#she was very tall and lanky and im very small but strong and i literally had to toss her over my shoukder fireman style
jesterguy · 9 months
Two Door Cinema Club is coming in February and I'm going if it costs me my life
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
May I ask for those precious realistic female primarch hcs for those who remain??
GOD yes. Please accept my very gay gaze
The primarch, if they were afab
Roboute: The cute tom boy next door. Oh my god is she so stupid hot. The softer face with the blond pixie cut??? Yes please. Actually struggling a bit with expectations and presentations. She is very muscular, but she really wish that she could pull out the formal dress and not appear awkward. Or not give a fuck enough and just wear men's ceremonial wear. She's on the fence in how she wants to be perceived.
Rogal: Finally, the butch lesbian that Rogal always was can be OUT!!! Literally almost nothing change with her, personality wise, and yet she is drowning in feral fem throwing themself at her. She does not perform feminity at all, and yet, she is confortable in her female body. Strangely, probably a bit more... Mellow? She understand that she does not conform to society expectation of gender, and is fine with that.
Mortarion: Outwardly, very few difference. But inward.... She hate herself. She's intersex again, and her body is so far from what should be consider "feminity", she cannot handle it. I could see her story changing quite a bit because of those facts. I could see her willingly fall to Nurgle, in a pit of her own deep depressions, and come back anew in her grotesque and beautiful butterfly form, finally feeling herself in her own body.
Angron: Biggest. Rack. Ever. Everyone see her as "broken" and "in need of fixing" but... She's actually a bit saner than in canon here? She try to really focus on using her strength and rage to protects those she care about, and she probably like her astartes a bit more in this au. It's those maternal feelings. Ugly, scarred, and still so prideful. Got HUGE protective vibe for Lorgar.
Vulkan: GOD THE TITS ON THIS WOMAN!!! Huge. Beautiful. Thigh that crush watermelon. Very vague notions of what is appropriate level of nudity, expect to be flashed a few time when hanging out with her. Still shave her head, but wear colorful scarf around it instead. The biggest motherly vibe of the bunch. She probably babysat so many kids back home.
Sanguinius: Did u know that Sanguinius can be even MORE gorgeous?!? Small figer, almost no hips or breast, but her armour give the illusion of an hourglass figure. She would be a lot more careful than in canon, less of an angel of mercy and more of a mysterious desert creature. She has a harsh life of people trying to victimize her, and she will not bow down to any man. Very soft spoken, but still a terror to fight against.
Jaghatai: trans masc. Im sorry but he always hit me as a man, he would proudly declare himself as such the minute he understood things like male and female, and would be very much ready to kill anyone that missgender him. And yet, he is pretty comfortable in his body, and see nothing wrong with it.
Fulgrim: Surprisingly more.... Subdued? She wants to bring the drama and the bedazzle, but she doesn't want to be that woman, so she actually try to keep herself in check. How well that work is anyone guess. The only one insane enough to actually wear heels to the battlefield. Tall, lanky, beautiful, her breast are virtually non existant but she ROCKS a flat chest. Very into kicking men down a few pegs if they underestimate her.
Horus: God. What a beautiful bad bitch. She take an absolute DELIGHT in making men uncomfortable. She's strong and prideful and "not like other girls". Major case of long curly hair, they get everywhere. Expert at taking masculine things and being better at them than all the Boys (tm). Get even more bitches than canon fuckboy Horus. Still turn into an instant disaster lesbian at the view of Sanguinius.
Lorgar: oh that poor, precious, sweet girl. That lil angel. She did not deserve this. The abuse that Kor Phaeron inflicted upon her took a much darker turn, because it's less.... Socially acceptable to hit a girl in public. So he would punish her. In private. You know where this is going. Has a much bigger martyr complex, idolise her siblings much more, because clearly, they are so much more worthy than someone dirty like her. She fall to chaos even harder, seeing it as her salvations. Physically, her body is almost delicate, very small of soft for a primarch.
Alpharius Omegon: Literally no change from canon. None. They already fuck around with gender. Swapping around outies for innies is like, of no consequence for them.
Konrad: one of those that change the least. Still a murder hobo who eat people. Still the same body shape and face. Still the same backstory of abuse and of being left alone in the world. Tho, this time, people would react a bit differently to her, and would be more willing to excuse her. She think they are cowards for excusing her because of something as dumb as her gender. Still fucking Sevatar. Literally nothing change lmaooo.
Ferrus: Second trans men here ayooo! He probably struggled a lot more with his body and identity tho, giving him some severe gender issues for a long time. Happy to be manly now, but probably had a crisis when he met Fulgrim and went "OH GOD WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T SEE ME AS A MAN-", wich was dumb af. Like to joke that he's the only straight person in his entire family.
Magnus: lmao what's a gender. You think amab Magnus was a shapeshifter??? Afab is 10x WORST. Use she/they and change appearance all the damn time. Self identifie as agender. Still over the top in the clothing and hair department, but it gets a LOT more creative this time around. Fulgrim is lowkey jelly. Give no fuck of gender norms.
Perturabo: SHE HAD SUCH A BAD TIME OH LORD. They wanted her to conform to traditional greek society standard for woman and she had to fight for every. Single. Damn. Thing. She was not loved by her father, he was higly embarassed that his most competant child was a daughter. They tried to marry her off a few time. She, literally, strangled all of her husbands on their wedding night, creating even bigger messes. She want to be feminine but associate those things with weakness now, and she fucking HATE Rogal, who gets to be a woman but also do all the Men's Things and it's FINE.
Corvus: I already hc her as a transwoman literally nothing chaaaange lmao. Just her good old regular canon self. She would probably have a bit more pity on Konrad, and even then. Still has a crush as big as Deliverance on Vulkan, this time it's just gayer.
Leman: Probably the most interesting, because I can't imagine the "viking" society accepting very well a feral half wolf teenage girl. She would have ripped up her dress and fough the men. She would have howled her pride and her freedom, not letting anyone or any society truly define her. She would be a mess of wild hair and braids to her hips, of shinning fangs and of joyful agression. She would have seen magic and grabbed it by the throat and used it, as a tool against the men of her planet. She would have been the wild Witch Queen, a force of nature and impossible to contain.
Lion: FAIRYTALE?!?!?? LISTEN THIS IS A FAIRYTALE. A beautiful maiden found in the forest? A fay???? They would have married her off to Luther pretty damn quick, and it would have been quite the awkward union, age gap included. But then, she would have started beating everyone in practice, and guiding Luther, and she would have made him king of the planet, while she controlled everything from the shadow. She would have been queen, and Big E would have showed up, and wisk her away, because that's what fay do.
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salsdemise · 3 years
idv body headcanobs...
Anon I have no idea what you meant by this lmao/nm
So i just went with their body types, like height and stuff.
Theres not all of them, only some lol (Luca, Andrew, Kevin, Emma, Emily, Antonio)
so sorry if these suck
word count: 800
-He’s like 5’7, pretty lanky build?
-not too tall, not too skinny, more leg muscle than anything because, come on they ALL run like hell when a hunter is after them lmao
-I feel like he’s got a few scars on him from getting hit by hunters, maybe some more than others because he gets caught more often?
-little bit of arm muscle from hauling himself over walls and knocking some kinda heavy palettes over
-has definitely bitten through his lip a few times. Snaggle tooth n all, he’s fallen and had an accident once or twice
-as for his eye, you know the one that looks bruised, it keeps getting bruised, it’s not a long lasting one time bruise.
-He keeps getting hit by a hunter and they end up hitting him in the eye sometimes
-very steady person, steady hands when working/decoding, agile.
-not very warm or cold honestly, he’s the neutral.
-oh boy I haven’t thought or talked about Andrew in forever uh
-he’s tall. Like 6’8-6’9, not that tall really.
-he’s skinny, pale, sickly, as the wiki describes it.
-I feel like hes kinda shaky? Like almost all the time?
-forever a cold person. He’s cold to the touch.
-flinchy, doesn’t really like to be touched at all
-skinny, as mentioned above, but hes got some muscle under all those clothes i swear.
-he has to to dig that fucking quickly underground
-slouches a fuck ton to seem less intimidating(trust me being as tall as he is, people LOOK)
-pretty clumsy when vaulting , has def hit himself with a palette a few times
-he’s good on the red church map because I feel like he’s more familliar with that over all the other maps lol
-Probably about 5’10
-the most built out of everyone because he literally carries his teammates and BOLTS while doing so -he’s fuckig fast too-
-tan, probably has some weird tan lines somewhere
-def has a few bruises from his teammates hitting his body weirdly when he grabs them.
-once his leg gave out while he was in a match and carrying emma and he fell weirdly and she landed on him and his leg broke and some of emma’s tools jabbed him.
-has marks(scars, bruises) from the ox kicking him that one time.
- warm person, like a space heater sometimes. Doesn’t bug him but the other survivors are a little bothered.
(jake sent me a pic of cowboyboot rollerskates while i was writing this and im now adding, kevin wore these during a match once and got so fucking hurt, joseph pittied him and dropped him in the dungeon)
Tumblr media
Emily: -5’6 and agile.
-generally a light woman, still strong enough to vault and knock over some heavy pallets though
-she’s a very serious person when it comes to matches, so theres no room for error
-steady hands when healing, messes up a little when decoding sometimes.
-I feel like she’s got cooler hands but the rest of her is like?? Room temp??yk?
-has a lot of thigh muscle from crouching down to heal herself and teammates
-has probably handled her needle wrong and stabbed herself a few times. Small or larger scars from how fast/what direction it was taken out lol
-her fingers are calloused from accidentally pricking herself so many times. Thats why she wears gloves.
-has lost a shoe on the sacred hearts hospital map and cut her food open.
-def a little more roughed up than some of the others
-she’s like 5’9
-pretty strong, she does carry that tool box around a lot. And that time she,,yk,, carried that suitcase and that, probably pretty heavy, scarecrow on fire to distract leo.
-really fucking fast, she’s a kiter after all.
-has tripped a fair few times, has indeed eaten dirt.
-when i said she was a little more beaten up I meant it, she’s a kiter and hunters go for her so often
-vaults like a pro, keeps running right after
-has scars on her arms from moving wrong while taking apart the chairs
-I don’t have much sorry
-he’s like 6’9 too
-once lost an arm during a match it was terrifying
-stumbling around most of the match
-isn’t he like...dead?
-well he’s fucking flexible so a lot of the people at the manor think he is
-he’s dead cold. Literally freezing
-fingers are also calloused because he plays the violin
-He’s stepped on his hair before and his neck just kinda...bent
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e1ana · 5 years
THA updates/character sheets
omg two posts in a day what is this shit
i just feel like i should give a heads up about THA and whats going on and shit. i wont be posting anything for it on A03 for a hooooot minute. like i said in the last post, i’ve been really dry when it comes to THA content. sorry if that bums you out or whatever, but i really need to take it easy with that book for a bit. 
h o w e v e r
my brain just will not let me friggin rest. so, i decided to just do something that’s not really creative but also lets me feel some kind of relief. im gonna make character templates in the style of the BNHA fandom website (with a few exceptions/different thing). I wont make one for every single person, but ill make them for most of class 1-A and some villains. 
there may also be a few introduced characters, so ig you'll get to meet them first!
the first one is my fave sparky queen, Emiko Kaminari!
(fair warning. its suuuuper long.)
Name: Emiko Kaminari (Meaning: Emiko - blessing/kindness. Kaminari - thunder) Birthday: August 3rd Age: 15 Gender: Female (She/Her) Height: 4’11” or 149 cm Hair color: Blonde  Eye Color: Yellow Zodiac Sign: Leo Quirk: Technokinesis
Status: Alive Occupation: Student Affiliation: UA High School
Emiko Kaminari is a Class 1-A student at UA High School.
Emiko has bright yellow hair cut in a short bob (a bit like if you smoothed out Denki’s hair). She has distinct bangs that have two long side pieces and several short pieces across her forehead, Her eyes are yellow and flatter on top and rounder at the bottom with distinctly long and straight lashes. She has a tiny birthmark (just larger than a freckle) under her left eye. She inherited her mother’s ear shape, but she can’t use them like her mom can (they can’t extend/plug into anything).  She is incredibly short despite her relatively tall dad, and hopes to grow one day. She has a relatively small chest and thin waist, giving her a lanky but athletic body. Her legs are just slightly too long for her body, adding to her sinewy appearance.
She isn’t a fan of uniform at all, so she only wears it to classes. She alternates between wearing the pants and skirts. When she wears the pants, she wears them high waisted and tucked in. She also takes off her overcoat often (in both outfits), just carrying around and putting it on when she gets yelled at.
Her prototype hero costume pays homage to her dad and mom, but is mostly her own. She wears a black windbreaker jacket with deceptively deep pockets. This also doubles as a shock resistant sheet. Under this, she wears a black sports bra and tight-ish pants with like a MILLION pockets. She’s a slut for functional fashion! She wears black platform sneakers (think FILAs, but not brand name hfjwfkfbwb). They lace up a bit like hiking boots, but the hooks are removable devices.
Emiko is super spunky! She’s cheerful and goofy, but not sugary sweet. She has some edge to her, but she’s a very talkative and open person. She’s absolutely obsessed with edgy memes/vines/ ANYTHING internet. She likes to make jokes often, which can sometimes get her into a bit of trouble. She’s very witty and has a sharp tongue, but that’s often just used for humor. She likes to make friends with as many people as possible, but she has no problem getting downright mean with people who mess with her. Her BIGGEST hate is being looked down on. If you underestimate her… look out. Generally, she’s a very friendly person though.
People often see Emiko for exactly what she is because she’s such an open book. Even quiet and broody people like to hang around and socialize with her. If anything, people see her as far more bubbly, since she doesn't like to bust out the mean Emiko. 
Overall abilities: 
She doesn’t have a designated fighting style, but she loves to dart and jump around. She’s able to move pretty fast and often jumps around her opponents to confuse them. She also has damn near perfect aim, so this can be used for striking different pressure points.
Since her quirk can’t really be deployed well without technology, she uses several support items to help her. With her Buttons, she can send massive shock waves of electricity wherever they land (including people). She can also communicate with people even if she’s the only one with a communications device.  She uses the electricity from her devices to immobilize her targets or generally just fuck them up. She can also manipulate electricity as long as its expelled from a device.
Emiko has SO many support items:
‘Buttons’ - basically tiny robots with no function. It’s basically just a button with an electric current. She can use them as a distraction or something of course. But Emiko can use her quirk to stick them to people or herself and deploy insane amounts of electricity. Combine that with her precise aim and you’ve got a stun gun that can target specific areas of the body AND control the output of electricity.
TeleCom - This device works kind of like an AirPod but it doesn’t need bluetooth. Its attached just under her ear. It allows her to use her quirk to send messages to her allied (or foes!)
FingerGuns - Just like her dad, Emiko is one funny motherfucker. With these gloves, she can expel the electricity from the devices in whichever direction she points her fingers.
Goggles - These high tech goggles and quickly give and receive information about her allies and opponents. She can use them if she doesn’t know anything about her team/enemy and gather info. Like GoogleGlass but WAY better.
 Emiko’s quirk Technokinesis pretty much gives her the ability to do nearly anything with an electronic device. She can use it to hack whatever device it is, move things around, explode them, or simply use the interface hands free. She can control many devices at once (probably like up to 30 as of right now). As far as explosion goes, it's mostly just electric sparks with a little heat, but obviously there’s damage from any debris (especially if its come in contact with the sparks). Her quirk has a pretty severe drawback though. Emiko suffers drowsiness and decreased cognitive functions with extended regular use of her quirk (like Denki but like 10x less stupid). She also suffers from random severe seizures, but that doesn’t happen too often. 
Super Moves: 
ButtonBlast: Emiko throws a hand full of buttons in a random direction and sticks them to whatever they land on. She then sends them into a massive electrical explosion, ranging from 100 volts to 100,000 volts (will get stronger with training/time!). This is pretty much enough to fry the brain of any unlucky person to get tackled by one of these. It also blows out any device in range, leaving only the ones she controls in use.
BrainFry: Emiko throws a single button with pinpoint accuracy, landing it at her target’s weak points or exposed areas, even while they move. She delivers a quick but hearty shock, rendering her opponent immobile and unable to function.
TeleCom Confusion: Emiko uses her power of music and stupid puns and her quirk together. She confuses her opponents with rambling on and on about someone. She can also blast music directly into their ears and confuse them.
TechnoScream: Emiko + Madosha use their powers together. While Emiko has on noise canceling headphones, Screaming Shadow yells directly into her TeleCom. Emiko then sends this pitch directly into the heads of her opponents and lets it take effect.
Power: 4/5 Speed: 4/5 Technique: 3/5 Intelligence: 3/5 Cooperativeness: 4/5 Edgy Meme Knowledge: 6/6
Buttons: These bad boys are tiny, but they pack a punch! She has two sizes - one about the size of a dime and some smaller than that. They’re basically constantly short circuiting devices. Emiko can deploy these at any time, releasing high voltage bursts of electricity or explode them. They’re made of a high grade copper and aluminum alloy. They’re thick but hollow with a simple incomplete circuit on the inside.
TeleCom: ...literally just google how AirPods work, and take away the bad parts. Its essentially an AirPod, but it's a flat disk with a strong adhesive on one side.
FingerGuns: The same general workings as the Buttons, but they don't detach. They’re nestled in the fingers of her gloves and activated when she makes a finger gun symbol.
Lunchroom Attack
STUDENTS vs villains
Canon ‘Fun’ Facts:
She frequently bugs her friends phones and plants memes in their important documents.
She has pretty damn bad ADHD.
She once dropped her meds in front of Aizawa and asked if he wanted to ‘pop a dirty blue pillie.’ She had two days of detention for that one.
Definitely has a crush on someone in her class.
Her best friend is a class 1-B student named Hansuke Amaiko. She’s known him since they were basically babies
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justpeachy--keen · 7 years
build and skin for all
Belle: smol. she’s 5′2, just itty bitty. but she’s also like--idk man she’s full of fury on the lowkey. don’t fuck w her. she gets all like puffed up when she gets angry. normally makes herself small though, curls her shoulders, ducks her head, makes herself invisible basically. she’s also pretty plump and curvy. definitely not skinny. has nice hips, full breasts, cute chubby arms that kinda thing. 
Simba: tol. 6′3 aka one of the tallest people in town. he’s very like--lean and, to use one of my favorite words, sinewy. he’s definitely got a lot of muscles because he goes running and did sports like his whole life and also likes swimming. definitely has meat on his bones. broad shoulders, long beautiful neck, etc.
Toulouse: 6′0, so tall but not a giant person like his little brother. a bit broader than ber, but not by much, still definitely a twig person. can make himself into an imposing person though. his coiffed hair adds an extra inch or two lbr.
Bambi: 6′0 my tall teen. he is a straight up beanpole. no muscles really. tbh kind of sickly looking because he was sick for a good portion of his life and also a premature baby so he just never really gained proper weight. looks like u could snap him in half and you probably could.
Perdita: 5′7 so a bit tall for a girl. i legit thought this was average height but apparently not, lmao. has legs for dayssss. nice toned arms and body because she takes pride in her appearance. wears like 5 inch heels all day every day because she gives no fucks, bow before her.
Sweet: 6′0 bc all my men are 6′0 apparently. broad as fuck, like his shoulders are so wide. he keeps in decent shape, uses the hospital gym pretty regularly. is very physically strong for the most part. 
Maui: 5′10. not super tall, but a little above average. wishes he was taller, but most of his brothers are about his height too, so it’s not that bad, though they are all much broader than him. he’s definitely #build on the upper part of his body because swimming and fishing. 
Attina: 5′4. smol but not super smol. she’s kind of chubby, like not--really but in a way that she definitely notices. like she kinda has a bit of a belly and a double chin when she tilts her face certain ways. not overweight by any means but it makes her self conscious anyway. so cute and squishy.
Hercules: 6′2 also my tol son. he’s lanky as hell and it confuses people when he just lifts up cars bc he’s def that person that peg is like DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO at and thinks it’s hilarious because he doesn’t lift he’s just strong as fuck even though he has zero muscle mass.
Akela: 5′9. he is short and stocky but he will fuck you UP. broad and very strong (magically enhanced, but he’s also like ripped). is a powerhouse in a small body, seriously do not fuck w him.
Peach: 5′2. she is smol but mighty. she does a lot of sports and exercises a bunch so she’s actually really quite strong for a sixteen year old girl. doesn’t look it but is definitely like that girl who is all POW--impressive biceps.
Belle: porcelain and beautiful, hardly a blemish. has a few faint scars on like elbows/knees from falling off philippe/generally being a curious child who cut herself on things. besides that her only scar is the thick, pink scar that runs from the bottom of her cleavage about four inches down. it’s pretty gnarly tbh not like a surgical scar, like a wound that healed on its own.
Simba: lovely skin that’s kind of reddish-brown. it’s definitely not that dark, a nice soft colour, more burnt ochre-ish than anything. has a scar on his forehead that is faint from the car accident, also a pretty gnarly scar on his left inner forearm from a compound fracture. uhh faint scars on his wrists from handcuffs. and various other, lesser scars from rugby/football/lacrosse/etc accidents.
Toulouse: FRECKLES i almost can’t say he’s like pale as fuck (even though he is) because the freckles are so numerous they almost offset it, ahaha. but, yes, he has very pale skin, lots and lots of freckles. actually has pretty pale lips too.
Bambi: a ghost person. your classic #palewhiteboytm has some freckle/moles because of course, what #pasteywhiteboy is not complete without those?
Perdita: light skin, but not like #white. can get surprisingly tan when she wants to (tries not to thought because #aesthetic). she’s israeli so there is definitely some pigmentation to her skin. 
Maui: gosh, such nice skin. not too dark, but definitely a good tan. has beautiful freckles on his nose and cheeks and shoulders too probably. not moles, just the lightest dusting like someone lovingly painted them on.
Sweet: a lovely dark brown, the color of the earth. had a lot of acne in high school actually, so he’s got some scarring from that on his cheeks. has various scars from being in the army. 
Hercules: no scars because he literally cannot get them. not even acne scars the bitch. a beautiful red-brown skin tone, kind of dark-ish, but not super dark.
Akela: ugh his skin is so beautiful?? i don’t know how to describe it, just--so beautiful. i know you’re not supposed to compare pocs to food but god his skin is like?? ground coffee spread out and very fine. it’s like this just beautiful tawny-brown color? im so obsessed with it tbh.
Attina: also beautiful porcelain skin, though she has like the faintest of freckles that only come out if she spends lots of time in the sun. tbh probably has a few scars from when she was a kid, she def scraped knees and stuff she wasn’t always OCD and panicked about literally everything. she used to be quite adventurous and mischievous. 
Peach: light tan skin, very pretty. she loves her skin. she doesn’t really have any blemishes. has faint scars from rough housing as a kid and getting tossed by waves while surfing. also sports scars. 
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