#i bet you regret asking me this question 🤣
boojangs · 11 months
I wonder what kind of schedule do the Nevermore kids have in YMU universe 🤔🥺 poor babies are so busy and Enid has so many clubs and activities on top, how long do you keep her in school for? ❤️🙏🏻 😂
I have an excel spreadsheet with their class and club schedules, same as I did for HAA. Typically their school day runs from 8-230. Breakfast at 7, lunch at 1, dinner at 6.
Enid has dance on Tuesdays at 3, Art on Wednesdays at 4. Dance club runs two hours, art only one.
Wednesday coincides Enid's busy days with when she sees Eugene for Bee club, so also Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Sometimes she'll sit with him if Enid has to work.
They fence Monday, Thursday, and Friday, directly after school, usually for two-three hours, depending on whether they are preparing for competition or just practicing.
Enid isn't working at the Weathervane right now because she's been so busy worrying about the poe cup, Wednesday's birthday, the book, AMONGST OTHER THINGS 😂, or she'd be working three days a week 4-8 close.
Because Wednesday is Wednesday, she usually gets all her work done immediately after classes or clubs, which also put Enid in the habit of getting her work done immediately after classes on her free days. Then they get dinner.
So those two can start actively fucking around with each other around 7pm. HOPE THIS HELPS 🤣
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vendetta-if · 2 years
hullo, hullo! i sent an ask the other day but i’m not sure it got through to you😔. i’ll type it again for you <33
i love, love, love your if. the characters are perfectly fleshed out and the lore and story are just- mwah. perfection. but. butt(see what i did there? ;3c). take care of yourself. i keep getting surprised at how quickly you keep posting updates (at least that’s what it feels like to me. i have school and stuff so homework is taking up a lot of my free time🙃). take breaks, get enough sleep, don’t skip meals, and look at cat memes (cats are superior). also take care of your hands. i write as a hobby so i know the pain of sore hands. with the amount of words you type/write, my hands are crying out for yours. take breaks when your hands start to hurt so nothing bad happens to them.
anyways (onto the actually ask part of this. sorry for the long lecture lol), i was wondering how would the ROs react to an MC that sang as a side hustle (i’m in my schools choir. our concert was tonight). would they go to MCs impromptu concerts (they may sing in bars or cafes, etc.) or wait for MC to get home and request a lullaby or something? (idk if i explained that well. i’m terrible at explaining things😭)
have a lovely day/night!❤️❤️
Oh, yes, I actually have your ask in my drafts as I was in the middle of answering it 😄 But it’s okay, I’ll move the answers to this one instead 🥰 First of all, thank you so much for the kind words and the concern 😊
Some days, I can be really busy with some irl stuff, but I spent most of my free time working on this project, including writing the main story, side stories and other exclusive contents. I tried to answer asks whenever I can, but as some of you can probably see, it’s getting harder to find enough slivers of my free time to answer a lot of asks everyday, unfortunately.
But if I happen to have extra time, I’ll try answering a bunch of asks—as many as I could—in one sitting 😄 I’m still sad tho because I have so many awesome asks that I couldn’t get to, especially the reactions one because those usually take some time to answer.
I’ve also heard about the hand pain before from writers and artists. Right now, I haven’t felt anything yet, but thank you so much for the concern and for reminding me. I’ll certainly be on a lookout for that 🥰 And, I hope the school choir concert went great ☺️
As for your question…
Oh, MC better let them know whenever they’re about to have a performance, because you bet your ass they’ll be there every time. Unless they have really important mission to do that nobody else can do or be trusted to do… Then they’ll be really grumpy the whole time until they get home. Maybe your MC can give them a private performance instead 🥰
They will try their best to be there in every single one, even if MC is performing in a less-than-fancy cafe 😆 They’ll love to listen to MC singing and they kinda regret not finishing their piano lesson with their mom years ago, because then, they would be able to accompany MC’s singing. If they miss any, they’ll most likely request MC to sing to them at home if they don’t mind, of course 🥹
Oh, they’ll be there—or try their very best to be there. As long as there’s no emergency for them to attend, they’ll even be willing to sneak out of the station to go watch MC 😂 Between mind-numbing paperwork and enjoying MC’s singing, there’s no doubt which one they will pick every time. Also, MC’s singing will be one of the most effective ways to get them to fall asleep and calm them down after a vivid nightmare 🥺
Will be one of MC’s biggest fans, rivalling Ash 🤣 Will try to attend every single one and you bet they’ll be that kind of fan who claps and whoops shamelessly after each song or try to sing along 💀 If MC doesn’t mind, they’ll love to record parts of MC singing and upload them to their Facegram story or TokTik account 😂 Soon, MC will be famous.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
You know what goes on here.
And here's the beginning of the one Deku Arc that gets me in my feels.
Yes, give me that Izuku narration! Even though it was just for the letter reading.
Ochaco, don't cry. Please don't cry! 😭
There goes his pose! That he makes looks cooler than Batman.
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He looks and depressed already and this arc just started!!
The last time he wore that hoodie was back in season 4.
Oh, it's Shindo and Nakagame!! Grand and fucking Turtle Neck!!! Why is her hero name so funny to me?! 🤣
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Shindo and his thot version of Froppy's hero suit. Keep doing you, boo!
It's nice Shindo mentions Ms. Joke since she is their teacher. I like that. And I like Ms. Joke, she funny.
I'm okay, I'm fine.
I get that you want to defend yourselves, but allow the heroes that are still around to help.
That's right, Shindo, tell them.
"... sticking their noses in our lives?" Uh, if Shindo and Nakagame are there to take you to their school...
I can't stand the citizens sometimes because oh, you were worshipping heroes before but now that they're quitting you want to give the heroes who are still around a hard time? They ain't perfect but damn.
"If we could take them by force..." May be extreme, but you gotta protect folks and if they're giving you a hard time... return the fafor. I'm joking.
Ah, shit, it's that muscly fuck!!! I HATE HIM!!! SO MUCH!!!
"You two, let's have fun!" SIR, THOSE ARE KIDS, DAMN!!!
Did he just push her?!
12000 layers? Sir, that is disgusting.
"Sometimes, we have to sacrifice our lives!" SHINDO! 😭
"I'll turn your brain into a milkshake!" PLEASE DO!! I HATE HIM!!
I'm glad, as a purple lover, that Smokescreen is purple!!! 💜
"It's you, isn't it?" You're gonna wish it wasn't Deku, bitch.
Dingy looking ass rabbit... looking like a cryptid... I adore him.
"I'm just a human, too." You are???
Why would he put that rock there?
"Fight me will all you have, Midoriya!" Alright then, you asked for it. Don't cry now, don't cry.
"I can't see his face through the smoke." You won't be able to anyways, Tatami. He's wearing a mask.
EN!!! Wait... you're the purple one?! YES!!
En is also very pretty to me.
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Ooooh, he's still being all calculating and stuff in a fight. My green boy!!!
Real quick, I love how Midoriya's mask makes his eyes look like All Might's. Especially since All Might's eyes like that are a reflection of him being a shell of what he used to be in his prime. Current Midoriya is well... a shell of himself. He's pushing himself and neglecting how others feel just as All Might did.
"I want a life without regret." Bitch, you ain't Miruko.
I'm not fighting anyone who looks at me like this and just standing there. That is a person ready to snap your kneecaps.
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But damn it, this arc just makes me sad...
Fucking wow...
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Oh, it's those other hero kids!!!
"We don't want him to die." OH DO YOU?!
Deku passing by the glass just like All Might... THE DAMN PARALLELS!!!
You think Smokescreen smells like lavender? I hope so.
All Might got drip, huh? Them glasses!!
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He still has that ringtone?! 😆
I need Izuku to get a bath and a blanket like today.
I forget how buff Midoriya is sometimes... his face just hides that, okay?
"Please be more cautious." We can only hope...
All Might standing there like "... ah, crap, here we go again..."
Pretty shot of Izuku. He gets his looks from his mom. She is a damn pretty woman.
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I'll be honest, out of all the families, the Midoriya's is my favorite. They have had the most tender moments and I swear I shed tears with them.
Ooh, the baby Izuku flashback playing with Inkoooo... 😭😭😭💚💚💚
"Don't worry. I'll come home." 😭😭😭😭😭
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Why in the absolute hell is Best Jeanist holding that phone like that?
"The way he holds that phone is so cool." Hawks, stop lying.
I am impressed though.
Ooooh, Gran Torino giving him the cape...
Ooooh, getting more of the 2nd & 3rd Users next episode? 👀 Lady Nagant??
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minisugakoobies · 3 years
Hi! It's me again. If you could give your bias a Christmas/holiday gift, what would you give? - Snickerdoodle
Snickerdoodle! I hope you've been well.
I saw this after my post-PTD nap and have been thinking about it all afternoon, because it's a great question! Here's what I've got. Yoongi seems to be someone who appreciates quality time most of all... which is great because it's hard to think of what to buy someone who can basically buy whatever they want whenever they want! So if I were giving a gift to Yoongi, I'd do something that would basically take up an afternoon and allow us to spend time together (I am assuming a relationship here, because why would I not 😂). And what I came up with was - taking him to a whisky distillery for a tour and tasting. We'd watch and learn how they make the liquor, do a couple of rounds of sampling batches, then spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling somewhere and recuperating from our buzzes. Now, if money's no object, maybe we'd go on a trip to Scotland and visit the Ardbeg distillery... or we could just do something small and local. Either way, the point of the gift is to lavish Yoongi with time and attention... the drinking is a bonus. 🤣
But if we're talking just a gift given without an assumed relationship or assumed riches... maybe I'd go old school and make a mixed tape? (Either literally analog on a cassette or build him a personalized playlist... but the former seems more meaningful to me.) I got a few of these in my day (on cd) and they were always so personal. Even now, the songs hold special memories.
I bet you're regretting asking this question. 😂 I really do blather on when I'm tired!
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