#i bet tumblr will fuc them up anyways
danurso · 5 years
Moar colorguard pls (OWO)
*the girls are discussing over who gets to sleep with jaune, the discussion doesn't seems to be going anywhere, until yang gives them an idea*
Yang: okay, okay, let's make a deal then, the first one to make jaune blush can sleep with him tonight, deal?
Jaune: *deadpans* you know this is a really stupid way of deciding it right?
Yang: shush, you have no right to vote on this.
Blake: i'll do it.
Ruby: im in!
Weiss: sounds interesting.
Pyrrha: c-couldn't we decide this in another way?
Yang: sorry p-money, but the majority decided, it's easy, you just need to flirt with him or do something sexy enough to make him embarrassed.
Pyrrha: b-but i don't know how to do this.
Blake: don't worry, i'll make him blush anyways so you don't have to worry about that.
Ruby: only after i do it.
Jaune: *sigh* you all know i'm still here right?
Yang: i'll go first! *gets closer to jaune* hey there ladykiller, mind if i stay here tonight? All those classes lately got me so stressed, and i need my knight's help to relax, if you help me i'll make sure to help you out. *licks her lips and pulls her shirt a bit* my babies here are so soft and warm, and they want to help you out really badly too. So, what do you say ladykiller?
Jaune: *unamused* i say next time don't explain a bet in front of the victim, it loses the effect and just annoys me.
Yang: wha- *sighs* goddammit.
Ruby: my turn! *gets closer to jaune, sitting on his lap and drawing imaginary shapes on his chest with her finger* so, jaune, why don't you redden your cheeks just a bit for me, if you do, i can reward you, making you feel good in all places i know you like, so, what do you think?
Jaune: i think you need more practice with this.
Ruby: *pouts with crossed arms and sits back on her place*
Weiss: i guess it's my turn. *gets closer to jaune* jaune, i need your help. i've been feeling this itch for a while, and whenever you're closer it only gets stronger, unfortunately i can't scratch it, but i think you have something big enough to help me, if you do, i'll be sure to retribute the favor, even if you want to. . .explore new areas. So, can you help me please?
Jaune: if you're feeling itchy then you should go to the infirmary, i don't think i can help you with that.
Weiss: *goes back to her place with an undignified look* i really hate you sometimes.
Blake: so jaune, why don't you let me stay her with you tonight, we can play our little game you know, we can *okay, i'll censor that cause despite writing spicy stuff from time to time, what blake is saying is a long and VERY nsfw speech, and if i don't censor it, i will be demonetized by youtube, even if this is tumblr* so, are you interested?
Ruby/Weiss/Pyrrha: *speechless and with massive blushes on their faces*
Yang: *blushing* wow, that's some really hardcore stuff, who knew blake was the most perverted out of all of us.
Jaune: blake, you're not flirting, you're describing our usual intercourse.
RWY/Pyrrha: *chokes* what!?
Blake: *sighs* i thought so, but at least i tried.
Yang: damn ladykiller, all of that and you still didn't blushed, when did you got so good at this.
Jaune: when? I've been dating the five hottest girls on remnant for a year now, if i didn't got used to see and hear a few sexy things i would always be a flustred mess.
PRWBY: *blushes slightly*
Yang: so, no one made him blush, that means we're back to the start.
Pyrrha: w-well-
Ruby: thats right, pyrrha didn't had her turn yet.
Pyrrha: n-no, it's not that, i was just saying that-
Yang: come on, don't be shy, just try it.
Blake: don't you think it's a bit too much for her? pyrrha is way too innocent for that, she can't say dirty things like us.
Pyrrha: y-yes i can!
Blake: really? then curse.
Pyrrha: er. . .h-he-heck!
Ruby: err. . .pyrrha, heck isn't a curse.
Pyrrha: w-what?
Yang: yeah, curses are more like "fuck!" or "shit!"
Pyrrha: fu. . .fu. . .f-fu. . .f-f-fuc-i can't do it! *buries her face in her palms*
Ruby: its okay pyrrha, not everyone is made for this. *pats her back*
Pyrrha: i know, but it still hurts *looks to jaune* i wanted to be able to say things like that as well, sorry jaune.
Jaune: hey, don't worry, i don't mind.
Pyrrha: i know, its just that i wanted to do these. . . *blushes* naughty things for you as well, i-i wanted to dress up in s-sexy outfits or say something dirty to you but i can't.
Jaune: i know, but i don't really care for that, i love you the way you are.
Pyrrha: *looks at him with a tender smile* i know, i think it's kinda funny now to remember of when we first met, you were so clumsy and funny, but also you had a golden heart and treated me like no one else did before, it made me so happy. . .i think i fell in love with you since we first met, and until today, i still love you, with all your flaws and mistakes, i don't think i can ever stop loving you so much as i do today. *smiles brightly at him*
Jaune: *looks away with a blush and sheepish smile* t-thanks pyr, it means a lot to me.
Weiss: wait, did you just blush!?
Jaune: what? no.
Blake: so this is what really gets you embarrassed.
Jaune: i-it doesn't, forget about it!
Weiss: we said all those dirty things but you ended blushing to her pure and innocent feelings?
Jaune: i didn't!
Ruby: yes you did!
Jaune: no i didn't!
Yang: well, i can't really blame pyrrha, its was the same to me, after losing both of my mothers i ended up raising a barrier, i thought i could only count with myself to everything and that i should always help the others without accepting being helped back, jaune broke down these barriers and showed me that it isn't that bad being weak sometimes, even more it its with the person you love, so thanks jaune, i love you.
Jaune: *blushing deeply* y-yang i-i-i-
Jaune: w-wait! Did you just-
Yang: sorry ladykiller, but i needed to prove my point. Besides, it's not like i lied or anything.
Jaune: *massaging his temples* why did i even agree on dating you.
Yang: cause you love me, duh~
Jaune: *sighs* me and my stupid heart.
Yang: welp, let's go now girls, pyrrha won fair and square so she gets jaune for tonight.
Weiss: you're accepting the defeat way better than i expected.
Yang: *grins* defeat? What defeat? I might have lost the game, but i learned something new, and that to me is way better than winning the game.
Weiss: *deadpans* i should've guessed. *gets up* well, i think it's better if we leave them already.
Jaune: good night girls *kisses them*
RWBY: good night *leaves*
Jaune: so?
Pyrrha: w-what?
Jaune: you won didn't you? Do you have something in mind you wanna do?
Pyrrha: *blushing* well. . .there's one thing.
*a few minutes later*
Jaune: *spooning pyrrha* comfortable?
Pyrrha: *with a light pink on her cheeks and a bright smile* yes.
Jaune: good night pyrrha.
Pyrrha: good night jaune.
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