#i can see skipper being bisexual
conarcoin · 9 months
Expandedverse Character Bio - Connor
Full Name: Timekeeper Connor XD Schlatt
Species: Hedgehog shifter
Age: 18 (AF/FW era), 20 (SMPLive canon era), 36 (Post-canon DSMP era)
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: Trans man
Orientation: Bisexual (no preference)
ISFJ 9w1, True Neutral
A hedgehog shifter originating from Dream SMP, created when XD took a liking to a normal hedgehog and decided to turn it into a humanoid to watch over timelines. Was raised into the job of timekeeper, didn't really want it so ran off to SMPLive on his 18th birthday. Only returned to Dream SMP on his husband's request.
Awkward and somewhat skittish, will stick to anyone he knows closely. Can easily manipulate situations if needed. Retains his time travel capabilities.
Now aligns himself with the Anarchist Syndicate, and has managed to succeed in reviving his late husband, who begrudgingly sticks with the Syndicate despite disagreeing with their values.
XD (creator/"adoptive father")
Jebediah Schlatt (husband)
Skipper Schlatt (daughter)
Ty Support-Schlatt (adoptive son)
Grunk Schlatt (adoptive son)
Captain Puffy Schlatt (sister-in-law)
Other notable relationships:
Karl Jacobs-Halo (new timekeeper)
Niki Nihachu (trusted friend)
Additional notes under cut:
Trans identity is complicated - prior to XD finding him he had no real concept of gender since it's a human social construct. XD gave his humanoid form a stereotypically feminine name and appearance based on physicality which Connor didn't appreciate, and XD is really weird about being wrong so that was one of the big conflicts that led to Connor leaving.
In SMPL, sells ice at Spawn City in addition to running Schlatt & Co. Has a brief rivalry with Cooper over this.
Turns into a hedgehog when extremely frightened or overwhelmed.
Has a lot of animalistic traits beyond what you would typically see in a hybrid due to his weird status as a transformed animal. Most of his body language involves his ears, as well as his quills, which make up his "hair" and run down the back of his neck.
Skipper was... Not planned. It's a bit of a long story. She was born in early SMPLive era and would be about 13 or so in post-canon DSMP. (I mainly just wanted an excuse to make a Schlonnor fankid because my mutuals had really cute DSMP fankids and I wanted in. She'll probably get her own bio eventually.)
Uses rings to time travel by bending the fabric of reality to create time portals. His time travel abilities are kind of inspired by a mix of the rings used as portals in various Sonic media as well as the time travel mechanics of Sonic CD.
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clairlycreature · 3 years
bruh what’s your take on skilene or skitka
honestly skilene isnt that bad i feel like skipper n marlene have chemistry and theyre kind of like. idk how to describe but the kind of couple that is all casual not necessarily super romantic but the kind of couple where they just enjoy each others company skitka on the other hand was very forced in my opinion it must just be because we only had 1 episode specifically for it and im not a fan of "love at first sight". they seem more like mlm x wlw solidarity imo
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pelideswhore · 3 years
moots appreciation incoming
uhh this is gonna be unlike my other posts, but basically i love my moots too much to not make a Long Post about them so here you go, besties. if you don't wanna read through this, just skip it, it's okay lmao. anyway, l love you all <3
so, basically, i'm just gonna tag you guys in the order you show up on my laptop and tell you something i like about you :3
@incorrectgreekgods eesh, first person i ever followed on tumblr and bro. i love your posts, your vibes, you're also super pretty. but you're still super kind and humble. also, did i mention your vibes?
@something-sappho-would-say you're not on tumblr much, but your posts are always so relatable but still somehow aesthetic. idk you make the most mundane things seem very poetic.
@wh0reforhekate ahhh bestie!! you're so smart and sweet and the other s-h-o-r-t word that i can't say. anyway, i love hearing you ramble and analyze stuff. you honestly mean the world to me.
@thanatoastie I'm just very happy when you post cus your posts are objectively hilarious. you're also just awesome. i love the photos you take, you're also super pretty and your confidence is contagious.
@greekschist i still can't believe you followed me since your posts inspired me to make a tumblr in the first place but you're honestly so funny and an amazing human. your energy is so lit.
@yngwiemalmsteens kjsdfhkg you're so awesome! i love hc's, your posts about the Egyptian gods are getting me back into Egyptian mythology and you're also super kind. and you're a good artist on top of that?!
@dionysus-winelord / @lokis-right-nut i love watching you enthuse about Loki and Hades though i haven't watched/played either (I'll get to it eventually lol). your passion really shines through and it's so fascinating to see.
@corvidonia / @fizzkiz hjfhgsfd i love your art style!! so much!!! but also you're just fantastic as a human being, you're very chill and your aura is very casual. i can't wait to read Lying In Wait!
@call-me-gibby you're super approachable and down-to-earth which makes your vibes very grounding. i bet you're very comfortable to be around and silence isn't awkward around you.
@possiblyhomer i love your enthusiasm!! your happiness is super catchy! your art is amazing and i love your pets sdhfgkj. I'm always so happy to read your hc's and your incorrect quotes!
@anonymousgeekhere time for baby grandma! you're such an awesome person, so independent and strong; thank you for always being there. i love hearing about your oc's and cant wait to hug you fr
@some-fool-over-the-rainbow your vibes are very intimidating and you're very tall, but still somehow approachable. idk why but you seem like you'd make a good old person (this is a compliment).
@cotton-ball123 we don't interact much, but you are indeed a cotton-ball that must be protected at all times. you're sweeter and more innocent than my little sister so we protecc
@lounging-trash-glitter your posts/reblogs are the only reason that I know what is going on on the other side of tumblr and i thank you for that. beyond that you're a great person with ideals and beliefs
@hermes-left-nut my mean, tall bisexual friend... i love seeing you ramble about dr jekyll and hyde because your enthusiasm is contagious. we don't interact much but through your posts I can tell you're super kind!
@a-chaotic-dumbass what can I say, you're very chaotic in the best of ways. i get weirldy happy when you post because l am always practically 100% certain I won't know what's going on but I love to see your interactions (is that weird?)
@rurifangirl seeing you on my dash and notifications make me weirdly happy and I feel like your vibes could bring world peace. or they could cause complete and utter pandemonium.
@simpingforsatan we don't interact much but I love your vibes and you seem super awesome. but most importantly, Skipper Supremacy >:)
@greek-myth-bitch eek only the sweetest person to have ever existed! i love your art and your vibes, you're very kind and a very important source of affection.
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wof-reworked · 4 years
I'd love to hear more about the Agate Winglet, they sound so interesting
Mhm I love them !!! They’re,,, I guess the most friendly with Amber Winglet?? They have the least jerks, anyway. They’re part of the post-Darkstalker expansion of the school, along with the other winglets ^^ Here’s a sort of teaser for all of the kids though !!! Sorry for how long this took btw, I had to go grocery shopping 
Sorry in advance for how long this gets, I tried to break it up D:
Bighorn- Skywing - He/him
 I talk about him a bit when I talked about Flytrap (here). Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
Just a bit of a frat bro, but like, a frat bro who respects woman
One of my two cishet characters, along with Flytrap. Their relationship is purely self-indulgent fluff, they’re exactly the kind of couple whose house is always open for visitors and will make you food and listen to your problems and they’re mutually supportive and wonderful and I love them
Him and Sleet are best pals too, together any braincells they might’ve had fly out the window. Just two himbos together as bros (himbros)
Gar really looks up to him as sort of what he wishes he could be, Bighorn acts as a mentor for Gar but is also a little uncomfortable with the amount of hero-worship Gar has for him
Darbuka - Sandwing - he/him 
Voted “Most Annoying” in the yearbook 3 years in a row
I’d call what he does humble-bragging, but that implies Darbuka’s done anything humble
For some reason him and Visionweaver are friends, neither of them knows why either
Actually pretty smart, but still not as smart as he thinks he is
Upper middle-class, pretends like he’s from the Scorpion Den for like a year cause he thinks it makes him look cooler (This drives Caracal insane)
Surprisingly funny, sometimes unintentionally
Ultimately harmless, he’s hardly a bully as much as he is just insufferable to be around
Sleet - Icewing - He/him
The punk to Bighorn’s jock
Still kind of a frat boy, just now a little angrier and more down to start a fire
Actually really good friends with Flytrap, they def. got up to some shit during like, their beginning years at JMA (Bighorn is both horrified and proud)
Unofficial anti-bullying enforcer, however there’s a lot of students and Sleet can hardly stay on top of everything while also being a student himself
Sees what’s going on with Congor and Herring, doesn’t really know how to handle it/if he should get involved in family things (poor dude’s an only child) but certainly doesn’t approve of how Congor treats Herring
Has done terrible, terrible things for the sake of a bet
Always has a good story to tell
Bisexual and a secret hopeless romantic, seeing Bighorn and Flytrap get together has made him feel a little lonely/like the third wheel. (Bighorn and Flytrap refuse to stand for this once they hear and make sure to do double friend duty).
Flytrap - Rainwing - She/her
I’ve talked about her a lot more (here), she’s wonderful
Unofficially everyone’s big sister
Spent a lot of time being very passive/fawning, is now proudly here to stand up for herself and other people
A little over being everyone’s caretaker tbh, part of why she gets along so well with Sleet is because he treats her like a partner-in-crime, and she doesn’t feel like she has to be responsible and composed with him
Really hard to get her to change her mind, she has her own ideas set in stone (though she’ll play along if she deems it necessary)
Has a stomach of steel when it comes to gore/insects/generally gross things. Bighorn, on the other hand, has a life policy of staying at least 15 feet away from all squiggly things, from intestines to centipedes.
Skipper - Mudwing - She/her
Absolute cinnamon roll, wants the best for everyone
A little self righteous, she can be a bit much to be around for long periods of time
Big 14 year old lesbian who’s just learned about social justice energy tbh
Oh also she’s a trans lesbian !!! Been debating if I should give her a girlfriend or not, guess we’ll see
Gar’s younger sister, he’s a little uncomfortable with her being at JMA too (Gar has a weird relationship with his sibs in general) but he still loves her and is there to support her when she needs it
A little bad at personal space, very pro-hugs and cuddles
Honestly just doing her best
Visionweaver - Nightwing - He/him
Grumpy little man
No literally, he’s shorter than basically everyone around him
Insecure for literally no reason
Gay, and mad about it
Has a crush on Monsoon which he poorly covers by trying to be a jerk to them in the hallways (Monsoon is unbothered and unimpressed)
His anti-Monsoon campaign would probably go a lot better if literally anyone else liked him (Besides Darbuka, who is too busy talking about himself to really listen to Vee’s ranting)
A giant nerd, he solves math problems for fun 
He mellows out a lot more when he gets older, becoming an astronomer
Tern - Seawing - They/them
Their policy is in life is basically “sit down, shut up, and do the work”
The only one who does their homework in a reasonable way
Proud of being the everyman, has zero desire to get involved in the shenanigans going on
A lovely study partner, they have a very dry/sarcastic sense of humor and don’t take everything super seriously while still being v consistent and responsible
Has a bit of an opening up to other people problem, or really a “meaningful friendship” problem tbh
They tend to subconsciously push away people/discourage them from getting closer, from their viewpoint they don’t really need a lot of people (or really anyone) in their life
Secret admiration/crush for Sleet that they would never admit out loud (or even really to themselves)
When they like/respect someone, they’ll cook for them
(by the end of their time at JMA, their winglet has come to depend on their stellar cooking)
Thank you so much for asking about my ocs, I really appreciate the space to kind of ramble about them !!! The JMA kids are my lighthearted oc world, where I can just kind of mess around with personalities and shipping, and I think it lowkey shows ^^;;. 
A lot of the central story focuses around Amber Winglet, but part of it is that everyone has their own things going on, so it’s basically endless character! Like sims, for my head!
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laughsinthiccc · 4 years
Asura! My OC
Tumblr media
|Basic Info|
Name: Asura (???)
Nicknames/Aliases: Hummingbird (Given to her by Asui/Froppy) Flighty (Given to her by Denki Kaminari)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: October 18th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'6 [170.18 cm]
Weight: 187 Lb
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Skin Color: Light tan; with freckles along her upper arms and upper thighs
Occupation: Currently a Student (In THIS BIO anyway lmao)
Parent(s): She's actually rather close with both of her parents! Both of them working as Cosmonauts! They're gone on a regular basis working so she was often left at home, she gets Video-Calls from her parents every so often and they make sure to learn as much as they can about what's going on before they're called away.
Friend(s): She's close with most of 1-A and 1-B (but her BFFS are some of my other OC's)
Romantic Interest(s): (I personally pair her with Kirishima b u t e h)
Other(s): She's rather Close with Present Mic and Principle Nezu, (Not fully fleshed out reason though, so I'll edit that when I finish it up .. Sorry!)
Pet(s): She has a pet Bunny Named Alice; Gifted to her by Koda!
|Hero Details|
Hero Name: Skipper
Motivations: ??? Idk y e t a a a
Quirk: Teleport/Portal
Abilities: Allows herself to create a portal anywhere in her surroundings, she can jump through and pop out at the opposite end of her portal; She can also place the end of the portal in a different spot, allowing her to easily get behind enemies or get to cover quickly. She can also solidify the portals and shrink them, allowing her to use them mid air or as lifts. Along with that she can also control her own gravity! Meaning she can float around as well as using her portals!
Moves: Black Hole; She can push the portals limits to its max and force the energy far enough to rival a Black Hole, sucking in any debris or enemies; Destroying whatever goes through. She can only use this in certain situations due to it's dangerous effect. Mainly used to eat-away at debris from a fight! Or if it comes down to it, she needs to be in an open area away from civilians to use her special move!
Weaknesses: Using her Quirk regularly causes her to be extremely nauseous and dizzy, and if forced to use Black Hole more than once before recovering she could end up killing herself. The pull from the Black Hole affects her as well, especially after the first use, her body being too weak from the first use to keep herself from flying into her own death trap. Her floating ability is used up rather quickly and could cause her to black out from the differentiating gravity.
Other Abilities: She's rather strong, she's very light on her feet!
Power: 5/5
Speed: 4/5
Technique: 2/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Cooperativeness: 4/5
*** I actually have a Pro-Hero OC that I paired her with during the internship Ark!
*** She was originally going to be a Pro-Hero but I decided against it since I'm still fleshing her out fully! So! I'm starting her out as a Student, and as I update and use her more she'll grow and such!
*** The things on her legs keep her legs intact as she jumps through her portals! The metal is heavy enough to take a beating from the density of the portal when she jumps through, and along with the suit; it's similar to Aizawa's scarf! Flexible but able to keep her intact!
*** When she jumps through a portal it's as if she's jumping into water, she can't breath and it slowly begins to crush her the longer she's in the passageway/the deeper she goes. The distance from the entry portal to the exit portal is vital to her own survival while using her quirk! If its 50+ feet from her it doesn't affect her as much as it would if she threw a portal down and went the same distance as flying from California to Japan.
*** She needs to see the spot where she would need to place the entry portal but she can force the exit wherever she needs it to be.
Any more questions please don't be afraid to ask!
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blueskyedye-blog · 5 years
Element Tag Game
Tagged by @skipper-self-shipper (you cheeky devil, thankyou for tagging me :D) 
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations and tag 9 people.
AIR: I have small hands - I love the night sky - I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by - I drink herbal tea - I wake up to dawn - The smell of dust is comforting - I’m valued for being wise - I prefer books to music - I meditate - I find joy in learning new things from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair - I like to wear ripped jeans - I play an organized sport - I love dogs - I am not scared of adventure - I love to talk to strangers - I always try new foods - I enjoy road trips - Summer is my favorite season - My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrist - I love the bustle of the city - I have more than one set of piercings - I read poetry - I love the sound of a thunderstorm- I want to travel the world - I go to sleep past midnight most days - I love dimly lit dinners and fluorescent signs - I re-watch kids’ shows out of nostalgia - I see emotions in colors, not words
EARTH: I wear glasses - I enjoy doing the laundry - I am vegetarian or vegan -I have an excellent sense of time - My humor is very cheerful - I’m a valued advisor to my friends - I believe in true love - I love the chill of mountain air -I’m always listening to music - I’m highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in daily life - I make my own artwork - I keep on track of my tasks and time - I always know true North - I see beauty in everything - I can always smell flowers - I smile at everyone I pass by - I always fear history repeating itself - I have recovered from a mental illness - I can love unconditionally
I tag @moonkiss-kid @nblemons @bisexual-beleren @yamiselfships @squishy-draws-stuff @emmieships @rinkys-ships @princess-selfships @leaphia
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Element Ask Game
Tagged by @skipper-self-shipper
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations and tag 9 people.
AIR: I have small hands - I love the night sky - I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by - I drink herbal tea - I wake up to dawn - The smell of dust is comforting - I’m valued for being wise - I prefer books to music - I meditate - I find joy in learning new things from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair - I like to wear ripped jeans - I play an organized sport - I love dogs - I am not scared of adventure - I love to talk to strangers - I always try new foods - I enjoy road trips - Summer is my favorite season - My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrist - I love the bustle of the city - I have more than one set of piercings - I read poetry - I love the sound of a thunderstorm- I want to travel the world - I go to sleep past midnight most days - I love dimly lit dinners and fluorescent signs - I re-watch kids’ shows out of nostalgia - I see emotions in colors, not words
EARTH: I wear glasses - I enjoy doing the laundry - I am vegetarian or vegan -I have an excellent sense of time - My humor is very cheerful - I’m a valued advisor to my friends - I believe in true love - I love the chill of mountain air -I’m always listening to music - I’m highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in daily life - I make my own artwork - I keep on track of my tasks and time - I always know true North - I see beauty in everything - I can always smell flowers - I smile at everyone I pass by - I always fear history repeating itself - I have recovered from a mental illness - I can love unconditionally
I tag @lord-yee @sleepyselfship @bisexual-beleren @rinkydinkdagger @dianes-side-colt @official-zant @angelic-shippings @dreamy-ships @mouseinthemidnight
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