#also sorry if I made mistakes
tippenfunkaport · 5 months
You know, it would be amazing if Hollywood learned the right lesson from the success of Nimona. Something like "Hey, maybe don't throw out a nearly done movie as a tax write off" or "people want queer stories" or even "don't be afraid to take some storytelling risks and be original" but you just know they're going to come away with some absolutely batshit takeaway like, "next time delete all the evidence and burn it to the ground so the gays can't make us look bad!"
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egophiliac · 4 months
What do you like about the Diasomnia boys if I may ask?
I always love hearing about the different reasons people enjoy characters.
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I mean, c'mon. he has split custody over Sebek okay
also, Lilia in particular has maybe the best timeskip character development of all time
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 chapter 4 spoilers#stage in playful land#i hope this is legible whoops#anon i am sorry but you made the fatal mistake of asking me to talk about diasomnia#insert 'i just think they're neat' jpg#i do like the other characters a lot but they are definitely my favorites#they just hit a lot of my favorite things in characters i guess!#yes even you sebek even though you keep shrieking NINGEN at me#(it's okay he gets Character Development™ later)#and their dynamic! it's great! these guys frikking love each other SO much and they WILL have terrible terrible angst about it#ohoho delicious#give me all your emotional hangups baybeeeee#also somewhere in there i went from 'i like them all equally (but lilia is the most fun to draw)'#to 'lilia is absolutely my favorite (and still the most fun to draw) (EVEN MORE fun now thank you swishy ponytail!)'#(it was probably when his candy coating got a little scratched and whoops all the tragedy fell out)#(where's that 'get loved loser' post because i need to staple it to lilia's forehead)#i am extremely bad at putting things into words so please don't ask me to explain it any further#just know that the diafam is everything to me and if we don't get more episode 7 soon i'm going to crumble into dust and blow away#we'll be getting the crowleytimes on monday and maybe there will be. idk. some foreshadowing or something in his groovy#probably not but LOOK i'm desperate
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
Only the most important bits of the dev stream (trust me) with subtitles!
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swedenis-h · 1 year
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Something I’ve been thinking about lately is that small moment in “Air Turtle” where immediately after the Daves lose yet another game, Leo says how sorry he is and how he’s doing his best as the mascot. This moment is so short but it’s honestly jam-packed with a whole heap of characterization.
His need to apologize for things clearly not his fault - especially when it feels like he messes up the job he was given despite doing the best he can (the phrase “it’s not about you” takes a new meaning when this is one of the lessons to be learned from that - that he is not always solely responsible for things going wrong), his need to save face and make a connection with an older adult man in his life (something he consistently does throughout the series - he’s got a few daddy issues, always collecting potential father figures, it’s no wonder he jumps at the bit to keep rapport), and the way he sounds and looks and the words he chooses really pushes how he is just a kid (“Mr. the Dunk, I’m so sorry”).
Like I know it’s a one off moment that doesn’t truly mean much, but when put against the rest of the series it works really well with the rest of Leo’s established character and helps in solidifying later concepts as well.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#rottmnt headcanons#am I looking too much into things? almost assuredly yes#I actually appreciate how tim immediately goes ‘it’s not your fault’ as well? like he could’ve just blamed this 15/16 year old but he didn’t#but yeah this moment got to me a little mainly because it made me realize that Leo…DOES take responsibility for things a lot#he messes up a ton yeah but he says sorry at a pretty consistent rate#and y’know thinking about it#THIS IS TINFOIL HAT TERRITORY BE WARNED#he’s mentioned being betrayed by his brothers before - I wonder if it was something as simple as taking the fall for like#breaking something of Splinters or whatever#point is it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for him to get the full blame for something only partially his fault#or not his fault at all in some cases#like in bug busters where Raph gets mad at Leo for not getting captured with them#(I understand Raph’s mindset here a ton - Raph’s the leader and he’s likely lashing out so I don’t blame the poor kid)#but this plus the moment at the beginning of the movie#where only Leo is reprimanded despite Mikey and Donnie having full autonomy to join the fun pizza stacking#make no mistake this is not at all a diss on everyone else!!! it’s just something I noticed#I think that “it’s not about you” doesn’t just pertain to being arrogant and wanting the spotlight#I think it’s also about how responsibility is meant to be shared#and like#Leo DOES mess up a lot! so he’s honestly probably used to having the blame because it is often at least somewhat warranted#he’s specifically described as being good at apologizing after all#tldr: Leo messes up a lot of the time so he is very used to blame and attention both good and bad#even when the full blame should not be solely on his shoulders
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For all of the “Raph raised himself AND his brothers” fans out there I bring this train wreck of a thought (I’m a lil sleepy so sorry if it doesn’t make sense or if I repeat myself a lot-)
We do not in fact have any actual evidence that splinter was neglectful to the boys when they were little. In fact, we have the opposite.
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All of these flashbacks indicate that Splinter acc spent a LOT of time with his boys-
With Mikey, he was obviously coached in his art, a smol child can’t paint like that no matter how talented they are so we can see that splinter put in the time/effort to get Mikey the supplies and teach him how to do it well. Which probably means he researched and learned it himself first, idk I just can’t really see Yoshi knowing how to paint/draw that well but that’s just a theory.
With raph and Leo, their lemonade stand is structurally sound: obviously not put together by an 8 year old, and there’s a lotta lemons lyin around that were probably a bit difficult to find, and just LOOK at their faces here they are definitely familiar with this kind of father/son shenaniganizing-also just LOOK at raph. That’s a happy child, one full of excitement and happiness, not a kid who had to grow up too fast. Also his dad is literally right there in the picture
And then with Donnie, I can’t really tell what he’s doing in the background (it’s a bomb) but what i take from that screenshot is that Donnie feels safe/loved enough to come to Splinter when he gets hurt. And Splinters taking care of him!! And, Donnie is wearing clothes, which shows that he went out and got clothes for them but also didn’t force the boys to wear them if they didn’t want to (see other screenshots lol) which also goes to show that he lets his boys choose who they wanna be and what they wanna do. At any point he could’ve forced all of them to train as ninja, at any point he could’ve made clothes mandatory, and at any point he could’ve forced them to drop things that made them happy like skating or science or art but nah. He was supportive every step of the way.
Now am I saying he was perfect? No. Am I saying he couldn’t have done anything better? No. What I’m saying is that Raph acc did not have to raise himself and his brothers. Splinter acc gave them a pretty good childhood, all things considered and it kinda makes me sad when ppl bash Rise Splinter or continue the neglectful parent trope. Again, I’m not saying he did everything right, he def could have spent more time with his kids on an individual basis and he should’ve been more present, but let’s cut him some slack bc he did a really good job at raising the boys. And he got so much better as the show progressed! But that’s another post lol. I’m also not trying to take away Raphs oldest sibling syndrome, he still def has that from being the leader and watching his bros while splinter was away-I’m just saying he didn’t have to do it ALL alone.
Look in the end he’s doing his best and his best was really good for what they had. He’s a good dad, he’s not neglectful.
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itslavenduh · 26 days
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That one screenshot.
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Reference ^ Don't ask me which episode it's from I cannot remember <3
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sillyahhchana · 2 years
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who up screaming trembling scratching the wall with me
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a little bit different! here u go (update: part 2 here!)
tsu'tey x courting season (part 1) ⋆。゚✧。⋆☾
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in which tsu'tey's teaching becomes a little too distracting *insert coy gasp here*
"look. up.", "forward", "still! still, stay." were the commonly repeated phrases uttered from a rather irritated tsu'tey; he'd been doing his utmost to teach you the ways in both stalking and hunting prey for the past few days, but the lack of recent improvement was beginning to rear its head.
what began as full strides to complete posture, correct technique and a rather impressive set of shots to some oblivious prey, had since morphed to wavering bow aims and fidgeting feet. tsu'tey's flattened ears, narrowed eyes and short, curt hisses through his sharp-fanged teeth did nothing but worsen the situation.
he'd not yet clocked just how much his behaviour influenced your ability to focus; perhaps due to the rather overt forms of mate-pairing within the omaticaya clan, but more likely the amount of sheer effort you'd been exerting in restricting your swishing tail, picked up breaths and lip-bites at his snarls and sighs--these should be inciting some element of fear, which they did, but unfortunately did little to qualm the ever-increasing arousal pooling in your lower abdomen.
"..aaaassshk! stop it. this is sloppy, water-like, like wet leaves. no. look straight." through gritted teeth he'd hissed the commands, his long nimble fingers swiftly restructuring your messy bow technique, then rearranging your shoulder and elbow to better aim at the small animal a few meters away. the necessity for virtually-silent signalling and language was abundant, yet his irritation at your lack of awareness and focus was enough to illicit some restrained hisses and bared fangs nonetheless.
straightening up, you lifted your chin, squinted your eyes, took a slow, deep breath, and let the arrow fly. whizzing past the foliage and thick, aged tree trunks surrounding you, it missed the shot by more than a few inches. had it not been for the multiple target hits yesterday, tsu'tey would have been much harsher; although his response to the failure remained strict and firm.
landing a sharp, stinging smack to your right cheek, you couldn't help but let the short gasp escape your lips; your eyes glossed over with small unshed tears, expression contorting into one of badly-masked shock and humiliation. all the while he snarled in exhasperation, "lost. this..no focus, it ends. today. i will not see it..more - yes?" he let out, eyes now baring into your wide shiny orbs; his expression never softened, only seeking out your response, a meek "..yes." leaving your mouth as you cast your eyes to the ground in shame.
he only let up after seeing the plumes of rose staining your blue cheeks; eyebrows woven into a straight line, bottom lip bitten in some strange mix of embarrassment, and something he couldn't quite place. the only tell-tale sign of a conflicting emotion being the brightly glowing dots littering your skin; most commonly associated with arousal--but tsu'tey's disappointment in your lack of focus on the task at hand overshadowed any intrigue at your murky expression.
you, on the other hand, had been doing your utmost to ignore the rising heat burning in your stomach; the once small spark of arousal having almost burst into a flame of need from his harsh words and stinging touch. the burn of his hard smack to your face still rippled through your body, reaching your lightly throbbing pussy in lighting speed.
not only had tsu'tey been closely instructing you, but so as to avoid scaring off the small prey, he'd been whispering. and not only whispering, but whispering up close. his soft beads and coarse braids gently dangling against your exposed neck and collarbone; hot, sharp breath fanning against your skin; humiliatingly curt instructions doing nothing but further distracting you.
he'd not noticed, but you'd been biting your lip to qualm any questionable sounds that may escape--the wetness was slicking up your folds, you could feel it. every time tsu'tey rearranged your posture, using one of his long toned legs to push yours closer together, you could feel the slight squelch of your sticky juices sliding all the way from your swollen bud to your clenching entrance; surely he noticed the squirming? the eyes cast down, the blush painting its way across your face? his hard expression never ceased, so likely not.
but as he continued waiting for another slinth to cross your path, posture almost marble-like in its stillness, head high, ears up, listening for any movements, you felt the increasing arousal begin to spread without any means of stopping it. the silence and stillness only exacerbated the shame you felt from your body's response; such an inopportune moment, and were he to find out he likely would cease all hunting practice entirely.
yet the prospect of being caught out, and the humiliation of the situation made your nipples perk up, heartbeat quicken and slickness begin to drip down your thighs; heat-infused panic rippling through your entire body, as the hot musk of your potent arousal began to fill your nostrils. if you could smell your own essence, there was little likelihood that it hadn't reached his keen senses too - this only being confirmed by the quick shift in tsu'tey's demeanor.
his straight back and focused, observant eyes had since widened in confusion; barely enough to give away his full mental process, but paired with his ears now swiveled away from the lush forest above you and instead to your shaky form, it seemed that tsu'tey had since caught on to the real reason you were having such trouble. his eyes briefly met yours, only to confidently cast downwards to your cloth-covered mound; his lack of awkwardness or insecurity about the matter only made you squish your thighs together more, and soon enough he'd relaxed his posture and pursed his lips.
leaning down closer to your figure, you couldn't quite make out what he was doing until you dared look up at him; he was smelling you. his eyes were still dead-set on your pussy, but he'd began to take keen sniffs of the air between the two of you as his tail-tip lightly batted against the forest floor.
the only betrayal of tsu'tey's intrigue being the light huff and hum he let out as he took one last smell of the thick, murky scent of your arousal, announcing curtly "...you..are in heat.", lifting two muscled blue arms up to untie his constricted braids, the thick dark locks soon cascaded around his wide shoulders. he'd then began to undo the knots on his loincloth, eyes still taking in your form as he soon rid himself of the remaining material--"take it off..get on your knees."
part 2? :)
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ziracona · 9 months
I can’t include them all so here’s a combo of ‘came to mind first,’ ‘talked about positively most often by fans,’ and ‘stuck in my head’.
Public Apology Big Iron isn’t here. There were a lot that didn’t make the cut but that one specifically I stg I put in and only realized after posting had not. It was 100% meant to be on this list and I’ve failed us.
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nibbelraz · 1 year
Oh! Can I kindly request Bingliushen of some flavor? (your style is so cute!!!)
Love to think that they have to schedule time to be with Shen Qingqiu and they go feral if they go above the time
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It's ok he kisses it better
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Always jealous
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doodleodds · 1 year
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Happy Valentines, Akira. Happy Valentines, Asshole.
If you can’t read what Akechi’s secondary inner-dialogue says cause I obscured it too much behind his regular dialogue, here’s a transcription in panel order: Hello, you fucking- Ah- Hello, Akira! Fuck off, why should I tell you- Just a soda- there’s a new flavor.
I don’t want your shitty gift. Oh- haha! You’re so sweet.
I hope I choke. They’re lovely, thank you.
Like hell. Likewise. There’s no way it’s just a coincidence. Still though, it’s a funny coincidence.
#p5#akeshu#akechi goro#kurusu akira#wow- me?? posting a valentines comic... actually on?? valentines????? wack. absolutely wack#it's a short one! I purposefully tried to keep it short. it was a challenge and it still ended up being 3 pages. but i blame my canvas size#also in case u can't see what akira is holding out to akechi: theyre chocolate covered strawberries on sticks!#i saw them irl and was like oh god i want those. i am going to project that feeling on my favorite characters so help me god#and now! here we are! but my shitty-ass coloring & line quality make it hard to discern them so. sorry about that lmaooooo#ANYWAY i don't do enough post-maruki stuff so. i made this one a little bittersweet. :)#why did i put akechi's scarf in a bow? honestly i dont know! i think i saw some art a while ago that did that too and i thought it was cute#well. plus i guess there's the symbolism of 'akechi being alive and reciprocating your feelings (however involuntarily) IS a gift' part#hence that hes wrapped up in a bow. like a present. :)#also god. the first panel is supposed to be akechi's reflection in a vending machine window. I could NOT get it to look right#so for reference!!! just so you guys understand!!!!!! thats what that panel is supposed to be!!! he is NOT in fact a ghost. (sigh)#hope you enjoyed and had a lovely valentines!! for my part i have eaten nothing but sweets today and hoo boy will that have been a mistake#ALSO in terms of the audience-participation comic...hopefully coming soon. if i can ever gain the will to draw it.#but at least tumblr has polls now so i can do the audience-choose-y bit without needing to use a separate website! so thats good i guess#anyway anyway anway thanks for listening to me ramble if you made it this far! have a lovely rest of your day and hopefully see u again soon
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robinfollies · 7 months
me and the guy i pulled by accidentally implying i like jazz music
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angrycloudcrown · 12 days
I really miss all the Kaidou and Saiki friendship moments in the manga they didn't put in the anime, like Kaidou's introduction or the one where they went to a convention together
Also, both chapters were so good, like Kaidous introduction was
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Like ?? ,DUDDEE. man just renames him to junpei and goes along with it for the rest of the chapter
AND AND. It shows us Kaidou without his chuunibyou persona and who he really is
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!!!! Like Jesus christ so different
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THESE PAGES. MEAN. SO. MUCH. TO. ME. !!!!!!!!!!!
It shows Kaidou has faked and created the personality he has now only as a means to get people to like him, but people didn't, and he felt too trapped in his personality he never changed it
Dude doesn't give that much of a shit about the potential psychic he thought he saw, he's just playing up his excitement about it as a means to talk and be friends with saiki
He barely even CARES about his whole heroic persona and story, he just wants friendsss sosbbsssss
Saiki gives him the joy of being able to find the "creature" he was looking for, giving him an excuse to talk to and befriend saiki more, because saiki saw the fact he tried so hard to be his friend
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"Another bothersome person has entered my life." Saiki, Kaidou was gently knocking on the door to your life and you SWUNG the door open willingly, what are you talking about
Kaidou clearly uses his powers as an excuse to have conversation, hell he even PLANS out what he wants to say to saiki beforehand
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Real as hell Kaidou honestly real as hell
Anyway rant over i think kaidous character is a lot more than what meets the eye (but that's so with every saiki k character)
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skullguts · 3 months
Hello Bugsnax fandom I present to you: an official sketch that I wanted to color for funsies!! And also because I was bored
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rakkuntoast · 11 months
ok i got nothing else to do so here's a transcript of the whole trauma talk
philza stream july 22nd 3:26:06
Tallulah: if i think u were paranoid, he is even more. y'all need a break
Phil: i mean it's cuz we've like experienced some kind of loss with the eggs, right? so, we've had the nightmare, alright. Chayanne lost a life to neglect cuz of misscommunication. Tallulah, you lost a life to the code monster...
Phil: Like we've felt what it's like to have you guys dissappear from our grasp, right? you've like- you've dissapeared from this world briefly, and we know what it's like. Like i-i've personally know what it's like, for you guys to fucking dissapear entirely like, the nightmare happened and i thought that was it, i was like "fuck well, it's done" and i felt so empty, right?
Phil: I-I genuenly felt like i lost a hardcore world, like- the 5 year world that i lost? that's what it felt like, i was like fucking miserable. And then bad uh- lost dapper like- like in a weird glitch type thing, and that got reverted. But when it happened, you can hear it in his voice like, he was distraught like- theres like a bond that we share even if is playing block game, you know?
Phil: we're just hanging out like, i wanna protect you guys with everything i can. everything i have i wanna protect you with, you know? but... i understand that i can't protect you for everything, so i just try to protect you from that i can, so... (and ooc out-of-character, i think everyone watching is incredibly invested also -laughs-, we're in the same boat)
Tallulah: It's understandable, thanks for sharing how u feel with us i'll be more careful
Phil: that's okay, you- you- you're very careful already tallulah, it's chayanne that fucking dives head first into danger all the time. He's- he's a bit more reserved now, you can do that chayanne when like theres more people, its fine, cuz then we can look after you, we can back you up. But when its just me and you, or me, you and tallulah.... we gotta- we gotta stick together, alright? we've seen all kinds of strange things happen
Chayanne: i mean, gosh i'm bad with words!!!
Phil: yeah, its alright. im just gonna throw some blocks out of my inventory
Tallulah: i gotchu brother
Phil: awww -laughs- gotta back eachother up, back eachother up guys
Tallulah: you show more with ur actions chay, that's more than enough
Chayanne: i dont want to die, i wont die soon, i take everything you showed us seriously
Phil: (overlaps) guessing "super seriously", yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Phil: You know what i think makes it more stressful? Is that us players can't see your health, right? So like, we don't iknow how close you are to danger, we can't- you can't talk to us mid fight, alright? like, you talk to us throught signs and books and stuff but like, we have to go through body language alone to figure out how in danger you are... You can't tell us, you dont have like a button to press, you don't have- there's like nothing to indicate that you're extremely low on health or in peril, alright?
Phil: So it makes it more stressful for the players and the people watching cuz we dont know, so i have to just be super fucking careful... And just treat it like you're on like barely any heart all the time, just in case
Chayanne: Thank you so much for that, when the giant squid grabbed me i was shaking-
Phil: -laughs- Oh god
Tallulah: Thank you for being such a good mentor (and father figure) i can't promise i might not die, but i will fight if i have to-
Phil: Oh i absolutely believe you'll do your absolute best to survive tallulah
Chayanne: When the giant squid grabbed me i was shaking bc i thought that was the end of it
Phil: Yeah- that was terrifying yeah, it's so- it's so like stressful
Tallulah: -to still be here with you all. i promised my papa and i make that promise to you
Phil: Aww, thank you Tallulah, thank you.
Phil: I feel like there's enough counter-measures in place that- realistically um it shouldnt be- nothing bad would happen like- you souldn't lose a life but.. You know me, and I- you know how im- I just I know that multiple bad things can stack on top of eachother and cause a really bad thing to happen, so like we have to be just careful of that, you know? You can be prepared for anything but there's always gonna be ways that you'll be unprepared for something, alright Phil: so- as long as we just prepare as much as we can and just be extra safe and not put ourselves in unnecessary danger then.. These situations that could happen can't happen. The only thing we can't prevent against really, or we can prevent it a little bit- but we can't really prevent it is when the code monster decides to take the life from an egg cuz.. You've seen it first hand, it does not give up
Chayanne: So yeah, it's not a good feeling ;_;
Phil: Yeah... I'm glad you guys are in the same page
Tallulah: In conclusion: we need to go to tio Roier's therapy sessions
Phil: -laughs- Is Quackity paying for it, yeah? Quackity got that on lock, it's like and insurance- it's like a company insurance, like a benefit you have for working with the server. its like "okay so uhh, who needs to book a therapy session today" everyone raises their hand at the same time, good god. Yeah, we'll go to family therapy together, we'll work it out, we'll work it out
edit: minor spelling mistake </3
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