#i did take a free scuba class in school so i was good at swimming for a few months lol
oars · 1 year
i think its so funny that i come with all these fish and water themes naturally and seafood is one of my worst allergies
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specsforwoo · 3 years
College Boyfriend! Bang Chan
Here is a little series that I wanted to start for multiple reasons! Mainly, I absolutely love these types of stories, and I have found that writing some of my other ongoing series at the moment is proving to be really mentally unhealthy for me and I want to continue writing, but it a way that I am able to enjoy writing and produce stories that you enjoy as well!
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I would like to preface that this is in honour of @cozychristopher​ because she is just absolutely WHIPPED like the biggest SIMP on this entire planet just totally enraptured by this short ass man. I hope that she enjoys this :)
Major: Social Work
Minor: Kinesiology
Clubs/Sports: Captain of the Swim team and holding the record for fastest 200m butterfly and 800m freestyle. Likes making music in his free time with Pre-Law Major!Changbin and Entertainment Journalism Major!Jisung. Bumps into future girlfriend in educational psychology class.
Born and raised in Australia, he basically lived in the water
From everything like scuba diving and snorkeling to surfing
So it was absolutely no surprise when he went on to become the captain of his highschool swim team, eventually being offered a full ride to the University of Seoul to swim
He thought he was going to major in music
Become this big time producer and songwriter for idols and work at some of the best companies in the country
But that really didn’t happen
Originally, his major was Digital Production and Design
And it absolutely drained all creativity out of him
He honestly didn’t even like swimming any more
Everything besides his assignments became and chore and he genuinely didn’t enjoy DOING anything any more
So he decided to switch
His friends and family have always said he would make a good therapist
And he really did enjoy listening to other people’s problems and trying to help them out
So social work it was
And as he began taking all of his classes, he absolutely fell in love with it
Soon, he decided that he wanted to become a licensed social worker in elementary schools
And with feeling happy again
Came swimming again
And making music FOR HIMSELF again
Honestly, everything just felt like it was right on track again
His favorite part about his new major was all of the psychology classes he got to take
Low-key it was really fun being able to psychoanalyze all of his friends just so he could piss them off
On this particular morning however
He wanted to do more than just piss off Changbin
Who had kept him up until 1 am the night before working on music, subsequently resulting in only 4 hours of sleep before he had to be up for swim practice, and he really wasn’t looking forward to jumping into the cold water of the damned swimming pool that the school still continues to claim was heated
In retaliation, he had sent a text to Seungmin asking him to throw cold water on the sleeping boy for him
Which he received a photo of a soaking wet Changbin after morning practice had finished and he was able to check his phone
In a slightly better mood at the photo he received, he went off to the first class of the day
Which just so happened to be child psychology
Setting his books down and pulling out his laptop, he began typing down what ever appeared on the screen as fast as he possibly could
That was, until he heard the lecture room door slam shut, a noise that even startled his professor
Looking up from his screen, he couldn’t help but bust out laughing
There stood the Wrestling Captain absolutely drenched, still in his hello kitty shirt and strawberry slippers
Looking about as pissed off as a soaking wet man wearing a hello kitty shirt could be
Below, Changbin quickly found the source of laughing and pointed at the door, signaling Chris to follow after him
After shaking his head no, even his professor pointed at the door, not mad his class was disrupted but rather amused at what was currently unfolding at 8 in the morning
Following him out the door, Chris was immediately attacked
And by attacked, Changbin was hugging him as tight as he could
Trying to get Chris as wet as he could
Which, to be fair, earned quite a few stares from half-asleep students walking by
After being forced to agree to never text Seungmin ideas, even if “I didn’t think he was really going to do it” was an excuse, Chris was allowed back into his classroom as Changbin grumbled about being woken up far too early for his liking
Walking back into the building, he had his head down, trying to shake the water from it as much as he can when he ran face first into something
Correction: someone
Hearing a startled shriek followed up a thud, he looked up just in time to see a girl fall flat on her ass and have papers go flying
Poor girl
Poor you
He immediately rushes over to help you up and pick up all the papers and books that had fell out of your backpack
When you picked up your laptop
With a now shattered screen
Looking over, Chris caught sight of it and immediately began rambling
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going and it has been a rough morning and I should pay for that oh my gosh let me get my wallet from my class I can pay for th-”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Don’t worry about it. I needed to get a new laptop, I guess this is my reason to finally do it.”
He still tries to make you at least let him help pay for the new laptop as he helps you pick up the rest of your lesson plans
Did I mention you are an education major?
After about 5 more minutes of arguing whether or not he should help pay for the laptop, you settled on him buying you lunch one day to makeup for the whole mess and he gave you his phone number
You half expected him to forget about the whole ordeal and went about your day without a laptop and resorted to borrowing your roommate’s when you got home
And you didn’t hear from mystery boy for at least a week
When suddenly you get a text from him asking if you were free to do lunch that day
So at 1, you were sitting in front of the boy who had broken your laptop at a small cafe right off of campus
Who once again was very much damp, only this time he actually had a towel with him???
And he smelled very much like chlorine
“Sorry for just getting here. We had a late practice this morning and I didn’t want to show up with yucky hair. The chlorine though, I can’t really help that…”
He had an accent
You didn’t notice that before
Definitely didn’t notice that before
“What is with the chlorine then?”
“Ahhh. I’m the swim team captain here… have you ever been to one of our competitions before?”
You shyly told him you hadn’t, between your own sports (track and field) and your workload, it didn’t leave much time for other activities
After that conversation flowed smoothly and it felt like you were talking to a friend that you had known for years
That was, until he pulled a bag out from behind his chair and set it on the table
“Listen, I know you didn’t want me to pay for it but I felt really bad and it was definitely my fault and I have been saving up some money from a few gigs my friends and I have done so I bought you a new laptop and you have to take it because there is a new return policy and I still have a working laptop so.”
You also didn’t notice how much he liked to ramble when he was nervous
After being forced to accept the laptop, you forced him to let you pay for lunch to call it even once and for all
Did I mention that he starts texting you ALL THE TIME
All the freaking time
Half of the time you pick up your phone, its him
And he will text you about ANYTHING
What he had for breakfast
Complaining about his roommate
Complaining about swim practice
What he had for lunch
What he was learning in class
And he expected you to do the same
It was almost like he conditioned you to talk to him any chance that you had
Which eventually led up to him asking you to come to one of his “gigs”
Which, surprisingly, that is one of the few things he hadn’t talked to you about
All you knew was that he made music with two of his best friends, Jisung and Changbin, on the weekends
So, when you found out that the gig was on the same night of one of your favorite rap groups performing downtown, you felt so bad for turning him down
What? You already spent money on tickets to go see them, you can’t just pull out now
But he didn’t seem too bummed out by it? Especially after he asked who you were going to go see
And so the night of the concert, you spent the night getting ready with a couple of friends who were also coming with you, and showed up to the venue a little bit earlier than expected
Once you were finally let into the building, you and your friends made the way to the front of the stage
Allowing the headstrong, determined pre-med major of the 3 of you to push your way through the crowd
Once you got up there, you noticed a few other students you recognized from campus
In particular, 2 younger girls, who you believed to be freshmen, giggling and talking loud enough for you to overhear part of the conversation
“I heard that C… maybe we get to see him ton… isn’t he the swi…”
Just as the shorter of the two girls were about to finish her sentence, the lights dimmed and the crowd cheered for the concert about to begin, effectively cutting her off
And in the next moment, you just about screamed yourself
Out walked the same boy who was asking you to attend a gig the day before, only this time in a jean jacket, white shirt and ripped black jeans to match
Very different from his usual black hoodie and track pants with the matching duffle bag
And none-the-less the concert was amazing
And apparently your friend knew one of the boys as well?
And just found out tonight as well?
Surprises all around for everyone
You had an amazing time, and the concert was amazing, you just still couldn’t believe that CHRIS, the captain of the swim team, the social work major, the ‘let me buy you an entire new laptop because I busted your screen’ guy
Was CB97
As you were just about to leave, the youngest of the boys on stage, J.One, you knew him as, ran up to the three of you, asking you if you could come back on stage with him
Following them back stage, you met Chris, and Changbin, who you learned was Spear B
After getting over the initial shock that Chris was the lead rapper of one of your favorite groups
You were able to get much closer to him as well
Minus the teasing from the other two boys that just obviously come along with the territory
What was study sessions for your shared psychology classes
Turned into study dates at his dorm
Where not a lot of studying ever got done lbh
And you also became to be the biggest support system to each other
Especially when it came to your respective sports
You made sure to be at every competition that he had, cheering him on and screaming from the sidelines
And naturally, he became your personal trainer for endurance running
Something that he apparently did a lot of for swim???
It was a really healthy and fun relationship that made the extra work you had to put in that much more meaningful
Did I mention that your first kiss was after him winning a spot at nationals, and he ran over to you, still completely soaking wet to pick you up and hug you?
You eventually got him back for buying that laptop also
For your first Christmas, you bought him a new soundboard so he could work on music
To which he also almost refused to accept
And meeting his parents was an absolute BLAST
About a year into the relationship, it was his senior year, and he wanted to fly back to Australia to celebrate graduating with his family
Originally, you both had decided that you were going to go home for about a week while he also flew back to Australia to visit family
Until about a week before your trip you had to cancel your plans with family, because suddenly Chris is telling you that he actually bought 2 tickets to Sydney, and the other one definitely isn’t for Felix
And so there you were
Actually in Sydney, Australia
And it was gorgeous
On the first day, you both went to his family’s house, where they insisted that you stayed instead of getting a hotel
And the rest of the week, his mom and dad spent time taking you around the city and showing you just about everything of Chris’s childhood
Much to your boyfriend’s dismay
“My rents need to learn that SOME of my baby photos need to stay private for a reason.” - Your boyfriend
But to say that they fell in love with you is the least, and Chris was so happy that his parents loved you just as much as him
Especially since he could see you being in their lives forever.
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A Peek Behind the Door
“Are you sure you can carry all that through the void?”
Mingfei eyed the two large suitcases that held smaller carry-on bags strapped with bungee cord. Carli gave him a wry smile.  She was dressed in a well-fitted pinstriped business suit and heels, her sunglasses resting on her head. “Yes. I’ll get going.”
“Tell Zihang I said hi, and tell him I’ll be back so he can beat me at Mah Jong again.”
She walked over to him and gave him a hug. “You could just beat him, you know.”
“What would be the fun in that?”
The two exchanged knowing glances and then she turned to Erii. “You take care too.”
Erii made no move to hug her, instead giving a polite and deep bow. She signed. “Please travel safely.”
Carli returned the bow. “Take good care of Tom and the others.”
“Zero will send you all relative reports.” Mingfei gave a mock salute.
“Then... goodbye.” Carli turned, took one step and vanished.
She reappeared at an international airport where she’d supposedly been vacationing in Prague. That was her alibi and that was where she left her passport stamp. 
The customs officer gave her a ready smile as she looked over her documents. “Do you have anything to declare?”
“No ma’am.”
“I hope you enjoyed your stay.”
“I did! Very much!”
The officer handed her her passport and ticket. “Ah, here, enjoy your flight.”
Carli made her away down the tiled floor past the kiosks and the stores, following the signs to her gate. Her heart lifted at the thought of seeing Zihang again. As she sat down and prepared to put in her earbuds, she was called to the front desk.
The uniformed woman behind the desk looked at her. “Are you Chu Meixiu?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“May I see your ticket?”
“Um... is there something wrong?”
“No, it’s just you’ve received an upgrade on your ticket. You’ve been moved up to First Class.”
Her eyes widened slightly. “Oh.” 
The woman marked out her previous seating and handed the ticket back to her with a bright smile. “Enjoy!”
“Thank you!” Carli said, breathless. Despite living with riches, Carli rarely remembered she had them. She was used to the simple life, watching what she spent. She would never splurge on something like First Class tickets.
She picked up her phone and saw that she had a missed text from her husband. Without doubting for a second that it was about the upgrade, she opened it.
The photo made her gasp.
It wasn’t about her ticket. It was sent days ago. It was a photo of the garden behind Norton Hall in front of a particular tree. She knew that tree. In front of that tree was Huoli’s grave.
Her heart sank. Why did he go there? Why did he send her this photo? She closed out of her text messages and averted her eyes, all happiness evaporating and leaving an empty void.
He must have been sad, just like Mingfei had told her.
Every so often, guilt would tug at her heart for leaving him alone. She always apologized when she left. He always supported her.
“I know you have to do this.” He would say, cutting off her attempts to promise to make things up to him.
But it didn’t change the fact that he woke up to an empty bed, ate alone, worked alone and went back to sleep alone. And it was her fault.
Even though they had plenty to live on in savings, they desired the ordinary life and that required a job. So Zihang purchased a small yacht from a used lot, repaired it and advertised scuba diving tours of the reefs around the island.  Zihang would wake up early to tend to the boat he used for the ecotourism business. For years, they’d never been apart for more than the daylight hours.  
Days in the sun tanned his smooth doll-like skin. The work of cleaning, hauling and repairing equipment, as well as swimming, further toned his already muscular body. The powerful sea molded him into what Carli could only see as an Adonis in her eyes. For years, he was all hers.
At least until little Ru’Yi started talking.
Carli settled into her airplane seat, requesting only water for a refreshment. She stared out the window, waiting for the plane to taxi down the runway.
She reminisced, remembering back when Zihang would sit by the light of a small lamp and flip through the photo albums, pointing out different fish and telling her their scientific names and behaviors. Ru’Yi ate that up as easily as any bedtime story, clumsily pronouncing the Latin. In no time at all, she’d committed hundreds of fish species to memory and could recite those names as easily as other children her age recited the names of Pokémon.
Her astonishing intelligence wasn’t too easily hid from her school teachers, however. It wasn’t necessary for her to go to school, but Carli had insisted that it play a part of their ordinary life. 
Perhaps it was a mistake. At first it was humorous, a child had asked her if she had ever heard of Dumbo, she had asked if he had ever heard of Grimpoteuthis.
She immediately picked up on the fact that she was miles ahead of her peers. They didn’t understand her and this was highly distressing. That was when they had the talk...
“Excuse me all passengers. Please pause and watch this brief safety video...”
Carli turned her eyes to the screen but soon her mind wandered. At first, she and Zihang didn’t want to tell her about dragons, but how could they keep something so secret when it was part of her blood? Zihang simply explained that she was a very special child and told a story about a mean elephant and a kind elephant. The mean elephant stomped on everyone and ate all the food. The kind elephant was very careful where she stepped and happily shared the food with the smaller people.
What elephant did she want to be?
The story was effective. But at the same time, the gulf between her and her classmates widened. Now, she was an elephant walking on eggshells. She could be smart, but not too smart. Fast, but not too fast. Strong but not too strong.
It didn’t take long for that stress to start to come out as outbursts at home as she got older.
It was the beginning of the end for their ordinary life. 
The plane took off, galloping down the runway.
Ru’Yi didn’t know how high her dragonblood potency was, how worrying her aggressive outbursts were. She wanted to go to the United States. She wanted off the island.
Carli and Zihang knew that getting her off the island would mean constant monitoring, surveillance, to make sure she didn’t turn. 
More and more, Carli’s thoughts turned towards Huoli and his fate. If what happened to him could happen again..
Carli took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 
She had to leave home. She had to work. She had to keep it secret. She had to make sure Ru’Yi could have a long life free of violence.
But she’d left him behind. She was a bad wife and mother.
Chu Zihang watched his phone, waiting for her text, but there was none. As the flight log showed her on the ground again, he sent a brief message. “I’m outside. I’ll pick you up when you get to luggage claim.”
Several seconds went by until finally she texted back. “You didn’t have to do that.”
Zihang tilted his head in confusion. But then he sent, “I wanted to.”
Chicago was still frigid even though winter was starting to loosen its grip. Large piles of dirty snow lined the streets of O’hare International Airport. He drove up to the passenger pick up in the shining blue Maybach. 
He’d made sure to get it detailed before arrival. The overhead lights swept over every curve of the vehicle, turning heads like a woman in a tight skirt. Its engine roar filled the cavernous space.
She stood with her luggage and he got out, hurrying to her side to take it from her. She looked up at him, in a sad, anxious confusion, but didn’t protest when he took her bags and placed them in the trunk. Then he opened the door for her and waited.
She looked completely exhausted but a genuine smile appeared. She walked over to the car, stepped in, and put on her seatbelt. He didn’t say anything at first, taking a moment to let the silence lay like an unpainted canvass. He kept his eyes on the road and they took the exit to the highway.
She was fidgeting, turning the ring on her hand. Finally, turning to him, she said, “I’m sorry I was away so long.”
She looked back down at her hands. “I shouldn’t have left you alone. You ... you deserve more than that.”
Guilt? Zihang’s finger lightly tapped the steering wheel. “What do you mean I deserve more than that? First of all, what is this?”
“Do I really have to explain?” She gave a soft bitter laugh. Then she shook her head. “Didn’t I promise to stay by your side? You’ve... you’ve always been such a lonely person. I gave you my love and then... I... I just leave. It wasn’t fair to you.”
Zihang clicked the turn signal and took an exit off the freeway.
“On the way here, I just imagined how lonely you must have been while I was gone. Was I wrong about that?” She leaned over, trying to meet his eyes. “Zihang?”
“Give me a minute.”
“Oh... okay.” She settled back against the seat.
Again, he couldn’t help but remark on how tired she looked. She was always so loud and expressive when she talked. Now she was limp in comparison. 
They turned onto a road that was a long, empty easement free of buildings and he pulled over into the gravely shoulder. He put the car in park and turned it off. Then he removed his contacts one by one.
His bright golden eyes shone through. She turned into them instead of away and Zihang let out a little sigh as her gaze warmed his heart.
“It’s not your physical absence that’s lonely. I know your work is important. You were only gone a few weeks. I’m not that childish so as to want you back immediately and never let you leave. After all, isn’t that what I used to do? For the Executive Department?”
“You ... didn’t miss me?” Carli whimpered.
“What I miss... what I want... is something I can’t seem to have. That hidden place in your heart. The place I can’t go.”
Carli turned away from him, staring again at her hands, so he reached over and gathered those hands in his, the dark skin tone contrasting. 
“Ru’Yi knows about Huoli now.”
“What?” Carli turned to him in shock.
“And when she found out, she refused to talk to me for days. And I could barely comfort her.”
Her eyes slid away from his again and he could see her fading into withdrawal. His grip tightened on hers. “I know what it’s like, Meixiu.” He said, slipping into his native Chinese in order to try to reach her. “I know what its like to suffer so terribly you can’t talk about it, but please... tell me something. Tell me one thing. Just one. What happened?”
The fire of agony blazed in her eyes and it dried her tears. She stared again into nothing. Whatever she was reliving, it had to be unspeakable. “Whatever you’re thinking about... it’s fine, we don’t have to talk about it. What about something around that. Something that happened before. Or after? Can you tell me something? One thing?”
“Before?” She murmured. She shifted, coming out of her daze. “Before...” She inhaled sharply. “Chisei, he...” She took another breath and Zihang cheered her on inside, but outside he was too afraid to break this tenuous hold on her mind to say a word.
For so long, these memories were a locked door he just couldn’t open. But now, Ru’Yi was becoming like a key that could open that door. Maybe he was being greedy but he didn’t mind if she left to work on her projects so long as he had one hundred percent of her heart. This dark corner where he couldn’t go -- he wanted it more than anything else in the entire world.
“Chisei... crossed the blood threshold. The fight was so difficult that, he took pure dragon blood and converted into a Dragon Servitor. He had these silver glass scales and wings and a bony plate over his face like a helmet.”
Zihang’s eyes widened. “So you knew it was possible.”
“Yes.” She whispered, nodding. “But he refused to help me. He fears the future of mankind if more people like him are around. He says that... helping Hybrids break the blood barrier will lead to a new age of tyrants.” She gave a helpless shrug. “I... can’t argue with him.”
Zihang tenderly kissed her knuckles again and again. “Thank you. Thank you for telling me.” He reached up and kissed her forehead. “I have to be honest and retract my past statement. I did miss the smell of your hair. Very much.”
Carli laughed a little. “You’re blushing.”
“I can’t help it.”
He started the car again. “Let’s go home. I’ll fix your favorite.”
“Chicken and dumplings?”
“Yes. Just like Mom used to make.”
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Sims 4 Pack Ranking
Wondering which Sims 4 pack to buy? Here is my personal ranking. 
Expansion Packs
1. Seasons
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Great pack! It brings so much to the game! Weather gives the game a sense of realism. Being able to control the sim calendar is a God-send! You can add your own holidays and schedule events! Traditions are fun and bring family and friends together. I love throwing a Black and White bash on New Year’s Eve and a Dinner party on Christmas Day. It also helps you keep track of your sims’ schedules. Not to mention swings, sprinklers you can play with, kiddie pools, flower-arranging tables, snow activities, scarecrows, water baloon buckets, roller-blading and ice skating rinks and so much more! CAS and Bulid and Buy are also wonderful! And finally you can choose sims’ hot weather and cold weather outfits!
2. Cats and Dogs
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I am biased because I love animals. Pets are a great addition to the family. You can train dogs, take them for walks and play with them. CAS for them is amazing! Brindleton Bay is a great seaside new world. And you can create and own your own vet!
3. Island Living
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Certainly not everyone’s favourite pack but I absolutely love it! Sulani is a gorgeous world. Living the island lifestyle is one of my favourite’s to experience in this whole game. And now you can vacation their for a wonderful honeymoon or family trip! There’s mermaids (which you can become or create), sand activities, water activities like swimming, jet-skiing, canoeing, diving, scuba-diving and playing with dolphins. CAS and Build and Buy are amazing!
4. Discover University
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My one issue with this pack is that I think it takes too long to graduate, especially when you’re playing on short lifespan. But apart from that, I have so much fun completing each students daily and term check-lists and it feels so good for your sim to enter a career at a higher level, already armed with the necessary skills. Living on campus is fun, especially in dorms. You can play table tennis, juggle a football or join the rabbit-hole team, build robots, ride bikes and more!
5. Get Together
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Another pack that is not everyone’s favourite. I personally find it to be an essential. I use clubs all the time to allow family and friends to get together and socialise autonomously or to create specialised clubs where they complete hobbies autonomously and raise their skills. I find the nightclub experience so fun and take my sims out to one every friday in their clubs or by hosting a dance party or both! And the world is gorgeous! I love the little cafe’s!
6. Get Famous
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I end up having a lot of performer sims, so the fame system and perks come in very handy. And your sim can get famous doing anything with the help of a drone and a video recording station! I think it adds to the game working towards your sim becoming not only a painter but a world-renowned one! There’s even a music station where you can create your own beats! The actor career is my favourite in the whole game. It’s so fun having your sims dress up in different costumes and perform a sword fight on set.
7. City Living
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The City is beautiful. The festivals are amazing! My favourite is the spice festival because yes to my sims experiencing new cultures! I love living in an apartment. There are so many quirks, like your neighbour forcing their way in to borrow your shower or for game night. Love shooting hoops, setting off fireworks and adding all the new dishes to unique restaurants.
8. Snowy Escape
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I’m still learning about this game as it’s fairly new. Love exploring the new culture. Their aren’t as many things to do at the festivals as I feel their were at those that came with City Living. Great food to add to restaurants. Snowboarding and skiing are really fun and it’s great that kids can do it too and that all ages, including todllers can snowboard. As someone who goes on a lot of walks, I look forward to trying out hiking. It looks really fun! I just feel this pack could have packed in a little more.
9. Get To Work
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I’ve had this game for ages and I’m still yet to buy my own retail store. I need to get on that! I haven’t played the scientist career yet but I’ve played the doctor one and the law enforcement one and they do get boring after a while if your playing them actively everyday. Perhaps I should not play actively some days in the future. I think I just need to play with this one more.   
10. Eco Lifestyle
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I was really dissapointed when I heard this game was coming out. I’m all for saving the environment but I wasn’t sure it was something I’d have fun playing with in the sims and I haven’t really had much fun with it. Candle making is kinda fun but I hate that you have to have bits and pieces to make them as they are not easy to get. The only thing I really like in this pack is juice fizzing and the neighbourhood action plans. Free-love is a great addition for my polyamorous sims but it sucks that once they’re out of the neighbourhood, they get jealous again. Living off a dumpster is a fun challenge but it gets boring after a while. I don’t really like CAS or build and buy that much either.
Game Packs
1. Parenthood
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Great pack! Adds so much depth to family play and I am pretty much exclusively a family player, even when I play with supernatural sims. I love that parents and guardians can shape their children’s personalities. Build and Buy is so pretty and colourful! It screams family play! Love the kids school projects. Love being able to ground kids and put them on time out, disciplining and encouraging them and even ordering them to do things. 
2. Vampires
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I looove playing with supernatural sims! In general I prefer witches and wizards and magic to vampires but this is just a solid pack. Build and Buy is beautiful and allows you to create unique gothic and historical buildings. CAS is very cool too! Forgotton Hollow is gorgeous. I absolutely love the look of it! I want to live their! I don’t care how creepy it is. The vampire powers system is so good and gives you a great goal to work towards. I get such a thrill using powers on and biting other sims at night. It looks so spooky! Super speed is so useful! And I love creating vampire clubs and having them have epic looking vampire duals, letting them spar and train eachother and turn other sims into slaves or vampires or vampire slaves! Much darker than the other games. I just wish kids could have vampire powers and have a vampire form.
3. Realm of Magic
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I don’t know what it is but this game doesn’t seem as in depth as Vampires. It should but it somehow doesn’t. But it’s still a very good pack that satisfies my Potterhead needs well enough. You can create so many different types of spellcasters but I personally like going to the magic realm and learning all the spells and potions. It’s so fun duplicating yourself and setting sims on fire or conjuring a meal out of nowhere. Build and Buy is beautiful and duels are epic! I only wish kids could cast spells and it wasn’t so easy to learn all the spells and complete the aspirations.
4. Dine Out
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A lot of people say this game is glitched and it does take, like a whole day to have a 3-course meal but I personally enjoy that. I like taking family or friend groups out to beautiful restaurants from the gallery on a Sunday and letting them socialise their all day while waiting for their meals and enjoying the atmosphere. I use this pack all the time. I love owning restaurants. I love choosing the menus and creating restaurants that reflect different cultures’ cuisine. Running one is really fun. It’s hard to get a balance, especially while starting out but with perks you can watch your restaurant thrive.
5. Strangerville
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I played this through for the first time recently and I really enjoyed it! Much more than I thought I would. I love the possessed sims. They are so freaky. It’s a shame that it doesn’t feel like a game you’d want to play again but the world is nice. 
6. Jungle Adventure
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I confess. I entered a (I think it’s called a) temple for the first time at the end of last year. It took me forever to figure out how to get to one but when I finally did I found the game play a bit lackluster. But it’s a beautiful jungle-y world that is worth visiting for a vacation and exploring the culture is fun! Build and Buy is also amazing. And I liked adding the new cuisine to my restaurants.
7. Outdoor Retreat
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I haven’t played this one in ages but I remember I had fun doing it. Basically, you could have a similar camping experience in Selvadorada or any other world. But it’s fun for the winter log cabins and if you’re looking for a more forest-y vibe.
8. Spa Day
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Gorgeous Build and Buy! Worth it for that alone but I feel this pack could have been a stuff pack if you look at it compared to what we’re going to get in, say, Paranormal Stuff. Working on the wellness skill is cool. Teleporting is useful but a bit slow. I like having my sims go to a yoga class, meditate, get a massage and go to the sauna.
9. Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
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I’ve seen like 2 Star Wars films and had no idea what was going on both times. Similarly, I was pretty confused while playing but I can’t deny I had fun completing the missions, fighting with lightsabers and chilling with my droid. I did get board after a while though. It doesn’t really fit in the game but I’m happy for Star Wars fans. I’d be estatic if they did a Harry Potter, Once Upon A Time or X-Men pack!
Stuff Packs
1. Kids Room
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By far the best for me. You get so much stuff for kids. Love the addition of Voidcritters! The kids clothing is adorable and the Buy objects are incredible! Perfect for kids and creating unique rooms for them!
2. Toddler
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Love the new toddler play equipment! It is so, so cute to watch them play. The CAS is so adorable as are the Buy objects. I have yet to use play dates but they sound great for my families!
3. Backyard
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Love the water slide. My sims have so much fun on it. And the objects are great! Perfect for building a family garden. It makes me want to use the garden more in the sims.
4. Spooky
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Not everyone’s favourite but I love spooky things (I was deprived of Halloween as a child!). I use it all the time to have spooky dress-up parties or for spooky night clubs or lounges. It’s the perfect thing to flesh out Spooky Day from Seasons.
5. Romantic Garden
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I just think it’s pretty lol. CAS is really nice as are the buy items. The wishing well is fun and great to cheat with to bring back dead sims quickly, I recently discovered. There’s nothing more wonderful than going to a beautiful flowery garden at night with your sims couples.
6. Bowling Night
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I find bowling pretty fun in the sims. It’s great for a night out with the family. I am biased because I love bowling with family on special occasions in real life. It’s great for sims birthdays and Build and Buy is so unique as is CAS.
7. My First Pet
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Again, not everyone’s favourite but the items are freaking cute! Perfect for kids rooms and having a pet rodent is pretty cool as are the new CAS for Cats and Dogs. I wouldn’t be opposed to them expanding another pack like this was used to do in the future.
8. Luxury Party
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I use the buffet table and the chocolate fountain all the damn time.
9. Perfect Patio
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For the hot tub mainly! But the Buy items are great.
10. Cool Kitchen
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I just love having my sims eat ice-cream on a Sunday. There are so many flavour combinations!
11. Movie Hangout
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I love my sims having movie night with popcorn lol. And CAS and Build and Buy are pretty cool.
12. Vintage Glamour
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CAS and Buy items are awesome. I love the vanity table and that kids can use it. The butler is useful but only a few of my sims live that kind of life.
13. Tiny Living
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I was so disapointed when this pack was anounced but actually having a Tiny House comes with a lot of useful benefits. And Build and Buy and CAS are so pretty. Wish the furniture was tinier and the bed didn’t kill your sims all the time! I would actually like to use that bed!
14. Laundry Day
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I was upset that simmers voted for this. It adds realism, so I’ll give it points for that.
15. Nifty Knitting
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Again, I was upset that simmers voted for this but the Buy items are so colourful and pretty. Knitting can be kinda fun and some of the knittables are cute, especially the baby grows! Plopsy is a fun addition but I haven’t been able to make much money off of it.
16. Moschino
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Love the update to photography. I use it with one fashion forward household. I hate CAS and Build and Buy.
17. Fitness
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I never use the climbing wall but I like the wood design on the Buy items.
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
Hi lovey!!! Hope you are alright! Let’s see how you are gonna kill me with Namjoon and 4# ;) kiss kiss and thank you for Drabble night
4. “Do you...well...I mean...I could give you a massage?”
“Have you got your lunchbox?”
“The transportation card?”
“Right here.”
Nine years old. A little chubby for his age. But always the good son.
“Today goes as planned okay? Since I can’t fetch you at school at noon, you’ll take the 105 bus to the train and stopped at the second last station and take a 22 bus route home, yes?”
“Yes mom,” he groaned, puffing his cheeks as he fix the bag straps on his shoulder over his winter jacket. He looks up, those doe brown eyes notices that you are rubbing the back of your neck. Hasn’t the sore died down when he asked?
“Mom, do you need a massage?” He asked.
And far in your thoughts, there was a deafening whisper of something similar, translucent with time, gritty and full of weight, coming with a dimpled smile impossible to forget entirely, 
“Do you...well...I mean...I could give you a massage?” 
  Hyun’s big doe eyes brought you back in recent time, a skip in your heart when you remembered that you’re far from that memory. But also so close. You retracted your hand from it and forced out a smile while pouring away the rest of the coffee into the sink, “It’s become a habit... plus. It happens often when I’m stressed, you know that, Hyun. Come on, let’s go.”
You snatch your bag and tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear, yanking the front door open and halting halfway to exclaim, “The car ke—“
“—I got it,” your son yelps.
Your car halts in front of the school gates and instead of you reminding all the things he needs to do, Hyun is nagging you.
“And don’t put your phone silent, because then I call you don’t hear them and then you come at me saying I don’t tell you stuff. And remember to put the brakes up when you park. And drink lots of water just as much as you drink coffee...” “Hyun...” “And the extra house key is in the dashboard. I put charging cables in your bag so your phone don’t run out of batteries...” “Hyun I—“ “There’s extra migraine pills in the top drawer of your desk, remember to take those vitamins...” “Hyun, I’m the mom here okay... and why,” you looked around the view of the school and saw many elder men coming and entering the school. “I hope things work out with you and grandma today, it be nice to have a grandparent,” Hyun’s sausage finger curls around the door handle and lift it open when you tilt your head to the side and smiled, asking out of curiosity, “How did you know about that?”
Hyun shuts the door and you opened the car window.
“You’re not the only smart one in this house,” he stuck out his tongue at you and you did the same. As you drive away, you remembered that you didn’t ask him about the men that are coming to school. Was there an event you missed out on?
Pulling next to the school’s guard who is controlling the traffic, you inquired him politely.
“Oh! It’s Bring Your Dad To School Day...”
Engine purrs to a stop once it arrives at the parking spot. The car beeps as the car unlocks all its doors but you sat frozen in place. Eyes wide and leaning your head back to the head rest in the car alone. Hyun didn’t tell you. He could have a skipped the day but he didn’t. Your selfishness and fear are what brought this to place.
And it is also what made you and your mother stopped talking to each other. It had been 10 years since March on Hyun’s birthday that you meet your parents. Their conservative upbringing made you stray away from them for fear that they wouldn’t accept you for what you’ve done.
But eventually, they find out that you’ve been raising Hyun alone when he turns 3. And they did hurt you by saying that you’ve raised a fatherless child. Honestly, you didn’t care. You can be called a whore or a rich men’s mistress—other people’s assumptions of you doesn’t matter because you know the whole truth. And today, you hoped, you could be truthful. And honestly, being away from your mom is tiring world to live in.
“Mom...” you called and she snapped her head around, smiling. Sharing a long awaited hug felt wholesome. You don’t feel as alone anymore. There’s a comfort in knowing that you could rely on someone.
“How’s Hyun?” She asked, her wrinkles show when her lips curl into a smile and you hurried to yor bag because you remembered Hyun made her something. It was a paper crane and a heart origami.
Your mom touches it with the tip of her fingers, and then fully into her palms, truly appreciating them. Her eyes twinkles.
“He is very into origamis nowadays... I’m going to take him to pottery class soon, it seems he’ll enjoy them,” you bit your smile feeling proud of your child.
“Has he... ever asked about his,” your mom stammered.
“His dad?” You finished her sentence with a beaming face to feign whatever it is in your heart, “Once. Now that he understand, he doesn’t pester me as much. I felt that he would want to know so I told him the truth.”
Your mother extends her hand and covered yours to give it a little squeeze.
“What really happened to Hyun’s dad?”
You blinked a few times. And memories flooded from where it had been buried for a decade. There was a time where you decide that being alone might not be so bad. And somewhere during that time, someone convinced you that life was meant to be shared.
And his name was Kim Namjoon. And he had doe brown eyes.
He is everything. The most captivating mind you have ever met. He sits at the same spot every lecture. He has a lot of friends and quite a chatterbox. Always in tune with the small army of friends he has. Passion that overflows, tall, charismatic, firm handshake. The kind that everyone wants to be associated with. Charming. Alluring. Magnetizing.
An exhibition that you attended far from town shed all of that image of him. Namjoon likes wood, nature and crabs. Namjoon like sweet things and had a deep thought about skies. Namjoon likes flowers and planets and everything in between. And Namjoon notices you.
“Why?” “I guess it makes you very noticeable. Because you bear a soul and not a mask... when you talk about social understanding and reasoning behind things people find confusing, you speak... faster and louder.” “You find it stupid...” you accused, tipping your head to the side away from him. “W-what, no! I think its amazing and I want to hear more than you let out,” Namjoon stammered almost panicking. “Nobody cares about why and if they do, they probably had given up because the numbers keep rising. Teenagers and drugs are seen as normal but it’s not!”
The edges of Namjoon’s lips twitch into a smile, because if you didn’t know who he was, you wouldn’t remember the topic of the event he spoke on. Namjoon rakes on numbers of drug addicts that are in their teenage years and penalties that could be propose to reduce the numbers. His deductions were achievable—in theory but in execution? You doubted it.
“You disagree about the penalties?” “Wrong. I was sceptical of it,” you start to walk and he followed, “All these years, the government proposes using money to taunt youngsters not to take drugs, but has it work? Imprisonment, fines, getting kicked out of schools doesn’t help them—it worsens them. Should I continue or are you already bored?”
Namjoon’s phone rang. He took one perplexed look and replied a message before he answers you. And while you explain, another call arrives. And another. And another.
Until finally,
“I think the discussion should stop here. You’re obviously very busy and I obviously have overstayed the exhibition...” you took a look at your watch and the exhibition worker starts closing down. Has it really been that long? Where did the time go?
“Are you,” he raises his voice as the distance between you two increases, “Are you free tomorrow? I’d really love to continue this. In day light where its appropriate.”
“No,” you shake your head, “Tomorrow we’ll be back in college where you are THE Kim Namjoon and I’m the girl at the far corner judging everyone with my thick full rimmed glasses, no I’m not free.” Your heels swung around, giving him your back and you waved.
But Namjoon is persistent. He passed notes. Asking you for your number and you gave him a pizza place hotline. You thought he will eventually gave up. But no. He actually ordered the pizza at noon the next day and have it personally delivered to you with a huge marker asking for your number yet again. You ate the pizza but passed him a middle finger up across the room when he was smiling in triumph thinking he had won this game. He looks at you fondly while you glare at him across the hall.
“I like a challenge,” he grins at the view of your back.
After that, he starts showing up everywhere. Your lectures, the libraries, the cafe you frequent in, even your lunch spot—literally everywhere. Notes left on your car, in your books, in your bags and one time in your shoes. He really is trying to annoy you like this.
He was speaking to his friends, making big gestures with his hands when you tapped his shoulder and he spun around. You expected him to give you a smug smile but he looks a little frightened, perhaps a little shy. His ears turned red.
You didn’t let that stop you. You slammed a yellow post-it note on his grey shirt right above his heart and he blinked at you as you walked away. His friends are teasing him but all he could hear is his own heartbeat in his ears.
He would text you about his day and make appointments that he calls engagement and at first it was for educational purposes; watching Ice Age reruns for environmental concerns, rare art exhibitions across the city for appreciation towards classic arts, poetry reading to study social engagements—and then the ‘appointments’ turn to, ‘going there because you’ve never been’ trips.
Comic-con. Comic book stores. Watching his animes. Accompanying him to find his KAWS collection. Forest parks. Nursery. Botany farms. Scuba diving. Snorkelling even when he couldn’t swim. Teaching him how to swim. Going to pottery class. Cooking class where he almost burns the hall. Accompanying him to his driving lessons which he failed every time but passes the theory test. Cheering him up because he failed driving lessons. Cheering him up because he sulked about you not telling him you had a medical check-up. Going for icecream trips in winter. Going for bike rides in Autumn. Taking pictures of him by the blossoming Sakura trees in Spring. Taking him to the beach in Summer.
“We’re just friends,” It will break him and you knew. But you didn’t care. When he wakes up and this will all be a dream.
But he woke up and gave you a call. Many calls. Until finally you answered.
“Hey,” he sounded so soft, “Where you went, I woke up and you weren’t here, I called you so many times...”
“We just started a life as a working adult, and everything that happened are just stress...” your pace begins to hasten.
“What are you talking about... it’s not just one time,” Namjoon dug his hand into one pocket, looking out the window of his office.
“It happens between two people and it’s nothing alright.I don’t want you to get any ideas if our relationships should be more than this,” you clenched your eyes shut and stopped in your tracks, “Don’t look for me. Don’t call me ever again.”
End call.
Your mother takes the brim of the cup to her lips.
“And when I got the positive pregnancy test finally, I got rid of him. I changed my number, my address, moved cities with my job and gave birth to Hyun,” you fiddled with your fingers.
“Why did you do that?”
“I wanted a baby that is mine. And mine alone. And I know I wanted his and no one else. I got what I wanted. I can offer him nothing more...I’m undependable. I don’t believe in marriage and this is the closest thing I get to have children of my own. I always wanted to be a mom, not a wife,” you explained.
“Does he know he has a kid?”
You shook your head. Eventhough deep in your heart you knew that he must have found out somehow or felt that he was a father. But what can he do? Hyun is yours and yours alone. Or so you’d like to believe.
“Hyun? It’s your turn...” Hyun looks outside and smiled brightly. Marching into the room with a three-piece suit, looking dashing as ever, was Kim Namjoon.
“Hello, and good morning, I’m Kim Namjoon and I’m Hyun’s dad.”
hi! i recognise your username! thank you for always supporting me! it’s a slight long drabble, because I had a story  like this in my head for so long... I hope you like it!
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woodenwedges · 6 years
1 through 100. Let's go! Answer em aaaalll!
Omg Kate you’re absolute mad!!! Thanks tho’ I love answering these things ❤️😁Hoo boy here we go!1. What is you middle name?Don’t have one! Neither does my brother.2. How old are you?203. When is your birthday?The 15th of may 🌸4. What is your zodiac sign?Taurus ♉️🐃5. What is your favorite color?Baby pink! 6. What’s your lucky number?Dunno about lucky number but my favorite number is 77. Do you have any pets?Yep! Two dogs.One sweet, blonde girl named Emsi (based on the danish word Emsig meaning officious)And a neurotic chihuahua named Henry. We got them both cause their owners no longer could take care of them and I love them to the moon and back ❤️8. Where are you from?Hirtshals in Denmark! I love my town to death9. How tall are you?Uuuh around like 1,65 m10. What shoe size are you?3911. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Too many.... we get a lot of free stuff so I have a lot. Probably around 10 pairs?12. What was your last dream about?The only thing I remember from my last dream was that I got a pimple on my forehead lol13. What talents do you have?I’m good at art, dancing and just performing in general and I’m getting pretty good with makeup!14. Are you psychic in any way?Nope15. Favorite song?Right now it’s brain damage and eclipse from The Dark Side of The Moonby Pink Floyd. They remind me of my mom ❤️16. Favorite movie?Don’t actually have one! But the last film I think I saw was carol and I absolutely loved it.17. Who would be your ideal partner?Just someone who’s intelligent and kind I guess! And has a similar sense of humor18. Do you want children?I do, but I’m probably never gonna birth any cause I have an illness I don’t want to risk transferring and also might be going on T soon!!19. Do you want a church wedding?I don’t really care20. Are you religious?Nah. I’m a spiritual atheist21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Only as a visitor. I’ve gone to the emergency room but I’ve never been admitted.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nope23. Have you ever met any celebrities?My cousins a model who’s dating one of the Danish x-factor judges so yea.24. Baths or showers?BATHS25. What color socks are you wearing?White. I prefer just plain whites rn, but there’s was a time in my life where I always wore fun, colorful socks and never matching them26. Have you ever been famous?Lol no but a stranger did come up to me last week and told me she’s a huge fan of my work ❤️ a lot of the locals like my watercolor portraits27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Honestly yea I do fantasize a lot about it 28. What type of music do you like?Music is a huge part of my life! My main Spotify playlist is 161 hours now and it’s all extremely diverse!The only music I don’t particularly like is blues and trap cause i find it boring. Right now I’m really into old grungy rock, punk, experimental stuff, rap and disco 💃🏼 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Sure have! I did it countless times this summer at the beach. There’s nothing more freeing than swimming naked in the ocean 💙30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Just one, but it’s a really good one. Oh and sometimes and extra one just to cuddle 31. What position do you usually sleep in?Fetus position is my fav but I’m trying not to do that cause it’s bad for your back32. How big is your house?Pretty big. Two stories plus a garage where my friends and I hang out. And also a two bedroom annex33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Toast or oatmeal with nuts and berries34. Have you ever fired a gun?No35. Have you ever tried archery?I tried it a couple of weeks ago and it was really fun! 36. Favorite clean word?I like words like clean and crystal and chemical 37. Favorite swear word?Fuck.38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Don’t remember. Pretty long. But I’ve started to be very careful with sleep cause my mental health REALLY depends on it39. Do you have any scars?Lots. Anything from self-harm to getting burned by a marshmallow lmao40. Have you ever had a secret ?Bitch my whole personality used to be a secret. So yea a lot41. Are you a good liar?Yup. I’m very creative and anxious so if I feel like I’ve done something I shouldn’t I immediately have a good lie ready. Also I’ve had some problems with compulsive lying whoops42. Are you a good judge of character?Nooo not really cause I always feel bad for disliking ppl so I force myself to keep an open mind. But I’ve learned to just follow my instincts a bit more43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I’m pretty good at like southern American accents and also an American accent In Danish is so fun and cute. 44. Do you have a strong accent?It’s pretty strong. I used to fake a British accent out of embarrassment but then I started feeling pretentious so I let it go45. What is your favorite accent?I love a Colombian accent and French ofc. Also Indian and Chinese. Oh and a lot of African ones too, especially the ppl from Congo! But I love accents in general. They’re literally my go to ASMR trigger46. What is your personality type?INFP47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?My winter jacket... my mom wanted to buy me one that was new and when we finally found one that didn’t give me dysphoria I was so excited I forgot to look at the price tag... and she just bought it for me anyway.48. Can you curl your tongue?Yea and I can stick it between my tooth gap49. Are you an innie or an outie?Outie all the way50. Left or right handed?Right51. Are you scared of spiders?No, I used to have pretty severe arachnophobia but i worked through it and now I actually really love them! Also I don’t care how scared you are of them, don’t you dare kill them in front of me! That makes me so uncomfortable. Just let me know there’s a spider and I’ll get it safely outside for you 52. Favorite food?Love sushi with crab meat or fried shrimp!53. Favorite foreign food?Well probably sushi? Lol. Or anything Italian!54. Are you a clean or messy person?Super messy but I’m trying my best!55. Most used phrased?“Bid I det sure æble”. Basically “bite the bullet” in English 56. Most used word?Probably bitch. I use it in an affectionate manner towards friends lmao57. How long does it take for you to get ready?Very, very long58. Do you have much of an ego?Yea I think so59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Suck60. Do you talk to yourself?Nope. 61. Do you sing to yourself?Yes!62. Are you a good singer?I’m decent. Think I could get good if I got a vocal coach63. Biggest Fear?Getting ridiculed, being misunderstood and being unwanted 64. Are you a gossip?I love gossip...65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?I don’t really know sry!66. Do you like long or short hair?Love all hair. I love running my fingers through long hair. I prefer short hair for me tho67. Can you name all 50 states of America?LOL NO68. Favorite school subject?I really liked art and foreign language classes69. Extrovert or Introvert?HUGE introvert!70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No but I’d love to try it!71. What makes you nervous?Public embarrassment is a big one. But racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny will also make me very, very nervous.72. Are you scared of the dark?Not at all73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the mistakes? Never on like grammar and stuff like that.74. Are you ticklish?Very. I can tickle myself. But then again I am schizophrenic lol75. Have you ever started a rumor?Once in high school my friends and I started a rumor that I was “a hermaphrodite” and we kept it going for years. At first it was just to fuck with people but then I started getting like a kick from it. For some reason I loved the idea of people thinking I was intersex. Aaaand that was the start of me getting gender identity issues lol76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?I used to teach dancing lessons for kids at a local church lol does that count?77. Have you ever drank underage?Only a couple of beers. But the drinking age is here is 15 so that’s not a huge problem 78. Have you ever done drugs?a couple of times. Done ecstasy and Valium once which was really fun. And I’ve tried speed a couple of times but it has no effect on me. I also love weed if you consider that a drug 79. Who was your first real crush?Had a huge crush on a guy at my boarding school. And also a girl at the school... they became a couple and I remember wanting to die asdgsa80. How many piercings do you have?None! Had a septum once, but I never had my ears pierced as a child or anything 81. Can you roll your Rs?“Yea82. How fast can you type?Pretty fast!83. How fast can you run?I’m not a great runner but I’m getting better84. What color is your hair?Blonde85. What color is your eyes?Green86. What are you allergic to?Nothing. Tho I do get allergic reactions to extreme swifts in temperature 87. Do you keep a journal?Yup!88. What do your parents do?Both retired now but my dad used to be a fisherman and my mom ran a daycare and later worked with elderly people who suffered from dementia. 89. Do you like your age?Yea?90. What makes you angry?It takes a lot to get me angry but unnecessary hate and harassment usually gets me to tick91. Do you like your own name?I really like it actually! 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I have but I don’t remember them... think I repressed those daydreams when I decided never to bear children :(93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Idc94. What are you strengths?Intellectuality, kindness, curiosity, creativity and bravery. Also I get a lot of praise for being so open and aware of my mental illnesses and for fighting so fiercely to get healthy. 95. What are your weaknesses?Bad self criticism, naïvety, laziness and having trouble asking for help and taking initiative 96. How did you get your name?My brother decided it.97. Were your ancestors royalty?Pff highly doubt it98. Do you have any scars?Already answered this99. Color of your bedspread?That really popular, white IKEA one with flowers100. Color of your room?White, although I cover them up with posters, drawings and sometimes literal trash when i get psychotic cause white walls make me hallucinate like crazyThis was a fucking blast!!! Thanks Kate 😚❤️
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The fictional Danish prime minister in Borgen may have had her detractors. However, nearly four years since Borgen was last shown on BBC Four, the actress Sidse Babett Knudsen’s thoroughly humane creation remains not only the best prime minister Denmark never had, but the ideal to which all robotic female politicians, from Hillary to Theresa, can but hopelessly aspire.
Yet in Crazy Diamond, a forthcoming episode of Electric Dreams, Channel 4’s free-translation of Philip K Dick short stories, Knudsen is cast as a genetically bred android. “The thing is,” she explains, “in this the robots, or whatever you call them, are more sensitive than the real human beings.”
A theme of the episode is the need to escape from the badgering of the state and commerce. When we meet I ask her what her exit routes are. “I run and I swim.” In a swimming pool? “Or the sea, if I can possibly. In Denmark we’re Viking-ish. We’ll go out when everybody else thinks it’s freezing cold. And then I’ve just tried that thing called a ‘holiday’, which is that thing where you go away.”
She is back from three weeks’ scuba diving in Bali. Since this is clearly a rarity, I wonder if she found herself agreeing with the philosopher Alain de Botton that the problem with holidays is that you bring yourself on them. She looks completely mystified. “I don’t know what that means, or what relax means. My brain never sleeps. I want to take myself on holiday.”
So she still thinks about her life and her career when she’s away?
“Yes . . . but without interruptions.”
Knudsen is clearly driven, and no less so at 48 than at 18, when she arrived in Paris to train at the Théâtre de l’Ombre with barely a word of French. Her parents, Ebbe, a photographer, who died five years ago, and Susanne Andersen, a teacher, were bohemians not hippies, she says, but the family spent a couple of years in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. “If anything, they were explorers. They met in South America on a ship. If there’s one thing I’ve been brought up with, it is that we’re here to see what there is. It’s not about finding a good spot and then staying there.”
At drama school she was considered extremely “natural”, with a more direct route to her emotions than most of her French contemporaries. The praise at first puzzled her, until she won an insight into cerebral French education by giving English classes to children. “I saw these tiny children, mini, mini, mini human beings reciting Baudelaire they had no possible way of understanding.”
In Denmark, rather than learn the great texts by rote, children are taught as individuals? “Used to be. I think it’s changing now because, like everywhere else, it has to be about results. It’s madness. We’re going to live longer lives now. Why do children have to find out so early what they want to do?”
She stayed in French theatre for six years and then returned to Copenhagen, where she quickly won awards for her work on film before she was persuaded, partly by seeing The Killing’s Sofie Grabol in a series, that television was not beneath her dignity. Still, in 2010 she was far from convinced that Borgen, centred so firmly on the corridors of political power, would work in Denmark, let alone become an international hit. “I hope you don’t ask me why it did travel because I still don’t know.” It is probably because of her, I say. “Let it be recorded I said nothing to that.”
Uncannily, Knudsen’s Birgitte prefigured by barely a year the election of Denmark’s first female prime minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt. I wonder if Knudsen thinks that the show helped to establish the credibility of female politicians. Britain now has its second woman PM, but journalists have recently become fixated on her fashion choices. Knudsen sighs. Has the feminist battle not been won? “It’s an ongoing thing. I’m a feminist in that I believe in equality. I’m not talking about us being alike. I’m talking about being equals. Men and women in the same room is the best recipe.”
Despite her fears, Borgen turned out to be, as she puts it, her “passport to the outer world”. Her most recent international recognition has been for another robot sci-fi satire, Westworld, in which she played the conniving corporate employee Theresa. The scale, she says, was so much greater than for Borgen. Whereas on Borgen the cast would meet to discuss the plot, she had little grasp on Westworld’s wider storyline. Although this was an expensive project for the American TV network HBO, the pressure was less for her.
One low reason to watch this highly intelligent series was the amount of nudity on show. “The set was very much glass. You could see all these rooms with all these naked people.” Yet prurient viewers hoping to see a little more of Knudsen would be disappointed. She has never taken her clothes off for a role. “Because that’s private and it’s me. Even though it’s a part, it will be my skin. I’m not a fan of nudity as a spectator, and I don’t really like sex scenes. I like sexual, and I like the flirt and I want them to go into the bedroom, but I don’t want to see it. And I know if I’m watching something I’m going to think, ‘Oh, her thighs look like that.’ I don’t want people to come out of the cinema and think, ‘So that’s how she really looks!’ ”
Yet in the extraordinary 2014 movie The Duke of Burgundy, which is about two lesbians in a sado-masochistic relationship, she actually urinated on her lover. No, her character did, she corrects me. “I don’t think I could wee on cue.” She thinks — and critics agreed — it was a telling story about relationships, and, anyway, she remained dressed.
In a way, acting is a paradoxical profession for Knudsen. She is veryextremely private, has never told the press who the father of her 12-year-old son is or whether she is still — or was ever — with him. In a television interview with the Scottish first minister she told Nicola Sturgeon that she could not understand politicians’ desire to take centre stage and expose themselves to criticism. Yet, surely, this is exactly what she does as an actress.
“On the contrary. I’m hiding myself actively. There is a big difference between standing up and saying my name and then something as myself. That’s really scary.”
Knudsen has always said that she never sees people she plays as men or women, but as individuals. It is probably why for a long time this Dane said her ambition was to play Hamlet. I wonder if it still is. “I am thinking more of Richard III now,” she says. And wouldn’t that be something? Electric Dreams starts on Channel 4 tomorrow at 9pm with the first episode,The Hood Maker
Sidse’s perfect weekend
London or Copenhagen? I’m home-grown, so Copenhagen, but I love London as well
Wine or water? Water. I don’t drink now. I don’t enjoy it very much
Free-range parenting or tiger mother? Tiger mother, I think
Festival camping or five-star hotel? Five-star hotel
Hygge or hullaballoo? We can’t talk about that because hygge has gone completely wrong. It’s been misunderstood and I’d need an hour to explain
I could not get through the weekend without . . . Strawberry cake, dancing and lots of sleep
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i’ve decided to complete this about me survey to let my followers know a bit more about me!!!! (if any of yall care anyway LOL) but feel free to do this for yourself i just got this online somewhere!! 
1. What is you middle name? Elizabeth
2. What is your zodiac sign? Libra
3. What is your favorite color? Orange
4. What’s your lucky number? i don’t got one
5. Do you have any pets? nope
6. Where are you from? right here in good ol michigan
7. How tall are you? 5′4″
8. What shoe size are you? 8.5
9. How many pairs of shoes do you own? at least forty. that’s how many i had last time i counted. i’m a shoe maniac
10. What was your last dream about? i can’t remember the one i had last night. i think it was about my hairdresser making pie and cookies or something weird like that.
11. What talents do you have? i play a bit of guitar, used to play trumpet for 6 years. i can sing pretty okay, as well as draw mediocrely 
12. Are you psychic in any way? i read tarot cards
15. Favorite song? right now it’s the last of the real ones by fall out boy!!
16. Favorite movie? drive, the nice guys, superbad, sex drive, silence of the lambs, hellraiser, uhhhh that’s it
17. Who would be your ideal partner? uhmmmmmmm at this point. MYSELF
18. Do you want children? not my own
19. Do you want a church wedding? nooooooooooooo
20. Are you religious? no
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? hasn’t everyone?
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? nope. knock on wood pls
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? nope nope nope justin bieber was in central park one time when i was though aaaaaand emma roberts&evan peters were seeing a show on broadway like a block down from where i was seeing a show on broadway at the same time. RIP
24. Baths or showers? Showers only please
25. What color socks are you wearing? grey and green but normally i HATE SocKS
26. Have you ever been famous? No
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Nope
28. What type of music do you like? Everything except country really
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? One under my head and my body pillow
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my right side
32. How big is your house? it’s a condo and its small af
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? depends on the day but i always have breakfast. yogurt, cereal, bagel, etc
34. Have you ever fired a gun? no
35. Have you ever tried archery? no, want to
36. Favorite clean word? aesthetically i like the word “iridescent” 
37. Favorite swear word? Fuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? maybe 24 hours
39. Do you have any scars? Yes from my surgery
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? uh no
41. Are you a good liar? Yes
42. Are you a good judge of character? Yes
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? i can do an australian accent sometimes. sometimes a german one. and sometimes french. 
44. Do you have a strong accent? a strong midwestern accent
45. What is your favorite accent? i like the one i have
46. What is your personality type? INFP? i think
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? yall gonna fuckin steal it if i say. jk probably my micheal kors coat.
48. Can you curl your tongue? no
49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie
50. Left or right handed? Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? Only the poisonous ones
52. Favorite food? chicken
53. Favorite foreign food? sushi or mediterranean/middle eastern garlic chicken 
54. Are you a clean or messy person? i’m clean but cluttered as i say
55. Most used phrased? RIP
56. Most used word? i tend to say “like” a lot
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? depends on the situation. i can be ready in 5 minutes or 3 hours.
58. Do you have much of an ego? yeahhhhhhh...............
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck 60. Do you talk to yourself? Yes
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yes
62. Are you a good singer? I’m not that bad. like. okayish. some songs i can do pretty well
63. Biggest Fear? drowning probably. or small spaces
64. Are you a gossip? hmmyeahhhh
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? CLOSER!
66. Do you like long or short hair? longgggg
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? and their capitals
68. Favorite school subject? i loved anatomy&physiology
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No i can’t fucking swim i’ll die
71. What makes you nervous? meeting new people
72. Are you scared of the dark? hell yeah tf
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes depending the situation and who it is
74. Are you ticklish? Yes
75. Have you ever started a rumor? not intentionally
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? uh no
77. Have you ever drank underage? Yes 
78. Have you ever done drugs? yea not anymore
79. Who was your first real crush? this kid in my class in middle school like everyone probably lmao
80. How many piercings do you have? my ears only
81. Can you roll your Rs? yes
82. How fast can you type? i used to do like 100 a while ago but i’ve slowed to like 75 or 80
83. How fast can you run? Im lazy i don’t run
84. What color is your hair? natural blonde here but its GREEN
85. What color is your eyes? greeeeeeeennnn
86. What are you allergic to? fucking BEES, POLLEN, and CATS
87. Do you keep a journal? i used to
88. What do your parents do? dad’s a machinist mom works on trains
89. Do you like your age? Yes
90. What makes you angry? everything
91. Do you like your own name? i used to hate it but i’m ok with it now
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? uh no because i don’t anticipate having biological children.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? doesn’t matter.
94. What are you strengths? uhmmmmmmmmmmmm im stubborn so sometimes thats good
95. What are your weaknesses? i can get emotional quite a bit
96. How did you get your name? i was named after Erin from the Waltons cuz my parents loved that show
97. Were your ancestors royalty? nope
99. Color of your bedspread? uhmmmmmm blue
100. Color of your room? purple
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queenbeez-blog · 5 years
101 Hobbies to Start in 2019 – Listed by Types of Hobbies
via WordPress bit.ly/2EYqcIc
When I was in high school and college, I remember feeling bored. The world was wide open and the possibilities of creating and recreating myself were endless, but everything good in life seemed to be ahead of me. I was always waiting for that good part.
Now, I’m no longer preparing myself for the future. Perhaps I’ve already arrived.
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Published: Dec 26, 2018
101 Hobbies to Start in 2019 – Listed By Types of Hobbies
As much as we love our work, lately our work has become a problem. With travel blogging, there isn’t much separation between work and life, and we’ll admit that we’re both workaholics.
We got swept up in the busyness of NYC and only realized recently how much we started to value work more than anything else. One day we made it a goal to take the evening off, and when we realized we didn’t know how to fill our time, we went right back to work.
This might sound simple, but for us, it hasn’t been so easy. We also need something that we love to do for ourselves and not so we can post about it, which is weirdly a prevalent part of the present human experience.
The Benefits of Hobbies
A few reasons I want to find some new hobbies next year:
To play and relax – We need to find hobbies that can make us zero money and that might possibly bore everyone. haha
To sharpen my mind – I have such terrible memory now and may well be on my way to having early onset Alzheimer’s (it’s in the family and it freaks me out).
For personal growth, enrichment and emotional health – something I’m constantly needing work on.
For better physical health – we already rock climb, but I think we need some activiities with cardio.
Other benefits include:
Learning a useful skill
Socializing and making new friends
Making extra money
Title of Subsection
Also, with our blog, you may already know we’re all about exploring our hometowns and greater backyards. We firmly believe that adventure starts within yourself by cultivating a spirit of adventure. Many of these can be done at home. How much more local can you get?
“Find three hobbies you love: one to earn money, one to stay in shape, and one that allows you to be creative.” And if there were a fourth, we’d add one to make the world a better place. Which of these would you like to do next year?
Content Menu
Outdoor Hobbies
Sports Hobbies
Travel Hobbies
The Arts & Creative Hobbies
Crafting Hobbies
Food & Cooking Hobbies
Collecting Hobbies
Enrichment & Miscellaneous
Outdoor Hobbies
Some of our friends are peak baggers, which is a form of collecting where you summit a list of peaks of your choice (ie the 14ers in Colorado). Also check out our 25 best hikes in the world.
Rock Climbing
It’s a great way to exercise without feeling like you’re exercising. Frequenting the local climbing gym has also been one of the best ways for us to make friends as we move from city to city. Here are some beginner climbing tips for getting started.
Get started by going on a guided canyoneering trip. This is also a great guide to get started.
A lot of climbers also slackline to work on their balance, but there are also people who only slackline. This is the kit we want to set up at home once we move out of our tiny NYC apartment.
Mountaineering is taking hiking to the next level by adding in more technical aspects. You can pick up gear at REI, and they can always show you the best gear. They also have the best return policy.
Mountain Biking
Explore the outdoors on two wheels. Pick up some mountain biking faves here.
Camping can be as relaxing or as extreme as you want. Just as an example, we have this cheaper tent for car camping and this one for long backpacking trips.
If you want to experience the outdoors but still need the comforts, glamping is the way to go. This is one of our favorite glamping trips.
Kayaking, Canoeing, or SUP
Kayaking, canoeing, and/or SUP are great when you travel because it lets you explore areas most people don’t get to. This was one of our first times kayaking.
Try this out by going on rafting trips with guides. You can then pick up some gear when you’re ready to take it more seriously.
Skiing or Snowboarding
We’ve met quite a few people who move to a new city just because of their love of skiing or snowboarding. If you’re worried about the cold, just be sure you have solid winter clothes and you’ll be all set.
Scuba Diving
We had always been interested in scuba diving and finally took classes and got certified in San Diego. We’re whiskey divers now.
Fishing, Crabbing, or Lobstering
Here’s a great beginner fishing kit to get your feet wet. We also wrote this guide on how to go crabbing on the Oregon Coast.
More: 25 Best Hikes in the World to Put On Your Bucket List
Sports Hobbies
A great way to start is by taking lessons at a local archery club.
Regardless of how serious you take bowling, if you go more than a few times a year, you should pick up your own shoes to save money (men’s and women’s).
Cycling comes in many different forms and is a great way to explore and challenge yourself. Check out cycling gear here.
Golfing is great hobby to pick up and something you can do while traveling around the world. Read this book on stuff all golfers should know.
Horse Riding
Whether you want to become a full fledged equestrian or just horseback ride when you’re traveling, there are plenty of different options to get into this.
Ice Skating
Lutz Jump, Twizzle, and Salchow Jump around the ice. Or if you’re like us, just try to learn skating backwards first. If you’re in NYC, here are the best ice skating rinks to visit.
Martial Arts or Kickboxing
I’ve been taking kickboxing with a gf of mine on and off for a couple years. I would borrow gloves, but I always had my own hand wraps.
Parkour / Ninja Warrior
Ever since Ninja Warrior became popular, gyms have been popping up everywhere for free running and NW training. You can even start to build a homemade course.
A couple of our friends were semi-pro paintballers. There are arenas all over the world and you can even pick up your own paintball gun to practice at home.
Jacob used to run a 10k every year with his dad and has done a half marathon. Neither of us really enjoy it any more but we have a lot of friends who do. We love these shoes (men’s + women’s) since they’re great for travel and running.
We picked up one of these pennyboards to learn this year but have been intimidated by the car and pedestrian traffic in NYC.
We’ve been surfing a few times and even took surfing lessons while we lived in San Diego. We’d love to get back into when we’re closer to the ocean.
Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise especially as you get older since you don’t put as much stress of your joints.
Join a Sports League
Join your local rec league, whether it’s basketball, tennis, ultimate frisbee, or Jacob’s latest obsession – pickleball.
We’ve never gotten into yoga, but our yogi friends swear by these yoga mats.
More: 9 Wonderful Places to Go Ice Skating in NYC
Travel Hobbies
Cruising is a great way to get a taste of many different countries and cities. Best part? You don’t have to worry about transportation. Check out our ultimate cruise calendar.
Learn to Fly a Plane
Check out the local airport to take lessons.
Road Tripping
Road tripping is a great way to explore the area around your city and appreciate your greater backyard. To help you get started, check out our day trip guides and weekend trip guides.
We loved our 3 months living in an Airstream and recommend trying it out for a season or even a week. Even if you’re not a full timer, it’s great to travel 3-4 months out of the year.
We’ve never entertained the idea of sailing full time since I get seasick, but we’re visiting some of our sailing friends hopefully this year. We’ll see if they change our minds.
More: The Ultimate RV Checklist – Everything You Need For Your First RV
The Arts and Creative Hobbies
This is a great hobby you can practice anywhere without any extra equipment. Watch some videos to get started beatboxing.
We started our blog as a hobby before it became our full time gig. If you want to start a blog, here’s how to start a blog in 5 easy steps. If you want to take it to the next level, check out our course on working with brands.
You can take classes online, in person, or pick up guide books to help you get started.
Coloring can be fun and therapeutic. We did it for a date night and checked out some beautiful travel books.
We started taking hip hop classes last year, but after a few lessons our teacher had to leave the city. Now we need a new teacher! Maybe next we’ll try salsa, ballroom, belly dancing, or even pole dancing.
Whether you just want to doodle, draw anime characters, or comics, you can learn how to draw. This book is so great for people who don’t think they can draw.
There are a lot of different mediums to engrave and it can get really advanced, but it’s easy to pick up a kit for beginners.
Graffiti Art
It’s amazing to see how popular graffiti is and there are beautiful pieces all over the world. With its growing popularity, you can sign up for classes to get started too.
Graphic Design
GIMP and Inkscape are free and great for beginners. Once you get serious, you’ll want the Adobe Creative Cloud to step up your game.
I’ve always wished I could do some basic impersonations. Check out our friend who’s amazing at impersonations!
Improv Class
Whether you want to perform or not, it’s a great way to get over a fear of what people think about you.
Our neighbor has a set of juggling balls on his coffee table so that anyone can pick them up to try. With a little bit of practice, you can do some impressive things.
Latte Art
Release your inner barista by whipping up some latte art. Even if you don’t succeed, you can sip up your messy creation. Here’s a great book for inspiration.
Lately, we watched Magic for Humans, which has piqued our interest in magic. Start with a nice deck of cards to practice your sleight of hand.
Musical Instrument
We both grew up playing piano but lost a lot of what we learned. We still bring our books around with the intention to start practicing again.
I’ve always wanted to learn how to paint. I took art classes when I was younger and Jacob bought me an easel a few years back so I can start again.
No matter what camera you have, you can always learn how to shoot better photos. If you’re looking for a beginner DSLR, check out this one.
We’ve gotten to know many different people who have their own podcast. Some do it for a hobby and others do it for a living. This set is all you need to get started.
This tool set has the highest ratings.
Did you know that Jacob and his brother created a kid’s puppet show? The initial plan was to learn how to puppeteer as well, but they quickly learned how complex puppeteering is. If you want to dabble and practice puppeteering, buy a couple of puppets or make your own if you’re feeling crafty.
Videography / Filmmaking
Learn how to capture and edit videos so you can create beautiful memories of your own travels. You can even learn to shoot with just your phone by shooting with a gimbal.
Voice Lessons
If you want to take your singing to the next level, consider getting voice lessons to help you improve. The exercises help so much.
Writing can come in many different forms. Join a writing group, or join NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November where you write a novel in a month to help motivate you.
Writing Music
Try your hand at writing your very own music. When you’re comfortable, you can even try performing it at local open mics.
More: How to Start a Blog in 5 Easy Steps
Crafting Hobbies
Balloon Twisting
I did not know this was a thing until one of our friends got into it before his kid’s birthday party. All it took was a basic kit and a bunch of YouTube videos.
Candle Making
Learn to make candles with a DIY kit then enjoy your creations at home or give them out as a gifts.
Cross-Stitching / Embroidery
This is another great hobby that has a ton of resources and kits so that you can do it on your own.
Flower Arranging
Have you ever tried arranging your own flowers. It’s a lot harder than it looks. If you love having fresh flowers at home, this is a great hobby. You can start with this book.
Jewelry Making
I have some basic tools and have learned from friends who make and sell jewelry.
Knitting / Crocheting
I’ve done some basic knitting, which can be relaxing. You can also make nice handmade gifts for your friends.
Leather Crafting
This is a great starter kit for leather crafting.
Start your love for Origami with a basic kit, or nerd out with Jacob by making these crazy Star Wars ones.
Scrapbooking is a great way to work on something that you’ll always cherish. Plus, with so many pre-made accessories, you can easily make it your own.
This is a great practical skill that will save you money. Since I’m short, I always need to hem my pants, which can add up. To start, just pick up a basic sewing machine.
Soap Making
I always think of Fight Club when someone brings up of soap making, but you can always make something more artisanal.
Want to become friends with Nick Offerman? Get into woodworking so you can chat about one of his favorite hobbies. Here’s a book to get you started.
Food & Cooking Hobbies
Bread, brownies, cookies, scones… oh man, my mouth is watering just from the thought of this. Start with the Baking Bible.
Brew Your Own Beer
If you love craft beers, why not try making your own? Here’s a kit to get your started.
Canning / Pickling / Making Jam
Learn to can, pickle, and jam some of your favorite foods. This has over 350 recipes.
Coffee Roasting
This is another great hobby to turn one love into another. If you already love drinking coffee, try roasting your own beans.
We’re all about learning easy recipes since neither of us love cooking (check them out here). We’re probably going to try some InstaPot recipes starting next year.
Food Styling
I’ve always wanted to learn food styling, especially since we take so many food photos. Pick up a book or take local classes.
I’ve tried urban gardening, but have a black thumb. I’m always jealous of people who can grow anything. Apparently having plants in your home can reduce stress and improve productivity.
If you love hosting parties, this is a great hobby to get into. Right now, all we can make is an old fashion, but if you want to get started, check out this guide to over 1000 cocktails.
Wine Tasting
If you’ve ever wanted to become better versed in wine, try taking a wine tasting class. You can also get this book to help you learn more about wines.
Board Games
There are endless board games out there. Our recent favorites are Guesstures and Pit.
If I were to play, I’d get this chess board.
If you love dressing up, try cosplaying.
Lately we love playing Overcooked with friends.
Have a weekly poker night or play other card games. If you’re serious, you could even join tournaments.
Puzzles can be so therapeutic. Find some puzzles of your favorite places.
Trivia Night
If only I had a team of professors… I used to love going to Trivia Night. Even if you don’t win, at least you learn some random and useless facts.
Collecting Hobbies
Find the closest dark sky for some amazing stargazing or attend a star party. We’ll put out a post about the best upcoming events to look out for soon.
During our travels, we met so many birders. Also if you get into wildlife photography, these flashcards can help you with birds.
Foraging is a great hobby if you love to cook too. This book will help you identify, harvest, and prepare edible plants.
Get a New Pet
I wouldn’t say we collect them, but we love our cats and really enjoy spending time with them. We’ve also recently met a lot of people who love breeding fish.
More: 15 Incredible Weekend Trips from Las Vegas
Enrichment & Miscellaneous
Book Club
This is a great way to do something social and help you reach your reading goals.
Start off by getting a DNA test and see how much of your genealogy you can track.
Home Improvement
If you spend a lot of time at home, this is a great hobby to make your space more of your own.
Keep a Bullet Journal
Bullet journaling is a great way to keep records of your day-to-day without the pressure of writing. The Field Notes Expedition is perfect for anyone who travels a lot.
Learn a New Language
Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone. I’ve tried Italian and now want to learn Spanish. How about you?
Learn How to Code
Learn how to code or web design so you create your own sites or help others do it.
Learn Sign Language
If you know anyone who uses sign language, then try learning sign language as well. These Youtube videos can help you get started.
Learn to Write with Non-Dominate Hand
I’ve always wanted to be ambidextrous. Practice writing or other daily task with your non-dominate hand.
I started using a meditation app to help me sleep. It’s become a great habit that I’ll continue next year.
Minimalism / Declutter
We started regularly decluttering after we started moving every year. It’s been incredibly freeing. This is a great documentary to check out if you’re interested in minimalism.
Public Speaking
We’ve talked about joining Toastmasters to get over my fear of public speaking.
Pick something you care about and find a way to get involved with a local organization.
Favorite Quotes on Hobbies
If you need a few more words of motivation to pick up a hobby next year, here are some more quotes I loved.
“I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited.” – Sylvia Plath
“Legendary innovators like Franklin, Snow, and Darwin all possess some common intellectual qualities—a certain quickness of mind, unbounded curiosity—but they also share one other defining attribute. They have a lot of hobbies.” – Steven Johnson
Always find time for things that make you happy to be alive. – Unknown
Do you have any hobbies? What hobbies have you had in the past?
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“Discovery consists not of seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes” – M. Proust
Esther + Jacob
Esther and Jacob are the founders of Local Adventurer, which is one of the top 5 travel blogs in the US. They believe that adventure can be found both near and far and hope to inspire others to explore locally. They explore a new city in depth every year and currently base themselves in NYC.
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bujoloveme · 6 years
101 hobbies for the start in 2019 – Listed by hobby types
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When I was in high school and college, I remember feeling bored. The world was wide open and the possibilities to create and reshape me were endless, but the best in life seemed to be ahead of me. I have always been waiting for this good part.
Now I'm not preparing for the future anymore. Maybe I arrived already.
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Published: December 26, 2018
101 hobbies for the start in 2019 – listed by hobby
As much as we love our work, our work has become a problem lately. Travel blogging is not a big gap between work and life, and we admit that we are both workaholics.
We were swept away by the hustle and bustle of NYC and it was only recently that we realized how much we had begun to value work more than anything else. One day, we set ourselves the goal of releasing the evening, and when we realized that we did not know how to fill our time, we immediately went back to work.
That may sound easy, but it was not so easy for us. We also need something we like to do for ourselves, not so we can post something that, strangely, is a predominant part of the present human experience.
The benefits of hobbies
A few reasons why I want to find some new hobbies next year:
To play and relax – We have to find hobbies that bring us zero money and that may bore everyone. Haha
To sharpen my mind – I have such a terrible memory now and may be on the way to Alzheimer's early on duty (it's in the family and it's killing me).
For personal growth, enrichment and emotional health – something I have to work on all the time.
For better physical health – we are already climbing, but I think we need some cardiovascular activity.
Further advantages are:
Learn a useful skill
Make contacts and make new friends
Make extra money
Title of the subsection
With our blog, you may already know that we are all exploring our homes and backyards. We firmly believe that the adventure begins in you by cultivating an adventure spirit. Many of them can be done at home. How many more locals can you get?
"Find three hobbies that you love: one to earn money, one to stay in shape, and one to be creative with." And if there was a fourth, we would add one to the world to make a better place. Which one do you want to do next year?
contents menu
Outdoor Hobbies
Sports hobbies
Hobbies travel
Art & Creative Hobbies
Crafting hobbies
Food & Cooking hobbies
Collect hobbies
Enrichment & Others
Outdoor Hobbies
Some of our friends are top collectors. This is a form of gathering where you will compile a list of peaks of your choice (for example, the 14's in Colorado). Take a look at our 25 best hikes in the world.
rock climbing
It's a great way to work out without feeling like you're training. The frequent use of the local climbing gym was also one of the best ways to make friends as we move from city to city. Here are a few tips for beginners.
Start with a guided canyoning tour. This is also a good guide to getting started.
Many climbers also slackline to work on their balance, but there are also people who only have slackline. We want to set up this kit at home when we leave our little NYC apartment.
Mountaineering takes hiking to the next level by adding more technical aspects. They can pick up equipment at REI and they can always show you the best equipment. You also have the best return policy.
Mountain biking
Explore nature on two wheels. Here you will find mountain bike fans.
Camping can be as relaxing or extreme as you like. As an example, we have this cheaper tent for camping and this for long backpacking.
If you want to experience nature but still need comfort, glamping is the way to go. This is one of our most popular glamping trips.
Kayaking, canoeing or SUP
Kayaking, canoeing and / or SUP are great on the go as it allows you to explore areas most people are not capable of. This was one of our first kayaking trips.
Try this out by going on rafting tours with guides. You can then take some gear with you when you are ready to take it seriously.
Skiing or snowboarding
We met some people who are moving out of pure ski or snowboard love to a new city. If you're worried about the cold, make sure you have solid winter clothes, and you're done.
Scuba diving
We have always been interested in diving and eventually took classes in San Diego and admitted. We are now whiskey divers.
Fishing, crabs or lobsters
Here's a great beginner fishing set to get your feet wet. We also wrote this guide on how to get crabs on the Oregon coast.
More: 25 best walks in the world you can put on your list
Sports hobbies
A good start is teaching at a local archery club.
Regardless of how serious bowling you are, if you go more than a few times a year you should take your own shoes to save money (for men and women).
To go biking
Cycling is available in many different forms and is a great way to explore and challenge yourself. Here's your cycling gear.
Golfing is a great hobby and something you can do while traveling around the world. Read this book about what all golfers should know.
Ride horses
Whether you want to become a full rider or just ride when you're on the go, there are many different ways to do it.
Ice skating
Lutz Jump, Twizzle and Salchow jump around the ice. Or if you're like us, just try skating backwards. If you are in NYC, here are the best skating rinks to visit.
Martial arts or kickboxing
I switched kickboxing on and off with my friend for a few years. I would borrow gloves, but I always had my own hand wraps.
Parkour / ninja warrior
Ever since Ninja Warrior became popular, gyms are appearing everywhere to run free and train NW. You can even start building a home-made course.
Some of our friends were semi-professional paintballers. There are arenas around the world, and you can even pick up your own paintball gun to practice at home.
To run
Jacob ran 10 km each year with his father and completed a half marathon. None of us really like it anymore, but we have many friends who do that. We love these shoes (men + women) because they are great for traveling and running.
Go skateboarding
We bought one of these penny boards to learn something this year, but were intimidated by car and pedestrian traffic in NYC.
We surfed a few times and even took surf lessons while living in San Diego. We would like to come back when we are closer to the sea.
Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise as you get older as you do not use your joints so much.
Join a sports league
Join the local league, whether it's basketball, tennis, the ultimate Frisbee or Jacob's latest obsession – Pickleball.
We have never started yoga, but our Yogi friends swear by these yoga mats.
More: 9 wonderful ice skating venues in NYC
Hobbies travel
Cruises are a great way to get an impression of many different countries and cities. Best part? You do not have to worry about the transport. Take a look at our ultimate cruise calendar.
Learn to fly an airplane
Check out the local airport for lessons.
Street trips are a great way to explore the surroundings of your city and appreciate your larger garden. To help you get started, read our day and weekend tour guides.
We loved our 3 months in an Airstream and recommend it for a season or even a week. Even if you're not a full-time employee, traveling 3-4 months a year is great.
We never had the idea of ​​sailing full time since getting seasick, but we hope to visit some of our sailing friends. We will see if they change our mind.
More: The ultimate motorhome checklist – Everything you need for your first motorhome
Arts and creative hobbies
This is a great hobby that you can practice anywhere without additional equipment. Watch a few videos to get started with beatboxing.
to blog
We started our blog as a hobby before becoming our full time gig. If you want to create a blog, you can create a blog in five easy steps. If you want to take it to the next level, read our branding course.
You can attend courses online or in person, or pick up tour guides to help you get started.
Dyeing can be fun and therapeutic. We made it for a date and looked through some nice travel books.
We started attending hip-hop classes last year, but after a few hours our teacher had to leave the city. Now we need a new teacher! Maybe next we will try salsa, ballroom, belly dance or even pole dance.
Whether you're just drawing doodles, drawing anime characters or drawing comics, you can learn how to draw. This book is so good for people who do not believe that they can draw.
There are many different media for engraving, and it can be very advanced, but it is easy to buy a kit for beginners.
Graffiti Art
It's amazing to see how popular graffiti is and there are beautiful pieces all over the world. With its growing popularity, you can also sign up for the start.
graphic design
GIMP and Inkscape are free and ideal for beginners. If you're serious, you want the Adobe Creative Cloud to step up your game.
I always wish I could make some basic imitations. Look at our friend, who is great at identity changes!
Improv class
Whether you want to perform or not, it's a great way to overcome the fear of what people think about you.
Our neighbor has a set of juggling balls on his coffee table so everyone can pick them up to pick them up. With a little practice, you can do some impressive things.
Latte Art
Release your inner barista by picking on Latte-Art. Even if you do not succeed, you can enjoy your messy creation. Here is a great book for inspiration.
Lately, we've been looking at Magic for Humans, which has sparked our interest in magic. Start with a nice card game to practice your handgrip.
musical instrument
We both grew up playing the piano, but lost much of what we learned. We still bring our books with the intention of practicing again.
I always wanted to learn how to paint. When I was younger, I attended art class and Jacob bought an easel a few years ago so I can start again.
No matter which camera you have, you can always learn to take better photos. If you are looking for a DSLR camera for beginners, have a look at them.
We met a lot of different people who have their own podcast. Some make it a hobby and others make it a living. This set is everything you need to get started.
This toolset has the highest ratings.
puppet show
Did you know that Jacob and his brother created a puppet show for children? The original plan was to learn puppetry as well, but they quickly learned how complex the puppetry is. If you want to participate in puppetry and practice, buy some dolls or make your own if you feel smart.
Videography / Filmmaking
Learn how to capture and edit videos to create beautiful memories of your own travels. You can even take pictures with just your phone by photographing with a gimbal.
singing lessons
If you want to take your singing to the next level, you should take language lessons to improve yourself. The exercises help so much.
Writing can come in many different forms. Join a writing group or attend NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November, where you write a novel in a month to motivate you.
to compose music
Try to write your own music. If you feel comfortable, you can even do it with local microphones.
More: How to start a blog in 5 easy steps
Crafting hobbies
Twist balloon
I did not know that this was one thing until one of our friends got down to business before his kid's birthday party. All it took was a basic kit and a few YouTube videos.
candle Making
Learn how to make candles with a DIY kit, enjoy your creations at home, or give them away as a gift.
Cross-stitch / embroidery
This is another great hobby that has a lot of resources and kits so you can do it alone.
Flower arrangement
Have you ever tried to arrange your own flowers? It's a lot harder than it looks. If you like fresh flowers at home, this is a great hobby. You can start with this book.
I have some basic tools and learned from friends who make and sell jewelry.
Knitting / crocheting
I did some basic knitting that can be relaxing. You can also make beautiful handmade gifts for your friends.
This is a great starter kit for the leather industry.
Start your love of origami with a basic kit or make a joker with Jacob by making these crazy Star Wars models.
Scrapbooking is a great way to work on something you always value. With so many ready-made accessories, you can easily make it your own.
This is a great practical skill that can save you money. Since I'm small, I always have to hem my pants, which can add up. To get started, just take a basic sewing machine.
soap making
I always think of the Fight Club when someone does soap making, but you can always do some crafting.
Would you like to make friends with Nick Offerman? Familiarize yourself with woodworking so you can talk about one of your favorite hobbies. Here is a book for getting started.
Food & Cooking hobbies
to bake
Bread, brownies, biscuits, scones … oh man, my mouth only water from the thought of it. Start with the backbible.
Brew your own beer
If you love artisan beers, try it for yourself. Here's a starter kit.
Preserve / pickle / Jam make
Learn to cucumber and jam some of your favorite foods. This has over 350 recipes.
Coffee roasting
This is another big hobby to turn one love into another. If you already like coffee, try to roast your own beans.
We simply learn simple recipes, because none of us likes to cook (see here). We will probably try some InstaPot recipes next year.
Food styling
I always wanted to learn the food styling, especially since we take so many food photos. Get a book or participate in local courses.
I tried Urban Gardening, but I have a black thumb. I'm always jealous of people who let anything grow. Having plants in your house can reduce stress and improve productivity.
If you like partying, this is a great hobby. At the moment we can only do old fashion. However, if you want to get started, read more than 1000 cocktails in this guide.
wine tasting
If you have always wanted to know wine, take a wine tasting course. You can also get this book to learn more about wines.
board Games
There are endless board games out there. Our last favorites are Guesstures and Pit.
If I played, I would get this chessboard.
If you like dressing, try the cosplay.
Lately, we love to overcooked with friends.
Do a weekly poker night or play other card games. If you are serious, you can even take part in tournaments.
Riddles can be so therapeutic. Find some puzzles of your favorite places.
Trivia night
If only I had a team of professors … I loved going to Trivia Night. Even if you do not win, you'll learn at least some random and useless facts.
Collect hobbies
Find the next dark sky for amazing stargazing or join a star party. We will post a review of the upcoming upcoming events, which we will be attending shortly.
bird watching
On our travels we have met so many birdwatchers. Even if you are interested in wildlife photography, these flashcards can help you with birds.
Foraging is a great hobby, even if you like to cook. This book helps you identify, harvest and prepare edible plants.
Get a new pet
I would not say that we collect them, but we love our cats and really like spending time with them. We also met a lot of people who love fish farming recently.
More: 15 incredible weekend getaways from Las Vegas
Enrichment & Others
Book a club
This is a great way to do something social and help you reach your reading goals.
Start with a DNA test and see how much of your genealogy you can track.
Home improvement
If you spend a lot of time at home, this is a great hobby to make your own space better.
Keep a Bullet Journal
Bullet journaling is a great way to record your everyday life without typing. The Field Notes Expedition is ideal for those who travel a lot.
Learning a new language
Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone. I have tried Italian and would now like to learn Spanish. What about you?
Learn how to write code
Learn how to create code or web design so you can create your own web sites or help others.
Learn sign language
If you know someone who uses sign language, also try to learn the sign language. These youtube videos will help you get started.
Learn to write with a non-dominant hand
I always wanted to be ambidextrous. Practice writing or any other daily work with your non-dominant hand.
I started using a meditation app to help me sleep. It has become a habit that I will continue next year.
Minimalism / Declutter
After we moved each year, we started dismantling regularly. It was incredibly liberating. This is a great documentary to find out if you are interested in minimalism.
Public speaking
We have spoken about joining Toastmasters to overcome my fear of public speaking.
voluntary work
Choose something that is important to you and find a way to get involved in a local organization.
Favorite quotes on hobbies
If you need a few words of motivation next year to join a hobby, here are some more quotes I like.
"I can never read all the books I want. I can never be all the people I want and live all my life. I can never train in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the nuances, sounds and variations of the mental and physical experience that are possible in my life. And I'm terribly limited "(Sylvia Plath)
"Legendary innovators like Franklin, Snow and Darwin all have some common intellectual traits – a certain speed, unlimited curiosity – but they also share another defining trait. They have many hobbies. "- Steven Johnson
Always find time for things that make you happy to be alive. – unknown
Do you have any hobbies? What hobbies have you had in the past?
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"Discovery is not about finding new countries, but seeing them with new eyes" – M. Proust
Esther + Jacob
Esther and Jacob are the founders of Local Adventurer, one of the top 5 travel blogs in the US. They believe that the adventure can be found both near and far, and hope that others will be encouraged to explore it locally. They explore a new city every year and are currently in NYC.
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The Post-101 hobbies for launch in 2019 – Listed by hobbyist types first appeared on Local Adventurer »Travel Adventure in NYC + World Wide.
101 Hobbies to Launch in 2019 – Listed by hobbies syndicated by thailandtour365.blogspot.com/
from WordPress http://bujolove.enfenomen.com/2019/02/28/101-hobbies-for-the-start-in-2019-listed-by-hobby-types-7/
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ashafriesen · 6 years
Things To Do In Winters In India, You Haven’t Done Before
Things to do in winters in India, You Haven’t Done Before
When winter comes you head out west,
Missing the beauty of your home.
Our summers maybe Gold,
But it’s in winters new landscapes unfold;
Trees covered in snowy powder
 Icicles hanging by the wall
Smooth and clean and frosty white, the world looks good enough to bite.
For seasons go and seasons come
But winters bring in a new adventure of catching snowflakes on your tongue.
The best season to explore our lovely country, India is in winters. The time when not only kids have Christmas holidays but we have the New Year’s Eve too. A long winter break is on the cards and everyone starts planning an international holiday and but have you ever considered holidaying in winters in India? Gone are the days when winters meant you only had the options to head to a beach holiday in India. So before you do flight tickets booking, check below for experiences and places which you may not have tried but is worth to do in winters in India:
Celebrate Vishnu Festival in Shree Krishna Temple Courtyard: Things To Do In Winters In India
The Krishna temple in Guruvayur has a very mythological and historical background, having looted and burned down by invaders and enemy kings many times but it still stands there, rebuilt by a common man. The temple witnesses a huge crowd on First Day of Malayalam New Year to see Vishu Kani for a fortunate start of the New Year.
How to get there:
Fly from Delhi or Mumbai to Kochi and drive to Guruvayur
Which is an hour away from the airport.
 Explore The Hill Stations Of The West: Things To Do In Winters In India
Whenever we think of hill stations we think of the north of India. This time explore hill stations of the west which are as beautiful and less crowded. Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani, and Matheran are some beautiful places to explore. There may not be any snow but they are a perfect escape from the city life.
How to get there:
From Delhi;
You will have to choose from various Delhi to Mumbai flights or fly from Delhi to Pune from and then you can hire a bus or taxi to these hill stations. Only Matheran is a vehicle-free zone so you will have to cover this last 2.5 kms stretch on a horseback or walk it.
Malhar Machi: Perfect Setting In The Sahyadris
The Unexplored Gangtok 
Gangtok is one of the least explored part of India and the panorama of the snow peaks, monasteries and gandolas make it worth a visit in winters. From the offbeat Yak Safari, to visit to different passes to mountain biking, there is enough for the adventure seekers here as well.
How to get there:
From Mumbai;
There is no direct flight from Mumbai so you have to first fly from Mumbai to Delhi.
From Delhi;
You have to fly from Delhi to Badgdora in West Bengal. From here Gangtok is 124 kms away and you have to take a taxi to get there. The ride is very scenic. From Bagdogra, you can also take a TSA helicopter to get to Gangtok in just 20 minutes.
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Seek The Thrill In Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand offer you many options from rafting and bungee jumping in Rishikesh to wildlife safari in Jim Corbett National Park to snow capped hill stations in Nainital and a less explored Mukteshwar.
Get high on Water Sports at Varkala: Things To Do In Winters In India
A new entrant in the tourist map of Kerala, having long stretches of white sandy beaches guarded by towering cliffs. The velvet sand, whooshing wind, crashing waves and the isolated location of the place makes it an ideal holiday destination in India. An array of Water Sports can be enjoyed here. Arabian Sea’s crystal clear water is a perfect option for swimming and scuba-diving.
 A Trip To Gujarat: Things To Do In Winters In India
The best time considered to be in a Jungle is winter. Gir Forest in Gujarat is the place where you can witness Lions in a natural habitat. The food, the folk dance, handicrafts, blend of varied customs and the 2000 years old Buddhist caves exhibits the serene lifestyle and beauty of Gujarat. Another noteworthy experience is Rann of Kutch festival during winters.
How to reach:
From Delhi take a train to Ahmedabad and then take a bus to Kutch.
From Mumbai: There are multiple trains and you can even drive down.
Beach Treks In Karnataka: Things To Do In Winters In India
Winters and Beaches are a perfect pair. If you are not a lazy person and have a taste for adventure, these lovely beach treks are surely going to be your thing.
  Caving in Andhra Pradesh: Things To Do In Winters In India
Andhra has some very beautiful cave formations. Vizag can be the best place for exploring the Borra Caves. You can explore Belum and Yaganti near Kurnool.
The nearest airport is Thiruvananthapuram located around 45 km away from Vizag.
Borra caves in Vizag
Surfing in Southern India: Things To Do In Winters In India
The sport has picked up in the last few years. You can either go for surfing in Pondicherry or Mulki. The location of Kodi Bengere is just a class apart having Jutland between a river and a sea.
Christmas in Aizwal: Things To Do In Winters In India
One full week of festivity. This will be an amazing experience. Amongst one of the loveliest hill stations in north-east India, people here are very hospitable. Christmas is the best time to mingle with the locals. Entire city lights up in decorative lights. You get to indulge in Mizo cuisine during this festival and this festival is a food paradise for the non-vegetarians.
Pic credit
How to get there:
There is no direct flight from Mumbai so you have to first fly from Mumbai to Delhi and then take a flight to Aizawl.
From Delhi: Direct flight to Aizwhal.
Dharamshala: Things To Do In Winters In India
Not only the land of the lamas but the home of the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan culture, the people, the food all attracts you to this place the year round in winters, Dharamshala has its own distinctive charm.
How to get there?
From Mumbai
You fly from Mumbai to Delhi.
From Delhi: Fly to Gaggal, which is the nearest airport about 13 kilometres away from Dharamshala and then can take a bus or taxi from there.
Skiing In Auli – The skiing paradise of the country: Things To Do In Winters In India
Did you know there are proper skiing schools in India? I wasn’t aware until recently that Auli is one such place in India. So why head to Austria or Switzerland when you can ski in this beautiful landscape?
How to get there:
There is no direct flight from Mumbai to Dehradun and then take a cab to Auli which takes another 5 hours 30 min to reach Auli.
From Delhi;
The best way to reach Auli is to take an overnight bus from Delhi to Rishikesh.
So this year, take your pick and plan your travel for winters in India are waiting for you to experience it.
  The post Things To Do In Winters In India, You Haven’t Done Before appeared first on Maa of All Blogs.
Things To Do In Winters In India, You Haven’t Done Before published first on https://parentcenternetwork.tumblr.com/
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foundtheworl · 6 years
New Post has been published on Found The World
New Post has been published on https://foundtheworld.com/divers-guide-east-bali/
A Diver’s Guide to East Bali for Scuba Diving Lovers
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Bali reached international fame some time ago. It has long been a destination for surfers, tropical island lovers, and those looking for a temporary (sometimes permanent) escape from reality. In this sense, Bali is old news – however, Bali never gets old.
This South East Asian island has a certain mystic about it that has been drawing travelers, tourists, and ex-pats for decades. Is it the ocean’s swell? The unique mix of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity? Or perhaps it’s the near-perfect weather, practically guaranteeing year-round beach lounging.
No one would blame you for taking off to Bali. I’m guilty of it a few times myself. But it wasn’t for any of the above-listed reasons. While I certainly have nothing against surfing and sunbathing, my draw to Bali was for a completely different reason: Scuba diving.
What’s so good about diving in Bali?
I’ve done quite a bit of diving in South East Asia. As an employed dive instructor, I’ve jumped around from the east and west coast of Thailand to the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia. I’ve gone on multiple dive vacations to exotic places like Borneo, to the deep waters of the Philippines, to random, unplanned dive trips off of Koh Rong, Cambodia.
But there was always something about the idea of Bali that excited me more than all these places. Bali’s got it all; reef and wreck dives, deep water, current, massive schools of fish, sharks, turtles, small and crazy looking creatures, and tons of other tropical marine life.
Starting point
I was traveling with my boyfriend during my first trip to Bali. We were both employed in Malaysia as dive instructors and were in need of a short vacation. What better place, we thought, than Bali. It was just a short flight away and we were especially excited to check out some new dive sites.
We flew into Depansar International Airport and immediately jumped in a van to take us northeast.
I’d heard a lot about Bali, particularly the crazy party scene of Kuta, located in the south of the island near the airport. Kuta attracts backpackers and young Australians with promises of wild and cheap beach parties. Not really my scene anymore. We decided to skip this party animal’s hot-spot and head to a quieter part of the island.
TIP: If you’re not into the tacky tourist scene, get as far away from Kuta/Depansar/Seminyak as possible. Built up resorts, westernized restaurants, and countless souvenir shops as far as the eye can see are all you’ll find here.
So, where should you go? I’m glad you asked…
A Peaceful Haven
We’d done some research before arriving in Bali and knew we didn’t want to stay in the south with the 18-year old spring breakers. We settled on a small village called Amed, a 2 ½ hour drive from Depansar Airport, on the far east coast of the island. It looked small, quaint, quiet, and most importantly, was in close proximity to some amazing dive sites.
When we arrived in Amed, it was exactly what I’d be hoping for; narrow roads, mom and pop style restaurants, and cozy accommodation options. We picked Kadek Homestay, a small family run guesthouse in the middle of the “main drag” (if you could call it that). The property was shrouded in a garden jungle and backed directly onto the beach.
Kadek Homestay – garden and sea view                    
The first of many special things I noticed about Amed was the black, volcanic sand. It makes sense once you look up and see the powerful and prominent Mount Agung towering over Amed. The dark color of the sand gives the whole beach an edgier, more curious appearance– I couldn’t wait to see how that translated underwater!
Viewpoint over Jemeluk Bay with Mount Agung in the background
Diving in Amed
Amed is, by far, the most laid-back place for diving I have ever visited. You would be hard-pressed to find a place that’s more easy-going.
As card-carrying PADI dive instructors, we had all our own scuba gear with us. The only things we needed were a few weights and two tanks. We wandered into a dive shop just a few hundred meters from our guesthouse and chatted with the employees for a few minutes. They recommended a few dive sites that were just down the road and off the beach. Because we were dive professionals, we were able to go diving safely on our own. The dive shop rented us two tanks for $5 each and threw in a couple of kilo weights for free.
We stacked the tanks sideways on the floor of our rented scooter, wore as much of our gear as possible, and balanced the rest on the handlebars as we took off in the direction of the beach.
We found the spot the folks in the dive shop had described to us – a dive site known as “Pyramids.” We assembled our gear on the side of the road, used the references the dive shop had given us for an entry point and walked into the sea.
As soon as we were underwater it felt like we were on the cusp of a night dive; the black sand and twinkling sun on the surface was reminiscent of a sunset dive. We descended down, looking for the man-made pyramid-like structures we were told about. As the current pushed us along, the first pyramid came into view.
Suddenly there was a pop of color. It came from the bright soft corals that consumed the structure. Angelfish, moorish idol, trumpet fish, and damselfish flitted happily around. Upon closer inspection, we found dozens of small, colorful creatures like nudibranch and shrimp.
After a few laps, we drifted along to the next pyramid, then the next. More awesome soft corals, sand-burrowing string rays and flounders, and tons of colorful fish.
After we surfaced we had a quick swim to shore, dissembled our gear and hopped on the bike again. I couldn’t get over how such a simple and easy procedure could yield such a great dive. I didn’t know it yet, but it was about to get easier and better….
 Big smiles after our first dive in Bali
The U.S.S. Liberty
If you’ve done any research about diving in Bali, you’ve read about this world-class wreck dive. The U.S.S. Liberty sits literally just off the beach in Tulamban, the neighboring village of Amed.
We decided to dive the U.S.S. Liberty the next day at sunrise in order to beat the crowds – as the most sought-after dive in Bali, we knew by mid-day the site would be mobbed with divers.
We managed to get our hands on a phone number to a local who delivered tanks to dive sites. We called, thinking this was too good to be true. Sure enough, the man on the other end confirmed the story. So, we thought we’d push our luck – did he have 15-liter tanks instead of the typical 12-liter? Yes, he did. Did he have Nitrox? Of course. Could he deliver two 15-liter Nitrox tanks to the U.S.S. Liberty dive site tomorrow morning at 6 am? No problem.
The next morning, we met our “tank guy” in the parking lot. He rolled up with our tanks and an analyzer to check the oxygen level of our Nitrox tanks. All good. He stated for us to call him when we were finished and he’d come pick up the tanks. Our dive at one of the most famous dive sites in the world cost us $7 each.
Gearing up for U.S.S. Liberty in the parking lot among snoozing locals
Once our gear was assembled we walked down to the beach. A local pointed us in the general direction of the wreck.
Walking down the beach to the dive site – you can see how close the dive site is to the beach by the other divers already in the water, about to descend.        
The Dive
We experienced one of the best dives of our lives in the next 80-minutes. The wreck itself is staggering. It’s 120-meters long and has been sunk for over 50 years. The top of the wreck sits at 5-meters and the deepest point is roughly 30-meters.
There are many wide-open areas to safely swim through, over, and under the ship. The shimmering black sand sets a fantastic background for the vibrant soft coral that has grown all over the wreck. The pink, white, and purple fluorescents seem to light up the whole area.
Cruising over the top of Liberty      
Exploring the inside of Liberty
And, oh my goodness, the marine life – schools of snapper, trevally, and hump head parrot fish patrol the grounds. Colorful angelfish, giant puffers, and porcupine fish drift lazily by. Red-tooth triggerfish flutter around and sea snakes twist their way by. The wreck is also crawling with exotically colored nudibranch and shrimp. The site is like an ancient, underwater playground. Simply beautiful.
One of the coolest parts of the dive was the garden of snake eels in the shallows. We spent almost 10 minutes observing their hide-and-seek behaviors at the end of the dive.
Snake Eel Garden in the shallows of U.S.S. Liberty
We loved it so much we dived it again the next day.
Japanese Wreck
Another ridiculously accessible shore dive in Amed is the Japanese Wreck. It’s shallow and often used as a snorkeling site as well. We’d heard great things about it, even though the maximum depth is only 12m, we wanted to give it go.
The dive is laid-back and boasts lots of small critters, like nudibranch and colorful reef fish. As usual, big soft corals and sea fans, all brilliantly colored. If you’re up for a longer dive, swim off the slope until about 35-meters – there’s a coral plateau waiting to be discovered.
Jemeluk Bay
We also wanted to explore the bay which was just a 5-minute scooter ride from our guesthouse. Jemeluk Bay is a large area hosting several relatively easy dive sites.
On the eastern side of the bay is Jemeluk Drop-Off AKA Jemeluk Wall. As the name suggests, the rocky, jagged reef drops down to depths of roughly 40m or more. We followed the reef with our right shoulder and surfaced at the eastern point of the bay. Another great dive with loads of healthy barrel sponges, soft corals, and swarms of small tropical reef fish – especially in the current at the end of the dive. Look out into the blue for the chance to spot some bigger pelagics!
This literally just barely scratches the surface of the diving in East Bali. There are some truly amazing local dives that we didn’t have time for, and some that lie even further off Amed’s east coast; Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida. If you’re looking for some intense diving with strong currents and mind-blowing marine life – head here after Amed.
The diving we experienced in Amed and Tulamban guaranteed that we’ll return again one day. Not only was the diving top-notch, the ease in which we were able to dive was incredible. Of course, if you’re not a certified and very experienced diver, I would never suggest diving on your own. And in Amed, there’s no need to anyway – there are plenty of small, local diving shops dying to take you beneath the surface.
Amed and the rest of Bali are stunning regardless of whether or not you’re a scuba diver. From viewpoints, scenic motorbike drives, Hindu cliffside temples, miles of beaches, and consistently epic swell – Bali never disappoints.
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
Photographer Revisits American Suburban Families 20 Years Later To See How The American Dream Has Changed
Back in 1997, photographer Beth Yarnelle Edwards began a project in her local area of San Carlos, California, with the aim of documenting the everyday lives of families in suburban America.
The project started as a response to her own dissatisfaction with suburban life, so she set about discovering what makes it appealing to so many people. “I felt isolated and trapped, but I realized that the people around me really loved being there,” she told TIME magazine.
As she already knew her subjects, she was able to get an authentic glimpse of their home-life and everyday routines and habits, their hopes, dreams and fears. She interviewed people extensively to create a full picture of a life that is so often overlooked, the quiet contentment of suburbia. Is this what they meant by “The American Dream?”
20 years later, after many changes in her own life, she returned to her old neighborhood to revisit some of her original subjects, and revive the project. It is fascinating to see how people have changed physically, especially the children who have grown into adults. But Beth was surprised by how stable the lives of some suburban families can be, with many aspects remaining unchanged. “This population is kind of blessed,” she said. “This isn’t how the larger population lives.”
Scroll down to check out some photographs from Beth’s project below, and let us know what you think in the comments!
More info: Website | Instagram
Photographer Beth Yarnelle Edwards, famous for her Suburban Dreams series, is now on a mission to recreate pics with the same families 20 years later
Lilah In 2004 And 2016
“A year after the second photo, I am a senior in high school. It’s my first year at an online school because my ballet schedule doesn’t allow me the time to attend a brick-and-mortar school. I do ballet from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. I have a lot of schoolwork. I spend very little time in Brisbane, where my mother lives and where both photos were taken, because my parents are divorced and my dad lives in San Francisco, and also because the San Francisco Ballet is located in San Francisco, and because all my friends live in San Francisco. I still love clothes and fashion. I also love cooking. I still spend lots of time at my mom’s art gallery, but now I work for her on the weekends. I also still spend almost every weekend with my grandparents, cooking, swimming, and reading. Life is crazy and busy and overwhelming, but also exciting. Deciding I wanted to become a professional ballerina is probably the biggest change in my life since the first photo was made. Also, my parents’ divorce is something that I definitely didn’t see coming in 2004 and that drastically changed my life. For smaller things, my friends have changed, I have my driver’s license, and I can, sort of, speak Spanish!” — Lilah
Niki, Rita, And Lucia In 2000 And 2017
“My sisters and I grew up with parents who prioritized family and who made sure that we maintained a loving relationship with one another. Our mom used to say, ‘You can hate me, but you can’t hate your sister. You’ll need her. She’ll be your best friend someday.’ It’s true! We share a sense of humor that can usually get me out of a bad place in a matter of seconds. Our parents still live in the house they got married in 1975. They remodeled it a couple times, from a small bungalow to a larger but simple home to fit their family of five more comfortably. Even after they remodeled, and we each had our own room, we still chose to sleep in the same bedroom together for the first few years. And dinner was like a sacred act. Every single night we sat down as a family, 99% of the time made from scratch by our working mom, and often with produce that our dad grew in the garden. Dinnertime was when we talked about school or work, complained, laughed, cried, shared advice, and got into fights.” — Lucia
“We are beyond lucky to have our parents. They raised us to be close, to look after each other, to be honest with each other, and I think that gave us a really strong foundation for our relationships with each other. We grew up in an environment where the truth — whether it was difficult, uncomfortable, or ugly — was valued, along with education, community and family, above all else.” — Niki
Erin In 1997 And 2017
“In the first photo, I had an average life for that time. It was all about friends and school. Now my life is all about the children. Having two kids under two takes over in a good way. Our lives really revolve around food and eating. The kids and Joe and I love to eat, and we are all good at it. The weekend is about farmer’s markets and Costco, and then barbecuing or cooking big dinners or eating at our favorite Chinese or Vietnamese places. And music. There isn’t really anything I wish I’d known before. I think everything turned out the way it did for a reason. Maybe just don’t sweat the small stuff. Think big picture.” — Erin
Lisette In 2002 And 2017
“The first photo was almost fifteen years ago. My kids were six and nine. I was a single mom, widowed at thirty years old. Today I’m living in the same house in San Carlos with my children, 21 and 24, and two dogs. I have a career in art and teaching, which has flourished after going back to college for an MFA. I’ve worked with a wide variety of people, including the elderly, children with cancer, people with autism, and young people in a juvenile hall. I’m also a scuba diver now. I wish then I had known that I was capable of taking care of myself and had felt less anxious”— Lisette
Antonette And James In 2002 And 2017
“In the 2002 photo, we were first-time parents who had just purchased a home in the Hayward Hills. We were a young and hard-working couple with dreams. We wanted to give our daughter, Danielle, the best life possible. Before the second photo, we had added a son, Darien, who is now fourteen. Danielle is now a freshman in college. She did extremely well in high school and was accepted into many prestigious universities. We have done some home improvements. I lost my mom, and James lost his dad. I grew up in Oakland, and James grew up in Richmond, California. We both lived in the inner city in blue-collar communities with modest single-family homes. We now live in a larger home in a middle-class suburban community. It’s a more affluent neighborhood than the ones we grew up in. Like us, our children have only known one home from the time they were born. Time flies by quickly, so you have to enjoy your children at each stage in their lives. Also, spend more time with your aging parents, as they may not be with you for much longer” – Antonette
Marg And John In 2000 And 2017
“2000 was a hectic time in our lives. John was working long hours at a Silicon Valley startup, I was working as an assistant grade school teacher, and Rachel was an active teenager involved with many sports, extra-curricular activities, and a thick web of friends. We live in the same house today in San Carlos, California. Between the first and last photos, both of our children have moved out on their own, and our oldest, Sara, got married. John retired from full-time management activities, and both of us have had to deal with some significant ‘medical adventures,’ which we happily have gotten through. We’ve done significant remodeling of our home and continue with improvements. We both grew up in the East. John in Wisconsin and Marg in upstate New York. We are third-generation Americans, whose grandparents were born in Europe. We remember some of the traditions from the ‘old country’ and try to incorporate them in small ways, especially during the holidays” — John & Marg
Kyle In 1997 And 2016
“In 1997 my life was fun and free, living by the moment. Now it’s more structured. I’ve graduated college and am working as an IT engineer while I try to get my startup, which I’ve been working on a little over a year, running. In addition to my startup, my goals are to travel the world taking photos and to buy my own place. I’m currently living with my parents in Hillsborough, where I grew up. If I had known then what I know now I would have invested in Google and other tech companies” — Kyle
Rita In 1997 And 2016
Here are some of her other pics from the same project we’re hoping she’ll manage to recreate too:
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2E5dZg1 via Viral News HQ
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rodrigohyde · 7 years
Michael Phelps on his Shark Week showdown, his love of the ocean, and why he hasn't slowed down since retirement
It almost sounds like a stunt dreamed up on a playground: What would happen if the fastest swimmer in the world raced a great white shark?
That's exactly the goal with Great Gold vs. Great White, the upcoming Discovery Channel Shark Week special in which Michael Phelps is set to take on one of the deadliest predators in the ocean.
Yes, really.
But the question remains: Why would the greatest U.S. Olympian in history put his reputation on the line against, y'know, an actual fish—let alone one with hundreds of teeth? Men's Fitness sat down with Phelps to find out. Here's his take.
Men's Fitness: Is there any possible preparation you could do before the race?
Michael Phelps: You just watch that animal. It's basically like swimming next to a school bus in the water. I think that kind of got me more intrigued to see what other sharks I can swim with. When I had the opportunity to be on a Shark Week show, it was an absolute no-brainer, and an instant yes from me, just because it was something on my bucket list to do. It was an amazing opportunity for me to learn more about sharks, which I'm already infatuated with.
It was the experience: Coming face-to-face with a 13' hammerhead, or being in a cage and watching multiple great whites just fly around me, and not attack the cage. They would kind of bite at the cage, just what they normally do. I basically had an eight-foot great white almost come nose-to-nose with me in the cage. That was an opportunity and an experience that I never thought I'd have. It was pretty gnarly, and pretty unbelievable, just to see.
You posted on Instagram that you've always wanted to dive with sharks. When did this become an interest of yours?
I mean, this has probably been 15 or 16 years where I've really wanted to do this. I've always been a massive fan of Shark Week, and watched every year. This is something that's always around a major meet for me, so it's something that helps me relax a little bit. Now, being able to experience them in their own habitat actually makes me even hungrier to want to see more. I've only been able to see about 5-10 different species, and we have more than 500 species of sharks in the water, all over the world. I'm kind of just scratching the surface.
Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to see more and free- or scuba dive with a white. If you're in 30'-40' of water, you can actually just lay on the bottom, and take the element out of the surprise attack from a great white, because they always love coming from underneath of you to come straight up. That's why we have all these amazing breach photos that we see all over the world. There are a lot of things I still want to do with sharks. Hopefully, some of the things that I've learned, we can pass along to other people, and help them preserve the wildlife that we have all over the world. There are too many people that are out there killing sharks, and that's something that needs to stop.
The race will take place around the one-year anniversary of your last competitive race. What have you been doing the past year to stay in shape? Have you taken it easy, or ramped it up in some instances?
During the first couple months, I kind of took off. I raced at about 195, 200 (lbs) at the Olympic games—that was my fighting weight. I'm anywhere between 210 and 215. I was kind of lazy the first couple months and wanted to just enjoy retirement, and live life a little bit. Recently, I've started to realize that health and wellness are very large parts of my life, and it helps me be more productive. For me, it is eating a little better, a little different than I was in the past. I'm not burning as many calories as I did in the pool.
I'm still working out, anywhere between five and six days a week. I've been lifting a little bit more, because when I was swimming I never lifted much for my arms. It was all legs. I was a very leg-driven swimmer, and now I have the chance to do some more, whether it's a bench press, or more with free weights, and stuff that I never had the chance to do.
I saw a workout that [Dwayne] "The Rock" [Johnson] did to get ready for Hercules. Honestly, I did it, and it kicked my ass. It destroyed me—absolutely destroyed me, but it was something that was good, in a way, just because it challenged me to be different, outside of the pool. I've always spent my time in the water, and now I have the opportunity to do different things. I'm in the process, now, of building my own gym, and looking for a space to rent, and kind of have my own escape, almost, really, like what The Rock does. He's able to escape from life for a little bit and get some time in the gym, as we all see. I have an ideal weight that I'd like to hit. If I can stay around 210, but just be a little bit leaner than I am now, that's what I'm really trying to do. Also, I'm just trying to manage time. I have so much going on outside of the pool, and outside of my business life. It's making sure to take time, when I need it, to get a workout in that'll make me more productive, and will make me a better dad, will make me a better husband. Just basically, it's a balancing act, and I think we all go through that.
What would having that gym for yourself mean to you?
It's basically a private little place that, when I do go to the gym and I want to work out, I can. I'd rather go in and get my work done that I need to, and kind of not, potentially, be bothered in between a set of squats, or somebody wants to take a photo. I don't mind taking photos, but when I'm there, I want to lift, and I want to get my job done. I do have goals for myself. That's how I've been able to reach the success that I've had, and, for me, I would like to get around 210 and stay around 210, but I don't want to be as lean as I was last year. I mean, I was at 4.5% body fat last year, and that's so low.
That, for me, is not a healthy spot, not where I'd like to be. I'd like to be shredded. I'd like to have some abs, and have some definition. We have a goal, and it'll obviously take some time. Just getting in the habit of getting up early, before Boomer gets up, and try to get a workout in. It makes it tough, at times, when you're traveling so much. If I have a goal that's big enough, that'll motivate me, that's what'll help me get out of bed. I think that's what I have, right now.
You've clearly been watching your food more than when you were racing. Is there anything that you've indulged in, post-career?
No, not really. After 2012, I went from 185lbs to 235, with really doing nothing. I, basically, just got out of shape and didn't really care. Then, that led me to not being in a very happy place, and leading me to a dark place. I know what that feels like, and it's something I never want to happen again. It's that challenge and that motivation to always keep me going, on certain things. It's just fun. For me, life is a lot more fun and enjoyable now, than, really, it ever has been. I think part of that is me coming back, and finishing my career in 2016 in Rio, like I did.
Describe what your meals consist of nowadays.
I don't eat much red meat, just because I know it's hard for a body to break it down. I still eat a lot of fish and chicken. My snack days, I think that's probably the biggest and hardest thing is I want to snack, snack, snack. For me, it's all back to my goals. I'm about to eat a chicken Caesar salad. Nothing too exciting, but it's what I want. I eat a lot of salads now, eat a lot of chicken, eat a lot of fish. I had a great meal last night. My mom sent us some Baltimore crabs that we enjoyed last night. It was amazing. We had some crab, some shrimp, some French fries, and it kind of brought me back to my childhood back in Baltimore. Just kind of a nice, summer day. It was amazing that that was something I still enjoy. I still love a hamburger from time to time, but it's not something that I'm eating five days a week.
I always think about it this way: Your body is a high-performance car, and we want to put the best fuel into that car that you possibly can. There are times I want to eat a couple Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, but I know that if I do that there could be consequences with it. I do have a sweet tooth, and I am trying to stay on working out as much as I can. We just did a spin class yesterday. Oh my gosh, I was in so much pain afterwards, and I've never sweat that much in my life. It's cool doing things differently now than I ever did when I was training. I don't want to do the same routine that I did for 15-20 years. I want to try different things to see what really excites me. I think that's something that my trainer tried to do over the last couple years of my career, because I got bored. I want this to be enjoyable. I want to have fun doing what I'm doing, and not feel like it's a job.
What was the spin class like for you?
The place was called CycleBar, and it's a place here in Scottsdale, AZ. We took a teacher-run hill class where we'd try and keep certain RPMs. There were 20 people in the room, and it was fun. It was myself, my wife, Nicole, my training partner, Allison Schmitt, and a buddy of mine, Grant, who's been visiting from Australia for a couple of months. We were basically just trying to compete to see who could get the highest score, and, out of the 10 people, we were top four. I guess the competitiveness is still there, when we're fighting to beat each other. It's always good to have friends like that, that we can compete with, especially to push one another. That's something that I've had for so long, and something that I need, at times. It's always good to have a good support team, and a good group of friends to help you out.
Phelps vs. Shark: Great Gold vs. Great White airs on July 23 at 8 p.m. on The Discovery Channel.
Movies and TV
from Men's Fitness http://www.mensfitness.com/life/entertainment/michael-phelps-his-shark-week-showdown-his-love-ocean-and-why-he-hasnt-slowed
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memsmedic1 · 7 years
SCUBA Diving! 02/28/17-03/19/17
After teaching my third EMR course to Z-Rescue in Myawaddy I traveled to Yangon to apply for a tourist visa at the Thai embassy. I had to do this because of a new Thai law prohibiting more than two tourist visas to be automatically approved at a border crossing in a calendar year (and I’ve already used my two freebies). Well I went in ready to pay for my visa and found out that due to a low tourist census in Thailand the embassy was authorized to offer a promotion of free visa applications and today was the last day to apply for it!
My visa came in two days later so on that evening I took the night bus back to the border and crossed into Thailand on March 2.
Even though I live right next door to Thailand I’m too busy to hardly ever get away for a visit so I was looking forward to making the most out of this trip!
The main reason I was traveling to Thailand was because our team had been offered an opportunity to attend a rescue and recovery SCUBA diver class that is being taught by a rescue diver foundation we’ve worked with in Thailand in the past.
First thing I did after clearing immigration was catch a motorbike taxi to a great little Thai restaurant for breakfast, then because SCUBA classes don’t start for several days I walked to the songtau station and took a songtau to Sunshine Orchard Children’s Home and school for a few days.
School had just been let out for the season and all of the students who had families had gone home to visit them so the campus was a lot quieter than usual!
I played in the river with the children who stayed behind, read countless stories to them in the hammock, and we picked up trash around all the buildings and burned a bamboo house that had developed an unacceptably high termite to house ratio.
Early morning on the 5th I hitched a ride back to MaeSot and purchased a seat on a passenger van to take me to the bus terminal in Tak. After arriving I went to the ticket counter to get a bus ticket to Kanchanaburi and found out that the next bus wouldn’t leave until 9:30 that night!
After a tedious 11 hours (the bus was a little over an hour late) spent reading the medical book I had with me, wandering around looking at the shops, and buying a meal at one of them mainly because they had a place to charge my phone, the bus finally arrived.
The next morning the bus arrived in Kanchanaburi and after breakfast and a cup of coffee my team picked me up in our Thai ambulance that was also crammed full of diving equipment, and we went straight to the Royal Thai Air Force base which has a giant training pool that we had obtained permission to use for our diving class.
At 0800 our instructors from the Thai rescue and recovery SCUBA diver foundation arrived and training was kicked off!
After a brief and rather sporadic introduction to basic diving and the names and functions of the equipment we would be using, our instructor had us each choose a set of gear and prepare to go into the water for the first time.
I happened to choose the buoyancy control device with the air leak in it which was exciting since our first time in the water was jumping off the deep end!
The other main instructor that ended up teaching most of the course was a lot more thorough and meticulous and went over more of the theory and basics before we went in again (at the shallow end this time).
I had been worried that I wouldn’t be able to certify because I’ve always had a terribly hard time equalizing my ears when swimming or flying. But after practicing all that first day I was able to dive all the way down and even lay on the bottom!
I thought it was quite a surreal experience to be that far away from my natural habitat and still be semi self sufficient, after long enough below the surface you start to feel like you can stay down forever! Then your tank starts getting low on air or you have to pee or you want to tell someone something besides “I’m ok”, “shark”, “I’m out of air”, or another of the hand signals we learned.
Because there were too many of us to all fit in the ambulance unless we wanted to ride Thai style we commuted back and forth between the military base and the school property we have for sale in Kanchanaburi both in the ambulance and a passenger van.
While we were staying at the school going to class the villagers decided it was the right time of year to burn the jungle. This is a pointless and destructive practice (purely subjective obviously) that kills many stands of bamboo, trees, and small jungle inhabitants. The smoke was so thick that my eyes burned and I could taste it in the back of my throat.
The night after the fires were lit I went outside to see what I could see. Across the lake from me on the other side of the small valley I could see a giant half circle of angry red fire smoldering down the mountain towards me with another fire that I could only see the red glow from coming down the mountain our property is on.
In the jungle -even in the dry season- the humidity is so high that a fire can’t travel very fast and only burns the understory layer, so the villagers light the tops of the mountains and the fire just burns its way downhill unsupervised.
The next day we lit backfires where our property meets the jungle just to make sure all the buildings and orchards would stay safe.
The second day of dive class we learned how to buddy breath, clear the water out of our masks while under water, take off all our equipment under water to squeeze through an obstacle course and then put it back on, and not panic when the instructor or one of the other students would rip off our mask and pull out our regulator.
On the third day of class we learned underwater search and rescue techniques, rope signals, different ways to set up a search grid, and body recovery.
One night I was walking from my room to take a shower when I heard a rustling noise coming from behind the netting we have shrouding the doorway of the bathroom (there’s no door) like a spider web to help deter bats from flying in. Peering through I saw a large and colorful Tokay gecko staring back at me. Tokay geckos are the second largest species of gecko in the world and are considered a delicacy in Thai and Indonesian cuisine. They are also prized for their supposed healing qualities in traditional medicine and their distinct call makes them one of the loudest animals in the jungle (or house), but it’s ok because they eat huge quantities of mosquitos and cockroaches. Even though it was 1130 at night and I was exhausted I decided it would be a good idea to catch him for a picture.
I was able to shoo him into the shower room and after giving me an impressive runaround I finally threw a towel over his head and got ahold of him.
I don’t think he appreciated that very much because kept holding his mouth open and snapping at me like a baby alligator. He probably thought I wanted to eat him! I didn’t think too much about it at the time but I found out later that this species of reptile is not recommended for beginner exotic pet owners because of its powerful bite!
While I was trying to keep all my fingers intact, find my camera and get him in position for a picture a scorpion suddenly came running into the room pell mell straight for my flip flop protected feet! This is not normal behavior for a scorpion to attack like that but I was significantly distracted by the very angry gecko I was holding so I just shooed the scorpion back out the door. After standing stock still for a several seconds he frantically started running down the veranda away from me. Just as I was going back to the gecko I saw something else just outside the door in the semi dark running in the same direction. At first I thought it was a snake, but then I realized it was a massive centipede hunting the scorpion! I would have liked to follow them both and see what happened but the gecko was a more pressing matter and by the time I was finished photographing him (he actually made a startling noise and I dropped him) the pair was nowhere to be found.
After completing the rescue and recovery SCUBA diver course and receiving a Thai certification at an underwater ceremony I decided that I really like diving and at some point I am going to get more training!
Since I was so close already I wanted to visit my aunt and uncle who had just returned from visiting the US. Given the situation I had experienced during my last bus journey I said I would try to make it but I couldn’t guarantee anything!
After getting dropped off at the bus station in Kanchanaburi I took a van into Bangkok where I could get a bus the rest of the way to Ayutthaya.
The day before, one of my friends from Texas had let me know that he was in Thailand teaching a TCCC instructor course and we had agreed to meet up for lunch as I traveled through Bangkok.
Accordingly after I arrived at the Bangkok bus terminal I grabbed a motorbike taxi and took it 8 km through the city to our meeting point. My friend had was already there and so we had a great time talking and catching up.
That night it was too late to continue on so I stayed in a hotel and found a bus going to Ayutthaya the next morning. Since they were so busy trying to get caught up from being gone it was a pretty hectic weekend with my aunt and uncle. Then I had to say goodbye and was back on the bus headed to MaeSot.
After another brief visit to Sunshine Orchard I crossed back into Myanmar on Sunday the 19th, just in time to ride back to Yangon with some teammates who had just finished packing our newly completed ambulance full of medical supplies and hired a driver to take it north to our operations area!
After I crossed the border, my phone had a malfunction and I couldn’t use it to contact anyone from my team to let them know I was back. I wasn’t sure what to do so I just walked to the bus stop and there I found one of them! She was guarding the back seat that used to be in the ambulance, tools, and a bunch of other stuff going back to our headquarters in Yangon waiting for the bus to arrive. Needless to say, I was relieved!
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chefbstrikesagain · 8 years
Ari Meyti (sp?)
I'm currently at a coffee shop in Kota Kinabalu catching up on emails and drinking a hazelnut iced coffee (enjoying the perks of free wifi and actual coffee). Essentially cloud 9. My whole state ended up coming back to KK after only 2 days in our placements because everyone is getting scuba dive certified- a program sponsored by the Embassy and it is Chinese New Year! During the year we are able to take our students scuba diving for free! I'm super excited as some of my students have never even been to a beach before. Many of them don't know how to swim either but we'll tackle that problem later on.... I know every time I blog I always drop the line 'the past couple of days have been absolutely crazy' but I'm being totally honest! After our state orientation ended, we were bussed to our placements and it was actually really sad saying goodbye to my friends (who I've spent every waking moment with since the airport in JFK). It is crazy how close I have become with people in such a short amount of time but friendships are definitely expedited when you're navigating a foreign country together. After saying goodbye to everyone, Martin, Joey and I loaded up a van with our mentors and whole lives in tow (once again) and began the trek towards Ranau. This was a ride that I will never forget. To get to my house you actually have to drive through a mountain range. I was freaking out in my seat and trying to go-pro the whole thing (which does not do the mountains justice). The road is so windy and steep that there is often a ton of traffic as big trucks can't move faster than 5KM/hour as they don't have enough power. Another thing is that the road is super foggy as we are in the clouds! I had to pop my ears several times as we ascended the mountain. I wish everyone back home could experience the ride up because not only was it beautiful. but humbling. We passed vegetable markets and abandoned buildings from the earthquake a few years ago. My mentor was giggling at how excited I was and told me that I would soon become used to the views which I contested. I really hope I always appreciate the beauty of that drive. After about 2 hours in the van, we pulled up to our house (which is on a hill), and also has an incredible view of the valley and mountains. I kept saying WE LIVE HERE WHATT sounding like a broken record. We were greeted by our landlord, Judith, and our mentors helped us to bring our suitcases inside and decide on who gets what bedroom. All of the bedrooms are awesome - but we made the system fair and labeled the bedrooms 1, 2, and 3 and put the 3 pieces of paper in a pot and had our mentors pull out what room we will have for the next 9 months. I ended up getting the master bedroom but opted to switch with Martin because the room in the back has a bigger window and thus more natural light. After starting to unpack we tried to figure out our water situation (which everywhere in Sabah you must first filter your water then boil it). We tried to use our filter and thought we figured it out.... All of a sudden it exploded, which I heard from the other room, and came running into water spraying everywhere and Martin and Joey yelling. I grabbed a pot and we tried to stop the water from spraying everywhere. It was honestly hilarious. We've had a few more of those experiences since we've moved in. After unpacking we decided to explore the town and grab some groceries in our new cars (2 silver Nissan Almeras). At the grocery store I was asked if I was married and if we lived in the same house as the last ETA's. Joey was asked for his instagram account (because apparently that's a normal thing to ask strangers for around here). We then tried to find our way home and lost got lost for over a half an hour. Which I learned later on that the whole town knew about.... We're convinced the town has a whatsapp group in which they discuss our location because at school the next day, multiple people told me they knew we got lost. No secrets around here. When I woke up on Wednesday, January 25th my stomach dropped. I realised that I had to go to school and meet the students that I would be teaching for the next year. I quickly showered and waited for my mentor to come pick me up. I was beyond nervous and expressed everything to Doreen in which she laughed at me and told me to relax (classic Doreen). After stalling the car twice on the way to school, which is apparently normal for Doreen, I was greeted by a group of students who opened the car door for me and were yelling CIGKU BRENDAN TAKE SELFIE WITH ME. I was definitely not prepared for this at 7:30am. We met a few other teachers while I waited to meet the principle. The principal rolled up around 8 even though our meeting is at 7:30 but is very normal because we're on Malaysian time. The principal told me how excited he is to have me coach sports and engage with the students and kept commenting on my height. After Doreen's photoshoot we then toured the school and went to my first class. I kept asking if I was going to have to teach and Doreen and everyone else kept saying 'no way not today just introductions today'. I let out a sigh of relief as Cigku Brendan had nothing prepared for his first day. When I got to my first class I introduced myself and then Doreen said "okay you teach lesson now" and walked to the back of the class. I must have looked like a deer in headlights because I asked her SO MANY TIMES if I had to teach or not. That damn language barrier. I did a Q and A with the students and then told them about my plans for the year ar the school. After about 45 minutes I turned it back over to Doreen and learned to always expect the unexpected in Malaysia... Doreen skipped her next class because she didn't want to get her hair wet because it was monsooning, so we left school and got lunch at the Hakka food court. You'll hear me talk about this a lot - it's my new spot. I later met Martin and Joey back home and we exchanged first day of school stories and all nervously laughed at this was our new normal for the next 9 months. The good news: i've gained 80 instagram followers in 24 hours (kids love instagram here). That night we went our for drinks with Jodie, Doreens husband, and a few other male teachers at other schools in Ranau. Jodie picked us up around 7 and dropped us off at home around 1:30am..... We figured it would be a casual one or two drinks but nope the other teachers had something else in mind for our first night out. Everytime they say Ari Meyti (which means finish in Dusun) you had to finish your drink. Joey can't drink beer as he is allergic to gluten so he drank shots. Plus or minus 10 to be exact. They then had us sing Karaoke. It was a night to remember..... After arriving in KK, and nursing our hangovers all day, we were reunited with our friends and then had dinner with Frank from the embassy. Post dinner we walked around KK and explored the festivals for Chinese new year. At the waterfront there were a ton of huge fishing boats. I really wanted to go on one and waved to a man, named James, who said we could come on but we had to walk up the skinny plank of wood. This was terrifying as the water was choppy and the plank was moving so much as we tried steady ourselves and walk across it. Four of us ended up mustering up the courage to make it on the boat as everyone on the waterfront watched (probably hoping we would fall in the water). We then watched fireworks from the roof of the boat and made small talk with James as the night began to wind down.We retreated to the Hostel around 11pm and hung out in the air-con until 12:30. I was so excited to get to bed (and not wake up hungover). That seems to be it so far...there are a ton of little stories about new people we have met that love to show up unannounced in our house because they are curious what we're up to. Mr Clay. loves to bang on our door and go BOOOOYSSS HALLLO BOYYYS. just to hangout and see if anyone wants to do errands with him. People here have no boundaries and are incredibly nice. They genuinely want us to love Malaysia as much as they do. I already feel welcome in our community and see the role I will play later on with the kids. For now, I'm going to enjoy the rest of this iced coffee and hit the beach. -Cigku B
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