#i didnt know i was pregnant satanic ghoul edition
copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Ghoul “I didn’t know I was pregnant” anon here! Yes, that’s what I was thinking; basically the same or a similar setup but with a ghoul as the baby daddy.
Sweet Lucifer in Hell...
I know you've been patiently waiting Anon...
Here you go!
(This is more fun and silly)
Anyways without further ado….
Below the cut r/t descriptions of birth
This time on, I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant Ghoul Edition
Y/N, a young Sister of Sin at The Ministry began dating Nameless Ghoul Aether just after the end of The Pale Tour Named Death with Ghost in Spring 2020. It was a fun time at the Abbey. The Ghouls and the newly ascended Papa Emeritus the Fourth looking forward to a bit of relaxation before another tour would begin.
Aether in his Prequelle uniform returning home catches the eye of the young sister wearing her black habit and a bit of her hair peeking out from under her sibling issues veil. She smiles at him, the ghouls winking at her from the entryway as he helps the others gather their bags from the tour bus just outside.
Y/N: "I had just arrived at the Ministry right when the tour started and hadn't gotten the chance to meet any of the Ghost ghouls, or Papa for that matter, so I was excited when they'd returned home to sneak a peek. It was then I saw him and I felt my heart pounding away." (laughs)
Aether: "We were all exhausted. The tour was rough but great. It was the second half of the Prequelle album cycle, Copia had just become Papa, and while we were all a bit sad to leave the thrill of the rituals…we were more than happy to sleep in our own beds for a change. Mountain takes up so much space and Dew can be a pain in the ass when you are stuck with him on a bus for weeks on in. (laughs) That first day back I caught sight of her and I was blissfully doomed."
Not long after Aether's return. The two start to spend a lot of time together. Being unashamed to show their affections all over the Abbey grounds. Aether, even getting in trouble for skipping out on band practice.
Y/N: "It's actually kind of funny because Papa caught us in the sacristy together when Aeth was supposed to be at practice one day. We were caught with our pants down." (laughs)
Aether: "You know even Papa agreed with me some things in life need to take priority. After all, I made up my practice another time. (winks) I just truly could not get enough of her and honestly still can't." (laughs)
The couple continued their love affair for many weeks which turned into months. Y/N and Aether were becoming closer and closer as the time for him to leave on yet another tour cycle was growing near.
Aether is at practice playing with the rest of the ghouls in the main hall. Papa is instructing them to play when Y/N arrives to steal Aether away for an afternoon rendezvous. Flash to where Aether and Y/N are kissing and Y/N is hugging him with tears in her eyes knowing that he's going to be leaving soon.
Y/N: "I was devastated. I'm starting to fall into a depression and honestly I was not prioritizing anything other than spending time with him."
Y/N shown laying in bed and watching TV, sad that Aether will be leaving soon. Shot pans over to birth control pills in the bathroom that have not been opened.
A few days after the announcement that the tour was about to begin, Y/N realizes that she has skipped a couple doses of her birth control pills. She tells Aether and they both anxiously await for her period and then she seems to get it in time.
Aether: "I wasn't really worried about her being pregnant or not at the time. Honestly I love her so much…we could have a million babies. I wasn't even sure we could have them though and we were definitely concerned about the timing since I would be out on the road once again."
Y/N: "It was a relief to know that he wouldn't be upset if we had gotten pregnant, but when I got my period on time both of us were a little bit relieved knowing that we wouldn't have to worry about me trying to deal with a pregnancy on my own back here at the Abbey."
Y/N and Aether sitting down on the bed when Y/N tells that she has gotten what she believes to be her period.
Y/N continues to feel fatigued and has cravings for salty foods that she contributes to her period. However these symptoms continue to linger on long after the bleeding has subsided which makes them suspicious.
Y/N: "I was concerned that something else may be going on. I started to wonder if I was coming down with something else, but it never occurred to me after having what I thought was a period that I could still be pregnant."
Y/N continues to have cyclical bleeding, however it is irregular and light. She attributes this to the added stress from Aether's upcoming tour. Y/N also develops some slight nausea which seems to plague her throughout the day. She blames it on her disordered eating habits related to depression.
Y/N puts her hand over her mouth as Aether rubs her back and she begins to cry. The ghoul holds her close in his arms. Aether gets a sad smile on his face.
Aether: "I hated seeing her like that. I was half tempted to tell Papa he needed to find another ghoul…but I knew I had responsibilities to the band, to the Ministry so I came up with another plan." (laughs)
Y/N: "I had no idea what he was planning until one day he took me to Papa and Sister Imperator for an emergency meeting."
Aether requested a meeting to ask that they make an exception to allow Y/N to go on tour with them. While Sister Imperator was completely against the idea, Papa was all for it. Having a more the merrier attitude and openly welcoming Y/N on tour with the band.
Aether: "It was great. We went on tour and I got to spend all the time with Y/N I wanted. The bus life got a bit more tolerable. We would spend hours laughing and talking. Not to mention other things (wings) it was seriously one of the best times of my life but then things got interesting." (cringes)
One night on the bus, less than a year into Aether and Y/N relationship things take a turn.
Aether, Swiss, and Cirrus are hanging out on the small sofa across from the pull down table where Y/N and Cumulus were seated. The group was laughing, seeming to be enjoying their time together when Y/N begins to notice something is wrong and the look on her face says she's having immense pain.
Y/N: "I started to get the worst belly pain I had ever felt in my entire life. I thought maybe I needed to get sick. I wasn't sure so I went to stand up and then I started leaking everywhere."
Y/N started experiencing debilitating pain and upon standing she began leaking fluid from between her legs. A sight that stirred up the crowd.
Y/N is doubled over in pain. Cirrus is screaming for Mountain, who's driving the bus to pull over. Copia is passed out in the passenger's seat with his headphones in. Aether goes to Y/N's side and it becomes very obvious to them now what is happening.
Aether: "I knew immediately what was happening. I've seen it before but usually it doesn't take this long with ghouls kits. But as soon as I saw her water break, My tail stood straight up and I knew I had to get into gear."
"Ok Y/N, don't panic but I'm pretty sure you're in labor." -Aether
"Aeth what in heaven are you talking about? I can't be in labor, I'm not pregnant!-Y/N screams as she holds tight to her belly. The pains are clearly coming closer and closer together.
Mountain manages to pull the bus over, while the ghouls help Y/N to the bed as she is now unable to walk.
Aether: "Normally a ghoul pregnancy is about 3 months but a half ghoul kit was something a lot of us had no experience with and so everything was very scary. I had no idea what to expect. I was so afraid I was going to lose her." (sucks in his bottom lip, looks upset)
Aether is sitting beside Y/N who is laying on the bed. The ghoulettes, Cirrus and Cumulus have checked and sure enough the head of the half ghoul kit is visible in the birth canal.
Y/N is scared, crying and holding on to Aether tightly as the ghoulettes work to get ready to deliver the half ghoul kit. The are rushing around gathering towels as the ghouls watch in awe at their determination.
Y/N: "I honestly didn't even know that the two of us could procreate. Looking back on it I feel so stupid for not even knowing simple things like that or paying better attention. I could have been more prepared. Though I am so very thankful to the ghoulettes for all their help."
The ghoulettes get Y/N into position to deliver the kit. Papa walks in, after Mountain finally alerts him that there was an issue, and gets an eye full of the business end of Y/N and the ghoulettes trying to help deliver the baby.
"Well uh…oh..sweet Lucifer. I shouldn't be here."- Copia
"No, don't leave!"- Aether
Aether begs Papa Emeritus IV to stay as Y/N begins to push. Papa is cringing as he holds Aether's hand looking as if he may pass out. Aether is also holding Y/N's hand as she begins to push.
Copia: "I honestly did not understand why I needed to be there. I was happy for Aether and the sister, but I won't lie...I almost didn't make it." (nervously laughs)
Cumulus looks up to Y/N as she puts her hands on the baby's head.
"Ok Y\N you're doing great! The kit is almost out."- Cumulus
"Oh sweet Satan, it hurts! Aeth I'm going to kill you for this."- Y/N
"Babe I'm so sorry." -Aether (panicking)
"Ok I think one more push ought to do it!"- Cumulus
Y/N buckles down squeezing Aether's hand hard as Cumulus and Cirrus help. Copia looks like he's about to descend to the floor. Swiss and Dew are pacing just outside the door and Y/N is crying uncontrollably.
Y/N delivers the unexpected half ghoul kit/human child in the back of the tour bus on Papa Emeritus IV's bed.
Y/N and Aether are swooning over the baby. Both looking absolutely exhausted but happy. The ghoulettes are smiling and laughing. Everyone, excited that the baby made it into the world ok. Dew is seen standing next to Copia and giving him a slap on the back.
"Good luck getting those stains out of your sheets."- Dewdrop (Sodo)
Baby Nimbus is born at what is considered full term for a Ghoul/Human pregnancy, weighing at 7lbs 11oz with no complications.
Y/N: "I was so happy she was born safely and that Aether and I are now a family."
Aether: "It went from being absolutely terrifying, to being one of the best moments of my entire life all within a few seconds. I only wish we would have known so he could have made Y/N less scared and upset during the labor. Thankfully Cumulus and Cirrus were amazing. Oh and Papa for holding my hand." (laughs nervously)
Copia: "You know I could not feel my fingers for 2 weeks after that, which was very unfortunate for a certain Sister of Sin...but I am glad everything worked out. Nimbus is adorable. Kinda makes me want one of my own." (Laughs nervously)
Y/N must have conceived around the same time she fell into depression over Aether leaving on tour.
Flashback to the scenes with Y/N in bed and not opening her birth control.
Y/N: "Looking back I should have known there was something weird going on, especially after I missed my pills. But I just never really thought it would happen. No one had ever told me that ghouls and humans could reproduce before. A very happy surprise." (smiled)
Aether: "Now that we know, we are extra careful if you catch my drift." (laughs)
Now baby Nimbus is 9 months old and doing well.
Aether is back for a short break from the Imperatour. Y/N and Aether are holding hands while the little one who has very light gray skin with slightly shorter tail and pointed tipped ears is playing with her tea set in the middle of the floor in the siblings common area. The baby is cooing and smiling as she plays with her toys.
Y/N: "I love them both so much and I'm so grateful to Lucifer for the blessings he has bestowed upon us."
Aeth: "I couldn't have asked for a better mother for my kits. We look forward to one day being able to give Nimbus a sibling. Hopefully while daddy isn't on tour." (laughs)
The ghoul and the sister are doing well now that they have settled back into domestic life. Aether will be heading out for the second half of the tour for the album cycle soon but he knows his love and his daughter are in good hands. So how could Y/N not have known she was pregnant.
Y/N: "I got my period, I didn't have much of a bump at all, and honestly I had no idea it was even really possible."
Copia: "Now we have it in the new sibling handbook that a pregnancy between a sibling and a ghoul is very possible. We will not be having anything like that happen again. I had to replace the entire mattress." (laughs nervously as he tries to fist bump the producer)
Aether: "I just love them so much and I wouldn't have had it any other way."
Episode ends on Aether and Y/N swinging baby Nimbus on the swing set In the churchyard as the other children of the Abbey play around them.
Phew the end! Lol
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