#i binged his playlist the other day he’s the sweetest thing
p0pp3t · 1 year
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— definitely not late for jungwoo’s birthday 🥰
💌 • 11:38am
“guess who?”
the sudden voice practically made you jump out of your skin, your pen falling onto your open notebook as you felt a pair of hands cover your eyes.
“kim jungwoo, one day, i swear, i’ll– you know what, just, sit down,” you sighed, patting the spot next to you as engineeringmajor!jungwoo tossed his bag off of his shoulder and sat down.
“aww, look at you pretending that you weren’t waiting for me,” he cooed, fishing a cereal bar out of his bag and taking a bite of it.
it had become a bit of a habit that you and jungwoo would sit and study in the outdoor area of the library after finding out a few months ago that you shared, not only the same free period, but also the same taste in music.
while he’d whip out his laptop and do… whatever it is that mechanical engineering majors did (jungwoo wasn’t the most productive person so you never really knew what he was supposed to be doing) and you’d work through your endless assignments, you’d share headphones and alternate who was playing the music every day, eventually leading to both of you discovering new artists and giving each other song recommendations.
after many study sessions spent together, you had gotten used to jungwoo’s presence and had formed an unlikely, yet unbreakable bond with the sweet boy, and, to be honest, doing work at your spot simply wasn’t the same when you were alone.
which is exactly why you created a playlist of the tracks he played all the time, with a sprinkle of your own favourites, to remind you of jungwoo and to motivate you when you were working at home or with your friends.
“i wasn’t waiting for you,” you huffed, but you both knew that was a lie, “i just happened to be looking around before you got here.”
jungwoo chuckled, combing his hand through his soft caramel locks, “yeah, yeah, okay, now pass me your headphones, it’s your day today.”
gladly handing over the singular earphone that was laying on the table, you resumed the playlist you were playing before without thinking, immediately going back to your work after the whirlwind of distractions jungwoo brought. not that you were complaining—you were enjoying taking in the beauty of the boy in front of you rather than scrutinising the dozens of tabs of resources open on your laptop.
a comfortable silence settled between the two of you as you fell into the natural rhythm of the music and your usual routine, the time flying by until your free period was coming to an end.
as you both subconsciously began packing your things away, jungwoo bopping his head to the beats in his right earphone, he tapped you on the shoulder, “hey, which one of your playlists is this? i swear you’ve never played this one before, can i see it so i can add some of the songs to mine?”
“sure, wait, lemme just unlock my phone, aaaand, there you go,” you mindlessly passed your phone to him, too busy double checking if all of your documents were saved before shutting down your laptop.
“uhhh, y/n?” the music halted in your ear and was replaced by jungwoo calling you instead,
you hummed in response, turning to face him and being met with his confused expression and something… unexpected on your screen.
‘pov: i can hear the songs that are stuck in my soulmate’s head except kim jungwoo’s my soulmate’—in your defence, you named that playlist after binge-reading several fanfics, and, well, you never intended to show jungwoo that any time soon, especially not right now.
“i… that’s just, i mean, uh, i— don’t read the playlist description!!” wow, that was the best thing your flustered brain could come up with. great.
jungwoo tilted his head, mirroring that of an adorable puppy, whispering the words under his breath as he did exactly what you advised him against, his eyes widening, “y/n, i—”
“i promise it’s not in a creepy way, i just— you know what? forget it,” slinging your bag over your shoulder, you went to snatch your phone from jungwoo’s hand, not expecting his hand to wrap around yours and whip you around to face him. “as if a playlist for you wasn’t cliche enough,” you whispered under your breath, with no intent of him hearing it.
“cliche? y/n, this is one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever done for me, even if it wasn’t, well, for me— anyways, seeing you appreciate the music i share with you just makes my heart, i don’t know, go... insane? you know what, i don’t know how else to say this, here,” jungwoo pressed a few buttons, and placed your phone back in your hand, displaying his account and a playlist you didn’t recognise.
‘if there is no answer, y/n is my answer’ was splashed on the top of the screen, followed by a list of songs you’d played for him in the past and some of jungwoo’s favourite love songs.
“you really think i wouldn’t do the same for you? i keep all of your song recs in one place,” he scratched his nape, avoiding your intense gaze, as your eyes flickered from your phone to his face, “how else am i supposed to work when you’re not with me?”
not knowing how to respond, you simply smiled at jungwoo’s cute mumbles, pressing a song on his playlist and pocketing your phone.
although the wordless melody was not what you were aiming for, you felt that the ambience of the instrumental conveying your feelings for one another better than either of you could currently articulate.
besides, the ultimate satisfaction and comfort you felt whilst dancing in the arms of the man you loved wasn’t something you could exactly explain out loud. at least music would always be able to connect you and jungwoo, even when words couldn’t do the job.
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maatryoshkaa · 5 years
Stray Kids as Roommates | Thread
some roommates-to-lovers fluff coming at you!
Bang Chan
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You guys are the pair that n e v e r sleep
Turned his room into a home studio; probably would have thrown out his bed and turned his room into an office if you hadn’t stopped him
You often fall asleep to the sound of his humming and tracks muffled through your bedroom wall
You see the most of him during exam season, while pulling all nighters
He’s always in the kitchen making his 14th cup of coffee when you get up to go to the bathroom at 3 am
Lots of deep, meaningful conversations over late night snacks
You swear you’ve heard him talking to his Goku figurines during the unearthly hours of the morning
You’re the only one Chan lets ruffle his fluffy dandelion bedhead in the morning
Takes care of you more than he takes care of himself
Always asks you how your day went when you get home and insists on listening even when he’s been awake for over 48 hours
Always there to give you advice and comfort you when you’re feeling down! A living breathing mental health hotline
Walked into your room when you were studying for finals at 2am
You were in your pajamas, hair a mess and eyes barely open
And that was when Bang Chan decided he was in love with you
Ah, the couple with matching bags under their eyes.
☽ Read the rest of the boys under this cut! 
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Fried chicken takeout for dinner is a big Friday night thing
Kind of like a big moral support teddy bear, his hugs are the greatest
You steal half his closet in the winter because his hoodies are the comfiest
Literally the dad of your household
Checks up on your health and how you’re doing every now and then
Pushes you to finish your work and makes sure you’re not procrastinating
Honestly, your grades are soaring thanks to him
Helps you with homework
Your parents love him
Always saves and brings you good things to eat
Tucks you in at night when you can’t sleep nyahh i’m soft
And a couple times, when you wake up shaking from nightmares, homesickness or stress, he’s always there to comfort you, lying there until you fall asleep again.
“Yeah? Shh, don’t worry, I’m here.”
You always sit outside the bathroom and listen to him sing in the shower
Until he suddenly opened the door in nothing but a towel and you couldn’t face him for weeks
He thought your furiously blushing face was the cutest thing he’d ever seen and teased you about it, 
Until you finally kissed him to make him shut up
Hint: it worked wonders.
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Saturday night dance battles are a t h i n g
Doesn’t do any chores unless he notices you’re feeling tired
Tried to cook once and probably accidentally gave the both of you food poisoning
Remember when he cooked rice cakes in the unwashed metal pan I’m--
Likes you a lot more than he lets on
Like, you’d mention craving a certain food or not having saved up enough money for something, and voila, the next day it’d be sitting on the kitchen table.
“What? It was on sale, just lying around. Don’t think too much of it.”
Clowns you for every little thing, but the moment he hears someone make fun of you, it’s on sight
Bicker like an old married couple, lots of back and forth catfights
Evenings falling asleep on the sofa, both tipsy and giggling while his two cats snuggle up around you
Arguing over who the cats love more
Endless crackhead antics; the neighbours probably hate you
Insists on walking his cats around the apartment complex, when in reality he just wants to spend more time with you
Everyone already knows you’re basically dating but you’re both too stubborn to admit it
Probably hooked up once or twice, or more than once or twice ;)
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Honestly when you first got him as your roommate, you were terrified
Because this 5’6 ball of dark is intimidating as frick
Realized how soft he really was when he whipped out his Munchlax plushie
Petty arguments with him are impossible because he speaks so fast
So you just let him win
Makes you kill the spider
Always manages to convince you to watch horror movies at 1 am
Probably as an excuse to have you in his arms if you get scared ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he thinks he’s slick
Perfected the “stretch and put his arm around your shoulder” move
Made a special playlist for everything you do together: good vibes for breakfast, upbeat jams when doing the chores together, chill indie mixes for cozy evenings in doing work
Insists on helping you around the house
Bringing you fresh ice coffee, cookies, and convenience store hauls whenever he gets off work
“B-but the Peperos were on a buy one get one free sale 👉👈”
Suggests playing the pocky/pepero kiss game to which you smack him in response
But you end up giving him a quick peck anyways, and he freezes, stunned
You run off, face red, Changbin chasing after to you with a wicked grin
“What was that? Is that buy one get one, too, because I want another oneeee!”
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The chillest roommate, but when he gets hyper oh m y
I ain’t gettin no sleep cos of y’all, y’all not gettin sleep cos of me
You have to wake him on the weekends because this boy would sleep until the evening
You want to let him rest, though, since he’s always out and working so late ;(
Secretly takes so many candid, soft pictures of you and saves them as his wallpaper
Loves to take you shopping and dress the both of you in matching #OOTDs
Hypes you the heck up
“She’s sister snatched today! Skin glowing, outfit on point -- oh look at that SMILE! Do the thing again -- oh my gosh. You’re killing it, y/n!”
Gives you fashion advice and beauty tips, although you keep bugging him for his skincare routine cuz damn
Probably share skincare products
Always do face masks together but fail at keeping them on because the two of you keep laughing at the stupidest things
Sometimes he has to put you to bed when he comes home late, and you’ve fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to get back
Can’t resist kissing your forehead sometimes when tucking you in
At moments like these, he finds himself wishing for a sliver of a chance that you might feel the same way he has
He’s honestly so damn obvious though, getting you matching “roommate” things when he goes out -- plushies that remind him of you, little snacks when you’re down, cute accessories, you name it
This boy also forgets that he talks in his sleep -- and is very hard to wake up
So one morning, you’re leaning over his bed, about to shake him awake, and hear him mumble
“y/n, y/n, y/n...i like you sooo much...what do i do?”
You nearly choke on your toast, effectively waking the boy up, and he stares at you, half-awake and mortified.
“What? Did I--did I say something in my sleep?”
The smug, blushing smile spreading over your face is enough to send him diving back under the covers as you begin to tease him
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So comfortable to be around, he’s basically your best friend from day 1
Except for the fact that he’s so. Damn. LOUD
Noise complaints filed from the neighbours, the landlord, the neighbour’s dog, you name it
Another soft bean whose bedhead you love to ruffle
I mean have you seen My Pace dance practice? That boys mane has a mind of its own--
Brings you lots of cakes and pastries from cute bakeries when you’re stressed
A responsible boi™ ! always helps you out around the house.
Grocery shopping together? What a concept
Except he piles the cart with chips and snacks when he thinks you’re not looking
Lots of late nights binging movies on Netflix
This boy loves moves
But he loves them even more when he watches them with you ;D
Afterwards, you’re both too lazy and comfortable to move, so you end up falling asleep cuddled up against each other
Always runs away and hides when you ask to see his songs
You find scraps of hastily scribbled lyrics and ideas strewn around the house all the time
Little phrases like “i think i love you” and “my heart beats impossibly fast when i’m with you”
So you manage to collect enough to bring them to him and tease him about it
Jisung gets all quiet, though, instead of whining like he usually does, and you quickly apologise, thinking you’ve gone too far
You reassure him his writing is amazing
“It’s not that.”
He finally looks you in the eye, the intensity of his stare making your heart stop for a moment.
“They’re about you.”
Oh, how the turn tables.
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i hate him sm, blease
Why did you even agree to room with him
Rooming with Felix is a one way trip to insanity -- we going ✈️✈️ acid trip
You can hear him yelling yeets and yeehaws when he plays Fortnite while you do your homework, and you swear you’re t h i s close to putting his head straight through his screen
Video game marathons when you’re not busy though, you have to admit, are the bomb
Probably convinced you to make TikToks with him
Makes you do all the viral challenges, including the couple trends
Honestly the most fun guy to be around ever
Your daily dose of memes and sugar
Knows when to be down to earth and serious, though!
Gives the best massages when you’re overworked and runs you a bath, promptly ordering your favourite takeout and making sure to feed you
Building pillow forts together on rainy days and snow days, and having sleepovers!
Binging vine compilations together during said sleepovers
Sending each other memes at 1 am when you’re both simultaneously procrastinating on homework
You basically became a couple without really going through the confession stage; it just sort of happened
“Hey, ‘lix?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I think I kinda like you.”
A sideways smirk. “Well, yeah, you’ve dealt with me for this long.”
The best-friends couple: soulmates, and, more importantly, partners in crime vine
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Sweetest roommate!! Honestly you feel bad for even asking him to do chores
Has a bit of an evil side, though
One second he’s flashing you an angelic smile, the next he’s roasting you for your selfie skills on your recent Instagram post
You make one (1) complaint about the living room being messy, next thing you know you wake up and it’s spick and span
Cooks?? Really hecking well?
Sometimes you wonder if you signed up for a roommate or a housekeeper
Your apartment is so clean
Taking evening strolls together after dinner and taking pictures at the park
Walks you to and from work/school like a little puppy, and gets anxious if you’re late coming home
Doesn’t know how to show how much he cares about you and gets frustrated with himself
So he indulges in the little things, like packing you cute little lunches with sticky notes on the containers
Little notes around the house on days he stays out working late, like make sure you’re eating! And don’t sleep too late!
Honestly, you fell for him the moment he first smiled at you
Once, he was working overtime nonstop, and you didn’t get to see him for over two weeks
When he finally came home on time, you couldn’t help tackling him in a big bear hug
After he got over his initial heartbeat racing a thousand miles per hour, he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, hugging you back tightly
No words were needed, you missed each other’s presence so much, it seemed to say itself
I love you, and I missed you.
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Is this boy even old enough to rent out a room? He is babie
So incredibly shy when he first meets you, but warms up quickly
Owns animal-printed pajamas and onesies
You both had a mini celebration when he got his braces off, complete with banana milk and animal crackers
You are both babie
An early bird, always wakes up before you
You wake up to him shaking you and laughing at your scrunched up face
“Wake uuppp, y/n, you’re going to be so late!”
Can’t clean to save his life; always ends up breaking something or knocking things over
So he’s in charge of doing the laundry
Had a fat mental breakdown when he realised that meant your underwear
Your apartment is littered with figurines and plushies that both of you collect and don’t have the heart to clean out
“Jeongin, where are y----” you stop. “Why are you lying face down on the ground?”
“...we’re out of banana milk.”
Another hidden evil bean who clowns you for everything you do once he warms up to you
Baby boy!Jeongin switches to Savage!Jeongin in a matter of seconds
Also makes you kill the spider
Helps you cook, but only if you tell him how to do everything or he’ll freak out
Putting mukbang channels on the TV while eating together and watching in comfortable silence
Loves watching you eat and has a million derpy pictures of you saved on his phone
Poor boy has no idea how to tell you he’s falling head over heels with you
Accidentally blurts out “I like you” during a screaming contest
Lots, I mean LOTS of awkward laughing as Jeongin feels his face heat up, watching yours do the same
The longest moment passes, and Jeongin is getting ready to disassociate when you’re finally able to open your mouth and scream back,
“I like you, too!”
Baby boy found his soulmate.
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lost-n-stereo · 5 years
A/N: A little late summer one-shot. Fills the Kiss Meme Prompt #20 “A kiss on the neck”. Title from “Backseat Serenade” by All Time Low. Some language and mild sexy times because duh.
salty like a summer day (kiss the sweat away)
It’s dark when he pulls up to her street, the summer sun long since set. The lights are off in her house save for the back porch bulb that he knows clicks off automatically at midnight. It’s times like these that he hates his car, because no matter how beautiful the vintage Camaro is it also boasts an engine that could wake the dead. He cuts the engine immediately, hoping like hell it didn’t wake her parents.
The night is still as he waits with baited breath but no lights turn on upstairs and no neighbors come out to investigate.
It’s hard sometimes, being the boy from the wrong side of the tracks, when you’re dating the girl from the right side.  But it’s a secret, this thing they have between them, and even though he knows that right now it’s for the best it still kind of pisses him off that this is the only way he gets her.
Better than not having her at all, he supposes.
It doesn’t take long before her front door is opening and closing, the only light guiding her towards his car coming off her cell phone screen. He can see her wild blonde curls piled on top of her head in a messy bun that he can’t wait to mess up later. She’s in nothing but pink cotton sleep shorts and a black tank top because despite the fact that summer is almost over it’s still hotter than hell outside.
But so is this girl. Damn.
She’s got a grin so wide he can see it through the dark and then she’s racing around his car, opening the squeaky metal door as quietly as she can before pulling it closed behind her.
“Hi,” she says breathlessly and he smirks, reaches over and slides his hand around the back of her neck. He barely has to tug and she’s leaning into his kiss, the strawberry lip gloss she’s been wearing all summer the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted.
“I wasn’t expecting you to text tonight,” he says, pulling away from her reluctantly so he can start up his car. They both wince at the loud noise, damn his need for a souped-up ride, and he waits until he’s sure the coast is clear before heading towards their favorite late night destination.
It’s been the same all summer. Clarke does shit with her friends during the day, the ones from her own side of town, and then at night she texts him to hang out. He doesn’t think of it like a booty call because they don’t always hook up. Sometimes they spend the night at the diner his mom used to work out, binging on greasy burgers and deep fried zucchini. Other times they end up at the abandoned drive in theater, lying on the hood of his car while he shows her the constellations and tells her the stories of their origins.
She told him once that a bad boy history nerd was something she never knew she always wanted.
Not that he’s a bad boy, by any stretch of the imagination. But in this town, when you’re from Arkadia Heights, and not Arkadia Proper, it doesn’t matter if you’re a straight A college student with a full time job that also takes care his younger sibling in the wake of your single mother's death. In the eyes of the elite, you’re less than.
Clarke Griffin has never looked at him like he’s less than, though. Not when she brought her cute little hybrid into the auto shop he works at to have a taillight fixed. Not when he made a move, asking for her phone number even though he was positive she was way out of his league. And not even when they went to that cheesy diner for their first date. Clarke looks at him like he can give her the world without needing a single cent to his name.
“I just wanted to see you before school tomorrow,” she says as she runs her fingers up and down the back of his hand where it sits on the gearshift. It should weird him out a little, dating a girl that’s still in high school but she’s a few months from eighteen and he’s barely twenty. That's part of the reason that she hasn’t told her parents about them yet, because she swears that while they aren’t rich snobs like people she knows they might have a problem with his age.
“I’m glad you did,” he says, lifting her knuckles up and brushing a kiss across them. “I missed you.”
He finds himself saying shit like that around her that he’s never said with anyone else before. Not even Echo, the girl he dated almost all through high school. He honestly thought he’d marry her but she went to college in another state and they just couldn’t keep it together through the long distance. That’s how he knows she wasn’t the one for him. For the one you’d be able to work through anything to keep them in your life.
Things like dating in secret for three months.
“So, where to tonight?”  He gives her a smirk and she blushes as she scrolls through his playlist, settling on a slow cover of a song by Joshua Hyslop that he knows she loves. Her soft voice floats over to him as she sings along and he swears that he doesn’t think he could live without this girl even if he wanted to.
The giant screens of the old drive in flash bright white when his headlights hit them and he knows what Clarke is going to say even before the words leave her lips.
“I wish we could have come here when it was open.”
It’s something she’s said more than a dozen times over the summer. One night he brought this little cell phone projector that he bought to see if they could watch it on one of the screens. It only ended up taking up a corner of it but she still kissed him like it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.
He parks in front of one of the screens and rolls down his windows before he shuts off the engine. The air outside is still stifling hot but a light breeze hits them every so often and cools their already sweating skin.
Her voice is barely audible over the music that’s still playing softly in the background.
“That doesn’t sound good,” he says with a dry laugh and if she’s about to break up with him he thinks it’s a pretty shitty way to do it considering they have a thirty minute drive back to her house. “Just say it, Clarke. Is this,” he motions between them with his index finger, “over?”
“What? No!” Her voice is too loud in the quiet car and she shakes her head at not just him but also herself. “No, of course not.”
She reaches for him, pulling him so he’s practically in her seat, and kisses him. Her fingers scratch at the back of his neck like he loves and he nips at her bottom lip like he knows she does.
“So, what’s wrong?”
Clarke pulls away so she can look at him and it’s crazy how just being this close to her can make his heart pound out of his chest.
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
She says the words so bluntly that it takes him a second to catch up. Her bottom lip is caught between her teeth and he grins slowly, lifting his thumb up and pulling it down.
Clarke scoffs a little, her flushed cheeks visible even in the dark. “Don’t sound so surprised.”
“Well, I am,” he admits. “It’s not every day the princess falls in love with the pauper.”
“Stop that,” she says seriously. “You’re not a pauper and I’m not a princess. And I just told you I love you. You could at least say something back.”
Bellamy grins and tugs her closer to him. “You didn’t actually say the words.”
Her breath hitches when he runs his finger along the strap of her tank top. “I love you, Bellamy Blake.”
There’s no way to hide the grin on his face so he doesn’t try to. “I love you, too.” He whispers the words against her lips and she lets out a little moan that goes straight through his body. “Now, will you please come over here so I can kiss you properly?”
She laughs as she climbs over the center console and straddles his waist, her hands diving into his hair at the same time her lips connect with his. Kissing someone has never felt this electric, like the simple act of kissing her could start a fucking forest fire. The breeze is gone, causing the entire car to heat up like a furnace but he doesn’t even care. A light sheen of sweat builds everywhere the tank top doesn’t cover and he groans, licking a stripe over her shoulder and kissing up her neck.
“You taste so fucking good,” he whispers in her ear and she lets out the sexiest moan when he bites the skin behind her ear.
He practically dies when she rasps out, “What do I taste like?”
“Summer,” he says as he kisses his way back down her neck. “I can’t wait to find out what you taste like in the winter.”
She giggles, this soft little sound that he adores. “Probably hot chocolate,” she says into his mouth. “I love hot chocolate.”
“Good to know.”
They end up in his backseat, her legs wrapped around his waist as he buries his face into her neck. By the time they both come down it’s practically a sauna in his car.
“It’s so fucking hot,” she says, the curse word rolling off her tongue so easily it makes him laugh.
“I’m corrupting you,” he says as he pulls himself away from her. “You hardly swore at the beginning of the summer.”
“Maybe,” she shrugs as she pulls her tank top back on over her head. “But I love it.”
The lights of her house are still off when they pull up a few hours later and he reaches for her before she can open the door that’ll take her away from him for who knows how long. School is starting for both of them and with his job and taking care of his sister, he won’t be able to sneak out in the middle of the night to spend time with her.
“I’m sorry summer has to end,” he says, his voice a little sadder than he meant it to be. “I don’t want to lose you, Clarke.”
“You won’t,” she tells him seriously, and when she kisses him he knows that she means it. “I’m telling my parents about us. This is real and I want everyone to know it, even if they don’t understand.”
He nods and smiles, kisses the tip of her nose before gesturing to her house with a tilt of his head. “G’night , Princess.”
She’s almost to the door when she turns around and shouts, “I love you, Bellamy Blake!” then tilts her head back, laughing before she skips the rest of the way to her front door.
His chest rumbles with laughter as he drives away, reaching for his cell phone when he hits the stop sign at the end of her street.  He thumbs out a text to her before driving back towards his own side of town.
And I love you. Even if you are a little crazy.
Everyone in love is a little crazy, Bellamy. You’re just going to have to get used to it.
And he can. For her, he really, really can.
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saleintothe90s · 6 years
353. The final Cheers (May 20, 1993)
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When I was little, I was mildly obsessed with Cheers. I watched it with my parents almost every day in syndication, before the news. I had the expanded TV Guide cover for the series finale on my wall above my bed the week this episode aired. Where they’re all trying to figure out Norm’s bar tab. 
Right before I graduated from Mary Baldwin in 2010, I found a tape at the local library book sale, it was unlabeled. It just had the clip show and the finale on it, recorded off the NBC station in nearby Charlottesville, Virginia. I thought I accidentally got rid of the tape, until I found it again recently:
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I uploaded the entire clip show and finale with commercials intact, in 13 parts, because that’s all Streamable allows are 10 minute clips. Although yes you can watch the finale on dailymotion, isn’t it more fun with the commercials? You get that real right before the Summer of 1993 feeling. 
(1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 
*note, i’ve been told by my readers that streamable doesn’t work on mobile. I am so sorry about that. for some reason dailymotion doesn’t work for me anymore when I try to upload ?? Anybody else having this problem ?? Multiple question marks. 
Four things about the clip show:
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1. I am absolutely dead at the scene with Fraiser and his ivy vest, trying to Cliff Note Dickens with the gang. 
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2.  Only Diane would wear giant shoulder pads, a suit, and a lace blouse with a collar almost up to her chin to her (almost) wedding to Sam.
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3. Sam has grey hair behind the scenes at rehearsal, but you can tell in the makeup chair that they cover it up. Maybe with the stuff Doris used on Jay Sherman in the first episode of The Critic:
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4. At the end, Bob Costas says, “CRANK UP THE VCR, THIS SHOULD BE A KEEPER!” 
Notes for the episode
1. The crowd at the bar is watching the Cable Ace Awards. That was a thing back then, cable shows had its own award show because the Emmys didn’t recognize them -- the awards would be discontinued in 1997. The boys were looking for for Kim Alexis, but instead Diane won a Cable Ace! 
2. “Oh, yes, the beginning of your political career. It started out as a small joke and turned into an enormous one.” - Frasier on Woody being elected to city council. 
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3. Rebecca is wearing about 50 yards of fabric. As we all did in 1993.
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4. The first episode of cheers began with Champagne, (Diane and her Professor’s botched engagement)  and the last episode of Cheers begins with Champagne (Rebecca and Don’s botched engagement). 
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5. The shot when Diane calls Sam looks like it was filmed six states away.
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6. Carla’s major freakout when Diane enters Cheers. 
7. I forgot that Diane and Woody knew each other, but they shared about 1 1/2 years together on the show.
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8. The scene where Diane and Sam, and their faux spouses eat at Melville’s upstairs was so strange to me when I originally saw this when I was 9. Was this the only time we saw the inside of Melvilles?! I just remember it being so PINK. Rebecca finally said yes to Don, btw.
9. Binging with Babish needs to make the dessert Sam describes to Diane:
You know, it's just that they, uh, they have this great dessert here, but you have to order it for two.
What kind of dessert is it? Well, they start with ice cream.
I love ice cream.
Oh, no, but this is the best ice cream.
It's sweet, rich, creamy.
What do they do to it? Cover it with lots and lots of thick raspberry sauce all over.
All over? They can't stop themselves.
Sounds so sinful.
There's more.
More? What more could they do? Well, they heat up the raspberry sauce.
How hot do they get it? How hot would you like it?
10. Aw, Woody got Norm a job with the City of Boston. 
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11. Hanger-oner Paul is in this episode way too much. Paul looks kinda duck-like to me.
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12. Sam, ain’t noone curr that you and Diane are getting married. It’s bizarre that Sam would just walk away from Cheers like that so suddenly. 
13. Diane: The screenplay for which I was so extravagantly honored was based on your life. 
Carla: You were my inspiration. Really? 
Diane: Yes.It's the story of a resilient, hard working mother, bucking all odds to raise her six children.
Carla: Six? I got eight.
Diane: Good God! You breed like a fly! 
Carla: Well, uh, this movie- people liked it? 
Daine: They loved it, Carla.People were inspired by the plight of my heroine.
Carla: Yeah? Well, what happens to me? I mean, you know, to her, in the end.
Diane: Well out of the despair and frustration of her unmanageable life, she goes berserk and takes out a few people with an Uzi.
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14. Sam and Diane’s airplane seats are gigantic. Sam is manspreading big time here.
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16. Norm: Gonna go home to Vera.
Sam: Vera? 
Norm: My wife.Maybe you remember her? That is her name, isn't it? See ya
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17. Sam: Doc, help me out here, man. You want a fine cigar? Huh? 
Frasier: I'd love to, Sam, but Lilith just called and she wants me to bring home Chinese tonight.I I hope she meant the food.She's been really weird lately and you know...
Speaking of Lilith, I wonder why she wasn’t in the final episode.
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18.  Aw, the sweetest scene is everybody coming back after pretending to be mad at Sam. 
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19. Rebecca’s outfit. She got married in that.
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20. “Know what, Sammy, I love that stool! If there's a heaven, I don't want to go there unless my stool is waiting for me.”
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21. I watched this with my parents when I was 9, when Sam said, “Sorry! We’re closed!”,  9 year old me began bawling. My mom took me to bed that night, and I was still crying, and she was like, “Cheers will still be on tv!” 
Commercial notes
(for comparison, here are WICD’s commercials from Illinois.)
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The Bud commercial with the guys rescuing the baby cows!
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Ambush in Waco was a TV movie that was put together just a month after the Waco standoff ended. Tim Daly from Wings played David Koresh! 
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Mad About You ran a very special commercial where they watch Cheers, but Paul insists that he has never heard the Cheers theme song. Mad About You came on on Saturdays back in 1993!
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There was a promo for the final episode of Saved by the Bell, and the first episode of the college years. Why do the boys look SO much older from the last episode of SBTB to the first episode of College Years? SBTB fans, help.
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The reporter in the Channel 29 news report calls President Clinton “Mr. Clinton”... Mister? Look at that janky set. A faux plant and a broken computer.
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Just like the Waco movie, there was a movie about Hurricane Andrew, which happened the previous Summer. I’m sure the people whose neighborhoods were blown away by Andrew really appreciated it. 
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“THE STARS ARE BACK ON NBC!!” “HEY! I NEVER LEFT!” Oh, yall know that Frasier’s dad, John Maroney was a guest on Cheers?
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Oh god, Jay and Branford Marsalis. They didn’t get along. I found the entire Tonight Show episode on YouTube, where everybody gets drunk.
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I want to thank everybody for all the notes I got on this post.  
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