#i burst into tears when ken cried at TIFF
poirott · 2 years
i went to see dotn today and thought of you! i think i last reblogged your gifsets when motoe came out. dotn was so good and i'm super proud i figured out most of the final solution. have a good day!
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Hello! Thank you for all the asks I got about Death on the Nile, they’re much appreciated! <3 I’m sorry for not replying to them on time! It’s been a busy time in fandom, with Branagh winning a BAFTA and an Oscar, and film festival awards. A lot of my time over the past few months has been spent covering his ‘Belfast‘ promo tour, festivals and appearances, at my Ken blog, but also keeping an eye on anything DOTN related. :)
I’ve seen DOTN at a pre-premiere in February but didn’t post about it because it's almost impossible discussing the film, or even just hinting at or trying to talk around certain elements, relationships and plot points, without going into spoiler territory, and most of the things I wanted to squee about were indeed riddled with spoilers. Not just details related to book canon, like the identity of the killer, the clues, who dies, etc, but some of the amazing details and twists that were created just for the film. And there were a LOT of those and I LOVED THEM, as I did the canon reference to Poirot’s past, new ground being covered that was mentioned in the books but never filmed before, and nods to other Poirot novels (certain quotes, Poirot’s plans for the future, etc) and even films.
I LOVED DOTN and thought it was better than Murder on the Orient Express, especially the fast-paced second half that felt like a different film compared to the slower first half. The first third or half served to introduce the characters and the relaxed atmosphere of the Nile trip, giving us some of the most stunning shots of the boat, the sights, and life on the river, before everything went haywire on board. The cast had great chemistry, each character had a "wow” moment, Okonedo, Wright and Bateman were the standouts for me (apart from Branagh), certain relationships went deeper than expected and into new directions which was exciting to see, and the costumes, set design, locations and score were all top notch.
Some people are griping about the background CGI but I think the team did the best they could, since they could not film on location in Egypt (for most of the film, anyway), due to the restrictions they were faced with (the existing boats were either too old or too small + logistical problems, which the 1978 film also notoriously had), and anyway, they built the whole Karnak boat from scratch and it was a gorgeously made set, with beautiful scenic backdrops. I wish the boat could remain a museum piece somewhere for people to visit and admire.
The 2nd half kicked in with the building of tension, foreboding scary music, quick cuts, night time shots of the Karnak floating on dark water (fear of drowning, hello), then BAM, a twist you didn’t see coming, and BAM, another one, pandemonium everywhere, tensions flying high, people yelling at Poirot to do something, Poirot walking around like a badass looking handsome, yes, all the good stuff! <3 The faster pacing made me think the 2nd half was more heavily edited/trimmed than the 1st. Trailers have shots that don’t appear in the theatrical cut. Even after re-watching the film a couple of times, I’m still discovering new things through dialogue or stuff in the background!
Poirot being flirted at, genuinely flirted at, and not recognizing it for what it is because he’s not used to the sensation, it’s been too long for him, added like 50 years to my life! :) No one could wipe the huge grin on my face! And the adorable dork that he is, his first instinct is to react in a shy manner and stare at the lady and stumble over his words, like he can’t quite make out whether her interest is real or not. I LOVE HIM SO. Ken’s delivery and comedic timing got the most laughs at my screening. Also the scene with Jackie by the railing when they talk about love, that both the Ustinov and Suchet adaptations have covered before, yet Ken managed to make it his own with a gentleness and heart-breaking vulnerability, delivering one of the best moments in his Poirot franchise. Jesus Christ. My heart bleeds for Poirot. Oscar winner Kenneth Branagh!
Despite having new shocking twists and turns, watching DOTN felt soothing and calming and like a weight was lifted off my shoulders because it’s been such a long wait since the end of filming till release. I remember sagging into my seat, happy and content. It was almost surreal to be at the cinema again. The pandemic may have stalled the release and affected the film’s box office (not unusual for non-blockbuster films coming out these days) but didn’t conquer it; we have news the 3rd film is already written, so let’s keep our fingers crossed it gets greenlit. It’s tricky discussing box office results because we’re in different times now, the pandemic changed the game.
At the end of the day, DOTN’s RT audience score is much, much better than MOTOE’s, at 82%, and the critics score also slightly higher, which is another plus for me. That and knowing the Agatha Christie estate and 20th Century are fully behind Ken and support him.
My contentment also stems from certain theories I've had - and waffled on and on about obsessively on this blog - about Ken’s Poirot for 7 YEARS, becoming canon in the film. :D Another theory a friend of mine had came true as well, even though it seemed too bold and “out there” for the screenwriter to do, yet it happened. It added a whole new dimension to the story, made it more personal, like a sucker punch in the gut. DOTN hit the spot for me, not because it validated my fan theories (as rewarding and affirming as that was), but because the film was better, more fun, emotional and exciting than I expected. With all the disappointments over the delays I’d have been fine with just an ok movie, as long as we finally got to see it, and own it on dvd.
But it was so much more than that, it delivered for me and was worth the wait, Ken’s Poirot was everything I’d hoped for, and that made my happier than I can explain in a single post, or a hundred. :)
After Ken got choked up and teary-eyed on stage at TIFF 2021 festival, as he talked about uncertainties and issues with the pandemic and writing ‘Belfast’ when lockdown began, and how much it meant to him that audiences got to experience it in cinemas, I just wanted a happy resolution and a good outcome for him, both for ‘Belfast’ and for DOTN. And I think he got that.
Jamie Dornan, who sat next to him on stage, leaned over, touched Ken’s knee and shoulder and asked him if he was alright, with the audience clapping and cheering in support. I giffed it here:
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Ken nodded and said through tears it was just “gonna be one of those nights.” He could barely speak for a while. “You plot a place in your life when... Very simple thing, you’re very happy, and then, in a minute, it was very difficult to deal with everything that came up.” (He started writing ‘Belfast’ 3 months after DOTN finished filming, and he was happy then, I took this to mean DOTN contributed to his happiness, but then DOTN got delayed because of the pandemic, he was shooting ‘Belfast’ in-between lockdowns, etc.) But all the stress that comes with a movie release in a pandemic can get too much sometimes, and as a leader and director, he’s expected to exude an unflinching confident aura and stay strong for everybody, putting on a brave face, and bottling up any fears or sad feelings. It was unusual for him to break down and he recovered quickly, thanks to Dornan’s warmth and the audience’s support.
His honest reaction moved me to tears. I’ve never seen Ken like this before. ‘Belfast’ had a tight schedule in-between lockdowns, the actors had to be tested every day before shooting, DOTN has been through the wringer over and over again, getting pushed back several times. It’s been nerve-racking and intense and Ken’s been keeping it together like a professional, always cheerful and confident in every interview.
But it’s all over now, we can breathe and relax and watch the films to our hearts’ content, and be happy for Ken’s success. Bless you, sir. You did it. I’m letting the feeling of calm and relief sweep over me as I look forward to more news about the 3rd film. <3
Sorry for the essay. Take care, everyone, and cheers!
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