#i didnt ever get rid of it tho so ive just had a mostly full bottle of the stuff in my room i havent touched since
ursaspecter · 1 year
Physical therapy is kicking my ASS but it feels so good to bend my knee again even if it is just 10 minutes a day outside the clinic. I'm just glad I can do it all by myself. Something something it has to get worse before it gets better I guess.
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caminadrummer · 8 years
Theres a really high probability that by the end of the year my dad's job wont pay for the rent anymore so my mum's been really insistent about us getting rid of anything we dont need bc if she has to move it will obviously be to a place a million times smaller etc
So im checking the 873853 drawers full of shit i have in my room and separating some stuff ill try to take to bsas, some stuff that i shouldve thrown away eons ago etc. I have a lot of stuff that i kept from my english course, mostly for nostalgias sake, and i found a bunch of pages from my lang/literature folder from 2010?? I knew i had kept it bc it was a year where we had a lot of writing assignments that i really enjoyed, and i recalled one in particular, the main reason i saved the folder actually, that i just. Kept writing for days after i had handed in the actual assignment and at some point i sorta planned to complete it and post it to fictionpress or whatever we used back then. It was one of the only times (or like, the only probably) where i lit couldnt put the pencil down and it was So Fun and it just kept coming to me so naturally?? And i just checked and its 22 motherfuckin a4 pages long, which i know isnt shit but its also the most ive Ever written in my life? And i had so much shit planned that i dont even remember but that was just the beginning and idk. It was a huge surprise tbh. I havent had the heart to read it yet but maybe later i will
I also found a bunch of notes for several twilight fics i planned to write in 09 and some stuff i wrote in like 07, a hp fic fuckfull of ocs (it was set in argentina lmao) and that years later i tried to rewrite as an original work (i never got past like, 6 pages with that one tho)
And im pretty sure that theres a notebook from the lit workshop i did when i was like 10, i i havent thrown that away already and idk. Its really weird to me that i spent half of my life thinking id be a writer but i never put any work into it once i realized how much effort it takes, and yet theres bits and pieces of that all over the timeline, it was always a big part of my life until it wasnt, until i didnt even read anymore and idk, i really hope i can start to do something about it again? Idk man its just Weird
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