#i did 95% of this yesterday dw
quasieli · 1 year
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[Image description: Two digital drawings, both of my OC Fitz (they/he/it) set against a brick pattern background. The images are same except for their colors. The first drawing is in a limited palette of dark sage green, light sage green, medium yellow, medium orange, and dark red. The second drawing is in a limited palette of hot pink, navy blue, neon yellow-green, light sage green, and denim blue. Fitz is a young, fat, Eladrin with short undercut hair with a swirling pattern tattoo on the shaved side. They are wearing an open coat that goes down to their hips and boxer shorts, with no shirt beneath the coat. His hands are both at his sides, with one in the pocket of the coat. He is facing towards the right and looking off in the distance with a soft smile. End description.]
Why finish prepping for my game tomorrow when I could be drawing Them?
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the-maddened-hatter · 8 months
Short list of my little medical adventure yesterday bc I was too tired to write it out yesterday (dw I'm like 95% better now):
Went to immediate care at the asscrack of dawn bc my fever and swollen lymph nodes I'd developed the day before decided they wanted to go poly with a full-body rash
Met a doctor who looked a lot like captain Haddock from that CGI TinTin movie but with a little less beard
Captain Doctor said gtf to the hospital right now because you either have something bad from the antibiotics you're on for that mild post-surgical redness or something worse like sepsis. Leave rn with your dad (who had driven me) and I'll go call them.
Hospital takes a shitton of blood vials out of me (and I got further confirmation that my veins are absolute fucking stingy deep-set bastards)
fluids, Benadryil and epinephrine IV cocktail made me get dizzy and start loopy laughing on and off for about 15-20 minutes. I laughed so much at one point that I think maybe I didn't really breathe correctly for a bit bc my nails went grey for just a minute (they got better right after I noticed them and consciously breathed regularly for a minute)
Got a shot of epinephrine in the stomach. Sounds horrifying, but actually somehow wasn't
Blood tests came back and they said I didn't have sepsis, the immediate care's mono test was just weak af and I actually *did* have mono and I'm apparently allergic to bactrim so stop taking that and take this other one instead. (basically I didn't have either thing Captain Doctor was worried about, but I did still get double whammied)
IV emptied and I was doing a lot better so I was allowed to be discharged, but since I had to pee a nurse said go ahead and collect a urine sample. This proved to be really difficult because 1- I'm short as fuck and Istg this toilet was built for a damn giant, 2- I was still shaking really bad from all of the epinephrine so bracing to pee was like adhd legs times 1000, and 3- I already have dyspraxia so I was terrified I was going to drop my cup into to toilet because of that, the gown, and the other two factors.
I don't think they even ended up taking the urine sample, I just kind of left it on the counter in the room and my dad and I left.
The good news is that the prescriptions the hospital gave me are working great and I feel *way* better, just a little bit jittery from prednisone and loopy from something they gave me for the rash (which is already calmed down by like 30000%, this is just a little bonus not having to deal with it)
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hugyoongs · 5 years
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↠ summary: join the ride of seven best friends as they navigate their way through the stress, love, joy, and adventure that college brings.
↠ pairings: taejoon, 2seok, yoonkookmin
↠ genre: crack (honestly 95% of the book), angst, fluff
↠ word count: 721 
↠ warnings: everybody is BIG gay, language, they just want some dick :(
masterlist | next
alright u hoes
which one of u ate the leftovers in the fridge
that were clearly labeled “SEOKJINS FOOD! DO NOT TOUCH”
wasn’t me i swear
i bet all of my money that it was tae
i second that notion
you guys are horrible
jin believes me 
no i dont
i have three suspects in mine
it was either tae, joon, or jimin
and 2 out of 3 of those suspects are silent.
srry i’m busy 
do you guys like..not have class?
it’s saturday egghead
so all of you just watched me get dressed, grab my books, and walk out the door to the other side of campus
all of you...fake.
but i just woke up…
it’s 2pm
your lazy ass should be up
which one of you dusty, bum-ass, ungrateful little hoes ate my leftovers
shit im sorry, that was me
dont worry, i can make more
i would’ve gotten beaten
ahaha ;)
can yall like flirt somewhere else pls
embrace the gay
jimin’s only saying that because my man has like 10 different boyfriends
is that why u were busy earlier jimin..
i was busy giving myself stis
i know damn well that this isn’t surprising any of you
who shares a dorm with jimin again?
alright everybody gather around for a prayer circle
on this day, we pray for jungkook’s ears. we pray that that they stay intact and that jimin and whoever is in his room at the time..stay quiet.
don’t act like you’re a fucking saint
no swearing in the prayer circle @minsugay
you see jesus has given me a free pass
plot twist, i am jesus
well, jesus bring back my food
i thought you said that you could make some more
i CAN but…
just admit to the double standards and go
shut the fuck up
why is this still a conversation
what happened to ‘no swearing in the prayer circle’
this is what i call discrimination against asians
we are all asian
some hotter than others *cough*
like me
don’t get cocky now
dw yoonglo boonglo, jimin thinks you’re hot
jimin thinks that everyone is hot if they have a dick
yoongi especially
exCuse me? your just jealous that your ugly
first of all, you’re*
thanks jimin, i appreciate the love
y’all are fucking gay
we know
oh we appreciating our homies now?
i appreciate you bro
i appreciate you too bro
one panicked gay + another panicked gay = joon and tae
shut up
yoongi the poet
it rhymed
only jungkook would notice that
only jungkook
anyways….hey yoongiiiiii
what do u want peasant
only i am superior over all of u...so only i have the power to call you guys peasants
alright go off
yoongiiii….can u uber eats me panda express
no, i fucking can’t
bet you could deliver some food to jungkook
i heard he likes meat
that is all jimin
yoongi’s dick is too small for my standards
and how would you know, our holy child park jimin
our holy child park jimin who comes to my prayer circles every day
our holy child park jimin who does not indulge in horrid behavior
holy child park jimin who dosent know how to fucking wash the dishes
holy child park jimin who has probably contracted all the stis in the book
shut up, tiny dick
you probably wanna suck it though
i am not ignoring seokjin when i say this
...but whos dorm for tonight?
not ours, it’s messy as fuck
now wait a damn minute
i just cleaned it yesterday
that’s unfortunate
guess that means it’s our dorm 
when did i agree to this
when did anyone say that you had a say
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jungnoir · 7 years
just to continue off of that yukhei head canon, jungwoo as a florist or part of the school gardening club? thank you :) (also love u so much this is the shy anon who thinks ur ethereal but can not show her love as well as she wants to❤️🌹)
(jungwoo requester) also i’m sorry i never specified what i wanted it as but tbh anything you’d like to do because you’re amazing and i have full trust no matter what you do:)❤️            
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a/n: here you go!! my dumb self accidentally lost the first half of this yesterday so i tried to recreate the magic as much as possible. and ok!!! i was super excited to get going on this when i got this message!! i love you too omg and dw!! i’ll make these headcanons to keep up with the bad boy!yukhei ones. I hope you enjoy~ the bad boy!yukhei headcanons in question are here. also, i’ll stop blabbering soon, but i recommend listening to this song when you read this :)
jungwoo got into gardening because of his parents influencing him from a young age
jungwoo’s parents were v v much crazy about nature and grew up in the countryside, so when they moved closer to the city, they severely missed having all that open space and being surrounded by green
no matter where jungwoo’s family lived, they always had a garden and they always employed jungwoo’s help
whether he was carrying tiny potfuls of dirt across the yard or whether he was watering the plants, he was always doing something with his parents out there
as he got older, he started doing more heavy labor
in fact, by the time he was thirteen, he could tell a farmer a thing or two about a thing or two ok ok
also by thirteen, his parents gave jungwoo a small section of the backyard where he could start his own garden
while he loved to plant flowers, he also liked to plant veggies and herbs and the like
he has this cute little aloe vera plant that has gotten quite big recently (!)
he makes a lot of homemade remedies and things
now, being best friends with bad boy!yukhei, he also knows a variety of plants that can be used to treat cuts, burn, bruises, you name it
sometimes yukhei just shows up at jungwoo’s door and his parents are like “jungwoo!! he got hurt again!!”
and jungwoo just quietly leads yukhei into the bathroom, sits him down on the toilet and has a lil upset expression on his face as he treats yukhei’s scraped knuckles with salves that he made himself for things,,, just like this,,, cause goddamn it wong yukhei u are a mess
it doesn’t happen as often seeing as yukhei is like. Large and scares most contenders off pretty easily with his words and those thick eyebrows but sometimes a dude gets a lil brave every now and then and yukhei has to show ‘em a thing or two
yukhei always likes to be cute tho, just to convince jungwoo not 2 be mad
yukhei: u kno,,, jungwoo, ur my best friend :)
jungwoo: unfortunately
yukhei: whenever u help me out like this i just think abt how like,, u and me? we’re an iconic duo u kno???
jungwoo: what
yukhei: ur like the village mage and i’m the humble but emotionally motivated warrior protagonist u kno
jungwoo: yukhei i don’t know what you’re trying to SAY
yukhei is kinda mad that jungwoo doesn’t appreciate his analogies but i mean,,, it’s Fine that’s just the problem with being best friends with the village mage and not sidekick #1
even tho jungwoo acts absolutely exasperated with yukhei and yukhei loves to tease the eldest, they’re both fiercely protective of each other
like yeh yukhei will avoid abt 95% of the fights that ppl try to start with him bc all he has to do is buck up and ppl run but like?? one time a fool came up to him and started talking shit about jungwoo’s gentle persona and long story short yukhei was almost expelled and that aforementioned fool switched schools the following week
Nobody Disrespects Jungwoo In Yukhei’s House
and while jungwoo is definitely not the fighting type (he much prefers using his words to get his points across), he also has done a lot of research and has access to several recipes for poison so like don’t fuck with yukhei is what i’m trying to say
don’t ask why he has those just don’t fuck with yukhei and u won’t have to worry about it
anywho :)
it wasn’t until jungwoo started his first year at school that he realized that he’d always,, gardened by himself
and it wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy his solitude!! it was just that he’d never really realized that he wanted to share his hobby with anyone until he got to high school
even tho yukhei was his best friend, they clearly didn’t share the same hobbies as yukhei would rather rot inside all day than go outside and “let the sun cook me from the inside out while doing physical labor”
and even though his parents gardened, they didn’t do it as often anymore
so!!! lil jungwoo just decides to pitch his idea to the school about starting a gardening club
at first, there’s only jungwoo so the school isn’t totally sure they should even bother but then jungwoo brings along a few friends who are interested in joining and they let it be
and the club absolutely flourishes over the next four years
it rapidly collects members of all types and backgrounds, people who lived in rural areas and people who had been at their closest to plants in a flower shop
jungwoo is just so bright and friendly and sweet that a lot of ppl join when he asks despite not knowing a thing about gardening
and by the time jungwoo is about to graduate, he’s got such a following and ppl who are just as passionate as him who want to take over when he heads off to college (yukhei told him he better take a gap year so they could go into college as freshmen together but that choice was still pending oops)
the school had seen how passionate they all were so early on and decided to devote a part of the land at the school to the club to do with as they wished, so jungwoo had the great idea of creating a mini garden paradise
they all pitch in to decorate the garden so it has a beautiful stone walkway with trees that line it and flowers planted all around. benches are placed every couple of feet and it is the Perfect place for students to come whenever they feel particularly stressed during the end of the school year and need somewhere that’s just not hectic
the cool thing about this lil garden is that on holidays, they dress it up!!
so for the christmas eve, they string lights through the trees and hang ornaments on them while the school choir sings carols the whole night
and on valentine’s day, they also string lights through the trees but add little foam red and pink hearts to hang from the branches and on each heart, you can buy one and write a name of someone you love
it can be your family members, your best friend, a crush, or your significant other
it can even be ur cat!!!
(jeno has been doing this for the last three years and we’re honestly all concerned he loves nothing else)
the cool thing about these hearts is that you can either write the name of who you love anonymously and hang it on the tree (and whose ever name you wrote gets to take the heart home with them if they’d like) OR you can sign it ;)))
the tradition is, if you sign the heart and that person finds it and brings it to you, that means they accept your confession
despite jungwoo being the key organizer of this v-day event, he’s never participated
that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been confessed to more than a dozen times
when his mom saw how many he’d brought home with him since sophomore year she asked him if she could make a collage and hang it up in his room but he was like mom!!! no!!!! that’s lame
so he keeps them all in a shoe box under his bed
and when he feels a little down or ignored, he’ll pull the box out and remember that some people out there like him a lot
there were all unsigned, but sometimes jungwoo would wish that one of them would be signed at least
part of him would feel himself grow expectant every time someone came to his table to get a heart and he’d wonder “is that one of them?” “will they do it again this year?” “is this the year they sign it?”
the other members would often joke with him abt how his eyes would light up when someone would buy one and would always fidget a lil as he thought about all the possibilities
you had joined jungwoo’s gardening club your second year when your counselors started encouraging you to join clubs to meet people
honestly, there were a lot of strange clubs around
you had almost joined the gaming club but then you found out about this school gardening club, and something abt it just,, called to u
your first time you went, you found a piece of paper crudely taped to the door of the classroom they were supposed to meet up in and all it said was “outside”
so, you went outside
and sure enough, in the back of the school in the large expanse of land back there, you found a bunch of students near this garden all crouched down and doing… Something
you made your way over, a little confused, and tapped the shoulder of the person nearest you
they have a huge ass sun hat on so when they turn around, you weren’t really expecting such a,, good looking guy,,, oh. hm
jungwoo narrows his eyes at you, but it’s only bc he has to look up and the sun is getting into his eyes “hello! can i help you?” he asks cheerily, pushing himself up from the ground and clapping the dirt off his gloves
he’s much taller than you expected, so you step back a little and try to remember what u had even came all this way to do in the first place lol
“ah! uh… this is the gardening club, right?”
jungwoo was smiling before, but now he grins so wide that his front two teeth resemble bunny teeth
“it sure is~ i’m jungwoo, the head of the club. did you want to join? i promise, you’ll have a lot of fun” he promises this to you and you absentmindedly think that even if he tried to sell you rat poison under the premise it was candy, you would believe him
but this club is rlly candy in this case bc once you’ve told him your name and joined, you find that it’s so much more fun than you had expected
you had really just wanted to be able to tell your counselors you were into something but now,, now u were really passionate about this
something about how jungwoo ran the club made you so interested in gardening
he taught you the basics from the ground up, but it wasn’t super hard???
he was always very simple and forward with what you needed to do, so you had v lil chance of messing up
he was also v friendly and was constantly asking questions abt your life
he always sounded so interested!!! even in the lil things
like what was your last class of the day? what flower appealed to you the most?
he helped you plant your first “honorary” flower as a member of the club
on the walkway, each member gets a flower to take care of up until graduation, after which then the other members will keep it alive to remember them and their contributions to the club
jungwoo just has a lot of sappy cute traditions ok
he tells you that you can plant anything, so you choose the flower you like most and he tells you you can plant it right next to his
even tho… there’s tons of space…. jungwoo…… it doesn’t have to be…. next to yours
this also means that when you all go out to check on the garden, you have to stand right next to him to check on your flower
your knees touch his as you water them together, make sure they’re getting enough light, etc
he always loves to talk to you about the flowers
honestly sometimes he just chatters and chatters and you’ve noticed over time that it’s a nervous habit of his
it was,,, rlly cute
since it was fall when you joined, jungwoo informed you that it was important to care for the flowers so that they wouldn’t be too affected by the weather change
you remembered one cloudy october day when the club couldn’t meet bc of the expected rain storm that evening
you had been about ready to head home for the day when you saw something strange through the windows, where the garden was
there, you could see a very frustrated jungwoo trying to set up tarps over the garden to protect them from the harsh weather
he hadn’t quite gotten it set up right
it was supposed to stand like a small tent over the flowers that weren’t covered by the trees, but it kept slipping off the middle post
rushing out to the patio, you drop your backpack next to the back door and sprint over to help jungwoo steady it
he’s surprised you’re there, but smiles appreciatively and gets back to work hammering it in the ground on the other side
“thanks,,, i honestly thought i could do this myself but i guess not” he rubs the back of his neck and laughs shyly
you just chuckle, “i saw you struggling and couldn’t help but come over”
jungwoo clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, “where would i be without you, (y/n)?”
you bite your lip and look away before he can see how flustered that comment alone makes you
somewhere along the way, he’s gotten the tarp set up correctly, so he’s just about ready to call it a day when all of a sudden,,, it starts beating down rain
jungwoo, in surprise, grabs an extra tarp he’d taken and throws it over his shoulders before coming over to you and handing you the other side
all he tells you is to “run!” and you just start sprinting toward the cover of the trees because it’s the closest thing to you
and,,, you’re standing awfully close to each other
you don’t register jungwoo is laughing until he unknowingly presses his chest against your shoulder, the vibrations from his laughter shocking you out of your concentrated stare on the crazy rain that forced the sky to be dressed in a dreary grey
you look up at jungwoo and find him grinning at you, “why’d you run this way and not toward the school?”
the rain is beating against the tarp despite the tree cover, but it’s not nearly as much like it is out on the open grass
“oh,,, uh,,, well it was closer and.,,, uh,,,”
yeh no u can’t even find the logic in your choice
but jungwoo doesn’t seem so bothered by it
he looks around the garden and sighs, “i’m glad you came to help me when you did… otherwise the flowers would be in trouble”
you just nod, trying not to focus on how warm his skin is against your own
he suddenly crouches down so you’re uneven and you blink at him, “jungwoo, what are you doing?”
“do you wanna run out there again?”
“uh,, not right now, no”
“then let’s just sit here and watch the rain. it looks really nice like this”
to be honest, you couldn’t see how pretty it could really be sitting outside in the rain, but he was also holding one half of the tarp and it wasn’t like you could really leave him like that,,, so u sit down
you both have to cross your legs so the rain won’t get you wet, and while you’re both sitting on the walkway and looking out as thunder rumbles and flashes of lightning show in the distance, jungwoo says very softly “most people don’t like this kind of weather because it’s wet and cold and disruptive… but i find it kind of peaceful. even though it isn’t very nice for my garden, i still like it in a way. it’s like the world telling you to stay in for the day and rest”
you look over at him once more, but he’s focused on the sky, eyes alight with the same kind of admiration that he has for his flowers
he looks captivating
you smile almost instinctively, “a gardener who likes gloomy weather?”
he chuckles, meeting your eyes, “if you know plants, you know that they don’t just need sunshine all the time. they also need rain. you come to appreciate both and set up protection when needed. kinda like people… though it takes us longer to realize that for ourselves in comparison to plants.”
you’re not sure what to say after that, so instead, you scoot minutely closer to him and start to look at the rain through the same rose-colored glasses that he does
you don’t realize how long you’ve stayed out there with him until one of the teachers leaving for the day catches sight of you both and tells you to come inside before it gets too late and the storm picks up more
reluctantly, you walk with jungwoo until you get under the patio and its overhead roof, and when you grab your phone out of your bag, you find that you’ve got quite a few missed calls from your parents
“i really should go, my parents are probably pissed i missed their calls” “ok!! i’ll see you tomorrow then?”
he lets the tarp fall, and his hair is a little mussed from the rain that got on him before you both found shelter
his skin is dewy from the humidity
but he looks just as handsome as he did the first day you met
“yeah… tomorrow… hopefully we don’t get caught in the rain again” you joke
jungwoo suddenly turns bashful, “i… wouldn’t really mind”
that’s probably the day you fell for him tbh
you kept your feelings mainly to yourself, and when you found out about the valentine’s tradition, you thought that maybe,,, maybe you could just get those feelings out and be free of them
so you made your own heart instead of buying the ones you guys were selling and put it up on a random tree when you were sure jungwoo wouldn’t see
only, ,, you had expected to be the only one
it turned out that when you and some of your friends went walking through the garden to see if anyone left any for you, you found the trees decorated with so many other hearts that had jungwoo’s name
yours was the only one that was different
before you could go back and snatch it down however, jungwoo had already found it
“why’s this one look different?” you’d heard him ask his friend yukhei, who had begrudgingly tagged along
“idk dude, maybe they wanted to be special. you’ve got like a thousand fans around this school u know”
you don’t know why your heart felt so,,, pained when you heard that
after all, you just wanted to “confess” and get it out of your system in some way so you could move on
why would you care so much that other ppl liked him too? you couldn’t control that!!
however, you went home with a few hearts that your friends had left for you and decided that you would just leave it at that. the next day at school would be as normal, and you would start getting over your crush on kim jungwoo
except,,, it didn’t happen that way
if anything, the years that dragged on only made you more in love with him
and so, every year, you would leave another heart (always homemade, always the only one of his confessions that was different in some way)
and you never dared to sign them
you would stay anonymous and hope that by the time you graduated, your feelings would somewhat dissipate with age
look bih!!! it’s not working!!!
plus,,, it seems like ppl just keep catching on the longer it goes on
especially yukhei
you had never even talked to the guy but he had caught on to you after the first valentine’s incident almost immediately
he just spotted you in the hall, walked up to you, and said (in a very not subtle voice) “so you like my best friend!!”
you had to shush him and pull him around a corner where there were less students
and he’s just grinning like a fool, “you seem cute! don’t hurt him tho or you’ll wish you hadn’t”
and ur just like ;-; pls don’t threaten me i’m just tryna live my life as a simple lovestruck human being
but then he shakes his head “i’m just kidding, i know you wouldn’t hurt him,,, but why,,, won’t u tell him”
u: !!! i’m fine being just friends
yukhei: LOL yeah no really why won’t u tell him
feeling like you can’t continue to lie, you tell him that you feel like you won’t have a chance, what with the fact that he has so many admirers already and you don’t want to take any chances bc i mean,,, u really really like him
and you’ve already become his friend so why jeopardize that
but then yukhei is like “well,, i understand that much, but i think that you should still tell him. if not now, at least before it’s too late. you’re just going to keep feeling unsure and if you miss your chance, you won’t forgive yourself for that…. i know that it’s scary, but i will tell you one thing and you can figure out what to do with it: there’s a great chance your feelings aren’t as one sided as you think”
then he drops his eyelid down in a wink and pats your shoulder and leaves you like that
yet, still, you don’t confess
at least, not yet
you continue to just be friends with jungwoo and leave him that same unique heart in the garden every valentine’s but that’s it
you continue to keep yukhei’s words in mind, but haven’t yet decided went to act on them
fast forward to graduation, everything is all over the place
ppl are getting ready to head straight off to college, others are planning parties to celebrate, and others are just unsure of what to do
jungwoo knows that he’s going to miss this school with his everything
he’s already crying harder than his parents when he wakes up the morning of LOL
yukhei also comes over early that morning just to threaten remind jungwoo that he should wait for him so they can go to college at the same time
jungwoo: who even said you would get into the same college as me?
yukhei: do you think i don’t have my ways. we’re going to college together you fool
for some reason,,, jungwoo just pulls out the box of hearts he’s received
and he sets out the three unique ones he received
he had honestly tried his best to figure out whose writing it could have belonged to, had tried to rule out ppl who bought the hearts the club made, etc.
he never got to find out
he had once jokingly asked yukhei if he made them for him but yukhei just grinned all knowingly and told him he needed to look a lil deeper
and jungwoo was ???? but really anxious to know
but today was the last day for this mystery person to personally confess, and he felt a foreboding feeling. like it wouldn’t happen
he goes through the ceremony, taking pictures and the works
yet, the whole day, he hasn’t seen you
sure, he’d seen you walk the stage, but you had disappeared into the sea of people as soon as the ceremony ended
he had sent you several messages but you hadn’t answered any of them
he had taken his last pictures with the rest of the club and had elected the next leader of the club in a very emotional goodbye
he decided he would find you later, maybe see you before the day ended after he finished having dinner with his parents
he had one last thing he wanted to do before leaving, and that was in the garden
he looked at it now, a beautiful, ever-growing thing that had come a long way since ninth grade
now he was leaving it, and he couldn’t quite believe it
he wandered down the stone walkway and found his flower, right next to yours
he couldn’t help but snap a few pics of them, sending one or two to you in the process
when he had finished up reminiscing, he found himself just sitting on one of the benches and watching as the wind swayed the branches of the trees, distorting the sunlight that filtered through the leaves
he felt himself quietly laughing to himself as he recalled when you and him had gotten caught in the rain here all those years ago
it felt so far away now
tugging his cap off his hair, he leans forward on his knees and sighs
until something pink appears in his vision
it takes him a second to realize there is a little cut out heart in front of his face, hanging from a red string that dangles off a familiar finger
on the heart is his name, in that familiar handwriting that he had never been able to recognize
and underneath his name,,, it was signed
with your name
jungwoo follows the finger to your face, a nervous twitch in your smile as you hold the heart out to him
“i meant to leave this for you before you got here but… yukhei told me you’d beat me to it”
jungwoo breathes out in disbelief before reaching into his pocket for his own homemade heart with your name on it
“i guess we both have funny timing” you laugh, watching him stand from the bench to take your heart from you
jungwoo blushes, “the fact that we’re both here tells me our timing is good enough”
you watch as he puts both your hearts on a branch next to each other, watching the wind blow them back and forth in the breeze. the strings they’re hanging on tangle and it feels like a sign
he looks at you with that same look he gave his flowers, the same look he gave the angry, stormy sky as it shamelessly rained down on the both of you. his hand reaches for yours
“yeah,” you say softly, letting him pull you closer, “i think you’re right”
jungwoo captures your lips in a small kiss that feels like the last three years of longing finally finding a home
you suddenly don’t feel so bad about waiting for the right moment, because had you not, you might not have met jungwoo halfway like this
and it feels so, so good
also yukhei is totally taking pictures from behind a bush but dw about it
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xuhoon · 7 years
hey man another tag woohoo
also i told some of yall that i would take selfies yesterday and i did not! lol dw i still look the same
ok!! here we go!! thank you lovely @merryoonhaan for this fun tag! i gave my babies love from youuuu
Ultimate Bias: Seventeen - JIHOON!
Ultimate Wrecker: well, you see... :) leader line plus kwan and hao make up my top 5 and then out of NO WHERE wonu is like STAN ME BINCH so here i am, accepting the fate of that 
Ultimate Group: SVT 
Favourite Song: i actually dont think i can do this, like that isnt fair... every day boom boom
First Song: Probably Dope by BTS ngl, like at least for me becoming a stan. my first kpop song in general was Married To The Music but that was before my obsession by about 2 years ish
First Bias: Namjoon from BTS and he remains but i accepted that i triple bias for them so whatever hahaha
Hard or Soft Stan: see, i love all my soft babies but i also want to, if the universe permit, date them. like i know it isnt going to happen but i can dream
Favourite Ship: i try to ship platonically but then they do gay shit and im like YES TRUE LOVE cough verkwan ahaha
Favourite Album/Single: gotta love the latest, but Going Seventeen holds a nice top shelf thank you boom boom era
Favourite Company: i dont have one, since i stan groups from different ones lol (pledis svt, bighit bts, fantagio astro, jyp day6 etc)
Favourite MV: Don’t Wanna Cry because it was filmed in LA and ive been to some of those spots~~ come back soon!!
Favourite Live Stage: tbh! idk man! 
Favourite Fashion Sense: this is a tough one because svt does so well aha... ill go with Sanha because he’s so cute and soft in whatever he wears!! 95% leg bb
Favourite Hairstyle: give me blond hoon again. now.
Closest To Your Age: i looked it up becasue i didnt actually know. out of the groups i. stan i was thinking it was Dino or Rocky because im 4 mo older than them. It just so happens to be Rena from Pristin (Oct. 19, 1998), who is 5 days older than i am!
How You Got Into Kpop: emi: “hey stan bts” me: “ok!”
lol you already know!! this is totally one sided and i wish i could do them separately for the different groups i stan??? keep tagging me in stuff i love it
i tag @sanhatation @himeaegyo @jihoonhui @myungho and @spring-day6 !! love you guys <3 
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thetwelfthdr · 7 years
 Tag game
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @sansaoswald​
Tagging @boxedraggedydeams @wondvrwomvn @milverton @howaboutnono @rosetylr @anmechokola @legacy-lycanthrope @vinnie-cha @blurryirrelevant and 20 is too many so I’ll stop there.
the last…   
1. drink: chocolate milk
2. phone call: Lorraine, a friend.
3. text message: Emma, another friend/client who wants me to take photos of her
4. song you listened to: Malibu
5. time you cried: Probably yesterday, who knows. It was probably watching TV or youtube.
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. been cheated on: nope
9. lost someone special: the last person I lost I wasn’t close to aka David Bowie and Carrie Fisher
10. been depressed: never
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
favorite colors
12. Black
13. Burgundy
14. Red
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: maybe?
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, but more in a positive way
19. met someone who changed you: sort of 
20. found out who your friends are: yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 95%?
23. do you have any pets: nope 
24. do you want to change your name: no
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I don’t remember, not much? had cake? dinner?
26. what time did you wake up: 12 pm
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: tumblr
28. name something you can’t wait for: seeing the 13th doctor, meeting Charlie Cox, going back to school, La La Land in Concert 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: In person - July, Facetime, a few weeks ago?
31. what are you listening to right now: Come From Away soundtrack
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Tom Hiddleston. I said hi, and from afar, told him I loved him.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: nazis and other dumb people.
34. most visited website: tumblr
35. hair colour: black
36. long or short hair: short
37. do you have a crush on someone: ugh, unfortunately, yes. So inconvenient 
38. what do you like about yourself: I like my sense of style.
39. piercings: ears
40. blood type: I actually have no idea. And for someone that does bloodwork frequently, that’s kind of strange
41. nickname: ling, ah-ling.
42. relationship status: single but inconveniently having a crush on someone right now
43. zodiac: sagittarius
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock until it got ... weird, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Whose Line is it Anyway, The Crown, Game of Thrones ( I guess), Stranger Things, Lucifer, there’s too many really
46. tattoos: 3 - “So it goes” “DW” (bro’s initials), and a carnation with two arrows
47. right or left handed: right handed
48. surgery: eye surgery, wisdom teeth
49. piercing: yes, ears.
50. sport: I like playing them, but I’m so unfit that it’s just embarrassing.
51. vacation: went to montreal/toronto in july and met David Tennant.
52. pair of trainers: Nike’s
more general
53. eating: I really want a burger and fries
54. drinking: I really want bubble tea, and a French 75
55. i’m about to: sew.
56. waiting for: school to start
57. want: school to start, go to a classical concert, meet Tatiana Maslany,
58. get married: maybe
59. career: fashion or costume designer
60. hugs or kisses: kisses
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: literally everyone is taller than me 
63. older or younger: older
64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms
65. hook up or relationship: relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant:  hesitant troublemaker
67. kissed a stranger: yes
68. drank hard liquor: yes
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no
70. turned someone down: yes
71. sex on the first date: no
72. broken someone’s heart: no
73. had your heart broken: no
74. been arrested: no
75. cried when someone died: yeah
76. fallen for a friend: yes
do you believe in …
77. yourself: yes
78. miracles: yes
79. love at first sight: yes
80. santa claus: ...
81. kiss on the first date: yes
82. angels: maybe
83. current best friend’s name: so many.
84. eye colour: brown
85. favourite movie: Interstellar, Star Trek, the Martian, the King’s Speech, I dunno, there are a lot
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fragiilexa · 7 years
all of the odd numbers
distract me pls
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
Uh… nnnoo..? Um this question isn’t spesific enough for me to answer correctly. I’m not dating anyone if that’s what this question means.
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
My cat who literally just ‘meowed’ five seconds ago.
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
No, I’m not. Not really.
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Sadly no that sounds comfy tho.
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
There’s only three beds in my house & I’m never on other people’s beds so.. those three ig.
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Well not as planned no. I have learned literally nothing goes as planned. But things aren’t going as bad as I feared & I have a job now so I cannot complain about anything.
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
Rottwiler. Poodles… are cute but… jfc they’re so fluffy & they look prissy lmao
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Already answered.
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
I don’t have a phone that’s mine, so I don’t have a first phone contact.
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
I have never dated but like… starting up with old friends again… i… dunno… probably ‘cause i’m a weak ass yeah.
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
If I knew I had the right person I would want to, but ya’ll that marrage stuff needs to be planned again. I gotta find a dress & stuff fam. But I mean, yes I would.
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
25: What’s on your mind?
Girls are really pretty. 
27: What is your favorite color?
Pink or soft blues or rainbow bc i can’t choose.
29: Who are you texting?
No one at the moment.
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Yeah, usually it has to do with like.. friendships & stuff but I also have a lot of anxiety so it has happened but at the same time I know there’s a lot of times where I have a bad feeling & nothing comes of it ‘cause it’s just my anxiety. 
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Uh, yes? idk but if anyone did I am bad with feelings so im bad at showing them back lmao okay I suck tbh
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
I have… never kissed anyone… :( someone change this. But if the person I wanted to kiss was kissing someone in front of me i’d be sad so.
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Still haven’t kissed anyone, sigH
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Nah not really. I’ve been annoyed by my Dad but not like, upset just annoyed.
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
There was one on my arm & Idk how i got it but if someone wants to make a new one I mean ;)))) 
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
Yesterday I had a really strong urge to not be home ‘cause I don’t have like, full privacy & it bothers me sometimes.
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
Meh, I’m not really into like having a ton of shoes so I don’t have a favorite I just have a few & they’re all meh.
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Uh no my hair is my favorite thing about me lmao noooooooo
49: Does your bedroom have a door?
Yes. I’d die if it didn’t.
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
Lmao my Dad hates shopping.
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
Yeah. I don’t like them.
55: How is your hair?
It’s doin’ good fam dw. asdfsdg, no it’s getting too long actually I want to get it cut again… but also… i wanna grow it out…. idk.
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
Yeah. I don’t think to people will always be happy together or always be ‘in love’ all the time but I do believe that two people can choose to stay dedicated to one another forever. It’s about choice more than it is about being happy or infatuated all the time. 
59: Green or purple grapes?
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yeah. I wish I wasn’t in this state bc distace is a thing and I wanna be cuddling someone right now but sadly!! They’re too far away!! Ugh!!
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
Here still, but getting ready to go meet my Mom’s friend for dinner.
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Yeah. Same person.
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
NO SADLY I HAVE NOT. I should hug my mama :( 
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
Yep. Happens more than you think. But it’s life yanno? Sometimes things just dont work out for you & you have to take the punches. It doesn’t mean that that world is over or your life is meaningless it just means that you have to take a moment, then start again, or push on.
71: How many fingers do you have?
What an odd question? I have ten. ???
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
I’ll be 22!!!!!!!!!
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
Uh… hmm well idk who… my first love was… it’s complicated and so I don’t know how to answer this question ‘cause my feelings confuse me lmao.
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
No. But I really didnt have many friends then or now so.
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
Depends on what u mean by ‘like’ but just one.
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
I dunno hopefully, that’d be lovely if I did.
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
I don’t have a signifigant other but if I did I would probably not like that they were into drugs… like, idk pot ig that’s kind of like?? A lot of people do that but anything else would be a harsh no. I don’t even like smoking really.
87: Who was your last received call from?
My work.
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
Money so I could buy people things & go christmas shopping.
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
Not anymore it’s too cold.
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Uh… probably lmao but it’s… easier right now not to tell them.
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
Yes. Sadly, again, im in tears.
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in intriuge, curiosity, & infatuation at first sight. Sometimes you’re lucky enough to fall in love with that person later, but it’s not love at first sight.
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