#i apologize for the tiny gap on the bottom left i kept trying to slightly adjust it and no matter how many times it didn't fix
png-magician · 4 months
You do amazing work! I was wondering if you could do a magical swamp witch, bog hag kind of collage if you ever feel like it
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insufferablelust · 4 years
Little Butterfly I (Sugar Daddy Mob Boss!Spencer Reid x Reader AU)
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Warnings: Part 1 of an ongoing series (that i hopefully won’t abandon), Upcoming heavy violence, Mafia and Crime related fic, Spencer is a soft dom but is dangerous, HEAVY SMUT, upcoming dark kinks (Gun,Knife,Bondage etc), daddy kink for sure, Manipulation kink, Degradation, Humiliation (yknow the drill with me) spoiling kink?, upcoming murders etc, heavy topic regarding mental illness, College legal age!Reader, Age gap, older!Spencer, Mean!Spencer, BDSM themed, Indication of Subspace, Just heavily dark smutty series (yet again lmao) 
Hello, my wonderful readers, i want to thank you all for the patience you all have for this series, hopefully i can stick to schedule an update this once a week like Thrilled. This will be a new territory for me since all i know about mafia and such are from the movies and countless books my father has inherited me with, so i deeply apologize if there’re some mistakes, this is an AU that means its only a story and fantasy. If you are uncomfortable to violence and sex then PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS. Thank you, and Happy Reading. 
This series will set around the 80′s New York.
There is no hiding from the absolute luxury you indulge in, in fact you love showing it to whoever might want to pry deep enough into your life. You caused no harm by it, and it certainly isn’t anybody’s business but yours and his.
The pair of arms around your waist is a certain remainder of who you belong to, and you loved it. He looked good tonight, almost too good with the suit adorning his perfection like an absolute genius adonis— your genius adonis. You feel your cheeks heats up slightly as he glanced at you, knowing just how shy you get around so many people— his little girl is sensitive after all.
Spencer Reid knows every little thing about you, what makes you tick, what makes you snap, what makes you bow in submission to him, and what makes you feel heavenly. He knows it all, he knows the way you trembled slightly whenever he wrapped his arms around your neck as he leaned down to kiss you, or how squirmy you get whenever he tug your hair, said your name calmly whilst shoving his fingers into your mouth— he knows everything.
It was a mutual agreement at first, living on 80’s New York has never been so stressful during your 20’s, all the student loans, the bartending you do sometimes, even the couple of scandalous photoshoots you sacrificed yourself doing to keep your bank account afloat. Your family never really cared much, and the only person that you truly have is Emily, your roommate.The whole ordeal was strange when you found out Emily’s ties to the mafia, being the daughter of one of the strongest mafia’s capo on America during that time. You wondered how on earth she has managed to doesn’t want to get on her father’s good side, and just except the riches that comes along with being a mob, but then again you were a stranger to it too...or so you thought.
The night she asked you to accompany her to meet her father and his boss, you shrugged and said yes, having nothing to do in the apartment other than wallowing in your own debts and sadness— you immediately agrees which put a smile on her cute face.
“I thought you didn’t want nothing to do with your father.” You asked as you raked through the closet to find something... ‘elegant’ but not too much, it’s going to be in a lavish restaurant after all. Your eyes darted to Emily’s who has been staring at her phone, smiling to whoever is texting her— you could only assumed it was one of her secret girlfriend-hookup for the week.
“Well i didn’t but money is tight, fucking inflation.” She looked up for once, lips hanging open at the sight of you standing there in a black dress, short with a slit on the thigh area— looking absolutely ravenous. “Holy fucking shit.” Emily whispered.
“What? is this enough? god i feel like such a prude.” You bit your lip as you await her comments, “You look fucking gorgeous you idiot, i mean are you sure you aren’t gay by any chance?” She laughed, which caused you to giggle, “I never said i’m not gay.. just that i’m not—
“Interested in dating, yeah yeah but we can at least fuck or something.” She jokingly raised her eyebrows as you throw your bra her way and laughed, “I just don’t want to get distracted em, especially that we live together.” You pouted before giving her a kiss on the cheek, which made her roll her eyes and smile.
Only if you knew what this meeting will entails.
The wine tasted exquisite on your tongue, the sweet burn of merlot was pleasant on the base of your throat which shocked you at first— maybe you should stop buying cheap wines, because the real ones are heavenly. You looked around nervously, it has been a long time since you’ve gone out to have dinner, let alone one as expensive as this.
“Stop looking like you’re about to die.” Emily whispers as she took the seat next to you, which you humorously giggle and swat her shoulder, “I’m not. It’s just.. new to me is all.” You nervously chuckled, before sipping on your wine some more. It was clear that her dad and his so called mob boss were late— which you rolled your eyes since Emily was basically rushing your make up, you just hoped that you looked decent enough, not that you want to impress anyone, its just good to feel like you’ve fit yourself to the occasion.
“Oh, you’ll get used to it.” Emily chuckled, before you could even process what she meant by that the sound of a soft elderly timbre rang through your ears, “Cara mia! Jesus, you’ve grown!” Emily slapped your thigh softly, gesturing for you to stand up.
Dear heaven, lord save your knees from buckling.
You watched as Emily greeted her father as you stood by her side, she kisses him on both cheeks as they made a small conversation that you pay no mind to since you were distracted, distracted by the pair of eyes that caught yours from the moment he walked in.
A soft yet stern eyes that held yours captive at this very moment, a presence that demands every single person for its attention, and intimidating like no other. A man, a finely sculpted man, standing in front of you in an attire that you were sure was more expensive than your whole closet, His soft looking curls marvelously falls fo his side, his plump lips were begging to be kissed— to be listened, to be heard, his tall lean figure towers over you which has you gulping down nervously— so much so that you failed to acknowledged the presence of Emily’s father calling your name.
“Y/N!” You let out a gasp before turning to shake Emily’s father’s hand, trying your best to smile as you glanced over the towering man, “So this is the Y/N i’ve heard so much about huh?” The old man snickered, looking gentle whilst maintaining a facade still. You giggled softly, “I hope there are all good things, nice to meet you Mr.Prentiss.”
“Oh please, Robert is fine. Oh Emily, Y/N this is don Reid.” He stepped back in.. what looks like an utter fear, you gasped as you realized that this is.. the mob boss Emily talked about, the masochistically handsome man you’ve been staring at— you thought a mafia boss would be someone older, but this is certainly not the case.
“Pleased to meet you both, Spencer Reid.” He extended his hand which Emily gladly took before she nudges your side whilst you were still gawking at the man, the soft yet deep timbre of his voice soothes and intimidate you at the same time, not to mention how he carries himself— practically saying he’s a god.
“Oh— um yes hello, pleased to meet you, i’m Y/N.” You bit your lip as you feel your cheeks hurt from the embarrassment, shaking his hand quickly— before you could even imagine pulling away, he gives you an amused chuckle and squeeze your hand tightly before releasing you.
“Well, let’s take a seat shall we?”
You are so fucking fucked.
“So, Y/N, Emily told me you’re majoring in art department, how’re you liking it?” Robert spoke as you eat your pasta slowly, trying not to show how you were trembling under the very same gaze that held you captive from the moment it arrives here. You gulped down a delicious bite of pancetta, before answering, “Oh i love it, always been my passion— well painting is, but i do love everything about art and literature.” You chuckled.
“I would love to see your art sometimes.” The voice could strangle you and you’d die happily, it really could— you glanced at the man whose been looking at you like a wolf to its prey, fingers skimming over the feet of the wine glass as a soft yet eloquent smile strikes over his face.
“Oh um, it’s not— it’s not that good, i wouldn’t want to waste your time.” You choked on your wine, feeling the burn on your throat as he let out a humorous-less laugh, shaking his head, before bringing his lean fingers to his lips. “Nothing is wasteful, not if it comes to such art like you.”
“Huh?” You felt small, your cheeks heated at the reference as you tried so hard not to squirm and praised yourself by hearing what you thought you heard. Your eyes darted to his in a shy manner as he kept his composure well, licking the rim of his glass before sipping his wine gently.
“Anyways! dad, shall we talk a bit more private? i’m sure Y/N can keep the don company.” You gasped at Emily’s words, still barely grasping the previous encounter— the bottom of your heel jab at her left foot, as you glared at her, “Of course of course, don?” Robert spoke up, eyes lowering as his body turned to look at the smirking masterpiece that still stares at you with the same intensity.
“Go. We’ll be fine, won’t we angel?” You gulped down as much wine as you could without burning your throat before smiling nervously, eyes glancing back and forth to The Don and Emily.
“Y-Yes um sure.” You offered a gentle smile, even though your heels jabbed Emily’s which yet again resulted in her tiny laugh before she walks away to the back area of the restaurant.
The area was thick with intensity and glamorous lights, adding to the headache that already starts due to you being a lightweight around alcohol. Suddenly you realized, that you’re practically alone— with the don of the biggest mafia ring in America. “Go ahead and ask me the question.” He murmured sternly, causing your ears to perk at the sudden thrill that made your goosebumps rose and thrived under the shimmering lights.
“Pardon?” Your fingers fiddled with the hem of your dress as you tried so hard not to stare at the huge man, feeling as if you’re being cornered by a lion, and you his prey.
“Your cheeks are warm aren’t they? you keep biting your lips every time i muttered a word, you can’t even look at me because you know that the second you do, you wouldn’t be able to stop. Emily is right, you’re a pure little thing, its fucking cute really. If this table weren’t here separating us, you’d be across my lap already— for wearing something so slutty like that.” By the time he finishes taunting you, you stopped breathing, thigh squeezing against each other so tightly that you could feel how damp your panties are getting.
“Go ahead and ask, doll. Surely you can’t be dumb enough to think i would just allow anyone to meet me let alone a little college student like you.” His eyebrow lifted, as you nervous squirmed on your seat and breathed out.
“Why did you asked her to bring me?”
“Nicely. You know better, Y/N.”
And the rest was history, the pair of arms around your waist tighten as the owner’s lips caress and nip at the very sensitive part of your neck, causing you to shudder and mewls. “mmh.. t-too early.” You complained, fully knowing that would only amuse him even more.
He chuckled as you had predicted, nimble fingers grazing up and down your front like feathers, delicately worshipping every inch of your skin. The blaring sound of New York’s traffic was prominent, but somehow that adds a thrilling aspect for you, months ago— you were picking up morning shifts by now, working your ass off just to gain enough cash to pay this month’s rent. But now, here you are, in the arms of the most feared yet young powerful don in the entirety of the mob community, Heck if everyone knows who he is and how much power he holds— they’d all fear him, but not you, not his fiery little butterfly.
“Shh, let me love on you a little.” Your heart warmed, familiar feeling of a thousand butterflies swarming on your belly caused your cheeks to warmed at the gesture. He said things like those often, though he made it perfectly clear that you were, you are only here for business arrangements, you knew he likes to toy over affection like this— one you aren’t supposed to get attached to. But how couldn’t you? when his hand so softly glides down the curve of your godly features, warm breath fanning across your skin from behind, whispering sweet words.
“Look so pretty for me, butterfly.” He whispered, causing you to yet again whimpers, hand clutching the sheets tightly as he moves down down down until he turned you over and settle between your legs, smiling at you. “If heaven is real, you’re definitely it.” He nipped and bit the exposed skin of your thighs, last night and the night before and before still there but like he said,
“If you agree to the terms, i’ll give you every damn thing you fucking want. Your bills, rents, loans, plus each and every single thing you wished to buy.”
“And in retur—“
“In return, you will be mine, mine to have whenever wherever i want, you won’t be my chained slave or nothing, but you’ll be mine.”
So marked you again and again he did, tearing your satin panties he did, panties that cost more than a week worth of luxury meal that he only grunted with “I’ll buy the whole fucking store, now shut up and let daddy eat his breakfast.”
You swore you’re in god’s heaven then and there, even if you aren’t sure that you believe in one, you can’t help but to think that this is some kind of miracle, your life is, here you have a perfect adonis, suckling on your clit as his fingers pump your delectable cunt in and out with such a fast pace that made you feel all floaty and flustered. The same man that commands the room whenever he walks in, the same man who pay all your bills, the same man who bought you a new lavish apartment and hands you gifts every damn day.
“Oh! oh please daddy right there..” You moaned out loud as your fingers latched onto his hair, softly tug on them as he moaned against your drippy cunt and suck your clit even harder,earning a particularly loud and lewd moan from you. “mmh! a-ah! i’m gonna—“ He held his finger up then, eyes finding yours as his mouth continues to work on your now sensitive clit. Spencer wasn’t too strict or nothing about your rules but if there’s two that he’s strict about is for you to cum only if he gives you permission— no matter the place or time, if he wants you to cum, you’ll cum— not that it’s hard, with someone as skilled as him.
When you begged and begged, he slapped your thigh only to grunt darkly, “If you can’t shut up and let daddy enjoys this, i’ll fucking take you on the balcony and fuck you for all Manhattan to see. Do you want that, Butterfly? want everyone to see what a filthy college girl you are getting fucked by someone as dangerous as me?” He slapped your cunt then, over and over again as you pant, and mewls.. Body jolts and pulsed at his ministration.
“You’re going to cum like this—“ He paused to spit directly onto your swollen clit, watching it wet the sensitive nub, “Going to cum with daddy slapping your greedy little cunt. Or you are not getting an orgasm.”
“Yes, daddy— oh!” True to his words, he spank you, over and over again, leaving you quivering and brokenly cried at the burning pleasure, “Cum princess, come on, you surely know how to thank daddy don’t you?” Your hole clenched around nothing as you arch your back and sobbed,
“Can’t— daddy please i-“
“You were so fucking desperate to cum, why not now huh? your sensitive cunt surely looks wrecked enough.” He scoffed before he spank your clit so hard you jumped at the sensation before he licked his fingers and caress your clit in fast fanning motion, not giving you enough time to even breathe as your cunt pulses and throb with overwhelming need of release, building up up up, up until you finally trembled and cum all over the bed— an orgasm so intense that you blacked out for few seconds straight.
“Shh.. shh good girl, that’s it— fuck you look so ethereal like this, butterfly.” He muses as he settle his head on your lap and admire your pulsing body, “T-Thank- y-you.. daddy.” You gathered all the strength you have left as he smiled proudly.
Your head laid on his chest as you both cuddle in silence, trying to enjoy the serenity and calm environment around you as the city below you buzzed all round. It was calming for awhile before his phone rang and you involuntarily sighs, “I know pretty girl, i know.” He muttered, before smiling apologetically- Not that he needs to.. Business arrangements, not like you’re his girlfriend or nothing.
love on you,
love on you,
let me love on you,
You forced your fuzzy subby mind to get the thoughts out, as you watched his figure put on his robe, and leaned down, “I’ll be back later okay, don’t forget to check your phone.” He kissed your forehead for a bit, letting it linger as you held back your tears, wishing he could stay with you, you need your daddy, you really really do need him now. Feeling all small and fuzzy like this. But with the blaring noise of his ringtone, you knew the don has business to take care of and of course you’re not important enough to held such important task to be left.
So you smiled all nicely and kissed all the rings finger on his fingers before bidding a tiny whimper of, “Best of luck, don.” Your head bowed a little in respect as he noticed the true and true sadness flashed across your eyes, but paid it no mind as his other burner phone blared.
“Thank you, Butterfly. Get dressed soon, and i’ll have Morgan bringing you that sandwich from the deli you love so much. I’ll see you soon.”
Oh how nice would it be if this is your life, but life doesn’t always have a happy ending after all.
Comment or send me a message if you want to be added to this series taglist!
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jenomark · 5 years
Part 1
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➔Pairing: Idol!Haechan x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: Renjun, Jeno ➔Genre: Smut ➔Warnings: The taking of Haechan’s virginity + vaginal penetration + emphasis on the use of no condom. ➔Word count: 4,640
➔Summary: He’s an idol, a friend, and now you’re taking his virginity. Beginning your friends-with-benefits relationship with Haechan wasn’t the best idea, but you just can’t help yourself when it comes to him.
↠  Part 2 
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“I’ve got swag.”
   As soon as those words left Haechan’s mouth, you could see the regret spreading across his face. He was trying to appear confident in your presence, like he was just one smirk away from becoming the bad boy of your dreams. Indeed, his face did say Devil, but the way he held his body slightly slumped over in embarrassment spoke volumes about the boy he was inside. Twenty never seemed so scary.
“Is that what you call it?” you asked. You smiled to ease any awkwardness. 
  Haechan poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek. He looked away from you then, his eyes scanning up and down the street. Five minutes ago, he was meant to be on his way back to the dorms in a car with his manager. Somehow, all of that charm was put to good use and he asked to stay behind to wait with you while your car came; it worked. 
“It’s cold tonight.” he said. He stuck his hands in his jean jacket and hugged them around his front. 
“It’s January.” you said, your voice sarcastic.
   He looked back at you, his face hiding none of his feelings. Confusion. Somehow, an understanding of the person before him. You watched his breath spill out in wisps of smoke, the cold air circling up towards the night sky and disappearing. You were leaning against the wall, just inches apart, but you wanted to take a step forward and warm his lips against yours. It was all you could think about since you first met him.
“Ah, don’t be like that,” he said. “Do you think I’m a fool?”
“I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”
  Haechan laughed. The sound of it must have carried all across the city, winding through the streets and getting trapped in the bare bones of trees. Oh, how you’ve thought about how his mouth would feel pressed against your body as he laughed, the vibrations travelling up your stomach and over your breasts. 
“No,” you said, finally. “ I think you’re very intelligent. You’re probably the most clever man I’ve ever met. You know what you want. Sometimes, you’re too scared to ask for it, but, when you do ask for it, Haechan, it will be beautiful.”
“Do you know what I want?” he asked.
   If his question caught you off-guard, you didn’t show it. Haechan was good at calling you out, just like were at keeping him in check. You watched your car roll up and come to a stop, black and ominous on the curb. You closed the gap between you and Haechan, your face just a whisper away from his. He couldn’t stop looking at your lips, his eyes tracing over every line. You poked your tongue out just a little before you spoke.
“Yes,” you said. “But the question is, are you brave enough?”
 You moved past him, bumping your shoulder against his. You did not look behind you. You could feel his eyes on you, the heat warming you on the cold night. You could have offered him a ride home, opened your car door and let him into your life publicly, but that would get too many people talking. You were always less about talk and more about action. 
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  Starting a friends-with-benefits relationship with Haechan wasn’t for the faint of heart. Going into it, you knew it was trouble. You also knew it would take up a lot of your time, cause your friends to notice, and create a dependent attachment with each other. The promise of it ending badly wasn’t a matter of if but when. When the kiss of death came, life as you knew it would change. As much as you geared yourself up for it, you’d never be ready.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” he said. “I’m starting to think you want to spend time with me.”
  You were sitting in the company cafe, your table far from prying eyes. Your head was buried in your phone when he walked in, but you didn’t need to hear his loud voice to know he was there. The air changed whenever he was near. Your body felt warmer, your hair standing on end, like it was confused with the temperature. Hot and cold is the way you liked your relationship with him. With Renjun and Jeno, he seemed more relaxed in his environment. None of them saw you, at first, which was alright with you, because you could watch him a little longer. On his own, without you, Haechan did act like a fool, and you liked it. He didn’t act more mature, didn’t stop himself from looking too ugly when he played around. When Renjun joked, Haechan laughed freely at the ceiling, his hand clutching his stomach like his intestines might fall out if he laughed hard enough. He pulled his cap off, ran his fingers through his hair, and replaced it. He kept checking his phone while waiting for his coffee, his eyes scanning the screen.
Haechan: I’ve been thinking about what you said.
  You looked down at your own phone. Saved under Devil, his text came up with a Ping!, your phone's volume all the way up. Several people turned in your direction. You made eye contact with them all before settling on Haechan who was making his way towards you. 
“I’ll see you later,” Haechan called to Renjun and Jeno. “Tell everyone I’ll be late.”
  He sat down across from you, took his cap off once more and ran his fingers through his hair again. You noticed that his hair was a few shades darker than the last time you saw him. He saw you looking and leered in a way that suggested he knew how attracted you were to him. 
“You didn’t give me time to text you back.” you said.
“I’m here in the flesh, “ he said. “Answer me now.”
“But you didn’t ask me anything.”
  Haechan placed his cap back on his head. He took his phone and started writing out a text message to you. You watched his fingers working, their slight crookedness mesmerizing. Everything he did was beautiful. Every move he made kept people wondering what he would do next. You were caught up in it, too, the hype. You found yourself giving him more attention than he deserved, more than you knew was good for you.
“There,” he said, his voice coming out childishly. “Question has been asked.”
   You looked at your screen glow. You could read the last few words before your screen shut off. You locked eyes with him. In that moment, all smugness was gone. Haechan looked terrified and worried that you would say no. You made a show of looking down and reading the whole message in front of him. Underneath the table, you took your foot and slowly worked it up his leg. 
Haechan: Will you take my virginity? 
  Reading the text made Haechan’s fear strike you like a hot chord through your stomach.  You placed your phone face down on the table and locked eyes with him again. Before his phone lit up with a message that felt like it had never been typed with your hands, you silently prayed to yourself. Haechan looked down at his phone, at the answer he had waited months for.
You: Yes.
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  You find yourself waiting on a street corner in the rain for him. He’s late because he has schedules, and you’re on time because you faked being sick. When he gets there, he apologizes profusely, ducking underneath your umbrella like getting wet with the rain will burn his skin. Everything feels weird, like you’re in a movie where neither of the lead actors know what the hell they are doing, so they try to remember the lines they know they should not have forgotten. 
“You could have waited inside,” he said, taking the umbrella from your hands so that he could hold it higher. “Where it’s warm and dry.”
“I didn’t think you would find my apartment all on your own.” you said.
“Wow,” he said. “You really do think I’m a fool.”
   You lived in an apartment above a tiny seamstress shop. The rent was decently priced because she stored half of her belongings in the space.  If you didn’t complain, you could stay there as long as you wanted without burning through your paychecks on rent. The storefront sat nestled between other businesses, the door to your place narrow and unassuming. Too many take-out delivery men scrambled to find you, their faces growing hot with anger every time you weren’t there to meet them at the pavement. You had, in fact, learned your lesson. Haechan folded the umbrella before he stepped in through the door, shaking out the droplets back onto the street.
“I’m so cold.” he said. He pulled his sleeves down over his knuckles. The adorableness of it made your heart do a twirl. 
  You shut the door behind you and stood at the bottom of the stairs leading up to your place. You removed your soaked shoes and he followed, his body shrinking down an inch once he took off his boots. You took his jacket from him and hung it on a hook after taking care of yours. Haechan shook out his wet hair, splatters of water making dots on your dry clothes.
“I’m going to kill you.” you said.
“Honey, “ he pouted. “Not until after we’ve had our first date.”
  You began to wonder if sex was too formal, which felt like a silly thing to do. Not dating didn’t feel normal, yet, being with him in such a confined space felt as normal as could be. You were comfortable with his humor, his cockiness dripping down the walls, flooding every room in your life. 
“You’re impossible.” you said.
  You went upstairs, your wet toes squishing against the carpet. Before you opened the door to your living area, you wondered what he might think. You didn’t live in a nice dorm like he did. Before figuring out where you would play out your relationship, you both briefly entertained the idea of having sex in his bed. According to Haechan, it was more comfortable, smelled nicer, and his bathroom was just a few feet away should you want to engage in shower sex. Compared to your small place, his dorm might have felt like a palace. You had told him it was too risky. “Oh?” he had said. “You have a problem with Johnny watching us?”
“What do you think?” you asked.
  Though you didn’t want to know, you knew you had to ask. As a friend, you appreciated his approval, and friends is what you were. Haechan looked around at your shoe box of a home, at the normal bits of your life scattered here and there, and the random boxes that belonged to the lady you rented from, and he whistled. He saw your kitchen counter scattered with your laptop and files, the pieces of junk that were stacked mile high.
“I like it, “ he said. “It’s sweet, like you.”
“Sweet.” you repeated.
  You moved further into the apartment, removing old mugs and placing them in the sink. Haechan hovered in the doorway, his awkwardness thick and uncomfortable. You let the last dish fall into the sink with a clatter that disturbed the weird silence growing between you. You approached him and touched the bottom of his hoodie. From the rain, the edges were soaked. Without saying anything, you peeled it up his body. Halfway through, Haechan moved as if he remembered he could, lifting his arms so that you yank the hoodie over his head. Underneath, he was wearing a white t-shirt that looked gossamer thin.
“Feel better?” you asked.
 Haechan grunted in response. You took another step forward until your face was close to his. You touched your fingers against his fingers. In surprise, he pulled them away. You didn’t think he would be very confident about his prowess, but you never expected him to be so shy. In a way, it was a let down. You wanted Haechan to push you back by your shoulders, put his hand on the back of your neck and pull you to his lips like he couldn’t survive another moment if he couldn’t taste you. The reality of Haechan was much different. 
“I’m sorry.” he said.
“Don’t apologize,” you said. “It’s okay. Things take time.”
  You couldn’t wait an eternity for him to make the first move. You turned around, your hair whipping him in the face, strands of it wet with his spit. You didn’t look back as you removed your shirt and tossed it aside. You walked towards your bedroom and turned back once you crossed over the threshold. Haechan was holding your shirt in his hands having caught it, his fingers rubbing the fabric. You ushered him forward with a crook of your finger. He shuffled on his feet, dropping the shirt as he came. The moment his body crossed the threshold to be with yours, you balled his shirt in your fist, pulled him into you, and kissed him on the lips. Kissing him made you feel high. Your body felt relaxed and at peace. His hand pressed against the small of your back, his tongue colliding with yours, the hotness of his breath turning you on. You brought your fingers into his hair and tugged on it so that he would reveal his neck to you. You kissed his moles, your teeth nipping at his throat and causing him to moan. 
“Whoa.” he said softly. 
  He had kissed before, but never like that. He had told you his first kiss happened because of the pressure from others. The moment his lips met hers, it felt like it was over. You were not that girl from his childhood. Haechan kissing you was like a flower opening up to bloom. He wanted to peck you at first, his lips tight, his eyes closed even tighter. You let him take his time and explore your mouth. Gradually, his hands moved over your body with the rhythm of his tongue. Before you knew it, he had turned you both around and pushed you against your bedroom wall.
“Easy.” you said, placing your hand against his chest.
  You could feel his erection poking you. He placed his hands on either side of you against the wall and tried to calm his body down. His kisses became eager, and it was hard for him to catch his breath. If he had it his way, he would have dropped his pants right there and fucked you against the wall.
“I’m taking off your bra.” he said.
 Haechan went behind your back to feel for the clasp but there was none. You raised your eyebrows at him, at the desperate look on his face as he searched around for what he thought should be there. He believed he was doing something wrong by not being able to find it. For once, you’re the one that felt smug. You pushed out your chest so he would get the hint. He looked down and saw a little clasp sitting between your breasts, its face shining with betrayal.
“Go ahead.” you whispered.
  His fingers touched the coolness of the clasp before unfastening it. Your bra bounced back to your sides, your breasts falling out of their cups. You angled your shoulders and let your bra slip down to the floor. Haechan looked at your breasts, your pert nipples standing almost as erect as his cock. When he didn’t immediately touch you, you took his hand and placed them over the softness of your breasts. You kissed him impatiently on his mouth, your body rubbing against his hard cock to tease him. His hands still on your breasts, you pulled your leggings off your body, your panties rolling down with them. 
“You can touch me,” you said. “Mr. Swag.”
   Joking around with him lightened the mood a little. Haechan laughed, his comfort level rising with each chuckle. Though he didn’t touch you further, he felt confident enough to remove his own clothes. In the light, you could see his body perfectly. His collarbones and neck were on full display. You could see the beginnings of a hickey covering the mole on his neck. You would have to be more careful next time. His nipples were small, his skin glowing. When he breathed in, you could see his rib cage, each delicate rung begging to meet your tongue. A light smattering of hair ran from his belly button down to his cock. His pubes were newly trimmed with the hand of someone very nervous. You wanted a good look at his cock, but he was covering himself with his hands. You kept your eyes traveling down his toned thighs, his knobby knees, and the white socks covering his ankles. 
“It feels like you’re judging me,” he said. “Is it bad? Do I look good to you?”
“Bad?” you asked. “You could never look bad. I am missing part of the picture., though”
  Haechan looked down at his hands and slowly removed them like he was unveiling a gift. When you saw his cock, you smiled. Hard, he was bigger than you thought he would be. Just from the look of his body, you knew he would come quickly the moment he felt any intense friction. Haechan held so much pent up energy in his body that no amount of jerking off in the dorm shower could release. You knew making him come was in his best interest, but you really wanted him to hold off for as long as possible. 
“Beautiful.” you said.
“I think I’m supposed to say that about you,” he said. “I think-”
  Your fingers were lightly stroking his happy trail as he spoke, or rather, became quiet. He closed his eyes as your hands tickled up his body until they found his nipples. You bent down and licked his small, dark bud, your tongue wetting him so much he was glistening. Your hands were on his ass, a handful of him being kneaded by your fingers. Once you started touching him, it was you who looked desperate. Unexpectedly, Haechan tucked his hand underneath your chin and brought your face up to look at him. The kiss he gave you was needy, his breathing so heavy you were worried he would come from the sheer excitement of it all.
“On the bed or standing up?” you asked. “Where do you want me?”
 It was a simple question, but he couldn’t answer it. If you had your phones in front of you, no doubt Haechan would fire off witty remarks about how he’d have you everywhere. The person before you now was incapable of making a decision, so you made it for him. You spun him around, walking him back into your bed until his knees hit the mattress and his body fell down into a sitting position. He looked up at you with wonder, his mouth parted slightly. You leaned down until your nipple touched his cupid's bow. Haechan opened his top lip wider and took you into his mouth, his eyes darkening as he watched your satisfied expression. 
“You have a grip on me that no one else ever has,” you told him. “You little fuck.”
  Using his chest, you pushed him back down onto your bed. He wasn’t done sucking on your nipples and doing so made him angry. He tried getting up to finish the job, but you pushed him back down again. His cockiness had returned, his smile baring teeth. Laying down, his cock sprang up and against his stomach. You could see the wetness highlighting his skin. Haechan brought his hands behind his head. You got onto the bed and straddled his thighs. When you took his cock in your hands, his body shivered, but he tried to play it off.
“There is nothing I want more than your cock in my mouth right now.” you said.
“Please.” he said. 
“Are you begging?”
“No,” he said. “I would never beg. I’m giving you the option, since I know you want it. I know you want me badly. You’ve dreamed about this, about me. I see the way you look at me when I’m in the practice room, when I lift up my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face. I know you think about me every day.“
“You know too much for your own good.” 
“I know,” he said, using that childish voice that always got under your skin. You stroked his cock and watched as he tried controlling his response. 
“As I was saying,” you began. “I would love nothing more than to suck your cock, but we can’t do that, because you’ll come too soon.”
Haechan placed a hand over his chest. “You hurt my pride. I’m a man.”
“Exactly,” you said. “And there is nothing wrong with you coming, but I want the first time you come to be inside of me.”
  Hearing those words made Haechan lean his head all the way back in utter bliss. His hands scrambled for you, his fingertips scratching down your stomach. You could feel him wanting to whine, to buck his hips up for more, to have your mouth around his cock any way he could. He was used to getting his way with others, but with you, it would be damn near impossible. You moved up his body a little, his cock still in your hands. You hovered over him, waiting to make eye contact. Until then, you would wait to fill yourself with him. When he didn’t give in right away, you stroked his cheek with your other hand so he would be forced. When his eyes finally met yours, the look he gave you was very fitting to his nickname: Devil. Before your arrangement, he had asked about contraceptives and how he wasn’t ready for pregnancy scares. You told him about your birth control and asked him if he wanted to wear condoms. Haechan declined. As you sunk down onto his cock, the raw feeling of him made you more excited.
“I’m going to move slow,” you said.  “Okay?”
  Haechan didn’t answer. He was overwhelmed by the feeling of being inside of you. He looked down at his cock having disappeared between your legs. When you started riding him as slowly as possible, he couldn’t keep his eyes from watching himself move in and out, in and out. He was moaning, the sounds coming from his mouth high-pitched and frequent enough to make his throat feel sore the next day. You rested your hands against his chest and moved up and down his cock so that he would get the full visual of how wet his shaft was after leaving your pussy.
“You feel good.” you told him. 
  It wasn’t a lie. Having him between your legs made you feel like you were in control, and you loved that feeling. Haechan looked at you like you were bringing every new sensation to him, a new world, and new emotions. Your body felt different than his own hand. The way you smelled, how you sounded as you rode him, and everything in between made his first time more special. Granted, you were faking a lot of it for his pleasure, but he didn’t need to know that. You focused on how he was feeling, knowing that at any moment he was going to explode. He was hanging on longer than you thought he would, which made you happy because it was possible that he would be ready for another round soon after.
“Haechan,” you moaned. “Haechan. Haechan. Haechan.”
  You touched yourself. You flicked your hair over your shoulder. You pretended like his cock was giving you the best sex you ever had, and it worked in your favor.  When you thought he would come, his body seizing, his face pulling ugly expressions, Haechan started moving your body off of him. You expected him to lay back and let you fuck him as you wished. You expected him to be thankful to you for giving him his first orgasm with another person, but you did not expect him to steal the lead. Haechan flipped you over until you were on your back, his cock having slipped out of you. For a moment, you laid on the bed in shock, and he moved over you in that same shock, his eyes unfocused. He rubbed his hands over his face and looked down at your body against the sheets. Your body felt empty without him, your pussy throbbing.
“Say my name again.” he grunted.
“No,” he said. “My real name.”
  Haechan was on top of you, holding his body up so that you could see all of the muscles he never talked about. He was strong and young, and he was ready to fuck. 
“Donghyuck,” you said. “Donghyuck. Donghyuck. Donghyuck.”
 Haechan lifted your legs up until they were resting on either side of his shoulders. He squatted down low, his own legs bent, his ass hanging off the edge of the bed. You could see a bead of sweat working its way down his chest. He lifted your hips up a little before penetrating you again, his cock thrusting deeper and deeper. He didn’t last long in that position, and you didn’t orgasm, but you were so impressed that it didn’t matter. You watched him coming, his eyes closed, his body stiff and his hands grabbing onto yours, and you were spellbound by him. You wanted all of his cum inside of you, every last drop. You wanted it to fill you up until it dripped out of you, and then you wanted him to stuff his cock inside of you again, until you were the one begging him to say your name.
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  You jerked Haechan off while his balls were in your mouth. Stroking his length with your palm made the most joyous sounds come from his pretty lips. You sucked on his balls, your tongue soaking them. One of his hands was holding the back of your head, the other was rubbing his wet fingers against his nipples. You had his cock in your mouth a million times since the day you took his virginity, but it was always a delight seeing how wild he went when you surprised him with a slip of the tongue. You let his balls drop out of your mouth before licking a circle around his asshole. Haechan jumped a little, his head lifting up to glare at you.
“You have to warn me when you do that!” he said.
“I thought you liked it?”
“I do,” he said. “I just need to be prepared for it. P-R-E-P-A-R-E-D. Prepared.”
  You shimmied your way back up between his legs so that you could suck on his cock instead. He was so handsome looking down at you, his starry eyes focused on the way you took his head past your lips. 
“You’re so sexy.” he said.
“I know.” you said. You took his cock out of your mouth and licked the underside, your eyes never leaving his. 
“Ayyyy,” he said. “Don’t get too cocky.”
  You took him deeper into your mouth, in an attempt to make him come faster. He always lost himself when his cock hit the back of your throat. Each time you were together, it was your inside joke to see who would come the fastest. Most times, you easily won, but Haechan always put up a good fight.
“Baby, the things you do to me.” he whimpered.
 The things you do. The things you had done. For weeks you’ve been fucking him, and it’s only getting started.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Thanks for reblogging all your old writing! I’m in love with those where Steve and Billy are sharing a bed. Can we please have more of it?
Here’s my other bed sharing piece! This is not in the same universe lol
Steve shivered.
He always got so fucking cold at night. His mom always said he had circulation issues. He thinks it has more to do with the phantom chill his nightmares bring.
“Harrington, I swear to fucking God.” Billy grumbled from the bed above him.
Billy had offered to share the bed in the dingy motel room they were sharing outside of Chicago.
Billy had an appointment with an experimental doctor, and had asked Steve to drive him out there, stay with him while the new doctor assessed his damaged body.
But when they got to the shitty motel, there was only one room left, with only one bed.
And Steve was tired enough to just hand over his dad’s credit card and move on.
He had insisted Billy got the bed, his perpetually sore body was hurting from the way the doctor had manhandled his weak muscles.
Steve shivered again.
“Jesus Christ.”
“Sorry, Billy.”
“Just get the fuck up here if you’re cold.”
“No, no I’m good down-” he violently shivered again.
“Steve. Get the fuck up here.”
Steve huffed, but he pulled himself off the floor, and slid into the double bed.
He stayed as close to the edge as he possibly could, didn’t want to push his luck, push his gay fucking feelings all over Billy.
He was barely covered by the thin blanket, trying to control his shivers, wrapped in his thick sweater.
But his next shiver rocked the whole fucking bed.
Billy groaned.
“Come here.”
“Um, I’m okay here.”
“Steve, I can’t fucking move, so you gotta come to me.”
Billy knew what buttons to push to get Steve to do what he wanted, and the I’m injured because I almost died for you is his constant go to.
Steve scooched over.
“Closer.” He scoot a little more. “Like, close enough to touch.” He moved a tiny bit more. Billy gave a long suffering sigh. “I’m trying to share fucking body heat, man. Not trying to perv on you or whatever. Just come here.”
Steve took a deep breath, and closed the gap between them.
His back was pressed against Billy’s chest. Billy tossed an arm over him. And he realized Billy was shirtless.
He traced the scars winding up his hand, his wrist.
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” Steve apologized about three times a week for Billy’s near death last year.
“Not your fault.”
“But I should’ve, noticed that you were off.”
“Why would you? We weren’t friends back then.” Billy’s arm tightened around him. “You’d notice now. That’s what matters, I guess.” Steve shuffled in Billy’s arms. He wanted to turn around, wanted to look at Billy as they laid together, wanted to watch him sleep and pretend that, that it was more.
He shook his head, completely disgusted in himself.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing. Just thinking.” Billy scoffed.
“Don’t hurt yourself.” He laughed as Steve slapped his arm. “What’re you thinking about?”
“I don’t know. Just, stuff.” Just gay stuff about his best friend. You know. The usual.
“Stuff. Right.” He patted Steve’s tummy a few times. Steve’s face was hot.
Billy shifted a bit, pressing in closer to Steve. He could feel his breath on his neck, ruffling his hair slightly.
He shivered.
“How are you still cold?”
“You were breathing on me.” Billy started blowing cold air on the back of his neck.
“Make me!” He blew harder.
Steve forgot himself for a moment, caught up in the moment, and turned around.
He could just make out Billy’s features in the dark, the slope of his nose, the cut of his jaw.
He averted his eyes, tried to look anywhere other than Billy’s lazy grin.
He glanced at his chest, tracking the pattern of his scars, pink and puckered.
He spread his hand over the large one in the center, feeling the rough skin, the way Billy’s heart beat.
“I’ve never seen the ones on your chest.” Billy’s hand came up to cover Steve’s.
“I mean, I don’t really hide them.”
“I know but I, it just felt rude to look, I guess.”
“Doesn’t feel rude now?” Steve’s eyes snapped back to Billy’s face, found him grinning at Steve’s sheepish look. “You can look. I don’t care. ‘Specially not if it’s you.”
“What, what do you mean?”
“I feel safe with you, I guess. Always have.”
“Me too. I mean like I feel safe with you.” Billy chuckled softly at him.
“I know what you meant, Pretty Boy.”
“Just checking.” Billy’s smile slowly faded as he studied Steve’s face.
“You mean a lot to me.” Steve’s breath caught in his chest. “Always have. Even though I was shit at showin’ it.”
“No I, that’s okay. You, you mean a lot to me too. Like, a lot.” Billy’s smirk was slowly returning.
“Yeah? How much?”
“Like a whole bunch.”
“A whole bunch? Wow.” Steve rolled his eyes as Billy laughed. He wheezed for a moment after, making Steve nervous.
“Are you ok-”
“I’m fine, Stevie. Old lungs aren’t what they used to be.”
“You mean they’re somehow worse than when you smoked two packs a day?”
“Don’t talk about smoking, Pretty Boy. Makes me want a cig.”
“Then what should I talk about?”
“What were you thinking about earlier?” Steve swallowed thickly.
“You.” Billy hummed.
“Anything good?” Steve bit his lip.
He could just, tell him.
He could open his mouth and say just about how I’m in love with you.
But he was too scared.
Always too scared.
“Just about today. The doctor.” Billy’s face fell. “The stuff he did, was just really interesting. I’ve never thought about stuff like that.”
The doctor had done something experimental, was basically like a chiropractor for muscles, believed shifting and rubbing out the muscles would help with the pain in them, the misalignment of Billy’s body after the traumatic surgeries.
“Yeah. It was cool.” His voice was clipped.
“I don’t know, just medical stuff like that, I don’t really understand it at all. I think it’s neat.” Billy gave him a little half smile.
“It’s cute when you call things neat.” Steve flushed. “And it’s cute when you get all flushed and embarrassed.”
Steve tried to hide his face in the pillow under his head.
“Quit it,” Steve whined out.
“Nah, Princess. Not gonna.” Steve shifted to glare at Billy with one eye. Billy ran one hand clumsily through his hair. “I think you’re real cute.”
“I, I-uh,” Steve didn’t really know what he was gonna say, just felt like he needed to say something.
But Billy was looking at his lips, his hand big and warm on Steve’s cheek.
“You have to know how I feel.”
“I, what? How do you feel?”
“Steve, I haven’t been fucking subtle. We’re literally in bed together.”
“But I don’t, subtle about what?”
“How much I fucking love you.”
Steve’s heart fucking stopped.
“You, I’m sorry, what?”
“I love you. I’m in love with you. Have been for a long fucking time.”
“But you, I don’t, get it.”
“What do you mean you don’t get it?” Billy was starting to get panicked.
“You’re, you love me? Like for real?”
“Yeah. Wouldn’ta said it otherwise.”
“I, I love you too. Like, like a lot.”
“Yeah. I do.” And Billy smiled so hard his eyes crinkled.
“Really gave me a fuckin’ heart attack there, Baby. Just starin’ at me.”
“Sorry, Bill. I just, I wasn’t expecting it. I thought I’d keep being secretly in love with you forever.”
“Sorry to fuck up your plan, then.” Billy just kept smiling at him, eyes big and bright. “But movin’ is still a no go for me here, so you’re gonna have to kiss me.”
Steve wiggled closer, one hand trailed up Billy’s arm. He kissed his cheek first, too excited to get to do this. He kissed his forehead.
“Stevie. On the fuckin’ mouth.” Steve kissed his nose. “Steve.”
Steve gave in.
The kiss was soft, just a gentle press of their lips together. He nipped at Billy’s bottom lip as he pulled back. Billy moaned softly, his eyes still closed.
“How was that?” Billy’s eyes were bright when he opened them.
“Everything I wanted it to be.”
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yuqibabe · 6 years
- A Touch of Silver - (BTS)
Angel/Demon AU
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst and possible Gore.
Pairing: Taehyung and Jungkook. 
“Heaven was surprisingly very similar to life on Earth, only here in Heaven did sin cease to exist. Or so Jungkook thought.”
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Warnings: Angst.
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Chapter One - Empty Words.
Three years.
It had been three years since Taehyung had vanished.
However, he wasn’t the only one. The week prior to his disappearance was filled with strange occurrences. Angels all over the place were vanishing, not a single trace left behind to give any leads as to where they went. They were gone, just like that, as if they had never existed in the first place.
Jungkook had spent the first year searching for his lover endlessly, helping as much as The Guardians would allow him. Every single time he thought he was even a little bit closer to finding Taehyung, he was always met with another dead end. Every lead, every new piece of information, anything that was remotely linked to Taehyung’s whereabouts, was cut short and erased. It frustrated Jungkook so much, he was confused, and most of all, hurt. Why did Taehyung leave him?
It was a question that haunted the angel, kept him up at night and sent him into a spiral of seemingly inescapable sorrow. He spent those very nights letting his tears wash over his red cheeks, stinging his swollen eyes. Jungkook confined himself to his room, locking the door and letting his miserable thoughts devour his mind until he passed out of exhaustion due to his endless sobs.
But that was two years ago.
“Jungkook are you even listening to me?” 
Snapping out of his daze, Jungkook lifted his eyes to land on the face of his best friend. Out of all his features, the most striking one was the thick, plump lips, that were currently pulled slightly downwards at the corners in a frown.
“Uh, I- yea sorry Jimin” Jungkook apologized half-heartedly. Jimin eyed Jungkook up and down, his dark brown eyes swirling with concern. “Everything alright?” He asked softly. 
This is where Jungkook lies. He’s been through this exact scenario with Jimin countless times before. 
The angel would get lost in the questions and the doubt that clouded his mind, that he’d forget that he was in the middle of a conversation, forget that he was wasn’t alone, physically. This usually happened around Jimin. Since the smaller angel had stuck around Jungkook ever since the night, wanting to make sure he was okay. Which Jungkook never was. Jimin would pull the angel away and into a private space, stare seriously into Jungkook’s miserable, tired eyes and say: “Now tell me what’s really going on?” To which the younger would respond by breaking down, holding onto Jimin weakly as incoherent words tumbled from his lips between choked sobs. Jimin was there for him when he felt like no one was. But that was two years ago. Jungkook was okay now, right? Wrong.
“Yea, I’m fine” Jungkook replied with a few nods. Turning his head away to stare blankly out the cafe window. His fingers gently drumming on the mug tucked between his soft palms.
Jimin let out a long sigh, his eyes flickering between Jungkook and his own mug before he spoke.
“You can stay at mine tonight if you want?” He offered, shuffling in his seat. 
“I said, you can stay at mine if you’d like.” 
Jimin wasn’t an idiot. He knew what day it was. It wasn’t an anniversary, you celebrated anniversaries, not something like today.
Jungkook pursed his lips and nodded, muttering thanks.
The pair had left the cafe on Jungkook’s request. Jimin followed blindly for almost half an hour, letting Jungkook gently tug him onwards. He soon realised where the younger had taken them after he had passed through the golden bars of the tall gate.
“The Garden of Eden.” 
Jungkook crouched down by a clear river that meandered gently through the meadow forests. His wings fluttered slightly as he dipped his fingertips into the cold water, letting the running water glide through his fingers. Jimin walked slowly over to where Jungkook was, taking in his surroundings, for he had only been here a few times.
The Garden of Eden was a sacred, serene, and most of all untouched area of land. It had remained that way after Heaven had reclaimed it as their own from the Humans. The reason was that the Humans had abused what was given to them as a gift, a paradise where they could live in peace and prosper. 
Jungkook shook his hand, letting water droplets splatter from his fingertips. He wrapped his arms around his legs and tucked his chin into the gap, as his bottom rested weightlessly on the grass and flowers. His pearl coloured wings were relaxed and hung loosely from between his shoulder blades. 
Jimin stood next to him, brown eyes catching glimpses of deer that pranced soundlessly through the trees on the other side of the river.
“We used to come here a lot.” The younger murmured softly. His voice barely audible amongst the sounds of birds chirping happily to each other. 
“You and-”
The pair remained in a comfortable silence.
Jimin squinted slightly as the rays of light filtering through the trees caught his eyes. He crouched down and sat next to Jungkook. His larger wings settling behind him, gingerly touching the feathers of the younger’s.
Out of the blue, Jungkook started laughing softly to himself. Jimin raised a brow in question and stared at Jungkook. “He used to chase around the deer trying to catch one for me. He never actually got one, but it was funny watching him run around for hours and hours. And we used to roll down the hills and once we reached the bottom, we’d just lie on the grass next to each other staring up at the sky. It was those moments where I’d felt so much happiness. This was our place and it was just us then.” Jungkook’s laughter died down and his cheeks reddened with oncoming tears, but none came. “But now it’s just me...”
Jimin didn’t hesitate to gently pull Jungkook into his embrace, gently curling one of his wings around him. The latter stayed silent, but slid his arms around Jimin’s small waist and held him tightly, burying his face into his chest. They didn’t need to exchange words, just being in each other’s company like this was enough to momentarily soothe Jungkook’s internal loneliness.
“Do you want to go back to my place?” The older spoke softly after a few minutes.
Jungkook nodded his head in Jimin’s chest but made no move to get up, he just held onto him. The angel patted his arm gently, urging to get him up. Jimin struggled to remove Jungkook’s arms that enveloped his torso but managed to break free eventually. He pulled the younger up and jokingly grunted, “ugh… you weigh a tonne.”
Jungkook pushed Jimin lightly and shook his head, “not as much as you”
“Whatever, Tiny Wings” The shorter smirked, glad he managed to lighten the mood, even if it was temporarily.
Jungkook spent the rest of their walk back to Jimin’s house defending the size of his wings, flapping them softly.
It didn’t take long for Jungkook to slip back into his depressive state after they entered Jimin’s house. The angel had led Jungkook to his room and left some pyjamas on the bed for him to change into, whilst he cooked up something to eat.
Jungkook hesitantly got changed, lethargically tugging off his clothes and pulling on the soft fabric of the pyjamas. He remained in the bedroom, sitting cross-legged on the grey bed sheets and drawing soothing patterns onto the skin of his palm with his thumb.
He raised his head as he heard Jimin shuffling into the room, opening the door with his back as his hands were occupied with two bowls of something that smelt delicious. Jungkook’s hunger ignited at the strong savoury scent and his brown eyes grew wide as he eagerly reached for one of the dishes.
“I hope you like it!” Jimin smiled softly as he sat down in front of Jungkook, hungrily eating up the food.
“It’s delicious” The younger mumbled before gulping down another mouthful.
The pair finished their dinner, not long after Jimin had brought it in, and set their bowls on the bedside table. The smaller angel coughed, trying to get Jungkook’s attention. The latter looked up to Jimin’s questioning eyes and slightly tilted head as if he were analysing him like some sort of scientist, with Jungkook being his experiment.
Jungkook equally returned the stare. “What?”
Jimin’s expression softened, “do you want to talk about it?”
Any other day and the younger would have been okay, but hearing those words from Jimin caused the memories to resurface and plague his mind. Jungkook didn’t even remember much from that night, just bits and pieces. It was like trying to remember a dream, things never quite making sense because he couldn’t conjure up everything that had happened. Words, sentences, touches, everything that was exchanged that night was jumbled, some parts missing. The only thing he solidly remembered was the promise, those few words had him stuck in that very same spiral of inescapable sorrow. They buzzed around his head, never once for a second did he forget them.
“You’ll come back... right?”
“Yea, yea, of course. I promise.”
Jungkook’s bottom lip trembled at the memory as if it only happened yesterday. “Why did he leave me?” He choked out the words, no longer fighting the tears he had been holding off for those many hours he had spent with Jimin.
“I-I don’t know Jungkook…” Jimin admitted. Jungkook cried harder, sobs wracking his body and his little wings bobbing up and down weakly with every cry.
“It’s my f-fault isn’t it? I d-did something...wrong. H-he was right to leave me... I-” He was cut off by Jimin pulling him towards his chest and holding him close, hands rubbing circles into his back as he cooed gentle words into his ear. Jungkook clung to the angel, his fingers gingerly fiddling with the feathers of his larger wings. It comforted Jungkook to touch other angel's wings, they were incredibly soft, fragile and sensitive, it made him feel less vulnerable, especially in a state like this.
“I-I’m such a screw-up” His sobs were muffled by Jimin’s shirt. The older shushed him softly, gently pushing him away and cupping Jungkook’s tear stained cheeks, wiping away the drops with the pads of his thumbs. The younger looked at Jimin through his bleary eyes.
“You are not a screw-up Jungkook, okay?” Jimin caressed his cheek. Jungkook nodded weakly, sniffling, but the outflow of tears still continued.
“He’s not coming back, is he? He l-lied to me.”
“Shh...It’s okay” The smaller brushed the strands of Jungkook’s fringe that hung in front of his eyes away with tender fingers. Jungkook shuffled closer to Jimin until he was straddling his lap, cuddling into his warm chest once again. Jimin accepted him and wrapped his arms around Jungkook, gently scratching the back of his head in an attempt to calm him, fingers running through his soft hair soothingly.
Jimin rocked their bodies side to side as Jungkook continued to whimper into his chest, saying muffled words about how he was ‘worthless’, to which Jimin would reassure him and tell him otherwise.
“You’re more than that Jungkook, you’re amazing, you’re perfect. He was a fool to leave you” Jungkook lifted his head to look at Jimin with a desolate expression. Eyebrows angled upwards and his red nose twitching with every sniffle.
“Yes, really,” Jimin assured softly with a nod, stroking his hair comfortingly. “I think you’re the most considerate, generous and loving angel out there. You don’t deserve to feel like this at all, but you are going to get through this and you’ll always have me. You know that Jungkook because I’ve told you hundreds of times before, and I’ll keep reminding you if I have to.”
Jungkook smiled weakly at Jimin, his eyes flitting down to the angel’s plump lips. It was only for a split second, almost unnoticeable, but he knew Jimin saw it. Especially since the older now had his eyes lowered to Jungkook’s own lips, slowly leaning towards them. He lifted his gaze, as his mouth grazed gingerly over Jungkook’s, asking for permission with his dark brown eyes, staring into the younger’s still teary eyes.
“J-Jimin…” Jungkook breathed out, feeling so light-headed from his crying and now the lack of space between their lips as they met shyly.
The angel’s eyes closed as Jimin’s mouth pressed gingerly against his. The warmth that spread through his body as they slowly moved against each other in little touches. His heart racing as they parted from the kiss that seemed to last for only milliseconds.
“Is this okay?” Jimin whispered softly, cupping his face with his small hand. Jungkook nodded, timidly capturing Jimin’s lips once more.
The older pushed Jungkook backwards so he was lying on top of him, not letting their warm bodies separate as well as their mouths. They were best friends, yet they were kissing, sharing so much with each other as if they were lovers.
This wasn’t the first time they had done this. The first time it had happened, it was an impulse on Jimin’s side, leaning forward and stealing a gentle kiss from Jungkook’s trembling lips as he cried. Surprisingly, it calmed the younger down, soothed his frantic thoughts until it was only them. He liked it, he really did, but it was never him. The dull ache in his chest would pound on no matter what Jimin did.
Jungkook continued to cry, tears pooling in his eyes and streaming down his rosy, stinging cheeks. Pulling the older closer with his arms wrapped around his neck, hands now running through his wings.
“Shh… Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay” Jimin caressed his cheek, wiping away the salty tears and whispering those sweet nothings in between their static lips touching slowly.
Jimin pulled away from Jungkook, looking sympathetically into his brown eyes that were contaminated with grief. “You still love him don’t you?” He murmured softly.
The younger nodded slowly, a new wave of sorrow hit him, piercing right into his chest. His pain and sorrow grew and the sickly feeling of not knowing churned his stomach. He clutched onto Jimin and pulled him down to lie next to him, holding onto the angel’s torso weakly as his wings drooped and hung lowly.
“I still feel like he’s here… L-like he’s going to come back, but h-he never does” Jungkook whimpered. The older ran his fingers through Jungkook’s hair in repetitive strokes, pressing warm kisses onto his scalp and listening to the younger ramble incoherent cries to him.
“I miss Taehyung”
“...I know Jungkook, I know”
The angel curled his wing underneath Jungkook’s body, cradling him comfortingly with his soft feathers. They stayed like that for hours until Jungkook’s cries had slowed to a stop and his breathing had regulated in slow exhales of slumber.
Jimin pressed a lingering kiss to Jungkook’s pouting lips and pulled his body closer as he closed his eyes, basking in the comfort of Jungkook’s limbs that had woven around his narrow body. His small wing that had rested over his chest along with his arm that wrapped around him. He soon fell asleep, letting the darkness wash over his tired mind.
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somedaynotsoon · 6 years
A short piece, nothing out of the ordinary!
Contains: a boy being stepped on in worn socks, pushed inside, and kept inside, worshiping. BASICALLY.
You woke up, swinging your legs over the side of your bed, putting the balls of your feet down. Standing up, your heels fell thereafter, and you slid, turning your feet slightly on the hardwood. Satisfied with your morning stretch, you swung your legs and went to go eat downstairs.
You skipped steps on your way down the stairs, each thud against the descent shaking the stairframe and making slight creaking sounds. You jumped down the last set of  stairs, landing like a ballerina. Well, actually, you landed so hard you almost had to crouch down because of the momentum. 
On your way to the kitchen, you noticed...an asymmetry. It wasn’t noticable - It sort of felt like the floor was sticky. Wait, no. It was more like there was a sticky crumb, almost like a fragment of almost dried gum stuck to the bottom of one of your socks. You took a stamp with that foot, trying to rub it off on the tile. That didn’t work, so you figured you’d just manually remove it when you sat down. You kept trying to remove it with stamps on your way there, however.
When you finally sat down with your breakfast, you lifted your left foot, resting it on your right knee, and leaning over to look. 
“Oh, wow. I’ve never seen one of you guys this small before.”
There was one of those tiny folks who had been visiting your house and treating it as a safe haven recently. They were usually of noticable height, but this particular one was only about three fiber-links tall, meaning his hips and shoulders had been being pushed into the gaps between each fiber of your socks. They were pretty tightly knit and fairly new socks, too. He wasn’t wearing pants, but then again, neither were you, since you’d just woken up and didn’t figure you’d be needing to cover your undies yet.
The minuscule critter moaned, sitting up on the fuzzy footwear. You ate watched his tiny movements with intrigue, waiting until it looked like he was okay before talking to him.
“How long were you stuck there for, teeny?”
“T-teeny?” he seemed surprised by the nickname, looking up at the monument in the middle of breakfast that was your face.
Ah, it was an embarrassing nickname. You decided to try again.
“Ah, sorry. What I meant was, how long were you stuck to my foot for, puny?”
You couldn’t detect it, but the tiny figure gulped and then spoke up.  “About...since yesterday, around lunchtime? You haven’t changed your socks since then, and I got stomped while you were dancing.”
You remember that! You love that song. The choreography involves just a ton of jumps and heavy stomps. You couldn’t do them nearly as good as the dancers in the music video. You figured their knees would hurt after a while of practicing that.  Following you remembering your dance routine which had gotten this little feller stuck and fuzzy, You remembered how intensive your jog downstairs had been, and swore to apologize to this poor tiny guy immediately for subjecting him to being flattened over and over for half a day, leaving him stuck to your feet all night, and then reflattening him this morning. You took a quick swig of juice and then started your apology.
The words came out as “Hey, do you want to kiss my toeprints?” 
His entire color changed as he flushed, humiliated by a question to which there was no right answer. “Buh, I - Wha...N...Y...U-uhmm...”
You had just seen a cute kitty out the window, and wanted to walk outside to pet it, so you weren’t quite paying attention. There was no way he didn’t accept your apology, though. As a way of making it up to him, you decided to give him a home, free of charge.
“Great! Let’s see...” You gently flicked him up to your middle toe. The pinky toe was a bit too wild, and the big toe was a meanie, so you figured you’d give him something more his size and speed. He stood with each leg on a different fiber. Using the same finger, you pushed him down into the sock. He was skinny, so it was super easy. Just to make sure he was snug, you pulled the sock up and let it go, the light sound of your fair-fitting foot cover snapping back confirming that his position from earlier was reversed, and that he was now face-down getting his absolutely adorable little face all up between each one of your toeprint ridges.
Then, you ran out the door and into the grass to go pet the cat in your backyard. That kitty ran from you, but you caught and gave many pettings to the furry friend.
After that, you wound up wearing your socks for a couple more days. It was a long weekend, and you liked sleeping in them! By the time you peeled them off, your new buddy had left cute lip marks from all the smooching. Unfortunately, you were out of socks, and planned to wear flip flops when you had to go out and about the next day, but hey, that’s what your drawer of bras and panties were for, right?
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