#i cant recommend it enough
stevenrogered · 8 months
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↳book > screen 
“If you muck me about, Dexter.” “I won’t-“ “I mean it, if you lead me on or let me down or go behind my back, I will murder you. I swear to God, I will eat your heart.” 
“I won’t do that, Em.” “You won’t?” “I swear, I won’t.” 
And then she frowned, and shook her head, then put her arms around him once more, pressing her face into his shoulder, making a noise that sounded almost like rage. “What’s up?” he asked. “Nothing. Oh, nothing. Just…” She looked up at him. “I thought I’d finally got rid of you.” “I don’t think you can,” he said.
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
So I don't know a lot about this but from what I've heard, dinosaurs probably don't look like what they're depicted as. since it doesn't exactly show fat quantity or muscle, just the bones. and a lot of dinosaurs had feathers, so they might have looked a lot more like birds than big lizards
Anyways basically I was asking what you thought of that. Since you probably know more then me
Oh yeah that's 100% fact. We can tell dino families like dromaeosaurids and ornithomimids had feathers due to fossil imprints and feather quills!!! For example, in the holotype fossil of sciurumimus albersdoerferi we can see light feather imprints
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The question now isn't if certain dinosaurs had feathers, but how feathered were they and what did those feathers look like? We know T.Rex had the possibility of having feathers, but it was more likely to be sparse quills or none at all rather than being covered in them like a velociraptor.
Of course this doesn't mean all dinos were feathered either!! Plenty of dinos had rough skin and scales rather than feathers. A lot of them made up for the display feathers were theoretically used for with horns and other ornamentation. Like triceratops or pachycephalosaurus.
Basically yes dinos were feathered and we've known about it for a very long time!!! Things like Jurassic Park tend to ignore the science for a movie monster look rather than biological accuracy. And unfortunately a lot of fans of those movies try to push back against the real science bc they prefer scary over accurate
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xanaxspritz · 3 months
k*tmine is a lifesaver
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saigeofseasons · 3 months
Seneca really said "yes the world is fucking terrible but you've got to Serve 💅"
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sgt-farron · 5 months
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We, after everything
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autisticaradiamegido · 5 months
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day 129
so was anybody going to tell me @adorkastock had their own random pose generator now or was i just supposed to find that out on my own
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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So… An update…
(We’re watching episode 36 next, can’t recommend Toqger enough)
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mizaruwu · 7 months
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I think about them a normal amount
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saisons-en-enfer · 11 months
It's simple, you’re who I live for Though you don’t seem to think We’re good enough for you... for you But you give yourself away To a lover from the past...
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daddy-ul · 5 months
Kirk and Cliff's culinary adventures.
or, the long history of Metallica and toasters.
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stevenrogered · 8 months
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ONE DAY ↳book > screen 
He put one hand lightly on the back of her neck and simultaneously she placed one hand lightly on his hip, and they kissed in the street as all around them people hurried home in the summer light, and it was the sweetest kiss that either of them would ever know. 
This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today.
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got my hair done yday now he and i are twinsies <3
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mxtxtober day 2: rain
@vampirefaun’s fic Thousand Gold Come-And-Go Stew is the canonical Hua Cheng memory loss extra to me so go read it if you haven’t already! I’ve wanted to make fanart of it for a while, and even did a sketch in August (below the cut) but finally got around to it because of today’s prompt :)
the sketch i made in august ↓. the colors on this were already pretty harmonized so i colormapped them a little bit more to use as a palette for my final drawing.
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themistymountainscold · 11 months
i finished the juiciest most well written ouizzy fic and now im sad
the writing was fucking brilliant, i got lost in the words and forgot i was reading i could see everything.
the way the start ties in the end?? fuck i actually squealed.
in the myre of who we were - Fool_for_love on ao3
i read it on my kindle so i dont have the link but omg i heavily recommend.
it’s nearly 160k words and a slowburn
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rottingraisins · 1 month
hello! By far, you are one of my favourite artists out there. Your style is so beautiful, and not only does it tastefully depict the scene/ character, it shows such amazing symbolism! It’s so perfect and unique and instantly recognisable
I was wondering though, how long did it take to develop your style?.
Thanks so much!! that means a lot
To answer your question, I don't actually know. My art style isn't actually that much of an active choice on my part, it just sort of happens in the translation from brain to hand and is generally more obvious to other people than to me. There wasn't really ever a moment where I "found" it, so to speak, it's still changing, just very slowly and gradually compared to my output.
I've found that beginner artists usually try to "find their artstyle" by trying to lay down certain parametres about how they draw things, but I've found that especially when starting out it's usually best to allow yourself to experiment a lot and remain open to the possibility of changing things radically. what people tend to describe as an "art style" in experienced artists is usually just them figuring out a routine of sorts, one that is liable to continue changing as they go.
I think generally the best thing 2 do when trying to figure art out is just to not drive yourself crazy. You will get there in time if you u just draw alot ^_^
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hella1975 · 5 months
genuinely the moment you find an aesthetic you love and start owning it life gets better
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