#i considered tagging her but ehhhhh
witchkittymeow · 7 months
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Continuing the birthday drawf portraits series!
Ref under the thingamabob
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon? 🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?💥 How do you feel about criticism? 🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
😬: Probably some of the requests where Hunter dies in horrible tragic ways. Gonna go with the one where he got eaten alive. Yike
🎉: A comment. Doesn’t have to be a lot, just one person excited about the fic
📚: Yes and No. Like, I would love to publish and get paid, absolutely! But I don’t want it to be my primary source of income, you know? I don’t like feeling pressured to write things, it kills my motivation
⏳: Honestly just depends. The Gilded chapter I’m writing right now is taking foreeeeeveeeeer because it’s a lot of explaining and not the Fun Plot Stuff I want to do. And also, I’m busy a lot, so I’m not getting much done. Most of the time, for something I’m excited for, it’ll take me like 2 days, 3, tops, to write.
🤯: Romance for sure, but mystery is also difficult for me, because I tend to be very straightforward, and writing sneaky red herrings and a slippery, mind twisting plot, can be pretty hard for me. Also I can’t keep my big mouth shut.
💔: Mmmm Nowhere Else To Go was pretty sad for me to write. Very tragic.
💥: Ehhhhh I’m hypothetically fine with it. I like constructive criticism fine. obviously I don’t like people just ragging on something I wrote. Prefer that to be in the privacy of DMs, though, and not an ask I’d have to answer publicly.
🤭: I like hurt/comfort, I guess? Idk, I just tag what’s in the fic most of the time.
🥰: Reader interaction is my favoritest, I love talking about my silly little fics, I love questions
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denialcity · 3 years
im new to fandom so this might be something obvious but,, is there any difference between tobiizu and izutobi?
welcome to founders hell!!!! 
okay whats interesting is we just had a slight cultural difference thing in the chat. cut for length and idk dis/course adjacent stuff
so I’ll give a westernised asian perspective: 
it’s just shorthand for who tops/ is more “dominant” (the first name is the top). it doesn’t matter to me much personally, sometimes i choose ship names on aesthetic combination/the more common name rather than top/bottom-- i started saying izutobi when i got into fandom bc that was the vibe + i dont like the double i together in tobiizu, but switched to tobiizu bc it was the more common pairing tag. in another fandom i write character A on the bottom like 80% of the time/ it’s a reversible pairing. so like, anything goes. but to some people it REALLY does matter. i have a friend who categorically refuses to read content if character B tops. Like A/B is her OTP but B/A is her nOTP lol.  which is fair, the dynamic tends to be written differently.
it’s why people says sns/ sasunarusasu --> because they couldnt agree on who tops/ it’s shipped reversibly. I think asian side of fandom tends to be stricter about this -- some doujin stores/circles are arranged by who tops/ who bottoms and the reverse is considered a separate ship. 
i think a large part of asian fandom (as far as i’ve experienced it) are okay with letting people like what they like. there’s less gender baggage and dischorse about it than you’d expect. no one is gonna cancel you for getting it wrong, esp if you’re staying english-side  
i’ll hand the mic over to @firecoloredwater for more western fandom side: 
Okay so this starts out similar but like. just similar enough to result in Red and I briefly going ??? at each other when we ran into the differences.
You know that thing where it’s a cliche for straight people to ask gay couples “which of you is the man and which is the woman?” Historically fandom did that, and used the order of ship names to indicate which character was in which role.  Sometimes this mainly described sexual roles, but sometimes it would extend to things like who started the relationship, who has a job vs who stays home and cooks and raises kids, and other ways of sorting the characters into a replica of cliche The Man vs The Woman roles.
The first name is The Man and the second name is The Woman. So TobiIzu=Tobirama is more proactive/in control or on top during sex, and IzuTobi=Izuna is in control/on top.
(I’m uh.  Pretty ehhhhh on the whole thing and its implications re: sexism and queerphobia, so I may not be giving an entirely fair description.  Trying to stick to the most basic facts to avoid that.)
(Also worth noting that anime fandoms in particular were very influenced by Asian fandoms on this topic among others, but I don’t know enough to say exactly how.)
In the last several years English-speaking fandom (at least, that I’m familiar with, there are probably pockets elsewhere that this isn’t true of) is a lot less invested in that distinction, and a lot more aware that relationships are not that strictly divided and partners in most relationships will trade roles depending on the time or context. Or that roles might just not exist. So a lot of people don't bother making the distinction anymore, or only use it to less-explicitly reference what exact scenario we were discussing, without necessarily making implications about the relationship as a whole.
If you look back at fics from, say, ten years ago you’ll find a lot more distinctions being made like that, but if you’re looking at current fics/art it’s less likely to be significant.  So it’s helpful to know, but if you don’t care to make the distinction yourself you probably don’t need to; I tend to use TobiIzu all the time because it sounds better to me and only distinguish when I want to uh. discuss whose dick is going where without actually using those words.
A related phenomenon: when ships involve more than two people, the connected names will sometimes imply which relationships are happening rather than or in addition to the role dynamics.  So in our dt3 ship with Takami, Meguru, and Kawarama, we usually write it as TakaKawaMegu rather than TakaMeguKawa even though it’s (usually) MeguKawa and not KawaMegu, because the ships are Takami/Kawarama and Meguru/Kawarama but not Takami/Meguru.  So Kawarama’s name gets kept in the middle/connected to both of the others.  (Of course in a true triangle situation you’d have to repeat a name, and if there’s a fourth person it gets more complicated... but mainly I mention this as an example that there can be other factors in the order of ship names, so ‘first name is on top’ is a guideline but not a rule, even when the ship name is determined by more than just ‘this sounds best to me.’)
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suga-kookiemonster · 4 years
20 questions tag
Tagged by: @underthejoon and @kpopfanfictrash, i luh u frens 🥺💕
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this bc i’m tired and about to go to bed LOL
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise? ashley! friends and family call me variations of that, but in general, ashley works just fine 😊
2. when is your birthday? september 14
3. where do you live? why? you gonna send me some merch? 👀
4. three things you are doing right now? answering these questions, trying to brainstorm a christmas fic, trying to will myself to finish rewriting the 3k of ego that i lost when my computer crashed 😭
5. four fandoms that have peaked your interest. aside from bts obviously, bleach (pissed off about this one till this day, rip 😔🙌🏾), naruto, atla, vld
6. how has the pandemic been treating you? ehhhhh. for the most part, i can’t complain! i’m healthy and my family is healthy and i’m still employed, for however long that will be. this pandemic is starting to hit me more in the financial and anxiety depts, but i’ve been trying to focus more on things that bring me joy, as well as exercising more and trying to get sun whenever i can. it’s crazyyyy how the brain works, y’all! i don’t even like exercising like that, but a little walk outside really does wonders. i’m actually really nervous about what this winter is going to be like once we’re all truly trapped inside--winters where i live are always brutal, but at least in the past we were able to properly socialize! but i’m trying to stay positive.
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now? sit down! by nct 127. i’ve got a whole nct playlist that has been great to work out to, and this is the first song on it 🤣
8. recommend a movie. i don’t watch a lot of movies!
9. how old are you? just turned the big 3-0 😬
10. school, university, occupation, other? nunya 😏
11. do you prefer heat or cold? i would prefer a nice 60-70 degrees, but since that wasn’t an option, i’ll say cold! i’ve always said, you can always add layers, but once you’re naked, there’s nothing else to do but suffer LOL
12. name one fact others may not know about you. hmmmm...i’ve gone skydiving before! @jjk what’s good 💅🏾
13. are you shy? not particularly! but, believe it or not, i’m pretty introverted, especially around people i don’t know. i’ve always pondered how to describe myself because i won’t strike up conversations with strangers, but i won’t necessarily shy away from crowds and i enjoy going out and having fun with my friends. i discovered a couple weeks ago that the term that i’ve been looking for is social introvert. 
14. preferred pronouns? she/her
15. biggest pet peeves? white men and how they think they own the earth and how society allows them to think that, narcissists (and more specifically, people who don’t bother to consider how they may affect anyone else before they do/say things), when people with a lot of money choose to wear party city wigs, cultural appropriation and gentrification and how it can start out as small as normalizing calling elotes “street corn” and rapidly snowball
16. what is your favorite “dere” type? min yoongi (aka TSUN)
17. rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be. i’ll say pre-corona it was building back up to a solid 8, now it may be a 6ish
18. what’s your main blog? @makasouls
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for. @suga-kookiemonster is my bts writing blog, now turned general kpop blog where i thirst over everyone but still just write for bts lol. @kimchi-recs is my fic rec blog. i also have a to-read blog and a blog that’s one of my old urls that i just use to help me keep up with ongoing fics. i’d prefer not to share those!
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? i’m a pretty direct person, and am completely aware that i can come off as judgmental if i’m not careful. i do not give advice/freely share what i think about a situation unless i am asked and/or positive that the other person would welcome it (which happens more often with close friends). but once i’m asked? i’m never intentionally malicious in any way, but i won’t sugarcoat what i think someone needs to hear either. i think this is one of my best qualities, but i also think it’s a double-edged sword because not everybody’s tryna hear that lol
also, i'm not always the best at reaching out to people first, and sometimes i forget to answer messages. that doesn’t mean i’m mad at you/don’t like you, but it does mean i’m a dumbass lol
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sixteenthif · 4 years
Tag game
@fitzrove ❤️Thanks for tagging me! Just finished watching the film Breathe(2017) and cried. Heavily. Thus I'm too tired to check my words and grammar now...so, here:
Name: not my real name but everyone who knows me calls me 翠/Cuì, the c like the z in German, the u like uno and the i like is, and together--Ps it means the colour from green to cyan or sth like that, but i use it not because of the colour but if you speak my surname quickly, it would sound like Cui
Gender: should i write female or woman
Hogwarts house: idk. I've never been to Hogwarts.
Time where you are: 00:41…
Favourite animal: frog, octopus, ect.
Cats or dogs: never had one so both. No dogs are better.
Dream job: idk, i wanna try everything.
When i made this blog: ehhhhh this February? March? Anyway this year.
Reason for my url: like, six years ago? I considered to find a url which wouldn't sound like a adolescent & Chunnibyou so i chose a term from my favorite fanfic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/14309874/chapters/33017091 , ps I love this writer, i love her, for six years, i won't be here and myself without her) at that time and it's called "once (you've) accepted this setting"--and i turned it somehow to "firstif" and then it goes on...every time I registered a new account on social media it would +1 so recently I registered an account called twentiethif...anyway my ao3 name is not in this system(
Not tagging anyone so anyone has interest just help yourself :D
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Shifting Intentions (baon)
Summary: Edge knows his brother very well and he doubts that Red came over for a coffee and a heart to heart.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Brotherly Bonding
Notes: The urge to write the Underfell brothers was overwhelming. Sometimes we get a little reminder that while Edge is a sweet, loving husband and friend, he also grew up in Underfell and some things are difficult to leave behind.
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The leaves were mostly fallen from the trees, torn down by the wind and leaving behind bare, creaking branches. They were layered atop the ground, crunching underfoot and scuffed up in rustling bunches beneath his boots as Edge moved around the chicken coop.
With the growing cold, it was time to check over the squat building to make sure it was winterized. No cracks to allow in a chilling breeze, no loose roofing to drip snowmelt down on their sleeping ladies.
And no gaps in the fencing to allow one small, sneaky chicken to escape in the night.
“There it is,” Edge murmured in satisfaction, fingering the small hole in the wires. Twice now Nugget had escaped and found her way into their house. The second time, Edge didn’t bother to wake Stretch. He carried their wayward hen back to the coop himself while she clucked unhappily at losing her place on their bed. That was last night and today Edge vowed to find her method of escape, as Stretch’s suggestion that she was learning to teleport was very low on the list of possibilities.
The gap in the wire was caused by two overlapping sections and wasn’t really visible from any angle. It was a surprise she’d even discovered it, but then, Nugget was surprisingly clever for a small chicken. And troublesome. And frankly charming, scuttling around Edge’s boots, clamoring for attention even as he sealed off her method of escape. She reminded him a little of a skeleton he knew, not that he’d name unnecessary names.
Edge mended the hole carefully, making sure to trim the wire ends closely, and he managed to not clip off the tip of his own finger when a loud voice came from above.
“playing a little handyman today, eh, boss? hope you nail it.”
It came from far over his head and likely meant Red was perched in the overhanging tree branch. Edge didn’t look up, only finished patching the hole. “Is this where I’m supposed to say screw you? I think I’ll pass, and I believe you were the one who taught me about the importance of home security.”
“ehhhhh.” But Edge knew he didn’t imagine the pleased note in that dismissive tone. “didn’t think you’d be applying it to a flock of unplucked dinosaurs.”
It took considerable poise not to flinch when his brother was soundlessly and abruptly at his elbow, crouching down to give Nugget a scratch. The gentleness of that petting was almost as disconcerting.
It was also suspicious, and Edge wondered with no little trepidation why his brother was even here, especially considered Sans’s visit the other day.
He sincerely doubted it was for same reason and still had a lingering regret for refusing Sans’s sidewise attempt at a heart to heart. It was honestly for the best. He couldn’t be the confidant Sans needed, not where his brother was concerned; Edge was the furthest thing from a neutral party. Stretch wasn’t much better, his opinions were colored as well simply by their marriage. He did hope Sans found someone he could speak to, even if it was his therapist. Stars knew Red had probably driven people he wasn’t sleeping with into counseling.
Red was not likely after a coffee and a chat, but so long as his brother was here—“Quit letting her into our house.”
Leaves rustled as Red moved somewhere next to him. He was on Edge’s wrong side, where the crack in his socket interfered with his vision. More than a minor annoyance; it agitated him to have anyone deliberately out of his line of sight and it was always better to assume everything Red did was with intention. “me? why would i do that?”
Hardly a denial. Edge continued with his repair, twisting the wires roughly. “The only reason I can come up with would be that you’re an ass, though I’m sure you believe it’s for some deeper meaning.”
Red scoffed, harsh and low in his throat. “don’t give a shit one way or another about chicken little here.”
Another crunch of leaves, vague footsteps along with ecstatic clucking and still outside Edge’s limited vision. Red was lingering in his blind spot while Edge refused to give in and move, only listening closely enough that the sharp fingertips scraping lightly over his skull weren’t a surprise. “but if i did do anything like that, might be to remind a certain shepherd to keep a better watch over his flock, little brother.”
There was a deeper meaning layered beneath that, a warning. It stung almost as much as the faint scratches left behind by his brother’s touch and Edge silently accepted both. His brother wasn’t wrong, Nugget’s escapades should have been investigated more closely from the beginning. If she’d been hurt or lost, perhaps even hit by a car, Stretch would have been devastated.
That knowledge did not make Red’s admonishment sting any less. He could feel the weight of his brother’s gaze, silently measuring Red’s current mood and weighing the correct path to take. Edge chose the route that allowed him to ask lightly, “How is Ozymandias?”
It was a distraction and his brother knew it, but he answered with a ready laugh, “he’s a shit. chewed off the heel on my favorite boots. he and sans ain’t gonna be best buds anytime soon, either, not with both of ‘em fighting over a little pettin’” Edge barely shuddered his disgust at that insinuation when Red added, slyly, ”if you’re worried about the kitty cat, you and stretch could come see him.”
That needling hit its target and it was enough for Edge to whip around and glare hotly at his grinning brother, “Don’t you dare offer him that. He’d do it to prove he could and be a mess all night for it.”
A sleepless night he did not need. Stretch was upstairs napping right now as it was. Curled up on their bed as he rarely did during the day, holding a strange new stuffed creature in his arms that was perhaps an octopus? The visible curling tentacles suggested something of that nature and Edge hadn’t the slightest idea where his husband even acquired it, only that Stretch seemed to have taken to it as an impromptu pillow. It was strangely enchanting, enough to be worth snapping a quick picture even considering the faint, worrisome shadows lingering beneath his sockets.
Checks still showed his HP as four, but Alphys stopped in about once a week to run a couple quick tests. She’d offer as much with nervous kindness, texted to Edge alone that perhaps it would be easier than forcing Stretch to come to the lab. She and her equipment both assured them that it was still rising, steadily if slowly. A few extra naps here and there would only help and Edge was happy to encourage them. And to not allow him to rise to the bait of any ridiculous challenges from his brother that would cause him to wake in the middle of the night from preventable nightmares.
To his astonishment, his brother’s grin softened. No more than a fraction, hardly visible to anyone who didn’t know him. Edge might not always understand his brother but he knew him, very well, and struggled to keep his shock hidden as Red admitted, “nah, bro, i wouldn’t do that to the honey bun.”
“See that you don’t or I won’t be the only sleepless one.” It was difficult to force the correct amount of cool sternness into his voice, but his brother would be expecting it. “Are you staying for dinner?”
“sure, why not?” Red said easily. That alone was somewhat surprising. His brother was perfectly content to raid his refrigerator at any hour of day or night, but rarely joined them for a meal.
It would either be a terrible mistake or just possibly a reasonably enjoyable meal. Red and Stretch usually got along very well…until they didn’t. Then they could squabble viciously, their insults chosen with deliberate care to draw the most blood. Worse, Edge couldn’t say that the two of them didn’t enjoy those nights just as much. His love had a disturbing cruel streak at rare times, much the same as Red, only Stretch would have regrets about it later and harsh self-recriminations.
What Edge knew without doubt was that he did not personally enjoy being in the middle of their brutal comedy routine. But the possibility of a perfectly nice (normal) meal with his brother and husband was too much to resist.
Edge gathered up his tools, shooing the chickens back into their newly repaired coop. “Come on, then, I need to get started.”
Red fell in at his heels, disturbingly familiar, as was his, “sure thing, boss.” Like falling through a thin crust of repression into bitterly icy memory. Red added on, relentlessly, “the honey bun is waking up, anyway.”
That statement was already an argument waiting to happen. Edge didn’t comment on it, though, let it go.
Because wasn’t there a dark, buried part of him that was grateful that his brother was watching out, pleased that his brother cared enough about Stretch to want him safe? In moments like these, Edge knew himself for the hypocrite he was, irritated with Blue’s incessant overprotectiveness while being comforted by the knowledge that if anything ever happened, his brother’s watchful eye would be over Stretch. Keeping him safe if Edge couldn’t.
It was better to simply not acknowledge that desire; he kept it back, lurking in the secret recesses of his soul where faint voices sometimes whispered slyly that the ring on Stretch’s finger was lovely, but he would be enchanting in a collar, marked with Edge’s colors and name, a bold declaration that none could mistake.
The words were strictly Underfell, whispers that Edge could never entirely banish, hidden ideas he never, ever wanted Stretch to glimpse. He never wanted to try to explain that he truly did understand that this world was different and the meaning behind it was not the same. It wasn’t about ownership, not the way Stretch knew it.
Anyone from Underfell would look at that collar and know that Edge was Stretch’s entirely, utterly devoted to his wellbeing and protection. A warning and a promise of dust to any who did not heed it, and not the illusion one that Red once wore for him.
But what those internal whispers refused to understand was that Edge didn’t need a collar for it to be true. His certainty of love was more than enough and it only took thinking of Stretch, of every treasured memory Edge possessed of his delight, and of his quiet, trembling voice promising to love and cherish to banish those voices back to the darkness where they belonged.
But not before they wondered with unholy glee exactly what his brother’s thoughts were on the subject, and did they concern Stretch or Sans.
Enough. Edge paused at the sliding glass door, taking a deep breath and shaking away those old, unsettling thoughts. When he pulled the door open, he held back, gesturing impatiently for Red to go in front of him.
For a brief moment they stood there, neither of them moving and his brother cast in shadow from the artificial light that spilled out from the doorway. Then Red stomped in ahead of him, the steel tips of his boots ringing against concrete and then kitchen tile. He hissing out as he passed, “there better be fucking chili dogs for dinner.”
The slight shakiness in Edge’s exhale was ignored, gone in his next breath as he followed his brother, closing and locking the door behind them.
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compatiissante · 4 years
Some random questions about your muse that you may not have thought about, but could be fun to consider. Answer with as much detail as you’d like!
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Do they make their bed in the morning? nah, that takes too much effort and her cats usually take the messed up blankets for themselves to burrow into.
How do they order their eggs at a diner (scrambled, sunny side up, etc)? maya doesn’t eat eggs, not unless they’re just in batter for something like pancakes or french toast.
What genre of music is their favorite? varies from day to day and what her shuffled spotify playlist gives her, but sometimes it’ll be punk or punk rock, other times just straight up boy bands.
Card games or board games? card games!
What’s their favorite cryptid? goatman.
Did they have a nightlight as a kid? absolutely, mostly bc she was terrified of the dark and she accidentally watched a scary movie with her dad when she was nine.
What was their favorite food as a child? peanut butter and cactus jelly sandwiches.
Is that food still their favorite? she hasn’t had it in years, unfortunately.
What snack food and drink do they get from the gas station on a road trip? sprite and a big pack of milanos milk chocolate cookies.
How many times have they moved? it’s been broken up over the years, but it’s at least eight times.
Does their hair grow quickly or slowly? in between? but maya doesn’t really give it a chance to get super long anyway, usually keeping it just barely shorter than chin length.
If they could describe their own style in one word, what would it be? an attempt at tough, but mostly just looking like a depressed cutie.
What kind of bender would they be (fire, water, earth air)? air bender.
Pastels or neon colors? a lot of blacks and grays, but probably also a lot of muted pastels.
Who were they in a past life? some form of cat, probably.
Do they think scars are cool? she doesn’t like to think about her own, but she doesn’t particularly judge scars of others, either.
Do they know how to read a topographic map? ehhhhh nah.
How about a map of the stars? absolutely not. cannot perceive,
Pepsi or cola? doesn’t have a preference, really.
Tagged by: stole from @siilverbulleted​
Tagging: i don’t have the brain to tag people, i cannot perceive
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
Rules: Don’t reblog, repost. Tagging: Y O U Tagged by Stolen from: MYSELF!
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( reply as muse talking )
► NAME ➭ Gladstone Gander, charmed, charmed, I know. ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭ Occasionally~ ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ You know it! ► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭  Meh. ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ Ahhhhh...They would be, except they’re both kinda....dead. Thank you SO much for bringing that painful subject up. Wow. ⚡️ NINE FACTS!
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ Beeeeautiful, exciting, and sunny Calisota. ► HAIR COLOR ➭  Technically I am a ‘blondie.’ If you wanna get in DEEP about it. ► EYE COLOR ➭  Sea foam green, baby.  ► BIRTHDAY ➭  ( this blog anyway ) August 1st.  ► MOOD ➭  Uh........yes? I have them? Buh.  ► GENDER ➭  100% man~ ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭  Summertime is the best time for ever-y-thing.  ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭  Afternoon. I don’t do mornings...I uuuuusally have pretty late nights, you know what I’m sayin’? ⚡️ EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE!
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭  Always. Every time I look in the mirror. HA! I’m only kidding. Sorta. ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭  Of course. Let’s just say the cosmos and I are tight. I know things happen against your control, and sudden love is one of ‘em. ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭  I did? Wait. Last one....she did. The one before that, and the one before THAT, ‘twas moi. ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭  Ehhhhh it happens, what can I tell you. Listen. I try to keep it copacetic. Sometimes I get a friend out of it, sometimes I get a hard slap in the face upon reunion. That’s life. ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ Me? Pshhhhh, what? Come on! Ha! Yes. ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭   I sure did. I have a big fam, I am a pretty popular guy around town, AND--- I am ADRO-able.  It’s a given. ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭  Oh yeah. Though had a few turn out to be sta.lkers and golddiggers, but I digress. ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭  .....Hm. Yeah. I guess you could say that, but eh! I get over it. No one can comfort me from me like me.
► LOVE OR LUST ➭  Both at full blast, that’s the only way to go. ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭  Iced tea. ► CATS OR DOGS ➭   Cats. But dogs are cool I guess. In that crap anywhere in the street and slobber all over my fine linens sort of way...Cute.  ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭   What’s the difference? ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭  I prefer a wild night out in order to MEET the lucky gal that will GET the romantic night in. ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭  I like the nightlife. I like to boogie. But some of my fav places are only open in the day, so....eh.
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭  Yeeaah. Followed by a flying high-heel stiletto aimed at my head and some colorful phrases that described me as a mud-loving barnyard beast.  ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭  Kinda. I’ve started out falling, but ended up in some crazy sitch instead. For example, once I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, and landed in the back seat of a limo as the driver was holding the door open for a famous fashion designer, and I got a modeling job out of it. Yanno. That’s the way it goes. ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭ Yep. No comment. ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➭  .....Yeah.
► SMILE OR EYES ➭  Smile, then eyes. ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭ I like ‘em short, I like ‘em tall...I like ‘em all. ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭  Attraction is a wide term, don’t you think? ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭  Hook-ups...but...if becomes something real...
⚡️ ️ FAMILY!
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭  HA! Wow. What a loaded question. ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭  Uh, nah. ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭   Sometimes as a tyke, but eh. I always came back like, a couple hours later. Gran-gran had a honing sense for where her ‘kids’ were at at all times. You couldn’t stay gone for long. ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭  ....Yes. ⚡️ FRIENDS!
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ Wellllllllllllllll yeaaaaahhhhhmaybe Nahhhhhhh I don’t care.  ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭  Sure! The ones that stick around, anyway. ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭ Is it dorky to say my cousins? Yeah. My cousins. ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭ Gosh, I don’t know...
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hostnamexception · 5 years
01. NICKNAME: Maze
02. REAL NAME: Dorothy
03. ZODIAC: Virgo
04. HEIGHT: 6′0″
05. WHAT TIME IS IT? 12:25 AM (CST)
06. FAVORITE MUSICIANS / GROUPS: Mother Mother, Fall Out Boy, Purity Ring, Billie Eilish, Blink-182, CHINCHILLA, Metric, Panic! At the Disco, MARINA, MXMS, MS MR ... and a lot more
08. OTHER BLOGS: Only Kells & HER are active right now, but: @kellsxbells, @frostbittenne, and @skeletxnkey 
09. DO I GET ASKS? Sometimes!
10. HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW? 59, I like to keep it selective.
13. WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW? Fall Out Boy t-shirt, authentically distressed by age, and some blue leggings
14. DREAM VACATION: Seattle, hah. But also Japan.
15. DREAM CAR: A sleek-looking luxury sedan or crossover. 
16. FAVORITE FOOD: Comfort food-- often southern. Chicken & dumpling soup, meatloaf, chicken & waffles... etcetera.
17. DRINK OF CHOICE: Red Bull, though I’m breaking that habit lol. 
18. LANGUAGES:  English and a few semesters of Japanese.
19. INSTRUMENTS: When I was young I had some guitar lessons, but I definitely can’t still play.
20. CELEBRITY CRUSHES: Ehhhhh... There are celebrities I find aesthetically appealing, but I can’t say any of them are really crushes. That implies a level of dedication I don’t have lmao
21. And RANDOM FACT: I have one singular freckle on the inside of my right palm. Back in the day, pigment on the palm was considered a mark of the devil. ;)
TAGGED BY: @zimprime, indirectly TAGGING: whoever reads this is cursed >:O
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dreamybandee · 5 years
Munday Questionnaire
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NAME: Joy! (I go by other goofy nicknames like CJ, M’Joy, and Chippy!) MUN FC: No specific ones other than my current muses right now! GENDER: Nonbinary (they/them, and sometimes she/her) HEIGHT: 5′8″ HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blond EYE COLOR: Hazel, but more on the greenish side RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single pringle SEXUALITY: Aromantic Asexual BIRTHDAY: July 9th ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer NATIONALITY: American TIMEZONE: MST HOBBIES: Drawing, Writing, Playing the video games, Collecting things, Jewelry making, Playing card games, and being a lazy lil twit # OF SIBLINGS: Three! And I’m the youngest out of all of them! # OF PETS: Currently two cats! CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB: Working retail at a craft store. I’m considering opening art commissions if I have the time! FAVORITE COLOR: Blue, like...Almost every blue ever. But my fave is royal blue! I also love black and lime green! FAVORITE SINGER/BAND: Ehhhhh, too many to pick from. Sorry. ;; LAST SONG LISTENED TO: Tobu - Colors CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: Nothing right now! Other than my bros playing some games pffft LAST MOVIE WATCHED: Toy Story 4! My family watched it nearly a couple of hours before the new year! FAVORITE BOOK: I unfortunately don’t read much, so I’m not sure if I currently have a fave outside of Lord of the Rings, the Bones graphic novel, and some other comics and graphic novels. ;; LAST BOOK READ: A coding book for my web design class haha  CURRENTLY READING: Nothing! BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT: Outside of art classes, Writing and English! MAC OR PC: PC DAY OR NIGHT: Night SUMMER OR WINTER: Neither. Give me Spring and Fall please. Summer MOST-VISITED WEBSITE: Tumblr, Discord, and YouTube I think??
Tagged by: @insepairable​ thamk you Feris~ ;v;
Tagging: You! The lovely person reading this!
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greenbergsays · 5 years
15 questions, 15 mutuals
@chasingshhadows tagged me
1. Are you named after anyone? My middle name is my maternal grandparents’ last name.
2. When was the last time you cried? ehhhhh. In my bed, like last week, at night when no one could catch me XD
3. Do you have kids? Non. However, I do have eleven (11) nieces and nephews, and at least 4 of them I consider my own.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me? Sarcastic? NEVER.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I don’t really...know. It’s a different thing for each person.
6. What’s your eye color? Brown.
7. Scary movie or happy ending? Happy ending, pls. I hate scary movies.
8. Any special talents? Not really, no. XD
9. Where were you born? Wilmington, NC because the hospital in my hometown was Not To Be Trusted XD
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, binge-watching things 
11. Do you have any pets? Indeed. I have a dog named Shadow.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I was homeschooled for a big chunk of my schooling, so Mom made all her daughters cheer and her son play football as part of our, like, “PE.” And before I was homeschooled, I did try out for a basketball team just because everyone told me I should ‘cause of my height. I did not get on the team.
In general, I hate sports XD
13. How tall are you? I am somewhere between 5′9″ and 5′10″
14. Favorite subject in school? HISTORY.
15. Dream job? Writing professionally. Preferably author, won’t say no to screenwriting if someone can teach me how to properly write a script XD I tried to teach myself and I’m not really good at it tbh.
Chasing tagged most of my friends when she did this, so the only people I can tag are @ironswordandstarshield & @brbtherescookies
Anyone else who wants to, feel free
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smolbeandrabbles · 6 years
Out of Nowhere Girl - Talos/Keller/OC (Captain Marvel)
Set In Canon MCU Captain Marvel / Guardian’s of the Galaxy Universe with a few out-of-canon ‘twists’...
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Author’s Note:  Posting this a week after I see Captain Marvel (AS FOLLOWS CANON!) but still tagging with spoilers.
Oh my god. I was having an existential crisis after the movie and the fic that I posted that is not canon (Science & Faith. If you want to read you can click the thing) That I wrote this between acts at the C2C country music festival on 9th March... That makes this the quickest write and edit I have EVER done. It’s probably quite telling... (It’s 10/3/19 @ 8:26 PM GMT.) She is with Keller, Talos just simed him. I’m making that clear right now! It’ll make sense when you read!   This is an alternate version to ‘Science & Faith’ - so that characters there are the same. This one just follows actual movie canon.
Don’t worry it’s not the same story. It has a few similar elements... It will likely go back and forth between the two time periods. Please someone get what I did with his full name... 😂😭
NOT reader insert. Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC... I am slightly bending canon on Supernova; but I liked the concept. Maybe I've set it so there's more than one? Like a special forces part of the Nova Corp? (Tbh still figuring this out) So you can have it coming from another Saal... sorry not sorry Expositional conversation-narrative heavy... Sorry!
Simmed? Simed? Sim-ed? Which is it!?
Premise: When Keller gets sim-ed by Talos as a result of the Kree-Skrull war the aftermath is of no great consequence to his partner... However, when exploring on behalf of the Nova Corps Keller’s distress signature coming from a planet half way across the galaxy leads her to investigate...
Word Count: 4384
Warnings: Spoilers! Murder (I guess) Actually this might assume you know about her from Science & Faith...
My little out, out of nowhere girl Where you been all my life? Where you been trying to hide? It's like you’ve come Come from another world Fell right out of the sky And landed right here tonight...  
Keller had had a day. He’s had days before, as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent and sometime-Scientist he expected for days to be a part of his life.  But this had been something else entirely. When he opened the door to his apartment, he was at least glad to be greeted by an essence of normality. Well, as normal as it could get he supposed…
Maliyah was pouring over drawing after drawing and ship schematics. She still couldn’t get something on that ship of hers to work right. Or, maybe she knew she was just stalling for time… She looked up with a smile; “I can already tell you have a lot to tell me…” “Yeah…” He sighed, throwing his keys on the counter and allowing a pause. “It’s where to start…” He looked across to her, at the way her skin sparkled just at his presence… She’d crash landed to Earth nearly two years previously. Through studying her they had built a friendship – and now it was a lot more than that. The blue lights across her skin; because, all of his were blue or white, or purple… used to only light up when he touched her. Or, when he was feeling something at the extreme end of the spectrum. They turned red every time he got hurt, and that hurt her too… So he’d tried to make his life easier. Tried. Now the lights appeared just because he was in proximity… She said that showed they had a strong bond. Keller was only human, so he felt proud of that. He hadn’t ever expected to see anything else otherworldly – until today happened. “Maliyah… You know a lot about the other species out there… right?” She put her pen down and turned her full attention on him; “Yes. Enough. Why?” “Because you were the only other race I thought I’d ever see. But clearly, I was wrong. Because-” He faltered, squinted in remembering and then tried again “…Tell me about shapeshifters?” “Narrow that down. It isn’t an exclusive trait…” She tilted her head “…But now I’m worried.” “Okay, uh… Green… pointed ears… Like… linear markings or patterns…or…” “Skrulls!?” She was takenaback “Skrulls on Earth!?” Then she slammed her hands on the table, more in interest that anger; “WAIT! Did you get SIMED by a Skrull!?!??!” Clearly he had no idea what that meant by the look on his face, but she couldn’t hide her laugh; “…Wait. Skrulls are on Earth? Okay, I’ll roll with it… Did a Skrull shapeshift into YOU.” “…Yes.” She laughed again “Oh God!” Then she attempted to stop herself “Oh! Baby, that’s terrible!” “Doesn’t sound like you mean it.” She cleared her throat, “Whilst it’s funny it’s not exactly good news…” She rested her hands on her thighs and chewed her lip “…What did you think about..?” “Huh?” “Your last thoughts. Before they simed you.” “Probably something like: Oh GOD I hope I don’t die?!” “You didn’t think about me, at all?” He hesitated, it probably wasn’t the best idea to confess to his other half he hadn’t thought about her whilst waiting on the fate of his own life… “…Uh…No…?” “Good.” “Good?!” She was clearly as full of surprises. As any ‘alien’ should be, he guessed. “Yes. I’m an Auron, my race and my planet are dying… Sightings of us are rare even in our part of the galaxy… As an adult female I am worth a hell of a lot to my home planet – And a lot of my abilities will be worth something to a race like to Skrulls.” “…So you’re telling me that not talking about you – like you asked - and therefore obviously not consciously thinking of you is good?” She nodded; “I wonder if the Kree war has come all the way out here?” She almost laughed again “That’s no good for me either… Considering my affinity with Xandar… You’ve done very well if they don’t know a THING.” “…Have you seen me today!?” Her sentence sparked panic in him. “Right now and when you left. I haven’t been out of here even once. I’ve been working this algorithm…” she shook her head “You haven’t come back, I haven’t called you… Zip. I promise.” “…Okay…” “Don’t worry about me… I’m more worried about you… Getting Simed is not the experience you want to have… are you okay?” “Seeing someone change into me… That’s bad, getting tied up and left in a Blockbuster though… Ehhhhh….!” She shook her head “…You really went through it then, huh?” She beckoned him over, and he was all too glad to walk into her arms… She brushed some stray hairs out of his face, her touch gentle and welcoming… A different set of colours formed on her skin – these lights pale and milky… pastels… enveloping him in her arms the effect was instantly calming… “I’m sorry…” “…You don’t need to be sorry…” “I told you, nothing about another race coming to Earth is good…” He almost laughed; “That makes you an anomaly then… You must be the one good thing.” ** Nick Fury almost jumped at the next knock at his door. This time it was Keller that opened it. "Oh! SIR!!!" He looked more than a little weary and Keller knew why. "Nick, I swear it's actually me! And I can prove it, but to do so you have to come with me." "Yeah that sounds... Safe." "Unfortunately I'm not the one who needs to information in your head. Or I could just stand here." He winced as he realised it maybe wasn't the best choice of words "Urm. Look just... Come to my office..." He backed out with an attempt at a convincing smile and wandered down the corridor to his own work space.
As usual it was hard to get Maliyah to look inconspicuous. This time she put up a fair argument of she'd only be going car, to security door, and then to his office. Still, she was sitting in a top that cut across her shoulders AND exposed her stomach and a short, layered skirt that showed off her legs. The marks across her skin, and all his fault, were more than just visible. And the jacket she'd brought because he insisted she wore one, was of course emblazoned with her Nova Corp rank insignia. Geez... He almost thought about loosening his tie just looking at her. She was curled up in one of his chairs reading a file of his. He rolled his eyes, of course the first thing Maliyah would do was break into his cabinet. She had a stack in front of her too. Her shoes kicked off and left by the chair. "I've asked him. The rest is up to you." "Does he trust you?" She didn’t look up "Would you?!" "...Not entirely. Depends what Sim Keller did!!!" "Well it probably wasn't GOOD!!" He sat behind his desk and nodded to her files; "Careful with those." She turned a page towards him "Why do you have a Nova symbol?" "It’s a very complicated astrological algorithm..." Why she thought everything centred around the 8-point star of Xandar was beyond him. "... Did you do this..." she nodded to the algorithm itself "Yes" "You're a scientist!?" "Part time... I don't... Not all the time... I dabble..." "That's why you wanted my blood. Right?" "Your bloodwork is... Incredible." "You should have tried some Skrull blood if you think MINE is interesting." He was at least amused; "... Bit late for that advice!!" then tilted his head; "Does it… Change? Now we are... Now we have a...?" connection? Did her race give that a name? "Yes?" "We should do yours again." "Worry about your own." She noticed the way he furrowed his eyebrows in concern; "... What we did... It'll affect yours too." He stared at his hands with wide eyes "And I'm not entirely sure what being simed will do to you…" "Geez! I clearly just need to take you everywhere with me don't I!?" "I don’t wanna get Simed...!!!!" That was the wrong thing to say as his door opened.
Jonathan knew it, and Malyiah knew it by the way he put his head in his hands. She thought it was cute. She thought a lot of things humans did to display their emotions were cute. She hadn't known a race feel so acutely as this. She'd chosen well, she couldn't have ever expected to. He was the best surprise.   Nick looked across to the female voice that had spoken and almost had a heart attack; He wasn’t faced with a straight-laced, suited, female S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Instead her purple fading to pink hair, eyes so deep blue they were purple, the mish-mash of clothes she was wearing - that still strangely matched - and the foreign markings visible every so often on her skin, like someone had tattooed her with white ink, made him think she wasn’t human at all. "Who the hell are--!?!" Jonathan Keller jumped quickly to her rescue; "Nick there's a lot of classified stuff that's happened in the last two years..." "Two years!? WHAT!?" "Remember that crash we were called to in Utah?" "... Yeah. Highest level. You were there ages... No-one ever spoke about it." "Yeah... Uh..." he brought his hands together and pointed across to the girl in the chair. "...Hi!" she smiled "You must be Nick Fury." He turned to Keller "Sir!!! Don't start telling me there's more of them!!! What is she S.H.I.E.L.D intelligence!?!" "... The fact there IS more of them is exactly why we NEED to tell her everything. But I was tied up in a Blockbuster ok, so I'm no help! You are." She was looking down at herself; did she look like S.H.I.E.L.D intelligence? Nick wasn’t sure he was following; "He employed you... Right? That's why you're here and you know everything...?" "No I'm not employed. HEY! Jonathan there's a thought!" "I'm not paying you. That's got implications I'd rather not have...!" If Maliyah didn’t catch on, Keller's agent did; "Wait---!! Are you two!?" Nick quickly grasped the situation as he pointed between the two of them. Keller nodded in silent admittance "It wasn't meant to be like that. I had to study her... But they were... It was inhumane Nick. I moved her out here... She's trying to get her ship back in order."   Malyiah shrugged as if that wasn’t the explanation she would give; "I won't know what I'm gonna do until it's fixed. At the moment it's in a high security area back in Utah..." "Yeah, I've seen it. I didn't know there was anyone involved... So you know about the Kree? And Skrulls." Her jaw tightened at the mention of the Kree; "So they DID bring their war here." "I'm not sure it was intentional." she hummed, fingering the pages of the file she was reading for a second "And what happened? Where are they now?" "Gone. Why..." "Gone where!? Like gone, gone!?" Keller looked glad of that, juxtaposing Maliyah’s sudden panic. "She didn't say where she was taking them..." he narrowed his eyes "Whose side are you on!?" Fury wouldn’t risk Carol’s life. Never. "... I'm not really on anyone's side... BUT... I guess I align better with the Skrulls..." She gave a shrug. "... The war isn't my problem. Them siming Keller is my problem. The Kree out here with me here that's ALSO my problem. " " Maliyah..." It was Keller’s warning " I'm not trying to start anything!" she held her hands up and turned back to Nick; "You can't help me, but you know they’re all gone? " " We have a Flerken though... " "I can tell by your eye... " she tilted her head, reading Fury’s own emotions; "What are you afraid of?? Is it him or me?? I'm stronger than you Terrans are but I'm not dangerous... And he's him. But I can understand the wary feeling there... " Nick tried to make it look like he wouldn't be afraid of Keller and he didn't know what she was talking about... And it worked. For around half a second. He took a breath and pointed to his boss; "Prove he isn't one." "He's not. He reacts to me." "Prove you aren't one." "I doubt they can get my empathic abilities spot on... They can probably try, but I doubt that they can get their skin to react exactly the same... It’s a unique pattern... And it's triggered through a DNA reaction. A Skrull would need both, but it can only sim to one set of DNA... " "Hang on... What?! And - WHAT!?" Nick realised he hadn’t listened to her first explanation clearly. She took a breath; "Like this..."  She watched him carefully as she guided years of evolution through her race to latch onto Keller... The feel of him around her was intense enough to let the bright lights flicker over her skin in all his shades. Nick was at least staring at her in wonder.  "That's how you know I'm not one.” "... How does... That work?" She tilted her head "At first instance. For these unique patterns... Intimacy. Real physical intimacy. For anything more than that... For a real connection... Blood. His mixed with mine, mine with his." "That sounds... Painful…” His eyes flicked to Keller again, who was keeping his gaze locked on Maliyah; "Have you..." "No. I wouldn't ask that of him." She didn't like that Nick would insinuate that she would "It is by far a conversation for another time..." Nick at least noticed that Keller look uneasy, which settled him a little. He changed the flow of the conversation again; "Why are you so intent on knowing where they went?" She shook her head "I'm just trying to make sure they don't know about me. And the only way to do that is to check in on their simed memories." "I don't think they are much of a threat to you... Right?" "Huh." Maliyah folded her arms "I'd rather they didn't tie him up and sim him. Guess we'll let that one go too, huh?" He had to crack a smile, she wasn’t human. Obviously, but she was so human. He wondered if that was her upbringing or Keller’s influence; "Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D Agent.” She stood to shake his hand; "Maliyah Saal. Nova Corps. Ravager Captain... Auron by way of Xandar... Pleasure to meet you." She gave him a warm smile, and it was like he instantly got why Keller had been taken in. She seemed strong, she had a sass about her that clearly EVERY extra terrestrial had... But she had an instant warmth... She turned to Keller which made Nick do the same; " I think we could be in the clear... Guess we'll need to keep a check on everything. " "You'd make a good agent. Are you sure we can't hire her!? " "Absolutely not." Keller let him know he thought he must be joking. She laughed, with a wink; "It's okay, Nick. My duty is to the Nova Corps. I leave S.H.I.E.L.D in the capable hands of its Human workers... "
 " I think I've figured it out. " "What? " "The problem with your ship...? " "... At 3am!?" "You’re clearly not sleeping either..." She rolled over to stare at him. He was looking at the ceiling. His glasses were pushed up into his hairline and he was squinting "... No, I really think I've cracked it." "At least I was awake for something that wasn't stupidly thinking about fixing my damn ship." "No... But... I looked at your notes. You've been working on them for two years... I wanted to help... And formulate some for myself. I think I've got it Maliyah. I think I can get you home..." He turned to face her, but the look she gave was one of fear. "Don't you dare say that like I want to leave!" "Maliyah... You know it is dangerous for you to stay here... " He was extraordinarily calm. Like he was already letting her go. It only caused her to shake her head. "NO!" She buried herself in him; digging her nails into the skin of his arms and her head on his chest her colours burst into life and illuminated his darkened room. "Maliyah..." He ran a hand through her hair "... Let me let you go... Earth is not where you belong." She shook her head again; "Look at this..." He took her hand in his free one and lifted her arm, the way the colours danced for him. "Jonathan. I don't belong out there either... I belong with you." "I cannot protect you from your planet..." "Do not ask me to leave. I will not leave you." He was pretty sure she was crying... He gathered her close in his arms. "I'm human.... Maliyah... My race is breakable. It's vulnerable... It’s clear to me we have NO idea what’s really out there... You don't want this..." "Stop telling me what I want. I HAVE what I want." "Anywhere else in the world and I would believe that." "... What about anywhere else in the universe?" "Huh?" She looked at him, sadness in those purple-blue eyes... But something else too. An idea sparking to life: "If you can really help me fix my ship... Come with me. Come back to Xandar with me..." "Mali... I can't just leave..." "WHY!? Everything in your head we could use on Xandar." "Maybe... Maybe one day..." He said it softly "But your planet... If it’s at war.... It needs YOU and until you win; and you will win it my supernova... Until Earth gets a good grip on things out there... You cannot stay. And I cannot go."
** …10 Years Later… Maliyah piloted the Milano very cautiously. She knew the sector of space; just not as well as she would have liked. Kree these days were still running havok. Maybe not too much around Xandar... But things were shaky at best, which is why she was piloting her tiny Milano though this, rather than her Nova Corps star ship. The planet that Keller’s "distress signal" was coming from looked small and harmless. But it was the other side of the galaxy. Keller, even on Earth’s best space day, was not reaching here any time soon.
It made her hesitate. She shouldn't trust it, but what choice did she have? It didn't mean that someone hadn't taken Jonathan here, although that was unlikely it was not impossible. And it wasn't like it was a signal to her ship... Or any communications device. Keller’s very DNA and feelings were sending a direct signal to her. And for nothing in this known universe would she ignore something like that. Entering the planet’s atmosphere she knew exactly why the feeling was of distress. It looked dead. Or at least incinerated. The earth was scorched and there wasn't a trace of greenery or life anywhere. Yet, the feeling persisted. Which meant whatever was giving off Keller’s signal was here. And was very much alive.
 She landed on about the clearest strip of land she could find that the Milano would fit into and took a deep breath. Whatever she was about to face would not be good. She was already suited up for Supernova... Hopefully she wouldn't have to use it. Exiting the Milano she kept her blaster holstered. She wouldn't fire unless fired upon and whoever did that would be making a big mistake.
Pillars of smoke rising from the debris made the perfect cover... She breathed in and out, closing her eyes she focused on what ‘Keller’ was feeling. It wasn't nice for her to feel it, either. She pinpointed a location in a matter of seconds and headed towards it. Only for her to start noticing the purple, everywhere. And it was blood.  She continued through the mess of debris, every so often a body or two would present itself. They're Skrulls. She realised. The bodies were Skrulls. She knitted her eyebrows together. Carol Danvers, who she had met a few times whilst traversing the galaxy, had told her nearly everything to help her piece together what had happened when they were on Earth. She had given them a home, and finished the war. Clearly someone was trying to start it up again... And if this was the planet that Carol had made their haven. The Skrulls were from Earth. Which meant one thing... From what Keller had confessed to her that could mean only one thing... And it was something she didn't even think possible.
 She sprinted to the signal on that notion alone; across the ground that kicked up with every step she took. What had the Kree done here!? Why was he still alive when so many others were not!?! She stopped. Suddenly tense. He was walking toward her. His stance was fighting and she could read those emotions a lot clearer now. Her race and its engineering had failed her. It was confusing Keller’s real DNA with simed DNA from years gone by. Hopefully that wasn't about to cost her her life. Upon recognising him, she took two steps back. She'd made a point of studying Skrulls as soon as Keller had mentioned them. Talos. And he was big news. Huge news. He was a General that ran a whole sector, he was a good leader. He'd simed her life partner. Maliyah held her hands up in an attempt to show she wasn't trouble, as far away from her weapon as possible... "I've come from Xandar. So... I'm not here to destroy you like everything else... Unless you don't care; in which case... You're much more of a threat to me..." He took a step forward, which made her concede another, he was studying her uniform carefully. The eight-point shining yellow star running from her chest down her abdomen, framed by a metallic light blue.  The three-point ‘V’ of the Nova Corps shimmering just behind it, glowing faintly every so often. The rest of the uniform navy. Except the gold stripes up her boots. She thought she should have worn her Nova Corps over-jacket; multicoloured rank ribbons and clearer Corp red star emblazoned sleeves. Too late now, though.
He straightened, seeming satisfied but tilted his head. “Who are you?” She tilted hers in turn; “You should know. The fact that you don’t means he did real good to keep me out of his thoughts…” Or any part of his life. Keller’s desk, his car, his pager, his wallet. If nothing held the slightest trace of her then she owed Jonathan her very life. God, she knew that already. He looked confused, as he rightly should. “My name is Maliyah. Quite a few years ago when you were on Earth you simed a Terran known as Jonathan Richard Keller. Unbeknownst to YOU at the time of doing so I had already formed a connection with his DNA. Now, apparently, because siming creates an exact DNA copy of his - I have got some kind of connection with you.” “…You’re Auron.” She was more than a little surprised that he knew that, it made her smile; “Correct.” “Keller… Fury’s boss? How is he and his beautiful blue eyes.” She raised an eyebrow to a phrase she didn’t expect; “…That’s the man. And he’s well… No thanks to you and his constant reoccurring nightmare…” Every so often Jonathan would still wake up in cold sweats with the word simed coming off his lips – Usually it was drink induced, but telling him to stop drinking was pointless. She smiled, but it faded as she looked around her “…So… About this distress that I felt from half way across the Galaxy and came to investigate because Jonathan should be nowhere NEAR this sector… Human’s still haven’t figured out their space travel, God bless ‘em…” “…Well. It’s pretty obvious isn’t it.” “Yeah… Your distress signal tells me one thing I am grateful for. You need help. It looks like a lot of it. And I am here to offer my services... First off, you need to tell me what happened.” “Why should I trust you.” “You have no reason to, and I have no reason to trust you either – In fact I have LESS reason to trust you considering Keller – But Fury trusts you, and so does Carol. So. Yeah, I trust you. Just put a little faith in me…” His eyes flicked back to the Star emblazoned on her uniform and he nodded to it; "If you are really from Xandar then you know what happened." She swept the landscape with her eyes again "Kree... WHY!? It's over, your wars are over..." "There are those in the outside that think they should just end it." "... Is this planet all that’s left!?" "No... Thank god. There are still some of us back home..." She turned again, not wanting to voice it but feeling like she should know everything; "Are you...?? Did they..." "Not everyone. A few, as a statement. An example. My family... They are..." He looked to the stars for a minute "I don't know where they will have taken them but for now they are alive..." She followed the trace of his eyes "I can track that... I'm sure I can track that." She turned back to him; "Obviously first things first. I can't leave you here." "Oh really." She tilted her head at the sarcasm he was displaying. It wasn’t unlike that of her older brother. She couldn’t help but smile, Perhaps she would have more affinity with him than just Keller… "One, you're alone. Two, whatever this connection to Keller you have is... It won't let me leave "Keller" here. So. You simed the right guy. I guess... " Maliyah half turned back to her ship; but kept her eyes on him. He knew the reason she was putting faith in him was the same reason she was still standing over there looking at him like any moment he might change. Or change form. It looked more like a stand off than a potential team-up. Because Jonathan Keller for him was just a Terran male that worked for S.H.I.E.L.D had all the access codes and clearances he needed and eventually got him to his family. For Maliyah, Talos had inadvertently intervened with something sacred. The very fabric of her race’s evolution. Her relationship with Keller now blurred into him. And without this travesty none of them would be any the wiser. "Does he know?" "Jonathan? No. Why would he? I'm the only one that feels anything... He knows all the intricacies of what I am. Whether he understands them...” She afforded explanation with a shrug "He’s human. After all. About the only race out there not involved in the rest of the universe. And integrating even one of them isn't easy... But you should know that." She gave a small, mysterious smile, “So, congratulations. Siming Keller had consequences that you and I are both stuck with.” Talos folded his arms; for all her talk of helping, he hadn’t seen anything that would actually help them out yet. He decided to test that one; “How do we even get out of here… They’ve destroyed all the technology we had. You are some kind of… Supernova. So…” “Supernova is just the name, Jonathan used it all the time it kinda stuck, And I didn’t get here via the Nova Force...” Yet again Talos surprised her with just how much he knew… She wondered if he’d ever been to Xandar… If he’d ever Simed someone from there. Now was not the time to ask the question. “Then how DID you get here?!” She looked back at her Milano, now at least partially visible through the dust clouds as the sun hit the shiny paintwork, then turned to him with a significant look; “…Are we going to save your family, or not?”
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Favorite Passage Written
thanks for the tag @galadrieljones! For this tag, you share your personal favorite passage that you have written this far. 
I’m going to tag @agentkatie @laraslandlockedblues @ladymdc @negotiator-on-site @bitchesofostwick @inquisitorsmabari @melaena @idrelle-miocovani @lyriumyue:) ALSO if you see this and I didn’t tag you but you want to do it anyway....please do it and tag me! :)
I tried approach this differently. I considered isolated passages by themselves with consideration to how they appeared as a part of a whole. In truth I think as an artist I am more attached to my current DBH project and will probably end up writing something that surpasses this (If I not already have, I was close to picking the chapter where Connor and Sophie dance to “now or never.”) However, I picked a snippet from the penultimate chapter of my first fanfic I published, In Waking Dreams. This is my favorite passage from my slowburn for a number of reasons: Removed from the work as I am now, I think the writing is quite stunning. A lot of times time will make me go ehhhhh but I am still quite proud of this. Furthermore it’s a good summation of Cullen and Lydia’s relationship, kind of mystical with a raw passion and sensuality, mutual support clear. I had always planned on them having this conversation about faith at this point in the story, and it was fulfilling to get to write it. It also callbacks an earlier important chapter, which I find dramatically satisfying. 
Anyway, here it is: (under the cut for length and also slightly nsfw, though not too graphic.)
Warmth like the light of a candlelit glow was her skin, soft against his rough palms. She was warm and beckoning underneath him, her arms and legs coiled around his waist, pressing his body into hers. Time did not slow during their night before, the night before the world would change, but in their lovemaking, they were unhurried and slow. She was neither the Herald, nor the Inquisitor, and though she looked as Cliodna looked in the book of stories his mother used to read to him, she was not Cliodna. She was Lydia. Radiant as the sun, beautiful as the sun and eventually the moon and stars that spilled from her open balcony. Radiant, beautiful, and brave Lydia. Once, he recalled, she said he was the one that was brave. But he found her the bravest of all.
He stopped counting the minutes in her arms, stopped trying to be anything other than what he was. He was frantic and desperate at first, too needy. He wanted every inch of her, immediately and all at once. He kept it out of his mind the entire day, that perhaps he could lose her, that she may not come back. At last, alone in her room and in her arms, together in their own little world, the thought came. If this truly could be the last time, if he would live the rest of his life without living in her sun��
A whisper of his name, a hand on his chest beckoned him: slow.
“Cullen,” she said, as his mantle fell to the floor, followed by his breast plate, followed by everything else, “slow.”
He was in her arms soon after, and they were stripped to the most basic parts of themselves in front of the open sky, in front of the evening sun. Cullen and Lydia. The whole world could murmur and whisper about how different they were, how uncommon. The sun knew they weren’t different at all. The sun, and then later the moon and stars, knew how he was only really Cullen, when he was with Lydia.
She sighed afterward when his beard tickled her stomach, his cheek against the slight plumpness. The unexpected sound delighted him. For as slow as their love was, every moment held a gravitas. He filled her, sank deep inside inch by inch as their hands interlocked together, and their eyes never once drifting away, save when they kissed. He lived a lifetime in her eyes. He committed every part of her to memory. Every sigh, every sharp intake of breath, every touch, he sealed within to remember.
Her content sigh, her hand caressing his cheek, it brought him home.
“You’ve never lost your faith.”
The statement, said in the after of their coupling, surprised him a little. “I’m not sure of that,” he admitted, gliding across her body. “I may have. Once or twice at least.”
“But you always came back,” she said. “You always came back to your faith.”
It was a comfort, during the long nights he went without sleep in Kirkwall. It was a comfort to think there was a grand design somewhere, that perhaps the Maker had more for him. It was perhaps why he didn’t do something sooner, make his own life.
He knew better then. He knew to believe, have faith. Have faith, but act. Always, act.
“I saw Morrigan before you came to the chantry,” he said, his memories bringing him back to the more immediate.
“Did she have a sarcastic quip ready for you?” Lydia asked, a smile in her eyes.
“No,” Cullen said, chuckling as he remembered her earlier comment about griffons. “She only said that I should believe in you.”
“I know you do. I see it when you look at me, and…” she sighed, content as he gently kissed her neck and collar. “You believe in me. Even at the beginning, when I wasn’t sure if I believed in myself.”
His brows furrowed. “You didn’t believe?”
“I don’t think I did at first. Not when so much of my life was spent living the way I lived.”
“It wasn’t all me,” he said, for he knew, it was mostly her.
“I found freedom in so many different ways.” She stroked his cheek. “Someday, we’ll be free. I believe that.”
“What else do you believe in?”
“Living,” she said simply.
“This moment. Our freedom. You. Us.”
He wondered. She invoked the Maker, but she never spoke of Andraste, or if she was devout. “Do you believe in the Maker?” he asked.
She was silent for a moment, contemplating. “I wasn’t sure if I believed in Him,” she admitted. “Or any gods, really. I still don’t know, after what I’ve seen, strange as it may be. But feeling the way you make me feel? That’s given me more reason to believe, more than anything that’s happened. I can’t understand kneeling and praying to the Maker. But if it gives people hope, if it gives you hope, and if you still believe after all this time, then I admire you.”
“Come back to me.”
He didn’t plead to the Maker or Andraste. His plea was to her.
She closed her eyes. The confession came. “Cullen. I’m frightened.”
She rose a little, her eyes meeting his. They lived another lifetime in each other eyes. “Not of Corypheus,” she said. “He doesn’t frighten me. What frightens me if the thought of leaving you.”
A tear fell, and then another, Lydia wiped them away, kissed them as they fell from his cheeks.
“I didn’t want this to happen” he admitted of his tears, though that was pointless now. “I wanted to be happy tonight. I didn't want to see you off with any tears.”
Another kiss. “How long did you bottle up your emotions, Knight Captain Cullen? Cry. Cry for me.”
Then, she cried too. He couldn’t say whose tears he tasted. He could only say that some of the happiest times of his life, were also the saddest. He couldn’t say how it began again, only that he moved to his back, and Lydia moved atop him. He held her hips and he made her come against his fingers, then he kissed her neck as she moved her hips against him. Wandering hands caressed his back, stroked his hair. Hungry mouths, soft lips kissed shapes and plains. She still kissed away tears.
“Cullen. If anything happens to me, if—”
She sighed, momentarily stopping her ministrations. “I only wanted to say, that I want you to live. You must live, no matter what.”
“How can I live without my heart?”
“Cullen…” She closed her eyes, fell against him. “My love. My love.”
He pressed his forehead against hers as he came, fire coiling and warm. Their foreheads touched and he sighed, as if it could implore her to let her hear his thoughts, see the life he wanted with her. It was a beautiful life, with no fighting, the two of them building a home, and a family. Living.
“If you…”
“I would want you to live,” she said. “You must promise me you will.”
“You will come back. To believe anything else…I—” he buried his head against the crook of her neck. “Your life. It…it has never been fair to you, has it? You were taken away to the Circle so young. You came to the Conclave. After everything that happened, there’s a life after. There must be.”
“It’s with you. But if—”
“No Lydia, no. Please do not ask me this. I’ll give you anything, but I won’t…I can’t…”
“You’re so beautiful, when you’re happy.”
“You make me happy. I can’t be happy without—”
“Do you remember Cliodna and Conchobar?”
The story. The story his mother told him as a child, the story he told her, under the stars after Adamant.
“I remember,” he said. “I do.”
“What did Cliodna realize, when the Lady of the Skies asked her to look around?”
“Everywhere,” he said, closing his eyes, knowing. “He was everywhere.”
Their foreheads pressed together again. They were in the same world.
“No matter what happens to me,” Lydia whispered. “I am everywhere. I am the stars, I am the moon, and the sun, and fire and water. I’m in the garden with roses and jasmine.”
“You will always live,” he promised her. “I swear that no matter what happens, I will make sure they all know who you are.”
“I will always go on living, so long as there is fire in you. Part of me is you. Part of me will always be in you. Our souls, they’re made of the same star stuff. We are in the same constellation, you and I.”
They kissed, and when they kissed, they vowed they were the stars.
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honoura · 6 years
Get to Know: Honoura Hawke
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► Name ➔ “Honoura Hawke.”
► Are you single ➔ She looks at you, frowning. “Yeah?” the tone is highly skeptical, looking for the hidden angle about why someone would ask that. 
► Are you happy ➔ “At present or, in general? S’pose.”
► Are you angry? ➔ She gives a shrug, a few aimless gestures with her hands, and an ‘ehhhhh’ noise in response.
► Are your parents still married ➔ “Something like it.” She exhales softly. “Da was lost to the forest. Mum’s Limsan so, she keeps vigil. Like he’s lost at sea except you know. Not.” There’s a small, sad smile at the thought. 
► Birth Place ➔ “Black Shroud. Somewhere in the southern part of it. It was less a village and more just a handful of neighbors, really. And... some family,” there’s a strain on the last two words.
► Hair Color ➔  “Black.”
► Eye Color ➔  “Dark brown”.
► Birthday ➔ “28th Sun of the First Umbral”.
► Mood ➔  “Content”.
► Gender ➔ “Female”.
► Summer or winter ➔  “Summer’s got rolanberry ice.” she points out, a clear positive that outweighed anything winter had going for it.
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon. Day’s almost over, you can put it behind you.”
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► Are you in love ➔ She tries, she earnestly tries, but in the end gives in to an eyeroll. “No. Not a bit. Is this to be a game of spin the bottle? You want some better gossip about that, I know some folks with better stories than I’ve got.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Oh bloody hells. I dunno, maybe? I guess there was something instantly attractive about my own father but I’m not particularly bothering to think on it.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “What last relationship?” she raises both eyebrows. 
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ "Couldn’t tell you.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I’d like to think not. At least not if it’s really important.” she says, massaging her palm.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yes”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Not sure? Maybe?”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔”Yes.” And that’s all she has to say on the subject, and doesn’t offer a hint of elaboration.
► Love or lust ➔ “Love?”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Tea please.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Bird.” 
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Few best friends.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Uhhh,” she averts her eyes,”This is Limsa Lominsa. That first choice is basically any day of the week.” The tone her voice adopts is growing increasingly judgmental.
► Day or night ➔ “Night. For the stars.”
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► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “... Probably.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔  She snorts, and then gives in to a full blown laugh. “Oh c’mon, is that really the most embarrassing thing you could think to ask?” 
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “At a time.” she says, arms crossed defensively.
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “...Yes.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “It can mean a lot when you get a smile out of someone who doesn’t much.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ "For what?” she asks, then pauses to think about it. “Oh I don’t bloody care.”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Intelligence.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “A friendship.”
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► Do you and your family get along ➔ “It’s complicated.” she admits,”I don’t bear them any ill will.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ She glances off to the left, then the right, mouth set in a thin line. “Can... we define just what you mean there?”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ "Not by Mum. But yes.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ She quirks an eyebrow at the question and just stares for a long, long, moment. “No.” The tone is incredibly judging.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Sure.”  
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Jophoix.” she hesitates, but adds on. “But that’s not to belittle the others or anything.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Nobody here.”
Tagged by: @chidorifarcloud Tagging: not gonna hold anyone to it, but tag me if you want!
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laughingmagi · 3 years
name:   Iggy, among others. I joke that there are at least 5 different aliases between the world and my true name. star sign:   Virgo height:   5′8″. middle name:   Leigh (sounds like Lee) put your spotify music app on shuffle. first 6 songs?:  Find my Way // Nine Inch Nails * Skurk // KMFDM * Plainsong// The Cure * Hemp Smoke Strings the Eyes // Ishii Yasushi (og Hellsing sndtrk) * In the Woods Somewhere // Hozier * Lady Stardust // David Bowie (I cheated cos I’ve been rebuiding a music library outside of apps and tend to just shove discographies on my mobile’s SD card, so some bands have an outsized presence.) ever had a poem / song written about you?:   Maybe? I feel like someone wrote something for me and it was...not good, so i felt really bad about feeling like it as kinda cringe. when was the last time you played air guitar?:   I’m less an air guitar person and more a, expressive lip syncing and esoteric hand motions for my imaginary music video. celebrity crush: Ewan Mcgregor (still and prolly always), been really fancying Gong Yoo, and y’know I only watched a couple episodes of Hotel del Luna so far but hooooolllllly hell am I gay for Jang. Like, the character, not the woman that plays her, though I’m sure she’s lovely. I just love that Jang is so mean but also really funny and would probably kill me. a sound you hate and a sound you love?: that sound shows use for bones breaking, like the really meaty version, not the cheap dry noodle crack. That’s not as bad. I think a lot of sounds I like are based in songs? Like the parts of a song or a certain beat or the way a singer uses their voice. So for example, i love the way MCR is experimental with their songs on Black Parade, like, it’ll completely change halfway through or deconstruct itself and I dig that. I love the way Trent Reznor handles his remix albums. It’s not just that he adds a different beat or whatever, he tears a song apart, rebuilds it from scratch, listen i’ve been obsessed with Nine Inch Nails to various degrees since i was sixteen. I love Robert Smith’s voice. That’s really it. No one sounds like Robert Smith. do you believe in ghosts?:   ya how about aliens?:   ya do you drive?:   nope. I’m very nervous behind the wheel. It’s just so overwhelming and I’m afraid of getting in an accident because there are sooooo many dangerous factors that i can’t control (*cough cough* Other people). Anyway, most my life I’ve struggled to pay bills and the idea of having to add a car payment and/or insurance payment has made it a really unfeasible thing to consider. if so, have you ever crashed?:   n/a what was the last book you read?:   uhhhhhh...good question do you like the smell of gasoline?:   ya what was the last movie you saw?:  I thiiiiiink it was Enchanto? what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?:  I sprained my ankle hard when I was in middle school. It suuuuuucked. My parents didn’t think it was that bad like oh you just rolled it, it’ll get better. Flash forward to me crawling to the bathroom in the middle of the night because my ankle had swollen to the size of a small orange. Had to use crutches for a spell, which sucked because i’m not very coordinated. do you have any obsessions right now?: Since all the stores are convinced it’s almost Easter, the candy is out and I get addicted to the Cadbury Robin Eggs. They’re so simple. Just little solid chocolate eggs in a thin pastel candy shell. Also tea. I’m very obsessed with tea. Like, I started using a slightly more expensive oat milk because it has a better consistency for tea. do you tend to hold grudges?:  ehhhhh sometimes, tho it takes a lot. in a relationship?: nah
stolen from: @mystictricks tagging:  lol idgaf do it
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papillonsetroses-a · 6 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
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Amy (when she’s older, and going by Viola) and Zwei definitely
don’t have anything for Amy pre-amnesia though (at least not now)
Amy/Viola is a girl who kinda has trust and abandonment issues up the ass and doesn’t care about people. Like at all. So if it were to come to a ship, or getting her to a spot where she’s comfortable enough to fall in love with someone, it would probably have to be a slow burn. Also a ship with her is almost always, unless we’re talking about an AU, going to involve angst. 
Pre-amnesia Amy, I headcanon, was 17. So a ship there would require that the other muse was 16/17. She was probably 18 when she went out to look for Raphael and she was probably around 20/21 when she stopped aging. Age gaps are kinda hard bc Amy doesn’t age so she could be hundreds of years old and still look like she’s in her early 20s. Post amnesia Viola, who physically is in her early 20s, I think she couldn’t be with anyone who physically was older than 30. And no one who was physically younger than 20. 
I prefer to ship with people I’m friends with. If we’re friends then I would probably be way more inclined to ship with you, depending on the ship of course. 
I don’t like writing smut at all tbh so you don’t have to worry about finding any of that here
None right now. Don’t really have many options for it. I will literally pay someone to make a Zwei though lol
Developing/ Unestablished:
Raphael and Amy/Viola’s father daughter relationship gives me life
Yeah I would prefer that. I’ve had weird experiences in the past with insta-shipping and I didn’t like that so yeah. If our muses have interacted and you see potential for a ship just come talk to me, we can always discuss it
Normally I love shipping. Like I love it so much? But Amy is someone who just needs a very particular person in order to ship which is why shipping really isn’t a priority here.
More or less
Kilik and Xianghua, Raphael and Cassandra, Zwei and Viola, Siegfried and Hilde, (post IV) Talim and Yunseung, Hwang and Mina, ehhhhh I think that’s it?
write with me a bit just to feel out if our muses work, then come talk to me.  Literally that easy. 
tagged by: stolen from @avalleader tagging: @malfestcd, @dedicatedtothewind, @strengthinvalor (even though you aren’t set up yet ;;), and @teslagravity but you guys don’t have to do it if you don’t want to
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