#i cannot believe the bumps one of the biggest pop stars in the world is gleefully taking in a pro wrestling match skdhskdjsjd
biancabelairs · 1 year
bad bunny for world champion imo
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psychewithwings · 4 years
Pregnant s/o hcs: Mirio, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Tamaki
SFW, just super fluffy 
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If you don’t think this man is tearing up when you tell him... uhhh you’d be wrong
He is crying over you and so happy, will kneel and just kiss your tummy 
And when you’re in bed that night going to sleep, every few minutes he will nuzzle in closer and whisper, “hey guess what? We’re gonna have a baby” 
Anytime he says he loves you now he says it to your tummy too 
“I love you Y/n, I love that you are mine and I love that you’re going to be the mother of my child” *bends down* “And I love you too baby” 
He will have a really hard time waiting until the second trimester to tell anyone but once he is able, everyone will know, and he’s going to have a party in your honor. 
He will treat you like a queen, back rubs and foot rubs...
I feel like when you first tell him you’re pregnant he will come home a few days later with a box... when you open it, it’s a maternity dress, and its actually really pretty, with lace and silk, and nice and stretchy... 
“I know you don’t need it now, but I saw it when I was out and thought it would look perfect on you...”
He will compliment you every second of every day, will trace your stretch marks and tell you they make you beautiful because it’s all part of you becoming a mother, it’s a natural tattoo, a reminder of how you’re growing a life inside you
He will want to throw a gender reveal party 
And no, it can’t be as simple as balloons popping out of a box, he’s gotta have something extravagant to celebrate like fireworks, monster trucks, or a paid actor dressed as a baby
You’re having his baby! This is a pinnacle moment in his life and he is not about to have some basic ass party
Mirio is definitely the kind of guy who thinks you can’t have sex because it could hurt the baby, you will have to make a very embarrassing call to your doctor about that... 
He is looking forward to owning dad sandals (who are we kidding he prolly already does)
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This man will shit himself, make sure he is sitting down
“Bakugo... I’m pregnant”
“I’m having a baby! You’re gonna be a dad”
He’s really happy and excited, he has no doubt you’ll be an amazing mom but he’s kinda worried about him being a dad... 
Am I fit to raise a kid? Will I be a good dad?
He will probably start working more and almost go on over drive... He will start coming home later, picking up earlier shifts... And when you ask him, “Katsuki, are you not happy about the baby?”  He will kinda break down and tell you “No of course I’m fucking happy about the baby, I just want the world to be safe for our kid... and I only have 8 months till then and-” He drops to his knees in front of you and he’s tearing up. You’ll get onto your knees too and just hug him, “Katsuki, you can’t fix the world before we have our baby,” you’ll look at him lovingly as he realizes how absurd he was being. “But we can prepare to be the best parents we can be...” “Prepare? We’re already gonna be the best parents.”
Okay, Bakugo hypes up the baby too, like...
“Katsuki, come here! The baby is kicking!” *he puts his hand on your tummy* “Baby’s so strong, just like us,” *grabs you and kisses you* “I knew we made a fucking perfect kid”
He will try kill anyone who oversteps the boundary with the bump (like touching the bump without asking)
“OI EXTRA, you wanna take your fucking hands off my woman and my kid or do  I have to do that for you...” 
Bakugo would be very unnecessarily competitive in birthing class
Will wake you up in the middle of the night at least once, he’s just laying on his back staring wide eyed at the ceiling... “What if I explode the baby?”
You’ll roll over and look at him annoyed, “you won't explode the baby,” 
He will settle again once you give him cuddles 
You cannot tell me that he would not be your biggest cheerleader when you’re actually giving birth, “PUSH, FUCKING PUSH DUMB ASS!” 
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This man freaks out for a sec... cuz daddy issues. But he has a strong resolve so he will come out of it quickly and decide how to 
“Shoto, you aren’t anything like Endeavor, you’re going to be an amazing dad”
He will be extremely happy, but his excitement will be softer
Everyday after you tell him he says you’re glowing
He will want to cook you special things because it’s healthy for the baby, or so his mother told him
Speaking of his mother, she taught him how to knit when he went to visit her in the hospital so you’ll find him knitting little hats and bootie and jackets for the baby
He will nest just as much, if not more than you do
You’ll find him awake at 3AM trying to put together some bullshit ikea thing for the baby with the tiny allen wrench they give you for free. “Shoto, come back to bed... we can do that in the morning” “But the baby needs somewhere to sleep,” “Yes, and I’m not due for another two months”
Shoto is already so soft but I think he would be softer
Like when you fall asleep on the couch, he gets home and just cuddles up to you and asks your bump how it’s day was. He will talk to the bump until you wake up and then he just pepper your face with kisses.  
He is the only one of all these men who doesn’t shit himself and die when watching the birthing tape. I think he would be calm and say something like “a woman’s body is made to carry and deliver a child, there’s nothing to be frightened of.”
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When you tell him, he’s gonna cry
He will want to call his mom right away  
Midoriya is the kinda guy to have a box of his things from when he was a kid stored away to give to his child (it’s all All Might merch but, ya know)
He definitely panics and worries if he is going to be a good father but he takes all that anxiety and just turns it into energy to care for you with
He is already signing you up for birthing classes 
This man would take you to all your doctors visits, acupuncture appointments, prenatal massages, and even a strange healing session done in the back room of a health good shop (don’t worry, he checked google reviews, 346 people, and 5 stars) (You weren't sure about it at first, but you felt very at peace afterwards, def worth the 5 star review)
He just really wants you to be happy and healthy
It would be understatement to say he treats you like a queen... he treats you like a goddess, and he tells you everyday how grateful he is that you’re his love and giving him a baby. Especially when you feel insecure about how your body is changing
He will want to make the nursery Hero themed... with an All Might wall decal... you’ll eventually opt for something a little less... exuberant like jungle animals or something. But the compromise is the All Might mobil that spins and says “I am here” while playing twinkle twinkle little star.
He will read to the bump, and sing to it because he wants the baby to know his voice
Will make a ‘goodnight’ song with you for the baby to sing to it every night 
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Tenya is so excited and immediately starts thinking of things he needs to do for you and baby
The day after he will come home with a bag from the store full of prenatal vitamins and herbal teas that are safe to drink 
“My love! I have brought you Evening Primrose supplements, it’s supposed to help with your delivery.” 
I think he has name ideas picked out already and is very excited to show them to you. They are all related to the Iida family.
He would ask his brother for advice and would be so excited to tell him when it’s time. 
Don’t even worry about pregnancy brain. Iida’s got you, he will help you remember everything you need to know and he will be patient with your cloudy thoughts. 
Iida is so matter of fact tho, I can see it coming off as insensitive, especially when you’re dealing with mood swings.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you it’s just that those chips make your stomach hurt and I was only trying to-” “YOU JUST DONT WANT ME TO BE HAPPYYYY!!!!!!” “My darling, I want all the happiness in the world for you, you are the mother of my child, I- please don’t cry” 
He really loves you a lot and he will learn to be a little gentler with you during this phase of the pregnancy
Braxton hicks contractions (the little fake contractions you get during the third trimester, closer to the due date) will send him into panic mode. 
But he is also so organized that he is R E A D Y 
You clutch your stomach and inhale sharply and sit down, he’s already running to get the hospital bag and getting the keys for the car. 
(The hospital bag includes, diapers, baby clothes, blankets, stress balls for you to squeeze during contractions and a birth mix which includes mostly Baroque composers but theres a few taylor swift and harry styles songs because he thinks it would be cool if the baby was born to Adore You, because Iida adores you and that baby so much)
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He is terrified
But ultimately knowing that he has a child on the way actually does wonders for his confidence because he wants his child to have a good example and he doesn’t want the child to inherit his crippling shyness
He really is there for you and much like Shoto, shows it in a soft way
Tamaki is so food oriented already that he is especially considerate of your cravings and would probably try them, no matter how weird they are
Pregnancy makes you super hungry but thats okay because Tamaki is a brilliant cook
Tamaki is also very sensitive to the knowledge that it will change after the baby is born and that he has you all to himself for just a little while longer
He is going to take you on special weekend trips, like a sleepy beach town to just relax and eat good food
He will also take you on extra dates because he just wants to soak up your time together as a couple
He is very aware of how much work you’re doing constantly to carry his child and he will want to spoil you 
“Y-you’re just so beautiful, a-and you chose me, and now you’re carrying my child...I just... I love you so much and thank you for letting me be yours b-because you make me so happy.” 
He will freak out when he sees the birthing tape
“I-I am so sorry, I can’t believe I’ve put you through this... you’re- you-  This is all my fault...” *panic panic panic*
But when you’re actually in labour he is very supportive, he will just apologize while you’re screaming in agony and wish there was something else he could do other than bring you ice chips...
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit. 18+
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Bad girls are sad girls! Always wondered what goes through the mind of a spoiled, rich but intelligent and perceptive teenager? Have you found yourself craving that adrenaline rush, the danger of a forbidden fruit? Okay. That was cheesy as hell. Gross.
Let's try again. Sarcasm? Check. Vine references? Hell yes! Crude humour? Check. Blunt honesty? Double check. We're living in a Lana del Rey song, ladies.
The author doesn't actually condone codependent relationships in real life. This is a filthy little fantasy. Enjoy, deviants.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub​ @mostly-marvel-musings​
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings ! She deserves all the love 💙
Pining. I was pining after Stark and it made me upset. I thought I was better than that. Better than acting the part of a lovesick puppy, begging for scraps of attention- a kind word, a pat on the shoulder, a blanket thrown over me in my sleep. Even if he was my Mount Olympus, I wasn't exactly on board with starting the whole damn journey in the first place.
Most of all, I hated being a cliché. I tried my best to avoid showing how I felt and with time, I think I excelled at it. I am really good with things if I really put my mind to it. Was it a blessing, or was it a curse? Only the future will tell. I try not to think about it, as I prefer not to stress out too much. Peter was the anxious kid and I was the calm one. I was the Ying to his Yang. He flipped his shit often and I always calmed him down and cleaned up after him. No complaints there, Pete is pure and precious and I would kill everybody and then myself if he actually got hurt.
I'm only a year older than him and that year feels like an uncrossable bridge to me. We get along like a house on fire and I delight in the way he starts smiling when we're paired together for a project. Deep inside I'm sure he thinks of me as one of his best friends, his homies but-and there's always a but-I can't reciprocitate that. He goes to decathlon after school with his wholesome BFF duo, I go to a local dive bar with a fake ID I'd made sometime when I was about 15.
Peter has everything I wish I've ever had. Good for him. I'm not going to mess that up, no matter how much my angst demands I throw a tantrum and become, like, a supervillain or something.
I banter, instead. I chit-chat. I laugh and I repeatedly make a joke out of myself. Nobody suspects a thing, and I'm not surprised. People always see what they want to see. I've been the weird loner since middle school. Not the sad kind, of course, my pride wouldn't let me. I'm too good at things to be completely ignored. Teachers adore me, the event planning committee approaches me every year with tentative pleas for advice. The list goes on and on; what they don't understand is that it's just High School. Another year and I'll be out of there and nobody will be wiser.
I feel like a liar every time I'm excited. Because I'm not that - I don't care about their stupid field trips or collaborative projects. My mind is five steps and two hops ahead of that bullshit. It has to be or I just won't make it in the world.
"Parker-pen, Mr. Stark. G'day, sirs," I nodded, entering the lab, looking straight ahead. They both were hunched over... Something vaguely mechanical and I was terribly, horribly hungover. Saturday night was Science night but I'd gone to bed around 2PM after a party ran way too late.
"Hi," and "Powerpuff girl," came from them respectively, and they didn't even lift their heads.
I wondered if I could just skedaddle and leave them to their big brain time. "Is this a bad time? I can come tomorrow instead," I immediately regretted speaking, even to my own ears my voice sounds scratchy.
"No, actually, Dr. Ban-Bruce-wanted to talk to you," Peter mumbled out half-coherently. Tony kept ignoring me and I was fine with that. The less temptation I have the less trouble there will be.
"I'm not playing with his zucchini again," I groaned, causing the intricate pile of metal to squeak sadly as Pete tripped over his own damn body, jostling the prototype in the process. I could have sworn the room got several degrees hotter from the boy's blush alone.
Tony cackled, shuffling away from the newly ruined prototype. "He won the damn contest, you should've seen the judges faces," The engineer's grin threatened to split his face in half. I poked at my phone in muted interest. "Hold up, Friday has a recording. I definitely recorded the thing."
A holo-screen popped up. Tranquil scenes of a local fair, gourds and other assorted vegetables of various grotesque sizes were scattered throughout the square. An unmistakable mop of curly greying hair posed proudly next to a zucchini half the size of Hulk - I was fairly certain genetically engineering the plant was cheating and warned him so but somehow Banner managed to persuade the judges into letting him participate, and ultimately win, the competition for the Biggest Zucchini. Some of them were quite shocked at the size of that thing and well - well, their glances were quite contemplative to say the least.
"Damn, Tony, that blonde chick's face tells me all I need to know," I gave a lopsided smirk in the engineer's general direction. That was our thing, you see? He called me these ridiculous cutesy nicknames and asked me about getting my nails done or going to the mall and I'd make salacious comments and go on an occasional flirtatious spree. That was comfortable. We both enjoyed making Peter blush and giggle like the little schoolboy that he was.
"Our Brucie bear is a freak, don't let him tell you any different, Princess," Tony winked at me.
"Oh, I know all about it, Tones," I suggestively wiggled my eyebrows. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Peter groan and palm his face. I briefly bumped my knuckles to Tony's outstretched hand and made my way to the adjacent lab that hosted the second resident crazy scientist.
"Oh, hi there, come on in," He smiled warmly at me and I relaxed, shrugging off the tension in my limbs that seemed to appear every time Tony was around me. Banner's soft, friendly nature always made me feel welcomed and appreciated.
We made small talk as I threw on a lab coat and some protective glasses and discarded my bag in the far corner, away from any possible explosions. I congratulated him on his recent victory - here is when I say that despite what most will say, Banner has a serious competitive mean streak and isn't afraid to get down and dirty when it comes to matters of his personal pride.
That's what makes us alike, I think. I have too much dignity and self-respect to walk around Tony with stars in my eyes and hang around his neck like yesterday's tie.
The quiet, even pace of doing lab work made me completely lose track of time. Some time passed as I felt the crick in my neck become noticeable, and the deep ache in my calves from standing and dancing yesterday worsened. I hopped onto the nearest table, hunched over a tablet, eyes skimming over research articles - most of it didn't register at all in the wake of a dull throb behind my temples. My hair limply hung over my face - I had to wash it to get rid of the stench-hard liquor and cigarettes - but I was way too lazy to style it properly.
I ignored the swaying strands until a large palm gently tucked them behind my ear, a white lab coat coming into my field of view. "You okay?" Banner's quiet voice interrupted my reading. I lifted eyes enough to see he was wearing a dorky button-up in some gross shade of blue under the lab coat. His eyes were affectionate behind thinly rimmed glasses.
"Rough Friday night?" He questioned.
I chuckled. "Yeah, I'm hungover as fuck." There was no point in hiding the obvious; I'm sure the bags under my eyes already had tattled on me.
He chuckled, too, leaning his hip against the table, one broad arm coming to wrap around me in a hug. Usually he wasn't so touchy-feely; but I wasn't complaining. Banner was really, really warm. "I'll spare you the lecture on underage drinking," He said with another chuckle.
"Yeah, it's pretty pointless. You'd be three years too late."
A deep sigh left him, both of his arms wrapping around me in a comfortable embrace. I rested my chin on his shoulder, trying my best to really avoid showing how touch-starved I was. I was a hundred percent sure they all figured out my family life was difficult; the last thing I needed was their pity.
"Y'know, we should sit down and talk someday," He said after a brief moment of hesitation. "About your future. College, maybe?"
I gave a non-committal hum, basking in the warmth of the hug, staring straight ahead with unseeing eyes - behind the glass divide, I could faintly distinguish Tony's and Peter's shapes, still bent over that bench the pile of metal.
"You have a lot of potential," Banner continued, his tone developing a gently admonishing hint. "I understand if you want to take some time off from your studies but I'd rather you succeed and not let all that potential go to waste," He finished, patting me on the back with a gentle hand.
I tried not to preen under his touch. "Are you attempting to guilt-trip me over a party, doctor Banner?" I teased him, expecting the smile that I felt being hidden by my hair. Sometimes I felt that I could read the man like an open book, he was so earnest about his interactions.
"I just - we want you to stay safe, okay? Don't blow your future for a little bit of fun," He shrugged carefully.
"Okay, Bruce," I simply replied, meaning it this time
He kept hugging me, running his hand over my back absentmindedly. Probably thinking about his recent science bender. I wasn't upset: my own brain tended to get tangled in personal projects, too. I had only one complaint and it was that the cuddle was making me sleepy.
I yawned, startling the man. Pulling away from the hug wasn't really an option. He was broad and quite strong, probably courtesy of the Hulk and radiation in his blood.
"Why don't we put you in a guest room for tonight?" He inquired and I nodded. "Call your parents for me, okay?"
"My mother is in Vancouver for the week and I doubt she would care anyway," I rolled my eyes. "She's in the middle of some shitstorm with OsCorp and their marketing department." If anything, I was grateful my mother was preoccupied with her job. Being around her was like hanging out on top of an iceberg in the far end of the ocean.
I felt Bruce's frown. His body tensed briefly, blink and you'll miss the hunch of his shoulders. "What about your dad?"
I cringed. "He's been in Ibiza since the season opened, no doubt snorting miles of coke and... " I hesitated. "You can guess the rest."
My dad was kind of a dick, but I don't blame him at all for being the way he is. My parents have been married for twenty years. They were happy, once - I saw their college pictures with my mother's bright smiles and bushy hair, and my dad's terrible fashion sense and their dog, a funny little runt with an atrocious name. Then mother had me and for a while, they were happy too, but it lasted about until she landed her first prospective job. Kind of cliché.
Bruce sighed again. "Okay. You hungry?"
"No, I'm not going near food until tomorrow. Nu-uh," I fake-retched next to his ear, making Bruce shiver and playfully pinch my side.
"It'll help with your hangover. Doctor's advice."
"You're not even that kind of doctor," I laughed, very gently poking him back, somewhere around his stomach. He squirmed.
"I have seven PhDs," Bruce smiled as he rested his chin on top of my head as he adjusted his torso to prevent my fingers from reaching his ticklish spots. I poked him again in retaliation, fully enjoying the snort and squirm I caused. Soft™. "Let's go get you settled in," Bruce, seemingly without any difficulty, picked me up, propping me against his hip like a toddler. It probably looked awkward but what the hell, I haven't been carried around since I can remember myself. My legs wrapped around his hips for balance, butt resting on his forearm.
"You're a showoff," I couldn't help but snort, getting a lopsided smirk in return.
He made his way over to the elevator with me dangling and examining my nails in an expectant fashion. Tony's jokes aside, I really enjoyed getting them done and weird colors were a quest of entertainment for me. I obviously couldn't have them very long because I worked in a lab so I chose outrageous prints and decorations instead. This week, each of my nails had a different style - thankfully my aesthetician was professional enough to make it look somewhat put together even if it took a good chunk of my allowance and an hour long Uber ride to get to her salon.
I noticed the dimmed lights in Tony's lab and none of Peter's usual mess scattered on the tables, figuring he'd already left. Stark himself stood propped against a table, watching something, smoothie in hand.
For only a brief moment, I let my eyes rake over his body, his beautiful, sculpted physique hugged by a pair of fitted jeans and an old Led Zeppelin tee. Tony's handsomeness wasn't obvious, it wasn't in-your-face kind of appearance like Captain America's, but the engineer was built sturdy and his arms - the only bare part of him - were riddled with scars. He used his strong, bulky body for work.
I turned away before I got too ahead of myself. Bruce smelled like lab equipment and rubbing alcohol, something that made me sober up and snap out of my daydream before Stark took notice and started teasing me about ogling him. My once-over lasted barely three seconds yet with Tony's genius, I always had to be on my toes.
I saw movement in my peripheral. Banner waved before entering the elevator - at Tony, probably, so I looked back, seeing the man watching us, content replaced with a contemplating frown. I waved at him, resting my cheek on Bruce's shoulder. "Tony's having a big mood," I noted quietly in the scientist's ear.
"You know Tony," Bruce sighed, adjusting his hold on me as the car ascended to the housing floors. "His brain runs a mile a minute and he can't make sense of it for the biggest part. Give him some time and he'll be back to his annoying self."
I didn't see Tony as annoying in any way, but then again, I was severely biased. The billionaire was quirky venturing into absurd but also clever and brilliant.
We had reached our destination and Bruce carefully set me down on my feet once the door to my room was open. A large queen bed, TV and another door to an adjacent bathroom. It was really simple but luxurious nonetheless - I had the exact same carpet at home, having heard my mother bitch about it's cost after seeing me spill soda on it way too many times.
"I'll let you get settled in. Ask Friday if you need something," Bruce awkwardly shuffled his feet, taking off his glasses and briefly examining them before putting them back on again. "Breakfast here is on the 74th floor starting around 7AM, someone will probably get you around nine if you sleep in," He finished, giving a shy tilt of his lips.
"Thanks, Brucie-bear," The nickname easily slipped from my lips. I didn't resist the urge to hug the kind scientist, quickly wrapping my arms around his middle, delightfully sighing when he immediately returned the gesture.
"Good night, Princess," I had to suppress a happy squeak when the man kissed my forehead before retreating and closing the door behind himself. A quick shower and a quest to find a power outlet to plug my charger into preceded my less than graceful flop into the bed. It felt like sleeping on a cloud, honestly, it had nothing on my mother's orthopaedic memory foam mattresses. I passed out faster than I’d ever had.
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amakira · 5 years
You shitty mess,
Finding a peace that comes from a blade, wild nights that feel like you’re floating on clouds. So light weight, and the lovely gulps of something to ease you just for a little while. Anxiety. Severe Depression. Your lovely friends. The ones there through it all. The only friends that never left your side. The ones who love to hear your cries for help. The ones you vent too.
Don’t you just love the outside world? All the adventures. Sand. Wild life. Everything? What a shame to have to sit inside and debate if you’ll be able to make it a few minutes out there. There’s a lot of people surrounding you. Them tight spots makes it so much better. Being crowded. Don’t you think? I love to hear your heart beat so fast. Sounds like it’s going to explode.
How’s beating yourself up everyday? Why would you even consider to keep trying? Have I not given you enough reasoning? That’s ok. I can make it worse for you. How’s that breathing coming along now? Hurts doesn’t it? Gasping for the little bit of life you don’t deserve. Stop wasting your time.
I heard you have dreams. Goals. A nice house in the middle of no where. An island correct? Far away from these lovely humans. Exercising? Are you kidding me? How pathetic are you. Have you looked in the mirror? You’re not fit for such things madam. That will never go away dear. I won’t allow it. That involves people seeing you. I don’t think you want to hurt their eyes, do you? You’ll be the reason they die of starvation. The reason they better themselves. You’re pathetic. Do you honestly believe that will change you? You’ll still be the same piece of shit walking corpse you are now. You can’t change that.
You want to find yourself? Well what a shame. Try looking 6 feet under the earth. That’s where your answers are. Waiting eagerly for you to read.
Oh sorry, give me a second. It’s time to squeeze your heart and lungs now. I will be right back..
Sorry about that but you just don’t listen do you. I even made it race so fast I don’t see how it didn’t just go “pop”
What’s stopping you? I am in your head after all. And I say nothing. Why didn’t you press down a little harder? If you did, you wouldn’t have gotten yelled at you know. I feel how weak you are. That little strand just holding on for dear life. Why don’t you help me cut it darling? I just don’t have the hands to do it on my own. So you know, just lend me yours.
You know. No one cares. You’re blocking their path to success. You’re a burden. An annoying piece of shit. Why must you try to bring others down with you? They don’t deserve that. Build your feelings up. The cup still has some shards of glass in tact some how. Let’s shatter it for good. Shall we?
You’re a total disgrace. You don’t deserve happiness. You don’t deserve to be walking among these precious human beings. No one wants to be seen with you In public.
Doesn’t the loneliness feel nice? Tearing you apart piece by piece. No matter how many people you’re around you’re always alone. And guess what dear. No one cares that you are.
Tell me. Why? Why do you stay. I still want to know. You never gave me a reasoning. You’re better off gone. Out of the way.
Shall I call upon more demons to torment you? They all want to play. So the more the merrier right? You don’t handle the cards so well. So let’s paint these rooms with crimson.
Depression. Anxiety. You come and you don’t go. Some days you’re bearable. And some days I don’t know how I’m still holding on. You make me scared of people. Scared of myself. So empty. My shattered heart aches. All this pain you give me. I just wish I could shake you off. Most days I just want to die. I feel entirely useless. I feel like the biggest failure around. To feel so dead, yet I’m living. A walking corpse. I could just close my eyes and never wake again. I miss your touch. Carving memories upon my flesh. Every memory as a failure, seeing as how I am still here. Having such an empty mind yet it races with demon whispers. I don’t feel like I am worthy of anything this life has to offer. I’m not worthy of friends. Love. Parenting. How do you even parent when you’re a complete mess. Trying to not give your kids the life you had but I feel my vibe washes off to them too. I can see why they’d hate me so much. Being such a disaster to them. Am I doing all that I can to provide and comfort them? More than likely not. These demons want what Evers inside of me. So all I do is sit and stare blankly at a wall. Holding myself together another day. How do I feel so alone. It’s probably because no one really gives a damn? They just put up with me because they feel they have too. Everyone can say the opposite but it can’t change my mindset. It’s just how I feel. And nothing can change that.
You can’t even clean up a mess because I’ve been devouring the life out of you. What do you think your kids think of you? You don’t play with them as much as you should. Blame me. Because I just love taking your strains of life away from you. I love seeing you barley alive everyday. Your kids must really dislike.... no HATE you. You’re not a motherly figure. They want a playful mother. They want you to do things with them yet you sit there in silence and regret not doing so. I love stopping you. Every urge you get to change it,just know, I am stronger than you ever will be. They dislike you. They’re better off without you. Someone who gives 100% of their attention. She wanted to cuddle to go to sleep yet you said no. Because you’re avoiding sleep and you know once you lay down you’ll want to fall asleep. Yet instead i am playing in your mind. Insomnia is my friend. We play these cards well compared to you. What a Failure you are.
What’s holding you here? Tell me, so I can gladly rip it apart from you. Slowly. Oh how I love watching you suffer.
I made you scared of people, crowds, trust, yourself, and so much more darling. Everyone is starring at you. Laughing. Telling them amazing jokes. You’re ugly. Look how fat you are. Why are you here. They purposely run into you and bump you. They are trying to put you closer to that casket...
My bad. You don’t even deserve a casket. Just rot in the dirt. One day they’ll dig you up, put you back together, and then destroy you because of the horrifying scene of your bones. Even then you’re too much of an ugly disgrace to be looked upon. Dinosaurs are a better finding than some worthless human body don’t you think. I hope the day comes soon, so you can sit there on the planes of the in between. Stuck. Watching your body deteriorate. Cold. Dark. Breathless. Heartless. Oh... whoops. You have no heart. Unless you call that little micro piece glass your heart. How pathetic. How is it still beating?
Love. How is it you still have one? Your features, just you in general, who would love something like that? You know he deserves much better than you. You bring out the worst in everyone. You bring pain. Depression. Heart ache. Anxiety. You’re boring. You’re unloveable so what poison did you use? You deserve to be alone. With no one forever. You put them in a sad place just being around. They deserve happiness. Something you cannot physically and mentally provide. Unless he’s just using you. I can see that. I just can’t see you being loved. You’re not worthy of that strong suit. I’m sure all agree. So why not do him a favor and let him be so he can be happy. You’re not capable of doing such things. You deserve nothing dear. So stop holding on. What do you know about love anyways? Nothing I’d hope. Because you’re just giving yourself false hope. Which I can not allow you to have such a thing. You CAN NOT be loved. You deserve to rot alone. You cause anger. Hate. Nothing having to do with love.
Just give up on everything and drown with me. I want you to be alone. Sad. Angry. Depressed. Hurt. Hated. Which you basically are. Can’t you notice that no one is really there for you? You just get pushed down more and more. Isn’t that a sign to leave this place? I can help you end it all you know. Just let me in.
I am driving you crazy. I’m slowly killing you. But I rather speed up that process. You know I love giving you headaches. Punching yourself in the head is like a symphony to my ears. You should do it a lot more. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into you to just give up already you stubborn piece of shit.
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