#i can't reach out. i care for her still a lot but she rlly has been draining so i. i don't know what to do
noxtivagus · 1 year
woah i. wrote a lot.
#to me friend ^^ yk the. that one. i ended up writing several paragraphs . I'M RLLY GLAD W MYSELF WAHHH 😭😭#there's sm i don't know yet though but i managed to. say at least a lot of what i've been meaning to say for a long time#i think i managed it maturely !!!! i reached out i'm so happy.#i want the best for my friend. n. yeah there's so much communication lacking but for now i think she needs space for herself#hopefully. sometime when all four of us r free we can. be direct w each other? yeah.#i'm. actually. mostly proud of how i'm handling this. hdfkajsdkfl wish i cld do so much more but..#yeah. this isn't enough. but i've taken a step at least. know i cld still do better but.#there's. rlly a lot i want to say. but. i think when we're all not quite as busy i'll try to yk. set a time where we can all talk#irl hopefully. hdjafsldf i rlly hope my words reached out to her tho :c#wish i cld still do more but i have my limits too n though i rlly try my best to be kind bcs i really mean it unconditionally#i have my boundaries.#i can't emphasize enough just how important it is to be able to do things for your own self so you can apply it to the rest of the world.#so.. i'll. say it outright here. i can't handle this on my own. all four of us have to put effort in it.#so. this seems a bit clearer at least. thankfully. aghhh i wrote a lot but i want to comfort her more directly too#i want to do. so much for each person in life i think i need to set more boundaries for myself or i'll get overwhelmed#n then it's not like every friendship has to have everything yk? but.#hdjaflsdfs no bcs for this. specifically rn. i care a lot for her she's one of my best friends after all n. for nearly 7 years#i know at least one of the things i rlly need in those sort of close friendships is. yk we can open up to each other n be honest#being honest at least. when it comes to venting i know i can just do that more on social media or. online friends#like when i say online friends btw 😭 i basically consider them irl friends n i value them very very much but#for the sake of. yk. we don't know each other irl irl so just difference in label. not the value n meaning it has for me.#so. yeah w ^^ we don't rlly share similar beliefs n views which is honestly pretty draining for me#so at the very least. hopefully sometime this/next month we can at least be direct abt that? to communicate so we can understand#i can understand ppl well enough like. uh. i'm good at piecing things tgther but there's so much gaps without direct communication#i can't guess all the time. but yk one thing abt myself that i'm. at least happy w is that. yk. i. can open up when needed#okay like it's hard when i have to do it directly to another person for my own sake but in this context w my friend. yes i can. 👍#that said though oh dear other than this. friend stuff rn there's also more i'm worried abt bcs. school. assignments. yeah#which i'll be able to do but i'm still a bit. stressed. n then for prom 10 per table but we're only 9 n we're all stags 😭😭#wanted at least to have my ^^ friend w me bcs. despite these stuff yk we're still friends :c but she's going w a partner yeah#n then there's more personal stuff too.. there's. a lot. too much to write. but i'll manage.
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didishawn · 1 year
Unlocked door (Pedri x Reader) smut
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Warnings: lots of Spanish, smut, getting caught, awkward talk
Having kids is hard, that is something you have had in mind since the first test informed you and Pedri about the pregnancy that would later become your first kid, your precious Leo.
Having a kid is hard, is what you always thought whenever it was your turn to get up to calm the baby when he couldn't sleep through the night -god bless Pedri, who took charge of the situation even on times it wasn't his turn.
Having a kid is hard, having two kids is harder, that's what Rosy told you when you told her about what later would become your dear Sofia -it's all worth it though, she also told you, and of course she is right.
The kids are now older, Leo is 5, Sofia 4, finally having started sleeping on their own beds for the night.
Pedri's career is doing great, but being a great football player also means being requested to fly out a lot too, but you both manage, still as in love with each other as the very first day.
The problem, well, not really a problem but your horny partner would state otherwise, is that kids + busy careers makes all harder for sexy times or how you call it in front of the kids "mommy and daddy private time that means always knocking", and having to go from such an active sex life you and Pedri used to have to having to be content with the quickies and few kids-free nights is hard. You are honestly embarrassed to think about all those post-match times you hace taken the chance of your kids playing around with others under the watchful eyes of one of Pedri's teammates to sneak around to have a quick fuck in the dressing room or some available closet.
Pedri has been quite touchy the whole day -you can't blame him, it's been a long time since your last alone time. Arms around your waist as you cooked breakfast and kisses on your neck, a hand on your knee as you all ate together, his head on you shoulder arm around you during movie time with the kids, showing off his abs when in the pool with the kids. During lunch he doesn't even pretend not to be gawking at your bikini-covered breasts, and as you both clean up the table, he gets close to your ear, almost seductive as he does so, leaning down he goes and whispers:
"Vamos a cansarlos para tener un poco de tiempo a solas" (let's tire them up so we can have some alone time)
Needless to say is that your lover makes sure the two little demons are exhausted by the end of the day, running around the house, swimming on the pool, some football, jumping around and finishing the day with a meal that has their stomaches full as they fight against their eyes closing.
"Ve a la habitación, yo me encargo de ellos" (go to the bedroom, I take care of them)
You are quick on your feet as you enter the room, even if you know you have a while to prepare, you take a quick shower with a soap whose scent you know makes the midfielder go crazy. You don't bother with any makeup apart from some strawberry flavored lip balm that your lover goes absolutely feral for -years of experience have given you the knowledge that at the end you will always end up crying off any eye make up.
You wear the tiniest piece of lingerie you can find in your closet, don't bother with anything else as you know he will rip it away, just sit on the bed, waiting for him, looking pretty as he likes it.
The door almost slams open, a naughty expression on his face as he looks you up and down.
"Dios mío, no sabes lo mucho que extrañaba esto" (God, you have no idea how much I missed this)
He doesn't waste any time as he rips his shirt off, the sight of his chest have you sighing, a dumb smile taking over your face as you are face to face with his lower half, hands reaching up to him, one on his chest the other on the back of his neck, pulling him closer, his lips instantly on yours, his tongue down your throat.
You hand on his chest plays with the patch of hair there then goes lower, you feel his abs tense when your fingers graze over his v lines then to the happy trail.
You separate from him, looking into his lust filled eyes, your hands on his shorts and pulling them down, his cock almost hitting you as it bounces out from it's confinement, standing thick as always his balls full and precum bouncing from his tip.
"¿Ahora ves lo mucho que echaba esto de menos?" (you see now how much I missed this?)
You nod, hand reaching out to grab him, but he stops you, shaking his head.
"No puedo esperar más, necesito estar dentro tuyo" (I can't wait anymore, I need to be inside you)
A cheeky smile takes over your face, turning you both around so he is laying on the bed, your hips moving over his, his head falling back as he moans out, hands on your waist try to stop you but you deny him.
His tip does a delicious friction on your clit, he can feel how wet you are even with you panties denying him any entry.
He is frustrated, you both are really, your hips lift up your hand goes down to tease yourself, panties pushed aside, you line him up with your entrance and don't wait a moment to fall down on him, his cock instantly kissing your cervix and stretching you out to you limit.
You feel so full of him, your eyes glossed over, he knows how to work you, a strong grip on your waist as he moves you up and down.
The two of you are far too gone to keep the noises in, it's been far too long since the last time you found yourselves in this situation, you are far too sensitive, almost trembling you are whining, moaning, he fucks up into you and you can't help but groan at the slam of his balls against you, so full, neither will last long.
He sits up, you on his lap as he grinds up into you, his pace strong, fucking you roughly, not wanting to wait any longer for the extasis that you can both feel burning in your tummies, his face buried on your breasts as he places kisses on them over the thin fabric, a hand reaching to your back to let him see all of you.
He doesn't have the opportunity for it though, as over the loud noise of skin against skin, your ears catch the sound of your door creaking open, and with an agility that even impresses yourself, you are off his cock and pushing him down to cover yourselves.
"¿Mami, que están haciendo?" your four-year-old asks, curiosity on her eyes as her older brother stands behind her, a frown on his face. (mommy, what are you doing?)
"¿Papi te estaba haciendo daño?" that words have you both snapping up, tuning to share a look as you try to think about an answer. You always thought this type of situation was just one bad comedy shows added for drama, apparently it also can be true. (was daddy hurting you?)
"Obvio que no, amor. ¿Por qué dices eso?" (of course not, love. Why do you say that?)
"Escuche como golpes y a ti gritando" (I heard slapping sounds and you shouting)
Your face is red and you have to hit your partner's side as he snickers. You give him a look, and he knows it's up to him to fix everything.
"Mamá y yo solo estamos jugando, no hay nada que preocuparse, de verdad" (mom and I were only playing, nothing to worry about, really)
"¿Qué juego era ese?" you love your daughter, really, but sometimes her curiosity brings you real trouble. (what game was that?)
You look at each other, you clear out your throat "Un juego que las mamás y los papas juegan cuando se quieren mucho" (a game moms and dads play when they love each other a lot)
"¿Puedo yo jugarlo?" Pedri's eyes snap wide open. (can I play it?)
"¿Y tú con quien quieres jugarlo?" (and who do you want to play it with?)
"Quiero decir, no amor, solo nosotros los adultos podemos jugarlo" (I mean, no love, only us adults can play it)
"¿Qué edad tenemos que tener para jugar?" your son asks, he too quite curious apparently, your face is about to explode, giving them both a look. (what age do we have to be to play?)
"Muy mayores" you say "Ahora a vuestros cuartos que ahora voy, es muy tarde para que un par de granujas como vosotros estéis despiertos" (very old. Now go to your rooms I will be right behind, it's way too late for you two troublemakers to be awake)
Your kids, God bless them, listen to you and leave you and your lover alone, you turn to him with a pointed look.
"Tú y tu pequeño problema quédense aquí, ahora vuelvo" (you and your little problem stay here, I will be right back)
He groans as you sneakily pass your thumb over his tip, teasing him and walking off with a cheeky look, he drops down, desperate for you to come back as he glances to his member, still as hard, tall and thick as before
He knows that it's all fine for the night, but he really hopes your kids forget it all by the morning, or he won't be able to look them straight to the eye.
Next time he will make sure to lock the door, and he hopes you don't realise his small mistake when you come back, because his balls really need the release and you shouting at him won't give him that.
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pararororurun · 2 months
Hi, hi!!! I saw you have an inbox now omgggg, can i request mikoto, mido, and john (orekoto) x reader (siblings) just. Handling their sibling that almost committed suicide and has self-harmed themselves? I needed comfort :3
If you can't write for the three of them just pick one of ur favs! Thx for ur service and 👋 (i think u know me :3)
Kayano Mikoto, John, Midokoto & Reader
Summary : the worst thing to happen ended up happening.
Note : this is like. REALLY long. Maybe longer than usual idk that's rlly up to you guys
Mikoto :
"Are you feeling any better?" He said as he hands you some warm tea.
It's been a few days since you.. You know. The first time Mikoto saw you distressed was probably the worst memory he's ever had of you. His younger sibling, trying to go beyond the limit of hurting yourself.
The feeling of dread when he saw you starting to limp on the floor, and reaching out to him. That memory playing over and over again in his head while he was waiting for you at the hospital.
He was lucky enough for the boss to let all the workers have a few days of vacation. An odd order from the boss but he took it nonetheless. Imagine his shock when he finds you with a wound on your chest.
Were you okay? And why hadn't he seen the signs earlier? It should've been obvious.. If he truly cared and loved you he would've known why you wanted to do it. He should've—
"Mr. Kayano?" He looks to his side to see the nurse walking into your room. "Please excuse me, I'm here to replace the IV." Mikoto lets the nurse in as she changes the IV.
When the nurse walked out of the room you mumbled to Mikoto about something. Mikoto couldn't hear you the first and asked politely if you could repeat what you said. You apologized, for being such a 'burden' and making worry so much.
Out of nowhere, he embraced a hug with you as he tried to comfort you. "Don't say stuff like that.. You're still young. You haven't discovered yourself fully, and there's probably a lot of things that's stressing you out."
"I'm sorry for not seeing the signs earlier.. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.. I'm sorry I'm always working late hours. I should've spent more time with you, everything's so stressful right? Let's just forget about it. What matters is now."
You hugged him back and cried into his shoulder, apologizing. He soothe your worries and apologized back, and tells you how you don't need to worry about 'those' things anymore. Everything will be alright.
John :
It's been a few days and you were finally discharged from the hospital. The doctor gave you some medication, to which you were a bit skeptical of, but he assured you how it won't cause further pain for you.
When you returned home, the smell of curry filled the entire house. At first, you thought your mother was home, and rushed to the kitchen to find your brother cooking in the kitchen.
You walked over to him and asked when did he get home, and why he didn't pick you up when you were discharged from the hospital. He turns around to look at you before realizing you were there at all.
"Oh, sorry. I wanted to come pick you up, but I got a call from the doctor telling me that you already went home." He stops cooking for a bit. "How are you." He went to the fridge and opened it, giving you a bottle of water.
"Sit down. It took you a while to get here didn't it? So you should rest first." You followed his suggestion and sat on the couch. Going back to the house didn't feel as relieving as you thought it'd be, maybe it's because mom wasn't here.
But there's no way you'd be upset over that. Sure mom isn't here for a bit but she's definitely arriving home earlier, I mean her child was just out of the hospital what mother wouldn't want to see their child then?
.. Right?
"Here." He puts a plate of curry and rice down at the table in front of you. "Eat up. You're going to need it after everything." His tone of voice sounded a little harsh, but his words were.. Nice? Maybe? You don't know.
He sat beside you as you ate your food. The quiet atmosphere was a little awkward, and you expected your brother to start talking more, but even he looked puzzled on how to start a conversation.
After a few minutes of silence, he opened his mouth and asked you a question. "Is there... Anything you want to tell me?.." You look at him confused while still eating your food. "You know, since you've uh, did that.. I was wondering if there was something you wanted to talk to me about. How is it going with mom? Are you two doing well?"
His voice sounded uncertain, as if he was asking himself if it was that was the right thing to ask. Then, your eyes started to swell, and tears were starting to build up in your eyes. You were about to cry, before stopping yourself and wiping the tears with your sleeve.
'Mikoto' noticed how you've hesitated on answering and looked down, he tried to look at you in the eye only to be met with the sound of you sniffling. He quickly grabbed onto your shoulders to make you look at him and see tears already running down your face.
"What... What happened? Why are you crying?.." You try to shake away from before he let's go of you, realizing how accidentally strong his grip was. "I'm.. Sorry. Did I hurt you? Did I say the wrong thing?.."  You shake your head and told him how he's done nothing wrong, and that you were just 'sad'.
His eyebrows furrowed as he remembered his question from before. "Is it mom?.. She didn't do anything bad to you did she?" His voice started to sound slightly irritated as he finished his sentence. Why did he make it sound like he'll hurt mom if she did do something bad to you?
You told him no and gave him the actual reason on why you decided to do it. He looked at you in disbelief and kept on asking you on why you didn't tell him sooner. He saw how uncomfortable you got and backed away a bit, apologizing briefly.
"If there's anything wrong.. Just tell me, tell 'us'." He emphasized the us to you loudly, as you got confused. 'Mikoto' just sighs and hugs you quickly, before holding onto your shoulders.
"Listen. If anything happens, don't be scared to tell me. I'm your brother, no matter what kind of situation you'll be in I will always help. Do you get that?" You hesitantly nod your head.
"Good. Now go to sleep, I already cleaned your bedroom." You felt a pang of guilt stab your chest as you realized you left all the hard work to 'Mikoto'. Before you could apologize 'Mikoto' turned his head at you and glared. "Don't even think about apologizing."
You kept your mouth shut and walked to your bedroom, leaving 'Mikoto' in the living room alone.
"Jeez those two are exactly the same." John muttered under his breath.
Midokoto :
You slept on your bed, yet your eyes were still awake. You fluttered your eyelids from time to time, it felt so surreal. You nearly ended your life, and now you're here sleeping in your bed like nothing happened?
No one was at fault, really, it was just you. It's always been just you. Mom isn't usually home, since she's always working from day to night. Mikoto also works out side the city, you didn't even know he was home, you thought he went back to his apartment to continue working.
Don't even start with dad, that guy left the family like it was nothing. He was too busy with work and couldn't always be there with the family? Bullshit. Nothing but a two-faced bitch who's willing to make empty promises to his childre—
"Hey, you there?" A knock was heard coming from your bedroom door. It sounds like your brother but not exactly?.. You tell him to come in and he opens the door, strangely his bangs were shaped differently, like it was trying to cover one of his eye.
You brush off this 'new' look your brother had and asked him why he knocked on the door. "Was trying to check if you were asleep or not, turns out you weren't. It's 12 am you know? I don't think someone who was just discharged from the hospital should be awake at this hour."
You groan and tell him how it was because he knocked on the door when you were about to close your eyes. "No I doubt that. Even if you were about to sleep you wouldn't be able to hear the knock since you sleep like a log."
You ask if that was supposed to be an insult to which he replies by shrugging and sitting on the side of your bed. Now that you were awake you didn't know what you should be doing now. I mean your brother is just sitting on the side of the bed saying nothing.
What has been going on with your brother? He's been awfully quiet for the past few hours. You wouldn't be too surprised if he saw a cat got run over by some- "it's a weird feeling huh." You look at him, his back facing you.
You ask why. "Well, your life nearly ended, but you're just here trying to sleep. Is it not an odd feeling?" You stare at him for a while before staring back at the ceiling. "Sorry. Too harsh?" He looked through his shoulder to see you wipe your tears.
"Ah, right. You're.. A little bit more sensitive than 'me'." When you finished wiping your cheeks you look at him in confusion. He phrased the sentence really.. Weird? Maybe you're weird.
You both sat in silence. "Didn't 'I' tell you to sleep? You should sleep now." There's that weird phrasing again. He ruffled your hair before standing up, be looked back at you, smiling. "Don't sleep too late, you don't want to miss breakfast do you?"
You tell him okay, he nods and walks to the door, walking out and closing it behind him. You watched as the door closed, and the sound of silence fills the room, but this time it feels eerie.
Like there's really nothing, just nothing, no one to talk to... No one to feel the presence of.
God.. This is terrifying.
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oceisastar · 1 year
surprise, it's kaveh,,,
,,, again!
a/n reader has some typa vision loll
the existence of mehrak makes me think so hard,,, like what else is kaveh capable of,,, i know he likely found her in the desert, and she's some ancient tech, but he's not an idiot... surely he has studied mehrak, knows what makes her tick,,,
just like how you know the best spots to touch him at and the right words to make him melt<33
nngh but kaveh is so smart!!,,, i know he could make himself his own toy!! maybe it's even almost it's own entity, kind of like mehrak but minus the sentience, where he can control if it vibrates or if it fucks him with only a flick of his wrist,,,
but ofc he can't make himself cum as well as you do!! no artifical object can call him your good boy like you do, or hold him hand as you fuck him, or kiss him as tenderly as you move your hips...
and oh imagine kaveh teaching you how to use the toy. he teaches you how to use your vision to make it float, to make it vibrate at different speeds and intensities, to even teleport from hand to hand,,,
but eventually he almost regrets teaching you,,,
keyword: almost.
you have learned to use kaveh's toy and you've learned to use it well. he melts beneath you, shivering and moaning and reaching out for you—hugs that you always, always return—when you run the vibe along his dick... the obscene sounds of the vibe fade away to the background as all kaveh can hear is you whispering sweet, loving things in his ear between each hickey you tenderly suck into his neck!! as you coax him to his orgasm, he pleads you to do the trick he showed you—one where you rhythmically tap the toy as it vibrates—,,,
except your beloved forgot to consider how your voice alone, often paired with love declarations and always tender love, could make him cum on the spot<33 so when you begin tapping the vibe between each syllable of "c'mon, come for me, songbird, my kaveh," he comes immediately and so intensely and beautifully<333
and if he looks at you after, a gorgeous wreck still shivering from aftershocks, and begs you, "one more?," one more time to say "my kaveh?," who are you to say no?;]
kaveh one chance pls
also out of morbid curiosity, are there any kinks beyond like praise or smth that ur into? thirst-wise. like uhhh tentacles. a/b/o stuff. bondage!! overstim. sensory deprivation. so on. it's rlly not that hard to make so many of these soft and tender lmao so it does upset me sometimes that there's so little like loving bandage or wtv 🤧
I’m picturing reader w an anemo vision for this. like making the toy float in the air
I love this 😭😭 him needing u bc it’s u that makes him feel good. your presence and words and just you. not just the toy
hugging him 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I’m crying. I love this so much
cumming from someone’s voice alone 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥵
so much delightful softness. I enjoy this dynamic a lot. it’s refreshing. I love how loving it is. fills my heart with adoration.
tw ??? discussion of some intense kinks
I’m gonna be so straight w u I don’t really understand a/b/o but I do enjoy the concept of heat. I think it’s very sexy. (don’t explain a/b/o to me further I don’t want to know lmao) just the idea of not being in control of yourself and needing so badly is so hot to me. abt the desperation and need (and usually yearning) that ensues in the fics I’ve read w/ it. I don’t care much for the alpha/omega aspect of it tho. it’s more abt the need and desire than that power dynamic.
I’m into other stuff too but I won’t give too much away. bondage and tentacles etc aren’t my thing — I’m not a fan of restrictive stuff. I can see what u mean abt there not being enough tender stuff w it! it’s usually really centered around degradation etc which is not great.
I really have a strong fixation on tiddies tbh I want to suck on them soooooo bad (esp women <3). not bite them but suck on them bc didkskskal
this one is pretty specific but smth abt sniffing undies is so <3 it’s sooooo sexy and naughty to me. like the character just burying their face in a pair of mc’s underwear and getting off is soooooo hot to me.
I also (depending on my mood) like somnophilia. again, back to the desperation piece — just needing ur partner so bad u can’t wait to eat them out and they wake up moaning and grinding in ur face. even better if they cum while asleep 🤤
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myersobsession · 4 months
Human! Michael myers hcs (based on my au)
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so i think human! michael prob ends up attracting a lot of girls, as seen in one of the movies a girl on the radio's actually attracted to him lol (it's cuz he's so "mysterious" so i'd think he'd have the same charm here)
i also think human michael had average grades in hs, like c's n all
alot of people think he's attractive, but are too intimidated to talk to him, and thinks it sucks he has no personality
if u think he talks here ur WRONGGG!!! i like to think he's selectively mute. but the chances he speaks to anyone is 0 to 0. (i'm sorry but it irks me when people make him speak)
tbh, i feel like michael doesn't rlly gaf abt his other family members or anyone at all in general hes kind of js in his little headspace
with laurie/cynthia he might disapprove of her having a bf, or he'll js not gaf.
he's aroace, he just doesn't know it. i like to think michael doesn't see gender and just sees people for what they are- meat and flesh but he doesn't terrorize him like his counterpart.
michael was probably compared to the other kids his age when he was younger, but didn't care
when he was younger, people thought he was a sociopath because of his lack of empathy and care for others. (he is)
he had therapy once, and that's how he met Dr. loomis. it didn't go well since he remained unresponsive. michael isn't all into the thought of telling a stranger ur problems lol
michael had no friends growing up, bc of how intimidating he came off, some kids also thought he was strange
people always thinks he's upset or mad at someone or something because of his facial expression 24/7 (it's his normal face)
he's autistic,,, he does fixate on people (otherwise known as his obsessions) that eventually transfers, his lack of empathy, the non verbalism
michael's very smart and strategic, generally speaking. he just doesn't present it around people as much so people think he's harmless or just dumb
when he was younger, he did hurt animals but it never reached to the extent of hurting people. he eventually grew out of it when he became a teenager
the only way he ever expressed himself as a child was because of his drawings as a kid. he used to draw disturbing things time to time though, because of his thoughts troubling him. it kind of served as an outlet or a physical manifestation of the things he thought
he does have dark thoughts/intrusive thoughts but doesn't act them out.
alike his counterpart, he probably did get thoughts about killing judith but like i said, didn't act them out!!
alot of people think michael's a cat person but personally i don't. generally speaking i think he doesn't like house pets at all, he thinks they're excess (too loud and too much work to take care of) however he wouldn't mind cats as much as dogs since they aren't as loud and occasionally clean themselves.
as a kid, he was left in a daycare, or occasionally judith had to watch after him, but she never did. he was left at a daycare sometimes because his parents would work so late.
he still doesn't like judith. even as adults they don't get along. he thinks she's annoying lol
i like to think his parents got him alot of clown themed toys, such as a jack in the box and etc bc they thought he liked clowns
michael used to use judith's and their mothers makeup for his drawings, or would go to judith's room to steal any crayons or coloring supplies she'd probably have.
michael's a stay at home guy, going out is too draining tbh :(
he doesn't like family dinners either. he's not very fond of his family (even as a kid)
when michael's older he becomes a mechanic.. i like to think it would js stay true to his counterpart with the coveralls n all, + i can't imagine him being a bigshot doctor or something. he js does something basic
he's very careless when it comes to his job, though. which is why his eye is still scarred lol
he has a huge pain tolerance though. he probably got hurt alot as a kid and can just brush it off. most he'll do in reaction to being wounded is getting irked because his actions are limited to an extent
michael's a very messy eater. even though he may be more civilized here, he won't hesitate to eat his food, hands on. (he knows how to use utensils, he just thinks it's tedious.)
that's it guys, lolsies!!! i have alot more to rant about him but this is all for now lolll
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spiritunwilling · 2 years
hiiiii yen you have intrigued me, what is up with the divorce blorbo inlaws? whats happening and could they perhaps mail their marriage licenses to these- these three guys i know. who i hear want to get married soon. if they dont want them anymore i mean
okay so the day that feyre archeron gets a divorce in canon is the day pigs fly and stuff but i want her to get one so bad
feyre is from the book series a c /ourt of thorns and roses and i do not recommend and probably discourage anyone from reading the books because they are bad and have a lot of weird sex scenes and very questionable choices made by the author and while i really like some of the character concepts, sjm has dropped the ball on execution every time and nobody who gets more than a few sparse paragraphs of writing stays likeable. but at some point a few years ago you figure that ok ive read enough of these books by now and i like some of the minor characters enough that i might as well hate-read the other ones. and also bc i want custody of some of her characters so i can rewrite them. i have a different version of feyre in my head that diverges from canon right at the beginning of the series (usually i j call her feyer lmao) and in this ideal world she never gets fucking married in the first place
but the version of feyre that i am divorceposting abt is her and all the shit that's happened to her as of the latest and worst book, a/cosf. and well a lot has happened.
she got married (and got mated to, ick. im still 90% sure it's just plagiarised omegaverse but anyways it's like. soulmates. i guess. sjm herself can't seem to decide what it is if not a reason to force characters into relationships and have sex) to this guy named r/hysand, who has such a terrifying long list of red flags and Bad Shit He's Done that i cant sit here and list all of them because that would take too long and i'd probably miss quite a few but both the series and the character have very active crit tags. a lot of it is played off or ignored or excused away by the actual book bc in the series theyre supposed to be , like, a perfect couple. :|
and yeah the series only spans like. 3 or so years and feyre is 19 at the beginning of the series and 22 and full of trauma and she fucking died once and there was a whole war and the author decides that the best ending 4 her is to have her stay home and. have a fucking kid?? babygirl go get therapy go reconcile with your sisters go travel the world literally anything but this. also the pregnancy subplot is so incredibly fucked up. ummm basically r/hys gets overprotective to a disturbing and v controlling level and also when he realizes the pregnancy threaten's feyre's life he withholds this information from her so I need her to GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE RIGHT NOW
in my head it's maybe a year or two or three after the ending of acosf and feyre realizes how bullshit everything is and starts trying to figure out how to leave the night court (the faerie court that r/hysand rules over) with her kid and reaching out to her estranged sisters and old friends (also estranged. jesus) and getting her picture of my dress moment figuring out where she goes from there. sigh.
i don't think the night court has marriage licenses. or divorces? but in spirit it's a divorce.
and like. i like feyre. well, no I dont. [see: "nobody who gets more than a few sparse paragraphs of writing stays likeable"] but there's like these tiny moments in the first book that hint at some rlly compelling character traits that are unfortunately completely drowned out by the rest of the shitty romance. she keeps her oath to take care of her family even when it's easier to break it, even at the cost of her own life and her own happiness and she has a strained relationship with her sisters and feels like she's responsible for everything and has a complicated understanding with gender roles and her hunting and her capability for violence.
but canon doesn't touch on that.
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pop-punklouis · 10 months
hi hope! i just want to share something and ask for your input as well,, i dont want to ask my friends because i may get a biased response
anyway i had this really close friend to whom i shared everything. we were rlly close but since 2 years ago i started feeling like they werent rlly being a good friend. she would be late to hang outs, or leave early when were together bec she would meet w other ppl, or just cancel on me altogether. they also started dating this person who they admitted was somewhat the reason we started talking less (their partner was rlly weird about us talking a lot). we actually fought over this last year and ended up not talking for months. but we made up this year and yet they still kept doing the same thing. my hurt just turned to exhaustion. and honestly, i dont feel great when im around them anymore. i love them and care for them and i know they feel the same way for me in their own way, but i just feel like shit when i think of them bec i rmr those times they didnt show up for me. theyre planning on moving to new york by the end of this year and i initially wanted to make the most of our remaining time together but i dont think theyll show up if i plan anything anyway. im thinking of cutting them off, do you think this is valid given theyll be gone soon?
hi babe.
i've been in that situation more times than i'd like to admit because i am so loyal and forgiving in friendships. which can be a gift and a curse depending on the friendship.
as someone who tries to give my all and tries to not have any regrets when it comes to friendships potentially ending, i would try to communicate with this person about all these feelings you're still having. just be as open and raw as possible. and if she isn't receptive of it, or she doesn't want to put in the effort of keeping the friendship alive, then you can say you did all you could and its her loss.
but, ultimately, i haven't lived in your shoes during the duration of this friendship, so i can't tell you how to feel or what would be best for you, specifically. if you feel like it isn't worth it to reach back out and express all of this because of how it has been between you two, and if you feel like cutting them off is the best option, then do it.
listen to your gut about things like this, and know that you don' have to put up with anything that isn't serving you anymore just because you have history with this person.
i hope you find better friendships that don't make you feel like this, because it can be really damaging and exhausting. and you (we all) deserve better than that x
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svgarpills · 2 years
If you're still doing writing prompts, how about some fluff of Peony from Sword and Shield carrying another character across the Crown Tundra in his giant backpack? If you're familiar with the Crown Tundra DLC, that is.
THATS SUCH A CUTE IDEA, i took the chance for father-daughter bonding i hope u dont mind. I never thought of the backpack carry but anon...so big brain.
Ship: N/A
Characters: Peony, Peonia
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Peonia is determined to make her way through the Tundra by herself, despite her exhaustion. Too bad her dad is stubborn as hell.
*Havent played SWSH in a while but I rlly love the characters ngl
"I don't need your help, so you can go find something else to do." Peonia trudges through the snow with a small huff. Her trip to the Max Lair had taken much longer than she originally planned, by the time she got out it was already late evening. Unfortunately, her father had been wandering around the area, shouting something about legends. When their eyes had locked, her fate had been sealed.
"Nonsense! I'm plenty capable of carrying you! It's only going to get colder when the sun finishes setting." Peonia rolls her eyes. Her father has always been stubborn, but she kind of wishes he would take the hint. She isn't even that cold yet, and the trip can't take that long, can it? It sure felt short when she ventured into the lairs earlier.
Turns out, it's farther than she originally thought. And battling all those Pokemon must've worn her out, because her father's offer is becoming more and more appealing with every heavy step she takes. Trying to play it cool, she turns to the former Gym leader and points at him. "Besides, how would you carry me with that ridiculous backpack on anyways?" She thinks she's made a point until he opens it and gestures excitedly.
"...Absolutely not." She turns her head again and continues to walk, chin pointed up. She won't be seen in something like that. If her fingers fall off, she can find a different way to hold her Pokeballs. Really, she should've just stayed in the Lair for another hour and waited it out. Maybe she would've been offered a nice, quite place to sleep. But no, of course not. "I know you're pouting."
Suddenly, she's been lifted off the ground. "What kind of father would I be if I let you suffer through this cold, 'Nia? Now, I can either carry you in my arms, or in the bag." Peonia's face burns and turns a deep scarlet as she tries to figure out which is less humiliating. Her father will probably talk to her the whole time, and the bag...well, it's probably the tiniest bit better than that.
"Daaad," she groans. "Ugh, just put me in your backpack before I change my mind." He beams before placing her down and slipping the bag off. She considers making a desperate run for it, but she knows better than that. Her father is still in impressive shape, there's no way she'll be faster than him. She slips into the bag without a word and crosses her arms. Peony pays it no mind, simply putting it back on and continuing to walk.
The position isn't the best, her knees and head poking out awkwardly, but it is...warmer. The interior of the bag is soft. Not quite fuzzy, more smooth and nice to the touch. And the way its surrounding most of her body makes her just a little more tired. A small nap won't hurt, right? She can just hop out before they reach town, and spare herself any embarrassment. With that thought in mind, she lets her eyes slip closed. It's only a moment of rest, after all.
'A moment of rest' turns into waking up at home, bleary and tired, but also warm and comfortable. "Did I seriously let myself get carried all the way here in that dumb backpack?" Whatever, maybe nobody saw. She sits up and notices the way the blankets have been carefully tucked around her, everything arranged just the way she likes. It stirs a strange feeling in her stomach.
Her dad might be stubborn and loud, but he cares a whole lot. Maybe, if he can carry her home, then she can spend a day or two with him on one of his oddly named tours. It's only fair, after all. The only hard part is going to be making it seem casual. She fixes her appearance up a bit before exiting her room. Her father is at the table, looking over old, worn looking papers. An excited expression is plastered on his face, even this early in the morning.
"So, you carried me back here?" She asks, trying to break the ice. He looks up and grins at her before quickly nodding. "And I assume you're going to do the same tour stuff you usually do?" Another nod. "...You know, those Max Lairs get so...stuffy, after a bit, and there's probably gonna be a bunch'a repeats today..." she shuffles her feet. "Any chance I can tag along?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Peony is suddenly dragging her towards the table, setting her in a chair next to his. He excitedly rambles on and on about legends, and she tries her best to pay attention. She glances at her father, bright-eyed and even more cheerful than usual, and smiles softly.
Maybe she should spend time with him more often.
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