#i did say witchy/cottage because that's their style but i still hope you like it :)
itsmariejanel · 3 years
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g r a c e  a n a n s i  &  e v a n o r a  c o r d o v a ✨
1 - hair / hat / necklace / outfit / socks / boots** // hair / hat / necklace / dress* / gloves / bracelets / sandals 
2 - hair / hat / earings / outfit* / boots // hair / necklace / dress / bracelets / sandals
3 - hair / earings* / necklace / coat acc / shirt / skirt / shorts acc / socks / boots** // hair / hat / necklace / shirt* / skirt* / sandals*
Grance Anansi by @marigolde, thank you so much Mari, i love her to pieces
**early acess 
thank you to all cc creators ❤️ @sentate @glumbut @llazyneiph @clumsyalienn @mmsims @lightdeficient @serenity-cc @joliebean @sleepingsims @jius-sims @okruee @rimings  
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iwritefanficion · 5 years
Sanders Sides Dating Headcannons!
Prompt/Summary: Fantasy Au (because I can), (fem)reader is a witch, meeting the sides. Medieval-ish setting, if you want a more in-depth explanation, just ask.
Characters: Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, Remus and Deceit
Warnings: Remus, sexual innuendos, some swearing, inappropriate language, non-graphic violence, mentions of wounds. 
-Prince Roman had set out to kill the supposed ‘wicked’ witch that lived in the enchanted forest. 
-When he actually got there, he was surprised to find not an ugly old wench but a lovely woman who opened up her home to him and offered him tea.
-You told him that sure, you were a witch, but you didn’t harm anyone. You mostly just made herbal remedies and potions to help others. 
-You traded plants, food and money for these concoctions and that's how you stayed alive. 
-Sure you could cast spells, but you rarely used them. There were wards around the cottage, and you did use your magic on your garden but you didn’t actually like hurting people.
-So, Roman apologized profusely. You accepted the apology gracefully and told him you were used to it. People often made assumptions about witches because of the bad rep they get from fables and actual wicked witches.
-You two spent the day together, just talking and laughing. Each asking questions about your respective lives. 
-”Is the castle as large as they say?” 
-”What kinds of things do you put in potions?”
-Roman had a fantastic time with you! Honestly, he knew he fell head over heels in love with you the first time he heard you laugh. You were so incredibly sweet and thoughtful he thought he would melt. 
-When the sun was beginning to set, he knew he had to go back. His subjects awaited his return. But, he did ask if he could come to see you again. 
-”Of course, my home is always open to a friend,”
-Patton was a healer. One sought out far and wide because of his amazing abilities. He did live with his friend, the Prince, at the castle because of the abilities but also had a store in town. 
-Though his magic could heal wounds, he couldn’t treat pain with his abilities. But, he worked with plants and herbs that had medicinal and pain-relieving purposes. Some even had magical properties but he couldn’t make potions. 
-But, when he was working on a certain herbal remedy, he realized he needed a rare plant that didn’t grow in the kingdom. 
-He asked around but all that anyone can tell him is it grows in the darker part of Enchanted Forest. 
-No one really goes there but he was never one to let someone suffer, so he decided to go there. 
-He quickly finds himself lost. 
-Like, he spends HOURS trying to either get out or find the plant, neither which succeeds. By the time the sun is setting, he’s so close to crying. 
-That is until a soft voice speaks through the darkness and fog of the mystical forest. 
-”Are you alright? You seem lost,”
-Patton cries in relief when he realizes someone is there. The figure steps out, shrouded in a long robe, a basket at their side. 
-He, through snot and tears, tells the stranger that he is lost and can’t find his way out. He begs them to help them. 
-The stranger reveals themself as you, a lovely woman, and you smile so sweetly at him. You tell him that you can help him get out. 
-He grasps your free hand as the two of you exit the dangerous forest, being extra careful to stay close to you. 
-For some reason, he feels safe with you, as if you could shield him from all the darkness of the forest. As if you were a bright beacon, banishing all the evil creatures that lurked. 
-You can sense his uneasiness and talk with him. Distracting him is easy, you ask who he is, what he does. Basically, you learn his life story by the time you’re both out of the forest. He actually starts making dumb little jokes that make both of you laugh.
-Patton takes a liking to you, not just because you saved him. You’re just so sweet and kind that he wants to get to know you more. So, he does feel a bit disappointed when the two of you are at the edge of the forest.
-Then he realizes he never got any of that plant he was looking for and he heaves a heavy sigh. That just ruined all the pleasantness of being around you. 
-You ask him what’s wrong and he tells you about the plant. He mentions he doesn’t want to go back in there but he really needs the plant. 
-You smile at him, like an angel from above he could swear. You pull out some plants from your basket and hand them to him.
-”I have too many, will you take some off my hands?”
-Logan was a wizard, one who worked with and under Prince Roman, someone he could call a friend, even if the prince exasperated him most days. 
-Books and knowledge were his specialties, and how he gained his many magical abilities and spells. He considered himself quite powerful, and so did many others. He was trusted by the Prince, even to join parties on quests or go alone on these journies. 
-On one of these quests, he was sent, alone, to take out some rogues in a village who were stealing valuables and money of the poor people who lived there.
-But, as he was travelling, it soon got dark- just not from the night sky rolling in but by grey clouds crowding the stary skies. Rain poured down heavily, soaking him in a matter of minutes. 
-The road he travelled was absent of any shelter, he picked it so no one would know he was coming. Since there was no cover from the rain, he kept walking, knowing he would get sick from being in the cold. 
-He was shivering, his steps slowing. The chilly air nipped at his skin, and the water soaked him to the bone. With bleary eyes, he saw a light only a short distance away. 
-Hoping it was some shelter, he ran to it, finding it to be a small cottage. 
-Relief washed over him as he knocked on the door, his hands trembling. 
-The door was open by none other than you, who took one look at the shivering traveller and ushered him in without another word. You set him on the couch, peeling off his drenched robes and wrapping a warm blanket around him. 
-You set a fire with a few words and a flick of your wrist. This man, who was saturated with water, felt like death, blue in the lips, and paler than a corpse, had to be warmed before he joined the dead. 
-Logan could feel the energy of magic flowing through the air, sparking him with familiar comfort. The house was filled with the aroma of herbs, especially sage, and the smoke of the fire. It wasn’t hard to figure out the woman was a witch.
-You made him some tea and hung his wet clothes by the fire. 
-You asked him his name, giving yours as well, and smiled when he told you. He also mentioned what he was there to do, and thanked you for letting him in.
-The rain doesn’t let up, so you tell him to stay the night, and he weighs the options before agreeing. 
-The two of you spend hours talking about different subjects, astronomy, magic, books. Everything and anything. Time just flies by until you yawn, then you both realize how late it is. 
-You allow Logan to take the bed and you take the couch. He tried to argue with you but you use logic against him, saying he needs a good night sleep to continue his quest. He can’t argue with sound logic.
-By morning, the rain has stopped and you give Logan back his now dried clothes. 
-”Come back at any time. I want to hear more about the stars,”
-Virgil is an angel who fell because he wasn’t angelic enough but wasn’t accepted into Hell because he wasn’t demonic enough. This lead to him just falling to earth, his wings burning as he plummeted to the ground. 
-Still (sorta) a celestial being, he could survive without food or water. But, he spent a few days unable to move or speak, his physical body weak and none of his abilities working. 
-He thought he was going to die from his injuries, some were severe and, because of the limitations of his body, were prone to infections. The days he spent on the ground was filled with agony, and his mind was still reeling in all that happened to make this occur.
-But, a stranger had come around, and as soon as they saw the fallen angel, a small shriek of horror left their lips. 
-Virgil, being anxiety-ridden, thought they were scared of him because of the burnt, black wings protruding from his back that would usually be an indication of a demonic presence. 
-However, he was not expecting to be picked up and carried bridal style. He would have done something to stop them but he couldn’t move or speak. So, he could only watch as they carried him off. But, they were mindful of his wings, so that was a good sign.
-Being held only added to his suffering, physically speaking. This caused him to pass out from the pain. 
-When he woke up, he was in a comfortable bed, in a warm house, that smelled of candles and sage. Coming from angelic past, he was able to sense the magic that stuck to the air. It was something peaceful and soothing, so he knew he wasn’t dealing with something malevolent. 
-The creaking of the door alerted him to someone coming in, and you did, in all your witchy glory. In your hands were a basket of ointments, herbal remedies, bandages and something to drink. 
-You told him who you were, and that you found him when out in the forest. He was badly hurt, so you brought him back to patch up. 
-He asked if you were frightened of him. He was a fallen angel, and angels who fell became demons, usually. 
-You told him you weren’t, you were a witch, you could feel the aura’s all beings give off. His was not evil nor wicked, and you had no reason to believe he would harm you. 
-You gave him the hot tea and asked if you could patch up his wings. You examined them when he was asleep and they were broken, badly scarred, and burnt. If he didn’t want to get an infection or if he ever wanted to fly again, she would need to fix them.
-Virgil was skeptical. Why were you being nice? Why would you help him? Was there something you wanted from him? However, he could get his answers later. The pain was unbearable and he did need them fixed. 
-So, you did. You used healing spells for the major wounds, healing the broken bones and fixing the majority of the burns. You used ointments and herbs on the minor cuts and bandaged any open wounds. 
-Virgil was in misery the entire time, his screams echoed through the house. He bit into your pillow to try and silence himself but it was useless. Even with the trembling and yelling, you managed to finish. 
-You apologized profusely when it was over, putting a wet cloth to his forehead. You told him the tea would help soothe him, ease the pain and make it easier to rest. He would need it.
-Before he did, he demanded to know why you were helping him. Everyone had an agenda, everyone wanted something to gain. So why help him? What were you after?
-You told him you wanted nothing from him except for him to feel better. 
-He didn’t believe you but decided that you would have to mention something sooner or later. So he drank the tea and immediately felt better. 
-Before he went to sleep, he asked you if you were going to take any feathers from his wings. He knew that angel feathers- or fallen angel feathers in this case- can be used for spells.
-You laughed softly and shook your head. 
-”Of course not. If I wanted angel feathers, all I’d have to do is pluck a swan and soak the feathers in holy water.”
-Deceit was a naga. A serpentine-like creature with scales and a yellow tail, long enough to wrap around humans and constrict them. Though, being a naga, he could turn himself human or transform into a snake. 
-He often tricked rich people and stole their belongings for his personal stash. Unlike his brethren, he didn’t like to kill all that much. He was more into deceiving people and tried to make people do the worst they’re capable of.
-It was uncommon for people to venture into the dark part of the Enchanted Forest, where he resided in. It was nearly unheard of one to come into his cave. 
-Yet, there you were, coming in. You looked so naive, so curious. You had no weapons, no sword or armour, only a bag by your side. A smile lit up on your face as you wandered the cave, lightened by the pools of water that made everything glow. 
-He watched from the shadows, waiting to strike, to deceive and trick you. He watched as you took an empty glass vial, round in shape, and filled it with the glowing water before placing it in your bag. 
-Then you began searching for something. Deceit believed you were looking for his treasures, why else would you come here? Why else would you come into a dark cave in the most treacherous parts of the Enchanted Forest? 
-Slithering out, he turned into a human. Black and gold clothes adorned his body, looking much like some kind of nobility or royalty. 
-”Looking for something, little rabbit?”
-You spun around, hand clutching your chest. When you saw that it was nothing more than a man, you let out a sigh. You told him not to sneak up on people, you could have hurt him!
-He chuckled at your ignorance. Then he apologized in a way that was charming but it wasn’t sincere. However, you didn’t seem to notice. 
-You said it was fine, and that you were looking for something. Then you asked him what he was doing in the cave. 
-He told you that he was looking for the naga’s treasure since he lived in these parts. He asked if you were looking for it too. 
-You shook your head, saying you weren’t. Treasure meant little to you, you were searching for a particular plant. You also told him if he was going to steal from a naga, he was writing his death sentence. And that you wouldn’t blame the creature. 
-He was a little bit stunned by your words. He thought you were lying to him, or that you knew he was a naga and were trying to fool him. But, he watched as you were looking near the water, trained solely on the ground. 
-The two of you chatted for a bit, talking about your lives and such. You gave him your name and told him how you lived near the forest. He told you his name was ‘Dee’ since he didn’t tell anyone his real name.
-You let out a little ‘aha’ when you found a bundle of a certain flower, plucking them and placing them in a box then in your bag. 
-You told him you found what you were looking for and would be taking your leave. You also said you would love to see him again if he didn’t get killed, that is.
-He didn’t know why but he almost wished you would stay. You had this warmth to you that a serpent much like him adored. But, your last words to him were anything but warm, and that made him all the more interested.
-”I’d wish you luck, but you’re stealing from someone, so I give you a warning instead: don’t do it.”
-This was so not your day. 
-First, you were forced out of your home by a fire started by royal soldiers. Then, said soldiers tried to kill you because you escaped. So, you had to wipe out the miserable little bastards. Then, there’s a bounty on your head, so you had to stay away from all towns and villages. 
-Oh, then there was the matter of all your stuff being burnt to a crisp. You managed to salvage some things, some books and vials of potions. Anything you could grab, basically. You could make new stuff and many of your most valued items were safe, but still!
-You had to hide, so the darkest corners of the Enchanted Forest was a good place. Sure everything there wanted to kill you but they were mostly just creatures and plants. Those you can deal with because sooner or later, they’ll get the hint. 
-You’re not to be trifled with. 
-However, as you’re searching for a cave to hide out in, you spot a dark tower in the distance. As you get closer, you can see how worn down it is. 
-The windows are cracked or shattered, the stones are crumbling, vines are invading the walls from below, the doors look like they’d turn to ash by being touched. 
-Despite being a powerful witch, a certain uneasiness grows in you. Something sinister lived in there. Was it more powerful than you? You didn’t know but you were dying to see what lied beyond those walls. 
-So, you started walking towards it, making sure to keep your magic at high alert. 
-That did not do much because the second you were close to it, slimy tentacles popped from under the ground and wrapped around your arms, legs and neck. 
-You grimaced at the wetness of the tentacles but otherwise, weren’t bothered by it, besides the fact that you couldn’t move. Sure, you could wipe these suckers out, by why do it now?
-The person living there would come out and not be on guard. If you did it now, they would know you had abilities. But, you could surprise them with your powers if they posed a threat. 
-So you waited for a few minutes before a cackling laugh echoed through the forest, coming from all around you. You rolled your eyes at such a cliche. 
-A man showed up, looking very similar to the goody-two-shoes prince of the land, besides for the fact that this guy had a mustache and a silver streak in his hair. 
-”Well, looky what we got here! What should I do with you? Maybe replace your fingers with your toes and your toes with your fingers?!”
-This guy threatened you with a few more very weird ideas but you weren’t scared. You were actually kind of amused. Sure, he had a wacky brain, but those are the best.
-So, you cut off his rambling by asking who he was. 
-He stopped talking, looked you up and down in more of a quizzical manner, before grinning. He did a bow, over the top and very dramatic, introducing himself as the Duke, but he said you had a face worth his tentacles, so you could call him Remus. 
-That’s when it clicked. Ah, the Prince’s evil (and demented) brother! He was mostly forgotten about after he escaped execution and all attempts to find him were unsuccessful. 
-Smirking, you told him it was nice to meet him, before saying your name. He was taken aback by your politeness to him, even after everything he’s said and done. 
-He whined that you shouldn’t be nice to him. He had you as his prisoner! You were supposed to be begging and pleading to be let go, as well as disgusted by his presence. 
-You shrugged at his words. Honestly, you’ve imagined worse than some of his ideas and after everything you’ve done, nothing really grosses you out anymore. You’ve stuck your hand up a dragon's ass. It doesn’t get much weirder than that.
-That’s when a mace just randomly appeared in his hands. It was just there. But you sensed no magic. Huh. Wait, was that a dead mouse on the mace? 
-”Well, if you’re not going to be any fun, no point in keeping you around. At least I can cut you up and start making a meat dragon out of you,”
-At that point, you let your magic flow through you, generating a skin of flames around your body that burnt the tentacles to a crisp and made calamari. With a wave of your hand, you melted the mace in his hands and stepped closer to him. 
-Next, you made stone hands rise from the earth and grip onto him, everywhere. They wrapped around him and held him in place. 
-”You were saying?”
-”Well, now I just want you to fuck me until I’m covered in sweat and come, so I can lick it off my body,” 
-You laughed at his words, again, finding him amusing. He had zero filters! You loved it, it was refreshing. 
-With a wave of your hand, the hands all crumbled to the ground. 
-You hooked arms with him, deciding you’re going to stick around with him for a while. Not like you had anywhere else to go. Then you ventured to his tower, saying a few words as your life changed. 
-” We’re going to be great friends, I can tell,”
That’s it for now! If you want another scenario with this au, just let me know! I’m going to be definitely writing some more! If you have any other ships, ideas not related to this au, or imagines you want me to write, don’t be afraid to ask! My inbox is always open!
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