#i been thinking about the love of the ordinary thigs lately
Before class a friend opened a bowl of fresh grapes and another peeled a tangerine and we shared grapes and citrus berries between us and I thought this is what life should be like. I love all of you. I love all of you and want us to eat well
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The Girl He Fell in Love With
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*Not my Gif*
Request: 😊💞 hope youre doing well and staying healthy! Could i request something for remus where theyre just friends and shes sort of falling into the wrong crowd and falling for a guy who isnt any good for her and it causes her and remus to get into an argument and his feelings are revealed in some way?
Requested by: Anon
Post Date: 3-27-20
Paring: Remus Lupin x Reader
Word Count: 2.7K
~Master List~
~Harry Potter Master~
To say that Remus wasn’t aware of the changes in your life would be an understatement. You were friends to say the least, but Remus knew that he always wanted more. You and Remus were as thick as thieves. But lately you’ve been hanging out with people he never thought you would. He watched you hang out with some mangy Slytherin, he couldn’t help but stare from across the courtyard. He knew what you looked like when you were flirting.
The flip of a hair, incessant touching, and constant obviously fake laughter.
All the things you were doing to the Slytherin. You didn’t know Remus was staring at you until you saw him making his way over, his steps much larger than they typically would as you and the looked up at him. You offered your oldest friend a smile before your eyes widened.
“Oh Rem! This is Micah Bottman. Micah, Remus Lupin.” Remus narrowed his eyes at the boy who snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and smirked.
“Nice to meet you, Rem.” Micah said using your nickname as he extended out a hand to Remus who looked at it almost disgusted.
“It’s Remus to you.” He practically growled out as you moved your attention off Micah, looking at Remus with wide eyes. Remus didn’t acknowledge your look as he continued to glare at the boy who was way to close to you for Remus’ comfort. “You ready to go Y/N?” he asked, referring to your promise to study with him.
You nodded, telling Micah goodbye before you walked away with Remus. His jaw was set as you looked up at him. “What’s wrong with you?” you asked, nudging his arm but Remus did speak. You stopped walking, pulling him to look at you. “Moony, what’s wrong?”
“Since when do you hang out with him?” he blurted out, shoving his hands in his pockets. You were slightly taken back by his question as you looked at him.
“Since we were assigned partners for potions.” You crossed your arms as Remus spared a glance back at the Slytherin, seeing his friends now occupying the spot you were in. “Since when do you care who I hang out with?”
Remus looked at you as if you had a third head. “Since always. You’re my best friend, Y/N. Think I’d let you get corrupted by that…” he gestured over to the boy, seeing him slap his friend in the back of the head, “that snake.”
“He’s not all bad Rem. He’s actually kind of nice.” You defended him, moving on pass Remus to the library. Remus cocked a brow at you as he chased after you.
“Nice? Nice? You think he’s nice? Of course, he’s nice Y/N, he’s trying to get in your pants!” You had to hold back a scoff as you balled your fists and rolled your eyes.
“Whatever Remus. Can we not talk about him and just focus on charms please?” You asked when you saw the Remus. Remus sighed but nodded, dropping the conversation but not letting it go in his head.
You took a seat at an empty table, tossing your bag on top haphazardly as Remus took a seat across, pulling his books out. You took your seat as well, pulling your books and letting your bag drop to the floor. Remus exhaled sadly before digging his nose into his book. Your eyes glanced over the words on your page, trying to get you to comprehend them but you couldn’t. Not when Remus was sitting right across from you, his lips downturned and a crease between his brows and you found yourself staring longer than you meant before you pulled yourself to focus on your book, internally groaning.
Damned crush.
The next few days went by and Remus found himself loosing you more and more. The number of times he actually got to see alone during the day dwindled, but the number of times he saw you with him increased. His friends quickly caught onto Remus’ attitude one day during breakfast as Remus glared daggers into the back of Bottman’s head.
“Moony, stop staring or she’ll catch you.” Sirius spoke in between bites of his breakfast as he nudged Remus. Remus didn’t move, choosing to risk you turning around. He watched you socialize with them and the way they bullied the first years. Sure, he and his friends pranked them, but they never stole their wands and taunted them. Remus expected you to stop them, but you weren’t. Instead you were too busy talking to Bottman and throwing your head back in laughter.
“Mate.” James said, snapping his hands in front of Remus. Remus pulled his eyes away rather reluctantly to look at his best friends. “You have to let it go, okay?” Remus knew James was right but letting you go was easier said than done. He nodded to his friend, focusing instead on the pancakes in front of him as James, Peter, and Sirius exchange worried glances regarding their friend.
Remus had relaxed slightly, feeling the tension in his shoulders dissipate when James made a dumb joke, causing all of them to laugh. He had almost forgot about you and Micah. That is until a loud thud and a couple of clatters coming from where you all were sitting followed by loud hearty laughs that matched the marauders own. Remus didn’t hesitate to look over in a second, seeing what he assumed was a first-year boy laying on the ground with cups and plates scattered around him.
“What happened?” he heard James mutter as several others asked their own variations, but Remus paid them no attention. The only thig we was focused on was the way your lips curled into a slight smile at the sight of the younger boy crying.
The Y/N he knew would never do that.
That night Remus waited for you to arrive back at the common room. When curfew rolled around and there was no sign of you, he got slightly worried. James, Sirius and Peter tried to convince him that you were fine but even they knew I was pointless, and they were worried too.
Almost an hour after curfew you strolled into the common room, a dumb smile on your face that fell when you were met with four fuming marauders. “Hey boys.” You played innocent, trying to slip past them but Remus grabbed your arm, gentler than you thought he would in this situation. “What can I do for you Rem?”
“Where the bloody hell were you?” you were surprised when Sirius was the one who spoke up instead of Remus, although the latter was currently scanning your face for anything out of the ordinary.
“I was out.”
“Yeah? No shit. Where?” he asked again as you rolled your eyes and groaned.
“I was alone. If that’s what you were wondering.” You snatched your arm out of Remus’ hand as his eyes narrowed at you.
“Alone?” Remus asked as you held back another eye roll.
“Yes Remus, believe it or not I wasn’t with anyone. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to get to bed.” You turned around to leave before stopping, remembering the bag on your hip. Remus was watching you amazed, rooted in his spot as you turned around to look into his eyes.
Taking a step forward, you reached into your bag, pulling out Potter’s invisibility cape as he gasped, taking it quickly from you. “You took this? I thought I misplaced it!”
“You thought it turned invisible.” Peter said looking as confused as ever. Sirius nudged him, telling him to cut it out before the three boys looked between you and Remus. Remus’ jaw was practically locked as you both stared into each other’s eyes. James motioned to the others before patting Remus on the back and telling him they’d be in the room.
You stayed silent until they left, leaving just you and Remus in the oddly silent common room. “Remus-“
“What happened to you?” he cut you off. You were slightly taken back by his words as you crossed your arms.
“What are you talking about? So what? I’m a little late for curfew. I didn’t know you were going to bust me for it.”
“You never miss curfew. You gave James a bloody lecture on it last year when he used his cape. The same cape that you stole, might I add. Since when do you steal things Y/N?” you scoffed as you looked away from the boy, refusing to let his words have any affect on you.
“Can you give me the bad girl lecture tomorrow Rem? I just want to go to bed.” You tried to wake back to your room, but Remus got in your way.
“And what about what happened at breakfast? You laughed when your ‘friends’ made the first-year cry.” You narrowed your eyes at him, stepping forward to challenge him.
“It was funny.”
It was Remus’ turn to be taken back at your words. “Funny? Where’s the Y/N who would’ve helped the first year? Huh?” He glared down at you as you looked away, biting back your comments and letting him get it out of his system. Remus was mad. No, he was far past mad. The words and feelings he had pent up for a while came pouring out and he was in no control of it. “Where’s the Y/N who cared about her friends and who spent time with them? Where’s the Y/N who full moon after full moon made sure I was alright and feeling normal again? Where’s that Y/N?!”
You couldn’t help but admit his words were hitting home a little. He was right and you knew it. Lately, hanging out with the Slytherins, it didn’t feel like you. You could feel tears start to prickle in your eyes as you listened to Remus freely let his feelings fly. “Where’s my best friend?! Because the girl standing in front of me right now is definitely who I fell in love with.”
You knew Remus hadn’t processed anything he just said by the way he looked at. Full of rage and disappointment but you didn’t care. His words just punch you in the heart.
“You’re in love with me?” Your voice cracked but you didn’t care. You needed to know the truth and you needed to know it now.
Remus blinked back his own tears, one fallen during his speech as he looked down at you. “What?” He hadn’t heard himself say those words.
“You just said-“ you swallowed, taking a deep breath that felt like it was burning your throat. “You said I wasn’t the same girl you fell in love with. Y-you love me.”
Almost as if someone dumped cold water on Remus’ head, his words finally reached his brain. He knew he was too far in now to deny it, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. “No.” you were about to shake your head, telling him you heard him before he gave you a meek smile. “I loved you. This you, the one hanging out with snakes and not caring about anyone else, I have no interest being in love with.”
Remus turned around, wiping away the tears staining his cheeks as he let you go, heading up to his room. If you were smart, maybe you would’ve shouted you were in love with him too.
In love as in present tense.
But right now, all the words you knew betrayed you and Remus disappeared up the stairs, leaving you with tears continuing to fall alone in the common room.
Remus didn’t say anything when he entered his shared room, falling onto his bed before the others could even look at him. They all knew of Remus’ feelings for you and if he came up here this upset, then it’s a subject better left for another day.
The next morning wasn’t treating Remus any better, he didn’t want to get up but his friends made him, literally pulling him out of bed and into his robe. He trudged down to breakfast by their side but he refused to say anything, his friends understanding completely. He ignored their pity glances as he bit into his toast, throwing it back on his plate when he was done. He heard a slight commotion coming from the Slytherin table and against his right mind he looked over. The sight before him made his jaw drop.
That damned Micah Bottman was sporting a fresh blackeye.
Remus looked for you, but he couldn’t see you amongst the Slytherins asking if he was alright. He almost gave up before James leaned over to Marlene, asking if she knew what happened. She smiled as she nodded. “Apparently Y/L/N has got a great left hook.”
Remus felt the air leave his lungs as he stared at the blonde. James and Sirius both started to ask her more questions about what happened, knowing she was the most well informed gossip. “I heard she tried to tell him off about what happened yesterday, you know with the first year. Bottman said something she didn’t like, and she took a swing. Next second, Bottman’s seeing stars.”
Remus had heard enough. He heard enough the moment he learned you tried to tell Bottman that you didn’t approve of his actions.
Maybe his girl was still in there.
He knew you’d be by the black lake as he took off running out the great hall, the cold air smacking him in his face when he left the castle. Just like he assumed, he found you with you seated against the trees with your knees curled up to your chest. One look down at your knuckles told you they were going to be pink for a while.
He took a deep breath, taking a step towards you. “Heard you can throw a punch.” He said as you jumped in your spot, not expecting Remus to have chased after you. Remus’ face dropped a little seeing the tears falling from your eyes. “You should put some ice on that.”
“I love you.” You blurted out without much thought. Remus gasped quickly before sighing, moving to sit on the ground next to you.
“No. It’s your turn to listen to me.” Remus stared into your eyes before nodding. “I’m in love with you Remus. I always have been. But you were my best friend and I didn’t want to ruin what we had because of my stupid feelings. I thought that Micah- Bottman, would help me move on. But he was a jerk.” Remus’ eyes widened as he nodded in agreement, making you chuckle slightly before continuing on. “I didn’t realize that in the process of me moving on from you, I was throwing away our friendship. I never meant to Rem. I swear to you, I don’t want to be that girl anymore.”
Remus brought a hand up to your face, wiping a tear on your cheek and brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “Then who do you want to be?” He whispered.
“I want to be the girl you fell in love with.” Your voice was smaller than Remus had ever heard and he knew you were telling the truth. His hand moved to cup your cheek, his fingers tickling your jaw as he crashed your lips his.
You put all you had into the kiss knowing that if when you pulled apart and Remus still didn’t want you, at least he knew how you truly felt.
When you finally had to pull away for air, you let your eyes flutter close and your forehead pressed against his. Remus listened to you breathe as he looked at the content expression on your face making Remus’ next words much simpler.
“I love you.” Your mouth pulled into a smile before you could open your eyes, coming face to face with Remus’ beautifully scarred face. He gave you a goofy smile as you bit your lip.
“Really? You’re not just saying that because you kissed me?” He nodded as you felt relief wash over your entire body and you leaned in for another kiss.
“Good. Cause I love you too.” Remus moved to sit against the tree before pulling you on his lap, letting you rest your head on his shoulder and the two of you staring out into the lake with your fingers held together. Remus looked down at you, kissing the top of your head before smiling.
There was the girl he fell in love with.
A/N: Hope this is what you wanted! I didn’t know if you wanted a happy ending or not, so I apologize and hope you enjoy! (Btw I used a random name generator for the name 😂)
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Remus: @serenefreakgeek
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pilyarquitect · 5 years
ohh i loved ur gene oneshot. can u please do another one with faris protecting him from merlock.
76. "You're not alone, I'm right here."
Faris Djinn jumped roof by roof, he found out that travel through the roofs was faster than go walking or running for the streets. Djinn was back in Duckburg, with a self-imposed mission. Faris heard that Merlock’d returned, he knew that the meaning of this fact. Faris knew perfectly well that with Merlock close, Gene the Genie would be in a great danger.
“I hope I’m not late”
Djinn learned since he was a child some old stories told by his family that Gene was a friend of his predecessor, the Genie that fall in love and lost his powers. Knowing that both genies where friends, Faris felt the need to protect Gene, he owed this to him, for his old friendship with his predecessor.
Faris also knew that Gene was living in the McDuck manor. The rich duck founded Gene’s lamp in one of his adventures where he went with the kids, and even if Gene still didn’t fulfill Scrooge’s three wishes, the richest duck in the world allowed the Genie to live with them, giving Gene the chance to live like an ordinary person. That was a nice move from Scrooge, even if in Faris opinion he’d give Gene the freedom.
Djinn jumped to another building and his goal appeared at his eyes.
The McDuck manor.
Faris could just wish that it wasn’t too late to save Gene from Merlock’s hands. Djinn sighed, the night seemed to be very calm, nothing was moving around, everything was quiet, everything-
Suddenly, the ground started to tremble. Faris almost fall because of this unexpected earth movement. The just arrived to Duckburg raised his eyes and what he saw made him gasp in surprise. The McDuck manor started to rise in the sky. What was going on?
Oh no, could it be…? Djinn ran as fast as he could and he arrived to hang on a tree’s root just in time. From there, he managed to climb to the manor. After a lot of effort, he finally got to the building and then, he managed to get in without being noticed.
Djinn moved through the hallways and then he arrived to the living. Once he was there, the first thig he saw was the entire McDuck family chained up together. Their ghost manservant was trapped inside a special glass box that didn’t let him go through the glass. Merlock was staring in front of the trapped family, with Gene floating next to him.
With a closer look Djinn found Gene’s lamp there, with Merlock’s amulet (that allowed the dark sorcerer the chance to get all the wishes he wanted) on it. Suddenly Merlock started to laugh and with joy voice he said to the chained family:
“You Scrooge, I won, I always win”
Scrooge narrowed his eyes and talking with angry voice, he said:
“Oh, don’t be so arrogant, the ones that are like you always lose, at the end”
Merlock laughed more than before and with joyful voice he looked at Gene and he replied saying:
“Are you sure about that? I’ve the genie under my complete control, even if you manage to get the lamp, he’s under a spell, he’ll never obey you”
“I still have my three wishes; he’ll have to fulfill them!” shouted Scrooge struggling to get free from his chains. The movements he made produced disagreement noises from the rest of the family who suddenly found themselves pushed by their family head.
Merlock smiled and shocking slowly his head, he answered to the rich duck:
“No, no, no Scrooge it won’t work, he won’t fulfill your wishes, my spell won’t allow anyone but me get their wishes, there’s no person alive that could ever break my spell, is a very special one”
Merlock laughed again and shrugging, he suddenly admitted:
“Well actually, there’s maybe one kind of people who could break it”
“Who?” asked Della, Faris learned her name during the moonvasion, and he also discovered that she was the triplets’ mom.
Merlock looked at the duck women with a giant smile and he answered to her:
“Another genie or… something impossible, a descendant of a genie”
Really? that was unexpected and a completely lucky movement, if just Merlock knew who was him, he wouldn’t explained that.
Completely ignorant of his presence, the dark sorcerer continued talking:
“So, who cares? You’ll never be able to escape and you’ll never be able to find someone capable to break my spell”
Djinn decided that it was time to move, running fast and stealthily, he managed to get the lamp, once in his hands, he turned to Merlock and called him saying:
“You monster! How’d you dare to do this to my friends?!”
All the people turned to look at him, the McDuck-Duck family was obviously happy to see him, while the dark sorcerer and Gene were completely confused for this intruder presence. Looking at him, he noticed that he’d taken the lamp, this made Merlock completely furious, and with dangerous voice, he shouted:
“What? Who are you?”
“My person doesn’t matter! What matters is what I’ll do” was Faris answer.
His words, made Merlock laugh, if just he knew… Merlock looked at him and he said with mocking voice:
“Oh really? and what exactly will you do?”
“I’ll ask for my wishes” answered Faris raising the lamp to let Merlock see it. The dark sorcerer laughed more than before and he said then:
“Fool, didn’t you listen to me?”
“I listen to you, and because of that I know I can do it! Are you ready Gene?” answered Djinn again and taking the amulet off of the lamp at the same time.
Gene looked surprised, and a little shocked, he answered:
“Y-yes… are you sure about that?”
“Trust me” said Faris with a confident smile in his face. Then with hard expression, Faris shouted:
“I wish you to leave Merlock without any kind of powers!”
Gene smiled, he probably discovered that he could fulfill this wish, so with a giant smile in his face he said:
“As you wish, new and cool master”
Gene fulfilled Faris wish, and this produced that Merlock’s face changed completely and confusion mixed with anger appeared on his expression when he felt his powers leaving him. Then with shocked voice he shouted:
“What? No! that’s impossible! How could you-?”
“I’m a genie’s descendant” said Faris with a confidant smile.
Merlock’s face turned to white and completely furious he screamed:
Now was Djinn turn to laugh and with joyful voice, he said to the dark sorcerer:
“You think so? Gene, I wish you to fix all the damage Merlock has done that includes of course free our friends”
“Immediately!” answered Gene with a joyful smile in his face and instantly fulfilled Djinn second’s wish.
At this point, Merlock was clearly scared, his since now sure victory was destroyed, and he was defeated and without powers. He had nothing.
“No, no, no! What have you done?!” screamed Merlock staring at Djinn a deadly look.
Faris took a step forwards and he answered with strong voice at the same time that he drew his sword:
“I did, what I had to do, now prepare to be defeated for my sword”
Merlock’s eyes opened in fear, and taking some steps back, he said:
“This won’t end like this! I’ll take my revenge!”
Merlock turned his body and started to run, scaping from there. Djinn considered on following him, but he thought it’d be a waste of time, he was powerless now, just a normal man like the others. Turning to the rest of the presents, he said:
“It’s over now”
All the presents in the room smiled except one. Faris turned to him and with worried voice, he asked:
“Gene? What happens?”
Gene looked at him with an obvious scared face, and then with trembling voice, he answered:
“You’ve heard him, he’ll come back to take his revenge, even without powers he’s dangerous, none close to me is safe”
"What are you talking about Gene?” asked Faris. Gene looked at him and a little confused, he asked:
Djinn looked at him gentle and then he answered:
“You're not alone, I'm right here. He’ll never hurt you again, okay?"
Gene sobbed and still with trembling voice, he said then:
“Y-yes, but… who are you anyway?”
Faris smiled and with happy voice, he said:
“I’ve already said it, I’m a genie descendant, and I’ll add that you probably knew him, he was my great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandfather, his name was-”
“Jinn! You’re talking about Jinn, aren’t you?” said Gene cutting Djinn explanation. Faris smiled more than before and then he answered:
“Yes, he was released from his lamp and got married”
Gene looked nostalgic and then he talked again:
“Yes… I heard about that; he was plenty of happiness while he lived. So you… you’re a descendant of Jinn?”
Djinn nodded and Gene’s smile increased waching it, he seemed plenty of happy knowing that he was free from Merlock now thank to a descendant of an old friend.
But Gene’s happiness was about to be absolutely complete when Scrooge McDuck talked suddenly saying:
“Lad… after all what happened, I’ve been thinking, and I realized that you’ll only be free and safe from Merlock if aren’t a genie anymore, just Gene”
“Does it mean…?” started to ask Gene looking at the rich duck with his eyes totally opened and a shock expression in his face.
Scrooge nodded at him with a smile in his beak, and then turning to Faris, the richest duck in the world, said:
“Djinn? Do you want to do the honors?”
“It’ll be a pleasure” answered Faris smiling to. Then he turned to Gene and formulated his last wish:
“Gene, I wish your freedom”
The lamp started to levitate at the same time that a light covered it and Gene. When the light disappeared, Gene and the lamp fallen to the ground. Slowly, Gene got up looking at his hands, his smile got bigger. Suddenly, he ran to Scrooge and hugged him saying:
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Scrooge laughed and pointing at Faris, he said:
“Don’t say it to me, say it to Djinn, he is the real hero here”
Gene smiled at him gentely and repeated the process to run to Faris an hug him. Djinn accepted the hug and returned it to the ex-genie.
While they were hugging, Scrooge approached to them and putting a hand on Faris shoulder, he said to him:
“Lad, your predecessors would be very proud of you”
Djinn looked at the rich and totally grateful for his word, he said:
“Thank you Mr. McDuck”
That night, all the family made a special dinner with Faris and Gene to celebrate their great victory over the dark sorcerer Merlock.
In this all Saint day, I give you a new one-shot request, I got three requests with Faris Djinn and Gene the Genie so I hope you won’t mind it I put all of them together.
I’ve other requests to do, I know, but my time to write’s been incredibly decreased, so the updates for the new requests will be more distant each other. Even that, I promise that I’ll try to do all of them.
After saying that, I got a request with count dckula. I’ve to be honest, I’ve never seen this show, so I’ve no idea how to do this request :’( I’m so sorry.
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