#i do have a thing for figures of authority hnng
krsnbgirl · 4 years
Fly High! || Kageyama x Fem!Reader || Part 11
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Summary: You wake up to find Kageyama delivering the food that the rest of the managers reserved for you. While eating, you get to see the rare side of soft Kageyama and the small time frame you have with each other, it shows that both of your walls are slowly coming down. Then after having a late start to the day, the boys show how much they’ve missed you and as the day goes on, some priceless moments are finally captured through your infamous Polaroid. 
Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Fem!Reader
Genre: Rom-Com, Slice of Life, Sports, Fluff
Warnings: Light Cursing
Word Count: ~2.9k
Taglist:  @misnmatchedsox​ @monviemoo​ @love-beyond-words​ @bbecc-a​ @live-2-fangirl​ @2busyfangirling​ @ifeelblueming​ @tobiosbbyghorl​ @vanillakylee​
Author’s Notes: Happy December everyone! Sorry for the late update, I wanted to spend some time away from social media and completely be immersed in spending time with my family over the holidays. But now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s back to regular weekly updates until Christmas comes around, hahaha This week’s chapter feels like a filler and a bit on the shorter side. I just wanted to get something out for y’all because I noticed it’s been maybe two weeks since the last update? ^^; Sorry about that~ As always, the story is crossposted/updated on AO3! Hope all of you lovelies have been staying safe and taking care of yourselves, love you guys! Taglist is still open <3
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 5.5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 11 || Part 12 || Masterlist
Kageyama sighed as he eyed the bento box in his hand. It was packed and given to him by Shimizu once he followed her, Sugawara, and Daichi into the kitchen when everyone parted ways. After the food was ready to be delivered, the boys slapped his shoulders in encouragement and he watched the third years leave him to fetch the laundry baskets. ‘I...somehow feel...as if everyone was in on this…’ He thought to himself as he entered the girls’ building and towards the classroom that had its door slightly ajar. 
“Sorry for the intrusion…” he said softly as he slid the door open and made his way inside. 
He scanned the room and noticed the small bundle of blankets in the corner across from him. Making his way over, his gaze softened once he stopped next to the sleeping figure. You were curled up in a small ball with your arms tucked into your chest. Your phone was next to you with one of your playlists on its screen and he quietly kneeled down next to you. Without knowing, he began to admire your features. Kageyama thought you looked more peaceful with your face relaxed. You looked more innocent compared to your usual expression with your eyebrows scrunched up in focus or the permanent scowl you directed at them during games. He reached out and touched your forehead, sighing in relief to find out that you didn’t have any temperature. 
Setting your meal next to him, he frowned as he tried to figure out the best way to wake you up. Nishinoya warned that if you didn’t get enough rest, you’d be cranky and probably lash out at him. If he was too soft on you, then you wouldn’t feel a thing because you were a heavy sleeper. With a sigh, he followed his gut and leaned over you. He didn’t know how to deal with waking up a girl so Kageyama decided to go with the soft approach. His mind flashed to your exhausted look on your face from the night before and pursed his lips. With the chance to sleep in, he hoped that it helped you feel a lot better after taking care of the team. Sitting on his knees, he rested his weight on his left arm and gently shook your shoulder with his right hand. 
“(Y/N), it’s time to wake up. Shimizu-senpai asked me to bring you food.” 
He waited for a couple of seconds for you to respond, but without any movement, he decided to shake you a little harder. 
“Oi, you shorty. Wake up,” he said louder. 
You groaned and swatted his hand away from you. “Five more minutes mom, I don’t feel good…” 
“This girl-Oi, little miss sleepy head. Wake up or else I’m going to kill you.” Kageyama hissed as his patience wore thin when he saw you turn over and hug the blanket tighter. With a blank expression, he gave up trying to be gentle and began to relentlessly shake your shoulder. 
“Hnng…wha…?” you murmured sleepily and now aware of someone shaking you awake. “What in the…”  
Kageyama paused and watched you sleepily rub your eyes. It was a rare sight to see you with your walls down while he waited for you to fully wake up. With your hair slightly disheveled and a small pout on your lips, Kageyama quickly sat back on his knees and looked away. ‘Am I even allowed to see her like this?’ 
You mentally tried to gather your thoughts as your surroundings became more clear to you. Annoyance started to bubble up inside you from being woken up so harshly. There was still a light ache in your head and mentally decided to lash out at whoever decided to disturb your peace. Pushing yourself up to your elbows, you glared at the person and Kageyama immediately gulped when he met your gaze. He immediately shifted his gaze elsewhere and waited for you to say something. You were surprised to find that it was Kageyama next to you rather than Nishinoya and immediately relaxed your features. 
“Tobio?” you asked sleepily. 
He turned back to you and you sat up, mentally cheering that your body didn’t feel as heavy as before. You turned your body to face him and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at training right now?” you asked tiredly and reached for your water bottle. 
“I would be, but someone took too long to wake up,” he grumbled and shoved the bento box into your lap.
You choked on your water and smiled sheepishly when you put down the bottle. “Sorry, waking up is pretty hard for me if I don’t have a set time to be up.”
“Shimizu-senpai told me to give that to you.” he nodded towards the food sitting in your lap. 
You smiled when you opened it and let out a happy sound. “She remembered that I liked my rice with egg. It’s always my go-to for breakfast.” 
He watched as you quickly added the soy sauce and furikake seasoning on top before mixing the raw egg and its toppings with the rice. As he watched you dig into the food, he relaxed when he noticed that your energy was slowly coming back.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked.
You swallowed the food you were eating and looked up in thought. “A little better, I might try to freshen myself up to see if that helps.” 
“...so you’re not going to be there today?” Kageyama asked as he changed his sitting position. He leaned against his hands behind him and his legs were crisscrossed in front of him. He thoughtfully looked at you and tried to imagine what training would be like without you there to give him critiques or yell at the rest of the team.
You shrugged and said, “We’ll see. I might rest until you guys finish lunch. Then by the afternoon, if I’m feeling better, I’ll see you guys at the gym...hopefully.” 
He sighed then glanced at the clock and you smiled at him, thankful that he took some time to check up on you. Your gaze followed his and realized that the practice matches were about to start. 
“You better hurry or else Coach Ukai will yell at you.” 
Kageyama grunted and stood up from his position. Straightening out his practice clothes, he lightly bonked you on the head before making his way towards the door. You watched as he lazily waved at you. 
“Says the one that’s currently sick. Take better care of yourself, baka.” 
With a laugh, you nodded and he walked away. Your gaze softened and smiled to yourself while biting the tip of your chopsticks. It surprised you that Kageyama was the one to bring you the meal you missed and was probably forced to. Even if that was the case, you were glad to see that he didn’t seem as closed off as before. As you finished up your food, you knew that one more nap and a shower would bring you back to normal. So once you put the bento to the side, you chugged the rest of your water then grabbed what you needed before heading towards the showers to finally kick start your day. 
“(Y/N)-chan, welcome back!” Kaori greeted you when you walked into the kitchen. 
You smiled at the managers who were finishing up with cutting watermelons for all the boys at the camp. The other girls were happy to see that you were back to being your energetic self after seeing the drastic change in your personality just a couple hours prior. 
“I hope there wasn’t too much chaos while I was gone for the first half.” you said and bowed to them before straightening back up and sheepishly rubbed your neck.
“Nah, but your boys have been losing. Although, their spirits don’t seem to die either way.” One of the managers from Shinzen informed you.
You shrugged and walked to where Shimizu and Yachi were cutting some and immediately began to help them out. 
“It was to be expected, haha. We’re trying a lot of new and different things so it’s just a matter of getting it in their bodies.” 
“How are you feeling, (Y/N)-chan?” Shimizu asked. 
“I feel better. The food was amazing this morning, by the way. I’ve been drinking a lot of water and sports drinks once I was completely awake too.” you chirped and gave her a cheeky smile. 
“That’s good, the boys were worried about you this morning.” Yachi chimed in. 
“Eh? Really?” 
Shimizu nodded and passed you a tray that was filled with the last of the watermelon. “They were down at first, but they wanted to train even harder today to show you that they’ve been working hard.” 
“I’m assuming they’re doing it for some extra praise?” you smirked. 
The others nodded and the three of you laughed while you made your way towards the gym. You giggled behind the rest of the girls as the manager from Ubugawa announced that they’ll be given watermelon during their break. You peeked behind Shimizu’s shoulders to find the Karasuno boys out of breath. A part of you was worried because of how many times they’ve been running up the hill, but another part was glad to see that they were pushing themselves to be at their very best. All of the boys made their way outside as the managers stood by the door so they could take one on their way out. You stood at the end of the line and waited to see who would spot you first. 
“EH?! (Y/N)-CHAN!” Hinata exclaimed when his eyes landed on you. 
With that saying, the rest of the boys zeroed in on you and before you knew it, they were racing towards you with bright smiles. 
“We missed you!” Daichi said and ruffled your hair before grabbing a slice. 
“It was a little quiet without you reprimanding Kageyama and Hinata for their antics during breakfast this morning.” Sugawara chuckled. 
“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, (Y/N)-chan.” Asahi smiled. 
After the three boys left, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, and the rest of the second years went up to you for their share. 
“Glad to see you’re up and running, (Y/N)-chan.” Nishinoya grinned and squeezed your cheek. 
“What can I say? You know how I can be sometimes and hey- stop that hurts y’know?” you huffed and swatted his hand away as he laughed and grabbed his slice before walking away to find a spot to sit. 
“Did you enjoy your little breakfast delivery?” Tanaka snickered and wriggled his eyebrows at you. 
With a slight kick at his ankle, he winced and you smiled innocently. “Did you know that Shimizu-senpai is out of your league? Don’t test me today, Ryu-nii.” 
He laughed and turned towards Nishinoya before walking off. “Oi, she totally enjoyed her morning!” Turning back to you, he clicked his tongue and pointed finger guns at you, “Don’t worry about that, I’m completely aware of that kid. I’m gonna make her fall in love with me either way.” 
“I’m sorry for that, (Y/N)-chan. But we are glad to see that you’re doing okay.” Ennoshita said. 
“Of course, I can’t let Shimizu-senpai and Yachi-chan do all the work when it comes to you guys.” you smiled and you immediately rolled your eyes when you saw who was next. 
“Oh, so you didn’t die?” Tsukishima snickered while he grabbed one before immediately walking away. 
You raised your fist at him and mentally cursed him in your mind for being such a smartass. ’Just you wait until I beat your ass when I get a chance to spike a ball past you, you salty prick.’ 
“Why this mother-” 
“Don’t mind him, (Y/N)-chan. But I hope you’re feeling better.” Yamaguchi said hurriedly with a sheepish smile before getting his slice, trying to catch up to the blonde. 
“Glad to see you’re doing a lot better. I missed seeing you this morning.” Hinata smiled before making his way towards Kenma and Lev on the hill after being pushed out of the way when he made your presence known. 
“Are you sure you should be doing this?” Kageyama asked as he took the last slice and bit into it. 
You shrugged and held the tray to your side. “I mean I feel fine and if it makes you relax, I’ll take it easy today.” 
He narrowed his eyes at you and you held out your pinky in response. “Pinky promise.”
With a sigh, he reluctantly linked his pinky with yours, still doubting that you were at your best.  You simply gave him a playful salute and smirked. “I won’t let you down.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.” he grumbled before walking off. 
‘It’s like he’s trying his hardest not to show that he cares.’ You laughed to yourself before walking back to the kitchen to refill your tray with more watermelon.
“Oh? You brought it out, huh?” Yachi smiled when her eyes landed on the Polaroid camera you brought along to one of the practice matches later in the day.
You smiled as you set it down beside your things on the bench. You quickly put your hair up in a bun and began to fill it with a new packet of film. 
“I figured I could show the boys how hard they’ve been looking with some action shots.” 
“It’s true, this is the most motivated I’ve seen them. It’s quite scary because collisions like the one that happened yesterday could happen again. If that happens, then those types of accidents can lead to major injuries if they’re not careful.” Shimizu added while looking over their notes to summarize their current statistics.
You hummed in agreement and as the boys filed out of the gym for their punishment, you knew it was the perfect time to get some candids of the boys. You stood by the door as they stretched their legs and took one of the third years together. Then when the boys reached the top, you took one of all their silhouettes standing together. And once they slowly made their way down the hill, you smiled to yourself as you managed to get one of Nishinoya jumping onto Tanaka’s back. The flash took them by surprise and Nishinoya smiled widely. 
“You brought the camera!” he grinned and jumped off of Tanaka. 
Walking up to you, he snatched it from you and smiled cheekily while playfully shaking it. “My turn to take some pictures.” 
Without getting a word out from you, he ran away and you could only sigh in disbelief. ‘He really never runs out of energy, huh?’ 
You looked back towards the hill to see that most of them were about to come back and hurriedly picked up the bottles of water Shimizu set against the wall near the entrance. Grabbing as many as you could, you began to hand it out to the rest of the boys. 
“Good work today, you guys!” you cheered as they grabbed their bottles and tried to catch their breath.. 
A chorus of ‘thank you’ surrounded you and you pouted once Daichi ruffled your hair. 
“What do I always say about the hair?” you whined. 
“Not to touch it, but we still do because of that reaction of yours” Asahi chuckled and smiled in thanks as he grabbed his bottle from you. 
You turned around as they walked past you, slowly making their way into the gym, and someone tapped your on the shoulder. You smiled to see that it was Kageyama. He tiredly wiped his face with his towel and you held out his water bottle. 
“Good job today, Tobio.” you said while he wrapped his towel around his neck. 
“Thanks.” he murmured and grabbed the other end of his bottle. You rocked on your heels as you waited for him to compose himself and took a sip of his water. 
“Do you mind if we practice after dinner?” he asked as he looked down at you with a hint of a smile on his face. 
You shook your head and said, “I don’t mind as long as you’re down for a rematch.” 
He raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Oh? Someone doesn’t like to lose.”
With a cheeky smile, you shoved his bottle towards his chest and said, “I need to get my revenge on the prodigy y’know?” 
“AHAHA I GOT IT! TANAKA I REALLY I GOT THAT!” Nishinoya exclaimed. 
The two of you snapped your heads to the right to find Nishinoya holding your Polaroid in his hands with Tanaka standing behind him, laughing his head off. Kageyama just blinked, still trying to process what happened, as you stomped over to them. Snatching the camera out of their hands, you plucked whatever pictures Nishinoya took out of his hands.
“Stop fooling around, you shitheads!” you yelled and jabbed both of them in the stomach. 
They fell to the ground in pain but burst out laughing once more. “It was too cute not to capture! We never get to see soft Kageyama!” 
“Shut up right now Yu-nii.” you hissed. 
“C’mon you can’t deny it once you see the photo.” Tanaka added. 
Sugawara called out for them to come back inside and you sighed to yourself as you shuffled through the photos. Tanaka and Nishinoya nudged your sides when they passed you, still trying to tease you as much as they could. You snickered when Sugawara slapped the back of their heads before turning your attention back to the photos in your hands. One was a selca of Nishinoya and Tanaka, another was of Tsukishima flipping off the camera with Yamaguchi simply not knowing what to do in the background, another was of the third years smiling widely at the camera, the second to last one was of Hinata flashing a wide smile and holding up a ‘V,’ and the last one was of you and Kageyama. 
You bit your lip while you tried to stop yourself from smiling so widely. Nishinoya had caught the moment of you and Kageyama smirking and smiling at each other. Kageyama’s facial expression was the closest anyone would see to him for smiling and there was a joyful look in his eyes. Meanwhile you were looking up at him with your dimple showing and you knew you had let your emotions show too quickly. ‘I guess Yu-nii can be useful with that camera sometimes.’ you thought to yourself before putting all of the pictures into your bag and made your way towards the kitchen to help with dinner.
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alfredosauce50 · 5 years
Who’s the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 13
Wordcount: 2,830 The reader is referred to as she/her
Nothing but one thing was on his mind. Not even the fearful cries of the privileged and downright chaos that seized the venue could make him lose sight of what was important. And that embodiment of what was the whole world of him was right there, in his line of vision, gradually shrinking and fading away as you were carried out the door. 
Tears glossed his round red eyes that screamed so much fear as he called out your name. They were not accountable as sounds made by that of a human, for he roared out your name repetitively like an animal. He didn't stop screaming at the top of his lungs until he lost his voice. He just kept on yelling, and yelling until nothing but whistles and croaks passed through his lips. Another searing pain exploded in his head after all the yelling, but he couldn't care less.
Why was he just standing there in the lounge? What was he doing? Screaming was only going to stir up a scene. Everything he held dear was just stolen away from him. He needed to take a stand and chase after it. His labored breathing hastened and he took a step forward, but he accidentally knocked his shin against the forgotten table and tripped right into the topless furniture. "Fuck..." Even that violent hiss of a curse word came out as a mere, husky whisper. Falling right through the brass frame and into the small mountain of broken glass, his palms shot forward out of reflex and cushioned his fall before his whole body made contact with the lethal transparent shards. Millions of sharps dug into the ball of his hands, digging deeply to draw out blood as red as his eyes. "Agh-" He seethed in pain and fell forward again, this time grinding his forehead against the ground littered with glass. The edges scraped his skin, jabbing numerous little cuts that allowed more blood to rise up to the surface. By the time he stood up shakily onto his feet, his hands and chin were dripping with blood. Some of the little beads of crimson trickled down his fingers, while the rest trailed down his temple. He simply wiped his hands on his pant legs as he frequently flickered his eyes from his clothes to the exit. Half of him wanted to break out into a sprint and escape these golden halls choked with the stench of champagne, but the other half held him back. These hands grabbed tightly onto him and prevented him from breaking out into a chase like a madman for suspicious Italian cars like they wanted him to remember someone else that was of some degree of significance. "..." Allen glanced around as if he was searching desperately for a purpose to carry out. What was he forgetting? Who was he forgetting? Why was he here in the first place? He paled. "Alfred." Allen bolted for the stairs. His body moved on his own, and at a pace so fast it surprised him. Yes, he was quick but clumsy. Climbing up the stairs after struggling on his part, he reached the balcony. The tall glass doors flew open when the wind pounded its way in and filled the interior of the upstairs mezzanine. It revealed a body slumped on the ground outside, hardly moving. Despite the cool nightly breeze tousling his dark red hair that bit painfully hard on his forehead and hands, he showed determination to reach him. Allen ran to his side with his mouth agape and brows furrowed in shock. Rolling Alfred onto his back whilst carefully avoiding the small pool of red on the ground, he inhaled sharply through clenched teeth. Even his suit jacket could not hide the wound in his shoulder. Blood had spilled out from the stab wound to stain onto his once crisp white dress shirt. "Jesus Christ..." He whispered, sliding the pair of rimless glasses of the bridge off his nose. He inserted that into his pocket and darted his eyes all around his body. "The hell happened to you...?" Without another word, he slid his arms under Alfred's back and lifted him up slowly. By now, consciousness was flowing back into the blonde and he was starting to show signs of life. "Hnng..." Alfred groaned. He rolled his head around as Allen moved back downstairs, and when he felt the movement, his heart leaped out of his chest and he messed up his footing. "Aw shi-" He tightened his grip around Alfred and managed to make it to the ground floor without falling. He turned his head to his cousin and blinked with wide eyes. "I'm surprised you're still alive. You scared the crap outta me," Alfred cracked an eye open in a half-lidded manner to reveal a cerulean iris. "... Of course I'm alive..." He coughed faintly. His face was ghostly pale and a thin sheen of sweat glazed his features. "You think a little stab would be the end of me?" He paused before continuing. So he was stabbed.   "Well, I'll be damn-." Before Allen could finish his sentence, Alfred threw a fist at his face to smash it right into his jaw. Even though he looked like he was about to pass out from blood loss, he still had some spunk left in him to do that. Allen did not even see it coming and was forced back a few steps from the strong punch at his face. "... What the fuck!" His eyes twitched and he narrowed it dangerously before he rose his own hand to return the favor. He didn't. His hand just fell back to his side. "... As much as I'd like to beat the crap outta you for that, I can't." There was enough bloodshed today, especially for his cousin. Said cousin huffed and hung his arm around his shoulder loosely. "I bet this is all your damn fault. I don't have beef with anyone and those assholes looked like they'd be affiliated with you," "And how the hell would you know that?" For some reason, Allen was surprisingly calmer than he anticipated. He asked that question not out of spite, but general curiosity. The blonde coughed out a little bit of blood but continued to scream. "I did some research, Allen! Don't think I forgot about what happened at (F/N)'s house. You got yourself on the wrong side of some really bad people, and look what's happened!" The man with the tanned complexion loosed his tie that was choking his neck. There was really no point in denying it all now. With your life on the line, he really did not have any time to waste, nor could he hide anything anymore. Ambulance trucks were already pulling in. Police cars also followed and sirens wailed to split their eardrums. Neon red and blue pulsated vibrantly against the black cloak of the night and outshone the beauty of the city's nightlife. As bystanders fled the scene with horror, the police cars screeched to a stop and officers climbed out with wary gazes fixated on the vicinity that had just been infiltrated and ruined. The jeopardy they just escaped followed them outside and would not stop chasing him, at least not until he settled something he should have years ago. He could not reverse what had already happened, and yet, the past always seemed to find its way to the present. So there he was, about to reveal one of his darkest secrets. Allen furrowed his brows and seethed through his teeth. "I can't believe I'm actually going to do this." He hissed. He tightened his grip around the blonde and dragged him off, off to the side of the building where there were bushes to obscure their figures. His cousin had absolutely no energy to protest this and was moved easily like a ragdoll, regardless of struggling to break free from the vice grip. Blending their bodies with the darkness, they disappeared out of sight from any persons of authority. Allen sat him down carefully on the soft strokes of grass and turned his back to him. He folded his arms to make his raven black jacket stretch tightly over his broad shoulders. "... You're right." He started. Alfred's face contorted into a weird look and he glanced up from his lap to find himself staring at his back. "Yeah?" He breathed heavily. "There are many reasons why everything that happened... happened." Allen continued in a low tone implying his seriousness. "... And you're right. Those men who showed up tonight hate me. That's why they came in the first place." He kept a sharp eye out for any rays of light from any torches as he spoke. Alfred kept a hand pressed firmly against his wound as he listened intently because for once, he was actually open to his cousin's words. As much as he wanted to scream out in pain and let out strings of curses, he understood Allen's body language and kept silent so their position would not be given away. After all, they'd be bombarded with interrogations from the police if they were found, and precious time would be wasted. The biting cold air was suddenly unmoving. The sound of grass being crushed under rapid footsteps stopped. It was deathly quiet. Not a single peep was made as if the world wanted impartial attention to Allen's voice. And so, Alfred's lips sealed together as he watched his unmoving figure. "Luciano is the guy's name. He's the king of organized crime and he runs America's underground black market." Allen spun around with fear glinting in those red irises. The unprecedented sight made Alfred tense up in all reality. "So he's the real deal. You might be the top dog here, and everyone knows your name, but he's running a goddamn country down there!" The man sitting on the ground widened his eyes and shook his head in awe. "Well... Shit. Then what do we do about (F/N)?" "We'll find her and fuck him up. I'll find her. I always do." He muttered. The other eyed him with skepticism, however. "As much as I want her to be safe, but I'm not really sure how we can. And shouldn't we have started searching already?" Allen glanced over his shoulder with a pained expression. "... No. Not yet. Now's not a good time. We need to strike later when they don't expect us- right now, we need to keep low profiles and find a good window where they're most vulnerable. They're like nocturnal animals." He was still unconvinced. "How are you so sure? Don't you think waiting is kinda dumb? They could be doing all kinds of crazy shit to her." Alfred added with a frown. Before he knew it, two predatory eyes pierced right into his soul and he pressed himself up against the wall from the close proximity. "They won't. It's me they want, not her. If they ever dare to touch her... It'll be the last thing they'd ever do, and they know that." Alfred's head shrunk into his neck. "Damn... You sound like you know your shit." Alfred remarked softly. He sounded generally impressed, but at the same time, intimidated. Allen chuckled dryly after that comment, smelling the fear that radiated from the other. "Yeah... I'm not a good person. I try to improve, but people are still generally the same." He did not mind these traits that flawed his personality, for he could not change who he was and accepted that, in fact, he was a little proud of his tendencies to not care. It saved the sensations of regret or guilt, but for some reason, these emotions resonated within. "I've killed a man before- Luciano's client. Even though he was thinking about demolishing a part of my town for construction projects, it's not enough to justify murder." Albeit dumbfounded that Allen actually took the life of a human being, he understood why he did it. Allen grew up in a very poor area, essentially a ghetto for the working class. Most of the people residing there would not have the money needed to move, and it would result in many struggles and hardships if they were forced out of their homes. Despite lacking financially, however, the close-knit community relied on each other to get by. Nothing could stop them because they had their neighbors. They had their friends, family that they had chosen. And if someone threatened to change all that, that someone would regret being born. "... At least you did it because you were thinking of other people. I think... I think that's pretty admirable, even if you... You know, killed somebody." Alfred shrugged, to which Allen scoffed at. Anybody looking for services from a drug lord like Luciano was not considered the most innocent and deserving man anyway. "I mean, I personally think that wasn't too indecent of you. I'm sometimes a dick as well, you know? Like, I don't see it, but Happy keeps telling me about it." Allen rose a brow and lifted his head slightly to indicate interest. "Yeah?" "I'm apparently rude and I don't even know it. Not only that but, I think I am a little conceited at times." Alfred admitted. Allen nodded in agreement. "You may think that's incomparable to killing someone, but, I also have my fair share of being an asshole. Like, a big one. I've given permission to... Construction projects that may have caused a few people complications." The other mouthed an unamused 'wow'. Allen could not believe that he still had the audacity to mention it because he just talked about murdering someone who did the same thing. "Are you fucking kidding me? You really are a dick." "I'm sorry, okay! I didn't actually mean to do this to people!" Alfred exclaimed. The redhead sighed. "Just promise me that you'll do things while being considerate. Because you have a lot of power, but that also means a lot of responsibility." "... Haha. I swear you quoted that from Uncle Ben." Allen stretched his eyes. "No I didn't." The other chuckled and dismissed him with a wave of the hand. "Yeah, yeah. We're all secretly Marvel fans- But anyway-" He stood up slowly and leaned against the hard wall for support. "I will, so don't worry." Alfred heard a sigh. "Good." Alfred fished out his phone from his pocket and proceeded to unlock it. "And that thing you mentioned earlier, about people not changing. I certainly agree. People are still the same inside to some degree but it doesn't matter. It's not what you are that defines you, but what you do." He tapped a contact ID titled 'Happy' and drafted a new message. Allen fell silent for he was speechless. Alfred actually said something that was not completely unbearable to listen to, no, it was actually pleasant to hear. "Now where's fat guy when you need him?"   *** A black car drove along the streets in another peaceful night. The driver drummed his fingers along the steering wheel as he listened to the radio, bopping his head lightly to the catchy tune that filled the interior of the vehicle. The bridge of the song was just about to play when the radio crackled, indicating a change in station. Not noticing at first, he was too absorbed in keeping his attention fixated on the road ahead that was illuminated by his headlights. The mumbles of a news reporter were heard but it went straight out the other ear. It wasn't until the venue name of where Alfred's party was held was mentioned that he gasped and abruptly stopped the car so his body would jolt forward. "Hold on, who did what now!?" He slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and started to speed. He was on his way to pick up Alfred and his two guests, but he was not sure if there even was anyone to pick up anymore. That fearful thought manifested into reality. Pulling up on the side of the road, he climbed out the car and jogged up to what used to be a welcoming hall he had always dreamed of going into. Bright yellow police tape surrounded the place and draped around in abundance like tinsel on a Christmas tree. As he lost himself in his own thoughts with panic racing through his eyes, something vibrated in his butt. He reached for his phone and the sight was both relieving and unsettling. A strange concoction indeed, but it was what it was. In his most recent notifications, he received a selfie from Alfred along with a cryptic message that followed after. Allen and Alfred were making derp faces, but the image was painted with blood. There were traces of it dribbling out the side of Alfred's mouth and Allen's forehead was bloodied. Had a fun night. We didn't die. In case you were wondering, we're going to the hood.
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r0guewrites · 6 years
Three Strikes and You're In
This was done as a collaboration between myself and @polarbearsign as we were both going to write something as a gift for @miaaka​, but we both didn't think we would finish it that quickly so we decided that we could write one together so that it comes out sooner than anything we would be able to write on our own.
This was our first time co-authoring a fic so it was an interesting experience.
Summary: Three times Kanon tries to kiss Misaki, and one time she succeeds.
The first time Kanon tries to kiss Misaki, she loses her nerve.
There were the last to leave the studio, as usual, and Misaki was still in Michelle’s costume. Ever since Hello Happy World was formed, it became an unspoken rule that the two of them were the last to leave, so that Misaki could take her time to get out of Michelle’s costume unsuspectingly.
“...Are they gone?” Kanon hears the exasperation in Misaki’s voice from inside of Michelle, yet, there’s also a tinge of annoyed affection that lingers in her tone that almost makes Kanon smile. Despite how often Misaki gets exasperated with the rest of Hello Happy World, Kanon knows that deep down, the raven-haired girl still treasures them a lot.
“Great.” Misaki lets out a groan as she finally removes Michelle’s head. Her face is flushed red as sweat glistens at the side of her forehead. She sighs in relief once she’s able to feel the cool air against her warm face.
“It’s too hot in there…” Misaki groans again as removes the rest of the costume, and slumps against the wall.
And then it is Kanon’s turn to feel that the air around her is suddenly too warm. She finds herself staring at Misaki, her gaze never leaving the other girl’s, as it traces the way droplets of sweat slide down Misaki’s neck-
Kanon feels her face burst into flames, her throat suddenly dry. She’s gripped with this sudden urge to pull her girlfriend against her and claim those soft pink lips. Without thinking, Kanon takes a step forward and is about to reach out when Misaki’s voice halts her in her steps, and she finds herself blushing furiously at what she had been about to do.
“Say, Kanon-san?”
Kanon swallows. Get a hold of yourself, Kanon. The light-haired girl reminds herself to breathe.
“Could you…” Misaki gestures to her side awkwardly, her words coming in a tumble, “um...that is…”
It hasn’t been long since they got together but Kanon understands what Misaki is trying to say. It is moments such as these that fills Kanon’s heart with warmth and affection for the younger girl. Despite how the raven-haired girl looks, she can be a tad shy sometimes.
Kanon nods, and without hesitation, heads over to her girlfriend’s side. Misaki scoots a little to the left to make space for Kanon and immediately relaxes when she feels Kanon’s hand against hers.
“Feel free to rest for a while, Misaki-chan,” Kanon says softly, just as the older girl drifts off against her shoulder.
Kanon regards Misaki fondly, brushing the soft locks of hair that sticks to the raven-haired girl’s forehead to the side.
Just for a little while. Kanon thinks to herself as she leans against the side of Misaki’s head and closes her eyes.
The second time Kanon tries to kiss Misaki, she ends up spilling her drink.
The small coffee shop was comfy at this time of the evening. The setting sun casts a beautiful orange hue inside the shop that just makes everything glow with a radiance that can only be truly appreciated if you are there in person.
The two of them were just around the corner from the bar and, from where they were sitting, it looks like they had the entire place to themselves.
“It’s nice here,” Misaki finished glancing around the room to look at the girl across from her. “Thank you for taking me.”
“H-Huh… oh…” The light blue-haired girl’s lips curl into a smile. “I… I know how hot you can get in the… suit… so I thought you might want to cool down somewhere.”
“Ah yes… coffee... the best way to cool down.” A light blush creeps onto Kanon’s face.
“I know what you mean Kanon-san, you don’t need to worry.” Misaki couldn't resist a smile as she watches the flustered girl across from her breathe a sigh of relief. Sometimes, Kanon was just too adorable.
Kanon feels a warmth spread through her body and knew it wasn’t from just the coffee. Misaki’s smile just has this effect on her that makes her heart beat faster, igniting a fire in her cheeks, and she finds herself drawn towards her girlfriend’s lips. Why… am I feeling like… I want to kiss her again. She subconsciously glances over her shoulder. There is no one that could see them if they did. No one… She stands up a little leaning forward and...sends her coffee spilling all over the table.
“K-Kanon!” Misaki exclaims as she jumps up, narrowly avoiding the hot liquid as it pours off the edge of the table. “Wh… How?”
“S-Sorry…” Kanon’s cheeks felt like they could set themselves on fire any second now, as she starts to panic, looking around for something to clean the spillage up with.
Luckily, the commotion is overheard by a member of staff. Once the staff member sees what has happened, it is cleaned up in a matter of seconds.
“S-Sorry…” Kanon apologises again, half to the staff member, but mostly to Misaki. She feels bad for having caused trouble and wishes she’s able to be more smooth, perhaps like Kaoru.
“Don’t worry about it.” Misaki takes Kanon’s hand in her own to reassure her. “I still had a lot of fun out here with you.”
The third time Kanon tries to kiss Misaki, she kisses Michelle.
It had become a small tradition for them that Kanon would be there waiting for Misaki as she returns from a day as Michelle. It had started as a small surprise that the light blue-haired girl wanted to pull, but it had just been such a cute reaction that Kanon couldn’t help but make it a reoccurring thing.
So here she was, sitting down watching the seconds tick by on a nearby clock with one eye and the other watching the door for any sign of movement. Sometimes this could take hours, but she knows that if Misaki was late, it was just because of how much the children loved Michelle.
Her lips smile as she remembers the faces of pure joy on the small faces of the children as they run to hug the lovable pink bear. I don’t blame them. She takes a deep breath, just as the door swings open with a force, causing a gust of wind to fly in, blowing Kanon’s hair in front of her face.
When it clears a big pink figure is standing in the doorway.
Kanon’s eyes sparkle with the same enthusiasm as the kids on the street and she runs over to hug the bear. “Welcome back!”
The door closes behind them as the fluffy arms wrap around the blue haired girl. “Thank you, Kanon-san.”
As Kanon pushes away, she looks up and stares at the face of Michelle. It’s as if she’s able to sense and feel the intense gaze from the younger girl in the costume. Kanon feels her heart begin to race and without thinking she pushes her lips forward to press against the lips of the bear.
“K-Kanon-san?” Misaki’s voice comes from in the suit as she tries to figure out what is going on. “Wh-What are you…” Her voice trails off as Kanon pulls away, the gears clicking into place in her head, placing the final piece of the puzzle. “D-Did you…”
She reaches up and pulls the head of the suit off. “...kiss…” She looks at the head and then to the blushing girl in front of her.
“S-Sorry I d-don’t know what I was…” Kanon tries to defend herself, stopping when she feels something touch her arm. Her gaze drops to see the arm of Michelle on her own.
“Kanon…” Misaki says as their gazes meet. Despite being smouldered from being inside the bear all day, Misaki feels her body heat up rapidly. Her heart races and she moves to reduce the distance between them.
The next thing they know, their eyes are closed and their lips are pressing against each other. Misaki slides the pink arms of the bear behind Kanon, pulling her into the fur of the suit.
After a short while, they finally break apart, both staying within a few inches of the other’s face, slightly breathless.
Misaki is the one that breaks the short silence that had fallen. “It’s okay Kanon-san…”
Kanon’s words are immediately cut off by the feeling of Misaki’s lips on hers again.
“We can talk later, right, Kanon-san?” The raven-haired girl whispers hoarsely, and Kanon nods dumbly, dazed.
Misaki grins cheekily at Kanon before she swoops in for yet another kiss.
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