#i did actually take it with just my regular phone btw im not lying i promi
evelyn-art-05 · 1 year
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would u believe me if I told u I managed to take this picture with my android phone
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makknays · 6 years
i don’t dance.
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can i request a one-shot taehyung college au? ❤ and angst, please 😇I dont really care about the plot :D it's up to you :)) I love you! youre such a great writer btw!❤
genre: angst?? again im bad at angst
word count: 2k
As if college wasn’t already enough of a pain in the ass, your so-called best friend had fucking bailed on you again. His excuse? He didn’t have one, it was like you weren’t even worth lying to. “Taehyung, you can’t keep bailing on our plans.” you told him over the phone whilst you were starting an assignment. “I’m so sorry, I’m just really busy.” “I know you are, you always are.” “___, please just understand.” “I’m trying but I never see you anymore. This isn’t because I told you I liked you last month was it?” “No, it’s nothing like that. I just- I’m busy, okay? Just wait for me.” It hurt that he was treating you the way he did because he knew how you felt and he pretended that none of those feelings existed, it was so selfish of him.
It never used to be like this; you couldn’t help that you felt the way you did. When you got a glimpse of what a relationship with him would be like your brain just suddenly turned on a switch that activated these feelings for him. He used to come into your dorm and try to rub off your eyebrows whilst you got ready, he would poke at you when some of your skin was exposed due to your cropped hoodie, he would carry you everywhere if you wanted him to and he made you the happiest person in the world but getting that glimpse also broke you apart because you would never truly experience being with him and you had come to terms with that; however, he was the one acting weird, not you.
“Are you coming to the club this Friday?” you asked Taehyung, over the phone. You were always talking over the phone these days since Taehyung never seemed to want to meet in person. “Yeah, should be. It’s Yoongi’s birthday.” “That’s the only reason?” “Well yeah, why else would I go?” “Yeah, why else… not like I haven’t seen you in like two months when you live five minutes away.” “____.” “It doesn’t matter. I’ve gotta go. Talk to you later.” After you hung up on him you collapsed onto your bed, staring at the ceiling blankly and before you knew it you were asleep. As you woke up there was a loud banging on the door of your tiny room, which irked you since that nap was the best sleep you had gotten all year. You reluctantly got up and moved towards the door at the thought it could be Taehyung behind it but you opened the door to a someone that was very much not him.
“Jungkook, what the fuck are you doing here?” “Taehyung told me to check on you. Something about not replying to his texts and calls. Oh and food. In case you forgot to eat again.” “Come in.” you tiredly replied, attempting to process the information he’d thrown at you. “Taehyung sent you?” “Yep.” “Is the food also from him?” “Yep.” “You know I haven’t seen him in like two months, right?” “Yeah… about that. What exactly happened?” “It’s nothing. He’s just being weird about it all.” “Oh, okay. Here, eat. You seem stressed.” he stated as he handed you a bag with a burger and fries in it. “That’s cuz I am stressed, Kook.” you replied before you started digging into the food.
“He misses you, you know?” “Nope. He sure doesn’t make it seem like he does.” “____, he won’t shut up about you, more than usual.” “Well, we’re seeing each other on Friday for Yoongi’s.” “That’s gonna be fun for all of us, isn’t it?” “What do you mean? You think I’ll confront his ass? I’m too lazy.” “At some point you’ll have to talk to him, ___.” “What if I don’t wanna?” “You’re being difficult, ___, this guy is your best friend.” “Yeah, the best friend that started acting all funny when I told him I liked him like two months ago. Like why can’t he just pretend I never said that?” “You told him you like him?” Jungkook replied, not knowing the missing piece of information that you had just told him. “Yeah, sucks to be me, right?” “___, you know him…He overthinks a lot. He’s probably just had a lot on his mind.” “It’s been like two months though, how long could he have been thinking?” “Look, ___, I know you’re upset and frustrated but everyone’s rooting for you guys to sort this stuff out. We know this can’t break your friendship and it sucks to see you guys the way you are but just see him on Friday and don’t let him act weird.” “Jungkook, I told him I liked him and it is breaking apart this friendship. I can’t stress the fact that I told him that and he stopped seeing me in person.” “Just come to me if you need to, okay? I’ll be right there. He’ll see you on Friday, he knows you’re coming, right?”
“Happy Birthday, bitch! You getting old now!” you screamed as you entered the living room of Yoongi’s apartment. “Thanks, I guess?” he chuckled as you pulled him in for a hug. “Glad you could make it.” Yoongi told you as he pulled away. “Glad I could be here. To be honest I need this night out.” “I think we all do;” he joked, “you spoken to Taehyung yet?” he whispered afterwards. “Well, we’ve spoken just not in person for a while.” “Talk to him.” “You talk to him.” “I did. It’s your turn now.” he deviously smiled as he left your side and went to the kitchen. “Bastard.” “Uh, hi. You need some company?” “Yes, I could actually do w-...oh, hi.” you awkwardly spoke, as you looked at the actual person who had spoken to you, realising it was Taehyung. “Want a seat?” “Yeah, that’d be quite nice.” “What have you been up to?” “You seriously gonna try and make small talk with me?” you asked, annoyed at the lack of getting to the point. “I don’t know what else to say. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.” he said as he sat down in the one seat that was left over. “Sit.” he told you as he motioned towards his lap and since there was nowhere else you obliged. “Yeah, I wonder who’s fault it would be that we haven’t seen each other in so long.”, you rolled your eyes. “It was justified.” “And what is that justification?” “Can we not talk about that here? We’re pre-gaming for the club and for Yoongi. We can talk about it later, okay?” “I don’t wanna sit here anymore.”
“How’d it go? I saw you talk to him.” Jungkook asked. “It didn’t go. He didn’t wanna talk about it here.” you sighed in annoyance. “Seriously? When will he talk about it?” Jungkook sighed. “I don’t know. He’s been avoiding it for so long and it’s annoying me. He’s, like, pretending it never happened.” you told him, in defeat as you sat down on a random chair in the kitchen. “He can’t ignore it forever; just give him a teensy bit more time.” “I already did that.” “Teensy bit more.” “Whatever, just take this next shot with me.” “I’m taking this as Taehyung didn’t want to talk about the elephant in the room between you guys?” Yoongi teased. “Is it that obvious?” “You want me to talk to him?” “No, that’ll make him want to run even further away.” “Whatever you want, hun.”
“Hey, Taehyung. What’s up?” “Uh, we’re celebrating your birthday?” “Not what I meant, dude.” “What’s up between you and ___?” “She sent you?” “Nah, she didn’t want me talking about it to you but you both seem so tense and upset over it.” “She told me she liked me.” “I am aware of that.” “I pretended she didn’t and have been actively avoiding her.” “I was aware of your dickhead behaviour too.” “Hey!” “Just calling it what it is. Besides why are you even acting this way? Didn’t you like her too?” “Yeah, I just. I never thought she would like me back so I guess I’ve been hiding in case it wasn’t true.” “You’re an idiot. Such an idiot. Sort this shit out. Do this as a birthday present or I’ll behead both of you.” Yoongi smiled before cheerfully walking back into the kitchen to mess with Jungkook and you.
After failing to find out what was up with Taehyung, everyone headed to the club, got ID’d, went to the bar, the regular. but you couldn’t help but wonder why Taehyung was still off with you. “Do you wanna dance?” a quiet, timid voice asked you from your left, causing you to turn away from your friends. “And you are?” “I’m, uh, Caesar.” “It’s nice to meet you but I’m here to celebrate with my friends tonight.” “That’s okay; can I get your number by any chance?” “Nope.” “Who the hell are you?” “I’m Taehyung”, he said as he swung an arm around your shoulder, causing you to roll your eyes, “I’m her boyfriend.” “Oh, uh, I’m sorry. I had no idea.” “No, Caesar, wait-” “Why were you talking to him?” “He made conversation with me whilst you grinded against your friends.” “I did not grind against them.” “Did too. The look on Jungkook’s face when he noticed it was unmissable.” you scoffed as you turned away to order another drink from the bar. Taehyung wrapped his arms around and softly placed his chin on your shoulder. “I’m sorry.” he pouted as he moved to the music with you against him. You couldn’t help but gently smile at the motion; you had missed this; you had missed him. “Sorry for what?” you asked as you finished the drink and placed it on the counter. “Everything, especially the not meeting up with you and bailing all the time part. And scaring that dude off.” he muttered as you placed your hands on his arms which were still wrapped around you. “I missed you.” “I missed you more.” he whispered into your ear before placing a delicate kiss just below. The two of you stayed in that moment for what felt like eternity before he dragged you onto the dance floor, insisting that you dance together even though you don’t dance.
“Taehyung, for the last time. I don’t dance.” “I can change that.” he smirked as he playfully placed his hands on your waist and pulled you into him. Naturally you wrapped your arms around his neck but you refused to do any dancing. “C’mon, just let go. You’re tense.” “Maybe, it’s because I don’t dance, Tae.” “Just follow my lead.” he chuckled as he swayed to the music with you in his arms; you rested your head against his chest and could hear how quickly his heart was beating. “Your heart is going haywire.” you gently told Taehyung. “That’s all your fault.” “You like me too, huh?” “Could say I’ve liked you longer.” “What?” you asked in shock, removing your head from against his chest but still keeping your arms around him. “Thought you knew. It’s kinda why I avoided you so much. I didn't want to get hurt. It was stupid of me. I should’ve just told you. I’m such an idiot some-” “Shut up. Just dance with me.” “Thought you didn’t dance.” “Thought you didn’t like me.” “Oh man, you got me there.” he replied, causing you to smile gently against his chest. “Do you wanna get out of this sweaty place?” Taehyung asked. “Yeah, it is way too stuffy in here. I’ll tell the others we’re grabbing food.” “No, let’s just sneak away. You and me.” “Fine, fine, just you and me.”
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hvllevator · 7 years
Safe ; Jeon Jungkook, mafia au (part three)
paring: jeon jungkook x female reader
words: 2,285
genre: angst, fluff, mafia!au
summary: Jungkook tried keeping you safe, but not everything goes exactly as planned.
a/n: thank you for still reading my story. btw i hope my writing doesn’t confuse you, this is mainly the reader’s point of view but i also put jungkook’s thoughts and insights. this fic is turning so soft im so ???
masterlist | part one | part two | part three | part four
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(gif not mine)
"Y/N!" Jungkook jogged towards you once he saw you standing beside Jimin. He engulfed you in his arms, holding on to you for dear life, scared that if he let you go, you'll disappear. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He pulled away from the hug to examine your face to see if there was any changes, "You're not, thank God."
Jimin drove you to one of their old hideouts, it looks surprisingly clean and neat considering it was old. From the outside it was a normal looking modern home, and on the inside it didn't change much, it looked cozy and warm. Just like a regular looking home. You guessed this is where they head to, when things got rough with their business. You almost let out a laugh at his frantic state but you understand that he was just worried for you so you kept your mouth shut and rubbed his back in comfort, "Calm down. I'm fine, Jungkook."
Jimin cleared his throat as if to signal he was still here. Jungkook completely removed himself from your arms and just stood in front of you. He flashed you a smile before turning his attention to Jimin, "Call the others, tell them there's an emergency meeting in thirty minutes." was all he said before Jimin nodded and took his phone out and started typing. You felt a warm hand intertwine with yours "Come with me." Jungkook started tugging your hand, bringing you along with him to wherever you were going.
Jungkook brought you to an empty looking bedroom. The room was complete with what you would usually find in a bedroom. You took your time scanning the place, it felt nice being here as if it brought you comfort. "Whose room is this?" You walked forwards, setting yourself on the bed which was super soft you almost sunk in it.
"This is where we will be staying for the mean time while we sort out the mess that's been going on." He followed your steps, situating himself beside you on the bed. "We have to isolate ourselves from a few people," he took a deep breath before continuing, "The, uh, rival mafia or also known as The Vipers has found out about you. They know you're my wife, and they found out who your father is, which makes it more interesting for them." He grabbed your hand as he saw your expression, he never meant to drag you into this mess. He loved you dearly and the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt again. Jungkook swore to protect you with his whole life, and that's what he's planning to do. "I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, they're trying to capture you. But I won't let that happen, not again. I can't stand not being able to see you for so long. I love you so much, Y/N. You're my entire world and I don't want to lose you again." Jungkook's bottom lip was almost trembling and the sight made you shook, this man in front of you was crying because of you.
"You didn't lose me, Jungkook." You whispered, scooting closer towards him, "I'm here now, yeah? I'm sure nothing bad will happen." You looked at his hands that were placed on his lap, reaching for them and taking them into your own. "Thank you, for everything you're doing for me."
Jungkook stared at the lovely features of your face, his gaze falling onto your lips, badly wanting to know how it feels against his, "Can I kiss you?" He blurted out, but feeling shy once he actually let it out. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn-"
"Yes." Your response made him freeze but as soon as it processed in his head, his hand carefully made its way towards your cheek, gently caressing it.
"You're so beautiful." Jungkook whispered, feeling his breathe fan against your face, signaling that his face was so near yours. You closed your eyes, awaiting for what was going to happen next. This is the first time you and Jungkook will kiss, seeing as your relationship with him grow fonder. You felt him leaning closer to you, until you felt his lips attach to yours. The kiss was soft and sweet, this was Jungkook's first time to ever be this intimate with you and he was surely not going to let this moment go to waste. His other hand made its way to your waist, holding on to you lightly. You placed your hands on each side of his shoulder, sighing, feeling at bliss.
You both pulled away, catching your breaths. Running your hand through your hair, you glanced at Jungkook but he was already looking at you. He smiled adorably once he saw you look away from his intense gaze, "Cute." He mumbled.
A knock on the door pulled you away from your short trance, "Come in." Jungkook said loudly enough for the person behind the door to hear him.
The door was pushed open and it revealed a man with messy dark hair, "Jungkook, meeting's starting." was all the man said that had Jungkook stand up from the bed.
"I'll be out soon." The man nodded and then left the room, Jungkook faced towards you, "I have to go now." he placed a kiss on your forehead, "Don't go anywhere, okay? This house is safe, but still don't wander off. We''ll be in the room at the end of the hall. I love you." and with that he left the room with you still processing about the event that just unfolded.
An hour has passed by and Jungkook was still not returning, so you thought that the meeting was probably heavily important that it has to take so long. You were getting hungry as it was already dinner time so you thought to head out into the kitchen and prepare yourself a meal.
You pushed open the door to the bedroom you were in, looked both ways to the halls and realized nobody was roaming around so you stepped out and head towards the kitchen, if you remember where it was. Recalling from earlier where you passed it by, you made your way to the kitchen.
Once you saw a fridge and a counter,  you figured this was indeed the kitchen to you head forwards and opened the fridge, seeing that it was empty made you frown. You were so hungry but Jungkook wasn't here and you didn't know if it was safe to order food so you tried discarding your hungry away.
A cough from behind you, startled you, making you shut the fridge door and look to where the sound came from. A man who you don't recognize was standing behind the counter. "Looking for something?" He rasped out as if he just woke up from a nap.
"I-I'm just looking for something to eat." You let out, somehow feeling intimidated by him.
He let out a snicker as if he was laughing at you, "Princess," He started, the pet name giving you shivers, "we just got here, out of emergency because they are after your dumb ass. I don't even know why we waste our time trying to protect you." He grumbled the last part but I heard it loud and clear.
My entire body froze as I heard those words leave his lips. Is that what everyone is thinking of you? Jungkook told you that his men would never harm or disrespect you because they know you're in the high rank, seeing as you're Jungkook's wife but that doesn't necessarily mean that they had to like you and you understood that but your heart felt heavy knowing you brought so much stress, pain and anger to his men. You didn't mean to be such a burden to them, to anyone.
"Y/N?" Jungkook silently pushed the door open to the room where you were supposed to be. Seeing that the room was completely empty, made him panic although he knows he shouldn't be. He took a deep breathe before heading back out, trying to find your location in this home. He heard your voice echo through the halls and he followed where the sound brought to, seeing you standing before one of his men, hearing you utter out an apologize. Jungkook was beyond confuse as to why you're apologizing so he decided to step closer, making sure not to make his presence announced.
"You damn better be! Do you know how much Jungkook pushes us around, especially when you fucking got kidnapped, we had no rest at all trying to save your fucking ass." His men spat out, pointing a finger at you and the sight made Jungkook furious.
Jungkook's loud footsteps echoed around the room, making the both of you turn your attention to him. His jaw was clenching and his fists were formed into a ball, looking ready to punch the life out of his ally. The sight made you terrified, you have never seen Jungkook so agitated before. "How fucking dare you speak to her that way!" He yelled out. "You, out of all fucking people should know you should treat her with respect whether you like it or not." Jungkook stepped between the two of you, holding onto your waist. "In case you weren't informed, I'm your boss, and she's my wife. That makes her your boss as well. Do you understand?" He asked but he didn't get a response in return, "I said, do you fucking understand?"
"Y-yes, sir." The man spat out. You didn't utter a word as you did not want to draw anymore attention to the scenario that was currently happening.
"Apologize to her." Jungkook sternly let out. The man seemed hesitant to do this, as he actually meant what he said.
"Sorry, Y/N." He said through gritted teeth, this made Jungkook roll his eyes at how childish he was behaving.
"You better be glad you're one of my best men. The next time this happens, I'll fucking murder you in your sleep." Jungkook's arm left your waist and took your hand instead, tugging you with him to your room. He let you go once you were alone, he sat at the edge of the bed, falling against it to lie down. "Lie with me." You heard him mumble quietly.
You gently made your way to the bed, lying down beside him, facing the ceiling. He put his arm on your waist, pulling you close to him, you placed your head against his chest, snuggling close to him. Feeling him rub your back gently made you let out a small smile. "I'm sorry about him." He whispered.
"It's fine, I honestly feel like this is all my fault, you shouldn't have lashed out like that." You murmured back, feeling guilty for everything that happened.
"No baby, don't let his words get to that pretty head of yours, you're not a burden. You're our main priority. Especially mine, of course." He smirked, pressing his lips on top of your head. "You're my entire fucking galaxy. Y/N. As cheesy as that sounds, it's true."
"Jungkook." Your heart was hammering against your chest, somehow feeling nervous.
"Yes, my love?" He hummed out.
"I love you." You whispered. You felt his hand stop at your back, you glanced up to him, seeing him already facing you with wide eyes. "What?" You asked.
"You- I- just- fir- wow." Jungkook let out a shaky breath, "Fuck, that's so nice to hear, say it again." He grinned widely making you giggle.
"I love you, Jeon Jungkook. Thank you for saving me, thank you for protecting me. That means the world to me." You yelped as he grabbed your frame, throwing your legs over him so that you were straddling his thighs.
"I love you, too, Jeon Y/N." He held onto your thighs, rubbing circles on it. You leaned towards his face, and wasted no time pressing your lips against his. He groaned at the sudden action but he was not complaining. He swiped his tongue on your bottom lip, asking for entrance and you allowed him to, opening your mouth wide, letting him push his tongue in and let it roam your mouth. You accidentally moved forwards, making your hips grind into his and he gripped your thighs at this. "Shit, baby." He whispered against your lips. "Let's stop for now, yeah?" Jungkook breathed, "It's not that I don't want to, because trust me, I do. I won't be able to stop if we keep going and I think it's too soon, do you understand?"
You nodded, pecking his lips lightly. "How was your meeting?"
Jungkook's lip formed into a thin line, letting out a small sigh, "I don't really wanna talk about it. I'll tell you some other time. Let's just get some rest, it's been a long day."
You didn't want to push him any longer so you got off his lap, changing into comfortable clothes into the bathroom before heading back into the bed where Jungkook was lying on the bed with his shirt already discarded on the floor. You glanced at the bedside table, seeing a small meal prepared.
"I heard you were starving so I called someone to prepare food for you, eat up, baby." You consumed the meal that was deliciously prepared for you. You tucked the plate in the bathroom, figuring to just bring it out tomorrow morning. "Come here." He called for you. Making you come towards him. He wrapped you tightly around his arms, the usual way he holds you. "Sweet dreams, baby girl, I love you." He whispered as your eyes slowly drift into a peaceful sleep.
"I love you, too, Jungkook."
i honestly don’t know about this part but???? this series will probably have 4 or 5 parts in it before it’s done, hope you liked it! give me feedback if you want
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kattitude130 · 6 years
i gave up on infinity war and decided to just watch cloak & dagger episode 1. putting it all in one post bc theres multiple eps so it might be better organized this way
hhhhhh ballet class *war flashbacks* (i have bad memories of ballet class)
little boy ty looks precious in that big hoodie
“if i get in trouble again my pops is gonna beat the black out of me” “looks like he already did, b” oh damn
where is this little girl’s dad its pouring rain in new orleans, its gonna be up to her knees before he gets there
*cops show up* oh fuck
this is why you dont talk on the phone while driving!!! did dr strange teach us nothing????
oh fuuuuck brother no
well now the water will reach her knees in a different way
what the fuck just happened
went from ballet classes to club regular real quick (idk how old she is but isnt she a teenager????)
im not getting good vibes from this guy shes hanging out with
BTW i am definitely taking constant mental notes of how marvel interprates/uses/utilizes new orleans for my self insert ideas..............because APPARENTLY they didnt forget it existed like i thought they did and now i have to acknowledge there are mcu heroes on MY turf
“clubs arent actually my thing, i love a good house party” “i have a house!” asdfghjkjhgfddfghj actual quote guys
now, BASKETBALL memories? those are still bad but at least better than my ballet memories. i was actually good at basketball we just never won a single game
god i know that feel bro when u get knocked down by an opposing team member and the ref dont call it...... :discord sadface:
OH DFGHJKHG OH SO SHES A BURGURLAR THATS WHAT IT IS. im so fucking relieved. this shouldnt relieve me but i am
omg shes actually badass, deja vu would look up to her. somewhat of a criminal but deja vu would let her slide
HOLY SHIT that white boy fucking pushed him by the head down to the ground n ty grabs his arm and fuckin socks him ON THE FUCKIN COURT GET HIM TY
oh....tandy.... :(
emojis are what makes us human
fghjkhgfdfghj tandy trying to scam ty....i know how this story goes its going to backfire and then hes your boyfriend
emojis hold power
sdfhgasjdfhsgh i knew it, she took his wallet
oh fuck pig spotted
ty’s mom :(
???? i knwo youre a scrappy teen but you couldve just stayed in the seating area? why did you have to sneak to the railing above the stage? okay
ty you have got to stop waking up in random places this is getting ridiculous (i already know he has teleportation powers and theyre manifesting in hilarious ways asdfghjkl)
where the fuck do you find a beacj like that in new oreans?? this was filmed in new orleans? (i guess ive mostly ever been to Tourist New Orleans but ive gone pretty far too ??)
die scum
so she did the steal-your-bfs-hoodie thing before he was even her bf that is hardcore girlfriend material right there
keeping a little girls ballet show for years is a little weird but ill let it slide for you, ty
honestly....not bad.....script could be better but i am intrigued......
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