#i do have a question actually! is there a fan discord of some sort? :0 i don't know how big the au is
crimson-roots · 2 years
the fake dating happened because Joey lied to Katherine to try and make her jealous. Joey and Sausage have agreed that they need to be the most extra and dramatic and beautiful couple that the empires have ever seen (and that they need to somehow put more drama into their relationship than scottpearl divorce), because of course they would.
and they are both being So Very Normal about it, certainly. yep, finding a flower deep in the cave for Gem's fey errand is fine. one of these should be taken to Joey, for.... magical purposes. yep. it's probably very magical. which is also why Joey attached said flower to his hat and made sure that it was visible for the date. which is to make Katherine jealous! the date to make Katherine jealous
(Katherine is not jealous and is so very excited that these two are happy together and would choose her kingdom for a date.)
so very normal about it, mhm! yup! (also. god, of COURSE they would, that is the most sausage and joey thing i have ever heard)
and,,. man. this is SUCH a cool story
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tiny-crecher · 4 years
Unus Annus Secrets
Here I’m going to try and explain all of the Unus Annus codes + possible lore. If I have forgotten some information or if one of these links doesnt work/is incorrect please let me know. This post will be updated when needed. 
This is LONG, so be prepared. 
At first, these codes were only in videos edited by NerdFiction, but as of October 26th this is no longer true. (The possible exception to this would be the first video I’ve listed, as the editor is not in the description). 
1) 5 Weird Apps That Predicted Our Death
 “Here at Unus Annus the end is nigh... when the timer hits zero we will cease to exist. is it fate? is this a simulation? Can anybody hear me? My name is.... [FILE REDACTED]”. Timestamp - 0:14
2) Ethan Roasts Mark for 15 Minutes Straight
 “and in the comments, you will read the words you soon will see are wise controlling pawns who type our deed ‘That is Discord, not FaceTime’” Timestamp - 0:40
“within this truth a question stands, is the pee sauna ever close?”. [“Pee Sauna”was uploaded about a week afterwards] Timestamp - 0:40
3) Our Fans Try to Scare Us with Their Homemade Creepypasta
“What will happen if the clock stops”
“Could I find a way to keep it going?”
“If neither hand is right, what deals are left?”
“Who is the master of the clock?” (all around 8:44)
4) Learning to Cry on Command to Increase Our Youtube Views
“remember the key, the incompletion of a logolept’s corrective action” [a logolept is “a person who takes a keen interest in words”. Marcus is likely referring to himself.] Timestamp - 1:49
“the long wait ends with twenty four more for a path of destiny chosen before”[“Pee Sauna” was uploaded the day after] (closely after the last code)
5) Becoming One With the Horse
“They heard me, I knew it could work!” (timestamp currently unknown; to be updated)
Around this time, NerdFiction’s Twitter bio said, among his normal information, that he was “trying to stop the Unus Annus clock from within.” 
6) Preparing a 5-Star Meal for Our Youtube Famous Dogs
“I couldn’t stop it. Will I die with the machine?” (Timestamp - 21:33)
7) Does This Magnetic Skincare Routine Really Work?
“freed or so I thought. Another layer, but still the clock.” (Timestamp - 9:45)
“The Beginning of The End”. 
On July 26th, at 12pm PST, a video was uploaded to Unus Annus titled “Traversing the Desert to Find Our Inner Truth”. This video was only up for a few minutes before it mysteriously disappeared, only to be replaced by another video, titled “The Beginning of The End”. At first glance, the videos were identical, save for different titles and slightly different descriptions. However, the second video was slightly longer than the first, and upon further inspection, many came to realize that the audio was slightly different as well. You can listen to both audios here. There was a rumor going around that the captions of “Traversing the Desert to Find Our Inner Truth” said something about looking out for Norbert Moses, but no one has been able to confirm this to my knowledge. 
8) Puberty Simulator
“Happy birthday to the beast or to the body that once housed me. A transfer made for pity’s sake. Tricked into the machine as he had my cake.” (Timestamp - 14:36) [The same code was found a week earlier in “Mark and Ethan Shave Chica”, uploaded on NerdFiction’s birthday. The original code was very difficult to make out, so it is likely he inserted it into a different video to make it easier for us.]
On the same day, NerdFiction’s Twitter bio read “Everyone must leave something behind when he dies. Memento Memoriae” (remember memory)
In “The Koala Challenge: TikTok’s Intimate Couple’s Trend” one of the clips is edited to look like a TikTok video, with the user ron_somberest being used. Ron_Somberest is an anagram for Norbert Moses. This TikTok account does actually exist, and the icon is a zoomed in and brightened photo of Norbert Moses’s face with the eyes scribbled out. 
Around this time NerdFiction’s Twitter bio read “’It’s not dark, never was’ - Ron Bestsmore”. Ron Bestsmore is also an anagram for Norbert Moses. It is possible that the “dark” being referred to here is Darkiplier, and NerdFiction is trying to imply that Dark is not involved in this. 
About a week after the koala challenge video was “How to Start a Fire (except don’t)”, which featured an appearance from Unus. NerdFiction’s Twitter bio read “In the end, who is your savior and what are they saving you from?” 
Things were quiet for about a month. NerdFiction eventually erased the cryptic message from his Twitter bio. 
9) Learning To Use The Force
“wait no something is wrong. he knows!” (Timestamp - 10:45) [translated from small coded words hidden in the montage]
“it worked” (a spectrogram, derived from a sound played at the end of the video)
10) Momiplier Tells Us True Scary Stories from Korea
“As I was, as I’ve done to him now. Am I right to decide his fate?” (Timestamp - 5:44) [Right before this, Mark’s mom is talking about a nightmare she had where she was paralyzed, possibly implying that nerdfiction was once paralyzed and has now paralyzed someone else (pointed out by @/minervas-sandwich)]
11) Cryptid Olympics
“I thought you’d join us but, hey, that was just a theory, Memento Doctrina” (remember learning). (Timestamp - 5:49) [The code references the Game Theorists channel, which had uploaded a video about Unus Annus earlier that same day.]
- From here on, every video has had some sort of code -
12) Edward Pumpkin Hands - This was the first coded video not edited by NerdFiction, instead being edited by Diceroll.
At various points throughout the video small parts of a url are seen. When pieced together, this link is made: https://imgur.com/a/tyDewJ7. It leads to a photo of the Unus Annus hourglass. When edited, a series of binary text is shown, which translates to “zhIaNL2“. Inputting this into another imgur link gets you to https://imgur.com/a/zhIaNL2. After editing the photo (although you can still sorta see it without doing so), a cipher of a custom alphabet is shown (I posted an edited photo here).
At 5:01 in the video a weird image is shown for only a moment (a slightly brightened version of it here). Nobody knows what the hell it means.
At the same time, there is a reversed audio of someone (presumably Ethan; it sounds like him) saying “we did that”. For context, the sentence said right before that line was “if one of us dies, the other has to take over for the remainder of time”. This is possibly implying that someone, or multiple someones, has/have died and been replaced.
13) Blood Bath - edited by rad_r
“Everything’s fine”
The Unus Annus timer is shown. It counts down for three seconds before counting up for one second. Heavy breathing can be heard over it. It is then cancelled by an error message
“ITS NOT FINE HELP” (this and the previous two messages are hidden at 5:57)
“you’ve done it now.. a machine observed. there is no returning.. a machine unnerved. there is only.. a machine unconqured.” (right at the end of the video, before the timer)
14) The Unus Annus Annual Costume Contest - edited by nerdfiction
“I saw just one door in a hall filled with many, I locked your gate but they were too late to join me. He was re-placed, she was undone, I had escaped yet he had still won”. (Timestamp - 2:05) [possibly talking about diceroll and rad_r. The pronouns would line up, and it would make sense with those two now having edited coded videos.]
15) Ethan Turns Mark Into a Werewolf - edited by rad_r
“futility or farewell? only time time time.” (timestamp - 7:17)
16) Ethan Kidnapped Mark - edited by Diceroll
Two spectrograms are shown in this video; one at 14:08 and one at 17:38. Combined, they create an imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/gKB62sv
The imgur link shows a photo of a key. On the key is a code translating to “stop the clock”
At the end of the video before the timer is a set of text in the custom alphabet previously mentioned. Translated and decoded it translates to “I can hear it coming theres not much time left the ones that tried to stop it have had their hearts cleft it is now your turn to put this loop to rest take us out of here and show us a new nest”
17) Being Brutally Honest with Each Other
“It is alive, no longer living / misunderstood beats unforgiving / escaped that fate but lost the tale / does a hope yet remain or just one final nail?” (Timestamp - 26:03)
18) Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video
“The bottom of the spiral” (timestamp - 10:55)
19) “All Our Video Ideas That Never Happened”
“Be careful for what you wish for” (taken from two different codes)
*20) The Unus Annus Last Supper + Who’s Cutting Onions In Here??? - both edited by rad_r
“We’ve asked... we’ve tried... is there no way to stop the end? To those who aren’t deterred: how much will you sacrifice to ascend?” (A quotefall puzzle, split into 2 parts)
21) Everything’s Legal If You’re Dead
Norbert Moses is mentioned at 10:50. Look closely, his name is only there for a couple frames.
These have been the only codes I’m aware of as of 11/11/20. 
(be sure to check out @gemstone6’s list as well!!)
Link to my Unus Annus theory
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oraclememehacker · 3 years
I’m going to shill a little bit and gauge reaction here! Cause I can of course. Here are my OC’s that I’ve created over the past years and a little explanation about them.
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Adelina Fincher: Age 34, My Ace Attorney OC
She’s a prosecutor for the district of Los Angeles but didn’t originally live there. Her parents are Katherine and Victoria Fincher, highly regarded actors and noted perfectionists. As a kid she was emotionally neglected and abused by her parents who never found anything that she did good enough. This lead her to be more closed off and barely made any friends because she was too busy trying to please her unpleasable parents.
She wanted to be a prosecutor growing up because of law shows but her parents insisted she become an actor like they were and she learned a lot about playing a role because of them. However, she eventually convinced them that she would go to college and get her law degree, and that they would help pay for it. On one condition. She’d get a 4.0 GPA. And she did! At the expense of her social life again aside from 1 friend. But when she graduated she was saddled with a ton of debt because her parents were broke and were going after her for money.
She is straight forward, honest and doesn’t hold anything back. She is also sharp witted and is able to figure out things about people when they are holding back from her. She also has a crippling addiction to pepsi and drinks a 12 pack during court. It takes her a while to warm up to people because of trust issues (her parents betrayed her, she’s had others betray her and so on). But if you break her shell she is very friendly and cracks all sorts of puns and jokes.
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Elly Lane: Age 25, a trans female OC
Growing up in San Diego California well before she came out as trans, Elly lived a relatively normal life, though her parents were highly religious. One time as a joke she was forced to wear a dress as a humiliation tactic and she found that she actually found it quite comfortable and that was the start to her becoming trans, though it would be a long time before she realized what it meant. As she grew up, she wore dresses more and more, having to hide them from the prying eyes of her parents who were convinced that she was mentally ill and needed to be subjected to some form of conversion therapy.
Elly took refuge behind a computer screen and is a massive fan of anime and manga. Her favorite Anime/manga of all time is a made up for her anime series called Princess Rikako, a series about a Princess with the ability to shape shift into whatever she wanted, albeit with more realistic limitations to it in terms of being able to change back. It was also a big part of what made her come out as trans. In person she is soft spoken and quick to emotional outbursts, usually tears because getting overwhelmed emotionally is very easy to happen to her.
Online though she is argumentative and defensive of her favorite shows. Japan and it’s culture are her favorite things and she has spent years learning to speak and write and read Japanese on her own, and while she’s not perfect, she was able to go to Japan on vacation and that’s when she eventually came out as trans. In the rp universe I have with her on discord she met up with Ren/Akira and Futaba in Akihibara and eventually became friends with the phantom thieves, and was able to get a job at Leblanc Cafe and stay in Japan whilst working towards her naturalized citizenship. And is currently in the midst of transitioning.
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Valerie Mable, Age 33. My buff girl OC
Growing up in Minneapolis Minnesota Valerie grew up to a relatively poor family who didn’t have much to their name and as a result she valued food because it was scarce. However there come a point where her family ran across a large sum of money and her life turned around instantly. No longer was food and essentials something that had to be treasured but instead it was something that she could just have whenever. That resulted in her eating a lot and gaining a lot of weight. Even though she is 6′0 she was seen as very fat, being over 350 lbs at one point in her life.
She wanted to be a lawyer, a defense attorney and ended up going to the same college that Adelina did and she considered Adelina her only friend there, and was defended against when her weight was used for bullying. Despite being roomates with Adelina the two didn’t talk as much as expected and when Valerie graduated she didn’t even get to say goodbye to her friend. She went on a mission to lose weight and ended up developing anorexia as a result and nearly dying having lost a ton of weight in such a short period of time.
Afterwards she got her life back together and devoted herself to fitness where she became the buff fitness guru that she is today. She is a defense attorney in the district of Minneapolis and holds herself in high esteem, and will put your ass to work if she feels that you need a good workout. She is open about her jealousy towards other women and seeing buff women was the reason why she became so fit in the first place.
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Leiko Enomoto, Age 23, my crazy destruction filled OC
Currently going to the same college that Makoto Nijima is, she is currently working on her degree to become an architectural designer. Her goal is to create the tallest structure in the world and she already has a mockup in blender to show this design. Plus she has worked on designs for buildings like big bang burger. As a kid she was rambunctious and a hard time for her parents but she was still loved regardless. Part of this was because of her then undiagnosed ADHD.
When she was little she played around in her father’s workshop and had a hot piece of iron fall on her face and that created a permanent crescent moon shaped scar on her face. She is reckless and often gets herself injured for various reasons. Her parents were killed in a burglary gone wrong and she was sent to live with her grandparents who did their best to take care of her despite her ways. Eventually she was diagnosed with ADHD but by then she was just seen as a nuisance by a lot of people. And she played into that, cursing and swearing a lot, dying her hair multiple colors, the picture has her with rainbow colors but she also does warm and cool colors depending on her mood.
She is a tinkerer by nature, working on such things as a custom battery for a power wheels jeep, a custom vibrator (she is really open about her sexualness and is a proud bisexual, she’ll talk about using her toys out in the open) a potato cannon and a flamethrower. Her tinkering keeps her mind occupied along with the work she does in blender for buildings. She loves explosions and watches action flicks just for the destruction.
These are my OC’s that I’ve made since 2017 and I want to know if anyone is interested in me doing a blog with them! I’ve been rping with them with my SO for a long time now (Leiko is my newest) and been a really enjoyable time. If I need to I will put this in a readmore because this post is rather long. Thanks for reading if you had the attention span to do so! And please ask if you have any questions.
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princessnyria · 4 years
Wanted Plots & Connections
these are some plots/connections i’d love to have for nyria! these are by no means the only ones i’m looking for! i’m open to any you might want or have or suggest. these can also be combined and modified based on whatever we feel like suits our characters best! feel free to hit me up on here or on discord (fair warning though, i just started rping again during quarantine after years and have barely used discord so i’ma probably be very bad at it so sorry in advance). 
best friends ( 0 / ? )
find description on main here. 
unlikely friend 
they could’ve already established a connection or it could be something that we play out as we go and develops. nyria doesn’t have a very high opinion of much of the rest of the seven kingdoms but with your character, she’s grudgingly finding you interesting and a good time. maybe their personalities or opposite or maybe it is just a matter of them being from another part of the kingdom that she doesn’t like but for whatever reason, she really likes your character and the two just click. they work and even after meeting they’re prone to sending letters to one another, catching up at every ball or tourney they both attend, and hearing about the latest in eachother’s lands. 
childhood friends
they were friends as kids, always prone to slipping away with one another when their parents were talking with one another or getting caught taking sweets from the kitchen before they’d eaten. the two would hang around another and have a good time. but after her parents died, the two began losing touch little by little until they’ve stopped communicating altogether at this point. this could be a thing where either they no longer like eachother or they just lost contact. 
wild hearts
dancing at balls together and going off and exploring, perhaps some could call their relationship shallow in many ways but it is a real connection. they may even write one another occasionally. basically someone who can go off exploring with nyria at times and have fun with at balls and go riding together and occasionally causing a bit of good ole’ trouble together. 
ROMANTIC / SEXUAL. ( f / m / nb )
former flame, fanned again
they used to be paramours, more than just sex and feelings nyria never expected to have. they could’ve connected through one of them spending some time at the other’s house for a few months either because of peace talks, being sent to be some sort of temporary ward or to study something from the other’s land. regardless, they both fell for one another but nyria broke it off, either because of fear, political reasons, familial reasons or some sort of other external force but not out of lack of love. they still harbor feelings for one another, even after not seeing one another for several years. 
sleeping with the enemy 
nyria doesn’t trust people and while she may feel generally like it’s her and her family against the world, she doesn’t have many enemies proper per say. but your character...they rifle her feathers in a way she didn’t think possible. she views them with such anger and hatred that she can’t help but through venomous quips their way whenever possible to the point where the two have a rapour. however, that passion is also translating into...something more sexual. either it’s been happening, has happened before, or we can play it out so it hasn’t happened yet but regardless, these two have ended up sleeping together. they heatedly tell one another it means nothing...and then it happens again. and again. and it leads them to start to question whether or not there truly is no meaning to this. 
suitor (s) ( 0 / ? )
either because of her alluring persona or her position as the only unmarried martell sibling, nyria’s hand has become one of hot commodity that has only grown since the marriage between her sister and the king. this could be your character being genuinely attracted to or having feelings for nyria or they could just be vying for her hand so they can accumulate power. regardless, they’re trying to court her or they could even be skipping pass the ideas of courting and be straight up trying to bargain for her hand either with her or her brother. 
one night stand / sexual fling ( 2 / ? )
perhaps it was just a one night situation or perhaps it was going on for a bit before they broke it off but regardless, nyria showed them quite a nice time in bed. these could also be something we plot for the future; something upcoming. 
charming the skin off a snake ( f )
those close to her have always joked that nyria could charm the skin off a snake and sometimes the allure for her is in the artistry of the chase. beautiful women with lips like forbidden fruit have always been her weakness and your character is her latest conquest. her tongue sings sweet nothings like a lyre to your character and your character knows it’s only a matter of time before you fall into her charms despite yourself.  
used and seduced
not above using some of her more feminine wiles to get what she wants, your character has previously been enchanted by her. so much so that even just the promise of dueling tongues in a hallway or the slip of a shoulder strap and some batted eyelashes was enough to get you to do something for her -- likely something political. despite the flirtatious or even making out, she never actually slept with your character; she needed something and knew how to get you to give it to her. perhaps your character is even still vying for her, hoping to finally get to sleep with her. 
broken betrothal (s) ( 0 / ? )
when she was younger, she’d try everything she could to evade betrothal, seeing it as a loss of freedom and frankly, given who some of her choices were, an utter end to a joyful life. your character was one of the people she helped break a betrothal -- or almost betrothal -- to back when she was younger. she was particularly known for putting serpents in strange places to spook their horses or in their beds to scare them away and put them off of dorne or lying to them/spreading some falsehood either about herself or the arrangement that cooled them off to marrying her. basically your character would likely see her as the girl who in her youth or early adolescence put a serpent in their bath or something. 
secret magic tutor
not an official tutor but someone that unofficially “tutors” nyria in helping to control and strengthen her water magic. this doesn’t necessarily have to be someone else with magic, although it could be. it could also be someone who is well-read in history and/or spells and sorcery and knows a lot about it that can help her. while reluctant for their help and prickly about needing help in the first place, nyria can’t deny that she has her own ambitions for her magic that require her to be able to control it. 
political alliance
she’ll play it close to the chest with those from the other houses outside of dorne but the fact of the matter is she doesn’t fuck with the targaryen’s and their lil dynasty. like, at all. nyria finds your character advantageous enough that she seeks to form an alliance with them. while she’s not in charge or dorne and cannot actually, ya know, fully do that, she does try her best to get her brother to see her opinion and for the right alliance, she might even try to consolidate her power for the sake of throwing it behind the dornish crown. this could also, if it’s with a character similar to her who isn’t actually the ruler but believes strongly in opposing the targaryens could mean that they help one another with their ambitions in whatever for that takes or even just supporting one another on a personal level and helping in any way that they can, be it through sharing information from spies, etc. maybe she’d even go so far as to give up the thing she loves most by agreeing to a betrothal: her freedom. 
dancing with the dark side
your character isn’t evil by any means but they are known to have a more ruthless, manipulative or even hedonistic lifestyle. they see or have seen nyria and they see something in her, a potential for...something. they’re definitely a bad influence but nyria has been toeing a thinning line for far too long at this point. and she can’t deny that she’s intrigued with whatever your character is doing or has to offer. 
sparring partner
while she’s by no means a soldier or even a protege, from a young age she was always taught to take care of herself and use weaponry. your character and her character have taken to sparring with one another, maybe as practice, as teaching, as fun, or even just one of them challenging the other and the other being unwilling to backdown. 
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hopevalley · 5 years
I just want to thank you for keeping this public. I have promoted you on Twitter and will continue to do so. I want to help in any way I can.
I debated all morning on how to reply to this. I know this is reference to Melinda making her blog private for Tumblr users only, and I think it’s important for me to express my opinion on that situation.
But first: thank you for the Twitter promotion! I have a Twitter account, but I admit I rarely use it (because I find it confusing to use lol). It’s @july_skies !
Regarding Melinda’s decision to privatize her blog: I support it. She works hard on her content and deserves to feel that people who like it will be capable of supporting it in a direct way (reblogs specifically). Nothing sucks more than making stuff and seeing that nobody’s looking at it or enjoying it, and whether or not that’s what it seems like to (general) you, that’s how it comes across when people don’t reblog her stuff. It’s depressing. It’s like she’s throwing her hard work right into the void.
While I’m on the subject, I’d like to talk about content creation a little more, to help give you guys a better idea of fandom and your place as a consumer of fanworks; I know a lot of you might be new to the concept, and you can’t know if nobody thinks to tell you.
For my “credentials,” let’s just say I’ve been a content creator for more than half my life and there’s something we lifers call fandom participation or fandom engagement. They are more or less the same thing, and the terminology boils down to us answering this question: “How is the fandom at large engaging with our content?”
In the last handful of years, participation is down across the board. When I first got into writing fanfiction I’d get at least 40 comments on anything I wrote. Many of my works ended up with 60+ comments on them! 
Now I’m lucky if anyone comments at all, especially in this fandom. Again, it’s a problem everywhere, but I still get comments on fanfic I posted five years ago in other fandoms; meanwhile, this one remains relatively silent. 
I post on AO3 for two big reasons. 1) ACCESSIBILITY. AO3′s site layout is easy to read! It’s easy to format! It’s friendly to people with issues seeing small print! And then we have 2) I do it to give people the option of commenting anonymously (in case they’re shy or nervous).
Having an account there isn’t required at all. People just choose not to engage with me when I post fanfiction.
It feels bad to spend hours of your time on something only to see 0 notes/comments/likes/reblogs/whatever on it later. Four ‘likes’ doesn’t feel that good either. Did people actually like it? Are they pity-likes? Do they even care? People mindlessly ‘like’ a lot of things; maybe they did that with your content, too. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy seeing ‘likes’ but a ‘like’ is more or less an acknowledgement that they’ve seen the content, not that they enjoyed it or want more of it.
Also, likes/kudos don’t draw in more readers: comments do. When a reader’s scrolling down the front page of their favorite AO3 fandom, they click on the ‘fics that look like they might be ‘good’ and even though it’s not always TRUE that the ‘best’ stories have the most comments, a lot of readers filter by the number of comments! 
Comments tell other readers: this is worth checking out!
Let’s look at a quick example of one of my ‘fics:
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This is from my AO3 account, a random WCtH fanfic. It’s not a long one, but it’s not short either. It’s a reasonable read in terms of time spent to read it, and as you can see 185 people clicked on it, 14 people ‘liked’ it (kudos are “likes”), and I have two comments: one of those comments is @trash-god and the other is me replying to her comment.
Her comment isn’t ‘less than’ because she’s a close friend, but she and I spoke at length about this story on Discord and her comment was just a nice little ‘addition’ to that conversation. Sure, the story’s about characters not many people care about, but look at that: 185 hits on the story. 14 likes. And only one person who read it took five seconds to leave a comment? Really? What about the 13 other people who ‘liked’ it?
What this says to me as a creator is that the ONLY person who is going to comment is the one person who might feel obligated to, and if that’s the case, why don’t I just save my stories to show her privately? Why bother posting them out into the void to hear nothing but silence from everyone else?
This is the direction that @whencallstheheart is coming from. What’s the point of spending hours creating these things when nobody interacts with you? Posting to silence feels bad. And look, to put it into perspective, editing gifs to post, writing fanfic, doing write-ups, maintenance of a blog, site, or social media presence: it’s super time-consuming. 
Melinda and I both work full-time jobs as it is. My job hit full busy season and I’m even getting overtime now. I’m in training to take over the department next year and I’m tired at the end of the day. When I get home I have eight cats, a house to take care of, and a spouse, not to mention my in-laws live right next door and need help sometimes. We also have a property we just planted 1500 trees on by hand that we have to monitor, and my husband owns a house we rent to someone that needs work done on it, too. Sometimes, life is busy.
And don’t get me wrong! I enjoy creating, just like I’m sure Melinda does. I feel awful if I can’t “create.”
But if my choices are:
work for five hours on a fanfic or episode write-up only to get 4 likes on it, OR
play a video game or watch a movie or read a book or sit on the deck watchin’ the sun go down while I work on a crocheting project…
The latter definitely appeals to me more knowing I have to get up in the morning to go back to work again. My time is worth something. Neither Melinda nor I are getting paid to create this content. We put it together for free, in what spare time we have, in the midst of our own chaotic lives. My website costs me a chunk of money every year to keep up and running ad-free, and I could get all 1500 trees weeded in the amount of time it takes me to put together an episode write-up or decent fanfic.
All content creators ask for in exchange for their free labor is a sense of community, and that can be anything from:
comments on fanfics you enjoyed, even if they are just to say, “I read this and enjoyed it.” 
messages that say, “I really like how [this edit you did] turned out.”
reblogs on Tumblr, retweets on Twitter, emails to website owners
you can even create your own blog and use it to begin conversations with those creators!
You guys have been pretty good about engaging with the show itself through us, but don’t forget to engage with the content you enjoy seeing that comes about because of the show. 
Fandom content keeps the show alive even when it’s not currently airing, and supporting content creators keeps them creating. Everyone wins, then!
To talk specifically about written content...
Readers are the ones who ensure more material is created. Hands down.
And again: I love writing!! I DO. I’ve been writing seriously for more years of my life than I haven’t been writing seriously! But it’s disheartening to post a fanfic and get my one obligation comment.
Now, it’s fine if you don’t read fanfiction or even enjoy it. It’s also fine if the things I’ve posted aren’t to your specific tastes. Trust me, I get it; nobody is obligated to comment on my fanfiction, and I don’t want anyone to feel that they should be.
But please know this: if you do enjoy something, whether it’s fanfic or edits or something else, you NEED to engage with it, or it WILL disappear. People don’t like talking to walls. It’s frustrating and it isn’t a good use of their time.
(This is one of the reasons I haven’t bothered doing a novelization of the series. It could be fun, but for 0 comments it’s not worth spending the time on.)
Again, you guys have been great when it comes to engaging with the show material, particularly while the show is airing. It’s been fun speculating with you and hearing all of your different thoughts. I know sometimes Tumblr doesn’t make it easy to communicate, either, and you’ve all done a great job of getting around that.
But in between seasons things get slow on this blog and it’s hard for me (or anyone running a blog) to feel motivated to provide content of any sort if you’re not going to take the time to engage in it.
I’ll never mark this blog as private, but if I get to the point where I can’t get any engagement from the fans, I’ll shut it down. The point of having a “fandom blog” is to interact with other fans.
I enjoy providing content to you guys, but if participation drops off to nothing, I’ll be taking that as my signal that the audience is gone and my time would be better spent elsewhere. 
So if you’re here and you’re enjoying things, don’t forget to take a little time out of your day to let your content creators know! Not just me and Melinda, of course, but your favorite people on Instagram, Twitter, and other sites as well. ♥ You might be surprised how happy they’ll be to receive interaction from other fans.
And another plug for fanfiction, because 1) they always get the short end of things considering how hard it is to amass the creative energy necessary to tell a good story, and 2) I noticed it’s the #2 page on my website getting visited: if you’ve enjoyed anything you’ve read for When Calls the Heart, tell the author! Here’s the section for WCtH on AO3! Is English not your native language/you’re not confident in your ability to write English? No worries! I’ve gotten many thoughtful comments in other languages and from people who spoke limited English, and trust me: I treasured every one. If you’re just not sure how to comment on fanfic, send me a message and I’ll give you some tips!
I don’t intend this as a slight against my anonymous friend up there AT ALL; I think it can be hard to be in fandom, especially if you’re newer to the scene. There’s a lot of history that’s long gone by now and missing out on it means it’s harder to step into fandom without also accidentally stepping on toes.
Sometimes we take for granted that we have an almost unlimited supply of fanfiction, gifs, memes, blogs, and so on at our disposal. But none of that comes from thin air and it never did. It’s the cumulative hard work of millions of people throwing their hearts and souls into something they’re passionate about in an effort to engage with other fans.
I hope this helped put things into perspective a bit!! Sending love at all of you that stuck around this far; I know it was quite a bit of a ramble LOL!
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comicteaparty · 5 years
April 3rd-April 9th, 2019 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from April 3rd, 2019 to April 9th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
What webcomic inspired you to get into webcomics?  Please tell us about your journey. 
there were several for me but I think Sakana was one of the biggest inspirations for me! http://www.sakana-comic.com/ since Mad talks a lot about her process with the comic it really helped make it feel less like some kinda magic that I didn’t know how to do and more like something I could try myself
honestly i find this to be a difficult question. im old enough to remember when internet wasnt a thing. so when it became a thing, there were basically always webcomics. and it was just kind of like...a normal thing to be read on the internet just as much as anything else. i never saw it as a lesser medium as some ppl have experienced. it was just always there along with the internet so it always felt natural to me to read them if they seemed interesting. that being said, if i had to pick the first webcomic that ever made me stick around for a long time, it was Bleedman's Powerpuff Girls D fancomic. Besides the fact it was super popular at the time, i just thought it was really different. like the art popped a lot more than other comics at the time (that i knew of at least), the story was way less comedy more actually serious material, and just in general i enjoyed the story telling. https://www.snafu-comics.com/swmseries/powerpuffgirls/
homestuck was the biggest one for me, but others like Witchy, Lady of the Shard, and Tuppence for Stardust are also big inspirations
I kind of networked out from online newspaper comics into actual webcomics and beyond, it's kind of hard to tell but I think Skin Horse (http://skin-horse.com/) was pretty much the first webcomic I got into.(edited)
cause a true hyperlink comes with the http part. http://skin-horse.com/
also please wrap the hyperlink in < and > so the embed is prevented. it keeps the chat cleaner @€heshire777(edited)
yes sorry XD
im multi tasking and didnt notice the wrong tag
I know that guy from a different server too
@Iris please make sure to link the comics next time https://www.homestuck.com/ http://witchycomic.com/ https://gigidigi.itch.io/lady https://tapas.io/series/tuppenceforstardust
oh crud, sorry. I'm tired and absent-minded this morning
I'm a keenspace child apparently, 'cuz my first introductions to webcomics were Saturnalia (https://web.archive.org/web/20070705042710/http://www.spacecoyote.com/comics/sat/) and RPG World (http://rpgworld.keenspace.com/). Both are dead now, although RPG World has a sorta-creator-blessed fan revival (http://rpgworld.the-comic.org/) And then I sorta fell away from them for a bit, mostly, until a friend threw Mokepon (http://mokepon.smackjeeves.com/) and The Property of Hate (http://tpoh.smackjeeves.com/) at me and now I'm back xD
I started reading webcomics back in the early 2000’s so I was consuming everything that was available, but I think the first one that actually made me think “I want my art to be like that” was The Meek https://www.meekcomic.com/ Up until that point I read mostly video game comics and they were funny but not inspiring me to make a comic. The Meek was gorgeous and interesting in a way that I hadn’t seen before.
A friend of mine made a webcomic in the early 2000s and I will not link it because it baaad, but that was my introduction to webcomics-- though when I started reading Terinu ( http://www.terinu.com/ ) and Lackadaisy Cats ( https://www.lackadaisycats.com/ ) was when I started wanting to make one of my own
The Meek and Gunnerkrigg Court were also early influences for me
oh, and hero! I loved this comic back in the day http://invisiblecities.comicgenesis.com/story.html
there were a handful of others that are no longer around, like Vampirates and Goodbye Chains and Astray3, all of which have vanished forever
Acid Reflux (http://acidreflux.ficwad.com/) was the first webcomic I really got into back in 2000. The humor was a great blend of anime and light fantasy, which is definitely my happy place. The forum/IRC communities were big for the time too (and of course there was no social media back then outside of what people hosted themselves). When I started my own comic, one of my goals was to have a community like that.
yeah I totally used to hang out on the terinu forums and shared fanart and stuff XD
(and on my friends' forum which shall not be named)
Yeah, standards were different back then XDDD
ohhhh yeahhh.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
The first webcomic I got into was Looking for Group https://www.lfg.co/. I'm a huge sucker for medieval settings, so my influences revolve around core fantasy, like Legend of Zelda and Lord of the Rings, but I also LOVE for my fantasy to not be taken as seriously with a good sense of humor, like LFG, Discworld, Dungeons and Dragons, and even The Adventure Zone. Seeing them create a graphic novel was sort of a catalyst for me deciding to make my own. I hope I do well for myself to contribute to the unique fantasy/comedy genre!(edited)
I actually started making webcomics before I knew they were a thing
When I was super young I made comic strips inspired by Calvin and Hobbes all the time
And when I got a deviantart account I started posting them
I think Calvin and Hobbes was a huge inspiration for my early work
Although I really started taking comics seriously when I started reading Cucumber Quest
Cucumber Quest
Calvin and Hobbes really inspired me to make comedy comics, and I loved the variety of backgrounds that were drawn in it
Cucumber Quest has lovely colours and a well written story, so I looked at pages from it a lot when I started teaching myself how to make colour palettes
Anybody here read Kill Six Billion Demons? Epic stuff imo https://killsixbilliondemons.com/
Now I am
i should make a tumblr page with all my favs
for my old comic I put a bunch of my favs in the links section because I wanted more people to read them. XD
That's what I did too XD
though it's gotten a little bit out of date and I haven;t made a new one yet for my new comic
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I keep my active reading list on ComicRocket these days (https://www.comic-rocket.com/users/SailorPtah/), and when they finish...or stop updating...I move them to the on-site reclist (http://www.bicatperson.com/links/references/finished-comics/).
Some of the oldest ones I remember reading are Venus Envy, Catball & Clown Girl, Boy Meets Boy, 1/0, Alternate Delusions, and girly. (So, also a Keenspace child, lol.) http://www.venusenvycomic.com/index.php http://catball.comicgenesis.com/ http://boymeetsboy.keenspot.com/ http://oneoverzero.comicgenesis.com/ http://altdelusions.comicgen.com/ http://girlyyy.com/
The first webcomic I ever read was Michelle Phan’s Helios Femina, Just cause I was a fan of her makeup tutorials. I started reading it but stopped and then when I started making my own webcomics last year I got into it again, but the story turned out to be not my thing, but freaking gorgeous art. Then I got into Planet Ace, Shiori, and webtoons like UnOrdinary and Spaceboy, and The Villain. Just sooooo good brings back some great summer memories. http://planet-ace.smackjeeves.com/ https://m.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/helios-femina/list?title_no=638&webtoon-platform-redirect=true https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-villain/list?title_no=188266&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true https://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=143025 https://m.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/unordinary/list?title_no=679&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true https://m.webtoons.com/en/drama/space-boy/list?title_no=400&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true(edited)
@ShaRose49 please wrap the links in < and > to prevent the embed
Oh sorry!
Do you just stick the link in between <>?
Make sure there's no space though
I’ll definitely do that next time
Oh can I edit?
I really don’t know discord that well
Hold click/press the message for options(edited)
i think thats mobile only
on desktop you hit the three dots on the right
thank you~!
No prob thanks for helping me
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codariidoescrimes · 6 years
was going into my drafts to work on the Jaesa Wilsaam meta part 2th and saw @i-declare-a-kaggath tagged me in a meme, so thnx for that bro!! imma procrastinate and finally do this :D
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people who you want to get to know better. whoo boy 21 huh? i think i have that many mutuals let’s take a look so umm @femmehawke @ghostlygal @malavaisquinn @sith-shenanigans @literatecephalopod @shecamefromwildspace @cystemic @everybodyloveshippos @confuzing @queenofthieves @yalakid @snootysith @void-fluff @pyralislegacy @sapphicjaina @valeroyeaux @cole-saberhagen @lanalanabobana @haringdyke @luke-biwalker and spot 21 is you: the person reading this!
nickname: I’m Arden!! or literally anything you can get from that. 
zodiac: Libra
height: 5′2″ thats right im short. it’s where the chaos comes from
last movie i saw: Oh gosh when did I last watch a movie? I actually.... don’t have a clue lmao. So ummm, my FAVE movie is “what we do in the shadows” and you should totally check it out if ur into vampires and comedy.
Last thing googled: Tove Styrke aka my fc for Crisis. was making a meme. it’s not a good meme so i won’t post it, but she is a v good faceclaim
favorite musician: I love Phildel, I’m a big fan of Metric, I’ve been listening to a lot of Caro Emerald lately and also some Nightwish. Pvris is also v. good.
song stuck in my head: In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia. it’s a bop yea
other blogs: sure! you can find my main @ardentlythieving, my sometimes active sequels shitposting at @first-order-hr and my very inactive Eli Vanto rp blog @reluctant-commander
do I get asks: I get them sometimes. mostly people just yell at me on discord tho
following: 193 people here, over 1k on my main blog
amount of sleep: Depends on time of year and how bad my insomnia is flaring up. Generally between 0 and 12 hours per night, usually 6-9. 
lucky number: 3
what i’m wearing: Red pajamas!
dream job: Honestly I’d love to publish a book. I’d also like to be a translator maybe, I think that would be neat. Or do something that lets me work nights I’m not suuuper fussed about what.
dream trip: Really I’d love to go to any country I have friends in and just hang out ya kno?
favorite food: hmmmm. don’t realllly have one. currently i’ve got a kiwifruit and pavlova ice cream tub thing and it’s REALLY GOOD. also i like chips with chicken salt on. and smoothies are delish there’s a place in the city with my uni that does them with like. fresh fruit and they are SO GOOD i get them whenever i can even tho it’s like 8 bucks.
play any instruments: Piano. Sort of. I learnt it for a bunch of years, then stopped for a while, so now I’m out of practice. Meaning to get back into it, but all the stuff I WANNA learn is v hard
languages: English. Also a bit of Swedish, I’ve been trying to learn it for a while altho I’ve been slacking lately don’t tell my main groupchat
random fact: Idk if any of y’all know the ttrpg system ‘Monster of the Week’, but if you do I’ve played Monster of the Week with the guy who wrote Monster of the Week which was neat af. He wasn’t actually the gm of that session. I was like a scooby doo kid and he was my charas conspiracy theory loving older brother who almost got sacrificed it was a wild time.
describe yourself as aesthetic things: honestly I think just a ton of really bright n shiny n colourful things.
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psyadrin · 7 years
Ok for that overwatch thing,,,,, a l l
1. Who is your defense main? Mei and/or Widowmaker, maybe Hanzo.
2. Who is your support main? Idk, I like playing Ana the most.
3. Who is your offense main? Reaper!!
4. Who is your tank main? Dorito rabbit aka D.Va
5. Who is you MAIN main? D.Va
6. Which character have you played the least? 
Torb, Winston, Roadhog (all of them are at 0 minutes)
7. Which character do you want to learn how to play? 
Sombra, Tracer, Genji, Pharah, Bastion, Orisa, Zarya 
8. Which character do you dislike the most? I actually like all of them.
9. Which character’s background story do you like the most? 
Bastion, Orisa, Widowmaker, Genji/Hanzo, Mei
10. Which character’s background story do you like the least? Sombra.
11. Which map is your favorite? Black Forest.
12. Which map is your least favorite? NUMBANI.
13. What Arcade game type is your favorite? Lockout 3v3
14. What Arcade game type is your least favorite? Mystery Heroes
15. Do you prefer quick play, competitive, arcade mode, or custom games?
Quick Play and comp, but comp > QP. QP is pretty much the way I like to relax and spend time with my boyfriend by messing around with the people and get achievements. It’s pretty much a huge meme parade when we play quick play and I like that. That way we can talk, make jokes and that stuff whilst still accomplishing things.
16. Which map type is your favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
Control, probably.
17. Which map type is your least favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
Assault & escort
18. Which event map was your favorite? Hm, I’m guessing this means like the Uprising!KR and Halloween!Eichenwalde? If so, I like both very much!
19. Which event map reskin was your favorite? 
Winter!Hanamura AND Winter!KR, top notch, really!
20. Which event was your favorite? 
Halloween Terror, Uprising (for Reyes’s pre-Reaper voice if nothing else) and Anniversary.
21. Which event legendary skin was your favorite? Cruiser, Jazzy and Pumpkin
22. Which event was your least favorite? 
Summer Games 2016, because fuck that loot system back then. Hopefully they bring it back and let me buy the old skins.
23. Which event legendary skin was your least favorite? 
Cyborg: 76 and Cyberian. OH, and Ironclad. Y’know, fuckboi torb?
24. Which event non-legendary skin was your favorite? Nevermore.
25. Which event non-legendary skin was your least favorite? Stunt Rider: 76
26. Which event item do you most regret not getting? 
Order by event: Reaper’s BMX icon/ Nihon (SG16), Coldhardt (HT), Mei’s Snowman emote (Winter), Rein’s skin,, Wujing I think? (CNY), Cadet Oxton (Uprising), Oasis (Anniversary)
27. Did you beat the Uprising event on Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary?
Hell, no! Wish I had, I tried so hard for Expert!!
28. Do you have Sombra’s “Power Outage” achievement? Yep, after 2 hours or so.
29. Do you have Widowmaker’s “Smooth as Silk” achievement? Yes, idefk how.
30. Do you have Lucio’s “The Floor is Lava” achievement? Working on it.
31. Do you have Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement? 
Eh, I have like 3 minutes on Zen, no.
32. What was the first achievement you got? 
Aside from that basic “Play a game with a friend” or “Reach level 10″ bullshit, it was Reaper’s cute spray.
33. Did you get the “Not A Scratch,” achievement on Junkenstein’s Revenge? 
Yes, and I’m proud of it. I also have the Hard mode achievement. In fact, I have all Halloween achievements.
34. What has been the hardest achievement to get for you? 
Mh, Junkenstein’s Revenge “Held The Door” (Hard mode). I think it took me 4 hours of playing nothing but hard mode??
35. What’s your current SR score in Competitive Mode? 1521, don’t ask.
36. What the highest you’ve been in Competitive? 1956.
37. What’s the most amount of placement matches you’ve won? Nine.
38. How many gold guns do you have? Zero.
39. Which was the first gold gun you got? Are you mocking me?
40. Whose gold gun do you currently want? D.Va’s. After that I might go for Ana’s Biotic Rifle or a golden Widow rifle.
41. What role do you usually play in Competitive? Tank or support.
42. If you don’t play Competitive, why not? N/A
43. What kind of theme event would you like to see in the future? DOOMFIST.
44. What type of character would you like to see in the future? DOOMFIST. 
45. Who needs more (or better) skins in the future? 
Hanzo, Widowmaker. Give my sniper babes a bit of love. And Reaper.
46. What country would you like a new character to come from? Austria or Italy.
47. Favorite voice line? 
Sorted by character (mains only)
[Reaper]“I’ll see you in hell.”
[D.Va] “I get the feeling you’re not taking me seriously.”
[Ana] “More lost than the moon in winter.”
[Lucio] “Have some Lucio-oh’s!” and “Boop!”
[Mercy] “Questionable judgement.”
[Mei] “I’m going to have to science the heck out of this.”
[WM] “Your emotions make you vulnerable.”
[Hanzo] “I choose you, spirit dragon.”
48. Favorite player icon? uuuuuh, The Reaper.
49. Favorite emote? Most dance emotes, SHRUG, and FINGER GUNS
50. Favorite spray? any cute spray I have
51.Favorite victory pose? *shrug* ahahahah… ha
52. Favorite highlight intro? Selfie, Death Blossom, Ssh
53. Characters you ship the most? Bunnyribbit (Lúcio x D.Va)
54. Characters you ship the least? Shimadacest
55. Characters you wish had more in-game interactions? 
D.Va/Lúcio, Orisa/Bastion, Widow/Hanzo
56. Character you wish had a comic about? uhh, every character deserves a comic.
57. Favorite comic released? Uprising, Reflections.
58. Favorite short released? The Last Bastion.
59. Favorite new character released? Ana.
60. Overwatch, Blackwatch, or Talon? Blackwatch or Talon, tbh. 
61. Pro-Omnic or anti-Omnic? Pro!
62. Favorite character that isn’t a playable one? (Ex: Emily, Brigitte, Gerard, Efi, etc.)
Emily! Lenily is just so pure and I need more!
63. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) that you liked the most? 
Lúcio and Bastion 2.0
64. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) you liked the least? Ana’s nerfs tbh
65. Best ultimate? 
Every ultimates has its uses! My favorites are Resurrection, Death Blossom and Self Destruct though.
66. Worst ultimate? Infra-Sight. It’s not bad, just not my favorite.
67. Most kills in game? 53.
68. Most heals in game? um,, i dont remember. 
69. What character do you think needs a nerf? Sym’s beam range.
70. What character do you think needs a buff? Currently I’m satisfied with most heroes.
71. Have you ever rage quit in the middle of a game? 
Unfortunately, yes. Not in comp though.
72. What’s the fastest you’ve won a game? 2:03
73. What’s the fastest you’ve lost a game? around the same as won
74. Your best Overwatch-related story? 
Hmm, I’ll never forget how my boyfriend went Symmetra on Hollywood Defense and put down his last teleporter right in front of the very first enemy spawn and we basically just sat there waiting for some poor souls to walk through it. A Zarya and Genji happened to do so and were greeted by a Sym sitting on a stool and me as a dancing Sombra. It was great.
75. Weirdest thing that happened to you on Overwatch? 
A friend and I encountered a guy who called me a cunt for killing him in a match and who insisted that my friend would add him as a battlenet friend. That guy proceeded to call me “Black Jerome” (before he learned that I’m female) and “White Jessica” (after he had learned I’m a female).
76. Platform you play on? PC.
77. Do you stream? Wish I could, but my PC is shit.
78. Do you normally play solo or with friends? 
Normally, I play with my boyfriend, otherwise I play solo.
79. Have you made any friends because of Overwatch? 
In fact, I met all of my current friends thanks to OW and a little AU called Retailwatch.
80. Have you cosplayed a character from Overwatch? Sadly, no.
81. Have you ever wrote fan fiction about Overwatch? Yes.
82. What’s the lowest you’ve been in Competitive? 1100.
83. In “All Brawls,” if you get “Charge!” do you play Reinhardt or do you pick the Lucio role? Lúcio.
84. In “All Brawls,” if you get “One Shot, One Kill,” do you play Ana, Hanzo, or Widowmaker? Idc.
85. In “All Brawls,” if you get “This is Ilios,” do you pick Lucio or Roadhog?
86. Team Genji or Team Hanzo? Team Hanzo.
87. Be honest! Do you usually get on the payload? I think I do???
88. Does your team? Nope.
89. What’s the longest session of Overwatch you’ve played? Friday 11pm - Saturday 6pm
90. No Limits, Mystery Heroes, or Total Mayhem? Total Mayhem.
91.Most cosmetics you have for one character? 73 for both Reaper and D.Va
92. Least cosmetics you have for one character? 20+ (Orisa)
93. Have you ever made your own custom game? No.
94. Best D.Va skin? Cruiser (event), Scavenger (normal)
95. Best Mercy skin? Witch (event), Imp (normal)
96. Best Tracer skin? Graffiti (event), Ultraviolet (normal)
97. Zarya’s Industrial and Cybergoth skins: yes, no, or HELL NO? 
honestly, yes, they’re my favorite Zarya skins.
98. Do you want more animal character, robot characters, or human characters? 
I’d love to see more robot characters!! But to be frank, I just want more characters LMAO
99. Is there are character you’d get rid of completely? 
Not really, they’re all precious in their own ways.
100. What do you think Sombra’s real name is? obvs something Spanish, idk
are you happy now, ken? this took me an hour to answer
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Non-Believable Tokens: The 7 Strangest Crypto Collectibles Explained
As they say, what’s weird in tech today just might be tomorrow’s next big thing.
If that’s the case, the world of digital, cryptographic collectibles may be high on the list of potential disruptive innovations. After all, where else can you “breed” digital items and come out with an ugly cat all of your own?
It’s user experiences like this, which began with Axiom Zen’s collectible CryptoKitties, that have technology enthusiasts talking excitedly about the future that could be enabled by non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or unique digital items tradable on a blockchain.
The first project to use ethereum’s ERC-721 standard, CryptoKitties has since been rolled out into a standalone company with backing from some of the industry’s top investors, while NFTs themselves have become one of tech’s hottest buzzwords. (Coinbase Ventures’ very first investment was in a sort of eBay for NFTs, after all.)
In other words, CryptoKitties has been seen as a harbinger of things to come for blockchain believers, one that opens up new possibilities in the world of video games, real estate and precious metals, among other things.
For those keeping score at home, though, these things are still just super weird. Comparing the state of play to social media, we might very well be in the Six Degrees and Makeout Club days (i.e. way before people got it and Facebook became one of the biggest companies in the world).
With that in mind, we decided to go out looking for some of the stranger, most creative NFTs.
Here’s seven that looked like they could be ones for the history books, if not always for the right reasons:
CryptoKitties introduced the idea tokens could breed and create totally new tokens, and lots of the new projects are now coming up with different ways to play around with that idea.
CryptoCrystals, for instance, breeds “sentient metals” into new cartoon characters that evoke geological imagery. With CryptoCrystals, “breeding” is called “melting” – as in the crystals are melted together.
The way to get fresh crystals is to go “mining,” but it’s not mining like on bitcoin or ethereum (where your computer does work to secure the network). Instead, users just buy a sort of token called a “pickaxe” from the company and use it. This generates a variable amount of crystals. (It’s like opening a pack of cards.)
The company behind the game makes its money from selling the pickaxes (sharing a portion with the Ethereum Foundation, voluntarily, to support the network’s growth). The rest of the operations in the game cost no more than their gas price.
There are 100 kinds of crystals out there and a finite supply. Further, pickaxes will produce half as much crystals with each passing year.
This one is for folks that grew up on “Sim City.”
Indie game developer Ben Nolan was trying to create virtual worlds people could own and explore, when he realized that the blockchain made it possible to improve the user experience of that very task. From that inspiration came CryptoVoxels, a three-dimensional space visible with virtual reality goggles.
“We have about 100 parcels sold (average price 0.16 ETH) in the origin city, about 100,000 square feet of development,” Nolan told CoinDesk in an email.
The business model is selling these original pieces of land, as well as some other digital objects that add character to the users experience, such as special hats for their avatars.
Users can also build on their land, adding buildings and structures. Someday, there could also be color. (Right now, everything is black and white.)
Nolan says the community has showed good activity in its Discord channel, and that they are starting to see person-to-person sales of parcels on the secondary market.
Like many of these projects, its working with one of the Ebays-for-NFTs, OpenSea.
Lots of the early NFT projects are on some level or another imitations of Pokemon (cute creatures that can also battle each other to get tougher and cooler).
HyperDragons takes advantage of decentralization, though, by interacting with another team’s project. In this way, HyperDragons can “eat” CryptoKitties, absorbing the attributes of cats that share a wallet with the dragon and boosting the dragons powers.
Gameplay takes three forms so far: collecting, breeding and consuming, battling warrior dragons one on one (like the original Pokemon) and castle defense, where you protect your resources from invading players.
The projects white paper acknowledges, like most projects in this space do, that real gaming interactions on ethereum are a problem, and it notes particular concern about the protocol’s ability to handle the castle game.
However, it hints that workarounds are under consideration, like we have seen in other projects.
Its emphasizes the team’s background in digital gaming, but it also addresses the business model presented by collectible NFTs. The white paper says, “We believe that there is a sustainable revenue-based model instead of an ICO, and we appreciate the innovation that digital collectibles portray.”
‘Bird in the Shell’
So, this one is really just one, specific NFT, by a nameless artist playing around with the form.
SuperRare is an app that lets artists create new digital works and offer them for sale on ethereum, something that could become more important in the art world given enough time.
In fact, one of last year’s super ICOs, Status, sees a lot of promise in SuperRare, too. It announced Thursday that it was inducting its parent company, Pixura, into Status Incubate, its accelerator for promising crypto startups.
That said, this one work of art on the SuperRare platform – it just hit a little too close to home. By “@hackatao,” it’s an animated gif in its native habitat. For anyone on Crypto Twitter, check this one out. It will feel way too real.
A digital object doesn’t have to be an image. It can also be sound (and probably other things people haven’t thought of yet).
Created as a side project by two staff members at Serbian blockchain company Decenter, CryptoJingles was started at the end of 2017.
“Coming out after the CryptoKitty boom, I noticed they are all variations of you owning some sort of an avatar (an image). I was looking what else could we tokenized,” Nenad Palinkasevic, one of the co-founders, told CoinDesk via email.
CryptoJingles are snippets of music that can be mixed together to make new pieces of music. There are 100 snippets of music that people can use to make jingles. Once a new combination has been made and recorded on the blockchain, it’s unique and no one else can make that combination. The creator owns it and can sell it on to others, as an NFT.
The project is not in active development but there have been a few super fans making lots of jingles. “There were 45 jingles created in total on our platform,” Palinkasevic said, without any marketing or promotion.
Panda Earth
For this project, it’s important to start with zoological facts first: Pandas are the best mammal.
On the surface, Panda Earth might just look like CryptoKitties-but-pandas, except for one important difference: Some of the crypto pandas represent real world pandas tracked by the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas.
A spokesperson says it is a project that is “authorized” by the center, but the company didn’t respond to questions from CoinDesk about whether purchasing any of the pandas benefits their conservation at all.
Like CryptoKitties, these digital pandas breed. They breed more and more slowly over time, but that will reset every four years.
This post started when we discovered the CryptoTitties NFT (not to be confused with SpankChain’s side hustle of the same name, which is a way to directly pay women for posting their topless photos).
CryptoTitties, on the other hand, are cartoon boobs made by a development firm called 7th Wave.
“It was a spoof of CryptoKitties for fun,” Hami Gilbert, one of its founders, told CoinDesk in a Discord chat. Later, Gilbert’s mother got breast cancer and they decided to find a way to supply cannabis products to women with the disease.
Like CryptoKitties, these are cartoon avatars, but of breasts rather than cats. Fear not: there are both female-identifying and male-identifying boobs available. In fact, while the real-world variety tend to come in pairs, CryptoTitties are available in singleton to sextuplet sets.
Also, they come in as many colors as there are in a bag of Haribo gummy bears.
CryptoTitties has not caught the world on fire, though. Selling each one for as little as 0.05 ETH, the full set of available items totals 144. Only 32 have sold thus far, according to Gilbert.
Previously, 7th Wave tried to launch an ICO project called Wardz, but it didn’t succeed. CryptoTitties has gotten more traction, with a small community built around it. To spread the word about the project, they tried to run a “Motorboat Contest” where people would win an actual boat.
The idea is that CryptoTitty holders would pay 0.003 ETH to vote for their faves. The set that got the most votes would win a boat, but 70 percent of the proceeds would go to the charity (though they never established a specific partnership).
Sales were too low to justify the boat purchase, however, and it didn’t happen.
“I thought people would share to their friends to vote and that it would snowball,” Gilbert said. “But I think people are a bit more prude than that.”
Image via CryptoTitties.
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
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doycetopia · 7 years
Masks Actual Play (Sessions 0 to 5)
There’s so much in my head with the weekly Masks game, every time I try to figure out what to say about it, I’m overwhelmed a bit, so this miiiight be a little random. I’ll try to keep a rein on things.
This is NOT going to be a blow-by-blow summary. I’m aiming for a 10-thousand foot view of how things are going.
Session 0
The players (five) came up with a lovely mix of traditional heroes (a speedster Legacy, a green-lantern-ish Nova), and some stuff that really turned the playbook concepts on their heads (a power-armor-and-AI-designing Bull, a nanite-infused Doomed inspired by Johnny Quest, an Outsider who is a ghost from the civil war era, marveling at the modern world).
One of the big things you do as a group in chargen is come up with answers to the “when we first met” questions, and this series of answers (here) presented us with a showdown against “Hannibal Lectric,” an older blue-blood sort of villain that really informed a lot of initial play, especially after some things that came out at the start of Session 1.
Of note: we’re using Roll20 for a play space (and Discord for voice chat), and during our last game (Dungeon World), we’d started making more use of the embedded forums Roll20 provides for each game. This took off in a BIG way for Masks, even before Session 0, with a lot of player pre-planning, and shows no sign of slowing down. I only wish the forum posts could be grouped more, but it’s still great.
If you’re interested, the (basically audio with a slideshow) recording of Session 0 is here.
Session 1 Prep
I made up love letters for everyone in the intervening week and dropped them on the players at the start of session 1. I am quite proud of all of them. They are collected here: Jason Quill: Doomed, Concord: the Nova, Mercury: the Legacy, Link: the Bull, Ghost Girl: the Outsider.
One of the things that came out of the love letters in play was the fact that the whole fight with Hannibal Lectric was a diversion so that something more important could be acquired while everyone was distracted. (This is/was tied to our Doomed in some way.)
Following the love letters, we cut into a tense “first team fight” kind of thing… which turned out to be four of the five heroes getting interviewed on “The Morning Starr” by nigh-plasticine host Tasha Starr.
When sonic-based villain Iconoclast interrupted the broadcast, the Bull was heard to comment “Thank Christ.”
The fight immediately moved to the street outside the studio, and we stopped the session in mid-brawl, with both the Nova and Legacy rocking pretty hefty piles of Conditions.
One of the players later posted a bunch of mocked-up live-tweets of both the interview and fight, which did a great job setting the tone and feel of the city and the world. Those posts are collected here.
Session 2
The street brawl continued, immediately complicated by the arrival of Troll, a meme-spewing bruiser whose strength and power increases in direct proportion to the strength of nearby Wifi signals.
Like Tasha Starr’s excruciatingly awkward interview questions, I put some effort into prepping bits of Troll’s dialogue, which I shared with the Masks community over here.
After this session, I posted a Plotagon-created video of some super-fan’s thoughts on the interview/fight. Plotagon quickly became a fun tool for the players to create their own virtual diaries and the like, so I’m happy I introduced it.
We had some technical problems that shortened the session, which unfortunately meant we were rolling into Session 3 with the ‘introductory fight’ still happening. Eh. We play for two to two-and-a-half hours, online, so we don’t get as much covered as I might like every session, but we’re having fun.
Session 3
I’d prepped a few other villains, ready to jump in to the brawl and get their faces on the news, but the complications didn’t head that direction, so they’re still waiting for their chance.
The (speedster) Legacy raced a self-destructing Iconoclast out of the city, but a decision to “give the villains an opening” introduced the Doomed’s nemesis to the scene (looking for the Doomed, whose energy signal was all over the speedster for fiction-reasons), which in turn led to a roll that resulted in the Legacy’s powers “going horribly out of control.”
I didn’t have anything prepped for that, but a few minutes of pondering and checking some notes got me to a classic speedster complication: getting unstuck in reality/time by overloading one’s powers, leading to foreshadowing – so Mercury was flung into a sepia-toned alternate earth in which a few Big Clues were dropped.
Meanwhile, the Bull’s “Assess the Situation: How Do We End This Quickly?” question from last session was finally answered when one of the Tweeting NPCs from post-session-one let the team know Troll’s weakness with regards to Wifi signal, which lead to a nice team moment with the Bull and the Nova.
And back at the point of the original fight, the Doomed and the ghostly Outsider had a moment of Comforting and Support – the first in the game, but definitely not the last: once that move was on the table, it quickly became one of the group’s favorites.
Mercury rejoined the team (and their reality) back in the city center, and before the authorities (or more bad guys) could show up, were ushered out of sight by Jaguar, the protege of Hyena, a vigilante superhero who’d become interested in the team after their first fight. (Thank you, session 0 team questions!)
By this point in the game, the players were starting to really get into the between-session stuff. The Doomed’s player started doing video diaries with plotagon, and he and the Bull also did a few play-by-post conversations on the forum. Other players were also sharing their thoughts and creations: art, pictures, and even a collection of relevant NPCs. (Here and here.)
Session 4
Most of this session was dealing with fall-out and developments from the first big public team fight. The most ironic thing was that we didn’t do any combat in this session, and our heroes ended up with more Conditions than they’d gotten in the fight.
Highlights included the Legacy’s dad telling him what a great job he’d done (and leaving him Insecure), and the Nova getting so scared of screwing up that he forgets how to fly at the end of the session.
I believe this also marks the point where the Bull changed his “Love” to the Nova character, in a “little brother” sense. His love up to this point had been his own NPC creation, so I liked seeing that, no matter how cool the NPC is. 🙂 (His rival remains the Doomed, which is all good.)
Session 5
The events of this session encompass something like… 3 hours. Maybe four. And no combat. And still chock-a-block with STUFF HAPPENING.
I reintroduced an NPC (@powerpony) as both a contact point for the Bull and the Outsider (gotta love those PC-NPC-PC triangles), which led to some good scenes and exchanges.
The Doomed got to reveal WHY he didn’t like interfacing with the AI in his “sanctum” – its holographic interface is modeled on his dead genius father.
AEGIS makes an appearance.
More CLUES about the “Sepia-verse” come out, linking the Legacy’s walkabout to the Doomed’s backstory.
And we wrapped up with a cutscene following the @powerpony NPC as she’s grabbed by… someone. Probably the start of an Arc. Duh duh dunnnn.
And that’s where we are.
Man there’s a lot going on! I’ve got Hooks set up for all the players (mostly), a main arc as well as several others impatiently waiting in the wings, and I can’t wait to get to ALL of it.
I’ve said this before, but PBTA-type games really feel like running Amber Diceless in a lot of good ways. (Hard to quantify ways, but good ways.) It’s got that same sense of freedom of narration, but the dice resolution injects and asks for a wonderful amount of unexpected plot twisting that takes any prep and dials it up to the point where it simply can’t be contained in the box I’d built. Good, good stuff.
Other Thoughts
There are a lot of different kinds of PBTA games.
Some focus more on genre-emulation and the dice mechanics, less on pushing for a certain kind of story experience (Dungeon World, IMO; also the Star Wars Rebel Ops game I ran).
Some focus more on mechanics that push play hard towards certain kinds of play or story events or whatever. Urban Shadows. Monsterhearts. Stuff like that.
Masks is definitely one of those games, focused on that superhero teen drama from stuff like Young Justice, New Mutants, Teen Titans, Avengers Academy, and so forth. That’s all to the good.
The only downside-like thing I’ve run into so far has been doing the post-session analysis on our shorter sessions has led to a LOT of co-mutual Influence sharing in the group (damn near everyone has Influence on everyone right now, though maybe that’s as it should be), and a lot of Label-shifting that sometimes doesn’t feel as punchy as it could – it feels like the label-shifting could be reduced by about 20%. I’m not sure if that’s just fallout from the shorter sessions.
Other Other Thoughts
Man I don’t know what kind of alchemy is firing off, but the player engagement in this game is through the roof. We’ve been playing together for well over a year and something just hit the gas on this game, hard. I suspect it’s a mix of the mechanics and (to a great degree) the genre.
Final Thought
This one’s from Kaylee, who’s been lurking on the voice channel during games, listening in during her homework like it’s a radioplay. Her thought:
“I wish this really was a comic book, or a superhero show. It would be SO GOOD.”
And it would. It is.
Great stuff.
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Non-Believable Tokens: The 7 Strangest Crypto Collectibles Explained
As they say, what’s weird in tech today just might be tomorrow’s next big thing.
If that’s the case, the world of digital, cryptographic collectibles may be high on the list of potential disruptive innovations. After all, where else can you “breed” digital items and come out with an ugly cat all of your own?
It’s user experiences like this, which began with Axiom Zen’s collectible CryptoKitties, that have technology enthusiasts talking excitedly about the future that could be enabled by non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or unique digital items tradable on a blockchain.
The first project to use ethereum’s ERC-721 standard, CryptoKitties has since been rolled out into a standalone company with backing from some of the industry’s top investors, while NFTs themselves have become one of tech’s hottest buzzwords. (Coinbase Ventures’ very first investment was in a sort of eBay for NFTs, after all.)
In other words, CryptoKitties has been seen as a harbinger of things to come for blockchain believers, one that opens up new possibilities in the world of video games, real estate and precious metals, among other things.
For those keeping score at home, though, these things are still just super weird. Comparing the state of play to social media, we might very well be in the Six Degrees and Makeout Club days (i.e. way before people got it and Facebook became one of the biggest companies in the world).
With that in mind, we decided to go out looking for some of the stranger, most creative NFTs.
Here’s seven that looked like they could be ones for the history books, if not always for the right reasons:
CryptoKitties introduced the idea tokens could breed and create totally new tokens, and lots of the new projects are now coming up with different ways to play around with that idea.
CryptoCrystals, for instance, breeds “sentient metals” into new cartoon characters that evoke geological imagery. With CryptoCrystals, “breeding” is called “melting” – as in the crystals are melted together.
The way to get fresh crystals is to go “mining,” but it’s not mining like on bitcoin or ethereum (where your computer does work to secure the network). Instead, users just buy a sort of token called a “pickaxe” from the company and use it. This generates a variable amount of crystals. (It’s like opening a pack of cards.)
The company behind the game makes its money from selling the pickaxes (sharing a portion with the Ethereum Foundation, voluntarily, to support the network’s growth). The rest of the operations in the game cost no more than their gas price.
There are 100 kinds of crystals out there and a finite supply. Further, pickaxes will produce half as much crystals with each passing year.
This one is for folks that grew up on “Sim City.”
Indie game developer Ben Nolan was trying to create virtual worlds people could own and explore, when he realized that the blockchain made it possible to improve the user experience of that very task. From that inspiration came CryptoVoxels, a three-dimensional space visible with virtual reality goggles.
“We have about 100 parcels sold (average price 0.16 ETH) in the origin city, about 100,000 square feet of development,” Nolan told CoinDesk in an email.
The business model is selling these original pieces of land, as well as some other digital objects that add character to the users experience, such as special hats for their avatars.
Users can also build on their land, adding buildings and structures. Someday, there could also be color. (Right now, everything is black and white.)
Nolan says the community has showed good activity in its Discord channel, and that they are starting to see person-to-person sales of parcels on the secondary market.
Like many of these projects, its working with one of the Ebays-for-NFTs, OpenSea.
Lots of the early NFT projects are on some level or another imitations of Pokemon (cute creatures that can also battle each other to get tougher and cooler).
HyperDragons takes advantage of decentralization, though, by interacting with another team’s project. In this way, HyperDragons can “eat” CryptoKitties, absorbing the attributes of cats that share a wallet with the dragon and boosting the dragons powers.
Gameplay takes three forms so far: collecting, breeding and consuming, battling warrior dragons one on one (like the original Pokemon) and castle defense, where you protect your resources from invading players.
The projects white paper acknowledges, like most projects in this space do, that real gaming interactions on ethereum are a problem, and it notes particular concern about the protocol’s ability to handle the castle game.
However, it hints that workarounds are under consideration, like we have seen in other projects.
Its emphasizes the team’s background in digital gaming, but it also addresses the business model presented by collectible NFTs. The white paper says, “We believe that there is a sustainable revenue-based model instead of an ICO, and we appreciate the innovation that digital collectibles portray.”
‘Bird in the Shell’
So, this one is really just one, specific NFT, by a nameless artist playing around with the form.
SuperRare is an app that lets artists create new digital works and offer them for sale on ethereum, something that could become more important in the art world given enough time.
In fact, one of last year’s super ICOs, Status, sees a lot of promise in SuperRare, too. It announced Thursday that it was inducting its parent company, Pixura, into Status Incubate, its accelerator for promising crypto startups.
That said, this one work of art on the SuperRare platform – it just hit a little too close to home. By “@hackatao,” it’s an animated gif in its native habitat. For anyone on Crypto Twitter, check this one out. It will feel way too real.
A digital object doesn’t have to be an image. It can also be sound (and probably other things people haven’t thought of yet).
Created as a side project by two staff members at Serbian blockchain company Decenter, CryptoJingles was started at the end of 2017.
“Coming out after the CryptoKitty boom, I noticed they are all variations of you owning some sort of an avatar (an image). I was looking what else could we tokenized,” Nenad Palinkasevic, one of the co-founders, told CoinDesk via email.
CryptoJingles are snippets of music that can be mixed together to make new pieces of music. There are 100 snippets of music that people can use to make jingles. Once a new combination has been made and recorded on the blockchain, it’s unique and no one else can make that combination. The creator owns it and can sell it on to others, as an NFT.
The project is not in active development but there have been a few super fans making lots of jingles. “There were 45 jingles created in total on our platform,” Palinkasevic said, without any marketing or promotion.
Panda Earth
For this project, it’s important to start with zoological facts first: Pandas are the best mammal.
On the surface, Panda Earth might just look like CryptoKitties-but-pandas, except for one important difference: Some of the crypto pandas represent real world pandas tracked by the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas.
A spokesperson says it is a project that is “authorized” by the center, but the company didn’t respond to questions from CoinDesk about whether purchasing any of the pandas benefits their conservation at all.
Like CryptoKitties, these digital pandas breed. They breed more and more slowly over time, but that will reset every four years.
This post started when we discovered the CryptoTitties NFT (not to be confused with SpankChain’s side hustle of the same name, which is a way to directly pay women for posting their topless photos).
CryptoTitties, on the other hand, are cartoon boobs made by a development firm called 7th Wave.
“It was a spoof of CryptoKitties for fun,” Hami Gilbert, one of its founders, told CoinDesk in a Discord chat. Later, Gilbert’s mother got breast cancer and they decided to find a way to supply cannabis products to women with the disease.
Like CryptoKitties, these are cartoon avatars, but of breasts rather than cats. Fear not: there are both female-identifying and male-identifying boobs available. In fact, while the real-world variety tend to come in pairs, CryptoTitties are available in singleton to sextuplet sets.
Also, they come in as many colors as there are in a bag of Haribo gummy bears.
CryptoTitties has not caught the world on fire, though. Selling each one for as little as 0.05 ETH, the full set of available items totals 144. Only 32 have sold thus far, according to Gilbert.
Previously, 7th Wave tried to launch an ICO project called Wardz, but it didn’t succeed. CryptoTitties has gotten more traction, with a small community built around it. To spread the word about the project, they tried to run a “Motorboat Contest” where people would win an actual boat.
The idea is that CryptoTitty holders would pay 0.003 ETH to vote for their faves. The set that got the most votes would win a boat, but 70 percent of the proceeds would go to the charity (though they never established a specific partnership).
Sales were too low to justify the boat purchase, however, and it didn’t happen.
“I thought people would share to their friends to vote and that it would snowball,” Gilbert said. “But I think people are a bit more prude than that.”
Image via CryptoTitties.
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
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The post Non-Believable Tokens: The 7 Strangest Crypto Collectibles Explained appeared first on Review: Legit or Scam?.
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Non-Believable Tokens: The 7 Strangest Crypto Collectibles Explained
As they say, what’s weird in tech today just might be tomorrow’s next big thing.
If that’s the case, the world of digital, cryptographic collectibles may be high on the list of potential disruptive innovations. After all, where else can you “breed” digital items and come out with an ugly cat all of your own?
It’s user experiences like this, which began with Axiom Zen’s collectible CryptoKitties, that have technology enthusiasts talking excitedly about the future that could be enabled by non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or unique digital items tradable on a blockchain.
The first project to use ethereum’s ERC-721 standard, CryptoKitties has since been rolled out into a standalone company with backing from some of the industry’s top investors, while NFTs themselves have become one of tech’s hottest buzzwords. (Coinbase Ventures’ very first investment was in a sort of eBay for NFTs, after all.)
In other words, CryptoKitties has been seen as a harbinger of things to come for blockchain believers, one that opens up new possibilities in the world of video games, real estate and precious metals, among other things.
For those keeping score at home, though, these things are still just super weird. Comparing the state of play to social media, we might very well be in the Six Degrees and Makeout Club days (i.e. way before people got it and Facebook became one of the biggest companies in the world).
With that in mind, we decided to go out looking for some of the stranger, most creative NFTs.
Here’s seven that looked like they could be ones for the history books, if not always for the right reasons:
CryptoKitties introduced the idea tokens could breed and create totally new tokens, and lots of the new projects are now coming up with different ways to play around with that idea.
CryptoCrystals, for instance, breeds “sentient metals” into new cartoon characters that evoke geological imagery. With CryptoCrystals, “breeding” is called “melting” – as in the crystals are melted together.
The way to get fresh crystals is to go “mining,” but it’s not mining like on bitcoin or ethereum (where your computer does work to secure the network). Instead, users just buy a sort of token called a “pickaxe” from the company and use it. This generates a variable amount of crystals. (It’s like opening a pack of cards.)
The company behind the game makes its money from selling the pickaxes (sharing a portion with the Ethereum Foundation, voluntarily, to support the network’s growth). The rest of the operations in the game cost no more than their gas price.
There are 100 kinds of crystals out there and a finite supply. Further, pickaxes will produce half as much crystals with each passing year.
This one is for folks that grew up on “Sim City.”
Indie game developer Ben Nolan was trying to create virtual worlds people could own and explore, when he realized that the blockchain made it possible to improve the user experience of that very task. From that inspiration came CryptoVoxels, a three-dimensional space visible with virtual reality goggles.
“We have about 100 parcels sold (average price 0.16 ETH) in the origin city, about 100,000 square feet of development,” Nolan told CoinDesk in an email.
The business model is selling these original pieces of land, as well as some other digital objects that add character to the users experience, such as special hats for their avatars.
Users can also build on their land, adding buildings and structures. Someday, there could also be color. (Right now, everything is black and white.)
Nolan says the community has showed good activity in its Discord channel, and that they are starting to see person-to-person sales of parcels on the secondary market.
Like many of these projects, its working with one of the Ebays-for-NFTs, OpenSea.
Lots of the early NFT projects are on some level or another imitations of Pokemon (cute creatures that can also battle each other to get tougher and cooler).
HyperDragons takes advantage of decentralization, though, by interacting with another team’s project. In this way, HyperDragons can “eat” CryptoKitties, absorbing the attributes of cats that share a wallet with the dragon and boosting the dragons powers.
Gameplay takes three forms so far: collecting, breeding and consuming, battling warrior dragons one on one (like the original Pokemon) and castle defense, where you protect your resources from invading players.
The projects white paper acknowledges, like most projects in this space do, that real gaming interactions on ethereum are a problem, and it notes particular concern about the protocol’s ability to handle the castle game.
However, it hints that workarounds are under consideration, like we have seen in other projects.
Its emphasizes the team’s background in digital gaming, but it also addresses the business model presented by collectible NFTs. The white paper says, “We believe that there is a sustainable revenue-based model instead of an ICO, and we appreciate the innovation that digital collectibles portray.”
‘Bird in the Shell’
So, this one is really just one, specific NFT, by a nameless artist playing around with the form.
SuperRare is an app that lets artists create new digital works and offer them for sale on ethereum, something that could become more important in the art world given enough time.
In fact, one of last year’s super ICOs, Status, sees a lot of promise in SuperRare, too. It announced Thursday that it was inducting its parent company, Pixura, into Status Incubate, its accelerator for promising crypto startups.
That said, this one work of art on the SuperRare platform – it just hit a little too close to home. By “@hackatao,” it’s an animated gif in its native habitat. For anyone on Crypto Twitter, check this one out. It will feel way too real.
A digital object doesn’t have to be an image. It can also be sound (and probably other things people haven’t thought of yet).
Created as a side project by two staff members at Serbian blockchain company Decenter, CryptoJingles was started at the end of 2017.
“Coming out after the CryptoKitty boom, I noticed they are all variations of you owning some sort of an avatar (an image). I was looking what else could we tokenized,” Nenad Palinkasevic, one of the co-founders, told CoinDesk via email.
CryptoJingles are snippets of music that can be mixed together to make new pieces of music. There are 100 snippets of music that people can use to make jingles. Once a new combination has been made and recorded on the blockchain, it’s unique and no one else can make that combination. The creator owns it and can sell it on to others, as an NFT.
The project is not in active development but there have been a few super fans making lots of jingles. “There were 45 jingles created in total on our platform,” Palinkasevic said, without any marketing or promotion.
Panda Earth
For this project, it’s important to start with zoological facts first: Pandas are the best mammal.
On the surface, Panda Earth might just look like CryptoKitties-but-pandas, except for one important difference: Some of the crypto pandas represent real world pandas tracked by the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas.
A spokesperson says it is a project that is “authorized” by the center, but the company didn’t respond to questions from CoinDesk about whether purchasing any of the pandas benefits their conservation at all.
Like CryptoKitties, these digital pandas breed. They breed more and more slowly over time, but that will reset every four years.
This post started when we discovered the CryptoTitties NFT (not to be confused with SpankChain’s side hustle of the same name, which is a way to directly pay women for posting their topless photos).
CryptoTitties, on the other hand, are cartoon boobs made by a development firm called 7th Wave.
“It was a spoof of CryptoKitties for fun,” Hami Gilbert, one of its founders, told CoinDesk in a Discord chat. Later, Gilbert’s mother got breast cancer and they decided to find a way to supply cannabis products to women with the disease.
Like CryptoKitties, these are cartoon avatars, but of breasts rather than cats. Fear not: there are both female-identifying and male-identifying boobs available. In fact, while the real-world variety tend to come in pairs, CryptoTitties are available in singleton to sextuplet sets.
Also, they come in as many colors as there are in a bag of Haribo gummy bears.
CryptoTitties has not caught the world on fire, though. Selling each one for as little as 0.05 ETH, the full set of available items totals 144. Only 32 have sold thus far, according to Gilbert.
Previously, 7th Wave tried to launch an ICO project called Wardz, but it didn’t succeed. CryptoTitties has gotten more traction, with a small community built around it. To spread the word about the project, they tried to run a “Motorboat Contest” where people would win an actual boat.
The idea is that CryptoTitty holders would pay 0.003 ETH to vote for their faves. The set that got the most votes would win a boat, but 70 percent of the proceeds would go to the charity (though they never established a specific partnership).
Sales were too low to justify the boat purchase, however, and it didn’t happen.
“I thought people would share to their friends to vote and that it would snowball,” Gilbert said. “But I think people are a bit more prude than that.”
Image via CryptoTitties.
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