#i can have a sinday prompt . . . as a treat !
arisenreborn · 13 days
From the sinday ask game,
👀👄🫶 for Olivia and Emrys, and 🛏💦❤️‍🔥 for Reverie and Rann?
Thank you sm for this feast of prompts!!
(Sinday Headcanons)
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Olivia & Emrys -
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
Olivia doesn't conceptually mind voyeurism but she's much too hands on and impatient to fully appreciate just watching. On the opposite end, Emrys quite enjoys watching - it stems a little bit from just wanting to study, to absorb human interactions and motivations (and moreso when he was younger), but by now he just genuinely enjoys a good show. (Yes, he has learned a lot of neat tricks. 😏) Both are comfortable with exhibitionism in some sense, not the 'indecent public exposure' so much, though sneaking around in back rooms and corridors is absolutely on the table - it's more about the thrill of not getting caught, but also just desperately needing to have their hands on each other despite where they are.
💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward?
Yes and yes. It bears noting that while Emrys was absolutely familiar with both, Olivia really takes it to a new level that surprised him (because Olivia doesn't do things by half-measures but also yanno, because there's love there and all that fluffy shit). They are trying to touch as much as possible at all times, so yes that means lots of kissing, all over. Cuddling afterwards was exceptionally more of a new experience for him (because Olivia is not a passive cuddler, she is koala'd, she is nuzzling and brushing hair and tracing fingers over skin). He's just got that dog experiencing human compassion for the first time sort of confusion and inability to resist it. Like, he was a little resistant at first, but he enjoys it too much and is too inclined to indulging in whatever feels good to have done so for long.
🫶 what does after care look like for them?
It's a little clumsy, but whole-hearted between them. The basic, surface level stuff (making sure they're satisfied, comfortable, treating injuries) comes easy enough, and Olivia is excellent at cuddling and it's pretty natural for Em to go and get her some water. But I think it's often after sex where they have lazy, sleepy conversations in bed, and start to communicate more openly and start actually being honest with each other, opening the door to a deeper and much needed care and tending to, which can at times be a little uncomfortable. Though they usually pull back before getting too uncomfortable, so it's slow-going. Olivia is usually the one who has to do the prodding and heavy-work (this is good for her tbh, it's part of her own growth slowing down and considering the people around her more), but he makes up for it in brushing her hair and massages. He gets better at the 'communicating honestly' stuff, but it's still easier for him to show care through actions. 'Late game' aftercare is more relaxed and comfortable once they've more or less got things out in the open. If they're at home they'll lounge around, maybe make some food together (to varying success) - if it's early enough and they haven't already, they'll very often take a bath together, cleaning each other up.
Reverie & Rann -
🛏️what’s their favorite position?
They strike a pretty fair balance between being typically on the more vanilla side, but occasionally spicing things up. (Basically, they're both content with 'simplicity', but they both have a hidden kinky side.) Most anything is on the table to try, but some 'preferences': they both like being able to see each others faces, going down on each other, Rann will absolutely take the strap, and they occasionally dabble in some light bondage. It sometimes feel like someone is missing though...
💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction?
Reverie is purely blissed out. She'll get cuddlier a bit later, but initially she is just more or less out wherever she is at the end of things - be it on top of him, sprawled on the floor, whatever. She just soaks in the afterglow and revels in it, and is 99% more likely to doze off regardless of the hour. At times it almost feels like she hasn't forgotten anything at all, like this was the point and answer to everything. Rann's brain is similarly effectively off but his attention is always locked on her, drinking her in, touching her softly as if to be sure she's real and he's not dreaming. Then he'll slowly set to cleaning up, so they'll be comfortable by the time she's ready to get to cuddling.
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
Her lower/back is a big one for Reverie; having fingers trailing up and down her spine will quickly turn her into a sighing, shivering, lip-biting mess. Rann is the scalp: hands in his hair, playing with it, tugging at it, will pretty quickly see his well put-together demeanor unraveled. The neck is also top tier for both of them, though it's slightly more to Rann's fixation.
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untitledmemes · 11 months
Howdy folks,
This is a sideblog dedicated to RP memes, prompts, dialogue ideas, musings and the likes. 18+ only please.
This sideblog is run by Cat (25+, she/her).
This sideblog is NOT a RP blog; don't send me rp memes or rp asks. Requests, suggestions and everything alike are more than welcome and you can send it to me via asks.
TW for nsfw/usfw and other triggering content. Please stay safe.
Reblogs will be highly appreciated. Please do not repost or add to my memes.
List of memes/prompts:
TV Shows/Movies/Video Games:
Nimona #1 #2
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas #1 #2
Castlevania: Nocturne #1 #2 #3
The Prince of Egypt #1 #2 #3
Narrator Outtakes (BG3)
Blue Eye Samurai #1 #2 #3
High Noon
Hazbin Hotel #1 #2 #3 #4
Dune: Part One #1 #2
The Power Hour #1
Of Monsters and Men
Pablo Neruda
The Paper Kites
Barbie the Album
Christmas Classics
Emily Dickinson
Tom Odell
Untitled Treasury #1 #2 #3
Untitled headcanon questions #1 #2
Untitled Questions for Multimuses #1 #2
Sinday Memes for Naughty Headcanons
Meet Cute Starters / Memes
Mystery Prompts: Sinday Action Edition
Halloween Transformation Meme
Untitled Mystery Item Starter
Confession Meme
4-Word Sentence Prompts #1 #2
5-Word Sentence Prompts
Untitled Christmas Prompts
Word of the Day: Growth
Word of the day: Positive
Valentine's Day Date Prompts
"What if our muses..." Prompts
Self Care Prompts
Untitled Headcanon Questions: Relationships
Send 📣 for receiver to give a shoutout to one (or a few) of their favorite RP blogs. Show some love to your fellow roleplayers!
Send ✏ (or "PENCIL") for mun to write about a muse they thought about trying to roleplay or one they are already roleplaying outside Tumblr RPC.
We love shipping in this house. 😍 Reblog if it's okay for partners to ask for a pre-established ship with your muse(s)!
Single prompts:
Send 🚗 for our muses to go on an impromptu road trip together
Send 🎉 for our muses to go out celebrating together!
Send 💌 to get a compliment from receiver's muse!
It's raining, and sender's muse forgot their umbrella. Send 🌧 for receiver's muse to find sender's muse in their predicament.
Extra, Extra! Read All About It! Send 📰 + any question for the receiver's muse to answer as if they were randomly stopped and asked it on the street by a journalist or news reporter.
Send 💐 and receiver's muse will send/give sender's muse a bouquet of their favorite flowers.
Send 🚑 to find receiver's muse in desperate need for emergency care.
Send 🗨 to match with receiver's muse on a dating app.
Send 🙏 to ask for forgiveness from receiver's muse. You may add what they want to ask forgiveness for, or let the receiver decide.
Send 🎃 for our muses to go trick or treating together!
Send 👻 for our muses to go to a Halloween party together in a couples' costume!
Send 🎬 for our muses to have a movie night together!
Tell my muse/s, anonymously or not, why you are thankful to have them in their lives and see how they react.
For every 🎄 (or "X-MAS TREE") I get in my inbox, my muse will tell you one thing they want the most for Christmas.
For every 🎇 (or "FIREWORKS") I get in my inbox, my muse will tell you one thing on their New Year's Resolution list.
Send🌹 (or "ROSE") for my muse to confess their emotions towards your muse on Valentine's Day in any way they choose (handwritten letter, a gift, a date, on the phone, etc.)
Send 🌠 (or "SHOOTING STAR") for our muses to go stargazing together.
Send 1️⃣ (or "ONE") for receiver to write a first meeting starter between their muse and sender's muse.
Send 🛌 (or "BED") for sender's muse to ask receiver's muse whether there was something they wanted to try in bed but never got to.
Send me "Got you something…" + a picture of an outfit you'd like to see my muse in, and I'll tell you how my muse reacts when putting it on.
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babbushka · 3 years
Will you use these prompts for Flip please?
Kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing
Lifting the other person up and hugging them and twirling them around.
Thank you for all the Sinday goodness!
Anonymous said: Basket and nature from the April prompts for Flip please 💛. Maybe for some sexy outdoor picnic or stargazing smut please? I love the hand holding while making love prompt too.
(1k, Young Flip x Darling Jewish Girlfriend, NSFW (public shenanigans/park groping/fingering) 
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I never caught stardust that fell from the skies.
I never saw moonlight in anyone's eyes,
Then suddenly love kicks in the window,
Love, knocks down the door.
Love, it sat down and told me,
Lover, what are you waiting for?
It had been a beautiful day, sunny and bright, Spring in the air. The trees are green and rustling in the light breeze, flowers bloom, and Flip’s in love. He’s so in love with you that it makes him sick, and he wants to scream it to the world. He won’t, he’s too quiet to go doing all that – but he’ll do the next best thing; show you off on his arm for all the world to see.
There’s a park not too far from the little home in the suburbs where you live, the small starter cookie cutter home he bought once you graduated from school. It’s not much, just a one bedroom, on a corner lot in the neighborhood where you grew up. One day he’s going to buy you a big house in the mountains, with enough rooms for as many kids as you want, with as much land as he can manage for them to run around on.
But it does have a little park that’s just a few blocks away, and on this beautiful Spring day, he’s practically begging to take you on a stroll there, begging you to hold his hand with the silent bumps he makes as he knocks his knuckles against yours. You get the hint, because dammit you love him desperately, and you never want to untwine your fingers from his, not even when your palms grow clammy.
Hand in hand you walk with your boyfriend through the neighborhood, a picnic basket slung on your free arm, filled to the brim with sandwiches and treats you’ve spent all morning putting together. Flip beams, or well, as much as Flip can beam, he beams. He’s got one corner of his mouth around his cigarette ticked up in a smirk as he swings your hand back and forth, the two of you stepping in time, left foot right foot – until he playfully steps on your heel to make you stumble a little just so he can catch you, earning him a teasing swat against his arm as you sprint into a run with bright laughter, leaving him in the dust.
I never heard bluebirds, the songs that they sing.
I never get crazy, not even in Spring.
Then suddenly love struck me like lightning!
Love, it blew up a storm!
Love, suddenly grabbed me, and ooh, was it cozy and warm.
'Cause I found you, now I no longer just exist,
Ooh, what a change, it started from the time we kissed.
He tackles you when he gets his arms around you, knocking you to the ground with a playful yelp, tickling all over your ribcage and kissing you deeply, his cigarette pinched between your fingers as he sighs against your mouth. The other park-goers just shake their head fondly, the whole neighborhood knowing all about your little love story. The elderly folks feeding their birds on the park benches are a little more exasperated, but they know that Zimmerman is a good egg, and that girl of his loves him and how could anyone blame them for being a little too loud about it?
Flip leads you to a nice shady spot, sets the picnic up while you watch him do all the work. Occasionally you direct him where you want him, pointing where he should put the potato salad and oh there would be a good spot for the sparkling water.
He huffs and says if you’re going to be so picky you can unpack the basket yourself, but he says it with a twinkle in his eye, and then you’re kissing him, sweetly like the bluebirds that chirp in the trees, your lashes brushing against his cheek, his goatee scratching your chin, the two of you far too wrapped up in one another to notice the clouds start to form overhead.
Blue skies hide behind big pillowing blankets of grey, and the temperature starts to drop, but neither of you notice. Flip backs you up against a tree and the leaves protect you from the rain droplets that begin to plip-plop onto the grassy park around you. Everyone begins to clear out, because they have the sense of it all to get out of there before it pours, but you and Flip just kiss and kiss and kiss until you’re gasping against one another’s mouths.
(And now we hear bluebirds), they hear bluebirds,
(We're learning that tune) they like that tune,
(And even use moonlight) all that pretty moonlight
Flip’s hands work quickly, not even bothering to look around and see who might be around. He’s got to touch you, got to get his big hands on your skin, so that’s just what he does. Kissing you and moaning into your mouth, he pushes you flush against the tree trunk and you go happily, your arms winding around his shoulders, letting the breadth of his body cover you and shield you from view.
No one is in the park now, it’s dead empty as the clouds open up and rain cascades down in a sheet all of a sudden, smacking hard against the rain. Flip pays it no mind, you’re both safe and dry there by the big oak tree, and he slips his hand past the cloth of your panties and shoves his fingers up into your cunt, making you gasp and moan against his mouth, body tensing from the pleasure as he strokes your walls, pushes and rubs against your folds, his thumb on your clit.
He’s drunk off the feeling of you, off the way he’s breathing in your panting moans, his head going dizzy and and his breath coming in harsher. You’ve still got one of his hands clasped in yours, a death grip you refuse to give up anytime soon, and it makes his heart pound pound pound in his chest. He’s rock hard in his jeans, and he wonders if he could get away with fucking you out here in the open – before lightning strikes a little too close to where you are, and you both snap to reality.
“Oh shit!” You gasp, rushing out into the rain to try and salvage the picnic, not wanting the food to get soggy and ruined.
Flip races out into the rain with you, and helps quickly put everything back into the wicker basket, embarrassment making him blush blush blush – before the two of you start laughing, and he scoops you up in his arms and twirls you around and around in the rain, water soaking through your clothing.
You dance with him to the sound of music that isn’t playing, or at least out in the open it isn’t. In your heads you and your Flip are at a grand swing hall, and he spins you until you both fall down onto the waterlogged grass of the park, belly aching from how filled with joy you both are.
“We gotta get home!” He shouts at you over the sound of the rain crashing onto the pavement, and then without another thought, you’re grabbing his hand and the picnic basket and running down the sidewalk to that little starter home on the corner lot.
And he goes along, stupid in love, knowing that he’s going to marry you the second he can work up the damn nerve. Because if every day can be like this, if every Spring would start this way, then he finds he doesn’t care at all about splashing in puddles.
(Around about you) Hotdog, them love, it fell outta heaven,
Love, it gave me a shove,
(Ding dong Ding)
I'm a-hearing those
(Church bells ring)
'Cause suddenly
(Love, love, love, love, love.)
Love, love!
Taggin’ some Flip lovin’ friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @rennasiance-mama @steeevienicks @the-unmanaged-mischief @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @miabelay11 @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @cowgirl1234 @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen
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sparkie96 · 4 years
May I please request prompt number 88 The one stumbling to the other’s front door after getting hurt/beaten up etc. from Prompt List # 5 please? I adore your writing and always feel so excited when you've written something new! I'm constantly going back to reread your old work, and enjoy it every single time! :)
Based off of this post because it was too good pass up. Happy Sinday! And Happy Shark Week!
For the ten plus years that he had lived in the apartment complex, Leon had never had a problem with the washer and dryer in his apartment. It wasn’t until something went awry with the dryer and then eventually the washer, did Leon have to call and get them replaced. Until the new ones showed up, he found himself having to use the laundry room in the basement of the complex. 
At first, he never had a problem with it, he gathered his stuff in the laundry pack and grabbed his little bottle of laundry detergent and would take the elevator down to the bottom floor. He did his wash, maybe watched a video or two on his phone, or he would head back upstairs until it was time to switch everything over. It had been smooth sailing for a couple of days...until one day. 
Of course it had happened on a day where Leon was already in a mood, having been notified that morning by Hunnigan, that his request for a vacation had been denied by their superiors. She tried to word the document she had received from their boss in a kinder manner than how it had actually been delivered, but Leon was still not very happy. He had worked his ass off for the DSO, even back when it wasn’t called the DSO, and this is how they repaid him? They treated him like shit and never let him have time off. They used and abused and gave him nothing in return. 
And then, he had forgotten his phone, so while his stuff was in the washer, he went back up to his apartment to retrieve his cellphone. He hadn’t expected to be held up at the elevator due to an arguing young couple who didn’t seem to be in the mood to move out of the way, so Leon had been forced to take a detour and had taken the stairs back down. 
When he got back to the laundry room, he had been annoyed to say the least. 
His still soaking wet gym clothes were now on top of the washer next to the one he had been using, someone else’s clothes now inside of said washer. Some asshole had also taken the liberty of leaving their laundry basket on top of his laundry bag, and by the looks of it, knocked his detergent and stuff on to the floor. The culprit was seemingly not around, so Leon didn’t know who the hell had been responsible. Now, Leon wasn’t a petty man by any means. No, usually, on a good day, he was willing to forgive and forget and just be patient. 
Today was not a good day...but it did happen to be a snow day. 
The grumpy DSO grumbled as he went back upstairs to retrieve a pen and paper before coming back down via the elevator, this time pushing past the arguing couple and not giving a single shit about the looks they both gave him. 
After he was back down there, he noticed that the culprit still hadn’t returned, so he set the pen and paper down on the washer next to this one. He stopped the wash cycle on their laundry and pulled the clothes out of the washer. Carrying the heavy wet pile, Leon opened the door that led outside to the dumpsters out back and then dropped the pile of clothes in the snow. With a satisfied smile, Leon brushed the imaginary dust off of his hands and then headed back inside to finish his work and his wash. 
For the ten or so years that Chris Redfield had lived in this apartment complex, he had almost always used the same washer and dryer down in the laundromat for his bedding and his gym clothes down in the basement level. He did use his own washer and dryer, but he usually used them exclusively for his BSAA Gear and everyday clothes. Claire and Jill both thought it kind of silly, but neither thought to question his logic. 
Anyway, Chris always used the same washer and dryer down in the laundromat, mainly because they were the only ones that worked smoothly and didn’t do something odd like shutdown in the middle of the cycle or leak or something like that. 
So, when he came back from an assignment and saw that they had been in use, Chris had been a tad annoyed. The mission hadn’t left him in the best of moods and he had been exhausted and frankly, quite sore from the fighting, so he didn’t feel like going all the way back upstairs just to use his own washer and dryer. He thought it easier and less tiring just to move the person’s belongings, do his wash, and then put their stuff back and pay for their wash to be finished. 
That had been the plan anyway. 
Chris had decided to go upstairs after all, of course after moving the person’s stuff on to the neighboring washer. While putting his stuff in the wash, he had not realized he had accidentally knocked the person’s detergent on to the floor, And then he had gone upstairs to shower and to put his bag away. He came back down and saw something that just put him in a worse mood. 
The washer and dryer were both full...but last he checked, he didn’t own buttoned up dress shirts and tight fitting gym clothes, especially with “DSO” embroidered on the chest of the t-shirts. Nor had there been a note sitting above the washer when he went upstairs. 
Chris growled low in his throat when he read the note: 
To: The person who stopped the washer in the middle of my wash cycle and took my clothes out just to wash yours…
Unfortunately for you, so am I. You can find your wet clothes frozen outside in the snow. Any problems? Come see me in RM 301. 
Btw, you owe me detergent, dick. 
Crumpling up the paper until it was nothing but a tiny ball between his fists. So, not only did the asshole live in the apartment complex, but he lived a couple doors down from Chris. Good, he wouldn’t have to go very far then. Chris decided to pay this asshole a visit...and he might not be able to stop at just words…
Leon had been just about ready to go back down and switch his clothes over when he heard the heavy and angry pounding of a fist against his apartment door. Leon chuckled, realizing that this might have been Captain Dickhead, the asshole whom Leon left their clothes out in the snow. The agent muted his show and got up off of the couch and went over to the door. He didn’t decide to look through the peephole when he opened the door, so he was in for a shock when he did. 
On the other side of the door was an equally shocked Chris Redfield, who looked a bit worse for wear. The man had a couple bruises on his face as well as now bandaged cuts. Leon could also see bandages and bruises on the man’s exposed arms. He must have gotten back from an assignment...but what the hell was he doing at Leon’s place? 
“...Leon?!” Chris asked, “What the hell are you doing here?” 
Leon blinked at the man, “...I live here.” 
Chris raised a brow, holding up the now balled up piece of paper that had gotten smaller in his fist, unfurling it until it was opened completely, “Do you know who left this...cute note, above my washer?” 
No fucking way… “Your washer?” Leon asked with an incredulous look as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed at his chest, “Do you know who left my shit on top of the washer downstairs?” 
Chris clenched his teeth, crushing up the piece of paper into an even tinier ball in between his hands again, “Yeah...I did! What the fuck?!” 
Leon stood up straighter, “What the fuck do you mean “what the fuck”?! You were the one who stopped me mid cycle and left my shit on the washer! And then knocked my shit over!” 
“Okay?! And I was gonna pay to finish it after I was done!” Chris hollered back, throwing the balled up paper at Leon, watching as it bounced off of the agent’s forehead, “You didn’t have to throw my shit out in the fucking snow, asshole!” 
“And you could have used the other washers and dryers, Fuck Face!” 
The two bickered out in the hallway, causing the door two down from Leon to open, Helena Harper peeking out after hearing the commotion and seeing the argument. Her girlfriend, Nadia right beside her, both looking disheveled and tired. 
“The fuck is their problem?” Nadia asked. 
“I don’t know.” Helena replied tiredly, closing the door, “And I don’t care. Get a room!” 
Leon and Chris heard the noise, both flashing the bystander a look of annoyance without realizing who had yelled it. Both men were quiet for a moment before looking at one another, neither saying a word for a little bit. 
Chris had broken the silence first with a tired sigh, “I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have used a different washer and dryer. I shouldn’t have taken your stuff out.” 
Leon nodded, “And I’m sorry for being petty and throwing your stuff outside...but you still owe me detergent.” 
Chris chuckled, “I’ll let you borrow mine until then. Truce?” He asked, holding out his hand. 
Leon smiled, accepting the offered and hand shaking it, “Truce.” 
 The agent invited Chris inside to continue this discussion, asking if he wanted coffee or something.
“I would…” Chris began, still looking annoyed, “But someone threw my clothes outside and now I have to go get them.” 
Another sigh left Leon, “Let me get my jacket and wallet. I’ll go with you and then treat you to lunch.” 
“I’d like that.”
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Rules and Guidelines
Important Note: The icons I use for Hinata were made for me by my friend Foster at snakesage
1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape, at least not for kink and not without super heavy plotting and readmore for trauma 6. No Female/Female romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, theyre ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought, or at the very least IM me and tell me about your muse so I know what Im working with. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. Im not really into NaruHina here, in fact that’s the reason for this blog. I don’t hate the ship and Im not saying ill NEVER RP it, but understand that I may not be thrilled to RP it and you’ll have to have a better reason than “because canon” 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog. This means this is MY Hinata, she will act differently than Canon Hinata. I am ignoring 700+ but that doesn’t mean I wont interact with second generation muses. Just don’t act like Hinata is YOUR Boruto or Himawari’s mom, cuz shes not. Don’t complain that she doesn’t act “Like Hinata” because again, shes Canon Divergent. 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you, I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information:
1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but they’re never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. I may drop threads without warning if you aren’t giving me enough to work with. Again I can reply to one-liners if they give me something good to work with but if I start struggling for replies I may drop the thread 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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burmillamute-a · 7 years
Rules and Guidelines
Note: this is a side blog! All follow-backs will come from gentlegrace 
Rules 1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape, at least not for kink and not without super heavy plotting and readmore for trauma 6. No Female/Female romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, they’re ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought, or at the very least IM me and tell me about your muse so I know what Im working with. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. If you ship it, I probably do too. Just ask 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog, I state this because Boruto is still ongoing and I have NO IDEA what direction Wasabi’s character will take. Things on this blog might change, but some things will stay the same, diverging her from her canon. 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you, I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information: 1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but they’re never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. I may drop threads without warning if you aren’t giving me enough to work with. Again I can reply to one-liners if they give me something good to work with but if I start struggling for replies I may drop the thread 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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medicalmindhacker-a · 7 years
Rules and Guidelines
1. Mun is 21+, Muse is at least 18+ by default. So there can and will be smut. I will not smut with minor muns or muses 2. Don’t reblog threads you aren’t apart of 3. I do gore, but character death is AU of the normal timeline and must be plotted for 4. No Godmodding 5. No rape 6. No F/F romantic relationships or smut, Mun is not comfortable with it 7. No anon hate. Period. You will be blocked 8. I multiship. Chemistry is required but I am okay with plotting crack ships or arranged marriage AUs. Crack ships basically dont need chemistry, theyre ships based on fun or absurdness; this also means my muse may be a little OOC when it comes to that ship (but not much). 9.I am OC friendly, all I ask is that you have an about page for your muse and give them a little thought. I WILL NOT RP WITH PERSONAL BLOGS, I HAVE BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE KINDS OF RPS 10. Don’t force ships. 11. I don’t mind grammar issues as long as I can understand you, i know not everyone speaks English or has English as a second language. Plus my grammar isn’t the best either. 12. I don’t RP: Foot Fetishes, Water Sports, Scat, Rape Fetish or pedophilia 13. Tag images of spiders and clusters of holes in the human body. For these simply use the tags ‘spider’ and ‘trypto’ respectively. Spiders are a legit phobia of mine, but tryptophobia is more of a squick. It makes me SUPER uncomfortable but isn’t going to send me into a panic attack. Spiders however WILL cause me to have a panic attack. 14. This is a canon divergent blog. My Ino will act a little more different than Canon, by default she is NOT married or dating and does NOT have children. Do not assume your Inojin is my Ino’s daughter, she will act like she doesn’t know what youre talking about. Likewise if youre other Boruto: The Next Generation muses, don’t assume Ino has kids, she’ll be confused 15. I do not send in passwords. Assume that if Im following you (look for gentlegrace), I have read your rules. Passwords make me anxious, I will never require one for any of my blogs and I wont follow people who do require them. 16. I cannot handle autoplay on blogs. It startles me and causes a bit of disorientation and sensory overload, especially when I cannot find where to turn it off. Do not expect me to follow back if you have autoplay, however if I do happen to follow back, I will look at your rules once and probably rarely visit your blog after that. Blogs with autoplay can still interact with me and RP with me, but all your replies will be done strictly from mobile, as that is the only way I can visit your blog without suffering sensory overload. 17. DO NOT TRY TO SAY MY MUSE SHOULD NOT BE UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION JUST BECAUSE YOURS HAS A DISABILITY. It is fine if your muse DOES things because of a disability, but EXPECT my muse to be uncomfortable not not okay with it.
Important Information:
1. Take your time with replies. I am online pretty much all the time so I reply pretty quickly. Don’t feel pressured to reply as soon as I do, I understand you have your own life and things to do. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. That’s cool 2. If i don’t reply after 1 week TELL ME I PROBABLY FORGOT OKAY :3 3. My IM and ask box are always open, don’t be afraid to use them. 4. I don’t practice “Reblog Karma” so feel free to reblog a meme from me without sending it. However if you do send me the meme before reblogging, im more likely to send it back. 5. Things I WILL NOT stop RPing with you for: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture, Traditions, Beliefs, Mental State, Disability (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, gender expression, headcanons, ships 6. Things I WILL stop RPing with you for: Shitty attitudes (I.E hateful speech, discrimination), Pedophilia, Starting unnecessary drama, Treating me or my friends like shit, forcing ships, godmodding 7. You do not have to match my length. My lengths vary depending on the thread and my partner. I don’t like “fluffing” up my replies, this means I wont write 5 paragraphs when I can get my point across in 2-3 lines. Sometimes my replies can be a bit shorter but theyre never lacking in quality. I write to the best of my ability and I don’t expect you to return my 2 paragraph reply with 2 paragraphs of your own, because sometimes I cant do that either. That being said if you do give me a shorter reply, try to make it mean something. Give me something to work with, a one liner reply isn’t preferred but if you can give me something to work with I’ll reply. 8. I rarely drop threads for no reason. If i don’t reply I probably lost the reply honestly. If im ready to drop a thread, I’ll usually ask you or mention it in the tag of my reply. However I do reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason, I’ll usually tell you why though unless I forget. If you think I’ve dropped a reply, feel free to ask me about it. 9. I am a very open and understanding person, I dont like seeming like a bitch because Im super self-conscious that people secretly hate me or will come to hate me. So Im very nice and open, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO TRY AND BREAK RULES/DO WHATEVER YOU WANT OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU.
Weekly Schedule: every week I will do themed days, some are the usual expected ones and some are ones I made up. Here is the tentative schedule, Sometimes I may forget to make prompts for these days but I always accept asks centered on that days theme: Sunday: Sinday –> Sexual themed asks/threads Monday: Munday –> Ask the Mun things Tuesday: TMI Tuesday –> Ask muse very invasive personal questions Wednesday: Wedding Wednesday –> Arranged Marriage AU threads/drabbles Thursday: Open Askbox Thursday –> Ask Muse anything you want Friday: Freaky Friday –> Ask muse about their kinks, turn ons and turn offs Saturday: Silly Saturday –> Send silly,random or out of the blue asks, try to make mun or muse laugh.
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babbushka · 4 years
Happy Sinday! I’d like to to request some gunplay kink, with mob!kylo or flip, please! With “Say my name,” “Louder,” if that works too! Thank you, Z!
Anonymous said:  “Just shut up and fuck me.” With either some angry sex or argument that turns into sex for mob Kylo or flip. Thank you for taking prompts and being so generous with your writing!
(1.6k; very inappropriate use of a gun, gun-play, d/s themes, mentions of blood & murder)
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You’re waiting for him in the bathroom, when he comes back home to you. Fives and Slip had been standing guard outside the apartment all night while Kylo took care of some bloody business, had to send a couple messages to a couple guys. No one pulled the wool over Kylo’s eyes, no one.
At least, no one got away with it, not for long.
But he’s back, and he’s handsy, bloody as you’re trying to wash the muck from his skin with a warm towel. You’re naked, because you’d been naked while you waited for him, wanting him. He licks his lips as he runs his hands up and down your thighs, the callouses of his palms catching on your soft skin.
“How did it go?” You ask when his face is splatter-free, handsome and clean.
“Good.” He nods, licks his lips, kisses you. He breathes gently against your cheek, and you hum a little in thought.
Kylo was very good about being told what to do, he loved it. He craved it, that control, a firm hand to steer him in the right direction. But sometimes, sometimes as a reward you liked to give him the reins, liked to let him be in control. Sometimes you wanted to be bossed around, told what to do.
What better night than this, when he had done so well for you?
“Yeah?” You smile up at him, a slow smile, an eager one. “I think you deserve something sweet for that, don’t you? You’ve worked so hard.” Your fingers walk up his under shirt, until they’re caressing his chin, his jaw.
His eyes darken immediately, searching your gaze for your meaning. When you nod, and he realizes what he can have, he crowds you up against the counter immediately, biting his plush lips and grabbing your middle a little too tight.
“Spread your legs.” He says, and you grin, because you know you’re in for a treat.
“Or what?” You say, wanting to be stubborn, wanting to be difficult. He was so fucking bratty sometimes, you had to return the favor, especially when you knew it was going to get you choked, or spanked, or something like that.
He wraps his arms around you and carries you to the bed, out of the bathroom, leaving his bloody clothes behind. He drops you onto the mattress and you certainly aren’t expecting him to pull a gun out on you from his waistband, aren’t expecting him to use the barrel of it to nudge one of your knees.
You know it’s empty, he emptied the clip into the schmucks who tried to fuck him over. You had checked it, so you know, but still the thrill of it is there. You’re so still on the bed, until he crawls up it, the tip of the gun trailing up and down your stomach. His gaze is hard, and the red light of the bedroom reflects off the metal in pretty glints that have your pussy wet.
“Big gun for a big cock, hm?” You tease him, always difficult, always trying to wind him up.
“I – keep talking.” He licks his lips as he frees his cock with one hand, a feat that you find impressive with how fucking massive it really is. He’s so hung, uncut and gorgeous, the tip of it flushed a dark red and leaking. You knew he got off on the murder, but it’s even more delicious of a thought that he’s this hard for you.
“I forget how much you like the sound of my voice, don’t you. You get off to it, isn’t that right honey, get off to me, to how I sound.” Your tone is honey, thick and sweet and he groans a little bit as he strokes himself off above your body.
He’s got the gun pointed at you, pressed up against the bottom of your ribcage, the cold metal digging into your flesh. The heat from your body warms it up, warms him up, he’s hot, so hot for you.
“Your legs honey,” He says again, demanding in a way that he only ever is when you give him express permission, “Spread them.”
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You grin, knees dropping open, legs falling apart for him.
You expect him to shove his cock into you right away, expect him to take his fill, get his share of your body like he always does when he comes home after a good night like this. And he does, but slowly, he takes his time. He’s got half a mind to tie you up, he can tell. Maybe the ropes will come out later tonight, you don’t know.
All you know is your pussy is aching for him, wanting to be filled as badly as he wants to fill it. He shoves your ankles apart further, teases the head of his cock through your folds, rubbing it just through your slit, making you squirm for him as you sigh and moan at the sweet slow friction.
He goes fast sometimes, and he goes slow sometimes, and you’re never sure which is your favorite. The slow lasts longer, he forces himself to make it last longer, to not come right then and there. But you’re going to come, from the sheer weight of the gun on your stomach.
Kylo drags it down your body then, silently, with dark eyes glittering in the pulsing red light of the bedroom, dark and sinister and deliciously yours. He pushes his cock further into you, shallow thrusts, not bottoming out all the way yet. No, he’s taking his time, only has a few inches of his big cock in you. The gun travels lower and lower, until he’s got it right on top of his cock.
Silently, he rubs the barrel of the gun against your clit, the cold metal shocking you, eyes flying open as your hips press up, coating it with your slick. Kylo thrusts a little deeper, adds a few more inches of his throbbing dick into your pretty pussy, and he grunts when he can see how shiny his gun is getting, when he can see how turned on you are by this.
“Say my name.” Kylo says, because he needs to hear it, hips moving faster. Still slow, still controlled, but a little stronger of a rhythm, a little harder. Steady, but hard, as your body moves and writhes around him, loving the sweet drag of his cock against your walls.
“Kylo.” You breathe, moaning long and low.
“Louder.” He shakes his head, fucking you harder, bottoming out all the way and making you gasp, making you yell for him.
“Kylo!” Your pussy throbs around him, cunt squeezing his cock with a vice grip, stomach fluttering and thighs trembling around him as you call out his name, “Kylo, yes! Harder, please!”
He pulls the gun away from your clit much to your dismay, but silences any protests you have by sticking it into your mouth. You lick up the barrel, lick off all your juices, all your slick. Kylo grunts and groans, listening to what you want, what his body wants, railing into you.
He lifts one of your legs, hooks it over his arm, fucks you hard hard hard, fast now, so fast that he can feel it already, can feel the first of many orgasms tonight. Your hands are holding his wrist steady as he rubs the gun against your tongue, your eyes rolling back into your head as you come without warning, shouting his name.
“Kylo – fuck!” You gasp and splutter around the metal in your mouth, and it’s that gasp that does him in.
He pulls the gun away from you entirely, needing both hands to hold your hips, both hands to pin you down as he fucks you through your orgasm, blows his load into your cunt. He shuts his eyes and shouts out loud loud loud, calls your name right back, fireworks and stars exploding behind his eyelids.
When he finally stops coming, he collapses down onto the bed, too hot and sticky from sweat to stay in his clothes any longer. He peels the undershirt over his head, yanks down his underwear all the way, even throws his socks across the room. He drops the empty gun on the nightstand, and collects you in his arms, wanting nothing more than to be close to you, to have you right up against him.
“Did you have fun?” You nuzzle your cheek against his chest, letting his arms wind around your well fucked body.
“Mhm.” He breathes into your hair, kisses the top of your head. He’s never one for too many words, especially not after he comes, but his voice always takes on a couple octaves lower, and it’s got those butterflies in your stomach coming back to life.
“What did you bring me?” You grin, pleasure-weak finger tracing shapes on his firm pecs, tracing the scars he has there, scars which shimmer white in the moonlight.
“Diamonds, you like them.” It’s not a question, when his answer rumbles out of his chest, and you, blissed out can’t help but laugh.
“I do.” You nod with a grin, before rolling over onto your stomach atop him, puckering your lips for a kiss, “But I love you.”
And when he leans down to kiss you, tucking his chin in so he can get the angle right, when you lick into his mouth and he feels his cock twitching back to life, he knows he’s not done with you yet.
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babbushka · 4 years
idk if this is a Sinday prompt as much as a worry/confession? I love me a good hard dicking down, but I have endometriosis. Thankfully sex rarely hurts in the moment (sometimes it does though, and when it does, it hurts terribly). It's typically after, and I get awful pain and cramps. I guess, which of the boys is more into aftercare concerning that specifically or which of them would be more careful during sex to avoid the after sex pain? Don't write if you aren't comfortable. xx
Hello my dear anon! Oof I am so sorry to hear that you deal with that, please accept these headcanons! 
The After-Care Is Essential Squad:
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Things with Kylo can get very hard, fast, and rough, very quickly. Especially if you’re fucking him in addition to all the Knights of Ren. Your body can take a pretty harsh pounding -- which is why it’s so important for Kylo to heal you up and take away any pain you may have after sex. He’ll hover his hands over you and literally soak it up with the Force, leaving you feeling nothing but pleasant and blissed out from your many many orgasms. 
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Flip doesn't ever like to hurt you, ever. He’s a big guy, he’s a marine vet, he knows he’s got a lot of power in his hands and hips and back, and he wants to make sure that after the two of you are finished rolling around under the covers and fucking your brains out, that you’re as comfortable as possible. Have there been times where he’s gone to the ER with you for sex related injuries because of his stupidly big cock? Absolutely. But does he try his absolute best to give you everything you need when you’re done fucking so that you can relax and enjoy your pleasure? Damn straight. 
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Pale knows he’s rough. He knows it, and he’s grateful that you’re so willing to take him just as he is. But he also knows that from being so rough, you gotta be sore by the time he’s done with you, and he doesn’t ever want you uncomfortable. So even though he’s a big tough guy, who’s got a mouth of a sailor and the build of a mountain, he’s gentle with you when he’s done fucking you, gentle and sweet enough to give you whatever you want or need after a good long couple hours getting hard pounded. 
The Just Be More Careful During Sex Squad:
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Clyde likes to take things slow, likes to check in with you throughout having sex. He’s careful with you all the time, treats you with a delicacy and fragility that makes you feel like a precious thing -- because to him you are. He won’t do something if he knows it’ll hurt you, won’t have sex with you if he can tell it’s not the best time. He’d much rather be safe than sorry!
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Paterson is the ultimate service top, he’s a subby soft angel who just wants to make you feel good. If you’re at risk for any sort of discomfort during sex, he’s more than happy to just do something else, or have a different kind of sex so as to not accidentally bring about any unexpected pain. As long as you get to come and feel good, he doesn’t mind how. 
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Charlie is so caring and so nurturing by nature, that he doesn’t want to see you hurt. He doesn’t want to do anything that will bring you any sort of discomfort. He always asks if it’s okay, if you’re okay, adjusts himself to what you need. He’s learned from his failed marriage that he has a habit of being controlling, and he’s grateful that you allow him to work on that, to work on being more conscious of the needs of others -- especially someone so dear to him like you. 
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babbushka · 4 years
Happy Sinday Mrs. Z! And VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MRS. LOGAN! Could I please request BondVillian!Kylo treating/comforting/spoiling Agent after a particularly tough mission? I bet that man knows how to really treat a lady 😭❤️
Anonymous said:  Thank you so much for hosting Sinday!! This is my first time requesting something and I’ve looked over your FAQ so many times so I hope I’m doing this right. If you want to, can I please request “i dont know how to exist in a world without you” from the angsts/sad prompts with Bond Villain!Kylo?? Thank you so much!
(1.2k, mentions of gun violence/non-graphic mention of injury) 
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You’re dressing your wound for the day, when he comes barging in. Immediately, your hand reaches for the gun strapped to your thigh and you level it in the direction of the doorway to the lavish hotel suite you’re staying in – before you drop it onto the bed with a sigh and a little purse of your lips.
“You know, you’ve got to learn how to knock.” You regard him, Kylo Ren, arch nemesis for all intents and purposes.
“Why?” Mr. Ren asks, as he steps out of his boots and shrugs off his coat, plopping it down onto the little love seat by the fireplace as if this were his hotel room and not yours.
“You might see something you wish you hadn’t.” You raise a brow, gesturing to your state of undress. You’re not completely naked, sitting mostly in your lazy lounging undergarments and wrapped up in a robe. You’re comfortable for once, not dressed up to the nines, because why should you be? You had no plans aside from rest.
“There’s not a part of you that wish I haven’t seen.” Mr. Ren comes closer to you, but stops a respectable distance away. He’s already seen you naked of course, and you both know this, but he doesn’t make a fuss about it. Mr. Ren’s strange in that he doesn’t make a fuss about much, when it comes to you. He puts his hands in his pockets and asks, “Are you okay?”
The question catches you off guard. You aren’t sure when the last person who asked that and actually meant it was. You just blink at him, before shrugging and putting the medical tape down, turning to face him. He’s dressed entirely too casually today, which is also something that catches you off guard. You’re used to seeing him in tuxedos and three-piece suits all the time, this worn tshirt and jeans combination is unexpected.
“Of course I’m okay, I have to be -- being okay is in the job description.” You say, giving him what you think is a placating smile, but he sees right through it.
“Honey – ” He starts, but you cut him off and hold a finger up.
“Don’t call me honey.” You shake your head, and he quirks a smile, looks down bashfully. Your heart thumps in your throat, you’re so close to throwing everything away and running off with this man, this insane, evil, genius of a man. You’re so close, and you can’t let yourself fall any deeper for him, and you just know that hearing him regard you with such warmth would tip you over the edge.
“Then what should I call you?” Mr. Ren asks genuinely, his hazel eyes shining in the sun that spills into the suite.
“Agent works just fine.” You reply, voice clipped. You’re not expecting him to crack into a great big grin, but he does, and the urge to kiss him is nearly too strong to ignore.  
“Alright then, Agent, be honest with me. How’s that hole in the side of your stomach doing?” He gestures to your body, which you’ve wrapped up in the robe.
“She’s hanging in there, they patched me up pretty well.” You say, pulse thrumming in your throat as you lick your lips and offer, “Do you want to see?”
“If you’re comfortable showing me.” Mr. Ren nods, and you slowly begin to untie the sash of the robe. He gives you the privacy of looking away for a moment, glances down at his fingernails. “I’ve dealt with them, by the way. The man who shot you, he’s dead and on his way to the bottom of the ocean, Debby’s going to take care of him for us.”
“I didn’t hear that.” You shake your head fondly, almost wanting to roll your eyes at him for admitting to illegal activity to an Mi6 agent, but he knows, and you know, that you won’t do anything about it. Instead, you shrug the robe off one arm and show him the perfectly bandaged little area, clean and dressed. “Look, all better.”
Mr. Ren’s jaw clenches and un-clenches, and his eyes soften. He very hesitantly reaches a hand out, looks to you for permission, which you give him with a silent nod of your head. He smooths his palm gently over the gauze, sighs.
“Are you here for long? They’re giving you time to rest, I hope.” He sounds so caring, so concerned about you, you chew at your lip because of it. You’ve never had someone to care about you this much.
“They’ve booked me through the weekend, but then it’s back to base for the next adventure. Why?” You furrow your brow just the tiniest bit, trying to make sense of him. He was evil! He was a villain, he was a mastermind, a murderer, a thief! But you don’t feel afraid, no, you feel more comfort than you have in a long time, and you just couldn’t figure him out, couldn’t figure out why he chose you of all people, you who was supposed to be bringing him to justice.
“Let me stay with you, let me take care of you.” He says, taking a daring scoot closer towards you on the bed. You let him.
“I don’t need you.” You say, staring at his mouth for a moment while he runs his tongue nervously over his plush bottom lip, looking around as if to check that no one is listening in. You whisper and lean in to gently place your forehead on his. “But I won’t lie to you and tell you that I don’t want you.”
Mr. Ren lays the both of you down, carefully so you don’t aggravate the wound in your side. He tucks you up against him, lets your head pillow on his chest as he rubs soothing circles on your back underneath your robe. You shudder out a happy sigh, not used to human contact like this.
“I promise you, under my watch, nothing bad like this will ever happen to you again.” Mr. Ren pets back your hair, simply holds you, and you let yourself be held as you nuzzle your face into his neck. “Call me selfish, call me insane, call me whatever you’d like – but I don’t know how to exist in a world without you, 007.”
“You’re an incredibly confusing man, Mr. Ren.” Your throat tightens up with emotion that you don’t want to process, feelings for him that you don’t want to face. They could have your badge for this – they could have your badge for a lot less than this, and yet, yet you never want him to let go.
“Don’t call me Mr. Ren.” He teases you gently, and you huff out a little laugh into the pit of his throat.
“Then what should I call you?” You parrot his earlier sentiment, only this time when you look up at him, he’s got nothing but stars in his eyes for you, and you’re sure…you’re certain that yours look the same.
“Kylo works just fine.” He whispers as he carefully caresses your cheek with the pad of his thumb, making your heart beat double time.
“Alright then, Kylo.” You reply, making him smile.
And as the sunshine comes into the suite on this quiet afternoon, as he holds you and presses the softest kiss to your forehead, as he gives you the permission to relax that you never even knew you needed, you find you’re smiling too.
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babbushka · 5 years
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Flip Zimmerman x Reader ; 3k ; very nsfw, inspired by sinday prompts xx
“You want me to do what?” He asks, one quiet evening as he’s hanging in the doorway.
It’s dark in the house, only a single lightbulb in the kitchen on, the only thing illuminating the space. You’re glowing, looking so gorgeous under it, but somehow sinister at the same time. He can see a spark in your eye, and he knows, he knows what it means.
You beckon him forward, from your spot sitting on the kitchen table, and you spread your legs to accommodate him. He slides himself between them, jacket still on, boots still on, having just come home from a long shift at work.
It’s cold outside, so cold that he can feel the heat between your legs radiating, calling out to him.
“You heard me.” You say with a scheming grin, and it clicks in his brain, clicks that this is a game.
He’s more than happy to play.
“Say it again.” He all but orders, as he shrugs his jacket off lazily, slowly lets it fall from his shoulders, hangs it up on the coat rack in the kitchen.
You’re blushing now, and he has to will his hands not to immediately grip your thigh, your throat. Instead he lets them smooth up your arms, lets himself get lost in the soft feeling of your exposed skin. You’re not naked, not yet, but soon.
Cuff me, you had said, cuff me and fuck me and hit my ass so hard I’m never bad again.
You manage to catch hold of one of his hands, bring it up to your lips. It’s not long before you’re kissing at his palm, licking at his fingers. He curls his index and middle finger against your tongue, slips in his ring finger to add to the mix. You suck on them, take them into your mouth, moan around them enough to get Flip hard – as if he weren’t already hard the minute he came home to you.
You let them slip out of your mouth with a wet pop, spit stringing between them, and he’s almost too eager to tug aside your panties, let those wet fingers wriggle their way into your pussy.
You sigh, lean back on your elbows, the kitchen table strong and sturdy underneath your back, and Flip’s mesmerized as he watches his fingers disappear into you, in and out, your thighs quivering.
But this isn’t what you had in mind, he knows, knows with the way you gasp.
“I’ve been bad, detective.” You moan when he presses his thumb to your clit, presses it down and rubs sweet circles there that have your back arching just the littlest bit, have your nipples stiffening against the thing fabric of your sleep-shirt, “I think I need to be taught a lesson.”
If the sticky haze of lust hadn’t been clouding his vision, he’d be telling you that no actually, you’ve not been bad at all, you’re never bad actually, didn’t actually do anything wrong – but that’s not what this is, not what you want right now.
“Yes, you have been.” So he says, “Hands behind your back.”
And oh you bratty thing, with your legs spread for him and your tits pushed up and out, you look at him through your lashes and smirk, “Make me.”
He removes his fingers without any grace, winds them around your wrists and hauls you up off the table with ease. Sometimes you forget, forget how strong he is, how capable he is.
The thick cords of muscle in his arms flex and you can’t help but moan out just from the sheer force of how turned on you are, just from the sight of him. He’s got your wrists in his grip and he pulls you close, could lift you clean off the floor, feet dangling, if he wanted to.
“Watch it,” He hisses, cock so hard he’s sweating, “Or else I won’t be so sweet to you.”
He speaks through a clenched jaw but you only kiss and lick at the corner of his mouth, knees turning inward as your cunt drools for him at the promise. Because it’s not a threat, not really – no, it’s a promise.
“Maybe I don’t want you to be sweet, maybe I need some…” You break character for a second, let out a little laugh of nerves and love and affection that has Flip’s scowl softening, because really this is just fun, just a bit of roleplay, just a bit of, “Rough handling.”
“She likes it rough, does she?” Flip whispers, like it’s some dark dirty secret, and you tip your head back just the smallest bit and let out a breathy whine, because,
“Yeah, she does.”
He’s got fast fucking reflexes, your man does. Fast, so fast that you don’t realize you’re being spun around, being bent over the table, shoved against the wood. Your stomach swoops, disoriented for a moment before you can feel the cold bite of cuffs clinking around your wrist where Flip’s no doubt already left bruises.
He’s kicking your feet apart with ease, heavy boots shoving your ankles wherever he wants them, right there in the kitchen, and you can only gasp when he rips your panties off of you, tears them right in half. The fabric never stood a chance against your husband, but that was the appeal in buying them.
He has you bent over the table, wrists crossed and cuffed, and bare ass presented to him in no time flat, and he really just has to take a minute to admire the view. Normally he’d never, wouldn’t dare treat you like this, but he’s grateful for the opportunity to not have to hold back, grateful to show you exactly how rough he can be.
“It’s not very fucking nice,” He growls, stepping out of his boots and working on getting his cock freed,  “Turning on a man like this and thinking you’re not gonna do anything about it.”
He wants to fuck you right now, right then and there – but that’s not fun, that’s not drawing out the game. So instead he strokes himself off, watches as you squirm on the table, watches as your thighs press together, desperate for friction.
“I’m sorry.” You whine, gasp, and he chuckles darkly.
“What’s that? I didn’t hear you.” He lies, takes a step forward and guides the head of his cock to your folds, slides them between your lips and coats it in all your slick, watches as you drip onto the floor.
“I said I’m sorry!” Your throat clicks on your own spit, as your hips press backwards against him, hoping to catch his cock and get it actually inside you, hoping he’ll relent.
He doesn’t, he’s not convinced yet.
“Mmm, no you’re not, whore.” He says as much, before grabbing your bound wrists with one and and hauling you up off the table with only as much as a, “Come here.”
He walks you to the couch where he sprawls out leisurely, makes you stand in front of him. You’re stunning, absolutely gorgeous, with a big red spot on your cheek from being pressed down onto the table, spit shining on your lips. He rips the night shirt off just as he did with your panties, lets it fall around your elbows, exposing your tits to him.
He spreads his legs and strokes off his cock some more, just to the sight of you standing before him, cuffed and unable to do a damn thing about it. You’re frowning, pouting, because you love to be the one who tugs at his cock, and your wrists involuntarily tug at their binding, making Flip tsk.
He abandons his dick for a moment to yank you down across his lap, careful so that your face hits a couch cushion and not the hard arm-rest – he doesn’t want you actually hurt.
You’re draped beautifully over his crotch, and the angle is bad but he can rub his dick against your pussy, can tease your clit with the head of his cock as he smooths his hand over your ass.  
“So smooth, no one’s taken you to task in some time, isn’t that right?” He hums, and your nipples brush up against the coarse fabric of the couch as you moan out a yes. He almost wants to smoke a cigarette, wants to just finger you until you’re crying – except you already are, just from the stimulation of it all. “No wonder you’re such a brat.”
“Detective please – ” You gasp out as the head of his cock presses up against you once more, again a wrong angle, there’s no way he can fuck you like this…but he can slap the shit out of you.
“I don’t want another word out of you unless it’s to tell me you want to come, got that?” He hisses, pushes your head down into the couch cushion to smother you for a minute.
You nod, shift your knees around just a little, push your ass up closer to his face.
“Good.” Is all he says, before the first smack cracks through the living room, leaving you keening.
He doesn’t spank you often, he’s usually too afraid to do real damage. He could, could leave real welts, but he never wants to hurt you, never wants to actually do such a thing to you. He restrains himself, but you’re still wet, still drooling from both ends, still begging for it with the way your pussy is fluttering against his aching cock.
So he spanks you again, and again, again again again until you’re being pitched forward from the force of it, until he’s almost off the couch to get better leverage, until your ass is red and there are hand prints covering half your fucking cheeks, until you’re starting to swell.
And then he spanks you some more, until you’re crying, a babbling mess, nothing coherent – exactly as he wants you.
As the last slap mars your skin, as you’re gasping for air, he tangles a hand into your hair and pulls you up and over, settles you so that you’re sinking down onto his cock, your back pinched up from the handcuffs in front of his face.
He watches as his cock slowly slowly slowly buries itself into you, and he has to moan, just has to, because fuck it’s such a sexy sight – you’re so sexy, it kills him sometimes.
You moan and gasp the whole way down, and only once he’s bottomed out does he let his hands slide around your front, one splaying over your pussy and the other squeezing at your throat.
He pulls your back flush to his chest, and fuck now he’s really sweating, the heat of your body warming him through all his clothes, because of course he’s still fully clothed. You whine and cry at the rough chafing of his denim jeans on your thighs, rubbing where he spanked you hard, and he just sucks on your neck, bites on the junction between your throat and shoulder.
“I’m going to fuck you, and I’m going to come so deep inside you that you’re going to taste it, and then maybe, maybe, I’ll take these shiny cuffs off your wrist.” He kisses the spot right below your ear, experimentally rolls his hips up.
“Flip!” You gasp, nearly toppling over. His grip on you keeps you upright and you’re this close to begging, he can feel it from the way you’re clenching around his cock.
He knows you want to bounce and rock and fuck yourself onto him, but he’s going too slow for that, moving too deliberately. It’s driving you crazy, and he licks up the tears that stain your cheeks.  
“What did I say baby?” He smooths your hair down with the hand that had held up your throat, and you tip your head back so it can rest on his shoulder, eyes shut tight, trying trying trying your best for him, “You gonna try and be good for me?”
“Uh huh.” You whine, because the least you can do it try.  
“That’s what I thought.” He smiles, rolling his hips again.
It’s not long before he grows tired of that position, wanting to rail into you like no one’s fucking business.
So he does, maneuvers you onto your back, plows into you with little care or grace, desperately chasing his own orgasm.
“God this pussy’s so fucking tight.” He growls, leans back enough to see how there’s practically no room in your cunt for anything, his cock stuffing you completely full. Your walls suck him back in every time he pulls out, and that is like pure heroin to him, just watching that, “Fucking vice grip on my cock, feel that? Feel how it won’t let me go?”
“Hhh...” You can’t speak, too wrapped up in your own pleasure, and pride surges through Flip’s body.
Because while he’s on top, he’s in charge – it’s all for you.
And you’re tense, so tense just from the stress of it all, the intensity, the force. You love it, but it’s overwhelming.
“Relax for me, let your hips drop – there, good, good girl.” He praises you when you follow him, when you do as he says, as you relax enough that he can slide in impossibly deeper – so he can rub against that spot inside you that makes your eyes fly open with a big gasp. “Oh that’s it.” He grins, knowing he’s found it.  
You’re sobbing, and your cunt is making the most obscene noises, squelching from just how wet you are, messy messy messy. He’s concerned for a minute with the way you’re hiccupping, holds your face in his hand as he thrusts, nudges your cheek with his nose.
“Are you -- ?” He asks, but before he can say okay, you’re nodding, kissing him, moaning into his mouth.
“Yeah, don’t – don’t stop, please, please.” You’re begging, and as long as you’re still feeling good and safe, he’s more than happy to continue.
“Okay, okay, fuck, fuck (Y/N).” He just has to slam his fist down on the couch cushion, just has to pin your hips plush against him, sweat dripping down his nose and onto your back, punching out high moans and gasps and pleas out of you.
“Come in me?” You beg, “Please Flip, detective, please, come in me?”
And his brain really trips up at that, because he’s not wearing a condom, and he knows you’re not on the pill, and yes you’ve already talked about it but it’s still surreal to think he can do it, he can have that, he can fuck you like this.
“How can I say no – oh shit – to such a pretty girl?” He asks, and you have enough frame of mind to be a brat once more, enough to look over your shoulder, entirely debauched and slutty.
“Don’t,” You grin, “Don’t say no to me.”
And that’s that, he thinks, until he’s not thinking anything at all.
“Fuck -- !” He bites down hard on your shoulder, draws blood, can taste the copper in his mouth.
“Can I come? Please let me.” You’re so close, he can feel it, and he nods, not wanting to deny you anything, ever.
“Come on my cock baby, let me feel this cunt of yours gush on me.” He encourages, thrusts you through it, pumps his come deep inside you, so much of it that it’s already oozing out of your cunt, already smearing against his cock as he fucks it all back inside you.
You come with a scream, and the both of you go limp, nothing but raspy breathing and wet gasps.
 After a while, after you’ve both come down from the high of orgasm, you can’t help but laugh. Flip laughs too, heart so full, even though he’s exhausted, he’s still so full of love for you.
“That was awesome.” You mumble against the couch, grateful for the removable upholstery, grateful that you’ll be able to clean up this mess in the morning.
You wiggle around, but Flip holds you still.
“Hold on, let me – ” He offers, voice soft as he un-locks the cuffs, eases the cramps out of your arms. He winces at the red marks on your wrists, leans down to kiss them. “Careful, you’re going to be sore.”
You grin up at him with lazy hazy eyes, pucker your lips for a sweet kiss that he’s so so so eager to give you, kisses you even as you’re smiling against his mouth.
“Good, means you get to wait on me.” You say, sleepy and cheeky, “Hand and foot.”
“I already do ketsl.” Flip whispers, and you nod, because damn right he does.
“Kiss me a little?” You ask, and he hums out a small laugh against you.
“Oh I’ll kiss you more than just a little.” He promises, wraps his arms around you and keeps you warm as you shiver slightly against him, the after-sex warmth starting to disappear.
The slow slide of your tongues is soothing, a balm against all the stinging aching soreness. He’ll run you a bath tomorrow, he decides, to help with all the soreness you’re bound to have.
When the kisses become harder and harder to make out due to silent giggles, euphoria buzzing in your veins, he pulls back enough to rub his nose against yours.
“Where’d you get the idea to want that?” He asks, genuinely curious as to what you get into when he’s at the station.
“I dunno, was just thinking about it recently. Knew you wouldn’t be opposed.” You blush, and Flip hums.
“No, I’m very not-opposed.” He agrees, making you laugh once again, just because everything is funny and beautiful and floaty and, “You’re fucking perfect, you know that?” He just has to ask, because you are, you are you are you are.
And you, the angel that you are, gives him a rosy smile with a simple wink and a very cheeky, “Yeah.”
Tagging some flip lovin’ friends! lol  @dreamboatdriver @kylo-renne @callmehopeless @kyloxfem @formerly-anonhamster @thepilotanon @solotriplets   @fullofbees @spinebarrel @bourbonboredom @driverficarchive @rosalynbair @redhairedfeistynerd @glitzescape @adamsnacc-kler  @ladygrey03 @venusianmaiden marvelous-blog-221 @edwardseyelashes @softcrybabykid @tinyplanet-explorers
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babbushka · 4 years
(sinday prompt) if you'd like to, maybe some Paterson smut?? im thinking you pegging him - i havent really seen much paterson smut unfortunately and especially no pegging :( up to you ofc! btw you and Flip are adorable pls adopt me
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He’s trembling, when you come home. A mess on the bed, he lays on top of the covers covered in sweat, his bare chest jumps and twitches. He was waiting for you, doing his best to wait for you, for you to come home – he knows if he’s good you’ll help him, you’ll make him feel better than he ever has before.
On the night-stand table he’s got everything laid out neatly, everything he needs; the lube, the toys, all the fun things that you keep tucked away in the bottom drawer of the dresser, for the times when he’s good.
When you come home and find him, it’s to see him trembling shaking sweating, two fingers up his ass and his big cock proudly bobbing against his stomach, leaking oozing pre-come like the tears of frustrated anticipation that slip down his cheek. His eyes are wide and glassy, like he’s in a pleasure haze, and his knee jerks from where his leg is bent up, foot planted on the mattress, hips bucking into his hand.
“Someone’s eager.” You smile warmly, stepping out of your clothes.
He’s already whimpering, whining, desperate for you, and you know he’s been a darling so you don’t make him wait any longer than he already has. Two fingers means he hasn’t been at this for long, means he was trying to time it just right. He’s so good for you, he knows how you like to open him up all the rest of the way, love to fuck him which he’s still tight enough to really feel it.
“(Y/N),” Your name is a prayer that drips from his lips, and he groans as his cock drools for you.
He suddenly has to grip the base of his cock to keep himself from coming for real. you see the flash of panic in his eyes, the way his strong stomach tenses, and you know that that was a close call.
“I’m here, look at you, so handsome.” You praise him, because it’s the truth, his built chest and firm abdomen blooming red and pink from the affect of your words. You’re naked now, and you walk over to the night-stand, smiling because you know what he wants – he’s already taken it upon himself to lay it all out. “You did so well, I’m here now, I’ll take care of you.”
You step into the harness, beautifully treated leather and dark metal rings and clasps that always make you feel more of a sex dungeon owner than you really are. You make quick work of slipping the o-ring into place, and easily settle on the perfect dildo for him. His fingers are big, but even two at once isn’t enough to open him up comfortably to take the really massive toys, so you settle for a nice average sized strap and fit it into place.
“Hands on me.” You say kindly, gently, as you climb up onto the bed.
His palms are so warm, so wet, and you let him slide them around your naked body with no hesitation as you settle yourself on top of him between his legs. Sometimes he likes to get fucked on his hands and knees, if he’s particularly wound up for some reason. But other times he’s anxious to see you, to watch you, to touch you – and with the way his hands are grabbing for your breasts and pushing his face up into them, you can tell this is one of them.
You pry his face out from your tits long enough to kiss him, wanting him to relax, wanting him to enjoy this. He’s so on edge from teasing himself, preparing himself, that he whines into your mouth as his tongue crawls its way down your throat. You have half a mind to make him eat you out first, that tongue feeling so fucking good in your pussy, but no – Paterson gets taken care off first, that was only fair.
With one hand still on his cheek, you reach the other hand down to stroke his cock, get him nice and hard again. His erection had flagged just a little at the refusal to let himself come, but that was only more motivation for you to treat him right, treat him well. You make out while you reach for the lube, not wanting any part of this to hurt him, even though he does wince a little when the cool gel hits his overheated skin.
“Shh, you’re so good, it’ll warm soon.” You promise him, and he’s got tears of adoration in his eyes when you smooth the gel over his skin, over the strap. “Ready?” You ask, always always always demanding clear consent and permission.
“Yes, please, (Y/N).” He moans into your mouth, and you nod, nudge the head of the strap up against his asshole.
It gives after a moment or two of his body naturally tensing at the intrusion, but once he relaxes his hips with some gentle coaxing of your fingers on his cock, he’s moaning loud out in pleasure. He can’t stay still, never can, when you fuck him. It’s something you find so endearing, whenever you’re on top like you are now, as you start a steady rhythm of thrusts in and out of his ass, thrusts which squelch and make him squirm.
His hands are all over the place, and his chest is heaving, because you know you’re brushing right against his prostate each and every time you drag the strap out of him. It doesn’t take too long, before he’s coming all over himself, he just can’t help it, can’t help the way his cock blows its load onto his stomach. You don’t mind, you’re not angry, you want him to feel good, that’s all you ever want.
You try and get two out of him, and he gives them to you, lets himself have them. He cries on your strap and moans and begs, has his hands all over your breasts, your stomach, your thighs, bringing you ever closer closer closer.
And when he’s finally had his fill, when he’s nothing but a melted puddle of come and love, he turns those brown eyes on you and licks the sweat away from his upper lip.
“Would you sit on my face?” He asks, and you can’t help but grin.
And even though it’s late, the night is far from over.
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babbushka · 4 years
Good morning everyone! TGIF! 
I hope that you’re having a great day so far, and that the end of this week treats you with kindness. Does anyone have plans for the weekend? I’d love to hear about them, even if it’s just hanging out with some good movies! 
I’ve got a couple kinktober oneshots heading your way this evening, hopefully a fun chance to start the weekend off with a little smut. My goal is to have them all finished and posted on time by the end of the event (oct. 23rd) so that I can take the last week of October to finish up everything for the big Halloween CYOA fic! 
Once the Halloween fic has been posted on the 31st, we’ll return to our normal schedule of prompt events and chapter updates! My requests submissions are currently closed, but I’ll open them back up for sindays once the month is over. I hope you guys understand! I appreciate everyone’s patience :)) 
Sending you guys love! 
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babbushka · 4 years
Happy Saturday folks! I hope you’re all doing well and that this weekend is treating you kindly. Anyone working on any fun projects or have any fun plans? Let me know! I always love hearing what you guys are up to :^) 
Things are pretty laid back at chez zimmerman today, I’ve got a super easy low hassle dinner marinating in the fridge, laundry is done and ironing is all set for tomorrow, and now i’m doing the tidying/dusting. I think I’ll leave the floors for Phil, he knows how much I hate them lol! 
For tomorrow’s sinday, I’m going to be doing a 500 word challenge, which I hope you guys will enjoy! This way I can get through twice the amount of prompts as normal, they’ll be short but hopefully still pack a punch! I’m going to be opening up prompt requests earlier than usual tomorrow, so please be on the lookout for the announcement (I’ll also have it pinned on the blog when it’s up) 
Sending you guys my love! 
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babbushka · 4 years
Good morning friends! TGIF :) Do you guys have any plans for the weekend? Anyone doing anything particularly fun or are we just excited for a chance to just relax? 
I just wanted to make this post to give a couple updates for today :)
I’ve got that medieval!Kylo temperature play oneshot headed your way tonight, which I’m pretty excited about. I hope you guys enjoy it! 
Tomorrow evening the first round of evidence, clues, and information you’ll need to complete my CYOA Flip x Reader Halloween fic will be posted to @detectivezimmerman (don’t worry I’ll make a proper announcement post about it tomorrow lol) so if you haven’t already followed the blog and you’re interested in participating in the fic, please go head over there and check it out!
Sinday will be held this Sunday 10/25! I will be accepting prompts all day tomorrow, and writing up as many as I can on Sunday. Because the big Halloween fic is going up on the 31st which is a Saturday, I won’t be hosting Sinday the day after (just because my wrists will be dead lol) so, consider this weekend a way to kick off the spooky holiday celebration. I’ll be answering Halloween-themed requests should you have any, but don’t worry if you just want to send something regular in too! 
Alrighty folks, I think that’s all! I think I’m going to go treat myself to a nice brunch, get all dressed up just for me (and maybe post some selfies because it’s been a hot minute and I have new lipstick), and watch some movies. 
Sending you guys my love! Inbox is always open for you if you’d like to chat :)
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babbushka · 4 years
Gooooood Afternoon everyone! I hope you’re all doing well, staying safe and sane as much as possible during these stressful times. 
It’s my brother’s birthday today, and because he doesn’t really enjoy birthday celebrations in an extreme sense, I’ve simply made him some special vegan birthday pancakes, and a big stack of avocado toast (one of his fave things) for brunch and he’s happy enough. I hope that wherever you are or whatever you’re doing, you can treat yourself to an extra dose of kindness or goodness today. 
There won’t be any new writing until sinday, mostly because i’m working on some stuff that’s just not ready yet lol. But I’ve gone ahead and reblogged the Flip prompts I wrote up yesterday for those who may have missed it. 
I’m off to go do my water aerobics, but I’ll be back shortly and just hangin’ out, reblogging nonsense, ya know, the usual :) 
Sending everyone my love!
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