#i can't really see a pattern
tattooedsiren · 11 months
First Ten Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
tagged by @largepeachicedtea like two weeks ago but I’m only just now getting around to it...
[note: i’m cheating slightly by choosing my ao3 fics and not my more recent tumblr fics just because i wanna. though the tumblr fics ain’t that recent either tbh. all fics harvey/mike (suits) or derek/stiles (teen wolf)]
always a good idea When Mike broke up with Rachel, Harvey was relieved.
affixed to you Mike gets the tattoo the day before his twenty-second birthday.
to climb a ladder to the sun Comfortable seemed like an odd choice of word when describing the fast paced, high flying life of Harvey Specter, Junior Partner and best closer in the city.
with urgency but not with haste The hallways are empty.
a truth so loud Mike knows that he’s staring, that his jaw has dropped from shock, and most ridiculously of all in the silence that follows Harvey’s declaration the only thing Mike can hear in his head is Mary Poppins’ voice saying close your mouth please, Michael, we are not a codfish.
stay out of trouble Harvey practically skips into the prison.
love is waiting til we're ready When Derek passes the ‘Welcome to Beacon Hills’ sign the weight that had lifted three years ago resettles on his shoulders as if it was never gone.
a life sentence (in your arms) Harvey wishes he could say he was surprised when the stranger sits on the open bar stool beside him and holds out a hand.
if ever I was running It wasn’t that Harvey didn’t try.
words are overrated Stiles is a smart man.
i tag: @crazyassmurdererwall . @cinematicnomad . @machtaholic . @inell . and anyone else who wants to
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Novice sewing pattern: Cut out shapes. Line up the little triangles on the edges. Stitch edges together. We've also included step-by-step assembly instructions with illustrations.
Novice knitting pattern: yOU MUSt uNDerstANd thE SECret cOdE CO67 (73, 87, 93) BO44 (63, 76, 90) 28 (32, 34) slip first pw repeat 7x K to end *kl (pl) 42 * until 13" (13, 13, 15) join new at 30 pl for 17 rows ssk 27 k2tog mattress lengthwise BO and sacrifice a goat to the knitting gods. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT "INSTRUCTIONS," I JUST GAVE THEM TO YOU
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scribbleboxfox · 4 months
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Made some "House of Leaves" fan art of Will Navidson's final expedition into the house.
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antianakin · 3 months
It's really depressing that the only real Jedi centric and Jedi positive show in existence is written for preschoolers, while many of the more "adult" shows are edgy and about morally ambiguous or straight-up evil characters. As if lessons about being kind and selfless are somehow not important or relevant to adults just as much if not more than they are to children.
It feels like characters who are unambiguously good are seen as only enjoyable by the very young and adult viewers will only actually appreciate characters who are cruel and selfish (and the requisite "tragic backstory" that always goes with it to help excuse their cruel and selfish choices).
It's just really sad and disappointing.
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msue0027 · 7 days
it might be unusual but "dot and bubble" gave off a bit of "the long game"/"the bad wolf" kind of vibe, but a lot more tragic
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I spent a day with Ian Hecox - aka Ian Hecox being stupidly pretty, part 2.
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madeofcc · 30 days
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Really in love with the Naija collection by @ice-creamforbreakfast and @obigem ♥♥♥
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thegeminisage · 4 months
people writing southern dialogue who have never spoken to a southern person in their life i love and respect you but why is the endearment ALWAYS "darlin'." i'm not saying we never say "darlin'" we absolutely do BUT WE HAVE OTHER WORDS
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I'm going to my first fiber fest tomorrow! Help me pick out patterns and decide what to buy!
I've been crocheting for about 3 years now and feel like I'm at a solid intermediate skill level now, which means I'm going to treat myself to some fancy yarns! I've done some looking online at hand dyed yarn and am feeling quite overwhelmed honestly. There are so many dyers and yarn bases and color combinations, and I have no idea what will look good crocheted. Most of the swatches of hand dyed yarn are knit and crochet eats up so much yarn that I have no idea how the yarn would look in a crocheted project, so I'm feeling a bit lost! Should I go for stripes? Speckles? Gradients? Tonals? I just don't know!
I'd really love to make a shawl/wrap in hand dyed wool, but am struggling with finding a pattern so I know how much yarn to buy tomorrow. Does anyone have any crochet shawl patterns that will look good with hand dyed yarn? I'm open to working with anything from fingering to worsted weight and feel pretty confident with most stitches. I would prefer something that doesn't have large sections of open work or lace, but I will conquer crocheted lace if there's a pattern out there that would shine with a hand dyed yarn. I'm also pretty confident with Tunisian crochet and have been eyeing a few shawl patterns from TL Yarncraft recently.
Any recommendations for yarn or patterns is greatly appreciated!
Here are the patterns I've been considering, but I cannot for the life of me decide which one to buy for. Please help!
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
Random Question Time
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roobylavender · 8 months
all of that said though obv the romantic tension is always going to be there like i'm fully a fan of bruce and talia having to work together repeatedly and finally being surrounded by people (bc remember! nearly the entire thirty three years of their initial romance was carried with no spectators to it. except dick and alfred like twice) who have to look at them and be like what the fuck is going on here..
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casiavium · 5 months
The place I got my colored contacts for Ghirahim doesn't sell the ones I need anymore 😭
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twilightarcade · 2 months
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that's a weird dog
#wordstag#notwordswordstag#neptune wgen it's being normal about that eclipse thing#drawn at late oh clock it's like 2am right now . I think I'm gonna darken the eyes in the morning#or I won't. You never know with this guy.#anyhow I'm in bed now and I'm sooooo cozy.#ok so [mr beasts] this drawing was a 'let's use all the brushes in the sketching section & see what happens' thing#I think we're going 2 do another one w/ a smaller canvas size because I wanna . Try something. & this canvas was way too big#(<-I've been using the same canvas 4 like . Ages. And some IDIOT refuses 2 just move the sketches over(#literally whoever invented patterns on clothing should go explode . Do you have any clue#it's ok though . Fun exercise in whatever it's called. Perspective. If it was evil. ( I am failing the exercise)#ummmmmmm I thibk that's all. Spent way longer on this than I meant to. But the REAL criminal here was anzu because#That was supposed 2 be a warm up. Of sorts. I don't really do warm ups much if I'm going 2 be honest#trying 2 get into the habit but me drawing is more like . I'm going to draw 5 things in one sitting take it or leave it#ok guess who just . Fixed it.#I could point out like a million other things wrong but I'm not going to [smug cat picture] I'll leave that up to your imagination#ok umm how many tags is that . Not enough ? I want 2 do those whatever u wanna call those things again#yyou know. Peeks in my inbox.#ddude I might want to uh. I might want to crop this thing.#landscape is fun and all but seriously I can't#whatever. Officially a tomorrow me issue. Guess who's headed to sleep baby.#tomorrow neptune here I ended up cropping it after all.cod bleAmerica.ca.#anyhow I don't think I mentioned the . The Animal?
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blessyouhawkeye · 6 months
saltburn is a film that spends so much time trying to upset you that it entirely forgets to say anything or have any substance at all
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Guess who finished knitting the tie and has a cosplay now.
Tie texture closeup:
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I used TruBoo (a #3 weight bamboo rayon yarn) in lilac, following this pattern, at least in that I started at 14 stitches and decreased down to 10 the way it said. Size 3 US needles (3.25 mm). Scrap fabric stitched to the back of the neck bit to prevent stretching.
It's immensely floppy, which is very appropriate for this particular costume and probably for nothing else. It does not hold a tie dimple.
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faebriel · 6 months
hgs brainrot has returned due to tbosas .. speaking of hgs here’s an ask abt the hgs au: if things were totally different, and Wilbur were to be a 12 victor, what do you think a possible mentor-tribute dynamic would look like between him & Niki? I feel like it would be similar to Snow & Lucy in the way that he’s just going out of his way to cheat n help her
anon u have in fact struck jackpot because this is a concept i was spinning some thoughts abt before bee mentioned avoxes and we went OOOOH at that!!! so yes i have considered rainduo as a mentor-tribute dynamic and would love to talk about that concept too :]
so for this concept i think wilbur and niki would be close friends throughout childhood from 12, and then in their teens wilbur is reaped and, well, no one has particularly high hopes (he's a writer and a musician at heart, not a fighter) but through sheer trickery and dumb luck, he makes it to the end of the games. wilbur pulled some pretty fucked up tricks to win - when you can't use brute force, you have to use your brain - and partly due to the trauma of the games, partly due to his shame and survivor's guilt, he sinks into the capitol and relishes a new life there as a socialite. to him, the old wilbur died in the games and the new one has taken his place - to niki, and to his other friends in 12, whatever the games did to him made him into every vapid heartless capitol victor there is.
or. niki has her doubts. they all saw how horrible the games were, but surely there is some part of him left, some part that's hurting, even if it's buried deep?
like og spin of the au, niki is reaped and this sucks - this time she does expect wilbur as her mentor on the train, and she expects some kind of warm welcome (maybe even an apology for leaving them so suddenly and silently? an explanation?) but she gets jack shit. wilbur is jaded and cruel and unrecognisable and niki entirely hates it. this is the part where i REALLY WISH we got some time of those two beefing with each other directly in canon (or at least interactions while niki was So Mad at him) but it's okay we fly blind. niki feels abandoned, lonely, thrown off of her kilter - she expected an ally in this place, but she doesn't recognise the person wilbur has become. she doesn't recognise his shallowness (...much), his ruthless advice for the arena, the way he doesn't seem to care for anything. she's scared and now she's lonely and it pisses her off - their mentorship is fraught. here are some thoughts from discord on that:
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i tend to think of niki as a bit naïve before l'manberg or even doomsday - i think this is an au where this streak would come out real strong, and niki is stubborn that she can get through the games without losing herself. stubborn that she can stop things, that she can protect people. i don't think wilbur is cold enough (or, really, can bear to say aloud) to say that her odds in the arena are slim enough as it is, but he definitely tells her that she's making enemies and that her odds of survival dwindle with the more trouble she causes.
beyond that... hm. niki's trust in wilbur is almost unshakeable until nov 16, even when she outright says she doesn't recognise him anymore. i think she'd reluctantly listen re: don't burn down any buildings, but she would grow bolder each day she had to stay in the capitol. she gets more honest in front of the cameras. she makes more friends in training, and not the ones wilbur recommends. she throws barbs at him every time he makes one of those callous, cold-hearted comments about other tributes and rankings and odds. and besides, she's going in the arena this time, not him. she needs to practice her bravery.
it's like... she hasn't given up on him. she thinks the old wilbur is in there somewhere. (she is wrong. that is not how trauma works.) but she won't hold her tongue just because she
for extra angst points could definitely play up the whole 'feeling abandoned' angle between them as niki goes into the arena - probably due to how fraught their friendship gets leading up to the games. niki wants to focus on them and their friendship, wilbur has stringently cut off (almost) everything from 12 and refuses to let her in; he tells her to behave for the cameras, she tells him she never will. i think the last point in that screenshot would also make for a super tasty argument where niki feels wilbur has gone astray, that he's abandoned 12, and that he'll probably do nothing but sit on his ass and watch her die and he can't even bring himself to care about her anymore, can he? just more fodder for the arena. and honestly, i think wilbur would passively agree with most of that - he values niki's opinion, after all, even now, and if she says he's rapidly descending into a lost cause then she must be right. and it's niki, so she will be fine, and he goes to his bedroom that night and tries to pretend he is sleeping perfectly fine instead of feeling paralysed with fear.
okay now onto the games - YES HE SO WOULD. or at least i think he would go out of his way to help. as for cheating - he's a recent victor for 12 and i think he would value tommy (no doubt a link to him... i think they'd be in touch in this au also) too much to risk the punishment falling onto him as well. i get the vibes this is a games closer to 74th than 10th, so there are far fewer opportunities to cheat and the consequences of getting caught are higher. but schmoozing up sponsors? making stupid ass radio interviews or whatever to talk up niki's odds? sharing anecdotes from their childhood - some real, some entirely fabricated - across capitol airwaves to stoke their sympathy? 100%. with less to lose in this au, i think niki would be far less inclined to play nice for the cameras - i hope you starve, she spits at one of them, and wilbur appears on a talkshow two days later as she scrambles for survival in the arena to talk up how she always saved loaves from the bakery for the poorest mothers and children in 12. he borrows and begs and swindles to the point where it feels like cheating. but hey, this new wilbur is capitol-branded. he knows how to play the game.
if anything he probably sinks into the game a little too much. self-preservation is not his forte. probably wracks up a few heavy debts and favours to owe, but those are not priority until niki is out of the arena, alive. as long as she wins, and as long as the family he has isn't in danger, he will manage. wow it would suck if at some point those two goals became impossible to co-achieve. anyway
i kind of see niki's victory in the arena being similar to the one in the main au - if only because planning out an entire games is hard for meee >-< . she walks in bolder and braver for sure, and with a less strategic pick of allies, but they all get picked off and she spends a few weeks so terrified she can barely sleep and then she ruptures some fuel line and sets the arena alight with a fire that burns brighter and more ravenously than it should. but she wins, and she's airlifted out of a filthy, muddy creek she had resigned herself to die in, and wilbur barges his way through as many peacekeepers so that he can actually see her with her burnt skin and hair and unfocused eyes and trust that what was on the screens wasn't a fluke, and that they made it. and then it's just a matter of surviving the after.
i'm sure there are some other random quirks or tidbits i can think of re: this take on a c!rainduo hunger games au but these are my base thoughts!!
#can i just say whatever the hell lucy grey n snow had going on in part 1 made me so berko btw. like congrats ur my means to an end youre my#symbol youre my buddy? should we kiss? i'll get you out of here / don't make me leave these people behind#BRIDGING OFF OF THE TBOSAS DISCUSSION. i think the thing with crainduo (or at least how i like to depict them) is that they care about each#other extremely deeply and value each other... without being each others number one priority at all times.#i don't think niki plays priority with people she cares for like that; see her relationships with like wilbur and eret in lmanberg#even her friendship with and offering ponk a place to stay in her city after manberg even tho manberg hurt her#as for wilbur: his priority is tommy. like always. if it was just him on the line he'd do anything to get niki thru but it's not#asks#hunger games au#they would truly be such a nightmare in this au like. wilbur's self loathing is SO HIGH due to survivors guilt and trauma and mental illnes#he thinks that niki is So Good and Has It Together meanwhile he is So Bad#and is a mess that she cannot possibly rely on him. she can't possibly need him. she can't possibly want him around#<- and this shit is INGRAINED like. it's not even an active thought pattern anymore it is carved into his brain like a groove#and so shes like. do you even care whether i live or die??#of course he does. but this is the capitol. he cant be vulnerable in a way that matters#and that alienates niki further and this rage and heartbreak is building in her with nowhere to go. and in the arena she thinks it erupts#nah uh. i think its AFTER the area when she has to face wilbur again that she would go full screaming meltdown#ANYWAY !! i really like aus where they have this friction esp because i think like.. idk i think sometimes our views of rainduo are too ros#wilbur kind of forgets about niki sometimes because his self hatred is that bad. niki doesnt get wilburs mental illness and takes it both a#a burden/blame AND a direct rejection of her and her friendship#and they hover just outside of each others spaces anxious and angry and almost self flagellating. GOOD FOR THEM !#anyway Yes this did unlock something within me. thanks anon feel free to add on if u had more thoughts esp re: tbosas and such bc i had suc#a good time watching that movie
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