#i did enter with prejudices BUT ALSO with an open heart to like it but rn i want to tear this game apart mwah
lestatlioncunt · 1 year
looks like me & fallout 4 are natural enemies now
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BG3 Companion Sexuality Headcanons
Astarion: Pansexual. Has a slight preference for men. Has a complicated relationship with feelings of attraction and connection, so doesn't usually like thinking about his own sexual identity. Thinks Wyll is the hottest other party member.
Lae'zel: Pansexual, kind of. Doesn't really relate to sex and gender in the same way as the Faerunian companions. Githyanki socially de-emphasize romance, and all sex is generally for pleasure since Vlaakith decides who bears eggs. Lae'zel is alloromantic, but romance isn't generally at the front of her mind in a relationship. Neither is gender; ultimately Lae'zel is attracted to conviction and fighting prowess, moreso even than anything physical.
Shadowheart: Bisexual. Very slight preference for men. (EDIT: I've rotated this in my mind after people pointed it out and I think actually Shadowheart has a slight preference for women.) Remained closeted into adulthood, not because the other Sharrans would discriminate against her (they generally don't care about sexuality) but because she wanted to impress everyone with how well she could keep the secret. Also, excessively kinky.
Gale: Bisexual. Has more experience with women than with men, but that has more to do with circumstances than preference. Though physical appearance isn't not a factor, he would probably describe himself as a sapiosexual; he's attracted to knowledge, intellectual curiosity, and strong opinions. Had crushes on several teachers in wizard school.
Wyll: Bisexual. Realized he wasn't just attracted to women at a young age, and his father was very supportive. No preference between genders, but one of his favorite things to do is court gentlemen exactly the same way he courts ladies; he likes being the devoted chivalric prince to men since he knows it's less common for them to be flattered and told they're beautiful.
Karlach: Pansexual. Years of being unable to make genuine connections with anyone have made her horny for affection, kindness, and commitment. Maybe had some gender preference before going to Hell, but her time there has given her lots of time to consider basically any options. Has at least a slight crush on basically every other party member.
Halsin: Pansexual. No gender preference. Halsin has had centuries to explore his sexuality, and his robust understanding of nature gives him a non-binary perspective on gender and sex. Nothing is a casual fling for this dude, though -- if you show the slightest bit of interest in him he will dedicate his whole heart to you. And also anyone else who shows interest in him at the same time.
Minthara: I didn't actually have Minthara in my party, but from what I've seen she seems like a pretty traditional drow, and when I think of drow and sexuality I sort of imagine a reverse of ancient Greek customs; bisexuality is the norm, men are prized for their beauty and for marriagibility, but it's expected that women will also have flings with other women, and those relationships are often considered more meaningful. I imagine Minthara follows those lines, being bisexual and assuming she may one day marry a beautiful man but being more inclined to meaningful, affectionate relationships with women, due to her own prejudices moreso than preference between genders.
Jaheira: Thought she was straight for the first century of her life, but has more recently opened up to other possibilities. Isn't particularly interested in marriage or a deep interpersonal romance at this point in her life, but she has entered a state of questioning her sexuality -- she's just not super interested in experimenting with actual relationships. She's got more important stuff to do. Did have a fling with Ninefingers that neither of them tell anyone about.
Minsc: Doesn't like labels. Minsc isn't interested in finding a partner, doesn't really care about sex, and is enthusiastic about romance mainly when other people do it. He hasn't given a lot of thought to where he might fall on any sexual/romantic spectrum, but he definitely sees beauty in all of his friends. He will give you the most heartfelt and often embarassing compliments on your personality, style, and appearance. Does that mean he's attracted to you? Maybe, maybe not, but there's definitely something queerplatonic going on.
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bedsyandco · 11 months
bsf!reader x luke blurb! <3
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You were laying in bed, knees drawn up to your chest, tears dropping onto your pillow.
You heard your front door open and close and panicked for a moment before you heard a familiar voice.
"Vi, where you at?" Luke yells, stumbling for a moment while taking off his shoes.
"Bedroom," you croak out.
"I've been texting you non-stop and you haven't been answering...I thought we were having movie night at-" Luke's voice stops as he enters your room and sees the position your in.
"hey, what's wrong?" he asks softly as he takes a seat next to you on the bed.
"I'm sorry, I forgot we were supposed to have movie night tonight," you say and tear up again.
"It's okay, don't even worry about it. C'mere," Luke says and pulls you onto his lap.
"What's wrong? What's got my girl so upset?" he asks gently wiping your tears.
"I just had a really bad day. I got back that paper I had to submit last week and I didn't do well. I was late to class this morning and I spilled coffee over myself. So not only did I smell like coffee the whole day, I also never got to actually drink it. And then my period started." You say and by the end new tears have already fallen.
"I'm sorry you had a bad day sweet girl," Luke says softly and gently wipes your tears again. There's nothing he hates more than seeing you cry.
"I know what's gonna make you feel better," he says and leaves the room, coming back with strawberry ice cream and a bottle of water.
Later, ice cream long gone, you were cuddled into Luke's chest. The sound of Pride and Prejudice filling the room.
"Thanks for this, Lu. You're the best friend a girl could ask for," you say and drop a kiss on his jaw.
"Always," Luke replies trying to focus on your body next to his instead of the way his heart contracted on the word friend.
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mangaka-neko-chan · 4 months
I'd like to know more about Moggy and Harald! What made them realize they liked the other, and how did that confession happen? I did see you said on one of your comics that you may or may not share the story up to the confession as it was a long process, so if you'd prefer to not share, that's fine lol c:
Oh I am absolutely down to share some details. I'm mostly withholding information outside of asks because I might draw about it. But it's actually very easy to convince me to share OC lore, haha. And I am super duper happy whenever someone asks about the two~
Moggy and Harald took a while to realize they like each other and then another while to confess. They are Zealot and Psyker, natural enemies on the Mourningstar. Harald absolutely hates Zealotry and Moggy was very crowded by the other Zealots in the squad who saw Harald as no good. On top of that, Moggy has had NO relationship experience up until this point and Harald has gotten very very closed off from other people.
What caught their interest in each other at first was very simply put physicality and combat skill. Moggy is very impressive in combat and unstoppable in a fight while Harald can do some serious and impressive damage with his Psyker powers. Moggy was the first to admire Harald's flashy kills. She has always been curious, brought up more open minded and entered Zealotry pretty late so her stance towards Psykers was more of cautious curiosity. Her to her unknown latent Psyker abilities perhaps drawing her to them as well. And even simpler for Harald, tho he saw Moggy as an absolute airhead, he had to admit that Moggy was cute, strong and good looking.
The attraction ran deeper as they were ordered to be on more missions together. Moggy couldn't resist laughing along Harald's jokes and wit. They would often end up debating (or rather arguing) as well, trying to question each others world view or faith. Harald noticed that unlike the other Zealots, Moggy would actually consider what he said and he found himself doing the same.
Furthermore Moggy's wears her heart on her sleeve, it is very easy to read her mind and feelings, sth that Harald excels at. So he did catch that she had feelings hinting towards interest but Moggy goes through 50 billion emotions per second especially with the fact that she's inexperienced in love and supposed to avoid him, so it was very confusing for him to pick up what exactly she was feeling towards him. She was just as confused. And because Harald lacks tact and results to snarky behaviour as a defense mechanism as well as Moggy being a stubborn hot-head, whenever they could have a moment it resulted in someone storming off. But this strange circumstance brought Harald a sensation he thought long forgotten. He could share Moggy's excitement and happiness. Her alive and bright perspective lightened up his life.
The moment they realized beginning feelings in each other was the moment they opened up to each other about their past. Both initially viewed the other in arrogance and with prejudice but both of them also suffered numerous losses in their lives and sharing what they went through until now brought perspective and understanding. It showed them that they were more alike than they thought. It brought them closer. They began treating each other with more openess and respect, protecting each other, working together.
From then on it was two idiots trying to navigate their feelings. One absolutey inexperienced, the other trying very hard to deny true emotions. If at all, their emotions became more complex to deal with to them. And then there was public expectation of them remaining apart. Long story short, it was absolute "youthful" hilarity between them until the final moment that they realized that any day they could loose the other forever. They finally confessed to each other, a storm of feelings figuratively and literally shared between them. The most exhilarating experience. A deep happiness about mutual feelings.
I will draw some of these mentioned moments and more over time :3
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allycat319 · 1 year
The Taming of the Judge
Chapter One: The Indecent Proposal
Authors Note: I have posted this fic on Ao3 and Wattpad if it easier for people to read on those sites. I intend to make this a slow burn story with eventual smut. Alice the main character is 18 and this is set in England in the 1840s. I also chose the name George because he doesn't have a first name.
Yes, I know this man is horrible but he is kind of fun to write for lol.
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“Alice darling!” Her mother called from the large sunroom of their home. Alice came rushing in, her pink and gold dress shimmering in the afternoon sun that pushed through the windows of the beautiful room. She smiled at her mother, who was setting the afternoon tea table with their maid Josephine. 
“Yes Ma Ma?” Her mother didn't look up from the table setting, she was rearranging the tea cups and the linens, she seemed a bit flustered and unhappy with the design of the table. “Your father is having a guest for afternoon tea, please go to his office and inform them tea is prepared and will be in the sunroom.” Alice nodded and scurried to her fathers library, the door was slightly agar but she knocked hesitantly. Knowing her father did not like to be interrupted while in there. “Enter.” came the booming voice of her father, Serjeant at Law Mr Phillip Burroughs. He was a portly man with a kind face and a loving demeanor. 
Alice opened the door timidly and smiled at her father and the tall, angry looking gentleman he was entertaining. “Ah, Alice my love, come in!” her father greeted her with a warm smile. “My apologies for the interruption Pa Pa, tea is served in the sunroom.” Phillip nodded “Thank you my darling.” He looked over to the angry gentleman “George my friend, allow me to introduce my youngest daughter, Alice.” Phillip gestured to Alice who curtsied in the direction of the grumpy looking judge. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance My Lord.” Alice smiled at Judge Turpin who she noted was around the age of her father, mid fifties. He looked rigid, pale and his vest was a bit tight around his slightly pudgy midsection. His face was unyielding and he wore purplish bags under his eyes from what Alice assumed to be lack of sleep. His hair was gray with white peppered in certain spots and his face looked as if he hadn't shaved in a week. 
He returned Alice’s smile with a curt nod, and her father spoke up, breaking the slightly uncomfortable silence. “George, If you would follow me to the sunroom. We can continue our negotiations over tea.” He patted Judge Turpin's arm and extended his hand towards the door behind Alice. The girl stood still as the men passed her, her father paused and placed a quick kiss on her forehead before leading the judge to the sunroom. 
***An Hour Later*** 
Alice was sitting in the parlor, her nose buried in her copy of Pride and Prejudice when Josephine entered the room quickly. “Miss Alice, your father requests your presence in the sunroom.” Alice nodded at the elderly woman. Placing the book on the table beside her before standing and making her way towards the sunroom. 
“Pa Pa, you wished to see me?” She asked timidly standing in the threshold. Her father and Judge Turpin sat at the white table, their tea cups empty and the sandwiches Josephine and her mother prepared earlier were long gone. “Alice, yes my darling. Come in!” Phillip stood and pulled out the chair between him and the judge. “Please sit.” Alice took her seat and looked at her father, her pale blue eyes sparkling in the sunshine of the bright room. Phillip returned to his seat and looked at his daughter. “My sweet Alice. As you have just turned eighteen, your mother and I have deemed it fit for you to be married.” Alice felt her heart sink to her feet and her palms became clammy. Phillip continued on “Judge Turpin has shown interest in you becoming his wife. He has asked my permission for you to be wed and I have granted it.” Alice looked between her father and the judge, her face showing slight panic while the grumpy judge remained stoic.  
Alice opened her mouth to speak but her father stopped her  “It has been decided that you will be married within a fortnight.” Alice nodded slowly “Pa pa, may I be excused to my room for the evening?” She asked quietly, feeling the tears start to burn in her eyes. Phillip nodded “Of course my darling.” 
Alice hurried up the stairs to her bedroom as fast as her legs could carry her. Closing the door and falling on her bed allowing the tears to finally flow free. “He wants me to marry a man three times my senior. How am I going to live alone with this man, not to mention copulate with him?” She muttered to herself, shoving her face into her pillow to muffle the sound of her wailing. 
She cried herself to sleep that night, with nothing but thoughts of terror scattering through her mind.
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nattosushi · 3 months
Popsugar reading challenge: A book about K-Pop
I'll be the one- by Lyla Lee
This book is an example of why I am doing the reading challenge. It is a book that I really enjoyed reading, but would definitely not have read if I did not do the reading challenge.
The prompt was very hard for me because I have no interest in K-Pop. I have watched a few Korean dramas by chance and while I like it, I still prefer Japanese drama so much more.
I was actually planning to read another book for this prompt, but due to not finding that book and saw this book instead, I decided to read this.
This book is about Skye Shin (a Korean American) entering a K-Pop reality competition. Skye is a plus size and the book pretty much navigates her difficulty in the competition due to people's prejudice with her look. I think because this is a teen book, the story remain, overall, quite positive. Even though one of the villains (the judge) is almost a bit 2D in the way she treats Skye, it doesn't really get too much in the way of the reading, because she is not a major focus.
Skye is a really likeable character. Even though she is overall, a very positive person, she is not a naïve character. She understands and acknowledges the challenges she faces. An important thing to note is that Skye is not overweight, but merely plus size. In addition to being a singer, she is also a good dancer, which implies that she is clearly very healthy and fit.
Her relationship with her mum is really sad, and in a way, it is more realistic that her mum did not suddenly do a 180. Even though she and mum has reached a certain sense of reconciliation with them understanding that they do love each other, they are still rather distant with one another. I really love how Skye is able to accept it. In addition to her growth of being even more comfortable with her body ,she also realise that you have to accept the people around you and that sometimes, you can never achieve the happy ending you wish.
The book ends with Skye planning to go to South Korea due to the result of the competition, which leaves a possible opening for a sequel. Given that South Korea is even more obsessed with the idea of thin being good, it would be very challenging for her there. I would love to read about how she navigates her way through these problems. I really like this book because she does not just go with a 'everything will somehow work out' attitude, but tries to focus on doing what she can to improve the situation.
I think as a woman, it is inevitable for there to be body issues. Even though I have always been pretty lucky by being quite tall and having a fairly fast metabolism, it is still something I have struggled with. So reading this book was very heart-warming. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it.
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h-earthwindfire · 3 months
Undressing Room
The whole thing was compact, overwhelming, and misshapen. [1]
'I feel strongly on this subject, sir,' said the irritable old gentleman, drawing off his gloves.  "Don't go to [it], [it]'s an assassin! A man trap!” [2]
he was (not) much alarmed by the citadels erected against the human mind in every direction, by superstition, despotism, and prejudice. [1]
"All the more dangerous then."
"More dangerous? Nonsense!” [3]
“Don't be silly.” [4]
„Could you go a step further?" „In what way, Mr.?" „Could you show me that you are also superior to this planet’s prejudice (…)? “ [3]
The door opened and he entered and undid the several enchantments, till he came to the seventh door and the semblance appeared before him, saying, "Welcome, O my [guest]!"
But he said to her, "How am I thy [guest], O accursed?
"0 my, I am thy [host] who bare thee nine months and suckled thee and reared thee.” [5]
I could still confide — for I opened my heart to you — I will not complain; but, from the soundness of your understanding, I am convinced, if you give yourself leave to reflect, you will also feel, that your conduct to me, so far from being generous, has not been just. — However I did not intend to argue [6]
[Now] "Put off thy clothes."
while [he] removed each article slowly (…) till [he] had nothing left but [his] petticoat trousers Then said [he], "0, is thy heart stone? Wilt thou dishonour me by discovering my shame?
"Strip, or I will strike off thy head with this sword;"
"Except thou strip, I will slay thee.” [5]
“The fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. “[7]
So [he] put off [his] trousers and became a body without a soul. [5]
“In so far, as you are able, take refuge with [outside]: she will cherish you in her bosom, and in her sanctuary you shall be safe, or, at any rate, safer than before.”
“Let her strip off your faults, rather than assist you to decry the faults of others. Let her not hold aloof from the customs of mankind, nor make it her business to condemn whatever she herself does not do. A man may be wise without parade and without arousing enmity. "[8]
“We know, and it is our pride to know, that man is by his constitution a religious animal; But if, in the moment of riot, and in a drunken delirium from the hot spirit drawn out of the alembic of hell, (…) we should uncover our nakedness, by throwing off that Christian religion which has hitherto been our boast and comfort (…) “[6]
“No offense. I just want to make sure you’ll get the point of the story. On our beaches [here], we’re pretty lighthearted about what we wear... or don’t wear.”
“Nude beaches?”
“Not actually, though I suppose if someone removed all of his or her clothing it wouldn’t be much remarked on. The custom is to wear a decent minimum, but I must admit that what we consider decent leaves very little to the imagination.” whereas a man would have a strong bias based on preconception and on what is already believed.” [3]
Clearly, this trail winds a vertiginous, indissoluble labyrinth that no Ariadne’s thread can lead out of. [9]
[He] glimpsed tragic understanding: he relinquished it for a (…) reassuring vision of absolute repetition, the eternal return. [10]
[He] felt dizzy.
[The house] felt dizzy.
"Are you dizzy, confused?”
„Could you go a step further?" „In what way, Mr." „Could you show me that you are also superior to this planet’s prejudice against [us]? “ [3]
“Can you find in your hearts to despoil the gentle, trusting creatures of their treasure, or do any thing to strip them of their native robe of virtue?” [6]
„Could you go a step further?" „In what way, Mr.?" „Could you show me that you are also superior to this planet’s prejudice against [Kati and Takeshi]? "[3]
The man is left naked, known for what he is, and resourceless. [11]
A young man was sitting upon a mattress, and he was like a rising moon, like the shining orb in its fourteenth night. He was in an undress. The Guest stopped and began to contemplate the scene, (…) then looking further he espied a damsel like unto the sun in serene firmament who took her lute and played on it while singing [12]
Sometimes they became suddenly bare and sublime. [6]
"Have no fear; thou shalt see [them] naked, even as [they] shall see thee naked;" and he said, “
“Let [them] come and look at me.” [5]
[1] Hugo, Les Miserables
[2] Dickens, Oliver Twist
[3] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[4] Latour, Reassembling the Social
[5] The Book of the Thousand and One Nights
[6] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works
[7] King, James Bible
[8] Seneca, Complete Works
[9] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[10] Lefebvre, State Space World
[11] Michelet, The History of France Vol 2
[12] The Book of the Thousand and One Nights Supplementary Nights
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
SF9's reaction: blowjobs?
Genre: fluff-fluff-fluff; smut (contains oral, praise kink, dom/sub themes, mutual masturbation, semi-public sex) / [Warnings: dumbification, mentions of crying, degrading names (slut), some unprotected sex]
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, refer to here for more; For more SF9, read here, for iKON, read here and for optional bias writings, read here
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Since you asked anon, ahaha
You sigh, shifting in your seat, partly to relieve yourself of the ache in your glutes; party in frustration from Youngbin who is seated next to you, dozing off. Truthfully, you find it funny and what's not to about it? He looks cute from the angle you are sitting at, holding himself by the palm of his hand that leans on the other arm-rest of the cinema chair. You don't want to wake him up, empathetic for all those schedules he had, yet he asked you- insisted really, to meet him up here. Well, you did predict with a 100% accuracy that he would fall asleep. You are all the way at the back, it's been long since you've seen him, you want him and you can have him, right now (?). It's not risky, more enticing as you shiver from excitement. You do not know what compels you to do this, perhaps a daring combination of lust and longing. You giggle, eyes drawing to the screen and the people. Oh you are loving this movie but what can you do about it? You carefully get onto your knees, rather quickly, ignoring the ache in between your inner thighs. It's all nimble because of the nervousness, you shakily unbutton his trousers, tug them down and then his boxers. You look up, is he really asleep? Deeper sleep than you thought? You wouldn't be surprised. Make the best out of every situation. You spit on your hands and pump him a few times and there's the bulge that you would have seen as an outline if you were at home. You take him in your mouth, wet and warm and that's when he jerks awake, like a small one, 'I've woken up' is the appropriate saying. You bob your head, increasing your grip on his thigh, holding yourself back from touching yourself, it'd be more pleasurable that way. He takes a couple of seconds but his hands automatically fly to the back of your head, caressing your hand and he wants to tell you, ''Good girl, you take me so well.'' which he does, in a whisper and it does absolutely nothing to quell the ache in your wet core, you clench your thighs together even harder at his words. Your smile grows, maybe in shyness or in a state of bliss, albeit not as much if it was his cock stuffed inside your pussy, you fondle his balls, flattening your tongue to the underside where a vein lies. He's nervous now, undoubtedly as he looks around but he doesn't want to stop you and he does not till you've milked him dry with your mouth.
He's reading something, or rather, he's studying, maybe English, you've forgotten what it was, an hour and then another passing since he's started. He got a little bit distracted at first, quickly getting up from his seat and walking to where you where, entering the room, hovering over you, pressing kisses to your neck and chest, so close to grinding his hips over yours when you pushed him away, hand on his chest, ''Don't you have to study?'' to which he moaned about something- nonsense mumbles and buried his head in your chest (he was in a whining mood). It made you laugh, honestly. ''You're so sweet you know?'' you said, clutching his cheeks and directing his gaze at you and he chuckled, shy, reminding himself and you, that he had to study (unfortunately). You smiled as he left not expecting him for another hour or so, bringing your laptop back to your lap. The comforters smell like him and his rather luxurious body lotion he uses + that, plus you can't stop thinking of his silk pyjamas, should you tease him about it or not? You contemplate that, at approximately thirty minutes past, around the same time he stalks into the room with extra light footsteps. All the while he was studying, he thought of all the encouraging words your gave him when he first told you that he was taking this test and suddenly, one of the memories was of you saying, ''You've done so well you know''- a non-sexual situation with that smile of yours, beaming for him, that made his heart curl up into a ball and continue to do his best for you. He was in that mood, he felt relief when he got up from his seat and made his way to you. You welcomed him with open arms, ''Hey baby'', nuzzling his hair, hovering over him. You needed him too but you were up for something else today. Something a little more dominating, you needed to know if he was okay with it today, feeling like it. There's a lot going on his eyes, he's silent but looking, growing more happy the further your fingers go, trailing downwards to his hips and hooking in the band of his joggers, the loose material- ''Did you finish studying?'' you ask. The words come too suddenly for him, the moment of truth that decides what your actions will be and he gulps, growing nervous. His groin stirs at what you could do but he replies, ''A-almost, almost done you know''. You smile, he's nervous so he hasn't done what he was supposed to; you also think that it is perfect. You bite your lip and pulls his joggers to his ankle revealing his semi-hard cock, ''You sound nervous baby'', you lean down and place a kiss on his lower tummy, not bothering to see the expression on his face. He doesn't want to lie to you and he hasn't- he could wing that test any day. He lies in anticipation, not saying anything like you, you simply smile and pump him, resulting in a slight thrust of his hips into your hand and when he's hard, you spit on his tip and stroke him, hearing heavy breaths and moans, he absolutely loves your mouth on him but he knows that this night won't end as he wants it too- you've got something up your sleeve and he can feel it. You chuckle at the way he has lifted his head to peer at you, the way you swallow his cock but most of all, how your warm mouth feels around him. You bob your head, giving him encouraging squeezes on his inner thighs so he knows that he's doing well till the time he's about to release. You love this part, just to tease him. Tears prick at his eyes when you stop before he is about to release. You come up and take him into your arms at the sight. When you hold him, that's when the waterfall begins and you hold him till you hear sniffles. You wipe his tears and kiss him softly, with reassurance, ''How about this: you go study, do your best while you are at it and then we'll think about we can solve your problem later huh?''. He nods and stays in your arms for sometime, snuggling into you before he leaves for the study room.
You steadily walk through the thick, velvet blue curtains, calming your haste by the soothing clicking of your shoes. Upon entering the wide hall, you pause and marvel at the sight. It's so beautifully decorated, you think, complimenting the production designers and workers on their work and effort. Past the rows and rows of empty seats that, fingers crossed, will be completely filled for the show, you spot Jaeyoon, the main lead and his female lead hunched together, viewing something on a camera. It was rumoured that Jaeyoon was difficult to work with. At first you presumed that it was because of his personal life, uncontrollable perhaps? Or because of his attitude, he could find it hard to cope with the reality of his fame or maybe he had anger issues, because of it or independently, you didn't know for sure. Or it could be false so you kept your prejudices to yourself. No point in being presumptuous you thought, you didn't even know the guy. Then. You watched him perform, eyes gleaming at the whole thing itself. Credit where credit was due, they were amazing and after weeks of preparation, a standing ovation was what they deserved. Backstage, you asked him if he wanted to go for a show, a neighbouring one? ''To see the competition?'' his tone was playful and he was smiling, ''I don't mind''. Palpable, he found his core tightening, ever since last week. How close were the two of you? Well, he had you almost naked under him until you were interrupted by the bell and he had to leave. It had been a week. He had pushed you on the bed, hastily kissing you, hovering over with a buzz in his head- the wine from dinner. Then. Their stage was equally impressive, given your live commentary throughout where the two of you had your mouth continuously open, whether you were gasping or just talking, obviously annoying the people left, right, front and back. They could see two heads touching, whispering something. His cologne invaded your nose, warm breath fanning the shell of your ear, saying something to you. You couldn't respond, sexual tension present, until he shook you, urging himself away from kissing you. A light one, like a peck on the cheek. You were so close and he felt like taking you home, telling you how he felt and undressing you, so many things to unwrap. The former was obvious. In an empty space in the hall, long after everyone was gone, you resumed what you couldn't after being busy all week long. You urgently kiss him, feeling his taste on your tongue, like last week. You only look up to see if there's anyone in there but you brain is running a hundred simulations at once and nothing seems dangerous enough so you continue, breaths and hands, hot and heavy on one another. You gasp, he's pulling the material of your dress up and feeling your backside, pressing you against his bulge. You tug open his belt and slide down on your knees and you are sure, absolutely, that someone has walked through the door just now. It's not the door to the space that you are in but beyond that, somewhere else, you aren't concerned. You leave a trail of saliva on his cock and pump him a few times, looking at him, peering up, knowing the effect you have on him. He's not keen on your teasing, prolonging, he fists your hair and guides his cock into your mouth. All the way to the back, your hands grip his thighs and squeeze, gagging at the intrusion in between your lips but you like it, reaching for your clit and rubbing, sighing in relief at the ache. He pulls out and fills your mouth again and he's thinking of the warmth, how good you feel there but there's impatience in his nature. He can't help it, he pulls you up and wipes the tears from your eyes, bending you over a bare table. It's a rush to take off your underwear and stuff it in his pockets, entering you without warning till he's sheathed to the hilt, having you gasp and cry out at the stretch. He kisses you hard on the mouth and then covers the noises you make, bringing your chest up, back to his chest, thrusting into your heat, saying, ''Be good for me, okay? Keep quiet.'',
trailing off to moan into your ear. You nod, crying in his hand, trying to keep the noises at bay, easy compliance which he finds hot, he didn't know you had this in you. You release your juices around his cock, slumping on the table whose corners you've gripped really hard, loosening it, whimpering, fumbling for his wrists, you feel overstimulated. ''Hold on, I'm there, alright dove?'' he coos, fucking you once, twice and then through his release, milking your insides. He tugs your dress down and his trousers up and you turn over and slip into his arms, kissing him, love over lust, giggling together and going home together.
Dawon I Lee Sanghyuk:
Simple, he's come home from work, exhausted but not too much to drop and you are preoccupied by your thoughts, about him. He takes you into his arms, sitting by the edge of the bed, upright, you grow needier as you straddle him. But you could wait. The kisses grow needier, passionate, like melting your bodies against one another, that feeling is present, every time. He pulls back for a breather and touches your foreheads, it's cute and makes you smile, tugging on his suit jacket which he takes as a sign to remove. ''What'd you want to do?'' he asks. His voice is soft and envelopes only the space between the two of you despite this being your house with no one else in it. ''Sit here'' and his lower belly stirs in arousing mystery, he knows what you have in mind, much more significance present whether or not you put it into words. You get off him and stand less than arm length away, taking off your clothes. He watches hungrily, taking in every detail connected with your body for example the way the fabric moves when you slip it off. You are graceful with it. You could be hasty and he would still find it sensual, he loves you naked. There isn't much to remove, just a shirt, no bra and panties. His mouth goes dry when you are only in your panties. He loves when you sleep like that. You gasp, biting down on your bottom lip, he tugs you closer to him and reaches out for the space between your legs, rubbing your clit over the material, evoking such beautiful sensations that have you curling at the knees. But first, as much as you want to go on, you nod and he takes his hand away, giving you a small smile as you get on your knees, never leaving his eyes, his intense gaze. When you are on your knees, in between his legs, he takes the liberty of grasping the back of your head and kissing you, leaning down to kiss you, he loves doing this every time and explains it as power play. Fuck, you think about how hot it is, his dominance over you. You sit on your heels, hands obediently on your knees, staring at his fingers working on taking his cock out. All the while, he thinks of your behaviour, observing your patience, your submission, heavy turn-ons for him. Your core is aching, in waiting, you had grown more aroused. Has it been the waiting or the change in atmosphere? He spits on his hand and pumps himself a few times and then slowly guides your mouth onto it, not giving you a chance to adjust to the intrusion in your mouth before pulling back and filling your mouth up again. Tears spill from your eyes, you gag on his cock as it hits the back of your throat but you don't object or touch him, instead fisting your hands on your knees and allow him to use your mouth. Next, he will use your core. So many thoughts, you are leaking in your panties when he moans out, ''You're doing so well.'', turning your cheeks pink and urging yourself to do even more better. You look up at his expression, nearly crying from the pleasure you are able to give him. ''Look at yourself baby, fuck, I'm fucking you dumb aren't I? Just a little slut to be used, on my cock.'' he turns you towards the small mirror on the floor, not far from the bed, leaning against the wall and big enough for you to see yourself in it. His words make you nod, he is pleased at the agreement in your eyes. He pulls you off his cock, watching a trail of saliva connect the tip of his cock and your open mouth, greedily sucking in air as if you had not been breathing moments before. He makes you keep silent by having you moan and cry out into his hand that covers your mouth, controlling the volume of your sounds as he pounds into you from behind, fully filling you to the brim, ''I know baby, I like using you.''. When he cleans the two of you up, he joins you in bed where hours later, you cock warms him, giggling and laughing about your day when he tells jokes and pinches your nipples, giving you precious love bites.
Rowoon I Kim Seokwoo:
Seokwoo is hovering above you, smiling like crazy. This is the first time you entrust yourselves to each other, sexually. From stripping each other of one's clothes and feverishly pressing kisses in all the right places, you've held back- in the back of his car while watching the fireworks, on the sofa strapped to the back of his truck when you helped him change house and last week, when he appeared all sheepish, ringing the bell and pressing you against the door with loving, I-want-to-make-love-to-you kisses after you told him that your parents were out. You stare at him, soaking in his expressions. Your clothes are on and as much as the two of you have eagerly waited for this moment, you start to relish it in. To take in all the details of your first night together. How did you end up here? That was a good question now for the night appeared faster than the day. The memories of the morning enlighten but here, here there is a different glow. Particularly the light from outside, bathing it's yellow's and orange's on your precious bodies, day illuminating your sight of one another. He sees a flash of nervousness in your eyes or ''This...'', not sure how you want to put it into words to which he instantly caresses your arms, gently, every so slowly, locking your lips in a soft, passionate embrace like he wants to tell you a million words made of the bright morning star and dark evening silvers combined. It sparks a need within you, in between primal and not, fucking loving. Heat slowly growing in you, you pull him back to your lips, touching your body, lips, legs to his, entangling. There the fire grows or perhaps, the heat. Heart of heart, hand in hand, you straighten up, sitting on your backside instead of laying and conscious of each other's movements, he moves back till he is on his back, head having not met the bed sheets purely in favour of seeing what you are about to do. One could say that he is curious, like a cat with it's ears poking up to the sound of a doorbell or wrapper crinkling. The latter for later, you think, grinning. He bites his lip, mouth almost asking, ''What are you doing baby?'' to which you say, ''Just you wait'', reading the words from lips. ''I can wait'' he says, almost saying, I've waited for so long, I can wait!. You think that he's cute, never more before than at this moment. The last time you were here, he was the one in this position. You move to in between his legs, trailing your fingers over his legs, toppling his nerves over the edge. Before he can move, which the movement resembles a jerk upwards, you push him back down, reassuring him. First with a kiss to his collarbone, travelling to deliver another kiss to his lips, cutting to the chase, ''Relax'', soothingly, ''I've got you.'', relaxing him till you see his expression soften and him nod, holding your arms. Then you go down, never letting go off the link between your eyes, core tingling with the buzzing of arousal as you pull his boxers off his legs, allowing his fully hard cock to spring from the previous confines. It's a sight to behold, right in front of you, mouth parting in awe at his cock. He looks at you nervously for a second and then thinks that he shouldn't have to be, he's safe with you, more than comfortable and he could sink into it; that's how you make him feel. He smiles when you reach for his hand, entwining your fingers, giving a little squeeze before you release, coating spit with your fingers and palm and spreading it across his cock, including his precum with a swipe. When you first touch him, he flinches but not in a bad way, it's a little unexpected but nothing to be worried about. He instantly calms, his heart racing all the same, throwing his head back and letting a groan escape him when he feels the warmth of your mouth envelope him. It's enough to throw him a blissful state, to think that the whole situation makes him giddy. He wants you, loves you and he has to tell you that (again). You suck him off with the bobs of your head, hair swishing with very fill of his cock in between your lip, you
take a look more than every once in a while, twice to know his reactions. To see him pleased makes you chuckle, the vibrations tickling his spine, slightly lifting his lower back off the bed, that type of sensation. It sends waves of the sea to his mind, he's lost in the pleasure you give to him. His eyes snap open when he feels it coming, he hurries to tell you before you let him tumble over the edge, bordering past the realm of intense sensuality, ''Wait-'', ''What is it?'' you ask, already thinking, knowing. ''I want to'', pause, ''be in you before I come'' said with determination which makes you nod furiously, smiling at him with giddiness. ''Huh?'', leaves your lips in confusion but you shouldn't. High standards, you think because you know that he will give it to you. Silver clouds, silver clouds. He nods, forgetting to tell you that he wants to have you on your back and eat you out. ''You know that time, when we were almost about to?'' you nod at his questions, fully aware at the memories that spring, fresh to the mind. They make you even more excited. ''This, I've wanted to do this for a long time.'' he says, eyes losing their innocence that you are so used to, taking on a darker form, not literally but the expression behind them. He wants to devour you and as much as you find that phrase funny, it's true. He's already in between your legs, licking a stripe, much to your back that lifts off the bed in a bed of arousal and that luscious moan that you let out, it fills his ears like music and urges him to continue on, till you've spilled on his tongue, crying out his name.
Zuho I Baek Juho:
He was irked by you, especially at first. ''Be cordial'' he said, the words that his mother always repeated to him when he couldn't instantly connect or figure out someone's personality. He didn't have to understand the world, yet he set out too. And you knew it, his curiosity and you thought that someday, it would land him in trouble. Wrong people, the police would say, sighing at the unfortunate instance of a man that landed in hot waters with the arduous gang in the area. ''Ran his mouth and look what happened'', the other police officer would say, letting out another sigh. But over time, you let this prejudice you had of him, dwindle. Now, you want to protect this person, at least to the best of your ability. His breath was taken away when he first saw you. He was also a fumbling person with a clumsy nature which he couldn't help but he could play his cards right, yes? Around you, he wasn't so sure. He was enticed by you, purely by his perception of beauty. But, not only because you are beautiful, you connect to people like that. Only this time, he felt as if children were deciding your fate, playing and dabbling your meetings in juvenility. You had seen him fall on his backside, getting up in an admirable manner; spill food on himself, did he need a bib? It was minor, cute occurrences to you which he thought of in distaste. He was a sweet guy, considerate because he would always think of other people, like telling you that he found a melody he composed which reminded him of you or bringing food for a heart-broken-by-their-ex-and-crying-terribly friend. You knew each other plenty. Your friends felt as if you needed a push and there came one, in a way that neither of you expected. No one knew about it after the event. Now that you are in bed on your day off, cuddling with Ju while watching a show together, giving live commentary in each other's ears while the mood calls for other things which forget the tv, you chuckle. But to recall, it's from a couple of years ago: at a party, you secure a room, purely by surprise do you stumble in there. You are buzzed, Ju walks out from the bathroom adjoining the room, looking at you with wide eyes, pausing in his step. ''What are you doing in here?'', ''What-?'' collide from your mouths in a frenzy. The room grows hot, maybe it's just your embarrassment that you can't stand straight. But he manages to catch you, taking huge steps with his arms extended just so your bottom does not hit the ground. You thank him and ask him to give you some space which you find comical. He's looking at you with worry plus, you are leaning against the door which he wants to walk past but is he going to say something? probably not. ''I'm good'', ''You sure?'', ''Yea why?'' and then something and then he drops you home. He chuckles to your fast-asleep, softly-snoring self, finding you just a tinsy bit adorable then. ''Thank you Ju'', ''It's okay'' he says, nonchalantly, ''Hey'', ''Yea?'', ''I want to try something'' you are smiling now, he's genuinely curious. You kiss him on the cheek and make your way out, not sure what to say, not sure whether to turn back. The next time he sees you, he kisses you.
Library sex? The most unrealistic because Ju can't keep his breathy moans to himself and the shelf, I don't think they can handle such forces ad the people? 911. But I didn't end up writing a blowjob into that story like I had planned, instead I have something to share: sucking Ju off in a library when's he trying to find a book/reading? It's hot, very, maybe it stems from yours and Ju's excitement, extra energy meshing in such a way that after an intense make-out session by the end of a bookshelf, you get on your knees and suck him off, arousal surging in your body and watching his expressions of pleasure. I guess the equally hotter thing would be if he pulled you up and made you sit on a table, bunching your bottoms wherever and getting on his knees, ''I'll make you feel happy'' which makes you think, is he drunk off excitement?. Surely yes, he chuckles when he hears your whimpers, entwining one hand that you squeeze every time his fingers touch your sweet spots.
Yoo Taeyang:
Because I'm a sap, every story here is more or less a love story anon!
Here's my train of thought: You drop off your keys on the table, stretching your neck from a short journey of driving but a long day of work, hoisting your arms up into the air, discarding your clothes in the hamper or wherever, calling out, ''Taeyang?''. ''I'm in here!'', he responds, namely the bedroom. You can already imagine him on his side of the bed, laptop on lap, maybe picking out a pub to go to and a movie for movie night, in his joggers and lose t-shirt. You are right, after all, it has been three and a half million years since you married this man. You walk right into your shared bedroom with only your underwear on. Taeyang distracts himself by occupying you on his mind, seeing your backside when you bend to pick something up from your closet. ''This isn't a porno Taeyang, I can feel your eyes on my butt.'' you murmur disapprovingly. ''I'm sorry'' he says, ignoring the way his groin stirs. You climb on the bed, moving towards him. Bigger the bed, bigger the journey to your favourite person's arms. A smaller bed would do, smaller distance then. ''How was your day?'', ''So we are doing this huh? It was good, thank you for asking.'', ''Tell me about it.'' he says, laughing, pulling you into his arms. You recount your memories, picking the funny ones. You sink into his arms, almost falling asleep. ''What did you do today?'' you ask, wanting to hear a funny story. ''I went to shop groceries, I met the housewives from two blocks over, I wanted to dash but I couldn't'', ''Why?'' you chuckle, continuing, ''Why did you want to dash?''. Taeyang has no interest in people except the you and neighbours and for a while, you've been encouraging him to make friends outside the radius of your area, if he's comfortable with it. ''They seem to judge very quickly, I can't stand stuff like that. Anyways, we got to know one another and now we have a reservation to eat at their pub next Thursday. If you are not okay, we can cancel it.'', he slows down at the last part ''Really?!'', you exclaim, you are extra-extra-extra happy for him. He's making friends! ''Is it that one we wanted to go to but couldn't?'' you ask, and he marvels at your excitement with a smile and gleaming eyes, thinking suspiciously that he does want to go there but, at what cost? He wants to go with you, not them. It's a beautiful train of thought. After the conversation, you lie in silence, peaceful as he shuts off his laptop and turns his attention to you. It starts with the hands on your waist, ''Pretty'', they move to your back, entering your shirt and snapping open your bra which by then, he's already kissing you, telling you that he wants you, intimately, especially with the way he's moulding his lips against yours, groaning into your mouth. ''Let me have you?'' is his question, you nod. he caresses your backside and then your cheek, legs on either side of your head, filling your mouth with his cock. It's a careful situation, he goes slow and with caution so as to not hurt you, it takes a while to set the rhythm which is fine by both, you want this but not by hurting yourselves. You've got a wide view of him and even a little eye contact sets him off, with a steady rhythm, he is throbbing with arousal, moaning at the way your mouth takes him. When it's the opposite, he prefers you stand or lean against a wall and that he is on his knees with his fingers deep inside of you, plunging in to meet your sweet spots while he sucks and licks your clit. Your view is so pretty, he always starts with little kitten licks, like it's his first time and then he buries his tongue in between your folds, lapping up every little juice he can find. It ends with you either riding him or on your hands and knees as he takes you from behind.
The true ending is when you cuddle after a second round and he refuses to get up because he wants to stay with you but eventually the knowing-better side of him wins and you take a shower together, the equally intimate situation out of everything. He rubs the knots on your shoulders away and gives you the best message to your scalp ever, it's soothing and this time you almost fall asleep (hehe). He also loves it when you do it for him: lather his body in soap and run your hands along it; knead the knots of tension in certain parts of his body, maybe his lower back or calves due to dancing all day and shampooing his hair while he rests on his chest (with his back to your chest or even curled up in between your legs, with his head on your tummy). If the two of you are up for it, he'll pour some wine or champagne or whatever it is that you both prefer and sit on the opposite side of the tub with your legs on his, probably massaging your sore legs after a long day of work and have the best conversations with you.
Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun:
Gentle baby
Let me elaborate: It goes without saying that you are his favourite person. Without hesitation (he can't help it), he'll smile when he sees you, even if you are just passing by, perhaps in a hurry or not, he has to smile at you and have a little conversation, ''Hey, what are you up to?'', ''Really?'' when you tell him and just like that, he has every reason to smile, to get that little boost you give him. Every conversation you have with him is fruitful for example, he loves inviting you to drink beer with him and if you don't like it but can tolerate it like me, he's absolutely open to trying new things like a wine tasting session and some people are drunk by the end but he's doing that thing, whereby his hand is hovering behind your back and he's cautious to pull you out of being dashed if a drunk person stumbles in your way. His eyes twinkle when he speaks to you, a gleam not malicious but out of curiosity to know you even more, he likes you, now what? When you weren't officially together, he felt as if he couldn't give you hugs as openly as he wanted to, maybe out of shyness, maybe out of hesitancy especially if you didn't like it. But he got to that point where he was comfortable around you, enough to side hug you when he met you, front hug when he met you but wanted to cuddle and back hugs for surprise. Take those three and apply them to the now, those are his ways of showing you affection. He loves to have you in his arms, close to you, no matter what mood he is in, if he's feeling gloomy, he'll fall into your arms when you pull him in for a hug and lean on your shoulder, nestling his head in between your neck particularly if he's not feeling okay. He loves you with all his heart! When you first have sex and all the times after that, you figure out that he's not rough neither does he have that capability to do that to you. If you want to, he'll try it out but sometimes, he'll slip back into loving you, holding your hands above your head when you release, gently coaxing an extra release one from you when he's eating you out on a day when you came back home tired. There's a lot to unpack here but don't worry, I got it~ On a day when you are tired, he'll love to eat you out, when you are on the sofa and you legs dangle of the edge, he'll sit there and dive his head in between your legs. He'll want to hold your hands when he hears you whimper or cry out his name, squeezing them in comfort as if to say, ''You are so great baby, you're doing so well, release when you want to.'' but don't forget, he going to absolutely tease you! Like, ''baby, there's something on your cheek'', ''huh?-oh'' and playfully push him as he takes you into his arms. It's your tears when he was pleasuring you. He not averted to the idea of you sucking him off when he's tired because he wants to cuddle you but in the morning! oh, if you suck him when you wake up, oh god. How does he handle it? He's moaning in no time, in your eyes it is quite exquisite to see, his expression in a haze, fluttering to the pleasure he's receiving, on some mornings, he comes faster than you've anticipated. To see you with a lack of clothes, he's turning you under him and placing kisses all over your body, slowly removing his jumper on yours to reveal your body. Trust me, he loves your body and if you aren't, he'll try to bring you into your element, it's okay if you aren't comfortable with your body but when you are, he'll move to your beat such as letting you ride his face after you sucked him that very morning. Or if you have a different dynamic, he would also love if you punished him (your dom side makes him nod like a compliant pretty boy, mewling to your orders) by not letting him touch you, he's going to be sulky then, ''I can't touch you?'', ''uh-huh'', ''why?'', ''It's your little punishment'', he proceeds to put his hands all over you, including slipping in between your folds just to prove his point that he doesn't like your punishment. He can be compliant but also act out, he thinks he's a bad boy~~ His favourite is to take you over the counter
but let's not lie here, he's perfectly happy with you sucking him off by the counter too, it's one of his favourite places in the house to have sex with you and he'll gladly return the favour by placing you it, on your back and coax one or two releases out of you. Then he may take you to the sofa, ''I know that you can do this baby'', ''Kyunnie?'', ''do you want to come back to this later on?'', ''It's okay'', ''you sure?'', was your conversation the first time around he had nearly coxed three to four releases out of you. He is proud of you, especially when he enters your warmth and settles beside you, slowly thrusting his hips against yours, filling you up and releasing into you, making love to you all the while.
Expect all the love from him too, anon!
The fan, the acoustic ventilator and the window are all open, letting in fresh air from outside and circulating it in into your room. Not less than a couple of moments ago had Chani woken up and wrinkled his nose, shaking his head in groan that, ''You need to open the window y/n, otherwise the fan is only going to circulate the warm air that is in this room.''. You are fast asleep, feeling extra warm but asleep, regardless. When Chani was content with opening the sources that would cool the room, he sighed in relief and took of his shirt that was stained with sweat, tossing in into the hamper and getting into bed with you. ''It's too hot.'' you mumble, the stickiness of the humidity has perforated any desires of wanting to sleep in his arms. But Chani has other plans, he waits for you to adjust your position to one of laying on your back and then he proceeds to lay on your bare tummy, growing that baby smile of his when you clear the hair from his face and embrace him. ''If we go out, it'll be cooler.'', ''okay'' he mumbles, not liking the idea of moving one bit but he knows that it must be cooler outside, if not staying within these four walls. Neither of you move and moments later, the both of you have fallen asleep, softly snoring. Chani moves up to where your head is, you wake up with his hand splayed all over you. He's awake, only slightly, gazing at you through his fluttering eyelids, cheekily smiling, from one dimple to the other, you decide that you know what's on his mind from the way his hands move all over your body. The heat has simmered down, albeit momentarily before it rises again to make way for the sweltering afternoon heat. He caresses your side, lifting himself to place kisses all over your tummy + if you were doing it for the first time as a couple and if you have stretch marks, he would run his fingers over them and tell you, ''Don't be shy, they are pretty.'', the last words would be said with finality, with determination that you should know about the marks that cover your body make up your beauty as well. You are beautiful, he's trying to say. He would kiss your stretch marks, wherever they are (breasts, hands, legs, hips, back, wherever) even placing a light bite upon the area, proud that he has managed to elicit a chuckle, ''What are you doing?'' is your response and a stress-free posture as you lie in his arms. He wouldn't know how to say it properly but you would understand through his actions that like tattoos, your stretch marks are personal to you, they make up you and that there's nothing wrong with them, that they should be loved instead of following the social taboo against them. He trails kisses to your sex, experimentally lapping at the wetness and warmth you have to offer. He doesn't waste time, simply pulling out lube and warming up your sex with it, adding a finger or two. ''Babe'', ''Hmm?'', ''Stop here'', you say, grasping his hand. With that, he places his hands on the sides of your head, hovering over you, asking, ''How's my favourite girl doing huh?'' while kissing your temple when placing a condom on himself and entering you. He responds to your moans with some of his, revelling in the feeling of his cock within you. It's towards the end when he's got you in his arms, on the bed, facing one another, in an intimate embrace, tuning in to the sounds and immense feelings of one another that he pulls away, chuckling when he hears a whine from you. It's not a little whine either, ''Chani'' you mumble, grumbling yet excited, the latter which he can see all the same, ''Come here baby'' he murmurs in response, with a hint of a command, you know what that it's a give and take. You get on your knees and suck him off, gripping onto to the covers for the position that you are in is not the best because you can't multitask or ask. You go on till he tells you to pull out and you sit opposite each other, ''This isn't our first time trying it'' you laugh out'', you say, laughing which he mirrors, ''I know, I like watching you when we do this.'', ''What the-'', you start, he's laughing again
with that crinkly-at-the-eyes and smiling widely, gums-showing, heart-stopping type of laugh that you pause your fingers at your core, not realising that you are smiling as widely as him. It's the effect you have on each other. At the same time, you both call it, automatically. He's sitting opposite you, within an arms lengths, touching himself, stroking himself to the bring of a release and beyond, while you, you that he can see, that he wants to reach out to but is equally content watching you finger yourself and stimulate your clit to a similar, high-energy-taking release. Since the first time you've done this, the both of you have been drawn to watch or not, concentrating with your eyes shut or with encouraging eyes that also stimulate, greatly, ''You can do this babe, you are doing so well'', said by either of you, smiling when you see the other release. Afterwards, he'll just want to collapse into your arms, not letting go, energy spent well in the morning. In the kitchen, he'll brew a coffee or tea for you, cuddling you in his arms, spending this valuable time in silence, occasionally telling you a funny situation that had occurred when he was at work.
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lily-drake · 3 years
Happy Birthday Jason!
Jason ran as fast as he could through the streets back to his apartment where he knew his twin sister was waiting for him.  He raced up the fire escape and did a special tap against the window before opening it and entering the rundown broken apartment building.  As soon as he set his feet on the grossly stained carpet he felt a small body ram into him.
His small sister, Marinette, cheered loudly as she crushed him in a hug.  He smiled as he hugged her back.
“Hey Pix.  Have you been good, didn’ cause too much trouble did ya?”
She shook her head against his chest and then jumped back as she ran towards their thin dirty sheet they used at night and brought it over to him.  
“Abuela gave me some money for cleaning her floors, so I gotcha somethin’!”
He pulled out a small cheap cardboard box from his hoodie pocket and handed it to her.
“Picked up enough money to get you somethin’ too.”
Her smile brightened, her smile didn’t belong in such a dark place.  They traded the gifts to each other and both were extremely happy.  Jason had given Marinette a small bracelet with a red string and different colored beads.  Marinette had gotten her brother an old book from the thrift shop that obviously used, but it was still good enough to be able to properly read from.  The book was titled Pride and Prejudice.  He looked so awed by the book and she felt immense pride in herself.  There was a bit of bread left over from a few days ago and Marinette made sure it was equally split so her brother also had his proper fill.  It was his birthday too after all!  
When it was time to go to sleep Jason read a chapter of the book to her then, the big meanie, made her read a chapter for him.  She stuttered a lot, but he would just smile and help her pronounce the word.  She was so lucky to have such an amazing big brother.
~~~~~~~~ It just didn’t feel right.  He had been living in the manor for a year now, and today felt so wrong without her.  Marinette had been taken by CPS three months before he had been caught stealing the tires off of the Batmobile.  He needed the money to hire a private investigator in order to find his sister.  It’s not that he didn’t trust Bruce, he just didn’t want him to put his sister into the danger that he was putting himself into as the new Robin.  He just knew that she would insert herself into vigilante life if she knew he was doing it.
Alfred seemed to understand what he was going through as he walked into the kitchen.  He didn’t know how the man knew, but he learned not to question it after spending about half a year in the manor.  He was silently eating his pancakes when Dick burst into the room yelling,
While scooping him into his trademark octopus hugs.  Jason struggled to get out of it as shock and adrenaline coursed through his veins.  Instincts from living on the streets for many years never really going away.
“How old are you now?  You’re 14, right?”
“Yea, now get off me!”
He did not in fact get off of Jason, at least not until Alfred told him to a few seconds later.  Rolling out his arms and shoulders he rolled his eyes at his brother and turned back to his food.  After a few moments of peace Dick poked his arm to get his attention.  Jason sighed and turned to the side to look at Dick.
“Here, I got you a present.”
Dick said with a bright smile that reminded him so much of his younger sisters.  He looked down and saw a rectangular looking thing hidden behind brightly colored and nicely wrapped wrapping paper.  Jason carefully took the book with a small thank you nod and tore open the paper to be met with a nice hard cover book of Peter Pan.
“I know we already have it in the library, but I thought you would want your own, and I just felt like you would like it.”
Dick said as he saw the gentle, reminiscent(?) look in Jason’s eyes as he stared at the book.  Jason willed himself not to cry as he stared at the book.  The book that inspired the nickname he gave his sister.  Abuela had read this book to them while they had stayed at her home during a harsh winter day.  Bless her soul, he knew that she was in the best place of heaven, if that place even existed.
Barbara walked into the kitchen with a bright smile and ruffled his hair.
“Happy birthday Jay.”
She said happily.  Jason looked up and gave her a small smile.
He hugged the book close to his chest.
“Means a lot.”
~~~~~~~~ Jason was angry, he didn’t understand why this was happening.  His body burned and everything felt like it was burning with pain.  He was training in the League with Talia.  He thought he had found a hint on where his sister was, and apparently his actual birth mother.  No, it was just a trap, and he had died by Joker's hands, and his sister wasn’t even there!  Now he spent the day training with Talia and whoever she saw fit to handle him.  His thoughts wandered to what his sister was doing, to what her life was like, if she was part of a good home, if she was still on the streets, if she was even alive.  No, of course she was, she had to be.  He refused to believe that she was gone before he could see her again.  
They are both 17 now, almost adults.  He would find her, but first he had to prove to Talia that he was ready.  He had to take out Bruce and his replacement.  D* that man, how dare he replace him like that.  He wasn’t just some tool, he was a person, he was important, he would show just how important he was.  This birthday was filled with rage that fueled him through the day, it was his motivation to find her one day and get his revenge.
~~~~~~~~ Jason watched silently as he attended a Justice League meeting with the rest of his family and Leaguers.  It was still rocky with his family, and he hadn’t been able to find a clue to where his sister was.  He still hadn’t told the others about her, though he was pretty sure B already knew about her from doing a background check or something.  He had never brought her up or done anything that made him think he actually knew about her though.  He had celebrated his 19th birthday, and so was she.  He was sure that she was still alive though.  He could never believe that she had passed.
A bright blue portal opened in the middle of the room just as expected.  Apparently Paris’s heroes were coming for a meeting or something today to discuss the Hero Ban there.  Five people in some form of animal themed suits walked through it.  A cat that looked like he could be Selina’s child, a bee, a snake, a dragon, and a ladybug.  
“Hello, I am Coccinelle and we are here to discuss the ban that we put up during Hawkmoth’s reign.”
He looked up suddenly, his eyes transfixed on the girl in the Ladybug suit that spoke.  His heart began to pick up racing quickly.  Her voice was so achingly familiar.  Her English was slightly accented in French, but it also had a small Gotham tint to it.
If this was a trick he would find a way to make the universe pay for this.  He hoped, he prayed to whatever God out there that existed that this was truly a gift from the universe.  He hadn’t realized that he had walked towards her until he was at her level staring into her eyes.
“Red Hood, what are you doing?”
Batman asked in his gruff voice.  He gently took off his helmet and mask before taking both her hands in his at her gasp.
“What are you doing, you bonehead fool?!”
Robin yelled at him, his glare intensifying.
Tears welled up in those oh so familiar blue eyes.  He had to be sure though.
“Marinette, is that you?”
She gave him a small nod before pulling her into a bone crushing hug.  Sobs left the young girl and silent tears fell down his cheeks as he ran his fingers through her hair in a comforting manner.
“Shhh, it’s ok Pixie-Pop.  I got ya.  I’m not leavin’ ya again.”
It was silent around them as everybody observed what was happening, though the Miraculous team was shocked they smiled in a gentle knowing way.  A birthday gift from the universe it seemed, he wouldn’t curse it again…..At least he wouldn’t until the next world ending event.  He had his sister back in his arms, and that’s all he could ever ask for.
I’m going to start an @ list.  If you want to be part of it comment your favorite part of the story or any story I’v written!  Thank you for reading!
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2jaeh · 3 years
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Bibliophile | Xiaojun x Reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Word count: 2,3k
Warnings: mature themes
Author: SIN
Two literature master students decide to make their steamy romance troupe debates a reality.
Your heels clicked against the marble floors as you ran over to the university library, hoping the evening rain wouldn’t worsen when you crossed the open courtyard.
Most of the students were either heading back to their dorm rooms or messing around in the common areas, while the only thing that rang in your head was to not be late for your part-time job at the restricted section of the library.
At first you had no damn clue why they needed someone to work there, especially since some of the books were even restricted to lecturers. But thanks to your century old university and their obsession with keeping their sacred books in pristine condition, all they needed was a literature masters student to help out from time to time.
You entered the library and greeted the woman at the front desk before she buzzed you in through to the door that led upstairs to the restricted area.
You quickly jogged up the stares and swung open the door only to be greeted by the only other person working around here, Xiao Dejun.
“You’re late again” his lips curled into a smile as he pushed up his gold framed glasses and inspected a dust covered book.
“Yeah the rain was just-“
“Crazy ?” Dejun peered up and pursed his lips, knowing that every excuse you had always ended in the same word.
“Yeah crazy” you half chuckled and removed your burgundy coat, making your way over to sign in the shift card.
All you knew about Dejun was that he finished his masters and was offered a lecture position at the university but decided to take up this job instead. He was very reserved and once told you that he craved the utter peacefulness of the restricted area, where he was usually either on his own or with you.
“I’m halfway on my thesis now” you said casually as you started fixing the binding of a physics book from the 70s.
“Oh?” Dejun raised his eyebrow and pulled out a chair next to you to tend to his own book repair, “I’m sure you’re glad it’s almost over right?”
You squinted your eyes and sighed, burying your head in your hands as that familiar migraine began to set in. “I’m....stuck” you groaned and peered up at Dejun, “I decided to dissect the romance genre of literature and honestly most of it is hot garbage.”
Dejun let out a laugh and you admired how his dark eyebrows knitted together, making his face look quite animated.
“What books have you studied if you don’t mind me asking ?” Dejun asked, his curious eyes met with yours as he shifted closer in his chair.
“Everything from Shakespeare to Nicolas Sparks, I just hate them all” you pouted and slumped back in your chair, moving the half bound book aside,
“Don’t get me wrong, I chose romance because I love it you know ? I just don’t think that those ‘classics’ do it any justice.”
Dejun nodded at your words and shrugged, “I agree with you, not a fan of that forbidden romance and rich girl poor man stuff either.”
“Right ?” Your eyes lit up and Dejun grinned at your passionate attitude. He’d always found you cute. Every so often he had the chance to work with you on a shift we’re always his best days. He’d listen to you rant about your professors, the music you hated on the radio, or the fact that someone stole your favourite parking spot.
“So....” Dejun folded his arms, “how would you change it ?”
“Change it?” You quirked a brow.
“What’s your perfect romance troupe ?” Dejun smiled softly and his soft brown eyes drew you in and made you feel warm, safe.
“Well for starters I think intimacy should come first and then the characters learn how to love each other as they develop their relationship” you explained, getting up from your chair and began pacing the small room,
“I don’t mind the cliche of they grab the same book or vinyl, I just prefer that instead of 7 chapters of them thinking about that moment they just take the leap right there.”
Dejun pondered on your words for a bit and also got to his feet, leaning against the table as he watched you pace back and forth.
“Would it work for people who somewhat knew each other before hand though ? A friend ? A colleague ?” Dejun quizzed and you nodded quickly,
“Yeah if there’s no prior feelings or hookups then why not ?”
“I guess we can’t test it then since we like each other huh ?” Dejun smirked returning to his seat innocently as you stopped abruptly and quickly tried to process what he had just said.
“I....we...don’t like each other ?” You stammered while ignoring the fact that your heart was racing against your chest.
Dejun chuckled as he carefully inspected one of the pages of his book, “the funny part is that you’re practically experiencing your ideal romance troupe and contradicting yourself by not owning up to the fact that we do in fact...like each other.”
Your mind was racing on every evening that you’ve spent with Dejun up until today. First day it’s true you both did a double take on each other and you found him extremely attractive. Day seven the two of you reached for the only hard cover copy left of Pride and Prejudice and spent the whole night critiquing the book until you lost track of time. Day seventeen you were packing books on the top shelf and as you descended down the steel steps you lost your balance and fell right into his arms.
You were literally living a goddamn romance troupe without even knowing it.
“By your words y/n, we need to skip a few steps now shouldn’t we ?” Dejuns eyes were still on his book, but he knew damn well that your eyes were on him.
“You’re right Dejun” you finally said and folded your arms across your chest.
Dejun turned his head to face you and narrowed his eyes, “I’m supposed to be the one making the move ? What happened to a change of scenery ? Uh women empowerment?”
You grabbed his hand and headed to the back of the room where the roof slightly slanted and the window panels were covered with water droplets as the night sky drew in. You neatened your blue plaid skirt and leaned against the old wood of a work station desk. Dejun cocked his head as you bit down on your lip, not knowing how to proceed to the next step.
“Why here ?” Dejun raised an eyebrow, removing his glasses and tucked them in the top pocket of his white buttoned down.
“I don’t know the setting is....pretty, also when we first met you were sitting at this desk reading the last book a literature master student would be reading” you stifled a laughter.
“Hey Harry Potter is my childhood” Dejun groaned, cutely rolling his eyes, something he did quite often and you would pester him to the point of seeing that reaction.
“Dejun,” you placed your hand on his cheek and his attention was focused on you, those soft brown eyes bore into yours as he took a step closer.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach as he softly wrapped his hand around the small of your back and placed the other on the back of your head. You finally leaned in and he did the same meeting your lips, for the first time and sighed. The kiss was soft, the two you just melted in the instant connection, basking in the feeling before continuing to deepen the kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer until your bodies were pressed against each other, fitting each other’s silhouettes perfectly. Dejun slipped his hands down to your thighs and picked you up and placed you on the desk, not breaking the kiss as he slipped in between your legs.
“I’m afraid I’m going to want more than this” you sighed into the kiss, unable to remove your hands from his toned body as you felt the closeness of him between your legs making you feel aroused.
“Come back to my place” Dejun whispered as he began attacking your neck with kisses and played with the hem of your skirt.
You can’t remember if you said yes or just nodded but you were now in Dejuns car on his way to his place. You enjoyed the passionate kiss he shared with you at the stop street and the occasional squeeze of your thigh when he would make turn into a new road.
The rain had begun pelting down and thankfully you were already pulling into his apartment lot before it became really hazy. Dejun turned to his backseat and realized he had left his umbrella back at the library and sighed,
“Running hand in hand in the pouring rain troupe ?” He held out his hand and you chuckled, “always been on my bucket list anyway.”
The two of you ran for about half a minute in the pouring rain but it was enough to completely drench you from your head down to your shoes. Dejun quickly punched in the code of his door and pulled you inside, already covering you in kisses as his blonde hair stuck to his forehead.
It was one item of clothing after another as the trail of clothes led down to his bedroom, where he had you in just your lacy nude coloured two piece set while he was slowly ridding himself of his pants.
You fell into his bed as you watched him slowly pull his leather belt from its hoops and his black slacks finally fell to the ground,
“You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met you know that ?” Dejun groaned as his eyes scanned over your body and he hovered over you.
“I could say the same about you Xiao Dejun” you mused and pulled him in for another hot passionate kiss. His warm body settled on yours and you wrapped your legs around his waist, wanting him closer even though it wasn’t even possible at this point.
Dejun unclipped your bra and moved his lips down to your breasts, squeezing one in his hand while licking and nipping at the other. You arched your back wanting more but also not wanting to rush him.
“Really want this to last much longer but I’m at my wits end right now” you moaned and Dejun chuckled as he peppered kisses all the way back up to your mouth.
“We have tonight, tomorrow, the next day and the day after that” he smirked against your lips before tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth.
Distracted by the stinging sensation from your lip you shivered at Dejuns icy fingers that was now hooked in the waistband of your panties, slowly pulling them down.
He watched as you squirmed beneath him. Watched how your eyes closed and how you sucked in your bottom lip, awaiting his next move.
You mewled when you felt the cool air hit your arousal and Dejun rubbed slow circles on your clit before pushing two fingers inside you, making you moan his name for the first time that night.
His fingers moved slowly but roughly while his lips softly pecked your hips, abdomen and the very top of your mound.
He was so gentle with you but his movements were still dominating, the mixture was absolutely intoxicating. You pulled him up missing the taste of his lips and before pressing his mouth on yours he caressed your cheek,
“Let me know if it’s too much okay?” He whispered against your lips and you nodded not knowing what you were in for.
Dejun locked your arms above your head and used his free hand to remove his boxers before entering you, already finding a rhythm to his thrusts. You threw your head back and moaned his name yet again as he slammed in and out of you, his grunts and your whimpers filling the bedroom.
His hand stayed locked on your wrists as he used his other hand to knead your breast, giving you multiple sensations at once. You almost hated the fact that you were close to your peak and it hadn’t been more than five minutes of him inside you.
“God I really don’t wanna cum right now” you whined as he still pounded mercilessly inside you.
“Good thing I’m not gonna let you” Dejun murmured and just as you thought your orgasm had reached, he pulled out of you and rolled onto his back,
“Get on top.”
You listened to his instructions but before sitting back on his member you gave him a few pumps, finally able to see him squirm under your touch this time round. Dejun gave you a small smack on your butt, and you finally abided to his request and sat on top of him, the new position already bringing you back to where you started.
Dejun sat up to meet your thrusts as you rode him, and you found your hand tangled in his messy locks as the two of you practically screwed the hell out of each other. The kiss this time was filled with lust, filled with lip biting and exchanging of saliva as you felt your orgasm fast approaching and noticed Dejun’s pace was slowing down too,
“cum for me baby” Dejun mused as he used the last of energy to give you a few hard thrusts until you finally came undone and he followed quickly after.
It took about two minutes of trying to catch your breath before you finally rolled on the bed next to him and wiped the beads of sweat from your forehead.
“Yeah this...this was definitely missing in some of those novels” you turned to Dejun who had a smile spread across his face.
He pulled the covers over your bodies and pressed his lips to your forehead and cheek,
“Should we write our own novel then ?”
“Yeah, yeah we should” you smiled, closing your eyes feeling at peace as his warmness enveloped you.
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An anonymous lover (Part 5)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particularly rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, angst, arguing, not proof read
Word count : 2.2k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - You're here - Part 6 - Part 7
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
It is not possible. It is a mistake. He has dream of that moment so much, he is just imagining things now.
Sirius was in his dorm, laying down, looking at the stars on the canopy of his bed. He has stuck all the enveloppe he had receive decored with stars there, so he could see the sky before falling asleep, this had helped him to sleep better for the past few weeks.
But even the soothing looks of the stars could not help him calm his mind, he simply could not believe the person he was exchanging letters with, for now soon to be two months, was a slytherin. He knows her house shouldn’t be important, that no matter what she had helped him in so many ways, but he had developped such a hated for this house, he could simply not accept it.
He didn’t dare to compare the handwriting, fearing it would be indeed true, but after a few minutes he finally decided to look, he had to be sure, he couldn’t stay in the mystery like that for much longer.
He took the notes Y/N gave to him and the latest letter, the one he got today, it was a warming letter, she was talking about how she used to climb trees with her brother when she was a kid but never dared to go high, and how all the assignment was stressing her out and that writing to him helps her feeling better. Sirius felt like shit reading the lines.
He finally compare the two handwriting and threw his head back when they were the same. All the memories of the letter who were a source of joyed turned into a taste of disgust in the back of his tongue. What was before a blessing to be able to read those impossible lines became a curse. He hated it.
He hated how much of an impact her being a slytherin had on him, he didn’t want to deal with the emotion and decided to burry it deep inside of him. He didn’t copy the notes Y/N gave him and used Remus’ instead, he didn’t go to supper that evening, he didn’t respond to the letter like usual, and he didn’t sleep that night.
Y/N was a bit surprise to not have any letters from Sirius that night, she had not see him in the Great Hall either, that got her a bit worried. She tried to reassure herself, he did say he had difficulties with that specific potion so he was probably studying.
She laughed at that idea, she had never seen him study before, clever and smart Sirius. Always finding ways out of situation, always the right answer in class if he bothered participating. The two month were over soon she realised and he had still to find her. She felt a bit of dispointment but also a satisfaction of winning the bet. She blushed when she remembered Sirius had promised a date if he find her before. Would he still wants to ask her if the bet  was over ?
She thought for a moment, she hoped he would, she was still a bit scared to reveal herself, but she was confident everything would go alright if she did. After all, they had spend so much time sharing their hearts, it couldn’t desappear that easily, right ?
The next day she searched for him in the crowd and she felt her stomach flip, he looked livid, her first thought went to his mother, has she send another letter ? She felt so bad for him, she just wanted to hold him in her arms and tells him everything would be alright because he was capable of anything.
When their eyes met, Sirius quickly looked away, he didn’t want to see her, didn’t want to think of all the things happening in his head and she was only making things worse. Y/N didn’t know what to think of that, she decided to let him his space, he could always write to her if he needed her help.
But Y/N’s concern only got worse, it was Remus who gave her back her notes, and when she asked if Sirius was ok, he just nodded and said he will be alright. He completly ignore her in class, and wierdly enough he seemed to look at her way more often than before but always looked away when she noticed him.
She send a little message, a very short one, “Are you ok ? I’m worried”, all she was able to write down, she felt a weight in her stomach getting heavier every day and sharp glass in her throat forbbiding her to talk.
Those feeling only got worse when Sirius only responded with “I know who you are. Astronomy tower, 11PM, tomorrow” Y/N has never sweat that much in her entire life.
The walk from the dungeon to the astronomy tower was a long walk, and she was very careful to not get caught by anyone patrolling the corridors, she was trembling like a leaf in the wind. Each step getting heavier. But when she finally arrived, he was there, looking at the window, he turned to her when he heard someone enter.
For a solid second they just stand there, looking at eachother, not daring to say a word, but after a few moment it Y/N who spoke. “So... You know who I am”
“Yeah..”, his eyes looked in the void, he didn’t know what to do, he felt completly paralized. “Well.. What now ?” she didn’t dare to look a him either. “I don’t know”
Y/N froze for a moment, he didn’t know ? He is the one who asked her to come here ! After all they shared to one another, all the words exchanged, all those freaking kisses and hugs that’s all he had to say ? What for ? “Is it because I’m a slytherin ?”
Sirius didn’t answer for a moment but that spoke for itself, Y/N scoffed, tears running down her cheeks. “Of course” Sirius frowned “What do you mean by that ?”
“Of FUCKING course the great Sirius Black can’t deal with the fact he befriended a slytherin, how could have i been this stupid to think he could get over his own prejudice on a house he knows nothing about” Sirius stood from the window seat and walked to her visibly pissed “I know enough ‘bout yer stupid house to know t’s just a bunch a soon to be death eaters !”
Y/N open her mouth, completly shocked “Death eater ? Death. Eaters ? What do you even know about it ? Have you even try to talk to-” “Actually, yes, I did ! And mind ya all those I have talked to are nothing but monsters, so I prefer keep you and your kind away from me as much as possible”
Heavy tears were falling, how could he say that ? Her voice were cracking “Me and my kind ?! Do I look like a monster to you ?” Sirius opened and closed his mouth a few times “Maybe, yeah ! I know nothing about you !”
Y/N and Sirius froze, Professor McGonagall and prefect were standing at the door, arms crossed, a severe look on her face. “So ? I’m waiting”. Both the students were heads down, ashamed of being caught like four years old. It is Sirius who answered “Nothing Professor", she frowned when she saw the tears Y/N was quickly swipping away and her puffy eyes. “Well I am sure you will gladly do nothing at your detention tomorow after class”
“Yes Professor” have they replied in union, “Now, I believe you both know the way back to your dorm ? Go Miss Y/L/N, accompagny her Mister Collins, and it better not happen again” Y/N nod, unable to say another word and got out, following Collins. “Follow me Mister Black”, Sirius followed without a word.
After a few minutes, when they were starting to climb the moving stairs back to the Gryffindor commun room, she spoke, “I will not hide to you that I am quite desappointed Mister Black”, he frowned but before he could they anything, McGonagall added “I heard enough of your conversation to know what was happening, Mister Black” He felt his blood running out his face, probably leaving whiter than snow. “Professor I-”
“I don’t need your explainations, what you have said to Miss Y/L/N is simply intolarable, I thought better of you” Sirius was now red of shame, he didn’t know what to say, actually, he already regretted every words, he regretted them the second they have left his lips. “I can understand your disfavour toward the slytherin, I know your difficult relationship with your family and the fact they were all from this house, but I need you to understand that not all slytherin are bad people, the same way not all people who were from gryffindor turned out to be good people. Do you understand ?” Sirius nodded “I want you to think about it, goodnight Mister Black”
Sirius said goodbye and enter the common room before going to his shared dorm, he was not surprise to see that none of the marauders were sleeping. Sirius put the map he had used to sneek out in James drawer, his friend spoke “Where were you ?”
He didn’t answered at first, letting himself flopped on his bed, face first and groaning into his pillow. His friends looked at each other, worried, “Were you with a girl ?”, that only made him groaned louder. “C’mon, talk t’ us” said Remus, who stood up to sat beside his friend.
Sirius didn’t said anything for a moment, he was gnaw with guilt, he wanted all he said back, when he remember you crying his chest tighten, it was his fault if those tears were rolling down your cheek, if you were screaming at him, he had said such horrible thing to you but you didn’t said anything bad, you just observe a hard truth : this idiot could not go past his jugmental ass.
“The anonymous lover is Y/N”, all the marauders gasped together and hurried beside on his bed. “So ? What happenned ? You should be through the roof !” Sirius turned around, “I knew it for ‘ few days now”, James widen his eyes “ ‘nd you did tell us ?!”
Sirius grimaced “I know ! ‘m sorry ! ‘t just...” Remus frowned, something bad happened. “Pads, what have y’ done ?”, he simply put a pillow on his face, groaning and speaking intelligible words. “Wha’ ?”
“I TOLD HER SLYTHERIN WERE ABOMINATIONS !” they all sat there for a moment. James finally took the pillow from Sirius and hit him as hard as he possibly could with it “You. Are. An. I. DI. OT.”
“OUCH ! Yeah, YEAH ! I know, stop hitting me !” but he didn’t stop before a few more hit. He stop and catched back his breath. “I wouldn’t like to be you” said Peter, “Yeah, no shit Worm-” -another hit from James- “What do I do now ?!”
“Wha’ ? ‘cause you want her now ?” questionned Remus, he did not approve of his friend behavior, but he assumed that since he basicly called her a monster, he must not want to be with her. He observed his friend for a moment “C’mon, tell us everythin’ “
Sirius told them everything, from how he foud out, to what McGonagall had told him, passing by the horrible things he said to Y/N and him hiding his feelings away, getting interrupt occasionly by hit from James. But then he stopped, realising something horrible. “Oh no. Oh no no no no, I’M BECOMMING MY MOM !” He put his face in his hands. “I said such horrible things to her, she didn’t deserved any of it ! How do I make her feel better ?” He sounded desperate.
James put a hand on his friend’s shoulder “You gotta show her you really regret wha’ you said”
“Maybe some gifts ?” suggested Peter.
“Nah, first you have to deal with yer slytherin hate” said Remus.
Sirius frowned “What do you mean ?”
“If you want to date a slytherin, you have to deal with your irrational hate towards all of ‘hem”
“It’s not irrational ! I have perfectly good reas-” but he stopped mid-sentence, it was the argument with Y/N all over again, he sighed, he did need to deal with that.
“Let’s sleep, it’ll be better tomorow” said James who went to his own bed, the rest nodded and did the same.
Sirius put on some pyjamas and laid there for long minutes, thinking about why he hated slytherin so much, about his family, about Y/N. About the tears he caused, he wanted to punch himself for that, he swore that night that he will do anything to put a smile on her face and never see her cry again. He knew it will be hard but he will do anythign to deserve her fogiveness.
@blackpinkdolan  @jentaculargums @bruxa0007 @deathkat657 @theincredibledeadlyviper @bleh-bleh-blehs @whiskeypowder @edithsvoice @weasleybeb
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Be Kind (r.c)
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Summary: the facade Rafe puts up has caused tension in your relationship
AN: this is inspired by the song ‘Be Kind,’ by Marshmello and Halsey. also threw a little klaroline quote in there
quick PSA, i don’t condone anything Rafe does in the show at all. He killed a cop and was just a sadistic asshole. SO THIS IS NOT CANON RAFE i just wanted to make that clear and i DO NOT condone domestic violence of any kind, verbal or physical.
You’ve put up with Rafe Cameron for two years. But you didn’t used to phrase it like that until recently.
Rafe puts on a mask when he’s with Topper or Kelce or any of his other Kook friends. He never used to do that with you. He wasn’t afraid to show how he was really feeling. But when he turned to drugs, that mask was kept on permanently.
He wasn’t kind to you anymore. Didn’t call to ask how your day was, didn’t stay up late with you combing his fingers through your hair while he vividly described your future after college.
It was almost as if the cocaine made that version of him dormant. It wasn’t something you ever planned on getting used to. But for the foreseeable future, you had too. 
There was a huge Kook party that was being held at your house, your younger brother Topper being the host.
That’s how you and Rafe initially got together. It didn’t matter that you were one year younger. The connection was there. 
All of your ‘friends’ were there and you somehow managed to convince Topper to invite the Pogues. They were more your friends than anyone on Figure 8 anyways.
You didn’t know Rafe had brought the drugs. Not until Kiara was the one to point it out. He had told you he quit a long time ago so you had to see it for yourself. 
“Y/N, I thought you said Rafe quit?” She asked. You followed where she was pointing and saw your boyfriend doing a line off the glass coffee table.
Both Kie and JJ saw your face contorted with not just anger, but disappointment and disgust as well.
Rafe gets angry when he’s high so you knew you had to get him somewhere quiet until he came down. Usually he always started a fight with JJ or some other random person just for the sake of fighting. 
You carefully approached him, him having at least four inches of height over you.
“Baby, maybe we should go get you some water.” You said sweetly, touching his arm gently. “I’m fine, Y/N.” He protested, pulling his arm back rather violently. “Rafe, come on.” You said, masking the fear you were feeling. 
You kept pushing and hoping he’d give in to your pleas. “God, Y/N, you’re so fucking clingy! No wonder none of us like you.” He spat back at you.
By that point, everyone was watching in anticipation to see how you’d react to your boyfriend speaking to you like that. “That’s enough, man.” Topper interjected.
His words hurt you and that was clearly evident due to the tears that welled up in your eyes. “Alright, fine. You wanna be an asshole, that’s on you.” You snapped, turning to walk away from him. “Don’t turn your back on me!” Rafe bellowed. “I should have turned my back on you months ago with all the shit you’ve put me through!” You yelled back. 
You thought he’d scoff and roll his eyes like every other argument. What you didn’t see coming was Rafe bringing his hand up as if he were going to hit you. Rather harshly by the looks of it. 
The action made you flinch as Topper moved quickly to stand in between you and Rafe, as JJ and John B pulled you away.
The realization of what Rafe could have potentially done finally hit him when he saw the look on your face as JJ had his arms wrapped around you and his face softened.
“Y/N, I-I don’t know-“ He started before you cut him off. “Fuck you, Rafe. We’re done.” You sneered, before letting JJ and Kiara take you away from the party.
Once you had left, the mood of the party died completely. People beginning to clear out and Rafe standing there, trying to understand what just happened.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Topper yelled at his friend. “Topper,” Rafe started. “That’s my sister, dude! And she loves you, would do anything for you and you were going to hit her!” Topper said. “She was good for you. And you threw her away.” He added, before walking off to clean up the mess.
Rafe stood there, not a single ounce of a solution in his brain. Topper was right. You were the best thing that happened to him and he treated you like shit. And he knew he was doing it too. It was always after his dad tore into him about something he messed up. So he didn’t believe he deserved you so he pushed you away.
Ever since he started doing drugs, he gave you every reason to leave. But you never did. Not until you thought he was actually going to physically hurt you.
Rafe would never think of laying a finger on you in a way that would hurt you. But when he was on cocaine, he wasn’t Rafe. And clearly that didn’t stop him from hurting you verbally.
The Pogues brought you to the Chateau after JJ pulled you away from your own house. You hadn’t said a word since then and it was starting to worry JJ and Sarah.
JJ had known you just as long as he had known John B and he knew you better than most. You were a Kook but long before the prejudices started, you were their best friend.
Which was why he knew that when you weren’t talking, there was too much going on in your head.
The rest of them went inside while you sat on the front porch. JJ and Sarah stopped in the doorway and looked from you to each other.
JJ slightly nodded his head before walking over to sit by you.
“You can talk about it. You know you can tell me.” He said. You let out a deep breath before resting your head on your friend’s shoulder.
“He didn’t used to be like that. He was good to me but then he started doing the drugs and it just got worse.” You started. “Do you think it’s me? And it isn’t really because of the drugs?” You added.
JJ moved so he could look at you before he spoke. “You’re my best friend, Y/N. And I can tell you that it has nothing to do with you. It’s on Rafe if he can’t see what he’s had next to him for two years.” He said.
You have him a sad smile before putting your head back on his shoulder.
It had been two weeks since you had broken up with Rafe. His efforts to get you to talk to him happened every day, relentlessly.
Rafe showed up to your house not knowing that you weren’t there. When the door opened, Topper saw a very distraught Rafe standing there.
“What are you doing here?” Topper asked. “I need to see Y/N.” Rafe answered. “She’s not here. She’s with Sarah and Kie.” Topper told him.
That was when Rafe had taken off the mask, taken down the facade, and let all of his emotions show.
Topper had never seen his friend in such a fragile, emotional state before. “There’s no way out of this, bro. She’s never gonna come back to me.” Rafe cried.
“You know what you need to do then? Stop doing drugs. Stay sober and never even attempt to lay a hand on her again.” Topper told him. “I need to see her. I need to know that there’s still a chance.” Rafe said.
Topper sighed before checking the time on the Rolex on his wrist. “She’ll be home in fifteen minutes. You can wait for her upstairs.” He said.
Rafe thanked Topper quickly before rushing upstairs. He entered your room and felt the difference of tone in the room. It felt sad and different and he knew that he was the reason for it.
He could easily spot out the holes on your dresser where picture frames used to be. Pictures of the two of you that you couldn’t stand to look at anymore. He noticed the top drawer was open and empty. The drawer that held a couple of his t-shirts and sweatpants for when he’d spend the night. They were now in a duffle bag on the floor. 
Another thing he noticed was the Midsummer’s dress you were supposed to wear to match him. It was placed back in the garment bag and hanging on the back of your bedroom door. Probably so your mother could take it back. 
He remembered how excited you were to wear it, you tried it on for him and modeled it for ten minutes before he convinced you to hang it back up in your closet. 
About fifteen minutes later, Rafe heard the front door open before hearing your voice call out to your brother, causing his heart to speed up.
“Topper, I’m home!” You called, as you walked up the staircase to your room. “Wait, Y/N, I need to warn you.” Topper stopped you. “About?” You questioned. “Rafe.” Topper answered.
Your face fell at his words, not needing a further explanation. “He’s here?” You asked. “Yeah. He’s in your room.” He said.
You sighed as you nodded your head curtly before continuing your trek to your room.
Opening the door, you saw Rafe seated on the edge of your bed with tears in his eyes. A photo of to two of you in his hands. It took everything you had not to just run over there and tell him everything was going to be okay.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?” You asked, keeping your composure. “I needed to see you. To apologize for-“ He stopped himself, not wanting to relive that night’s events.
“I’ve been clean since that night but I can’t do this without you. It’s so hard. I start thinking about you and then how I lost you and it makes me want to just forget about it for a while. I need your help, Y/N. Please.” He added.
You looked at him, the broken boy who sat in front of you and sighed. This was the Rafe you missed and it seems as if you were starting to get him back.
“No more drinking. And no more drugs. Rafe, what you did scared the hell out of me. I’ve never seen you like that before. Yelling at me and telling me that I’m clingy and bitchy is one thing but hitting me is unforgivable.” You spoke.
Rafe stood up and approached you feeling a sense of hope. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I will never do anything like that again, I promise. Just please forgive me. I love you.” He said.
You took a moment to process his words and to find any trace of a lie. But when you couldn’t find one, you gave in. 
“If it happens again, I’m done.” You said quietly. “It won’t. I promise.” Rafe said. You nodded your head as Rafe pulled you into him. It wasn’t until then that you had let out the sobs you were so desperately trying to keep in. 
The two of you stayed that way, holding each other and just crying for what felt like hours. 
“You’re a mess.” You laughed, wiping the tears off of his face. “Yeah, you’re one to talk.” Rafe replied. “You know that I love you, right?” He asked. You nodded your head before speaking. “I love you too.” You replied. 
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costellos · 3 years
❥ ┋ ❝ la squadra & what excuses they use to touch you!
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a/n: head empty, just that hand touch scene in Pride in Prejudice....... anyway, this wasn’t a request, just a quick, unedited piece to help me get over my perfectionism. for context, you and your partner are not in a relationship here! just some old fashioned yearning.
warnings: mentions of nicotine in Melone’s part, unedited.
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— risotto nero.
Risotto likes to help you out of the car.
he’s a big fan of the simpler things. watching the sun set over the countryside, the way grass smells first thing in the morning, holding the door when his partner enters a car and helping them out when it’s time to go...
he does it for all of his partners during missions. it’s the polite thing to do. he’s a hitman, not a goddamn neanderthal.
so when it comes to being partnered with you, obviously he’d do the same. hold the door open for you, close the door for you, and escort you out when it’s time to go. except when you’re stepping out, your shoelace gets caught in the lining of the car mat. you stumble over, and before Risotto knows it, he’s holding you in his arms.
oh. hm. this is... unprofessional. but that’s not what he’s thinking when he catches you. no, he’s thinking about how soft your hair feels against his skin. how lovely you smell. the way you curse under your breath, and despite how harsh your voice sounds, it’s something that’s so you that for a brief second, he can feel his heart slam as hard against his chest as your head did just now.
every time you step out of a car now, he offers his hand to help you out. ↳ “here. take it.”
— prosciutto.
Prosciutto likes to help you tie your tie.
it started innocently enough. you were partnered to infiltrate a conference center filled with business people; obviously you had to look the part. he could pass easily enough. after all, he liked to think he might indulge in the more operational side of Passione once he acquired a high enough position. it’d be a pleasant road to retirement. dress for the job you want, or whatever the hell that means. but you? ...jesus christ, what moron taught you that’s how you knot a tie?
he stopped you before you were even in the car. a small tch, a quiet come here, and his fingers were at work fixing the fabric around your neck.
it’s embarrassing how many times it took him to actually tie it, though. he didn’t realize how much warmth would seep from your neck onto his fingertips. you were so close, with your eyes sheepishly looking away as he attempted to make you look presentable. sure, he was also averting his gaze, eyes focused on the fabric. so damn embarrassing... but so intoxicating.
he makes this a habit every time you’re about to go out together. ↳ “when are you going to learn how to tie this yourself? ...no, I don’t mind. just— stay still.”
— melone.
Melone likes to take your hand every time you paint your nails.
he’s always the first to notice the little changes in your appearance. a new shirt, the circles under your eyes a little darker, your face being a little brighter — everything. even the things you don’t mean to be noticeable.
this was one of those instances. an undercover mission in a cigarette factory left your fingertips stained yellow with nicotine. a putrid yellow, mind you. disgusting.
so you painted your nails a pale pink. a natural color, just something to hide the yellow. you weren’t trying to catch anyone’s attention. but like everything Melone notices about you, he was quick to note the rosy nail polish.
he took your hand into his own without warning. it was supposed to be a quick look, just something to tease you about. maybe make some lighthearted comment about how nicely it complements your skin tone. he wasn’t expecting to feel how soft your hands were, or how perfectly you fit in his grasp... most of all, he wasn’t expecting to see those cute eyes widen at the sudden gesture.
now he does it whenever he catches a new color on your nails. ↳ “ah, a new color! purple, mm? trying to match me?”
— ghiaccio.
Ghiaccio likes to pretend he’s about to start a fight.
maybe it’s a little childish. manipulative, even. but he’s not hurting anyone, and everyone knows when he’s actually about to start a fight.
well. everyone except you. blame it on being the newest member of the team. it’s not your fault you haven’t familiarized yourself with everyone’s quirks. after all, you’ve only been on the team for two months. and it’s infuriating how deep Ghiaccio’s feelings are for you already.
everything about Ghiaccio can be measured in extremes. it’s not a bad thing; he has so much love for his team and his job and you. that was easy enough for you to recognize. so much so that when you held him back from a fight, you immediately felt the muscles in his arm relax.
everything about Ghiaccio just... deflated in that second. it was like one weight lifted from his chest, and another hit it a million times harder. his face was still red, but not from anger. your hand held his arm as you attempted to bring him back to reality, and just as quickly as you yanked him back did he realize how damn hard he fell for you. you didn’t even have to say anything. you just wrapped your pretty little fingers around his arm and he was yours.
he cracks his neck any time he’s about to fake a fight. that’s your cue. ↳ “you’re gonna have to hold me back for this one, [Name], because I’m one second away from beatin’ the shit outta this dumbass!”
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like this piece? here are some similar works! 🌑 🌒 🌓
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valwentinefics · 3 years
First Impressions - Helmut Zemo x Reader (Pride and Prejudice AU) Part 1
The news of a new inhabitant of Netherfield Park has your family excited to meet the rich and single man Mr. Barnes at the upcoming ball. While there you come face to face with his friend, the Sokovian Baron named Helmut Zemo, who seems like he’d rather be anywhere else.
A/n: First part woo! This part was mostly based on the 2005 movie, the next part will follow the book more. I also won’t be doing such accurate lines in the future unless you guys tell me you want me to, I just felt like I should in this to set things up better. I’m also just slapping in marvel characters where I can, I hope you guys don’t mind!
Series Masterlist
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. This opinion was held by the community for the newest inhabitant of Netherfield Park, despite not knowing his opinion on the matter, and the mothers in each of the surrounding families had their hearts set on ensuring that one of their daughters would be the one to stake their claim on the man.
Your chilly hands held a weathered book as you entered the small house, abandoning the crisp and fresh spring air for the warmer indoor air that always seemed to smell slightly of flour. You often read outside while walking, a way to enjoy your hobbies of walking and reading as well as relax in the quiet spring air without your often giggling horde of sisters to interrupt your thoughts as they were doing now.
Your eyes looked to the group of girls gathered outside the door to your father’s study, ears pressed against the wood. You gently bonked your sister Natasha on the head with your book when you saw her straining to hear whatever conversation was happening in the room.
“It’s not polite to eavesdrop Natasha.” You scolded your older sister who’s beautiful face turned to a pout at your words. Although you were only the second child you often felt as if you were the oldest.
“Y/n this is different! Mother says Netherfield Park has let at last. It has a young, wealthy, and single inhabitant!” She protested, making you hesitate your retort.
Normally you were not one to indulge in your mother’s gossip about men, but the news piqued your interest. It was no secret to you or your sisters that your family was not doing well when it came to money. With your father aging more by the day and a cousin you hardly contacted set to inherit the property and everything on it once he died, things were not looking good. It was due to this that your mother was frantic when it came to setting up her daughters with suitable husbands. You sighed and pressed your ear to the door, knowing your mother was likely to attempt to set you or one of your sisters up with this newcomer, you were hoping to figure out some things about him before she did.
“How does his fortune affect our girls?” You heard your father, Mr. L/n, ask. You knew he knew the answer, your father was an intelligent man, he just found great enjoyment in pushing at your mothers buttons.
“Mr. L/n!” Mrs. L/n’s exasperated cry could be heard clearer than anything else that had been said earlier. It was as if she wanted the whole world to hear of her plights. “You know it matters because I intend to marry one of them to him!” Marriage seemed to be the only thing on your mothers mind, it was as if she was put on the earth for the sole purpose of getting you and your sisters a husband with good connections.
“Does the man get a choice in this?” You could hear your father chuckle and you had to bite back your own.
“The odds are in our favour with the amount of daughters we have, he very well might fall in love with one of them, which is why you must go see him at once!” Mrs. L/n pleaded, earning a sigh from Mr. L/n.
“You and the girls can go, or you can send them by themselves. Perhaps the latter will work out better, for you are as handsome as any of them. This Mr. Barnes may like you the best of the party if you are in attendance.” He flattered her. You knew it was a mix of sincerity and a way to distract her from her nagging. If nagging was something people could compete in, your mother would likely be world renowned for her skill. 
“My dear, you flatter me. I have had my fair share of beauty, however it is nothing extraordinary now.” Mrs. L/n paused for a second before seeming to remember her mission. “But Mr. L/n, You must visit him! Think of our daughters!”
The door opened, causing your sister Peggy to nearly fall to the ground, caught by your other sister Carol. The greying Mr. L/n smiled at the group of girls gathered outside the door before walking past them, chased by Mrs. L/n.
“Mr. L/n! Mr. L/n! Are you listening to me?” She called out as she followed him.
The older man paused, turning around to look at his wife and daughters who had followed them both. “I don’t see why I must go visit Mr. Barnes for a second time.” A sly grin spread onto his face.
“A second time?” Mrs. L/n gasped. “Oh, how could you tease me? Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?”
“On the contrary my dear, I have the utmost respect for them. They are my old friends, I’ve dealt with them countless times over the years.” He teased, earning an eye roll from his wife.
“Will he be attending the ball tomorrow?” Spoke up Sharon, excitement clearly shown on her face as she looked at your father expectantly.
“I believe so.” Mr. L/n replied, sitting down and watching as your sisters exploded with joy, chattering loudly about what they would wear and pestering him with questions about what the man was like.
You couldn’t help but smile and find yourself excited for the event. It had been a while since you last attended a ball and you looked forward to looking good and getting to see the strange new man. Netherfield Park was an amazing property, and you had heard many good things about the library of the place. The new tenant Mr. Barnes was likely to be an avid reader because of it, and if he was perhaps you could find a friend in him. 
A friend was all you were interested in. Whenever the topic of marriage came up you found yourself zoning out, much to your mothers dismay. Men were either too cocky or too daft, and always too easy to figure out. You wanted someone with substance, someone intelligent enough to keep his cards close to him, whose character you couldn’t figure out as easily as the rest. It would take characteristics like that for you to even begin to grow interest in a man, and even then only the deepest, truest love could persuade you into the chains of matrimony. 
The jovial air of the ball made a smile appear on your face as you stood in the corner of the room with Natasha and Wanda Maximoff. Wanda was your very close and trusted friend despite being seven years older than you. Your mother often would go on rants about how you would end up just like her, an unmarried burden to your parents at twenty seven, but you ignored it. Your eyes were trained on the dancing people, your foot slightly tapping to the sound of the music until it suddenly stopped. Your attention snapped to the entrance of the room, spotting three newcomers, two men and a woman. 
“The man with the blue eyes is Mr. James Barnes and the woman is his sister Miss. Rebecca Barnes.” Wanda explained, noticing you and your sister’s confusion. Her father had brought her family to Netherfield to introduce themselves earlier.
“And the man with the bad attitude?” You asked, examining the man accompanying the two. He didn’t seem too happy to be here. He was extremely put together, not a hair out of place and his posture exuding importance. His brown eyes looked around the room, making those who they landed on wonder what they did to deserve the piercing look.
“Baron Helmut Zemo.” Wanda explained. “He comes from Sokovia, rumors say he owns about half of the country.” Your eyes hardened, assuming his reason for being so unimpressed with being in the room must have something to do with his wealth and not wanting to be around so many common people.
“The miserable half of Sokovia clearly.” You scoffed, unable to rip your eyes from him. He would have been attractive if not for the ill temper he seemed to have.
Wanda and Natasha laughed at your comment, the music soon resuming once the group made their way to the other end of the room. You couldn’t help but stare at them, your attention mostly on Baron Zemo as he spoke to no one, despite the Barnes siblings who he had come with mingling with others.
You felt a hand grab your arm and you turned your head to face the person, realizing it was your mother. “Y/n, come, I must have you and Natasha introduced to Mr. Barnes.” She said, hauling you away to the other side of the room as you gave Wanda a pleading look, although you knew she could do nothing to stop your determined mother.
“These are my daughters, Natasha my eldest, and Y/n the second. I have others but they’re already dancing.” She introduced you and your sister. You looked at the group, taking great effort to stop yourself from staring at the Baron, instead examining Mr. Barnes. 
Mr. Barnes was certainly handsome with his dark looks. He was well built, clearly a man who went outside quite a bit, and his striking blue eyes were filled with kindness but had a small darkness within them, despite that you read him as a kind and gentle man who worked past his past mistakes. His eyes stayed primarily on Natasha, and you couldn’t blame him. Natasha was always the most effortlessly stunning sister, but when it came to balls where she put effort in her appearance, she blew everyone away.
“Mr. Barnes, are you liking it here in Hertfordshire?” Asked Natasha, her eyes stayed on him as well. You allowed yourself to glance at the Baron while the two conversed, finding the man standing still and talking to no one, instead looking away from your group and watching the dancing crowd with an unreadable expression.
“Very much.” He replied. You turned your attention back to the conversation to not appear rude, Mr. Barnes was giving your sister a charming smile.
“I’ve heard the library at Netherfield is one of the finest in the country.” You added to the conversation.
“It fills me with guilt, I’m not a very avid reader.” You had expected this from his athletic stature. “I prefer being outdoors. I mean, I can read, and I’m not saying you can’t read outdoors.” He began to ramble, seemingly embarrassed. Despite his kindness he didn’t seem to be too good when it came to socializing, either that or Natasha’s beauty was distracting him as he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her even when you had spoken.
“I wish I read more but it always seems as if there's other things to do.” Natasha spoke with a smile, saving Mr. Barnes from his awkward state. 
“That’s exactly what I meant!” He smiled, making Natasha smile in response. You knew they would get along well which would delight your mother.
You felt the warmth of someone's stare, turning your head to see Baron Zemo looking at you. Your eyes locked with his deep brown ones for a few moments, wordlessly trying to figure him out. You heard Mr. Barnes ask Natasha for a dance, and she accepted, leaving you with the Baron.
“Do you dance much, Baron?” You asked, hoping to ease the tension between you two by initiating a conversation.
“Not if I can help it.” He looked away, not seeming to be too pleased with being spoken to. The awkwardness of the moment threatened to consume you. You silently watched your sister dance for the duration of the song before heading to Wanda once it ended.
“What’s wrong?” She asked
“Baron Zemo is a dreadful conversationalist. He seemed so irritated with me just asking him a question, I can’t stand-” You were cut off with a shush, Wanda gesturing to where the Baron and Mr. Barnes were standing nearby, not noticing you two.
“I’ve never seen so many beautiful women in one place in my life.” Mr. Barnes spoke to his friend.
“You were dancing with the only beauty in the room.” The Baron replied with a scoff.
“She was gorgeous, but what about her sister? Y/n I believe was her name. She seemed intelligent, she asked me about the library. Maybe the two of you would be a good match” He nudged the Baron who sent him a look. Their dynamic was odd, and Y/n couldn’t help but wonder how such a kind man became friends with a man like Baron Zemo.
“She’s tolerable, but isn’t handsome enough to tempt me.” He replied, the two walking away to where Miss. Barnes was. You didn’t care about Baron Zemo’s opinion, but you couldn't help but be offended at his remark.
“If he liked you, you’d have to speak with him. Count your blessings Y/n.” Wanda tried to cheer you up. 
You forced a convincing smile. “I wouldn’t dance with him for all of Sokovia anyways, let alone his miserable half.”
Your joke made Wanda laugh, but your insecurities began to creep through. You had to forcibly stop yourself from dwelling on the Baron's words. He was pompous and judgmental and not worth your time. You looked over to him briefly and saw him looking unimpressed with everything around him. Was that really the man you would let spoil your fun night? He was the most disagreeable and unpleasant man you’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting, and you couldn’t stop yourself from wishing you would never have to encounter him after this night.
You stood up, determined to make the best out of the night, and headed to find a partner to dance with. You didn’t want to give the Baron the honour of haunting your thoughts. However, it was hard to keep him out of your mind when as you got in place to dance you felt the prickling of his stare on your back.
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mrfeenysmustache · 3 years
#5 and SessKag 😬
HELL YEAH SESSKAG. Also hello best friend 🥲 you’ll be seeing this when you wake up so good morning 🥲
This one ended up a wee bit longer than the others lol
“Home stopped being a place when you entered my life”
#5 on the fluff prompt list
She’d met him at a party.
A Christmas party.
He stood stiff and awkward in the corner, a head and shoulders taller than everyone else, his crisp, fitted suit clashing with the silly holiday sweaters the rest of them wore.
“That’s my brother,” Inuyasha, her best friend and brother-in-law, whispered to her as he passed her a cup of punch, “we just reunited and the family aint too happy about it.” and she understood.
She made her way over, determined to bring him into the fold, or at least make him feel more at ease and welcome.
“Hello,” she greeted, his golden eyes slanting her way. “I’m Kagome, Kikyo’s sister. You know, Inuyasha’s wife?”
“Hn.” He responded with a nod in her direction. “Sesshomaru.”
“It’s so nice to meet you! Can I get you a drink?”
She watched his nose twitch discreetly as he scented the drink in her hand, and then his lip curled up just slightly in disgust.
“Oh, not one of these.” She giggled in response, “I know where they keep the key to the liquor cabinet.”
He relaxed just the slightest iota, and she practically beamed.
“Whisky on the rocks.”
“Coming right up!”
He sipped his drink slowly as she filled him in on every name, occupation and marital status.
Aside from Kikyo and Inuyasha, they had Koga, the bachelor bartender, Sango and Miroku, the married couple who owned a sweet shop, and..
“Me, and I’m a nurse.”
“No significant other?”
His voice, deep and rich, made the hair stand up on her arms in a pleasant way, but she resolutely ignored it.
“Nope! It’s just me.”
He said little else, but she didn’t get the impression that he was annoyed, so she stayed near him as the party progressed.
“Bye everyone!” She called from the door when it was time to go. “It was so good to finally meet you Sesshomaru, I hope you’ll be around more often!”
He gave her a nod and a little smile, and she went home for a peaceful night’s sleep.
He was there for their next group dinner. Inuyasha warned them in hushed tones before he arrived that he may be in a foul mood.
“Things with the family have gotten worse. He barely talks so it’s hard to know what’s happened. I know they don’t like that he’s reconciled with me after they tried to completely shut me and my mom out for not being yokai, but I think there’s more he hasn’t told me. Just don’t be surprised if he’s moody this time.”
“As opposed to how warm and conversational he was at the Christmas party?” Koga quipped, laughing with Miroku and igniting Kagome’s fe mper.
“Well I thought he was nice!” she cut in, blushing when several sets of stunned eyes turned on her at once. “He was!”
“Yeah we saw you two getting cozy in the corner all night.” Miroku said, waggling his brow suggestively.
“We weren’t ‘getting cozy’ you insufferable letch. He looked lonely and uncomfortable so I talked to him. That’s all. And he was nice.” She shrugged, and then the conversation died as Sesshomaru himself swept in.
He took the only seat open, the one next to her, and Kagome felt her heart twist as he simply sat and covered his face with his hands, ignoring everyone else as they chatted and cut up.
Enjoying time with her friends felt hollow with such a wounded soul sitting next to her, but she knew so little about Sesshomaru she worried she might cross some unnamed boundary.
She took a large gulp of her drink and laid her hand gently on his shoulder.
“Sesshomaru… are you alright?” She asked quietly, speaking soft enough to avoid getting the attention of her friends but loud enough that he would hear. After a long moment where she was sure he wouldn’t respond, he pulled his hands away from his face and slowly reached into his pocket. He pulled out his cellphone and tapped the screen once, lighting up a photo of a cute, smiling little human girl with melting brown eyes.
She looked between him and the phone screen, unsure what he was trying to communicate, but certain it was connected to the cause of his dark mood.
“This is Rin.” He clarified, voice pitched low and for her ears only.
“She’s adorable.”
“Hn. She is my daughter.” He met her eyes, and the gold of his glowed firm and defensive.
Suddenly, everything made a lot of shocking sense.
“They don’t like that you’ve adopted a human, do they? Your family?”
“No. They do not.”
Pulling her purse off the back of her chair, Kagome retrieved her own phone. She scrolled through her pictures for just a moment, until she found just the one she was looking for: a grinning little Fox boy holding up a scribbly crayon drawing.
She tilted her screen over, and Sesshomaru leaned nearer to see.
“My son.” She said simply, and though his reaction was so subtle no one sitting any farther away from him than her would notice, Kagome thought she’d seen him sag in relief.
“We should get them together for a play date.” She suggested, and they exchanged numbers with plans to do just that.
Rin and Shippo got along swimmingly, and, surprisingly, so did she and Sesshomaru. He’d grown comfortable enough with her that their conversation consisted of more than just her babbling at him and hoping he was listening. They shared their adoption stories, how they’d found their children and came to be their parents, the challenges that came with adopting children outside your species, he opened up about the backlash he’d faced from his family when he first brought Rin home, backlash he’d expected but hoped against hope he was wrong about.
“Once she warmed my heart and showed me the folly of clinging to the prejudices I’d been raised with, I reached out to Inuyasha in hopes of establishing a relationship with my only sibling. I’d never even met him before, as he and his mother were never allowed around the family before father died. Afterward, everyone acted as if neither ever existed. Likewise, Rin will never meet the rest of her relatives.”
Kagome watched the two children chase each other as they squealed with laughter. Uncomplicated fun between a yokai child and a human child. Completely different species, but alike enough to play.
“If she ever needs a grandmother, I’m certain my mama would take her right in. She’s loved getting to spoil Shippo.”
He smiled, small but true, and she went a little starry eyed at the beauty of it.
“Hn. I will keep it in mind.”
Play dates evolved into real dates, and though her friends teased them, they took it in stride. Quiet and controlled in public, Sesshomaru was soft and demonstrative with her in private. She’d never felt so secure in a relationship before, and the firm but nurturing hand he had with both children made them all feel safe.
They spent more time all together than apart, and soon life felt empty if they weren’t all together.
Sesshomaru occasionally came over with a dark cloud over his head after a particularly nasty clash with family, but she’d simply run her fingers through his hair until the knots of tension were soothed. He was a strong, yokai influence for Shippo to learn from; she was a tender human mother for Rin to thrive from, and when Sesshomaru asked if they could join their families together permanently, no question in her life had ever had an easier answer.
And no answer had ever had such drastic consequences.
News got out and around fast, and one night, less than a week after their joyous engagement, Sesshomaru and Rin showed up at her door with a suitcase each, and dour faces.
“We need a place to stay…. A place to live.”
“Oh my gods, come in both of you.”
They spoke nothing of it at first.
Kagome kept busy feeding the children, getting them bathed, and tucking them in together to giggle h see their covers before falling asleep.
As soon as their door was firmly shut, she sat at the table across from Sesshomaru and laced her fingers through his.
“I have been disowned and disinherited.”
Unsure what to say, Kagome simply squeezed his hand.
“They tolerated the fact that I’d adopted a human daughter, but they would not stand for me falling into my father’s footsteps and marrying a human woman. My choices were my standing in the family, or you.”
Tears filled her eyes as him being here could only mean one thing: he’d chosen her.
“Oh Sesshomaru. I’m so sorry.”
“As the house I resided in was family property I was no longer allowed to stay, and I was fired from my father’s company and stripped of all my rights to any part of it. I’m afraid I come here with nothing to offer you now.”
She stood and rushed around the table and into his arms, hunkering down into his strength, hopefully lending her own.
“Stop that. I don’t want anything but you and Rin. That’s all I need. I’m just so sorry you had to lose your home because of me.”
He rested his chin atop her head and let her scent calm him.
“My home.” He mused, looking around the tiny apartment he’d hoped to move her out of soon when they were able to merge their lives into one. It would be cramped with all four of them there full time, but it was already chock full of their memories. They would figure it out.
“My home stopped being a place when you entered my life, Kagome.”
She wept and he held her, one of the only treasures he had left in the world, while the other two slept soundly and happily in their bed.
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geshertzarmeod · 3 years
In Other Lands Character Arcs
(Spoilers Abound)
I’m thinking about how the character arcs of all three main characters from In Other Lands center largely on moving away from what their families expected of them, even as each of them doesn’t necessarily think moving away from that is possible. And how it’s their relationships with each other that help them move in the directions they actually want to move in, and believe in their abilities to forge their own paths and lead fulfilling lives. Even if it’s not what their parents or home communities think a fulfilling life entails. This culminates in their refusal (along with Golden) at the end of the book, to let anyone else influence them when it comes to deciding where to be stationed. They’re ready to choose their own paths, together.
There’s something deeply appealing to me about this as a queer person, even as queerness (as defined by orientation or gender) is not actually a central factor in the shifting of each character’s relationship with their families. Actually, the character who comes closest to that is Serene, who is presumedly straight, but whose pushback against the rigid gendered expectations of her society so challenge her community that she and Golden are essentially banished at least for a time. This is only tangentially queer, I’d say, because she does this not for herself, as she seems to proudly fit & identify with elven womanhood, but recognizes the false limiting of manhood within her society and fights fiercely for Luke, Elliot, and eventually Golden, who I’d say is GNC for sure. For Luke, it’s not his being gay but his being monogamous and waiting longer than they expected (though he’s like, still 17!!! that’s still young!!!) to become sexually or romantically active that is off-putting to his family. For Elliot, his father is shocked not to see him with a man, but to see him happy (cue my tears). 
I was just thinking this after reading Girl, Serpent, Thorn especially, but I really love when queer books parallel queer narratives of shame and struggle and difference and growing pains, with queer characters, but about issues unrelated to their being queer (especially when they’re about magical/fantasy elements). Then we get to relate to queer characters and see them process a lot of the feelings we have experienced, but also get to see them be loved and value and supported unconditionally in their queerness. Anyway, for an individual analysis:
Luke Sunborn
First, because I know a lot of people might not have read it, I’m going to quote Luke’s perspective from Wings In The Morning:
There were reasons Luke hadn’t kissed anybody. The Sunborns, as a family, loved life and loved love, and treated it as a game. It was fine for them: it worked for them.
Luke had always known that a riot of brightness and different loves and leaving someone laughing was beyond him. He wanted kindness and steadiness: he did not want someone who would leave. He wanted love that would last. (location 2527 in my kindle book, I can’t tell what page)
Luke, the Sunborn champion, expected to excel in battle, and love (read: have sex) freely and easily and non-monogamously, becoming an avid reader because of Elliot - something his father is shocked by and a little ashamed of. Learning Elvish because of both of them. Breaking border camp rules, threatening superior officers, to protect Elliot, and to support Serene, even as he continually complains about it and, on paper, would always argue that those choices are Not Okay and Very Bad. Luke, whose bashful shyness around his crushes, whose concern over his first kiss, whose choice of Elliot as a partner, is incomprehensible to his family, snapping, “I don’t want anyone else,” at the elves. He’s chosen Elliot, even as Elliot still doesn’t at all believe it at that point, and he’s happy with that decision. Elliot’s his choice, and only Elliot. Notorious Sunborn sexual voracity be damned.
Luke’s journey is also largely about him working through his external, and later internalized, biases against magical creatures. It’s pretty clearly an analog to xenophobia, and Luke expresses more disgust, disdain, or fear, the more different a culture is from the one he grew up in. This obviously becomes internalized against himself, when he realizes he is half-harpy. He literally represses his wings from coming out, he sees harpies as monsters and includes himself within this. It’s awful, and it’s sad, and it’s a mixture of Elliot’s meticulous research and adamant arguments that harpies are people, and that Luke isn’t a monster at all (and neither are harpies and other non-human creatures), and Serene’s calm acceptance of him, that helps him move through this. 
This xenophobia, although clearly ingrained since childhood, don’t seem to be coming primarily from his family (certainly not from his mother) but from the culture of the borderguard in general. To me, it is implied that his father might at least casually buy into a lot of this, although he would never extend it to his son. It also is an interesting dynamic as related to the other two’s relationships with family, because Luke coming to love and accept himself, and to open his mind about non-human creatures, is actually him coming closer to his mother, rather than moving away. In my view, a part of why he bought in so clearly to this prejudice coming from the general bordercamp culture is because he was pushing away from his parents in the first place - he saw his parents being so wild and free in a way he knew he could never be that he pushed himself into the opposite side, into “reason” and restraint and conservatism. What he needed to learn was how to hold his more “traditional” wants and needs (although like, he’s kind of wrong about that. Elliott Schafer is not the traditional kind quiet love he’s imagining, and he didn’t want that anyway) while still celebrating all of the different approaches and cultures and loves out there, and that’s what he’s learning alongside Elliot and Serene. And he does this partially because Elliot’s love for him as a half-harpy is, according to his previous beliefs, just as wild and out there as his mother’s affair with his biological father, or all of Elliot’s flirting with various magical creatures. And as he accepts Elliot’s love, he accepts that too.
From the first moment we meet Serene we know she ran away from home to join the border camp. She’s chosen to join the humans, to fight alongside men, to learn about the borderlands from a human perspective and use that to create an alliance and to create peace. She enters a world where she is looked down on, where she is sexualized and punished for trying to swim shirtless, and has to fight hard to take the classes she wants and have the opportunity to prove herself as she wishes. Instead of deciding her parents and community were right and going back to the elves, she digs her heels in and with Elliot and Luke’s help, fights back, fights to excel at the border camp and make things different and better, and prove her detractors wrong. 
Not only that, but she learns to respect men in a way she was not raised to do, learns to treat men as equals and partners, always defending both Elliot and Luke when her community disrespects them. This prepares her for her relationship with Golden (although Elliot still helps her along a lot, especially with their written correspondence) and ends in her and Golden essentially eloping after Golden ran away to fight alongside her. It’s also important that she accepts Golden fighting alongside her. That was not at all a given, especially as even towards the middle of the book, she seems to be thinking of human men as capable of fighting and strength and other “womanly” qualities, but not necessarily believing the same of elven men. She’s chosen a nontraditional path and a GNC partner in Golden, and for the time being, her closest family is not her blood but her beautiful boyfriend, her swordsister, and her loved and loving best friend Elliot.
Elliot Schafer
Last but the opposite of least is Elliot. What Elliot learned from his family is that he will come to nothing, that he will be forgotten, and that he will not be loved. I am so angry on this child’s behalf, for the ways he was neglected not only by his parents but by everyone before Serene. The ways his father had no interest in him because all he wanted was Elliot’s mother back (and I love Elliot’s observation that even if his mother did come back, his father wouldn’t know what to do, and would not be happy). The way his teacher literally accepted a small bribe to just...... leave him at the entrance to the borderlands, and none of the students cared. The way his mother not only left when he was a child but knew who he was the second she saw or even heard about him at the bordercamp, and never bothered to tell him, or show any interest in him whatsoever.Elliot has been taught, over and over again, that he is unwanted and uncared for. That he has to go it alone, and fill his own needs.
Elliot learns to respect Commander Woodsinger and to know that while she doesn’t necessarily love him, she knows him, and appreciates who and what he is, and sees value and strength in it. She, unlike his previous teachers and school professionals, understands him, and likes him, and values him. She’s not warm, but she’s a positive presence in his life, and part of him learning to believe he has value just as he is, and not just because he spitefully decided it to go against what everyone else has told him, but because it’s actually true.
He didn’t want his parents and his peers and the adults who have let him down to be right about this, so he does dream of being loved back. But he shows himself fully prepared to be the one who loves more in relationships, especially with Serene. He’s ready, at first, to take all she’ll give him, and revel in each part of it, even if it doesn’t match up to his love for her. It’s not until the moment he turns down Serene’s final advance (when she’s clearly settling for him) that he realizes how much he wants to be chosen first. And he believes that’s possible, and worth waiting for (and that in the meantime, he will help Serene up and help her find what she truly wants too).
Elliot knows Serene loves him. She shows him he deserves love, and in his devotion to her, Elliot begins to excel and challenge himself and learn to see his brand of obnoxiousness as something that might not be everyone’s taste but isn’t inherently bad. He trusts Serene to love him, at least as a friend, but he doesn’t trust that Luke will, because Luke reminds him of all of the kids who hurt him in the past.
And that’s why the slowest arc of this whole book is probably Elliot realizing that Luke.... actually likes him. Actually wants to be around him, and enjoys his presence, and even like-likes him - loves him even. It just can’t compute for him. And so we get basically an unreliable narration for most of the book regarding Luke. Elliot’s “aha” moment about Luke rewrites years of his life, shifting his understanding of so much of their lives together. And it solidifies Elliot’s discovery that he can be loved exactly as he is, obnoxious and annoying and all. He’s found people who love him for it, and they’ve chosen him, and they’re going to stick around.
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