#i did double check the wiki just in case that changed but yeah it just has a super high death rate and is almost always fatal
cricketclan · 7 months
Redcough is always fatal :(
Almost always! I actually had a cat recover in a different save a long time back, but it's super rare I think :(
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arolesbianism · 9 months
Funn oddity, both Ellie and Travaldo have the last name Jones. Idk if they're siblings or if it's just a coincidence, but a fun thing nonetheless
#rat rambles#its probably just a coincidence since ellie is relevant enough that we'd probably know if she had a sibling that worked at the same place#but it is quite silly indeed#also Ill need to see about adding some stuff to the wiki maybe since I am being haunted by the fact that my boy is listed as a nobody#my boy being askhan hes dr.ali#his full name is askhan seyer ali :]#hes my beloved chef who gets his own personal fancy bedroom since he needs light to sleep in my current run#oh also Ill have to double check this but I think devon might have two last names?#mostly because if Im remembering correctly most of the work emails are pretty typical first initial last name style#but devon is reffered to as dr.mason while their email implies it would be ross#so either they have multiple last names used a middle name for one or got their last name changed after getting their work email#ok just double checked and yep theyre the Only one who uses a different name in their email#I did find one weird thing tho#Im not sure if its a mistake or not but in one of the emails thats talking to a director abt an engineer it says it was sent by jackie#Ill have to double check in game once I get back to it#but if that is the case then thats very interesting in a way that only matters to me lol#mostly that its one of the very few glimses we get into jackie's past#or technically potentially present but I dont rly buy that#but yeah the idea of getting to in the future learn more abt jackie's old(?) boss facinates me deeply#I have like a billion thoughts abt things they could do with that or simply imply with it but thats just me fantasizing#oni posting
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ganondoodle · 1 month
Saw your tags about the Barbarian armor and realized I have a piece of the set in TOTK, so I went to double check and it says they lived in Faron, yeah. If you like, I can double-check in BOTW for the flavor text to see how it changed.
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oh neat for you to actually check it! (especially since i cant since ... i dont own totk anymore, lmao)
whenever people talk about the sonau (zonai) and what we knew about them from botw they always mention they lived in the phirone (faron) region but when i checked the botw description yesterday in german they make no mention of it- which i wondered if that was always the case or only added in english (as it likes to do, no offense)
BUT THEN i checked the wiki just now and there it certainly DOES say they lived in phirone!!! did they change the text in botw at some point?? or did the wiki take the totk text for it for some reason? (which would be weird bc lots of descriptions are slightly different in totk so you cant really take one info for both ... like phantom ganon set now being eeeeviiiil armro or soemthing lol) or did its botw text never mention that all this time and im just missremembering?? if so why then add it to totk (and then .. where did the belief the sonau lived there come from in the fandom, jsut bc of the amount of ruins?)
i havent played botw since at least shortly before totk came out im pretty sure and there was no update i remember either so im ... very confused
(it just says 'it belonged to an old warriortribe' now in botw..)
if they did change it retroactively its such a weird thing to do :U
(actually just wanted to look up the english botw description and bc im not clicking on fandom wiki links i looked at an IGN article from 2017 and ... it certainly does have the phirone bit ......... so .... they did change botws text? ......... why?? and when??)
(it doesnt change any of the lore inconsistency, thats for sure, lol)
(edit: it would be so funny if they meant to change the text in totk to seperate the botw sonau from the totk sonau and updated the wrong one lol- either way, thats sus to me)
(editing again to add the correction in case people dont see my reblog of it: the text changes when you upgrade it to make room for the fairy part- all my files either didnt have it or where already upgraded and it only occured to me a little bit after posting this, i too can be stupid xD)
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sgiandubh · 11 months
And kia... ora (?!) to New Zealand, like you've never seen it before 🤭
Just listened to Monica Gleberman's latest podcast with S. Twice. I can only urge you to do the same: it's 19 minutes long and well.. I'd just love to read your thoughts on it. By the way, I had no idea the woman even existed (happens a lot in SC world, at least to me) before she chimed in with indignation, you know... the Palestine Letter, and such.
But first, my short assessment, of course. By the way, this was recorded, I think, on November 1st, based on this X post:
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Showbiz being showbiz, all grudge is now forgotten and you can listen to the podcast on Spotify, here (no subscription needed, of course):
OK, I honestly think her voice and her completely clueless, torrential debit are totally meh, but maybe that's just me. She made me think of one of those Tupperware representatives, always eager (hungry?) to sell something to you and do it quick, drug-dealer style. Some in Mordor thought she was drunk on the job (a half-emptied bottle of SS Gin was emphatically mentioned at least twice during the interview) - as usually, no humor and nasty.
I just think she was just acting too cool for school and #silly, with a severe case of ovaries going...
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... on top.
Straight off the bat, the OTT praise is on steroids: how amazing S is, how he never changed, 'same sweetest person and like an amazing human being and friend to talk to and I just love you'. Kill me now, but that was unnecessary - yet still useful, since it prompted this answer (02:54):
'Well, that's very kind of you to say, but I think that's not true...I think there's...there's a lot of smoke and mirrors, this is ALL fake, um...underneath, there's a completely different human being. I have a double, actually. I AM the double. Um.. no, it's been a great journey, I'm very lucky and yeah, it's [OL] given me a lot of opportunities, as well (...).'
Translation: I am joking, but not even joking, if you see what I mean.
You'd think that was casual banter? You might want to think twice. Like all Taureans, bless their heart, S always almost heavily insists, when he wants to make sure the message gets across (07:12):
MG: ' Soooo, I don't know what's true, what's not true, but I'm just gonna assume that, you know, you looove watercolor. So, what is your favorite watercolor painting to make?'
Huh? Did I get that right? The answer does not match the clumsy question. At all. But see/hear for yourself:
S:' Err, you know what, I mean, I actually do, I actually have a couple paintings.. um.. from a..an artist called James Morrison, he was a Scottish artist.. he.. he actually painted a lot around Scotland, but he also painted up in the Arctic... the Arctic Circle... I'm kind of obsessed with him, so yes, this actually,,, this is truth...damn, I didn't know you'd actually put truths in here, but, you know...'
MG: ' OK, so we're already breaking barriers, right? Like revealing secrets so that is... that is... true.'
I shall not comment this. I do not think it needs any translation, to be honest.
The 'illiterate' S is, apparently, a keen art connoisseur and how could it be otherwise, if you only think of his mum? And Morrison is not just your average Scottish watercolorist. If you care to check his Wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Morrison_(artist), you'll find interesting things, like:
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His works can fetch at auction (here at Christie's in 2006), around...
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... and the recent (conservative) estimates are stable. You can check them here: https://www.invaluable.com/artist/morrison-james-1932-9fybkaiqbc/sold-at-auction-prices/. A very good investment, on a volatile, whimsical market (I know very well what I am talking about).
Surely enough, some of you will just hear that horrendous cackle and the flirt fest that totally goes south by the end of the podcast. But maybe - just maybe - if you listen a bit more carefully, you'd have a rare peek behind that damn mask.
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demonfox38 · 4 years
Completed - Baba is You
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I can't believe this is the first game I've perfected on Steam.
Like, I don't like achievement systems in video games, okay? I prefer to set my own goals. Sure, there are some achievements that are interesting, like learning to use a certain mechanic in a cool or efficient manner, visiting hidden rooms, or even running around with nothing but my character's default busted sword just to prove a point. Mostly, I just want to finish them. I don't go jumping through flaming hoops because I want people to think I'm cool. I'm from Iowa. I'm critically uncool by design.
If a game is good, I will put in the extra work. Like, getting 100% souls in "Castlevania: Aria of Souls" and 200.6% map completion in "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" is now just routine for me. With "Baba is You"? Well, circumstances are just a teeny bit different.
"Baba is You" is a puzzle game from independent developer Arvi Teikari. Your primary goal in the game is to create statements out of nouns, verbs, and conditions and use those generated rules to complete levels. It's basically catnip to programmers. These puzzles are packaged in cute, scribbly animations and gentle music. Ultimately, its soft presentation is the figurative sheep's clothing under which the wolf of this game lives, dragging its players through increasingly more complex situations, sitting there, laughing, its whole world wiggling in its adolescent mockery of you and your sluggish brain.
You're not always even Baba. I know. The absolute betrayal.
I originally saw this game being streamed back in 2019. A frustrating feeling overtook me as I watched the player work through the puzzles. I could feel myself solving them before she could, and it was making me itch. I didn't want to have any more spoiled without giving it a shot myself, so I purchased the game, put in a few hours, and then dropped it for two years. Hell, the major reason I came back to it was that I was babysitting my mom's very needy poodle, and I was more or less trapped on the couch with her during her entire stay. Had to do something. So, I decided this was it.
"Baba is You" really is the ultimate "Yeah, I'll get back to this" game. You know what I mean? There's always a handful of games that you make a little headway into, and then you think, "Yeah, I'll get back to this" and then drop it. I try not to be this way. Video games are expensive, and I want to get as much value as I can out of them. But man, does this game get overwhelming.
I mean, the TAS for a 100% run is currently around an hour and forty-five minutes. That's for 226 puzzles. That is a lot.
Granted, you don't have to finish every puzzle if you don't want to. The game can let you slide free with your first ending after completing only three subworlds on the main map. You know how many people get to that first ending? Like, we're talking maybe getting through 3 hours of gameplay or so. As of this posting, it's around 7.8% of all players on Steam. In comparison, here are first time ending numbers from other games I own on Steam:
"Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon" – 38% (Cleave the Moon)
"Trine" – 29.6% (Completed!)
"Dust: An Elysian Tale" – 23.9% (…And the Dust Settles)
"Fez" – 14.7% (Kill Screen)
"Psychonauts" – 13.2% (I Thought That Was Unbeatable!)
"Typing of the Dead" – 12.9% (Experimental Fiction)
"Final Fantasy VII" – 9.4% (End of Game)
That's right. From a percentage point of view, more players will put 80 hours into a 20+ year old RPG than 3 hours in this game. So, what's up with that?
At first, I wasn't struggling terribly with the game. I was making a pretty steady clip through it, stopping occasionally to check out the game's wiki. (BTW—view that on a laptop browser, not a mobile one. The background makes it hard to read some of the verbs and conditions.) My first tap-out in 2019 happened around the "Forest of Fall" block, when the game started introducing teleporting puzzles. My second brain-snap happened about 18 hours in the game when I accidentally created the phrase "Level is Key" in the puzzle "Fragile Existence," and then I realized that I could both create this level as Baba and had to create another level as a flag to win the overworld map.
And then there was a submap.
And another.
And another.
Holy crap, my brain was not ready for the mess that was Depths and Meta.
At one point, I stopped myself and reviewed why I was overcome with despair at my own stupidity. A part of it is yes, the game looks very cute, and the language used in the puzzles is very simple. So, when you don't get it, it's like saying you don't get "Sesame Street." And hey, maybe you wouldn't if it was in Mandarin and you only speak English. But, I did want to beat myself up for my sluggish responses and my growing feeling of helplessness. Why couldn't I beat the simple sheep game for babies? Was I really that stupid?
I think it helped to know what troubles I had my playthrough harder. This included:
Using text to push objects past barriers. (Yes, text exists in the world, and unless it's floating, you can use that text to move objects around. It's like hitting a car with a stop sign.)
Assuming attributes on an object that weren't actually assigned (i.e., assuming a door was locked or a wall would prevent me from moving through it, even if that wasn't the case.)
Manipulating text to double-layer nouns or break up commands by wedging an inactive/non-solid object in them. (See: Prison.)
Realizing that "you" doesn't always have to go to a certain destination. Sometimes, "you" just need to have something move over there or push something into where you want to go.
Remembering to use the "Wait" button to let moving objects finish their paths.
"Defeat" is a condition that applies only to "you", not objects in your possession. (They may instead be destroyed by "Sink").
Some rules need to be created and destroyed in the same turn.
Things that move on their own can be used to carry commands through obstacles.
Sometimes, you've just got to count your steps when you're taking an action and see if you can reduce them.
And granted, despite my stupidity, there were some puzzles that really clicked! I particularly enjoyed using the "Word" condition, as it allowed for me to treat both words and objects as a noun to make assignments. There were also times where I had to spell out the commands I wanted from letters left on the map. Fun! Natural! And hell, who doesn't enjoy a good block pushing puzzle, now and again? Super easy. Makes sense. Key is push, door is open. Of course!
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Ass is Hot! Of course! (Wait, that wasn’t the solution...)
I tended to lock up more when the "Defeat" piece was on screen. I mean, you can always undo your mistakes, and there's no life limit or anything like that. But, hearing your player character go splat when you mess up is flinch-worthy. Additionally, I hated having to build complex paths for objects to follow. Like, screw the entirety of Adventurers. Also, learning what the "Lonely" condition meant felt very unnatural. It was hard to even tell why I was splatting until I read up on what it meant.
Interestingly, changing the language of the game only affects the menu's language, not the game itself. (I was wondering if adding a layer of comprehension to objects would stop me from auto-assigning properties to them or not. Makes sense that it's all in English, considering the "form objects from letters" puzzles.)
I felt bad when I finally gave up on putting effort into solving the puzzles on my own. I did. But, I was also 18 hours deep into my file in a single week, and I wanted to get back to my other hobbies. I felt that if I gave up on "Baba is You" again, I wouldn't finish it ever. And then, those 18 hours truly would be wasted. Also, I felt sick that only 7.8% of people had gotten to the first ending screen. The game isn't bad! It's hard, but not bad! I wanted to at least give it enough dignity to finish it off, even if I was more or less reading what I needed to build with one eyeball and building it with the other.
And hell. Given all of the version differences of this game and the amount of time that has passed since its release, it is a teeny bit YouTube proof. Not completely invulnerable, but I did catch a difference or two here and there. And it's not like the wiki's the clearest with what you need to do, even when they're telling you exactly what to do. You've got to mind your space with your words. At the very least, don't push anything aside or wreck it until you absolutely must.
I can't emphasize how much I felt bad about giving up. I mean, it's one thing to look at guides for other game types. You can get knowledge on how to beat a boss or level, but you've physically got to develop the skills needed to vault through that goal. With puzzle games, knowledge is 99% of what you need to accomplish your task. The rest is just putting in the solution as elegantly as possible.
92.2% of players didn't bother to do even that.
I won't pretend to say I know enough about puzzles to make an excellent puzzle game. However, I do think brevity would have helped this game. Like, think of puzzle games people like. "Tetris," right? Even a long game of "Tetris 64" lasts me a couple of hours at most. "Portal"? That's a handful of hours supported by plot and fun dialogue. So is the sequel. "Panel de Pon" / "Tetris Attack" / "Puyo Puyo"? Those are like "Street Fighter" arcade campaigns. Like, 15-20 minutes. To have a puzzle game go on for hours and hours without any character motivation or plot in sight? Yeah. That's going to burn a lot of people out.
Like, this game could have just the over world, a single hidden world, and then the Center portion, and that would have been more than enough. And then you know what could have been done with the rest of the puzzles? Put them in a new game! "Baba is More!" Bam! A second game, now with extra "Inception"-styled mind screws! Twice the money earned! (Yeah, okay. This plan might stink of capitalism.)
Making 226 puzzles is impressive. However, brevity is the soul of wit. Sometimes, design can be contradictory like that.
But, its achievements? Perfectly laid out. Truly finishing the game is likely to net you everything. I only had to put in a couple of hours after the true ending, and really, only fifteen minutes of that was solving the puzzles. The rest was just finding what I had missed. (I've heard rumors that "Baba is Baba" is bugged, but I think you just need to look up how to get the Level is Win solution in Meta figured out. The rest is elbow grease.)
I don't know if I can recommend this game. Again, having a case of the bad feels over that statement, especially since it seems like the developer has his heart in the right place. I'm hesitant to recommend this because when I was playing it, I had a migraine that lasted three days straight. Granted, there were possibly some external factors to why I had that. A fat polar vortex. Stress from work. Some hormonal influences. Not enough caffeine or water. Just generally living in the United States in the early 2020s. Plenty of things to crush my skull. I don't think it's in good taste to recommend something that will cause others physical pain. I mean, I'm used to games cracking my hands, but that's not exactly healthy behavior. I certainly wouldn't want to give someone an epileptic attack. Why would I want to drive a nail through their skulls, either?
I do think the game is solidly designed. It's a smart little cookie. But, it is unintentionally discouraging to get through, especially if you feel like you can't ask for help. Like getting a clue or an explanation is cheating.
Look. Try. Try hard. Be as honest and earnest as you can be. Just don't expect to do everything in your life alone, okay? I mean, there are times you've got to get an external perspective. I frequently had to crash after school with mathematics teachers and badger professors to explain topics outside of class. You think I was going to come up with how there are different kinds of infinities on my own? Hell no. I'm not creative in terms of mathematical proofs. But, I sure as hell can explain how different infinities work now! Even post-schooling, I still research topics, particularly when building or fixing things. I wouldn't have learned half of the things I've learned about maintaining game cartridges or building dollhouses without suggestions from professionals and enthusiasts. It's just part of life. You ask for help so you don't burn resources—especially something as valuable as time!
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pilferingapples · 5 years
TMA S2 Natter I guess!!
under the cut for massive major spoilers of course
- I’m really glad I’m binging this, it helps me remember things to have a big chunk of story and lots to pick up on all stacked together and reinforcing itself. I still have to check and double check the Fan Wiki for names here and there, when I hear someone I KNOW I recognize from earlier; I’ve inevitably run across some spoilers that way, thanks to the structure of the wiki, so I’m really glad I’m needing to do that less and less as the show goes on; I don’t think I had to check anything in the last ten episodes, thought I did still have to go to the wiki to get links to the Transcripts, because 
- I find the tunnel-echo effects make the dialogue pretty unparseable no matter how loud I have the show, unfortunately. I could understand Michael,and not much else. (I mean,I could understand Michael’s voice, the Spiral’s motives and all are fairly opaque to me still.) The voices and acting lend so much ambiance, I would have been happy to watch along on the YT vid with subtitles , but it doesn’t have subtitles? Frustrating, but I do  really appreciate there being transcripts! 
- Michael makes me really, really sad. He was just a kid who stayed out in the rain a second too late! It wasn’t even his idea! And he got Marked and he lost his whole damn life to this thing before he was even old enough to have a good grasp on what reality is in the normal swing of things. Poor kid. Poor Michael-that-should-have-been. (ETA so I don’t answer this multiple times: I’m aware Lightning-and-Tower Michael might not be Hallways and Hands Michael, but this is just name-association, really.  Also, there’s a growing horror in S2 in finding so many people who seemed to escape their encounters showing  up again in much worse shape in other Statements...)
- Thanks to Tumblr Osmosis , I’m  sure the Endgame OTP (at least so far) in Jon/Martin, and while I’m currently not a fan of that (though totally prepared to change my mind according to character/relationship development!) I am  delighted to be able to enjoy Jon and Basira’s relationship without worrying that her character is going to be suddenly smashed flat to make her The Love Interest. I love their weird uneasy alliance!  I hope she comes back but also hope she goes somewhere Far Away and lives Ordinarily Ever After. 
-on that note, Daisy Daisy Daisy bring back Daisy, I don’t usually get into cop characters but WEIRD CRYPTID FORCE COPS are apparently a potential weakness for me  (..also I know, I know  they are probably Hunt-aligned. I’ve already said I’m unfortunately Weak for The Hunt ).  
-I miss Actual!Sasha >:
- Tim is seriously the only person in this whole damn institute with any self preservation either supernatural or normal??  “Yeah you’re right I don’t like the boss who stalks me and keeps secrets about a situation which is directly about my own personal safety like I was the enemy and takes his trauma out on me directly while I’m recovering from,in this case , exactly the same trauma thanks “
Martin: Wow Tim you’re so selfish, how can you even think about fleeing our supernatural hellscape, why aren’t you more concerned with the guy who is very overtly considering you a potential enemy and crossing all boundaries in a way that, in any normal job, would right off be enough to get HR and maybe the cops involved?  WHY ARE YOU BEING SO UNREASONABLE, TIM??...Now excuse me while I run to my probable death with no preparation in defense of a guy who seems to go out of his way to hit my very obvious emotional weak points and considered me so useless  he thought I might be dead already, because unlike you I am making good decisions!!! LEEEROY JENKINNNSSSSS”
-honestly the apparent connection between why the Institute/Elias accepted Martin as sacrifice an employee and Martin’s emotional Everything is both screamingly apparent and worth an essay all on its own , that’s some Good Charactering
-I never trusted Elia-- Never Trust the Boss Of Shadowy Organization With Mysterious Backers, that’s my motto-- but HE KILLED THE INFODUMP SOURCE. HOW DARE. INSTANT LEAST FAVE.
- I KNEW LEITNER WAS A RESEARCHER I KNEW IT I KNEW IT, who has a vast occult library BUT never really figures in any accounts of actually DOING anything?? AN OCCULT NERD DOING RESEARCH.  (I say, well aware that *I* did not do my research as fully as I’d like here, to avoid spoilers, and thus may be forgetting a Big Thing he apparently did)
- I did NOT know he was still alive?? and totally didn’t see him working with Gertrude (it was actually Gert’s Occult Book Hunting that made me slap my head and go OH RIGHT about Leitner!) 
-I want to know more about Gertrude 
- The OH NO moment I had during Leitner’s description of obvious multiple entities working together to just wreck his shop!!  BAD, BAD, THE INJUSTICE LEAGUE OF AAAAAH IS BAD 
- also now I know for sure that the Web and the Stranger are enemies? this puts at least 2/3 Fear Entities that could, I am aware , pretty much have me as a pawn for a cheap ice-cream cone allied against the one  Entity that makes me absolutely go into Screaming Phobia Murder Mode, I don’t know if everyone’s feeling the same way or if this is just the show happening to find my particular keys like that 
-...listen Elias is THE WORRRRSSSST and I am sure The Institute is Not Good but if The Stranger existed and was A Thing like this then they wouldn’t have  to Play me to get my assistance on taking it out , every single episode about it makes me go Mad Raccoon in A Box ,  I want it gone, the enemy of the Stranger is my ...slightly less enemy 
-Jonnycakes Sims is the Avatar of the Human Trainwreck, but I did not realize until this episode that he does not drink coffee??  I’m torn between thinking he should and thinking all caffeine should be taken away from him forever. 
-Also, Dammit, Jonet, this “keeping info about supernatural horror schemes from my team For Their Own Good” nonsense?  BAD , you are not a Victorian patriarch and they are not your children, GIVE THEM A FIGHTING CHANCE YOU GOOBER, DID YOU EVER READ ONE GOTHIC NOVEL, IGNORANCE IS DEATH 
- ..HOW DID YOU DECIDE TO SMASH THE TABLE YOU. GOOBER PIE.   I take it back, definitely Jonny needs to drink all the more caffeine. 
I'm getting the impression, from responses to my earlier little post, that people don't? like Tim ?? and I am Afraid this means he is Something Horrible?? but he's fun and friendly and smart and reacting like a human with normal human self-preservation instincts + a touch of Heroic honestly?? why do people not like Tim, is he a secret Horror, NO DON'T ACTUALLY TELL ME but  D:  NERVOUS NOW
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thanksjro · 5 years
Telefunken, A Prequel to Eugenesis: The Future Is Obsessed With Making Babies
All These Materials, And I Still Had To Keep The Wiki Open The Whole Time
This short story was included with the secondary publication of Eugenesis, which happened in 2007, six years after the first run. Yep. He had multiple publication runs. Back when you had to actually go and talk to people about what you wanted published instead of doing everything online. For a novel-length fan fiction about murdering space robots and then having them give birth to tentacle monsters.
I wish I had the friggin’ brass balls Roberts does.
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Telefunken as a term doesn’t mean anything in any language, but that doesn’t mean we can’t gain any sort of understanding using context clues.
Tele- as a part of Greek, means “from a distance.” So whatever’s happening is far off. In the future, perhaps? The pre-story quotes certainly seem to imply such a thing.
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A couple hundred years into the future, actually. With a list like that, one has to wonder just who the hell can get into Maccadam’s these days.
Funken itself actually is a word- it’s German for spark. So “from a distance” + “spark”. Alright, let’s see where this goes.
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Is… is this someone trying to convince someone else to read Eugenesis? Is Roberts making the space robots read this batshit story? Is he threatening them? Because making someone read an entire book’s worth of slaughter of their race sort of feels like a threat.
Okay, moving on to actual story, our narrator starts the day by blinding himself. He turns the input on his optics all the way up and stares at the sun.
I don’t know why.
Once he’s done that, he reflects on the nature of change, and how some things just can’t be fixed.
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I see we’ve hit our fascist phase. Because they’re only allowed to enjoy the rejuvenation of the planet if they’re wearing Prowl’s face on their chest, right?
Our narrator seems to have an alternate take on the walls, though- seems more like they’re trying to keep the citizens in as opposed to the ruffians out.
Scene jump, and we’re in the middle of a conversation between two folks about some guy who killed an Autobot and fled. Yeah, no one with dialogue has been properly identified as of yet. All I know currently is that one of the conversationalists is a commander. Something tells me Nightbeat’s involved with the scene.
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But that’s just a hunch.
So, looks like the Transformers had a little more room for the war buffet after all, because they’ve had at least two named squabbles in the last couple centuries. Hence, our narrator is off to try and corroborate a rumor that Galvatron is still kicking around.
He heads through the religious sector to get downtown, lamenting that Iacon’s been reduced to a military city-state in order to keep some façade of peace going on. He didn’t go through the hell that was the Eugenesis Wars for this.
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Ooh, a dash of fantastic racism to really bring out the acidic taste of Orson Welles 1984. Maybe this is Prowl, actually, which would explain why he hasn’t been explicitly named. Would kind of ruin the whole end of the novel, wouldn’t it?
I’m not saying it’s Prowl because of the racism. More the clean dividing of folks into categories and statistical data.
Our narrator walks through the throng, ignores a homeless veteran, and passes by a crowd of Creationists on pilgrimage, and with that he’s off to Autobot City 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Meanwhile, back with the guys reading this account- yes, turns out they’re outside of this particular story- more details are being revealed.
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The Turning, you say.
Vampire robots it is, then.
Back with the narrator, he’s just found what he’d been looking for- an Autobot badge, close enough to the real thing to work for his purposes. He heads inside something called an “ingestion tank”- I’m imagining the fucking eating chairs from IDW2- and oh-so-sneakily adds a few screw-looking bombs to the badge.
Hmm. I’m thinking my guesses are just a bit off-base.
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Back at the narrative, our narrator has just arrived at the Ministry, where Sideswipe and his boys are truly living up to the ACAB lifestyle- Sideswipe is literally unloading clips into a crowd of protestors. Apparently this isn’t anything new.
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Oh-kay. So. Back in the epilogue for Eugenesis, Wheeljack made an offhand comment about Rodimus wanting to look into streamlining the biomorphic reproductive process, using the power of science. This was something Ratchet really wasn’t thrilled about- he’s the Transformer-equivalent to being child-free, I guess- and let me tell you something: if Ratchet thinks something is a bad idea, it almost absolutely is. But it looks like Rodimus got his way, if our narrator’s cryptic statements are to be believed.
Let’s get fucking weird for a second.
Millions of years ago the biomorphic process was decided to be too slow for the colonial ways of the Cybertronian Empire, so morphing centers were created, where protoforms were basically injected with false memories to kickstart their lives. Think MTO programming from IDW, but more mechpreggy. This practice died out when the shortage of energon caught up with everyone, and was left behind for the most part.
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EXCEPT FOR THIS. Turns out that Kup actually wasn’t all that old, he just thought he was. Why did they do this? Assumedly for the preservation of their research. Does it factor into anything ever for Kup? Nah, not really. Also:
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Telefunken really is what makes the director’s cut of Eugenesis. This is where all the really weird shit is. If you ever fucking read this nightmare of a book, you better make sure Telefunken is included, because you will be reeling.
Anyway, the planet can’t handle more than a few hundred thousand robots, energon-wise, so the Treaty of Antimorphism was signed- a sort of “no more mechpreg” agreement between the Autobots and Decepticons. Not sure how they’re going to stop someone’s torso from vomiting up a goo baby, seeing as the process appears to be completely random, but they probably know more about the process than I do.
Yeah, that treaty is broken almost immediately. I mean, come on, we know who’s writing this story, it’s amazing that the idea was even remotely considered.
The Autobots decided that they were going to start underground biomorph rings, where Lifers- y’know, the guys who can actually do this sort of thing- spit out protoforms on command to supplement the Autobot forces, in case more war broke out.
They can give birth on command.
I just-
Okay. Sure.
Of course, a lot of people had a problem with this, seeing as they already had a solution to the problem of a limited population, in the copies of everyone’s brains Rodimus had commissioned after the events of Eugenesis. Yeah, that’s the root of the problem right there: it was unnecessary. Certainly not the violations of the free will and rights of the poor bastards who got chained to a table and told to start pumping out new robots at what was probably gunpoint in the basement of some bombed out building. Nope! Just that the whole thing was superfluous.
That was about the time that the Anticopyist protests started- how convenient- and the mind crystals were buried, never to see the light of day. Of course, Star Saber might have had a hand in quietly recovering the crystals, but that’s just hearsay.
It’s all going down the tubes, really- High Commands gearing up for the inevitable civil war that’s about to break out amid all this bullshit. Prowl and Nightbeat are trying to put a stop to things, but what are two guys with crippling depression going to do against all this crap? Not much. Especially now that there are Neogens discovering that they aren’t who they think they are.
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The slogan is “maximum speed, maximum efficiency.” I’ll let you take a wild guess as to what these weirdos call themselves.
Sideswipe and his goons get done with killing civilians, and our narrator can finally get on with their mission- an interview with Rodimus Prime, who is dying. Again. We just can’t keep our Primes alive, can we? Can’t keep ‘em dead either, but that’s not the point.
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But I thought Cyclonus was key.
…I’m sorry, that was dumb.
Anyway, our narrator gets through security, bombs undetected, and prepares to finish his thesis.
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These outside conversationalists are kind of morbid, aren’t they? Still, we wouldn’t have the narrative if they weren’t, so thanks? I guess? For being weird voyeurs of terrorist activities?
The narrator makes his way to the basement, where they’ve got Rodimus stashed.
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But how are his tiddies? Are they ridiculously huge? Does he breast boobily down the hall towards you? Too bad First Aid’s dead, he’d be all over this behemoth.
You know, last time we saw Springer, his sole purpose in life was getting high. Wonder how he got to this point in just a couple hundred years. That’s nothing to these guys. Guess he traded in the space-heroin for juicing.
Springer, because I guess he’s kind of an asshole in this story, threatens our narrator, saying that he’s got a joor- pretty much an hour- to talk to Rodimus, and one second beyond that he’s throwing his ass out the door. He makes this point very emphatically, and repeatedly. Springer needs to take a chill pill.
With that, our narrator double-checks that his rigged badge is still there- how many times are we going to blow up Rodimus Prime?- and enters the medvault.
Rodimus isn’t doing so hot.
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Despite the obvious lag in his brain, Rodimus is happy to be of service to a young student, and invites the narrator to sit and stay awhile.
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Now that’s just cruel, Roberts. You gotta give Rodimus something, you already killed his best friend and most of his comrades. No wonder he’s depressed in every continuity, all the writers are mean as hell to our boy Rodders.
Our narrator starts off by asking about Scorponok, and Rodimus takes so long to answer he wonders if the guy just went ahead and died. But Rodimus, ever a good sport, does eventually answer. He talks about all the major Decepticon players, and our narrator smiles and listens, waiting for the point where Unicron is mentioned. He really wants to hear about Unicron, and can practically taste his presence in the room, seeing as Rodimus is still possessed.
You see, our dear narrator is a space-satanist.
Unfortunately, when Rodimus finally utters the name of the robot-devil, nothing happens.
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No, see, if the Transformers had Plan B, none of this mechpreg stuff would be fucking happening.
This is where our outside conversationalists come more into play, revealing themselves to be Star Saber- finally entering the story proper- and Great Shot, who I can’t seem to find anything on. We get treated to the security footage from this point on, getting a lovely scene of our narrator yelling at a dying old man, as the two discuss the Turning. It’s a major point of concern for a lot of the troops, and we’re shown why, as Rodimus starts having a Reagan-from-the-Exorcist-level fit about the same time as our narrator drops his bomb. The room explodes, and our narrator escapes out into the world.
From here on, all of the narrative comes from out narrator’s internal recording. He keeps running, beyond the walls of the city and into the Rad Zone, until he hits Eocra. Eocra is where that chunk of space rock from Liars A-to-D was housed. I guess we’ll find out if it’s still there.
He requests an audience with Servion from a member of the Brotherhood of Chaos whom he doesn’t recognize, and is ushered inside.
Into an underground room with a window showing the stars and just packed with Decepticons. Even Blitzwing’s there- I’d figured he’d been one of the POWs who kicked the bucket, but apparently not. Turns out that door he went through was a teleport. They want our narrator’s thesis. He hands it over immediately.
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Go for it, guys, his resume from today alone is beyond impressive. He’s done more in the last six hours than most of your top guys have done in their entire careers.
The Decepticons say that they’ll be in touch, and with that they shove him out of the room. Well, that’s that. Guess it’s time to go and see if the rumors about the losers in Kalis are a bunch of bunk after all.
And that’s the end of his datalog.
Back with the ‘Cons, the boys are gossiping about their new hire. Turns out he’s one of theirs anyway- a Neogen, and his name is Tarantulus.
I checked, it’s a valid alternate spelling of his name.
Over with Galvatron- did you honestly think he was dead?- the edgy bastard’s preparing for the Final Purge. Turns out he’s still under Unicron’s thumb, even after all this time. He’s pleased to hear that Rodimus is dying, and recalls being able to corrupt the Lifecode when he needled the Prime during other desperate moments. He decides he’s going to do that again.
Back with Start Saber and Great Shot, the boys are cooking up some tasty treats in their politically-powered lie kitchen. As far as the public knows, Tarantulus was shot to death by the guards when he approached the wall. Prime’s Turned, which sucks for him, but might work out in Star Saber’s favor. Just too bad that that one guard got in between Rodimus and the bomb blast.
So I guess Star Saber being less than piously heroic is just a Roberts thing. Alrighty then.
That’s the end of Telefunken. This answers as many questions as it presents, leaving us at a net-neutral for understanding just what the fuck is going on. Awesome.
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genderfreezone · 5 years
Do you like the Evil Within 2?
Yeah! Certainly not as much as the first one (i was not immune to being sad they left out fan favorites Jojo and Ruvik's Cube)
The rest of this post is me rambling about things i didnt like about the game, and then things i did like (most of my issues are how they treat the female characters tbh)
Its missing kind of the action-noir-gone-horrifically-wrong feel of the first game. The scare factor also suffers bc our player character has been through this before, hes a veteran at dealing with this crazy shit, it doesnt phase him anymore and by extension it doesnt phase the player. They really like tripled down on the Evil Corporation thing and both the intrigue and horror suffer for it.
This game did not drink its respect women juice (the first one didnt really either, case in point: Everything About Kidman) Sebastian is surrounded by 5+ female characters and only 2 of them survive (and one of them is his 7 year old daughter hes spent the whole game trying to rescue... and yet they never bothered to give her any kind of characterization or agency. A highly empathetic and supernaturally powerful little girl in a monster-infested hellscape?? HELLO???? Lily really had the potential to be the most interesting, sympathetic, and complex character--especially as she slowly lost her innocence--in the WHOLE GAME, but she was just sort of relegated to Plot Device McGuffin) The rest of the female supporting cast are killed off for Sebastian's Man Pain. In fact, THIS ENTIRE GAME IS CENTERED AROUND SEBASTIAN'S MAN PAIN. Torrez is a walking stereotype, shes literally just Vasquez from Aliens. Hoffman was the most likeable and believeable, except when it Turns Out She Was In Love With Liam Or Whatever (psst, guess what, i dont care. Also O'neal was kind of a dick anyway? I dont care x2)
And you know who i SUPER dont care about? Bland-White-Bread-And-Mayo-Sandwich Myra. Where's the no-nonsense firecracker of a police lieutenant Sebastian married? Not here, thats for sure. Her entire personality is "mother" and "worries about stressed-out husband". We got more characterization of Myra in seb's jornals from the first game, where she never even made a physical appearance! Horror media does this SO MUCH, women are either A. Sexy Lamp B. Hurts Men (Sexily) C. Mother or D. Innocent Virgin. It sucks. Do better.
The story lacked the "digging up old buried memories" and "theres more to this than meets the eye" of the first game. It felt too...... Straightforward. Everyone told Sebastian the truth. EVERYTHING WAS EXACTLY WHAT IT SEEMED. It all felt too simple, too easy, like there SHOULDVE been something else beneath the surface. And yet there wasnt. (I watched markipliers playthrough and i loved his theory that Kidman was actually Lily. It had such potential. Kidman's entire resume for the police station was fabricated, who's to say the rest of her past wasnt fabricated as well? It would retcon a lot of stuff and like 80% of her backstory from the DLC, but you know games like this arent above retconning important shit, and at least it wouldve been sacrificed for something with actual intrigue. Maybe it wouldnt even retcon anything! Consider: tiny Lily is taken by Evil Corporation and dropped off in a non-nurturing environment that would lead her to become the kind of person who would willingly join & work for an organization like Mobius. At least wouldve been a nice excuse for why Kidman and Lilys face models looked so similar... other than... yknow.... "WomEN ARe hArD tO DRaWwwwwee")
Okay okay ive been ranting for long enough. It probably makes it sound like i kinda hate this game, but i dont! It certainly doesnt hold the same place in my heart as the first one (which i still have very glaring issues with lmao Kidman deserved WAAAAAAY better), but i do like it! It brings back salty, grizzled, tsundere Sebastian Castinellos. It brings back spooky monsters that kill you dead. It brings back having a fun theatrical over-the-top villain who takes himself a litte too seriously.
I love Stefano. Probably not in the way some other fans do, but i love him as a ridiculous theatrical over-the-top villain. He sucks! And i love that he sucks! I love him BECAUSE he sucks! Hes terrible and exaggerated and completely up his own ass and ITS GREAT. He isnt as ACTUALLY THREATENING as Ruvik was (even in his bad assassin's creed cosplay. I could go on and on and on about why Ruvik is simultaneously a ridiculous AND frightening antagonist and how much i love it but uh..... maybe later) but hes such a FUN villain! Hes the kind of pretentious art snob shitheel i cannot STAND irl, but in this game i LOVE to HATE him. Hes just SO over-the-top you kinda wonder if he actually subscribes to the pretentiousness he spouts, or if hes just being Exceptionally Extra.
The other villains? Theodore was.... forgettable. His monsters were forgettable. (Its like how i completely forgot that Frank Manera was a character in Whistleblower for like... 5 years lmao i guess this game also kinda followed that "having multiple named/characterized antagonists in one game" thing that Outlast did) Myra, i just didnt care. Her final design was kinda cool, i liked the red clusters of insect eyes. Her monsters werent really gross enough to be memorable. The only reson theyre gross at all is bc they kinda look like theyre made of semen. (I checked the wiki and apparently Myra's white goo is "psychoplasm" and her monsters lost 99% of their gross factor. I just dont care.) The Administrator literally just looked like a 3D human model of Maxwell from dont starve, and i have to laugh every time i see him. Hes not terribly threatening, all he does is threaten characters to work faster and doesnt actually follow through on those threats. He doesnt even make fun threats like HABIT or anything. He thinks hes so powerful and ominous that his mere presence will frighten the player but hes just kinda all bark and no bite. Hes The Big Bad Company Man so you know hes gonna get whats coming to him, and you know Kidmans gonna be the one to do it to him, so hes not even that much of a threat. Hes whatever.
Stefano definitely got all of the coolest monsters. Many Arms Buzzsaw Lady was terrifying and i love her. And OBSCURA was just *Chef's Kiss* Anima was cool, she kinda looked like a mix of Laura and Samara. The Harbingers were neat, but really only bc ive got a thing for gas masks. The rest of the monsters werent really unique or weighty/threatening enough to be memorable. Now the first game is a fucking TREASURE TROVE of unique monsters *muah* you got Sadist, Sentinel, Keeper, Amalgam, Heresy, Laura, Shigyo, the Twins, Alter Egos, and im probably forgetting some!! But holy FUCK!!!!! And if we're includong the DLC?? MOTHER FUCKING SHADE. SPOTLIGHT LADY. LIGHT WOMAN.  SEXY LEGS.  Whatever you call her, i fucking love her. Her design is so simple. Helmet. Sheet. Legs. Her voice? Unnerving as hell. Love it. (Also i just personally love the diving helmet. Also like you know how a lot of games have a spotlight mechanic where you have to avoid the light and if it lands on you, you're fucked? LET'S MAKE AN ENTIRE MONSTER OUT OF THAT. She's PERFECT.) Oh and also those weird crawling exploding dudes. They made gross sounds and it was great. (Tbh Keepers still probably my favorite, if only for horny reasons)
TATIANA HOW HAVE I NOT FUCKING TALKED ABOUT TATIANA. Shes like the ONE female character that i fucking LOVE in the sequel. I love how they finally gave her a personality, and that personality is literally just "fuck you, Sebastian" Oh GOD its great shes SO FUNNY. I just.... god i love Tatiana lmao. I love how she makes you kinda uncomfortable too, like she knows something, but she wont tell you bc youre stupid. I didn't like the kind of "all-knowing guide" thing they did to try and make her creepy (like she's a "guide" but then also turns around and is like "no i wont tell you what you need to know bc you """have to discover it on your own""" or whatever") it serves no purpose since she never gave you any actual information, and it didn't succeed in making her creepier, all it did was frustrate me. She was at her creepiest when she IMPLIED she was doing something behind the scenes or knew something you didn't know and then didn't elaborate (not REFUSING to elaborate, just... stopping talking and leaving the statement to hang in the air, like the "getting her nails done" and "its been a long time, detective" and the "now what makes you say that" from the first game) and she was at her funniest when she was interacting with Sebastian from the sidelines, her snide little comments and sarcastic clapping cracked me the fuck up. Tatiana not treating Sebastian seriously was a fantastic touch for a game that otherwise would probably take itself so seriously it would double back around to being silly. Without Tatiana, it would've been just another male-centric gun-toting "survival horror" game, and for the most part, it was just that. She was definitely a much-needed source of slightly derisive comedy and a definite high-point for me, even if they didn't so a great job of making her creepy or fulfilling her "purpose."
Oh I also really love the COLORS in TEW2. The first game fell into the trap of having the colors be totally washed out that a lot of horror stuff does, but it also kind of worked for it. Especially with the color pallette of our main villain and how the whole thing was His World. The saturation of the colors in the second game is a breath of fresh air and gorgeous to look at, and you can even see the color motifs of the game change with each new villain: the game starts out with Stephano has lots of blues and purples and dark reds, when Theodore takes over we get bright orange and yellow contrasted with black and brown, and in the climax with Myra the game goes back to having washed out colors and white (and with her villain design? Let's face it: they were kinda just trying to do Ruvik again) We did get portions that were still kind of wahed out whites and greens and greys, but it wasnt the ENTIRE game, even the big blood-and-brains splatterhouse sections of the first game kinda had their colors weirdly muted for that "Horror Aethetic."
In conclusion, i do like the evil within 2, but i also had a lot of problems with it. And i complain about these problems because i like the game and know it couldve done better, tried harder, and been a LOT more than it was (the wasted character potential is my real overarching pet peeve, probably becuase i loved the characters in the first game, and character development is kind of my whole jam) . But all in all, it was still a fun monster-zombie romp with at least one entertaining villain and fun-to-look-at designs and environments. It wasn't character or horror or even REALLY story driven in the way I know it COULDVE been, but i still had a fun time and enjoyed myself.
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okay so since i brought it up i figured "why not go through the differences between fever and beat the beat" so. here that is.
yes i did this before but that was when i inexplicably talked waaaaay too formally sometimes gydhrdhdvf- this has more keysmashes probably.
so. uh. yeah.
also just for clarification: fever is only the american version's name. the series as a whole is called rhythm paradise in europe, but ds is just. well. rhythm paradise. and megamix is just rhythm paradise megamix. but for some reason, instead of just calling fever rhythm paradise fever, it's beat the beat rhythm paradise. which again. means america is the only place where it's called fever because in japan it's minna no rhythm tengoku (everybody's rhythm heaven) and. idk the korean name actually. but the series is called rhythm world and given other things (as in. megamix) i'm guessing it translates to everybody's rhythm world but i'm not sure.
ANYWAYS. cuz of the different name, the title screen is different. honestly beat the beat has a way cooler logo than fever, idk why.
in the rhythm test, the sign used in the last(?) test says "keep the beat" instead of "test in progress" (what it says in fever). fun fact: i'm pretty sure that's the only reason i call keep-the-beat games that yrhtfhrfg-
in the actual game, all the game names are the same (though remixes are instead 1st remix and so on. which is actually interesting cuz that's the opposite of ds' prologues, as in gold and ds (and the korean version), the prologues say "1st remix" or whatever, while rhythm paradise does the opposite and actually says remix 1, but they swapped that for beat the beat/fever i guess), but every description is different. all of them. tambourine's lacks the simian says pun and that offends me greatly.
also rating screens are different. even beyond the actual body of it, the header/title is different in a good amount of cases, though the body is different in i think all of them but don't quote me on that, i'm not using the wiki as reference-
what i KNOW is different is the standard text for try agains, oks and superbs (so the ones remix use + the text for standard oks). i. do not remember them. off the top of my head. beyond oks instead being "good try". they're a lot nicer than fever's tho burhrfyfhe-
okay i went to the wiki: try agains are instead "keep working on your rhythm!" (as opposed to "that... could've been better", you see what i meant by beat the beat being nicer-) and superbs being "you had really great rhythm!" (have to say. i actually prefer "that was great! really great!" tfhrhyfb-). individual games still have their own unique ones.
idk if it actually effects the game name, but mr. upbeat's name is formatted differently (there's no period) so that's. a thing. idk why.
i'm sure some practices are different but there's not much bulk there so let's get to what i'm sure everyone's here for: the name changes. because hoooooo boy there's a lot. makes looking at character pages on the wiki pretty funny tbh. anyways, here's (i believe) the full list:
see and saw are instead mr. see and mr. saw
the double date boy (called just "a boy" in fever) is named romeo and the girl ("his crush" in fever) is julia. also the weasels are ferrets. i think they missed the pun-
the assistant in board meeting is instead the p.a. (some of the changes are really unnecessary, like. i'm sure europe has assistants. ,,, not sure if they have weasels tho apparently-)
uhhhhhhh i don't remember who's who but baxter and forthington are instead quick and slow. which is a direct translation of the japanese names i believe
my personal favorite just cuz of how ridiculous it is: the wandering samurai is instead named samurai steve. no i'm not joking.
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idk why tbh but anyways. set 5.
the fish in catch of the day have different names. uh. ,,, i'm gonna need to check the wiki for this gimme a sec- okay. quicknibbles are gulpers, pausegills are little waiters, and threefish are big teasers. i hate that so much-
not a big change but the huebirds of happiness are just. huebirds. i guess europe doesn't have happiness-
the worst (/hj) change: uhh... these guys? (the donk-donk guys. i fucking hate referring to them) are instead the donkers.
the school library pep squad are instead the cheer readers.
marshal (does his name have one l or two) is instead named matt. idk why, miss ribbon and cam's names are the same, but. sure.
idk if it counts but the wiki says that in beat the beat the tap trial girl is called miss because in tap trial's description. "miss" is capitalized. which i'm. pretty sure is just. proper grammar. but sure.
other changes include the ability to switch language in the cafe, every piece of reading material being different, and all the epilogues having different text.
basically. uh. idk what i was gonna say. ,,, i spent like half an hour on this-
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More shenanigans with Clanmen
And another big one coming:
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What the censored does this even have to do with clans? lol
A lot, actually. :’D
And quite frankly, we are unbothered by you telling what makes our clan image really. It's not like people think you even look pretty yourself out here kissing the admins' boots for everything they do.
I can’t phrase what it is, the “we are unbothered by you telling what makes our clan image really“ and “you even look pretty yourself out here kissing the admins' boots“ makes me giggle a lot - y’all can check my Track history (yes, I’m bringing this back) and y’all can view that I only “defended” the Admins around.. 2-3 times during my life, and that’s about it - if y’all check both my Tumblr, Discord, ect, y’all can see that about 90% of the times, I do despise them - I, at the least, know the difference between an Admin and a Developer (this will be brought up again, don’t worry). As for the “unbothered”, about... 6 clanmen of the same clan say otherwise, two (now 3) still show signs of such.
Let me tell you one of the things that irks me the most:
It's that when people basically just complain - telling people off for giving the admins/developers the amount of negative feedbacks that they get, saying: We complain too much; the admins are humans too give them a break; be grateful this game still exists; and negative comments impolite (apparently? :'D)
So.. basically being a normal civilized human being irks you? Like..
telling people off for giving the admins/developers the amount of negative feedbacks that they get: You’re basically saying to continue to bash them for “not fixing x” even though they’re Admins and not Developers, they can’t really fix anything;
We complain too much; the admins are humans too give them a break: While I do agree some complaints are a tad... why and some do need more attention, I really don’t see where’s the bad in the latter, if you were an Admin, you probably would wish people would give you a break after receiving thousands and thousands of PMs; :’D
be grateful this game still exists; and negative comments impolite (apparently? :'D): To this day, it’s the only MMORPG HTTYD game you’ll ever see that’s in a... complete state, until someone makes an upgraded (and better) MMORPG HTTYD game... yeah, be grateful this exist. As for the latter, I’ve seen multiple cases where users spoke with a very unreadable or plain-out negative text and the Admins tried to help them but the user didn’t gave enough information - if you want the Jumpstart Support or the Admins to help you then... write a goddamn decent and polite comment with all the information they need, it’s common sense, for crying out loud.
I mean.. where do I even start?
Listen pal, if we see an issue in the game, as players/customers of the game, we have the rights to be free to speak up about it. Sure, the admins/developers are humans too, but it is what they signed up for, as much negative feedbacks that they recieve, they are responsible and accountable for what it is. And just so you know, the players who complain are actually the supporters of the game, and the more open the players are about the issues in the game, the more support this game gets, because those who complain about the problems are those who care about the game and we address them because we wish to see a better future to the game. So, just because we have bad things to say, doesn't mean we don't believe in the admins too. Otherwise, why would we even bother to give a comment.
“Sure, the admins/developers are humans too, but it is what they signed up for, as much negative feedbacks that they recieve, they are responsible and accountable for what it is.”
Hum... oh okay, so if I signed up as a receptionist, it’s my responsibility for all the negative commentaries, even those that can’t be solved by me? That’s why there are people out there that support the idea of “being polite with those who work hard”, often times, people who work at receptionists, cash registers, you name it, about 80% of the complaints they get are complaints they can’t even fix and either have to ask for a manager or try to calm the person down since there’s not that much to do. Saying that “it is what they signed up for“ it’s basically saying “they’re the fault of all the glitches that happen and therefore they have to fix it right away” even though they can’t really do that much but to:
Ask you to send an email to Jumpstart Support (the equivalent of asking for a manager);
Or try to keep them calm.
Hell, I’ll give another example, a part of the Fandom website got fucked up and an user files a complaint reply to me about how there’s a section of the website itself that’s glitched, so I send a Glitch Complaint Email to Fandom support about said glitch - according to you, it’s MY responsibility that the Fandom website has that glitch and therefore, it’s ME who has to fix it, not the Fandom Devs. Do you understand what the fuck you just said or...
And just so you know, the players who complain are actually the supporters of the game
Since when though? Would be nice if you added a source referring to that, and just because they are the “supporters of the game”, it doesn’t mean they have to be respected - hell, I may be an Admin of the Wiki, but that doesn’t mean that everyone needs to fall to their knees before me, I ain’t some kind of goddess, I’m just a casual player who edits the wiki. And if they’re the “supporters of the game” then why don’t they have a special title? Supposed “supporters” should at the least have a special title like games like Pony Town has. Hell, there was even a Narrative Designer that appeared when clearing up the Hobblegrunt confusion (link available at the Hobblegrunt page at the SoD wiki btw) and how do we know it’s a Narrative Designer?
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Because they have their own title. If these supposed “supporters” don’t have their own title then... I’m sorry but you are saying fake shit and I don’t believe one bit until you give a proper source.
And the funniest thing? The same two “supporters” are the same users that are calling those who believe the Admins “fools” so... what a nice duo of supporters the Admins have, huh.
the more open the players are about the issues in the game, the more support this game gets, because those who complain about the problems are those who care about the game and we address them because we wish to see a better future to the game.
One thing is complain about a glitch to bring awareness, another thing is call everyone a “fool” for believing in the Admins - and I should note that this only started to happen after CotC got cancelled. No one was calling anyone a fool for x, it only and exclusively started happening after that became a thing.
And you’re saying that as if that’s what they’re doing when they aren’t. Need I remind you that one of the.. supposed “supporters” said this:
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And this:
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The bottom one was repeated 3 times throughout the entire thread. And remember, ever since this thread happened, the same user is now going on a spree of casually telling everyone that they’re fools for believing in the Admin’s lies. And this user is supposedly a “supporter”, everybody.
What a great way to show how good your clan is by having a clanman doing... this.
So, just because we have bad things to say, doesn't mean we don't believe in the admins too. Otherwise, why would we even bother to give a comment.
Again, those two “supporters” (specifically one of them) have something to say about that. And given how a clan behave... you probably only did that to “protect the other clanmen”.
And the devs need negative feedbacks, otherwise how can they even know what's wrong with the game DUUHHH. Other than that, the admins/devs themselves (most of the time (?)) don't always know what's good for the game, because unlike the players, they don't experience the gameplay experience themselves, so they don't know what bugs/glitches that actually matters and needs fixing and changes that needs to be done.
I agree with your point, though, like I said before, one thing is complain about a glitch to bring awareness, another thing is call everyone a “fool” for believing in the Admins. Those guys, specifically one of them, was going around casually saying that everyone’s a fool for believing in the Admin’s bullshit, how is that bringing awareness??
And “the admins/devs themselves (most of the time (?)) don't always know what's good for the game, because unlike the players, they don't experience the gameplay experience themselves“ yet again, Admins =/= Developers, and Developers have Beta Testers within them, to build a game and release it to the public, you HAVE to play it, there has been games where it really looks like the Testers didn’t played at all and have the double the amount of glitches that SoD has. And granted, there are suggestions that have been a thing for years (like the Feed All Button), though, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they haven’t added suggestions - as someone in the CotC Thread said before...
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And you can't expect everyone to address things the way you approve, nor expect everyone to shut up and deal with it like the admins/devs are saints - pretending there's nothing wrong for the sake of human sympathy, as it's so irrelevant. Kindly open your eyes please, this world isn't perfect and someone needs to say something about it.
What way I approve, though??? Like... what??? xD
File a polite, informative complaint email or PM is like. common sense. To let them help you, you have to help them understand what happen, that’s the basic of rules when it comes to file a complain to any form of support. And showing politeness to any support, really, gives off a better self-light than talking like you have some sort of anger problems with all caps and “speakin lik dis”. It’s literally common sense, it’s not a thing from me, it’s common sense - you wouldn’t file a complaint to any support email from any real life brand by typing “my machine doesnt work now, pls fix it”. They’ll probably either ignore it or ask for, you guess it, more fucking details.
Also I didn’t even told them to shut up????? I just told them that going around also telling other they’re fools for believing the Admins wouldn’t really give their clan a good image, that’s all I said! I didn’t even told them to shut up! Are you that protective to your clan that you’re assuming waaay to many things that I said??? Goddamn. xD
Also, where did you even g e t that “pretending there's nothing wrong for the sake of human sympathy, as it's so irrelevant.“???? “Kindly open your eyes please” Look who’s talking, at the least, I know what I’m talking about, I don’t suddenly bring “sake of human sympathy” and “expect everyone to shut up” out of the blue! xD
I think I've said enough. Oh and P.S _--_-- and _------_------ are actually one of the game's biggest supporters just so you know, especially in clan tournament ;)
Like I said, a source about that would be appreciated and those same guys are also the ones going around saying “we are fools for believing in the Admins’ bullshit”. And “especially in Clan Tournament”, well, that explains their sore loser behavior, you just made my point even stronger by proving once again that the reason they’re behaving like that is because of the cancellation of the CoTC.
Oh and after I said that second-to-last paragraph explains practically everything, I’m amazed they didn’t understood what I meant with that and... sent this:
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Why do people geninely think that sending gifs makes them feel more powerful and threatening? What is that gif supposed to imply? Fear? Dread? “Urgh”? Explain to me, please because all I see is a gif with... “Now run along”. Ofc I did thanked them for the lil chat because it was pretty nice.
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