#i can get behind making rodimus suffer hehe
mychlapci · 5 months
I..i meed ratchet to be the mer stud with his bad ass male wife Drift former deadlock who terrifies everyone but his mates while carrying. He can fight viciously while carrying and lays the eggs no problem with minimal pain.
And then there’s Roddy…
Who suffers the entire time and needs to be held so they can migrate and go about their day because he’s too big & in too much pain to swim… hehehehe…i like making Roddy suffer
stud Ratchet with his two pretty carriers… Drift is a very experienced mommy, laying Ratchet's eggs dutifully every single mating season… Poor Roddy is more difficult. He probably gets more breaks, which is alright as long as Drift (and maybe some other carriers?) is reproducing with their stud. But he can't slack off! No matter that his tail gets so swollen he can't swim and his belly is so full he feels stretched all the time. Ratchet is kind and attentive, helping him around even as Roddy chokes and cries, begging for him to take the plug out of his valve and let him birth the eggs already! mhmmm the relief when it's finally time for him to lay the eggs, Roddy knows it'll hurt but at least it'll be over soon!
hmmm… perhaps Ratchet has to get more breeders, since Rodimus has such a hard time. Drift is a good mommy but a strong stud needs as many mers as he can get his hands on. Pharma is a good candidate. So eager to be impregnated that Ratchet gets a little creeped out, especially when he picks fights with his other carriers… Maybe Ironhide, who gets the biggest eggs. Wheeljack, who comes and goes as he pleases.
Rodimus still takes the brunt of it. Poor guy.
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