#i cant believe they actually pulled thru for this
nsomniacsdream · 2 years
I have a hard time talking about American law enforcement, because I have ptsd (like a therapist told me this and everything) from my own experiences with cops and because it's so balls quaking insane.
Like, a cop in the United States can pull you over for any reason. Which is a nice way of saying no reason, because literally anything can be used after the fact as justification. A cop can say its cuz you looked at him, or didnt look at him, or it looked like you were holding something, or looked like you were driving too perfectly for it to be natural. It's insane.
There are apparently no circumstances where a cop can't just kill you. The line the courts have applied is "reasonably believed" you were a threat, but that's such a nebulous nothing limit that people get shot for reaching for their license, having their phone in their hand, you're running away with no weapon, not being able to follow conflicting commands, like anything. And cops are almost never charged, because every court is going to believe he could "reasonably believe" he was threatened. Fuck, if you give me enough time, I can make any situation seem juuuuust plausibly threatening enough to pass that bar. It's insane.
A cop can just rob you. Like tell you to give him your wallet, take all the cash out, and just walk away with it. Exactly like you would imagine getting robbed in an alley would go, except no one can help. And he doesn't even have to hide it, he just drops it in a box at the station and they put it in their bank account. It's legal. You can't prove it wasn't drug money. I can't prove any money wasn't at some point drug money. It's insane.
If a cop just walks in your front door and says "I'm here to kill you and your entire family" YOU ARE GOING TO PRISON IF YOU STOP HIM. There is no positive defense for assaulting a police officer in the United States, and doubly so if you kill him. You have effectively no defense against a homicidal cop, which happens same as any other job. Unless for some reason you have cameras all thru your house and clearly caught the audio of him saying that he's there just to kill you, you have zero chance of not going to prison, probably for life. And that's assuming you aren't killed "resisting arrest" while being taken into custody. It is a crime, in this country, for you to defend yourself under any circumstances if the person you're defending yourself from is a cop. That's insane.
You don't have civil rights if a cop says so. You have the right to have a gun, right? A lot of states have open carry. A cop can shoot you if he sees you have a gun. Doesn't matter if you have a license and everything. So you effectively don't have the right to bear arms if a cop can shoot you for exercising it. You have the right to protest. Unless a cop tells you to stop. He doesn't need a real reason to tell you to stop. And if you don't stop, you can be arrested or shot. So you don't really have the right to protest, do you? A cop cant just search your car or house, right? Unless he claims he heard something, or smelled something, neither of which can be proven. So a cop can search whatever he wants, as long as he pretends there was a "reason". So you dont have protection from unreasonable search and seizure, do you? These are no longer rights- they're things the cops allow.. for now. But legally, those rights have already been found to not actually be rights, because any random cop can decide to take that right from you, for any reason. It's insane.
These aren't like crazy things that I'm just making up, these aren't some weird twisted way I'm looking at something, these are all very real things that we all just.. ignore? Police abolitionists and the media bring these things up all the time, and the overwhelming response to it is: so what? Don't break the law and it won't matter. Blue lives matter. More police funding. Cops should have tanks. It's insane. And I always feel like im just rambling and sound insane when I say this kind of stuff because if you wrote a book and had the dystopian government doing the stuff that the police in this country do every single day, those same people who "back the blue" would line up to say stuff like "*Books government* wouldnt have a chance before us real americans stopped them" on twitter and not even get a hint of the irony.
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gltzpzy · 7 months
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yall don’t know how long i’ve fw sza bro she was one of my first fave artists ever AND IM GONNA SEE HER BRO WTF😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i was ranting to my sister abt how badly i wanted them since she first announced them and bro. she bagged me a ticket (i unintentionally paid her half bc she said it was for groceries nd she knows if she paid full id feel so bad lol bro but obviously i’m paying her back the other half) for 200 bro wtf😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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fiapartridge · 1 year
she gets so jealous bc of all the new girlies making edits of him and he spends so long reassuring and holding her
omg she’s spent so much time watching tiktok edits and walking around campus with him & feeling so jealous and insecure when a girl would look at him - her mind is just like there are so many beautiful girls in the world. why is he with me?
she’d be in her dorm scrolling thru tiktok and reading the comments & she’d feel so angry and sad and insecure when will knocks on the door
she’d get up to open it, not even look at him, and just go back to her bed, knowing that he’d close the door behind him
omg will knew something was wrong the minute the door opened. usually, she’d be kissing him and pulling him into her dorm, going on and on about the things that happened to her that day but the fact that she was saying nothing meant that something was really wrong
will would follow her to her bed and immediately trap her in his arms. like he’d get underneath her and like place her head on his chest - it was just something natural for them to do and she didn’t fight it
but then he was so sad when he heard her say “would you tell me if you liked someone else?” it was so out of the blue - i mean, he knew something was wrong but he didn’t think it was going to be that. her voice was so small & so unlike her - she’s usually teasing him that he’ll leave her for some prettier girl and he’d always reassure her that she’s the only one for him, but it looked like it was actually gettting to her
“i would never like anyone else. you’re it for me, pretty girl.”
“i mean it, you’re the only girl i want. you’re the only girl i’ll ever want.”
“everyone’s just so in love with you. there’s five million girls on tiktok thirsting over you, and don’t act like you don’t see the girls on campus making heart eyes at you. i mean, why are you even with me?”
“are you really asking that question right now? i’m with you because you’re my best friend, because you’re the only person that knows me, and because i’m so in love with you. they don’t know me, you do. it’s always you.”
and then they’d cuddle and kiss and talk some more about stupid light hearted things and he’d spontaneously drop some love bombs here n there like “you’re so beautiful.” or like “i cant believe you’re mine.” and they’re just so cute
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charms-of-earth · 19 days
ok i have a new hobby. reading thru Wikipedia while high. i was microwaving a frozen enchilada and realized i had no idea how microwaves worked and the thought of turning a frozen brick into fully hot and ready to eat food was amazing, but microwaves had been around for my whole life so i never stopped to appreciate them. so i looked up when was microwave invented and the first thing i saw was that awful ai search that you cant turn off for some reason, and the second thing i saw was Wikipedia. you can guess which one i picked. i scrolled down until i got to "History - Early Development" and i started reading and omg i never realized how interesting this story was! did you know that one of the very first things microwaved was an egg? which exploded into one of the researchers faces? who hasn't microwaved an egg before? we were all unknowingly experiencing the microwave as kids just like the first users of the first microwave. did you know that a major component in microwaves, the cavity magnetron (by the way who came up with that name? sounds like a transformer that your dentist made up) was built for World War II for short wavelength radar. the way it was written too is charming in a way. i mean that you can tell it was written by a human who is passionate about this subject. not ai. just look at this section if you don't believe me.
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an unprecedented discovery. that sounds like you admire them you nerd. and why wouldn't you? they played a big part in the creation of a super fast oven that can heat up your food in a couple minutes instead if setting aside hours for mealtimes. for many of us, we feel like life happens in between work, cooking, cleaning, anything we HAVE to do. the moments where we are just going mind blank on a video game or binging a favorite tv show or hanging out with the people we love, those moments are when we are truly living. ok but heres the best part of the story and the reason why i think that the story of the invention of the microwave would be a hit in the box office if it was ever made. here, i'll just let you read it.
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can you just imagine that scene in the movie? it would be so funny, he'd pull out the melting candy bar and go hmm? and the looks on the researchers faces when the popcorn started popping in there? i would love to have been there bc those reactions would have been so precious. like a kid discovering they can cook for themselves for the first time bc of this appliance and the wonder in their eyes as they look up at you, amazed and impressed with themselves. the first place commercially to have a microwave was a restaurant in Boston. i wonder if they advertise that on their sign? the last thing i learned from the wikipedia article is where i stopped reading. it just became a little too much to ponder when i was in that state.
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reanimate cryogenically frozen hamsters?? so you're telling me. there are real life necromancers? ok i know what i'm looking up next. BUT ALSO. the link on those two blue words just define what they are, they dont add any further context. why were they trying to reanimate a hamster? no clue. why did they have cryogenically frozen hamsters on hand? was it bc they were testing to see if people can be cryogenically frozen but they had to use hamsters first? actually thats pretty likely isn't it...ok you gotta admit thats cool. maybe they would include that part in the movie somehow.
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AOT characters and music they’d listen to:
feat. Levi, Mikasa, Eren, Jean, Erwin, Hange, Armin, Sasha, Connie
But it’s really specific and not at all based off of people i know 😀 (i never ever do this but it was a thought that wouldnt leave me alone).
i’m sorry am I supposed to believe this dumb mf doesn’t listen to only tiktok songs w/o any awareness of him doing it???? He’ll be like “hey have you heard this new song?” 😄😄and its just an edited version of a song made by the neighbourhood years ago 😕 PLSSS sir diversify your tastes!!! he obsessively listened to that “my money don’t jiggle jiggle” song unironically. Before tiktok, he would only listen to music on that Top50 spotify playlists and the only playlists he had saved outside of it was one mikasa made for him. 😐😐 Also he hasn’t listened to the sza album and thinks the big boys song is on it (keep up 😤😤😤)
i was so close to just saying he doesn’t listen to anything “why do u need music when you can just appreciate the silence??” BECAUSE SIR music sounds GOOD!!! 🤨🤨this is why i’d think he’d listen to shit like Kaleo?!?!?! 😭😭😭 idek just something that litterally does not evoke a single emotion . its just like . there . He probably might listen to the lumineers on occasion (ik theyre really good don’t come at me🫣🫣) poor bb would probably like heavy metal if somebody ELSE played it for him (he would never admit to it tho) bc its something Kenny used to play when he was younger but never asked him what kind of music it was to search it up himself. 🥺🥺
my sweet girl. :( she is a fiend!! she is a pinchrest, lana del rey, mitski, rina, bjork, tv girl, marina girly thru and thru🤩🤩(im not pulling this from my spotify i sweAR) shes so deadfaced about it. she shits on all those weird coquette girlies tho!! (as she should queen!!!) Never will admit to listening to it tho, and not because she’s embarrassed but because she doesn’t want anyone thinking she relates to the themes/subject matter (bbg why are you lying🥲🥲) But that’s okay because we can consume art critically! 😁😁😀
oh dear god. save this white man pls. 😢😢ok okok he actually has pretty good taste in music. hes the type that argues “i love all kinds of music just not country” (but ya know hes singing along to 9 to 5 everytime it plays on shuffle🤭🤭) he’s also very idgaf with the type of music he listens to and for that reason he’ll put you onto amazing artists!!! I feel like he listens to a lot of Omar Apollo, Sega Bodega, Dominic Fike, idkkk. He also listens to A LOT of Brent Faiyaz, the weeknd, and Gunna.😍😍BUTT I also will die on this hill that he used to love Eminem and would memorize all the lyrics (jeanboy is the real slim shady)😙 i luv him, he burns cds for all his friends (yes eren too) but will hand them off so nonchalantly and will be so careful in making the order of the tracks (yes eren too) and everyone will mock him for being so loving (yes eren too). Anyways I headcanon that jean is very very open with giving out all his love to his friends, always hosting everyone (yes eren too), wears his heart on his sleeves, tells his mom every little detail about them, and has the entire checklist for being a good friend down. anyways this isn’t unfortunately a jean post :( i luv him so much actually. also a big radiohead fan for some reason !😝😝
I WAS SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!!!!!! hange has the best music taste and nobody expects it . (except me duh because i luv hange so so so so much 🤨) hange listens to what spotify categorizes as escape room music on their spotify wrapped. They listen to Eartheater, arca, bjork, coucou chloe, kilo kish, dorian electra, UGH I JUST CANT NOT ARGUE THIS ENOUGH!!! 👹👹hange’s dragging erwin and levi to the concerts and erwin’s grandpa ass is so enthusiastic for no reason (go white man go 🤠🤠) but like thats not all?? they also listen to artists like sevdaliza, florence, caroline polachek!!! HANGE LOVES WOMEN!!!! 😤FKA TWIGS, iamamiwhoami, kelela, kelsey lu :)))))) i feel like hange just loves :( it started out with trying to annoy levi with the weirdest sounding music ever but it turned out,,,,they really liked this kinda music (thx levi) Now he’s stuck with all their car rides consisting of hange whispering eartheater songs in his ear from the passengers seat right next to his ear. (also obsessed with any song they can gather people to dance along with #justdanceking) 🤞🤞
erwin’s weird. he’s a weirdo. in case ya haven’t noticed. 😭😭 idk why his is so hard to think of??? He’s an unironic Rosalía stan and claims he luvs latina singers!! 😡😡i hate him so much. ok ok ok he’s a mariah carey, whitney houston, beyoncé, fan. He also loves like 2010s girl group music like fifth harmony, little mix, etcetera. 😫He cries to aretha franklin and nina simone. but he also knows the verses to Nicki’s songs :) i love him so much. ❤️
Sasha + Connie: 
they listen to the same music idc idc! Bad bunny, playboi carti, the weeknd. Connie went thru a bart simpson vapor wave/juice wrld phase. 😐😐😐He wouldve still been posting about XXXtentacion if Sasha didn’t smack some sense into him 😠😠(everyone say thank you sasha) Sasha also listens to lots of Britney i havta say! also loved the neighbourhood, arctic monkeys, etc growing up. I luv her so much 🤭🤭
my sweet darling boy grew up listening to emo rock and goth rock growing up. he hid it from everyone tho! instead he listened it to full blast on his headphones for hours at night and thats why today he says “huh.” 😕after every sentence someone says :/ hes grown out of it now but he still can belt out the lyrics to black parade anyday! went crazy over King for a Day bc Kellin Quinn AND Pierce the Veil?!?!?!😳😳 Now he loves screaming along in eren’s ear! 🤪🤪
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yoimo06 · 5 months
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09:26 am !! 18.04.24
First day of writing my thoughts feelings and experiences here and whatever else. I heard tumblr works well as a journal/blog so might as well.
Even though I'm honestly still not entirely sure how this platform works (especially not on the pc ver) we all learn as we go, don't we?
Anyhow. I gotta get back home from school.. can't believe I'm sick again! Man, it's all the girl's fault for not being able to keep their asses home when they're sick. I confronted one of the girls about it and she really said "You would've gotten mad at me for not coming to help with the project" (we are unfortunately working on a group contest together — a group of 6 girls) like, no girl, no one would. She was the one that got mad at another person from our group when THEY were sick and told them to come to school. Darn hypocrite.
I hate this damn problem doe. Its so stupid. There are ups to it though. For example, i didn't have to attend a bunch of classes which is cool but then again im falling behind w all the lessons and shit so thats not great.
I just want it to be over fast. Cant stand working w some of these people no more. Fake asf
Rn im taking a bath! My favourite thing to do ngl. Its so warm and nice and cosy. Outside, in the parking lot behind our house theres people setting up the farmers market. Ive always found it so endearing and nice!! I love farmers markets and even if i dont buy anything, just passing thru it is nice.
On another brighter than all the other notes!!! My boyfriend got accepted into Uni here!!! We'll be breaking long distance soon. Its all happening so fast but im so glad so so glad hes coming home soon. I miss him more than anything. He's also going to come visit in a week or so!! I cant wait
Next week our school has this thing called 'Green week' where we take a break from normal school activities to instead do other things related to nature n shit. In concept it sounds nice but our teachers always pick the most boring activities for us...that sucks. For example, we'll be going to the Botanical garden for 4 hours!!! That'd be cool and all but we all know the botanical garden like the back of our hands from how much we visited it.. Theres plenty of other things to see, im sure, but most teachers don't wanna bother with actual interesting stuff, unfortunately.
Another small something is that i have recently started playing Star Rail again! Its great!! I would say im doing quite well, advancing through the story and stuff... I still have to properly build my charas doe oops! Thing is, i came back for this new character called 'Boothill', truly a charming gentleman. Haha! I managed to farm around 100 wishes in a week with a bit of help from my boyfriend as well~ I will get Boothill guys trust!! I kinda gave in though and pulled for Aventurine as well ... and i got him. But theres around 40 days left to farm for Boothill so im sure ill be gucci!! Ill be pulling for both him and his lightcone... and hopefully more copies of him hehe~~~
Todays weather was kinda shitty. The weather has been shitty recently actually. Its so cold and it keeps raining even tho not too long ago it was all nice warm and sunny, like how spring should be! I miss the nice weather, i hope it comes back soon so i can wear my short skirts, long socks and cool graphic tees!
Hmm~ I might hop back on here later mayhaps mayhaps to write some more stuff but for now ill be signing off!
Byebye ~
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meatriarchived · 10 months
i do need to set up verses for both danny & ana but some ch2 thoughts for them:
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danny, by default, never left texas. he does travel alot for his work.
( for those who may not know about underwater welding, due to the potentially dangerous conditions it pays ALOT, it can take weeks to months doing a job, so theres often periods no one gets word from him due to wherever he may be pulled for work. it can take him just about anywhere across the country and sometimes even elsewhere in the world, tbh. )
but that said, he stuck around in texas because frankly, its all the knows, and there's a part of him hoping that one day everyone will come back together. so in the back of his head, its like: i can't go elsewhere permanently because i don't wanna miss if anyone ele returns. in cases like maria's wilted au, when they realize she took off without saying anything, danny tries desperately to find her - full on driving aimlessly everywhere he could thinks of, popping into other states even, trying to find her. him and ana got into some heated arguments over it - cause she knows where maria went to and she's not saying anything, just that she knows she okay, and danny struggles to just accept that.
when ch2 rolls around, two decades later, and the ideas' posed - i've noted before that danny thinks its some dumb joke. he truly does. until its reaffirmed that no, its an actual plan to follow thru on. and when they all get together to talk things over, and danny sees maria walk in and realizes she's going too? i doubt anyones' surprised when danny punches lee for suggesting it let alone bringing it up with her- ( sorry lee- ) but guy is going thru literally every single emotion possible in one single moment. and he's angry, most of all, but as also noted before - if they're all agreeing to go then god-fucking-dammit he can't let them run off and stay behind, he's fuckin' going too-
and then when it comes to ch2 routes for cc/nosy/dusk? danny likely had that bad head injury that made him lose one of his eyes, and fucked over his career more than likely. so guys' already a mess, but then return to the house 20 yrs later? and he sees maria? alive? or her & lee? alive? after all this time, believing they were dead, believing they ( he ) failed them - yet there they both are, one of the family now? guy is so fucked up over it cause god fucking dammit he knew he should've gone back, injuries be fucking damned, knew he needed to confirm it for himself but he didn't. it kills him knowing had he sucked it up and gone back - even if alone - then maybe, maybe, they could have gone home.
he cant find it in him to hate them, or want to strangle them, or anything of the sort. he honestly doesnt even really have it in him to fight or at least punch them ( mostly lee tbh but- ) its just.... its disappointment, its hurt, its anger at himself for getting himself in a position where he couldnt have helped either of them when they truly needed it.
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with ana, its... rough. in aus where maria is either confirmed or believed to be dead? its such an internal battle of whether she wants to join them going back or not. like... part of her just wants to let maria rest, let her just... be at ease in whatever comes after life without more of them sacrificing themselves to that family. and then theres' the part of her still so very angry that what happened to her was never cared about enough, never properly investigated, never got justice ( or vengeance ) for what maria went thru, what they ALL went thru, and there's a part of her that wants to put a proper close on all of it. its so messily complicated, it opens old wounds, she's upset when its brought up, but she can't deny that its also been at the back of her mind all those years, too.
in aus where maria's alive, wilted? its been incredibly difficult facing the friends. because she does know where maria's been, knows how to reach her, all of that - and theres a part of her that feels like shes stabbing them all in the back for keeping her mouth shut about it. worse, a bit, knowing maria's also come back to texas a few times, when mama flores' healths' gotten very bad but, also never brought it up because she didn't know how anyone would react. so when she, also, sees that maria's going back to the house? she feels so fucking terrified at the thought of losing her again. and she wishes she wasn't told.
and then, for cc/nosy/dusk ch2 routes......? you can truly tell she's marias sister cause my god ana hasn't cried remotely close to as much as she does seeing maria / lee alive. she, for once, doesnt put two and two together and she simply immediately wants to run to them both and throw her arms around them but its just... the horror of realizing what them being alive means - why theyre still at the house, why they both look much colder than they used to. with maria, its so much the thought of like... you were always here, always alive, this entire time, why didnt you reach out? why didnt you run? why didnt you come home? and with lee ( particularly dusk ) its just... why? how could you? after what they did to maria, to all of us? i dont know how to explain it other than its just. betrayal and heartbreak?
but pretty much in every single verse every au every route that involves the Horrors of the House, ana wants to see johnny dead af for taking her sister from her :)
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scariercnidaria · 1 year
whalefall dnd setting? please tell me more
OK HOLY SHIT. so im very autistic about the ocean and one of my hobbies is getting sad, watching fish documentaries and thinking about how i would stat up a fucking nudibranch or a portuguese man o war as a dnd enemy. which is kind of where the idea for the setting spawned for
right now im calling the setting #benthopelagia, this is the same as the tag i use for posting and for collecting inspiration
basically um so ive drawn a buncha maps of islands andstuff and theres a buncha nations.. yassez is the one ive. yknow. actually populated so far. the other 3 plotrelevant ones are isthmus and polonge (isthmus has claimed territory in polonge and fully occupies yassez). polonge is also at war with geuzi. fontaine has a treaty with geuzin. jicama and selenia are fighting over a strip of coast. danovsk is also fighting jicama over a pass thru the mountains. branthia is waiting on the sidelines ready to do very important Peacekeeping such as Supplying Weapons to insurgent terrorist cells.
>>GEOPOLITICS OVER read from here if u dont caare<<
theres a buncha.. buncha fake religions like cetaceanism (whale), currentism (its like breatharianism but it works bc its for filter feeders), integism (science cult), medusaism (jellyfish), The Really Big Human (a la dark souls gwynevere but an old man) Who Sits Above The Surface And Fishes Out The Cave Fish (only in ohio). i think in cetaceanism magnapinna are like. the devil.
theres a clan of nomadic humanoid orca that believe theyre demigods and run around fucking shit up. theres the shark mob from shark tale around the main coral reef settlement (barriertown/the shelf) called "reefers" who are pulling an hp lovecraft innsmouth on the landlubbers of port saiyon cause they keep coming on to land in order to steal electricity for their weed hydroponics.
theres a couple hydrothermal vents which are culturally the same as oil rigs
OVER TO THE WHALEFALL PART bc thats actually what you asked, theres a whalefall settlement which in a perfect world would be where i would start my players off. its like a small rural industry town thats slowly dying as resources get depleted. heavily cetaceanist but a sect of cetaceanism that think its ok to eat your gods. big whalers guild presence, and basically one quest would be to um. go kill another whale so we can Eat, please.
another quest start ive been ruminating on would be the PCs start on land and get mariners revenge'd to the bottom of the ocean.
theres also like - theres a trench? where there didnt used to be a trench? and people are like. man what the fuck. and in addition to that basically all contact with things on the other side of that trench - the whole opposite hemisphere actually - are just Not Coming, until weeks later they all come at once? so like whats actually happening is the core of the earth is hollow, but the core of that core is incredibly dense and this is called the unsigned (after unsigned integer overflow error. funny joke for me. the unsigned is a concept of integism). and its trying to break out except theres a stitch that it cant break and its called the time stitch cause its fucking with time (sorry this is all very fucking. stupid iv not completed the development of it yet. if u cant tell)
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tmbg-tournie · 1 year
OMG I cant believe I missed the start of this, some of my faves got knocked out in their first round (whirlpool :( ). Im a bit curious: Im guessing youll probably do the kids albums, but what about live albums? Also what about Venue Songs and Then: The Earlier Years?
Here's some random songs pulled from all over that you could use in your singles polls. not expecting em to all make the cut, i dont know your criteria. i tried to check the previous polls to ensure i didnt include anything you already done but i may have missed some:
one more parade
snail dust
mrs. train
25 o clock
ram on
feast of lights
darlin allison
savoy truffle
pop a shot
the long grift
baroque hoedown
through being cool
call connected thru the NSA
minature sidewalk whirlwind
Kooky Little Remix
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow
you are old, father william
stormy pinkness
we've got a world that swings
(also during the solo projects later there the whole roman songs EP)
Thank you for the ask! Answers to your questions below!!
First of all, thank you so much for all the singles you’re a lifesaver (I find it hard to find singles that aren’t in regular albums too)
second of all, I am a proud proud whirlpool warrior and it should not have been slaughtered like that, some of my faves have been knocked out too (She’s an Angel…)
Third, I will do kids albums, and any live/earlier years album where it isn’t the same version of the song as what’s on main albums. Idk if that makes sense but more than likely yes I will do live albums/songs
My criteria for singles is that they have to be made by/under TMBG and not just made by one of them (ex. Mono Puff), they have to be different than the song on the main album (ex. The ungodly amount of Istanbuls), and they have to be actual songs (anti ex. Lesson 16)
Side note it is so fun to color text and also it makes it easier for me to read
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sunbeamfae · 2 months
at work when someone asks how im doing it like breaks me idk why well actually i do know why it is because when they come up to my register, i speak first and ask did u find everything ok ? then they say yes and then i ring them up. if they come up and ask me how i am before i ask them if they found everything ok, i answer im well... umm did u find everything ok ? and they automatically answer that they, too, are doing well instead of telling me if they did in fact find everything ok or not. do not ask me how i am doing it is not relevant and not part of my unwritten auto pilot npc retail grunt script. aaand now you've activated sloth mode since you are in such a rush to interact with me. sloth mode is something i made up and that i do when a customer is trying to be soooo obvious how much of a hurry they are in without telling me they are in a hurry. they huff and puff up to my register like being third in line was going to kill them and they quickly dump all of their non essential cosmetic goods onto my counter and they start telling me their phone number before i ask (or worse, they try to type it into the pinpad, which i know most retailers allow the customers to do but not at my store sorry) so i let them do all that while i stare at them and when the huffing and puffing eases up, i go sloth mode. "did you find everything ok ?" "yes..." "whats your phone number?" *customer rattles off 10 numbers really fast but i dont even need to look at the numpad when i type numbers so this doesnt phase me* *i pretend it's taking a second to load even tho they did in fact pop up* "ah. i found you. jennifer ?" "sighh yup thats me" then my favorite part of sloth mode is i do everything the managers want me to do normally. i remind them what their loyalty account does, what their points do, how to redeem them, how you can double them when you get the credit card, then i tell them every thang about the credit card and offer it to them, not allowing them to interrupt my spiel as they try to wedge "no. no miss im not interested." in between every point. and during all of this i am ringing products in juuust slow enough to be believable, smiling joyous and happy to help, while they slam their weighted amex onto the wrong corner of the unprepared to tender any payments pinpad (i do not tell them its not going to work yet) then i finallyyy hit debit/credit and because they saw it light up they thought the payment went thru, but it did not, so i let them put their card away then i look curiously over the counter at the pinpad and go uh oh there was a delay or something... can you try your card again? so then they guiltily pull their card back out of their mall kiosk marc jacobs bag and try again. and beautifully, in order to end the transaction they have to choose if they want their receipt printed or emailed, but i dont remind them its going to ask them that, so i wait for their impatient eyes that seem incapable of really looking at any one thing for longer than 1 singular second to find their way back to the pinpad screen and notice they gotta pick one. then its all over and they can run out the door but i am so ^_^ 💖💖💖😇😇😇 ^_^ ^_^ the whole time they cant complain about me & i dare them to. get sloth mode'd idiot. also do not ask me how i am doing. i dont have a real answer i can give you because the real answer is a brutal ear shattering scream.
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mekatrio · 4 months
3-5 probably went thru a lot of changes i can see it like maya and pearl going missing at the start probably meant tht spirit channelling was gonna play a bigger role and phoenix had to deduce whether dahlia or misty or godot or whoever was being channelled by either maya or pearl. instead of the weak shit that aa3 pulled where it was very obviously maya who was channelling dahlia hawthorne 😑 i cant believe it took until aa6's final case for someone to realize "wait having a character actually be dead and was just being channelled this whole time is actually awesome why didnt we do this earlier" like 🤦
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ham-st4r · 1 year
honestlyyyy i cant believe i fell asleep reading kinda mad i didn’t manifest any dreams of heeseung tho 😔
i agree heeseung’s character is this was chef’s kiss but i also just love how u write heeseung in general in all ur fics 🥺
like idk him wanting to be called bun while doing the nasty is so…naughty 🤭
i’m been pulling thru at most 😭 suffering thru uni and the only thing keeping me sane are my occasional trips on tumblr ( but even that gets tiring..) i’m so out of it honestly ( sorry for the little TMI ) but cyber sex was such a good read my mood is actually rly good today now lolll
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Still waiting on the day I have dreams about hee :/
I need to make more fics like that honestly that one was so fun to write and I agree heeseung wanting to be called bunny is my whole identity now (I wonder what he likes being called in bed in real life tho 👀)
I’m glad it put you in a better mood 💕 but I hope your suffering will come to an end soon😭😂 although I know how you feel I’ve been kinda out of it for the most part like I’m literally just going through the motions and seeing what happens lmao it just be like that sometimes
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placeholder-entity · 1 year
Lain a LANSA I have never been catfished as hard as I just was 😭
SHE GAVE ME A BACKSTORY. Who does that?!? She even had all the signs of being a phisher but they've never bothered with a BACKSTORY before. Like the weirdly quick responses and the bad spelling and the subject jumps were all there, but they were about her EX BOYFRIEND. I consoled her over an entire breakup before she pulled out the "so here's my rates"
Oh my Lain did I just get emotionally used 😭 was that a real person trying to get an emotional fix while also scaring up some business? I STILL CANT TELL IF THAT WAS A BOT. Who scripts a bot with an emotionally burdensome backstory?!?! How is that catching phish 😭 is there Venn diagram overlap between men who like to offer emotional support and men who are desperate enough to pay for a woman's company?!?!?
Is anyone getting the insanity of this? There's only 2 types of catfishers: actual professionals who lure you in before springing the offer on you, and bots who spam cashapp requests with their nudes to get cash out of you with no possibility of meeting. That's literally all there is and I've seen both types, but neither has EVER pretended to be going thru a breakup for 30 minutes before springing the offers.
I knew something was wrong when she said I was handsome but what kind of person do I wanna be? The 16 year old insecure loser who responds to compliments with "nah I'm ugly what's your angle", or the 26 year old adult who's willing to believe an attractive woman might find him attractive? I'm so freaking devastated 😭😭
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expfcultragreen · 2 years
I dreamed i was getting a grade back from my 4th grade teacher (blonde bun, glasses) and she was saying she didnt have me assignment and i was suddenly panicking and tearful and i was like i finished it, if you dont have it its gone, and she was like you can hand in another one and I'll mark it out of four (it was supposed to be our of ten and worth <10% of our grade in the course) and i suddenly got super made and was like "four?! I might as well not even bother" and i stomped away to work on the assignment that was due in two days. Over my should i said thanks for the offer, and i meant it because like at least she'd given me an option of some kind and i didnt know why I'd gotten so mad suddenly.  I sat down and i had all these bags full of papers around me and the desk was overflowing with different stuff. The teacher asked me what i was working on and i started to tell her, and the room was warpy and it was like i was talking a movie.  I said i was going to tell a story, and it was more like i was remembering something i'd seen earlier in the dream? About a model being directed at a shoot for a poster for medical offices. Shes an assistant in slightly tight scrubs and shes up on a step ladder getting something up high on a shelf and she's looking back over her shoulder like "this?" And the shot is at an angle where its mostly of her ass. And she's thinking about how this is going to make the actual medical assistants feel when their bosses put it up, like what is it going to say to them about their workplace? And the teacher was like you should talk to curtis about it, and i was sitting next to curtis from my 6th grade class, but he seemed really different.  He was really invested and willing to talk, and i started to say that the dialogue at the end was tripping me up, because the story sort of left the building/the model and started following a group talking outside.  i was going over the parts of it id drawn as a comic in pencil crayon but the parts that were blank i was marking up with abstract signs like plot goes here from here. It was a mess. I was going through my desk and the angle i would see the rest of the room from changed every time i went thru the papers.  And finally the teacher morphed to my 11th grade english teacher (curly dark hair, no glasses) when i had found some chapstick in the desk and pulled it out. She said it was hers and i was like someone put it here and she said that now she didnt want it. On that tangent she started to tell a story, and it made a movie form of it which looked like elfstuff lotr crossed with where the wild things are (heavy on the wtwta), about people coming to her autonomous home community food forest (where everyone is dressed like wow elves) and just like walking in "to find someone" and having to carefully take them back to their own community food forest (where everyone is dressed like hobbits) and explain "we dont go in eachothers gardens." And them all looking totally daft like they didnt know the law. And her coming home like "i cant believe i have to tell them they cant go in someone else's garden like this, its like saying hello could you please not be a rapist?"
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
fun fact: yesterday was the first time i rescheduled an appointment bc of how severe my depression is
usually an appointment is how i manage to pull myself up and take a shower. get some different food than just a sammich or chef boyardee straight out the can. but i just,,, couldnt?
i think i had convinced myself that my depression was bc my life sucked and i had undelt with trauma, that despite my familys mental health history i had gotten out with a trauma based disorder and ADHD and autism. so this last yr ive been coming to terms with the fact that my brain chemcals have also caused my depression.
doesnt help that having worked thru all my shit, my depression isnt 'i hate myself' and is just 'wow i cant get up' so yknow,,, gaslighting myself into believing its not actually there.
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sgurrdearg · 5 years
So things might be looking up? I emailed my favourite lecturers at the weekend and my absolute favest got back to me like.... so early this morning to tell me that YES he would be so happy to have me back in class and would support my application absolutely. Which just..... FILLS MY HEART. So now I just have to get applying and go do battle with student finance and get me some medical evidence from my GP to support my claim for more money for fees.....
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