#i collect names like i collect genders like i collect kintypes like i collect rocks
skyteglad · 5 months
kicks my little feets bc i'm getting to use one of my many many names for my new blog and i'm very excited to use this one bc it's my chosen middle name and it's so cool and i'm cool :)
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Intro post :D
Hi! I go by a couple names, Jay, Charlie, Phyre (fy-re), or Ender.
I am a minor.
Pronouns (yes I collect them like they’re shiny things):
(How to use some of them at the bottom)
My identities:
Asexual spectrum
Trans Masculine
Ghostgender: the feeling of one’s gender or a part of one’s gender to be existing, but unable to identify it. The gender is there, but you cannot identify what it is
Spacething: a thing subtype z a gender connected to being connected to space/space-aligned/from space/etc - coined by @squidthing
Deretynacic: a gender that feels nonhuman, being from the deep ice of frozen lakes, huge winter storms, thick pine forests where no light shines through, eerie calmness, thick natural and old forests, overgrown untouched grounds dappled with rocks and moss, and the lack of animals and just silence — coined by @scr-ppup (I think, this is where I found it)
My Theriotypes/kintypes:
I use:
Non-Religious angelkin — Ophanim/ throne
Void creature kin
To describe one of my kintypes.
I am also:
Timber wolf therian
Canadian lynx therian
I use Wolf therian - voidcreature kin - Angel kin - non religious Angel kin - cryptid kin
I love to draw- though I’m not that good at it :D
I love asks!! Please send me them! I crave interaction :)
Under the cut for my DNI and how to use some of the pronouns!
Before you interact
I am a minor - I’m fine with adults interacting, but keep it in mind.
I like to curse
My page is pretty chaotic, so there is a lot of different topics on it!
I am a dsmp fan. If this bothers you, don’t interact. (I DO NOT SUPPORT WILBUR OR ANY ABUSERS!)
Anti-otherkin/therian /alterhuman/ otherhearted/fictionkin
Anti neopronouns/xenogenders
General DNI
More on my pronouns/identities!
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seth-burroughs · 6 months
Holy fuck a pinned post.. It's one of those pinned posts isn't it
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What's up gamers I post Rain Code (literally just the peacekeepers) (it's a Yomi world no mercy). I don't tag spoilers so do with that what you will
Names include: Seth, Mateusz, Andrzej, Jaspis, Karneol, Sylwester, Stefan, Kosma, Cezary/Czarek, Sójka and Mikołaj. I collect names like cool rocks, you can basically pick and choose on which ones you use to refer to me on any given day, I don't really care. He/it/xe exclusively (for Yomi), and yes, they/them IS misgendering can you not pleaseee *looking at you with my big wet eyes*. On a similiar note, I'll prefer to not be referred to with any feminine terms like ever, I don't care if it's a joke/slang/whatever. "girl" isn't gender neutral guys what the huh I am going to become the joker
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Yomi Hellsmile fictionkin* in like, the serious/metaphysical way. (Can't believe Yomi got real and is now prowling around somewhere in the bowels of central Europe that's so cool right). That's also why I drop the I/me oftentimes whenever I talk about Yomi, in case you were confused about that.
I'm generally pretty hesistant to interact with people that also call themselves kin (and especially "kinnies"), as I'd rather not involve myself with the kff crowd or other people that treat being fictionkin as an extension of fandom, and unfortunately I can't always tell whether somebody is using it in good faith or not, but I don't like to assume things about people based off of very limited information like a few posts, either. Where was I going with this? Basically uh, having my eyes pried open and forced to witness late 2010s (fiction)kin drama has turned me extra sensitive and it's day 2137 of me telling people to please look up what being otherkin even means before using it for themselves I'm begging
If anybody has questions of any kind concerning the whole thing (whether it's purely for info's sake or more personal) then I'm fine with answering as long I'm given basic amounts of respect (no calling me a kinnie, no making me into a punchline, no making weird assumptions about me based off my kintype, no getting weirdly personal about it if you're another fictionkin from my source??)
*only concerning yomi, who might either be a fictionkin/fictive/who cares since apparently we're actually plural. uh oh. pinned might need further revisions but also im perpetually tired so. Later
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Very often I have trouble with memory and articulating myself and whatever I write may end up looking a bit weird or just near incomprehensible and unfortunately there's nothing I can currently do about it. While I love receiving them, I might take very long to forever to actually answer an ask due to either low energy or anxiety. This should should go without saying but if you make fun of me for it like ever you're getting hard blocked into the sun
I'm autistic - don't tone police me. Sometimes I can't read sarcasm or playful rudeness. Don't expect me to understand or tolerate it when you start insulting me as a "joke", my autism & NPD wombo combo makes me really hurt by that sort of stuff. Or just. Don't expect strangers in general to be fine with that?? I kind of hate how normalized just being mean to people ironically has become.
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I don't do "DNI"s as they're just objectively pretty stupid and ineffective, and just block people as I see fit. Instead, if you're curious about those, here are my boundaries under the cut which are optional reading - but might be helpful if you'd like to avoid getting blocked over accidentially crossing some of them:
I get very anxious over people leaving their negative opinions on/getting aggressive over Yomi under my posts, trust me I don't need nor want to hear it. You can go hate him literally anywhere else, why are you doing that here.
Nsft stuff might occassionally be referenced/discussed on this blog, but please never leave weirdly sexual asks/tags in relation to Yomi/me, even as jokes. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable and I will block over it from now on.
(continuing from above point: these sorts of comments are still usually perfectly fine to leave on the yaoihellsmile blog)
If you're wondering, or about to ask as to why I might have you blocked: I block very liberally over all sorts of stuff no matter how small, so I most of the time probably don't even know either.
I don't check carrds, sometimes I don't check pinned posts either. If you don't want me going through your stuff, the block button is simply the best way to do that. No hard feelings, I promise
If you bring up shipping discourse I'm compressing you into a cube. It's 2024 who fucking cares over which pixels you draw making out none of this is real consider logging off and caring about some actual problems
Probably will add onto those in the future. We'll see. anyway...
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You're getting a krówka for reading all that👍👍
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neopronouns · 4 years
do you happen to know any genders related to space? Like stars, or certain planets or just space in general
quite a few! under the cut
(also, due to the Very Large amount of space genders, i may have missed some, sorry!!)
aliencoric: a xenogender related to aliencore
aliensic: a xenic alignment to aliens
andromediane: a xenogender related to the andromeda galaxy
asteragender: a fluid gender that’s connected to a specific constellation
astergender: a gender that feels bright and celestial
astralgender: a gender that feels connected to space
astronomique: a gender related to and/or influenced by astronomy
eclipsique: an astronomique gender related to and/or influenced by solar and lunar eclipses
blastjernen: a gender related to blue dwarf stars, blue stars, blue nights, neutron stars, and space that feels hot and unknown
b✰y/b*y/b⭐y: a nonbinary male xenogender related to space, aliens, etc. similar to being male, but a version of male that is based more on alien concepts than on human concepts.
caelgender: an aesthetically-centered gender that is largely focused on space-related things such as stars, aliens, planets, galaxies, and black holes
caelagender: caelgender + agender
caelivus: a gender related to the empty space between celestial bodies, where you can see the stars, but not feel them, and are alone
cavrumgender: a gender based around black holes and the feeling of black holes. feels all-consuming but never complete
celestae: a celestial xenogender. feels ethereal, angelic, extraterrestrial, and as though it relates to outer space
celestiagender: a gender connected to outer space and creatures from outer space
celestialgender: a gender that is related to a planet, celestial body, or astronomical object in out solar system
linnutgender: a gender related to or influenced by all the planets, celestial bodies, and astronomical objects in our solar system
the following definitions can be modified to fit the rest of the genders in this system by inserting the celestial body the gender is named for:
a gender related to the [celestial body]
a gender influenced by the [body]/the placement of the [body] in the sky
a gender that is stronger in the presence of the [body]
a gender influenced by a [body] kintype
a gender related to [deity that represents the body]
a gender influenced by one’s devotion to any of the aforementioned gods
a gender that can otherwise be explained using the [body]
sonnegender: the sun
lunirgender: earth’s moon
mercugender: mercury
venugender: venus
terragender: earth
marigender: mars
juperigender: jupiter
saturnigender: saturn
uranugender: uranus
neptunigender: neptune
plutigender: pluto
celestial gender system: a system of nonbinary genders that are linked to a soft, celestial energy
juparian: masculine
lunettian: feminine
mercurian: neutral; gendered, but not masc or fem
plutoian: void and/or uncertain
neptunian: masc + neutral
venusian: fem + masc
saturnian: fem + neutral
celestarian: masc + fem + neutral
ceresian: fem + void
sonnean: masc + void
ouranian: neutral + void
terraean: masc + fem + void
marsean: masc + neutral + void
erisian: fem + neutral + void
asteroidian: fem + masc + neutral + void
kuiperian/starfluid: fluid between celestial genders
collapsargender: a gender that has a strong pull, tending to pull other identities into and compress them before spitting them out in a compressed form, like a black hole
collstellargender: a collapsargender related to a stellar black hole
collsumagender: a collapsargender related to a supermassive black hole
collintergender: a collapsargender related to an intermediate black hole
scutifluid: fluid between collapsargenders
cometgender: a gender which relates to another gender in the way a comet orbits the sun of a solar system - zooming into the solar system, then out again, spending more time out in space than near the center but always attached to the gravitational field of that sun
constellavir: having both a space-related gender and a male(-aligned) gender at the same time (or more than one of either/both. basically polygender with space genders and male genders)
constellgender: a gender that fluctuates based on what constellation is most visible at that time
contigender: a gender that flows through space and time, constantly changing and always moving; a gender of or related to space and time
cosmiccoric: a gender that feels like you’re a cosmic entity, one with the universe, especially when you’re meditating
cosmoic alignments:
void-aligned: a formless, dark, and frigid alignment associated with black holes and deep space. may be unaligned or reject alignment
constellation-aligned: a cold, multifaceted alignment that is complex and solid. associated with starlight and astrology. may feel as though individual parts of the alignment make up one larger alignment
nebula-aligned: a fluid, colorful, and bright alignment that floats slowly through the cold void of space. associated with supernovas and stars. may feel cloudy or intangible
aurora-aligned: a fluctuating, colorful, and bright alignment that swirls through the temperate atmosphere. associated with solar winds, magnetic fields, and earth
stellar-aligned: a large, hot, and bright alignment with a fixed course through space. associated with light and solar eclipses. may be loud or boisterous.
supernova-aligned: a huge, red-hot alignment that seems to expand rapidly in all directions. associated with stars. may feel like it’s burning up other alignments around it
planet-aligned: a stable, solid, and warm alignment thriving with liveliness. associated with weather patters and gravitational forces. may aligned with sunlight and/or darkness
lunar-aligned: a quiet, slow, cold alignment with a fixed course through space. associated with water and lunar eclipses. may align with softness and/or grace
asteroid-aligned: an erratic and unpredictable alignment that’s cold. may feel like it’s far away from other alignment
singularity-aligned: a small and enigmatic red-hot alignment that has the potential to be something bigger. may indicated questioning alignment rather than being sure
quantum-aligned: a paradoxical alignment that is both known and unknown, present and absent. may be complex or simple, and may overlap with many other alignments or none at all
cyberastral: a gender defined by the ideas that 1) one is consubstantial with stars, galaxies, and celestial bodies due to being a collection of matter in the universe and 2) that software is modeled by the universe, combined into the idea that one is both a celestial soul and a self-modifying piece of code
dipperine: a gender related to the big dipper, small stars, space, and time that feels cold and is only felt under certain circumstances
exoplafluid: fluid between celestial/space genders
exoplanique: a gender related to exoplanets and rogue planets
extraterrgender: feeling that you are some sort of celestial body, planet, asteroid, meteor, constellation, or something indescribable that is in the universe or yet to be found in space
galaksene: a gender related to clusters of stars, galaxies, small distant planets, earth-like planets, and nebulas that feels infinite and void at the same time
galaxenic: a xenogender related to a galaxy
galaxiasflux: a fluid gneder that feels like it flows and fluctuates with any galaxy
galaxxin: a gender that feels like it’s flying through galaxies, never to return
galaxygender: a gender related to space, the stars, the cosmos, and all things galaxy-like
genderlulne: a gender related to the moon itself, not dependent on phases or time of day
genderquasari: a gender that bursts like a quasar
genderspace: an umbrella term for genders influenced by and/or related to things in space. could be a standalone identity generally related to space
jupitique: a gender related to the moons of jupiter
keplerique: a gender related to kepler planets
kosmyc genders (the ones with space characteristics):
nuitsolum: a dark min- + xin-aligned gender connected to power, space, the color purple, moons, and a sense of the void
nuagesolum: a soft min- + agin-aligned gender connected to neutrality, fog, the color purple, stars, suns, and power
brilliantesolum: a bright min-aligned gender connected to the color yellow, suns, writing, and deserts
angesolum: a bright idin-aligned gender connected to the color cyan, suns, the color yellow, angels, and feathers
clamosolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to cameras, the color cyan, eyes, moons, and history
deusolum: a min-aligned gender connected to greek gods, the color green, conceptum attraction, stars, and nature
rubrusolum: a min-aligned gender connected to the color red, fire, suns, the summer, and roses
auransolum: a lin-aligned gender connected to the color orange, campfires, fruit, moons, and warmth
flavosolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color yellow, sunshine, space, stars, and happiness
virisolum: an agin-aligned gender connected to the color green, nature, health, suns, and neurodivergence
cyasolum: a din-aligned gender connected to the color cyan, ice, winter, moons, and snow angels
caersolum: a fin-aligned gender connected to the color blue, lakes, rivers, stars, and birds
purpusolum: a xin-aligned gender connected to the color purple, nonconformity, fashion, suns, and royalty
magsolum: a uin-aligned gender connected to the color magenta, time, literature, suns, and lizards
roseasolum: an idin-aligned gender connected to the color pink, lovecore, doves, stars, and pillows
reosolum: a uxin-aligned gender connected to the color black, demons, scales, moons, and dragons
albusolum: a flin-aligned gender connected to the color white, angels, feathers, stars, and fae
aessolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color bronze, wealth, freedom, suns, and self-control
grisesolum: a uin-aligned gender connected to the color gray, rainy days, hot chocolate, moons, and winter
argesolum: a din-aligned gender connected to the color silver, silence, technology, moons, and rocks
brusolum: an agin-aligned gender connected to the color brown, music, books, stars, and movies
aurusolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color gold, family, self-identification, suns, and comfort
lunaegender: a gender that feels spacey and celestial and bears a similarly to vampires. during the night, it soaks in the radiance of the moon and is unidentifiably gendered, while during the day, it turns to ash and becomes void/genderless. bears similarities to (demi)bigender
moongender: a nonbinary gender connected to the moon and various aspects of it
neptunique: a gender related to the moons of neptune
oceaspatium: a gender that encompasses the depths of space and the depths and qualities of the ocean
pancaeleste/pancaelestic: being every space-related gender within one’s experiences
pangalaxenic: a xenogender related to every galaxy
phobosique: a gender related to the moons of mars
planetesfluid: a fluid gneder that feels like a planet aimelessly floating through space
plutique: a gender related to the moons of pluto
profundanic: a gender centered around a deep connection to caverns/caves, space, and unknowable knowledge
rodstjernen: a gender related to red dwarf stars, red stars, red sunsets, supernovas, and space that feels warm and distant
saturneo: a neutral gender with fluid ambiguine feelings/qualities that’s linked in some way to saturn
saturnir: masculine version of saturneo
saturnera: feminine version of saturneo
saturnique: a gender related to the moons of saturn
siengender: a masculine gender revolving around space, kindness, and loyalty
solislayera: a gender related to any layer of the sun
spacecoric: a xenogender related to spacecore
spacegendervoid: a nonbinary gender connected to space, stars, and the universe as a whole. feels vaguely unaligned in nature and has ties to feelings of genderlessness.
astralgendervoid: mascuilne version of spacegendervoid
celestialgendervoid: feminine version of spacegendervoid
spaethgender: a gender related to missing space. only for alienkin and variants thereof
stargender: having the gender of a star; an otherworldly/nonhuman gender that is beyond comprehension; no matter how many genders are discovered/coined, none would match the person
stellaene: a gender that feels like a planet that’s spiraling out of control, flying off into the cosmos
supernovae: a gender that is like a supernova. it erupts and dozens or hundreds of new genders are created, destroyed, or fused together
uranusique: a gender related to the moons of uranus
venusanian: a fingender (feminine-in-nature gender) related to the solar system, specifically venus, or outer space in general
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vampire-core · 7 years
kennith for the headcanon thing (i wanna know what you think about him too!)
since u didnt specify im gonna do both >:3c
also ty pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
under the cut bc….. Logn,
1: Let’s do a weird headcanon thing
What they smell like
he prob smells like a mix of pot/cigarettes and perfume tbh??
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc)
he moves around a Lot and prob has occasional nightmares, +normally curls on his side or Sprawls the fuck out. has knocked steph off her bed in a few sleepovers. he goes to bed waaay too late and wakes up rlly late, or he just pulls allnighters
What music they enjoy
he DEF likes 60s/70s rock, and def psychadelic rock. +hed prob like marina and the diamonds and the mountain goats??? a mix of rock and weird indie shit
How much time they spend getting ready every morning
tbh i see him as either spendin a fair amount of time doin shit, like makin his hair look nice puttin on makeup etc, or running a hand through his hair, brushing his teeth, and Goin bc No Energy. gotta love mental illness! +he obv takes the time to put on his binder but
Their favorite thing to collect
tbh i can see him as collecting mechanical pencils??? like a SHITTON of different lead thicknesses (he prefers 0.5 prob), designs etc
Left or right-handed
ambidextrous, but leaning towards right-handed more
Religion (if any)
atheist!!! :00
Favorite sport
kennith fucken Hates sports but like. hockey isnt too bad in his opinion prob??? and plus hot dudes
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc)
i wanna say his fav thing to do is prob acting like an obnoxious tourist if that fits. his dream job is asshole and also he loves the glares he gets its fucken Hilarious. he prob would love checkin out cool buildings tho :00
Favorite kind of weather
he prob fucken LOVES rain like. its so peaceful and nice and he would die for puddle-jumping so
A weird/obscure fear they have
USING THE STOVE its prob an Anxiety thing and smth IM tryin 2 get over but like. kennith is a bad cook. the last time he tried anything he prov burned himself and the kitchen. he is fucken terrified bc he does NOT want to get scalded thanks
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail
those fucken racing games prob bc kennith is RUTHLESS. hes horrible at things that involve aiming tho pls dont ask him to throw anything accurately.
2: send me a character and i’ll tell you
sexual orientation headcanon
GAY gay as hell. also hella grey-aro
gender headcanon
TRANS BOY well transmasc genderfluid. mainly between guy/demiguy/agender im guessin?? and he uses he/they but not she use she and he’ll deck you or cry
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
>:3c who said projecting furiously onto ones kintype? me
ok obv obv hes a depressed bpd socially anxious mess, but also i def see him w dpd/avpd and not just bc of me and my canon and i see him as hella adhd too???? and pprob an ed, +a dissociation thing?? and hes. def got some drug/alcohol abuse problems, tho if they could count as alcoholism/addiction is. questionable
most of this is furioius projecting and shit from my kin canon but
3 random headcanons
1: hes SUPER flexible, like foot-to-head flexible, and ALWAYS wins twister bc of this (dont play twister with him)
2: has a sister whos MUCH older and gave him his first cigarette. shes not a good influence but shes nice enough
3: Not Good parents. this is also projecting from my canon but??? he just. does not seem like the type of kid to come from a happy family
4: one more bc i like this one but e has a cat whos name is dick
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