#i barely talk to him except when we voice call in the server im in. i dont have the right to love him like this
valpuduzz · 1 month
god im supposed to be working on a project but i think this is a venty kind of night. i dont feel good at all. im sorry (anything suicidal that im mentioning isnt meant to be taken seriously btw, im just going through it)
#the meowing of a cat 🐱#vent#i dont think i want to go to DC anymore for the con. but i also dont want to go to mexico. and i rlly dont want a job#i dont want to hang out with anyone i dont want to see anyone i want to be left alone. i want to rot in my room#i just wanna shrivel up and die and i want to kill myself#i really really want to kill myself#i really really really want to kill myself#it's really hard to cry. i feel empty and on edge and like ive been put into this earth to suffer and yet i cant cry#and oh yeah here we go. crush problems once again. im sorry my dear mutuals#i love him so much i love him i love him but. i have no right to love him. i wish my feelings never latched on to him like this#i barely talk to him except when we voice call in the server im in. i dont have the right to love him like this#i kinda just wish he could straight up just tell me he hates me so i could finally have peace of mind.#i wish i knew how to talk to him. i wish i wish i wish. but i cant. because my desperation is so obvious and i'll come off as a creep#the last thing i want to do is make him uncomfortable#i think what hurts the most is that no matter how many times i tell him he's my friend and that i love him he wont know#the extent of my feelings for him. im jealous of his close friends because i know i'll never be close or special to him#because i dont know how#i already told him how i felt a while ago in march. and you cant confess to someone again#one time is okay. two times is being much too forceful and desperate#ive been trying so so so so fucking hard to get over these feelings. he's just a fucking crush ive only know for like three months#and yet it fucking hurts so fucking bad i fucking hate it i hate that my brain has put aside the friends who actually care about me#for a crush who even though is a dear friend of mine isnt as close to me as the other people in my life#genuinely think i should kill myself for this and im not lying#i hate this so much i hate that ive been abandoning my friends for him. but i love him so much i love him so fucking much#and i cant just randomly say that out of nowhere because he's gonna know im still in love with him and he'll hate me for forcing him#my biggest fear is he forces himself to like me back. i'd never forgive myself#im so sorry to my friends but this crush shit has taken over my mind and it's not good and it's toxic and i hate it#i wish i had an excuse to leave his life but that would mean he'd think he did nothing wrong when he did nothing to me#the only person to blame in this situation is me myself and i#fuck i reached tag limit OOPS
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thrillridesz · 3 years
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[ to start from the prologue - click here ]
n/a: unedited!
“Ah, I was just asking.” You said, trying not to let your smile waver as you watched Jacob’s shoulder drop, the expectant look in his eyes giving way to disappointment for just a split second before he smiled gently.
“Oh, okay.”
“I’d be down to hang out anytime you want by the way!” You hurriedly added in an attempt to clear the awkward tension in the air and Jacob must have sensed it when he gave you a reassuring look to alleviate your worries at the possibility of accidentally blowing him off.
“That would be great. I’d love that,” He said softly, his tone warm and kind and you felt your heart skip a beat. You had just met this guy but you already knew you liked him. There was something so soft spoken and almost angelic about his demeanor that you can’t help but want to get to know him a little bit better.
“Would you like to exchange numbers?”
“Sure thing.” He grinned and you handed him your phone for him to key his number in. As he did, you couldn’t help but notice how his soft hair fell over his eyes and how he seemed to simply radiate a naturally ethereal and soft aura. The butterflies in your stomach were beginning to flutter wildly and you wondered if this was what ‘having a crush’ felt like. You had never had one since fourth grade.
You still remembered how it all went down. Despite your best efforts to make him like you, all he did was trample heartlessly on your good intentions and feelings. You stiffened as you recalled how he had ran away from you the moment you presented him with a handmade card on Valentine’s Day which you had spent a lot of time designing. The process had been gruelling for a young kid your age, to stay up late just to get yourself covered in glitter, glue and paint only to be rejected without even an answer. That day, you had felt so devastated and upset that you refused to even eat dinner until your grandmother threatened to bust down your door herself.
Over time, you kept the memory at the back of your mind, refusing to remember as you chose to place your focus on things that more greatly deserved your attention. Was one guy really going to change all of that? It felt a little ridiculous, seeing that you have just met Jacob but you could feel that was this sort of chemistry between the two of you. There was something so innately pure about him that you really liked. He exuded such warmth, unlike the boys you’d usually meet. This was one boy you could seriously like.
“Y/n? Y/n?”
You shook out of your daze and realised that Jacob was peering down at you curiously and you felt the embarrassment start to creep in.
“Sorry, were you saying anything?’
“Um, I was asking if you wanted me to key my number into your phone as well.” He said, looking a little confused. “Was there something on your mind?”
“Ah, it’s just… School.” You laughed it off and he chuckled, a deep yet soft laugh coming from within his chest.
“I can relate! I have that expression when I think of school as well.”
Pressing your number into his contacts, you handed his phone back to him and he smiled, “I’ll text you soon.”
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“Didn’t he say he was going to text?” You wondered as you stared at your phone for the nth time.
The subway train slowed to a stop and as you alighted, you kept your eyes glued to your phone, feeling your heart sink with each passing hour. Even as you slipped it into your pocket, you could feel yourself being on high alert for any notifications, pings or vibration. As you walked down the streets and felt the slightest tremor, you could feel the anticipation coursing through your veins as you checked the notifications only to sigh deeply.
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[ (1) notification from emma🔥 ]
hey are you there yet? i might be a lil late
yeah im actually already here
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You texted back, pushing open the double doors to find the place still relatively calm and serene. There wasn’t anyone else except for an eldery couple at the booth in the far corner and a hooded figure hunched over a chocolate smoothie by the bar. The lunch crowd wouldn’t be here until another half an hour so it was plenty of time for you to relax and prepare yourself for an afternoon of unadulterated chaos and rushing lunch orders.
As you tapped your employee card against the electronic reader, you barely noticed someone creeping behind you and before you knew it…
“Oh! Fu- Kevin!” You scolded, slapping him lightly on the back as the boy doubled back, shaking with laughter. Your phone had clattered to the ground as you jumped and immediately, you doved for it, inspecting it for any damage and turning to glare at him.
“You… You should have seen your face! I’m dying!” He wheezed, his laughs almost coming out in pants at this point.
“Ugh, go annoy someone else.” You rolled your eyes, pushing past him while he trailed behind you.
“C’mon, it was just a joke.” He said, following you out to the cash register where you started your first duty of counting all the money in the till. Leaning on his elbows, he peered up at you curiously. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“I’m not that petty, Kevin.”
“Didn’t think you were,” he grinned and as your phone vibrated for the second time, you rushed to check it again, the excitement in your expression not going unnoticed by Kevin. As you deflated and stuffed your phone back into your pocket and resumed your duty of counting the notes, he asked, “Who was that?”
You purse your lips. “Just Emma telling me that she might be really late.”
“Huh. You were clearly expecting someone else to text you, I can see it. Come on, spill.” He said, his voice bearing a teasing tilt to it and you knew you could hide nothing from him.
Kevin was a friend you knew since you were in first grade. The two of you had hit it off almost immediately and grew to become a very close duo. In a way, he was the Watson to your Sherlock, the Joey to your Chandler, the Key to your Peele… You get the idea. He was your closest friend, someone you could confide in without needing to fear any judgement on his part. He was someone you told your deepest darkest secrets to, even ones that you kept from everyone else so that only the both of you knew about it. The bond the two of you shared was strong and almost unbreakable and there was practically nothing that would escape the notice of either of you.
“It’s just some guy.” You relented, feeling the heat on your face coming back.
“A guy huh?” Kevin mumbled, his expression one of mild surprise and something you couldn’t quite pinpoint. “Not going to lie, I didn’t expect that.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, you’ve always been so invested in school and school only.” He shrugged before continuing, “When did you meet him? Where is he from?”
“Firstly, I’m not always ‘so invested in school and school only’. Let’s make that clear,” You retorted, “I met him yesterday at the bleachers before class so he’s from our school.”
“Interesting. What’s his name? Maybe I know him.”
“Jacob. Jacob Bae.”
“Wow, you even know his last name?”
“That’s what he keyed into my phone, dumbass. I’m not a stalker.” You rolled your eyes, showing him the contact information which he squinted at.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this yesterday?” He asked, frowning.
“We didn’t have a chance to talk. You had extra classes, Belle wasn’t in school and Simmi had some debate club meeting.” You replied nonchalantly, slipping the money back into the register.
“Alright fine, stop acting like such a dad.” You laughed, patting him on the back and his eyes darkened for a second before he reverted back to his previous carefree state.
“By the way, didn’t Bec say we’re expecting someone new today?” Kevin asked as he disappeared into the back of the house. You nodded, rearranging and organising the condiment bottles by the kitchen counter.
“Yeah, we are. They should be here any time soon.”
“Sorry, I’m new here. This is my first day on the job, do you work here?” A voice asked as you kept your head down, focused on the task at hand. That must be the new guy, you thought.
“Ah yeah, I do! You must be-” The smile on your face fell sharply as you saw who was in front of you.
The guy in front of you stared back, eyes wide with a mixture of shock and surprise in his expression as his mouth hung open. He was tall and had a lean figure with a handsome face that you would have recognised anywhere or rather anyone from school would have recognised, not just you.
He was the school football team’s quarterback and also the one who had broken your heart way back in first grade - Lee Juyeon.
“You… Y/n…”
“He’s here?” Kevin called from the kitchen, jogging out from the kitchen with a bright smile, ready to greet the new arrival only to skid to an abrupt stop as he saw who it was. His reaction practically mirrored yours and quickly, the smile disappeared as he stepped forward, his eyes blazing with barely concealed irritation.
“What are you doing here?” He asked Juyeon, who looked extremely ill at ease.
“Ah, yes! You’re here! Juyeon, is that right? I see you’ve met my other two servers?” Bec, the restaurant manager interrupted as she walked forward, blissfully unaware of what she had just walked in on and shook his hand. There was still a startled, ‘deer caught in headlights’ look on Juyeon’s face as he shook her hand weakly, unable to get a word out.
“Excellent! Come with me, let’s get you settled here. You all will have a lot of time to socialise later, don’t worry.” She winked and you exchanged a look with Kevin that very clearly indicated that none of you wanted to have anything to do with Juyeon. The quarterback casted the both of you a nervous glance which neither of you returned before he followed Bec into the employees’ room. There was no time for any conversation as the two of them disappeared through the doors and immediately, you and Kevin erupted.
“Why the fuck is he here-”
“Of all people-”
You drew in a deep breath as you rubbed your hands over your face. “Ugh, why is this happening?”
Kevin placed a hand on your shoulder gently, concerned. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You sighed. How ironic to have finally run into Juyeon in a place you’d never expect to run into him ever. You could still recall that very day…
Shaking your head, you shook the thought out of your head. No, you can’t. It’s best to keep these memories buried.
“I don’t get it. I’ve been trying all these years to avoid him and now I meet him here?!”
“Yeah, I know. I totally get it…” Kevin coaxed, his voice soothing and reassuring. You looked up at him and instantly, you knew that the both of you still remembered very clearly what had happened that day despite your best efforts to forget that embarrassing moment.
You had given him your handmade card that first grader you had stayed up to craft and instead of even giving you a proper answer, he had chosen to run away in front of everyone else. When you tried to talk to him, all he did was shy away and refuse to even utter a single word to you which would always hurt extra bad whenever you saw him getting along with everyone else in elementary school. In a way, his reactions had a domino effect such that other kids who were also his friends began to catch on to what he was doing and started to follow suit. The only friend you had with you then was just Kevin. Eventually when everyone in the same grade progressed onto middle school and subsequently high school, you tried everything in your power to avoid Juyeon at all costs.
You would never join any clubs he was in, you would not sit in the same area as he did when it came to lunchtime and you would not sign up for the same classes in the same time slot as he did. When you said ‘everything in your power’, you quite literally meant ‘everything in your power’.
Till today, the memory of it still haunts you one way or another. On one hand, it wasn’t really a particularly traumatising experience but on another, it totally was. What he did totally trashed your confidence and it even made you swear off crushes until well, maybe recently… But none of that mattered. Here he was in the flesh, at your workplace of all places and you are now expected to work with him? How bad can your luck get?
As lunch service began and the crowd began to stream in, you tried your hardest to avoid him as well, moving away whenever he came close. Kevin, knowing what your agenda was, made every effort to minimise any interactions between the two of you which you were also extremely grateful for. This was what best friends were for, and perhaps your luck wasn’t so terrible after all because Bec had him attached to Emma for most of the time thereby further minimising any form of potential contact or communication.
For the rest of service whenever you had to pass by Juyeon, you never once lifted your gaze to look him in the eye or face to face. You could feel his eyes on you and it practically took everything in your power to not look back or do anything that could possibly give him a signal that you were open to a conversation or any form of interaction. Whenever he walked into the kitchen, you would leave and when he came near, you would retreat. It was like avoiding the plague. It didn’t matter to you how hectic lunch service was when your heart and mind was so preoccupied with Juyeon’s presence in the same confined place.
Why had he come? Why here of all places? Why this job?
There were so many questions that floated around in your mind and before you knew it, the shift had ended. Before Bec could even dismiss you, you bolted and made a run for the employees’ room and as you made your escape, you could see Juyeon looking at you from the corner of your eye. Once you were in the safety of the employees’ room, you breathed a huge sigh of relief and realised the tension in your shoulders dissipated as well as you did.
What a service. Was it because Juyeon was there that you barely felt like any time passed at all? You must have been so caught up and self conscious with him around that it didn’t even feel like an entire afternoon had just passed.
Closing your eyes, you leaned your head against the cold metal of the locker door. As much as you hated to admit it, he was still so deeply attractive to you even after all these years. It wasn’t like you hated him but you definitely did try to. After all, it would have been so much easier to avoid someone you truly hated.
Whipping out your phone, you immediately perked up as you scrolled through the notifications.
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[ (1) notification from Jacob Bae ]
hey y/n, i was wondering if you wanted to hang out later for dinner? at bloom mall?
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The message was sent more than an hour ago and you could have kicked yourself for missing it. What if he no longer wanted to hang out? Was it still too late to reply?
You could help but smile to yourself as you recalled the moment the both of you had shared yesterday. Though brief, you really did feel a connection. Everything about him was so sweet, innocent and angel-like. All in all, he was your ideal type unlike a certain someone…
A knock on the door almost made you drop your phone and your heart was in your mouth as the knob turned.
“Y/n? You still here?” Emma’s voice could be heard and you felt your heart relax.
“Yeah, I am!” You answered, walking towards her. “What’s up?”
“Can I ask you for a favour? Pretty please?”
“What is it?”
“Could you please help me coach that new guy on how to refill and operate the sanitising machines? I would have done it but I really have to rush to meet my boyfriend for our anniversary dinner and I might be late!” She pleaded, clasping both hands in front of you in a begging motion.
Instantly, your heart dropped and frantically, you tried to deflect her request.
“Can’t you just ask Kevin?”
“Bec has him clocking in for an additional hour because supposedly, Dana would be coming in late due to traffic. If you’re worried that it would be awkward, it’s not! Kevin will be there, I know how close you guys are and that Juyeon guy is actually super easy going and I think you two would get along really well!” She said with so much vindication that you wanted to laugh but covered it up quickly with a cough.
“Would you please do me this favour?” Emma  asked once more. “I mean… Don’t feel pressured! I understand that you might have plans so if you can’t, don’t feel worried. If you do though, I will literally buy you breakfast, lunch or dinner… Your choice!”
You looked at her with a defeated expression on your face. Do you tell her no and go on your dinner date with the new guy in town, Jacob whom you have a budding crush on? Or do you agree to help coach Juyeon as a favour to Emma and stay behind for an additional hour with Juyeon and Kevin in the diner, thereby forgoing your date?
What will you do?
➳ Say no
➳ Agree to help
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botseeksbot · 5 years
sorry 4 a lot lol but spy/heavy/sniper/soldier
im just gonna answer all of them here bc bruce repeated the same characters other people sent me but ty everyone who sent one ily
also read more bc i fucking cant shut up
favorite thing about them
ghfkldjshkj i have a soft spot for trying dads :pensive: also he’s so fucking funny and i love how he talks ?? he’s such a fucking asshole but also he’s like sweet when he needs to be [like to Miss Pauling in the comics and when Scout was dying. also just the whole thing he says to Scout when he thinks hes dying makes me so fucking emo i fucking love one dad]
least favorite thing about them
ok real i like never get angrier playing in game than when im constantly being backstabbed by spies / my shit it getting sapped [but playing engie makes me so aggressive to begin w gfdghlksdhg] . about his actual character though ? uh . IDK REALLY LKJGHLKSJG 
favorite line
god he’s so fucking funny sometimes but really the whole speech he gives to scout in the comics when scout’s dying . also whatever he tells that baby in the smissmas comic is good . thats a dad !
i was gonna try to pick out my fave buddies for him but i was really just listing all of the rest of the mercs glkhfdsjk but if i must limit myself Miss Pauling and Scout [his lesbian daughter and gay son]
SNIPERSPY ! close second is . literally like everyone else except pyro [and obvs anything deplorable]
ok ignoring anything deplorable [including Pyro] . uhhh nothing rly . Spy ships are good
random headcanon
his first name is Léon ! and he’s in stealth abt being trans except to Sniper [obvs], Scout, Medic [Medic knows bc hes . the medic], and Heavy . also he learns tht he actually likes doing “dad” stuff with Scout [and Miss Pauling] through doing stupid shit with both of them . he also enjoys singing [and gets drunk during the holidays to sing holiday songs + play the piano] . also he’s half Japanese + wears colored contacts [bc i’ll die the day i give any of the mercs natural blue eyes]
unpopular opinion
UH idk many opinions about Spy bc i try to avoid most fandom spaces [despite running a discord server kjglhl] but i think . most of the time he’s overhyped [along with the other skinny white characters frm tf2] and theres a lot more interesting characters 
song i associate with them
fuck idk man Love by Of Monsters and Men or Killer Queen by Queen
favorite picture of them
im not looking for anything new ths is just what i have saved .
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favorite thing about them
sweet giant russian man . also a bear [thank god] . also i love his family ?? and he’s just a cool dude ?? what’s not to love GOD I LOVE HEAVY
least favorite thing about them
not enough fan content for him :[
favorite line
he doesnt talk much but tht one line where he’s like “in russia, if hand is sick, you cut of hand, etc” tht ones so funny lkfdshlkjh i love heavy 
again literally everyone all the mercs are best friends =__=
again nothing weird [Scout or Pyro and obviously Miss Pauling]
random headcanon
autistic legend . he’s really bad at reading the room / people’s feelings and he feels bad about it sometimes . really bad at displaying emotions too . also in stealth about being trans [only out to Medic and Spy] . he smokes with Spy when he’s stressed and doesn’t drink that often . also one of the neater mercs [he was the oldest sibling !!] and had one of the cleanest rooms on base .
unpopular opinion
heavy is NOT just Medic’s bear boyfriend PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give him more solo content @ the fandom . also he’s trans and theres like no art of it even tho he’s like . trans man legend.
song i associate with them
lemon boy - cavetown  .  shrug .
favorite picture of them
idk HOW i dont have ANY pics saved of Heavy besides pride icons but here you go 
favorite thing about them
stinky australian man . he has such creepy voice lines lgkjlkj . what is not to love  ? also sexy . 
least favorite thing about them
stinky . and creepy voice lines gkldhlkjds NO i love sniper sm again what is there not to love
favorite line
god his voice lines are so fucking good . all of them .
SNIPER SCOUT BABY ! but really him w the rest of the mercs is good
SNIPERSPY . but again everyone else is good too . DemoSniper ?? very good .
random headcanon
he likes walking around a lot !! cant sit still very well . always smells like the outdoors [though not always in the best way .] can sleep almost anywhere . also not really good at picking up social cues but can wing it . cant socialize for very long periods of time without getting tired . really affectionate to people who know him . can catch any animal with his bare hands . sunglasses make it harder to see [esp in the base] but he wont admit it . really self reliant . has a lot of weird talents he just picked up while he was growing up . also he’s maori bc fuck canon .
unpopular opinion
THAT MAN IS NOT 30 YEARS OLD AND ALSO SPEEDINGBULLET IS SHIT . also like i said abt spy overhyped bc he’s white twink .
song i associate with them
UH vagabonds - misterwives or the wanderer - dion dimucci or rose colored boy - paramore 
favorite picture of them
idk if i have it saved but theres that one sexy panel frm the comic
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i just have ths edit but u get it . sexy .
favorite thing about them
STUPID RACCOON MAN !!!! he’s so fucking funny and i love him so much he’s so sweet .
least favorite thing about them
UH not popular enough and some of his voice lines are dumb
favorite line
literally everything Soldier says is comedy gold esp the comics w Merasmus  
again literally anyone
DEMOSOLDIER !! and also his 2nd boyfriend is Merasmus . soldier has two hands
soldier/engie makes me wanna die 
random headcanon
he’s really as dumb as rocks but has a heart of gold . he’s smart in where it counts [THE HEART] . he likes helping people even if he fucks up . he collects different things but eventually gets bored of it and moves onto something else . kinda shy about his appearance ?? hence the helmet . one of the more outspoken mercs, he’s not afraid to speak up if someone needs him to . doesnt understand any of Medic/Engie/Demo’s inventions/work but he admires them for it anyway . a beacon of joy for the base . they all love soldier even if he gets violent accidentally 
unpopular opinion
HELMETPARTY IS NOT GOOD . idk much else about what the fanbase thinks of him
song i associate with them
god im running out of songs frm character playlists i made months ago tht arent tf2 related at all but We All Die Young - The Decemberists or Buzzcut Season - Lorde
favorite picture of them
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pyro - bruce sent me another ask w pyro on it but im lazy so im doing it here
favorite thing about them
least favorite thing about them
??????????? idk people hate pyro a lot for gameplay reasons but i could never be angry :]
favorite line
all of pyro’s lines are good esp the ones where it has multiple interpretations 
ENGIE !! THATS HIS DAD !! also Scout . and really the rest of the mercs
none . 
really anything except ig Scout . engiepyro ? exceptionally bad imo
random headcanon
the youngest of the mercs !! self conscious about his appearance . looks up to Spy bc MASK BUDDIES . gnc nb trans man [he/they pronouns] . sees engie as a dad figure and uses the muffledness of his speech to call him “dad” sometimes >:] !!  really affectionate . doesnt have many talents besides setting things on fire but willing to learn any . hates talking about his past . has the worst sleep schedule out of the mercs [medic being a close 2nd] . speaking of medic, medic is the only one who knows what he looks like [secret buddies !!] . also calls spy “dad” sometimes .
unpopular opinion
im so fucking sorry i dont know how to play pyro besides wm1 but also i really dont give a shit if other people do it . let people play however they want . 
song i associate with them
little pistol - mother mother / machine - misterwives / lost boy - ruth b 
favorite picture of them
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Miscellaneous stuff from a character discussion chat in a BNHA rp server that I'm apart of, found these gems recently and decided to share them with ya'll out of boredom, (some of these are very old btw):
Someone: "so your willing to risk your life for this? Thats noble but.. you do know there's a high chance for death right?"
Jade: "oh yeah, I know. im mainly just agreeing to this because I think I can outrun anything."
Jade: is pissed off "I may smile all the time honey, but I've got a mean f*cking back hand and I'm not afraid to use it on your ugly a** :) "
Jade: "if I run at them, they will most certainly catch me in their arms." runs at friend and both topple over, braking a table in the process on their way to the ground.
Villian: is very confused and expected something different. "um.. what are you wearing..?"
Jade: wearing mixed matched clothes from different aesthetic genres. "it's my ass kicking outfit b*tch!"
Jade: trying to sound smart but is also very tired. "steampunk is only a thing because some goths discovered the color brown."
Jade: yells at bad guys "I'm 8 ounches of whoop-ass!"
Jade: proceeds to scare everyone as a jump scare happens while watching a horror movie, then proceeds to get pelted with pillows.
Villian: "why don't you just go down and die with diginity??"
Jade: "HA jokes on you! I don't do anything with dignity!"
Jade: being forced to watch over kids and gets bored so she decides to mess with them in order to entertain herself "now remember kids, rats are the capri-suns of the vampire world!"
Jade: walks into her therapists office "hello person with a degree! I'm here to tell you why I'm broken."
Jade: franticly texting her classmates while unknowingly in a villains lair/villian territory "this is a mass text- DOES ANYONE KNOW WE'RE I AM?"
Jade: looks at her the angery rival whos busy trying to be edgy "pff, who is this sad lost child?"
Person: "hehe people love me! I'm like cupid~"
Jade: "your a whore with a bow & arrow."
Person: "lol I've never seen someone so pathetic!"
Jade: "oh, did you look in a mirror?"
Friend: "um.. why are you so quiet today?"
Jade: "no one plans murder out loud.."
Jade: "well that was fun!"
Person: "no it wasn't, we went to jail!!"
Jade: "nah, we went to Holland. Big difference."
(If you get this reference, your amazing)
Jade: "I saw a piece of shit on the ground the other day and it reminded me of you."
Iro: "yeah? Well that piece of shit probably gets more looks then your gremlin lookin' ass."
Villain: "I'm gonna kill you! I'm so powerful, not even all of you combined can stop me!"
Class 1-A: "yeah um.. we don't think Jade will let us die.. let us ask her tho." looks at jade. "hey this Villain says-"
Villain: "that's not how this works-"
Jade: looking at her classmates with a super serious expression and cracking her knuckles. "No."
Class 1-A: turns back to the Villain and shrugs. "yeah, she said no."
Jade: "you ever just think that.. sweet-tarts are just sour smarties..? And that rice is just boiled wheat?"
Person: "jade.. how high are you?"
Jade: "huh? Oh.. about, like 5'6."
Jade: "positive words of the day: if your ever sad, just remember- Doofenshmirtz's girlfriend left him for a whale."
Jade: "I'd sell you to Satan for one corn chip."
Rival: "last week when someone called me weak during training; you tackled them and broke their jaw with your bare hands out of anger."
Jade: "..."
Rival: "..."
Jade: "irrelevant."
Jade: "I don't know why people think driving is so hard, it's just like Mario cart except slower.. and you can't throw blue shells at people."
Parents: "okay.. that settles it, your never driving."
Jade: talking to a bully "I'm only gonna say this once- DO NOT f*ck with my friends. I have watched way to many crime shows, and I know how to get away with things."
Jade: "I like a nice nap, my naps can last up to 3 hours. Some call that depression- I call it nap time."
Jade: "what do you mean? I'm always calm and rational with minor inconveniences!"
Friend: "you had a mental brake down yesterday when we were out of gummy worms."
Jade: "so? Their my favorite.."
Jade: smirks while looking out the window.
Friend: "hm? What'cha smiling at over there Jade-"
Person: "she set the old golf course on fire to see what would burn."
Jade: filled with glee and holding back laughter. "Hehe-..everything's ablaze."
Jade: is out with friends one night and parents get brung up in the conversation. "..."
Jade: looks off into the distense and into the depths of the city and raises her middle finger. "f*ck you dad."
Friend: has all the sads
Jade: le gasp "don't worry! I have emotional jumper cables!"
Jade: hugs friend then locks her hands together while her arms are around them.
Friend: confused "um.. Jade, this is just a hug-.."
Jade: "yeah, but.. is it working?" smiles happily like a lil kid
Friend: "..."
Friend: "maybe.."
Jade: :D
Child Jade: "i don't understand why you are scared to meet new people, strangers are just friends you haven't met yet!"
Friend: "that's how you get mugged or murdered.."
Child Jade: "..hmmm... would they stab me with friendship..?"
Apolaki: at the theme park "how much for the horse tornado??"
Jade: "it's called a carousel.."
Amusment Park Worker: "sir, It's not for sale."
Apolaki: quietly to himself 'I must have it..!'
Person: "so you guys got kicked out of the movies? Uuh.. do i even nedd to ask why?"
Jade: "Iro and I were yelling diving scores as people were jumping of the boat in titanic."
Person: "wtf-"
Iro: "that last guy was a solid eight let me tell you."
Dad: "why can't you just be normal for once??"
Jade: "oohh I don't know, why can't you be a good father for once?"
Jade: "studying? Heh more like student dying! Am I right or am I right?"
Person: "um.. Jade, are you ok..?"
Jade: "nope! Ha ha.., I've been awake for 103 hours."
Jade: "no no no- I'm fine, it was pretty cool! I went in there and he was all like 'Knife to meet you' and then stabbed me-"
Jade: "yeah but, you don't understand- he made a PUN Gin."
Jade: "how to you orangize a galactic party?"
Rival: "I don't really care, but how?"
Jade: "hehe, you.. Planet !"
Rival: "get tf out.."
Person: "Im like Belle because she loves books and likes people for their souls."
Jade: "I'm like Tinkerbelle because she needs attention and love or else she dies."
Jade: singing "I want to see my little boy~"
Harper: walks into the room while holding up Apolaki "here he comes~!'
Jade: throwing confetti "I want to see my little boy~!"
Apolaki: *has no idea what vine is, so is very confused*
Uda over text: "I miss those bro posts, bro."
Kumoji over text: "I miss your eyes, bro."
Uda: "bro.." :0
Uda: "if I run and jump at Kumoji, he will most certainly catch me in his arms!" runs full speed at Kumoji
Kumoji: steps to the side to avoid it
Uda: runs into the wall "oOf
Jade: "um.. what'cha got there Uda?"
Uda: standing in front of a lion that he stole from the zoo, and that he put a leash & a hat on while holding a drink "a smoothie."
Jade: "I want to look like a snack this summer, but I keep f*cking eating them."
Jade: "limes are the off brand warheads of the lemon world."
Kanna: "uuh yeah hey-, what the f*ck does this mean??"
Child Jade: "when I become 99 pounds I want to eat 1 pound of sugar, so that I can be 1% candy!"
Jade: dancing around and singing like like a Disney princess "i wish to venture in the great wide somewhere~"
Kanna: opens door "you can do that, no one's stopping you."
Jade: flops onto her bed "but not today cuz I am tired~"
Person: gets a bruise or small cut "ouchies I have a boo boo! Looks like I can't do anything at all till it heals." :)
Jade: Is literally deku during the end of the training camp arc with cuts, bruises, a significant loss of blood, and two broken arms "let's do this- come at me bish."
Jade: "eh whatever, I'll do whatever I want when I'm 80."
Kanna: "if your alive by 80 I DEMAND A MEDICAL EXPLAINATION"
Jade: "you ever think about how.. the brain named itself?"
Kanna: sigh "its too early for this late night shit.."
Uda, Gin, and Jade: finds a villain disguised as a injured civilian who looks close to death
Jade: in a monokuma voice internally: "pupupupupu~ a body has been discovered!" externally: "oh no-"
Jade: "one time I passed by Kanna in the hallway. it looked like she was eating a apple, but when I got closer, I realised.. she was eating a whole bell pepper.."
Jade: puts on fancy overly bedazzled sunglasses "words can't hurt me, these shades are gucci."
Jade at the end of a long school day: "goodbye everyone! I'll remember you all in therapy."
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Dash Into My Heart - 2
Vero unsurprisingly finds it hilarious when you text her later saying you ended up following your dad’s not-as-stupid-as-initially-thought advice.
[Vero]: IM W H E E Z I N G
You don’t get the chance to correct her in saying that it’s not a date. She sends you a seventeen second voice note and it’s literally just her laughing and you make sure to leave her on read for the rest of the night.
There are multiple messages congratulating you for not being as useless of a lesbian as before (which you strongly refute because you weren't entirely useless). They turn into messages of indignation when she realizes you really aren’t going to text back. You stop checking your phone entirely when she resorts to sending you gifs of Kim Kardashian crying.
The next morning rolls around and you’re kind of… giddy? In the least, you’re unusually chipper for someone who hates the mornings and you’re glad your parents have already left for work because you’re more than sure they’d tease you to no end. You obsessively check the time, even when you know that hardly any time has passed since the last time you checked but you at least finally text Vero back.
[Lauren]: sorry I was sleep
[Vero]: since 7 pM????
[Vero]: unlikely
[Vero]: guess u were right
[Vero]: friendship cancelled
[Lauren]: help me pick out an outfit for lunch?
[Vero]: friendship MOMENTARILY resumed
You laugh because neither of you could get rid of each other even if either of you tried. She’s been your best friend since you two could walk and you’re both practically family at this point.
[Lauren]: thoughts?
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    [Vero]: more like THOTs
[Vero]: ur really not going for subtle huh hoe-regui?
[Vero]: I support it
[Lauren]: ok so I’m changing
[Vero]: unfortunate
[Lauren]: this one?
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[Vero]: screams broody hipster
[Vero]: “u prolly nevr heard of my fave band theyre really underground. theyre called the 1975”
[Lauren]: I’m going to ignore that and take my chances with broody hipster
[Vero]: not the worst choice to have made mija
[Lauren]: gee thanks ma
[Vero]: anything to help you impress your new lady friend :)
You roll your eyes at all of Vero’s responses, putting your phone away and checking your outfit once again in the mirror. Not that you’re trying to impress her though. You just want to look… non-threatening. And Camila is like, really pretty, so you want to not look like a hobo next to her. All this fluttering you’re feeling is just insanely high attraction. Yeah, that’s it.
You still had an hour to kill so you figure taking Dash out for a walk would be a good way to pass the time. You smile at all the breaks he seems to need to take because however much energy he has, his legs are just too short to keep up with all of it. He completely tires himself out after about half an hour and finally he just lays himself down under the shade of a tree and you just glare at him with your hands on your hips.
“Really? You’re gonna crap out on me now? We’re literally two blocks from the house, you lazy bum.” There’s no harshness to your tone because Dash is your lil baby and he could do no wrong even if he tried. He’s cute enough to get away with just about anything. So after another minute of him just laying there and blinking at you, you finally scoop him up in your arms and make your way back to the house.
You don’t expect to run into Camila again because it’s a quarter to noon and you wouldn’t think she’d be home yet. Except she’s currently in her driveway, arms resting on the open window of a car with a boy in it. They’re clearly talking and you hear them both laugh as your legs carry you closer. You don’t mean to stare but it’s hard not to because Camila’s back is turned to you and she has to bend over to lean on the car and- look, you can’t really stop your eyes from seeing it so you go ahead and sneak a look.
Your eyes focus back to the boy that Camila’s talking to and you try to stop your face from looking so sour. God, what’s got you all moody? You barely know this girl, she’s not that cute.
(Later you’ll find out that she really is that cute but right now you pretend you have your shit together.)
Still carrying Dash, you’ve made it to your own driveway and try not to pay any mind to Camila and whatever douchenozzle with the mustang that she’s talking to. But of course, Dash notices and barks, squirming in your arms. You set him down and he runs towards Camila, barking lightly in his approach, the younger girl immediately turning around and her face lighting up at the sight of him.
“My sweet baby!” She coos as she kneels to pick him up and Dash is quick to lick her face. You enjoy the laugh that it elicits out of the girl who finally notices you as she situates the dog in her arms.
“Hey Lauren!” Her smile when she sees you is literally so big and you can’t help returning it in kind, giving her a small wave. You hadn’t realized you were making your way towards her until you’re standing a couple feet away from her in her driveway and up close to the car with the boy she was talking to. He’s watching the both of you from the driver’s seat with an easy smile on his face but you insist he’s probably a douche anyways.
“Hey Camila, I see my dog likes you better.” You point at the way Dash is laying in her and arms and tail wagging against her hold. She laughs and kisses the top of his head and you almost audibly ‘aw’ at the sight because holy fuck this girl is cute.
“That’s because I spoil him,” she uses a baby voice as she literally coddles your dog and you hate how you smile as you watch them. It’s fucking adorable, okay?
“Oh, my bad! Lauren, this is Shawn,” she nods her head towards the douchenozzle in the mustang and he gives me a fairly friendly smile that I do my best to return.
“Shawn, this is Lauren. The one I told you about.”
Oh? She’s been talking about you?
“The one with the bat?” Shawn chuckles and you practically shrink because of course that’s why she’s been talking about you.
“I thought you were an intruder!” You insist, smacking Camila’s arm with the back of your hand. She just laughs, sticking her tongue out at you before turning back to Shawn.
“Are we going to hang out this break?”
“Yeah my parents are saving the trip home to Canada for this summer so I’ll be around. Text me whenever you’re free?”
“For sure. Thanks again for the ride home,” Camila nods as her hand scratches behind Dash’s ears. She waves at Shawn as he starts backing out of the driveway, who yells out what you think is a friendly 'nice to meet you’ before driving off. You don’t really want to say the same because 1) you’re officially the girl with the bat and 2) there’s a very petty part of you that wants to monopolize Camila’s time if only to prevent her from spending any of it with him.
Geez what the fuck is wrong with you.
You pull yourself out of your thoughts and face Camila who’s looking at you expectantly.
“So, lunch?”
You end up taking her to this Italian place because you thought taking her to your parents restaurant was just a little tacky (but the food would’ve been free so you keep it in mind for future lunches that may happen).
“Wow, you know the way to my heart don’t you?”
“What?” You stare up at Camila with wide eyes because no- that’s not- you aren’t-
“I love pizza, so you’re doing pretty well on the whole 'making it up to me’ front,” Camila gives you an easy smile and you ignore the way it makes you feel.
“That’s good. Now I have to work on convincing you that I’m not dangerous to be around. I promise I’m mostly normal.”
“Well that’s only mostly reassuring then,” she laughs and it does wonders to help calm your nerves.
“Welcome to Enzo’s, my name is Austin and I’ll be- oh! Hey Camila,” the guy who’s approached the table smiles down at the girl sitting in front of you and you do nothing short of glaring at him. Whom the fuck-
“Hey Austin,” Camila greets with a smile of her own. “I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yeah, I started a couple of weeks ago.”
“That’s cool, I could never handle being a server. I’d trip and drop everyone’s food, probably.” She jokes easily and you aren’t the biggest fan of the way she smiles at him. He doesn’t even spare you a glance as he starts fawning over Camila. You just keep glaring.
After some more idle chatting that you tune out because this boy’s voice sounds like a drone, Camila reaches for a menu, seemingly to prompt this Austin guy to remember that he’s at work.
“Oh right,” he seems to finally realize that you’re also sitting there. “What can I get you two to drink?”
“Just a water for me,” you say with a clipped tone.
“Water for me too.”
“No problem, I’ll be right back with that.” He smiles brightly at Camila, probably forgetting that you’re also sitting right there.
“I’m sure you will be,” you mutter under your breath.
If Camila heard you, she doesn’t say anything about it. But she does raise an eyebrow at you but you press forward.
“Another one of your suitors?” You try to come off as teasing but you’re worried your tone makes it sound more as petty.
“What do you mean another?” She looks genuinely confused this time.
“That Shawn guy from earlier?”
The look she gives you says hilariously disgusted and you’re kind of relieved.
“Oh god no, Shawn’s great but he’s also painfully in love with his boyfriend. He’s just the Gay Best Friend, y'know. I mean we’re both the gay best friend so, yeah.” She finishes off her mini rambling with a timid smile and she seems too nervous to look at you. You let out a breath of relief because you hadn’t even considered the possibility that she was straight. But apparently, not an issue.
“And Austin?”
“Oh definitely a suitor, but no interest in that. Gay best friend and all.”
As if he’s just waiting around the corner for one of you to mention him, Austin comes back with your drinks and asking for your order. You realize you haven’t looked at the menu once and turn to Camila.
“Just a personal cheese pizza for me.”
“Yeah, for me too.”
“Great, those will be out shortly,” Austin assures the two of you. You hope he’s not around much more, glaring at him the whole time he’s walking away. When you face Camila again she’s smirking at you and you both seem to let the topic of Austin go.
Camila turns out to be easy to talk to, even if she does more of the talking. It’s nice, letting her carry the conversation because now you don’t have to focus on fucking something up by saying something stupid. She asks you about school and she complains about hers. She’s hoping to hear back from UCLA and Berkeley, along with NYU, she’s even applied to Penn State which you get a little more than excited about.
You tell her you’re majoring in business administration with a minor in music production. She practically squeals because she genuinely thinks that’s so cool. You give her a fond smile because hardly anyone is ever really excited about something like your major and it’s like, really nice to witness.
When your food finally arrives, Austin fortunately has more tables to tend to and doesn’t stick around to try and flirt with Camila. You’re entirely prepared to spill your drink on him at any given point.
Just in case.
But you’re soon distracted by how much Camila manages to eat. She’s not a slob in any measure and it’s not as if she inhales her food but- wow she can really put it away. Where does it fucking go? She’s so damn tiny. It’s only a personal size pizza but it’s still a lot for one serving and geez hers is practically gone and you’re still working on yours-
“Does your family have any plans this winter break?” Camila’s voice cuts through your thoughts and you’re momentarily caught off guard.
“Oh uh, I don’t think so? Unless they’re surprising me with something. But they’re pretty busy with the restaurant and I’ll probably end up helping them some weekends.”
“So I’ll be seeing you around during break then?” The way she looks at you when she asks is a little more than curious and you can’t really tell if she’s smiling at you because she took a bite of her pizza after asking. Is she…flirting with you?
“If you want me to be around, I’ll be around,” you say simply. You hope it comes off as reasonably friendly but also potentially flirty. You think it does when she smiles at your answer.
“Only if you’re unarmed.”
“Oh my gaaaahd,” you groan while laying your head down, resting your forehead against the table. “I’m never going to live that down am I?”
You almost bring your head back up at Camila’s laugh, loud and welcoming. Only almost. Because this is still embarrassing.
“Not in the foreseeable future, no.” Camila’s stopped laughing but you can practically hear the smirk in her voice. “I might stick around solely to patronize you about it.”
“If I knew you were such a jerk I wouldn’t have bothered to apologize, y'know.”
“You would’ve just gone ahead and swung, wouldn’t you?”
At this you finally raise your head again to face Camila and she’s still smiling because she’s not quite done laughing at your situation. But her smile is nice so you think it’s fine.
“I probably would’ve swung. Conveniently excused because I thought you were an intruder. Which is true,” you reason. 
“Wow, who’s the bigger jerk here?”
“You! A nice person would’ve understood it was a mistake and that I misread the situation.”
“But it was funny and no harm done so it’s safe to tease,” Camila sticks her tongue out at you before returning to her last slice of pizza.
That’s not how I want you to tease me though.
You shake your head of your thoughts because totally not the time. And definitely not the place.
“You’re an ass. You’re paying for your own food,” you stick your tongue out to her in return.
“Woah hey, I was totally kidding. All jokes are done, no more teasing, I promise!” She gives you a toothy smile that is not at all convincing.
“Unlikely, but okay. Do you have any plans for your break then?” You kind of (really) hope she doesn’t.
“Probably just get dragged to a few parties my friends want to go to.”
“Not into parties?”
Camila scrunches her nose, shaking her head. “Not really. I don’t hate them but I need to really be in the mood for one and when it’s too crowded it stresses me out because I can’t be for sure about an escape route. And also the possibility of getting trampled.”
“I- oh.” It’s all you can say because you weren’t expecting that answer. “Well that makes sense when I think about it. I like parties better when I’m high.”
“Never tried at a party. Maybe I’d like them better if I were high too,” she muses.
“That can be arranged,” you offer. She simply gasps, dramatically clutching her chest.
“First attempted assault and now illegal substance use? You may be mostly normal but you sure are a bad influence, Jauregui.”
“You just said you’d try it!”
“I am a child of god, too good for the devil’s lettuce,” Camila says calmly, straightening her posture and turning her nose up at you. She looks and sounds a little ridiculous and you kind of want to kiss her.
“Devil’s lettuce? You’re so full of it shit. You’re probably a huge sinner,” you insist.
“I’m pure!”
“Lying is a sin and you’re also gay so you’re basically a huge heathen,” you smirk as her jaw drops in disbelief.
“I didn’t realize dragging me is your way of making it up to someone,” Camila grumbles and you’re so completely endeared when she pouts that you almost apologize. Almost.
“So you agree? You’re a filthy and impure sinner?”
“Anyways, where’s the check?
You might have been a little worried about how lunch was going to go because Camila is really cute while simultaneously being really hot and you’re kind of easily distracted. But she laughs the whole time and she’s easy to talk to in the way that banter isn’t forced and jokes don’t go too far. It went really really well and you may or may not be driving just above the speed limit to make the ride home as long as possible, short of making a giant ass circle around your neighborhood.
The ride is full of her dramatically performing each song on the radio and you’re almost upset that you had to drive because you want to be able to properly see her act like a complete idiot. At some point along the way you consider how at ease Camila seems to be, belting songs out in your car as if she hasn’t just met you. And you figure that yeah, she makes you a little nervous, but she’s also really comfortable and you haven’t felt like you needed to second guess yourself at all. You don’t realise it but you smile the whole way home.
When you park (in your own driveway), you decide to talk Camila to her door because that’s polite, right? No ulterior motives.
"So, how’d I do?” you ask as you approach her front steps.
“Making it up to you. How’d I do?”
“Well considering you called me a filthy heathen earlier, I’m gonna have to say not so great,” she gives you a playfully disapproving look. “I guess you’re just going to have to make it up to me some more.”
She’s looking at you with a lopsided grin and you bite your lip because now you definitely want to kiss her. And honestly if you don’t get your hormones in check-
“Oh geez,” you start. “I have to spend even more time with you?” You pretend to be completely burdened with the idea and you’re pretty sure she sees right through you, if the excited smile on your face is any giveaway. She lightly shoves your shoulder but she giggles too so you know it’s okay. You’re both standing in front of her house now and you’re practically waiting for her to tell you to leave because you can’t seem to say bye.
“Well, do you maybe want to come inside so you can finish making it up to me?”
And you really hate yourself sometimes because you have no business turning her words into something they’re not. The innocent look she gives you makes it clear that she doesn’t consider how… suggestive her words are and you’re left with your mouth hanging a little and staring. Because you are very much aware of how suggestive it sounds and now your mind is so far deep in the gutter imagining Camila-
You realise you must’ve been staring for some time because Camila gives you a strange look and you immediately clear your head of those thoughts.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about if I had anything to do today.” You mentally high five yourself for avoiding looking like a complete ass.
“Oh, well if you’re busy we could just hang out another time-”
“No, I’m free,” you say a little too quickly. You clear your throat and speak a little slower this time. “Y'know, so we can get this over with,” you motion with your hands like you’re waving her off. She swats at your arm and rolls her eyes as she turns to open her front door.
“Oh whatever you already love my company, I can already tell.”
“Uh huh. Okay,” you nod dubiously, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Don’t be an ass, this is just like that time you almost swung a bat at me. Do you remember that?” she sends you a cheeky smile as you two enter her house you stop right at the doorway.
“Wooooow, I suddenly remembered that I have to go vacuum my…roof.” you say without conviction, glaring as best you can at her.
Camila throws her head back in a throaty laugh, reaching for your arm when you pretend to turn to leave (because you both know you’re going nowhere).
“Nooo, I was kidding. I’m sure your roof can stand to wait another day to be vacuumed.”
“Mm I don’t know,” you pretend to contemplate. “It’s kind of been a while since anyone’s done it.” You have to mentally hold yourself together when she pouts and you’re literally seconds away from taking it back when she speaks up.
“Okay fine then. I already love your company. So stay? Just for a lil bit?”
What she’s giving you right now is a practiced puppy dog look, you can just fucking tell. She knows- she fucking knows what it does to people. If you weren’t already going to stay anyways, this would’ve been what convinced you. Not that it would’ve taken much since you’re a sucker for a cute girl and Camila is downright adorable. Who loves (!!!) your company. 
“I suppose I could stay then,” you sigh dramatically as if you aren’t mentally squealing. “You know, since you like me so much.” Nudging her shoulder with yours, you give her a shit eating grin and she’s back to rolling her eyes at you.
You figure it’s okay to admit to yourself (and only yourself) that you like Camila’s company just as much.
wattpad: @taller-smol
thanks for reading babes
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