#i canttttttttt take it.
fooltofancy · 10 months
wanna bg3 so so so badly but there are so many things i need to work on before i can play without guilt, not to mention head hurty enough that i cant even do THOSE things
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comingup-rxses · 7 months
I'm gonna need a mutual to come live near me so we can fall in love and fuck constantly so I don't have to deal with the people who try and talk/hit on me. This one guy literally cannot take a hint and I've been like so transparent to him about how I feel and he doesn't get it. He also majorly gives me the ick.. I canttttttttt
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Idk if you saw my ask about the disaster mode night gas station run but if it’s alright with you mind sharing your thoughts
I feel like living with kirigiri is a lot like living with an outdoor cat in that she sometimes just disappears for random amounts of time. They go to the mall or smth and Naegi n Togami take their eyes off her for half a second and she’s just gone. Poof. Found smth shiny and is going to investigate. If it were literally anyone else this wouldn’t be much of a problem since Togami is the world’s motherest of hens but Kirigiri is smart enough to find the AirTags and remove them purely because she can.
So flash over to Togami getting up at like 3:27am and HOLY SHIT WHERE THE FUCK IS SHUICHI (because yknow he’s at least semi-used to Kirigiri’s disappearing act if she’s gone for longer than like 2 hours that’s when he knows to panic) he pulls out his phone to try and locate shuichi via tracker and guess what shuichi is currently wearing kirigiri’s hoodie not his own and is tracker free (the monomi slippers are new they have yet to be bugged) so just. Just imagine being Kirigiri and you have shuichi asleep in the car and you pull up back at home to find basically every available FF member, the entire local police precinct, and several government officials outside their home. She pulls into the driveway just as the fire dept get there. Togami is absolutely losing it. Naegi has lost touch with reality. Kirigiri has no idea how she’s gonna get Shuichi inside without waking him up.
Ngl I love info-dumping about them and discussing these idiots with you the brainrot is fucking real fr fr it is ALWAYS alright with me.
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rinbowaman · 9 months
babyy 🥹🥹 my reireiiiii im backk!! how are you my loves??!!! i missed you so damn much you dont even knowwww!!!!! I really wanted to just sit and talk to you all day but now is the only time I got to message youu i’ve been really really reaallllyyyy busy with school since I already started and work + the ballet lessons (ik I do this daily but stilllll its quite tiring) + everyday after classes I had to stop by my grandma’s house to help her with stuff (its only for two and a half weeks but goddd its tiring too) so you can imagine how busy i’ve been but not to worry though im doing fine and healthy, and for the past week I became a silent reader of yours!! just liking every post haha but yea im really glad to now have the time to message you and way all the things i’ve been wanting to saaayyy 🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗
enough about me how about you?!!! how have you been??!! what did I miss?? I like to say i’m keeping updated but just in case…what’d I miss omggg
by the way I absolutely loveddddd that one shot and im ngl its new to see a fic of urs thay doesnt have that much of a yandere heeseung but its still so good either way I swearrr you put a spell on me on every one-shot and chapter you post because I think about it for daaayyysssssss!!!! but ugh the tension and the angst in that fic was just *chefs kiss we love soft, needy, regretting hee
BTW DT RECENT CHAPTER WAS SO MFING JUICY I CANTTTTTTTTT the smut part/s in there was WHOOO DAMN THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A SMUT SCENE it always got me sweating and weak in the kneesssss the car smut was the one that’s engraved in my mind good lorddd it just randomly pops up in my head and at the worst times too ugh I could be in a lecture and that smut scene would just play in my mind holy shiiiiiitttt rei ur impeccable and i’d say a master AND QUEEN at these scenes🥵🥵
the girls though are taking a whack at my patience 😐
I can’t say and promise to you that i’ll bombard ur asks like the good ole’ days and quite frankly I feel like the next would be in a couple days but im just glad I got to message you again ☹️
will eagerly and definitely wait for your reply👀👀 my absolute favorite darling and beautiful smart gifted girl (hope I still am ur favs 🤞🏻🤞🏻) hell i’d search the whole dictionary for a word to describe you but none is and will ever be enough.
keep writing and doing your goddamn deliciously brilliant work my reirei i’ll always be here whether in ur asks or in the likes section hehe
- ur fav (?) girly, nik/lana💕
my girl!!! ♥️ I had a heethan moment when i saw your message, the whole "pretty baby! you--you came to me....." lol! i missed you so much! i've been doing good, i've been busy as well. been helping out the parents with their business and then spending whatever free time i have drafting up the one shots/requests and the chapters 😉 i'm so happy to hear from you, i know you've been very busy so no need to explain, you do you girl. i'm just so glad to see you once in a while when i can! did you enjoy the one shots? i've been working on the upcoming chapter of TO and also, HHP's next chapter is coming soon 😉 real soon! i can't wait for you to read it. how is ballet practice? how is school? and work?
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oswinunknown · 2 years
I know we haven't really interacted but please take this cause Oz and Damian are cuuute💚🖤
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(oswin: YO HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THIS IS SO CUTEEEEEE AAAA TYSM) (also aye honestly feel free to message me in dms, here, or whenever yo! im always down to interact) (ty again tho frrrrrrrr i just jkasdhajkshdkags) (the art is so cute i canttttttttt)
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fairycosmos · 3 years
ok so even my coping mechanisms are starting to become triggering and i would just like god to know that it’s on sight. it is on sight 
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takesomet · 3 years
MF/F Interrogation Tickles. NSFW AT ALL.
She tried to move her shackles but it was no good. The x-frame she was currently on had her bound tight. She didn’t get scared by much but this had her terrified. Her white bra and panties were the only thing hiding her modesty. The guards had been a bit too rough on her. No marks left but they were determined to get her on here.
It had been her own fault. She had been careless and tripped the security system, moments later and she had been surrounded. The guards had been keen to take her alive and she had been keen to go. This was going to cause a headache for HQ. Allied nations aren’t supposed to spy on each other. But everyone knew that they did. Her government would have to apologise or make a trade. At least she knew she wouldn’t be hurt. 
The door slid open. A man dressed in military uniform entered. He was 6”1 tall and muscular. Blond hair with deep brown eyes. He strutted towards her admiring her bound form. She looked stunning, her brown hair flowing over shoulders, her brilliant green eyes staring back at him.
‘I want to congratulate you commander on your successful infiltration of our little operation. Not many have been able to get so far into our complex.’ He spoke with a gentle yet powerful voice. 
She said nothing.
‘You will be delighted to know that your government is keen to have you returned to them. Naturally my government has agreed. The exchange will take place in 24 hours...’
Inside she breathed a sigh of relief.
‘But my government would like to know what you learned whilst you were inside my complex. And they have given me 24 hours to find out.’
‘If you lay a finger on me there will be an international outcry.’ she said.
‘Of course you know that, and my government knows that too. But they also know how capable i am. I am Captain Lechtani. I am pleased to make your acquaintance Jess. It is Jess isn’t it? The name we have on file.’
‘We know a lot about you Jess.’ He said moving towards a console. ‘Within 24 hours I will know everything you have seen and there will not be a mark on your body.’ He pushed a button and the xframe moved so that she was now lying down. Only then did she see the table next to her. Lechtani moved to it.
‘You see Jess we know so much about you. All your weaknesses and I am going to have that information.’ He picked up something from the table, she strained to see what it was. Her heartbeat had increased. He moved again slowly and grabbed a stool. He sat at the foot of the frame where her bare feet were bound and helpless. 
‘Tell me child, are you… ticklish?’ He spoke with a wide grin and with horror she saw that he was holding a single feather.
God no! She remained silent, repeating her training in her head. 
‘Lets find out shall we?’ He brought the feather to meet her right sole. He started to stroke it teasingly up and down her foot. ‘Tickle tickle tickle’ he said.
Inside her head the reaction was immediate. Like ticklish fire it swept up her body, her nerves commanding her to laugh and to scream. She had to hold it in.
‘Oh i love it when they try to resist. Coochie coochie coo.’ The feather kissed her now squirming sole, finding every winkle, fluttering over her sensitive areas. She stifled a giggle.
‘It won’t be long now ticklish girl.’ He said and with free hand peeled her toes back and began to work the feather between every single toe. That did it, it had to be let out.
‘hahahahehehehehehehehehhe please no ahahehehehehhe no my toes ahehehehehehe im ticklishahahehheheheheh.’
‘There we go! I love it when my songbirds finally sing! Tickle tickle!’ The feather danced in harmony to her wriggling toes. No matter what defences she put up the feather found a way in. He now produced another feather and with his other hand began to tickle both her feet in earnest.
‘hahahehehehehehhe not my hfeehehehehehehhetttt hahahehehehhehe please no!’ She screamed.
‘Its foolproof you see. No mark on your body and you have to try and explain that the info was tickled out of you ha! Now tell me what you know about my complex.’ he said.
‘hahaheheheheheheh noooo ahhehehehehehhe ahhehehhe never.’ She replied.
‘Then I can’t stop. Tickle tickle. Your bare feet are so deliciously ticklish!’ He grinned like a cheshire cat as the feathers continued their dastardly work. Up and down, stroking and tantalising her bare flesh. Her feet tried to escape but only found themselves in front of another's feathers kiss. They stroked her firmly, then they stroked her gently. The fast and slow was catching her out.
‘hehehhahehehehehehhehe noooo mercy ahheehehehehhee’ she squealed.
He stopped and stood up. She was panting hard and it had only been a few minutes. He came over to her chest and picked up some scissors. With a few cuts her bra was removed and her breasts fell free. Her nipples were already betraying her.
‘I see we are enjoying our torment.’ He said. 
No response. 
Bringing the stool round he sat next to her chest. He brought a hand to cup her breast and with another he lowered a feather onto her nipple. He started sawing it back on forth on the erect nub.
She screamed. Her nipples were her most sensitive of placed. Ever since she was a girl she could remember stroking them only briefly before she would shudder. Now in this torturers hands they were being roughly tickled and teased. Her nipples were delighted. 
‘Tickle tickle tickle. Such sensitive titties you have. Cootchie cootchie coo.’ He teased.
She bucked and thrashed in a vain attempt to escape his clutches but he held her firm. The feather stroked her nub again and again. Up and down, side to side, she screamed again for mercy. She did not receive it. Satisfied she wasn’t going anywhere he now had a feather tickle each nipple. Both her aching buds being stimulated and teased. She couldn’t stand it. 
‘Tell me what I want to know ticklish girl.’ he demanded
‘Then more tickles for you. Sasha!.’
The door opened and Sasha walked in. Short and wearing a military dress she looked a picture of sex. Black hair, buxom with a round behind she saluted as saw Lechtani.
‘Sasha, be a dear and help out the little spies feet. I believe they are lonely.’ He said.
‘Yes commander’ she said with a voice that would seduce the pope. She brandished her long nails and began to tickle and torture her bare soles. The combination of nipples and feet were unbearable. Whilst Lechtani sawed her nipples, Sasha raked her soles. 
She moved her head from side to side, move her body in some way to stop the torment. Every time she looked down she viewed her helplessly ticklish nipples being teased beyond her ability to cope. Lechtani grinned the whole time, mocking her, laughing at her plight. Sasha kept up the audio torture. She told her what a ticklish slut she was, how soon she would break. 
‘Are you ready to talk my dear?’ Asked Lechtani.
‘Then you leave me no choice. ‘ Came the response. Turning to the table he picked up two bullet vibrators. Taking care he taped them both onto her aching nipples. Once he was satisfied they were attached he set them to ‘high’
She has tried this once at home. When she would spend hours playing with her sensitive body. One time she had tried to see how long she could leave her bullet vibe on one nipple set on ‘low’. She lasted 7 seconds. She had squealed loudly then. She squealed louder now.
They were mechanical and merciless, a constant buzz of torture, locked on and unrelenting in their torment. Every second sent shockwaves through her. It traveled down to her feet only to be sent back again by Sasha's nails.
With the scissors back in his hand Lechtani set to work removing his victims panties. He was delighted to see that she was soaking wet. The last piece in her torment could be complete. Slowly and deliberately he parted her soaking wet lips, her clit erect and wanting. He leaned close and could almost taster her need. With the softest feather in his collection he started to slowly brush her clit. Up. And. Down.
Her laughter stopped. She shrieked. Then silence again. Her body convulsed and tied to assess the new sensations. She screamed and then she laughed.
The feather fluttered between her legs, her clit eager for the kiss of the feather sought it out. He oblieged and twirled it over sensitive head. He stroked up and down and side to side. He saw her hole start to convulse. She was going to come.
He stopped. She screamed.
‘Tell me what you know!’ He yelled back.
Briefly her definace appeared. 
Sasha had begun to lick and suck her toes. Her warm tongue running up and down her arches. She snaked around every inch of her foot. The vibes on her nipples continued their busy work. Lechtani tried again. Back he went with not one, but now two feathers. They surrounded her clit and he traced her pussy lips with light lazy strokes. She was soaking wet. Every few minutes a feather would be too damp to be effective but he had plenty of spares. Every time he saw her convulse he would stop and deny her orgasm again. This happened six more times. As he was leading her towards her seveneth he again asked the question.
‘Tell me what you know and you will cum right now,’
Sasha, her feet, the vibes, her nipples, his feather, her clit. The desperate need to cum. She snapped.
He continue to brush right until he was sure she was three strokes away.
‘Start talking.’ He said cooly. Sasha stopped tickling and starting sucking toes again.
One stroke.
Second stroke.
Third stroke.
It was immediate and loud. She wailed at the top of her voice as the wave started and took over her entire body. She shook in her bonds. Lechtani leaned in and took her clit in his mouth. He licked and sucked the quivering head and she continued to scream. She came over and over again. Sasha licked her convulsing toes whilst tending to their own needs.
Minutes later she was spent. The vibes turned off. Her shame complete. She lay their limp. All of her energy gone.
Sasha took notes on what she has said. Lechtani came to Jess's head. 
‘You did very well commander. Very well indeed. You have told us everything you know about the complex. I believe you.’ He said.  She didn't answer.
Sasha confirmed that the details had been sent back to HQ and handed him a note. He read it quickly and tossed it. 
‘Well commander you have 22 hours until the exchange. High command however has asked me to see if their is anything about your own government you can tell us. You know, like an exchange of ideals.’
He looked her straight in the eye as she screamed again.
He set the vibes to ‘high’
The End.
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years
Arrest l**m for even uttering Harry’s name from his weird ass mouth. Literally lock him up officers his constant tik tok’s and impressions and interviews about H is so fucking weird like is he ok not even being funny like is he??? Clearly not because if he was he would stfu and go take care of his BABY?? Did he forget he has one or??? This plus making songs with young teenage tik tok’ers is weird af
Anonymous said: harry get a restraining order 🖤
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raccooncityaliens · 7 years
Can't take this, the whole system seems to be on high alert, valium isn't working, I canttttttttt Trying to play Andromeda but it's hard to focus and every break brings more symptoms
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