the kitchen, explaining the call she just was about to join had been cancelled and was postponed to next Wednesday. She asked what we would do now. And I was about to call the plans about to happen off, but then we started such a nice discourse the three of us  - Gerrit, Carina and I - about discrimination of women and men in various areas, our society, feeling insecure when walking home at night as a woman (which Gerrit was pretty surprised about), the school system, politics, Norwegian prisons, sustainability, capitalism and much more. It was so damn interesting and nice this “ordinary” evening in the kitchen! I remember how I checked every now and then the time, thinking I needed to head to bed soon, but I just couldn’t because I didn’t want to stop talking about these topics. I love my flatmates! Carina and Gerrit are really amazing people.
The ordinary special things will stay in my memory hopefully even long after I do not live with them anymore.
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fictionstuff · 5 years
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Titel: Koe no Katachi
Plot: The story revolves around Shouko Nishimiya, an elementary school student whom has severe hearing loss. She transfers into a new school, where she is bullied by her classmates. Shouya Ishida, one of the bullies, bullies her to the point that she transfers to another school once again. As a result, he is ostracized and bullied himself, with no friends to speak of and no plans for the future. Years later, he sets himself on a path to redemption; to right the wrong he has inflicted onto both of their lives (mainly Shouko). (credits to the koe no katachi fandom wiki)
Main Characters: Shouya Ishida Shouko Nishimiya Naoka Ueno
Points: 9.5/10
Such a bittersweet and rich of tears story. I've actually pick up the manga right after the film and just read it through in a couple of days, because it's just too good to put away. The story is nothing out of this world, but about redemption, about friendship, about struggling with yourself and finding solace in others, about wanting to making it up because you've done someone so wrong, you regret it even after years. This is the story of Ishida, a young boy, who happened to bully a deaf girl named Nishimiya. I've hated him right from the start, because he was being mean for no reason at all – other than her being different, a point which is sometimes hard to accept for many.
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The very concept of the story is to rebuild relationships, because Ishida lost all of that when he went just one step too far in his bullying. Ishida's fate shows just how flexible humanity is, how it can look away from the wrongest thing that is happening right in front of your eyes. Ishida was considered a normal boy by his peers, when he bullied Nishimiya and then we went just one step ahead and was deemed unnormal and aggressive and due to his his world has broken into pieces and in this story he's trying to rebuild everything from the scratch. He's growing up and learns about taking responsibility, for what he had done to Nishimiya and that nothing he'd ever do would entirely make up for that.
This story makes you question about who is in the right and who is wrong, because they're all young people with different point of views. It's a story filled with emotions and wrong decisions and trying to find yourself, trying to be better and trying to mend relationships of people you've grown distant to.
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Ishida is our main male protagonist, who seems to be isolated and alone most of the time, afraid to stand up for himself. He's been living a lone wolf life for years already, but when he meets Nishimiya again, his world gradually changes and he wants to make up for the shit he's done to her. He's the very opposite of how he was as a kid and through his journey, he gradually learns to understand Nishimiya. He's hurt himself by hurting her and he knows that he must return her happiness, because he was the one who took it initially, so in all honesty, he tries to make her smile again. I like how the focus wasn't on the romantical underlying tones, but I more than anything love their interactions and that the end may have given us a glimpse of their love towards one another. Ishida is a great protagonist, he just won me over with his efforts and honesty.
Nishimiya on the other hand seems rather easy-going in contrast to Ishida. Although she's not completely deaf, she can be considered clinically deaf. Despite her hard fate, she's cheerful and forgives rather easily. Although Ishida treated her like a piece of dirt and even ripped her hearing aid from her ear and probably hurt her quite a lot, she forgives him like nothing really happened. She seems very clueless from time to time, almost like a newborn baby, but deep within she's fighting a big fight. When she's alone it's quite obvious, that she's very unsatisfied with herself. She doesn't come off as emotional though, because as Ishida gets to know, she's been living a hard and lonely life. At one point, she attempts to jump off a balcony, which kind of broke my heart, because until then she almost seemed happy, cheerful, hiding many emotions behind a smile. She thinks of herself as a burden and rightfully so, nobody ever showed her that it was different.
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Apart from the main couple I do want to mention Ueno, too. She's been a pain the entire show, honestly. She's blunt and straight forward, she has many many emotional outbursts, she screams for no big reason and she's also quite aggressive and violent. She comes off as dull and insensitive way too many times, because she is hesitant to change. Despite that she always regrets her outbursts in the end and she knows she must fix something, but it's always easier to go back to old habits, right? Her development in here is A+ though. In the end she acts almost like a different person and it's only due to Ishida and Nishimiya taking her along. She reminded me of myself a couple of times, I also happen to say things I don't even mean just because I am mad. But then again, we all sometimes probably do.
Needless to say that I love this movie, although the manga is even better (in my opinion). Everyone who liked the movie should give the manga a try!
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Can’t sleep can’t sleep can’t sleep again, once I close my mind, it’s another person, the thoughts I can’t stop, the daydreaming I don’t want but that’s the only thing that plays when my eyes are closed, the obsessions can’t stop,
Oh here’s an intrusive thought, open eyes, it’s ok, close them, BOOM, cycle again, worrying about sleep, how can I fall asleep if my mind can’t stop racing, unhealthily daydreaming without stopping about unhealthy unnormal things that I don’t even want anymore, how am I supposed to live like this if I’m going to live for another 60 years or so??? When will this end?? I cannot keep living a life like this, but how can it stop if it’s all inside my head, and if this stuff isn’t controllable. No matter the therapy, no matter my own intelligence and objectively sane mindsets, no matter advice, nobody else can physically stop this. The fact that I can’t either makes me want to die sometimes, but I don’t actually want to really die I just want this to be over but it feels like that means my life has to be over if this can’t be over.
Tries to fall asleep, close eyes, 1-2-3-4 counts to 20 over and over again to keep my mind from wandering out of control, yet somehow I’m back to the middle of an obsessive imaginary scene and don’t even know how I got there, 1-2 starts playing fictional scenes again, no!, counts again but ends back up to obsessive worry or obsessive thought or obsessive daydream scene including bad anxious scenes I don’t even want but they are still angsty, and now worried if I’ll ever fall asleep Bc my mind physically can’t stop this racing and can’t do what I want it to do (which is to actually think anything else and not revert to out of reality daydreaming)
It wasn’t this bad until I started to realize and be aware and feel guilty and bc of my awareness I am aware even more that it can’t stop and that makes me more scared and anxious and paradoxically triggers it more
The obsessions and maladaptive daydreaming seems to never end, it just changes to different ppl/ different obsessions once something more stronger overpowers it. Fictional (nonromantic) bromance of 2 frjends in a Vidid movie-like scene of experiencing some kind of angst and helping each other, with changes of different fictional characters throughout the years based on my stronger interests at the time, to real people, such as romantic mental obsessive daydreaming about someone I did actually like but didn’t actually feel as strongly as my daydreams nor actually want those angsty daydreams to happen bc that’d be unhealthy but was addicted to the fictional angst and continued to daydream, dreams of me being hurt and anyone helping and continuously daydreaming this and obvi not wanting something really bad to actually happen in real life but being addicted to the crave of the daydream, real friends angst (non romantically) of them helping me when hurt or them giving me (nonromantic) comfort whether fictional made up movie-like scene or a real past experience and obessively playing it in my head, even dreams about insignificant people like certain coworkers that I don’t like nor are my friends but even have imaginations of me in an angsty situation with them.
Its never stopped, it only changes between people and latches onto that one obsession until something stronger comes and latches onto that overpowering past ones
But I don’t want this period. And the more I realize it and think it, the more guilty and trapped I feel, and the more it’s triggered
Also soemtjkes will have wanted intrusive thoughts during which can make it even worse.
My mind is constantly obsessive (unwantingly), although I am not personally. It is like another mind seperate from my actual brain and feelings and character yet my other brain I can’t escape and addictions I don’t even want overpower
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