#i couldn't think of any this shhhhhhhh
lumibuns-blog · 1 year
Gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo
I'm obsessed with him
Gojo x reader
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~Your friend Gojo comes home after a mission in your second year at jujutsu tech, bloodied and tired, but the one person he wants to see now is you~
You hear a knock at your door, 'who the hell is knocking at 3am' you think, knowing you shouldn't be either but the show was just too good.
You go to open the door "this better be import-"
Gojo's head immediately falls to rest on your chest, he's bent at the waist and his arms hang limply downwards, you can see dried blood staining his white hair.
"Toru are you ok, what happened?!?" You ask in a panic.
"I'm ok now that you're here..." he responds weakly
At least he's still well enough to make a joke you think, "ok let's get you inside and I'll call Shoko" you say leaning him against you
"No...don't call her...I came here...to not get yelled at....just you...you're enough" he huffed
You couldn't help but blush slightly at his comment, turning away so he wouldn't tease you later. You decide to take him to your bathroom as he's already dripping some blood onto your floor.
You set him on your toilet and kneel in front of him "alright let's see what we got here" you smile, trying to lighten the mood
"Sorry I got cocky" he said surprisingly sounding upset
"I can believe that" you chuckled, noticing his shoulders sink you continue "but hey it's ok it happens to everyone" you say while standing to get your first aid kit "and if it makes you feel any better, I still think your the strongest" you had a feeling he needed to hear something like that
"Of course I'm the strongest" he beamed putting his hands on his hips, he got his confidence back you guessed
"Let's see what's wrong"
"I'm mostly just hurt on my neck and face, but I'm sore everywhere else" he whines
"Stop complaining and unzip your shirt" you huff
He gasps "no dinner first?" Taking his jacket in his teeth he unzips it with one hand
You get close to him using you hand to to push his hair out of his face, suddenly making eyes contact with his watercolor eyes that seemed to shine a bit more when he looked into yours
"Wh-wh-what are you doing" he sputters moving back slamming into the back of your toilet, a cute blush spreads across his face.
"Oh come on toru! I'm just trying to bandage your cut"
"Yeah yeah of course you just...startled me"
"Sure sure" you said wondering why he would be blushing then
You continue to wipe the blood from his face bandaging his cuts. When you finish you help him stand again moving towards your living room.
"I'm assuming you don't want to go to your place and face Geto" you tease.
"I'll take the couch" he retorts
You set him down there and he begins to make himself comfortable and snuggle into you pillows in the most obnoxious way possible because of course he is.
"Alright go to bed it's lat-"
You're cut off as his arms wrap around your waist and pull you towards him so you fall on top of him.
"Just stay a bit longerrrrrr, we could watch a show or something...I'm just not tired yettt"
You roll eyes and oblige him, how could you not with those puppy eyes.
You shift closer to him and he puts his arm around you, looking down with a cheeky smile,
"Geto and Shoko were right! Mannnnn we really should just go out already!"
Your "friend" never fails to surprise you.
Hehehhe gojo is love gojo is life🙇‍♀️
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tired-of-being-nice · 5 months
the sound
*emerges from finals covered in blood* IM ALIVE *throws this down* *leaves*
anyway, enjoy a little showing of how coren is kept in line!
cws: brainwashing/conditioning, sensory overload (sort of), willing brainwashing
Coren's head isn't working right. It feels all floaty, not quite attached to its body. By the time it got back to where it was supposed to be it was already late in the day and it was too exhausted to give a proper explanation of why it was so late and what it was doing last night. It just begged forgiveness as much as it could when it couldn't think in coherent sentences, much less speak, and now it's sitting on a chair putting all its strength into staying upright and waiting patiently to be told what its punishment is.
It hopes it's the noise. It really, really hopes that. Not just because the alternative is being alone and it can't bear being alone, but because it's so tired and it can't think straight and the noise will help with that, it always does. It'll fix Coren. Make them able to do their job again. Coren wants to be able to do a good job. They want to so badly.
Its head hurts so terribly, which is good, because if it didn't it thinks it would probably slide right off the chair and collapse onto the ground, but it hurts, it hurts so much, the lights are too bright in here and their thoughts are chasing each other in circles and their ears are starting to ring–
"–ren? Coren?" 
Coren blinks and squints at the blurry figure in front of them until it resolves into the shape of Erica, their...manager, or handler, or whatever it is you want to call her.
"Hi, Erica," they mumble. "I don't feel good."
"I can tell that," Erica says with a raised eyebrow, and Coren shrinks back in shame. "What are you holding?"
Coren turns their head to stare at the spatula clutched in their hand. "I, um...dunno."
Erica sighs. "Well, I don't have time to pry it away now. Come on. We've decided you need some more time with the Sound."
Coren perks up immediately and follows behind Erica obediently, mustering their protesting body through the few steps with the promise of soon, soon, soon.
The noise room is empty and white and clean, and Erica shoves Coren inside in a way they'd protest usually but today are grateful for.
The door shuts behind them, and there's a slight click from the speakers, and then the Sound comes on.
It's like white noise but more, resounding, near-deafening, filling the room and your mind until you can't hear yourself think, let alone scream.
(They did use to scream, didn't they? They almost remember that, every time they come in here. But it never sticks— the sound takes it away, and besides, they don't want to remember something so unpleasant.)
Coren sighs, slumping bonelessly to the floor, a dazed smile spreading across their face. The noise drowns out any thoughts, rises and falls in waves, crashing against Coren's brain and gently smoothing away all the pesky contradictory thoughts that had been nagging at them. The ache of starvation fades from their limbs, and the haze of sleepiness melts from their mind. Everything is fine. Everything is alright. 
(but milo–) shhhh (but i have to–) shhhhhh (i'm still hungry–) shhhh (i can't rememb–) shhhhhhhh
This is so nice. Coren doesn't need to worry now. What was there to worry about, anyway? They're safe. The Company has them. The Company loves them.
Their fingers loosen, and the spatula drops from their hand, forgotten.
that's right! it was an EMOTIONALLY SIGNIFICANT SPATULA this whole time! haha!
taglist: @whumpsoda @snakebites-and-ink
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cro0kedme · 6 years
Utau sakkaku
Okay I'm warning you now my Art is baddddd I'm sure you already saw but I don't draw that much so I don't have much practice...Hey but I tried! Anyways onto my oc thing.
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okay so first off the picture sucks ik ik. It is pretty inaccurate because like I said am bad at drawing so I'll just describe to you what she's supposed to look like. Okay coolio.
I'm also bad at describing I'm trying my best lmao
What she (is supposed to) look like™
Utau is a Carmel skinned female with brown hair, with a stripe of it being purple, she also has deep blue eyes.
Lmao I tried
Her personality™
Utau is a happy go luck girl with strong opinions on weird things. She's mostly secretive and likes to keep to herself. She is pretty distant because of that. She's is also pretty chill and lazy but she's really hard working when she wants to be. She doesn't have many people she considers friends but to those who she dose consider friends are victim to her over dramatic-ness. But it's usually just her trying to joke around. Shes a sarcastic mess who usually wants to apologize but is to afraid to.
Again, I tried.
Her Backstory™
First off her parents are two pretty popular people her mom is a Singer who's quirk grabs the attention of people when she sings and her father is a pro hero who's quirk is illusion, when he looks at someone he can make an illusion that can last up to an hour if he tries really hard. He can make an illusion for just one person or a bunch of people. Though when it's a bunch of people it doesn't last as long.
When her parents got together they kept it a secret if only for privacy. When they had a child they kept it a secret too, for their and their child's privacy. Utau also keeps her parents a secret and tries to change the topic when it's brought up about them.
Before attending U. A utau didn't have many friends but that didn't mean she was bullied. It was the opposite actually, a lot of people found her attractive and she was really popular. People often try to pry into her life because of how secretive she is but they couldn't find out anything about her in the end.
She kept things like her quirk, family (that ones obvious), likes, dislikes, even grades locked up. There was one instance where utau had made a friend. They where someone utau considered a friend but after maybe a month they started giving away personal things about utau.
This bothered her so much she moved schools because of it. When she moved schools she was even more secretive. Almost nobody knew anything about her other than what she looked like.
Soon U. A entrance exams rolled around and utau tried for the heroics course but ended up in gen. Ed. She was devastated about it. Until she talked to her parents about it. Her dad told her that there was still hope. He said he was in general. Ed too before moving over to heroics in the sports festival. With some new found hope utau attended U. A in gen ed.
Her dad trained her the basics of hand to hand combat and how to dodge when he had the time. Until being transfers to heroics from the sports festival.
She made maybe two friends in the hero course after a year but she made a few more the next two years. After graduating from U. A she became a well know hero. And yeah had about as normal as a hero life can go.
Her quirk™
Utau can make an illusion for as long as the song she is singing is. Anyone can become a victim to her illusion as long as they can hear her sing. Downside is she whatever it is she's singing about has to be relevant to whatever she's making an illusion of. Another downside being if she messes up in her song, hits a wrong note, etc whoever is in the illusion snaps out of it and she has to start again but after shes done an illusion once it's hard to do it again, not impossible but definitely difficult.
Her name™
Okay I only made this section to tell you, yes I know how uncreative I am in naming her. In English her name is actually sing illusion, and that's only according to Google translate. And I'm sure we all know how 'amazing' Google translate is... Anyways this is just here to tell you how uncreative I am. I tried.
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That's the sketch BTW if there are spelling mistakes, deal with it. I suck at spelling so. Deal. With. It.
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kellbellsparkles · 2 years
Breathe: a Zack POV oneshot with Cloud
Zack is found to be alive and reunited with Cloud, but he finds himself struggling to integrate into peacetime as his mind and body aren't working as one, sometimes putting him into danger, greatly concerning Cloud.
It happened again. I woke up in a pool of my own sweat, and the worst part was I couldn't remember the nightmare that may have caused it. My stomach threw punches at me and I couldn't breathe every time. Frankly, I don't know how I'm not dead yet. It'd certainly help if I could remember where the bathroom was.
The window. No one would mind if I hurled into the ground, right? I threw the covers on the ground and forced myself out of bed. God, why couldn't my legs just stay still? Why does it have to hurt to stand? Finally, I got my hands on the knobs and thrust the window open. Bam. Chunks just came spewing out. I got drenched in more than just my sweat; we got hit by a torrential downpour that night. The wind pasted my vomit all over the siding. Why not just lug the rest of me out the window right now? That's what it was apparently telling me to do when it clamped down on my neck after my dumb ass forgot to lock the knobs in place.
It was Cloud again. He saved me and held me as he pulled the window closed. He lowered me gently and stroked up and down my back.
"It's okay," he said. "I'm here. I got you."
I choked as I struggled to breathe on top of worrying I'd throw up again. He wrapped himself around me.
He leaned me back towards him and fastened me on his lap. He rested his hands smack dab on my stomach.
"Slowly," he said gently. I winced my eyes shut and tried to comply. My mouth was so gross. He had to have smelled it on me; how could he stand it? However, as I felt his palms pressing and even caressing my gut, I grew to trust him. I rested my eyes and let my arms lay limp.
"Good, Zack. There you go."
I didn't keep track of time; we just sat there. I felt my heart beat becoming more even. The queasiness was still there, but definitely better than it was.
"You ready to get cleaned up?" Cloud asked me.
"Yeah," I said. "I think so."
He popped me off for a moment to stand himself up. Carefully, he draped my arm over his shoulders and held me up by my waist. It didn't feel that long ago that it was the other war around. We hobbled to the bathroom next-door. Of course it was right next-door. He helped me hunch over the sink, turned it on, and handed me a paper cup of water. I guzzler and spat as many times as it took to get that bitter taste out of my mouth.
"A'ight," I said. "I'm good."
Here comes my favorite part now: Cloud helping me out of my sticky clothes. It's sad, but at the same time. I don't blame him. Among the first few nights my nocturnal episodes began, I fell out of bed and hit my head pretty hard. I wasn't breathing when Cloud found me, so I was kept in the hospital and monitored for a few days. Ever since, during the day, I get lightheaded and nauseous when there's a lot of people around. One time at Seventh Heaven when I stood up to go get some fresh air, I fainted and would've hit my head again if Cloud wasn't there. Next thing I knew, I was being bridal carried and not allowed to leave bed until my head was on straight.
It's stupid, really. In my head, I knew we were safe, but my body was always ready to fight something. Sometimes, I wondered if any of this was real to begin with; it seemed too good to be true.
Once my boxers were off, Cloud ran the water for the tub. As he checked the temp, I clung to the sink for dear life. I wasn't going to let dizziness take a hold of me again. I put into practice everything Cloud taught me about breathing to the best of my ability. In and out from the tum.
Suddenly, he swept me off my feet to save me the effort of stepping into the tub myself. How romantic. He held my head under the warm, running water and lathered his fingers through my hair. The man has been out of commission and through mind fuckery hell. He's become so strong, so what does that make me, now, as I'm being coddled?
"Hey man," I said. "I'm really sorry about all this. I've been one, big mess..."
Cloud just looked at me and shook his head fiercely.
"You never gave up on me," he said. "So I'll never give up on you."
"What if I never come out of this? I'll be running you raggedy and grey..." Cloud didn't need any more baggage.
"We'll take it day by day. There's no need to force yourself. What matters is that you're healthy and safe." He rested his hand on my forehead.
"I'm not going anywhere. It's going to be okay."
My heart. His voice was so smooth and confident, I could cry. I actually did. Cloud stopped soaking my hair and pulled me into a hug. He didn't care that he got wet. At that moment, I just thrust my arms around him and held him tighter. It all came flooding back to me: the endless days and nights I spent fighting and protecting alone, striking up a conversation in hopes that he'd wake up.
"I'm not dreaming this?" I sobbed. "Is this real life?" Please, let this be real.
"Yes," Cloud said softly. "I promise. I'm right here."
I just buried my whole head into his shoulder. The body heat we were sharing... I saw visions of Cloud's journey since I was left on the cliff just outside of Midgar. Our mako and Jenova cells must've been reacting to one another. If those were memories, then we really were in the real world. I relaxed, and I could feel Cloud smiling as he nuzzled the top of my head. Maybe now, these scary nights will happen less often.
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tamisdava-blog · 7 years
Me and my sis playing lobotomy corporation
Me: Sis, please make my wish :3
sis: oh god what now?
*after hours of persuasion*
Me: finally!
Sis: FML
*game starts*
Me: so lets start with basics! *explains everything about abnormalities, the skull guy(dont force me to write their full names please) act and TRALALALA!
Sis: fuck this shit! *runs away after first day in game*
*after a week of chasing my sister*
Me: lets start again :3
sis: FML again.
*this time i somehow holded her so she wasn't able to run this time!*
me: choose our new abnormally monster!
sis: this cant get any worse right? *chooses grandma*
*i already had grandma before i started playing this game so its was easy*
me: nu how? :3
sis: the game is getting more interesting.
me: LETS CHOOSE! >:3
Sis: *chooses meat lantern*
me: o i didn't had this in my first walkthrought!
Sis: OMG this one is so cute :3
me: yep :3
*after of our first meeting with meat lantern*
sis: whata you said?
*Meat Lantern comes out and eats someone*
Me and my sis: O_O ... *dead silence*
*after we learned about it more and we with miracle completed the day*
ME: oh so its only needed temperence lvl 1...
Sis: choosing new one! *chooses theresia*
*the next day in game*
Me: so... oh you chose Theresia :D
Sis: let me guess you already had this one and it was good?
Me: yep
*next day opening information team!*
Sis: sis i chose a butterfly!
me: *looks* O_O *sights* thanks to god its not butterfly, its just a fat fairy.
Sis: oki doki!
*choosing the burning girl!*
Sis: oh its new right?
me: lets not touch her.
Sis: But-
*because of problems we weren't able to complete this day fast and we were stuck there for a long time*
Sis: what?
*the burning girl boomed*
Me and sis: O_O
Me: wait they are alive?
Sis: HOly i dont know what to say here! THEY ARE ALIVE!
*happy music and hugging with tears*
After that day in game*
Sis: *chooses the naked woman*
Me: *oh crap i dont remember what we should do with her* *i played demo but i dont remember .-_-.*
Me: lets test her instincts!
*and after because of other reason we weren't able to complete the day fast*
Me: oh i remembered. SHE DID IT! *points on naked woman with a evil voice* because we weren't visiting her fo a long time she decided to scare us :D
Sis: you couldn't warned me?!
Me: nah :D
*after that day in game*
ME: Me too :) *cant close eyes*
Sis: *chooses book that is made from skin*
Sis: lets check it?
Me: nope
*opening training team!*
Sis: *chooses butterfly face*
Sis: you are saying it to me?
Me: TO BOTH OF YOU! You know why he holds coffin?
Sis: em no?
Sis: met him?
Sis: wait does he really do it? :)
*after our first meeting with him*
Me: FML he just ran out.
Sis: what should we do?
Me: send our people to die, we'll lose anyway -_-
Sis: why the heck you are so heartless?!
Me: in real life i amn't heartless and you in real life aren't so emotional.
sis: but we are sending them to death!
ME: Oh wait i am a bad cop and you are good cop! And btw that butterfly face is death himself belive me, i experienced that.
Sis: oh Holy cheese burger without meat, Meat lantern ran out!
ME: we are sooo craped!
*meat lantern eats someone*
Sis: ???
Me: that stupid moth is going to Meat Lantern.
ME and sis: HAHAHAHAA *evil laught* we are going to see the battle of titans!
*the butterfly attacks Lanter from far*
ME: ok lantern is doomed how i see
*the stupid butterfly goes to Meaty*
sis: oh shit there is only Yuri left.
Yuri: .o-o. *the only poor worker left alive*
Me: faster lets collect energy before that stupid thing that is butterfly or moth with coffin ran away again.
*didn't make it in time and that stupid thingo with coffin ran away and with him ran away Meat lantern*
ME: LMAO our savior knows when he needs to help us >:D
Sis: he is truly our savior >:>D
*and meaty won this time too*
Me and sis: WE WON!
Yuri: Fuck those stupid girls .o~o.
*after this day bootyfly ran away again*
Sis: W.H.A.T W.E S.H.O.U.L.D D.O?
Me: we should force Meaty to run away. What he dislikes more?
Sis: ... Repression.
me: lets do it!
*after of several times doing so*
Sis: why the heck it isn't running away?!
Me: IDK D:
Sis: lets do something else with him!
ME: NOOOO! He dislikes this REPRESSION!
Sis: i promise if we'll lose i wont start playing this game again!
Me: like you would have a choice. You remember that i am having birthday in march? =)
Sis: FML >:>
Yuri: please butterfly with the dam coffin come and kill me! because of them died my friends! i want to be with them!
Butterfly: Nu if you are asking me, i'll try to come =)
Yuri: NO NO! come now! I cant take it anymore!
ME: oh fuckin dam miracle Meaty finally broke free!
Sis: finally.
*meaty eats Yuri*
me and sis: O_O'
Butterfly: you %^## i wanted to kill him! >=(
Meaty: *turns* you can fight me and take him from my belly if you wont lose again you stupid moth in a costume!
Angela: Managers, you lose the day, you should start this day over.
Me and sis: ok lets watch the battle of titans 2 and we'll go to sleep
Angela: but-
Me and sis: shhhhhhhh
Angela: *sight* what a stupid kids. *disappears*
Sis: *closes game*
Me: whatcha think?
Sis: i thought Meaty was on our side!
Me: tak-tak we repressioned it, you know that its bad right? you would like it on his place?
Sis: But it was Yuri we just were commanding-
Yuri's ghost: *shows middle fingers*
Sis: wait, justice was executed, Yuri repressioned meaty and he was eaten, we were commanding him and many died because of us so we lost the game.
Yuri: fuck you *goes in heaven*
Me: karma, now i feel bad. Meaty was the one who saved us, and with what we paid him? We just repressioned him till he ate Yuri.
Sis: geez i didn't thought that the game would be so hard.
*after the week*
ME: *opens game* *restarts game*
Angela: *sits on chair with a turned back* *turns* Oh so you came back... without your big sister, i see...
To be continued?
Lobotomy corporation is really a great game. In my opinion it deserves more fans and respect, its still a demo but its great and now it has a plot.
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