#i did learn it in school but cmon they dont teach us anything
Video essays are NOT diet academia can enfoiré sur mon téléphone just chill for a sec
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ The Art Exhibit (Chapter 6)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5k
chapter warnings!- swearing, alcohol, this is kind of a fluffy ass chapter, but the end is a little frusterating. NO BAD VIBES THOUGH! reader is finally happy rn. tw: annie.
a/n- Hi guys! first of all, HAPPY SPRING! Also happy Ramadan to anyone who is celebrating!! I really wanted to publish this by last Monday at least, but I ended up getting a cold, and then I had an exam this week too that I crammed studied for. I wasnt happy with the ending of this chapter and wanted time to fix it up a bit!! we are getting to the good stuff now so I really hope you enjoy! (ps. another thanks to all the likers, rebloggers, commenters, it means so much to see feedback, ily guys.
The song of this chapter was on repeat while I wrote it !!
This week had been good.
For the first time in what seems like forever, life was actually giving you a break....sort of.
"Kwan, cmon! I promise French isnt that hard if you just sit and let me teach you!" you exhale with a wide smile, looking at the 6 year old who was now running around the living room.
Since Tae quit his job, you decided to start picking up after school shifts to tutor your neighbor, Mrs.Chin, and her bratty 6 year old. You used to tutor her other child, Mimi, who was always well behaved, but she went to study abroad, leaving you alone with the devil reincarnated.
"I dont wanna! its stupid!" the younger child yelled back, making you take a moment to breathe before responding. "Kwan, I would appreciate if you let me teach you, or at least if you even sat down and listened to me read." you said calmly.
You looked over at the pouting boy and his action figures, arms now crossed over his chest as he glared. You sighed and ran your hands over your face, lets just say if the pay wasn't $90 an hour, you probably wouldn't submit yourself to this.
"Kwan." you said, getting up with your textbook and sitting on the floor next to him "your mommy hired me to help you learn, I really want to be able to teach you something here, because whether you realize it now or not, learning a second language is a really beautiful thing" you show him all the pages of notes youve taken from your own classes, watching him view it over.
"I wanna be here for you, we can be buddies, ok? no more fights, no yelling. How about this-" you turn around to him "If you let me teach you for a half an hour, 30 minutes, you can have 20 minutes of playtime, yeah?" you spoke softly
"mmkay.." he looked at you, nodding gently.
"aw, see, you are a good boy I knew you were, cmon, sit and i'll teach you how to introduce yourself in French, so when you go to daycare tomorrow, you can show it off to everyone" you smiled and gently tickled the boy, making him giggle loudly.
You really did enjoy teaching and learning, something about it just made you feel incredibly intelligent, and yes, you loved acting too, but the idea of being able to offer something new to someone genuinely got you excited. If you could go back and change your major to anything, It would probably be French or some other foreign language, teaching abroad doesnt sound too bad.
At the apartment, Tae had been cleaning a little bit more. He figured if he was going to have more free time, then he needed to learn to help out around the house....He also needed a distraction from the fact that tomorrow night is the art exhibit, and to say he was nervous was a complete understatement.
The work he'd been creating is done, but like always, he wanted to change it last minute. You sat with him last night and explained that it didnt need to be changed, and he needs to be more confident with himself and his art.
His thoughts were interrupted when you walked through the door, offering a quick smile at him before walking off into the kitchen. He put down his broom and walked over to you, "How did tutoring go?" He asks softly, watching you pour coffee into a mug. "It was okay" you shrug, looking at the clock and internally sighing, it was dinner time and you hadnt prepared anything.
"You okay?" he asks
you look back at him and lean against the counter, "yeah...Kaito was supposed to pick me up at 8, and I sat outside texting and calling him until 8:30, when I decided to just get an Uber home"
"why didnt you call me? I would have drove over there" he frowns, leaning against the opposite counter. "ah, didnt want to bother you" you shrug.
He sighed and looked down. "I made you dinner, by the way" he spoke, making you look up at him warily. "by made, I mean bought, dont worry theres no food poisoning here" he rushed, making you giggle.
"thank you tae, I really appreciate that" you walk over to hug him gently, telling him you were gonna wash up and shower before eating.
He finished cleaning the living room before finally crashing on the couch, watching as you left your room with a towel on your head, making him laugh. "are you gonna tell me my fortune"
You scoff and grab your bulgogi, sitting onto the couch next to him.
"yummy?" he asks, searching for something to watch, "mhm" you smiled and offered a bite which he gladly took.
"oh also, Because tomorrow night is the art show, I was thinking afterwards we should get dinner or something..." he trailed off, avoiding eye contact.
you turned your head to him, smiling softly, "hm that sounds fun. are we thinking Mcdonalds?" you giggle, making him laugh as well.
"nooo, no" his head shook, "I dont know yet, I'll look around."
"we can go to that Korean barbecue place that just opened, and celebrate your win" you shrug
"we dont know if Im gonna win, there are many talented artists participating. I have like no chance, y/n."
you scoff and shake your head, "you are telling me, that THE Kim Taehyung has no chance? I dont believe this!"
He smiled and watched as you rambled about how he has worked for this and deserves it, laughing quietly.
"yeah...I dont even care for the money to be honest. I Just want to go to Paris again...it was fun when we went last time" he sighed.
You chewed your food and nodded, standing up in front of him with your hands on your hips, "Mr.Kim, I am putting it into the universe now, that if somehow you dont win, I will make sure we both go to Paris once more"
"really?" he spoke after a moment, unable to take you seriously with the towel head.
"I dont think Kaito would like thattt" he sung jokingly, getting up and grabbing the blanket from the other side of the couch, covering himself in it.
"I dont careeee" you sung back before jokingly jumping onto him, squeezing his face as you continued to speak. "I dont even know where he is right now, probably drunk or something"
"does he get drunk a lot?" tae asked, smiling as you poked around his face with your hands. "yeah....kinda. He can handle it most times but.." you cut yourself off, not wanting to say anything else.
"but what?" tae asked, head turning to yours as you laid on him. Your eyes simply scanned over his face as he did the same with you. The urge to kiss him was there, but you knew better.
You got up and off him, making him sit up and look at you. "but what?" he repeated
"nothing" you smiled before stealing his blanket and running off to your room, making him get up to chase after you.
You were both laughing, but Tae was still catching his breath. You looked like you wanted to kiss him, no? His mind ran around in circles, ultimately convincing himself that he really does need to drop this and stop over analyzing everything.
He sat into his bed that night, looking over at his painting which leaned against his desk. He so desperately wanted tomorrow to be perfect, he wanted to win, but he also wanted to impress you.
His mind wandered down the rabbit hole. was it too clingy to ask to go to dinner after? was he annoying you and you didnt have the heart to tell him?
He rolled his face against his pillow, sighing heavily as tannie ran up and jumped on the bed, cuddling with him.
Across the hall you paced your room, glasses on as you tried to memorize your studying and figure out an outfit for tomorrow.
You gently hummed to yourself before moving the coat hangers around to see what you had, you dont exactly have 'art show' worthy clothes. You knew that ultimately it didnt matter, it wasnt about you, it was about him.
You climbed into bed and wrapped up your homework, deciding to pull your phone out and see if your boyfriend called or texted.
0 notifications
you sighed and opened up messages, texting him quickly.
you: hey....I hope you are okay? You havent texted or anything, im a little worried. you were supposed to pick me up today and then go for like coffee or something. did you forget? its okay if you did, just hope you are safe.
you bit your lip as you sent the message, waiting for a few minutes for a possible reply, but ultimately receiving nothing.
"ah, Yun Y/n, you really have impressed me, this is amazing"
you looked at your theatre teacher with hopeful eyes, glad that she appreciated the project script you stayed up to finish last night.
You bowed politely, "thank you so much, that means a lot"
"of course" she responded, taking her glasses off, "I really do hope you decide to take this class next year, you are one of my best students and I think the incoming freshmen would love to learn from your writing skills"
you smiled and nodded, "I dont see any reason why I wouldnt stay" you laughed lightly, making her nod, "good!"
she handed you your papers back with the received grade, allowing you to walk out into the hallway to see a certain someone.
"um...hello?" you spoke, aggravation evident in your voice. Kaito looked up from his bag at you, a guilty expression now showing.
"y/n, baby im sorry about yesterday"
"Look, I dont care about the pick-up thing, why couldnt you text me this morning even? I thought you died or something"
he laughs yet you were not amused. "My phone broke" he cleared his throat. You sigh and look around. "you know how many phones are on campus? you also have so many classes with Chae, would it kill you to relay the message?"
"im sorry, ok?"
you glared at him. 'Sorry' had become his broken record repeated phrase lately, and honestly, it didn't sound all to genuine anymore.
"yeah" you shrug and begin to walk away before he stops you. "Oh, are you free tonight?"
you stop and turn, shaking your head, "no, I have plans"
He scoffs, "doing what?"
"I have an art show with Taehyung and its late, we are going right home after"
"I see" he nods sarcastically, obviously pissed off. "are you going to the party that Jungkook is throwing at least?" he adds
"oh yeah....Dahyun invited me, I'll be there I guess" you mumble
"good" he smiled and held your cheek, making you look up at him. "dont bring him, okay?"
you look over his face before rolling your eyes and turning to walk to your next class.
Things lately with Kaito havent been as well as you had planned. When you two first started dating, the romance was there, there was a spark within sharing similar interests and likes, there were cute dates, late night conversations. As you find yourself walking down the hall, you wish that perhaps you never got to know the quiet boy in your acting class. You ponder about what would have happened if you two just remained friends, strangers, even.
His drinking was something you had been made aware of by a few classmates, but you can only blame yourself for ignoring them. As much as you hated to admit it, you didnt care in the moment. You are a young girl, who has vulnerabilities and of course wishes to find someone that makes her feel special....but given that....you also deserve pride, and the power to know, or to walk away from situations that arent helping you grow.
You dont ask much of kaito, he couldn't even pick you up on time and let you know why. It was borderline pathetic. He was pathetic, and the marks still evident on your wrist were enough to prove it.
you dont know what you had done in a past life to get such shitty treatment from men, but you could only pray that either the universe sends you in a different direction, or fixes the broken path you are currently trying to fight through.
"I called the restaurant, they take walk ins" Taehyung cheerfully spoke, barging into your room to see you sitting with your back towards him, papers sprawled around your desk surface.
"thats good" you mumble, refusing to turn around at the excited boy.
Taehyung notices the shift in your voice, the way your back is slumped over as you hid yourself in the piles of paper and homework. As he walked over, small droplets of tears resting on the wooden desktop below you are visible. You had been crying. A gentle hand comes up to graze against your back, remaining still for a moment before he spoke. "Y/N, whats going on?"
You sniffled, wishing that you could just be alone but also refraining against sending the boy out, he just wanted to help. "Im just stressed" a simple shrug and a blow of the nose make taehyung sit on the end of your bed as he faces you, deciding its enough distance from you, but not too much. "do you wanna talk about it?" he asks softly, his hair resting in front of his eyes, its grown so long these days.
You looked back at him and remained quiet for a moment before opening your mouth, "no" you shook your head. "I just....I just want tonight to be fun, I want you to have fun, I want this for us, just one day without anything pulling us down, okay?"
Taehyung nodded slowly, not sure what could have sent you into a spiral like this, but respecting your decision to not speak on it. "Okay, yeah, we will have fun okay?" he whispers, hand now holding yours as he got closer to you, wiping away your tears. "don't cry, everything will be alright sweet girl" he brings you into a tight hug as his words are close to brining you to cry again. You can blame it on being hormonal, but something about the comforting nature of the boy in front of you made you just want to constantly be there, support and love him for what he is. You would cling to him like a koala if you had the chance.
but he wasn't yours, and you were not his.
You had not been the best friend to taehyung for the past few weeks, something youve tried to make up for by either cooking, or buying him new art tools. You even stayed up late with him a few nights ago just letting him rant about all the shit on his plate. It made you realize that this boy would tell you every little detail about his life, he trusts you so much, yet you couldnt even be honest about the kaito situation.
Guilt was the best emotion to describe the feeling in your chest.
The best thing you could do tonight is to treat him like he were king of the world, he deserves a break, and it would kill you to have to be the one to ruin it again.
You sniffled and looked back at him, "so are you gonna show me the menu of the restaurant or what?"
Taehyung laughed lightly, squeezing your hand as he helped you up and led you out into the living room with him.
Every time Taehyung see's you upset, he feels as if those emotions transfer to him. If he could snap his fingers, or wave some magic wand, he would make it so you never cried again. A part of him was upset that you didnt feel comfy enough to open up about what exactly was bothering you, yet at the same time, he was able to understand your reasoning. You two fought more in the past few months than you have in your entire lives, it felt like walking on eggshells every time he spoke, he was fearful of losing you as a friend, so he made sure each word that came out of his mouth was nothing but delicate, kind, and loving.
He buttoned up his suit, smiling at himself in the mirror as he sprayed on some cologne you bought for him last Christmas. He remembers how much you loved to cuddle up to him when he got home from work, hiding your face in his neck, complimenting how good he had smelled.
Seems like those memories are so distant, in a way he almost mourns them. He is grateful to even have you at all, but as time goes on he truly believes he may never get over you, that you will always just be the one that actually got away.
He looks down at his drawer in his bathroom, the drawer that had been shared by you whenever you had used his bathroom. It hadnt been open in a while, but as he looked through it, he couldnt help but laugh.
purple nail polish.
You asked him if you had left it in his bathroom and he told you no. He thought it was cute that its the shade youve always worn. He even bought you a new bottle just so he could keep the one you left behind.
His mind flickers back to when you had begged him to let you paint his nails, after about 30 minutes of pestering, he finally gave in, letting you give him the full spa treatment.
He softly smiled as he examined the polish, carefully putting it back before walking out and into the living room.
"AHH you look so cute!" you giggled and ran up to him, squishing his bread cheeks. Tae had never worn a suit before, but you took him shopping a few days ago and convinced him he would look really good in one, and he has to admit he feels pretty well fit in it.
You fluffed his hair up and smiled softly, watching his eyes scan over you, something that made you blush. "You look really good, is this a new dress?" he asked quietly
"wow you noticed" you teased
"Of course, you look so pretty in it" He wanted to go on, he wanted to tell you how beautiful your smile looked and how it didnt matter what you wore, because in the museum full of brilliant art, he probably would only be able to look at you tonight.
"thank you" you shyly spoke, "are you ready?"
He held up his canvas, smiling brightly and nodding. "Here" you placed a plastic bag over the art so it wouldnt get destroyed or ruined in any way, especially since it was raining out.
"thank you" he spoke, lifting it up again before grabbing the umbrella and walking towards the door. "Lets go win that prize and rub it in everyones face" you tease, cheering as you made your way down the hall, tae walked behind and watched your childish nature, giggling to himself.
It was crowded.
You didnt even know there was this many art students in your school.
"just stay with me, its okay" Tae whispered to you after dropping off his artwork at the front table so they could enter it into the contest. He noticed your fidgety state, gently grabbing one of your hands with his own. You offered a light squeeze in acknowledgment.
You both turned around to see Annie running up, smiling brightly with a glass in her hand. "Uhg Im so glad you made it, did you submit your work??"
"yeah I just gave it to them" he pointed at the adults working the table. "great, I seriously cant wait to see your work hung up, I know whatever it is will be beautiful."
"ah thank you, you are too kind" he spoke softly, feeling your grip on his arm tighten.
"Hi Annie" you spoke, annoyed that she chose to ignore you. "Oh hi!" she waved. "Im sorry, I forgot your name, what is it sweetheart?"
Taehyung scoffed quietly, stopping you from speaking before him "Her name is Y/N, I only talk about her all the time" he looked down at you, offering a reassuring smile.
"Oh, I forget everything im sorry" she giggled loudly. "cmon, lets go get something to drink" She tugged on his other arm eager to get him away from you.
"do you want anything?" he mouthed to you, making you shake your head. "no, go have fun" you offer, watching him give into annie's aggression with a sad smile, walking away.
You took your time walking around the exhibit, stopping at each frame to read the small descriptions and notes. You were never super artsy like Taehyung was, but it was impressive to see how dedicated he was.
you made your way through the large crowds of chatter, searching for taehyung before spotting him in the corner by the food stand. You walked over and gently hugged him from behind, it wasnt an act of anything, you just hated being in crowded areas, so you clung to him as best you could. His hand gently grazed along your arm before turning, a audible scoff from Annie is heard as he turns to face you.
"Hi sweet girl, You okay?"
"yeah" you nod, "I was just looking at all the art, which is beautiful but I think they have nothing on yours"
"Youre biased" he chuckled
"tsk tsk, I tell the truth" you giggled, hugging him as you rested your head on his chest, his arms around you loosely. To any onlookers, you two were a couple.
You both are naturally cling people, perhaps it can be to blame for how you both fell so easily into the friends with benefits thing.
"I didnt know you guys were dating" annie took a sip of her wine, gesturing between the both of you.
"oh no, we arent" you quickly spoke, "we are just really close"
"ah..." she trailed off and gave a knowing look to Taehyung, making him shrug. He didnt like to be mean, but he also liked seeing how jealous she got of you. He would never date Annie, and he felt guilty for maybe leading her on, but he feels pride in knowing that shes jealous of you.
you are his girl whether you were dating, friends, anything, everyone knew that.
"they have food if you are hungry" he suggested, patting your back to get your attention.
"Oh, thats okay, im saving room to stuff my face with Tteokbokki later" you both giggled,
"lets go look around, yeah?"
you nodded and grabbed his hand, leading him away from the judgmental girl watching you both like a hawk.
You noticed his frown as you sat in front of a canvas filled wall, "whats wrong, tae?"
"these are all....amazing..." he gestured towards a few, head lost in thought and self doubt.
"bubs, i promise you, yours is just as good if not better. remember what I said, no matter what happens, the outcome will be okay" you rubbed his shoulder, watching a small smile appear on his face.
"everything will be okay" he whispered to himself, taking a deep breath before nodding
As the night went on, guests were informed that the ranking and award ceremony would be taking place in just 15 minutes. Taehyung had been wrapped up in conversation with another one of his classmates, eyes absent mindedly searching around the banquet hall for you.
You told him a bit ago that you were gonna go grab a drink, and its been 10 minutes.
Across the room, little to his knowledge, you were wrapped up in your own conversation with a boy who caught you admiring his own work. "It took me a few months" the boy spoke softly, both of you standing in front of his painting. "You didnt want so submit it into the competition?" you asked, watching him shake his head. "I dont need people judging my art, it doesnt matter what they think. I like being able to just put it out into the world for what it is, I dont need a prize for that"
You were taken back by how well and soft spoken he was, unsure how to respond, "Whats your name by the way?"
"My name is Jung Hoseok" he bowed his head lightly, smiling brightly at you. "Ah nice to meet you Hoseok, Im Yun Y/N"
"pleasure meeting you" he spoke, shaking your hand. "so are you here tonight for your own art?" he added
"oh no, no, I am definitely not an artist", you giggled. "Im here with my best friend, he is the one participating tonight"
Taehyung finally found an out in the conversation and began his search for you, pushing through the room to see you standing next to some stranger. He would be lying if he said he didnt like to see you with other men, especially Hoseok, who was in his art class. He would rather you be standing with Kaito at that point.
"Oh taehyung!" Hoseok greeted the man you didnt even know stood behind you, making you turn and smile. "Sorry, I got lost" you giggled, taking his hand as he moved beside you. "Hello Hoseok" tae bowed his head.
"Y/N told me you are trying for the contest, good luck, I heard the judges tend to pick favorites" he laughed and tapped his arm, making him awkwardly smile. "I think he will be ok, wait until you see his painting, its beautiful" you spoke up
"Im sure" he looked at you both, bowing politely before walking off into a new conversation with his nearby friends.
"dont let his charm get to you, he isnt the nicest person" taehyung turns and speaks, gently leading you back to the front of the banquet hall.
"What? he seemed so sweet" you spoke
"I heard he is kind of....you know....like, he likes to play with multiple women at once" he explained as best he could, making you smile, "a man whore" you suggested, making him laugh. "yeah, a man whore"
"dont worry, Im not interested. Ive had enough boy drama to keep me away from any penis within a 5 mile radius" You spoke, watching Taehyung burst out in laughs. "speaking of him, is kaito mad you are here?"
"If he is, I dont care, tonight isnt about him, only you"
A few moments later, everyone had gathered into the front of the banquet hall, a panel of 3 judges proudly standing on the small stage ready to reward the prizes in rankings of the top 5 works of art submitted tonight.
"I am so nervous" Taehyung whispered, not directly at anyone but himself. You looked back and smiled, grabbing his hand and entwining it with your own. "Stop stressing, your hair is gonna go grey." you both quietly giggled before the lady on the mic began to speak.
"Thank you all so much for coming to our annual art banquet show, this is the 11th year we have been graciously welcomed back and we could not be more excited as the number of participants grow each year." she adjusted her glasses before speaking again. "Tonight is not about winning, or being the best, it is about recognizing talent of all unique levels, seeing things from other peoples eyes, its about the beauty of art"
The audience clapped lightly, making you smile as you looked around at everyone piled up together in anticipation.
"With that, I believe we are ready to begin the gift ceremony. The other judges and I graded on not only the art itself, but the impact received through it, we were looking for those who went outside the box, and we are happy to say we were not disappointed."
Taehyung looked at the black cloths that hung over the art work that was pinned on the wall up front, unsure if his was one of them or not.
"I'll remind everyone of the prizes, 5-3 place recieve a generous cash prize, as well as a discounted art session for next semester, 2 place recieves a larger amount of cash, while 1st place gets a visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris France, fully paid!"
The crowd happily cheers, the excitement in the room can easily be felt. You were nervous for Taehyung, not because you didnt think he could win, but you knew how much he wanted this trip. You wanted to see him happy, and most importantly, you wanted him to be proud of himself.
"We will now begin" The older woman walks to the lined up art, standing in front of one. "In 5th place, we will happily be awarding this to...." she gently pulled the black sheet off, revealing the art as the crowd clapped happily.
"Seo Yoon, with 'a walk with existence'"
you looked around to see the girl stand up and go to collect her certificate, bowing and thanking the judges.
"4th place, goes to.... Park Jimin, with 'serendipity'"
Everyone cheered as the younger man walked up to join the others.
You felt taehyungs hand squeeze yours lightly, as the 3rd person was revealed and it wasnt him, now he was eager. He either got 2nd, 1st, or none at all.
you gently rubbed his back as the woman went to reveal 2nd place. "In 2nd, we have..." the painting was revealed, "Kang Annie, with 'daydream'"
You both looked at eachother, "I didnt think her art was that good" taehyung claps but whispers in your ear, making you giggle and hold his arm for support. The tension in the room grew as the judge made her way to the remaining painting, the cloth gathering in her hand.
"and for first place, we, the judges have decided to reward...." the curtain felt like it fell in slow motion, taehyung quite literally on the edge of his seat.
"Kim Taehyung with 'Forever and a day'"
You jumped up immediately as his name was called, his beautiful painting on display for everyone to see as claps and "congratulations" were gifted his way.
"I won?" he mumbled, standing as you grabbed him close, hugging him tightly. "I fucking knew you could win!!! Im so proud!!!' you cupped his face and smiled, making him smile as well.
"get up there and claim your prize" you mumble, urging him up to the stage where he went to collect his prize and certificate. "Congratulations to everyone who won, and everyone who participated! lets get a round of applause for all the talent here tonight"
The room clapped loudly as you caught his eye, smirking and chanting loudly, maybe a bit too loudly for an art show. He laughed and congratulated the other winners, giving annie some bullshit answer when she joked about being his Paris plus one.
"You have no fucking idea how proud I am, Taehyung" you hugged him once more as you two started to get ready to head out. He made sure you took 10 million photos of his painting on display, making it your lock screen on your phone.
"I still cant believe I won.....it doesnt feel real" He joked, linking your arm with his as you both made your exit after saying goodbyes to everyone.
"wait until it hits, you are gonna be so proud of yourself. Paris....PARIS, taehyung, this shit is huge. Im not gonna lie, I almost cried when I heard your name"
"you did not!" he chuckled as you both walked to your car.
"Yes I did, you just dont get it" you teased "felt like such a power moment, you just know annie was pissed too....little bitch"
Taehyung bit back his laugh as he sat in the drivers seat, pulling his seatbelt on and resting his head back as you got in. "Thank you for everything, for coming....for just being my support" he spoke kindly, wide grin stuck on his face.
"dont thank me, im always gonna be here for you, seriously. Now, lets go eat until we get full, order dessert we cant finish, take it home and get drunk" You put your seatbelt on, car filled with excitement and giggles as he began to drive to dinner.
He really did feel excited, He was mostly in shock on how he was able to win something he threw together last minute.
Blame it on the alcohol, but some deep part of him wanted to come clean in this very moment, as you were now in the crowded restaurant, music blasted as you sang loudly, you looked so beautiful and alive.
The painting was about you.
Taehyung spent hours dedicating himself to that painting, and it was about you. It seemed like a perfect time to just rip the bandaid off right now, a night where everything was going right.
"y/n..." he mumbled, watching as you happily looked over at him, his heart now in his throat. you stopped dancing and made your way over to where he sat at the bar, your drunken self leaning forward to hear him over the music.
"I just wanted to tell y-"
"youre so handsome, jesus christ I hate you" you interrupt, words slurring as you look at him lovingly.
He knows you are drunk, but the comment still made him laugh, "thank you" he whispered as you walked back out to the dance floor, dragging him with you.
"ah y/n, im not really a dancer"
"you dont need to be, just listen to the music and feel it" you shout, jumping around and holding his hands. He has to admit, seeing you away from your usual tight knit persona was really attractive, of course he admired you always, but he never saw this side before, it was new and exciting.
He allowed himself to relax a bit, taking another shot before finally giving in and dancing with you in the crowded bar. "thats it!" you yell, jumping around with him as you both fell into fits of giggles. "cmere" you turned around and pressed your back to his chest, and even in his drunken state, his heart still fluttered at the sudden contact. You carefully danced against him, not in a promiscuous way, simply just a light sway.
You two ended up spending a bit too much money at the bar, making tae ultimately put a cap on the drinks for the night. You werent ready to leave yet, so he ordered a basket of fries and water, sitting at a table with you in the next room.
"we have to sober up just a little bit, I still have to drive home" he giggled and sat beside you, taking a few fries and shoving them into his mouth. "thanks bubs" you slur, eating the fries and chugging water like you havent had any in weeks.
"are you having the best day of your life?" you ask, making him smile, "yeah, I am actually" he held a fry up and fed it to you. "good, me too" you spoke, mouth open and full of food.
the two of you sat and spoke until you felt some of the alcohol waving off, "hmm, do you wanna go home?" you asked him, noticing how tired you both were getting.
It had been almost 5 hours youve been here, and you didnt want him to only stay because you wanted to.
"yeah...its kinda late" he smiled softly, standing up and helping you.
"youre okay to drive?" you ask, watching as he looked into the next room, listening to the jazz song that was playing.
"tae?" you walk over, watching him turn and smile. "wait, before we leave.." he held your hand and led you into the other room. "dance with me, just one last song" he looked down at you, and there was no way to say no to him.
You two were surrounded by some older couples, all of them turning their attention to you as you made your way into the center of the floor, saxophone blaring through the speakers.
Taehyungs long arms wrapped loosely around your waist, resting just above your butt, your arms reaching up to hold his shoulders as you two slowly swayed to the music.
"Why are you looking at me like that" you mutter, thankful for the dark lighting hiding the current blush on your face.
"Like what?" he smiled
You shrug, giggling softly, "I dont know" you bit your lip and looked at him, alcohol still able to be felt deep in your veins.
"whats so funny, hm?" he teased, looking directly at you with a wide smile, "whats my girl always laughing about?"
you shyly looked down, the weight of his gaze too much. Your head rested against his chest as butterflies filled your stomach. this was wrong.
"you cant say that" you whine quietly
"why not?" he stood back and gently spun you around, making you smile as your hands returned to his shoulders.
"because....im not your girl" you mumble, eyes fixated on both of your feet below.
He sighed and rested his head against yours, words not needed, yet actions saying much more as his hands squeezed your waist gently, rubbing up and down carefully.
you looked up at him finally as the song was coming to a close and allowed yourself to just be, smiling as he looked at you. "You will always be my girl" he whispered so only you two could hear, he quickly turned, grabbing your hand. "lets head home"
You felt breathless, and most of all guilty....but not in the way most would think. You were guilty about not feeling guilty. You had fun, and you werent going to apologize for the mindless flirting that occurred tonight.
The both got out of the car and jumped under the hood of your apartment complex, looking at the rain pouring.
"I had fun, tae..."
"I did too" he looked at you hopefully, his hand returning to yours.
"we need more time for just us, we've been so wrapped in other shit" you sigh, the sound of rain surrounding both of you.
"I agree, I dont care what we do, im always enjoying myself with you"
You smirk and jokingly jump towards him, embracing him tightly "ahhh tae tae...what will I do with you, little art boy" you smile as he laughs.
You both pull away, arms still on eachother as you stood outside your home. There was a moment of quietness, eyes scanning over eachothers faces.
"Tae...." you whisper, gathering your thoughts before he slowly leans in, nose brushing yours. The top of his lip grazes against yours as you lean in, suddenly realizing what was happening as you pull your head away.
He didnt react sharply, just watching you with sad eyes.
"we cant" you whispered, shaking your head
"why not?"
"because we dont know what we are doing tae, we know better than this." you firmly say
"do we?" he spoke calmly, eyes still fixated on you.
He looks down at your hands, squeezing them "please...."
You frown when he isnt looking, dragging your hand to pull his wet hair out of his face. "Im sorry" you softly spoke, rubbing your thumb over his cheek, "lets go get some rest, yeah?"
he waits a moment before nodding, silently following you into the apartment.
You werent sure what exactly was in the air tonight, but you knew something changed, and maybe it was the universe finally answering your call.
A/n: sorry ...
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@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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muwur · 4 years
Since requests were open I was wondering if I could request father headcanons for iwai + ushi + atsumu 🥺 btw your writing is vv tasty n I can’t wait to see you write more !! Keep up the good work n stay safe !!
haikyuu daddee headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for iwaizumi, ushijima, and atsumu
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.4k words
a/n: omg u called my writing taSTY Dx i cri tySM 💞 that is a high compliment for me AHAHAHAH ILY and ty for the request! 
also my lovelies i m back i m sry i was gone so long feojfe i miss yall <3 here u go enjoi, this was fun to write lmk if yall want more characetrs AHAHA
current listen: accidentally in love by sHREK AAHAH jkjk i mean counting crows, they cant take that away from me by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong, love the way you lie by eminem and rihanna
requests: open!
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✧ prePARED daddy
✧ picked up on this parenting thing p fast, also does a lot of research so he’s ready to face any situation
✧ teaches his kids how to behave n respect others
✧ also makes sure they know not to talk to strangers and teaches them some self defense
✧ be warned these kids are packing a surprise can of whOOP ASS,, dont fuck w them,, plus u wouldnt want buff daddee iwa on ur tail
✧ honestly his kids would be ANGELS ,,, n thats cuz he treats them all so w e l l
✧ mans is ATTENTIVE. he asks his kids about their days, their interests, and encourages discussion about their fEELINGS 🥺
✧ always offers them really valuable and light-hearted advice
✧ and gives them the love and transparency we all wanted but never had--
✧ however his kids are easily (n negatively) influenced esp when uncle oikawa comes to visit--
✧ but mostly bc iwa gets annoyed and slips out a lot of curse words and a “shittykawa” and then his kids started calling oikawa that and now it’s ingrained in them forever fjoefefgfvi (*distant phlattykawa crying noises*)
✧ gives them LOTS of head pats and ruffles as signs of affection
✧ PACKS THEIR SCHOOL LUNCHES and ensures they eat a balanced meal
✧ attends all their games/events,, will get a bit rowdy hype them up
✧ def lets his kids sleep with him when they’re having a bad night or woke up scared from a nightmare (and waits for them to fall asleep before going to sleep himself fojref)
✧ when they were babies he usually succeeded to get them to stop crying by pulling funny faces, showing them their favorite cartoons, or humming a lullaby
✧ when they get older,,, u bet iwa would be suPER protective esp when their kids start being iNtErEsTeD in other people
✧ you: “iwaizumi, they seem like a really nice kid, though”
✧ iwa: *sitting with you in the car, across the street from the ice cream parlor your child said they were at, and spying from the window* “you can’t trust everyone, of course they seem ‘nice,’ they just want our approval”
✧ definitely did not interrupt his child’s potential first kiss at their house’s doorstep by slamMINg the door open “sUDDENLY” cuz he “hEard TheIR vOicEs and THougHt TO lET them In”
✧ effectively traumatized both kids
✧ tho he felt bad after n u made him go apologize so he did (and he was forgiven, only if he agreed to never spy on them again--)
✧ doesn’t stop him from scrutinizing every person yalls kid introduces to you tho
✧ overall a super supportive dad, 11/10
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✧ ok dEF does not know much about parenting ,, at first
✧ stared at his child like ???nani when you both changed their first diaper
✧ also had plenty of staring contests with his babies ,,, called it bonding
✧ was curious and tasted baby food once,,, immediately regretted it
✧ once put a volleyball next to his child, who attempted to bite it, and took it as a sign that they liked it
✧ after sum time n practice, his mind becomes split between “how to volleyball” and “how to dad”
✧ catch him in the kitchen wearing an apron and whipping up his kids’ favorite smiley face pancakes 😤😤
✧ has an amazing ability to get his kids to stop crying, does really simple things like give them their favorite toy or place a gentle hand on their hand or attend to their needs (mans can tell if they want food or needa poop) and they calm down immediately
✧ carried them on his shoulders once and now they never stop asking him for shoulder rides (not that he minds anyway)
✧ if theres two kids he can probs carry one on each shoulder cuz cmon ,,, have u seen this man
✧ always goes to every performance/game/event his child takes part in
✧ man smiles so soft™ when he goes to the 1st grade play and sees his kid’s name in the program next to their role as “townsperson b” (next year, they upgraded to “singing carrot” in a play about the food pyramid)
✧ if his kid ends up enjoying volleyball, he will teach them e v e r y t h i n g they need to know
✧ but is overall super supportive of anything else his child pursues and doesn’t push anything onto them, would rather let them choose what they want to do
✧ had n o idea what to do when his kid asked him about the birds n the bees asfghkl
✧ couldnt sleep one night thinking about it and just randomly asks you while yall laying in bed in the dARk like “so our child asked me how babies are made and I told them they came from watermelon seeds” (you: 👁️👄👁️ “come again”)
✧ you: *at the grocery store with your child*
✧ child: *hands you watermelon* “I want a little brother!”
✧ you: “haha of course honey” 👁️👄👁️ what do i do (*later to ushijima* “duhfojhguf we needa get another baby i promised our child a younger brother fohurof” ; ushi: “wat” ; you: “itS YOUR FAULT”)
✧ yall eventually tell them not every watermelon can produce babies only really special ones that are really hard to get fhuoefkfotfi theyre not ready for the truth
✧ another great daddee, we stan
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✧ knew parenting was stressful esp with bABieS but was like eh it cant be that bad right
✧ think again
✧ g o o d b y e  s l e e p
✧ develops phat bags under his eyes, responds with a weak “aha im fine just that parenting life and the kids ykNOW” whenever his teammates ask if he’s oKAY
✧ tried to tempt his kids to eat their mush baby food by trying it himself, nearly gagged but was able to say “eughh yuMM”
✧ loves to lift them high up in the air, even throws them up a little and nearly drops them (yall almost died from feAR but babie was having so much fun,,, yall agreed to be just a bit more careful)
✧ rlly bad at getting them to stop crying, gets very stressed when he’s exhausted every option he can think of then calls you over for some help/advice (you: *immediately calms them down* ; ratsumu: “how--”)
✧ calls up osamu a lot to ask him how to make food ,, then simps whenever his twin brother comes over and the kids are in love with this man and his cooking (”dad why cant you make stuff as yummy as this”)
✧ very affectionate with his kids, gives them lots of hugs and kisses on the forehead
✧ plays with them a lot! whether it’s sports, just dance, animal crossing, or UNO, yOU NAME IT WE PLAY IT
✧ also has no mercy when playing competitive video or board games,, has made them cry more than once LOL
✧ so sometimes he toned it down n let them win,, until his kids actually got better and DEMOLISH him every time
✧ is cool with his kids cursing, just as long as they don’t do it in front of their teachers LMAO
✧ plays innocent when he gets a call from school saying his kid was using ‘inappropriate language’ and is like “whaaat? my child? im not even sure where they learned that, maybe check if the other kids in class are saying those things, too--”
✧ reminisces how much nicer his kids were to him when they were younger and all the time they spent together,,, bc now that they reached their tEeNS they want alone time
✧ wants to be B) cool dad so he tries kinda hard, esp in front of their friends but his kid’s just like dad pls dofjrgjigtgro
✧ also very supportive of whatever his kids want to pursue and dedicates time to help them in whatever ways he can (whether that be to help them practice, make sure he can provide transportation, get them supplies, etc)
✧ always playfully competing with you to see who’s the “better” parent (you win by default)
✧ PROTECTIVE dad and will easily intimidate ANYONE who crosses his kids
✧ takes sum adjustment and mental resilience but daddee atsumu perseveres  😤 absolutely loves his kids and would do anything for them  
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alixanonymous · 4 years
How A Demon Commissions An Angel ~ A Daminette FanFic ~ Chapter 2: A Search For Continuance
From the phone of Damian Wayne: 
Chat Name: Father
Father: Have you come up with any ideas for Christmas?
Me: Yes, Father. I assure you I will not disappoint you.
Father: Damian, this isn’t a mission. 
Chat Name: The Only Sane One
Me: Alfred, I’ve hit a bit of an obstacle in Operation Christmas.
The Only Sane One: Indeed, Master Damian? What seems to be the problem?
Me: The designer I hired is being unreasonable.
The Only Sane One: How so?
Me: She’s refusing to work with me.
The Only Sane One: I see. Why is that?
Me: She doesn’t like how I talk to her.
The Only Sane One: Master Damian, I trust you have remembered your manners.
Me: Yes, Alfred. Of course.
Me: The thing is I was a bit… blunt.
The Only Sane One: Indeed?
Me: Yes…
The Only Sane One: I see. It seems an apology is in order.
Me: I suppose.
Me: So how does one go about apologizing?
The Only Sane One: I would suggest cutting back on any bluntness, admitting fault, and a request for forgiveness and continuance of service.
The Only Sane One: You may also find added incentive to be particularly effective, perhaps offer aid in some way or a favor.
Me: I see.
Me: Thank you, Alfred.
The Only Sane One: Of course, Master Damian.
Google Search History: 
Arthur’s Little Sister?
Success Rate Of Blackmailing
Apology Template
From the phone of Dick Grayson:
Chat Name: The Boys (Minus The Demon)
Jaybird: find anything?
Timmy: nope. she’s really good at hiding.
Jaybird: no idiot 
Jaybird: take a break from stalking mdc and see if demon spawns hired someone to get our presents yet
Me: Should we help him? I know Damian’s difficult but I don’t want him to feel like we want him to go away.
Jaybird: but we do want him to go awayy…
Me: …
Jaybird: just for a little! cmon we cant keep going on like this
Timmy: he’s right.
Timmy: I mean we all know why he doesnt like me… 
Jaybird: dont blame him
Timmy: and I cant fault him for hating Jason… 
Jaybird: shut it replacement
Timmy: but he doesn’t even get along with you most days dick!
Timmy: he needs friends… 
Jaybird: besides superbaby
Timmy: and he’s only just stopped terrorizing his classmates.
Jaybird: he doesnt have any people skills!
Me: You can’t fault him for that! You know what it was like for him growing up with freaking Talia for a mother.
Jaybird: we know dick but that doesnt change the fact that he needs to learn how to treat people and he hasnt in the seven years hes been home maybe the titans can teach him
Me: So what? We’re supposed to just ship him off to be someone else’s problem like his mother did? That’s BS!
Timmy: no of course not! we’re still his family! him being a titan won’t change that!
Me: Exactly! We’re his family! It’s our job to teach him and him not learning anything is on us.
Me: We didn’t send Jason off when he was sick from the Lazarus Pit and we’re not sending Damian away just because his mother messed him up so bad.
Jaybird: your right but if we tried to help him he wouldnt let us
Timmy: so what’re we supposed to do? I mean even if we did help him you know dad would see right past us.
Jaybird: then he gets sent away anyway and the demon spawn will hate us forever 
Timmy: (shrugging emoji)
Me: Maybe we could just subtly steer him in the right direction?
Timmy: find out what he’s getting us and tell him if it sucks?
Jaybird: that could work
Timmy: I still can’t find anything on his computer.
Me: I’ll get Babs on to go through his phone.
Chat Name: Babs
Me: Oh wise one I beg thee to help me!
Babs: what do you want me to waste my time doing for you?
Me: Can you search Damian’s phone for anything that might be related to Christmas?
Babs: no 
Me: plz?
Babs: why?
Me: We want to help him stay…
Babs: … 
Babs: give me a sec
Me: Thank you!
Babs: don’t thank me yet I helped him encrypt his phone this is all I got 
Babs: (screenshot of Damian’s search history)
Me: That’s not helpful.
Babs: not my problem
Chat Name: The Boys (Minus The Demon)
Me: This is all she found… 
Timmy: i’m concerned.
Me: I think we’re all concerned Timmy… 
Timmy: who is he blackmailing?
Jaybird: really? thats the only thing here that didnt suprise me
Jaybird: i think we should be more concerned that hes trying to apologize to someone
Me: Best not to think about that.
Timmy: agreed.
Jaybird: yup 
Me: So this doesn’t help us… 
Timmy: maybe we should ask alfred?
Jaybird: nooooo
Me: It’s worth a try.
Timmy: or three… 
From the phone of Alfred Pennyworth:
Chat Name: Master Timothy
Master Timothy: Alfred, has Damian come to you for help with Xmas?
Me: There’s coffee in the kitchen, Master Tim.
Me: Next time, don’t run.
Chat Name: Master Richard
Master Richard: Have you heard anything from Damian about Christmas?
Me: I am not at liberty to say, Master Dick.
Master Richard: Please, Alfred. We just want to help.
Me: Master Bruce specifically said that Master Damian must complete this task on his own. Even I am not permitted to help him much.
Master Richard: Much?
Me: Yes. For example, I am allowed to help keep his progress private.
Master Richard: I see. 
Master Richard: Thank you, Alfred.
Me: Have a good day, Master Dick.
Chat Name: Master Jason
Master Jason: Hey what’s the demon spawn getting us for xmas?
Me: Master Jason, why is one of my plates missing? You know, the ones of the finest quality imported for China.
Master Jason: I ddont know 
Master Jason: let me go find it
Chat Name: Master Bruce
Master Bruce: Alfred, has there been any developments with Damian?
Me: Yes. I believe everything is working out as you wished Master Bruce.
Master Bruce: Very good.
Date: November 2, 2021 6:30 P.M.
Subject: An Apology
Dear Ms. Dupain-Cheng,
In my desperation it seems I have acted quite far out of line. You see, a lot is riding on my ability to procure adequate gifts for my brothers. If I fail, my father may send me away in order to teach me a lesson in social skills. My brothers are huge fans of yours (I will also admit your artistry is very impressive) and have, not for a lack of trying, been unable to find out who you are. I have no doubt that if I get them MDC originals for Christmas then I will be able to stay.
This does not excuse my previous email however. I will ruefully admit that I’m often told I assume too much but few people have been so effective in pointing this out to me as yourself. I admit my methods were morally and legally unjust. I apologize and request forgiveness. Perhaps you could overlook my rather offensive first email and we could start again.
As for the blackmailing, I meant it when I said I have no desire to reveal your identity. I won’t. I realize now that would only make my own situation worse (my brothers would probably kill me on your behalf) but that is not my only motivator. In my research I learned about your situation in school. I will agree that I do not know the truth of the matter as well as yourself but I have no wish to make anything worse. I suppose you may as well have made the best choices you could’ve as it seems your classmates refuse to see reason. That must be inconvenient.
If this, my first apology, or the promised monetary compensation are still not enough to persuade you to still allow me to order my brothers MDC originals perhaps I may offer my help as well. I may not know the situation like you but I do have resources you might find useful. After all, they did allow me to find your identity.
I’m looking forward to your reply without any expectations of when it will come. (I’m told sleep is important though.)
- Damian W.
I’m not loving this formatting but I’m not in the headspace to change it so I will simply say that if you want better formatting, read this on A03.  Okay! Chapter 3 is coming in a second!
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latenightbotanist · 7 years
*guitar intro*
underneath these stairs i hear the sneers and feel the glares of my cousin my uncle and my aunt cant believe how cruel the are and it sting my lightning scar to know theyll NEver ever give me... what i wa-ant I know i dont deserve these AWful ruules made by the Dursleys here on    PRIIIIIiivet driiive cant take these stupid Muggles but despite all of my struggles... IM STILL ALIIIIIIIVE im sick of summer and this waiting around * dun dun* man its september so imm skipping this town hey its no mysteryy theres nothing here fore me noooow i gotta get back to hogwart! i gotta get back to schooool i gotta get back to hogwarts! where everybody knows im cooOool back to witches! and wizards! and magical beasts to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts! ita all that i Love and its all that i need at Hogwarts! hogwarts! i think im going back      I’LL see my friends gonna laugh till we cry TAke my firebolt gonna take to the sky No Way this year anyONES Gonna Die and its gonna be tOtally awesome!ill cast some spells with a flick of my wand defeat the Dark Arts yeAH Bring it On and do it all with my best friend RON cause together were totally awesomYEAH CAUSE TOGETHER WERE TOTALLY AWESOME DId sOmebody say roOON?? Ron?! what are u doing here? sorry it took me so long to get here i had to get some floo powder But get everything u need and lets get goin! where are we going? to DIagon alley of course cool FLoo powder Power floo powder power floo powder power floo powder power Its been so long but were going back dont go for work dont go there for Class as long as were together gonna kick some AsS and its gonna be toOtally aWEsome this year well take everybody by storm sneak Stay up all night sneak out of our dorm but LEts not fOrget that we Need to PerfFORm Well in ClAss if we want to pass our OWLS aargh hermioine Why do you have to be such a BUZzkill? beCAUSE guys school is not all about Fun and Games we have to study hard if we wanna become good wizards and Witches ugh I may be frumpy but im super smart CHeck out my grades   theyre As for a startwhat i lack in looks well i make up in heART and well guys that is totally awESOme This year i plan to Study A Lot That would be cool if you were actually Hot HEy ron Cmon were the only friends that shes got and thats cool and thats tOtally Awesome yeah its so cool it is totally aWESOME were sick of summer and this waiting around *dun dun* its like were sitting in the lost and found * dun dun* dont take no SorcerYY for anyone to se hooOOOOOooOOoOw   we gotta get back to hogwarts! we gotta get back to schoooOOl  we gotta get us back to hogwarts! where everything is magicooOOOOOOl bck to wizards and witches and magical beasts to Goblins and Ghosts and to magical feasts its all that i love and its all that i need at hogwarts! hogwarts! i think were going back! rOooOoON you were supposed to take me to madam malkins and use those  sIckles mom gave you for my RObe fitting! whos this? aAhhhthis is stupid dumb little sister ginny ginny this is harry      Potter  hhHArry Potter youre the boy who lived yah and youre ginny uh its genevra uuuh ill just stick with ginny Stupid sister *clap* dont crowd the famous friend! Do you guys hear Music? someones coming Cho Chang  Domo arigato Cho Chang gung hey Fat Cho CHang happy happy new year Cho chang oooh whos that? thats..thats cho chang yeah thats the girl harrys been TOtally In Love with since freshman year yeah but he wont say anything to her yeah you never tell a girl you like her it makes you look like an idiot! KonIchiWa cho chang it is Good to meet you  my name is Ginny WEAsley BITCH I AINT CHO CHANG that is lAVender brOwn *clap* RACIST sister! oh that allright im Cho Chang YAllshes perfect yeah but too bad she dating cedric diggory srsly who the Hell is cedric diggory?! hes that guy u know hes just huge and tall Cho chaang I Am So In LOve  with CHoOo Chaaang from bangkook to dIINgdaaAng I sing my love aLoud for Choo CHaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAANg UGH iHATE that guy DID SOMEONE SAY DRACO MALFOOY? ugh malfaoy what do you want?  SO pottah   Back for another year at Hogwarts are you? maybe this year you WIse up and hang out with a HIGher caliber of wizard listen draco.. ron and hermoine are my Best Friends in the Whole World i wouldnt trade them for ANYthing  Have it your way WAit dont tell me   Red hair Hand me down Clothes and a Stuupid Complexion Youu must be a WEeasley hey malfoy lay off my sister ok? she may be a pain in the ass but she MY pain in the ass well isnt this CuUte its like a little looser fAHmily hogwarts has really gone to the Dogs Luckily next year   Ill be Transferred to Pigfaarts! this years you bet gonna get outta here the Reign of Malfoy its growing near ill have the Greatest Wizard carrier its gonna be TOAtally Awesooome look out world for the Dawn of the day when everyone one will do  whATEVER I SAY! and pooottah wont bee in my way then ill be the one who is tOtally Awesome YEAH YOULL BE THE ONE WHO IS TOTALLY AWESOME! *choo* Cmon guys were gonna Miss the Traiin who knows how fast this years gonna go Hand me a Glass let the butterbeer flow! maybee at last i will talk to cho Oh No thatd be Way Too Awesome were back to learn everything that we can its great to come back to where it began And here we are! and ALAKAZAM here we go this is totally awesome! cmon and teach us everything you know! *un dun* the summers over and were aching to go! *dun dun* I think were ready for    ALbus DUmbleDore ahhhhhhhHHHHHH welcoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooOoOooOome all of you to Hogwarts! I welcome all of you to schooooool did you know that here at Hogwarts    weve got  a Hidden Swimming Poooooool welcomewelcomewelcome Hogwarts! welcome Hotties Nerds and Tooools! now that ive got you here at hogwarts       id umm liketogooverjustacoupleofrules My name is Albus Dumbledore and i am HEadmaster of Hogwarts! you can all call me      Dmbledore. s’pose you could also call me Albus if you wanted DEtEntion nah    im just kidding  Ill Expel YA if ya Call me Albus! *dun dun dun* back to witches and wizards aand magical beasts to Goblins and Ghosts and to magical feasts Its All that i Love and its All that i Need at Hogwarts! hogwarts! back to spells and *funky background clapping* enchantments potions and Friends! To Gryffindooor! HUfflePuff! RavEnclAaw! SLYTHERIN! Back to the place where our story begins at Hogwarts! hogwarts! Im sorry what its name?! HOgwarts! HOGwarts! Iii Didnt HEar you Kids! HOGWARTS! HOGWARTS! man im glad i went back!
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