#i can't find a great deal of info about this but i suspect it never saw a cinema release‚ thus the disappointing box art I've had to go
finniestoncrane · 5 months
Here is me requesting my birthday maxi smut honestly im thinking maxi threw some stuff together for a little surprise for her ! And ( he actually does give her a real gift) but the best part comes in the bedroom....
Pun not intended 🤣
I Got You Something
Maximus x Fem!Reader, word count: 1k ay happy birthday!! i love maximus, he's just the softest, sweetest little lamb and the strangest little bug ever and i am obsessed with him and how he'd learn how to be a good boyfriend to someone ;-; 🧡 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, lil bit of smut, oral sex mostly!!
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"You're paying attention, right? Because I really can't see anything..."
"Yeah, yeah, I got you! Just a little... further...Oh, shit, watch that pile of... what is that?"
Your feet kicked something soft in front of you and you recoiled, caught in Maximus' arms.
"Max! Can you just uncover my eyes, please?"
"No, almost there. Just a little further..."
As sweet as the gesture was, you almost regretted telling Maximus that it was your birthday. He was so keen to impress, so determined to make sure you still retained a semblance of your old life, of some goodness. He wanted you to keep that optimism, the kind that made you excited for something like a birthday, something he'd never really been all that fussed by.
More importantly, he wanted to be a good boyfriend.
So he kept his front pressed to your back and guided you over the miscellaneous debris that he had neglected to clean out of the way when he found a safe enough space to set up for your surprise. And then, when you were past the door frame, he removed his hands from your eyes and practically squealed.
"... ok, tah-dah!"
When your vision returned, you found yourself in an empty room, the view from the window suggesting it was on the outskirts of the settlement you and Max had been staying in for the past couple of weeks. On the walls there were tiny triangles of stained fabric, tied together to form bunting. In the corner, a bed with the cleanest sheets you'd seen in months and a dresser with an assortment of your favourite snacks. And in the centre of the room, two dining chairs and a wobbling table, upon which there was a strange looking package.
"Max! This is..."
"It's not great, I know, but... Happy Birthday!"
You could tell that your silence was worrying him, so you choked out whatever words could come to you first.
"Maxi... this is amazing."
The effort he'd put into making the space look at least a little welcoming, and a tiny bit liveable, had rendered you almost entirely speechless, unable to express to him how much it really meant to you.
"You sure?"
"Of course! It's... I love it. It's amazing. Thank you."
Reaching up to him, you cupped his cheek as you pressed a kiss to the other, beaming a bright smile at him before you gestured to the package on the table.
"And this?"
"Oh, right! Your present."
"My present?"
Your eyes widened, excited at what you had suspected had been a gift.
"It's not really like... We don't- didn't... do birthdays in the Brotherhood. But I know it's a big deal for you so..."
He reached for the gift, pulling out a chair for you and placing the parcel in your lap once you were seated. As you looked closely at it, you could make out some of the design on the paper. Singed edges of old comic books, scraps from books, all held together with some strips of duct tape. It upset you to even unwrap it, as you thought about the effort he had gone to, so you tore the paper away gently, admiring your gift once you had revealed it.
"Oh, Maxi, this is so sweet."
You held an almost pristine souvenir mug with the Nuka-Cola logo on the front. There was no way of knowing how he'd managed to find it up here, or how much he might have had to spend to get it from a trader. It was perfect.
"It's not great... it's... I'm sorry, it's crap."
"It is not! I love it!"
"Wow, really? Because I had a back-up if you didn't-"
Your ears pricked up, eyes focusing on his sweet, flushed cheeks as your pupils dilated.
"A back-up? You mean there's another gift?"
Maximus stammered over his words, nervously scratching at the back of his neck, flustered by the intense focus you were now giving him.
"It's more of a... like a surprise."
"Well, show me!"
With a renewed excitement, Max took your hand and guided you from the table to the bed, slightly giddy in the way he practically skipped over to it.
"Ok, lie down."
You raised an eyebrow with an excited smile, but did as he asked, letting your body sink into the busted bedframe and watching as he sank to his knees at the bottom of the bed. His hands, shaking with nerves, skimmed up your thigh and grabbed your hips, pulling you down the mattress closer to him. You let out a squeal of shock, giggling as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your pants, pulling them down your legs and taking your underwear with them.
You sat up on your elbows, looking down at him with a grin so wide it almost hurt your cheeks.
"Are you really doing this?"
"Yeah... I've been practising."
He raised his eyebrows, his lips forming a sweet, proud smile.
"Yep, I've been practising."
"I don't even want to ask how..."
"Then don't, just let me show you."
With your lower half completely exposed, your pants and underwear placed in a small heap next to where Maximus knelt, you felt your body warming with arousal, anticipation spreading through your veins as you felt him leaning in, his warm breath on your thighs, then against your cunt.
And then, his tongue, hot, wet, pressed flat against your lips, forcing the tip between then, spreading them apart as he dragged the muscle up and down over your entrance, teasing it as he reached the top. He had been practising, and he’d obviously learned a little bit about anatomy somehow.
“Max… Max, this is… it’s so good…”
He paused for a moment, smiling happily, a sense of pride in his work.
“It is… you taste good… better than anything I’ve eaten out here…”
You gripped at the sheets as he returned to your body, lips enclosing over your pussy as he sucked and lapped, moaning with satisfaction at how you tasted, how you felt against his face, thighs pressed against his cheeks. And with the innocent joy he always held for these intimate moments together, he wondered if you’d let him do this again for his birthday.
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hey, so I saw that you have a post on the fairy tail guys' secret talents. Can I ask you to extend that and add some of the girls' talents as well? Thank you!
Hey man its not that im not happy to oblige or anything but uhhhhhh how the fuck did you find that hc post??? I'm serious i made that post when i was high school i can't even find it
Levy's quite the lil craftsperson. Any sorta artsy, home made type of crafts she's all for it- scrapbooking, book binding, pottery,etc that kind of stuff. The messier the type of craft the better because she's such a tactile person. She never says anything about her crafts because to her its not that much of a big deal just fun stuff to do every once in a while.
Lucy is great at masking her emotions and also, pretty decent at lying when the situation calls for it. Years of having Jude as a father can do that to a person. The pro is she can easily fuck over opponents in a fight or worm some key info outta them (or outwit her friends at card games lol) the con is uhhhh, the other stuff.
Erza has no secret talent. She's really trying though because she wants to be able to do fun stuff. She wants to cook! Bake! Sew! She wants to be home-y! To draw and write pretty! To act and sing and dance! But alas the universe is not giving her those talents no matter how hard she tries 😔✌. Ok i'm kidding, apart from that Erza's got a real sharp eye for counterfeit clothing and weapons, like scarily so. She can easily discern a brand name from a fake with just a quick glance over.
Wendy, surprisingly, is a really good thief. She's great a slipping things out of people's grasp, their pockets and what not and no one would ever suspect her of it because dude, it's Wendy. She discovered this skill entirely by accident (took something from Gray and thought he realized) and it goes largely unused because she feels bad about it :( .
Cana's is less of a secret talent and more of a known secret where she just happens to know everyone's business. She's not even nosy or anything but news just always has a way of dropping itself in her lap either by accident or someone spilling their thoughts to her (drunk or sober). She never does anything with this information either (maybe if it's someone shes close to she might tease), she just sits there knowing everything and knows that everyone knows she knows and does nothing.
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
Aita for lying to my girlfriend about my well-being?
This happened about a bit more than half a year ago. I (at the time 17M) and my childhood friend, Angel (Fake name, 17F) decided to go on a "date" of sorts in an amusement park nearby. We weren't dating back then.
We've been always inseparable until this... incident.
Our hangout went as great as it can be with me nearby. A murder happened in one of the rides, but other than that, we had a great time.
When we were leaving, though... I saw something shady occurring nearby (she didn't notice), which peaked my interest. I ran in that direction, and I asked her to go on without me.
I decided to eavesdrop, and these three shady men were making an illegal trading deal. Even though I've seen crime upclose before, I got an bad omen, so I left in order to contact the police.
Unfortunately they noticed, and beat me in the head. They even tried poison as a way of silencing me, but thankfully it didn't work (Not as well as they expected, at the very least) and I survived. When I was able to walk, I decided to flee.
This is where the real problem starts. These guys didn't look like mere criminals, so I disappeared from the public. I've kept myself hidden even from my closest friends- because I'm afraid they will hunt me and my friends/family if they find out I'm still alive.
To make it worse, my fears were confirmed after I met a certain person involved with them- which revealed to me these guys are part of a huge Organized Crime sect.
Because of my disappearance, people started to suspect I died (I am quite famous, afterall). Angel got very depressed- and I couldn't stand seeing her like this. I started using public and burner phones to talk with her and let Angel know I am still alive. This eased her nerves a bit, but not completely. I can't tell her the true nature of this- that my life is in danger, because then she would want to help me. And I don't want her to suffer.
She keeps asking me why am I taking so long, why I don't tell her anything and why I she can't help me through this. And I have to keep lying. And I hate it.
I've managed to meet up with her a few times (which is how we started dating), but my health has not been the same after I was forced to take that poison. I'm never allowed to spend too much time with her- which ends up hurting her even more.
I feel terrible at the fact that I'm lying about... everything. To my own girlfriend! She doesn't know danger I'm in, why I can't see her anymore, why do I always look sickly, why this case is taking so long and about my "health". Sometimes I wonder if I really should tell her, but if something bad happened, I would never forgive myself.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Can I request a Keoghan Joker x reader where she appears to be very innocent/‘normal’ but they are just absolutely head over heels crazy for each other?
A/N: Hecc YES 💚💜 keep sending in your requests guys!! Just realised this is literally a dating headcanon lmao
Pairing: Keoghan!Joker x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Crazy love 😜🃏
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• You come across as sweet and funny, an average girl who enjoys life and all...
• Basically, no one would ever suspect you to be partners in crime with the Joker
• You know exactly what you're doing, sneaking around behind the scenes while your boyfriend causes chaos
• Whenever you help him out and kick ass, he's legit drooling 😍
• It's like?? So hot to him hehehe
• The Joker and you most likely met before he was taken to Arkham, where he was shooting up a party/gala
• Then he bumped into you, and instead of running off screaming, you're like "You're never gonna get that blood outta your top..."
• He's frozen for a long moment before he bursts out laughing
• After that, you two are pretty much inseparable
• Needless to say, the clown prince of crime's only weakness
• You come into Arkham to 'visit' him and the guards are all worried for your safety and stuff, but as soon as the door's shut, you're talking about killing and breaking his ass outta the asylum
• When J loves, he loves hard
• He's DeEpLy In LoVe
• Like, he's obsessed with you 💚
• It's also a slight shock to him that you love him despite the scars and the usually terrifying looks and personality he has
• You being crazy heightens his crazy, and he lives for it
• Joker can get jealous pretty easily, and is hugely protective, so if some guy looks at you the wrong way or says the wrong thing, they're not gonna last long
• You're the only one he'll let in on his plans and thoughts about things that are going on
• Boy loves spoiling you, so you're gonna have guns with the metal laced with your fave colours and initials
• You're well looked after 😂
• He finds it funny when people think you're innocent and friendly, but you're actually a total badass 😎
• You luring people in with a sweet smile and soft words while you get info J needs or leading them into his traps...
• Match made in hell 😛
• He tends not to tell you he loves you through words, but through actions and intense making out
• Mkay but have you heard his voice? He sounds so calm except for when he's having a laughing fit, so when he speaks to you, arms wrapped tightly around your waist from behind, leaning down to murmur in your ear and aahghapsvsdf I can't 🥰
• Calls you nicknames like doll and queenie
• He's a great hugger, I just know
• So at nights he likes sitting with you on his lap while he plays with your hair and tells you stupid jokes to see you smile
• And Joker thinks that your smile is one of the best things about you, so he likes seeing it a lot, particularly if he's causing it
• "C'mon, doll, where's that pretty smile of yours, hm?"
• He's very good at reading people and stuff, as seen in the deleted scene clip, so if something's bugging you he'll wanna know so he can deal with it 😌
• And if by any chance, you're taken to Arkham, you're gonna be broken out immediately lol
• He's only soft for you bestie 💕
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dragontamer-nia-2 · 4 years
Olivier [Beyblade theories on crack]
Welcome to my random rants about random beyblade things. I have a lot of things to say about the Euro Team and how tragically underestimated and undervalued they are, as characters, but also as very smart plot devices, so in these posts I'm gonna pick a fight with the writers and yell at clouds while probably drunk. If you want a trip, and you think you don't like the Euro team, then jump on.
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This guy. 
I love this guy.
This guy is great and I swear to god they knew what they were doing when they decided when and how to introduce him.
So, from the encounter at the top of the Eiffel Tower in ep 33 we know that this guy is mysterious and that he blades; he randomly starts roasting the Bladebreakers unprovoked, which is always fun, but fucks off before anything interesting can happen. What the writers decided to do in the next episode was split up the team, and have them find out more about Olivier separately: since everywhere they go they meet someone that has at least heard of him, we can't help but feel that this guy is kind of a big deal. From Max we learn that he's bloody rich, from Rei we learn that he's a great cook, from them both (when two guys conveniently share the information right in front of them… anime logic) we learn that he's the best blader in France, and from Takao and Kyouju we learn that he likes art, and… prepare your tinfoil hats, guys, because we're going deep.
The thing is, we know this guy is manipulative, and we know it because he offers Takao lunch in his own super expensive restaurant to distract him from the fact that he just ruined hundreds of people's day. Kyouju even points out that something's wrong when he sees Takao go into the Louvre absolutely furious at Olivier, and then sees them come out like buddies. We also know it because… come on guys, have you seen his face? Have you seen his evil smirk? He's a walking troll face. It's like the animators want us to not trust him. And yet, every background character seemingly adores him, even though we don't really get a specific reason why.
I mean… this is a kids show, I know. And the writing is messy most of the times. But this guy. This guy is shady as fuck. You can take him at face value and assume he's a well-meaning asshole, completely oblivious to normal interpersonal relationships, living in rich people's world where he can just do whatever the fuck he wants. Or. He could be one bad day away from being a chaotic-evil type of supervillain, because it's almost like he's doing everything he possibly can to lure and provoke Takao into battle while holding the façade of smiles and politeness. And the funny thing is that Takao doesn't even notice his intimidation attempts (while Kyouju falls for them at every step)
But, exactly, how manipulative is he? And, more importantly, is he even aware of it? Let's assume the worst about him for a second, that everything he did and said had the purpose to push buttons and provoke a reaction. Then just in episode 34 we have the following:
- He reserves the whole Louvre knowing that the Bladebreakers were going around famous tourists attractions
- He immediately interrupts Takao and makes him waste time on honorifics before letting him speak
- He invites Takao and Kyouju, two guys clearly not dressed for the occasion and who probably don't know proper etiquette, to his high class, really expensive restaurant, serves them delicious food he cooked himself, and even implies that he could kick everyone else out if he wanted to
- He namedrops that one guy from Team Who, in a conversation that really wasn't going in that direction, and then uses the bait to imply that he's much stronger than those guys, knowing fully well that Takao was having a hard time the previous day against them
- He basically corners Takao into battling in the middle of a fucking public park, knowing that there are a lot of people around and everyone wants to see the French champion battle
Now. The thing is, I can't prove he's the Machiavellian mastermind I suspect him to be, and the only way this whole thing works is that, in this episode, Olivier somehow got Takao and Kyouju alone and the rest of the team (Kai in particular) is not there to call Olivier out on his bullshit.
On the Eiffel Tower, at the very end of ep 33, Olivier did mention, among other things, that he has unresolved business with Team Who, and it's Kai that questions him to get more information. And what does Olivier do? He immediately cuts him off with "none of your business" and basically flees. We even get a reaction shot of Kai. Afterwards, Kai goes around trying to find out more information about Olivier on his own, and spies on the battle unseen. What's going on here? Well, Kai is not like his teammates, he's not naive, he knows what manipulation looks like and I think Olivier realizes it. That's why Olivier doesn't even try to play dumb with him like he does with basically everyone else, and that's why Kai circumvents the problem by playing bully with random kids instead of trying to confront him directly.
And I know all of this may be "chemicals are making the frogs gay" level tinfoil, but come on, just look at Olivier's reaction when Takao barges into the Louvre and somehow finds him. What does he looks like he's thinking?
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At the end, it doesn't really matter, because Olivier doesn't win like he expects. Granted, at this point he can't lose - because the arc has just begun and Takao needs to work harder, and because Olivier already shit-talked Team Who in two different occasions while the writers want them to be a legit threat for the Bladebreakers. But Olivier can't win either, because we're already at the end of episode 34, we have three teams to juggle, and Takao can't keep losing and having to fight against the same people the whole arc. So they tie… and Olivier is shook. He miscalculated. For some reason this guy, this clueless, impulsive idiot, didn't lose immediately and neatly like he expected. And since Olivier does have honor, and respects people stronger than him, he immediately changes his tone, shuts down the peasants that don't understand these kind of things, and he starts treating Takao like an actual person (kinda).
Option A) Oh, what's this guy doing here while the Louvre should be closed?
Option B) How lucky, I caught him alone
One thing that stands out, though, is that he is the one member of the Euro Team who never loses. They had reasons to make his fight with Takao a tie, but why did they make him tie with Rei? Although I do have my own little theory about this, I noticed that he's the only member of the Euro Team that actually has other things going on in his life other than beyblade. The guy is rich, he is very interested in art, he works as a chef and wins culinary competitions. The fact that he's probably a bored psychopath is balanced by the fact that he seems to have his personal life together, he doesn't put his whole worth into spinning tops clashing against each other, and he has the self-confidence to admit when he was wrong. Which is… more than we say about the other European guys.
So, I'm thinking, because this is called Beyblade theories on crack after all, and there's too much reasonable stuff in this post so far… maybe the writers wanted to use the Euro Team to make a point about not winning, and being ok with it, and they really couldn't make it with the Bladebreakers because they are the protagonists. They can't lose - not permanently. Olivier doesn't win, twice, and… he's shook that he miscalculated, he seems to be honestly confused, his whole drive is not winning, but understand what's going on. That's why he sends the Bladebreakers to Giancarlo, that's why he convinces him to bring them to Ralf, he does want to study Takao, and… is he using the rest of the Euro Team as guinea pigs? Or did he notice something that's missing in them, and subconsciously wants to fix it?
Here's my hot take, and the conclusion to this dumb post. Olivier is not aware of his own machinations. He's a natural manipulator and he has a talent to read people or get info out of them, and he mainly does this by playing dumb and wait until people scream at him who they are and what they want. He reads the Euro Team, he reads the Bladebreakers, and realizes one thing: they could help each other. He baits Takao with the prospect of more beybattles and then follows him to see what happens. If it's chaos, good, if it's some life lesson, better. He manages to get Giancarlo on board and the both of them, combined with Takao, eventually get to Ralf. But what Olivier doesn't realize is that the very thing that he is subconsciously asking Giancarlo, Johnny, and Ralf to fix, is their inability to lean on other people, their skeptical and wary natures, their need to be perfect, without weaknesses, in the eyes of the world; and if Olivier was aware of his own machinations he would have realized sooner that, all this time, all he wanted was to have friends. And if I’m right about anything about this, then the writers will have done a good job with at least one member of the Euro Team, because it’s not only a fucking genius way to introduce the arc, the team, and the theme, but he’s also a damn good character.
I love this guy.
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la-galaxie-langblr · 4 years
I've never done this type of post before but it's sort of still within the studyblr theme and I have some Thoughts™ so I may as well.
I can't do a read more on mobile and this will be a long post so be warned.
One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus Review (contains spoilers)
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(excuse the bad cropping I tried)
The Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars, One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.
Pay close attention and you might solve this.
On Monday afternoon, five students at Bayview High walk into detention.
Bronwyn, the brain, is Yale-bound and never breaks a rule.
Addy, the beauty, is the picture-perfect homecoming princess.
Nate, the criminal, is already on probation for dealing.
Cooper, the athlete, is the all-star baseball pitcher.
And Simon, the outcast, is the creator of Bayview High's notorious gossip app.
Only, Simon never makes it out of that classroom. Before the end of detention, Simon's dead. And according to investigators, his death wasn't an accident. On Monday, he died. But on Tuesday, he'd planned to post juicy reveals about all four of his high-profile classmates, which makes all four of them suspects in his murder. Or are they the perfect patsies for a killer who's still on the loose?
Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you would go to protect them.
Description from Goodreads.com
TW - mentions and themes of depression, suicide, mental illness, homophobia, being outed
What I liked
I generally liked the four main characters, they have personalities and flaws and they're likeable for the most part
Addy's character arc was probably my favourite, her realisation that Jake was a controlling boyfriend, cutting off her hair and expressing herself, becoming more independent from her mother and learning to improve her relationship with her sister, in general I liked the character she became by the end
Speaking of sisters, I liked the dynamic between Maeve and Bronwyn. Bronwyn doesn't baby her despite her medical history and they get on well, as well as the odd normal sibling arguments
Despite being sceptical at first, I thought Nate and Bronwyn's romance was quite cute by the end of the novel
There was decent suspense surrounding the mystery
As much as I found flaws in Cooper's story (see below) I liked how he could have been the horrible jock, but he was actually a decent person. A nice difference from the typical jock character
Nonny is my favourite adult. We love wise old ladies
What I disliked
I called quite a lot of the major plot points. Not to brag or anything, but it shows it's slightly predictable at times. I predicted that Bronwyn and Nate would get together pretty early in the book, I predicted that Janae would be involved, I predicted that it would be a suicide. I predicted those last two about 2/3 of the way through the book so it wasn't obvious from the start but yeah
The characters are very one dimensional and stereotypical at the start, and if it weren't for sheer will power I would have given up fairly quickly. Bronwyn is a geek who does all the extracurriculars, Nate is a bad boy with a criminal record, Cooper is great at sports and Addy is very shallow. Literally what they're said to be on the title in the first few chapters
The good girl/bad boy romance between Bronwyn and Nate was predictable. I've read enough Wattpad books to know the formula and spot the signs - childhood friends, pretend to have nothing to do with each other but actually have feelings for each other secretly, good girl finds out that bad boy has bad home life, bad boy finds out good girl isn't as much of a rule stickler as first appears, love. Ta da. A couple
I was disappointed with Cooper's arc and story. I thought near the start when it was shown that all of them have secrets "If one of the characters' secrets is that one of them is gay, that could be cool to explore the themes of homophobia in high schools. It would be even cooler if it was Cooper, as toxic masculinity within sports is a problem" I was proud of myself for kind of calling that one but I was disappointed with how it was handled
I feel like we could have seen more of Cooper and his father repairing their relationship after Cooper is forced to come out due to circumstances. Like the father is disappointed, then a couple chapters later he's kind of talking to him again only after Cooper starts receiving baseball offers again. There's no awkward conversation, no trying to understand from the father, it just happens and then it seems to be over and is never touched on again. There could have been a lot more done with this plot point and I feel he was robbed of the character development that the other three got, especially Addy. I was so happy with her arc and disappointed with Cooper's
There was no follow up with the police basically outing Cooper and getting away with it?? Like there's talk of people being angry at what the police did but the police never faced consequences nor was there any discussion within the novel about why outing someone is bad. I know it's not the main plot of the novel and I'm not expecting a Simon-Martin-carpark masterpiece exchange like in Simon vs The Homosapiens Agenda but there could have been something??
Sidenote - I want to do more book reviews, especially on queer books, and Simon will be the first.
There was the cafeteria scene and the mention of those boys being nasty at a baseball game but Cooper faces relatively little opposition after coming out. Yes, I want queer characters to be happy. Yes, I know this is not the main plot of the book. I'm just saying Cooper was robbed of a good character arc and if there had been more between him and his father I would have less complaints
I get why he cheated on Keeley, compulsory heteronormativity is a real and difficult problem, but Cooper faces no consequences for cheating on Keeley. She's not my favourite character for reasons I don't know how to explain but she deserved better
The explanation of how and why for the ending is confusing to read, we know almost nothing before Janae reveals everything. It's a lot of info to take in at once and so it makes everything very confusing
OK here we go, my big problem with the book - its handling of mental health, particularly depression, self harm and suicide. Final TW before things get serious.
The final twist of revealing that Simon's death wasn't murder, it was suicide - I get he was depressed, I get his reasons, but I've also seen other people complain about this - Suicide is a delicate and serious topic that needs to be handled with sensitivity and shouldn't be a plot twist for shock factor. No hate to the author, but it needs to be said, I don't like how this was handled at all
I have similar comments to write for Leah's character
Final rating - 2/5 (⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫)
The characters are what saves this from a lower rating. I was disappointed in general - with Cooper's arc, the handling of sensitive topics and the ending. I'd heard such good things about this book and I'm disappointed.
If you liked this book, tell me why! Yes I was very critical, but I want to hear different opinions so my view of the book becomes more rounded. I want to do more of these so I hope you enjoyed :)
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Hidan Kakuzu Story PT1
Yeah been awhile sorrryyy and I'll try to write on Wattpad no promises school is coming up for me so ya know. Anyways enjoy! Edit: Also I don't know much about Naruto and stuff so bare with me lol. ------------------------------------------------- 3rd/1st POV? Hidan and Kakuzu's footsteps could be heard as they trudged through an empty alley of Yugakure. The weather was fairly humid as expected much to Hidan's dislike. So your probably asking why they are in the peaceful, quiet, beautiful village? Well Pain sent them there because one of their main informants were there kind of ironic since the village was known for it's pacifism. The informant was suppose to meet with them at some sort of diner an odd meeting place indeed, but no one would suspect it. The place was called "Leo's Diner" and it was more then just a salon it was also the hotspot for black market deals, gambling, and other illegal activities. Who would have thought such a great village would have a bad side? Of course in order to even get in on all of this you have to have a password; such a cliché. They had arrived at a magenta colored door and a shabby looking window with a sign in it that said "Opened". Kakuzu and Hidan walked in and looked around. Yup this was the place lots of shady character were already here. Kakuzu walked up to the bar and Hidan sat at a neary table. Kakuzu POV It looked shabby on the outside but, the inside was pretty nice. Marble floors, really expensive chairs, and a full liquor bar (Graystillplays moment). The smell of things being fried filled the air along with the sweet smell of cheesecake. I might just eat here but, today is not that day. I have a mission and I can't not lose sight of it. I motioned a waiter over towards him. He looked a bit old probably in his sixties he seems a bit rich too he had several rings on one finger. The man looked at me with an uninterested look on his face. "What can I get you?" "A large milkshake for two with a regular burger and fries on the side." The old man scoffed. "Any desserts? "Two regular cheesecake and one triple chocolate cake." The old man nodded and told me to wait until everyone was gone. I walked over to Kakuzu and told him the news and of course he didn't like it. "Your telling me we have to wait here until everyone is gone and we don't even get food?" I didn't feel like responding to him and just let him throw a tantrum, until people started staring then I sent him a withering glare. He had shut up but, continued to grumble and curse under hos breath. I just couldn't understand him sometimes we have a mission to complete and limited time to do it drawing attention to ourselves wasn't helping either. I sighed I just wanted to go to bed. Minutes turned into hours as I let myself fall into a deep sleep but, I was awoken by a smash. My eyes instantly opened and I was enclosed by chaos and of course Hidan was the center of it. Chair were thrown, drinks were spilled and people were tossing each other around like ragdolls Hidan being one of them. I don't know if I should do anything or not but, if I don't our chances of getting our hands on the informant were slim. Just my luck. Hidan POV Great Kakuzu has gone to sleep and almost everyone was gone except a few guys. Man this sucked I mean I could wake him up but, who needs him anyway. I was bored and tired so I did the only thing that would help me. I decided to mess with people I took a straw and some napkins and spit out spit balls. (That sentence-). I hit like four guys new record but, they didn't seem to see it that way. Next thing I knew I was being smashed onto the table and thrown around like rock. I looked over to where Kakuzu was and to my luck he was awake but, not too happy. Kakuzu just sat there he looked like he was thinking. But, about what?? Oh yeah sure let me just think right quick as my partner is being thrown around! Man I hate him. Eventually he got up and helped me long story short everyone was not here we were the only ones. Then we see the waiter dude stomp over to us. Kakuzu and him had gotten into a
yelling match something about "valued customers" and "ruined". Kakuzu then dragged me out of the diner. "Well at least everyone is gone?" I tried to lighten the mood a bit but, that just made him even more pissed. "What the hell did you do? Now how will we find the informant?" Typical Kakuzu blame it all on me. "We can just go back in and ask the owner right?" Kakuzu rubbed his temple and groaned. "That was Leo. He works their as a waiter sometimes." Wow who would have known? "Well how the heck does making us wait for hours make any sense just to meet someone?" Kakuzu just stared at me as if I was dumb. "The informant was in the back room and because people were their Leo had to wait to let us in or people would become suspicious. If you don't know our informant has access to lots of information and is pretty famous in the underworld people sit at the diner everyday just waiting for an appointment but, few get it. We were the few but, now you fucked that up beyond repair." Ohhhh hm maybe I shouldn't have threw those balls. Kakuzu POV I never felt so angry in my life but, that's what I get for taking my eye off Hidan so it's my fault. Then in front of me I see boss and his projection body. (Idk how to explain it Ik it's shinenha but, I can't explain how it works sum like that). "Have you found the informant yet?" Do I play it off? Tell him? Well either way he was gonna see through it might as well shoot for the truth. I told him what happened and Hidan beside me nervously laughed. The boss simply nodded and said "Well lucky for you the informant is at another site a saloon s called "Yui's Nails And Hair." And this time don't mess it up it is vital we get the info we need." "Wait so where is it?" Hidan says. "It's nearby let's just hope they haven't heard of your little incident. You can't miss it." The boss then hung up. I just wanted to sleep in today. Hidan was already off and I followed behind not in much of a mood and it only got worse once he started talking. This was going to be a long walk. Hidan POV Finally, a chance to prove to Kakuzu and the rest of the Akatsuki I am not a failure. I spot the neon sign a few feet away "Yui's Nails And Hair". Hah take that Kakuzu. I ran up to the door and waited for Kakuzu to catch up. When he did I knocked on the door and a very pretty lady answered she looked young around her twenties. "What can I do for you boys?" But, she wasn't looking at me at all she was staring at Kakuzu. Creep. Kakuzu stepped forward and pushed me aside. I would have been mad but, he as better with people then me surprisingly. "We're here to see The Phoenix". She smirked and nodded. "Right this way boys." She led us through the saloon filled with people. It seemed like everyone and their mom was their. Some gawked at us, some looked disgusted, some even sent flirtatious glances our way or maybe it was Kakuzu's. We went into a back room and she pulled one of the tables aside and pulling a lever revealing a staircase going downward. Coooooool. Kakuzu POV This place reeked of crime and so did this woman. Especially this woman everyone seemed to be afraid. I don't know if Hidan noticed but, everyone seemed to ignore her gaze. That also could just be me being paranoid. As we descended down the stairs it became more apparent we were far from anyone else. No one could here if we screamed or were in trouble but, I doubt they cared. She opened a door and it led us into a small but, nicely decorated room. "I'll go get him". She sashays into another room. Minutes later she emerged but, she looked way different. "I heard you wanted to see me?" I stood there a bit shocked and surprised not because she turned out to be who we were looking for but, I knew her. ------------------------------------------------ Ok
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