#i call him ole rusty tho
writebackatya · 7 months
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
From the amount of views it got, I’m surprised that Caught with Her Pants Down! doesn’t have at least twenty kudos
I tell myself that a lot of those views are just the people who already kudos’d it re-reading it so I can sleep better at night /j
But hey, the people who did like it really liked it and that’s a great feeling
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
This joke from Indi-Quack!’s What’d I Miss?! is just a number of references smushed together
“Please, you’re only two years older than your delightful ol’ pal, you’re not that old.” Gandra assured the duck. “Besides, you look good for your age. Gyro looks like if Rusty Venture got into a teleporter accident with the dean from Community.”
“Ha!” Della punched Gandra in her arm, “I don’t know who that last guy is, but I’m sure your description is spot-on!”
You can’t convince me that both Della and Gandra aren’t Adult Swim Stoners and aren’t fans of Venture Bros. And yeah, I know I’m not the first one to draw parallels between Rusty and Gyro, but it’s true!
Every DuckTales fan knows which DT17 actors were on NBC’s/Yahoo Screen’s Community so I couldn’t resist reminding the reader that Jim Rash played both Dean Pelton and Gyro Gearloose. And yeah, Della was on the moon when Community first aired so she’s never heard of the show
The teleporter accident is a reference to the Star Trek Voyager episode Tuvix where Lieutenant Tuvok and Chef Neelix fuse into one person that calls himself Tuvix. Janeway kills him. Anyway, this reference is actually alludes to the fact that Gandra is Trekkie which of course is revealed in the Gizmocloud scene. Gandra’s favorite Star Trek series is either Deep Space Nine or Voyager cause she’s that much of a hipster. DS9 is great tho
Also I just love that even though Della doesn’t full understand all of Gandra’s references, she still loves the joke because it’s insulting Gyro
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Red
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
[“We stole that power first!  It’s ours!”  So she was ranting about this in s1 even before she was ranting about this (re. Alec) in s2, I see]
*sigh* so bitchy. So hot. S’not fair
I’ll live in an abandoned building for that tub  *sigh*
Togan! 😁
How did you know that?  Some good ears  [The water was splashing pretty loudly tbf]  True ☠️
[Max prioritizing herself over the greater good again]  Does she ever not tho?  [True!  Also, it might be fine if she didn't then act like she was some paragon of virtue later]
Must be so dehumanizing for these poor men to be lifted like a rag doll by her
Sorry but.  Buddy there was no blood.  You’re just stupid
["I thought you were dead"  Damn, this is the episode catchphrase, apparently alkdsjf]  ☠️☠️☠️
[OH IT'S THIS ONE!  Get ready to be annoyed]
“Coulda been worse.”  ☠️☠️☠️
“Here’s some spending money” ☠️☠️☠️ *sigh* Must be nice.  She should respect the shit out of him
Look here bitchy man
How boujie of him
Oh she kinky
Money! 🤣🤣  Yeeep it’ll get you anything
Speaking of off the record… How’d you get this tape
Budddy that’s not healthyyyy!  Stop watching yourself get shot
Nooooo Wot Is Happening How Even Did He get them in there  [Magic]
MEN 😤  [Ma'am, you're married… I remind you that you got yourself hitched to one of them]  He’s different (most days) ☠️  He’s the exception.  But he still has his “men” moments
[OH MY GOD THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  The one time it’s very much not welcome  [Enemies to friends to lovers?]  Does that happen?!  [No aslkdfj]
“It’s all coming back to me now”...  I got my ass kicked by a lady
[btw, her mission security is shit here]
This scene is giving me whiplash
Oh he has escapéd  [laksdjflkajfd the accent is stunning]  ☠️
Did she not think this would happen???? Dumbo.  [Like I said, mission security sucks]  ☠️☠️
[Okay, but her dealing with the guy extorting the working girls was, grudgingly, great]
You know when you got these scenarios where the persons life is in danger but they are stupid?  [All too well]  And keep running away?  I don’t even feel bad when they ultimately get got
*sigh* she's showing off her Manticore stuff without call for it again  ☠️☠️
“My wife” ☠️☠️
Buddy I’m sorry, but you do not have the right lifestyle to be reproducing  [You're not wrong]
Cliche bad guy: has a kid so isn’t “so” bad 🙂🙃
Is he lying?  I feel like he’s lying.  And she’s just stupid.  (Cause she gave the ol soft smile awww he’s a good dad face: Women… we got our flaws too)  [I?  Don't think so?  I think that was genuine]
– – –
Okay… Midpoint *sigh* imma lil rusty.  BUT.  This fecking man (Bruno) is annoying af!  *sigh*  Like, Max is annoying.  Logan is annoying sometimes.  Hell, they all have their moments.  But this man… Like, buddy is such a good father he HAS to call his daughter every night.. but can’t take the fact people are trying to kill him serious enough to stay put!?!  And in all honesty I don’t have too much more. Other than Logan ridiculously torturing himself with reasons he hates the guy he wants max to save ☠️ nothing else has happened til now
– – –
[I maintain that Normal wears makeup]  ☠️☠️☠️  I believe it
I LOVE HER! And him!  [This watchthrough, I'm loving both Normal and OC even more than I did last time]
“Dumbo”  [Look, is you!]  Shush
[Okay but that "yahoo" was adorable]  I know but still  [Shush]
Seeeeeeee  [Shush.  The yahoo was cute]  And the gunman took a giant shit on the cuteness ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Buh-ruh  [OH SHIT THEM Rightttttt I remember this]
Ooooh ok fire knife makes sense now
Who is this guy?  [idk but I remember liking him]  Did I miss him coming up  [Nah, I don't think we know him]  Oh 🤣 He just randomly popped up.  I was like….. who are you!?
Oooof I got caught up in the story 🤣🤣🤣 but how cliche: a bomb threat
Double-cross!  Evil!  Man!  [Did I mention she's kinda dumb for stupidly flaunting her powers... this is why. People. Notice.]  Yep
Welp if he dies… Won’t feel too bad (again)
[Hubris being her flaw again]
Nope not a lick of remorse… Ya deserved it buddy  [This is fair, but the kid didn't]  That’s true and that part sucks. But he could have got her killed getting what he wanted (to see her one more time) so imo she’s better off
[Another instance of Max being allowed to verbally express pain/discomfort while she didn't allow Alec the same season 2 courtesy... not that I'm bitter or anything]  So what I’m hearing is alec becomes her (just better) she becomes zach and zach becomes the terminator  [... That-  Yeah, that's a pretty damn good description, tbh]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
No end monologues… This ep was all kinda weird 🤣🤣🤣
– – –
Jezebel: This episode managed to piss me off in multiple ways… *sigh*  Like, this time her bitchiness was deserved ‘cause Bruno was an idiot.
Wench: WAIT THAT'S A GOOD POINT!  This is vaguely off-topic rn but!  Take her bitchiness towards Bruno… Direct it towards Dean… Don’t change anything about her bitchiness and don’t change much of Dean's character… And you have her relationship with Alec.
Jezebel: So she’s just like that all the time. But for NO reason?  *sigh*  Hoooo boy
Wench: I mean.  He's a bit trying at times, sure.  But he doesn’t deserve her shit 
Jezebel: Next seasons reactions are gonna be spicy
Wench: alskdfjla;skdjf I look forward to it
Jezebel: I think that’s all for endpoint tho. Again, this episode revolved around this one story line so much the cameos of the other characters could have been left out and it wouldn’t be noticed.  They were just filler to make it longer lol
Wench: That's true.  This is fair… Til next episode then!
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
billie/hope wasn’t a paring I knew I needed but now I NEED this Fic! Super excited for the works you’ve got planned to finish/in the works! :)
fr fr tho bc like. like. hope literally Just got superpowers and a super powerful item to protect and then like. deuces! gl! like??? what?????? girl Train Her. train her and like she's like p meek and like really like you know respectful of the craft and her sacred duty yada yada yada and then paige gets another charge oh hey hope she goes to your school okay well we've already trained one powerful blonde this should be the same right? right? wrong. meet billie. fuckin insane. and it's not even really a rivals to lovers for billie and hope it's just like. like at first you're like hey someone like me! a friend! um and then you talk to them like oh god. and so it's this neutrality this cordiality and from it something like really beautiful grows i also think because you know how hope can call sorrows back into the box and my greek mythology is a little rusty but i'm pretty sure the only reason we have sorrow and hate and grief is because pandora opened the box in the first place so i think hope can kind of become a reverse empath where she can just kind of like suck away negative emotions so instead of that plotline where billie keeps trying to use a spell to erase her memory but it works but it doesn't like??? instead of that we get a small moment where hope takes away billie's pain as just like a kind gesture a beginning of your know something between them which then billie being reckless and impulsive does kind of immediately start to exploit just like she did with the spell and hope's just like 😓 because um. this feels like enabling? this feels bad? so she cuts billie off they have a fall out billie has to acknowledge the root of her fear she goes and like apologizes to hope in the pouring rain classic shit like that hope forgives her they have a moment and billie feels this weight lifted off her chest like hope blossoming nay igniting in her chest that type of feeling and she's a little confused because she's like i thought you said you weren't doing that anymore and hope's like doing what and billie's like taking away my pain and hope's like ??? i didn't,, i didn't do anything and like light switch in billie's brain because oh!! hope didn't need magic to take away billie's hurt because billie just feels better around hope. and then like immediately flush red because oh wait fuck!! i'm in love with her. to the immediate conflict of how the fuck do i deal with that oh god oh shit hope's like do you want to come inside bc you're still standing in the pouring rain and billie's like yes! i mean no. i mean. homework! haha yeah. no. i have a lot of um. homework. and stuff. because you know. you know me! busy lil bee yeah i should probably like you know. do my work for school haha yeah. and hope's like you never do your work for school and billie's like haha yeah that's why there's so much of it lol. gotta run. because i think for all her strengths it's not like billie does not know how to flirt with a girl she just doesn't know how to flirt with a girl who is also her best friend. yikes. cut to i don't know billie being really weird around hope and hope being like okay,,,,? billie like. rooting through the magic school library to find like a. she loves me she loves me not type spell. hope finds her finds her book and is like haha what's this? and billie's like [lie!!] you know like oh i'm just haha it's nothing really i'm just it's like. a spell!! haha because i'm a witch witches cast spells right that's how it works so um. found a spell!! so um. and hope's like a love spell? and billie's like well not a spell that makes love it just like. sees if love's there. and hope's like oh cool. who's it for? and billie's like ethan! ethan in my calc course yeah um. it's for him! just some guy, i don't know if u know him yeah and hope's like well i mean. have you tried just like asking him like without a spell or anything? and billie's like [voice octave higher] yeah yeah i mean i did what are you kidding me of course i did yeah i totally asked him it was just. he was being real cagey. real weird about his answer. so um. spell!!
and hope's like well i mean he's like a college guy they can be weird but i don't think u need to resort to magic i can help u!! so now hope's playing wingwoman and billie's like ohhh. i am lying to much. i need to stop now. if coop's here she practically kicks down his door like help me!!!! we are Definitely doing one of those gay ass scenes where they're both going to a party so hope's doing billie's makeup so she can score this guy she does not give a flying fuck about and like hope's putting lip gloss on billie (gay) and like blots it a lil bit does the classic like looking down at her lips finishing touches then her eyes snap up to billie's and it's supposed to be like a you're all set! u look beautiful but the words get caught in her throat because holy fuck does she looks beautiful and now it's hope's turn to flush bright pink and immediately deflect because wait wait wait wait wait. am i in love with billie?? no. no she's even she's in love w somebody else. so. like. no!! no i'm not. that'd be crazy. lol. i'm not- and then and then like billie you know flounces her hair in the mirror and flashes like this big ol smile and hope and hope is just like oh no. no i am definitely in love w billie.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
wow i made this draft on november 1st i really took a break from this huh anyway tgcf chapters 121 - 142
i realize now this coffin scene was inevitable. feel kinda weird about hua cheng  back and forth from Teen to Big Man but it is very funny that theyre having their “dude dont look at my boner” moment while in the jaws of a water dragon
pei ming: why didnt you guys make a bigger coffin so you didnt have to squish together like that? xie lian: haha yep!! anyways what brings you here?
“In the grand, spacious centre of the entrance hall sat a person. And this person, dressed in all black, its face snow-white—was a corpse! Instantly Xie Lian shut the doors soundly.” - king of minding his own business.
okay this is where i stopped putting notes here for a while but i did save some in my e-reader so here’s some of the highlights
“Guzi used to have a good sleeping form, but perhaps with his cheap dad’s bad influence, now he was also spread out on top of Qi Rong’s stomach like a dead fish. Lang Ying himself was curled neatly in the corner, and was covered by a few shirts. Xie Lian lifted the blanket covering Qi Rong, suppressed the urge to smother his face, and covered the two small children.” - xie lian funny moments. also it would be really funny if qi rong redeems himself by learning love through these misfit chiildren and it might actually endear me to him but i hope that doesnt happen
Every heavenly official was yelling, and even Ling Wen was throwing a fit. “DON’T THROW EVERY BIT OF USELESS INFORMATION MY WAY, HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK I HAVE TO GO THROUGH EVERY DAY? DON’T YOU ALL KNOW TO USE YOUR BRAINS A LITTLE BEFORE ASKING ME?!” - ling wen marry me right now
“An expression like “seen a ghost” that only mortals experienced was now showing on his face for the first time. Shi Wudu’s pupils shrank to the smallest they could, and he blurted, “You’re still alive?!” “I’m dead!” He Xuan said coldly.” - okay everythings going tits up rn but i did laugh
i did see spoilers re: ming yi/he xuan reveal + shi wudu’s fate beforehand so i dont have a genuine reaction other than oh shit
“He slowly enunciated each word. “I won’t touch your fate. But, here in this place, chop off your brother’s head for me.”  CLANG! He threw a rusty blade onto the ground. Shi Qingxuan stared at that blade, his eyes wide. He Xuan continued, “Then, never show yourself before me again, and I will pretend you’ve never existed in this world.” - okay idk what else is going to happen but rn im concerned that this is like the 2nd biggest ship. i guess we’ll see?? i mean i am really curious whats going to happen to them. shi qingxuan keeps calling he xuan “ming-xiong” and i... sad
shi wudu im not really invested in you as a character but these next two bits... interesting
“If I don’t die but have nothing, then that’s truly a fate worse than death. If I’m not the Water God, I can’t take care of you. I won’t even be able to protect myself. I’m scared that we won’t even last two days…TAKE IT!” - damn. something about the wealthy losing everything and not knowing how to live without it bc thats their entire life and identity
“EVERYTHING I HAVE TODAY, I FOUGHT FOR MYSELF. I WILL FIGHT FOR WHAT I DON’T HAVE. I WILL CHANGE FATE I DON’T POSSESS. MY FATE IS UP TO ME AND NOT THE HEAVENS!” - okay so the whole committing spiritual fraud by tormenting a man and his family to get your brother a cushy title thing aside this was kind of badass. heretical? possibly. but still. also is he intentionally riling up he xuan so sqx doesnt have to kill him? if so damn...
also okay as long as im here im just gonna say it. the choice that he xuan gives shi qingxuan is fucking brutal but i actually think its probably as fair as it could be. sqx didnt know about or participate in what happened to hx but they did benefit from it greatly while hx lost EVERYTHING and i can understand he xuan’s thinking of “if you really feel bad for what happened to me then you have to make a sacrifice and understand the suffering and this is as clean as its going to get” and theres a bit where sqx is trying to beg for mercy but cant get the words out which im guessing is bc theres no good argument!! what happened was fucked up!!
“When Pei Ming saw that reinforcements had arrived, he didn’t appear particularly delighted; instead he threw the sword into the ground, then rubbed his nose and said, sounding grim, “You all just had to come just as I finished making these, what the heck.” - pei ming making coffins chopping down trees with his sword i love it #wastehistime2k17
“Xie Lian brought that basket of eggs along, and gave them away as souvenirs from the mortal realm. Many who received the eggs were overjoyed; some deciding to eat it along with their own blood, and some proclaiming they would hatch an eight-foot monster.” - GHOST CITY GHOST CITY
“Placing the brush down, he blew lightly at the ink and smiled. “If I like something, then my heart will not have room for any other, and I’ll always treasure it. A thousand times, a million times, no matter how many years, this will not change. This poem is the same." - thats nice and all but king... get therapy. i actually have further thoughts but tbh i dont want to put them into words bc they are simply too personal! moving on
didnt take any notes but somewhere in here was the bit with mount tong’lu opening and hua cheng losing it and kind of um. hm. that scene. thats another trope i really hate tbh i dont care for it as a way of including physical intimacy between characters and idk if it really ever adds anything but whatever moving on
The Half-Maquillage Woman - kind of interesting monster idea bc women and aging…. yeah. however i think this would be a lot stronger if there were a) more girls and this was b) discussed or illustrated at all prior to this moment. still interesting that its included knowing the author is a woman tho and there’s been comments on how ling wen is perceived vs pei ming. this book does keep giving me hope for interesting female character arcs i really want it to deliver something
quan yizhen..... i get u
lmao i have a note on a bit with lang ying that says “please dont be hc in disguise” and..... my clown nose was on but at least i knew that. for real this is bothering me how much he’s just. always. there. i know he’s a lead but we didn’t really need him around for a lot of this. oh well.  okay now to my current notes
“Yet it was precisely because it wasn’t cooked that it had to be eaten quickly. Once Xie Lian cooked it, it wouldn’t be edible anymore” - fucking fantastic
“Xie Lian hugged his belly. “Of course! Only after having met you did I rediscover that it’s such a simple thing to be happy, hahaha…” Hearing this, Hua Cheng blinked. Xie Lian’s laughter quieted a bit, realizing what he just said was a little too revealing.” - okay i know i said what i said about being tired of hua cheng being everywhere but... the line…. the fact that theyre laughing together…. :pleading:
“It’s not,” Ling Wen said. “At least, I believe, there will definitely not be another in history who can create a dish called ‘Incorruptible Chastity Meatballs’” - and truer words were never spoken
“I, DO NOT WORSHIP GODS. “I, AM GOD!” - this was every bit as badass as i hoped but no one told me it was immediately followed up by a little bit of the ol dinner theater fjalkdsfjsd. also puqi shrine noooooooooo
“Xie Lian sighed as he thought, “Qi Rong has taken Guzi away, who knows if the poor child was eaten or abandoned. Wind Master...... ..... who knows if Black Water took him away. Pray they’re both safe.” yeah hey are we going to fucknig. find out what happened to the child???
and yeah i dooooont really care for the age regression? thing thats going on. i just dont like that trope tbh. but tiny hua cheng whipping out his fat ghost king wallet in the store was funny tho. it is really funny that hualian are just like wandering around some random towns while the heavens are in an uproar. i guess theres not much else to do but its funny
“Me too, me too. You all know of my shixiong, right? Talented, with an infinite future! He only had one small vice: he loved playing women. Decades ago, a little prostitute ghost seduced my shixiong and sucked him dry into human jerky, and that Hua, Hua, Hua, that ghost king dared shelter her.” - yes omg give me the forbidden hua cheng lore i love this for him for real it goes along nicely with xie lian’s principles about giving another cup. god i love shared values
“Hua Cheng poked again, and a small hole appeared on the wall, as if the wall was made of tofu.” - how’d he do that. why is this a ghost king power. its useful tho
*me shaking qi rong when he pops up* WHERE IS THE CHILD
mu qing fu yao is here okay im happy now. once again no one has a good grasp on their secret identity and i love that. this inn has descended into chaos and im delighted and im glad lan chang is back
“The good ol’ kitchen was suddenly squished and crowded, loud and noisy. Fu Yao was chasing that fetus spirit leaping up and down, Lan Chang was chasing after Fu Yao like she had gone mad. Half of Qi Rong’s face changed shape by the way Xie Lian was pressing him down on the chopping board, his back turning into a target for those yellow talismans Fu Yao hurled while being observed by a crowd, and Lan Chang would step on him from time to time.” - this is pure chaos. i love that mu qing was in that room when the mob checked and he didnt say a word didnt open the door just sent out a talisman as a warning. king your disguise is transparent
“Xie Lian remembered the way Feng Xin laughed until he was hoarse when he first heard that verbal password all those years back, and couldn’t help but feel nostalgic, even though it wasn’t the right time.” - awwwww omg im emotional about this... faithful friend feng xin laughing at xie lian’s stupid joke password and remembering it!!! ;_;
“They have, but they’re not effective,” Feng Xin said. “Usually they’re the most diligent in scorning the Palace of Ling Wen, like they could do the job way better if they had the position. Now that we need them to take up the task, not a single one can do even half of what she does.” - typical... typical typical typical
also emotional about the fact that feng xin contacted xie lian at all.....
also!! emotional about lan chang as a mom and wanting to help out sick lil guzi.....
xie lian forcing “fu yao” to let him help “his general” is making me.... what is friendship if not playing along with your buddies little shenanigans while also making them accept your help
“Someone like Mu Qing, even though he’s narrow-minded, petty, sensitive and skeptical, has a bad personality, constantly guessing, doesn’t say nice things, likes to nag, always offending people and has a lot of people who dislike him, has no friends, can remember small, unimportant details for a long period of time…” ”Xie Lian went on in one breath with a straight face, but in the end he concluded with, “...But I’ve known him since we were kids, after all, he’s still got principles.” - XIE LIAN PLEASE AFJDLKSFJDL omg ive seen this quote before but i figured he was talking to someone else not actually to mu qing himself fgjasdkfjsl. god thats amazing. hey im gonna help you out because i care but i will roast you first <3
waaaaaait so is lan chang aka jian lan that girl from book 2 we took a page to talk about and then disappeared? that has to be it why else would we have stopped to discuss her
okay this description of cuocuo.... im... that sure the hell is a creature
this book is so entertaining bc i already saw spoilers for the feng xin/jian lan/cuo cuo reveal and yet i could never have predicted the circumstances that brought it about. imagine being feng xin. the heavens are in an uproar and your only friend/enemy has been jailed for possible fetus spirit-related crimes but he escapes along with this female ghost who keeps causing problems. you figure “fuck it lets see if dianxia kept his old phone number” and he has but then he hangs up on you. you’ve got fuckall else to do so you go find him. mu qing is there but he’s in his disguise the two of you were using so you could watch over his highness while staying aloof. you think you see hua cheng only he’s a chiild for some goddamn reason but who knows at this point. the female ghost is also there and theres a fetus spirit climbing trees and biting your arrows in half. you realize the female ghost is your ex and the little demon is your son. it bites you. what do you do
amazing that despite everything going on everyone is still playing along with the “fu yao” persona when it would probably be easier to drop pretenses at this point. then again tbh if i could explain my actions to my friends while pretending to be a third party.... i probably would so.. carry on
“With all his devotees gone, only Feng Xin still treated him like the Flower-Crowned Martial God and His Highness the Crown Prince. ” “...his protection charms were all seen as trash. However, Feng Xin was still determined and tireless in handing them out; telling Xie Lian, look, you still have devotees.” “After all, he was the darling of the heavens since birth, high and mighty. Feng Xin so naturally spun around him like he was the world, so how could he possibly have his own life, his own heart” “Whether or not that fetus spirit was Feng Xin’s son, if it was that period of poverty that made Feng Xin lose the girl he loved, Xie Lian wouldn’t be able to forgive himself no matter what." ohhhh my god this relationship i. im...
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oh my god i still have 30 more chapters until book 4............ its naptime now i think
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up! (~˘▾˘)~
 Hi again…can I get an Ikevamp match-up? I got curious on who I would end up with tbh😅😅😅
About myself…I never lose a temper, I am extremely shy and quiet, it’s extremely difficult for me to trust new people. I am around 5'9 feet tall, above shoulder length messy brown hair tied into a ponytail; I would be mistaken for a boy if I let my hair down. I wouldn’t even notice if they mistook me for a boy until someone addresses me as one😅😅😅. I look intimidating at first sight because 1.)I am silent most of the time, I look cold and aloof, I never smile, and 2.) I can be blunt without noticing + my difficulty of showing emotions would make them think I’m judging their soul *yikes…whoops?😅😅😅*. That intimidates most people and when in reality when I am the one who feels more intimidated by them. 😅😅
Once I warm up, I have this side that only my family and close friends know. I get along well with anybody; I won’t judge people for their race, beliefs, personality, religion, and all. It doesn’t exist here when I befriend them 😊. I have this weird sense of humor that can turn dark and morbid without noticing… 😅😅 I am like a child at Christmas when it comes to new art supplies, baking, and cooking new recipes; I love sharing it with my family and friends. I can compare my strength to a guy and I can carry heavy things without a problem😅… I love to play the guitar and I used to play the piano when I was younger and I missed playing it. I’m extremely rusty after not practicing for 7 years now😥. I can still read music notes, and it will take longer for me to navigate the piano if I play it. I mostly draw and paint right now tho…
I’m not a fan of wearing girly clothes, and I would rather stick to wearing good ol’ shirts, polo (long/short sleeves), pants, and hoodies style. I avoid drinking alcohol because I easily get tipsy; I’d turn into a loud drunk after a few sips.  My friends would often keep me away from who knows what they’re reading and watching stuff… Told me that they don’t want me to taint my innocent eyes and soul or something like that…I never cuss even if I’m used to hearing my classmates swear like a sailor. The first time my friends hear me accidentally swear, they look at me in horror and demanded me to know where I got that word🤣🤣
I don’t like loud and crowded places, I would feel dizzy and suffocated if I stayed there for too long. There will be times on where I’m nowhere to be found since I would look for an isolated place somewhere around the corner for me to hide whenever I want to draw or paint. I am not really confident of my skills in drawing; I have a bad habit of hiding those from my family *which annoys them*. I have another bad habit of being stubborn whenever I got sick, and I wouldn’t even let anyone know I am unwell because I do not want anyone to worry about me. But when someone noticed, I would admit that I am sick. *I would go to school even when sick so I can finish my school works because, whenever I miss a class, there will always be some of them who would deliberately not tell me that I missed something in class so…i learned the hard way.😅* …
I easily get startled by sudden noises if I let my guard down: objects making a loud sound when they drop. I don’t know how to deal with physical affections and would probably get stiff and flustered. I’m not used to guys hugging me cuz would go stiff whenever a guy hugs me *I love hugs and all but… I’m not used to being hugged by guys… 🙁* I’m a bit of a disaster-prone whenever I’m outside, and would accidentally hit my head on lower tree branches and lower places, sometimes I would accidentally sprain my ankle on the uneven ground *if someone made me wear heels especially if it’s stilettos*. 😅😅😅
Yay: I love my coffee with a ridiculous amount of milk and with less sugar; baking, cooking, sweets, drawing, painting, digital art, music, cats, dogs, pokemon, Manga, anime.
Nay: I despise certain types of vegetables that are bitter and slimy. My face would shrivel up seeing those kinds of vegetables. Animal cruelty is a big no-no for me; I normally don’t get angry, and I forgive people within a blink of an eye *that annoys my family a lot😅* but, I will make an exception for that.
I can control my own anger, that no one can tell I am fuming.
If it’s ok with you…😅😅😅 Took me a long time to figure out how to send a more detailed one. 😂😂 I think that’s enough spilling tmi about myself… Whoopsie…😅😅 🦊🐱🦊🐱
Hi hi love! ❤🌻Thank you so much for the request! I had so much fun writing this up for ya and i hope you enjoy it dear! ❤🦊Also i hope you are keeping safe and well and have a super good day!🐇❤ Also sooooorrrry for taking 2 billion years with this! hehe so without further ado........... @xarexraven
So I match you with…………… Theo
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The first time you met everyone, you were so quiet and reserved hiding behind Comte. They took one look at you and instantly thought, “oooh great another male guest.” You were wearing a hoodie and jeans and your hair tie keeping your hair in a ponytail, had just snapped as you walked through the door. Comte gave you a gentle push to introduce yourself, and one look at your intimidating face, had the entire household believing that they had another tsundere in their midst. 
During dinner, you had hardly noticed that they all thought you were a boy. The residents all started retiring to their rooms after dessert, when Sebastian handed you a final cup of coffee, “Here you are sir.” Your eyes widened, and you started up at Sebastian in confusion, too shy to correct him/ That is when Comte who was still sitting beside you gave your head a gentle pat, “Sebastian it is quite rude to mistake our precious guest for a boy, especially one who is beautiful.” Both you and Sebastian were left blushing at the comment, that’s when Vincent, who was the only other resident still at the table, spoke up. “I have to agree with Comte, it is not nice to call someone so pretty, a boy.” The resident angel beamed up at you, while Sebastian apologised profusely, and through it all, the only thing you could think was, “man, this is awkward.”
The next morning after Comte explained the whole, everyone in this mansion is a vampire thing, you wandered around the mansion aimlessly. Well, that is until Napoleon came across you and grabbed your hand, dragging you to the dining room, where a feast of sugary goodness laid wait. He told you that he had made way too many pancakes and that they needed help finishing them. No one in the mansion had seen you smile yet, but at the sight of the giant stack of sugary pancakes, you couldn’t help but beam. Vincent had spotted you and flagged you over to sit next to him. “Oi knaap, don’t go hog all the pancakes, save some of the rest of us will you,” Theo loudly exclaimed as you loaded up your plate to a stack of pancakes almost as high and his. At the sound of Theo calling you a boy, Vincent narrowed his eyes at Theo and started scolding his younger brother for being so rude. Theo stared at you in disbelief but with your hair now in a pony tail he simply shrugged and gave you a new nickname “Hondjie”. With the misunderstanding finally cleared up once and for all, you made quick work of polishing off the stack of pancakes with the three men.
After lunch Vincent gave Theo a detailed list of art supplies that he needed, and at the mention of art supplies your ears perked up. Your eyes gleamed in excitement, and your cold, aloof exterior changed to one of an excited child on Christmas morning. Your cheeks were starting to hurt, that had been a record of two smiles in one day. Although even though your smiling felt weird to you, to the three me it was the most beautiful sight. Theo took notice of your enthusiasm and in his typical indifferent voice, asked if you wanted to come along for the ride. You without a second thought nodded, you basically radiated excitement as you went upstairs to put on some shoes and get a jacket. You met Theo out in the foyer, and soon the two of you made your way to the art supply store. 
Comte had told you that you were free to break the bank and buy anything and everything your heart desired, on the condition that he would be able to see your first piece of art created with the new supplies. 
You were so excited at the thought of new art supplies and being able to continue your passion for art, even though you were stuck in the past, that you let your guard down a little with Theo. He asked you in his usual blunt way, why you were dressed like a boy and not wearing skirts and dresses like other women. You told him that you were most comfortable wearing pants and hoodies. The way your eyes were beaming, low key reminded him of his precious brother, and he found himself low key drawn to your pure, innocent energy. 
The two of you spent hours and hours picking out the perfect supplies, you were low key shook at Theo’s knowledge about art and supplies. He actually helped you pick out the best supplies for your personal drawing and painting style. After spending hours in the art shop. The two of you made your way to the waiting carriage, when Theo spotted an ice cream store, his eyes lit up at the thought of sweets. When you saw how excited he was, you suggested that the two of you investigate the shop before heading back. 
For the first time in Theo van Gogh whole existence, a woman had paid for him. He was sitting across from you in the ice cream parlour while you were happily eating away at your sugary treat, still trying to process it all. You had paid as a token of thanks for him helping you pick out the best art supplies. What shocked him even more was during argument about the bill you legit gave him a deadpan look and bluntly said that you were ganna treat him no matter what. After that comment you legit left him blushing and speechless, you truly were a strange woman.
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments when you finally decided to break the ice. You curiously asked why it was that he knew so much about art, and that’s when he revealed that he was an art dealer. And so the rest of the afternoon was spent chatting about art, paintings, drawings and your mutual passion and appreciation for the trade. To say Theo was pleasantly surprised by you would be an understatement, his first impression of you was now so laughable compared to the person sitting before him. The first time he saw you, he thought you an aloof, little boy who seemed to judge him down to the very depths of his soul. Yet as he got to know you, he had come to realise that there was much more to you.
In the weeks to follow you seemed to surprise Theo more and more. The first thing that had this boy sister shook was your inhuman strength. One day as you were helping Isaac sorts out the library. The two of you had managed to fill up 2 huge boxes of junk and clutter that could be stored in the mansions attic. Isaac lifted one of the boxes and determined that it was too heavy for the both of you, so he went to call Theo or Leo who would have an easier job with doing the heavy lifting. As Theo rounded to the corner to help move the boxes, he almost rammed straight into you. “Oi hondjie, you are going to hurt yourself let me take…” As he took the box from your hands, his face started going red, and a vein in his neck started popping out. The box you had been carrying was obviously almost too heavy for him to carry, he turned around swiftly and started walking up the attic stairs. It took you no time to catch up to him carrying another heavy box of your own. At this point you could see a bead of sweat roll down his face. Theo was determined to carry this box up, there was no way he was going to be shown up by a girl, especially one that he liked. He finally made it to the top of the attic and place the box down with a huff, you had to laugh at the small blush that was still on his cheeks. 
Just then out of the corner of your eye, an old piano caught your attention. Theo eyed you curiously still recovering from the blow to his ego, as you sat down on the dusty piano chair and blew the dust of the piano keys. Your fingers moved to their own accord, gliding across the keys to play a familiar song from muscle memory. Theo sat down next to you and closed his eyes to absorb the beautiful melody. As the last note echoed through the attic, Theo opened his eyes, and sapphire eyes glared down into the depths of your soul. He had honestly never in his life felt more drawn to anyone, before he could say anything your stomach gave a loud growl. It was now your turn to blush and look away in embarrassment. Theo then leads you downstairs, where he whipped you up some stroopwafels.
You tied the apron around your waist and helped Theo prepare the sugary dessert. You were so excited and happy, you loved baking and learning/exchanging new recipes. Once the two of you were done making the sweet snack, you sat down and munched on the Stroop waffles and coffee. The rest of the afternoon was spent chatting about your mutual hate for bitter slimy vegetables and love for dogs as you ate the sugary snack and sipped on coffee. This actually started a tradition between the two of you, where once in a while the two of you would exchange recipes and cook your favourite dishes together.
One day as Theo joined Comte in his room for some tea, he saw a beautiful painting hanging behind Comte, it was just filled with so much emotion. “Hey, Comte, did Vincent paint that one, I haven’t seen it before.” Comte gleamed in delight and told him that you were the artist responsible for the masterpiece and that you had given it to him as a thank you gift for the art supplies. Theo was shook, he knew you loved art but to have created such a masterpiece. He stomped his way to your room and knock on your door. He could hear shuffling from the other side, he swung the door open and spotted you throwing a heap full of tissues in the dustbin and hiding the trashcan behind you. All it took was one look at your red nose, pale face and tired eyes to know that you were clearly sick. You tried to play it off and make your way past Theo to help Sebastian with lunch service, when Theo picked you up and plonked you down on your bed. The second your head hit the pillow, your tired eyes closed and you lost consciousness. You woke a few hours later to Theo sitting by your side gently stroking your hair while placing a cold washcloth on your forehead every now and then. You stubbornly tried to convince him that you weren’t sick. Theo narrowed his eyes at you and in a soft, gentle tone said, “Hondjie can you just stop being stubborn for one minute and let me take care of you.” Theo had nursed you back to full health and you got to see a new side of Theo that you had never seen before, his sweet kind gentle side. It was actually during this time when Theo had confessed his undying love for you.
Theo love love loved your art and would insist you show him your masterpieces once you are done with them.  He knew your weren't confident in your skills and would usually hide your drawings so he did what any reasonable person would do. He tickled you until you gave up the hiding spot so he could see your creation.
He also knows you don’t like crowded places or loud noises, so he actually cleared up a room for you to use as your own art room to work in peace, where no one was allowed to disturb you. 
He knew you would get dizzy and feel suffocated whenever the two of you would walk through a busy crowd in the markets. So now every time the two of you cuties go out, he was sure to plan your route using back roads to avoid unnecessary crowds or he would bring King along for a walk with you. Even though King is a sweet, friendly golden retriever, he has come to love you and will do whatever it takes to protect the new member of his pack. Even if that means angry staring down people so they can part like the red sea before you and Theo.
Theo absolutely loves you to the moon and back. He loves your sweet innocent mind and will always cover your ears and glare daggers at Arthur whenever he is telling stories of previous nights conquests as he “doesn’t want Arthur to taint your innocent mind and soul.” 
He absolutely loves to finally have someone around who gets his dark, morbid sense of humour and who can equally match his weird jokes. Often when the two of you are together, you would be quick-firing the weirdest jokes at each other, while being in stitches laughing at each other.
Theo also loves how you have similar beliefs as him in not judging people. It was due to this that he was completely able to open up about his past with you. You helped him to heal and grow from his past traumas. You helped catch him many a time before falling in the abyss, dragging him out back into the light. 
Both of you were pretty awkward when it came to physical affection at the beginning of your relationship. However, after many, a stiff, awkward hug followed by a fit of laughter from how awkward the two of you were, eventually the two of you started to get more comfortable around each other. 
Now when Theo cuddles you, as you draw him as a manga character, the two of you chuckle at the memory of how stiff and awkward it was the first time the two of you had even held hands. Theo will 100% always insist on holding your hand whenever the two of you go outside as he knows just how accident-prone you are when it comes to nature.
Ultimately Theo loves to spend quiet evenings with you snuggled up in his arms as the two of you exchange stories of each other days. He loves to read all your little manga’s you manage to create for him. Although he will never admit it, he always gets super excited when you tell him about an anime you watched or show him your newest manga drawing. He will shower you with endless amounts of hugs and cuddles from the moment you go to bed till the moment you wake up. And every morning without fail Theo will greet you with a freshly bred cup of milky coffee and a kiss.
Other potential matches…………… Vincent 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and i hope you have the best day! 🦊🌻❤
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snowtimeisbesttime · 4 years
Thoughts and questions (remix) on Friendsim Volume 14.
-Overall? Blessed volume. I love these two trolls and would die for them.
-We finally know who is this: Karako Pierot, best clown! // And now that we know him, his singular old Troll Call bulletpoint has been replaced by assorted honks.
-Alternia’s plants, like most living (and unliving) things there, Also Want To Kill You.
-Why’s an imperial drone after him, though? The MC’s had their share of close encounters with drones (Kuprum and Folykl’s route, also Tegiri’s), but the way they described this one made me think it’s different to the others… It also apparently took Karako away in his bad end.
-this butt that has taken so many lives, finally saves one…
-“Man I’d really like to see some seadwellers soon” not like this :( . Assholes aside, it’s (re)confirmed that seadwellers are Really Fucking Tough, and also may have scales?? // considering the guy who got impaled by a bunch of plants and proceeded to worry about their clothes getting ruined, we've got two (2) methods to kill a seadweller: with a special knife coated in special poison and stabbed into a special place as seen in Polypa's route, or good ol' bisection, as demonstrated by Kanaya.
(-And therefore, Feferi probably died because of Eridan's Hope powers doing an asspull thingy (he believes they're Very Lethal so they are), more than because she got lasered through the chest. Then again didn't eridan also attack sollux with the same hopy lasers????? Was Feferi Unjustly Nerfed On Top Of Being Unjustly Sidelined)
-Does Karako not have a lusus? We know he was in Bronya’s nursery (because he’s too small for a purpleblood, apparently?), but if I remember correctly, after the wigglers got stronger in the nursery they’d be taken back to the Caverns proper and make their cocoons and stuff… Then again, his necklace says to call Bronya if he gets lost… // indeed, best cloun probably doesn't have a “proper” lusus, besides Bronya. That's also probably why he had a drone after him... either that, or he's too smol for a purple and therefore cullbait
-No but seriously, Karako’s special. He’s got really fucking strong chucklevoodoos (?) that we’ve never seen before (not that we have a particularly large sample size, but still), a drone seemed to be specifically after him for some reason, parallels with the Signless, and with Caliborn as well… not to mention his bad (yet also good?) end.
-And speaking of cherubic parallels, we might have seen the actual motherfucking Dark Carnival. The question would be if it was real, an hallucination (of whom?) or something else entirely… Real or not, it’s covered in cherub imagery and also depictions of Gamzee in his god tier outfit… turns out he was right about the mirthful messiahs being him, and also him… And there’s tragedy and comedy as well, just like two other clowns we know.
-Why does the MC also go to the Dark Carnival? Are they an honorary clown? If so, did it happen back in Chahut’s route, or did Karako insta-clown them the moment he became friends with the MC? Are Amisia and/or Bronya also honorary clowns?
-The fourth wall appears to be getting thinner after Boldir’s route… // either that, or MSPAR's sheer meta stuff potential’s awakening.
-I don’t recall any of the other Voidbounds having a lot of meta stuff on their routes, but Marsti sure does! Meanwhile, Karako may be the first Mindbound we’ve seen without a façade (Vikare and Chixie pretending that Yes They’re Perfectly Okay With Their Lot In Life, Azdaja’s whole anime protagonist shtick (or is it?), even Amisia kinda had one), but there’s certainly a lot more to him than what we’ve seen. Mind-bounds also tend to stray from the “one short end, one good end, one bad end” formula- Amisia and Azdaja are the only mind-bounds that stick to it.
-It may be just me, but it feels as if Marsti could “read” or “hear” the MC’s narration? It could also be the whole “fourth wall getting thinner”, or perhaps the MC decided to spend the entire route shoving their foot in their mouth (the “rusty” comment comes to mind)
-Marsti kind of reminds me of Vikare (and also Xefros): both of them have a different calling than the role the empire will assign them, and they (try to) embrace that role because unless we fuck shit up in future Hiveswap acts, it’s all they’re going to get. In Marsti’s case, it wasn’t space travel as her sign led us to believe, but medicine.
-(she also reminds me a little of Moira from Overwatch?? i don’t know how to say it in english, so here it is in spanish: se dan un aire) // it's just the art tho, they're both kinda pointy
-Marsti wants to help people, even if she won’t be allowed to be a doctor. From what we’ve seen we can tell she’s talented and she knows it… but she also knows that’s a pipe dream at best.
-Fittingly enough, hygiene’s had a vital role on the development of modern medicine- and cleaning stuff is what drives her through most of her route.
-All of Friendsim so far takes place in the same city. It might be Thrashthrust, but I’m not sure if we’ve gone to Outglut (yet). // Friendsim volume 14.5 is the one where we go to outglut and unleash her in dammek's hive
-Boldir’s route really left a mark on the MC. Let’s hope her bad end wasn’t the alpha timeline… and while we’re here let’s also hope karako’s bad end isn’t alpha either please
-How in the actual fuck does the MC even consider taking Marsti to Zebruh’s hive. Like seriously!!! (also, couldn’t they have sent Galekh a message? Nothing fancy, just “hey galaxy 360 mind if i take my new friend to your hive so she can clean it up? its for friendship reasons, you know how it is. also say hi to tagora for me kthxbye”)
-Her new Troll Call bulletpoints reinforce her Friendsim characterization, as with many others. Marsti seems to be one of the trolls that got more character depth from her route (perceived, as we don't know yet how canon are the Friendsims gonna be when Act 2 comes out), like Diemen or Chixie.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Written In The Stars IV (Harry Potter xFem!Oc)
A/N: Next to writing in another language, writing Hagrid’s dialogues is a nightmare. So, I just did it as little as possible though I love him so much.
Words: 2,449
Warnings: None!
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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Chapter Four: Rubeus Hagrid.
The next days were horrid, it had been years since she had felt so powerless, locked in her house with no one to play, even worse, knowing Harry had been kidnapped by the Dursleys. Her mum was anxious too, but she was better at hiding it. From time to time she would go over to the window and look around, Mel knew she was looking for an owl.
Then, on the evening of the second day, a loud bang on the door made them jump from their seats. Emily stood up and opened the door, gasping at the sight in front of her.
"Hagrid, what are you doing here?" A man, taller than anyone she'd ever known, was standing in the doorway, hair rustled and beard long and messy.
"Dumbledore," He said in a deep, rusty voice, "sent me"
"Why?" The woman asked, "Harry's not here!"
"He thought that Mel might wan' to come!" He exclaimed cheerfully.
His eyes looked around the room and landed on the little girl, hiding behind the sofa.
"Well look at yeh, Mel!" He laughed, "Look at yeh! Yeh've grown!"
"Do I know you?" She asked.
"He saw you when you were a baby," Her mother moved away from the door so he could come in, looking more tired than before, "he's an old friend"
"Oh," She said, standing up from the sofa, "nice to meet you, uh..."
"Rubeus Hagrid," The man walked up to her with heavy steps that made the whole house tremble, "keeper of keys in Hogwarts, bet yeh know about tha' now"
"I know about Hogwarts," Mel nodded, pleased to recognize the name.
"Hagrid," Emily closed the door, "I'm sorry, but did you just say that you're here to take Mel?"
"If yeh allow," Hagrid smiled, putting his hands inside his coat, "if not, I still wanted to deliver this to dear ol' Mel. Yeh turned eleven this month, don' think I forgot!"
He handed her a box filled with strange candies that she couldn't wait to eat.
"Can I go?" She asked her mother, "I promised Harry I would help!"
"I... I don't know," Emily looked over to Hagrid, "you know where Harry is?"
"Yes," He nodded, "we'll be there in no time"
"You have to be careful," She replied, "please Hagrid, the kids..."
"Dumbledore trust me," He made a careless movement with his hand that almost knocked off the lamp, "yeh'll have yer daughter back safe an' soun"
"I'll be good, I promise," Mel jumped, holding tightly to her mother's wrist, "Please?"
"I'll have to talk with Dumbledore one of these days," She huffed, "He keeps forgetting who is your tutor"
"That means I can go?" Mel held her breath.
"Bloody-" Emily groaned in frustration, passing a hand through her hair, "put on your coat and listen to everything Hagrid tells you. If you disobey you won't be going to any fun trips again."
Mel let out a short squeal and hugged her mother.
It was hard to tell exactly what thing impressed her most: Hagrid or his motorcycle. The trip was wonderful, he answered to every question the little girl had on her mind since Dumbledore's visit.
She learned many things that day, not only about the school but about how the wizards and witches behaved, she wanted to know how to act around others, she wanted to be prepared.
"My mum said she kept me away because of the rumors about my father's family," She frowned, "you know those rumors?"
Hagrid groaned.
"What yeh hav' to know Mel, is tha' Dumbledore is one of the most powerful an' bright of al' the wizardin' community. Many folks feel threaten' by it. Yeh should never feel bad abou' the family yeh come from. Not even once."
Mel nodded, although Hagrid hadn't answered her question.
"Yer a lot like Matt," He said after a few minutes had passed, "he always asked questions 'bout everything. Smart ones. He was bright, that one. Yeh have the same look as him and Dumbledore, but those are Em's eyes. Tho' yeh have his smile too"
Mel didn't know how to respond to that. She hadn't seen any pictures of her father, but she felt happy to find out that she was similar to him. A sting of annoyance went through her heart as thinking of all the years she spent away from where she truly belonged.
They got closer to what it seemed a place taken directly from a horror movie.
"Is Harry there?" She asked in disbelief.
"His relatives sure are odd, aren' they?"
"They treat Harry very poorly," Mel shook her head in discontent.
"Do they?" Hagrid frowned, "Would yeh mind telling me more?"
Mel told him everything she knew about the Dursley, watching as the anger grew inside Hagrid.
"We'll fix this al'right," was all he said.
When they landed outside the little cottage, Mel prepared herself for what was about to happen.
"Is midnight," Hagrid said, "Harry just turned eleven"
And without adding to it, he knocked loudly on the door.
He knocked again, getting no answer.
He stepped back and said:
"Careful," And knocked down the door.
Mel jumped at the sound of the wood hitting the ground. Hagrid walked in and she followed, holding to his sleeve tightly, drenched from the storm. He lifted the door back in its frame. Mel remained behind his arm, cold, she moved along as he turned to face the Dursleys.
"Couldn't make us a cup o' tea, could yeh? It's not been an easy journey..."
He moved heavily towards the couch, she moved slightly away from his body, looking around. Harry was right in front of them.
As Hagrid forced Dudley to get up by sitting on the sofa, she ran to her friend.
"Harry!" She gave him a tight hug, "I told you I would find you!"
She heard a loud gasp on her right, when she looked up she saw Mrs. Dursley staring at her with wide eyes.
Well, she won't be able to hide her oddness anymore.
"An' here's Harry!" Hagrid exclaimed, "Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby. Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh've got your mother's eyes."
Hagrid then had a little discussion with Mr. Dursley that ended up in Hagrid destroying the rifle and calling him names. Petunia Dursley was horrified, she kept mumbling, 'not her, not her...' as if Mel being a witch was the same as having a terminal disease.
"How..?" Harry whispered in stunned wonder.
Mel moved away, so happy that she couldn't stay still.
"He went for me so we could find you."
"Harry," Hagrid had his attention back to them, "A very happy birthday to yeh. Got summat fer yeh here- I mighta sat on it at some point, but it'll taste all right."
Hagrid dug into his coat and pulled a box, this one a bit more damaged than Mel's. Harry took it and opened with trembling hands, inside there was a cake with 'Happy Birthday' written with green icing.
Harry looked up to Hagrid and asked.
"Who are you?"
"True, I haven't introduced meself. Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."
Mel was ecstatic, this was really happening! Soon enough Harry would know everything. Hagrid and Harry shook hands (more like Hagrid almost ripped Harry's arm) and then added:
"What about that tea then, eh? I'd not say no ter summat stronger if yeh've got it, mind"
Mel stifled her laugh with a hand, watching as Hagrid quietly prepared the tea. She crossed her legs and waited patiently, amused at how easily Hagrid could scare the Dursleys. Hagrid passed her and Harry warm sausages and she took one of them, biting into the food with a hunger she didn't even know she had.
"I'm sorry," Said Harry after a moment, "but I still don't really know who you are."
"Call me Hagrid, everyone does. An' like I told yeh, I'm Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts- yeh'll know all about Hogwarts, o' course"
Mel frowned, hadn't Dumbledore told him all the issue with the Dursleys? If not, then Hagrid was in for a treat.
"Er- no" Harry admitted, "sorry"
"Sorry?" Hagrid turned to look at the Dursleys, "it's them as should be sorry! I knew yeh weren't gettin' yer letters but I never thought yeh wouldn't even know abou' Hogwarts, fer cryin' out loud! Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learnt it all?"
"All what?" asked her friend innocently.
"ALL WHAT?" Hagrid stood up suddenly, causing Mel to drop the last bit of her food.
Hagrid was angry, and though he looked pretty scary, Mel had to cover her mouth again to hide her giggles. It wasn't a funny subject, but she couldn't help herself.
"DURSLEY!" Hagrid seemed to think it over, going back to Harry, "but yeh must know about yer mum and dad. I mean, they're famous, you're famous."
"What?" He then looked at Mel, "My- my mum and dad weren't famous, were they?"
That did take her by surprise, Mel hadn't heard about that specific thing at all.
"I don't know," She replied, "my mum never mentioned..."
"Yeh don't know," Hagrid seemed deeply affected by the news, "yeh don't know... yeh don't know what yeh are?"
"Stop!" Exclaimed Mr. Dursley suddenly.
There were a few screams here and there until Hagrid lost his patience.
"Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh," He turned to face the kids, "Harry, yer a wizard."
Mel stopped moving.
"I'm a what?" asked Harry.
Things happened fast. Hagrid handed him the letter and he quietly read it, Harry asked about the owl and Hagrid pulled a real, angry-looking owl -Had it been there the whole time?- from one of his pockets, and wrote a little note like her mother had done a few days prior.
Then he went back to the sofa and Mr. Dursley said he wouldn't let Harry go, and well, Hagrid called him something neither Mel or Harry understood.
"A what?" They asked in unison.
"A muggle" Repeated Hagrid.
Muggle. Mel didn't think it was proper to go around calling every non-magical person like that, but she would be more than happy to address the Dursleys as big ol' muggles from now on.
Then things stopped being funny all of a sudden. Mrs Dursley had an outburst and completely confessed every little nagging detail about Lily's (Harry's mum) past. Blown up, she said, was the way she had died.
Mel knew a total of three things about her father so far:
·They had the same smile.
·He was a curious man, always asking smart questions.
·He died thanks to Voldemort.
So when Harry asked what had really happened with his parents, she understood his shook, all his life living in a lie was infuriating. They knew so little about their families it felt like a cruel joke.
Mel didn't feel like laughing anymore.
"But what happened to Vol- sorry, to You-Know-Who?"
"Good question, Harry. Disappeared. Vanished. Same night he tried ter kill you. Makes yeh even more famous. That's the biggest myst'ry, see... he was gettin' more an' more powerful- Why'd he go? Some say he died. Codswallop, in my opinion. Dunno if he had enough human left in him to die. Some say he's still out there, bidin' his time, like, but I don' believe it. People who was on his side came back ter ours. Some of 'em came outta kinda trances. Don' reckon they could've done if he was comin' back."
"-Most of us reckon he's still out there somewhere but lost his powers. Too weak to carry on. 'Cause somethin' about you finished him, Harry. There was somethin' goin' on that night he hadn't counted on – I dunno what it was, no one does – but somethin' about you stumped him, all right"
"I think you must have made a mistake. I don't think I can be a wizard."
Hagrid chuckled.
'Not a wizard, eh? Never made things happen when you was scared, or angry?'
Harry shared a look with Mel, who smiled shyly.
"You..?" He didn't finish the question, but he didn't have to.
"I kept it a secret a few days because they asked me to," She assured him, "I didn't know until Dumbledore- he's my uncle, you know- he came into my house and explained it to me. My mum was pissed about it, and they made me promise I wouldn't tell"
"I don't know," She frowned, "I wanted to tell you. I didn't like lying to my best friend."
"You're also a... a witch?"
Mel nodded.
"I would show you my letter, but I left it at home."
Harry looked back at Hagrid, now smiling widely. Hagrid returned the expression.
"See?' said Hagrid, "Harry Potter, not a wizard – you wait, you'll be right famous at Hogwarts. Both of you."
But Mr. Dursley wasn't having any of it. He started another argument with Hagrid, this time insulting Dumbledore. Hagrid lost control, affected by the words, he grabbed a hold of his umbrella and with a swift movement, gave Dudley a tail. A pig's tail, to be precise.
"Merlin's beard!" Mel exclaimed, deciding that it was about time she started to grow accustomed to the usual lingo of wizards and witches.
Hagrid apologized for losing his temper, he wasn't allowed to do magic since he got expelled in his third year at Hogwarts, he didn't explain why. He handed his coat to Mel and Harry so they could sleep in it, warning them about the dormice.
The children didn't mind one bit, they were glad Hagrid had come to the rescue.
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Next Chapter —>
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 1
Because, for some reason, there was a game made to tie into the show. And it was a tactics rpg, like Final Fantasy Tactics or Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Grimoire of the Rift.
Moving characters around in a map, hitting each other in the head with magic and sword. A job system where you can get advanced jobs by learning certain combos of jobs. Y’know.
This is a really weird choice for a Dark Crystal Age of Resistance game. Because its trying to represent the plot of the show in the game. So Deet and Brea’s side of the plot gets represented in the combat system of move around on a map and hit things.
If the game was less tied to the show plot, maybe it could work. The idea of a bunch of gelfling banding together to age of resist the Skeksis does lend itself to a combat-y system.
But they handle it weeeeeeird.
The game starts with the Aughra big conference call to all of the protagonists and Seladon, dropping players right several episodes into the story with no context for anything.
But I guess as a tie-in game its figured that only a big ol dark crystal nerd would even buy this game. Side-eyeing at me, I am.
Because the game starts at the Aughra conference call, the plot before then is represented as Dreamfast Memories.
And the first mission is
Dreamfast Memory: The Darkening
"Something has turned the gentle Nurlocs savage! Deet must speak to the Sanctuary Tree to learn more."
The mission starts with Deet going to feed a single nurloc unit. The nurloc attacks her and then runs off.
In game engine cutscenes sure are a thing.
Then the Sanctuary Tree starts explaining game mechanics like the turn order graphic from off-screen. The most useful tree.
I thought Deet was going to have to beat a nurloc to death, which feels pretty out of character but you just get another nurloc named Keet to beat the enemy nurloc half to death and then it runs off. That’s.... better?
And after Deet makes a grand journey of traveling across one entire screen, the Sanctuary Tree commands Deet to rally the gelfling clans.
I feel like if you have the time to explain game mechanics, you have the time to shout them from across the level map.
I at least got 60 pearls out of this, somewhow somewhere.
Mission 2 Dreamfast Memory: Catch that Arathim
Now we’re at the castle with Rian and Mira.
So you know that part where they saw an arathim and chased it? How about instead of that, Rian and Mira fight some arathim hatchlings. Gonna beat up some babies =|
In fairness, ones an adult.
After you beat two, the last one runs off to keep on the plot rails. Mira flies off after it to also keep on the rails.
Rewards: Woo, I won a Rian. A tattered cape. A chain shirt. And 60 pearls. Where are these pearls coming from?
There’s a cutscene of Rian watching Mira getting crystal gooped. The art style for the cut scenes are actually good. Mostly. Skeksis look good. The gelflings can look fairly uncanny.
Which is source accurate?
Woo, party management menu. My only part is Rian...
I know its rpg tradition but Rian was a guard working in the castle and the son of the captain. How is it that he’s wielding a rusty sword and isn’t wearing any clothes?
The rusty sword has no stats! Dammit Rian! Too busy dreamfasting and flirting to have a real sword!
Putting this boy in a shirt and buying him a training sword, stg.
3rd mission: Dreamfast Memory: Escape from the Castle
Did I go shopping in the middle of my escape? Did I just throw some pearls (pearls are the money btw) and steal a training sword from the armory?
Truly game mechanics make mysteries.
I also used some money I earned from Deet’s memory to buy a sword for Rian. MYSTERIES.
Anyway. Gurjin is a bro. This is known from the show but its still true.
Gurjin: ‘The skeksis are saying you killed Mira’
Rian: ‘I didn’t tho’
Gurjin: ‘I believe you.’
AND HELLO newcomers Breg the Scout and Alyadon the Mender who are also here and who also believe in Rian!
I don’t know how to feel about Rian beating fellow gelflings to death in his effort to escape being falsely accused of murdering his fellow gelfling. Hopefully they’ll run like the nurloc did.
Breg: ‘I’m going with Rian! None of this seems right.’ You’re smarter than most of the tv canon characters, Breg.
JESUS gelflings know how to throw fireballs!
Alyadon: ‘I’m with Rian too. The Skeksis lied to us!’
I’m fascinated by these two extras.
those dueling swords are BIGGER than a gelfling
He has 500 HP and a move called Execute. Chamberlain, pls
Anyway. Gurjin ded.
Reasonably, the game is making me start the level over because a reality with a dead Gurjin isn’t worth it.
Chamberlain after killing poor, sweet Alyadon: “Challenging Skeksis is foolish”
Chamberlain after Rian steps into the glowing square that indicates the exit: “Please, Gelfling, we are friends. Do not be foolish. Pleeease.”
Guy can turn on a dime.
Gurjin: -hits Chamberlain with sword-
Chamberlain: =(
Aw, sweet. I got Alyadon and Breg as rewards for getting Alyadon killed while Rian ran for the enemy’s gate is down. Also a bunch of pearls. And Rian learned to shove people. This is a good day except for the part where Gurjin got arrested for hitting the Chamberlain repeatedly.
You know, the game is doing decently at building up the Skeksis as something of a figure of terror from a game perspective. They’re huge tough blocks of hp with BS moves and I’m a low level gelfling. I’m terrified of running into these guys in levels now.
Considering Rian has to convince the Gelflings to go up against the Skeksis who are like the PresidentPopes of their society, thats a good misgiving to have.
Hm. Alyadon is using a fallen branch as a magic staff. Sure. And Breg is using a dull blade. Both of which are the basicest of basic equipment with no stats.
The fallen branch at least gets you MP for smacking people. Which sure is a way for something to work.
Anyway, that’s the first three missions. More later maybe. For the limited audience that’s interested in the Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics trpg tie-in video game to the Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Netflix prequel series.
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gr-74 · 6 years
tell about FO ocs!
rubs my gay little hands together
most of my fo ocs are kinda bare bones atm cause its taken forever to convince myself its ok to have fun and do whatever i want so SORRY ABT THAT.. T_T im workin on em
prolly my main one that ive put the most time into developing is my sole survivor, rusty :O dont have a full real name for him since, obviously rusty isnt his ‘real’ name, his first name is jacob probably though?? but Nobody™ Calls Him That
THIS GOT RLLY RLLYYY LONG so i put it under a cut IM SO SRRY LOL
hes a good boy but hes...really very stupid, there isnt rlly any way to beat around to bush on that one.. LOL he absolutely always means well but can be rather impulsive bc he just doesnt think things through, and often seems to get out of all the ridiculous shit he gets himself into by sheer luck.  he can be really easy to take advantage of bc 1) hes very slow catching on when somebodys jerking him around, and 2) hes just good! he wants to help he Always gives people the benefit of the doubt and its very liberal when it comes to giving people second chances, never assumes the worst abt people, etc.
his backstory and actions thru the game is sorta in the works still... cant see him having a kid at All, honestly like a lot of his character, im sure him stumbling into the whole mess thats the commonwealth was completely an accident LOL but he helps out minutemen a lot and winds up siding w the railroad >:^) tho im sure hed rather be building houses for ppl all day instead of like, fighting and stuff
i have a few other misc fo/4 characters, but those are in even bigger need of development than rusty... vince & virgil, who are p much copy-pastes of 2 of my characters from my original works, twin brothers that prolly operate out of/around goodneighbor scamming the shit out of ppl, ariel whos a raider lady, maurice who is........eugh hes a bad dude, creepy.
HONORABLE MENTION TO byron, my courier, who comes off as being rlly stoic and unfriendly but is actually very charming and charismatic, when he wants to be of course.  while he does get along with people easily enough its ssssort of superficial, and hes not a huge fan of relationships, commitment, closeness those sorts of things.  probably why he gets along w b/oone so well jkdfhsd.  not a big fan of authority or anything and thinks everyone should just mind their damn business
and also elliot, lone wanderer, whos even LESS developed than byron oops :( hes a very soft timid boy, terrified of his own shadow, but even more terrified of sth happening to his dear ol dad.  he tries to be good but his timid/passive nature usually leads him to inaction when he couldve very well done something to help whatever situation hes in.  pretty naive as well
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arjyles · 7 years
i originally meant to accompany this w an art piece but i forgot to finish it so heres the fic for now
wrote this for @taylorearhardts for trimberlydwarves secret santa-- MERRY CHRISM MY DUDE!!!! HOPE U LIKE IT!!! BC I LOVE KIMZACK NOW 
They really couldn’t be friends without constantly pushing each others’ boundaries.
Kim 4:42pm: zack i need ur eyes and opinion
Zack 4:43pm: im not giving u fashion advice unless it’s for lingerie
Kim 4:43pm: ik ur joking but that’s deadass what i was gonna ask
Kim 4:44pm: don’t make it weird
Zack 4:44pm: no hetero right babe ;p
She rolls her eyes at his choice of words, and snaps the picture anyway. Scrolling down her list of best friends on Snapchat, she captions the photo, “no hetero x,” before selecting Zack’s name and hitting send, no pause or hesitation needed. It’s just Zack, after all.
Immediately after it’s sent, the red triangle turns white, indicating that he opens it right away. After all, there are basically no boundaries in their friendship, and if there are, they’re quickly broken, since the two of them run the reckless impulse decision kingdom.
Zack 4:49pm: it’s hot but why pink. why not black ;(
Kim 4:49pm: it’s my fav colour ok. this is lingerie for me not u
Zack 4:50pm: fine
Zack 4:50pm: is there a v-shape version of the bra tho. ur tiddies look flat in that
She grins and shakes her head at his honesty. There are about 8 more pink bras she needs his opinion on, anyway.
“Anyone seen Kim yet?”
“Nah, T. She wasn’t in bio?”
Trini glares at Zack’s question. “Of course not. Why else would I be asking?”
“Jeez,” Zack says, raising his hands in surrender. Trini was very protective of Kim, for some odd reason. With Kim not there, she’s especially more cranky. “Relax, dude. We can check on her. Who’s free?”
Trini’s about to volunteer, until Jason puts his hand on her shoulder, “you can’t, dude. We’ve got that math test next period,” she sighs, and Jason turns to Billy and Zack, “can one of you?”
Before Billy can say anything, Zack speaks out, “I guess I will!” he says enthusiastically, saving Billy from having to ruin his perfect attendance, “I was already gonna skip, anyway.”
“Are you sure you can?” Billy asks, looking conflicted between wanting to be a good friend and wanting to be a good student, “is it really a good idea for you to skip more classes?”
Zack waves him off, relieving the others of worrying about his grades, “yeah, it’s fine. I’ve got a spare third period anyway, and we’re only watching a movie in fourth.”
Then, he gets up from their shared lunch table to make his way to Kim’s house, leaving Billy to tutor Jason and Trini in the last bits of trig they need help with.
Normally, she wasn’t one to take days off like this, but her mother called her last night reminding her how she was no longer living up to her parents’ standards, and now she can’t really bring herself to leave her house.
Instead, it’s nearing 1pm and she’s still in bed, listening to her Depression Playlist™ on repeat, while watching her ceiling fan rotate over and over. She can’t tell if it’s making her dizzy, or if her head just hurt from oversleeping.
Just before she can transition from humming along to belting out the bridge of Hands Down, Chris Carrabba’s voice is interrupted by her phone ringing.
Groaning, she rolls over to check her caller ID, and is only mildly surprised to see Zack’s face grinning at her before she hits the answer button.
“What,” Kim says into her phone, sounding irritated.
“Well, hello to-” he grunts, “you too.”
Kim raises a brow at that. “Why do you sound constipated? Did you call me while you were on the shitter?”
He laughs, but it sounds slightly strained, “no. I’m scaling a building, actually.”
Kim tsks, showing her mild disapproval at his risqué antics. “Don’t scale the fucking school, Zack,” she scolds him, “you’re gonna get yourself expelled and Zordon’s gonna murder your ass for taking advantage of your powers.”
There’s a brief pause on the phone, like he’s readjusting his stance to a more ergonomically proper way of climbing, “who said I was scaling the school?”
“What building are you scaling?” She asks, slightly worried that he might be putting himself in danger. Well, as much danger as a ranger can face. “Zack, what the fuck.”
He giggles again, sounding like a giddy school girl, “here’s a hint,” he says, and she can basically see the grin on his face through the phone, “open your window to find out. NOT CLICKBAIT.”
And then it clicks. (ha ha get it) She looks over to her window only to see one set of fingers on the outside sill, where Zack must’ve been dangling from.
“Why haven’t you at least pulled yourself up?”
“Because-” he grunts again, probably shifting his hand a little bit so he can get more comfortable, “my booty is poppin’ way too hard to fit onto the ledge. Let me in, Kim!”
She sighs exasperatedly before pulling the covers off herself to make her way towards the window. Once there, she glances down at the boy still hanging on with one arm, a phone in his other.
He waves at her with the phone-hand, before putting his phone back to his mouth, “so are you gonna let me in, or nah?”
She grins at him and shrugs, “I wish I could, but I have a screen on my window.”
His face drops. “Are you serious?”
“No, I just wanted to see how long you could hang onto that.”
“Probably forever-- I’m that buff,” he says, winking at her, “but someone might see me.”
She reaches over to open the window, but pauses, “to be fair, you’re in my backyard.”
“Kim,” he pleads with her, his voice cracking. “C’mon.”
“Fine,” she relents, but not before dramatically sighing and hanging up, as if all of this was physically taxing on her.
She unlocks the window and pushes it open, watching as Zack pockets his phone and pulls himself up, landing ungracefully onto her floor face first. Despite the fall, he still comes back up smiling.
“So, what’s up, Kimmy? You good?” He asks, while toeing his shoes off before Kim can give him shit for it. He was really the only one of her friends who did that automatically, the other rangers being absolute heathens, wearing shoes indoors. “Why’d you stay in?”
“Honestly,” she sighs, grabbing his hand and leading him to her bed and he lies next to her, like it’s routine, “I’m not feeling the best right now.”
He hums, and she can feel the vibrations from his chest. Then she feels his hand come up to her forehead, and he presses it there for a minute.
“You seem okay, though. Is it a different kind of sickness?”
She purses her lips. They never really hide anything from each other. If they didn’t know something about each other, it’s probably because they just forgot to tell the other.
This time, though, Kim feels a little bit of hesitance.
“Yeah, kind of,” she says instead.
He doesn’t say anything. He’s waiting for her to elaborate.
“Just, y’know…” She clears her throat, trying to decide if this is something she can share with him. “Good ol’ depression, hittin’ me up.”
He’s silent again. Kim feels like she’s finally found the boundary between them that she shouldn’t have crossed.
“Depression?” He finally questions, and Kim holds her breath still for whatever he’s about to say next, “isn’t that just a fancy word for feeling ‘bummed out?’”
Relieved, she feels her heartbeat relax, and grins against his shoulder. “Dwight, you ignorant slut.”
He chuckles at that, and waits a minute before asking, “so, do you want me to go, or can I stay?”
“You can stay, but only if I can paint your nails.”
“Do you have Vantablack?”
“Sorry I wasn’t there yesterday. I really wanted to be.”
“It’s okay, I get it,” Kim says, and she really means it. She runs through the combination on her lock again-- it’s a little rusty, “Zack was more than enough.”
Trini nods, and Kim takes that as her cue to accept that they’re done with the topic, and takes her textbooks out of their shared locker to shove them haphazardly into her backpack.
She’s about to ask Trini how her math test went yesterday, when Zack’s familiar voice greets the two of them.
“Hey, Trini,” he says, ruffling her hair, then, “hey Kimmy.”
But before Kim can even get a ‘hey’ out, Zack is ducking quickly and throwing Kim over his shoulder so she’s squealing loudly as he tickles her sides.
It isn’t anything new, the two of them were the most physical and touchy people on the team, but with how loud and obnoxious they’re being, it’s almost similar to how the couples Kim rolls her eyes at in the hallway act when they do major PDA.
Regardless, she can’t care less about her reputation.
“Put me down, Zack!” She giggles, her bag on the floor, now forgotten.
“I will, if I get this one thing wrong,” he promises, and there’s suddenly a mischievous undertone to his voice that worries Kim only slightly.
“What is it?” She asks, despite herself.
He pokes at her side once more so she’s laughing again, “you’re wearing that pink bralette you sent me, aren’t you?”
“Oh my God,” Kim laughs, and hopes Trini isn’t still there to hear that, “fuck you.”
Then the bell rings, but Zack doesn’t even drop Kim-- he just picks up her backpack off the floor and slings it over his shoulder, continuing to carry her to Trini and Kim’s bio class.
She feels a slight pleasure at the confused looks some people give her on the way— the question, ‘are you two together?’ written on their faces.
It’s just Zack, she reminds herself, trying not to think about why she gets a warm feeling from the thought of her and Zack being together.
They’re on their way to the quarry, Kim sandwiched between Billy and Trini, while Jason drives, and Zack sits in shotgun.
Kim originally intends to sit next to Zack, who unintentionally ruins that plan by calling shotgun before anybody else can.
She’s perfectly content with getting to sit next to Trini, however, even though she’s recently had a sudden wave of warm appreciation for the black ranger.
After that first period in the morning, Zack had carried Kim from every class so that her feet had basically never touched the halls of their school that day because ‘princesses should be treated as such.’
They were both not shy about touching, but it was the first time Zack had been that extra about their physicality, and Kim found herself grinning wide from how grateful she was that he was trying so hard to cheer her up after her day off the day before.
Finally, Jason pulls up to the quarry, and before she can even get her seatbelt off, Zack says, “last one there has to finally wear black underwear!”
Jesus Christ. What is it with that boy and underwear?
Meanwhile, the other three rangers aren’t phased by this comment, instead moving at a speed that showed no indication they felt threatened by this challenge.
Kim tries to be patient, she really does, but Billy and Trini were moving so slow, and knowing Trini would mind  less  about the sudden contact, she unbuckles her belt quickly, not even bothering to wait for Trini to exit the car so she can climb over the smaller girl in an attempt to beat Zack to the pit. It’s pretty clear the race is only meant to be between the two of them.
She catches up quickly, the taller boy having tripped earlier on the mud.
“So if I win, what do I get?”
“Me in pink underwear,” he smirks, and trips Kim before running ahead.
Zack wins, but only because he had a head start and cheated. Or at least, that’s what Kim tells herself as she wrings the water out of her hair while glaring at the cheater.
“You did me dirty, Taylor,” she says, attempting to unstick her wet shirt from her body.
He grins. “How else am I going to do you, Hart?”
She narrows her eyes at him, and he only shrugs.
They make their way over to the ship, all the while side eying each other, another unspoken race in the midst.
“I win,” Zack says, and then smugly adds on, “again.”
“Um,” she starts, trying to imitate her lawyer mother’s tone in court, “we didn’t even say that was a race,” she points out, knowing full well if she beat him she would’ve said the same thing.
He scoffs, “whatever. Potato, poh-tah-to.”
But Kim is already stripping quickly, trying to change before Zack can. Everything is always a competition between the two of them.
Zack, only now noticing what she’s doing, quickly throws his shirt over his head and makes a grab for his dry shirt.
Kim stops him before he can reach it, though. “Wait, hold up,” she says, only having one leg through her pants, “I think I like you better shirtless.”
If he thinks her flirtatious behaviour is weird, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he flexes his pecs back and forth, “is it because I have better nipples than you?”
Kim rolls her eyes at him, finally finished dressing herself, “no, actually, it’s because I win.”
“Touché, Kimmy,” he remarks, looking slightly impressed.
Then there are sounds of splashing coming through, indicating the others have finally caught up.
“You lost earlier, though,” he reminds her, throwing a shirt on, ineffectively covering his nipples, since it’s so cold down there anyway, “so this Friday? You and me. Black underwear shopping. Don’t forget.”
Kim watches him walk away to greet the others, and is unable to fight the grin that forms on her face.
“Can we take a break?” Zack asks, answering Kim’s question about the deeper meaning of Ophelia’s death, “my brain is fried and my stomach would also like something fried.”
“I’d tell your stomach to eat your brain, but honestly, I am so sick of Shakespeare right now,” Kim agrees, cracking her back as she stands up from her bed to stretch.
“Thanks for your help, though,” Zack is sure to say again. Without Kim, it was unlikely he’d even be passing this class, let alone getting a 72.
She chuckles at his hourly need to thank her for helping him, “no problem. But what do you want? You wanna order a pizza or go to Krispy Kreme?”
“I’m not really feeling Krispy Kreme tonight,” he admits, now sick of all the donuts from there. Why the team had adopted that restaurant as their go-to, he’d never know. He didn’t even like donuts that much. “What about Burger King?”
“That’s like, on the other side of town,” she points out.
He shrugs, “yeah, but you got wheels.”
“Well, yes,” she agrees hesitantly, “but I don’t really feel like driving. We can go, but you have to drive.”
“I don’t know how to drive,” he says, and looks at her as if this should be obvious information.
Her brows furrow in shock and confusion. “What?”
“I don’t know how to drive, Kim,” he repeats, “it’s gay culture!”
“Dude, what. I can drive?”
He brushes her off. “Whatever, dude. I just never learned how. Like, how would I?” He questions, “I don’t even have a car.”
There’s a brief pause as Kim lets that sink in. Logically, it makes sense. They’re only 17, which means that they only had two years to have learned how to drive, and between taking care of his mother, and not having a car, it really should’ve been obvious.
“Okay, c’mon,” she says, finally breaking the silence to pull him up from her bed.
“Are we going to Burger King?” He asks, as he follows her to her car.
She doesn’t answer him until they’re in the car. “Yes, but I’m also gonna teach you how to drive.”
“Kim,” he starts, as he buckles in his seatbelt, “you saw me driving my Zord. Are you sure your BMW’s gonna be okay?”
She waves him off while backing out of her driveway, “shut up. You’re gonna make me not want to teach you. Let’s just see how this goes.”
Their bellies are full and they’ve just finished their share of mozzarella sticks and King Burger meals and are now in their empty school’s parking lot.
“Okay, so first, you probably wanna adjust the mirror to your height,” she says, the last bit of fries in her mouth, “Jesus, why are you so tall?”
He discards his burger box into the takeout bag. “Maybe you’re just short.”
“Ex-squeeze me, bitch, I’m 5’5,” she states, her hand on her chest in mock offence, “that’s the national average.”
“Whatever,” he says, and he adjusts the mirror so that he can see his rear, “there. It’s fixed.”
“Okay, good. Now start driving.”
“Wh- you didn’t even teach me how to,” he says, looking over at her in bewilderment.
Her voice is calm, and soothing, like a yoga instructors’, “just do what feels right. That’s what I do on a daily basis, if I’m honest.”
“How the fuck do you have a license?”
“I stop at stop signs-- isn’t that enough?”
He shrugs and pushes down on the pedal but the car remains still. “Why isn’t it moving?”
“Babe, you’re still on park,” she chuckles, “switch to drive.”
He looks around at all the buttons on the BMW. There are probably more in there than in his Zord. “What?” He asks, looking to her for some guidance.
“On the PRNDL.”
“The PRNDL- oh!” He exclaims, now understanding that episode of The Suite Life, “the PRNDL! I know some of these words!”
“Yes,” Kim smiles patiently at his childish antics, “now switch to ‘D.’”
“I’m always on D,” he winks.
She pauses, trying to think of a reply to that. “I’m gonna ignore that,” she says, instead, “just start slow.”
He follows her instructions, switching the function to ‘D,’ and presses lightly on the pedal. They’re only moving at 5mph.
“Good shit, good shit,” Kim says, appreciatively, “now try a little faster.”
Zack nods, and he practically stomps on the gas pedal, switching from 5mph to 90mph.
“Okay, wait, not like that, hit the brake!”
But Zack isn’t sure which pedal is the brake— there are at least three pedals, and they’re nearing the school’s dumpster.
“Which one’s the brake?” He asks, trying to decide between the 50/50.
“BITCH-!” Kim exclaims, and then she’s ducking down and hitting the brakes for him.
The car screeches to a halt, just about an inch or two away from hitting the science lab.
“Wow, good save, Kimmy,” Zack laughs, still thrilled from the close call, “but if you wanted to get on my lap you could just ask.”
She glares at him from her compromising position on his lap. “Oh my God, shut up.”
Somehow, Zack convinces her to let him try again, and by the end of the night, they’re blasting One Direction songs and singing at the top of their lungs, while drifting in their high school parking lot.
Kim never really lets herself think too much about something before doing it, but for some reason, when it comes to Trini, she’s always second guessing herself.
Needing a little push to help her decide whether or not this decision is a good idea or not, she quickly runs through her friends to decide who would be best at talking her through this.
Her first thought is Jason, but she quickly pushes that thought away. Things were still a little tense between them since they made out at his house that night, even though they talked about it, so asking him for his opinion on this would just ruin everything.
Billy is a sweetheart, but also a definite no. She isn’t sure if she should run the risk of making him uncomfortable.
Then there’s Zack, who… Would make total sense to ask.
Kim 9:52pm: zack can u rate my nudes idk if they’re good enough to send to tr*ni
She throws her phone back on her bed as she waits for him to text back, digging through her closet to find her cutest lacy bra, before throwing it on. It’s her most trusty piece of lingerie, always guaranteed to make the viewer drool at the sight of it.
Her text tone goes off, and she practically dives onto her bed to read it. Zack 9:55pm: only if u finally got lingerie that isn’t fuckin pink
She looks down at her current attire, and then sits up again to look back at her closet. Without having realized it, she’d slowly sifted out the other colours of lingerie she had, and now only owned pink. It isn’t like all her bras are pink, but all the cute ones are.
Kim 9:55pm: fuck
Groaning, she lies back down onto the bed dramatically, trying to figure out a solution. She needs to send these nudes tonight , or her impulse would run short and she’d have too much time to think about it for the next time. Kim 9:56pm: k wait what if there was no lingerie
His reply comes almost immediately after that.
Zack 9:56pm: .... SEND i needed these nudes like yesterday
Grinning, she strips her bra off and makes her way to the bathroom, flipping her Snapchat camera over to regular instead of selfie mode.
She dims the light slightly so it’s less bright, and uses her arms to cover her nipples, while pushing her boobs together, in the way that she knows drives her conquests to call her a ‘fuckin’ tease.’
Once satisfied with how it looks, she snaps the photo, and captions it “will this pic make trini understand im tryna get it?”
As usual, he opens it immediately, but it takes a minute for him to reply.
He snaps her back, and it’s a photo of him losing his shit, captioned “kIM NO ONE WAS READY FOR THAT HOLY SHIT!!!”
She chuckles at his reaction, and he texts her while the snap is still opened.
Zack 10:01pm: Kim holy shit ur hot
Zack 10:01pm: send that shit to trini bitch will nut on the spot!!!
Zack 10:01pm: biitcchhhh god has BLESSEDT my eyes
She throws her shirt back on, and shuts the bathroom light off, all the while still texting Zack.
Trini remains forgotten, and Kim doesn’t end up sending any more nudes that night.
It’s finally Friday, or the day that Zack has come to collect his winnings from Kim.
“Kim, are you ready?” He asks, as he balances precariously on her window sill, his butt not quite fitting on it.
Kim turns as he taps on the window again, and she covers herself up out of reflex, scolding him, “Zack, do I look like I’m ready?” She asks, throwing a shirt at the window to scare him.
“Let me in,” he insists, still tapping on the glass.
“No, I’m not done getting dressed,” she says, and turns her back toward him in an attempt to stay decent in front of him while changing her shirt.
“It’s not like it’s anything I haven’t seen before.”
She rolls her eyes at him, but still lets him in anyway, even though her shirt isn’t on yet.
“Thank you,” he says, smiling smugly, and he rubs his backside slightly. The ledge really was too small for his butt.
Finally, she gets her shirt on, and makes her way to her desk where she knows her keys are, only to find that they’re missing.
“Okay, let’s go,” Zack says, redirecting her attention to his hands as he jingles the keys, so that it’s evident that she hadn’t misplaced them. “I’m driving.”
Kim’s grinning, but shaking her head as she follows him to her car, “I knew it was a bad idea to teach you.”
“It’s for a fun surprise, okay?”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” she mutters, locking the door behind her.
The ‘fun surprise’ turns out to just be the Victoria’s Secret at the local mall. Kim figures he was just excited to use his newfound skill of driving.
As soon as they enter the store though, Zack’s already grabbing all kinds of black bras from every section, making Kim wonder if he’d ever done this before.
“There you go,” he says, handing her at least 12 bras with their matching underwear before pushing her into the fitting room.
She glances at the first bra he’d handed her, and is surprised. He hadn’t even needed to ask for her size, but he’d grabbed the correct one for all of them.
Throwing on the first bra, she admires herself quickly in the mirror. It’s a lacy black push up bra, with a scallop cut at the bottom of it, so it accentuates her abs perfectly. She probably wouldn’t say it out loud, but Zack definitely had an eye for good lingerie.
She takes one last glance at herself to ensure everything’s in the right place, before stepping out of the dressing stall, now dressed in the complete set of underwear he’d handed her.
“If I send Trini nudes in this, do you think I could finally get it?” She asks, as soon as Zack sees her.
His jaw drops, but then he closes it and nods quickly to agree, “holy shit babe, black is your colour,” he says, still slightly dazed, “you look like such a thirst trap.”
She flushes slightly from his comment, before remembering it’s Zack. “Honestly, it’s everybody’s colour,” she says, trying to brush off the blush on her face, “black is the colour you wear when you wanna get laid-- at least, that’s what it’s like according to 10 Things I Hate About You.”
“What’s good?” he winks, gesturing to his all black outfit.  Then his face turns serious again, “if you don’t cop that shit, I’m buying it for you.”
Kim grins, delighted, “hang on, dude, there are like, a million more bras I still need to try.”
Zack sits back down, trying to relax how hyped up he was for Kim, while giving her a thumbs up, letting her know he was ready for her to continue on with the show.
She closes the door behind her once back in the stall, looking at all the equally cute sets he’d chosen, if not cuter.
It was pretty clear for Kim that she could never go underwear shopping ever again without the tall boy.
Kim’s in the middle of Beyoncé’s Partition when she’s suddenly reminded that she never sent Trini those nudes the other night.
Without thinking, she gets up immediately to open her bags from Victoria’s Secret, grabbing the matching set that Zack said made her a tease, because of how sheer it is.
She throws on the set— but before she can snap a picture, she texts Zack first for his approval.
Kim 9:23pm: k dude im boutta to send trini nudes in the shit we bought today lms if its a bad idea
Zack 9:24pm: nudes from u r always a good idea tf flaunt what u have while u still have it get it sis!!!!!
Zack 9:24pm: but also. i have eyes so dont forget to send them to me too ;p
Kim laughs at his response. Of course she will. It’s not even a question at this point. But she quickly gets back to business.
She lies back down onto her bed and covers the lower half of her body with her blanket, just slightly above her bellybutton. Her right arm extends as she flips her Snapchat camera over to selfie mode, and she’s sure to crop out her face from the shot, using her left index finger to push down on her lower lip as she smirks at the camera. She adjusts her bralette once more to ensure her nipples are on optimal display before snapping the photo and captioning it, “translucent nipples bc u don’t deserve to see the real thing yet.”
She selects Zack’s name, then hesitantly adds on Trini’s, and hits send before she can overthink it.
Zack opens his immediately, while Trini’s is still left unread.
Zack 9:31: holy shit
Zack 9:31pm: ur such a fuckin tease
Zack 9:32pm: ur nipples still remain a mystery but at least now i know they exist
Kim 9:33pm: just take my word for it dude my nipples are perfect
Zack 9:33pm: ill believe it when i see it
Zack 9:33pm: anyway what did tr*ni say
She flips back over from her texts to Snapchat, only to see that it’s still unread.
Kim 9:34pm: idk she hasn’t opened it yet tf
Kim 9:35pm: pls keep talkin to me though i can’t keep thinking about it or im gonna get nervous
Zack 9:36pm: dont be nervous tf!! bitch is gonna nut to that pic but if she doesn’t hey baby what’s good
Kim smiles at that, despite the vulgarity of the sentence. He’s always been good at distracting her.
Kim 9:36pm: thx so much ily wtf
Kim 9:36pm: bitch still hasn’t replied yet!! tf is she doin it’s been 5 mins
Zack 9:37pm: ik ilyt x
She tries to ignore the fluttering in her stomach after that text. It’s probably just nerves building up about Trini.
Zack 9:37pm: wow i can’t believe T is rly out there having a life
Kim 9:38pm: jks she just opened it lmao im not freaking out
Zack 9:39pm: omg ok dw it’s just trini
Kim sighs. Right. Just Trini. There’s nothing to be nervous about.
She paces around her room for a bit, trying not to think too hard about what Trini’s reply might be, before she decides to abandon her phone for a bit while she goes to pick up a glass of water from her kitchen.
Trying not to rush back, she takes her time going back up the steps to her room.
All this is pointless, though, because once she crosses the threshold in her room, she’s diving onto her bed to check her Snapchat.
Opened 5 minutes ago, it reads, under Trini’s name. Kim feels her heart sink.
Kim 9:43pm: trini isn’t replying i don’t think she was ready for the nudes
Zack 9:44pm: wtf T.., i thought she had eyes
Zack 9:44pm: mayb she’s busy tho
Zack 9:45pm: lmAo can u imagine if u sent her nudes while she was babysitting that would suck haHa
Kim breathes a sigh of relief at that. Right. Maybe Trini’s just not in a position to reply to a picture like that.
Kim 9:46pm: omfg do u think i did., rip
Zack 9:46pm: how inconsiderate
Kim 9:46pm: fuck man im emo why can’t she take the hint
Zack 9:47pm: just let it marinate she’s the kind of person u need to b direct to
She frowns at that. Kim is used to playing games— it was basically cheerleading code, back in her day.
Figuring Zack is right, though, Kim accepts it, quickly getting a vague idea on how to be more straightforward.
Kim 9:48pm: tru I’ll tell her on monday i wanna have her babies
Zack 9:49pm: sounds good
It’s third turning fourth period on Monday, and Kim has a spare last period, but she tells Ms. Appleby that there’s a cheerleading meeting to get her out of third period early.
She’s been out of the squad for months, but it’s pretty clear the teacher has other things to worry about than high school drama, since she lets Kim out anyway.
Now, she’s pacing outside of Trini and Jason’s math class, watching the clock on her phone as the period comes to an end.
She only has to wait about two minutes after the bell rings for Trini and Jason to walk out together, the two still talking about whatever lesson they’d just shared.
“Hey, T,” Kim says, not even caring that she’s interrupting Jason’s questions about trinomials, “can I talk to you?”
Trini gives her a weird look, but nods anyway, “what’s… up?” She asks, looking confused by how much of a psycho Kim probably looks like right now.
Kim side eyes Jason for a second, before turning back to the smaller ranger, “privately?”
The yellow ranger shifts her questioning gaze to Jason, who only shrugs at her. “Um, okay,” she agrees hesitantly, letting Jason take her books to their next shared class together.
“Great,” Kim smiles, before grabbing her hand and leading her to the parking lot.
She doesn’t have a game plan yet, but her car seems like a private enough place to have this conversation.
The doors to her BMW slam shut, and the two girls sit in silence for a good five minutes.
“So…” Kim starts, finally breaking the silence, “how’s it going?”
“What?” Trini says, flatly, so that it doesn’t sound like a question.
Kim doesn’t notice, though. She’s too nervous. “Like what’s up? The weather is nice, isn’t it?”
It isn’t. It looks like it’s about to rain.
“Um, I guess,” Trini says, and wanting to cut to the chase, she asks, “Kim, what were you gonna talk to me about?”
The taller girl breathes slowly, trying to calm herself down. “Just,” Inhale.“ Gimme a second,” exhale. “I need to hype myself up.”
“... For what?”
“Um,” Kim chuckles nervously, shifting her body slightly so she’s fully facing Trini, “I thought I’d be way smoother about this.”
She’s by no means a patient person, but Kim is being uncharacteristically jittery, so whatever she has to say has to be big. “What is it?”
Kim doesn’t answer her, instead choosing to lean over the console and cup Trini’s cheek.
But before she can come any closer, Trini stops her, “what are you doing?”
“What…” Kim trails off, face redder than she ever lets herself be in public, “I’m sorry, I thought-“
“-it’s okay,” Trini interrupts, seeming to take pity on the usually confident girl stumbling over herself, “you didn’t think wrong.”
Kim is even more confused. “Oh. Then why-?”
“-because I don’t think you do.”
Trini laughs, but there’s no humour in it. “Listen, Kim, I like you a lot and everything, but I don’t think you know what you want.”
“... what?” Trini isn’t making sense anymore. It’s like the more she tries to explain herself, the more confused Kim gets.
“If you still feel this way in a week, we can try again, but, I’m sorry, dude, I’m not one of your impulsive decisions.”
And with that last sentence, the shotgun door is slamming, and Kim’s watching Trini head back to class.  
She sits in alone in the car for at least twenty minutes, before finally turning on the ignition, still trying to figure out what the fuck all that meant.
She spends a good few hours at her personal pool at the mines before heading home to shower, trying to clear her mind of how she was just rejected.
But the therapy doesn’t do much, and she’s dying to talk about it.
Figuring he’s settled himself at home comfortably by now, Kim texts Zack.
Kim 6:55pm: i told trini at school today that I liked her and then she told me i didnt know what i wanted
Zack 6:57pm: what’d u say
Kim 6:58pm: ok well tbh I didn’t say anything I just tried to kiss her
Zack 6:58pm: lol wtf she ain’t got the clue still??  
Kim 6:59pm: ya idk.., she said she didnt wanna be one of my impulsive decisions so is that a rejection
It’s a genuine question. The tiny girl did say she could try again next week.
Zack 7:00pm: idk what that means dude. cant relate
Kim frowns. She hoped he’d have an answer for her or something.
Zack 7:00pm: everything i do is just bc i felt like doin it at that exact moment. T kinda thinks things out more
She nods along to that. She’s the same.
Briefly, she thinks about how Trini rejecting her made her feel today, and types in a few paragraphs before erasing each one.
Finally, she settles on her last paragraph, figuring Zack will understand what she means. He always does, anyway, even when she doesn’t have the words to explain.
Kim 7:05pm: tru.,, is it bad that i dont feel that sad about her rejecting me. I just mainly feel emo about how i couldn’t make out with her today.
Zack 7:06pm: ngl thats kinda fuckt but relatable
Kim 7:07pm: I just haven’t done it in so long im dying., my lips are like “where is another. i need to be moisturized by somebody else’s saliva”
Zack 7:08pm: Honestly S A ME
Kim 7:08pm: wait that gives me an idea
Anyone else would be nervous, but Zack isn’t really worried about the possibility of Kim showing up on his doorstep to make out with him. It’s not like he hasn’t thought about it or anything, but the two of them run on impulse. He isn’t really one to overthink. It’s just Kim.
He’s in the middle of a game of 2048 when there’s a knocking on his door.
“Hey, Kim-“ he greets her as he opens his door, but before he can even finish his sentence, the girl in question jumps him, and he stumbles backward slightly, not quite registering what’s happening.
She wraps her legs around his waist, her arms coming around his neck, and it takes him a little while to register that Kimberly Hart is kissing him, and he still hasn’t made any move to kiss her back.
He quickly remedies this dilemma by shutting the door with his foot and placing his hands on her ass, trying to support some of her weight for her. Once sure of her comfortability, he lets himself melt into the kiss, and Kim responds enthusiastically, her tongue slipping into his mouth.
They stay that way for a few seconds, until he feels her grind slightly on his abs, and he sets her down onto the counter so he can kiss her neck.
“Is this okay?” Kim asks once her mouth is free, and he almost laughs at how belated the question seems— she’s already sporting a dark purple hickey on her neck.
“I don’t know,” he grins, and she frowns at him, “what underwear are you wearing?”
She rolls her eyes at him playfully before leaning in to whisper in his ear.
“Take my shirt off to find out. Not clickbait.”
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explicitlytheballs · 7 years
Make a Choice • Melo/Daijon
- Omniscient "Kayla sit yo ass back I'm not trying to get a ticket." Daijon yelled at Kayla from the back seat. "Fuck the poli- Daijon slammed on his breaks which made Kayla fly to the front. "Don't hurt my wife nigga." Melo slapped Daijon. "Aye bitch ass nigga don't slap me." "Daijon you ugly ass nigga why you you do that?" Kayla rolled her eyes and sat back in the seat. "Sit yo ass back then!" "Don't yell at her!" Melo screamed at Daijon. "Melo shut up, I can't speak for myself." Kayla slapped him upside the head. "And you always so loud." Daijon told Melo. "How you jump from her head to mine? Bipolar ass." "How am I bipolar?" Daijon smacked his lips. "Daijon just shut the fuck up and drive." Kayla chimed in. "Girl let me do this, you stay in the back seat and you lil' nigga, you shouldn't even be coming here with us, it was only supposed to be me and her." Daijon pointed at Melo. "Well fuck you, because it's her, you, and me, you know that's my woman." Melo turned towards the backseat and blew a kiss to Kayla. "I'm not gon' tolerate the disrespect, Don doesn't like disrespect, and you finna get put out my whip." Daijon pushed Melo's head. "Nigga don't touch me! I'll crash this shit" Melo said. "You ain't gon' do shit!" Daijon argued. "Umm.. sir you not crashing shit with me in here, Don you shut the hell up and drive, and Melo keep them big ass lips closed." Both of them stopped arguing, and Melo gave Daijon the middle finger. "Damn can't even make it to the fair in peace, ol' knuckleheads." Kayla rolled her eyes. "We would've if Motel Beckham would just close his crusty ass mouth." "That's why you look like a healthy crackhead." Melo roasted. "Can y'all just shut up! If y'all gon' do this at the fair we can turn the fuck around." "You should've been left in LaVar right nu- "Daijon stop!" Kayla smacked his arm. "What nigga? You should've been left on the bed sheets." Kayla folded her arms and looked out the window as the two boys continued to argue. After 5 minutes they pulled up at the fair. "Finally we are here!" Kayla smiled. "Hopefully I can find a parking space over here." Daijon drove slowly looking for a spot. "Right there." Kayla pointed to her left. "Good eye because I didn't even see that." He pulled into the spot. "You sure we gon' get in for free Melo because I brought money to eat, I'm not riding these rusty, crusty ass rides that might fall apart." Kayla hopped out the car. "I got you." He winked Kayla shook her head. "Aye Meloooo!" We saw someone waving their hand as we approached the ticket stand. "Aye dat way!" He smiled and gave the man dap. "Wassup, man y'all got the tickets?" He held his hand out. "Melo I tho- Melo cut Daijon off. "Shhh, let us in for free c'mon I forgot the tickets." The man looked around before letting them go through. "Alright y'all have fun." "Yeah yo ugly ass better have some connections." Daijon smacked the back of Melo's "Aye nigga don't forget you always gon be my son." "Bitch ass nigga you know you my son." "Here they go again." Kayla rolled her eyes and waited in line to get cotton candy. "Why you got a frown on your face beautiful?" A boy her age came next to her while she was in line? "Oh uh... nothing." Kayla gave him a quick smile. "You shouldn't be waiting baby girl here you go." The boy gave her the pink cotton candy. She smiled. "Thanks." Kayla stepped out of line and the boys were heading towards her still bickering. "Kayla?" Melo called out as Kayla ignored both of the boys, eating her cotton candy. "See what you did!" Daijon put his arm around her shoulder. "Man it ain't my fault, and get yo hands off her." "I just want y'all to stop being childish, I can't even have a good time without y'all arguing, so get it together or I'm staying silent the whole time." Kayla already knew what the problem. They both had feelings for her and was always fighting to win her over. At first it started out as a joke, but then it got serious. Melo sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Talk." Kayla went over to an empty bench under a tree and sat down. "See look what you did." Melo pointed over to Kayla sitting down at the bench. "Nigga all this is your fault all because you wanna argue." "Man whatever, just act like we made up or some shit." Melo and Daijon went over to Kayla and sat on either side of her. "We're sorry baby." Melo hugged Kayla. "Yeah we're sorry for acting so childish." Daijon emphasized while looking at Melo and pulling Kayla from his arms. "Whatever let's go walk around." She got up and put the stick in the trash that the cotton candy was on. --- "Come on Melo!" Kayla cheered him on as he went against a man who wanted to play him in a shooting contest. "3" "2" "1" The small crowd around us screamed as the buzzer went off, everyone started clapping for Melo. "Here." Melo walked up to Kayla with a giant teddy bear in his arms. "Awwwh Melo thank you." Kayla took the bear squeezing it. "And let me talk to you for a second." He wrapped his arm around her neck as they went over to an empty bench. "I'm not gonna sugar coat anything so...uh.. I wanted to know if you want to..uh.. you know go on a date?" Melo scratched the back of his head. Kayla smiled. "I'll think about it Marshmello." "Really?!" He smiled. She nodded her head. "I'll be back alright, let me go to the bathroom." He got up from the bench Kayla yawned laid her head on the bear. "Shit I'm so tired." "My Kayla tired." Daijon sat in the bench and laid his head on her shoulder. "Nigga don't pop up on me like that, that's how you get popped on sight." "Aye my bad." He held his hands up. "So when you gon quit playing games and be with me?" He looked up at her. "I don't know what you talking about?" He smacked his lips. "When you gon be my girl quit playing dumb?" Kayla shrugged her shoulders. Daijon turned her face towards his and licked his lips. "Nigga get off my future girl." Melo came running up on Daijon and Kayla. "This ain't yo girl she mine lil' nigga." Daijon pulled Kayla closer. "Kayla you told me you were thinking about going on a date with me!" Melo said. "A date?" Daijon jerked his head back and looked at her in confusion. "Listen, I can't date both of y'all so..." "Pick one of us then." Daijon got up from the bench and stood next to Melo. "Y'all really gonna make me do this?" Kayla sighed. "It's either Me or him?" Melo pointed. "I'm not choosing." "Just say it." Daijon persuaded her. "Daijon...." "Ohhh yeah baby." He started dancing. "I'm not finished!" Kayla told him. "Daijon, I hope you won't be mad." Kayla got up from the bench and locked arms with Melo. Melo cheesed. "Oh shit. Me?!" "You still my bestfriend." Daijon hugged Kayla. "Get off my girl, and I'm forreal this time." "Fuck you." Daijon lightly pushed Melo. "Yeah I'm glad you picked me because that bear I gave you was about to be snatched real quick." Melo laughed.
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danny-move-o-blog · 7 years
Let me abt ur oc!!!!magenta is her name right?yell m everything
THE GIRL!!! buckle up bucko it’s gonna be a wild ride featuring @veryundecisive‘s purple and pink oowoowowowoo here we gOOOO
tw guns, trauma ment, death ment, family stuff, drama drama drama just general warning man 
i am soooooo excited that you asked me abt her!! okokok so like it starts with a bunch of Pain™ involving three good people named rogue, rose, and ash. they are friends trademark but they have a big falling out and rose gets married to her dream guy, rogue, so ash doesnt get his dream guy, rogue,
anyway so theres this thng and they’re involved in a big ol turf war concerning the city they are in and like rose and rogue (aww happy married w a daughter, magenta, and a bb boi, pink) are on one side and ash and unnamed ash’s wife (w two bbys white and gray awww) are on the other. neither of them knows that the others are on the opposing side or that they live in that city
so now we got that, yeah? you still with me? ok so now we get to the Pain
ash gets called in by the Big Boss for another Job™ so like hes all “gdi i just washed these clothes” but he gets the name and almost drops to his knees. it’s rogue flamingo (silly name shut up). ash is all o h n ooo ooooooo
meanwhile we gots the flamingos on a family outing. young lil magenta and parents rogue and rose are on a family thing probably picking up magenta from like piano lessons or going to the store or something and the pink boi is at home w cousin violet because Yes Hello I Am Eight Years Old I Can Watch The Baby. and ash yknow slams rogue into an alleyway and offs him right there, tears streaming down his face and victim’s family watching and crying. one swift gunshot and he’s gone. and of fucking course ash doesnt get hecking arrested because Big Boss Controls The City. after that rose moves with her sister(and sister’s wife) and they plan to skip town. they dont need that mess
but right before they skip town stuff happens that i wont get into detail because damn thats a whole other story but bluh now rose has adopted lavender’s (her sister’s) kiddos and she has magenta, pink, violet, and purple.great
so fast forward now we have grown bbys yeah and violets a private assassin pink is fucking obsessed with candy and gay asf, and purple is Literally 13 Year Old Me. and then there’s magenta. quiet, withdrawn, sad, and only listening to her music. she doesnt talk to anyone. she barely looks at people other than her family. she would die for her family just like her family died for her (sOBS) and like nobody in her family but rose understands why she is like that but they dont bother her about it. well, violet knows too, but thats another story man sjdkhl
then ash moves to this town. he’s tryin to leave his past behind, plus Big Boss (ah heck ill just tell u his name is Gold) is on his ass for leaving so he needs somme change. l i t t l e  d o e s  h e  k n o w
his oldest boi (white) comes home likr “!!!!!!dad omg i found a g i rlll and shes beautiful and pretty and-” so he goes on and ash is just sippin his drink and asks his girls name and he’s like “oh magenta flamingo” and ash fuckiNG S PIT S OU T HIS DR I NKK
anyway magenta is like super duper wary of ppl w white-ish/gray-ish hair so like, shes kinda ehhhh abt seeing white and stuff because He Looks Just Like His Dad Panic Time but whatever
eventually they  do get to talking even tho d amn theres so much drama and panic but hey white’s a nice guy besides being a fREAKING SQUARE- COUGH anyway yeah so they do eventually fall in love and stuff and it’s all good we got the nerdy ass “check out my fucking pistol skills” white grizzle and the quiet ass “ill fucking murder you with a pair of earbuds and some string” magenta flamingo.
also there’s gray, white’s lil bro, who falls in love with childhood sweetheart red, a fuckin gay, and theyre buff friend, chcartreuse, who will punch u and she can kick ur ass man. plus rusty and beige and orange and brown and baazaar and marigold and just aaahhhhhhhhh god
the au you saw was a circus au. magenta is a tightrope walker and white’s the snake charmer. ash is the ringleader and rose is a hoop/ring aerialist. rogue is a sword swallower and yeah. also
in most happy aus rose is a cousin of magenta and pink and then rogue rose and ash all get together and theres no death and magenta is just a normal quiet girl honestly just love my kids Blease i love them
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auburnfamilynews · 7 years
What made your knees jerk in happiness, anger, confusion as Auburn beat GSU 41-7 last night?
Auburn beat Georgia Southern, Auburn is 1-0, Auburn allowed 78 total yards last night (their best in more than 30 years), Auburn gained more than 500 yards and ran for over 350. Auburn did that without its backup quarterback in Sean White, starting tailback Kam Pettway, and one starting receiver in Kyle Davis. Auburn visits Clemson next weekend in a meeting that’s College Gameday worthy, if it were not for the fact that Oklahoma visits Ohio State at the very same time.
Those are all facts. Now for the opinions.
First, from Ryan Sterritt:
The flight was good
— Ryan Sterritt (@RyanSSterritt) September 2, 2017
Jarrett looked fine. If Slayton catches that deep ball that hit him on the hands AND numbers, he has a "big night" in his debut. Whatever... Dude throws a ball as pretty as he is *swoon*.
I thought the defense might keep Southern to fewer yards than we had points. It was that way well into the 3rd quarter. Sure, close games are fun, but so is watching Auburn defensive linemen and linebackers swat blocks away like flies. This front seven is going to be sooooo good, y'all.
Hopefully Kerryon is okay. It was easy to see how effective he and Kam Martin can be at times, and having a big bulldozer like Pettway will create so much more space for them.
Did y'all catch the RPO on Stidham's TD run? Oh yeah, its back baby.
For those still concerned about the DJ... Don't be. He was great. Basically if Auburn hadn't publicly announced there would be a DJ, you wouldn't know it except for the fact that the music played over the speakers (like there always is) was under his control. He didn't overstep the band at all. As Peggy said on Twitter, it was lit.
Apparently the steps in Section 19 try to fight you as you walk up. From the second row above the walkway, I'm not exaggerating when I say AT LEAST 50 people tripped in some fashion on the second or third step going up last night. The highlight was probably a pledge who tripped in almost slow motion, who then proceeded to just lay on the spilled coke for a few seconds before stumbling back up to the top of the section. It provided us with some good laughs through almost the whole night.
As for our beloved Daniel Carlson...
That's what getting engaged does to a man. :(
— Chay Otte (@Chay_2SO) September 3, 2017
Now, from James Jones:
*Auburn changes the play* Mom: oh come on you didn't know what you were doing?! Me: it's a check *touchdown* Mom: ok never mind
— James Jones (@JamesJones_55) September 3, 2017
I'm not going to be as verbose, but that was fun. It was fun to be home again. To be honest the game reminded me of Tuberville against an overmatched non-conference team. Our defense gave them zero chance of ever making it a game, and eventually the offense made a few plays with a vanilla game plan. 78 total yards. EIGHT PASSING YARDS. They had to have negative net passing yards when you count the sacks. I'm excited to watch the recording because it seemed like Tre Williams lived in their backfield. Williams, Holland, Davidson, Brown, and BYRON COWART were monsters tonight. Damn that was fun.
Yes the offense sputtered at times. It also looked like a lot of Malzahn play-action after the RPO sack-fumble-TD. That's not necessarily a bad thing. We put about 5% of Lindsey's offense on tape for Clemson, and still beat the spread if you found the right shop. War Eagle.
From Emily Rios:
I know I should be concerned that Hastings is our best WR but for tonight I'm just gonna be happy for that kid.
— Emily Rios (@eorios16) September 3, 2017
Jarrett was rusty. He held onto the ball a little too long on some plays. But, all that's to be expected. Receivers not named Will Hastings need to step it up. I think that'll all sort itself out.
The offense was pretty vanilla, which we also expected, but it was more fast paced. No mass subs, no one looking at the sideline for the call for 20 seconds. That's a great start to a better offense.
That defense was just smothering. I can't even put into words how awesome that defense looked.
And now for a bevy of bullets from AUNerd:
I also wanna reiterate that AU's starting lineup video was freaking legit
— AUNerd (@AUSportsNerd) September 3, 2017
Jarrett Stidham had guys open in first half that he just missed. But I think OL breakdowns rattled him. Bounced back in 2nd half.
OL is my bigger concern. Some major breakdowns in first half. Helped lead to Stidham looking uncomfortable. #1 concern heading into Clemson
Cannella was open all night. Catch the damn ball tho.... Wanna see NCM involved more in the gameplan. Too much talent to not get touches
Overall, still think offense can be deadly. Adding Pettway back will be big. #1 concern moving forward is stabilizing OL
Jeff Holland & Derrick Brown made it clear tonight that AU will be just fine without Lawson/Adams. Byron Cowart also had a good night
Tre Williams is going to make himself some money this fall. Incredible closing speed and dude doesn't miss tackles. Huge senior year coming
Tough start for Carlson but hopefully this actually eases pressure. Doesn't have to worry about being perfect
Now for mine:
Defense will keep us in every game this year, bar none. Even in the past few years against lower-tier FBS teams Auburn seems to allow an early drive or take a while to adjust. I know the offense (hopefully) didn’t show much last night, but the defense sent a message to Dabo Swinney to watch out for next week. Get your backup quarterback ready, coach. Kelly Bryant’s going to get hit.
Watching on TV, it was tough to see if Nate Craig-Myers was getting open or not, and if Stidham just wasn’t throwing him the ball. It was clear to see who Stidham likes to throw to, and if Slayton had better hands last night, we’re thinking it was a pretty good performance overall. I would love to see NCM become a huge part of this offense. Based on the A-Day game and the few videos we’ve seen from practice, he was featured in the spring and fall camps, but he didn’t get a pass thrown his way last night.
Also watching on TV, it was evident that the new clock rules had a pretty noticeable effect on the length of the game. There were times where I’d flip over during a commercial to check on the FSU-Bama game and I’d miss a play coming back because the breaks were shorter. Halftime was noticeably quicker as well. I like it.
I do a neurotic thing where I’ll cross my leg in the direction that Auburn’s going on the field, and when I realized that I had it crossed the wrong direction, I switched and Auburn scored the next play. You’re welcome.
They showed the eagle flight on TV and it looked like he flew good.
Now that you ready all of that, you get the highlights.
1-0, Clemson up next. War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia http://bit.ly/2vCxmOi
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