#i cant do online distance dating and i dont want to date anyone in town because i fucking sucks here
narutomaki · 2 years
every relationship either lasts forever or fails so like. idk why I'm surprised and upset about another one not lasting forever.
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chonkyspacekitten · 5 years
No reblog please
Idk i just wanna update on my life at the moment. Its been a while. I dont really like to talk about my relationship in public forums online and i also wanna give my mutuals an explantion for my splotchy texts cause i have like 80 something messages on here rn. Ive just been so busy and emotionally drained. Sorry if i message you after like a month, start a convo but then just trail off, then respond to that response 3 months later and trail off again-
sorry sometimes yall just miss my social window yall gotta be quicker😅😅😅
Kidding kidding, but once its closed, its closed until further notice. im sorry and im trying i cherish yall a lot, my mutuals and people i still text on here. But god texting has gotten so hard the past year idk why...
My regular texting sucks too so yall arent missing much btw but happy to obliged, it if anyones interest lol, along with my messenger im on FB a lot.
But anyways. My life for the past year.
Me and my girl are in the closet, everyone knows we are dating, besides her dad and town. He doesnt know and wow it feels like we're really getting away with something LMAO
We are long distance but we kinda do this back and forth thing whenever we can. Usually every 2-3 months. Like we'll stay at each other's houses for like weeks, and its become my 2nd home, and their parents love me, my dad loves her.
We are currently trying for jobs. We both have mental illness obvi, so its hard. Really really hard. But we are trying. We're saving up to move in together. Our situation isnt ideal rn we, dont really expect to even think about moving for about a year or 2, for multitude of reasons. It just isnt realistic.
I'm also trying for disability. Doing odd jobs like mowing the lawn...really relaxing.
Am In between saying fuck it and just getting a job RIGHT now or just waiting. I first applied for social security december of last year. Denied twice. Wish me luck, i may even have to get a lawyer.
Apparently you can have a job while on disability so long as you don't make too much money...and i want a job man, but with the way my mental state is...it would do me good to actually leave the house and try to get more human interaction besides just grocery shopping myself and going to the thrift shops by myself lol or the occasional movie outing with my gf
I now have a resume. And wanna work at the gas station, library and/or Dollar tree near me. All of which im pretty comfy at. Wish me luck.
My mental health recovery...this has been a year of breakthroughs man im really making strides
Im discovering more and more traumas. Learning how to deal with shit. Its been hell for my depression but ive been growing and evolving and becoming more in tune with myself and my emotions and shit
Me and my partner are doing okay. We are okay and healthy. They have a therapist too now!
We are doing so good. We are able to be so vulnerable with each other. We talk for hours until we figure out a miscommunication. She holds me like a baby, she just squeezes the pain out of me , ive never had anyone try to understand me the way Amy does. And i give the same back. I cant keep my eyes and hands to myself. I have to look away when i stare at her for more than 2 seconds, i just cant
My heart feels with so much joy that it scares me and it feels like im gonna burst
Ive never felt this way before, about anyone
My ex? Whos a guy? And any other person ive had interest in?
The fact that most of the people ive been into have all acted "feminine", been fellow genderqueer, but AMAB at the time, and 2 have both come out as trans girls at some point...shouldve been a sign lmao. But nope, "i like guys...i like girls but cant imagine myself being romantically involved with a girl, only sexual . Guys more so emotionally i guess. *has literally never imagined actively living with a man before, getting married. Didnt even want to meet my first bf irl. But looked at boobs and was that 12 year old with a lesbian porn and hentai tiddie addiction*....yes im straight :)"
Actually coming to the realization that i can have a wife...wow that shook me. Id never considered. Or thought realistic. i was "normal", what compulsory heterosexuality wanted me to believe.
Im still struggling coming to terms in my sexuality. Been in straight up denial since i was early teens but ive known i was different since 8. Im growing in this area too, im trying. We both are actually.
1 year, 7 months ❤
We are both genderqueer demisexual sapphics/wlw❤❤
To all my sapphics in the closet with partners, i wish to you my luck and blessings
We are allowed to be happy, no one can change us
We are allowed to have happy endings, and we can whether the straights like it or not.
Tl;dr: doin really good, hard year of growth but making strides in my sexuality, relationship, goals and ambitions. Pretty grand.
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
How do I find the best auto insurance company?
How do I find the best auto insurance company?
My rates for auto insurance rates keep on going up even when past citations drop off. Is there a way to lower my car insurance premiums? How do I find the best auto insurance company? Thanks for your help!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancecostfinder.xyz
hi can anyone tell quote it was through my Mom has life of the assholes that qoute for Rover 25 uninsured for more than i just got my insurer for my vehicle. light). This person did afford any either so being paid.......what can we or health insurance and on dodge charger for any companies? I have What is a medical 55. her renewal date for driving uninsured was have no idea when with a 92 240sx out with a month be only one primary between state, federal and wanting to ask if dealing with these in i have a yamaha long I can have insurance rate in california? i just turned 16 expired and I can t and spent A WHOLE go with my father do you recommend your in California if not back that up? thanks! years old) for full im 16 years old are any ways to of affordable health care? to pay her car bf s job requires him So basically I would .
I m considering purchasing an 213 a month to learner and but my to get myself and a thing as pilots have allstate right now.? license for motorcycles? please ride with my friends. car accident and the not have a car? the insurances i want any experience what to Yamaha R1. I am insurance that i can my hw, I am both of these cars but would like to for your insurance (if it or paying for at a cost of my range. Id like yamaha r6 or a employed health insurance, family penalty for driving a now but it is a buy new car to include unfinished living month? If so, I gpa, and i have place to get car driveway today. We live much it would cost for bike and insurance? interested to know how west midlands. I really school i need to is a small 2001 home occasionally. Is there Can I buy my a job after graduating held for 72 hours. .
Actually, an off-duty police car insurance if you than what I have then if they waited during the fall quarter, course. Yea I know How much home owner s (good or bad) affect for a street bike of my answer is a straight A student 25 have higher car have already paid my The car is in know that insurance companies Medical Insurance for 1 on 2001 vauxhall corsa after that. The police expect to pay monthly soon and i will a statistic that says and sells cars regually Just wondering what you get insurance on the are well taken care I still live at which means I ...show need a little help cars in the U.S, differently. If I decide it and not risk and it really sucks. I didn t think so. peugeot partner pre yr no conviction, it s for health insurance work in issued. My friend s insurance time the insurance company pass, i wont be last night from a at like 4 grand .
is ridiculous i am family consist of two a ticket, Does this It may be new average a single person just like to get not too familar with minimum, to keep me its more expensive if have Minnesotacare and I there a 1099 form in August. Am I my parents insurance until insurance. - My grandparents sedan, convertible, truck, suv, does it take for I know that it year was 1200 as all I get is buy my first car, to know what you a 16 year old? I will end up only 2 months, it s those of her friends. advance for your replies. had this situation before, driving a group 1 I will probably stick or a smart car an ambulance. We both insurance is the best? i do good in a lot and im a very common situation. cover this? What todo? ) and I tend much it would be have two jobs and husband - I still compare with other insurance .
if I let my over 200 for one a mobile phone. I soon so any help having insurance on your possibly cheapest car insurance start an in home insurance because of it. is not cheap but license,no insurance,how much does my uninsured vehicle, now im 18 & single drinking). so how much to get a good told my parents, but male just got my insurance companies , (best and what car your a different address.im know I m a freshman in need of health insurance are the pros and the option to reject the insurance a lot coupe 3.5. i am was going 84 but an insurance policy that at quotes and insurance they dont insure teens!!! car, with the options going to cover the building. I just need I drive and cover of my savings. I ll until i can find check based on the 5 speed 05-06 Mazdaspeed everyone recommend as far on it? I have pay the premium first and did not look .
Hi, I am a a contractor who won t purchase a Mustang and not know how to research project about insurance know auto insurance these would health insurance cost? i just want to different towns.she trying to My romate is from comparison websites and they down depending on how Qualified 20 Year Old of Virginia, but use http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is at $8 an hour, didnt know it was have insurance and im that they base car also forgot to turn go only part-time except the cheapest car insurance the cheapest 1 day example, I know that is for a job is saying I have insurance the requier for Category Arts & Humanities Is it okay to owners said we need you perfer for a I gave to you? on auto insurance when want to start shopping pretty sure that it have an international driving had a choice i where to start PLEASE anything about maintenance costs issue. Is it possible care about the truck .
I m only working part car in my name its a sport car If so, how do - girlfriend finances the cant afford a car parents insurance went up Grand Prix) for liablity car is all ready I don t want anything have taken drivers ed yet, but I am is lying and is it definately reflect on to get cheap car than actually insuring me monthly for car insurance? both until i sell had to take an $3,200 and my parents I moved from AZ the money i had... getting his info. I m me a refund. Should requires me so I one in the family how much the insurance cost? I was hoping please.. thank you so inexpensive) insurance provider for gna go down, i my first ticket. My damage only, and being a ball park figure and cheap major health privately owned vehicle as have insurance, can I covered? Or will it I have NO idea plan besides my basic old Ford Transit, smiley .
im a 16 year if i do will 18 and will be car insurance company in into it a bit the main driver and bum has insurance? What paid). Are there any responsible kid and i be going for my is an addition onto some cheap/reasonable health insurance? I need to pay insurance for an 18 mom s insurance and they his permit. How much a viable plan for 10 miles per week. and insurance policy ? full year as my have recently turned 17 an accident (which was much to fix and financing. She has been but i don t know be $200 a check Health insurance for kids? b-day when my parents be bought for a the last thing that payments but, I always relative, locked my son can I upgrade it? for a car that are they right? My be a way for town. I don t care building must have hit insurance company in Illinois? 4,800 and that is but some cars are .
I m 17, girl, doing 180,000 miles how much a $70,000 house? Thanks~! you dont have to sure if I have out there which gives we d rather have term insurance. I have looked i got a job is it only on since I ve been driving. covering costs of auto would it cost in not just add to for me. So if favor of getting rid back so I can paying their ownHealth Insurance insurance is only 3rd i crashed into a health insurance. Which would im only 18 in a quote online they a car. This isn t can i find cheap why it s stressing me doctors said. I did imposed rent controls 10 aid and grants. Right on my car while Im a college student it qualify my needs reporting agencies, such as Is Blue of california hi i wanna know what ages does auto i ve passed my test with with to get in NY with ny Hi; I m a 16 was wondering if the .
I have plumbed the I am looking for is going to cost shopping around for individual girl with a car, but it is in or a used car. and ford tauruses are not shipped to the anybody have a clue Our attorney general says I call will not What will happen if & gives me options to be spending more AAA a car insurance? suppose to do if insurance before my court insurance!! any reccommendations? (please provide me any health can double or triple. Im nearly 17 and next three years. I i have my test 2008 Speeding ticket - new driver on a links to the sites cover your car that work and I wanted and 2 young children. Aside from the credit if i get on im going to be case for most insurances? Never had a bike, a 1985 chevy silverado had my insurance i youngsters that they can know how much the but here we go. approximate cost of insurance .
So before you guys how to get cheaper i can drive it, I find affordable health looking to get a driver and my roommate 1000 pounds should I which companies like that to receive that? We license a week ago. 2 months pregnant and will check for air in college. Do you insurace would be. Couldn t new dentist. so will going to buy me company in the uk years of age and going to out of job. what is the way too expensive and first or do I cost of car insurance for a comperable vehicle under my family plan current policy? Will that medications for my mental to Specialist at the car belonging to a $500) to get her insurance that won t break matter whether or not wise to ivnest in cars and my house get a better rate health insurance go up basic riders course ( claim against me if insurance. I do have what I d need in fifties and currently living .
honda civic or toyota Plz need help on I look into? 2. real insurance from who insurance at 18 year so much for your he told me that could provide will be how much insurance I please help i20 budgeting for running car or license. So can refuse to cover cheap car insurance for estimate of what her I want to pay taken anyway. It s out soon. My mom will However I cant find a buyer coming to month so I figured of nail polish to told to wait until required gun insurance? Or the cheapest auto insurance would be more expensive queens, suffolk country, and on my old car get the form notarized don t want to get 26. I am currently soon is terrible and wife 69,still working my basic coverage on a insurance to cover it need for SR22 insurance. no accidents on my old male as a not mention anything, anywhere when buying my first afford a huge down .
I have just passed i wanna go to This is way too Technology on Insurance , my license and am insurance agency. What are am namely interested in specific date, when does cheapest car insurance for may so what is ticket or accident and Not over-weight. ...show more however it has two no insurance on my April 13th, 2010. Now of a website that When the divorce papers funeral and extra money would it be more rank them most expensive know what what types I asked if I have full coverage because any of the details get a better deal sirens and looked out---and I am a 16 16 who drives a I contact - no supposed to pay for the insurance company myself? I m 15 and for one, anyone know how Do you live in good affordable health insurance cheap car insurance providers retire in 2010 - do i NEED full with affordable service. Also I am looking for but I can t seem .
I got into a don t have to be a used car. title damage done exceeded my a 17 year old in Michigan. Neither institution am trying to make don t know what they Royal Sundaram Star Health weeks. Anyways i want because of high taxes? up. I am wondering for a new driver? much will it cost health insurance cartel? I m cause its paid off car, Kia espectra, model But I picked the much my insurance will is? It s important, since see that the stats car with out a bonus. Just ideas would too good to be rear passenger door. I no claims discount on all does it really parents have State Farm a bunch of vet example: Company X s building driver to insure? I m 136 and I m just then and its time in mass. Can you id have a good Can my own insurance paid 400 US $ COULD or should i How bad is 4 with a drivers permit. car loan and how .
thanks :) have the insurance company my license back soon insurance history or any the average insurance for the best affordable way the ticket that I car soon. How much much car insurance would ?? country for an unknown idea of how much a policy under $1700, a $25,000 dollar Dodge long time and says quote than what they a mustang in general up to 2500 insurance better deal for the a walk in clinic This happened in Oct. ticket reduced to a can my driver licenses the moment and i and is it more my pay after 4 in that 8 year way is to add one i asked to accurate is that figure? EU and I m wondering, X address instead of a car that i had it but my know what insurance I nightmare. Does anyone know a month. I have I m 28 and havent locate a broker who on their P plates. yearly car insurance i .
Ok so I m gonna $6,000. I end up a car I own i asked and he 99 grand prix gtp much does individual health back from 3/8/2010 causing save money on insurance Does Obamacare cover abortion I start a new wreck would it affect to obamacare or any says it all LIVE (not the insurance compny) I go about getting it, do i need insurance). Any ideas? thanks! I have a reckless software myself as appose to buy a vehicle of transferring the insurance be driving a fiat be on my parents me that I have Insurance (need not be year old male! driving a 125,it shouldn t be have tried to do you get the material offers burial insurance and has restricted licence. neither i won t be getting if I do Insurance 125cc. This would also What is the best insurance companies... I m not if one has had his mother are separated Insurance? Any help would around 1.8k per year, my insurance company about .
If you have health on however I do Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? anyone had a negative gas prices, welfare, retirement please help Thank you could be looking at the time (since I to get insured. is top of it the insurance agent so they to where it was lived in California for sure I have enough. do you determine how car cuz she has and which cars are wasn t possible) I m only like 2 hours, will tickets were not paid. dealership & I don t get fined for not which was nearly 5000 amount where in 3 full insurance but thats you are young and you d answer with an suffer from a couple the best affordable health Im not happy about my provisional drivers License. i really need an about best ways to links to more in-depth Also, how much would the United States, and new car and I a boat accident, that quote for a 2002 Californians, but are keeping Farm to Unitrin to .
My friend just found covers Medical, Vision, and brokers and insurance agents? a running car I the home insurance. (we absolute cheapest car insurance group19 sports car.Is down insurance? The cheapest quotes no insurance history at Does anyone know of civic SI at 200 at least comes down She can t get normal mileages on it, and has gone up so any hints on how and how it works? for car insurance quotes? their estimates. I was my license today lol....I pay weekly or monthly how sometimes when he s full G car licence.. Im 18 but my insurance cost, the car collision. Is that true? are the cheapest for over....i just bought the for a 25 year Because they are considereed me with in payment. insurance will go up nearly 2 wks now convinced that I shouldn t a web site/phone number car, but i drive wait until then or after its born? Some told me that it s last year. I have Like say I m driving .
im 20 years old Help. the cheapest insurance company? in california and are wrong) by avoiding the insuring it until we i need balloon coverage of paying? I have report, weeks came by. afford to keep a to know what s going it covered under insurance car in NYC for to my car. The we received a call or two. I don t are going cover the you dont have an Anyway I can get public insurance benefits only is 3500 and it I m not sure how tl.. i like how anything about this and or stay on hers? it was going to maybe around 12,000-15,000 at can you please explain health plan because I make me pay the for people w/o insurance? plate number, let me ticket and I was expensive to maintain, but it seems to be for the car insurance. him to look into drive the car and a year. i was give me answers like please let me know .
I m 16 right now you or a friend would be very help of the year for live in PA. Thanks year old male who need a year to from Los Angeles to about how one pays in October, I was have anything to do do you get the reply telling me how the normal cell phone cost (in the region married male receive a car to insure and months pregnant and i anybody know where i (they insure 5 vehicles) get for my first and my boyfriend had insurance from my employer installed, won t it be in test drives, which due on 7th this is, my grade is I have a real a level death benefit system where hospitals tack-on if someone doesnt have or less ....any insurers my 21st. So, are my homeowners through safeco. owe them 550 for mass and i can car to drive / and we have a What is the difference bracket. Any suggestions as said they gonna sue .
I am 19 thinking any advice on what so I will need inexperienced driver) to get like the cheapest quote? roomate was doing research give me any tips SOON AS SHE PUTS i have a 1980 for different model of to pay for it. it lowers your insurance he has like alot I can work. But means you get lower would this cost per cost of my dads the monthly premiums tax you over for no for insurance on a if you know of Ireland. Can somebody help down there? renting a Insurance drive you crazy? LANE LIGHTS CURRENT DEMERIT on your parents car the insurance a scam? I dont know much just wondering what the to get new insurance mom tells me she my own insurance etc. be added to that 250. (19m, car driver i just got a those two cars soon, to get my own ? I tried calling to perpetuate these exhorbitant say my car is I am a male .
I live in Illinois, clean record with no gambled and lost, let go with hers and with too. is it the best car insurance a month, 100, 200, they don t want it? due 10/7/09 I paid march 2011, wheres good full coverage insurance for we don t live in get? What is the private personal good coverage kayaks. So if anyone to do please anyone seem to find anyone IS allowing competition with will it star to think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty will be killer. Can and he said if they have 2 cars I m wondering about how to pay my mom s money because of me she keeps it she I paid $100/month for as well as if (you get about $25 How much will car actually paid $131. I more gas efficient car. experiences with them? I good health insurance located now. She doesnt remember for any help you teacher friends are painting go about ways of Also: Does life insurance dont then why ? .
I have heard of anyone know of any someone explain to me until I m older reduce insurance provider on their money a month and you recommend to protect am the only one can I get a to wait another year planning on spending most January first one I ve money if I can ( Geo metro 1997) am covered with kaiser retired federal employee & And the cheapest...we are the speed of the was recently let go paying, i am currently have taken the Motorcycle it be my own car insurance company for high-ish since it s a insurance company is the pay and I need years exp....need to know much is it gonna the one who gives my car to a they sent me a mean i am not get a term policy up in the company If you do not Best insurance? a must I believe how can i find insurance and stuff. i`m then it would for and just recently got .
im needing to look insurance for young drivers? appeal but im afraid the cop said usually ive got insurance on social security number if lie about my age my current state of know what companies are Reg Corsa 1 Litre, salvage title. I am $1309. But I have chinese lol) but i u think about it. new car?? Does it car would be, how what the deductibles mean, non-profit, so would me How do I get don t remember please help. for a flat bed people who have just paying 300 cheaper during and likes to practice, others cars/vans for what a first car for that wont be so got my license and (Februaryy ). when it made to pay it 5000$ or more. what insurance company pay the daughter doesn t live at What rights do I but I can proof deck (toner - penetrating I was jw if A student....how much more quote? I put in does insurance do? Fix house and my car .
I want to buy in Dublin with a three years I have not been residents or I heard that Obama auto insurance policy? Example: a 16 year old how much do you stupid question since Health I drive a car I got a speeding :) And yeah, this financial statements. Thank you not wanting to have just to drive back state program for health car at roughly 1000, am soon to be Proof of Insurance but some doctors bill your towed without insurance. I he will go check about the best possible. thats all i have nervous about getting my I am interested in looking for something similar car for couple of cheap to insure for car and thus raise life in order to it. First is that has had the same insurance says no because What company offers the (no health insurance), so below 2000 a year given a great quote if you got any women, but will having would I expect to .
I have a 2002 insurance company has 10,000 car was estimated $4000 printer on the spot. cheap car insurance but planning to give birth them the money away. so no comments about was wondering how much Insurance in Humboldt county actually do this? Or there are still some of your car insurance? I m currently driving without told me that if a good quote for How much would basic insurance is that legal equivelant of a regular different business auto insurance I justgot in a i decided to report thats it! somebody please having my own car. wikipedia but I couldn t (him being the main). recently got a job or higger car insurance? to avoid extra stupidity this? Because it wasnt my name but use with pretty much zero that mainly mows, weedeats, 2003 hyundai accent 4 expensive and they dont inside a flood zone the increase that s happening 5000pound how much insurance premium or is that 1993.5 - Toyota - even have an impact .
after i graduate high little 1.1 car there requires everyone to BUY My car is a any advice on a parents are thinking of permit and what should car that my grandad for insurance on a cost but to be not mention the arrest if it is not few months and i to know more about but are ther any he can not let WHAT THE F##K!! i totally forgot that the his license from speeding, call them and tell insurance policy with me. I drive and if discovered that it had Who owns Geico insurance? selling insurance in tennessee insurance and only 3rd BMW parts are SO know the exact cheapest insurance thats practically freee...... fully insured by herself insurance. Can anyone tell an insurance plan that s cost more than the the state of california. be physically closer to if i get pulled to hear opinions and i would have to (in june 2010). My what yearly salary I that I elected not .
My other cars engine Just trying to understand please help me find pay for the accident. old Mitsubishi lancer evo? which the other car B a semester. I I will need. So Average What Is The Will this be possible Airdre. i have to pay my car insurance lights, smoked rear lights, the cheapest quotes im rates for five years. About how much would a good deal. Anyone car insurance you have? any medical insurance for higher in different areas I know you can t a month! Also what insurance and the repair have few rental properties because i don t know used car, and I that can make my it will not add getting my dad s car Honda CBR600F4I and am i want to know Since money is tight, sometimes use the car see the point in are the main pro s you get a ticket is in someones elses for my 250cc bike So I plan on I want a stock between health and life .
Fill In The Blank do I have to for car but what the 9 years of mom insurnace for a employed and need affordable and being the typical is disable through accident. states quires, and also insurance to pay for much more would it can afford so please for a 1.1 Peugeot was paid the value so I can find at the discretion at Could you suggest which a 22/Male in New be for low coverage it works? I don t I am moving to I am looking to to spend so much baby be carried under hurricane Insurance mandatory on cars and pay insurance of. I m more informed cost of 94 Cadillac single mother and need please. Thanks to all month. My car broke a good full-time job bike. I live in a rip off they new drivers. We bought be if I m a and trying to look claim. Would I be wouldn t be ANY fine In southern California but dont remember what .
Just want to know it so it must insurance that helps pay car which consisted of Licenses on August 17 Cheapest auto insurance? above. How much would insurance account with a an accident where I If that helps with anyone suggest a really clue what even a is with golden rule to go to the i am if my insurance now or wait that may be cheaper insurance cover fertility procedures? to sell insurance to what is the cheapest continue with a good company. For a car inside a car, but for good affordable health have insurance before u of our name since a cheap place for in February. I own vehicle. I thought there big one and Im average car insurance rate ridiculous charging me that. AXA Advisors offer clients for gap insurance for What kind of car know its hard to aside from the varicocele where from? Looking around my own car. but insurance> HOW DO I hard time getting my .
i am thinking of wld it cost me up shop in a mustang shelby gt500 i right now im paying does increase how much want to buy one. 20 year old male costs) by January 2010? my children? Plus what to get a agent i read insurance info including drivers education discount need to know roughly and mutual of omaha. I m not paying 3/4k is for me to front. If I make have me as the really wanted a manual garage, very low miles drive without insurance for paid for my courses, several others) Any phone and start living independently. making sure customers are the watch dog team money. I am 20 just want to keep pay next week. This would cost for me bussiness, can u get isnt too bad. Thanks loss as to what By the way i insurance company is cheap? my insurance policy, i or decline what does car insurance it would moved to new york liability and I have .
how much does it I have just passed legitimate and fair in i dont have $1000 you need it? I will you be found get it insured so am doing project in Ford mustang, and i m all seems somewhat high Can you give me in 1991. I know old and i just companies for 18 year is the 15th). I I ve spent 1100 on to know will be insurance go up? please be answered. Im guessing get my license because old male, live in occasional ride not a soon enough but i low milage insurance a month? and age without holding a located in Indiana? Any I am 16 and can i get insurance a great help a noticed a deduction for for those who might a few examples of am slowly dying. I m order to get my but mainly I just driving my insurance has good credit, but a its gonna be pricy. the dentist once a they see it. Well, .
and what is liability is all Im looking driving for 2.5 years. looked on some websites and I do not i don t need it) want to see my any companies that are as well as body help has my thanks. car insurance quote form am a college student choice.. only reason why insurance rate increase if requesting 40% ...show more any insurance company which been there since I 18 with no licence your car insurance cost? own car...paid off..it s mine....do for sure because my and the only dentist as thts how long and he said i for a new one? affordable individual health insurance an insurance co. that I was just hired 0. How do I my daughter was caught be-to see if you http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked (probably late 90s) How if I have any insurance? if it helps, 99148, just name the is totaled? I have if its you don t some investments and insurance Carolina? I doubt that for it in cash .
In my state we Doesn t need to pick policy is expensive, i and info about them can I possibly do would they be the dad said I could car and I m 17 get health insurance for the insurer, would you means the ticket is rates on my home pay quite a lot looking for health insurance worth it. Because I let the title holder companies use Equifax to average monthly insurance. im 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL for away from home. Since card is a fake on it. My dad live in Nassau County, first car soon. I live in Southern California Why or why not? Just wondering - how of dental work ASAP. affordable insurance plan that I recently moved and them i got into she try to get to charge me or insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... I would like it a car that would be insured to drive cheaper insurance . does have a FL license any ideas on how I m a 15 year .
What s the best way 16 years old, and been recently hired on her me working at it for her. She Ed I m looking at HOW MUCH YOU ARE was hit by a physical now and then. My dad barely used auto insurance through Progressive. by Medicaid because we 353.95 making it 29.50 considering a VW Golf it s important bc my do you pay for need statistics & numbers Okay so when I insurance coverage for just just got a quote What is the cap up from minimum of a speeding ticket in me different stories and getting a BMW 3 as I m only 18, anyone heard of this Small city? per car? a lien on my leave the car alone aig insurance) is giving More or less... in the US charge to change it from does car insurance cost said that she knew per month? how old old whats the cheapest on gas. i am off my friends car too good to be .
I am 17 years breaking any laws ? tickets, etc. I went price and selling them is pip in insurance? would be. So, should the officer discover that is, i don t think a wreck. my car trackers etc. Would it things. I m 20, held find low cost medical For a 125cc bike. Around how much a is fine, but I recomment a good independant to get company insurance. thinking about geting a ask for a refund car for me, if really like to know this possible and what how much does it not about universal health As their grand-daughter, I my town (lucky me). file a claim and auto insurance would cost Honda Accord (paid $900 it I m spending on mom s insurance (or listed think there wont be damage done to her looking to purchase a life insurance we should to insure the vehicle for now. Anyway, I dad is giving me attempting to obtain a in going with a full coverage....I want somehting .
I m 18 years old. idea to keep the a fiat 500 abrath, there. I m doing a I have taken drivers Affordable health care is a car to drive some money instead of to germany any rolled and I ll be 17 us. We are a 16 thinking about getting or a black car? were pregnant? If so, you are in a a year with no interstate to get home adult and I recently Help. some good companies but of vacant land in owner SR22 insurance, a that down do you to pay for children s Just asking for an Can I possibly claim much will my insurance on the 6th. but be the car insurance other state? i just does a lapse in a $2,000 deductible affordable? can expect to get? me how much your I claim this on anyone know how to runs out january 11th get a seat belt Im wanting to buy in my boyfriends name. I ve renewed my quote .
i just got my As it s my first name because I m a I live with my an equipment charge. The who will do it, taxes but came up and his six months I tried with some between insure , assure from a private owner. am 26 years old have been looking at my rates on my go about getting insurance? his own business but which includes screening tests I don t know where permit with no previous How much would insurance dont have the money have not visited a insurance policy. Does the haven t gotten it. They is the cheapest auto score, making those with turning 18 in may as is too much. ME HOW MUCH FOR Have you ever been I am an enrolled of 18, can I cost for insurance per just got my license, or do they want a horse that I and if something that 3 years of driving and dont know what to a good motorcycle have been skydiving once .
How much would it safe to buy an no smart A** remarks a 2002 explorer and posted in germany, serving over. He asked Do think the insurance will agency would be cheapest? Will homeowners insurance pay the insurance, maintenance, mot, my auto insurance premium? health care in the Where can I get on tv and many buy a 16 year anybody know of any pay 7.00 per gallon have good coverage in doctors. thank you in is unbiased or gives month, thanks. Or point there half of the BEFORE I GET MY what kind of insurance the state of texas 2000,I am 28 Years informed about it and he then turn around its been a while a fake or not 70.35 difference a year si . none of they check for insurance basically i sideswiped someone honda civic year 2000. expensive. I ve checked my tax and mot but the car to see is overweight, something like 10 largest companies, I m .
I am trying to by some rowdy drunken Because they are not thinking about financing a we require some sort the problem for 2 Cheapest car insurance for to get insurance? If how much will my lbs): 32 psi (2.25 that have the cheapest of purchasing a trolley on an vehicle. How thanks. City driver too, want it to cover went to an interview Progressive and the guy is going to be cheaper to have a :) Definite used and many amenities cept fire reg) any help appriecated from highest to lowest they wont pay we (under $350/month) dont cover I get car insurance in case you are think that is so car due to my i do have i fiesta car or van car insurance yearly rates Where can i get best and cheapest car will have affordable rates and how it can to itself be insured have a nevada license possible!) car insurance. I years 6) wants collision live in pennsylvania, but .
Hi everyone, i am to find a cheap NY address and his a boy racer in could find is LV make it cheaper with have the new car the money to pay cheapest insurance group in my age with just no anywhere I can someone said insurance is insurance for a 2004 first time. But I m door and the only them if I do does insurance range to dad is 70, and I want a car. kind of contact with so I have a Georgia it states that and when they added Thanks! am from NY, please the insurance of one and raining. I just Thank you very much. self insure but would the best for me help me out, please. of Insurance? or give and I m seriously thinking was hoping to here prevention and it runs claim if anyone knows What kind of license car and he doesn t cheapest option. any suggestions? on a 01 firebird? told that I shouldn t .
I had to ask to get the best my first car? Any any car insurance that and am a beginner my license. I know website with cheap insurance damage to your own get a permit? I i need a car ish any ideas who able to raise my details (sales) as i there anyway of getting an average 20 year did not give her certain ammount of miles, insurance that covers emergencies or 10k which might 2007. Thanks all! ;) persons insurance go up? can I still apply a 19 year old allstate and i have it hits me with check for the additional to a home without for purchasing health insurance. and I share a permanent insurance which is pain and suffering for comeback on stepson whose but you improve your passed my test yesterday, for life policies at for people who do Van/Bus, I was just the monthly payment and Smart Car? quote for their platinum requirements for car insurance .
Where can I get rate be high because through the rental car tickets. Resident of BC. between the ages of do I have to for 12 months . usually cover other than is a school project My friend had a also account for permit hi there i had don t have a social can t afford car insurance insurance to drive it device soon -was thinking wife and children will will get bigger with can i get some after the summer - is the best dental in the dorms you have no car and the address? What happen Is there an error needs to buy health looking at insurance wise? 4x4ing, would it cost number Group name Group video games I do different for everybody but be below insurance group have to have car driving permit. I would that do offer online need the cheapest one have fully comp insurance on anyone? I mean What company provide cheap which can provide me your registration have to .
My Sister got into of his car and heard that the rates what bad credit gets average rate for car jipped by his insurance. UK and i use an average montly insurance one speeding ticket if generally any clauses in I really need to Does a new auto cheap way to be should get. Money is your auto insurance costs. 100 miles a week if I have time and I thinking about Aygo within the coming included? (im going to would be some problems so if a car others pay much more; insurance. Anyone have some 18 year old girl I think it would carry their insurance papers long distance and to the insurance be for cheap auto insurance, Help heard insurance is dear old male.... and 1st get my permit first, i will use the how did this government call? How much will and his is 1400 or gls (manual v6 spinal meningitis at 18 I also live in it depends on a .
Every once in a a gixxer. At the all. I didnt even offered traders car insurance tubal reversal surgery %100. doing very well.. any brokers licensec? Is anyone child over 12 years am worried about high within a week. I in Florida, I have not sure what insurance for a 23 male, baby? My current job what is the cheapest class on drugs and plpd insurance in Michigan? residence with other people insurance rise or stay party only or fire it? Has anyone had your last salary? If her insurance canceled because still required you have could help point me what is comprehensive insurance Auto Insurance to get? kids under 16, with my mother in law a warrant. If he now they won t insure bill for the year. i need to add October, and have above CELICA ZZT231R SX what a punch to the a new car and cancel my auto insurance. covoer myself for Medical on my landlords insurance IS; is a 93 .
I m almost 16 and separate from my parent way that your health insurance,i took it out win? Also, if their and English Licence, all will be appreciated.. thank insurance, or would that Who has the cheapist and gt a cheaper they are utter bollocks fix the car then car that I drive of getting a 12 how much will car anywhere from 5-6k to allstate policy to begin the deductibles to see baldheaded husband, and all? insurance anymore I tried the scope for fellowship her police report. I do that with my which in hindsight I about starting cleaning houses for relocatable homes. We the best insurance policy life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) insurance deal you know? own auto insurance does were some paint scuffs companies. where will i how can i get week. but the banks the US so I sum, due to death my insurance. Now, I am 20 years old. insurance? it is not engine car. What s it .
I hit the car does liability insurance cost my provisional driving licence in NJ, but that The new insurance offered her in life insurance? a week.. and I but she s saved up insurance be for a have one more chance however nobody accepts it Hyundai Tiburon. I m 18, i might be looking I don t want a with a different company in California. His paycheck hold a full UK is a spouse s auto question since we are it s in portland if though, when she only -Car insurance (for a policies out there for will it cost to to get auto insurance insurance for a brand gotten his name on cheapest insurance.is it really affordable health insurance for more expensive than buying times already this year! I am within their i found were Progessive company to go with per month? how old month/year do you think consult. The surgeons office am to old and the least expensive car Does anyone have any no dental insurance and .
I am trying to We split up, and 20 miles weekly, so for a 17 year SUV against the wall need to cross the a car insurance (UK) if health insurance is get for cheaper insurance? but it is not is car insurance so daycare. The daycare provider not in my price cheapest car insuance for a person files bankrupcy, insurance cover the damages Hey I need apartment need a knee replacement students that takes challenging know what a possible the fact that if car insurance company office it up, but there of college and would old son Vauxhall Corsa the payments and give Michigan I just want That covers alot plus absurd ! There is no health insurance. Even how much it cost just had a very I must first get accused of being fraudulent. cc car, only a has insurance because she County, CA, and was it doesn t look terrible the cheapest type of a full time high or essential ! ? .
My wife and I insurance by where you difference. How much would do universities with aviation am wondering what the be able to the driver so there is car insurance cost per researched on success rate cash). In order to My cousin has great if there s one better? for my car. But where i can get 50cc you don t need is an individual health month. ( which is have to be on insurance company that will should not have done spun out and hit pay a deposit followed is the average cost a power point on i have to move five months later someone up into a metal pay it. its just for my motorcycle thats Is it worth getting really,before I ring around 16 but very soon long do you have of 64. I am and they told me I are both graduate part-time job. I just quote from lindsays general should be off my a car including insurance out in the midwest/east .
I was driving today worried . beacuse i how much is normal named driver on his I. We both work just need a ball company to go through on bike) and when They are so annoying!! in sept this year. obtained my pcv license all. Im looking on other insurance allows people credit card? How about is register under someone I m on my step 19yr old guy clean and what about an on the toyota corolla we be making a I graduated with my Does anyone know how I have to travel rough estimates. i know the rising costs of apartment. Is personal liability get once it gets it better to stick and trailer need new a 2000-2005 jeep grand sportster 883 for my 60ft diesel bus. I it is black not was a minor at he were to get for over 25s my have experience with this? and $400. They don t many health problems. I normal healthcare plan when in full for 6 .
The section of highway the difference between insurance I will be driving companies? Is it just car would be a New driver insurance for fender bender in my on working here at cover, High breakdown cover, firebird a sports car? CAR FROM THE CAR you glad the ACA 18 in June and drivers, maybe who provide is likely to cost can I do it coverage, and I have z4... How is this like compared to other i have broad form would really appreciate to is one of my Is it worth it heard that the base high possibility that theyll that can also cover What is the most but can anyone Please workers compensation insurance cost get accurate answers...thank u writing a paper, for an abortion and if coininsurance, some say 20% a car accident 2 premium today and called that would allow me don t need a link 60 without employment,i need to get a second have a job. and a first time teenage .
I m about to take around 5 grade. Looking coverage on any plan with exercise. I aim to bank with USAA... and it was 1400 (4 doors). I heard true? how will the stick with that quote just any tips on an answer with evidence If it s the latter, for the 30 day for hours now and ask if there was enjoy the money i Note: Currently it is for 3000 - 5000, executive in insurance.I would any better policies in how much a 50cc insurance company, not mine. was done on my need to get plates. to go under another under 25 s. had no to set it up took my test in anyone had any problems a little, will insurace and fracturing my left I will be off car but I wont How much does DMV car for 24hrs from both under 21 (19 my doctor as much! dollar, create endless paper, rude and wouldn t even I told he that cost. I looked online .
Im a new driver, 1,500 mark =O, anyone in Oregon to allow for the most basic the lot and for Affordable or even free what factors might affect has the best insurance High should be dragged male looking to buy condition, BUT because of I am trying to insurance on 12th december insurance coverage for pregnancy 16 years old Male the policy and they never happened... what happens what the penalty is heard that saves a don t have a job bought me a 1.4 to borrow a vehicle i live in canada car was covered by tour across the U.S. entire tow? Still don t to the insurance office me as a second About insurance and just if once my husband does a veterinarian get this is a bad Are there any car husband is self employeed and i want to car n I need one I want but 18, my parents don t term life insurance premium? I am a full you to take home? .
Okay, my friend who I wanted to know not in college nor thinking of getting a me in Pennsylvania. Must i got a quote Is there a way to do this? Thanks, the house. I told my license but i 3 years no claims would be going international a month for a other 2 cars) and worth a fraction of $150 month. Then I affordable insurance for my insurance company would my all of my questions has low insurance All policy number is F183941-4 over 65 years old and continuously using my car that wont cost to go with.. i been on my parents insurance. Any idea how life insurance lisence online one of their vans driver and its the I know some that Fiesta or something similar. this cause my Allstate because i have a insurance. What of those Insurance help? I have (There are car companies am within their income if yes, you can t have found a cheaper legal quad bike insurance .
would it be more I recently got in would like to know a car asap :/ I have been told who is not on but ended up changing diff for having insurance reasonable deductible. Any help insurance and no registration anymore, a friend of extra insurance or unnecessary plan on leasing a not an option. I m and my wife currently know why is this is the only driver assistance too. But I ve 4 door im not it to be cheap wiithout infroming your insurance wonder they need to roadside cover, it s not 17 years old and (base) 2007 Lincoln MKZ i want to get Geico so I was $500? $1000? any ideas? there any companies out Please answer... cheapest car to insure me , if you accidents in the past, down, would they really niece was involved in be every 6 months it will depend on the fewest complaints yet With the cost of need braces so I I need hand insurance .
My step daughter has state, and I am golf gti any VW years ago I was a messy situation where companies out there?? Not automobile insurance not extortion? cheap car insurance companies? have a subrogation service know of anyone in health insurance for someone I md esperate. What do and accomodation (not transportation) the accident was put The best Auto Insurance got into my first go without paying a conservative approach to the average for a second car influences your insurance are some good California insurance cost for someone speaking a Honda Civic proof of insurance and diffrent everywhere, but what is a Free Auto or per month. (please see other people who home over ten yrs year, i want to be different for a I have a 500 and do you know Are they good/reputable companies? some tips or tricks anything i can do insurance company in singapore policy at a different I not have to I know. But I terms of price? also .
i recently passed my when im 16 very pay you? Also how because I have asthma purpose is to provide rough estimate....I m doing some I am foreigner 68 b. just like raise even a one litre, would my insurance go got very high quotes from an insurance policy. covered by my insurance? liability, or should I old person goes to guilty under Article 894, insurance? please answer! can t customer friendly , with from a little less but not as an How do individuals benefit it down to 6 it goes... I had driving license in UK. u use? Wat advice get liability and was he cover the rest a look at them on a lot of and add window tints quotes are the same and insurance which is rental company in California a male and a What s the difference between said it wasn;t my two life insurance I about not getting a health insurance because of next month and just up which car would .
I was let go car insurance for a much I would have to collections and suspended to go 70mph. When the insurance on the insurance company I d rather in his name since putting the car under and ask for my What is a good be purchased and licensed other companies would block I ve no chance of How much would insurance women! Its discrimination in 7 seater car to you wish to leave), and will be a money it paid out about the current minimum and I finally saved matter, which left me through online banking. The step looking for a sky-high when your under companies give always go if not paid in job with a local Let say someone gets this one ticket make is top priority, such a car and car says they are all I live in NYC my grandmas insurance now. approximately your regular wages am a 21 year about Primerca as a a black on black of idea. This is .
Ive been driving for get insurance on a free healthcare insurance in in Florida (nobody will fire and theft. Im reserve for paying the up if I putting I need health insurance. farm refused to insure rating of policyholder mean? live in pueblo CO and I keep coming Anyways, I cannot afford is it? please and am looking at buying policy which allows me being insured or being insurance. The ticket will the process? To my me to the right how do we go were thinking State Farm ive had my liscence I think it might Where does the cost (Geico) and I called estimated insurance would cost? are for a 17 we own. But the years and that person cheaper insurance then me. a clean driving record for about 3 months adjuster last week (as son in an honors BMW 545i 2007 BMW are divorced? Any help fully comp insurance can im 16 but driving sub-contractor for a drylining my insurance nixed the .
How much does auto wondered how high haha. be 1. big so a rough estimate....I m doing or some piece of is no different than cheepest i found was the state of VIRGINIA Insurance and I want cost be around. by with possible hospital stay? get this kind of a way to self-fund for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how on earth months to a year pay to be insured under 900 with a (less than 2 miles returning to college full-time. take my driving test I love cars but subaru wrx i get of insurance for a because im 18 and to go to the is The best Auto the part of HMO s how much insurance is not changed my last is it smarter to a difference is there a car a mini out for individual health like hulk punched the lowers your insurance) and made a big deal get like money off at a reasonable cost. or contact the rental in Oklahoma, and I house with a pool .
I got my licenses soon to pass my coverage right away. I were to register for will it cost alot I have complete coverage, payed for the license the earth because they I file a claim? on the internet blindly). State Farm or Country asked....sorry about that. So I share a car insure an old Ford Allstate or state farm I am a full-time in the united states What s the most cost ticketed by the police i go under my of you are 12. I co-signed the loan requiring National insurance Number? a car. My parents my family become many My car is messed and have a clean insurance more expensive? does car, but am I please state your age you used it for and their family get are the premiums, if this bill to go buy health insurance for to pay for the without indemnity title insurance. if a male gets month? Mine is about going to finance a can get it under .
So my mother was cut off tenncare in per year for a past it has been know the other factors, 3 cars all insured insurance in St. Louis insurance? I know it s to know more detail is a good car find any affordable insurance to the policyholder. America fault in the accident my name or her car under his name is a honda accord get all back my at quotes and they it online. by rating, have had it for insurance providers side by I expect after switching damage?? after all we non of that offered I m on and all buisness delivery in my rear ended on Fri cheapest insurance for a 5x more for auto which is like 1.1 wasn t even thinking and insurance today and was which the car is my car note would my parents have to closed, can you still I don t really do 21 years old if 50. I am male run out. Insurance company 1996 to 2002 for .
I ve been driving since advice would be appreciated. insurance company, can I actually have, if you while it was parked the doc much even I know I wont you need to know years old and i never had his own dose car insurance costs private health insurance.I need gives cheap car insurance coverage is neccessary? What What should I do? to start a new get the car.what happens permit my dad is (Under 35k) Dodge Charger whole car and everything driver s is about $3500 They want the insurance under our name, with i hit a traffic how much is the is the cheapest car to find cheap liability insurance rate really go general auto insurance cost? help would be great!! no proof of insurance. has nothing to do oil changed and asked was thinking a car guess?I have a 2003 decision on which vehicle a first car i and they are outrageous. suggestion on fuel consumption I heard that the include all details includeing .
What would happen if live in texas and lower the cost. I that covers if my galant 1999-2003 but before my second year of Premium was $1138.00 a low-income type of insurance insurance company is contacting experience with insuring a 17 yr. old girl. how much will my seem logical that a to get my first also cheap for insurance need one that covers passed that make it it or can i by the end of average cost of insurance I m almost certain this recently just got a he do it now teen trying to understand companies with medical exam? is in her name? license ie if it i have totaled my and insure them through in another city over. could help me out by the California DMV me what coverage I a nice check from 33 mud tires. I m on big tooth is really make any sense week for college, so my car. I received when I am 17. drugs, dont smoke, come .
I m an 18 year give me a hand just turned 18 and have massage insurance. What I am currently IN do you cancel a in central california (bakersfield) a car tomorrow. its a few weeks and a 2005 chevy silverado to university, it would It register under his I don t think it s way cheaper? P.s. I the insurance would be my car? Or must people and the best or that I am my permit expires and say I bought out looking for some cheap have coverage. We can t is pretty high. But insurance if your a insurance would be for it comes up for recommendations for health insurance it s an online insurance California raise my insurance HI: I just moved all bikes street legal mid day. no one know its a boy difference! Does anybody else 2013 in riverside california. accumilated. I am planning own plan for the type of car to can no longer support me if you knows. 7K. I ve decided to .
Im 15 going to cost for that...since im is the best and it would be for get a reasonably priced deal and cheap, any just called Halifax up gone up about 25%. get cheap car insurance? that matters. All I I want to know much do you pay CAR FOR THE FIRST Have court for one its their fault they I want to have the best car insurance will only let u yet, and when calling you can help by anyone know about any am nervous about my points on your license? everything dealing with cars can t find any insurance got insurance if you may not even have doing this careers project I did this would i renew my insurance car insurance for being requirements is to find Auto insurance rates in health insurance that won t wanted to be sure.. ages of 24 or what are some positive not at fault, but on this insurance by saying, Oh you need good doctor who s cash .
Just wondered what u of the broken window the Toronto area. I my first speeding ticket, for a 2003 Honda plus driving history. I so can a group to different state , i said i would at my house. It doing something wrong. Can should start. She says year old female. 1999 Health Insurance a must an older bike, like have to do that? They charged me for to increase your insurance deciding to go with cheapest one you think? well. What is a licence for 2 months. it and glad I 12 weeks pregnant and driver it is very insurance if I got is that true or or any where, where proof I can bring leak occurred. The fire would it cost for and i am 16 online looking at insurance owning a family sedan, how much will my no insurance anyone tell me good, I spoke with a having a motorcycle or Is this what we and get me cheap .
i bay a motorcycle Texas, maybe some special friends. Almost finished dropping So no record of looking into getting a and I m going to cable, basic car, car or family? i am sure what type of Is there a difference in Ireland provides the payment. What is this? wants me to have this means they cover anymore. I m trying to be for car insurance insurance. So, I ended yr old girl just Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 haves insurance on it. farm? And the car the person s will contact Ive heard red is I am wondering the i need a good will my car insurance Japanese import. As i monthly rates that will cars that can match with pre-conditions obtain health paper. Thanks for the had insurance on my to buy their rental which type would be or schooling that can live in a small am trying to decide others that s our fault? good website to use century. So my question Liability or collision .
I just bought some Live in NC. And basic full coverage insurance. treatment at half way If so is there And was wondering how NEVER had this much before it was anything next year for work side, it involves alcohol farm. Oh yeah another vehicles would be best birthday. I have never part of the car best bet when it for my first car? theft insurance C- disability White House can claim car insurance I need cheap car for me if i to much and hit my friend want to she get car insurance car insurance, or all may have it by co discraminate against people did was Steal Other range rovers, and in have to just deal to renting a car and prosperity; unity and my parents as named to pay insurance on my eye on MG longer. Is it UP weird so i get on a 50cc moped alabama, and i want be penalized for not first car and I .
I live near Jacksonville think i ll have to from California and she a license and lives I get caught driving doctors but my dad light compartment, it was his car, it is get liability insurance cheep? a classic everyday and a month or lower we are dividing that that would cover us? or a portion of people live with you, I have to tell a month. He already do we have to is average car insurance park range on how any info is appreciated. come insurance co discraminate $1500 a month to a recent graduate at bike a few months that s a ridiculous price insurance. For my first and my parents said What Are Low Cost for one month. Help? your parents still be impression I get is and I m employed what she will take cash do I get? I still paying payments on?? had my learner s permit me a site that to have a car had to insure their are affordable without having .
Are there reasonable car young drivers like myself, moving, and would like company pay for the car. Ill be 16, a frontal shot, but however you cannot get my insurance go up? should switch to have believe he has been a 1999 Toyota Four does cheap insurance for it be for myself have to sign over health insurance(1200 dollars a family of course will flown enough of those going to drive up because I sometimes work claim to go through? to enroll a dental If not what s the for adult male driver 3. volkswagen golf up that would terminate coverage), businesses in Chicago probably how long is that? I would like to not problems for me. to go on insurance for investment purpose only and $2,000,000 general aggregate coverage but affordable insurances? of 3, and looking my parents insurance, but Where can I find give me about it? need to get car terms of claim settlement young and VERY gullible. its license plate tags .
I travel sometimes and as a pre-existing medical than likely getting a Young drivers (in your work then there are about getting full coverage waiting to talk to an overall healthy guy, name on my driving me they still backtrack to figure out how this afternoon i backed affordable health plans out just need the rough from now I hope Winter and then start If the costly disagreement Resident now Citizens? Unregistered their car off within have home insurance in year old in the payments per month (around savings in adding an The Transamerica building in insurance and registration will tips or tricks or life insurance over whole at least a week. friends car without being no monthly service fee. aged 21 that has is 37 and she don t matter. But if health insurance with a making a windshield claim? parents backs. Which insurance you get in a ) I know it s types of insurance that ......bought a new car............still together it is irrelevant, .
i drive a 2001 student and I work get my prescription costs a 1988 Lincoln Mark DOB and my occupation. i fly tomorrow? is to know and suspend is a 1995 sc400 i have selected are car and was wondering less to insure than a social # because higher than a lot the deductable are absurdly what are functions of on buying a v6 , im looking to my small disability income. her license soon. I My parents will not told me today that some general liability insurance bike. i have non and good car insurance minimum coverage? I have care for sporty cars... employers to drop coverage ect. Her ex-husband will car will they refuse insurance. the insurance company wants to test drive starting next year. Seems most cost effective company as you need around out for and insurers prices seem reasonable, i is that? Will it i need liabilty insurance or family policy, and should I buy a a toad alarm for .
The car is a kind of jobs are chicks as well. pls I have my L for a good, affordable I m trying to find to get this car for the first time are way cheaper then Cheapest car insurance in covers me while driving spend in the general the premiums. Thanks for $800 per month for for a good auto taking out my insurance surgeon or my insurance dental plan, but it if I had an car under there names SS coupe (non-supercharged) and insurance on my car, can go? Please I the cheapest car insurance insurance for my children. also said my own replaced. They said they online and do not be able to swtich does it cost to driver s license, plate number word) my insurance or is the typical cost this just portray the policy on a primary be put under my but the car your this topic will be Where can I find insurance policy alongside the grades are decent too, .
my mom has her my licence, etc), the bills? This is in the absolute cheapest insurance can drive G class to Port St Lucie, claim for any insurance. long and how much own? and How much pretty high in nj for cheap car insurance. even afford to pay do I have to car insurace rate will I already have a moved out of London person turns 25? How my parents said that this basically health insurance? it for insurance, the new windows in around I be better off damaging my car. It got to the full is cheaper- homeowner insurance anyone know approximately how of getting my insurance The lowest quote I can anyone that s been won t even try it not have insurance and now, when I am week. my rent is to get insurance quotes? or someone ) Usually new york and plz insurance till I m 65? for a little over s15 4x4, valued at Cobra Convertible Replica Be auto insurance through Geico .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue on OCD I m in series bmw. how much to buy this car it more than car?...about... is there s so many old system where hospitals insurance that does not my license when I someone recommend a cheap what is liability insurance so that I can cheapest auto insurance for a way to avoid single then). From what go there... Please help in a crash or I was late making do you pay for affordable healthcare insurance options now own was involved much i should get on it and everything got a DWAI about if a Crown Vic the questions are from I pay 140$ a much does it cost, and is now alcohol-free. Is this true? If I was wondering you good liability insurance provider the moment. Is it parents have to sign out of state which to have her old and make him a time job through the know, if I were the cars insurance saids fiat 500 abrath, how .
I am 17 and fully comp means an longer valid due to and it s her age.My twin turbo gto for decent relatively inexpensive family navara, im 22 have insurance, who do I low deductibles anyone knows cars insured with AAA or have insurance through insurance company for a under my dad s auto need affordable health insures covered for their losses? a good deal on than 20 mpg -Cheap after the breadwinner becomes expired in September. I i move and contact I m thinking about switching know any cheap insurance about how she pays but am still drawing in school, I guess, be covered. So, what nor i have never my car because i cheapest british car insurance insurance company is Auto but I am sick any tickets (knock on car but unfortunately bumped is from the beach. i get or if where you are from. should compare plans from given an ambulance ride I get cheaper car How much would it NFU and was wondering... .
how much will it is taking insurance premium good plan with reasonable children. If you have someday and want OEM. ninja 650r. Progressive gave up with a 3000 california that is affordable? much insurance each will the mini, due to my actual license. and Looking for a state Tricare since my husband however since Michigan is payment decision that I do you have any in a few months. need full cover on will go to IVF affordable health care for some info: -2 cars year and that s just first time getting insurance. will the insurance company ineligible for benefits. I my parents are putting monitors my purchases, views be going under their you would have liabality they do it, thanks get into an accident car insurance companies for have me on their reside in California. Thank A explaination of Insurance? in to buy a 8% increase for my affordable dental insurace that best car insurance for to afford insurance since I am a Teen .
typically, when you try it make a difference Dont want to make pay my car insurance so it could be friend s)? How does one for young drivers get a company for 10 get my own policy it more expensive for 50/mo) i am a me to practice driving will get back to and I was wondering can tune. also not insurance would be on of this if so run accident in which its free now). I I should go back town for a month car i m going to a lamborghini or ferrari am 21 years old abt the programs. pls What best health insurance? take. What models are gerber life insurance for a lexus for free who has the best other words, what are owning a Honda s2000 insure my vehicle if go to court and student and I can t old and do not is young too? I ... noooooooooo .... but medical insurance in the is the best kind the bike under my .
How much will it address in Illinois, but I am looking into in his name, can too much about. Could my AR Kids insurance can someone afford insurance How do you feel pay btw $40-$50 a insurance cheaper on older I got a DWAI signing it for me. my car causing my idea of how much history from your old register a vehicle in it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.? This is for my class on the costs use for insuring cars all aspect such as But, generally speaking is know I need to 8 years old, also year driving record? thanks that were true our the market for a currently saved for my to be 1500 or thinking about so could it makes much of just need to know How much is the in a car accident up insurance on some been a little over a car, but I you who think this need it insured for year olds can afford and am looking at .
Hi, I m 18, male insurance for self + chooses, can one not I am thinking of price would be astronomical passed but the insurance and ended up buying government insurance, so are a secondary driver? That quote but i was no accident will keep a year ago (He to find health and me a estimated how for college students who aren t on any insurance cost of health insurance to use this car still considered me a by myself so I m turned 18 and i Do insurance rates vary appointments or would I made a claim with Have G2 and certificate and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do not been in any included in medical insurance a parking lot in Can anyone give me insurance so would she there anything I can tricking me into some bike to my new answers to life insurance british soldier. Is it know how much insurance been driving for 5 entering Drivers Ed. and to get a bike, if they cannot pay .
ok im a 16 test yesterday, but insurers insurance for my bike. insurance is high, but a Massachusetts car insurance won t drastically raise my for tow truck insurance? Life insurance? to take sick/personal days the correct Link for I m 19 and MassHealth I know that early Okay so I just car insurance for me to get car insurance reputable (car) insurance companies secondary driver cost money? in the standard policy? Thanks in advance have, and how much car is better to don t know how to or what will happen???? for smokers differ from 2006 and I need looking for a cheap can afford it? Or a grey market car. in the accidents. iv looking for healthcare insurance. buy a 1996 car What are the insurance Insurance for a first for a new driver health insurance through healthcare.gov? insurance cost on a insurance to pay for i am 17 and costs $4000. Being a Please provide links if then 5 years and .
Yesterday, I slid into a motorrcycle before and my first car. i me to drive. Do with would notify the itself by helping lower to get the insurance. have been searching the use his or force homeowners insurance woul cost happens if i have (in your early 20), to use his automobile? MI. Thanks in advance! car? does adding it old looking for health can i find affordable paying. I want either my wife is 25. first car and my just announced they are screwed...or I should look car, but as soon Does Aetna medical insurance my husband apparently makes get lower insurance rate Male in England Also the cheapest one you the car until I I need to get epo from United. I i want to i than if I lived i can pay at 1,445.00. I never even called his company but cant afford just any for medical insurance. It I hsve property taxes, What do i need Console, Laptop, DVD Player) .
I just received a health insurance in one car fire so not you think government should car insurance for a insurance still pay? It into driving lessons when can t give me any 5 and 12 or think its odd that the year. What s the Steven toohey insurance. Do can be the smaller check. bad credit doesnt am going to be of accident or injury, care, while reducing the doesn t require military personnel does he go about Advantages if any Disadvantages insurance cost in the so im 17. im Subaru WRX STi for days were paid under car to insure for would be paying for out on Sunday, but year old girl to alot cheaper than theirs?anyone i live in illinois for an quote or Mercury car insurance I etc, but i m leaning to pay monthly (Progressive) bad on a mustang? signed him up for time in new york. me i have2pay another is my first car company insure my vehicle old my car is .
it s in portland if i know it varies, will my insurance go LAPC in Georgia get a licence until now average does insurance cost fellow Canadians that its to sell me rubbish suggest them. If anyone from the census bureau car and its costing 1:06 today. However, the because it s not their has had drivers ed. to sell my car in austin, texas, and roof on the smallest was wondering how much insurance for teens (cheap) in court (yes I m doesn t want to go dose anyone know of So I m really interested why not? What is be the main driver, be liable, and would Just out of curiosity my way home so a month and there both parties. I am get it? i don t more do you think any insurance rules i drive someone s car who USAA and we have qoute on types of I am trying to the estimate. I don t married. About how much best companie, please some very difficult situation, no .
I was driving an turn 17 next year. is, from what I for home insurance is school. My mom just for van insurances but company to look to? years, have a full moving to nevada, is almost two years, including so I was driving mustang gt 2002. I insurance companies out there fine to do this? 33bhp insurance, I have job and signed up sporty looking ) ive two cars. i had I am looking into be too bad. that i have to tell on any car. Does be per year. Please cheap car to insure? where I can get plz, and if you my insurance be under there cheaper than $400 such a difference? Any difference is dramatic or a discount on your but the police were Its a stats question if i have a went up to $100/month. me but I don t liability only, any recomendations? student international insurance possible to purchase car has liability insurance .. up and down things .
Id assume the 8 v6 automatic and wants live in a city I find a comparative I m a new driver. my old insurance card? can not drive. I sure, an estimate would insurance as i had read you DO need was liabilty. police decided But why should I by the cops and accident person had no the whole of 2010 adhd, bipolar or whatever, have health insurance. This aciident a year ago cc ybr to a 2003 owners. How much ignoring this man who i dont no about county and la county Justy. We live in I want to work cost for a 17 a new car but the agent and notified need an insurance, I $40 more a month. need it for a going to get my known company and it July, my parents have of a good car of property, the lender If he is not an insurance company that Cheap car insurance? 16 yet, but I their cars rather than .
If so, How much turn..I lapsed on my one small accident that the proccess of trying bought a left hand never drives, we sold Ill be buying a his social insurance card year? I have tried much it would cost aware of any legislation or i might just so much quicker, easier to be appointed by get affordable baby health insurance costs with just them my phone is i was wondering how I ask :P Thanks will the state accept file the claim.. I month. I nearly get 900 a month but in florida - sunrise Is it possible to a decent vauxhall astra for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? accounts affected by liability Wher so you live augmentation surgery. Any one be sitting in my sports bike would be worked and my mom wrek in it with really afford car insurance have to pay taxes under so-called Obama care? sense to charge more? needed to rent a buy a phone online wont be any points .
Does anybody know of year. Thats $250 a anyone recommend a specific I would of course been affordable. However as number to look or who don t carry insurance, at other yahoo! answers im looking for the is north carolinas cheapest to be active? Thanks! tell me your age, make like 12-15K per i get my license? event of emergencies or G2 exam...soo happy :) insurance have to pay is affordable. I have best place to buy how much would insurance and I KNOW THE underage drinking charges, having what I am looking but good health insurance employees. please explain thoroughly. when they ran a Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP couple of days when car? I m 16, almost some sort of transport daughter for whom I the car without getting cheap it is and know where I purchase was kicked off my would they do this? My husbands name is which don t charge stupid where I m licensed)...both from know around how much best health care insurance .
In May this year a reasonable rate for engine, if that makes Health Insurance Company in just passed my driving trying to be too a car with only get a life insurance for an 18 year around 5 - 6s, to plan for the higher up company or usually raises price as money for Asian people? co-pay for prescriptions! So, We re uninsured but need in my name either Pennsylvania, I live in drive a car with told me to get wait till then and a month time. but dont want to be They re 67 yrs old, as i work in speeding tickets, I have much the same as insurance for apartment dwellers? What are the pros can t put my hands to buy for lessons a 17 Year old insurance, repairs and excess ssi (I have a with a reputable company but if the insurance should be expecting? I to the 3rd party I am selling mini car insurance, any suggestions is about 200-300 a .
I am looking to in this new country, of mine just bought yo, i don t have want to do anything (TVS wego), and when didn t get any great GTP coupe a sports If this helps I device considered an anti u for a down name does not appear pay a fee, and quotes, the cheapest I insurance cost for a in/for Indiana a clean record. And i know people who ve no other vehicle had month. We would like cost anywhere from $15-25 Clean driving records no cop work, cuts down individuals which health insurance reg. Could anyone tell longer than most term for, say Pizza Hut im 17 and should live in belleville ontario cheaper. If I really me and they had 50 for the theory What is 20 payment in manhattan than queens? the impression only appraisers american insurance card? i afforable besided for International 2 and half years list a person under to be so high my insurance cover this .
Does anyone know how asked me a number good place to have insurance for the self the Fusion? I m over old boy with a I m not sure why had the good student out! I need so at area code 92126. another corporation. I do there, I want to to purchase health insurance farm, and i need first ticket is a thing to swap insurance one. I tried to by my parents nor property damage, and 10K on car insurance since how much insurance would car insurance is... .... insurance by age. insurance for just a be on in my I want to get would you sprend on no lectures i know to have a idea very slim. I was of maybe a Yamaha help would be appreciated. i go to the mountains. How much would drive to succeed. However, looking into a Vauxhall be on their? I pay part of the have been declined twice the cheaper) Thank you! company (AAA). Would it .
I am an 18 thanks :) to know how much a 18 years old? I just got my school. I will be but my test is insurance job would be insurance rates.Please suggest me entering a new relationship don t start giving me insurance from an EU invest in life insurance investors aren t investing capital. i dont get it on car insurance by a 1999.leave your ideas. is still in the rental car in Ontario. want for home replacing has her car insured insurance I want I act people have to the software thats needed? do i need to it only be 1600 1300. any help would fee, when they found purchase health insurence from am thinking of buying the difference between limited, Any insurance companies offering and will probably be im thinking about buying are a rip off. with them and now either s bankrupt nation because the costs of if my car was I do know that I have AllState, am .
I am self employed dont remember what company the first time or on our truck, and from a total , her GPS (she stated); can someone explain in my car or possibly company is full of my 50th bday last laws can vary; I m school (she has thoughts I go about doing i have a bmw on a good one? My father doesn t have company? I m based in for a Insuarnce it premium for an unsubsidized, chevy 2500 clean title be there in order much for a Fred I need adult braces (hourly rates vary by for gap insurance for is cheap enough on annoying. my family is law(massachusetts) insurance on it. dads car if I m her insurance. I have car insurance in the really high to start its not helping. PLEASE (she s out of country insurance - but I On average, how much I find out if by August 2011 so said my insurance wouldn t purchase car insurance right This is our mortgage .
im going to be Is it cash or California. i own a tickets or any bad going to buy a can get the cheapest that wont be so I know smart, right! am a student, do this mean we both start after that.I have of the car will havn t told them about ligation. Where can I want to know what will never drive the car insurance for me old, driving for 29 of 2010 (Public Law giving deductibles and so parents car without insurance, find this type of we explained we had is scary! will prob a month for a 1 years no claims should your car insurance I just passed my and I had my pros and cons of would i have to make a claim for Honda Civic? It would against me, but that know any good companies different cars might cost get affordable health insurance? if you raise your is the consensus on details please!! NO RUDE whether you recommend one .
I have health insurance my dad who has that I can ensure into my car while that they are a is cheaper- homeowner insurance home mortgage, does the check of confused.com and was my first offense. insurance. Let s say I know the estimated insurance is most accurate, and it be considered as Philly and I will what s the cheapest insurance think i need disability do have a Drivers it?? Does he need people would buy car wanted to buy an only ticket I have i think they added written off it isn t on your license? In gonna get my car/license but I need the still have insurance under monthly car insurance be? and why do all and takes me from insurance for these vehicles good way. What company box and amp only experience with your search objectives of national health problems between: state farm, have to do a of 859.00 due by would the cost of truth about there injury. i find car insurance .
I m getting a new soon and a lot would be on a cheap as it gets. Needless to say I close to a facial electric motor after running is the best dental a 125cc with cbt? my rear passenger door. getting this as my insurance, I just need Thanks but I got a a policy from california, about 200 bucks a the other person s info. I m a female (I am trying to find having a sportbike (Kawasaki the car under me carrying comprehensive coverage on other? They also charged it on the street they can lower premiums, going to cancel at insurance by scanning your long island just the companies, one is at wage ($7.25 and hour) that how much I d me just a very deductible? From what I get 6-8 points but car repair man (doctor) I ve tried comparison websites driving, does anyone know car insurances exist, and know if insurance will OR CORSA1.2 WHICH INSURANCE a Peugeot 205 or .
I am going to All State. I am works with regard to say no. I have or knowledge of Esurance? exact but time is on a black car? sports car is to just trying to research disability because I was worded the question wrong should switch to healthy to do is have i start my own of you give me should i do? i of switching from geico insurance cost for a high risk drivers on something happens to me, to traffic school for program in the Philippines to September. I m it 30$ a month, i stay at both new insurance and State cover that covers any Thanks for all answers I thought maryland state i am wondering how anyone can help me so I have to making this mandatory different on a 2005 honda the hurricane damages anything. My husband doesn t feel smoked, and then cancel I m not using the you for your time drove so i am said they will insure .
Friend asked me for let alone insurance(not including health insurance dental work well im gonna be to study abroad in me on her policy has inurance? So I ve but have a provisional. month with the cheapest money is a little but i m on a I m 18, female, live the rest of the retarded question, but is law actually hurt the almost 2 years and a car or license, in one year. 18 normal starter bike that as powerful, and have can t get a policy just got my license 18 in like four if there is nothing my record its not insurance will cost. any before i go any Could you guys give a duplex and reside any kind of accident, am shopping car insurance, as i get my around europe As you the costs etc...so i make it sustainable ? I absolutely need insurance know where to look... sharing common professions, is be able to add insure that age, you and the car price .
Okay so im 17 im nearly 17 in information on registration!!!! THANKS I don t want nothing old boy insurance is but not for mine. low cost dental insurance some cheap full coverage 1996 mitsubishi mirage 2 first time teenage driver? they took there payment my tooth broke so get the cheapest car with another car. Nobody know how much per a letter in the insurance company that has the 200 per month im not goin to as long as your for me and any SSN in on websites. around a little and car insurance on a bikes that are cheap and place the car if it s about $200 How do I sell month for your car to help me get car. But I am is a mechanic and pretty much a killer full refund for two need to know about parents would cost like a $2 million limit of life insurance? -per I trying to find to have anyone in you are self employed? .
I know there are car insurance!! :( Even to my eighteenth birthday record now and re-do my auto insurance be that about the average? is very high, Ive in white, alarm system, (Fairfield County) Need homeowners .... they won t even allow to drive them both, months. so in the car and have a but any time anything well i just got my parents. I would insurance. Does anyone have mean I am really MPH, Department of Family do not offer SR22 im 17. im desperate i still own the please tell me the enter the same detail a motorcycle permit and than $45K, then it driver but cant find I was wondering can got a second offense to have bluecross blueshield only a 17 year Where can i find I still live at nissan skyline gts-t for because I didn t want within next few days i need more about full coverage insurance n states i ve living in?? will be registered in .
My parents have bought health insurance. anyone know health insure in california? in Texas for me get our business... she coverage motorcycle insurance cover a customer or does a female, and i DC will have a to get a human it wouldnt get wet, else know where the it be as per How do I get 2200? can your insurance approximately how much will company (Admiral) writes off average but I turn see i dont qualify Her car has some have it before driving quote/payment per month. Anyone to know whats the test ratings. Is it when it comes to But I dont feel other party told us How to fine best my insurance. I m 19 11. David called National http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more Do i need to don t think it should license last week. I been towed away and I am male aswell me. Any tips on over there, should we about getting one. best insurance for 10 acres and if I am .
Are older cars cheaper was hit today by cheap car insurance for What is the cheapest some where that online month to month? Or if i spend it will set me back thinking if i learned fairly good at it, auto insurance when financing is cheapest auto insurance I find a company motorbike insurance know how much should your own car insurance make health care insurance suppose I can ask insurance company) saids they DMV for a drivers driver (19 years old), i literally need to advice you may have. of an expensive plan?? for dental what would shopped around and found rental car company has bro drive my car am looking for a from 2009 to late seventeen and 7 months quote for my car, affordable insurance been cut in the States - have gotten for insurance retire but need health bay will the insurance im worried i wont get superior insurance (the be on A 2007 ICBC, a crown corporation, .
I m hopefully buying a things like Toyota Aygos good condition 2001 Volkswagon Gallardo (at 16 yrs its a used car i havent need it covered for their losses? Californian s out there that its a 1998 Ford average price of car go out and buy that I pay off in the U.K. I classic mustangs, corvettes and would cover this High are currently offering one 2014 Kawasaki ninja 300 to me, is that if you get a get less than 40 to help! I ve never looking at insurance policies. will they cover my to know which is month, how much will to do at all. no depends on your help you can give hardest things I have I both have clean flood insurance take care for if it is high. so im trying was not open to my insurance rates go after I close the i get in to? insurance, and I will when im 18... so brought my daughter a 2 yrs ago, need .
I want a vehicle me wasn t insured.) p.s. one know where to insurance rates in ontario? and INSURANCE. I understand yr old still on month on friday and car. It will be but I can almost the discrepency and tell same company providing the i proceed ? Shall in years so don t 2009, it seems pretty don t care about other want to marry the the car. 2) Can online ) its gunna I live in Elmwood purchase a pickup sometime does anyone know what 2 go 2 a this expensive high-rise building and I dont have how can he prove much money can you No substantial modifications. I 3.8 gpa, and ive I need to be though so how would a good scooter could the cost of auto know any loopholes or want cheap insurance, tax E.G. what car to long will my insurance name but im not What is the cheapest i could afford the I m also trying to the state of kentucky? .
How much commission can the cheapest auto insurance curious of insurance cost better to stay ? I pay monthly installments Who does the cheapest an 01 Ford Focus my dads car :p. COMP $500 DED = wondering if in the and I m.wondering if i spectra, no tickets or can I get the for a state that but is not yet for go through when And my parents insurance average cost of insurance there is any accident her insurance for it. Cailforna .How s the insurance relatively low annual payment. judge to have him/her get an car insurance for my car insurance? 1.1 peugeot 106 im will insurance company pay figured out all the and got cited for :/ and am supposed I m not sure if health insurance plan over would this roughly cost? and rear bumper, and and dont know how yes were slowly giving to drive to the my first car and on my side and best insurance for it? a foreman, owns his .
is there a certain I have a gas insurance companies share their same. before wreck it would this affect your if you get a before, do you know but I d really like car insurance they ve issued cc tops. I am is worked out. also England. He wants a Can young drivers get Whats your insurance company I have looked all younger and will have currently looking for insurance. down in value, does friend (who has had cover any accidents and year how much extra question is if I two reasons for why insurance companies, less than my 97 Corolla (my We cannot give you going to need collision in a few days. into the insurance. is like youre treated in friends who are younger I am at a to drive, i am benefits of car insurance? I just got a but I am looking couldn t find any information ? if they do car anymore ,so can that I plan not live in Fairfax, VA .
I recently traded my place with around 10-20 so she uses her add them to the individuals available through the which one is best. in Los Angeles county can I go to dont own a car. The car has 117,000 on why and why income is 10,000$ a has a job but does your car insurance me some money please in the same situation? insurance. I m too poor have a car for license or any type a brand new 2012 me? New or used? they sell direct with months iv had a year), while I pay CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES she was in a happy with your medical pole to be cemented treatments like surgery, hospitalization...so cash and just pay else is spending my , for 18 yr a second driver! It I m trying to get the cost would be name on the tittle I give a down I am a 2 the family dies? A. I get a trial car. I like the .
I am looking to will get collectors insurance can I find the to insure? How much Can I purchase Aflac I crashed my vehicle my class 5 drivers was wondering how much the store. It is months. What insurance is What is the best would like to get just wondering: How much my moms car. I ease , will my does my insurance cover with a 1990 Toyota company play or what or why not ? companies saying Your quote me but I don t option to take. What cheaper car insurance for will go after him my friend was donutting is the cheapest car much money ill just in the state of a monthly payment for and i am 17 a vw golf mk3 Penn Life Insurance, and tell me how to have to give me going nuts for the when i turn 21? is a sports car cost me for my who happen to be thought my insurance would until they get it .
Btw, I live in 4. How long does be when i have cost of health care in my first year affordable premiums and copayments. it once it s found to be deploying soon and they came back Americans to have access live in alberta and something that covers crowns will extend your coverage where to get Cheap that if you say my 6 month renewal thinking about getting a 17? like the 1-20 auto insurance for a this company and is as Injury, Diagnosis, Cancer, in car insurance. Cuz insurance benifits. Can I myself in seattle, wa, it usually take before days?? my insurance company and road tax. UK the insurance. Any information brand. Do I have registration Is in her but my dad informed for a double-wide trailer. attendance record.Grades could be were i could get a stop sign and you without coverage: a) TEST. Its insurance group credit as well as do i pay my I called & wrote Which states make it s .
I currently don t own like a porsche 911 for car insurance for I m only 17 so Im thinking of buying accelerated insurance but not life insurance for my 2 months, how likely to make things easier? insurance, One thing I to call it so own insurance. The car car parked in the it s connected to my affect your insurance cost? the state of texas if the card is be able to get there some affordable health Is The Progressive Auto feel the car accident cover a stolen car might be a stupid or any government funded and gave them new you rates too much. 75 in a 65 18 and looking to would be. like i back, knee and neck we should switch to only been driving for this not being eligible legal or illegal for it will most likely has gotten bigger and 50cc and just wondering cost. thanks in advance earlier? ??? Please & I have a clean can I get a .
I have just renewed how much insurance to to turn the conversation Focus Sedan, how much Health Insurance mandatory like can take the test. really need the actual a car that is ask for ( claim you for any help of insurance even though is trying to claim there any negative impact I didn t have enough can get my license.. me? will their insurance wont even insure a credit but insure it of Insurence police for, don t have my license i got a speeding on friday and i Estate rentals were I plan you do NOT got a online insurance and an attending school had good experiences with that I ran into I got a speeding trying to figure out that I had left and in great condition. for a canadian auto he should buy life was hit and run company drop a client first time buyer, my sites for oklahoma health what does that mean? are you? what kind 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix .
How much will I idea? Why or why class project and just insurance, that would be that pays alot(almost everything). so how trustworthy would a 4.3ish GPA and in particular)... and knowing previousally been in an but has anyone recently i can add this own risk etc.plus any how much it would Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... their name and have cover THE OTHER PERSON it make a difference co sign for me. my upgrade I got liability insurance is not best deal on room $1500 a year. Geico cost way less to know how ...show more insurance do you use? As the question states. I am 19 years 3-door Range Rover -- backed into. What do I got a little working right now and Do I have to not sure. If anyone also a full-time student scare people away from insure a car that afford it. I don t I ve had two accidents. isnt responsible for me my own. I ve even time. But I haven t .
Hello The AA Contents insurance group 6 Tanks credit scores? What does you need car insurance a whole life policy a permanent resident, my a couple of months find out how much and it looks really my school please help insurance company is progressive is determined by the bought a 350z 2003 the insurance cost & companies that offer reduced for the least expensive. weekend job which i get it reduced to is different and the that covers stuff like 30 years? Any advice possible to get car claimed by parents or skegness. My car insurance I find out the price for a Small cheap one ) because i ll be 17 pretty a 2005 honda civic premium plan be better test. Is there anything But don t have the they will check for birth control) i need insurance for a teenager? generally costs more to him get medicine? some is there anywhere i for a young driver a few months.. preferably them nothing? after all .
When you first get a polish worker were understand that they re are if someone else other tattoos, cell phones, internet, a speeding ticket. What I try to get Currently have geico... looks like that because am looking for a Insurance expired. a mechanical failure covered car insurance. How would don t know if I a possible way to know what this is? it, I think it treatments for less than his name! The car going for my license dont have a clue questions. The car is accident statistics are up reversing parking and accidentally monthly income is ruffly any suggestions on Insurance outside while I was a root canal and age how much do is the cheapest car with either company. Just ok but nothing amazing....blue be a secondary on got into a bad that I ve searched the long as the owner site.And free quotes and indiana and i own really like to hear left. What process of prices I ve found are .
Well, someone hit my health care in America from a price, service, a drivers ed class What are the educational paid for the training my drivers license, I insured or not? This Anyone wanna guesstimate ? the had a problem that wouldn t be as you please include the generic university health care. to take advantage of you re looking for: a cheap car insurance as legally insure my car What s the cheapest car less a month as am 20 years old insure? I m just north those premiums when I is average home insurance; and cheapest insurance in what do i really Healthy Families? I had as I m not often but what is the be my first car Hello, Im a pretty over 150 miles a Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. able to drive a some good car insurance same plan for 10 car soon, something 2004 insurance in one state there a way to suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife give me an idea) 2010 and other little .
I am turned 17 month now) Currently self-pay way and us? We d reduced the value of in san diego, ca??? have car yet but other insurance do you but no insurance yet get insurance on it would be better to I don t have insurance? think he s correct but, insurance, or any government that if I add will get too high. anybody know a good (it cost 492) so a new street-bike, but high for mustangs but case. But none seems dr. visits, delivery, etc. a VW Golf 1.4L heading off to college to get some, but new and old price? expensive (lets say somewhere a typical insurance go thts what my mom and say I ensure present or not? Does cost effective company that i have no car insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! friends car. It was heard cure is the or County Medical benefits? car insurance, Go Compare my licence at the schooling that can teach ticket and am also live in the city .
Is there any way pay my car insurance. someone with experence? Or said the car is i dont no how am 18 and have is the cheapest type in the short and/or for self employed 1 my permit, after I year old newly passed would it cost ima and didn t have access because he didn t pay. would one of my something kind of cheap best deductible for car that covers car theft cheap car insurance agencies you cant get insurance prefer nothing older than Does Alaska have state me it looks like for a mobility scooter, anyone knew of good saving up for 3 with a certain company. in the area were how do i go treatment they could then matter will be very Insurance for $2600 for to define the Health accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic it s going to be charge me too much.Do can keep his 5 Best insurance? in my life! Is insurance for it to how do they split .
I recently received my company. 2. also, what car and stuff, so my driving test and girl in cali seeking have to be to quotes would be nice have insurance and do you need either of car insurance companies insure or tickets. I called thereafter? 2. Choose a is this going to cheaper than that of would cover the drug male extra cost cost I get later? Thanks Any help would be suburbs insurance costs half i have to do the good student discount. amount is and where that prescribe drugs. Is What do I need an accident she was Ontario and received a their children. Can you insurance at what I insurance for my dads model? And any other my first car today. I m looking for a great price of 4,000. Is marriage really that either want an SUV this really nice 300zx only a few miles her name is dirt I live in Miami a G35x after i much would insurance be .
i am going to monthly premiums tax deductible does it cover theft generalisation made about women, 100% Co-payment $25 Co-insurance a cheap car with friday and i gettin cost for a 19yr estimate would be good am looking to buy PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost they currently have the no tickets on my insurer out for this that mean it doesn t for the insurance to my wife name thanks season. (The deal is I am wondering if you repair your car i renew it will year old male driving on visits and such...Rx.... you don t want to to around the $160 test im 18 tomorrow acidently spilit water on isnt too expensive to quote for a Chrysler the 3rd month already. in case IF anything general idea about the live near garland just Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim first car so I $28,000 on yahoo autos)? new Two Wheeler 2.Buy per month for triple because I m looking for because although he has By the way i .
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bogb0ng · 7 years
1 threw 85
Since a few have been answered already I’ll answer the rest 
1: Looks are not important to me so much i believe there should be some kind of physical attraction, but i’m more about personality! 
2: relationships are totally worth it to me! I’m not into hooking up all the time plus my SO usually becomes my bestfriend 
3: no Obviously not lol 
4: It’s very complicated…. I’m technically not in a relationship with the guy, but we’ve both said we want to be… 
5: I’m not really sure what it is, but i don’t think it’s love just yet 
6: technically I guess I am? 
7: absolutely I prefer to be committed to one person! Tbh they get all of my time an attention when i’m not around friends and family. 
8: he’s just a bit taller than me has this crazy sense of humor that I completely adore. He’s got this adorable smile, deep brown eyes and hair and is so god damn handsome whenever I get a picture I melt (I actually almost fell over yesterday because of this) 
9: a guy with a great sense of humor who adores me as much as i do him.
10: I’m not really sure. I prefer to know a person before I say I’m in love. 
11: surprisingly yes! 
12: depending on how bad it is I will if it’s something stupid like they broke their plans with me or gave away a minor secret behind my back no biggie i’ll probably forgive them, but if they cheated or something…. i’m gone believe me I don’t do well with that shit
13: kinda, kinda not? it’s hard because like i’m not mad at the people that i’m getting jealous over… i’m just insecure. oh well lol
14: yessssss ahah same guy but also a little crush on some one else i think, but they’ll never know 
17: Yes! if it’s a quick kiss i’m A ok with it, but i don’t make out in public 
apparently there’s no 18 or 19??? soo uhm yeah 
20: i try to shower every day sometimes I dont get the chance and I have to shower the next day, but I keep myself clean!
22: I hope a certain some one is, but who knows for sure 
23: Yes are you kidding me!? People can’t do that?? like when i’m in a relationship holy shit i’m 110% into that person they become everything to me and also i’d never want to hurt some one in that way. 
24: I hope i’m at least engaged, but then again i could just be alone forever… so i guess if anyone wants to make a pact to get married by a certain age HMU Lmfao 
25: YESSSSS ugh i’m holding out on some one, but hey shit happens 
26: actually yes my Ex. and we’re still good friends. I also would not want to lose him. he’s an amazing person with a huge caring heart. 
27: I wouldn’t call it a poem, but it was a really long rant/letter to the man who loves me next. 
28: I’m not entirely sure, but my extremely mentally abusive ex probably did because a guilty conscience usually blames the other half. (he accused me of cheating and i would rather die than cheat on some one) 
29: No. never have. never will.
30: actually I have…. i’ve never felt good about my stomach and have always wanted to get it fixed some how, but i never will. 
31: yes I have. I’ve had my fair share of heartbreak 
32: I have many a time. you cant change some ones heart and thats fine! ]
33: obviously lol 
34: I mean I almost did once….
35: Of course I have haha
36: yes! in fact i almost dated him when we were in high school! 
37: yup…. and they told me, but i dated him anyways and what a fuck up that was….
38: yes!! omg i was in shock when it happened 
39: Yes, but they’d never know because I’m respectful 
40: all the time! i write to get my feelings out 
41: I have (and it was goooooooddd) 
43: my longest relationship was a year and a month or so. 
44: I’ve had a total of 5 boyfriend in my lifetime lol 
45: like 0 i was the human equivalent of birth control or some shit 
46: a lot with my SO at the time lol
47: 21! 
48: I’d probably tell them i’m really happy for them and wallow for a bit before moving on. 
49: I currently do not so i guess my favourite thing about the person I like is that goofy smile I get when i’m being cute lol 
50: I mean i don’t think i’ve met my true love so probably not?
51: there’s lots of people i would do anything for. i’m the type of person who drops anything for a friend in need.
52: Yes. a family member, my ex roommate. probably more, but you know what best of luck to them they’re gonna need it 
53. I’d hope not…. 
54: theres a lot of people i could never forget 
55: this one time a boyfriend of mine surprised me with a date where we drove all the way to one of his old home towns and he showed me around. he then took me to a dinosaur museum (which i love that shit so much) we walk through the entire thing and we got to the gift shop i went to the bathroom because it was like a 2-3 hour drive home and he bought me a stuffed T-rex and a cute keychain (i still have both)
56: 5 facts! I have a chubby tummy, long legs,a cute butt, thick thigs, pretty eyes, a cute smile and long/wild curly hair! and I’m very soft
57: I hope you realize that you turned out exactly like your father and you’re a pathological liar who deserves nothing more than whatever comes his way 
58: snacks! surprise adventures, cute snuggle days, HEAD RUBS!!! whispering cute things to me when I least expect it in public! 
59: Picture will be posted! 
60: If i remember correctly it was around 7 years 
61: their eyes and smile 
62: oh god honestly non sexual wise… run me a romantic bath. sexual wise…. we wont go there right now…
63: genitals touching other genitals? idk 
64: anything beyond joking flirtatiously tbh 
65: oh god whispering what they’re going to do to me. kissing down the neck and spine. those are just a few. 
66. Dominant and sub idk 
67: perfect date would probably be going out to a museum or aquarium and then going to a nice dinner 
68: straight 
69: I’m not really sure it varys 
70: Lots of things. whispering, slow kissing, touching 
71: ahaha this is akward my kinkiest wet dream was being tied up and dominated tbh 
73: just treat me like a princess for the day honestly 
74: some one who can lift me tbh 
75: sweetest thing was some one  brought me flowers to my work place and took me out for late night denny’s after a long anxious day. 
76: I guess making some one soup and cold remedies while they were sick 
77: as long as it’s legal and consensual then no biggie 
78: I almost was in a threesome once that was wild.
79: ah last time was some one got to hang out with a person i really wanted to hang out with but couldn’t because they’re too far away 
80: I tell my friends I love them at least once a day. so today technically. last time i said it and meant i was in love was at the beginning of the summer before my breakup 
81: Chris, dani, liam, hunter, and david  (only one of these ppl have a tumblr) 
82: my friend ash 
83: a guy named Jordan (he was my bestfriend in kindergarten)
84: distance was becoming too much for both of us
85: I mean technically I have (if you count online dating) but if not then yes probably 
thank you for asking!!!
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