#i bleached it already around like 9:30 and was waiting for it to dry
rainbowcaleb · 2 years
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
Love the way you hate me - Bang Chan enemies to lovers College AU
Warnings: Smut, angst, fluff, reader is a virgin, multiple smut scenes, slight triggerish themes
I started writing this while I was hammered, so if there’s any spelling errors, I’m sorry LMAO
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You’ve always hated him. His hair, his face, his sexy jawline, his cute dimple, all of it. But most of all, you hated the butterflies that would erupt in your stomach everytime he was near you.
You both had a very obvious dislike for each other, and you both made that clear. He would always tease you, and you would always shoot back a sly remark. He knew you were a virgin, he could tell by the way you acted around guys. At first he thought you were gay, but the way you seemed around men made it too obvious.
“If you ever need help, maybe I can do it.” He’d tease with a smirk. “Maybe I’d make you fall in love with me.”
Fall in love? Yeah, right. But maybe him being your first wasn’t a bad idea. I mean yeah you hated him, but no strings would be attached, right? You already hated each other, so catching feelings was already out of the picture. But how do you ask the swim captain to take your virginity? Would he even accept it?
“Maybe you should try getting some dick.” Your best friend, Minho, advised. “Maybe then you’d stop having an attitude problem.”
“By who Minho? I’m not interested in anyone.” You pointed out, taking a fry from his tray and eating it.
“I don’t know, and personally I really don’t care. Just try and get some dick. Or at least some coochie.” He muttered, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t have an attitude problem.” You argued.
“Really? Because anytime I say something to you snap,” He said, snapping his fingers. “Right the fuck back. Either you need some dick or a whole new attitude adjustment.”
“Whatever.” You muttered, dismissing his rant.
Your eyes fell on Chan as he walked in the room, his group of friends around him. He was laughing and talking to another member of the swim team, Hyunjin. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on yours, making a smirk stretch across his face as he noticed you were looking at him. You rolled your eyes and looked away, catching Minho’s eye.
“What about him?” He asked.
“Bang Chan?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes yet again. “And why would I do that to myself?”
“I mean I don’t know... He’s hot, popular, an amazing athlete, and by what I can tell by the gray sweats he wears... He’s got it all.” Minho pointed out.
“Ew! Minho!” You gasped, smacking his arm. “I didn’t know you had a thing for Chan!”
“Yah! I don’t like Chan. You know I’m a ladies man.” He said with a smirk. “But when girls constantly point it out... You tend to notice.”
You scrunched your nose up in disgust, taking a sip of your coke that you had in front of you. Minho kept looking at you before taking a bite of his burger, losing the thought of the conversation as he ate. You looked at Minho for a moment, taking in his features.
If Minho wasn’t your closest friend, you would’ve asked him to take your virginity. He came off as a cold asshole, but he was quite the opposite. He had become friends with you after you both had a group project, and you two were inseparable ever since. You always helped him out with his girl problems, which led him to complaining you never went to him about your guys problems, not that you had any.
But maybe, just maybe, he was right. You and Chan weren’t close, and you definitely didn’t like each other. He would more than likely keep it on the down low if you tried, as he seemed to treasure his reputation. He wouldn’t want to taint it by anyone finding out he had slept with you.
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You stood outside of exit after you had finished your after school duties; tidying up the library and helping prep for a few classes. You knew Chan was done swim practice soon, as it ended at 4 PM every week day. You watched the doors to the gym open, and out walked Chan, his hair damp and curly from practicing in the water.
You swallowed hard and slowly approached him as he unlocked the door to his car, his eyes focused on the task.
“Chan?” You asked.
He lifted his head and turned towards you, a smirk stretching across his lips when he saw you.
“Y/N? This is quite the surprise.” He laughed, his dimple poking through as he looked at you.
“Yeah yeah, surprise.” You muttered.
“What’s up? What brings you to this side of campus?” He asked.
“I have a proposition for you.” You said, looking at him seriously.
“Oh?” He asked, leaning back against his car. “And what would that be?”
“I need you to help me with that little problem you pointed out.” You said lowly.
He arched a brow at you and tilted his head.
“What little problem?” He asked.
“Ya know... About me being a... um...” You trailed off, swallowing hard as you looked at him. “A virgin.”
His jaw dropped as he stared at you, shock in his eyes.
“Woah... Um... Wow...” He began scratching the back of his neck. “So you uh... Want me to be your first?”
You nodded, biting your lip anxiously.
“Y/N, I don’t know what kind of guy you take me for, but I don’t go around taking virginities...” He said, trailing off. “Why me anyways?”
“Because I want to lose it to someone I won’t get attached too.” You pointed out.
“Shouldn’t you want to get attached to your first time? I mean, be in love with that person?” He asked, shock still edging his voice.
“I’ve never been in love before.” You said.
He fell silent as he seemed to be thinking, taking his plump lower lip into his mouth.
“Please Chan? You and I don’t exactly like each other, and I’d rather not do it with someone I can get attached too. I’m in college and I’ve never had sex before...” You said, looking at him anxiously. “I mean if you don’t want too that’s okay, I can always find someone else.”
Chan looked at you for a moment, his eyes scanning your face for a sign of amusement, to see if it was a joke. His arms were crossed as he seemed to be thinking, before he stood up straight and looked down at you.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
You looked him in the eyes and nodded confidently. He ran his fingers through his curly hair before taking a deep breath.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” He declared, looking at you. “But if you change your mind in any way I want you to back out.”
“I will.” You said with a smile.
“Good.” He said, leaning against his car and looking at you. “So where and when do you want to do this?”
“Is it possible to do it at your dorm? Maybe a day you don’t have practice so you’re not too tired.” You suggested.
He seemed to think for a moment, his eyes on the ground before he shrugged.
“My dorm works.” He said.
“Do you have a roommate?” You asked.
“Yeah, but he’s never home.” He informed you, his eyes still scanning your face to see if you were being serious.
“When are you free?” You pressed.
“I don’t have practice tomorrow.” He said, his eyes on yours. “Is that too soon for you?”
“Tomorrow works.” You accepted with a small smile. “What time works for you?”
“Come over after your finished with your after school stuff. Changbin should be gone until 9 or 10, so we’ll have plenty of time.” He said.
“Okay.” You said with a nod. “So 4:30 tomorrow?”
“That works.” He said, standing up straight, a small smirk on his lips. “We’re going to have some fun, babygirl.”
Your cheeks flared up and you glared at him, pushing past him.
“You’re such a weirdo!”
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“Wait, so you ACTUALLY took my advice?” Minho asked, his eyes wide.
“I mean yeah, it’s my best bet.” You informed him, sipping on an almost completely dry box of Yoo-hoo.
“Okay Y/N, you sucked it bone dry.” Minho said with a sly smirk. “Like what you’ll do to Chan.”
You choked and coughed, shaking your head at him.
“You’re so gross Minho!” You rasped through your coughs.
“Gross or telling the truth?” He asked, a smile on his face.
“Yeah, whatever.” You mumbled.
“Speaking of the devil.” Minho pointed out, pointing with his chin.
You turned around and saw Chan walking into the cafeteria, surrounded by friends again. This time however, he had a disgustingly familiar female with him, Kim Yenna. She was disgustingly stuck up, with her dead over bleached hair, gross looking nails (who even gets them that color anymore anyways?) and over drawn on eyebrows, and her obnoxiously fake, overly high pitched voice. And if you couldn’t tell already, she was a total bitch.
She followed Chan around like a lost puppy, always gawking at him and hanging all over his shoulder. He seemed to either not mind or not notice, but with him you really couldn’t tell. She ran a little clique of his ‘fans’ who never stopped screeching during swim tournaments. I mean you had to admit, Chan looked killer in the swim shorts and tight swim shirt he wore, but it was nothing to rip your vocal cords up over.
“I wonder if Yenna has ever tried with Chan, she’s always stuck up his ass.” Minho pointed out, sticking a spoonful of pudding into his mouth.
“I dunno, maybe.” You said, taking a bite of his pudding.
“I don’t see how he can stand her, her voice itself makes me cringe.” Minho said, shuddering from just the thought of her screeching in his ear.
“Maybe he’s attracted to that type of girl.” You suggested, shrugging.
“Definitely not. I mean, he’s attracted to you, and you’re not like that.” Minho pointed out.
“Woah, Chan is NOT attracted to me.” You argued, looking at him.
“Oh yeah, he just agreed to take your virginity.” Minho said sarcastically, rolling his dark eyes.
“That’s different.” You tried.
“How? You have to have SOME type of attraction to someone to sleep with them.” He pointed out, arching a brow at you.
“Whatever.” You muttered.
You raised your eyes to where Chan was standing and made eye contact with Yenna, who gave you a bitchy smirk and clung to Chan again. Oh yeah, she was also a bitch to you. You didn’t know why, or how it happened, but she was.
“If I could get away with slapping a woman silly it’d be her.” Minho pointed out, looking at her. “Without hesitation, I’d knock that bitch out.”
“Minho!” You laughed.
“What?” He asked, laughing.
“That’s not nice.” You giggled.
“Yeah well, neither is she.” He mumbled. “Stuck up bitch.”
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You bit your lip and withdrew your hand for a third time, pulling it back to your side and pacing again. You had been standing in front of Chan’s dorm for the past 5 minutes, debating whether or not to actually knock.
You didn’t have his number, so texting him was out of the question, and you were too nervous to knock. You sighed and threw your head in your hands, a groan leaving your lips.
Maybe I was too stupid for doing this.
Just as you were about to give up and walk away, Chan opened the door, giving you a shocked look.
“Oh, hey. How long have you been out here?” He asked.
“Er... Not long.” You lied.
“Well, come in.” He said, stepping aside and holding the door for you.
You slowly stepped into his dorm, the comforting smell of warm vanilla hitting your senses. You noticed a wax burner on the counter in the kitchen, a soft pink wax slowly melting inside of it.
“My rooms down this way.” Chan said, beckoning you to follow.
You followed him into the room the in the back, your eyes taking in everything in front of you.
First of all, you never realized how much black he wore until you saw all the shirts in his closet. They were all black, not a single other color in sight. Another thing you noticed is the California king bed in the center of the room, along with a computer and speakers. You knew Chan was a music production major, but his set up was incredible.
“Like it?” He asked.
You laughed and nodded, looking at his keyboard. He smiled at you and you shook your head, remembering who he was and why you were there. You sat on his bed, biting your lip as you thought of a way to start this. You’ve never done this before, and you never imagined doing it with a guy like Chan. Chan, the one you had a serious disliking for. Chan, the one who teased you all the time and would laugh at you when you got flustered. Chan, the one that-
Your thoughts were caught off as he slowly lifted your chin and pressed his plump lips to your own, making your body tense. He pulled away and looked at you, a questionable look in his eyes.
“Are you sure about this? You don’t seem comfortable.” He pointed out.
“Y-Yeah, I’m sure. I’m just nervous...” You pointed out awkwardly.
“It’s okay, just let me do the work, yeah? I’ll teach you.” He said softly.
You nodded as he leaned in again and pressed his pillowy lips back on to yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as you melted into his kiss, sparks erupting in your lower belly. Chan felt your body relax and decided to take it to the next step, swiping your bottom lip with his tongue to ask for entry.
You allowed him entry as his tongue began to poke at your own. Your hands grabbed at his shirt in shock at the feeling of your tongues intertwining with each other, his plump lips still soft against your own. You felt his chest push against yours until you fell back on his bed, your mouths still connected as he hovered over you. His tongue could’ve easily dominated yours, very easily. But he kept the kiss gentle, knowing not to scare you.
Your hands clutched his biceps, almost shocked at how muscular they felt. He pulled away from your lips, a short string of saliva still attaching the both of you. He kissed your lips again before slowly kissing lower, his lips peppering kisses along your neck and jaw. You let out a tiny moan when he kissed the junction between your neck and shoulder, a smirk stretching across his face.
“Hm? A weak spot?” He asked, lightly sucking on it.
“Ahh, Chan.” You moaned out very softly, your fingers clutching his shirt.
“Chris. Call me Chris.” He said, lifting himself up and smirking at you. “Or daddy.”
“Yeah, in your dreams.” You hissed at him.
His eyes narrowed as he pinned your arms to either side of you, leaning down and sucking on your weak spot again. You let out a tiny whimper and he chuckled, pulling away from your neck with a small pop.
“Oh, so that’s it, huh?” He asked, arching a brow. “You’re a brat?”
“W-What?” You asked, your cheeks turning red.
“That’s exactly it, Y/N. You act all hard and have a sharp tongue, but the moment I touch this sweet little spot,” He cooed, lightly licking the spot he had sucked on. “You’re like puty in my hands.”
You whined at his words, knowing it was true. You were, indeed, a brat. He smirked down at you as he kissed along your jaw again, before coming to the neck line of your shirt. He slowly raised himself up and lifted his shirt over his head, your eyes gawking at his body.
He was completely ripped, his toned and built body in full view, along with his well defined pecks. He smirked and arched a brow at you, letting out a small laugh through his nose.
“Like what you see babygirl?” He asked.
You blushed at his words and covered your face, making him chuckle. He gently moved your hands aside and grabbed the hem of your shirt, looking at you. You nodded as he lifted your shirt over your head, his eyes scanning your body. You blushed again and went to cover up, but his hands stopped your own.
“Don’t cover yourself up Y/N.” He said softly, leaning foreword and pressing a soft kiss on the top of your right boob.
You watched him slowly unhook your bra and pull it off, your nipples standing at attention. He pressed a soft kiss to your nipple, before slowly sucking it into his mouth. You let out a soft moan, your fingers tangling in his hair as he lightly sucked on your soft mount. His hand massaged your other boob, his fingers gently tweaking your other nipple. Bliss filled your body, making a warm heat pool between your thighs. His thumb twirled your opposite nipple around, his mouth still latched to the other as you let out small whines. He finally pulled away with a small pop, his eyes shining as he saw you were already a mess.
“You’re so sensitive Y/N. It’s cute.” He purred.
You didn’t have time to question it as he slowly slid your pants down your thighs, pulling them off of your legs. His eyes ate up the laced underwear you wore, a pretty shade of dark red with black topped lace.
“Those are beautiful.” He rasped, gently rubbing your thighs.
You blushed at his words, about to cover your face. You squealed as he wrapped his arms under your thighs and pulled your heat close to him, dropping his face to level with it. He glanced at you again and you, again, gave him the go ahead. He smirked at you as he licked up your covered heat, making a whine leave your lips.
“That was a cute sound, Y/N.” He chuckled.
“Shut u-oh!” You went to tell him to shut up, but his mouth attaching to your covered clit cut you off as you let out a moan.
He licked up your covered slit again before pulling your panties off, his eyes gluing to your dripping heat. His eyes beamed as he knew he had done this to you, and he was the only one who has. He dipped his head down and blew on your dripping slit, making you hiss at the feeling. He smirked as he licked a bold strip up your soaked folds, making you whimper.
“I love how vocal you are.” He rasped as he attached his lips to your clit.
You closed your eyes in bliss as he sucked on your sensitive nub, your fingers grabbing at his soft locks. Soft slurping sounds filled the room along with your moans, his tongue working magic on you. You felt one of his fingers poking your entrance, his eyes meeting your again.
“I’m gonna put a finger in to get you prepped, okay?” He asked.
You nodded and bit your lip as he slipped a finger into your heat, making you whimper at the foreign feeling. He pumped it soft and slow, curling it just right. His lips reattached to your clit as he gently worked your begging hole, your pussy happily sucking in his finger. You let out a loud whine when he slipped a second in, making him pull away from your clit and press wet kisses to the insides of your thighs.
“I know babygirl, but you don’t want it to hurt.” He rasped softly.
His fingers pumped slowly into, curling just the right way as his tongue rolled your clit expertly, making you close your eyes tight as your legs began to shake, your thighs closing around his head.
“Ch-Chan, something’s happening.” You whimpered.
“You’re gonna orgasm babygirl, it’s okay. You can cum.” He purred, slurping on your clit.
You let out a high pitched whimper as you came on his fingers and tongue, a small chuckle coming from his lips as your thighs tightened around his head, your eyes shut tight. He helped you through your high, lightly pumping his fingers and detaching his lips from your clit, careful not to over work you yet. He pressed wet kisses from the top of your heat, up your stomach and chest, and finally to your lips. Your eyes fluttered open as he looked down at you, his eyes soft.
“You okay?” He asked, wiping his mouth.
“Y-Yeah... That felt amazing.” You panted.
“Good.... Do you want to continue?” He asked, tilting his head.
“I-If you’re okay with that.” You said shyly.
He smiled down at you and pressed a comforting peck to your lips, his hand rubbing your hip.
“Of course I’m okay with it, I just wanted to make sure you were.” He said gently.
He stood up and pulled his pants down, his hard length pressed painfully against his boxers. Your eyes popped out of your head when he pulled his boxers down, the sound of his very girthy length hitting his stomach filling the room. He giggled at your expression, his cheeks a soft shade of pink.
“W-Will that fit?” You asked.
“Yeah babygirl, don’t worry.” He said gently, hovering over you again. “I’ll go slow.”
You nodded and he leaned over and reached into his nightstand, cursing as he rummaged around.
“What is it?” You asked.
“I... Don’t have any condoms. Fuck, I’m sorry. I haven’t done this in awhile and I figured I had some.” He sighed.
“Wait you haven’t.. Done anything in awhile?” You asked.
“I told you before Y/N, I’m really not like that.” He said with a small smile.
You bit your lip for a moment and thought, your eyes meeting his.
“Is your pull out game strong?” You asked.
He nearly choked when you asked, an amused laugh leaving his mouth.
“Oh my god. Yes, it’s good, clearly. I don’t have kids.” He laughed.
“Yeah yeah, shut up. Just pull out.” You instructed.
“If that’s what you want.” He giggled.
He hovered over you again, using one of his hands to bring your own to his shoulders.
“Grip me if it hurts.” He said softly.
You nodded as you felt his tip poking your entrance. He looked down at you as he slowly slipped the tip in, his eyes searching your face. Your jaw fell slack as he pushed in a little more, a whimper leaving your lips as tears brimmed your eyes. He stopped his hips and pressed soft kisses to your jaw. He pulled away and rubbed your hair, his eyes soft.
“Are you okay? Can you take it?” He asked.
You nodded, your nails digging into his biceps. He kissed your lips as he pushed in some more, a choked whine leaving your lips as a tear slipped past your eye. He kissed it away and clutched you tightly, halting his hips again.
“You’re doing so well babygirl, I promise. The pain will go away soon.” He whispered gentle praises in your ear, making you relax as he slipped the final inch inside of you, his hips meeting yours.
He allowed you to stay like that, pressing soft kisses to your jaw as he waited for your signal to move. You whined and he gave you a soft smile as he slowly dragged himself from your aching walls, gently pushing back in.
“Fuck.” He rasped, his hips rolling deeply into yours. “You’re so tight.”
You whimpered at his words, tangling your fingers in his soft locks as he began to pick up the pace. He slipped his hand between the two of you, rubbing figure eights on your clit as his length slid in and out of your heat. You let out a high pitched whimper as he fluidly rolled his hips into yours, rubbing your gspot and circling your clit. You tugged at his locks as pleasure blinded you, your toes curling every time his length slid into your walls.
“I’m gonna cum again Chan.” You whimpered, fingers clutching his hair.
“It’s okay babygirl, cum for me.” He rasped, rolling his hips deeply into yours.
You came with a soft whimper of his name falling from your lips, your body trembling as he rode out your high before pulling out and cumming on your stomach with a deep groan. Hot spurts on your skin made you glance down, seeing the small mess on your belly, but the look on his face was well worth it. His eyes were closed, head thrown back, plump lips parted as he stroked his length, getting every last drop out. Your eyes wandered to his length, your eyes widening when you noticed blood on it. You looked down and noticed blood on the sheets as well, panic filling you.
“U-Um, Chan? Why is there blood?” You asked, panic lacing your tone.
Chan snapped out of his post sex trance and looked at you, then down to his bloody length, then to the sheets, then your bleeding entrance, before chuckling.
“It’s normal silly.” He giggled.
“I-It is?” You asked.
He nodded and got up, looking around for a towel.
“I should clean us up.” He said.
“I can just... Go.” You said awkwardly.
He turned to you and lifted a brow.
“Why?” He asked.
“I mean... Shouldn’t I?” You asked.
“Why would you think that? I told you before, I’m not that type of guy. And there’s no way I’m gonna kick you out right after I took your virginity, and you’re bleeding on top of it.” He pointed out.
“Sorry...” You apologized shyly.
He sighed and gave you a small smile before wetting a rag and wiping his length off. He slowly rested between your legs and wiped the blood off of your entrance and thighs, cleaning you up completely before plopping down next to you. You both stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. You turned your head to look at him, his eyes glued to the ceiling fan.
“What was your first time like?” You asked.
He looked at you in shock for a moment, his eyes meeting yours. He let out a small laugh and rubbed his forehead, his eyes closed.
“It was with my first girlfriend back when I was in high school.” He said.
“Oh... Was she a virgin too?” You asked.
“Yeah, she was.” He said, turning his head away. “God, I wish I could take it back.”
“Why’s that?” You asked, your eyes sad.
“She was the first girl I ever loved, and god did I love her so much. I tried to give her everything I could. I spoiled her, I gave her time, I gave her love, and she went ahead and cheated on me.” He said softly.
Your eyes softened at his words, your heart oddly hurting for him. His eyes looked so sad, so confused.
“It’s been years but I still don’t know why.” He said, looking at you. “I guess it was just me.”
“Chan, it definitely wasn’t you. If you did all that for her, then it was her.” You pointed out.
He shrugged and stared off into space, his eyes wandering around.
“I’m serious Chan, you didn’t deserve that.” You said.
He gave a small laugh and looked at you, propping himself up on his elbow.
“Don’t you hate me? Aren’t you supposed to say I deserve it? Don’t you think I’m a shitty person?” He asked.
“I think you’re annoying, not a shitty person.” You pointed out.
Chan laughed and rolled his eyes, turning towards you.
“I’ll take that over being shitty.” He laughed. “But thanks, you’re too sweet.”
You rolled your eyes and turned the opposite way as him, facing the wall. Your eyes felt heavy as they began to close, and you fell asleep to the sound of Chan snoring softly beside you.
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Your eyes fluttered open as light poured into the room. You opened your eyes and turned over, shock and horror filling you as you realized you were laying directly next to Chan. His eyes were closed, lips slightly parted as he slept. You went to move away, accidentally bumping him. His brows furrowed and he slowly opened his eyes, a small smirk stretching across his face.
“Staring at me while I sleep now babygirl?” He asked.
“I wasn’t!” You gasped, turning away.
He chuckled and moved closer, making goosebumps form on your skin as he leaned close, whispering against the skin on your shoulder.
“You can stare at me as much as you like babygirl. I know you like what you see.” 
You squealed and went to push him away, making him laugh as he grabbed your arms, his face just a mere inch from yours.
“You get so flustered so easily.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, whatever.” You mumbled.
He chuckled and held your arms, a smirk on his face.
“So? Do you want this to be a thing? Like a friends with benefits type of thing?” He asked.
“We aren’t friends.” You pointed out.
“Yeah yeah, ‘enemies’ with benefits or whatever.” He said, his eyes on yours.
“Should we?” You asked, wanting his confirmation before saying yes.
“I mean, I don’t see why not. You’re not hooking up or with anyone, clearly.” He pointed out. “And neither am I. It’ll benefit us both.” 
You thought about it for a moment, biting your lip before nodding.
“Cool.” He said with a smile. “Should I get condoms? Or are you comfortable starting birth control?”
“I can start birth control, I don’t see a problem with it.” You said with a nod.
“Cool.” He said, getting up. “We should probably keep this on the down low, yeah?”
You nodded as you watched him get up and throw a pair of his black boxers on. You weren’t surprised to say the least, already knowing he would’ve asked you to do so to protect his image. You sat up and covered yourself with the blanket as you looked around for your clothes, which were conveniently scattered across the room. You cursed as you looked around for you thongs, when you heard him clear his throat. You lifted your head and saw the laced topped underwear dangling from his pointer finger, a smirk on his face.
“Give them to me.” You demanded, storming over to him with the blanket wrapped around you.
“Hmmm... Maybe if you give me a kiss.” He said with a smirk, dropping his face down to your level.
“In your dreams, morning breath.” You growled, reaching for your panties.
He smirked and lifted them higher, his dimple poking through his cheek. You glared at him and went to snatch them again, when he pecked your lips and then ran out of the room with them, making your face turn red from being flustered, and from anger.
“Bang Chan you are so annoying!”
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You sat with Minho after school in the indoor swimming pool area, watching the swim team. You were always helping after school, and that included sport activities. You had help set up the gym for the tournament, and now it was full of people from both teams, and their classmates. Your eyes wandered to Chan, who was clad in black swim shorts and a tight black swim shirt, a bright blue streak running along the sides of both the shirt and shorts. He looked absolutely ethereal like that, his hair soaked and curled, his swim shirt glued to his chest from the water.
His eyes were on Hyunjin as he came up, just coming before the boy from the other team did. Chan smiled at Hyunjin and helped him out of the water, patting his back and praising him. You watched the two of them, when you felt a pair of eyes on you. You turned your head and made eye contact with Yenna, who was giving you a dirty look.
“Do you always have to eye rape him?” Yenna asked, folding her arms and pursing her lips. “It’s pathetic.”
You were just about to say a snarky remark when Minho whipped his head around and looked at her, his eyes narrowed. You had to admit, when Minho was pissed, he was VERY intimidating.
“So if watching the swim captain when we’re at a, I don’t know, swim tournament is eye rape, then what do you call all of the annoying clinging and hanging all of him when he clearly isn’t interested? Molestation? Because you sure as fuck do that a lot.” Minho pointed out, eyes narrowed.
The girls in Yenna’s “clique” gasped at his words, making Yenna’s face and ears turn bright red. She grit her teeth and walked off the bleachers, irritation in her eyes. You smiled at Minho who bumped you with his shoulder, a smile on his face.
“Don’t look now, but hot swim captain is definitely looking at you.” Minho said lowly.
You slowly turned your head and made eye contact with Chan, who gave you a side smile before turning back to the water. Your cheeks turned red and Minho giggled, shaking his head.
“You let him take your virginity, now you’re shy when he looks at you?” He asked, chuckling.
“Shhh!” You hushed him, looking around.
“What? I didn’t say it loud.” Minho giggled.
“You said it loud enough!” You whisper yelled.
He chuckled and shook his head, looking at you.
“Did you get on birth control yet?” He asked.
“I go to pick up my prescription today.” You informed him.
“Good, you don’t need no Channie babies running around.” He giggled.
You smack his arm and he let out a yelp, rubbing the spot you hit.
“Ow!” He groaned. “You’re real spicy again. How long has it been since you last hooked up? You definitely need some dick.”
“We only hooked up that one time so far.” You admitted with a blush.
“Wait, it’s been a week and you guys haven’t done anything again?” He asked, arching a brow.
“Minho he’s the captain of the swim team, he doesn’t have all of the time in the world. Besides, he isn’t obligated to give me time. We’re only screwing around.” You pointed out. 
“Whatever.” Minho grumbled, still rubbing his arm.
After the tournament, you got up and walked down the bleachers, stepping into the walk way. You felt someone slightly bump you, and you turned to see an attractive boy from the other swim team. He gave you a kind smile and gave you a small bow.
“Sorry, I don’t pay attention.” He said with a sweet smile.
“It’s okay, no worries.” You said, bowing back politely.
“I’m surprised your so friendly, since I’m from the rival school and all.” He laughed.
“It doesn’t matter to me, I’m just here because I set up.” You giggled.
“Really? It looks great. Maybe you should get in the water some time.” He said with a huge smile.
“I can’t swim, but thank you.” You thanked him as you headed out, catching up with Minho.
But not before you caught Chan’s eye. He was looking at you, almost watching you.
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You thanked the woman at the pharmacy as you picked up your birth control prescription, slipping it into your bag as you walked out. As you were walking out, you bumped in to someone else.
“Sorry Mister.” You apologized, before realizing who it was.
Chan was looking down at you, a smile on his face.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He asked.
“I was um... Grabbing the birth control.” You said lowly and awkwardly.
He smiled at you and nodded, beckoning for you to follow him back in.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“I get my protein powder here. It’s the only place that sells the brand I like.” He informed you, grabbing a thing of it and paying. “Wanna go get some coffee?” “Why?” You asked, tilting your head.
“I mean, every time I talk to you isn’t going to be to get my dick wet babygirl.” He said with a smirk as he led you out of the pharmacy and to the cafe.
“Ya know, for someone who wants to keep what we’re doing on the down low, you call me that quite a lot.” You pointed out.
He chuckled and ordered your drinks, paying for yours. You looked at him and frowned, making him laugh.
“I mean, you just had to pay for birth control. I’m pretty sure I can at least grab you a coffee.” He said.
You shrugged and sipped your drink, following him as he walked out of the cafe. He led you to his car and beckoned for you to get in, and you followed him in. You opened the birth control and checked the time, wanting to take it at the same time every day (You’re supposed too). Chan watched you pop it down your throat, making him swallow hard.
“What?” You asked.
“Nothing.” He said, starting his car and driving off.
“No Chan really, what is it? It looks like you’ve just seen a ghost.” You said.
“You really aren’t helping my case.” He said lowly.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“You just... Took the birth control that you got specifically because of me right in front of my face after I told you I’m not always trying to get my dick wet.” He grumbled, eyes focusing on the road.
A good and bad idea popped into your head. Minho always talked about rough sex, saying the women he’s messed around with purposely would get him worked up/pissed off just for him to ruin them and honestly, you were curious about it. Yeah it would only be your second time, but you were curious if Chan would get so worked up and ruin you. You gave him a sweet smile then rested your hand on his thigh, softly rubbing it.
“It’s okay Channie.” You said with a smile.
His breath hitched and his hand grabbed yours and squeezed, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at you.
“You’re playing a dangerous game babygirl.” He growled.
“Am I, Channie?” You asked. “How dangerous?”
As soon as you were in Chan’s dorm, his lips were all over yours. His hands were on your waist, his fingers digging into your skin as he backed you into his room. His lips were hungry against yours as he pushed you on the bed, detaching his lips from yours, a string of saliva still connecting your lips. He rubbed his thumb along your bottom lip, spreading the saliva on it. You closed your mouth on the tip of his thumb and he smirked at you, lifting his shirt over his head.
“On your hands and knees babygirl.” He commanded.
You flipped yourself onto your hands and knees, making him chuckle.
“What?” You asked, looking back at him.
“I’m going to teach you how to arch, alright?” He asked.
You nodded as you felt his right hand rub your right asscheek, gently massaging it. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling of his hands roaming your ass. You felt his hand slide up your back, as he began to put pressure in the middle.
“Lower your front upper half.” He instructed.
You did as he told you, pressing your chest flat against the bed, your cheek against the mattress as the only thing up in the air was your ass. 
“Perfect.” He purred, gripping your asscheek and rubbing it.
You felt his hands move your shirt up, unclasping your bra as he slid your shirt and bra off, lifting you just enough to get them off of you. He pressed soft kisses to your bare shoulder and back as he began to kiss his way down your body, until he got to the waist band of your pants. He slid your pants down and off your legs, his eyes staring at your ass and covered core. He placed both hands on both of your asscheeks, rubbing them in firm motions.
“Your ass is so perfect.” He rasped.
You blushed at his praise, then inhaled sharply as he moved your panties to the side, the cool air hitting your dripping heat. He chuckled as he ran a finger on your slit, spreading your arousal.
“You get so wet babygirl, I love it.” He groaned. 
You felt a finger slip into your entrance, making you moan softly as he began to pump it in and out of you. His eyes watched the way your pussy swallowed around his finger, hugging it tightly. He smirked as you let out tiny moans, slightly pushing your hips back against his finger for more friction.
“What’s wrong babygirl?” He asked with his smirk still plastered across his face. “What do you want?”
You whimpered at his words, knowing he knew damn well what you wanted. You wiggled your ass a bit and he chuckled, pulling his fingers from your soaked heat. You let out a loud whine and he smirked down at you.
“You have to use your words babygirl.” He purred.
“I-I want you to fuck me, Chris.” You whined, using his birth name to finally get what you want.
His eyes darkened as you finally heard the sound of his belt hitting the floor, feeling the blunt, thick head of his length against your entrance. You felt him gently slide it on your folds, slicking it up. You whimpered in annoyance, earning a chuckle from him.
“What’s wrong babygirl?” He asked with a small chuckle.
“Please, please stop teasing me Chris.” You whimpered.
He leaned foreword and pressed a soft kiss to the back of your shoulder, a soft smile on his face as he slowly began to slip into you. You grit your teeth as his length once again stretched your heat. It wasn’t as painful as the first time, but it still hurt pretty bad. When he was up to the hilt inside of you, he kissed up your bare back, rubbing your hips soothingly.
“You okay?” He asked.
You nodded and pressed your cheek into the bedding, looking back at him.
“I’m okay, you can move. Please, move.” You whimpered.
He slowly drew his hips back, then pushed them foreword slowly until his hips met the flesh of your ass. You keened as his length pushed deep into you, making you let out a choked moan. His thrusts were shallow and slow, making you whine out.
“I can take more Chris, you don’t have to be so gentle.” You rasped.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Yes, please Chris. I need more.” You whimpered.
With that, his pace began to pick up. His grip on your hips tightened as he began to thrust fluidly into your dripping heat, making you see stars as he began to rub your Gspot. Your hands clutched the blankets on his bed, loud moans and whimpers leaving your lips as he snapped his hips into yours. Your toes curled and you buried your face into his bedding as the pleasure began to blind you. 
“Who was that guy you were talking too?” He asked with a deep roll of his hips.
“Fuck- what guy?” You asked, trying to cling to the last bit of sanity you had.
“The one that was in the swimming tournament.” He growled, snapping his hips roughly into yours, slapping sounds filling the room every time his hips met the flesh of your ass.
“I-I don’t know him. He just- oh, God... He just bumped into me.” You rasped, clinging harshly to the blankets as your whines and moans became more high pitched and desperate.
You came hard with his name rolling off of your tongue, like it was your favorite verse of a song. His hips stuttered as he fought to contain himself long enough to ride out your high before pulling out and cumming on your back and ass with a deep groan. You both panted as you allowed your lower half to fall flat along with the upper half of your body, when you felt him plop on top of you, being careful not to crush you. You turned your head as it rested on the bed as you looked at him. His wavy hair was damp with sweat and sticking to his forehead, his eyes were closed, his plump lips parted as he panted, and his chest and shoulders glistened with sweat.
He rested his chin on your shoulder, panting as he slowly peeled himself back off of you before placing a kiss on your shoulder and grabbing a towel. He made his way back over to you and wiped you up, his eyes going to yours.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his voice soft. “You bled again.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just need a minute to breathe.” You rasped.
He nodded and plopped down beside you on his back, his breathing still ragged.
“This is your fault you know, I didn’t even plan for us to do this today.” Chan said, looking at you.
“Mhmm, sure.” You muttered.
“Maybe I corrupted you.” He giggled.
You smacked his chest and he yelped, glaring at you as you glared at him.
“Perv.” You muttered.
“You’re the pervert. You’re the one who seduced me when I was just minding my own business. I really have corrupted you already.” 
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You finished setting up the banner to the pool room, pridefully looking at it. You had hand made it and spent hours on it, excited to finally hang it up. Chan had also helped with it, staying after his swim meets and practices to help you. You both had been spending more time together recently, more time than you even noticed. He was just always there, even though he annoyed the hell out of you.
“Y/N!” You heard one of the swimmers, Hyunjin, call, beckoning you over to the pool.
You, being curious, decided to go see what was up. You walked over and he pointed to the water.
“Can you check that thermostat real quick?” He asked.
You being slightly naive didn’t think that hey, he was a swimmer, he could just get right up in there and check it. Instead, you leaned foreword and looked down, squinting your eyes at it. You were about to read it when two arms grabbed you and dragged you into the water, making you yelp. Your body went under and you desperately searched for the floor, anxiety making your breath knocked out of you as you tried to break to the surface.
You couldn’t swim, and you had almost drowned at one point, making water one of your biggest fears. And now you were stuck in that position again, your lungs screaming for air as you tried to kick your legs. You felt strong arms grab you and lift you out of the water. You coughed and sputtered water as Chan lifted you out of the pool, shock and worry on his face.
“Can you not swim?” He asked in disbelief.
“No.” You choked, coughing out water as tears streamed down your cheeks. 
You shoved him away from you, anger and fear searing through you, as he had been the one that dragged you under.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” He said, his eyes still wide.
You pushed past him and grabbed your stuff, hurrying out and rushing back to your dorms. You locked yourself in your dorm, sobs shaking your body as you were still fighting off the anxiety and embarrassment. You curled into yourself, still soaked, as your phone rang, and you saw Chan’s caller ID. But you didn’t pick up, you didn’t answer his text. You just cried by yourself, wishing you could just disappear.
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You didn’t like parties. scratch that, you hated them. They were always over crowded, smelled like alcohol, cigarettes, and teen pregnancies, and no one ever had a good intention there. You haven’t been to many college parties, always straying away from them.
But tonight was different, to say the least. Minho had dragged you to a frat party, since he was friends with the host, who turned out to be Hyunjin. You were standing with Minho, a solo cup in your hand as you had decided to drink for once. You sipped on your drink as Minho talked to the other guys, just zoning in and out of the conversation. You were also distracted, as Chan was there, Yenna clinging to his arm as usual. He was talking with his roommate, Changbin, not paying her any attention. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking, but seeing her all over him kind of pissed you off.
You and Chan have hooked up a total of 13 times in the past month and a half, but ever since the incident, neither of you have spoken. He never talks about Yenna, but with the way he lets her cling to him has you questioning if he’s sleeping with her too. But why should you care? It’s not like you two were dating, and you hated him. At least, you were supposed too. You kept your eyes on Minho for the most part, but they also tended to wander to Chan. He never once glanced at you, that you’ve noticed. 
Yenna leaned a little too close to his face and you finally decided to distract yourself. You put your cup down and excused yourself to the bathroom, slowly making your way through the crowd of people who were either dry humping each other or making out. You half stumbled through them to make it to the bathroom, about to reach for the knob when the door opened. Your eyes widened when you recognized the guy you had almost bumped into while leaving the swim tournament. He gave you a friendly smile, and you looked at him in confusion.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“We love us some parties, and we got invited. We don’t like to pass up generous offers.” He said with a smile.
“Ah, I see.” You said awkwardly.
“Do you wanna drink a bit? You’re like, the only nice one here.” He pouted.
“Sure.” You said with a shrug
.He led you to the kitchen, the both of you taking jello shots and talking. He kept pushing drinks on you, making you very drunk. You never get like this, so the feeling is new as you’re nearly wasted. He keeps trying to hand you even more drinks, but you start declining them. You knew you fucked up after the last shot, and now you felt sick. You went to excuse yourself, when he grabbed your arm.
“Too drunk?” He asked.
You nodded and he led you outside into the cool night air, and you felt grateful for him doing so. That is, until you realized his intentions. He slammed his lips into yours, and you quickly pushed him away, backing away from him. That kiss was nothing like Chan’s, not one bit. Chan’s was always full of passion, while this guys was full of pure lust and hunger. You backed away from him and his expression became angry.
“You led me on.” He snarled angrily, stepping up to you. 
You backed into the wall, tears filling your eyes as you began to cower away from him. You didn’t understand what he was talking about, you had only been nice.
“You’re just a whore, aren’t you? You must sleep around with a bunch of guys, since you seem to flirt with every guy in sight.” He spit at you, making your stomach churn.
He smirked as he realized you were trapped between the outside of the house and him, his eyes dangerous.
“I’ll treat you like a whore then.” He snarled, his lips almost crashing against yours again.
You closed your eyes and tried to push him away, when suddenly he grunted and staggered back, clutching his jaw. You looked up and saw Chan standing in front of you, his eyes dark as his jaw was clenched and tight. The kid stepped up to Chan and Chan swung again, catching his face and tossing him on the ground. 
You trembled as you felt someone grab you and pull you away, and you recognized Changbin. Minho instantly came out of the house, checking you over and sighing with relief. 
“Hyunjin distracted everyone else.” He informed Changbin.
“Good. This kid needs to get his ass out of here, him and his goon friends.” Changbin said.
You lifted your head and saw Chan approaching you quickly, grabbing your face and looking you over.
“Are you okay, are you hurt?” He asked, his voice shaking with anger.
“I-I’m okay.” You stuttered out.
He sighed in relief and pulled you into his chest, his arms around you tight. You leaned into him, half for comfort, half because you were so trashed you couldn’t hold yourself up. His hand stroked your hair as he rested his cheek on your head before looking at Minho.
“I’m gonna take her back to my dorm.” He informed him.
Minho nodded and looked back at the kids friends who were looking for him.
“Go, we’ll take care of this.” Minho said as Changbin smiled at him.
Chan lifted you into his arms and brought you to his car, buckling you in before heading back to his dorms. You kept dozing off, your head feeling heavy as you leaned it against the window. Chan didn’t say a single word until you got back to his dorm. You immediately headed for the toilet, throwing up your stomach content. You felt his hands gently pull your hair back into a make shift pony tail, holding your hair out of your face. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you finished, sitting down on the floor.
“Do you ever drink this much?” He asked.
You shook your head and he sighed, going to his dresser and bringing an over sized T-shirt. You went to move but almost fell over, so he helped you rid of all of your clothes besides your panties. He slipped the T-shirt over your head and handed you his bottle of mouth wash. You rinsed your mouth as he went to get the bed set up. When he came back, you were leaning against the door frame, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“Do you feel sick again?” He asked, walking over and grabbing you by your elbows.
You shook your head and stepped into his arms, burying your face into his chest. You felt his one hand stroke your hair, his other arm wrapping around your waist as he held you tightly.
“I was so scared.” You whimpered into his strong chest. “I didn’t think you were going to come for me. I didn’t think anyone was.”
His arm tightened around you, his hand cradling your head into him. His breathing was ragged as he got mad again, his cheek resting on your head.
“His kisses, th-they weren’t like yours. They were gross and made me feel gross.” You said with a small sob.
“I know baby, I know. It’s all okay now, he can’t touch you. I’m here, I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He said softly.
He brought you to his bed, sliding in with you and pulling you into his arms. His one arm was tucked under your head, the other pushing your hair out of your face. Your hand found his as you looked at the open wounds on his knuckle, your eyes lifting to his.
“It’s okay.” He said softly as he wiped a tear that slipped out of your one eye.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong, that was his fault.” Chan said, trying to soothe you.
“Not just that, but for being so mean to you after you didn’t know I couldn’t swim. I’m so sorry, you didn’t deserve that.” You sobbed.
“Shhh, it’s okay babygirl. Let’s get some sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning.” He said softly.
You nodded and slid closer into his arms, burying your face into his chest. You fell asleep to him stroking your hair, and to his steady heartbeat.
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You winced as you held your pounding head, groaning. Chan looked over at you, his back against the pillows as he had been up for a bit. He reached across his table and handed you two painkillers and a bottle of water.
“Take these.” He said.
You took the medication and laid back down, your eyes on his busted knuckle. He noticed you looking at it and slid down to your level, turning on his side to look at you. You looked back at him as he stretched his hand out, pushing your hair out of your face. You moved closer into his touch, and he instinctively did too. Your lips met in a soft kiss, his hand on your jaw softly. When you pulled away you both looked at each other, your eyes scanning each others.
“His kisses really weren’t like yours.” You whispered.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of kissed you after that happened.” He sighed, about to get up.
You slipped your hand on his cheek, shaking your head.
“I like your kisses, Chan.” You admitted with a blush.
He smiled at you and leaned in, his lips meeting yours sweetly. You closed your eyes and melted into his kiss, the kisses you liked. Your fingers slid over his cheek, his hand on your waist a he brought you close to him. His tongue swiped over your bottom lip, and you gave him the entry he was craving for. You tangled your fingers in his wavy locks as your tongues danced, his quickly putting yours back in it’s place. He pulled away and started to kiss your jaw, when you stopped him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, worry in his tone.
“You always please me, I think it’s time for me to learn to please you.” You said.
“You don’t have too, Y/N.” He said with a small blush.
“I want too, I want to learn.” You pressed, your innocent eyes determined.
“Fine.” He agreed, sitting up.
You got between his legs and rubbed his hardening legnth through his boxers, making him hiss.
“Don’t even try to tease babygirl, I’ll put you right back in your place.” He informed you with a smirk.
You pouted but obeyed, slipping his thick length from his boxers. You gave him a questionable look and he chuckled.
“Start with the head, you can even just spit on your hand to slick it up so you can rub it a bit.” He said.
You nodded and spit on your hand before rubbing it up and down his length, making him bite his lip. You pumped his length, rubbing the slit with your thumb.
“Okay, now start with the head, use your tongue first.” He instructed.
You nodded and gave his tip a light kiss before swirling your tongue around the head, making him inhale sharply. You licked up the side of his shaft, making him close his eyes in bliss. You slowly sucked his tip into your mouth, making him let out a small moan.
“You’re doing good babygirl, now take some of me down your throat.” He ordered.
You looked at him as you slid his length down your throat, his girth making your jaw tense. You pushed the thought to the back of your head as you began to slowly bob your head up and down. Chan let out a hiss and grabbed your hair, pulling your head up.
“A little less teeth, hollow out your cheeks like this.” He instructed, showing you how to hollow them out.
You went back down on him and did what he said, hollowing out your cheeks as you took him down your throat. His head rolled back and leaned on the wall, a soft groan leaving his lips as his tip began to hit the back of your throat. His fingers dug into your hair, holding it out of your face as you swirled your tongue every time you came to the tip. He let out a small grunt and pulled you away from his length, his eyes hooded as he pushed you onto your back.
“Was it bad?” You asked, worried that’s why he pulled you away.
“It was perfect, but I think you deserve a reward for doing so well.” He purred.
He slipped between your legs and pressed his tip to your entrance before slowly slipping inside of you with little resistance. You both let out sighs of relief as he slipped up to the hilt inside of you. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips as he rolled his hips into yours lazily.
“You’re so soaked babygirl, did making me feel good turn you on that much?” He asked with a groan.
“I love making you feel good Chris.” You moaned as his hips rolled deeply into yours, making your toes curl every time he entered you.
The early morning sun casted a beautiful glow on his honey skin as he thrusted into you slow, but deep. He pressed soft kisses on your jaw line as hips snapped into yours, your fingers digging into his back. His hips slightly picked up the pace as he panted.
“I’m not gonna last long babygirl.” He rasped.
“Me either C-Chris, I’m gonna cum.” You whimpered.
All it took was his fingers to rub lazy figure eights onto your clit for you to see stars, a soft moan of his name leaving your lips. He rode out your high before pulling out and cumming on your stomach, the hot spurts shooting up to your boobs.
“Shit, sorry.” He rasped.
“Its okay.” You said tiredly, the both of you looking at each other with blissed out faces.
He grabbed his shirt and wiped you clean before wrapping an arm around your waist, his head on your chest as he yawned. 
“I could use a nap.” He murmured.
You smiled as you played with his hair until his breathing became softer, indicating he was asleep. You closed your eyes and drifted off, a smile on your face.
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You took down the banner as the tournaments were over for the next few months. You felt relieved though, now Chan could finally rest and stop over working himself. As you took down the tournament posters and other things, you thought about everything with Chan. You had hated him, everything about him, and now? You didn’t know what it was, but you knew you it wasn’t hate. Was it love? 
But how could it be? You promised yourself and made the deal with Chan to not fall in love. Had you broken your most sacred rule to yourself?
The sound of the heavy doors opening and shutting made you jump, ripping you from your thoughts. You turned to see Yenna and her two friends approaching you. When they got in front of you, Yenna folded her arms and looked you up and down.
“Can I help you?” You asked.
“Actually you can, by staying away from Chan.” She said bitterly.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked, slightly amused.
“You heard me. Stay away from Chan. He could never like a bitch like you anyways.” 
“Then what are you so worried for?” You asked, arching a brow.
“Oh trust me, I’m not worried. It’s just annoying and pathetic when the ugly duckling tries to get in the way.”
“Well, this ugly duckling is just minding her damn business, and so should you.” You said firmly.
“What was that?” She asked, irritation in her voice.
“You heard me, mind your damn business. It’s none of your business who I’m with, or who Chan’s with.” You said.
She stared at you for a moment before scoffing, a smirk on her face.
“I hate to do this to you, but it’s a shame I know your little secret.” She said.
“What?” You asked.
Your eyes widened when you felt her push you, your body plummeting into the deepest end of the pool. You instantly began to thrash around, your lungs screaming as you sunk straight to the bottom. You tried to move your arms, but your body was frozen with fear and anxiety.
I’m sorry Chris.
You closed your eyes and decided it was best to let fate take you, when you felt a pair of familiar strong arms grab you and lift you from the water. You felt yourself being laid on the cold floor as you coughed and gagged, whimpers leaving your lips as you fought for air. You felt hands on your cheeks and saw Chan’s face, his voice ringing in and out of your ears.
‘Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked.
You blinked at him and nodded, earning a sigh of relief from him as he pulled you into his arms. You noticed he was soaked and realized he had jumped in to save you. You buried your face into his shoulder, tears streaking down your face as you still fought to breathe. Chan lifted you into his arms and began to walk out of the pool room when Yenna stepped in front of him.
“Chan we were just-”
He whipped his head around to face her, his eyes holding daggers in them. He looked as if he wanted to kill the bitch on the spot.
“If you ever come near us again I’ll break your fucking arms you fucking psycho bitch.” He growled.
Yenna backed away and Chan carried you out the doors and to his car, flying to his dorm.
When you got back, he quickly put you in his large shirt that just came out of the dryer before pulling you in between his legs and into his arms.
“I’m so sorry Y/N.” He whispered.
“It’s okay Chris.” You said, stroking his cheek. “It’s not your fault.”
“But it is. She must’ve seen us together at some point. I’m so sorry, I should’ve done a better job at keeping it on the down low.” He said, his voice shaking.
“Wait, that’s why you wanted to keep it a secret?” You asked.
“Yeah, why else would I want too?” He asked.
“I-I thought it was so I wouldn’t ruin your reputation. I thought if someone found out you’d be embarrassed for sleeping with someone like me.” You said.
‘Someone like you? Y/N, there’s nothing wrong with you.” He said firmly.
You blushed and looked at him as he rubbed his face, his eyes bloodshot and glassy.
“I’m sorry. This is my fault.” He said, tears beginning to form at the corner of his eyes.
Tears filled your own eyes as you rubbed his cheek, looking at his lost expression.
“If it’s your fault it’s mine too.” You said softly.
“How?” He asked.
“I broke the number one rule Chris. I fell in love with you like an idiot. I fell in love knowing we can’t, but I did.” You said, tears streaming down your eyes. 
He looked at you in shock as you cried, wiping your tears with your arms. 
“I’m sorry Chris.” You sobbed softly, trying to hide your face.
You felt his hands grab your face as he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss, making your heart hammer against your chest.
“Idiot... I love you too.” He whispered against your lips.
“You do?” You asked, looking at him in shock.
“I do, Y/N. So, so much.” He whispered. “And I always have, even before we started hooking up. I loved the way you acted like you hated me. I loved how you could reject and stand up to me. I loved you from the start.”
You both smiled at each other as your lips melted together in a passionate kiss. You tangled your fingers in his damp hair as he lifted you up and pushed you onto his bed, a soft look in his eye.
“I’ll show you how much I love you.” He rasped as he kissed all along your neck.
You purred as he rubbed your clit through your panties, his other hand lifting his over sized shirt. He lifted it over your head and kissed every piece of exposed skin he could find. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered between kisses.
You threaded your fingers through his hair as he left love bites and kisses all over your skin. He looked at you with so much passion, so much love. He kissed your lips as he worked his pants down his legs, pulling his length out. He rubbed it on your slit before looking into your eyes as he sunk into you, your pussy hugging his dick like a vice. He pressed his forehead against your own as he began to rock his hips into yours, his pace starting off fast.
“I love you.” You whimpered against his lips as you kissed him again.
“I love you too babygirl.”  He rasped, his lips melting into yours.
Loud slapping sounds filled your ears as he pounded you into the bed, soft grunts and your moans making into the most beautiful song. He lifted your legs over his shoulders and pounded into you, making you cry out at the deep angle.
“Y-You’re so fucking deep Chris.” You whimpered, your hands squeezing the pillows behind your head for dear life.
“Does it feel good baby?” He asked in between pants as his hips slapped off of yours.
“So, so good Chris.” You moaned, eyes rolling back as your back arched. “So fucking thick.”
“You’re so- fuck- tight.” He groaned.
“Ch-Chris, cum inside me, please.” You whimpered as his length fucked you dumb.
“You want to be my little- shit - cum slut before my girlfriend huh?” He teased.
“Please Chris, I want it.” You whimpered shamelessly.
His eyes darkened as he lifted you both up, sitting on his knees as he bounced you up and down his thick length as he pounded into you. Your cries and moans filled the room, the sound of skin slapping accompanying it with his grunts and groans. He buried his face into your chest as you began to clench around him.
“I’m gonna cum Chris, fuck I’m gonna cum.” You whimpered.
“Cum babygirl, cum for me.” He rasped.
You came with a scream of his name, your body tensing and your back arching. Your nails dug into his back, blood dripping down the little crescent shapes you made. You felt his body shudder and warmth splash against your walls as he came with a groan, his arms tightening around you.
You both panted as he slowly laid you both down on your sides, his dick still buried deep inside of you. He rubbed your hip and kissed your forehead as you came down from your high. When you calmed down, he caught your lips in a kiss, a smile on his face.
“Will you officially be mine Y/N?” He asked.
You stroked his cheek and nodded, burying your face into his chest. He hummed as he stroked your hair, content now.
“I’m happy I asked you when I did, I’m so happy it was you. I’m so happy it is you.” You confessed.
He smiled down at you and kissed your head, stroking your cheek.
“I’m happy too. I love you, so much.”
“I love you too Chris. So, so much.” You whispered, nuzzling into his chest.
That night, you fell asleep in Chan’s arms, as close as you two could get. You were finally with your first, and hopefully your last, love.
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witchoflavender · 5 years
31 Spooky Things to do in October as a Witch
One for each day. I put them in an order that made sense to me, but some of these you could definitely move around. Also, the focus is on witchy stuff, but most of this works as just something fun to do!
1. Catch a falling leaf 🍂
Catching a fallen leaf is said to be good luck. Keep it on your altar for the whole month. 
2. Put up some decorations / Decorate altar  📿
If you haven't already, now is a good time to pull out your spooky fall decor. If you already have some, touch up or add to it.Ideas for altar:
fallen leaves
nuts, acorns
harvest vegetables like pumpkins and squash
Halloween decor
3. Use fall scents 💧
Scents are tied to emotion. Using the same scents year after year builds strong emotional memories. Herbal scents can also be used for their magical properties; for instance, cinnamon is protective and energizing.
4. Listen to spooky music 🎶
Good way to get in the mood! Save your favorites to put in a playlist later (see #12)!
5. Wear fall colors ❤️��💛💚
Reds, oranges, browns, and dark greens are typical. 
6. Buy a pumpkin (or a few!)  🎃
Preferably at a pumpkin patch! Picking out your own is extra fun. Larger ones are good for carving. Smaller ones make cute decor. Don't carve any yet though—at best they only last around a week. (See Day 24 for tips on how to help preserve it!) You can empower them to repel negativity and to protect your home, much like jack-o-lanterns’ original purpose.
7. Read a spooky story  📕
Doesn't have to be horror if you don't enjoy it! There are plenty of mysterious stories that suit this time of year.
8. Drink hot chocolate, apple cider, or pumpkin flavored drink  ☕️
I know I'll be drinking more than one pumpkin spice latte this month haha.
You can make your own apple cider from regular apple juice. Just add cinnamon (a must), allspice, nutmeg, and/or cloves (the last three are more optional). To add a magical flare, you can enchant the ingredients or stir in energy. 
9. Plan Halloween costume, Halloween day events 👹
Decide what you are going to wear and what you are going to do on the day of. You may want to carve some time for witchy activities, as well as time for trick or treating, or for having a party.
10. Perform some form of divination  🔮
I find this time of year divination is particularly strong. 
11. Watch a spooky show  ��
Over the Garden Wall - a short and sweet cartoon about two brothers traveling through the Unkown
The Twilight Zone - imagine I don't need to explain this one!
Stranger Things - the first season is especially good. Set in the 80s and takes a lot of inspiration from the media of that decade
Gravity Falls - cute, kids dealing with supernatural activity in their town
X-files - it's a classic for a reason. Two FBI agents investigate supposed paranormal events
12. Make a Halloween playlist  🎧
This is something you can listen to all month long, and is especially useful if you are planning on a party at the end of the month. You can even build on this year after year, updating it to reflect your changing taste. Useful in music witchcraft.
13. Eat a caramel apple  🍎
Here's a tip: while the classic caramel apple on a stick is certainly cute, it's way easier to eat if you cut the apple into slices!
14. Take a (safe) night hike  🌲
It's good to get outside and feel the changing air. Just don’t go off alone into the woods during the middle of the night!
15. Play a spooky game  🎮
Or watch a let's play, if you'd rather!
OFF - horrifying at times but not gorey, great soundtrack and fun gameplay
Yume Nikki - a slow paced and atmospheric game where you travel through dreams
Oxenfree - much more thriller than outright horror, a group of teens find themselves in the middle of strange occurrences
Amnesia: The Dark Descent - one of the more intense horror games out there!
Five Nights at Freddie's - it may be seen as slightly "cringey" now but it's a genuinely good game.
16. Make/buy popcorn balls 🍿
These are easy to make and yummy
17. Gather a pile of leaves and jump in  🍁
If you live in a place with enough leaves. If not, collect some leaves for more indoor decor.
18. Go to a corn maze  🌽 🌽 🌽
These are simple but fun.
19. Watch a spooky movie 📽️
The Sixth Sense - this ghost movie is famous for a major twist. If you don't know it, it's really interesting! If you do know, it's fun to rewatch and see the foreshadowing.
Ghostbusters - either the classic one or the all-women remake; both are fun.
Us - my only recommendations I haven't actually seen, but I've heard the entire plot and think it sounds worth watching. Involves doppelgängers seeking revenge. Falls solidly in the horror category.
Nightmare Before Christmas - did you know this movie was directed by Henry Selick, NOT Tim Burton? He was a producer, and came up with the initial concept, but he was mostly uninvolved with the day-to-day of production.
Practical Magic - a family of witches dealing with a generational curse. The power of family and romantic love.
20. Visit a graveyard (respectfully!) ⚰️
Graveyards are interesting historical sites as well as a place to honor the dead. It's healthy to acknowledge and reflect on death occasionally. 
21. Create a fall or Halloween aesthetic board 🌆
What do you think of when you think of this season? Can be a starting point for art magic.
22. Contemplate Autumn  🌾
It's a time of the harvest, a time of change. Maybe do some meditation or journaling if you feel like it.
23. Buy fall produce 🍠
Buying seasonal produce gets you in tune with that energy, not to mention it just tends to taste better!
24. Carve a jack-o-lantern  🎃
Or you can use easier, no-carve methods, such as drawing on with sharpie. If you do carve, here are some tips:
Wash the outside of the pumpkin first. This prevents mold from getting in.
If you plan on putting it over a candle, it is easier to carve out the bottom instead of the top. This also helps it last longer.
Scoop in a spiral, focusing on cutting the strings. Then the insides should come out more easily.
Rinse it out with a diluted bleach solution. Wait for this to dry a bit.
Cut time! Plan with a marker first, and keep in mind small pieces may break.
Sprinkle the inside with lemon (for preservation) and cinnamon (for the smell!)
Rub the cut edges with vaseline, again for preservation.
Don't leave it out in the heat. If you live somewhere hot, try keeping it inside, especially during the daytime.
25. Tell (or read) ghost stories around a fire  👻
If you can get together a group of friends, all the better, but reading on your own works too. 
26. Make pumpkin pie  🥧
I. love. pumpkin pie. If you don't though, any type of pie is good! Baking is inherently magical to me.
27. Go to a haunted house. 🏚️
You can drive to one, or sometimes someone in the neighborhood will set one up.
28. Finish costume prep 🧵
If you need to buy some prop and haven't yet, do it! If you're DIYing it, make sure everything is complete. 
29. Finish decorations, Ancestor altar  🕯️
If there is anything else you want put up, make sure it's done. Now is also a good time to set up an ancestor altar. Gather photographs, heirlooms and other mementos of deceased family, friends, or even pets. Set it up in an attractive way.
And don't forget to buy candy for trick-or-treaters!
30. Wear something Halloween related—it's tomorrow! 🧣
Orange and black colors, spiders and pumpkins and bats.
31. Halloween! 💀
Be sure to enjoy the day.
As for witchy activities, it's a good time for divination. You can put out an offering of food and cider or mead, then light the candles on your ancestor altar. You can try communicating with them, through divination or other methods, or simply let them know you are thinking of them. 
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hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 01
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language.
Words: 3,701
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, "She-Bang", with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps "She-Bang" realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
A/N: My first Hoseok Fic, won’t be my last. Please support.
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Waking up to a raging headache and nausea everyday never gets old when you aim to live the life of a superstar musician. I can't even remember the last time I woke up perfectly healthy after a gig and that was fine by me.
I can feel the sun trying to pulverize me from the hotel window as I open my eyes. I immediately try to shy away from it and end up bumping into my band mate Carrie. She gives a tired moan as she rolls further away from me.
How and why is Carrie in my bed?
I peek over her at the second king sized bed in the hotel room to see Leyah and some guy she must of brought home last night without us noticing. Fuck. Carrie definitely got kicked out of her shared bed with Leyah and decided to bunk with me instead of Vicky in the next room on the couch. What else is new?
I take a glance at the digital clock on the nightstand. 4:56 PM. "Guys! We gotta move! Get up!" I yell, not helping my own hangover, but all the while moving like a bat out of hell trying to get the band ready for tonight. I walk around the bed and give Carrie a few good shakes until she sat upright. I move into the next room to Vicky, saving Leyah's sorry ass for last.
"Vicky. Come on babe, you gotta get up." I lean down and shake her a little gentler than I shook Carrie because I know she drank a little more than the rest of last night. "Vicky?" I said softly. "Hmm?" She responded still tucked into the couch with her back to me. "We have a show tonight honey and it's already five o'clock so I'm gonna need your ass to cooperate. I have a headache too and I'm sure the others do as well. Can you please get up for me?" I spoke calmly and softly even though I wanted to do anything but. She turned around slowly, opened her eyes just a slither and nodded best she could. Her pixie cut hair didn't change much since the night before, but her light brown skin was a little puffy in the face for obvious reason.
"Great!" I switched back to my yelling tone of voice to make my sure I got my point across and stand back up. "I'm glad we had this talk!" I start to walk away as Vicky said her peace. "Really Char!?" I laugh and continue walking towards Leyah's bed. "You all didn't make me the leader for nothing!" I yell over my shoulder.
"Hey! You!" I chanted at Leyah and her boy toy. I wasted no time as I pull the covers off of the both of them, not caring for the parts that were nude, but paid them no mind anyways. Leyah's long dark brown curls were in complete disarray, going in every direction. Her make up from the night before was smeared all over her tan skin.
"What the fuck Char?!" Leyah raged immediately after the covers were ripped from her, almost like she had already been awake.
"What the fuck Char- Can we skip all the bullshit and get to work? Starting with you. Get out." I say directly to Boy Toy who also seems to be awake. "Whoa! Who even-" I ignore him walk over to Carrie who seems to have fallen back to sleep.
"Carrie I swear for God if your ass is not in that shower in minutes there will be hell to pay...CARRIE!"
"I'M COMING!" Carrie fumbles out of bed and angrily makes her way to the bathroom. Her bleach blonde hair was also in knots and not pretty at all. Her pale skin on her face and chest were red all over from her hangover.
"Good now back to you. Out. Please." I figured using actual manners wouldn't hurt this time around. If it would get this creep out of our too then so be it.
"Hey you can't just tell me t-"
"Dude just give it a rest. Find your clothes and get out." Leyah grumbled from her place on the bed, not paying him any attention. The boy looks at a loss for words, then he does some grumbling of his own while he gets dressed and finally leaves.
"Whoo. Now that, that's finally over, I'm gonna hop in the shower."
"Isn't Carrie in the shower?" Leyah moaned.
"Yeah. So?" Leyah just laughs and snuggles back up to her pillow. "And don't you dare go back to sleep!" I say making my way to bathroom. "Yeah, yeah!" I roll my eyes and keep walking. I take some painkillers I brought to the hotel before undressing and hopping in the shower behind a singing Carrie. I reach for the soap on the right of Carrie and the sight of my arm is enough to send her arms flailing in a screaming fit, causing her to almost slip, but she grabs for the shower bar just in time. 
This leaves both naked and confused facing each other. I slowly reach for the soap once again while moving under the spray of the shower. Carrie steadies her breathing, finally, and does the same thing. It wouldn't be the first time myself of my band mates have done something like this. Thankfully we're all really close to one another so nothing surprises us anymore. Hence why Carrie isn't murdering me currently. 
"Leyah. You're next, don't fight me on this." I say after drying off and getting dressed. Cross the threshold to Vicky's room and kneel down to Vicky's level. "Here. Take these." I give her a glass of water and some pain killers. She takes them no questions asked. Next on the agenda is making sure the roadies were up and at 'em too.
I walk two feet to the next hotel room down and knock obnoxiously for roughly ten seconds. "Come on losers! What are you doing in there!?" Our roadie Darren opens the door to greet me with a smile and thankfully he's fully clothed. "You rang?" He drawled sarcastically causing me to chuckle. I took a second too long looking at his impossibly white teeth and how they contrasted with his soft looking dark lips. 
"Actually I knocked and I just wanted to know if you guys were getting ready for the gig tonight like you're supposed to."
"Don't worry about a thing Char." He spoke more seriously. "Everything's in the van ready to go, as are Kyle and I. See? Everything's under control." He tries to assure me so I wouldn't worry. But just as the words leave his mouth a tan skinned brunette girl walks passed him out of the room singing "Goodbye Kyle!" over her shoulder and continues to walk passed me down the hallway. Kyle can be heard saying goodbye from behind Darren. I look him up and down with a look that reads "Is that right?" in response to his before comment on having things under control. 
"Nobody's perfect boss." Is his excuse. I just shake my head and smile. "Just meet us at the van in an hour and a half." I say not waiting for a response, walking back to our room. "Whoa, that long? What's the hold up?" He asks. "Nobody's perfect Darren." I shrug and and turn to go back into the room pretending not to notice him checking me out as I unlocked the door and walked inside. I won't ever deny the fact that I am attracted to Darren, but with the plans that me and my girls have there is no time for romance or relationships. I made that a rule.
Walking back into the room I see the girls in the full swing of their morning routines so I put on some make-up, grab my camera and sift through the pictures I took last night of everyone and some I took in a nearby park when I found some time alone. I plan to go back and take some more when our schedule slows down a little. 
After dealing with the girls' shit and waiting for everyone to be ready, we met the boys at the van as planned and hopped in. We took longer than expected an now it was 7:49 PM and we were meant to go on by 8:30. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we  went by 9:00. Everyone was grateful to be out of the car and free from my nagging as we arrived at the venue. 
It happened to be a club/bar situation, but it left a lot of room for the stage and the dance floor so you knew people were coming out for  the entertainment as well. We could hear a band already playing as our opener, but we had no idea who. I lead my group as we approach the bouncer at the front entrance because the back entrance was locked.
"Hello. We're She-Bang!, we're here to perform." I announced. The bouncer looks me up an down in disgust. Probably because we cut in front of all these people. 
"I don't care who you are." He snarls. "Now get to the back." This man was about to make me lose my patience.
"Look. Sir. We are the entertainment for the night. If you don't let us in, these people won't get even get what they pay for." 
Voices of concern can be heard from the rest of the line. But I, of course, heard one in particular.
"OH MY GOD! Is that She-Bang!? Holy shit!" The rest of the line starts to talk amongst themselves and some are even screaming about the fact we're here. I turn back to the bouncer with smug smirk on my face.
"You here that? Those are our fans they're gonna be really pissed if you don't let us in." Leyah finally speaks up from behind me. "Took you long enough." I whispered behind me. she just rolls her eyes. 
"No way lady. Get lost." The bouncer growls. That's it.
"Look you piece of shit! We did not come down here to-"
"Char? What are you still doing out here?" The club owner, Evan, comes out and stands next to the bouncer who immediately tenses up at the sight of his boss. Evan stands out from the crowd in his expensive looking dark blue suit, black dress shirt and dress shoes to match. His black, neck length hair was styled to perfection in a way that brought out his piercing blue eyes and pale skin.
"I don't know. Why don't you ask Jack Black over here?" I say looking at the bouncer, but talking to Evan. My friends all laugh at my words. Thanks guys.
"James. Is there a reason you refuse to let my guests in?" Evan asks in a threatening tone of voice, his French accent peeking through.
"They cut in line boss." The bouncer responds nearly trembling. 
Evan makes a show of rolling his eyes and scoffing. "Get over yourself James. And double check your pay check to make sure I docked your salary appropriately?" 
"Yes boss." James visibly deflated at the news causing me to chuckle.
"Come on in guys. I'm sorry about that. How have you been Char?" He drawled in his light French accent. He grabs my hand, placing his lips against the back of it while looking me in the eye. If I could blush I would have. I've been doing business with Evan for about five months now and I've known he's wanted to sleep with me for just as long. I would go as far as to say Evan played a major key in our bands success and I would be lying if I said the attraction had nothing to do with it. But I would never stoop that low to get what I want. 
"We have been great Evan. And you?" I hear Carrie and Leyah snickering at my choice of words. 
"I have been well, thank you. But I am much better now that I am in your company." Evan's endless sweet talk causing Darren to openly groan. He and Evan share a heated glare and I know that is my cue to inform Evan that the band needs to head back stage to get ready. 
"That guy is such a tool Char. Why do you kiss his ass again?" Darren accuses, trying to upset me. I see right through it.
"Try the other way around Darren. I kiss ass for no one. We keep him around to keep the band relevant." I spoke uninterested, unpacking our instruments.
"Whatever man." Darren thankfully drops it and goes to help me. Leyah didn't need to bring the drum set, one was already provided here. Same goes for Carrie and her keyboard, but Vicky grabs her bass from it's case and I grab my guitar from mine. Soon enough it's time to perform and we are getting ourselves pumped in the wings. The announcer, already on stage, is getting the fans excited for the next act it's helping us out a lot.
"Are you ready for She-Bang!?" He yells into the mic and immediately the fans go crazy. We walk onto the stage and I didn't think they could get any louder, but they did. It was humbling. Everyone took their places on the stage, I walked to the mic.
"Hey guys. We're She-Bang!" The crowd cheers again. "But you already knew that." I said softly into the mic, getting some laughs from the crowd and from Darren and Kyle in the wings. I tilt my head side ways to look behind me at our drummer.
"Leyah. You know what to do." I turned back to the crowd.
Leyah clicked her sticks together loudly in the air. "One! Two! Three! Four!" We performed our covers first to warm up the crowd. We do everything from Beyonce to Paramore and all throughout there was the consistent flash from the same camera in the corner of the club. Normally I would brushed it off because let's face it, people take our picture all the time, but this flash seemed to be brighter than the others here and went off almost every five seconds. I sound like a little bitch, but it was so bright and close, we switched to performing our original songs and it got even harder to focus.
I waited for the camera holder to take a break to look in that direction. When it did I looked over see a tan, Asian man holding the most beautiful high tech camera I've ever seen with a long lens. He was looking through his pictures for a minute before holding his camera to take more pictures until he saw me already looking at him. He immediately put the camera down and continued to make eye contact like a deer caught in the headlights. My attention went from the camera to his face. He was incredibly handsome and I found myself analyzing him like I had to figure him out. His hair was a beautiful jet black. His chestnut eyes were so inviting, his nose was straight and bulb like at the bottom, but his nostrils were small, his heart shaped lips looked thin but seriously supple and on top of that his skin looked so soft and healthy it just screamed "touch me". And boy did I want to. 
Wait. What am I saying? We don't have time for romance remember?
I was shocked to find him checking me out as well. How did someone as perfect looking as him find me attractive too? I had curly brown, almost black, hair that flowed in waves to my shoulder blades. I had light brown skin and dark brown eyes. I had a thin waist and my long smooth legs were on display tonight. I wore a black mini dress that came to my mid thigh, a black leather jacket and black combat boots. My band mates wore something similar to our gigs. I was nothing special.
I was surprised to find that I was the one to look away first. I've never been one to be intimidated by a guy. Forget it, focus. I don't think I would have made it through the rest of the set if I hadn't looked away. When we finally finished the set we said our goodbyes to the crowd. "Goodbye everybody! Have a good night and drive safe!" and we were making our way backstage. We congratulated each other on a job well done and packed up. I finished first somehow and made my way out to the club with my guitar on my back. What do we pay those two for? 
Most people left while some fans stayed behind in hopes of seeing members of the band up close. I signed a few autographs and took a lot of pictures I said goodbye to our last fan when I noticed him again. He was in the same corner looking at something on his beautiful camera and as if he felt my eyes on him, he looked up at me and our eyes met once again. My immediate response was to look away like I'd been caught doing something wrong. 
What the fuck was that Char? We do not get nervous because of boys. They get nervous because of us.
I looked back up to see Camera Man, as I have started calling him in my head, smiling at me. Out of politeness, I smiled back. With the lights being turned up just a smidge, from here, I could see everything better. Camera Man was wearing a simple graphic black t-shirt with some kind of cartoon character on it I didn't quite recognize, a blue flannel and black jeans with all black Nike sneakers. It wasn't exactly club-goer-chic, but I feel the ensemble fit him better than any chain or leather jacket could. After studying him again I realize I have been staring at this man and he has been watching me amused. This just got extremely awkward. I see only two options for me at this point. I could rudely walk out of the club or approach this man and apologize. Or get his number possibly. 
What? No. I'm tired. I am not going to hit on this man. I just want to say I'm sorry for creeping him out. 
Without my permission, my body begins to move towards his table and his eyes are on me the entire way there. I approach the table and stand in front of Camera Man and wait for words to come out. Thankfully they do.
"Hi." REALLY!? Are you serious?
"Hi." He replies happily, waiting for me to say something else.
"So. You took a lot of pictures before." Oh this just keeps getting better doesn't it?
He looks down at his camera timidly. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry if that distracted you guys too much." He said guiltily
"Not really. It was mostly just your face that distracted me." Whoa. What's gotten into me? That's a bit forward for an apology. Shit, wait. I'm not supposed to be flirting with this guy. 
Isn't that why we came over here?  My own conscience outing my true intentions.
No we came to apologize, but that went out the window and-- fuck I just missed what he said.
"I'm so sorry. What did you just say?" There. We apologized for something. Mission accomplished.
"Ha ha. I said Thanks." He places his hand on the nape of his neck and rubs nervously. That's more like it Camera Man. Fuck. I should say something else to make him keep talking to me. Not that I want him to or anything.
"Uh. I couldn't stop looking at your camera during the show. What kind is it?" Good one.
As expected he was taken aback by my question. He put that aside to answer my question. "Oh, uh. It's a Canon EOS." The shock slowly making it's way back onto his face.
"Oh, wow. I only have my old Sony Alpha. The life of an up and coming musician doesn't really allow me to buy that kind of stuff you know?" I eye his device a bit more, that's like a $3,000 camera.
"Oh. You like photography?" He asked, stunned.
"Yeah. What's not to love?" I smile getting more comfortable talking about something I'm familiar with and I thought Camera Man was too, until he tried to speak and nothing would come out.
"Uuhhhh. Wow. Sorry, I j--wow. I'm sorry. I just didn't expect you to be into that stuff." He says with wide eyes and a shy smile.
"Well. you can always expect the unexpected with us." Really? Expect. The. Unexpected? How old am I really? I try not to physically cringe in front of Camera Man. 
"I guess I will." He laughed. Thanking God he played along, I was ready to exchange information with him when I felt pulling on me arm. I turned around to see it was Carrie and the rest of the crew were already on their way out the door. 
"Char. Come on! There's this party down the street and they want us to perform ASAP. They'll pay! Let's go, we already got the money from Evan." She says not really giving me a choice and pulling my arms out the door. I try to say goodbye from the door of the club. 
"Uh, Goodbye! I guess." I say that last part to myself and I see Camera Man wave and smile at me from his table. Fuck! Camera Man? I never got his name, let alone his number. Not even any social media. 
Carrie pulls me into the van as I think to myself. Maybe its for the best.
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sonipanda · 6 years
New brand alert to the blog – which I am totally hyped about! This brand is pretty new and is already making a great impression
Now this review will be slightly different than my usual as I wanna get as much info across to you all the best I can regarding Hēdoïne.
The Bold Spec
Colour: Black
Size: XS – S
Denier: 20 body / 40 reinforced parts
Materials: 70% Nylon & 30% Spandex
Price: £28.00
Website: Hēdoïne – The Bold
About Hēdoïne
From The Website:
Ladder-free / run-resistant & seamless tights
With ladder-free guarantee!
We set the bar in comfort, quality, and style. Soft, ladder-free and seamless tights made in Italy – tights as they should be. One less thing to worry about on your busy schedule
20 DEN
seamless & soft
high and low slimming waistband
elegant patterns
highest quality yarns
modern 3D knitting techniques
made in Italy
no more pressure marks, no sagging and no seams that shine through your dress
  Ladder-Free: Through the combination of innovative yarns and then newest 3D knitting techniques, our tights do not ladder or run. They are 20 denier and thus, not nondestructive, but a lot more durable than normal tights. So, even if a small hole might occur at some point it will not spread down your leg – guaranteed! Otherwise you will receive a refund.
Waistband: Our tights come with two different waistbands: In low (9 cm / 3.5 inches) and in high (15 cm / 6 inches). The low waistband slims the hips and is perfect for skirts or simply when you do not like your stomach to be covered. The high waistband is great to slim and shape your silhouette and tummy.
Washing: Wash at 30 Celsius. Do not dry, do not iron, do not bleach.
Pregnancy: You might wonder whether you can wear our tights during pregnancy? Yes, you can! While they are not maternity tights per se, our Hedoines find the high waistband very comfortable in the first few months.
  About The Brand:
The brand was founded by Alex and Anna, who were working for many years in banking and consulting and did not enjoy wearing tights to work. Hēdoïne is a bold luxury brand that aims to bring innovation to every piece of the business outfit – starting with the biggest pain point: tights! Hēdoïne is a brand that caters to strong energetic women with high aspirations, who are same time outgoing and do not take themselves too seriously.
  Product & Production:
They have reinvented business tights by combining the highest quality yarns with innovative 3D knitting techniques to make them ladder-resistant and very soft, as they should be. They are produced in Italy, seamless and come in low and high slimming waistband heights for a perfect fit.
They are made with anti-bacterial and anti-odour fabrics. Expressive patterns around the waistband and under the toes reflect elegance in every detail and make Hēdoïne tights are a true part of the business outfit – and a fashion statement.
Currently, they have three models with low and high waistband each and will offer more nude colours in January to cater for all skin tones.
In comparison to the mass production of other competitors, Hēdoïne tights are hand finished with a lot of attention to detail. Hēdoïne produces in Europe with certifications that protect labour and the environment, for example: Fair pay check, male and female staff members receive equal wages for work of equal value, no child labour or excessive overtime, worker have rights like freedom of opinion, are protected by law against for example physical, sexual or physiological harassment.
Low environment impact, e.g. water is being cleaned before being remitted in the environment and all products are high biodegradable (harmful chemicals avoided, even if they are not yet legally regulated)
All products used during the production are safe for humans and environment.
Soni’s Review
The Packaging: I gotta say their packaging is super impressive. I was completely taken back by how beautifully they were presented. Through the door, they come in a branded bubble envelope, with a satin pouch which carries the hosiery.
I was blessed enough to try out the high and low waisted pairs in ‘The Bold’ collection. These came in small plastic packaging (small note – this will be replaced from January onwards with a beautifully designed recycled paper envelope.)
  Out Of The Packaging: I decided to get all up close and personal here; I wanted to show you all what to expect once you get into the packaging. These are folded down into a small cube. One thing I was impressed with was the foot and leg shaping they have to them, even though these were folded right down.
Normally you won’t find hosiery like this; a good idea to use less packaging materials.
I have to say both pairs are identical (minus the difference in the waistband) but what I did find that the low waisted tights actually came with a snag to begin with. I was so careful when unfolding these to make sure I don’t cause any snags before I even get them on. I have highlighted that below so you can see when it was held up against the light.
The High Waisted Pair
  The Low Waisted Pair
  On The Legs: I am mindblown with how gorgeous they look. My first impression was that these have a slimming effect to them; making your legs look longer and a little more toned. I thank the matte finish on these for that – they truly do work wonders at times!
The denier being 20 gives you great leg coverage, and as these are a matte finish, these will look darker on the legs than other 20 deniers I have done in the past. This is the type to hide leg stubbles (if that’s an issue for you) and gives you a luxury smooth finish.
The quality I have to say is amazing; I did mention that my low waisted pair came with a few snags, but these stayed as snags and became nothing more during the day. Hēdoïne  pride themselves in their ladder-resistant hosiery and I can see why. I hardly got anything after a full day’s wear on both of these. I was super impressed with how amazing the quality is.
**Another little tip is that they actually offer a ladder-free guarantee as well so if you do come across a snag which became a ladder, then get in touch and they will be able to sort it from there so you don’t ever need to feel like you’ve bought a pair and it’s gone to waste!**
Oh and let me mention that these do have a lot of stretch in them; I won’t say it becomes baggy or loose on the legs, but there is enough to make sure your legs are hugged well and you still have breathing room in them. I found these to be super stretchy when I was pulling them up to the point I have to shimmy them down a little as I went too high to begin with!
The overall look of them is just gorgeous; it’s a lovely classy pair which I certainly can’t get enough of. I have come across a few luxe pairs, and I have to say that these are neck in neck with Heist tights.
I love the way they fit, feel and the way they make your legs looks stunningly slim … And the fact that no pressure marks are left behind after a day’s wear which is a rare quality nowadays!
I will mention just in case you are picky like me that these may have some weird markings to them; that I found when I pulled them up higher (which let me remind you is easily done) so don’t worry too much as they begin to fall into place once you start moving in them and the markings do slowly disappear. I also found that rubbing them gently with your hands can help too!
The High Waisted Pair
  The Low Waisted Pair
  The Toes & Ankle:  I gotta say it gets even better when you start moving towards the toes and feet! These come reinforced with a toe panel which then works into a huge sole panel underneath. I really did like the design that works on the panels, and can also be found on the waistband too.
The tights give you plenty of room to wiggle your toes and is free from any added pressure. They allow your feet to breathe which I love 🙂
Around the ankles, they have a lovely smooth wrinkle-free finish, so you don’t ever have to worry about they falling down creating an ankle pile. Just make sure you get the right size!
  The Waistband: so I have to say I was waiting to review this part as the waistband plays a massive part in a pair of tights, especially when you spend most of your life in them like I do! So to begin with, I found these have no gusset or seams, so you use their logo for placement (the logo will sit at the front on the right hand side of you) to make sure you get them on the right way. You can also use the foot and leg shaping as a guide as well.
Oh and that gorgeous design can also be found here too!
Another little gem I found with these is that they have a slight compression piece in the waistband, so it can help slim the figure slightly. I didn’t know that before until I did a little research on them!
And I can’t forget that it’s completely seam-free so you don’t need to worry about lining this up against you. I love the fact that you get this smooth finish on the front and back so you can wear tighter fitted clothing with not having to worry about that pesky seam pushing through!
The low waistband fit me like an absolute dream; it seriously felt like I wasn’t wearing one once I got moving around. I absolutely loved the way they sat on them; they didn’t move out of place at all and actually moved with me rather than staying put making it uncomfortable. These sat below the belly button on me, but I found that to be ok (I normally like it just covering the belly button).
The high waistband was a little more difficult; I wore this with a bodycon dress so I expected it to sit completely flush on me. I found it did to begin with, but if you sit a lot, these might not be ideal. These started to roll down and crinkle quite bad throughout the day, which then started showing through my dress at one stage. I had to roll them down and smooth them out a few times to stop that from repeatedly happening. I got to say it didn’t really work out for me as well as I would have liked it to. These were so comfortable as well; I won’t knock that part but they just didn’t sit like I wanted them to.
The High Waisted Pair
  The Low Waisted Pair
  My Thoughts?
“Is it worth the money?”
I have to say yes it certainly is if you’re after a long-lasting and durable pair of tights. I loved being in mine and the comfort level is just insane. I love the fit and feel of them which makes all the difference. They have so much going for them and I am so glad I got to review them; the ladder-resistant feature, the slimming waistband, the seam-free parts etc. I loved it all!
These have had a lot of praise from media, and I can understand why now. This is certainly a pair I can see making it big!
  The Independent:“(…) Despite catching a nail in them, there was no laddering in this run-resistant pair” – link
Memorandum: “Most Resilient: HEDOINE” – Link
Sheerluxe: “(…) Now the big question: did they rip? Surprisingly, not even a snag, despite only being 20 denier and being worn all day and night. Impressive” – link
Hēdoïne ‘The Bold’ Tights New brand alert to the blog - which I am totally hyped about! This brand is pretty new and is already making a great impression…
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astrroha · 7 years
About Me Tag Pt. 2
I was tagged by @jincrocsmeup​, If there is a third part my dude...
The Last…
1. Drink: waterrrrr
2. Phone Call: The last phone call I answered was the phone at work.
3. Text message: was to my boss about a applicant for our store
4. Song you listened too: Landing in London – 3 Doors Down aka a fuckin jam
5. Time you cried: I cried last night because I was sad. I cry a lot though.
6. Dated someone twice: Pfff, absolutely not thank you very much.
7. Been cheated on: Uh, my last ex was in love with some other girl when I broke up with him. He probably would have cheated if I had stayed with him tbh.
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Literally every person I have ever kissed???
9. Lost someone special: Like it sounds pretentious, but Chester Bennington was like one of my childhood heros and I still cry when I think about him.
10. Been depressed: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I want to fucking die.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: The worst alchohol poisoning I ever got resulted in me throwing up for thirteen straight hours, like I actually couldn’t even keep water in my stomache and I thought I was actually going to die. It was horrific honestly, but like I still drink soooooooooooooo
List 3 Favorite colors: Like pastel pink and mint green are so pretty, but also I love black.
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: In the last year? Like not really, I mean there are new coworkers that are cool but I don’t hang out with them outside of work…
16. Fallen out of love: I honestly don’t think I’m fully capable of love like not even in a depressing woe is me kind of way, but a for real I don’t really feel very deeply about anything because of being majorly depressed for literally my whole life and growing up in a very isolated environment where I wasn’t really shown affection until later in life??
17. Laughed until you cried: Last time I laughed that hard was new year’s so I don’t know if that counts tbh.
18: Found out someone was talking about you: not really
19. Met someone who changed you: nope
20. Found out who your true friends are: Already knew who they were.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: They aren’t on my list anymore so, no.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Every single one of them.
23. Do you have any pets: My sister who I live with has a cat, does that count?
24. Do you want to change your name: Yes, but I haven’t come out to everybody so only like two people know.
25: What did you do for your last birthday: I can’t remember even though it was only a few months ago tbh.
26: What time did you wake up: I’m off today so I woke up at like 9am.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Passed tf out.
28: Name something you cannot wait for: Atomic Blonde HOLY HELL I WANNA SEE THAT MOVIE
29: When was the last time you saw your mother: June for her house warming party.
30: What is the one thing you wish you could change about your life: I want to live with Dylyn. L
31. What are you listening to right now: Hanging by a Moment – Lifehouse I’ve been on an early 2000’s alt rock kick recently.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I don’t know the names of all the customers I talk to on a daily bases so who tf knows dude.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Nothing at the moment.
34: Most visited website: Tumblr or youtube
35: Elementary: wtf that was sooooooooooo long ago dude.
36: Highschool: Also more years ago then I usually remember it as…
37: College/University: Honestly biggest mistake of my life, thank God I graduated.
38: Hair color: Naturally I’m a red head but right now I’m growing out the gold blonde I bleached it and I want to dye it black.
39: Long or short hair: My hair is way too thick and curly to grow out long, like It’s so heavy and hot, fuck that noise.
40: Do you have a crush on someone: nope, unless you want to count celebrity crushes, because then I love Kim Seokjin and fucking Keanu Reeves man.
41: What do you like about yourself: I got some nice hips, and I’m super low maintenance.
42: Piercings: My ears are closed up, but I’m going to get them re pierced soon.
43: Blood type: I have no idea and no plans to ever find out, keep your needles away from me thank you very much.
44. Nickname: No one has done the honor of denoting me an actual nick name. C’mon guys get it together!
45. Relationship status: Single for life thank you very much.
46: Zodiac sign: Cancer
47: Pronouns: Pretty much anything I really don’t have a concept of personal gender so I don’t give a fuck dude.
48: Favorite TV show: Bob’s Burgers or Steven Universe
49: Tattoos: None yet, but I want some.
50. Right or Left: For what??
51: Surgery: Does getting my wisdom teeth removed count?
52: Piercing: I got my ears pierced when I was like … 7?
53: Sport: Like does learning about a sport in gym class count, because I have never done a sport in my free time.
54: Vacation: My grandma took me and my sisters to Disney land when I was like… 5?
55. Eating: Nothing atm.
56: Drink: I left my glass of water in my bedroom and don’t feel like getting up to get it.
57: I’m about to: Write some???
58: Listening to: Wherever You Will Go – The Calling
59: Waiting for: My hair to dry??
60: Want: A hamburger.
61: Career: I don’t really care as long as it isn’t at a call center again.
Which is better…
62: Hugs or kisses: Hugs
63: Lips or eyes: Eyes
64: Shorter or Taller: Their both fucking great tbh.
65: Older or Younger: same age or a little older like 3 or 4 years max.
66: Nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t really care, but if they can carry me I will swoon.
67: Sensitive or loud: sensitive, I get overwhelmed if there is no break from loudness.
68: Hook up or relationship: Neither tbh.
69: Troublemaker or Hesitant: I’m hesitant around trouble makers, but them being hesitant makes me want to be a trouble maker.
Have you ever…
70: Kissed a stranger? Nope
71: Drank hard liquor? LOL Whiskey is my favvvvvvvvv
72: Lost glasses contact/lenses? Never had either
73: Turned someone down? Guys hit n me every day at work and it’s so annoying tbh.
74. Sex on first date? Brah, I’m asexual so no fucking way.
75: Broken someone’s heart? Yup
76: Had your heart broken? Unfortunately more than once
77: Been arrested?  Not yet tbh
78: Cried when someone died? I am still crying over Chester Bennington.
79: Fallen for a friend? Nope?? Not yet??
Do you believe in…
80: Yourself? Like how????
81: Miracles? No
82: Love at first sight? I believe in a spark at first sight, but love takes work.
83: Santa Claus? Pfffffffff, for real?
84: Kiss on the first date? Maybe, depends on how it goes.
85: Angels? Nope
86: Current best friends name: DYLYN!!
87: Eye color: Green
88: Favorite movie: August Rush is fucking amazing and I also love Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and Whale Rider and the entire Lord of the Rings/Hobbit series. I watch a lot of movies dude.
Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhh @jin-kook @aestaetically @prongsjames @t-adash-iand @littlexpunk
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