#i didnt reread this so good luck if there are any grammer/spelling issues
randomhuman45 · 2 years
Dannymay 2022- Day 17 Promise
Danny remembered the day his mother made her first promise to him. At 8 years old Danny walked up to him Mom pulling on her hazmat suit nervously shaking with tears falling down his face staining his cheeks.
"M-Mommy?" His voice quivered as his eyes stared down at his little pink shoes and frilly socks.
"What's wrong baby?" Maddie dropped down to her knees and lifted his head up to let their eyes meet. "You can tell me sweetie." Her voice was sweet as honey and full of concern as her thumbs tried to wipe away his tears off his cheeks only for them to be replaced.
"I can't have pigtails anymore." He whispered before wrapping his arms around her neck as tears turned into sobs.
"Do you want braids then? Or to have your hair down? What do you want?" Maddie didn't know why her daughter was so upset over pigtails but would support her no matter what.
"No! No, no, no, no, no!" Danny shouted shaking his head into his mother's neck.
"Okay, okay," Maddie said trying to calm her heartbroken child down. "What do you want?"
"I, I want my hair short. And," Danny paused trying to catch his breath and figure out how he wanted to say it, "I don't want dresses, don't wanna be Danielle anymore. Can, can I be Danny with a y? Please?"
"Oh baby!" Maddie grabbed her baby and hugged them as tight as possible without hurting them. "Are, are you saying that you're a boy? Or something else? What, do you need?"
"I-I'm a boy. I think, but I think so. I want to be." Danny stuttered out now nervous and panicking. "Is that okay?"
"Of course baby!" Maddie assured, "I promise no matter what, and I mean that, NO. MATTER. WHAT. I will always love you! I promise!"
"Okay, thank you Mommy! I love you!"
"Of course!"
Danny remembered the first time his father did too. He was trying to hide his growing chest with bandages when his father burst into his room.
"Danny boy! Guess- Oh!" Jack quickly turned around trying to give his son privacy. He full heatedly supported his son and made it a point to make sure his son was treated like a son after he came out.
"Ahh! Dad, umm, uhhh. I, I think I need help." Danny huffed out both embarrassed and completely done with these bandages not working and giving him incredible aches and pains.
"You, you do? Is it like, uhhh, puberty issues? I got sock puppets for that!" Jack piped up like a eager puppy. "Wait right here and I can get the sock puppet box!"
"No! No, no, no, no. I don't need- it not about that. Well, sort of but, no, I don't need the sock puppets!" He stuttered out completely flustered at this point.
"Well, umm, what do you need then son?"
"Umm, well, you see, errr well not see see, but. I'm twelve and my chest is kinda..."
"Oh. Oh! And you don't want or like that?"
"Yeah, so umm I was trying to tape, uhh well use tape to make it not look like, uhhh, that but..."
"It's not working out like you planned?"
"Yeah," Danny sighed out.
"Don't worry son! I may know a thing or two about things not working out on the first try but you know what the best part of being a Fenton man is?" Jack pipped up.
"Ummm, eating fudge?" Danny joked with a smirk.
"Oh that's definitely a part of the gig, but the best part is that when we fail, we get back up and try again! Fenton tech doesn't always work the first round but me and your mom always try again and again to get it working to protect you kiddos!"
"So, what do we do with, uhh," Danny gestured to his now covered chest.
"Well, we can search up some options! See what's out there on that internet to see can help you out!"
"Hey, umm, thanks Dad. You know for, all of this, and umm, helping me out."
"Of course son! I promise just say the word and I'll come to your rescue! I promise I'll always help you, no matter what!"
Maybe Danny should have kept it a secret. Maybe he could have kept it to himself like a secret identity. But his parents promised they would love him no matter what. They promised to always help him no matter what. But when he told them about the portal incident and his ability to turn into weird ghost version of himself, he thought they would love him. He thought they would help him. That's what they promised they would do. No matter what they said. No matter what they promised.
But after begging for them to let him go as he was restrained against a lab table, after crying out for it to stop as their experiments tore him apart, after pleading for food and water he realized that they wouldn't keep their promises. He should have never trusted something as trivial as a promise.
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