#i didn't even plan this it just happened and became lore HAHA
fundielicious-simblr · 7 months
(Adalynn's POV)
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I love weddings, but family weddings are just that much more special since it means our family is growing. Lana has been such a darling since we met her, and we thank the Lord that she's now officially part of the family. The wedding itself was beautiful, the Lord was the at the centre of it all, represented by the large cross that Lana had hung up between them.
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This is probably going to be the last picture of the boys before their new sibling gets here, this baby is due to arrive in the summer and after easter, we've not got many opportunities to dress up and take group pictures. It's also quite an uphill climb to get all 8 kids looking at the camera at the same time, as evidenced by little Titus doing his own thing.
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Kyleigh and I managed to get our picture together, the third time we've been pregnant together. This will be her 11th child whereas this will be the 9th babe to join our family, we've just been so blessed to be able to have been given the responsibility to birth and raise all the children that we've had (and any more that the Lord wills for us to have). My mother always gets so excited when we send these photos to the family group, she's always said that God is so good, and all the kids are a perfect example of it.
The first time we were pregnant at the same time was when I was pregnant with Aaron (#3) and Kyleigh was pregnant with the twins Rose and Violet (#4 & #5), additionally, Valentina was pregnant with her 2nd child and Madelynn with her first. The second time that we were pregnant together was when I was newly pregnant with the twins Caleb & Jonah (#6 & #7), and she was pregnant with Preston (#9)
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I love getting to see my sisters again, especially the ones that I don't see as often, of course we video call here and there as well as chat, but it's not the same as getting to chat and catch up in person. I'm so far the only sibling that lives without a sibling neighbour, Amira and Zoe are both in Windenburg whilst Maggie and Reece (and therefore Stacie) live in San Myshuno. We tried to make plans to visit each other, or maybe take a sister trip somewhere when we're free, which may not happen before this baby is born, so maybe we'll have to plan for next summer.
Seeing my cousins is also great, we all grew up very close and now we still try and keep those bonds steady even though we live far away from each other. Valentina is actually coming to see us once this baby is born, her brother Carter lives close-by so she's going to kill two birds with one stone. It was also great seeing both my sister Priscilla and my cousin Kristyn, they both live in Oasis Springs so they were local for the wedding and helped Lana with some of the planning logistics. Kristyn is also pregnant, she's halfway through her pregnancy with her second child who they found out is a baby boy!
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
A thing I noticed that I wanted to share
At the start, it was the English speakers and the Spanish speakers. You'd most likely be more accustomed to one of those sides and stick to the ones you speak the language of if you're monolingual.
Then the Brazilians were added, and it became the English/Spanish speakers and the Brazilians. Still two sides, but the previous ones merged. The QSMP community were used to the original members, and the Brazilians were this new group we knew nothing about.
Now the French speakers are in the server, and the existing QSMP members are the English/Spanish/Portuguese speakers. The French members are "new", and I can't help but wonder how long it'll take until "the English/Spanish/Portuguese speakers and the French members" becomes "the English/Spanish/Portuguese/French speakers and the ___ members".
You stick with who you're most familiar with, and through them interacting with the others and getting to know them, at some point, you get to know them too. They stop being "others" and they become part of the group. In my case, the Spanish speakers stopped being "Quackity's friends", and the Brazilians were no longer just "fellow Brazilians" but some of the members that make me laugh the most. Forever is my favorite and I watch him and Cellbit' for all the lore. Because of Vegetta I know the word "mamadisimo".
Very few members of this server are "others" to me anymore, and its no longer because of a language/familiarity barrier but due to me actually knowing them and having my favorites based on their specific content. I've become so familiar with Maxo and Mariana and Vegetta, Forever and Cellbit and Mike and Pac, that I can't remember the time when they were "others" in my mind. Already I've become so used to having Baghera and Etoiles on the server, and I don't even remember how it happened, it just did you know?
This is... I think this is what Quackity was talking about. Even if he didn't have these exact words, this is what he wanted from the server. For people who you would consider an "other" in your life because of a language barrier to be the bridge that you cross to learning about all the wonderful languages and cultures out there in the world.
Before this, I wanted to learn Spanish because its a common language, and I struggled to pick up on Portuguese cause learning can be hard for me without some push. Most people didn't plan to learn either.
Now? I've seen so many people trying to learn these languages because they want to understand Cellbit's theories and Quackity's spanish streams and funny Roier clips on twitter. Now, I want to learn Mexican spanish specifically, because so many people near me speak it but the Mexicans on the QSMP made me care. I know that "pomme" means "apple" and I taught it to my mother who always wanted to learn French, and I'm brushing up on my French basics and learning that "parlez-vous français" actually means "do you speak french" and not "are you French" because I didn't care to know the difference before but I do now, because Baghera taught me. And... I've finally started learning Portuguese. My mom's teaching me and I started up online classes, and I've been self-teaching the basics by translating the QsmpPOR updates account. Ain't that something.
And that's what this was about. And I feel foolish (haha) that I didn't pick up on the vision earlier. Fuck, even Chayanne just mentioning he speaks Chinese is making me want to dust off my old high school Chinese homework and relearn the basics.
This server is something special. Its a jumbled mess of languages being thrown at each other until they start making sense and its sharing and learning, and I can't thank Quackity and his team enough.
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lichenclan · 7 months
i Am so down to hear the clans lore dump that lore on me 👀
Thank you so much for enabling me I really appreciate it <3
Lichenclan are actually the stragglers of a former clan called Creekclan. There were a few clans living in the general area (Lichenclan's neighbors are Bayclan, Dancingclan, Waspclan, Thrushclan, and Dryclan) (I might delete one of those because that's so much), but none of them really bothered to interfere with each other as much. So when Creekclan's leader, Firstar, started receiving false visions from a Dark Forest cat, no one outside of her own clan noticed.
Firstar was convinced that it was Starclan speaking to her, and so she hung on every word she was told. She exiled the clan's sole healer, Olivetuft, after learning that she was expecting kits. She was convinced that Starclan wanted her to disband the clan, or else terrible things would happen. In the middle of the night, she called a clan meeting and declared that Creekclan would be no more. Firstar's mate and deputy, Eveningstorm, left with her. The remnants of Creekclan had no leadership.
Former clanmates went their separate ways, losing their sense of comradery when prey became hard to find and herbs became a limited resource. Many cats left the territories altogether to become rogues or kittypets, while some sought asylum in their neighboring clans.
Pinefoot was one of the warriors who refused to let go of the clan. He had an immature insistence that they could band together and sort out leadership on their own, but his former clanmates didn't share the same ideals, and he was chased out of any small group he found. He ended up just outside the twolegplace, where he met with his former clanmate Lichenheart, who had settled into life as a kittypet and was expecting kits of her own. His pathetic nature convinced Lichenheart to help him out.
While living with Lichenheart's twolegs, Pinefoot began to have visions of starry-furred cats in the yard outside, leading him in the direction of the woods. After a moon of this, Pinefoot told Lichenheart that he believed Starclan was trying to tell him something. With her litter just around the corner, Lichenheart was reluctant to leave, but she trusted Pinefoot.
The starry-furred cats led Pinefoot and Lichenheart to a pine forest, specifically to a sunken clearing surrounded by a natural protection of brambles and stones. Pinefoot believed that Starclan had showed the two of them a new camp where Creekclan could be reborn. The new camp was put to the test when, a few nights later, Lichenheart had a single kit. She named him Rushkit, her formal commitment to starting this new clan with Pinefoot.
Pinefoot believed that, although Starclan had showed him the camp, Lichenheart should be leader. She was more responsible than him, and had trained an apprentice in Creekclan. Lichenheart planned to travel to the Moongrove and receive her nine lives when she'd recovered from giving birth, but her condition continued to worsen, turning into greencough.
Pinefoot searched the territory for any cat that had healing skills. He stumbled upon the den of Olivetuft and her newborn daughter, Berry. He pleaded with her to come treat Lichenheart, but by the time they made it back to camp, Olivetuft knew there was nothing more she could do except make Lichenheart's last few days painless. She was the first cat buried in Lichenclan's graveyard.
Olivetuft and Pinefoot traveled to the Moongrove together to speak with Starclan. They gave Pinefoot nine lives and his new name, Pinestar, and entrusted him with the infancy of this new clan. He was officially a leader of something new - Pinestar, Olivetuft, Rushkit, and Berrykit. He named the clan Lichenclan, in honor of his friend.
Eventually, the rest of the founders wandered into Pinestar's life and stayed in the clan. I could get into all of their histories, but then this post would be even longer than it is, haha. But after all that....well, the rest is history!
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webslingingslasher · 4 months
bff... i need ur perspective on this :’) this is rly long srry just take ur time! reply whenever u feel like it, or not<3
here goes another 🧚🏼‍♀️ lore from 2023 JSNFNDKJSHS
i had a crush on this guy around may-july 2023.. things were going rly well like he reciprocated my energy toward him, bantering here n there, and he was such a gentleman like yk basic stuff - opening doors for me, picked up n fixed my bag for me when it fell even if he didn't have to lol, always checking on me and helping me with hw (we were classmates), and he also prevented me from being seenzoned in the gc we were both in by telling me in our dm he'll reply to me in the gc ?? like for the sake of not being seenzoned,, i didnt mind at all but ok 🫂 he also mentioned that he prayed for me one time bc i was so stressed out w life and he prayed i won't be stressed anymore, n that i need to look after myself.. my ex-bffs thought it's silly and it wasn't an excuse to like him (??) but that time i thought it was sweet. i didn't have any evidence to think or know if he was lying or anything so.. 🤷‍♀️ i was just happy abt it and i thought, if things fuck up, i'll just deal with it when we get there.
and anw yea we were basically in talking stage, stayed up to talk and he was still the first person i talked to when i woke up haha and we also made time to see each other like we rly planned and included each other in our schedules to hang out.
good stuff right.. but like one time when we were getting to know each other (in person, my ex-bff was there with us), he told us he has a sister. but the next time we hung out, just the two of us, we talked abt video games and told me he'd watch his brother play. so i was like "oh so u have 2 siblings? bc u have a sister too" then he said "huh? no, it's just me n my brother" and i was like "???? wym u said u have a sister.." then he said "really? i said that?" TF DKKSJSJDJS.. even my ex-bff confirmed he said sister when the 3 of us hung out so im not making it up... n all my other friends told me thats just sus bc why be sus about family... i mean he sees them everyday?? and it's basic knowledge to know ur family 😭 my dad even said he might've lied and said he has a sister to make him seem like a green flag (assuming he'd know how to respect and properly treat women)
could be an honest mistake, sure, it happens. my friends and i even considered that his sibling might be non-binary or trans and maybe he wasn't in the position to tell us, that's understandable. but idk he still told me 2 diff things and i can't rly have someone who doesn't stand on what they say or do to me, like telling me one thing then another (i have severe trust issues..)
the thing is, when i start to doubt someone, especially when i think they lied and if i think they aren't genuine people, it's over. like that's my dealbreaker. (goes for my ex-bffs too)
so like... after that, whenever he msged me i became dry until i didn't open his one reply to me anymore. so i ghosted him.. he never msged after that, assuming he felt like he couldn't approach me.
i feel bad. like serious. im more bummed abt him than what happened w my ex friends ngl bc he rly was nice and i liked him, we were good until that. but there's sm uncertainty and i'm sure i hurt him bc he gave clear implications that he was interested in me. i'm assuming he also doesn't know what happened bc obviously i didn't confront him, so it's unfair for him.
i thought abt confronting him and to just be friends with him at least, i did. but i also thought - he would either apologize or say something that will make it okay to solve things.
1) even if he apologized, i'd have to wait for changed behavior. thing is, i only give one chance when it comes to trust, and i feel like that was ruined already, somehow. i mean, i can have disagreements with anyone about anything and it's fine, we can work through that. but if there comes a point where the trust is ruined, i'm done, and i can't wait around for changed behavior. it'll take up my time, and it's kinda unfair bc i never lied to him or gave him reasons to feel weirdly about me. it's not even hard to tell the truth about simple things.. also, why wait around when there's better, honest, and more genuine people out there (this also applies to my ex bffs) 😐 also if i wait for changed behavior, i'd basically be trusting him again to not do anything like that again. but he alr lost my trust to begin with so ?? lol
2) if he would say something to make it okay, i'd be giving him an advantage, and i'd be forced to stay with him, allowing him to think that what he did was fine.
3) i thought about being friends with him at least but i didn't rly want a liar friend or a friend that i'd doubt.. i don't want to have to doubt anyone's character in my circle... i don't need the stress.
my guy friends told me the bar was low and i deserve better, and i probably doged a bullet bc if he lies abt small things.. what about the more serious things? and it's a situation i didn't need to be in. like fr, no one's usually sus with their family 😭😭 so why put me thru that when no one else experiences it.. tf
but anw.... months later, around november actually, he added me in his close friends on ig ?? i only saw a couple of stuff like anime, class stuff, idk, nothing weird or anything. i think he removed me tho later on. but today i think he added me back LOL. i also noticed he'd check my stories once a week 😭
so like.. what the hell does that mean LMFAO we haven't talked nor seen each other in person since july. that's 6 months..
i didn't remove him from my socmeds in case we happen to be classmates again and work together and in the future as well. thought abt removing him but i might need the connection in the future for business bc we're entering the same field after all.. 🙇‍♀️
i'm not even mad anymore but like huh JNBJDSJHS
but anw yes. what do u think of this... is there anything i should do or not. speak ur mind please 🎙️ tysm ily
(this also just gave away that i'm avoidant. sorry. it comes from trauma😂 working thru it though. i believe i made an improvement when i confronted my ex bffs n broke up w them which happened after i ghosted him.. rip)
oh my god girl.
he didn't say he was derek jeter, he said he had a sister. and then told you later on he only had a brother. if he wanted to lie, he'd continue the lie. instead, he confronted it and moved on. you didn't.
i have three brothers. i have gotten names and ages confused my entire life. it seems like an honest mistake and he acknowledged it. i'd get if it was a big lie, but it seems like this was a slip of the tongue.
maybe he was thinking of a friends sister.
maybe he was thinking his brother was a bitch.
maybe he was nervous.
we don't know. you just stonewalled him. long story short, if you want to at the very least be friends with him, let it go. if you can't, leave him alone.
what does it mean? he liked you. but i don't know if he still does.
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queenofgraveyards · 10 months
omg can i get some flower lore like how did poppy start working at the bakery(maybe her mom somehow ties into it like she would take her there after something happened with her dad or it was just her mom’s favorite)? what are h everyday shoes? did they have pets growing up(i feel like poppy wouldn’t bc of her dad obvs)? are they allergic to anything? is h into like survival and stuff(i feel like he would so be into camping and all of that and he would force poppy to go with him bc he’s codependent and bc he would LOVE to fuck poppy like on a tree or something like that lol)? what’s h fav veggie? does poppy do arts and crafts(i like to believe she crochets mainly bc i crochet but i can totally see her making cute little hats for the little girl i forgot her name lol but like imagine pregnant flower making clothes for the baby😭😭 i KNOW h would be feral)?
i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer this i just really wanted to make sure i knew what i was talking abt for i said anything 😭
k so, the bakery was literally just her mum's favourite!! and i believe poppy mentioned that they did classes there too and bc her mum loooved their stuff and she also loved baking (n cooking she was literal like the perfect home maker anyway) she took poppy along when she was old enough and it kind of became their thing!! and then poppy got a weekend job there too, even tho she didn't really need one mainly after her mum died bc she hated being at home and hated being around her brother and dad plus it was a way to help her feel closer to her mum!! oh h's everyday shoes 🤔 that is such a GOOD question its literal a rat but for some reason i imagine he would be a boot guy, but they'd probably be that nasty ass pair of dark brown suede boots that rl h used to wear a lot, and they'd be so beat up and yuck bc flower h does know not or care or realise that you have to look after suede and not get it wet lmaooo omg could you IMAGINE flower h as a prepper bc honestly? i can and like he would be soooo funny bc he hasn't had a logical thought in his entire life and yet he's worrying abt the end of the world and has all these plans in case him n poppy aren't together and how to get across london to each other and where to meet etc, also i think he unironically LOVES bear grylls and all of his stupid survivor shows and yes he loves camping which blows poppy's mind bc she's like...this man loves camping? THIS man who can't be without his xbox longer than a day loves the outdoors? lol ok and yes ofc you're right bestie flower h would be FERAL for fucking poppy outdoors, in a tent, against a tree, just on the ground, you name it he's into it and he'd be so yuck going on about it being natural and he'd have to fuck her on her knees bc that's how it happens in nature and poppy would literally be like..........ok!
flower h has never eaten a vegetable in life next question (he doesn't like asparagus)
poppy paints! it doesn't really get mentioned in bloom but she does it a couple of times in flower and she's a very good drawer/painter!! but you're also right i could see her doing some kind of needle work crafts too, i feel like she'd TRY to crochet and immediately suck at it and we all know poppy is a if im not good at it immediately then im not interested kind of gal so she'd give up, i could see maybe her being into embroidery and she'd make everyone a little round hanging embroidery hoop for christmas or something, i could also see her getting into diy candles for a hot min like where you heat and melt n shape tapered candles into fun shapes, i feel like that would be her thing too until she inevitably gets bored haha
and yes of course bestie, you are SOOOOO right flower h would go feral for a pregnant poppy, like not even in the same way bambi h is insane about that kind stuff but his is in a more disgusting feral way and ofc he would be OBSESSED with a little baby poppy like imagine him being a girl dad too and he would be SO in love with this tiny little creature that looks exactly like his wife and he just vows to be the best dad ever and be the dad to their baby that poppy unfortunately never got
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cutekitteninky · 4 years
Megane's home planet
!!Warning!! This post will contain some dark themes.
So its time for me to ramble again! So im not going to talk much about megane but I will talk about where she came from and talk about the lore/history of Dolos (megane's home planet).
Not many know about Dolos' origins or how it became so dark and twisted but all we know is bad shit just decided to happen. Dolos is one of the fastest, futuristic, civilizations that has ever been developed in the universe, along with some other planet civilizations and solar systems. Like I mentioned in megane's story post, the high ups of Dolo has some very very questionable practices and how they handle things. For the most part Dolos has a weird job system they strictly go by. Higher ups choose who works and who can't, what jobs some citizens will have and which they cannot etc. Most of the jobs are reparing spaceships/spacecraft, engineering, military, armorer, a helper for the higher ups, etc. Dolos may take a big pride of their military size and such but the way they created it is unhuman to say the least.. Higher ups usually pick children at random who may have potential on the military field and take them from a young age. Sometimes as teenagers and sometimes when they are just a kid from around 9 or 10 or even younger. They take them from a young age to educate them and to train them into future troopers (they actually do this for whatever important field they choosed for them to work on. They call each job a station. Most of them are of course separated from different buildings or sometimes different floors of a building if the stations are able to help each other).
Citizens of Dolos don't know anything about the outside world of their solar system. They are usually lied to by their overly controlling leader. Citizens were still granted with the knowledge of how to fight and basic knowledge but were never granted the right to learn anything outside of the planet unless they worked for the higher ups (they also cannot leave the planet unless its requested by the leader/higher ups). For example, only troopers were allowed to learn about the outside world because some of the missions would've taken place outside of the planet, either to do a outside experiment, taking a escaped citizen back to Dolos, getting resources from other planets, etc. Citizens never knew about the leader's twisted plans and practices he did to those innocent citizens. Citizens believe they are safe, a endless cycle of false sense of safety and pride.
Not only were some jobs and trying very dangerous/risky. Most of the unfortunate citizens had to be used as test subjects for experiments. However only troopers or troopers in training mainly participated in these unhuman experiments. They use these experiments to test drugs that can possibly help them in combat or test anything that can be harmful to their enemies as well. They also did experiments that would damage a lot of the troopers such as noise experiments, vision experiments, anything related that can be sensitive and harmful. Most of these experiments caused a lot of trauma, damage, and even death to many test subjects. Most of these experiments lead to most of their test subjects to have hallucinations and extreme pain in most cases. These hallucinations were extremely terrifying to most test subjects to the point they hide in fear or try to escape, not wanting to do the experiments. And the extreme pain is so unbearable most test subjects can't walk for a couple of hours and can only just curl up in pain.
Test subjects who have hallucinations usually have it pretty bad, they hallucinate some of their peers as these twisted and creepy creatures. Whatever happened to the person the test subject is looking at, the damage the person has can effect their hallucination monster form thing. Not all test subjects have extreme hallucinations but most do. This can also make test subjects become aggressive and fearful because of these hallucinations. They only see it as having the choice to fight or flee. Most of the staff/doctors didn't know how to handle these kind of situations which lead to bad choices and trauma for both the test subject and some cases the staff. Most staff weren't the best with dealing with the test subjects and troopers in training, they mostly treat them like complete shit but still teaches them what had to be teached and still do their job. Just not in the best way possible I guess I should say.
Sorry for the shitty doodles haha- im not good with explaining so I think drawing it helps to get my point across <:D
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More about the normal citizens of Dolos. Everyone must wear uniforms at all times unless you are in your comfort of your home. Normal citizens have to wear clothes that mainly represent the colors of Dolos' colors. Even people with jobs had to wear a specific uniform. (Sadly I only drawn the uniforms for the troopers and normal citizens but in the far future I will draw the uniforms for the other jobs I promise!). Thankfully normal citizens and even those with jobs are allowed to have weapons. They just cannot use it against the higher ups and not on each other. Citizens' weapons are weaker than military weapons in Dolos. However, citizens weapons can still do damage and are mainly used for self defense. If they try using it on higher ups, the citizen on question would be punishment with murder. (Most punishments are either murder or 20 years in jail depending the crime. But most crimes including hurting the higher ups are a instant kill).
Please ingore the names in the bottom of the doodles. This is just to give off the main idea I mean in the post. Also keep in mind the one eye trooper is not how normal citizens nor how troopers look like.
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You may be wondering, hey why is the leader of Dolos so scared of the word getting out about their inhuman ways of life and abuse of power? Well theres a bigger higher up in the universe thats control by someone who is more kinder. This bigger higher up usually checks peoples backgrounds before letting them claim a planet or solar system if they have the money for it. Of course the leader was grated with Dolos but it can be taken away from him if he dare hurt he's citizens or did more than just inhumane crimes. So he usually tries to keep citizens in and keep them ignorant about what's going on so they won't tell them what has been going on. Which is why the leader does not allow citizens to leave the planet. Once you get in you never get out. The leader always immediately takes action to find missing citizens that have been reported by troopers or any citizen because of the paranoia of citizens escaping the planet and finding "help".
Woah- that's a lot hehe. Im sorry for the extreme dark theme in this one bois <:c I hope this gives a better idea of what kind of environment megane use to be in before the leader fucking became cheeto dust 😔. I have been wanting to talk about where megane use to come from but I didn't want to add it in her main story post because of how much lore it has. I hope you guys enjoy it and if you have any criticism or have any questions, please ask away and let me know! <:D
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