#i completly forgot we were in december….
bbaycon · 10 months
Some riz au lait doodle for the start of december
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It was chocolate flavoured tea
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It’s late, I’m awake, random 130am thoughts.....
So, first of all, I have no fucking clue A)why I’m awaake and B) how the fuck I’m awake. Of course my brain is doing that thing where it’s late so random thoughts pop in...For example;
 I hate where we live. I feel it is not a good area. we literally have a bar 50-100 yards away from our front door and it causes trouble. We’ve had to call the police department because on multiple occasions drunk people were trying to get in to my home. To expound on the thought of entry to my home, on multiple occasions there has been attempted break-ins, my door and frame have pry bar marks. On occasion there is taping on the windows, and shadows that bolt as soon as theres movement from inside.  In one instance I was home, mid day, someone actually walked in to my home. My dogs barked, growled and so forth and they left before I could do anything. The sound of those foot steps coming down the hall of my home are always in my head, and this was two months ago..... The police are constantly in the area 3-4 cruisers at one time, even the state police make an appearance through out the week. Vehicles have been broken into. One night my wife forgot to make sure the car was locked before calling it a night, I went out to the car in the morning to find that one of her daily medication containers was missing, luckily she only kept extra earrings in it. On another occasion the back window was busted out, completly shattered the rear window. All instances are reported to the police. and the community office claims there are ammenities that they charge us for, like security (posted neighborhhod watch signs, but no meetings have ever taken place) a school bus stop, a lake for viewing/recreation (a retention pond with warnings posted anywhere near the water stating the water is a health hazard due to chemicals). Overall, its a generally nice area, however, its not safe. We have two girls, and we have another kid due in december, the constant struggle to keep our home secure and the kids feeling safe is probably what is keeping me up. I could be just going bat shit crazy, but, I can not wait to move out of here! sorry for the read if you did. like the subject says, it’s late, random thoughts
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