#i can go by three names and y'all can pick whichever one you wanna call me :]
wereh0gz · 9 months
What if I started going by Livewire but like for realsies
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din-skywalker · 7 years
Jack's Daycare for Egos
(Keep in mind that my strong subject in writing is dark themes and scenarios so this was a first time writing something this cute for me fully. Just tell me if it’s any good):
Marvin happily skips down the hall as he heads for the daycare that day, his blanket cape flowing out behind him. He holds a small lunchbox at his side and he rounds the corner just as someone darts past him, nearly knocking into him. He catches a glimpse of red and hears a loud laugh before it’s gone. He balances himself and lets out a small grunt of annoyance because he already knows who it was. He’ll have to prank him later.
For now, he steps into the classroom and is hit by all of the noise and chaos that is his daycare. He watches the red blur(Jackieboy) rush past once more, hurrying to the snack area because currently Jack is being distracted by Schneeple trying to perform an actual operation on an actual lizard with a random assortment of toys. Chase is running after Robbie who doesn’t seem to notice he’s being chased by Chase and Anti is yelling something about how stupid Jack is.
A normal day.
Jack finally has somehow gotten the lizard from Schneeple and has now noticed Jackieboy in the snack area. He lets out a groan of frustration and notices Marvin. “Here hold this,” he said hurriedly and basically throws the lizard into Marvin’s hands.
The self proclaimed magician fumbles a moment before catching the actually fairly late lizard and holds it up, looking at its face. It slowly blinks at him and Marvin grins widely because he thinks it’s cute.
Jack has grabbed Jackieboy and is carrying him into the center of them. “Alright, get over here everyone!” He called none too kindly. He knows that each of the children here have the minds of adults- they’re just stuck in child bodies and child like actions.
Marvin skips over to where Jack is and frowns when he notices Signe isn’t there. “Where’s Wiishu?” He asked with a slight whine in his tone, setting his lunchbox and hugging the lizard close to his chest. He likes the lizard and he thinks the lizard likes him, too.
Robbie runs into Marvin’s back a moment later because the zombie can’t really see and so the magician grabs one of his hands. But because they hadn’t moved Chase runs face first into Robbie a second later and the three go tumbling to the floor. Marvin can just hear Anti laughing loudly nearby as he’s pushing back up. He turns back to help Robbie up, too.
“Signe couldn’t make it today,” Jack replied and he sets Jackieboy on the floor. The little hero pouts and crosses his arms over his chest and then throws a glare at Anti for laughing at the three who fell. “So, it’s just me.”
Every kid there groans unhappily.
“Hey! Do y'all not like me or something?” Jack demanded in a yell.
Anti hops over to the center now, hands clasped behind his back as he plops down into a criss-cross-applesauce sitting. “Course we don’t!” He informed with a mischievous grin. “You suck!”
There’s a collective “oooo” from everyone but Robbie now. Robbie doesn’t seem to know about anything happening around him. Probably cause he doesn’t. Marvin sits down and pats the spot beside him and Robbie sits next to him. The magician then pulls out another bracelet he’d made the day prior- this one is a deep purple like Robbie’s hair- and slips it onto the zombie’s wrist.
It takes a moment before Robbie notices it but when he does a large grin splits across his face very slowly. Marvin grins as well. A moment later and Schneeple sits down beside Robbie. These three are what Signe calls the “Dream Team” of the daycare. They’re normally together doing everything, hardly ever breaking from each other’s sides. Marvin calls their team name “The Cool Kids” but Anti always disagrees cause he’s “the coolest kid”.
Jack sighs in frustration and pinches the bridge of his nose. He does that a lot when watching the kids, especially when he’s alone.
“Anti, what did Signe tell you about saying those kind of words?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks very much like a dad scolding his child.
Anti scowls and places his hands on his hips, sticking his tongue out at Jack. “Well she’s not here right now!” He pointed out.
“Yes, well, because she’s not here I’ll wash your mouth out with soap if you say something like that again,” Jack explained with little patience in his tone and Marvin gags at that thought. All of the kids tense up because oh yeah Jack can be meaner without Wiishu around keeping them safe from his Irish wrath.
Anti’s scowl deepens but he relents. Marvin’s glad because he thinks it’s for the best.
“Now, kids,” Jack began to address the rest of the “children”, spinning around as he does so. Jackieboy always seems to like to sit behind whichever way Jack and Signe are facing. Chase is sitting in the stool like the kids aren’t supposed to but Jack doesn’t seem to care to be getting onto him. “Because Signe isn’t here today, we’re staying in all day!”
This causes an immediate outrage.
No going outside?! Oh, the pain, the torture! How could Jack say that!
Anti is shouting his protests, Chase has gotten up and is now proceeding to “kick” Jack’s shins(it’s more of a tap of the toes, really), Schneeple has run off because he’s so upset, Jackieboy is trying to calm Anti and still yell at Jack and Marvin has stood up as well, continuing to hold the lizard in his arms. Robbie continues to sit and stare but he’s glaring at the floor now because even he isn’t happy about not going outside.
Marvin does fall silent, however, as soon as he sees Jack’s eye begin to twitch out of annoyance. He sits back down next to Robbie and lets the zombie poke his new lizard friend out of curiosity.
“I eat it?” Robbie asked.
“No, he’s a friend,” Marvin replied, hugging the lizard to his chest again. It licks his hand with a long and slimy tongue. The two, to encompassed in their own little lizard world now, don’t notice what happens with Jack and the rest of the kids after that. When Marvin does resurface, however, the stool is stuck in the wall, and Anti is in time out.
“Oh, Marvin, you’ve still got the lizard,” Jack said and he’s finally walking over towards Marvin and Robbie. These two are normally the most forgotten because they’re so quiet. Jack holds a hand out, possibly for the lizard. “Here, I’ll take it outside.”
Marvin holds the lizard even closer and shakes his head. “No!” He denied and turns his head away from Jack. “He’s my friend now!”
“Seriously, Marvin, you’re gonna be a pain, too?” Jack asked exasperatedly.
“I don’t see why it’s a problem for me to keep the lizard,” Marvin protested and placed the lizard on his shoulder. The lizard perches there and stays still, tongue hanging from between its lips. “He’s not a problem.” He peers around Jack. “Though I think Chase has another nerf gun.”
Jack’s eye twitches and he turns instantly after hearing this, storming off towards said kid who is currently shooting at the only undamaged wall. Which is now getting damaged. By Chase’s bullets.
“Chase!” Jack yelled but Marvin isn’t paying attention any because Schneeple is walking to them.
“Here, Robbie,” Schneeple said, handing the zombie a piece of paper with a crayon. The zombie grins widely and takes the offered items, laying the piece of paper out and begins to scribble all across it. He has always enjoyed the sound of the crayon scraping across the paper.
Schneeple then sits in front of Marvin and notices the lizard on his shoulder. “Oh! You found my patient!” He exclaimed and reaches for it but Marvin slaps his hand away. “Hey!”
“No, he’s my friend now!” Marvin pointed out like he had to everyone else. Everyone seriously needs to stop taking his lizard.
“Oh yeah? Then what’s his name?” Schneeple asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared over at the magician who is now pursing his lips.
“His name is Pickle,” Marvin declared, patting the lizard’s head. Schneeple’s mouth falls open.
“That doesn’t matter!” He shouted angrily. “I found him first! Give him!”
And then suddenly the hand Robbie is using to draw falls off. They all fall silent because of this and the zombie holds up his wrist to stare at it in confusion. “Why.. no draw?” He asked Marvin.
“Because your hand came off, of course!” Schneeple informed and scoots over, grabbing his hand. This seems to make him forget about the lizard. “I’ll put it back on!”
Marvin pushes to his feet because now he’s bored and wants to practice his magic tricks. He pulls out one of his packets of cards and pours the cards into his hand, looking around for someone to amaze. His eyes land on Chase and he grins, running over to him.
Jack must have finished scolding him because now Chase is pouting and doesn’t have his nerf gun anymore. He doesn’t even look up as Marvin skids to a halt in front of him, Pickle somehow hanging onto his shoulder.
“Chase!” Marvin shouted and holds out the deck of cards before the other boy. “Pick a card, any card!”
Chase looks up at him with a glum look and shakes his head. “I don’t wanna right now, Marv,” he said and Marvin frowns. “Jack took away my gun.”
Marvin really wants to show this new trick to Chase. Chase is always the most enthusiastic about his magic. He hums as he thinks of what he could do. “What if I got you your gun back?” He suggested and Chase’s face lights up.
“Really? You’d do that?” Chase asked with a grin.
“Yup!” Marvin replied with a sharp nod.
“You’ll have to get it from Jack, though,” Chase points out but that doesn’t deter Marvin.
“I’ll get it!” Marvin declared even though he has no idea how he’s going to get the nerf gun. Chase grins to him and he runs off, already trying to formulate a plan of action.
Jack probably had put the nerf gun with the rest of the “forbidden toys” he picks up during the days and placed it in the “Bad Box”. The Bad Box is in the bottom left cabinet on the left side of the classroom and if you so much as get near it Jack yells at you to move away from it. He’ll need a distraction to get into it.
He has too much time to sit there and watch Jack, honestly.
And he already knows the perfect distraction.
He hops over to Anti who is still pouring and mumbling angrily in timeout. The demon child glares at him as he approaches. “What do you want?”
“The better question is: what do you want?” Marvin counters and pulls a butter knife from his pocket. A dull knife that wouldn’t actually cut but he knows Anti would want it anyway.
Anti’s eyes widen when he sees the knife and he’s already reaching out for it. Marvin steps back out of his reach. The demon child frowns. “Okay I’m listening,” he said, eyes still locked on the knife.
“I need a long enough distraction to get into the Bad Box,” Marvin explained and waves the knife about in the air, keeping Anti’s attention on it. “Could you do it?”
Making deals with Anti when you want to do something bad is always a good idea: the demon child always makes sure to go through with his side of the bargain if he gets something in return. You just shouldn’t deal with him if you want something good done. If you want that go to Jackieboy. But that’s a story for another time. Marvin is doing something bad now.
Anti hums and his eyes dart around the room from the Bad Box’s location to the other side of the room from it. This is the snack area. Always a good place to cause a distraction. “Yeah, I think I can,” he answered and then looks back at the knife. “But you gotta give that to me first.”
Marvin shrugs and hands over the knife. Anti grins as he takes it and runs a finger along it’s edge, looking it up and down. Marvin already knows he’s going to try and use it to break all of the crayons. That’s his favorite thing to do.
“Okay! I’ll make a distraction! Hope you’re fast enough!” Anti exclaimed before he slides the knife into his pocket and shoots from the chair, running to the snack side. Jack instantly notices this and yells at the demon child and gives chase.
Marvin runs for the Bad Box and yanks open the door, knowing Jack would not be seeing him climbing inside. He pulls the box out and grins because there’s the nerf gun but also his own wand which Jack had confiscated because he could actually cast spells with it. He grabs the gun and the wand(and Robbie’s favorite book to color on- the Bible) and pushes it back in, quickly shutting the door and rushing over to Chase, ignoring the chaos Anti has started behind him.
“I got it!” Marvin announces and hands Chase the nerf gun. Chase grins and takes it, rubbing it against his cheek lovingly.
“Show me all of your magic tricks now, dude!” Chase exclaimed, placing the gun into a pocket and siting forward to watch Marvin.
The magician grins and pulls the cards back out, holding them to Chase.
“Pick a card, any card!” He shouts.
Just another day at Jack’s Daycare for Egos.
Time for tagging lol:
@i-am-a-fan @magic-marvin-protection-patrol @robthezombie-support-squad @jackieboy-man-support-squad @chase-brody-protection-squad
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