#i could write the fluffiest fic in existence and everyone would just be waiting for the angst to happen
usmsgutterson · 2 years
Tis the damn season- give me a title, a genre and a character and I’ll write a fic!
i don't dance , fluff , pin hawthorne
I Don't Dance- Pin Hawthorne
Okay!! Thank you so much for sending this in! I'd been looking for a reason to write for Pin but hadn't come up with any feasible ideas for him so this gives me an excuse to finally write something!! Writing for Pin is always fun, and I’m really excited to write out the other requests you sent in for the holiday event!! Thank you for sending so many!!
Fic type- this one is probably the fluffiest piece I've ever written for Pin
Warnings- none
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December crossed over Bright Fields on Thursday morning, the crew who worked there entering the stables to a ground covered in snow and a few solid months of stress waiting to befall their shoulders.
December was always one of the most stressful months to work at the stables, between working, preparing for exams at school and trying to find time to be a person outside of it all. Most days, while you worked, it felt like you were moving from one thing to the next, on a loop that would only end with the end of your workday.
Granted, while there were few stressless moments in the stables, everyone managed quite well to find them on their own.
For you and Pin, those fleeting moments were often ones where hugs from behind were delivered in passing, smiles passed along as Pin went in one direction and you went in the other. They were found when you and Pin could find a moment to talk in the offices, when the two of you were in the stables looking after your horses and would discuss the deeper things and the times where you'd be able to exist in a comfortable silence as the two of you worked within close proximity.
It was the truth, however, that you felt the least stressed when you were with Pin at the house that he'd inherited upon becoming a duke.
It was when you were sitting on Pins bed, blankets draped over your legs as you sat criss crossed with your laptop open to an essay, where Pin had been sitting to your left, head on your shoulder, the ghost of a smile on his face as he watched you type, that the stress faded down to almost nothing.
That day, though? You were with Pin, as you were most others. You'd been putting on one of his sweaters because of how cold it'd gotten with the impending snowstorm, a song from your playlist playing from it's spot in an old candle jar to dim the sound so that neither you or Pin stopped focusing on the last of your assignments before Christmas break or exams.
“How you can call this a holiday playlist when there are no holiday songs on it is beyond me.”
“The playlist isn’t supposed to have holiday music on it,” you defended, adjusting the collar of the jumper a bit as you spoke. It was a granddad jumper that Pin had owned as long as you’d known him, one that he tended to wear a lot more frequently as England succumbed to the hellishly cold weather that came with winter. “It’s music that reminds me of the holidays. Music that has the same cozy feeling as curling up and watching Christmas movies.”
Pin said nothing, so you continued. “I also created it with dancing in the sitting room in mind, but I haven’t gotten the chance to do that with you yet.”
“I don’t dance.”
“You’ve said the same thing at the winter formal every time we’ve gone,” you said pointedly. “And, to be fair, I wasn’t trying to ask you. I was just mentioning it, really.”
Pin turned to look at you, adjusting the sleeves to the black jumper he’d chosen as he spun around in the desk chair. 
“I’d be willing if you asked, but my room is too small. The sitting room is a bit of a better fit, I would say. There’s less to get in the way there. So long as we don’t bump into the couch, I’d assume we’d be fine.” 
You rolled your eyes but grinned. “For a man who says he doesn’t dance, you seem to want to quite a bit.” 
Pin grinned as he stood, shrugging. “Perhaps I do, but I ask that you don’t tell Zoe or Becky. I get enough slack from them about how eventually we’ll have to kiss when I walk beneath the exit of the stables where Elvis is kept, since Jade put a mistletoe above it at the start of this month.” 
You grinned, closed your laptop and stood, nodding. “Jade is the only person I’ll to whom I’ll tell the tale of the time we danced in your sitting room, and I’ll ask Becky and Zoe to get off your back about it. I would’ve thought Marcus told them we already had kissed under the mistletoe, anyway. He’s the one with the photos.”
“He sent them to me last night,” Pin said, grabbing his phone before the two of you moved to exit his room.  He turned his phone on, showing you his lock screen. It’d been the photo that Marcus had taken, you clad in one of Pins sweaters, him wearing one of the few you hadn’t stolen, arms wrapped around your waist while yours were on either of his shoulders. 
He unlocked it and showed you his home screen, the second photo Marcus had taken, the one that happened seconds after the first, where you had to pull away because neither of you could stop smiling. It was at that point that Marcus cheered and called you two ‘christmas lovebirds’ before approaching to ask about joining him and Mia on a triple date, one that Zoe and Becky were attending as well. 
You just grinned, taking his hand and interlacing his fingers as the two of you approached the sitting room. Pin let you go for only a moment to set the music, and as the first song started while Pin tossed his phone to the couch that’d been pressed against the wall, you laughed.
“You dissed it two minutes ago, and you’re playing a song from it now?”
Pin shrugged as he approached, giving you the kind of grin and look that he tended to reserve for your eyes only--the kind of grin and the kind of look that took away all of your doubts that he loved you, the kind of look and the kind of smile that made you feel like the luckiest person in the world. 
“You mentioned it was good for a slow dance or two,” Pin said. “I’m taking you up on that, seeing if you’re right.” 
You scoffed as you put either arm on either of Pins shoulders and Pin wrapped his arms around your waist. The song happened to be one of the slower ones on the playlist, one that was perfect to sway along to, so you did.
The two of you moved in a careless circle, talking and laughing and loving being in one anothers presence, the stress that you’d felt at the beginning of the day having dulled out almost completely. 
As the song ended and another song started, Pin laughed. “Fine,” he said. “I give it to you. This playlist is good for a slow dance.” The two of you stopped for a moment, and you let Pin spin you around before joining him again.
“I made the playlist so that I could trick you into dancing with me Christmas Eve,” you said. “I do love that you’ve decided to dance with me beforehand, but the plan to get you to dance this Christmas is still absolutely on the board.” 
“I don’t dance,” Pin said. You laughed, shaking your head.
“The fact that we’re dancing right now proves that to be a lie,” you said pointedly. “I’ll get you to dance on Christmas, Hawthorne. Just you wait.”
Pin pressed his forehead to yours, the two of you stopping your dance as the song continued. “I can’t bloody wait, then,” he said. “You and your tricks, my love.”
You pressed a quick peck to his lips, shrugging. “My tricks and I, darling.” 
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blinkaftermidnight · 2 years
oh noo i am so anxious (and excited!) to see what will happen next in your summer job leatin AU 😰 We can see Leah’s nitpicking obsessive mind think about Fatin non-stop (who can blame her lol) and it’s just like how she was with Jeff! Although Fatin seems pretty taken with her as well, I worry for future chapters where they’re both in deep. Fatin in this AU would be Leah’s first relationship, first love, first time (👀) which means she’s going to truly throw herself off the deep end (she’s already on her way there it seems!). Since this is one of your fics and it’s never smooth sailing lol, I fear for Leah’s mental state if/when Fatin and her face obstacles. Leah’s raw emotions may take control over her, as we saw with Jeff
I'm living for the speculation. Leah will definitely be thinking about Fatin, and we're gonna see how it goes next chapter. Already thinking about the chapters where they're both in deep; those are exciting for sure. Leah's first love, first time - and with someone her own age. Just like she deserves. We're gonna see it, baby. There can be bumps in any relationship, and we're gonna see that, too. That is about all I can say except I hope you're gonna like how things happen
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auroraphilealis · 7 years
Metamorphosis (1/10)
Metamorphosis (1/10) | Once upon a time, Dan Howell and Phil Lester were best friends. They did everything together, from hanging out at each other’s house, to sitting next to each other at school - but one day, Dan was torn away from Phil by none other than Phil himself. Five years on, and Dan still doesn’t know why his best friend threw Dan away. Was it the fault of the bullies who relentlessly picked on Phil, or was it Dan himself? Dan just didn’t know. So when a chance to protect Phil and get his best friend back arises, Dan jumps on it in a heartbeat, and uses his own confidence to boost Phil’s just enough to make the bullies back away. | Phan | Teen and Up | High School AU, Bullying, Getting Together, Make Over Fic, Kissing Booth, Kissing Lessons | 2,641 Words this chapter 
Disclaimer: In no way do I pretend that this is real or cast aspersions on Dan or Phil.
This has been a roller coaster to work on, and I loved every second of it. It is truly the fluffiest thing I have ever written, and I truly hope that you guys will enjoy it as it goes up these next few months. As the entire fic has been pre-written, I will be posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays every week! If you’d like to receive writing updates, chapter snippets, or even be given the chapter a whole day earlier than everyone else, please consider pledging to my patreon, which can be found here!
I would also like to give special thanks to my beta @etoilesdephan for her wonderful help editing this fic. Their feedback has made me incredibly happy and, of course, they’ve done the gracious work of fixing my typos hahaha. Thank you phantom <333
Chapter One
Once upon a time, Dan Howell and Phil Lester were best friends. They did everything together, from hanging out at each other’s houses, to sitting next to each other at school. They were absolutely inseparable, and for a long time, Dan had thought it would always be like that. He couldn’t imagine what his life would be like without Phil by his side, and he didn’t want to.
That’s why it came as such a shock to him when he went from seeing Phil every single day, laughing and teasing him on the playground and wrestling him for the video game controller in each other’s rooms, to not even knowing what his best friend had done over summer vacation.
It happened insanely quickly. They were eleven years old, and the school year was just coming to a close. Phil had, at one point that year, attempted to dye his hair a ridiculous shade of red when it came out orange, and while Dan had thought it was hilarious and loved the way it brought out the freckles on Phil’s pale skin, the rest of the school had taken this as an excuse to tease him even more than they already did.
He went from getting bullied from time to time when he was alone and Dan wasn’t around to give the older kids a dirty look, to being poked fun at by even the kids in their grade and below. Phil skyrocketed from that weird boy that sometimes walked the playground alone with the hood of his black jacket pulled up over his head, muttering something about “the shadow world,” to being that freak with the orange hair who bred hamsters and didn’t know how to speak up for himself.
It was horrid, and while Dan did his best to push away the people who tried to hurt his best friend, he couldn’t be there to protect Phil from everything, no matter how badly he wished he could be. See, Dan Howell, in opposition to Phil, was actually pretty well liked by most of their school, confident and just dramatic enough to make all the other kids laugh, but nice enough not to make any waves. Much of their grade questioned why Dan was even friends with a freak like Phil, but Dan had always only answered that Phil wasn’t a freak, and that if people just took the time to get to know him, they’d see that too.
The issue was, Phil was kind of an odd ball, even Dan could admit to that. He had a different way of seeing the world, a creativity that rivaled even Dan’s, and while that was something Dan loved and cherished about Phil, it wasn’t so easily accepted by the rest of their school.
So Dan did his best to protect Phil, never wanting to see his best friend change, or hurt himself because of the horrible actions of others. However, that didn’t mean that Dan could always be there to protect Phil, and it was no surprise that sometimes, Dan didn’t have enough time to prevent Phil from getting his ass kicked behind the playground, face shoved into the dirt and eyes watering from the sensation of his glasses being forcibly pressed into his skin.
Of course, that day, the final day of the year, Dan found himself cornered in the classroom by a bunch of classmates who insisted they needed a signature from Dan, because they’d all be moving off to secondary school after that summer, and some of them might never see Dan again. Unaware of anything strange going on, Dan had laughed and agreed to sign all their yearbooks, only to realize, far too late, that Phil was nowhere to be seen. The thing was, Phil was quiet, and often Dan forgot he was even around, when other people were talking, but he never went anywhere without Dan. Sometimes, Dan thought Phil was like a lost puppy, trailing after him and begging for attention, something Dan was always willing to give despite wishing Phil were more confident and sure in the friendship the two of them held.
When Dan realized Phil wasn’t there, of course, he figured out what exactly was going on.
“Where’s Phil?” he remembered himself asking, dropping the pen he’d been holding to sign yet another yearbook, and instantly shoving past the few remaining classmates in front of him in order to get out of the classroom. No one answered him, but that was answer enough, and Dan had taken off running through the sliding glass door of their old classroom out towards the playground behind the school, likely unmonitored that afternoon because school was officially out, and summer was about to start.
He was right, of course. Before he even reached the back of one of the slides, where older students were known to take their victims, Dan could hear Phil crying out as he was likely shoved into the dirt. There were other voices, shouting teasing, hurtful words, but Dan couldn’t hear a word of what they were saying for the way his heart was breaking at the sound of Phil’s near screams. He could feel his chest clenching, and he was screaming profanities inside of his own head for being so stupid as to have not made sure Phil was still there.
How had Dan let this happen?
Dan only really remembers tackling the older boys after that, the sensation of his own body hurling into the back of another, and sending them both tumbling to the floor. A fight had broken out, and Dan remembered getting his ass kicked for the very first time while, beside him, Phil cried for them to leave Dan alone.
Dan had given as good as he got, but in the end, he was left on the ground, outnumbered, and with a mix of a bloody nose and a black eye.
Phil had walked him home, and that had been the last time they spoke.
The very next day, Dan remembered waking up early and going over to Phil’s house despite his mum’s protests, only for Phil’s mum to answer the door and tell Dan uncertainly that Phil wasn’t feeling well enough for visitors right now. He’d tried again, and again, and again for a week straight, before learning that Phil had asked to visit his grandparents for the summer, and wouldn’t be home until after school started once again.
Dan had written letters that Phil’s mum promised to send, but there was something about the look on her face that told Dan she knew something that Dan did not, and that she hurt for him. The first time she told Dan that she hoped he could one day help Phil like he always had in the past, Dan finally realized that it was the end.
He waited with baited breath for Phil to show up on the first day of class, only to realize by the end of the day that Phil had gone out of his way to avoid him. The last thing he remembered clearly was the sight of Phil’s broken, sad face, as he ran straight home after school without so much as a glance backwards at Dan, who’d shouted after him to wait.
Dan never could figure out what happened that day, or why Phil had decided to stop being Dan’s friend. He didn’t understand why Phil no longer thanked him when Dan tried to save him from the bullies, or why, once, he turned on Dan and told him to get the fuck away from him, and never get in the way again. He didn’t understand how he and Phil could go from being so close they were practically one person, to becoming so different some people even forgot they’d ever been friends.
It hurt. It hurt a lot, and it was hard, but eventually, Dan got the message. For whatever strange reason, Phil didn’t want Dan protecting him anymore, didn’t even want to know him, and while Dan knew it was the fault of the bullies, he’d never forgive himself for having done something to turn Phil against him. Was it because Dan hadn’t been there to save him in the first place, that afternoon when the bullies managed to get Phil alone? Had the bullies said something to Phil about Dan that had made Phil turn on him?
Dan didn’t know, and he probably wouldn’t ever know, but that didn’t prevent him from hoping.
So Dan Howell passed every year from the age of eleven to sixteen praying that, one day, Phil would come back into his life, and he’d be able to protect the boy he’d always considered the best person in the whole entire world.
In the meantime, Dan finally started branching out and making new friends, all while he watched Phil disappear further and further into the shadows until it was almost impossible to make sure he even still existed, except for the few times Dan saw him peeking out through the curtains of his bedroom window and out over at Dan’s, like there was still a part of him that missed Dan too.
They’d been next door neighbors for so long that Dan was actually almost surprised that, by the time they were finally forced together again, it hadn’t happened any sooner.
In the Fall of year twelve, Phil Lester unexpectedly joined the theater club, and the only reason Dan even noticed him was the fact that literally every single person but Phil had grouped up on one side of the large auditorium the first day of their meeting, and were whispering about the weird, dark boy they’d never seen before. Dan wandered in with his brow furrowed, heading straight for the strange group, when he felt his shoulder bump into the body of someone he hadn’t even noticed was there.
“Sorry,” he said rather quickly, turning to offer an awkward smile to the person he’d run into, and frowning as the entire auditorium seemed to go quiet. “I didn’t see you there, uhm,” Dan started, trailing off as he waited for the other person to give him their name, only they never answered.
Instead, they dropped their face further away from Dan, as if they were ashamed to be seen by him, and only then did Dan realize it was Phil.
He was dressed in the same black hoodie Dan swore Phil had owned since he was eleven, except it couldn’t be because Phil had grown almost as tall and lanky as Dan and the thing still fit, and he had his hood up, hiding the mousy brown of his ridiculously long hair. His glasses were thick rimmed and roundish, mostly hidden by his fringe, and his face was even more pale than Dan remembered.
His hands were stuck in his pockets, and his backpack pressed tight against his back, flat, like he’d taken to carrying very little in case he was jumped.
Dan’s jaw dropped open.
“Phil?” he asked tentatively. He could feel his heart in his throat, constricting his airways, because what was Phil doing here? Did he know this was the theater club? Had he come to see Dan? Unsure, Dan reached out to take Phil’s arm in his, wanting to pull the boy close and drag him into a long needed hug - it had been so long since Phil had been close enough for Dan to touch, after all - only, before Dan could touch him, Phil jerked back and stumbled so hard, he fell flat on his ass, his hood falling back and his hair splaying everywhere, exposing the red of his heated cheeks.
His eyes were just as blue as Dan had remembered them, but they were gazing up at Dan in horror.
“Okay, break it up you two, that’s enough! Really, Daniel, I expected more from you!” Mrs. Gio suddenly shouted, sweeping into the auditorium at exactly the wrong time. Dan’s gaze snapped up from where Phil sat, practically trembling on the floor, as if he were afraid of Dan, back to his teacher with his mouth half open with the intent to explain.
Before he could, however, or even turn back to help Phil up off of the floor, the rest of the theater group behind him burst into explanations, screaming that Dan had just been trying to be nice when Phil had shoved at him and fallen to the ground himself. Dan felt his cheeks beginning to go red as he worked to get in a word edgewise, begging the others to stop, that that wasn’t what had happened, but the others were too loud for him. Mrs. Gio looked thunderstruck and a little overwhelmed, blinking wildly at the loud shouting around her, before finally she burst out with a loud “Enough!” that shut the entire room up.
“I don’t care whose fault it was,” she admonished the group, “I expect better from all of you than to harass any of the other students here, let alone a new member this year. You’re all going to be working together for the next twelve months, so you better be ready to get along!” she said.
Mortified, Dan turned back to Phil with the full intent of helping him back up off the ground, only to find that Phil had already gotten up and had retreated further away from the group, hiding his face, and clearly trying once more to fade into the shadows.
Dan bit his lip, unsure what he was meant to do. The drama teacher answered this for him, however, and before he knew it, she was clapping her hands and ordering everyone to sit in the chairs in front of her in a large group, and listen up. Dan and the others shuffled about, with Dan’s friends coming and insisting he sit with them, laughing and making jokes about summer that Dan couldn’t help responding to, all while Phil managed to find a seat still near enough to Mrs. Gio not to get in trouble, but far enough away from the rest of the group that it almost looked like he didn’t even belong.
As Mrs. Gio started talking about the two performances they were going to be putting on that year, Dan couldn’t help wondering what Phil was even doing there. He’d always been creative, sure, but Dan had never known him to be confident enough to actually perform in a play. In fact, Phil looked so out of place that Dan couldn’t imagine Phil’s confidence had grown any stronger.
Dan had always seeked to fix that when they were kids, but it had been hard work. He’d never once given up, but he’d always refused to push Phil, and now, here they were, so close and yet so far, and Dan wanted nothing more than to drag Phil into the group and make him loved. He had the most amazing mind that Dan had ever known, and despite how they’d grown apart, Dan knew that that much, at least, could not have changed.
He found his eyes following every one of Phil’s movements for the rest of the afternoon, but never once did Phil meet his gaze. Slowly but surely, Dan felt his heart sink ever more, and sighed as Mrs. Gio dismissed them and Phil took off like a ghost.
The others laughed and snickered at the new weird guy, asking what his name was again, and making fun of the way his hair hung in his face and the ugly pair of spectacles he chose to wear. Dan, all the while, did his best to tune the others out, and shuffled out of the school building to head home. He could only hope that, as time wore on, he’d finally get the chance to be friends with Phil again.
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