#i died laughing reading this prompt th foxes doing normal college things is honestly my kink
aglionbyfoxes · 6 years
ok so PICTURE THIS because i havent been able to stop thinking about this because i love the idea of tfc characters livin life u know also im self-projecting because ok so NEIL at the dentist or like neil after the dentist because u know this boy has probably never been and i cant stop thinking about it and laughing because i had to get a filling the other day and my lip and was numb for like 3 hours and i couldnt talk right and wow this is a lame ask but i need someone else to hear this thought
     Neil sat on the desk by the window, glaring at Andrew. For once their positions were reversed and Neil decidedly didn’t like it. Although part of that might have to do with the fact that Matt was standing next to Andrew. With the annoyed look on both their faces, arms crossed tight over their chests, Neil could almost mistake them for twins, if it weren’t for the whole height thing. 
     “You’re being stupid.” Matt wasn’t getting any more creative with his persuasion tactics now than half an hour ago when he started all this.
     Andrew lazily raised an eyebrow at Neil. “For once I agree with him. Stop being an idiot.” Neil really shouldn’t have been surprised that Andrew took Matt’s side on the issue but the betrayal stung all the same. Neil knew he shouldn’t have agreed to froyo with Matt. Everything had gone downhill from there. 
     Neil’s tooth had been aching for almost a week at this point, and to be perfectly honest, he hadn’t even considered going to a dentist. When he and his mom were on the run, toothaches were cured with a little bit of whiskey on a cottonball and that was that. He’d never needed braces, not that his mother would have taken him to get them, but his straight teeth were simply a lucky trait. 
     All this amounted to was Neil not having gone to the dentist since going on the run. But letting Matt bring him froyo had been a mistake, because the minute the spoon hit his mouth, he had cringed so hard that the plastic cracked. Apparently cold and sugar didn’t mix well with a cavity. 
     Not that Matt actually knew if it was a cavity yet. That’s just what Matt had said and Neil didn’t exactly trust his unprofessional opinion. He had spent almost an hour trying to convince Neil to go see a dentist before Andrew had shown up. Now the two were standing in front of him and Neil suddenly doubted how much choice he had in the matter.
     He turned to Andrew - “And what, you’re telling me that you go to the dentist? I’m sure they really appreciate the fact that you shovel pure sugar into your mouth on a daily basis.” Neil could just see the corner of Andrew’s lip twitch up as he shrugged.
     “I floss. And go twice a year. When was the last time you even went?” 
     Neil knew that his silence answered the question just as well as any words would. It’s not that he didn’t think going would help. It wasn’t like seeing Betsy - dentists were like doctors, they would do more than just talk at his teeth. At first he had asked Matt if Abby could just take care of it, if only to catch the incredulous look on Matt’s face before he realized that Neil was joking. But he’d be lying to himself if a small part of him hadn’t hoped it would be a real option. No, Neil just didn’t see the point. Whiskey had always worked and he’d be fine if he just kept brushing like he always did twice a day (well, sometimes once a day, if he forgot after night practice). But looking at the wall of annoyance and muscle in front of him told Neil that he probably wouldn’t be getting his way with this one. The least he could do was make it interesting.
     “What’ll you give me, if I go?” This he directed to Andrew, not even bothering to hide his smirk. Andrew held his gaze, calculating. Part of Neil had a feeling Andrew had expected the situation to end up like this the entire time. 
     “I thought making deals was my thing?” 
     “You know I’m a fast learner.” Neil can practically see the numbers in Andrews head going up up up. Matt coughs next to Andrew and Neil is jolted into remembering that he’s been standing there the whole time. 
     Andrew shoots a glare his way before turning back to Neil. “I’ll play with you and Thing Two for one week of night practices, if you go and do what they tell you.” Neil felt his heart stuttering in his chest. He could never deny Andrew anything, knew the minute he had stepped into the dorm that Neil would go to the dentist every day if Andrew asked him to. But something about feeling so known by Andrew brought all that affection rushing to the surface. Andrew knew the way to Neil’s heart and offered it up on a platter all for what was ultimately Neil’s own benefit. A small part of him felt guilty for even asking to make a deal in the first place. But it became easy to ignore when Neil remembered the fact that he would actually have to go to the dentist and that afterwards he got to play against Andrew for a week.
     Neil didn’t care how much his eyes lit up or the fact that Matt was still watching them curiously when he answered. “Deal.”
     Neil watched as Nicky fell off the couch laughing. He did his best to scowl, to look threatening, but it just seemed to make Nicky laugh more. Neil could only imagine what he looked like right now, with half his face drooping down. 
     “Thuck ov Dicky.” Well….talking didn’t seem like it was going to be much better than scowling. This time Allison snorted, nearly spitting her soda onto Dan. Neil looked to Andrew for support, but Andrew kept his face hidden behind a textbook. Neil could see the way his knuckles gripped the pages and the telltale wrinkle between his eyebrows that at this point Neil knew meant that Andrew was holding back a smile. 
     One sweep of the room told him he wasn’t going to get much help from anyone else. The rest of the foxes sat in the lounge at the court, all pointedly looking away from him but not even trying to keep from laughing. Neil even caught Wymack smirking when he hadn’t been able to take a drink of water without it spilling on his shirt. 
     Nicky was just getting up from the couch when he made eye contact with Neil again, biting his lip. “Uh Neil, I think you have a little, uh…” Nicky indicated at his own chin and Neil knew he must have been drooling. He picked up the nearest pillow and threw it at Nicky’s head, who cleanly dodged it before lauging again. “Thorry Neil!”
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
Ch 3 The Cat and the Fox
Category: Romance, Modern College AU
Rating: Will be Explicit but for now I’ll just say Mature for language and drinking
Pairing: InuKag
Words: 2,357
Also available on ff.net and AO3
Tag list: @keichanz @noviceotakus-blog @hinezumi @morikothehalfangel @cstorm86 @digital-art-monster @cammysansstuff
 Hey, I have a kind of personal question for you
InuYasha rubbed his tired eyes and stretched. He had been staring at his laptop for the last 3 hours straight trying to finish this damn midterm paper. The sound of his phone buzzing caught his attention. Who the hell would be texting him at 2 a.m.? Miroku was downstairs with the other idiots watching some stupid Netflix show he never could get into about a women's prison. The goofy grin that spread across his face upon seeing her name was completely accidental, or so he would tell you.
 What happened to your mom? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I was just sitting here thinking about it and I realized you never told me how she died. But it's totally fine if you don't want to tell me. I swear.
InuYasha almost laughed out loud at her obvious text babbling. It's cool. She had breast cancer.
 Oh sweetie I'm so sorry. It must have been so hard to lose her that way.
 Honestly, it wasn't long after her diagnosis. She was already stage 4 by the time they caught it. They tried everything they could but a month later she was gone. It was hard. Still is. I miss her a lot. She was my rock
 Yeah. I don't know what I would do without my mom. She's the kindest woman ever. She's always supported me in everything. You never mentioned your dad though?
 He died when I was a baby. I never knew him.
 Yeah. Hey what are you doing up anyway? I thought you had to work this weekend?
 I do. Couldn't sleep. My brain just won't shut off.
 Missed me that much in 24 hours?
 You're incorrigible
 You don't have a humble bone in your body do you?
 Maybe one
     *    eyeroll emoji      *  
 What time do you have to be up?
 In exactly 2.5 hours. I have to catch the 5:45 train to get there on time.
 Jesus woman! Go to sleep!
 I already told you I can't
 Do I need to come over and sing you a lullaby?
InuYasha regretted that the instant he hit send. She would definitely think he was total creepy bastard now.
 Lol. You don't know where I live
He hesitated before typing again. Fine. I'll call you. I hope you like shitty renditions of twinkle twinkle little star.
     *    a series of crying laughing emojis      *  
 Can't be worse than my little brother trying to sing to our cat Buyo.
 You have a brother?
 Me too. Well a ½ brother. Older. And an asshole.
 Oh yeah? Ever talk to him?
 Not really. Like I said he's an asshole.
 Got it. Foxy doesn't like his big bro
InuYasha's eyebrow quirked. Foxy?
 Ummm... yeah???
 What is that?
 Your name?
 Is it now wench? ;)
 Ha. Ha.
 Hey, what do you call me?
 I suppose that makes sense.
 Why do you call me Foxy? ;)
 Because of your       costume  
 You're obviously delusional
 Am I?
 Well you're the one talking to me at 2:45 in the morning
 Yeah. I know. I need a padded room next to yours
 So I can sing twinkle twinkle for you?
 OMG stop! I'm going to wake up my room mate!
 You really should get some sleep wench.
 I know.
 Night Foxy
 Night wench
InuYasha couldn't sleep after that. He felt guilty for keeping her up, even though she had texted him first. Inane images scrolled past his eyes as he delved into the internet black hole, searching for something to occupy his mind. Finally, when he realized it was about 5 minutes past the time she said she had to be awake, he decided to make sure she had gotten up ok.
 Wakey wakey wench
Kagome groaned aloud at the sound of her alarm. She tried to roll over and go back to sleep but then her phone dinged.
 Don't wanna
 C'mon. You gotta. That job you love so much is beckoning
 Damn you
 You're cranky in the morning ain't ya?
 Only for people who won't let me sleep
 But you have to go babysit brats
 Uggggh. Fine. I'm up. Happy?
 Are you actually up? Like out of bed?
 Kagome put her feet on the floor next her bed.  Yes...
 Don't believe you
She sent him a picture of her feet on the floor.
 Shut up jerk
 Get ready for work wench
 I would if someone would quit distracting me
 I'm distracting huh? ;)
 You're maddening
 Only for you wench
 I'm getting dressed now
 I'll be right over
 Ha. Ha.
 Again, I remind you, you don't know where I live
 I'll sniff it out
 Very funny
 Seriously, I'm up and getting dressed now
 Go back to sleep
She pulled off her nightclothes and tossed them in the direction of her hamper as she made her way over to the closet. Pulling out a sweater and jeans, she made her way back over to the bed where she'd laid her phone.
 Never did
 What? Why?
 Just distracted
Kagome wasn't sure what to make of that, so she decided to ignore it as she pulled the jeans up over her hips. Then go to sleep. Weirdo.
 Only after I know you get to work ok
 You're nuts. I won't get there for another hour!
 Go to sleep.
 Nope. Gotta know you're safe.
The sweater made it's way over her head and down to her waist. Overprotective much? She grabbed her hairbrush and set to work on her tangled mane.
 Only of cheeky wenches
 Oh now I'm cheeky?  The hairbrush returned to her nightstand.
Kagome picked up her purse and keys before quietly exiting her room. I'm leaving now. Go to sleep
 I told you, not til you're at work
Kagome didn't respond during her 20 minute walk to the subway station. She hoped he would fall asleep waiting for her to text back. No such luck.
 Oi wench! Where'd you go?
 To the train
 Cheeky wench
 You on the train?
 I am now.
 Good. How long of a ride is it?
 20ish minutes
 What do you normally do on the train at too damn early o'clock?
 Lol. Well, listen to music, or read. Sometimes I people watch but there aren't too many people on the train this early on Sunday.
 People watch?
 Yeah. People will do the weirdest things when they think no one is watching them. I've seen people practically doing it right in front of me before
 Doing what exactly? ;)
 Shut up
 Never wench
 You make it too easy
 Do I now?
 Will you just go to sleep?
 You at work?
 Then I'm gonna go with no
 How did I see that coming?
 Idk maybe because I've said it like 1000 times already
 Alright alright I get it.
 '  Now approaching 10      th     street station' came the automated voice over the loudspeaker. Kagome stood and slid her phone into her pocket to keep it from falling out of her hand as she exited the train. Since the station was nearly deserted it was easy for her to maneuver her way out to the street to make the short walk to work. Once outside, she saw that the sun was now fully on the horizon, creating beautiful hues of pink and orange. Stopping for a moment, she smiled and took it all in. The crisp autumn air whipped her raven locks around her shoulders. Seeing the sun between the trees, Kagome couldn't resist the urge to snap a photo with her phone and send it to her new self-proclaimed watchdog.
 Isn't it so beautiful Foxy?
 Just like you wench ;)
Kagome snorted as she walked and texted at the same time. You don't know what I look like
 Sure I do. Long black silky hair, eyes the color of dark chocolate, ivory skin. See? I know
 Still, you've not seen my face
 Don't have to
She didn't know how to respond to that. Lucky for her though, she rounded the last corner before coming up to Yoro North's front door. She took a picture of her hand opening said door and sent it to him.
 All safe. Please sleep now? I'd feel awful if you didn't get any sleep because of me
 Not your fault wench. I'm a big boy. But I promise I'll close my eyes now. Have a good day at work.
 Thanks Foxy. Sweet dreams!
Kagome tucked her phone back into her pocket as she walked right past Ayame's death glare without giving the girl a second glance. As she stepped around the corner to make her way back to the classroom, she found herself cemented smack dab into Koga's chest.
“Whoa there, sweetheart!” He said as he grabbed her shoulders and gently pulled her back. “You alright?” He asked, genuine concern in his voice.
Kagome shook her head to clear the fog from having the wind knocked from her slightly. Looking up into his sky blue eyes, she didn't miss the smirk that crossed his features at her antics. “I-I'm fine, Koga. Thanks. Hey, actually there was something I wanted to run by you if you've got a minute?”
“Sure thing, darling. Step into my office?”
Kagome had noticed his use of several terms of endearment in the last few days, but she didn't mind it so she didn't say anything to her new boss about it. Instead, she walked into his office and sat herself down without being prompted. Koga came around her to sit himself on the edge of his desk, crossing his arms lazily and smiling down at her.
“What can I do for ya, love?”
“Well, I've noticed that we don't ever take the kids anywhere outside of this building and its grounds. Is there a reason for that?”
Koga's face took a decidedly less happy appearance. “Kagome, this building is all that stands between these kids and the outside world. Humans aren't exactly welcoming to our kind, with the exception of the rare person such as yourself. We don't take the kids anywhere for their own protection but also for yours. You've seen how they can be with eachother. Imagine if they did that to a human? The backlash would be catastrophic.”
Kagome frowned. “So, they never get to leave here? Ever?”
“We occasionally take them to other facilities to interact with other children, but for the most part, yeah, they stay here.”
“And it's absolutely out of the question to take them to say a park?”
Koga's eyebrow quirked up in interest. “A park? Kagome, we have outside areas here for them.”
“I know that, Koga, but they should interact with other kids. Even human ones. I think it'll be good for them to socialize outside of their comfort zones. Some of them desperately need it. Besides, imagine if you were on the front lines of demon-human coexistence?”
Koga sighed deeply. “Kagome, I wish things were different but they're just not. I can't allow you to put the kids or yourself in that kind of danger. I'm sorry.”
The look of supreme disappointment that crossed her features nearly caused the wolf to cave. “If you say so, Koga. I'll go relieve Ginta and Hakkaku now.” She stood and exited his office with slightly slumped shoulders. She had been so sure she could convince him to let her take the kids out for a little while. Sighing, she decided she would just have to keep working him down until he agreed. Eventually, he would see her reasoning.
The next two weeks almost flew by for both InuYasha and Kagome. Even in the midst of studying for their impending final exams in a couple weeks, the pair never let a night pass without talking. It became part of both of their routines. They both looked forward to hearing from the other. Something that both of their respective room mates had not failed to notice.
“InuYasha, are you ever actually going to meet this girl?” Miroku asked his hanyou friend one Saturday afternoon.
“I have, jackass.”
Rolling his eyes, Miroku huffed. “You know what I mean. Sango and I have actually been on actual dates and you know, know eachother's names.”
“Bully for you. Now fuck off.” InuYasha practically yelled as he tried to stick his headphones on his ears.
Sighing, he took his friend's obvious hint and went downstairs to meet Sango. Upon seeing her leaning against the banister, fingers looped in her jeans, he couldn't help but smile. She smiled back and asked, “Everything ok up there? I thought I heard someone yelling.”
Miroku took his girlfriend's hand and went to exit the house. “Yeah. Just my room mate being an idiot.”
Sango raised an eyebrow in question. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. He met a girl at the Halloween party but has yet to actually learn her name or even see her face outside of whatever mask she was wearing. They just text constantly.”
Sango's eyes widened. “Th-they do?”
Miroku didn't hide his puzzled expression. “Yeeeeeah...”
“Um... well...”
Stopping mid step on their trek to the campus food court, Miroku eyed his girlfriend suspiciously. “Sango?”
Biting her lip, the girl looked down at the concrete. “I think your room mate is texting my room mate.”
Eyes widening to nearly the size of saucers, Miroku burst out laughing. “You're kidding!?”
Shaking her head, Sango responded, “Nope. She calls him Foxy. I guess he was wearing a fox costume or something?”
Miroku was nearly on the ground by this point. “Jesus! Yep. That's him.”
“I don't see how this is so funny.”
Finally calming himself, Miroku placed his hands on her shoulders, “Because my dear Sango, this cannot be purely coincidental. Maybe the strings of fate had a hand in this, eh?”
Sango rolled her eyes. “You're an idiot. What are we gonna do? I can't just lie to her.”
Placing a finger on his lips thoughtfully, Miroku had a dangerous gleam in his eyes. “Mayhaps you won't have to my dear...”
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