#i decided to drabble again because at least this way my microfics will not turn into accidental 30k words again
courfee · 1 month
@jegulus-microfic | april 30 - sky | wc 100
“Have you ever thought about where the sky starts?” “What do you mean ‘where the sky starts’?” James pokes his hand up into the air above his and Regulus’ picnic spot. “Is this the sky?” he asks. “No, that’s just air.” “Am I in the sky flying on my broom?” “No, you’re flying towards it.” “So where does it start? How far do I have to fly to reach the sky?” “Are these really the things you want to talk about on our anniversary?” James lowers his hand and looks at Regulus. “With you? I want to talk about everything.”
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peachpety · 3 years
first line game
Oh gosh! Thank you for tagging me @xanthippe74, @the-starryknight, and @onbeinganangel! ❤️ This was such an interesting task, both to read y’alls first lines and to celebrate your fics, brilliant all...and to then turn that lens on my own postings! At first, I’ll admit, I was at a loss. Do I include all my drabbles (of which I’ve many, apparently, sheesh). Microfic? Then I decided to follow @tackytigerfic’s lead and am only including the last 20 stories over 1k. 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors. 
All are Drarry, with quite a few from my Autumn Drabbles, except one which is a Snarco PWP (a complete anomaly and gift for my dear friend!)...
1. It’s Called Fashion, Potter || Draco knows the moment Harry enters Theo’s flat.
2. yin & yang || Snape leans back, the chair stiff and fortifying against his shoulder blades.
3. Color Me Enamored || Harry sinks gingerly into the full bathtub, his sharp inhale echoing off the marble tiles.
4. Peace, Love and Sunflowers, Motherf**kers || Harry bites his cuticle and his eyes drift again to the door of the pub. 
5. Forces of Attraction || The first sigh is merited.
6. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Harry Potter || Harry bypasses the rickety gate, continuing down the hardened dirt path riddled with fallen leaves.
7. Luxury Tent || Draco’s gaze is fixed on Harry’s bum.
8. the luck of the draw || “You lost it?” Ron laments. 
9. You Kill Me || The first fall flurries drift across the windshield as the car rolls to a stop.
10. Life Imitates Art || The year of the first pumpkin carving contest at Hogwarts is a fact highly contested.
11. That Touch of Pink || Harry orders the next round from the Dracula behind the bar and props himself up next to Ron to wait, surveying the costumed crowd from under the sailor hat tilted jauntily on his head.
12. Certified Grade A || Harry slams the glass jar of maple syrup onto the granite counter.
13. Special Recipe || Draco grimaces into his Solo cup, the lukewarm keg beer sour on his tongue. 
14. Manor House No. 7 || Draco taps his pen against the register, and watches the bellman escort an elderly couple down the corridor to the main-floor suite.
15. If You Wish || The queue for the Ferris wheel is 20 people deep, at least.
16. Draco L. Malfoy vs. The Weasley Jumper || It’s a fair assessment that Draco L. Malfoy knows clothes.
17. Kiss My Fist || The queue outside the abandoned asylum wraps around the dead trees lining the weed-pocked sidewalk.
18. Some Assembly Required || Draco comes out of the bathroom suddenly, startling Harry out of a doze.
19. nailed || a texting fic! I’ve included the first text...
2:58 PM so, draco i’ve a question
20. Sun Stroke || Draco tucks his hands inside the sleeves of Theo’s hoodie.
* * *
Patterns, patterns, hmmm. Well, like @onbeinganangel, I’m mainly short and punchy and jumping right into action almost every time. Like @the-starryknight, I want to work on opening dialogue, and hope, as well, to improve like @xanthippe74!  I see two fics that start out almost exactly the same with our boys standing in a queue, le sigh. (I actually remember making note of this at the time, but I was in the midst of Autumn Drabbles and chugging along...and I thought who will even notice? Nobody...until now, lol!). 
My favorite is from #1 (It’s Called Fashion, Potter) because I’ve dual POV in this fic and Harry’s POV mirrors Draco’s in the beginning: Harry knows the moment Draco arrives in the hallway. It was a lovely way, I thought, to depict the mutual yearning between our boys.
I tag @davonysus, @primavera-cerezos, @dracothecupcake, @ladderofyears, @mystickitten42, @fangqueen, @phenomenalasterisk, @thusspoketrish, @mxmaneater, @cibeewastaken...partake if you’d like, no pressure if not, and apologies for crossposting! (and how blessed am I that I’ve so many authors that I adore?? I could easily list 10+ more and wow. I’m humbled, y’all!)
xoxo peach
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