#i didnt mean to tell the whole story but it was one of the wildest moments of my life lol.
jesterguy · 6 months
Two Door Cinema Club is coming in February and I'm going if it costs me my life
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
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My Old man's tale about benetint (product) & review:
in summer 2008 i was 14 & my best friend's family took me to Vegas w them. she had only just moved to my school for 9th grade & i hadn't met her older sister til this trip. She was 21 & soooo insanely beautiful like if barbie was a hollister model she had the look so refined in every sense, i was dazzled by her.
& she was so sweet to us, my friends parents went & did their own thing so the whole trip we spent with her but she wasn't annoyed about it at all she seemed content to hang w us & protect us from vile men along the strip.
On this trip i went to sephora for the first time. hadn't heard of it before. it had huge windows so everything was glowing from sunlight & it was sooo overwhelming. my friend's sister liked this brand benefit so i picked out a little starter kit that came w bad gal mascara, high beam highlighter, booing concealer, and benetint.. Let me tell you for the next year i cherished this kit like it elevated me a new level towards Prestiged Adult Woman status. but the makeup was noticeably nicer quality for sure! from my memory at least.
the thing i remember most was benetint cus i wore it soooo much for the rest of the summer & beyond, i stretched that tiny bottle as far as it wld go cus i luved it sm.. but after it ran out i never tried to use it again idk just being a teen moving onto the next thing. But lately i jst rly wanted a goood lip tiiiint cus i dont wanna b wearing lipstick or gloss all the time its too much i just want chapstick but i like a little more color too.. usually i wld use lip liner but it always felt like it wld smudge off so quick n its kinda drying.
so i tried benetint again bcus i remember it being so easy to put on n then just forget about, it didnt get on ur clothes or teeth or nothin. after wearing for a couple weeks i can say this is still tru! i rly like it, very convenient, chapstick goes gr8 over top so my lips r never dry from it. its kind of expensive but it lasts a long time , for me i dnt have much makeup rn so felt nice to get st i actually use ^^ the taste & smell of it are mildly rosey, rly brings me back to those times..
being in vegas those 4 days w my friend n her sis are definitely a core memory for me it was totally surreal. i wish i had photos still but no clue where to find them, my friend's fb account got hacked years ago n had to get deleted, so many photos gone </3 we stayed at treasure island & across the street was this huge mall that was repeatedly playing an ipod commercial with the song Shut Up & Let Me Go by the ting-tings, like... ON REPEAT, ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT, so that song gives me the wildest flashbacls like i'm literally There. In the august heat. i can smell it like. its amazing thank you advertising :)
this is not an ad btw i mean obviously LOL i honestly just got thinking so hard about vegas '08 after purchasing The Product. oh yeah there was thunderstorms too... i went to hot topic at the mall which was wild for me since they didnt have one any where near my town.. i got some shorts from hollister i remember, also a rarity. friends sis got me my first ever drink, a peach daquiri...just one <3 it was such a nice break from my woeful home life lol i wanted to live in america so bad after this xD
thats my story...o and benetint is chill i mean i genuinely wanted to recommend it to ppl who want st simple it looks rly pretty cus until this i was struggling to find anything worthwhile. theres other shades too. Yup. Thanksyou for reading my LiveJournal Entry tonight minasan ^_^ Hope you're well x
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i’ve been aching to commentate spirit phone’s commentary for ages. glad i finally got around to it, this was an ejoyable experience. liveblog below the cut
-i'm like half certain i've heard this commentary before. maybe not the whole way through & it was probably actual years ago
-nice hearing stuff like this. in-depth personal view of the album-making process. makes it seem like more of a real thing i could do myself someday
-neil cicierega real person momence
-i could probably go real in depth about neil cicierega/tally hall parallels specifically concerning like. the arc of their musical careers. but i won't, here
-wild how i legitimately don't care much about micheal jackson
-didnt we get a bunch of spirit phone stems from the needlejuice release/his patreon? we could probably hear the funny track he speaks of here in that
-i love hearing musical artists, especially neil cicierega, talking about the meanings of their songs. like, not only has this song been claimed to hell & back by the tumblr gays, but with later ones i just can't see where he gets these ideas from. also, claiming there's any one meaning or plot to a song just seems silly to me
-shoutout to neil reusing a midi from like, 1998, that he made at 12 years old, whose entire melody was reused for the main verses of everybody loves raymond. loved finding that out on my own 2 years ago. now it's common trivia in this fandom. not bad times
-it'd be neat if neil did individual trans tracks here like he did with view monstel, those things are half of why i consider it my favorite album
-it's a lot easier to ignore the creator's intended meaning behind a song when he can't even remember it. thanks neil
-seesaw effect
-and there's my joke all but 1 of my followers wont get. moving on
-what kinds of movie theater lobbies has neil been to where there are arcade machines. i mean im not one to talk but that does sound rather strange
-why do songs' titles even need to be taken from the lyrics. ive never seen that as any sort of requisite. it's like titling any form of prose you can just give it whatever name ya like
-"this part sounds pretty cool right"
-is neil's vocal range only mildly better than mine? with training i could change that
-oh i haven't processed any of the last 25 seconds hold on
-god. a shit ton of vocal modification in this song. it's like neil returned to his roots but with quality this time
-i, as an ace/aro, have never related more to an allohet guy in my life. what is the point of eyes!
-professional humming/whistling takes skill. it's different from the recreational or casual stuff. i'd know
-there's a name for the way sound (especially music) gets distorted when moving past you and i can't remember it but it's probably what neil's referring to here in the way he recorded the intro
(- update: it's the doppler effect no need to tell me cas already did)
-as someone who hasnt seen the rugrats or take me there by blackstreet i'll just say it sounded like a bouncy music box melody. nice to hear a song that messes with the typical scales though. lydian & diatonic.
-that's a rather specific thing to be glad about, but given what he talked about in his last full audio commentary about the jew harp i suppose i'm not surprised
-i know that tmbg song now. listened to it & saw the music video too. yep they're different alright
-where the hell does neil get all these instrumence from anyway
-huh. hadnt heard this part of the commentary before making my oc concerning this song but i like to hear neil's approval concerning part of my interpretation
-i love how ive heard a billion different tellings of this mellified man story from lem dem fans talking about this song and neil's is by far the wildest
-good god that does only make it worse neil
-i love making liveblogs of lemon demon albums. with the fullerenes or tally hall i cant name a specific dude to take out my woes on generally but with lemon demon i can just say neil all the time. i like being on a casual first name basis with this dude ive never interacted with once ever
-is sweet bod the one other than cabinet man with a demo in the bonus tracks? i forget
-holy shit the boston molasses disaster someone call up soapy if it doesnt already know, it'd love this
-two thousand nine. god i miss the fiddle solo. the ver with it is truly the best one
-he pronounces it jeff? i've always read it as gef with a hard g. that's what i get for knowing words that are never spoken aloud
-that's a fun meta interpretation of this ghost story that's over a century old. i like that
-i've noticed neil generally does the same synths across a whole album. it's especially more clear in the earlier ones, and does mean i occasionally mix up songs between clown circus & live from the haunted candle shop
-ah! ancient aliens! my least favorite track on this album. i cant even claim to have the least interest in a popular one i've just generally not liked this one much from the beginning. so im curious to see what neil's got to say, i think ive been in ~new commentary zone for a while now
-anyway. newest update on the loolin not realizing a song's funky time signature front: i think this one's in 6/4. or at least switches a lot between time signatures. granted i dont listen to it very often for the reasons stated above
-see the way neil describes it. eldritch horror upon being visited by the unknown at a time when humanity'd hadn't even yet had a chance to imagine such a thing occurring. should be right up my alley. but the sound itself & many of the lyrics simply turn me away.
-must i specify i don't dislike it? spirit phone is neil's best album it not being my favorite doesn't mean i think it's bad yadda yadda nobody should be surprised by this it's not like anyone in these fandoms reads my liveblogs <3
-granted i think this is. the first bit of spirit phone content i've made on my blog ever. so who knows things can change <3
-the transitions in spirit phone are much less view-monster transition tracks & more extended outros. view-monster's were a bit more intro than outro sure but they also seemed directed upon making a 2-way rather than 1-way bridge between tracks. or something like that
-.............soft fuzzy man is an incredible nickname for a cat. i'd steal that if i werent afraid of introducing my relatives to lemon demon
-an underlying metaphor is good enough. the literal side of the lyrics are fun. nothing but agreement here neil my good man
-the transition into as your father i expressly forbid it from soft fuzzy man is the best one in this album
-buddy you ask if a musical idea has been used before odds are the answer is yes in this day & age the question is has it been used in the way you're using it. like sure this soul jazz record from the 60s that was sold out in kansas stores for a week used this bassline that youve found yourself copying. but seeing as youre using it in some angsty garage rock ballad type tune does anybody actually care
-doesn't everybody like to say things in an unhinged manner from time to time
-imagine having a guitar dad, i say, with my dad being a folk accordion/fiddle dad, which is infinitely worse in every way
-i think he was in an actual folk band at some point. idk the 90s were weird
-iron my life?
-m-more intimate? there are a lot of ways i'd describe this song but intimate isn't one of them. granted as your father is negatively intimate so from there i guess you've got nowhere to go but up
-...still glad to see his interpretation kinda supports my oc at least
-the way he says characters in songs shouldn't worry about death really strongly makes me think this is some sort of. thematic continuation of stuck from dinosaurchestra, even if there's no real death in there. interesting. would also mean that the dad from these past 2 songs is named carlos betty (no last name)
-i literally never assumed this was a flute solo. piccolo at best. it's pretty clearly a recorder
-my mom plays the recorder. i wonder if she can play recorder better than neil cicierega
-we can throw a party in honor of the crushing weight of responsibility! i simply won't be the one throwing it because i have enough on my plate already <3
-what the hell does "a sense of intent" mean
-i've never heard rush before however i disagree with neil's understanding of 6/4. 6/4 is meant to have emphasis (onbeat or another term i can't remember) on the 1st & 4th beat of every measure, which is greatly different from a measure of 4/4 then a measure of 2/4. it's why his 5/4 always sounds weird, because while it's recognizable in sequences of 10/4, it's more 2 measures of 4/4 with one of 2/4 tacked on the end. that's also how it's different from 3/4. i don't know much music theory but what i do understand i will fight to the death about
-"canonized" that's. a very interesting term to use when referring to a former president
-from now on i will interpret every love song directed at some unseen "you" to be inviting me to marry them for tax purposes. thanks neil for being an aromantic icon
-ah hell yes hell yes man-made object is my favorite goddam song on this album
-short & sweet & good damn vibes. neil's thoughts on it all are only making it better
-wild how he uses very few vocal effects for a song that he clearly is straining his vocal range for. go off neil
-the qualifier of man-made is a wonderful thing. oldest or biggest thing? oldest or biggest man-made thing? what a incredibly important specification. a world of possibilities lie between the two. oh i love it
-just gets me thinking yknow! what we consider weird/impressive in another species, in our own species- what kind of equivalent to that would there be from an outsider looking in? are there alien versions of the significances we place upon things, that we could never imagine? the limits of the human imagination mean we could never conceive of something else in the world that isn't, in some way great or small, just like us- and are we wrong for thinking that? such a juicy topic i wish there were a name for it because it's kinda hard to explain concisely
-spiral of ants. my second favorite song from this album, in fact. a good one to experience
-the vocals are just another instrument. they really truly are. i wasn't going into this commentary expecting to feel solidarity for neil cicierega in this chili's tonight on more than one occasion but here i am.
-like, his whole stance on interpreting songs is something i agree with almost entirely. you can take it at face value, you can dig to their very depths, you can listen to songs without caring what the lyrics mean whatsoever, and those are all fun. & yeah while any of these people can be annoying as one of the types who enjoys gliding on the surface more than anything i find those who dedicate themselves to figuring out the whole meaning of a song over anything else to be both slightly scary & slightly annoying <3 keep up the good work
-i want to make songs for my siblings the way neil makes songs for his sibling(s)
-neil really shouldn't be allowed to be this funny like this whole album youre thinking golly! he's just a normal man this neil cicierega! and then he starts listing the cat hacks jokes & you remember he's had ridiculously consistent viral success with all his humorous endeavors and holy shit it's neil cicierega in action talking about his music. god bless you neil
-you're welcome, no problem, my pleasure. good eveternoon, radio audience!
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Agent Rogers
As she exited her school, she was surprised to see a black car with Nick Fury standing infront of it. She ran over with a look of concern and horror on her face.
“What are you doing here?” She questioned. “Is myy mom okay? Did something happen?”
“Your mother is fine." Fury assured her. " I`m here about you.”
“About me? Am i in trouble?” She questioned.
He chuckled. 
“No, I wanted to give you this.” He then went into his coat pocket and took out a letter. He handed it to her.
"Don't they have postman for that?" She replied with a smirk. She took the letter and opened it. Her eyes tarting as she read it's content. She read it over again to make sure she wasn't mistaken.
 “I been accepted into the S.H.I.E.L.D training program!" She screeched with joy.
"Keep your voice down! You do know this is a secret organization." He reminded, his voice almost in a whisper.
 “oh my god this is so amazingl! This is the coolest thing to ever happen to me in my life!” She announced, her big smile not leaving her face. She looked at him as if she couldnt believe he was really here, she half expected it to be a dream and that she would wake up in math class.
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Nick Fury sighed and looked at her with an irraitated expression.
“I mean, thank you for this oppurtunity.” Amy spoke, in a more relaxed and mono toned voice. “I really appreiacte this chance to work with such great minds and skilled people. I wont let you down, i`m going to work harder than  any other agent you have ever had. I promise you when i`m done, you`ll have a new top agent.”
Fury nodded. 
     “I hope your right.” he answered. “Get in the car, i`ll take you to head quarters to get started.”
She smiled and nodded, then opened the door to the passenger seat of the car. 
“Can I hug you?” Amy asked, before getting into the car. “I feel like we should hug or something? This is a big moment.”
“I would perfer it if you didnt.” he answered getting into the drivers seat of the vehicle. 
They both entered the car and he began to drive.
“Your the youngest person to be accepted into the program.” He told her. “You excelled on every level of the entry tests: intelligence, science ,stragegy, fitness, history, combat, and even math. So you didnt get this spot based on who your parents are.”
She grinned, this whole situation was definently striking her already large ego. 
“With that said, the other agents arent going to go easy on you because your young.” Fury continued. “This is one of the hardest trainning programs in the country and its that way for a reason. The things that you will come across as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent are those that you couldnt even imagine in your wildest dreams. We deal with life and death situations everyday, we have to make choices that affect this whole nation.”
“I know, I grew up on mom and dads stories. They told me all about the missions they had and the adventures. I know the things they saw, the struggles they had and the scarfices they made.”
he chuckled and rolled his eye.
“You got a sugar coded version of those stories. neither one of them would be dumb or curel enough to tell you every detail. You think you know everything, but you`ll soon find out your sadly mistaken.”
“You dont sound like you have much confidence in me.”
“The council choose you, not me.” he asnwered. “My vote was for the ex FBI agent to get your spot. Honestly I think you are too young and too spoiled. You have no idea what your getting to! You have no background in having any type of job, let alone some kind of training in combat. Your used to everything coming easy and going your way."
Amy rolled her eyes.
"Your wrong." Amy informed him. "You don't know anything about me. You will see, your gana be proven wrong. Things dont just come easy to me, nothing does. I work hard to excel in school and sports. I never take anything I have for granted. I know that life doesn't just throw success upon you, you have to fight for it. That's what I have always done."
"Well your sure as hell your mother's daugther."
Amy smiled, proud to be told she was like her. They arrived at the headquarters. Amy and Fury walk into the lobby of the building.
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
Episode 14 (Finale) | “All of this and more, but only in Autumn's World” - Autumn
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So I figured out that Amir does have the idol and Jakey originally had it that round... damn I wish I looked a little more but I just didn't think Jakey had it. So that probably means that Autumn is going this round, and then I just need to find a way to win this next challenge over Amir. I know Kendall and I will vote together next round regardless, so worst case scenario next round for me is that I am in some kind of fire-making challenge, but I at least see there being a good chance that me and Kendall could be sitting in FTC together, and I'm just hoping at this point that it's Augusto sitting there with us. P.S. In the event that I make FTC... I really hope I'm not seen as a goat. Like, I don't think I am, but I'm not sure how much respect I'll get for my game. I'm hoping people see how savvy I had to be to continuously work my way back up after a couple blindsides and being pushed to the bottom, but you never know with this jury / cast. P.P.S. Please no pressure cooker next round. I'm not ready to have to beat Amir THAT way.
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So I'll count that as half of a success. I was at least able to help convince Amir to play the idol he told me about to flush that, and with Autumn safe, the next option was to do Adam. Knowing that if Autumn did have the merge idol, she probably wasn't playing it on Adam, this was the next best option. I need Kendall and Augusto around because those are the two I'd like to bring to FTC if I can make it there. It makes sense to take them to the end as our games are all very similar, so at least we aren't against a winner at the end. Part of me thinks that bringing Amir may not be the worst thing in the world given he has screwed over a decent bit of that jury, but also, I'd rather not take that risk.
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So now that that's done and I'm cute and immune, I can confirm it all. Yes I do have the merge idol, yes I've had it since Final 7 but planned not to play it until Final 5, and yes that makes me the most powerful person here. Deadass everyone wants my head on a stick and I don't give a single fuck. I'm chilling all weekend, letting them think they're doing something if/when I lose win immunity, and then I'm sending a man out on one vote Monday night. You think they hate me now? Wait til they find out they can't take a shot at me until Final 4 lmaaaaoo. Be blessed! 
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So Amir blames me for playing his idol... I think that's a win for me then, right?
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I'm so glad I was able to take this challenge win! I needed to win this to guarantee I wasn't some kind of contingency plan. But now, it's about how can I guarantee a winner goes home. I've already kind of told Autumn she was in trouble (literally 0 point in lying to her about it) and have explained to both Kendall and Augusto that we should find a way to split the votes / guarantee that Autumn and Amir have no shot of working with one another and sending home one of the two people I want with me at FTC. I feel so close, yet so far away from the title of Sole Tumblr Survivor. I want this win so badly. I can't describe how much I want this win. I didn't come back just to have fun; I didn't come back just for maybe an ounce of redemption from Guyana, I came to win this mother-effer. I have at least a 25% shot at the moment, but I want to increase that number. 
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Final 5... it's so insane honestly because I never expected this of myself but I've played my ASS off (literally, that's why I'm flatter than a table top) especially these past few rounds. I'm kinda shocked that the clear targets are Autumn/Amir/TJ just given I have been a force in the game (subtly ofc) so its def a gag... but yeah. TJ winning the immunity was WORST case scenario because I wanted to come for that man's neck SO bad but we'll just have to get him next time. Amir having the merge idol isn't a SHOCK but it was interesting to say the least like rip telling me that but both his idol plays are gonna be kinda useless which helps my case! I know that Autumn said me and Kendall have been up Amir's ass but first of all... i'm a bottom so I would never BUT also I feel I've held my own this entire game so it isn't my truth in the slightest but I'll just have to prove her, TJ, and the jurors wrong if I got to. I've gone from flop (16th in Bhutan, 17th in Great Lakes, 12th in Socotra) to the top (6th in Flops, 2nd in Seychelles) but I am trying to WIN and wear my deserved crown, it's time I won something yknow. 
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Amir and I when my plan worked and NEITHER of us walked into jury yet again https://twitter.com/abridrakegraham/status/1222552252357005313 The kids HURTIN yall and I will 100% respect their privacy at this time. Like they really thought!!! They really thought they finally killed me and were probably singing ding dong the witch is dead all day and now look at em. They done lost the boy they all wanted to go to the end with, got severely played by me, AND still gotta see my face everyday. Someone check on Jordan Pines I wanna make sure he's not still holding his breath waiting for my demise. And I've teamed up with his other least favorite person? HOES MAD. But it's not just him- Kendall ready to fight Amir in PM's, TJ in his feelings on call during tribal, Augusto couldn't even find the words he was that shocked. It's all so glorious and I truly fucking love wrecking everyone's games. Amir was like I've never felt these emotions before/ this is one of the wildest moves I've ever been apart of and tbh I agree with Amir. This was batshit crazy but you know what the gag is? This is literally just another day in the mind of Autumn Hill Jury mad, the mayos mad, Augusto mad, and I'm literally on top on the world right now. Like I love Augusto yes but that move was the definition of powerful. Like it's not just playing an idol correctly. It's the fact that Amir came to me begging that I forgive him and that we work together again, I then agreed and admitted to having the idol to A WHOLE ASS WINNER, convinced Amir to tell the kids he had the idol, got everyone to feel super comfortable around me all night and day cause I knew "I was going," snapped in the tribe chat at 2:00 because I "just wanted people to be honest about voting me," got the kids to essentially then tell on themselves since they listed all the reasons why they were voting me, and then idoled out their king using his once closest ally. Liiiikkkee?? STIFF WHERE?? DEAD WHERE??? Bitch I'm playing to win ok I hope yall enjoying this master class I've put on cause I'm hanging it up after this. Unless yall get serious about having a TS version of Winners at War, then call me. But otherwise, yes I'm going ham because I have every intention of walking into the 2 time winners chat. I WANT TO ASCEND!!! So PSA: if my funeral is public knowledge, that means I ain't dying hahaha. Apparently everyone has nicknames for me and that might actually be my favorite part. Jakey calling the game Autumn's World all merge to the boys and TJ only referring to me as the Godmother?? iconic! You know I'd hate me too if I wasn't me, which is why I'm flattered by it all. They know damn well they're almost out of time to get rid of me and they've spent the entire fucking game hoping and wishing and praying and still can't pull it off. And them not targeting me out the gate like Jordan wanted has gotten soooo many people killed. But most importantly I have successfully played an idol now TWICE at Final 5.. And I sure did win back to back immunities at Final 4 and Final 3 in Crossroads so finding out this season has a final 2? Perfect let me dust off the blueprint real quick
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okay im going to work my ass of to win this but autumn and tj have both claimed they can do this really well, so like basically, tj cannot win immunity, i need to win or i may be absolutely screwed https://66.media.tumblr.com/583667e85060a36a2cccb8551baa27d5/tumblr_inline_oh5slaYgdO1tr4u58_500.jpg but as of rn, i was going no matter what if i didnt win immunity, i tried to make a story to autumn and we called for like 3 hours and i did my damnest to sell that tj is the problem with everything that happened last round and that i was down to vote augusto for real until tj really sold the plan out to augusto and i didnt want to go to rocks, but i played the idol out of fear that augusto-kendall-tj would 3-2-1 me so she believed there is a true rift in the beauties right now and has more of a reason to hate tj she is so fucking smart so she may have sussed it out and went along with it, but im hoping it worked??? idek but she said if she wins immunity she'll idol me she did admit she has the idol to me but maybe because she knew i already knew
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I just... do I even have words anymore? Like, time and time again, I'm getting screwed over and I just... it's a good underdog story now. I just have to win this next challenge. I guess regardless I had to win this next challenge, but also, I was really hoping to not have to have as much concern as I do right now.
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What was that?? oh cause I thought the yts who can't successfully kill me had said something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wux4HnZRY0 Another day, another body bag. THEY WERE SO SURE THEY HAD ME AHHHH I really have to laugh. Kendall was certain this was my funeral and I'm like nah baby it's yours. I'm still screaming that TJ would keep immunity for himself and let Kendall go to firemaking where she would 100% lose that's wild. Only for me to find out after that sis really was THE RAT??? Y'all set her up lmaaaooo. Now I really don't feel bad cause she ran from her karma long enough and if Amir had told me that shit before firemaking I really would've smoked her in the comp. Kendall had no business snitching to Jordan about an airtight unanimous vote and blowing up all her allies' games just to do right by an egom aniac. Then Jordan still died and she falls in love with his bestie boo TJ (he's playing you sis!!) who sensed she could die this round but didn't give a single fuck?? Absolute mess. She really got Devon, TJ, Amir, and Augusto to lie about it the whole game and they agreed because they knew if I ever find out the truth, I'd kill her on sight. Bitch I killed her anyway!!! So was it even worth it? Cause she still walked into jury but she got a better placement and a noble death, which miss Devon and Augusto cannot say. Too busy being lying https://media3.giphy.com/media/6DMfLQEhixGdW/source.gif I feel so affirmed though- every person who has come for me is either sitting in jury or is about to walk in. That's power- that's RANGE! Also I just wanna say to Devon while I'm here:  you really gave me all that grief for considering you could be the rat when you, Amir, and Augusto were in on it and protecting Kendall the whole time??? Fuck outta here. Like whose fault is it really that you died Devon? I wanna know. You mad at me and Amir when you need to be mad at yourself for picking the wrong girl, which is on brand for straight white men but y'all not ready to have that conversation. Anyway! Kendall trying to undermine me the ENTIRE merge and using all these men to do it only to still get killed by me in the end?? Fucking love that shit. All of this and more, but only in Autumn's World
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Me before the challenge https://peopletalk.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/tumblr_n49eidw5Zk1rsrbdko1_500.gif 
Me after I went beast mode and embarrassed the men https://twitter.com/intoragnarok/status/1233477557565173762
I'm screaming at Amir asking me after if kept him strategically or out of loyalty and I'm like sis what do you think. I was not about to let the white knights get their way and give TJ the win all because he's a good car salesman. Like y'all should've seen that 1 hr plus discussion of TJ and Amir going back and forth on camera about who I have a better chance of beating and I'm just sitting there IMMUNE taking notes, knowing neither of them wanted this. The power that that has, the intelligence that that has, the clearance that that has, the access that that has. Amir and TJ planning to kill me and then being thwarted once again is arguably my two favorite storylines. TJ wanted to do this the ENTIRE MERGE and I never let him succeed. And Amir wanted to be the one to say he killed me cause he's Mr. Smith when I'm Mrs. Smith and my ass spared him and helped him several times. Now look at em, getting third and second. I made a joke at Final 5 that Amir and I are the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith and it's so true. I adore him as a person and I know he loves me too but we're not above killing each other. Hell we genuinely want to kill each other but time and time again we chose to kill everyone else instead lmao. 
So please enjoy this visual walkthrough of our wild ass partnership
(when we met at merge) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3f/48/5e/3f485e53a56fb43c62c22c0790e8afd7.gif 
 (when we voted together at Final 11 and Final 10) https://media1.giphy.com/media/l3Ucho9gtq4b7SLok/source.gif 
 (when I caught Amir in a lie and killed Devon as retaliation but still wanted to work with Amir) https://media0.giphy.com/media/l3UcotueAJQAW0zjW/source.gif 
(when Amir killed Ali and Adam to piss me off) https://66.media.tumblr.com/eebc1dc0a509a652ea543aba82bcb1c5/tumblr_ojjk22iVXM1uhcmrao1_250.gifv 
(when Amir tried to get back in my good graces at Final 5) https://66.media.tumblr.com/3b157a36601820370897ace6673af493/tumblr_n17egq7Hdq1r7fawxo4_r3_250.gifv 
(when I agreed to the winners pact and got him to kill Augusto and Kendall with me) https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DefiniteVapidDogwoodtwigborer-size_restricted.gif 
 (when he kept trying me at Final 4 and Final 3/ saying he'd kill me) https://i.gifer.com/3lie.gif 
(when I snapped and took Amir to Final 2, like I said I would, and we both knew he'd lose beside me) https://66.media.tumblr.com/d1f3506fc873a7d2393d705a7f58065d/tumblr_mgooqovRHw1qkdoj2o1_500.gif
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mood after everything that's happened and me making FTC again- we out here. Coming out of retirement has been good to me https://twitter.com/emrific/status/1235072497055227907
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(final 4) oh dear me this one is a tuffyyyy wuffyyy.... okay okay. so its f4, tj thinks im voting with him and kendall to vote autumn. Autumn thinks im voting with her against kendall to make it firemaking. basically, i was originally gonna vote autumn, and i told autumn and she was like fk no so i told her im convinced but i am STILL UNSURE So if I vote kendall: autumn has to win fire making which like statistically i do not see kendall beating autumn, but then tj takes me to final 2 over autumn, and autumn will take me to final 2 over tj, she also threatened to make jury hate me if I cut her now which doesn’t really scare me tbh if I’m next to kendall anyway, but regardless of that threat, me going with tj and autumn gives me a 66% chance of winning this game. If me or Tj win final immunity, I think I win this game. If Autumn wins, then uhhhhggg she will probs take me but like we will thee i just hope she doesnt win final immunity If I vote autumn: me or kendall have to win final immunity, because if tj wins, then I’m getting third place, and kendall would probably take tj as well, so like, yeah i would beat them both at the end but i would be putting myself in a position where i have to win immunity but idk . i think voting kendall is better as i type dis
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final 3 oh my gooooodddd, the fact that i am here is so surreal 2 me, and idk idk this immunity is gonna be the deciding factor of my game and im so nervous but also happy and proud of myself however this game turns out. hoyoyoyooyoy
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SO MISSS AUTUMN JUST UHHHHHHHH wooped me arse in immunity and me and Tj had to PLEAD for ourlives but she ended up TAKING MEEEEEEEEE so partyyy Honslee tho, while this is gonna make winning 90x times harder, I am pretty happy to be sitting next to Autumn cuz our end game mr. and mrs. smith alliance is highkey iconic af ewnfewkjfnewkjnf like we killed each others allies and somehow have been aligned since early merge and I lied to her and somehow we always came back and protected each other and if i don't win im happy she will <3 but with that said, i gotta take her DOOOWNNN
0 notes
jassieajoc · 7 years
I can still remember the very first time I had an anxiety attack. It was a morning on the way to school, I was with my kuya and our driver. I was still in 3rd Grade that time and I can still remember the sudden anxious feeling, It was like the whole world was swallowing me alive. I can still remember myself being so confused. I didn’t know what was happening to me, I was doing okay and the next time I knew I was being paranoid. I felt shitty that day. That day something grew in me. Something foolish and dark. And I didnt know that that something would be the start of my fucking life.
The first time I hurt myself was when I reached High School. Freshman year. Still so clueless of the world ahead of me. Still so innocent of the things I havent tried yet. So eager to try. So naive to care. I was having so fun but deep inside I was lost. I was scared. I was too ignorant that I forgot to think that there would always be a consequence. You see, thats the downside of having fun. The downside of being so happy. There would always be a fucking consequence. I got so insecure. I got so selfish. I thought my family didnt love me anymore. I thought I was going so bad that I became mad and then I got rebellious. I started cutting myself. I tried drinking alcohol. It was the start of losing myself. Sophomore Year came. I was doing okay. I wasnt as bad as I was. But I was as lost as before. The sad nights were still there. I got called names. Bitch. Slut. I got called names for being too friendly. For trying to distract myself from my evil self. Now im back again on hurting myself. This time, I would stay up all night thinking foolish thoughts. I would cut myself again but this time I cut my legs so that its easy to hide. I did foolish things in school again. But it was the kind of fun that makes you forget you are sad. I was doing okay after that but im still lost as ever.
The first time I had a suicidal thought was when I was still 11 yrs. old. Following the first time I started hurting myself. I had it all planned. I would hang myself and leave my suicide note below me. I already even wrote the fucking note when my mom went inside my room and saw it. And it was the first time I saw my mom, broken. I broke my mom. After it happened, people knew about it. I was more ashamed when they told me I was being stupid. They thought I was just fooling around that time. That I did it to have the things that I want. They told me I was just being spoiled. That Im too young to take things seriously. Too young to feel sad. Thats when I started being careful. Every time I feel lonely and sad, I would keep it all to myself. Scared that people might tell me im stupid again. I dont wanna broke my mom again. I dont wanna be a burden just because im thinking I really am a burden.
It was Junior Year when I got called names again. This time it was more hurtful. Sometimes they would tell it to my face. Sometimes just by the look from their faces I would already know —“what a bitch”. Maybe I was really a bitch. Maybe they were right. Maybe they’re not ones who were insecure, maybe I was. I started blaming myself. “Stop fooling yourself” “You’re not good enough” “You dont have the right to feel bad. You’re the one who’s doing it to yourself”. Then that was the time i realized, I have the shittiest self-esteem ever. Ive tried a lot of things this year. Lots of firsts. Crazy, fun, dangerous, and shitty things. I also started making myself look good. Feel good. But in the midst of all that, Im still losing myself. I was lost than before. I wanted everyone to love me. I wanted them to notice me. What the hell am I doing? “This wasn’t me”, I tell to myself. No matter how hard I try to be better, self-hate always wins. I was still hurting myself during these moments but this time it was quite different ‘cause a friend knows and im glad that despite all this negative things, someone cares. Up until this very moment Im still thankful for that friend. You know who you are, and God knows how grateful I am to have a friend like you. I couldn’t remember some serious (negative) things during Senior Year. It was a smooth sail. But not the smoothest ‘cause i still had fights with my ex boyfriend. I got so worried about my grades. I was stressed doing schoolworks. But to add it all up it was a great year. So great that I thought I was doing okay. I thought I had overcome that feeling. But little did I know, it was just hiding at the back of my mind.  
The first time I tried killing myself was when I reached College. Funny how the older I get, the more serious it became. See when I said I thought I was doing okay? Wrong. Little bitch was just resting. Waiting to attack me. It was gone for a year but the moment it came back, it was stronger. It was all over me. Now that Ive been carrying this bitch for almost 6 years now I think its time for me to give it a name. Lets call it, Dim. Why Dim? Well you see, the word dim means having a limited or insufficient amount of light, seen indistinctly, perceived by the senses or mind indistinctly or weakly. And dim is the perfect word to describe what im feeling all these years. The feeling of darkness. Dim wasn’t really that strong at first. He was quiet. He was as if trying to be friends with me. It was my first year of college so I was busy doing homeworks. Trying to figure out how college life works. First sem done and I thought I became friends with Dim already. Until he betrayed me. My boyfriend that time and I broke up. My whole world was shuttered. I was so down and Dim was the only one who was always there with me, so I let him take over my life. That was the time when I started avoiding people. I refused to go out, I stopped going to my classes. I was so scared. 2nd sem was a blur. A complete blur. Summer came and it was… okay. I guess. It was the start of fucking up my life. Walwal dito, walwal doon. Landi doon, landi dito. I was sooo lost that I forgot to have some respect for myself. All I can say is, that was the wildest summer that I had. I bet ya’ll waiting for the part where I tried to kill myself. Then here you go. January 2017, I had the worst anxiety attack ever. It was so bad I thought I was going insane. I called the suicide hotline but guess what they told me? THEY TOLD ME TO GO TO THE NEAREST HOSPITAL. Great. There I was crying hysterically on my bed. Alone. There I was wanting to end my fucking life and ya’ll gonna tell me to go to the nearest hospital? Crazy. So yeah, I had the pills on my hand when I thought “Am I really gonna end my life just because Im scared? Just because I didnt know what was happening to me?” Then I called 911. They asked me whats the problem and I only told them one word, “suicide”. They asked me who and that was the moment I broke down, I told them, “ako po”. I can hear them panicking and then there was silence on the other line. Then an another woman talked to me. I told her everything I felt that day and she told me nice things to make me feel better. We had a good talk and I was crying the whole time. She somehow convinced me that suicide is not always the answer. I owe her my life. Fast forward to March 2017, I got sick. I got bacterial infection —not STD,  from someone whom I loved so much. For the second time, my mom cried in front of me. For the second time, I saw my mom broken. I broke my mom, again. I became lost more than ever. I was so ashamed of myself. I was so angry. Why do I always fuck up? Ganyan na ba talaga ako ka bobo?
The second time I tried killing myself was 2 months later, I started falling for this guy. Who lied to me. I was a mistress the whole time, and I didnt know. My mom eventually knew about it because the wife was a pyscho —Sorry not sorry. I disappointed my parents. AGAIN. Only in a span of 2 months I was a disappointment, again. You see, Dim was winning this time. He was already bigger than me. He was all over my room. He was all over the building. He was all over me. That was when I took the pills. I can only remember myself falling asleep and the next thing I know I was at the hospital. After 7 years of dealing with that bitch Dim, I was finally diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. After 7 years of trying to hide the pain, my parents finally knew about it. After 7 years, my friends finally realized that I wasn’t fooling around. I wasn’t being overdramatic. There were pros and cons to this situation. Pros, they finally knew about my depression so they were overly understanding. I felt free. It felt like nothing is holding me back anymore. It felt like I finally won over Dim. I felt stronger than Dim. Cons, they finally knew about my depression so they were overly protective and hella paranoid, thinking I might blew up in any moment. Even though I felt free and stronger than Dim, I can still feel his presence. I still feel weak. Ive been seeing my doctor every 2 weeks now. Im taking meds. People are helping me. Months have passed and I thought I was really okay now. I thought I had it under control until 3 months later, I can feel him all over me again. It seems like the pills are not working anymore. I started keeping secrets from my doctor. I started telling lies to my family and friends just so they wont worry about me anymore. Im even back on hurting myself. I cut my wrists and legs. I tried overdosing myself again. Twice this time.   It gets worse everyday. Its seems like Dim knows my weak spots now, he knows where and when to hurt me. I keep blaming myself even on the smallest things. Sometimes I think, what if Im going insane? What if Im never going to be okay? I dont even know anymore.
I didnt write any of these so that you’ll pity me. I didnt write any of these to make ‘papansin’. I didnt write any of these so that you’ll know my story. I wrote this so that all of you people who are reading this can understand. I want you guys to understand that depression is never a joke. Depression isn’t easy, it never was. I want you to understand that even the smallest things can hurt a person a thousand more. I want you to understand that depression isn’t just a bad day. It is a never ending battle between you and your mind. Depression isn’t just being tired because you had a shitty day. It is a different feeling piling up until one day you cant deal with it anymore, you’ll blow up. Depression isn’t just being lazy. It is the thoughts and the paranoia that makes you feel so tired you can’t get out off your bed. It is the heavy feeling that sinks you deeper, makes you not wanting to wake up, hoping you can sleep the sadness away. If you know someone dealing with depression, help them. Support them. Sometimes, presence helps. Just being there for them helps. Even a simple hug can make them feel a little better. Listen. Dont say anything. Just listen to them and hug them.
This is for the ones who fought and never survived, Im sorry. Im really, really sorry. Wherever your souls are right now, I hope you now have the happiness you pretend to have. The happiness you truly deserve. For the ones who are still struggling from their demons, I am here. We are here. Its okay to cry, its okay to lose your shit but sweetie, just remember to never ever let your Dim beat you. You are stronger than him.
A small act can change a person’s life. Right this moment, somewhere, someone needs your help. Ask. Because sometimes, you can either save a person’s life or be a minute late.
And right now, you’re too late.
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sakura-stories · 7 years
The Perfect Day
Well, this is my first post in this blog and I don't really know how this all works. (Guess, I will be taking baby steps for now.) This was one of the first fanfic I wrote. Forgive me, for my writing skills are bad (like, really bad. Pathetic, actually). But this was a really good story I came up with and my friend really liked it. So I thought i will share this as my first post. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : I do not own bleach. I saw my future in those eyes. As I fell deep under his spell, I became more and more oblivious to the world around me. It was as though I was never alive till then. Everything seem to fall in place. "You can say I love you now, you know."He told her as she accepted his proposal to marry him. Her face looked shocked even though she managed a nod, accepting the life he offered. Together. "I love you, Kuchiki Rukia". She blushed deeply at his words. "You could have figured that out earlier, genius" she smiled. This was the best thing that could have happened to her. She was sent as a messenger to the noble houses, delivering some important documents. She had just handed the printed paper to the noble head when the orange headed strawberry changed her world. More like shocked her to oblivion. The ring was a big suprise. She never thought he would ask her to marry him at the most unromantic moment of her life. Sure she had very few of that in her life. She was a shinigami. Their life was a constantly in battle. But even she had dreams on how she would get proposed. But in front of all the noble clan members, just as soon as they declared that the Kurosaki's were no nobels as they did not want to take the Shiba name, was not in her wildest dreams. Thank goodness Nii sama was not there. Ichigo had luck on his side. "Ahem..." someone coughed, embarrassed. The magic of the moment broke. They looked away from each other, going from pink to beet red. "I presume we are done here. You are all welcome to leave." One of the noble head said. He was clearly trying not to look at them as they left for their quaters, clearly in a hurry. "Let's go." Ishin said, in a very polite manner. All the Kurosakis (with the new addition ) opened the door which was their only escape. -----------*****************------------ "You guys should have seen their faces" Yuzu piped up. "Finally they did it. Thank god for that ! " Matsumoto laughed. "Let's celebrate with sake! " she exclaimed. Matsumoto will always be Matsumoto. She would take anything as an excuse to drink. A lot. Rukia blushed as all five pair of eyes glued onto her and her going-to-be-better-half. Her fiancé was busy keeping her father-in-law- to- be in a deadlock, for comenting about future grand children. Yuzu had called up a party the following night to celebrate their engagement and was busy with the preparations. But no one should have underestimated Kurosaki Isshin. He was capable of spreading gossip faster than Youroichi sama's flashstep. The guests tuned up pretty quick. Matsumoto, Rengi, Ukitake Taicho and Hanataru ( though she had a feeling he was there for someone else. Her future sister in law was the destination of his eyes. Coming here for them was just an excuse. ) were all gathered in their living room. " Congratulations Rukia chan". her taicho said "I hope you are happy, Rukia." Reji said " and I will bankai your ass if ya ever hurt Rukia" he shouted to her fiancé, who gave up on his father and joined her side. "Yeah,yeah. I would bankai your ass if you fall dead with all that sake." Ichigo replied. Matsumoto was filling everyone with sake. Even Ishin was drinking more than usual. Rukia blushed more than she thought was possible as Yuzu beamed at them while she passed the food around. The Kurosakis were in a celebrating mood today. "Yuzu, we have to come up with baby names. Lots of 'em." The drunk Kurosaki taicho told his daughter. To her amazement, all of her guests were too into this little task with more enthusiasm than necessary. "Hey Rukia, come with me." Ichigo wispered to her as they moved out to the garden. -------------**********************-------------- He was awestruck by her beauty. But what amazed him more was that she was his now. For the rest of eternity. " I think they are just too happy for us." Rukia said as she gazed at the moonlight. His mind was dragged back to reality ( and eyes from her face) at those words. He could live the eternity just looking at her. He would do anything for her. Would be anything for her. "My family emmits craziness. I think you should have been more careful when you said yes to me." Ichigo smiled at her playfully. "I think I got the rotten apple of the lot. My faith!! " she was being very melodramatic. God! I was happy that she was miles away from those soaps she used to watch, he thought. But they were a greater evil. More dangerous than Aizen himself. "Oh yeah! Then why did you say yes?"he retorted. "I was in shock. You took advantage of my situation. "She replied in mock horror. "Uh. I must have brain damage to love you."his reply earned him a rock on his head. "Hey! What the hell was that--" his words forgotten in her kiss. "I love you, idiot" Rukia said, softly. He was an idiot for not asking her out for all these years. But he was now ready to grab the moment and make the most of it. He closed the distance between them. His lips found hers as his hand moved onto her body, exploring it. Rukia's small kiss was all the acceptance he needed. He now had her as his own. "Well, when are you planning on telling Nii sama about this?" Rukia enquired, her face a bit worried. Damn it. I had totally forgotten about that. "Maybe we should go now,before he...." "Karin! What --???" Yuzu's hiped voice caught both of their attention. He followed Rukia's eyes back to the room. He just couldnt believe his eyes and ears as heard the rest. --------------*********************-------------- All the Kurosakis were in the most joyful moment of their life. He was happy with the news of thier engagement that Ukitake just couldnt resist the temptation to congratulate them first. He was enjoying the evening tea Yuzu offered him(though the others were having sake), with the hunt for perfect baby names. The two lovebirds were off in the garden with their private moments. Ukitake was glad it all ended well for both of them. They deserved to be happy after all that they had to endure. He was himself thinking of a few baby names as the door slid open. Noone noticed the absence of the other Kurosaki twin until she entered with Shiro chan. The white haired taicho was certainly uncomfortable. His expression was rather tense. But what caught Ukitake's eyes were the pink tint on the young taicho's cheeks. Was he blushing? Ukitake wondered. "Hello Karin Chan" Ukitake greeted her. Others looked up from their little game. "Where were you Karin?"Yuzu asked. The couple, who were hand in hand when they walked in, readjusted themselves. "Good evening Toshiro chan. You must have heard about Ichinii and Rukia nee". "Yes. Congratulations." He said. He was clearly very uncomfortable now. "Taicho! Glad to see you came." Matsumoto said. She was one of a kind. That woman had more tolerance to sake than any of her other drinking friends. ( who had all passed out on the floor. ) Ishin, however, remained conscious and sane. "Hey Toshiro. Thanks for coming. Why dont you go and congratulate your going-to-be-in-law!" He smiled devilishly towards the young taicho who was more red than a tomato. "Hey, Ukitake. Sorry we are late. " Kyouraku said as he entered the room followed by Nanao Chan. "Congratulations Kurosaki Taicho. You are just one lucky man. Son got engaged and daughter got married. All in one day." He said to Ishin. "What do you mean Kyoraku.?" Ukitake asked his friend, completely confused by his statement. What was he implying? "Oh! Didnt Karin chan tell you that she and Hitsugaya Taicho just got married a few minutes back? They kept us up till now doing the paper work for all that." He smiled at the young couple as he helped himself to the sake. The look Karin and Shiro Chan gave him was a good 'I will kill you for this', which he ignored in the presence of sake. Well, it was a well earned glare as Ichigo, the most destructive person in all of soul society and her brother, was in the house. The reactions of different people present in that room to this news varied from "wow! My girl is all grown up" by Isshin to "my taicho is finally a man "by Matsumoto. "Karin?? What--" a voice broke the glaring-ignoring contest. The other twin responded with a shocked expression. Her voice was loud enough to get the attention of her brother and sister in law. They entered the room, with a slight blush on their faces. Well.. today seems like a very good day as a lot of people were blushing. "What the hell happened Yuzu?" Ichigo asked. His eyes narrowing at the black and white haired couple. "Oh Ichigo! Our little girl got married!!!! Karin and Toshiro just came in after that.!!"Ishin babbled on happily. Ichigo looked at his father and the groom, as if trying to decide whom he should go after first. Murder was written all over his face. "I am so glad Karin. But you could have gave us some sort of a warning." Rukia and Yuzu congratulated her. Ichigo was looking at his family, a mixture of cluelessness and 'what the hell is happening?' on his face. The 4th seat of 11th squad knew where danger lies. So her eyes never strayed from her brother's face. She looked calm, as though she knew this would happen. Shiro Chan looked very nervous. Even he cared for his life, to not be dead on his wedding night. Ukitake watched all this in silence, as he wondered what would happen now. But what happened was a whole different story. ------------------****************---------------- "What happened?" He asked, as she rushed to his office. She usually stayed with him in his office most of the time. 10th squad office was her second home. "Come with me, Toshiro. " she dragged him away, a smile plastered onto her face. He had started dating her for a little over a year. But he knew her since she was a human. He knew very well that her smile was not to be trusted. He mentally kicked himself as he understood that it was his suvival instinct that told him it was dangerous. He never realised till then that she was trying to get him killed by her brother, as she explained her plans to Kyoraku Taicho. "So, can we complete the whole marriage formalities in a few hours?" She asked the new soutaicho. "Well, yes. But why are you two in such a hurry? You are both very young now. Dont you want to enjoy some time in a relationship? " the soutaicho asked her. What the hell was she thinking? Why now? All of a sudden. From where did she get this idea! "I would like to get this done. The biggest issue of our nobility is now out of the way. So I dont see why we should wait." She shruggd off his question. He had to do something. She was trying to get him killed along with destroying the whole of seritei. He got hold of her arm and excused them outside the 1st division office. "What is it Toshiro? " she asked, annoyance clear in her voice. "What are you doing Karin? I haven't still asked your brother or your father for your hand. Ichigo would kill me if I just went to him, married to you." He tried to reason with her. "He would try to kill you either way. So lets just do this. If I remember, it was you who wanted to marry me before we took our relationship 'seriously'. "She silenced him." And we dont have to tell them about this now. It will be our little secret. " He was dumbfounded by the fact that she was saying this in the soutaicho's room, though they were out of their earshot. He couldnt believe she was actually making him do this. But what silenced him was the truth in her words. Yes, Kurosaki Ichigo will not listen to half of what he said before trying to kill him. Even if it was before or after the marriage. It didnt matter. And he did insist on marrying her before they did something he would regret, no matter how irresistible it was getting. Karin was more stubborn than he thought. The Kurosakis were indeed very stubborn. Karin dragged him back to the office as he just looked at her, stupified. The rest of the events were still blury to him as his mind failed to understand that he was married to Karin, the only girl he ever loved with all his heart. "Now that all the paperwork is done, you are both officially married to each other. Congratulations! ! You may kiss the bride." Kyouraku Taicho said with a smile. The newly wed couple blushed at these words, as they rushed out of the office doors. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Ichi nii is now engaged to Rukia nee." Karin said. Hitsugaya almost froze into place. "You mean we got married on the same day your brother's engagement? " "Yeah. Oh dont worry so much dear, I am sure they will be pretty happy with us." Karin said with fake innocence and a teasing smile. "I am happy that we are not going to tell them about this now" he said, completely defeated. "Oh, I forgot to give this to Yuzu." Karin said, holding a packet. "She asked me to go shopping for dinner. They are planning on celebrating. " Thus they went to the Kurosaki house, without a hint of what was going to happen. -------------****************------------------ Thay never thought that all hell would be let loose when they got to her home. Sure Kyoraku Taicho wasn't informed about their plan to keep things quiet. But that didn't mean he should have announced the news in front of everyone. Her eyes were plastered on her brother as though he was a bomb, about to explode. No, he was not a bomb. He was much more destructive that that. She could feel her usually calm husband, very tensed. Her sister and sister in law were congratulating them. But her eyes and ears were scanning her brother who looked visibly shocked. For someone else, it would look like he was confused about what to do. But Karin knew her brother well to know that he was trying to decide how he would kill Toshiro. "You! How dare you?!!" Ichigo shouted at Toshiro, glaring at him. It seemed as though Ichi nii was to try to kill Toshiro with just his stares. "I love her, Ichigo. We want to be with each other."Toshiro explained in his calm voice. "OF ALL THE NERVE!!!! BANKAI !!!" ichigo said as he rushed to Toshiro with his sword. "Ichi nii" Karin blocked his attack with her sword. The occupants of the room were too dumbfounded to react. Rukia was the first to recover. "Ichigo! What are you doing???" She kept a tight grip on his arm. -----------****** --------- How dare he even thought he could look at her??!!!! Ichigo's head was going from 'what the hell' to 'I am going to kill you slowly and painfully' as he saw them standing in front of him. "You! How dare you??!!" He hissed at the white haired menace in front of him. "I love her, Ichigo. We want to be with each other."Toshiro's calm voice did nothing but infuriate him. He was outraged to a point where he would kill this man, the source of all trouble. The reply made by the calm taicho made him snap. "OF ALL THE NERVE!!!! BANKAI !!!" He screamed as he lunged forward with his sword. His attack was blocked. He looked up to see Toshiro with his sword. He was shocked beyond words to see it was Karin who stopped his attack. He just stared at her. She was stubborn. Her eyes said that he would have to go through her to get to Toshiro. "Ichigo! What are you doing??" Rukia called to him. Her grip on his arm was firm. He knew she was trying to make sure noone got injured. But he just couldnt give a dammn to anything other than ripping the white haired nuisance in front of him, in two. "Move back Rukia. I will finish it now. "He deflected Karin's sword which made them step back. They were in the courtyard now, Ichigo pointing his sword menacingly at Hitsugaya. He lunged forward to deliver his blow. He stopped mid flight. He realised that there were a lot of cherry blossom petals surrounding him though it was too cold for it to bloom. "Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." A mild voice said. Ichigo was now paler than ever. He knew what he had to do. What was the ONLY thing he had to do. He flash stepped away with such speed that would give Youroichi a run for her money. The cherry blossoms followed him followed by a dark haired man. No one knew what happenened. But everyone was happy that the house wasn't turned to rubble. And for Ichigo, all they heard from him that day was a scream to Toshiro "I WILL GET YOU AFTER THIS !!"
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For the dating thing: Josh Washington or Akmunrah (is that how you spell his name?)
i love josh but 100% ahkmenrah, he is the reason i fell in love with rami. So i have been obsessed with ancient Egypt for as long as i can remember and its actually what im hoping to specialize in at school but for now it’s archaeology then hopeful graduate egyptology program anyways lol sorry little bit about me but anyways its just something that i have a deep love for as i know many people do. But sweet jesus, when i first watched night at the museum i wish it would have been now so i could fully appreciate the fuck outta ahkmenrah and rami like god damn. Like i would social media that shit to launch ahkmenrah into a bigger part in the third movie (because we all know he fucking deserves it) and then there would be so much more fanfiction about ahkmenrah like who the fuck wouldn’t want to get fucked by a hot god like beautiful Egyptian Pharoah, honestly that sounds kinky and hot af. Like i remember when i was little like maybe 4 or 5 wait actually lemme do the calculations… nevermind 8 or 9 and my school did a movie day and when the scene where ahkmenrah first came in and started off as a mummy then unwrapping his dirty linen all i could think to my tiny child brain “oh god only knows what decay and horrors lie under those wraps. And then he revealed his face and i swear to god everyone’s developing, hormonal, tiny ovaries fucking exploded. It was like a fucking tsunami of screams flooded the gym from both the beauty of ahkmenrah (rami) and the burning pain and getting ovaries exploded at such a young age. But anyways that was that didn’t think too much of it because i was more fascinated in the culture and artifacts in the movie or should i just say in the simple way, they mentioned EGypt and if anyone mentions Egypt, my head would do a fucking 360 spin slamming myself into the wall and giving me whiplash but i never really rewatched the movie again. BUT HOLY JESUS, fast forward some time later and noting is on tv but night at the museum and the second one was on and i had always kind of ignorged night at the museum and i shit you not it was because i read a fucking tumblr post with a really witty punchline about how ben stiller made shitty movies so i was a little suspicious but watched it anyway and man i was actually laughing really hard at some scenes like there is some good lovin comedy, AND HEY TUMBLR WHAT THE FUCK you told me Ben stiller made shitty movies and it made me ignore night at the museums igsistence. and hey, “dodgeball” is a classic like if you can dog a wrench you can dodge a ball, good quality shit. I couldve hopped on this rami-wagon in my prime younger years, when i was actually super into writing. I mean i love creating imagines but im so tired and pissed off all the time now because of reality and sometimes forget to put the word “the”. Anyways watched the second movie, first movie was on again later so i was like i needa watch this bitch. But then i made pasta half way through and forgot to pause it so i kind of missed Ahk’s big reveal and then i remeber just seeing him and Nick pop out of his tomb room and Larry talking to the big Jackals. AND I DIDNT THINK ANYTHING OF IT ONCE AGAIN WHICH IS STUPID BECAUSE I THINK A FEW MONTHS LATER I START GETTING REALLY BACK INTO ANCIENT EGYPT AND I START REMEMBERING HIM AS A PHAROAH. AND LIKE WHEN HE TOOK OFF HIS WRAPS FROM THE WHOLE FIRST TIME I SAW IT AT SCHOOL. and then i remmeber seeing this one post about rami and ahkmenrah where someone was like “ why is a white guy playing a egyptian pharoah” and then someone comments “are you kidding me? thats rami malek, he is egyptian!!!” AND I JUST THOUGHT FREAKIN BRAVO! LIKE WELL DONE GOLD STAR FOR YOU!” so anyways checked imbd or imdb i always forget what fucking goes first the b or the d but nevermind so it was ramis name under ahkmenrah and first thing i did was look up ahkmenrah on tumblr then i found imagines for ahkmenrah and i just fell in love with him and egypt all over again. Which is sort of amazing because as i kid i saw it was interested more in egypt itself rather than the hot pharoah and then from then to when i watched night at the museum again finally after a few years of finding new interests and not keeping up as much with egypt i fall in love with it all over again because a movie i watched in my happier more simple times of being a kid and dreaming of going to egypt and just digging, possibly finding a mummy or even just a small pot used for water or oils, a movie that is meant for the hopes and dreams of kids who aren’t always considered the smartest because theyre job may involve the past rather than the future or may seem boring or not as smart as a doctor (not bashing doctors still amazing what you guys do every job as equal amazement if you look close enough and really think) but a movie that was made to inspire kids to learn helped me fall back in love with egypt and also go to school for, for a career goal. It also is amazing it happened through the love of a character which proves just how importnat art and history can be. and then here we are still a little hopeful and stil in love with ahkmenrah and then ironically i started getting into rami when mr robots first season was 3 quarters into the seaon and just fell in love with elliot and rami and just ugh everyone of his characters hopped on the rami-wagon it a pretty lit time.and  all i could think was here we go again, another fandom another person i can hopefully meet and just tell them how much their character meant to me, to show how much acting can mean to some people who are given their wildest dreams through live action. I mean that is one of my wildest dreams would be to have a museum come to life. LIke personally for me it would just be like my life made, i would ever be bored, frekin stuff coming to life. Possilby a hot pharoah who will tell you what actually happened back then and just be all pharoahy and stuff and arguhfdio, anyways sorry to make it a long story but its just something that has alaways meant a lot to me, and im also kind of baked right now so i have the confidence to say it,/ type it, anyways point is i do love josh and all of ramis other characters but Ahkmenrah will always hold a special place in my heart
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