#i did not expect to finish this sketch aaah
shkika · 9 months
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Aged Through Blood
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sirislayer · 2 years
4, 8, 20, 23 for the artist asks!
4. Favorite Thing to Draw Faces, facial expressions, Pointy ears, Glow Magic stuff, landscape (traditional, abstract), Puns
8. What's the most fun and the least fun parts about your process
Most Fun:
Ideally this lightning of giddy inspiration strikes and I just MUST DRAW or else I will be unable to do anything else. (This is an unreliable reason to do art however, so it should never be depended upon)
But even if this aspect is missing, I like the part where everything of an idea clicks into place. The research starts to come together, the moodboard is helping, the scribbles turn into a sketch, turn into lineart.
Hyperfocus!!!! Hyperfocus is so great to be in. It satisfies my brain being able to hyperfocus on a piece of art and suddenly hours passed by but I finished a thing!!!
Creative activity to me often corresponds with problem solving. The problem often being, that the image I want to exist does not exist. So actually being in the process of problem solving and actually seeing results, thats fun!
Another fun thing - this specifically applies for me to fanart - is when I know a specific person, friend, mutual will enjoy the thing I'm working on as well. It's like "aaah the thing I'm making will probably excite my friend, I can't wait to see their reaction!!!"
Least Fun:
Repetition. I h a t e repeating things I have already done. I don't like doing repetitive tasks or redoing work because I lost my progress due to software crashing. It used to be the thing that would easiest stop me from drawing something. I've gained a bit of a better attitude and harder shell over the years over the course of various professional projects, but it's still a big bummer.
I find posting/uploading + tagging my content on different platforms to be a chore and rather tedious. It has made me think I should just quit twitter/instagram all together because I neither get the interactivity one would want out of them, nor do I necessarily gain any financial benefit from them. Tumblr and YouTube are the most fun to post to, but I know my audience i limited on Tumblr to those, who use tumblr.
Posting in general, while it does result in positive feedback and attention and all that external validation at times, I just find the process boring and rather stressful. Formatting my images to actually be top-notch quality and not be compressed by various platforms takes time, so I actually often just don't do it in the first place.
20. a piece from this year that you're really proud of
I think the one I'm most proud of is one that is not available to the public as of yet. It's an animated short (8 minutes) about coping with the escape from a domestic violence and abuse situation. Most of the work on this was done the years prior to this year, but I did finish a substantial amount of the final animation this year, so I think that still counts. I won't share a link to the video right now, probably in about a year or so. But here are some images from the film:
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After finishing that film... long animation does not scare me as much anymore to make. :) If we want to talk strictly limited to this year and this year only - I will probably say my TAZ Graduation Animations [1] [2] [3] and this character design commission!
23. what's something you hope people notice when looking at your art
Uh... that one is actually kinda tough. I don't really know?
Unless the piece has a specific message/vibe I want them to definitely feel (e.g. my domestic violence film), a lot of times I just want people to enjoy the art?
I guess the normal expectation is, I want them to notice my effort? But even then, with 5 minute doodles, that's not effort that's just.. braindump so this answer does not feel quite universal.
A lot of times though, this specifically applies to animation and maybe comics - I am always pleased when people point out things I put in that were not required to make something work, but are fun to see anyways. (e.g. people pointing out ear wiggles, sign language, background action, Fitzroy getting more angry once he notices Argo's upsetness...) It's nice to see I did not add that detail and decor in vain.
In a way I hope people will notice the things and nuance I put there specifically for people to take notice of. (if that makes sense)
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purplepakwan · 6 years
guess who’s BACK, luvs!!!
(read the tags bbys <3)
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httphopewrld · 5 years
control me (pt. 2) | (f/m)
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↳ part of the ‘lyrics series’
Jimin was just a guy who modeled for your art class, and someone you found attractive, nothing else. You didn’t think anything would evolve from that. But then you asked him to model for your practice sketches, causing you to see him more. That feeling towards him became more apparent as you realized he occupied your thoughts. But there’ll never be anything between us. You convinced yourself. However, that changed when Jimin asked, “What am I to you?” Maybe there was more to your relationship than you realized.
Pairing: model!jimin x reader
Genre: fluff, smut, and angst
Rating: 16+ because there’s some smuuuuuutttt and swearing
Warnings: smut, foul language, dom/sub!jimin, dom/sub!reader, oral (fem receiving), protected sex, fingering, thigh riding, handjob (kinda), dirty talk, body praising, self-doubt (discouraging one’s looks compared to others), pretty soft sex? Nothing too rough, I think, but it’s detailed.
Word Count: 9k+
A/N: it’s a lot more words compared to pt.1, but I thought that it would better to just give you guys the whole thing instead of making you guys wait any longer. I hope you guys enjoy!
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
The nosiness of the café bothers you. Sure, it’s a public place, where people can choose their own volume of speech; but boy did it grind your gears when people spoke above a comfortable tone.
Despite the cozy warmth of the café, the cold found its ways underneath the wool sleeves of your sweater. You put your coat back on and sat back in your seat.
He said he’d be on time, but you didn’t want to count on it. He was busy, probably, modeling for other students in your human anatomy class. It was the middle of the week, so what else did you expect? He barely knew you, yet he was your “knight in shining armour” on that fateful night.
About a few days after his rescuing, you called to meet him at a café. To pay him back, you’d buy him any beverage and pastry he wanted, and hopefully, amuse him with your social skills. However, you’d be kidding yourself if you weren’t absolutely horrified to talk to him and were about to pee yourself because you were currently waiting in a pool of anxiety and self-doubt.
If only talking to astonishingly attractive people wasn’t complete social suicide, things wouldn’t be so scary. And if Rachel hadn’t pressured you to go out for coffee with him.
You felt your leg jittering underneath the table, and your bottom lip in your teeth. God, I wish he’d be on time.
As if on cue, Jimin jogged into the café, chest rising and falling rapidly. When his eyes connected with yours, his whole body seemed relieved.  
He sped-walked to your table, taking off his jacket and running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.
“I’m sorry that I’m late. There was traffic, and the bus didn’t arrive on time,” he sat down with a tired exhale.
“You took the bus? Where did you come from?”
“I had a model casting across town. Didn’t get anything though.” He pouted briefly before gently smiling. “I’m sorry for being late.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You chuckled, finding his numerous apologies adorable.
A quick pause in your conversation made you rive with panic.
“Oh, what do you want to drink? It’s cold outside and you appear to have run for a bit.” You gestured towards the chalk menu to your right.
He read the menu before asking, “could I actually get an iced americano and a croissant?”
“Sure,” you replied as you got up from your seat.
You went up to the cashier and ordered your drinks. As you waited for them, you scanned the crowded café. Some were seated on tables or in the leather couches. Others appeared to only be using the space as shelter from the weather as they sent out a quick text or call.
You realized that your gaze always fell back on Jimin as you observed the café. It rested on his clenched jawline as he read something off his phone, and how his leg shook with, what you assumed was anxiousness.
Maybe he was nervous too? You wondered as your name was called.
You picked up the tray with your pastries and drinks and carefully walked back to your table.
Jimin’s eyes lit up when you set the tray down on the table. He grabbed his iced-americano and took a couple of desperate gulps.
You watched in amazement as you put his croissant, your muffin and hot chocolate, and extra water on the table. When you can back from returning the tray back to the main counter, he had finished his drink and was half-way through his croissant.
“I think you can breath, now,” you chuckled as he let out an embarrassed laugh and put down his snack.
“Sorry about that,” he awkwardly smiled.
“Don’t worry about it,” you assured as you sipped your hot chocolate, “you came from a modeling job in the pouring rain. Do what you gotta do.”
He nodded and began eating his croissant again.
It was a few painful beats of silence before you thought of a conversation starter. “What is it like being a model?” You took a small bite of your muffin, “It must be a lot emotionally and physically.”
He leaned his elbows on the table, “Yeah, to be honest. It’s tougher than people realize. It’s a ‘no’-type-of-world, really.” He made air-quotes with his hands.
“But I love it. Most of the time I get gigs that I enjoy, and the other models and staff are supportive and friendly.” Jimin described, smiling.
He took a quick sip of his iced-americano, “Enough about me. You’re doing alright, Y/N? After the whole party?”
You told him about how you didn’t remember much about the night of the party. He helped you fill in the gaps of what you missed. Both of you chatted about yourselves, even sharing dumb things you guys believed as kids.
Despite some brief pauses in your conversation, you both were able to laugh and enjoy each other’s company.
“Oh, how’s your anatomy class going? Last time I was there, you guys were starting a sculpting unit?” He remembered, finishing his croissant.
“It’s going well! A lot of sketching and sculpting on my time.”
“Aaah,” he understood.
You took the last sip of your hot chocolate, “Oh, speaking of the project, could you model for some of my sketches? You seem to be the perfect candidate.”
Jimin feigned an honoured expression, putting a hand to his chest then saluting you. “It would be my pleasure.”
You giggled and cheered, “Awesome! What day would work best for you?”
He took his phone out and scrolled through, what you assumed to be, his calendar. “This Saturday, so in a couple of days?”
You checked your schedule on your phone. To your relief, you were free Saturday. “Sounds great! I think my friend, Rachel, is going out that night, so we’ll have a peaceful apartment for ourselves.”
You felt your phone buzz in your hands. When you glanced down, you saw numerous texts from Rachel appear on your screen.
Rachel [4:30 pm]: hey, Kaleb’s over. He’s crying and he seems drunk. Could you come back to the apartment?
Rachel [4:30 pm]: I can’t handle him alone
Y/N [4:30 pm]: I’m out rn. You can handle Joey. He’s pretty docile when he’s drunk
Rachel [4:31 pm]: could you PLS come? You’re better at the emotional stuff
You looked up at a concern Jimin. He pointed at his own cell, indicating that he was wondering what was happening on your phone that caused your debating expression.
“Rachel is asking me to go back to the apartment because a friend is crying,” you sighed, “she thinks I’m ‘better at the emotional stuff’.”
“You should go,” he suggested, “you seemed quite worried about your friend.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” he smiled. “And we’ve been here since two o’clock. I think we’ve had enough of each other.”
You both chuckled as you let Rachel know you were heading back to your apartment.
Jimin gave you a gentle hug before you left and insisted on putting both of your dishes away.
As you exited the café, you couldn’t help but savour the warm that his arms left around your waist when he hugged you. Maybe it was just the feeling of the embrace that made you blush? Or was it because Jimin was the one doing it?
Saturday came quicker than you expected. You weren’t sure if you were excited or nervous to have him over at your apartment, but you knew that your project needed sketches, and you were the only one who could do it for you.
Jimin came over around dinner time, bringing a glass of red merlot and two plastic wine glasses. You had a pre-made pizza heating up in the oven.
You both chatted for a bit before actually starting the sketching process. If it weren’t for Jimin reminding you of why he was at your apartment in the first place, who knows how long you’d two talk for.
Now, you sat on the couch, while Jimin sat on a chair in front of you.
“Tilt your head to the left—you’re left,” you chuckled as you marked the dimensions of Jimin’s face on your sketchbook.
“I’m sorry,” he giggled, “I promise that I am trying.”
You closed your sketchbook and grasped your glass of ruby wine, “Let’s take a break, shall we?”
“Thank you,” he sighed as if he’d been holding his breath for the entire half an hour you were sketching him.
You swallowed the unexpected large gulp of wine you drank, “Oh before I forget, I need to pay you…” You took out your wallet, “…how does thirty-five dollars sound?”
“You don’t need to pay me, Y/N,” Jimin said while taking a sip of his wine, “you’re giving me dinner. That’s more than enough.”
You put the money back in your wallet and shrugged, “Whatever you say.”
He chuckled as the oven chimed, letting you both know the pizza was ready.
“I’ll get that,” you said as while getting off the couch.
As you were slicing up the pizza, Jimin sat at the kitchen island attentively. You handed him a slice, that he took with great pleasure.
“So,” he began with a mouthful of pepperoni, “why sculpting? Not many people do it nowadays.”
You took a bite of your own slice, chewing on the question. “Well, I like studying the human body—” You stopped mid-sentence when you saw his cheeky smirk.
“Hey, get your mind out of the gutter!” You blushed, jokingly punching at him. Your embarrassment made him laugh.
“Anyways,” you resumed, taking a sip of your wine, “I wanted to learn more about the anatomy and workings of the human body, so I could get better at sculpting. Then, I could hopefully teach a class someday.” You waved your glass in the air, “You know, become an art teacher.”
Jimin’s slow clap made you roll your eyes and give a sly smirk.
“Thank you, but you can stop with the patronizing claps.” You bowed, holding up your glass in a makeshift cheer.
When he stopped clapping you took another slice of pizza. “So, Mr. Model, what’s it like being in the industry?”
“Well, when you say it like that, you make it sound like I’m a porn star,” he chuckled while finishing his second slice of pizza.
You chuckled with him, “Your words, not mine.”
Jimin gave you a playful smirk, “You’d be the first one to watch.”
You put your hands up in a mock-surrender, “No comment.”
You both shared a moment of laughter before Jimin let a sigh.
“It’s good. I’ve learned to build up my confidence. It’s tough making friends, but you find the small pockets of gold, I guess.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s a bitch to date though. There’s always someone who’s prettier than you, and they don’t mind letting you know.”
“I feel that,” you held a fist to your chest, “on a spiritual level.”
Jimin laughed at your joke, finishing his glass of wine. You went to refill it, but he covered it with his hand. “I’m all good, thanks.”
You gave a shy grin before putting the bottle down on the counter.
“I’m sorry about the whole relationship thing.” You made brief eye contact with him before continuing, “Maybe you’re just looking in the wrong place?”
“I guess so,” he shrugged, not seeming to want further the subject.
“We should get back to the sketching,” Jimin proposed, getting off the kitchen stool, “you’ll need more for your project, right?”
“Y-yeah,” you agreed, following him back to the living room.
  It had been a couple of months since you and Jimin started talking. It had become a regular occurrence for him to come over to your apartment. Sometimes, for the sketches, you needed for your project, but it was usually to chat over wine.
You eventually introduced Jimin to the rest of your friends. Rachel wasn’t shocked that you two got along well; Joey went into ‘dad-mode’ where he sat between you two whenever the opportunity arose; Kaleb and Jimin were the becoming best buds, and Jason was just happy to have another guy around.
Nonetheless, your whole friend group enjoyed Jimin’s company. So much so, that Rachel proposed that Jimin tag-a-long on the group’s ‘Friday Friend Day’; where you guys go out for food, drinks or have a game’s night.
For this ‘Friday Friend Day’, your group was going bowling. You weren’t too sure if Jimin would want to tag along, because you know how competitive Joey and Rachel can be; but he was overjoyed with the invite.
  “I can’t believe Rachel and the others couldn’t come with us,” You chuckled while you and Jimin moved to the side to wait for your food, “the McDonald’s is only a block, how hard is it to walk!”
“Well, I think Rachel is still calling Joey a ‘sore winner’ after last game,” Jimin suggested, leaning against the wall.
“He is!”
“We won fair and square! We beat you guys by a mile!” Jimin defended.
“You three boys suggested guys vs. girls, knowing we were way outnumbered.” You retorted, moving a step closer.
“Because girls are tougher than they look, so we thought you and Rachel would’ve knocked us out of the park.”
You looked him up and down before smiling, “Good answer.”
“But you two still lost,” Jimin playfully jabbed.
You jokingly punched him, making him feign a painful expression.
Both of you waited for the takeout, talking about Jimin’s upcoming modeling jobs and how your sculpting project was going.
You could feel butterflies rising from the bottom of your stomach as you two walked back to the bowling place; the paper takeout McDonald’s bag swinging at your side as Jimin reminisced about his childhood.
You felt at utter peace with yourself walking with Jimin by your side. The smell of deep-fried chicken nuggets, and the after taste of Oreos from the McFlurry Jimin fed you every now and then. You watched as steam left his mouth as he talked. Both of you laughed as you two pretended to smoke like two children.
“Hey,” you said, struggling to swallow that mouthful of Oreo McFlurry Jimin just gave you, “I know when we talked about this before, you changed the subject, but—”
You swallowed. “Is it tough dating while being a model?”
His eyes darted between you and the sidewalk in front of both of you. He appeared to still be hesitant about the subject.
Did someone hurt him? You hypothesized. A person on the job? Another model?
“We don’t have to talk—”
“It’s like I said before,” he gentle spoke, “it’s just people are more focused on looks, or who’s the most famous.”
You two stopped at the lights, waiting for the crossing signal to appear.
“I dated this person. They seemed to like me—a lot, actually.” He sighed. “And then I found out that they cheated on me. With a new upcoming model. And I broke up with them.”
The crossing sign beamed brightly, and the chime let you two know to start crossing the intersection.
“So now I’m doing jobs here and there, and sticking to people outside of the modeling industry,” he glanced at you and then smiled, “and look where it’s gotten me. In-in a good way, of course.”
You couldn’t help but smiled as he continued, “And I guess I haven’t found the right person to date.”
You turned your head towards him, “Yet.”
His eyes raced to yours. “Hm?”
“Yet,” you repeated, “You haven’t found the right person to date yet.”
He nodded, “Yeah. I guess so.”
You were pulling an all-nighter at your school’s studio, trying to finalize your sculpture of a head. You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t frustrated beyond belief. The proportions looked off, the sculpture was supposed to resemble Jimin but looked nothing like him, and you felt like you were cramming a project that needed more time.
Music blasted through your headphones. Thee familiar burning sensation behind your eyes made you scoff at yourself. A hot tear fell down your cheek, and you used the back of your hand to wipe it.
“Fuck,” you muttered, getting up to wash your hands.
The water and soap against your hands burned slightly, but you didn’t care. The sponge against your skin felt like sandpaper, but you took the pain as if you deserved it. You were mad and ashamed of yourself, for how long it was taking you to even start your sculpture.
The art exhibit, for the sculptures created in Mr. Heinz’s class, was in a month. The pressure was on, and boy could you feel it.
And you weren’t the only one feeling it. You separated yourself from your group slowly to work on your clay model—the one that started off as Jimin’s head but was now a grey mushy pile. Rachel had invited you to ‘Friday Friend Day’ countless times; even saying that she didn’t tell Jimin, because she thought he was the reason why you suddenly ditched the group.
But it wasn’t. It was deeper than that. It was the fact you didn’t feel you could accomplish anything creatively, despite the three-month work timeline Mr. Heinz gave you and the class. No matter how many sketches of Jimin you drew, or the nights you spent molding clay to just destroy it.
You leaned against the counter, facing the grey pile of mush on the table. You wanted to throw the clay against the wall, flip tables, and scream at the top of your lungs. But you just stood there, wiping your hands with paper towels, staring at your ruined sculpture.
You heard your phone chime across the room. You tossed your used paper towels in the rubbish and check your cell.
Jimin [1:06 am]: how tf do you open this door?
Y/N [1:06 am]: ???
Jimin [1:07 am]: the door into the art building? Am I at the wrong place?
Y/N [1:07 am]: what?
Jimin [1:09 am]: I think it’s the art building? There’s a massive mural of a forest on the side?
Y/N [1:10 am]: wtf??! Why are you at my school?
Jimin [1:12 am]: can you just let me in? I’ll explain when I’m out of the cold
You tucked your phone into your back pocket and grabbed Mr. Heinz’s keys to the studio and school doors.
When you reached the front doors, you were surprised to see Jimin waiting with a pizza box and one litre of Sprite. A smile appeared on his face as you approached.
You unlocked and opened the retractable gate with a confused expression and opened the front door. You continued to look confused and laughed in astonishment as you closed the door and the gate.
“Why are you here?” You chuckled and check your phone, “At 1:25 am?”
Jimin followed you back to the studio. “I haven’t seen you for a while.” He admitted. “And I know you like pizza when working.”
“How did you know that I was here?” You asked as you two turned the corner to the studio.
Jimin sighed, as if disappointed in himself, “Rachel told me.”
“She wasn’t supposed to say anything,” you muttered opening the door to the studio.
“What?” Jimin was behind you, pizza and Sprite still in hand.
You made a ‘tsk’ sound. “We can’t have food in the studio, we’ll have to eat in the hallway.”
You pointed to the spot beside the door, “Just wait here while I get some paper towels.”
“Okay,” he said with a mock surrender.
When you came back, Jimin was promptly sitting on the flow with the pizza and soda in front of him. With him looking up at you, for a change, he seemed so-so—soft.
“Here,” you passed Jimin a couple of paper towels and sat down beside him.
You two ate in silence. The only sound was the chewing of pizza, and one of you sipping from the bottle of Sprite. It was like both of you were waiting for someone to start the conversation.
“Why did you stop hanging out with the crew?”
“Excuse me?”
“You,” Jimin finished of his slice of pizza, “stopped coming to ‘Friday Friend Day’ all of sudden and spending all your time here,” he waved his arms in the air, gesturing to the entirety of the art building.
“Well, here,” you mimicked his previous actions, “is where I’m trying to finish my sculpture due next month.”
“I’m sure you’ll get it done—”
“Well, I haven’t so far—”
“I think you just need a break—”
“I don’t have time for a break!” You exclaimed, immediately regretting the volume of your voice.
Jimin took a gulp of the Sprite, leaving a bit for you to finish. He held it out to you, and you gladly took it. Both of you sat in quiet for five minutes. You needed to calm down, and Jimin, seemed, to be thinking something good to say.
“I’m sorry—”
“Don’t be,” Jimin assured.
You nodded, not saying anything. Until now, you could feel his shoulder against yours, and your knee against his thigh. His hands were just close enough for you to reach.
“I’m just stressed about the sculpture,” you sighed as if letting a one hundred pounds off your chest. “And I don’t know if I’m going to get it finished. I haven’t had any progress with what I’ve gotten done—and it always ends up getting tossed out and restarted.”
“I know, it takes time,” he sympathized, turning his body towards you.
“But you don’t know,” you deflected, feeling your eyes burn, “you don’t know what it feels like to not know if you’re going into a dying industry, and not feeling good enough to keep it alive.”
Jimin pursed his lips and tried to speak, but you continued.
“E-Every time I go into that studio—” You stuttered, trying your best to wipe the tears starting to fall down your face. “I get reminded of how much of a failure I am.”
“Hey,” Jimin pulled you into his side, wrapping a hand around your frame.
Your head rested against his chest. You could smell his oaky cologne on his clothes.
“I-I am sorry—” You apologized, feeling guilty and attempted to pull away from him.
“Don’t worry about it,” he soothed, gently nudging you back to rest on his chest, “you don’t have to move.”
You nodded and leaned on Jimin’s shoulder. His arm shifted to your waist.
Jimin wiped one of your tears with the sleeve of his sweater. You lifted your head to face his.
When his eyes met yours, you realized how close he was to you. You couldn’t help but dart your eyes to his lips before looking back at him.
Then, without a second thought, you moved in closer and kissed his lips. You could taste the saltness of your tears and his lip balm.
Jimin seemed to be surprised at first, but then his hand rested gently against the back of your head; pulling your face even closer this his. The kisses turned into a sort of urgency, and you could feel the hot air from each other’s noses on your faces.
When you both pulled away from each other, exchanging heavy breaths, you giggled. Jimin had your lipstick on his swollen lips. You tried to rub some of it off with a swipe of your thumb, but it made no difference.
“Fuck,” Jimin breathed, smirking slightly.
You woke up in the morning, next to Jimin. At first, you gazed at his face as he rested.
When his eyes fluttered awake, you quickly closing your eyes and pretending to be asleep.
You heard him sigh, “Wow, that sucked.”
Your eyes shot open and he laughed, “I knew you were faking it!”
Both you laughed as you slapped his shoulder.
He brought you into a warm embrace, and you two chatted into each other’s arms.
The events of last night were like the after taste of wine in your mind. The way he opened the door and pushed your against it to close it, kissing your lips and chuckling. How he complimented every flaw on your body as he slipped off your clothing.
The feeling of his lips tracing your frame. How he made you cum against his mouth, screaming his name. You could remember the sweet nothings he whispered into your ear as he rolled his hips against yours.
All his movements were tender and gentle as if he was afraid to break you.
The aftercare was the best part, though. While you laid on the bed, exhausted from the supposed ‘third round’, Jimin wiped your core with a damp cloth and heated up the shower for you. In the shower, you two giggled as you gave each other feedback about the sex you two had. Of course, soap got into Jimin’s eye and you suppressed your laughter as he cursed and tried to get the shampoo out of his eyes.
Before getting into bed, he had given you one of his shirts to sleep in. When he saw that the end of his shirt fell midway down your thigh, he smiled. His arms opened up and you excitingly ran into them. You remembered cuddling with him until you both fell asleep to each other’s calm breaths.
Despite this romantic, almost special, the time you spent together, nothing arose from it. After you got ready the next day and left his loft, you both didn’t mention what happened.
Jimin treated you normally and you reciprocated the same attitude.
Rachel knew something was odd, but you didn’t want to talk to her about the sex you and Jimin had. You were private about it and felt like it wasn’t too serious. You didn’t want to create drama within your friend group, and just wanted things to be back to what they were.
You and your friend group still hung out on Fridays, and you and Jimin didn’t ignore each other. However, whenever the opportunity of completing your figure came about, you took it.
Eventually, you finished your sculpture for the art exhibit. It was a flexed torso, slightly bent forward to show the spine restricting against the back’s skin. When you were sanding it, you realized it was Jimin’s torso that you had subconsciously sculptured.
From memory, and feeling, you had recreated his torso through clay. As you set it on the cart to be taking to the show, you deeply hoped that no one would recognize it was his; and that he wouldn’t point it out.
“You didn’t have to come over, Rach,” you sighed, opening the door to see Rachel with a bottle of red wine.
Rachel rolled her eyes, “Of course I would come over. You need all the support you can get.” She walked in and took off her heels.
She wore a white suit with matching shoes. Under the suit jacket was only a vest, which plunged to about enough to show off her breast. Her hair was put into a slick ponytail, which swung as she strutted to your kitchen and opened the bottle of wine.
“So, where’s the dress?” Rachel asked while pouring two glasses of wine.
You scratched the back of your neck, “I don’t know, Rach, I’m not one for tight dresses…”
Rachel shook her head. “Just put on the dress and the shoes and come back out here.”
“Okay,” you sighed, retreating to your bedroom.
The dress was a dark raven, with off the shoulder sleeves and a figure-fitting silhouette. The neckline plunged to the tops of your breasts. You wore gold jewelry, matching black stilettos, and a clutch. Your hair was pinned back by two clips on the sides of your forehead.
When you came out of your room, Rachel hollered. You blushed as you gave a little twirl for her, holding your arms out like a ‘T’. She whistled as you walked towards her.
She held out your glass of wine. “That deserves a cheers.”
You grasped the glass and clinked it against hers. “Cheers, Rach.”
You two downed your red liquor, winced because you’re not supposed to drink wine in one go, and headed to the art exhibit like the stunning women you two were.
  The exhibit was filled with students and guests. Everyone was dressed formally, with girls wearing striking dresses and boys in tuxedos. Everyone was sipping on non-alcoholic beverages and bite-sized snacks while observing the beautiful works by talented students.
Rachel was a sculpture of her head with snacks coming out of it.
“Medusa?” You asked, pleased.
She nodded and fist-bumped you. “Yes! You like it?”
“I love it,” you replied, finishing off your mini cucumber sandwich.
Joey, Kaleb, and Jason came to support you and Rachel, in black tuxedos. They were surprised by how well your sculptures turned out.
Joy, the ‘dad’ of the group, pointed out the torso you sculpted.
“Who’s that?”
You looked at him confused. “Hm?”
“The torso.” He leaned closer to the sculpture, crossing the barrier around it with his head.
“That ain’t mine,” He looked at Kaleb and Jason, “and definitely not theirs. None of us have defined washboard abs…”
Joey’s expression turned into one of horror, “Who did you fuck?!”
You shushed him, covering his mouth with your hand. His eyes were wide as if he just walked on his child.
“None of your business!” You hissed, looking around at the faces who gave both of you judgemental looks.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You snapped, walking away from Joey and heading to the snack bar.
You took some small sandwiches and stood in a corner somewhere, far away from the crowd of people in the exhibit. You could hear your heavy breaths as you shoved the sandwiches into your mouth, trying to calm yourself down and forget about the night you had with Jimin.
It shouldn’t be such a big deal for you. You had nothing established with Jimin. You liked him, that was for sure, but nothing could’ve escalated from that. The two of you were friends and would stay like that.
But you couldn’t help but think of how needy his kisses were. Like, as if he had been waiting for you to kiss him, to make a move. How happy he seemed the morning after. You couldn’t fake the affection you two exchanged.
You looked up at the ceiling, thinking of how ridiculous you must’ve looked alone in the corner stuffing your mouth with mini cucumber sandwiches.
“I think you can breathe, now,”
You turned around to see Jimin with his hands in his suit’s pockets. His hair was parted on the side, effortlessly voluminous and stylish. He had a dangling earring in his right and a stud in his left. He looked luxurious. And you were slightly annoyed.
You swallowed your mouthful, “You look great.”
“I would say the same for you, but I think that would be an understatement.” He approached you and appeared to look you up and down briefly.
You looked at the sandwich in your hand. “You want the last one?”
He shrugged, “Sure.”
As he ate the sandwich in one bite, you wiped the crumbs off your mouth and reapplied your lipstick.
Jimin dusted the crumbs off his hands and held out his arm. “M’lady?”
You blushed and took his arm.
You showed him the art in the exhibit, giving little details about the students who had created the sculptures. Jimin seemed to be taking it all in, nodding and stepping closer to look at the art.
It felt normal. You two chatted normally, like before. But you’d be lying if everyone ounce of your body wanted to scream at him and ask why nothing happened after that morning.
Don’t create drama. You ordered yourself. He probably doesn’t want to talk about it anyways.
“Is that-?” Jimin pointed at your sculpture. “Me?”
You chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck. “Y-yeah.”
He stayed silent, and you jumped to fill it.
“I-I should’ve probably asked you about it, to be honest. It’s probably not the best to sculpt someone’s bare torso and display it in front of the public—”
“It’s amazing,” he awed.
You looked at him ins shock, the thought of him being stunned by your work suddenly washed away the thought and anger towards that night.
“Thank you,” you smiled, “that actually means more than you realize.”
You two smiled at each other for a moment, drinking in each other’s faces.
“I know we haven’t talked about that night,” he began.
The rest of his sentence was muffled by the rushing back of irritation and hurt from before. The self-doubt and realization of the difference between you two.
“I’m going to get Rachel,” you started walking away, but he grabbed your arm.
You looked at his grip on your arm and then at his face. “S-so she could show you her sculpture.”
You ripped your arm out of his grasp and walked towards Rachel, leaving Jimin confused.  
When you approached Rachel, who was chatting with Joey, she looked concerned. “Y/N? What’s up?”
“I ate too many of those sandwiches, I’m feeling sick.”
Her face grew more worried. “Oh my God, do you need us to come back with you?”
You shoed that idea with your hand, “It’s alright. Stay here,” you feigned a convincing smile, “you deserve it! Your sculpture is amazing.”
She rubbed your arm sympathetically. “Thank you, Y/N. Are you sure, though?”
“One hundred percent.”
“Are you sure, sure Y/N?” Joey interjected, his eyes examining your face for any sign of you lying.
You rolled your eyes and playfully pushed his shoulder, “Yes, father. I’m fine.”
He pouted at your response, “I’m not your father.”
“Then stop acting like it,” you giggled, walking away and out of the exhibit.
You took the bus home, holding back tears of frustration towards yourself and Jimin.
To be honest, you didn’t know why you really wanted to cry or why you were mad at Jimin anymore. Maybe you were madder at yourself, at this point?
When you opened your front door, the tear burst from your eyes and sobs stormed out of your mouth in desperate cries of pain. As you leaned against the door, you felt your body struggle to gain propositional breaths and the taste of salt from your tears in your mouth.
You threw your clutch against the closet across from you and took off your stilettos. You didn’t care if the neighbours heard your frustrated screams and sobs. It had been forever since you cried your frustration and exhaustion out of your body.
You felt the cold tile against your feet as you walked to the bathroom to take off your makeup. You looked at yourself in the mirror, ashamed to see your mascara running down your face and mixing with your satin lipstick. It looked like someone had dumped a bucket of water on your face.
Your limbs felt heavy with sadness as you washed your face of makeup. You hated crying. It made you feel weak and vulnerable. The last thing you wanted was to be the girl who cried about everything.
Before leaving the bathroom you looked into your puffy red eyes using the mirror and gave yourself a peace-sign. You chuckled at yourself. Jesus, I look like a mess.
You changed out of your dress and into a baggy shirt and shorts. Your bed felt like a safe haven around you. Whatever had bothered you felt more like a hum as you wrapped the blankets around your body and quickly sobbed.
You retrieved your laptop from your bedside table and opened Netflix; the solution to all your problems.
In the middle of one of your favourite TV shows, your telephone rang.
The displayed showed that buzzer to the apartment building was paging your apartment. You answered the call, thinking it was Joey checking on you.
“Y/N?” Jimin’s voice echoed on the other end of the line.
You sniffled and cleared your throat, “Yeah?”
“Are you okay? You left all of a sudden.” You could hear the genuine worry in his tone.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”
A quick pause, then him making a ‘tsk’ sound. “Is it because of me mentioning the night we had sex?”
You held the bridge of your nose, “Jimin, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Is this why you’ve been upset for the past month?”
An uncomfortable tension sat between you two.
“What am I to you?”
“Are we just friends? Are we friends who just have sex? Are we more than friends? Do you want to be more than friends?”
“Jimin, I don’t want to—”
“We need to talk about this, Y/N.” Jimin insisted. “Either through this intercom or in person.”
“I don’t know why we need to talk about this, “ you huffed, sitting up in your bed, “it doesn’t matter.”
“It does!” He suddenly exclaimed. “You’re clearly bothered by it and I want to know why! It may not matter at all to you, but it does to me! So at least give me a moment to ask you what the hell is up and why we didn’t talk about it for a month.”
You stayed silent, stunned by his unexpected outburst.
“Okay,” you meekly replied, pressing ‘one’ on your keypad. The call ended with a loud beep, letting you know that he was allowed into the apartment building.
   You two sat across from each other at the dining table, fiddling with the stems of your wine glasses. When you let Jimin, who was still in his tuxedo, into the apartment, you two exchanged quick greetings and you gestured to the table for both of you to sit down and chat.
Now, it was a game of chicken, to see who would start the conversation.
“I enjoyed that night, by the way,” Jimin broke the silence, looking at his wine glass.
You cleared your throat. “I did too.”
“Then why didn’t we talk about it?” He glanced at you before looking back at his glass and chuckling. “Like, if we both enjoyed it so much, shouldn’t we at least mention it?”
“I thought you didn’t enjoy it,” you replied.
He made eye contact with you. “Why?”
You shrugged, “I was waiting for you to say something about it, I don’t know.”
Jimin took a sip of his wine before admitting, “I was waiting for you to say something.”
You both kind of chuckled at each other’s misunderstanding.
“But it’s deeper than that, isn’t it?” He proposed, furrowing his eyebrows. You didn’t answer, so he continued, “I see it when we hang out. Like—something is holding you back. Like something is telling you that what we’re doing is wrong, even if it’s just talking about why curly fries are better than regular ones.”
You giggled at the last part of his sentence, remembering that conversation that you two had.
“So what is it?” Jimin peered into your face.
You found your throat was closing up, and your eyes were burning. You quickly looked up at the ceiling to prevent yourself from crying, but it came to no avail.
“I like you, Jimin,” you breathed. “I like you a lot, but I know we can’t be together.”
“What do you mean—”
“You’re hot!” You held out your arms, gesturing to his figure. “You’re a model, in fact. And me? I’m a struggling art student who isn’t pretty enough to date a model. You can’t be interested in me. It physically doesn’t make any sense.”
You were almost sobbing. “And I hate how I keep falling for you! It’s impossible not to! You’re beautiful on the inside and out, and I don’t even know how that’s possible.” You both chuckled at you complimenting at him while you cry your heart out.
“I just—”
“Can I say something?” He asked, and you nodded gratefully because you were embarrassed about the amount of crying you were doing in front of him.
“First of all, thank you,” he said, making you laugh, “also, I don’t care what you think about your looks. The reason why like you is that you’re a whole different person compared to all those arrogant good-looking models I work with—thank God.”
Jimin got up and sat next to you, grasping your hands in his. “When I hang out with, and your friends, it’s refreshing. I love every single moment of it.”
He wiped the tears on your cheek. “And I love every moment I spend with you. I was ecstatic when you kissed me that night. Not only was it hot that you made the first move, but I had been waiting to do it myself.”
He rested his forehead against yours, making you giggle. “And most of all, you need to not be afraid to talk to me. In order for this, or anything to work, you need to speak your mind and let people know how you’re feeling.”
Jimin chuckled as he pulled away to face you. “Of course, with reason. Don’t call people ‘shits’ even if they deserve it.”
You laughed, again, and wiped your tears as he continued, “There are people, including myself, who would want to hear what’s up with you. Why you’re upset, why you’re crying, because we care.”
He grasped your face. “And as some people say, ‘be your first cheerleader’. You’re more amazing than you think. I know it, Rachel knows it, Joey, Jason, and Kaleb know it. It’s your turn to know, too.”
You leaned against his hand, holding it with your own. “Have you ever thought of being an inspirational counselor?”
 You both laughed and Jimin brought you into a hug.
“But you registered what I said, right?” He confirmed.
You nodded against his shoulder. “Yes.”
He pulled away from you, only to kiss you passionately on the lips.
“Can I take you out on a date?” He mumbled against your mouth.
You only hummed in response, unbuttoning his suit jacket, which he hastily took off. His hands traveled up your shirt and found their way to your breast.
“Fuck, no bra?”
“I’m in my home, of course, I took off my bra,” you murmured against his lips, helping him take off his button-up shirt.
“Touché,” he replied, running his thumb over your nipple, which made you shiver with pleasure.
Jimin helped you take off your top, throwing it somewhere on the floor. He kissed down your neck, leaving specks of purple, before sucking on one of your nipples.
You moaned at the feeling and arched your back, leaning into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around your nipple before taking it in your mouth again.
“Yes, kitten?”
The new nickname made arousal pool in your underwear.
He looked up at you, waiting for your answer.
You bit your lip. “Don’t stop,” you sighed.
He smirked before resuming his action while messaging your other breast. You grasp the back of his head, enjoying the feeling of his face against your breast.
His hand moved up your thigh, reaching the edge of your shorts. His fingertips skimmed your sides before grazing your clothed core. Your body flinched into his hand before pushing against it, urging him to do more.
“You like that?” He asked coyly, apply pressure on your clothed clit.
You gently rubbed yourself against his hand and moaned.
Jimin grasped your face and kissed your lips hungrily while circling your core with his index and middle finger. You moaned against his mouth as his fingers and your hips slowing heated up your core.
You felt almost come undone, but he pulled his hand and lips away from you.
He must’ve realized your annoyed expression because he was chuckling.
“Can I carry you to your room?” Jimin glanced at your bedroom’s door then back at you.
You kissed him lovingly on the lips before opening your arms, allowing him to grasp anywhere on your body to lift you.
Jimin smiled and hosted you up against his torso with his hands under your thighs. You wrapped your arms the back of his neck, reconnecting your lips with his gently. You felt him slightly struggling to get up from your seat, and you softly pulled away from his face.
You giggled, “I can walk to my own room,”
He made a ‘psssh’ noise, “You’re light as a feather. There’s no need,”
You shrugged and began kissing him again, making you both chuckle against each other’s lips.
When Jimin enters your room with you in his arms, he closed the door by pushing your back against it. You let out a surprised gasp as he kissed your neck, before twirling you around to your bed.
He placed you softly on your bed, placing his hands on either side of your head and peering at you. Jimin just gently smiled at you for a moment, his eye looking into yours.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he sighed.
You burst into laughter, curling onto your side for a moment before looking back at his offended face.
“What?” He laughed.
“That is about the cheesiest thing you could say right now!” You exclaimed, propping yourself up with your elbows.
“Well, sorry if I was trying to make it a moment.” Jimin rolled his eyes, standing up taller putting hands on his hips.
“Hey, hey,” you got up on your knees to meet him face to face, “it was cute.”
You kissed him, hoping to resume the atmosphere from before. He was stiff at first but melted and began moving his lips rhythmically against yours.
Jimin gently pushed you away from him, causing you to bounce back on the bed.
He started unbuckling his belt, “I think I’ll have to punish you for making fun of me, kitten,”
“What are you doing to do, daddy?” You sarcastically moaned, imitating the pornstars.
Jimin paused for second as he was about to take off his pants. “That was kind of hot.”
You rolled your eyes, “Just fuck me already.”
He winked at you before removing his pants and crawling on top of you. He left open-mouthed kisses down your neck and the valley of your breast, before stopping at the brim of your underwear. He looked up at you as he hooked his fingers around the sides of your underwear.
“Please,” you quietly pleaded.
Jimin smirked before pulling down your underwear to reveal your pussy dripping with arousal.
He blew a gust of air against your core, making you flinch with pleasure. “So wet for me,” he observed, “I bet I could just fill you up right now.”
You urged your core closer to his face, but he only left kisses on your thigh. His hands massage the inner parts of your upper leg but never touching where you need it most.
When you let out a desperate whine, he kissed your clit. Your hips jutted forward as he began kitten lick your clit.
Jimin lavishes at your core, laying his flat tongue against you. He slowly pushes a finger into you, and you feel yourself clench around it. You feel him groan against you, send a vibration through your pelvis. You look down and make eye contact with him.
All you see is from his nose up, from how buried he is against you. Every now and then, you see his tongue work against your clit, and his finger disappears in you. He’s drinking you up like wine and savouring every single moan you make underneath him.
One finger turns into two, and you find yourself almost shaking. Your hands are a mixture of pulling him close and pushing him away. His hands grip your thighs, preventing you from closing them.
“J-Jimin,” you choke, feeling your fluids rush out of you.
When he’s done licking you dry, he looks up at you and wipes his mouth.
“Thank you,” he simply says before connecting his lips with yours.
You can taste your arousal on his tongue while you kiss him.
You begin to pull down his boxers and flip him over onto the bed. You’re straddling him, now, and your hand moves languidly up and down his shaft. He hisses at the feeling and puts a hand on yours.
“Tonight’s about you,” he took your hand off of his penis and kissed it tenderly.
“But I want to make you feel good,” you purred, taking your hand out of his grasp and putting it back where it was.
He sighed as if he let you do something he didn’t want you to do, “Alright,”
You rolled your eyes and shifted your position. You straddled one of his thighs and began rubbing his cock. You moaned at the sensation of his thigh against your naked core. You could see your clear fluid on his leg as you moved at the filthy sounds it made in the air.
“Fuck,” Jimin muttered with blushed cheeks, “you look so hot right now.”
“T-thanks,” you mustered, about to come undone again.
Jimin stopped your hand from moving, making you stop your movements. You slowed down your breaths and looked at him with confusion.
“I’m really enjoying this—” He tried to catch his breath. “—but, to be honest, I’d rather cum inside you.”
Your eyes widen at the word ‘cum’ leaving his mouth. You felt a sudden wave of stimulation awake in your core, making you lean forward slightly.
Jimin smirked, recognizing that you were being turned on. “Would you like that?” He leaned to your ear, and whispered, “For me to cum inside you?”
You whimpered at his words, nodding your head.
He suddenly flipped your over onto your back. His body was close enough for you to feel his warmth, but his body was touching yours.
His hands grazed against the sides of your thighs, opening your legs so he hips could fit between them.
As Jimin was about to thrust into you, you put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“Condom,” you realized, pointing to your bedside table, “the second drawer.”
“Right,” he nodded, agreeing with you.
“Wait,” you got up from underneath him, opening the drawer yourself and fetching the condom, “can I put it on you?”
“Sure,” Jimin smiled.
You opened the small square package carefully and unwrapped the condom onto Jimin’s hard member. He slightly flinched at your feathery touches, probably from being aroused.
“You want to do this?” You asked.
“More than anything,” he assured.
“More than anything,” you replied, leaning on your back.
Jimin hovered over you. You two made heartfelt eye-contact.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathed as he spread your legs gently.
“I love,” he began as he sunk into you, “the way you feel around me.”
You could feel yourself clench around his thick cock. He fit perfectly inside you, filling up every crevice you had.
Jimin pulled out of you, letting his tip stay inside of you, then snapped his hips against you. His thrusts were slow, making sure to fill you up every time. The heels of your feet rested on his lower back, almost pushing him back into you.
“Fuck,” he grunted.
“F-faster, please,” you requested as he began to pound into you.
“You. Feel. So. Good.” He emphasized with each thrust.
“Same to you,” you choked.
Jimin lifted your legs so your knees were closer to the sides of your head. The new position made each of his thrusts hit your g-spot. You became a moaning mess as he plowed into you, and the room was filled with the filthy noises of your core.
“I’m close—” You mumbled.
“Same—” Jimin replied.
In a matter of seconds, you felt your arousal come out of you, dripping onto the sheets. You could feel his spirits of warm cum in the condom inside you.
Jimin fell onto his side to prevent himself from collapsing onto you.
“Fuck,” you said out of breath.
He chuckled and got out of bed. You propped yourself onto your elbow to see where he was going.
Jimin went to your bathroom and dumped the spoiled condom in the rubbish bin. He grabbed a hand towel from your bathroom counter and dampened it with water. When he came back to the bed, he wiped you core softly, smirking at your flinches from oversensitivity.
“Thank you,” you sighed as Jimin tossed the towel into your sink and laid next to you.
He pulled the covers over your naked bodies and pulled your body against his. Your head rested on his chest, and his head was atop yours.
“That was better than the other night,” you admitted, making you both giggle.
“It sure was,” he agreed, chuckling.
You snuggled into the warmth of his chest, and you felt his strong arms wrap around your body.
Your eyes began to feel heavy, and Jimin must’ve been looking at you because he gently pulled away from you.
“Are you falling asleep?”
“Hm?” You sluggishly looked at him and wiped your eyes. “Maybe.”
He giggled, “You’re adorable.”
You only hummed at began closing your eyes again.
“Before you nod off,” he kissed your lips to wake you up, “are you alright to go on a date this coming Friday?”
“I’d love to,” you grinned, connecting both of you lips in a tender kiss.
He smiled, his eyes turning into sideways crescents, “Okay, now you can sleep.”
You cuddled back into him again, and you felt his head rest on top of yours.
Just as you felt sleep start settle into your body, you heard the front door open.
“Y/N!” Rachel’s voice echoed through the apartment.
“Oh my God,” you heard Joey’s voice whisper in shock, “is Jimin here?!”
You pulled away from Jimin and looked him in the eyes with slight fear.
“Do I say anything?” He whispered.
“No!” You shouted back.
“This shirt looks awfully familiar!” Joey responded.
“Calm down, Joey. Let them be.” Rachel hissed.
She cleared her throat, “Thank you, Joey, for walking me home. I’ll see you later.”
“Wait—” You heard Joey begin and then the front door shutting.
“I’m happy for you, Y/N!” Rachel cheered. “But, next time, don’t leave your clothes everywhere.”
You looked at Jimin and you both laughed.
Eventually, you both fell asleep in each other’s arms. And you couldn’t be happier.
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shay-has-moved · 7 years
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This took so long you don’t even know- But after months of procrastination, here he is!
This will be a long post, but his bio is below.
General Info
Full name: Takumi Byoga
Nicknames: Momma's boy ( He doesn’t like this one because he loves both of his parents equally ), Matchmaker ( Refer to trivia )
Hero Name: Ink Blotch
Age: 15
Date Of Birth: June 27
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Morals: Chaotic good
Occupation: Student at U.A.
Personal Information
Positive Traits: Outgoing, Determined, Open minded, Optimistic, Creative
Negative Traits: Emotional, Easily flustered, Stubborn, Curious, Hopeless romantic, Over protective, Insecure
Favorite Food: Peaches
Likes: Lions, fluffy things, sweet food, playing with his hair, meeting new people, warm blankets, anything romance related.
Dislikes: Spicy food, the cold, storms, loud noises, spiders, most reptiles, smudges in his drawings, clichés.
Fears: Poisonous bugs, snakes, separation.
Habits: He’ll curl his hair around his finger when he’s feeling bashful, doesn’t make eye contact when he’s lying, taps his pencil when he’s impatient.
Physical Information
Height: 5’5 ( 165cm )
Weight: 122 lbs. ( 55 kg )
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Scars/Markings: Mole under right eye, Mole on his right shoulder blade
Clothing Style: Always seen wearing shorts and boots in the heat, wears pants and a scarf in the winter, also wears a leather jacket no matter the weather.
Relationship Info
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Homosexual
Birth Mother: ??? Byoga - Whereabouts unknown
Birth Father:  ??? Byoga - Whereabouts unknown
Siblings: Tomoki Byoga - Twin sister - Doesn’t know she exists
Adopted Mother: Terra Jones - Stay at home mom
Adopted Father: Brandon Jones - Pro hero
Aunt: Kamira Jones - Works at cafe
Cousin: Josh Jones - Regular college student
Iida Tenya: Takumi greatly admires Iida for his enthusiasm, leadership, and intelligence. So much so that he has developed a crush on the said male, which only is noticeable to those who actually squint. However Takumi would never admit it, he gets flustered and denies his feelings when someone brings it up as he wants to be the one to tell Iida himself, but he just doesn’t know how yet. Iida is completely clueless to this crush and just sees Takumi as extremely friendly.
Mina Ashido: They get along very well and Mina was actually the first friend he made in the class, he even sees her as a sister. When he’s bored, he’ll often play with her hair or let her do the same.
Izuku Midoriya: Takumi respects Izuku for being so ambitious and sees him as a true future hero. They tend to only make small talk, but they still work well together.
Ochako Uraraka: Takumi really enjoys talking with Uraraka because of how cheerful she is and feels as though he could talk to her for hours. He’s super interested about her quirk and has even said it really fits her.
Katsuki Bakugou: He finds Bakugou extremely intimidating but it didn’t stop him from trying to socialize with him. Although he doesn’t appreciate his vulgar way of speech, he still thinks Bakugou will become a powerful and successful hero. Takumi actually has asked to be trained by him so he can get stronger.
Minoru Mineta: Takumi doesn’t appreciate his perverted and sexual comments towards the girls, although it may just be a grudge from his first meeting with him as Mineta mistaked him for a girl.
Mashirao Ojiro: Takumi enjoys his company, although sometimes it’ll get awkward once they run out of things to talk about. He also likes to play with his tail, with permission of course.
Tsuyu Asui: He doesn’t mind socializing with her every now and then, he’s also fascinated with her quirk and hopes to see her become a popular hero in the future. Mezou Shouji: Although it mostly goes unseen, he talks a lot with him and admires his quirk. Shouji’s calm and friendly attitude is what really drew Takumi in to talk with him so much, he trusts him enough to spill out his secrets to him, he’s a good shoulder(s?) to lean on. Takumi’s really curious about what’s under his mask but doesn’t have the guts to ask.
Hanta Sero: These two can hold a long conversation, and Takumi does his best to defend him when someone makes fun of his quirk, saying if his quirk wasn’t great then he wouldn’t be in U.A.. Takumi appreciates his modesty but didn’t expect his blunt way of speaking when they first met.
Kyouka Jirou: Takumi considers her lucky for having such a cool quirk, and has told her that many of times. He was a bit scared of her at first, but that went away when he realized how protective she is of her friends and that she doesn’t mean real harm.
Momo Yaoyorozu: He has plenty of respect for her and really likes her skills in leadership. He has once accidentally blurted out in front of Momo that he shipped her and Jirou together, he was thankful Jirou wasn’t around, but knew he deserved the scolding he got from Momo instead.
Tooru Hagakure: Takumi feels bad when he forgets she’s there and will immediately apologize for it. The two are surprisingly sociable together.
Denki Kaminari: Takumi admits that Denki is definitely one of the most fun people in the class besides Kirishima. They get along pretty well, but Takumi worries over him when he shocks himself stupid.
Yuuga Aoyama: Just like Tooru, he tends to forget Aoyama is there, but he appreciates his company. Takumi also likes the French terms he uses.
Eijirou Kirishima: Takumi really enjoys being around Kirishima because of his chill and caring attitude, he can never say no to an invitation from him.
Kouji Kouda: He finds his quiet nature adorable, and respects him when he doesn’t want to talk. He absolutely adores the rabbit Kouda keeps with him.
Fumikage Tokoyami: They’re both on good terms with each other, and Takumi likes to play with Dark Shadow as long as Tokoyami doesn’t mind.
Rikidou Satou: They don’t get to talk very much, but Takumi tries his best.
Shouto Todoroki: Surprisingly, he’s the only person Takumi hasn’t talked to, only because he’s more scared of him than he is of Bakugou. Todoroki’s power intimidates him immensely, but Takumi promised himself to talk to him one day.
Shota Aizawa: Takumi didn’t believe he was a teacher at first, and was shocked upon realization that he was. Although Aizawa doesn’t look the part, Takumi believes he’s a good teacher because of how he pushes everyone beyond their limits.
Summarized Biography
It’s unknown when exactly Takumi was abandoned by his parents, but he speculates it was around the time he was four and hadn’t developed or figured out his quirk yet. Most of his memories are fuzzy past that point, but he was told to not worry about them. His adoptive family brought him in with open arms, as they’ve been wanting a child for a while because his adopted mother was unable to have children.
Takumi wasn’t a problematic child and did well in school, he had no problem making friends with other kids. He was bummed out however when kids in his class already had their quirks, which made him believe he’d never have one. It took him another month to figure out he had a quirk, with much support from his parents and teachers. Although his quirk wasn’t as flashy as the other kids, he didn’t complain, Takumi was glad to have it.
After receiving his quirk he began to think about his birth parents, he hadn’t known why they left him, but he assumed it was because they didn’t think he had a quirk. After that thought, he planned to become a great hero, to show his parents he wasn’t quirkless. Takumi then worked hard on perfecting his quirk, taking an art class to improve his drawings and pushed himself at home to figure out his limits.
Once getting into middle school, he lost contact with his friends from elementary, them either moving or going to a different school. This however allowed him to focus on himself and his quirk, eventually taking gymnastics to increase his strength and flexibility. He sees his middle school years as his worst school years, only because he was picked on due to his feminine frame.
Takumi had passed the entrance exam with his drawing quirk, he earned 45 hero points and 18 rescue points. He held his head high as he entered U.A., mentally praising himself for making his first goal.
   Takumi has the ability to bring his drawings to life, and he can control the drawings to an extent depending on if that drawing is friendly or not. His quirk’s full potential is still a mystery to himself as he is still practicing and trying to find out new techniques he can use in a fight. So far, Takumi’s quirk is able to bring any drawing of his to life, no matter what the creature is, even if he were to make a drawing of himself. The current disadvantages of his quirk is the time limit he has when controlling them and that the mistakes he makes on a drawing stays with it once it’s been brought to life, which is a problem when he’s rushing to finish a drawing in a fight and is bound to make a handful of mistakes.
Quirk Advantages:
His drawings can last for however long he needs them or until they are destroyed.
He can use any type of material as a canvas, basically if he can draw on it, he can use it to bring his drawings to life.
How big his creation turns out to be depends on how big he draws it.
As long as the drawing wasn’t destroyed, he can re-use it as many times as needed.
He can save his friendly drawings to use in battle so he can summon more drawings and not have to worry about controlling them.
He’s able to make a drawing come to life even at a far away distance.
Whatever material he decides to draw on is what the drawing will be made of, so drawing on paper will make his creation made of paper, or if he draws on rock then it will be made of rock, etc
Quirk Disadvantages:
If he makes a mistake on his drawing it will stay on it when he makes it come to life. Ex: If he draws a cat and forgets to draw a leg, then the cat will have three legs, and he can’t fix it once it’s brought to life, he’ll have to discard the old drawing and create a new one.
When he brings his drawings to life it leaves a hole on whatever he drew on, which can be bad if he has limited materials and uses up a whole page.
However many drawings he can bring to life depends on the size of his canvas.
If he decides not to control his drawings then they will do their own thing, and whether or not it’ll do good is completely random. This can be fixed.
He can only control one drawing at a time. This can be fixed with practice.
He gets a massive headache from controlling his drawings for too long, the max he can control them is 30 minutes. This can be fixed with practice.
If his drawing is damaged before it comes to life (Ex: his drawing is torn, burned, wet, smudged, etc.) he can’t use it and will have to draw it all over again.
The drawing MUST be drawn by him to make it come to life, he can’t make anyone else’s drawings come to life.
His drawings are not able to have powers. (Like control fire, water, etc.)
Mask: Hides his identity, and also protects his eyes from anything that would be eye irritant in the air.
Suit: His entire suit is made of many layers of material that enables him to draw on it in case his notebook runs out or he needs a bigger canvas, includes a built in fire sketchbook on left arm.
Utility belt: Holds all of his drawing utensils including pens, pencils, markers, paintbrushes and more.
Gloves and Boots: Both are made of a non abrasive and non smudge eraser material.
Rollerblades: Retractable rollerblades on the bottom of his boots for quicker maneuverability while drawing, including rubber stoppers on the front. The skates can also be used to draw on the ground.
Side rings: It’s how he removes his suit, he’s able to add more layers of paper if needed, and they also can be used to hold certain things like rings or cuffs.
Hero Costume Advantages:
Utility belt filled with different drawing materials, extra paint and ink included.
Sketchbook also removable if he needs to get rid of the extra weight.
The sketchbook is fire proof
He can draw on the ground with his rollerblades.
With the many layers of paper on his suit, he’s able to endure some pretty tough hits, it works as a vest towards any physical attacks.
He can also pack a good punch because of the thick eraser gloves, and a hard kick with his boots.
Hero Costume Disadvantages:
The suit easily overheats him because of all of the layers of paper, as well as the boots and gloves.
The suit is heavy and makes him slower, even with the rollerblades.
It’s easier to make mistakes while drawing if he’s skating around.
The suit isn’t waterproof or acid proof.
His left hand is basically useless with the sketchbook on his arm.
He only has a limited amount of materials.
The rollerblades can be broken.
It’s difficult times when he gets itchy.
Fighting Style And Combat
Physical Strengths:
He’s quick on his feet, with or without his skates.
Harder to hit due to his small frame.
Incredibly flexible, he’s able to stretch beyond regular limits.
Poor strength.
Low stamina.
His hand will cramp up after drawing too much or too fast.
Mental Strengths:
Comes up with plenty of ideas during a fight.
Even though he thinks too much, they’re often good ideas.
Easily distracted.
His artistic ability is limited, meaning he doesn’t know how to draw some things.
Takes too much time to think which may waste time.
Insecure of his abilities and most likely won’t act out on them.
Skills and Talents:
He is extremely good at gymnastics, his flexibility knows no bounds.
His current drawing skill is average, he’s able to draw humans to an extent and a small amount of animals like felines and bugs.
He only knows a little bit of hand to hand combat, he’s not the best at it but he’s practicing.
Power                             2/5 D
Speed                             3/5 C
Technique                      4/5 B
Intelligence                    4/5 B
Cooperativeness          5/5 A
He found out about his quirk a day before his birthday, he drew a cat on the wall and brought it to life, which left a hole. Despite the cat shaped hole in the wall, his parents were proud.
He secretly ships people in his classroom, going so far as to call himself the class’s matchmaker, all of his ships are drawn in a separate sketchbook and they’re all chibis holding hands.
He’s extremely self conscious about looking like a girl, being afraid that the guys will be attracted to his looks instead of his personality.
There’s been many times where a guy attempted to hit on him only to not know he was a male, which all of those experiences have went horribly wrong.
There was a time he dressed up as a female to trick someone, but he doesn’t like to talk about it so the details are unknown.
He keeps a picture of his birth parents under his headband.
He has severe separation issues and can’t be left alone for too long, he’s capable of having a panic attack due to this, however he’ll prevent this by summoning one of his drawings to cuddle him.
He listens to old and slow music, his favorite being “We’ll Meet Again” by Vera Lynn, it helps him concentrate while drawing.
He’s actually drawn himself and made it come to life to take his place in school once, the only reason he got caught was because he forgot to draw the mole on his face and his mother noticed it after his clone came home.
He secretly is a sucker for romance films and books, there’s a whole stash in his room under his bed.
He likes when others play with his hair, as long as no one puts it up into pigtails, he’s ok with it.
He once kicked Mineta across the room for making a sexual comment about Mina, he didn’t apologize and said he’d do it again if he had to.
Often times he’ll train with his dad and doesn’t give up until he has knocked him down at least once.
He really likes peaches because his dad usually takes the seeds and carves them into animals, Takumi’s first one was a lion.
His aunt and cousins have a snake related quirk, and he’s deathly afraid of snakes, but loves his family no less.
It’s almost impossible to get him near snakes, especially his family’s snakes, he describes snakes as weird and slithery and usually ignores any explanation on why they’re not so bad.
His cousin was the one who taught him how to skate, which he then added onto his costume.
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lagroupie · 8 years
Interview : Klaus Johann Grobe (ENG)
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I had seen them live twice already, yet I never really got the chance to meet one of my favorite swiss bands at the moment, Klaus Johann Grobe. After having toured the UK, the US and Germany, they did their first Swiss tour a few weeks ago. I met Dani, Sevi, Stephan and Mathieu before their concert at l’Ecurie in Geneva. I really liked how friendly and humble they were, and we shared some wine while talking about Spagat der Liebe, life as a musician, German and swiss German, and more.
Hello guys, welcome back to Geneva! The first time I saw you play live was when you opened for the Growlers at La Gravière three years ago. Have you ever come back since?
Sevi Landolt: No, it was the only time we played in Geneva. Nyon was maybe the closest to Geneva that we played afterwards. We played in Lausanne as well.
It’s crazy because you guys toured in England and in the US, but not much here in the French part of Switzerland!
Dani Bachmann: Yeah, we don’t play that often in Switzerland at all! I mean, we don’t play in the German part that often either. But for Swiss German bands, it’s difficult to play here in the French part.
Dani: I don’t know, you tell me! (laughs)
Sevi: I don’t know, I don’t think it would have been difficult for us to play in the French part. Because people always ask us to, we just never organized this. I think if we had told our booking that we wanted to play in the French part it would have been easier. And it’s the same with the German part. We played there more often than in the French part, but not that much either.
Dani: Yeah, but most of these things just happened without us doing much for it. We had a UK label, and we played in the UK. Now we have a US label, so we played in the US. And we have a German booking agency, so we play in Germany. Nothing happened by itself in Switzerland. We were busy playing abroad.
Sevi: That’s why we’re doing this Swiss tour now! It’s our first.
Why not sing in Swiss German (ndlr: dialect spoken in the German part of Switzerland. KJG songs are in classic, or high German) by the way?
Dani: Maybe it’s too close to us. We grew up learning high German, but it’s not our mother tongue.
Sevi: Yeah, it’s like a stage language for us. Being on stage and switching to high German makes it less personal I guess. It’s good to have some distance for us somehow. And it sounds so much nicer! That’s definitely the first reason we sing in German I think. There are so many ways to say things because there are so many words.
Yeah, you can even create new words!
Sevi: Yes, that’s a funny language as well.
Mathieu Voisard: It reminds me of those singers from Québec- they used to sing in “classic” French from France, even though it’s a totally different accent and almost a different language.
Stephan Brunner: I feel like it’s not about the aesthetics of the language, but the sound.
Dani: Yeah, and I think high German fits really well with our kind of music.
Sevi: We didn’t really think about it when we started making music. We just started to sing in high German for whatever reason, so it wasn’t like a decision we made. It came naturally.
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How did people who don’t speak German from abroad react to your music?
Stephan: That’s funny, because they ask us to spell the titles of our songs.
Dani: Every country has its own culture, but in general I don’t think it makes a big difference during a concert. I think the way they listen to our record at home might be different, although some people really enjoy the lyrics. But I think they can listen to the music as well without caring about the lyrics.
Sevi: And it’s never been a big subject for other countries. Maybe in the UK, but in the States it wasn’t a big subject at all. It’s only natural for us to sing in German because it’s one of our first languages. But it’s nice, sometimes people ask us about the lyrics because they want to learn German to our music.
So now, to get to know you guys better, I wanted to know what a regular day was like in your lives when you’re not touring.
Dani: I get up and watch some tennis to be honest! (laughs)
Stephan: No, that’s tour life!
Dani: That’s tour life and private life!
Sevi: I don’t know, probably the usual stuff. We all have to work most of the time, we have daily jobs. I’m a self-employed graphic designer.
Dani: I work in a coffee shop.
Stephan: And I work in electronics and IT.
Mathieu: I put on shows and I do music.
Sevi: I mean, that’s the usual by now. We have a comfortable life. We enjoy ourselves, and don’t work all the time. We don’t need too much money to live well, so it’s kind of a chosen lifestyle that we all share I think.
Let’s talk about Spagat der Liebe. Firstly, the cover. Is it your work Sevi?
Sevi: Yeah, well I manage the studio together with my wife, who is a graphic designer as well, so we did it together. And of course, it was an interaction with Dani, we showed it to him to see if it’s alright.
Dani: And I just said yes! (laughs)
Sevi: Yeah, Dani said “yes it’s good, it’s good!”. This time, we tried to do the cover the way the music felt for us, like this bubbly kind of floating stuff with the clouds and everything. Cheesy, soft colors that reflect the music as well and the soft sounds of it. And the foot- it’s basically at Spagat if you look at the front and the back of the cover.
Wait- I looked it up on Google and I thought Spagat meant balance!
Sevi: No no, Spagat is when you spread your legs really wide! Like an artistic thing to do, in gymnastics for example.
Stephan: I think it’s “splits of love” in English.
Dani: But I prefer the Google translation! (laughs)
Sevi: We were in the studio making jokes and having fun through the microphone, and then this expression came out. We liked it so much and thought that it fitted the music perfectly. And of course there’s meaning in it and space for interpretation as well. But it wasn’t really thought over.
Stephan: And since we are a romantic band, love is very important.
That’s funny, with what you just said I would have thought that this title had a more sexual meaning!
Sevi: That’s what we meant, there is room for interpretation.
Dani: It’s the same with the lyrics in general. Most of the time, we think about something but we don’t explain the whole idea. We can’t explain the whole thing, because it doesn’t make sense. So everyone is free to see- we don’t know what lives other people are living in. So if you want to reach them you have to leave them some space.
To create distance in order to get closer?
Sevi: Yeah, maybe. That’s a nice way to put it I think. And it’s nice to see it, for example when you talk to people about the lyrics after the show and they saw something totally different from what we intended them to be. It has a very deep meaning for them and it’s very nice to hear.
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Also, I wanted to ask you about the recording- to me, this record sounds warmer than your previous ones, who seemed more aggressive.
Dani: Yes, it was the only thing we had planned before going to the studio. We wanted to have a kind of dry, really warm sound for the record.
Sevi: That was almost all we had before entering the studio! (laughs) We had sketches of songs, but just knew what we wanted to sound like. In the previous record, we experimented more- we did different drum and bass sounds for almost every track. In this one, we have the same setting for all the tracks .
Dani: Also, we knew that the songs would be different for this record. There are disco songs, some ballads or whatever. And we thought that because these songs are really different, we want to have one sound to keep them all together.
I think my favorite song from the album is Ohne Mich. I wanted to know what the story was behind it.
Dani: It’s one of my favorites!
Sevi: I think it’s the poppiest one! It’s about youth memories, how you acted around puberty or older, and finding yourself as a person maybe. Usually when we write, we start with the music, then we create the melody that we think connects to the song, and finally we write the lyrics and finish it.
A lot of critics compare your music to hypnosis. What do you think about this? Maybe it’s got to do with the fact that it’s a bit psychedelic.
Sevi: Yeah, it’s a bit psychedelic- it used to be more repetitive or motoric. Maybe it’s easy to fall in a kind of trance? I don’t know, but maybe that’s why people may think that.
Dani: A pink trance! (laughs)
Sevi: We never intended to hypnotize people! (laughs) But I mean, it’s also something positive- people lose themselves in the music, which is really nice I think.
Stephan: To play all our stuff is a bit hypnotic I think. Because it’s repetitive, especially for me on the bass! But yeah, for me it feels a bit like it. But I like that about it! Our new stuff is definitely different though.
Sevi: Yeah, and if you talk about hypnosis- when you hypnotize one person, you do it on purpose, and that’s definitely not the case here. So if people think it’s hypnotic, why not. But I don’t think it is.
Stephan: No, but it’s floating.
Sevi: Yeah, the word in German is einlullen- it means something soft comes around you and then you’re surrounded by it, you lose yourself in it because it feels so comfortable. Or when you have two very soft cushions, then you’re lying in bed and you feel like “aaah!” (laughs)
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What can we expect from Klaus Johann Grobe in the future?
Sevi: Good question. We don’t know, it’s our last tour. Then we take a break for the rest of the year. We didn’t make any plans, so we’ll see what happens. We don’t want to repeat ourselves musically, and those two years have been so intense. So we thought it would be good to have a break to just…
…have a normal life.
Sevi: Yeah, have a normal life and not being on tour all the time. Then things will happen automatically.
Dani: We need some space in our heads to get new ideas.
Sevi: The first record was done with songs we played many times before we went to the studio, and the second record was done within a very short time. We didn’t really know what it would be like when it would be finished. So now we’ll see. Maybe we’ll work on the next record forever… I have no idea!
Stephan: This project is a lot about enjoying what we’re doing. So we don’t know what we will enjoy in a year. We’ll see.
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httphopewrld · 5 years
control me (pt.2) | (f/m) sneak peek!!!
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↳ part of the ‘lyrics series’
Jimin was just a guy who modeled for your art class, and someone you found attractive, nothing else. You didn’t think anything would evolve from that. But then you asked him to model for your practice sketches, causing you to see him more. That feeling towards him became more apparent as you realized he occupied your thoughts. But there’ll never be anything between us. You convinced yourself. However, that changed when Jimin asked, “What am I to you?” Maybe there was more to your relationship than you realized.
Pairing: model!jimin x reader
Genre: fluff, smut, and angst
Rating: 16+ because there’s some smuuuuuutttt
Warnings: smut, foul language, dom/sub!jimin, dom/sub!reader, oral (fem receiving), protected sex, thigh riding, fingering, handjob, dirty talk, body praising, self-doubt (discouraging one’s looks compared to others), pretty soft sex? Nothing too rough, I think.
A/N: thank you soooo much babes for the wait! I will try my best to write more. I can’t wait to show you guys pt. 2!!!!
release date: February 21st, 2020
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
The nosiness of the café bothers you. Sure, it was a public place, where people can choose their own volume of speech; but boy did it grind your gears when people spoke above a comfortable tone.
Despite the cozy warmth of the café, the cold found its ways underneath the wool sleeves of your sweater. You put your coat back on and sat back in your seat.
He said he’d be on time, but you didn’t want to count on it. He was busy, probably, modeling for other students in your human anatomy class. It was the middle of the week, so what else did you expect? He barely knew you, yet he was your “knight in shining armour” on that fateful night.
About a few days after his rescuing, you called to meet him at a café. To pay him back, you’d buy him any beverage and pastry he wanted, and hopefully, amuse him with your social skills. However, you’d be kidding yourself if you weren’t absolutely horrified to talk to him and were about to pee yourself because you were currently waiting in a pool pit of anxiety and self-doubt.
If only talking to astonishingly attractive people wasn’t complete social suicide, things wouldn’t be so scary. And if Rachel hadn’t pressured you to go out for coffee with him.
You felt your leg jittering underneath the table, and your bottom lip in your teeth. God, I wish he’d be on time.
As if on cue, Jimin jogged into the café, chest rising rapidly. When his eyes connected with yours, his whole body seemed relieved.
He sped-walked to your table, taking off his jacket and running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.
“I’m sorry that I’m late. There was traffic, and the bus didn’t arrive on time,” he sat down with a tired exhale.
“You took the bus? Where did you come from?”
“I had a model casting across town. Didn’t get anything though.” He pouted briefly before gently smiling. “Again, I’m sorry for being late.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You chuckled, finding his numerous apologies adorable.
A quick pause in your conversation made you rive with panic.
“Oh, what do you want to drink? It’s cold outside and you appear to have run for a bit.” You gestured towards the chalk menu to your right.
He read the menu before asking, “could I actually get an iced americano and a croissant?”
“Sure,” you replied as you got up from your seat.
You went up to the cashier and ordered your drinks. As you waited for them, you scanned the crowded café. Some were seated on tables or in the leather couches. Others appeared to only be using the space as shelter from the weather as they sent out a quick text or call.
You realized that your gaze always fell back on Jimin as you observed the café. It rested on his clenched jawline as he read something off his phone, and how his leg shook with, what you assumed was anxiousness.
Maybe he was nervous too? You wondered as your name was called.
You picked up the tray with your snacks and drinks and carefully walked back to your table.
Jimin’s eyes lit up when you set the tray down on the table. He grabbed his iced-americano and took a couple of desperate gulps.
You watched in amazement as you put his croissant, your muffin and hot chocolate, and extra water on the table. When you can back from returning the tray back to the main counter, he had finished his drink and was half-way through his croissant.
“I think you can breath, now,” you chuckled as he let out an embarrassed laugh and put down his snack.
“Sorry about that,” he awkwardly smiled.
“Don’t worry about it,” you assured as you sipped your hot chocolate, “you came from a modeling job in the pouring rain. Do what you gotta do.”
He nodded and began eating his croissant again.
It was a few painful beats of silence before you thought of a conversation starter. “What is it like being a model?” You took a small bite of your muffin, “It must be a lot emotionally and physically.”
He leaned his elbows on the table, “Yeah, to be honest. It’s tougher than people realize. It’s a ‘no-type-of-world’, really.” He made air-quotes with his hands before finishing off his snack.
“But I love it. Most of the time I get gigs that I enjoy. And the other models and staff are supportive and friendly.” Jimin described, smiling.
He took a quick sip of his iced-americano, “Enough about me. You’re doing alright, Y/N? After the whole party incident?”
You told him about how you didn’t remember much about the night of the party. He helped you fill in the gaps of what you missed. Both of you chatted about yourself, even laughing about dumb things you guys believed as kids.
Despite some brief pauses in your conversation, you both were able to laugh and enjoy each other’s company. You were able to chat about yourselves and laugh about the dumb things you believed when you were kids.
“Oh, how’s your anatomy class going? Last time I was there you guys were starting a sculpting unit?” He remembered, finishing his croissant.
“It’s going well! A lot of sketching on my time. We’re only allowed to practice sculpting with clay outside of class, but it’s alright.”
“Aaah,” he understood.
You took the last sip of your hot chocolate, “Oh, speaking of the project, could you model for some of my sketches? You seem to be the perfect candidate.”
Jimin feigned an honoured expression, putting a hand to his chest then saluting you. “It would be my pleasure.”
You giggled and cheered, “Awesome! What day would work best for you?”
He took his phone out and scrolled through, what you assumed to be, his calendar. “This Saturday, so in a couple of days?”
You pulled out your phone as well, check your schedule. To your relief, you were free Saturday. “Sounds great! I think my friend, Rachel, is going out that night; so we’ll have a peaceful apartment to ourselves.”
You felt your phone buzz in your hands. When you glanced down, you saw numerous texts from Rachel appear on your screen.
Rachel [4:30 pm]: hey, Joey’s over. He’s crying and he seems drunk. Could you come back to the apartment?
Rachel [4:30 pm]: I can’t handle him alone
Y/N [4:30 pm]: I’m out right now. I think you can handle Joey. He’s pretty docile when he’s drunk
Rachel [4:31 pm]: could you PLEASE come? You’re better at the emotional stuff
You looked up at a concern Jimin. He pointed at his own cell, indicating that he was wondering what was happening on your phone that caused your debating expression.
“Rachel is asking me to go back to the apartment because a friend is having emotional troubles,” you sighed, “she thinks I’m ‘better at the emotional stuff’.”
“You should go,” he suggested, “you seemed quite worried about your friend.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” he smiled. “And we’ve been here since two o’clock. I think we’ve had enough of each other.”
You both chuckled as you let Rachel know you were heading back to your apartment.
Jimin gave you a gentle hug before you left and insisted on putting both of your dishes away.
As you exited the café, you couldn’t help but savour the warm that his arms left around your waist when he hugged you. Maybe it was just the feeling of the embrace that made you blush? Or was it because Jimin was the one doing it?
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