#i could too listen to ramones bc i like a good share of their songs but i dont want to be that cool y'know?
I feel like your Millie and my Millie along with having very different styles have almost polar opposite taste in alt music. Your Millie strikes me as a modern punk fan, and mine barely listens to anything released after 2010. She owns ten Siouxsie and the Banshees shirts and writes the lyrics to Black Parade in her notebooks and screams along to Decadence in her room until Maurice turns off his hearing aids so he doesn’t have to hear more than three decibels of it but doesn’t disturb whatever cathartic musical breakdown she’s having upstairs. With yours’ music taste we’re looking at 2000-present. She probably owns a lot of bracelets of her favorite artists either bought or self made and has a playlist of the best of Avril Lavigne that she loves comparing her own voice to because sounding so much like her gives her confidence and always has her grandpa’s car radio set to whatever channel plays the most pop-punk.
My Millie, predisposed to resent others and think no one could ever get her, kind of side eyes your Millie for liking modern pop punk and emo and not really having an interest in older alt music. But then your Millie actually plays her music forcing mine to give it a chance and she’s like woah, no one told me modern alt music was actually good
And then Maurice has to turn off his hearing aids and pray for profound hearing loss because now he has two emo girls upstairs screaming along to Bring Me the Horizon at full volume
I think our Dylans would be much more normal about the interaction of sharing music. “Hey do you listen to The Ramones” “no” “do you want to” “only if you want to listen to MGK” “deal” and then they’re both just chilling as my Dylan’s got Bloody Valentine playing and he’s just sitting back thinking about Brooke bc of the song and yours has Pet Sematary playing and just really wants to know if this song was in the movie
I think though that our Dylans (as well as maybe My Dylan and your Millie) would bond over a shared interest in 2000s scene music too
You’re Millie lowkey judging my Millie for being more typical edgy early 2000s emo is so in character though-
My Millie definitely owns a ton of old scene band graphic tees and rubber wristbands of popular bands at the time like Pierce The Veil and A Day To Remember that you would find at Hot Topic back then
Now I’m wondering how our Maurices interacting would go since they’re not that different, except mine is a little more unhinged and the very obvious one-
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
When it comes to popular bands i only listen to TWO songs of them... Nothing more nothing less. <3
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
Tragos Amargo - T.H
A Tom Holland x Mexican!reader
Summary: Tom sees you for who you are when you’re drunk. A Mexican tradition in the making. A very self-indulgent fic bc ya girl is Mexican and I would like to see more of that kind of interaction in fanfic lmao
Warnings: cussing maybe idk, mentions of alcohol, the Mexican stereotype where Mexican parents will get drunk at a kid’s birthday party until like the early hours of the morning and start singing to Chente or Ramon Ayala, but is it really a stereotype if it actually happens bc y’all don’t know the number of times I’ve seen my mother and my grandpa and plenty of others do this at any party really. 
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: The song sung is called Tragos Amargos by Ramon Ayala is y’all want to find and translate the lyrics.
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It had been a long night of partying. It really was. A mutual friend of yours, as well as the whole cast of the Spider-Man crew, was having a birthday. You'd known this person since childhood, actually, being a close family friend that you remember seeing at every party as a kid. They understood the whole Mexican party thing. Show up half an hour late, eat and converse for a while, drink until you have the courage to dance and show off, then if you were special enough, you stayed until late to drink more and get emotional. However, you never got that far. Even when you became a legal adult, you never got as far as the last bit. Until now.
Now, you all sit in a circle. Your mutual friend, named Antonio sits in the with his back facing towards his house. You sit next to him, Tom on your other side, holding you close. Everyone would comment on how sick you two lovebirds are, but they think it's cute nonetheless.  On Tom's other side sits Harry, followed by Sam, then Jacob, Zendaya, Darnell, then Harrison and back full circle. The only Spanish-speaker there are you and Antonio, yet everyone kind of knew where the night was going. You're drunk and so is Antonio, they all are in various phases of being buzzed, but none as close to drunk as you. Antonio plays music from his portable speaker, as the time now reads two-thirty in the morning. It's late.
"Y/N, remember being kids and we used to mess with my tia Chema?" he asks loudly, giggling as the alcohol rushes through him.
"Oh yeah, huh?" you ask, your accent coming out a little. It's funny to them all. "Those were the good days, running around and stealing her stuff until it was all gone. She threw the biggest fits and as soon as she left, the real party began."
Antonio laughs heartily as you recall the story of your childhood. Everyone joined in by giggling as well. They watch as you take another swig of your drink; a mixed tequila drink with more tequila than a mixed drink should have. You lean your head on Tom's shoulder as he looks over at you. He leans down again and presses a kiss to your cheeks and you respond in a likewise manner. You're very sentimental and emotional most of the times that you're drunk.
"She was the reason that Luisito broke up with me when we were ten," you tell Antonio, making him laugh at you. "But that's not so bad because I got my Tommy here," you respond, wrapping your arms around the man next to you. He leans into your arms and you can't help but kiss him. "Tom," you call out, pulling him closer to you and pressing your lips to his in a chaste kiss before pulling away from him. "I love you so much," you slur. "You're so pretty, you're my pretty boy and I want you in my life forever. I love you."
You turn to Antonio and pull him into your arms. He wraps his arms around you and he presses a kiss to your hair, smiling as he rests his head on yours. "You're like a brother to me Tonio," you tell him. He nuzzles his face into your hair. "We've been through so much and I can't believe we're still friends to this day. You're so amazing and you deserve only the best in the world. I love you, man."
You then look straight ahead at Zendaya and smile at her. "You're so pretty," you call out to her, your voice wavering. You don't see it, but Harry has been recording the whole time. "Like, you're so gorgeous, I sometimes question whether I like Tommy as much as I like you. Which I do, way more, but you're so pretty. You make my heart flip with how nice and talented you are and if I wasn't in love with Tommy, I'd probably be in love with you."
From there, you turn to Harry. "Harry, you're such a good guy. Your photography is so good and I think you're such a swell guy," you say. Then you turn to Sam. "Sam, you're also a good guy and Elysia is so lucky to have you. She's so gorgeous and you both make a hot couple, and I love you guys and you're both so precious."
Then you turn to Darnell and Harrison. "Darnell, I don't know you too well, but we're friends, right? I think you're so cool and the fact that you're the Madi to Z's me is astounding. Plus, you're so pretty too. Wow."
You turn to Jacob and smile. "Jacob, you're such a funny guy. You're also a great cuddler and a great listener. You remind me of a lot of good things in the world. I love you too," you tell him. Then you turn to Harrison and smile. "Harrison, you bit sweetie pie," you tell him. "You have really beautiful eyes and an even more beautiful soul. You're so kind and Monty is such a good dog, I love him. I love you too, you're so cool. I can't believe we're friends."
By the time you're done, Antonio hits skip on the song currently playing and everything falls into place as the next song begins playing. Almost like clockwork. You hear the accordion and the drums and everything else kick in and you and Antonio turn to each other. You wrap your arms around each other, sighing dramatically.
"Clavado en este rincón, como tu clavastes a mi corazon. Estos tragos que tomo son pura tristeza y son mi dolor," you and Antonio sing along. The song continues for some time and as the chorus reaches, everyone is watching intently. Both you and Antonio brace yourselves and begin shouting along with the song as you both sing while in tears. Your moment has finally come. "Trago de amargo liquor, que no me hacen olvidar, y me siento como un cobarde, que hasta me pongo a llorar."
It wasn't too long after this shared moment that you were in bed and asleep. The next morning, you woke up in an empty bed. You had been changed into pajamas and you had a hangover. There were some pills placed on the bedside drawer with a bottle of water. After sitting up, you take the pills and hop off, dragging yourself to the kitchen where everyone was. You could smell some food but that's the last thing you want. You just want some coffee and maybe an egg. Maybe.
However, as you walk down the stairs to the kitchen, you check your phone, seeing the video that Harry had posted on Instagram. Of you and Antonio singing and crying together. Today should be fun.
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