#i cannot believe she had the gall to text me out of nowhere and then delete her text like girl now i am thinking of how much i dislike you
dirt-str1der · 11 months
Thinking nonstop and reflecting on my past and the people i have talked with whom i now hate. Badly
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runningwolf62 · 6 years
SURPRISE IT’S UPDATE TIME! It’s so bizarre being writing this at the same time Larry is because there’s like this weird overlap, we’re like ships passing in the night he’s finally caught up to my time and now is about to pass me.
Anyway, there’s some lovely art in here and a reference to a blog that actually exists, @ask-potoo-firestar. Art belongs to @lavendersongs, thank you for your amazing contribution to the Warrior Cats fandom and for giving me permission to include references to it in this fanfic.
Larry curls up deeper under his blankets.
He covers his head with his pillow.
Fine, he’ll crawl out of his nest and see what had happened, maybe Nick was in trouble again, that Godot guy seemed to have a grudge against him for something.
u ok?
Only Nick texts like that.
haven’t seen u in few days
u alive?
Larry almost fires something back before thinking better of it, Nick had far too many people around him die to joke about that.
Yeah I’m fine, and you usually don’t see me for awhile.
yeah but u had a rough time
Larry hesitates before deciding to just call Nick. The phone rings a few times before Nick answers.
“Hey Larry,” he greets him, Larry can hear voices in the background, he thinks one is Maya, the other is young and high so probably Pearl.
“Hey Nick,” Larry runs a hand over his jaw, aw gross he’d ended up with that scraggly beard, he never looked good with that, he needed to go shave, “you in a crisis?”
“No?” Nick has the gall to sound offended, “I do not only call you during crisises!”
“Mmm might wanna check you phone bill there Nicky Boy,” Larry teases him, his voice is rough, he should haul himself out of bed and start putting himself back together.
“You want to talk about having a crisis you sound like you’ve been on a bender,” Nick fires back, Larry frowned and groused at him.
“Don’t be an ass Nick, I’ve been taking a week off, chilling and relaxing before I remake myself! You called while I’m still in the cocoon man!”
“That metaphor started strong but you took it somewhere very weird,” Nick replies, Larry laughs roughly.
“Alright, alright, you’re the one who texted me,” Larry points out, wrapping his blanket around him like a cloak to hide his shame from the world and stay warm from the chillier October day. He crossed to his laptop to open his resume, he’d need to update it and he might as well do that while chatting with Nick rather than sit around feeling shitty about it.
He chats with Nick, and Maya and Pearl when they demand a chance to chat with him. He interrogate Nick, or tries, but he doesn’t know what’s up with Godot either, other than he’s got one hell of a caffeine addiction, came out of nowhere and claims to be from hell.
Given half the stories Larry’s heard about Nick’s cases he’s tempted to believe it.
“Maybe you ought to have an exorcism performed,” he teases, he’s on speaker phone now and he’s sure they can hear him typing away as he adds his latest job to the long master list of jobs he’s held, “Maya, Pearl, can you do that?”
“I’d have to exorcise the entire Prosocution’s office!” Maya bemoans, Larry grins as she outlines everything she’d need to do to Nick.
“Maybe you should, it sounds like it has a few too many demons over there even before this guy,” Larry muses, saving his resume and opening Fanfiction.net. His stomach drops and his jokes trail off. There’s several messages from XxWolfDragonxX. Shit, he’d just dropped off the map after talking to the guy daily.
He immediately types a response, assuring the guy some stuff just came up, he got fired from work, etc. but he’s doing alright. He misses a question Nick asked him until he repeats his name.
“Sorry, what?” He tosses the message to WolfDragon off, his friend is probably off work it’s well after six for him.
“I asked what were you typing?”
Larry glances at his messages and then at his minimized programs. “My resume.”
He refreshed FF.net and got a message from WolfDragon.
Man it’s fine, life happens! It’s just good to hear from you again. I’m sorry for all the shit that keeps happening to you.
Again I’m so sorry, and yeah, it’s just been that kind of year.
Do you have a discord? I have something to show you but I don’t think ff.net will send it.
Oh? Uh yeah actually, one second let me find my ID number.
It takes him longer than he should be tosses the information to Wolfdragon. After a moment he gets a friend request on Discord, from a XxWolfDrgonxX surprising absolutely no one. The avatar is a gray anime wolf with yellow eyes snarling, which also doesn’t surprise Larry though he wonders where it’s from.
However he’s still on the phone with Nick, so he accepts it and turns away from the computer, “so what are you all up to asides from calling me?” He hears Pearl giggle and Maya’s voice in the background, they’re moving away, “how are they Nick?”
“They’re good,” Nick sounds happy and Larry can’t help but hurt even as he’s happy for him.
“We’re probably going to do a few things today before they have to head back,” Nick’s chair creaks audibly, “do you have plans for Halloween?”
“Uh, not really?”
“Do you want to come over to the office and hand out candy with me?”
“People come to your office for candy?”
“Surprisingly yes,” Nick sounds equally baffled by this fact, “so, are you in?”
“Do you want me to bring anything?” Larry asks, glancing at his Discord occasionally, where he can see WolfDragon typing. “Beer, Soda, popcorn and terrible horror movies?”
“Popcorn and let’s go with lighthearted movies,” Nick suggests, and Larry wonders if Pearl will be there. He’ll bring soda then, just in case. That or Nick’s gotten to be more of a scaredy-cat since their last Halloween movie festival.
“Have you seen that one cartoon thing that everyone raves about?” Larry’s seen so much art for it for Inktober so he needs to actually sit down and watch the show obviously is what that means.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Okay, I’ll find it, it’s some kids show but everyone who’s seen it loved it,” Larry sends a quick message to WolfDragon while Nick talks.
You sure are dedicated to your brand.
It’s who I am
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That’s Potoo Firestar you fool
I want to hate it but I’m laughing too hard, it’s amazing.
“Larry are you okay?” Nick asks, and Larry can’t answer, he’s wheezing at the damn Potoo Firestar, he cannot believe WolfDragon got his discord just to send him this, and that it’s somehow made him feel so much better.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” he wheezes, and clicks the link that WolfDragon sends him to this person’s blog, “just saw something funny.”
He hops off the phone with Nick promising to see him on Halloween and bring candy and popcorn and the cartoon he’s seen everyone drawing if he could just remember the name.
He spends the next hour teasing WolfDragon on Discord for his avatar and username, all the while scrolling through this blog, which WolfDragon has dubbed “the only pure Warrior Cats blog”.
It doesn’t take long for him to agree though he does have a few questions.
So I miss all the discourse but I also miss blogs like this?
Listen man, some people are still stuck in the can cats be gay discourse?
Yeah, like sure the Erins just made a mistake making some tortoiseshell cats toms. OR they made several trans icons.
I can’t believe Tigerstar was transphobic.
Firestar made the first call out post
“OP is literally a Transphobe and murderer but go off I guess.”
Scourge: *goes the fuck off *
Listen, he wear dog teeth on his collar he can do what he likes, I’m not gonna be the guy to try and stop him.
Oh you do know they made Scourge and Firestar half-brothers right?
Yeah they have the same Dad
Oh shit I’d heard that theory but I thought it was just a fan theory
Nah they confirmed it. Also Tallstar was super gay for him
Like canonly gay or the fandom has shipping goggles glued on
Like so canonly gay that the publisher calls them good friends
One of the authors says Tallstar’s heart always belonged to his Jake, but the publishers say they’re just good friends
What’s better than this, guys being dudes.
You’d probably like Tallstar’s Revenge actually, there’s a lot of your fic in it
Yeah man, like leaving the Clans to discover yourself the themes of forgiveness and parents and family there’s a lot of good stuff in there
I guess I’ll have to read it then.
Yeah, that blog I linked you even did fanart of Jake and Tallstar
Oh my god.
Did you find it?
Not yet, but I’m looking.
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Okay that is gay.
Much like my fic.
Now I gotta man.
He did just lose his job but Larry’s got some money saved from his last paycheck and the commissions. What the hell. He makes a note to buy Tallstar’s Revenge next time he’s at the book store, and gets up.
Thanks for this.
Of course!
Is this the best way to contact you, or should I howl out the window?
FF.net or Discord works I’ll probably review your fics on FF.net still but we can chat here
Larry grins and tells him he hopes he has a good evening. He needs to clean himself up and try and rejoin society.
He showers, shaves, and pulls himself together. He also draws Wolf as a Potoo and sends that back to WolfDragon which is obviously loved, if the fact he turns his avatar into it was any indication.
Larry spends Halloween crashing on Nick’s couch, Maya and Nick fighting over candy while he snags some and occasionally slips a piece or two to Pearl. The kid’s clever and smiles shyly at him every time he does so.
They do settle down to watch the cartoon though Maya grumbles at points about how she wanted to watch the Steel Samurai Halloween Special.
They enjoy Over the Garden Wall though, even if it sends the girls diving to hide behind Nick at one point from the Beast. He lets Nick comfort, while he cleans up some of the trash into the popcorn bowl which he sets to the side, making sure it will not be grabbed by mistake by someone hurrying to give candy to trick-or-treaters.
He’s honestly astonished at the number that turn up at the office, until Nick says he thinks Mia used to hand the candy out, which makes sense. It’s tradition now. And Nick must’ve gotten paid because he’s got the good candy and he’s letting kids take handfuls.
He doesn’t touch that stuff only the bag Nick bought for them to share and the stuff he traded Pearl for because she didn’t like nuts in her candy. Said they got stuck in her teeth which Larry felt was a valid reason to not like them.
He tells himself that means they have protein as he pops a handful in his mouth. While Nick’s busy with some teens at the door and Maya’s tucking Pearl in on the couch he sends a message to WolfDragon.
Happy Halloween.
Technically it’s November, and I didn’t grow up in America
Work can suck my dick, it’s what- oh
It’s six in the morning
You’re going to work
Listen, I don’t need your sass
It’s not sass I just woke up Writer boy
Don’t you sass Wolfman
Tell me you at least watched terrible werewolf movies in my honor
I did not.
Watched kids cartoons instead.
Warrior Cats Authors
There was an actual child in the room!
Ah what’s being introduced to fear at a young age?
Trauma I believe, and the kid’s had enough of that
You’re a good guy you know that, don’t let people tell you otherwise
“Texting a girlfriend?” Maya’s teasing voice made him jump, she wasn’t peering over his shoulder yet but she might’ve been. She might’ve seen the teasing and… no, she was looking at his face.
“Nah, just a friend,” he shoves his phone back into his pocket, she and Nick are both staring at him intensely now, he’s not sure why but they are.
He swears he sees Nick counting to three but he’s not sure why that happens either. He and Maya share a look, and Larry feels himself tense more.
He looks to Nick, whose eyes pierce him as he looks at Larry, “I thought you said you were taking a break from dating.”
“I am!” Larry insists, careful to keep his voice low, glancing to Pearl because however much they want to interrogate him he knows they’ll kill him if he wakes her.
Nick and Maya look confused again but it’s not his fault they can’t accept that he’s just friends with some people. He’s not even into guys anyway!
He shakes his head and grins at them, “glad to hear you think I have that much game though Nick.”
Maya smothers a laugh, while the edge flows out of Nick’s eyes and a smile takes its place, “you keep getting girls to date you somehow.”
“It’s that I have an artist’s soul,” Larry pulls himself up and rests his hand over his chest, grinning at the two of them.
“I went to art school too you know,” Nick points out, relaxing and smiling.
“And who taught you all those tricks for backgrounds?” Larry fires back, he’s always been the better artist for backgrounds and forms, Nick just had more practice with human anatomy. Nick huffs and shakes his head.
“I showed you how to draw men’s jawlines, ‘cause you only paid attention when the model was female-”
“Nick I’ve accepted my heterosexuality and horndog ways will be my downfall,” he fires back which obviously takes his friend by surprise, Maya too, “hey, I can have some self-awareness you know.” He glances over at Maya, “Nick, Edgey and I are allowed the common sense of one person but we have to share and Edgey came back and took it all from Nick.”
“Excuse me?” Nick looks so genuinely offended and Larry laughs, shoulders shaking.
“You took some back, TSA wouldn’t let him take it all with him.”
Maya’s grinning and apparently not taking sides as he and Nick begin to playfully jab at each other about who has more common sense, and it’s nice to be able to talk about Edgey again without Nick’s anger, to have him laugh as he talks and recounts stories from elementary school to Maya is worth the few bits of his dirty laundry that Nick airs.
They end up on the other couch, Maya curled up on Nick’s one side, Larry on the other; with jackets draped over themselves as make shift blankets.
“Yeah Nick?”
“Who were you texting earlier,” Nick’s not judgmental now but he is obviously curious, maybe hoping that in his exhaustion Larry will let something slip.
And he does.
“He’s a guy I met online, we talk about like books and stuff. You wouldn’t understand, you nerdy lawyer.”
Nick laughs softly as Larry slumps against him, “that so?”
“It is,” Larry lays his head back against Nick’s shoulder, “very so.”
They wake up in various states of aching and trying to hide it, all of them trying to deny they’re getting old while Pearl buzzes around the office. Larry wonders briefly if she’s gotten into the Halloween candy for breakfast.
He checks his phone and there’s a few messages from WolfDragon.
You still there?
Don’t eat too much candy, aren’t you doing NaNoWriMo this year?
Larry only barely manages not to curse in front of Pearl as he realizes that he’s going to have to write his first 1667 words with one hell of a crick in his neck.
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