#i do not know cucurucho lore however i do know jaiden lore
snake-bytez · 11 months
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I will explode them /lhj
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Can we just talk about how amazing and just so goddamn wonderful the Animationsfamily adventure was?
At that time, I was pretty much just thinking of Bobby, hoping and praying that at the end of the journey, they could get him back. That Cucurucho can reverse his death and everything will be alright.
But, Bobby wasn't revived, unfortunately. And I remember I was just sitting there for a bit, feeling the tears sting my eyes, and I thought, "then what was the point of traveling 8000+ blocks on foot, if we couldn't get Bobby back anyways??"
However, the adventure with everyone on the server was never about resurrecting Bobby from the dead. It was never about bringing him back.
Ever since the beginning, the QSMP was always about uniting everyone regardless of the language they spoke. It was about forming friendships and meaningful connections with people from around the world.
Everyone on the server, including the new players-Baghera, Etoiles, and Kameto- working together to protect Jaiden and Roier and help them achieve their goal is everything to me, because it shows that despite not knowing each other that well, they care for each other a lot, and would do anything to help each other out.
Despite the conflicts, horrific lore, and telenovela levels of family drama,
QSMP is a story about love, friendship, and family.
It was, since the beginning of the server, it still is, and always will be about friendship.
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lunaflowerlolz · 7 months
I know Phil's lore is most likely only for him. However I wonder if Jaiden or Baghera could see what Phil is seeing. They both have had birds follow them around. Though I think that had more to do with Cucurucho then with what's going with Phil
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moiteneia · 5 months
The Federation Children:
I would love if the QSMP admins connected the lore of the island's cubite residents to each other, especially q!Jaiden, q!Baghera, q!Quackitiy, and q!Cellbit. And I would love it so much that I even have a headcanon in mind :D
Well, let's review the lore of our cubite, who is stuck in Purgatory and suicidal, shall we? q!Cellbit doesn't remember much. Apparently his memory was erased, as the first memory he has is from the age of 12/14, when he was in the Hunger Games and had to eat bodies if he wanted to survive. A child who ended up in an arena and had to do everything to stay alive, seeing himself as a monster. So, after escaping from the prison from which he was sentenced after the war, he ended up in Quesadilha, already close to his thirties, he sought to redeem himself, but not only that, he sought to know what it was to truly live. And he found his own life in a family, q!Tazercraft, q!Felps, Richarlyson and, of course, his husband q!Roier, who showed him countless times that he was more than an investigator and was not a monster. q!Roier showed what love was, what it was to want the good of another person and who he was.
That is, until he discovered that the Federation was not only causing his life now, no, q!Cellbit discovered that his entire life could be different if it hadn't been for the organization that kidnapped him as a child and separated him from his biological family and his twin sister. As a result, revisiting memories, being overcome by trauma, tiredness and anger, he couldn't take it and succumbed to emptiness and despair. Now, after seeing what he thought was the death of his own son, q!Cellbit tried to kill himself in Purgatory, separating himself from those he loved who were left, trying to spare them and thinking that he only did them harm - that he it was bad for q!Roier (which we know is not true).
Now, let's move on to the lore of the other cubes.
What made the Federation arrest and take q!Cellbit was that he saw something he shouldn't have. Something so terrible that he wrote in his diary that q!Bagi, his sister, should run away and not trust anyone. Something so scary that a child tried to escape the island, even if it was by swimming.
Well, I think there is a possibility that at this point, we connect his story with that of the other three.
In the lore of q!Baghera, she discovered that she was an experiment by the Federation, being transformed or made to be a hybrid and even having her feathers plucked out in the tests that the organization carried out.
We also know that both q!Quackity and q!Jaiden have a connection to the Federation. Q!Quackity having a twin brother he was unaware of who personally plays the Federation's game, doing missions and filling in for his brother when necessary to accomplish what they want.
And q!Jaiden who talked amicably with Cucurucho countless times and has the specific nickname of Blue Bird, even having wings, like q!Baghera's.
(I would like to analyze more, but unfortunately I don't watch the three of them that much. I really apologize for that, because I love the rp of the three and their respective stories - if you want to analyze and connect them better, feel free! I would love to read it!)
However, I believe it is possible to think of little q!Cellbit, as a child, playing research while watching children from a distance, in the backyards of the Federation - a place his parents banned him from going.
So, alone and wanting to make friends besides his sister, he enters the building and sees q!Baghera being hurt. He sees q!Quacks taking tests and, upon failing, being taken to a pool to drown, as punishment. And q!Jaiden doing everything perfectly and receiving sweets that make her "happy" but unaware of where she is.
And approaching the glass, he meets the gaze of q!Baghera, who asks for help as she bleeds and, desperate, he just runs away, without noticing the security cameras that have always been watching him.
It's good to remember that Cucurucho always makes excuses for q!Cellbit and is currently and never seems to believe his confessions as a traitor to the Federation. It does missions personally for him. And as a child, q!Cellbit taught his sister about codes and messages, riddles and puzzles...
What if, the Federation used this moment as a chance to have another test subject? What if from the moment he returned to the island, being stronger, more dangerous and intelligent, the Federation just became happier? And if the "perfection" that the Federation seeks so much is in the cubits of Quesadilha Island and that's why it wants it, it fights for them to follow the Order, for them to follow what makes the organization happy? Because it's good to remember, Cucurucho's mission, at the beginning of the series, was always to make the island "happy", but the bear already said that it's not exactly for the island's residents to be happy, but his mission is for the Federation.
The happiness that is important to him does not come from them, but from the rules, from perfection, from the guinea pigs.
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floral-moon-light · 8 months
Lore update for Philza on the QSMP! If you haven't seen the Friday the 13th of October stream or vod and/or the Monday the 16th stream or god go watch before returning!
Okay, so Friday the 13th did not really have much of anything lore-wise to talk about. So, to explain what happened that day, the start of the stream was mostly Phil, Fit, and Tubbo talking about a previous day's lore since Fit and Tubbo haven't gotten to hear what happened and Phil taking the two to the places he got his pictures of Tallulah and Chayanne. After which, shenanigans mostly happened involving a museum visit, spawning of seven deadly sins mobs, and talk about Tubbo either getting murdered or kidnapped (and other random stuff).
Once the group minus Tubbo gets back to Phil's house they mostly talked about the eggs and did some decoration of the outside of Tallulah's seed bank with Fit hyping Phil up. Eventually Jaiden comes over and joins in watching Phil work while revealing Jaiden has wings now, or that she always had wings but is now feeling confident enough to show them. At one point Cucurucho comes over and presents Jaiden with her reward for the task she did.
At some point the two leave and Phil decided to got exploring for dungeons, but gets distracted trying to capture a sunbird he spotted. At some point during the chase Cucurucho stops by Phil and gives him a task to go concur some dungeons for a reward (forget what, all I know is it wasn't anything important and the only thing I do remember about the reward was duckcoins). After which Phil goes back on the sunbird hunt for 1 and a half hours, eventually capturing a Sunbird (the admins had to give it to him because the one he caught with a lasso glitched off the lasso, but the admins agreed Phil caught it). This lead to Phil going back to his dungeon hunt, completing a few dungeons, and heading home to get Cucurucho to give him his reward, mentioning during this that he would really like his wings back as the reward but he only got laughed at. After which Phil checked his egg connection chest to find nothing new before heading off to sleep at uppies.
This is a bit of a side note, but I want to talk about what could have happened to Phil's wings since this was discussed on the 13th due to Jaiden having her's out. To anyone who understands birds or avians, there are three possibilities of what could have happened. First, Wing binding, where something is used to bind the avian's wings to their body, preventing them from being used. This is the least likely option because Phil mentions wanting his wings fixed and having a balancing issue. So, something has to be wrong with his wings. Option 2, his wings were clipped, where the avian or bird's flight feathers are cut/clipped, preventing the bird or avian from being able to fly. It is a more likely option because it does mean something has happened to his wings themselves to prevent him from flying with them, but it is something fixable. Option 3: Phil's wings were permanently damaged, and he can't fly because of this. This option is the most extreme and would explain the balance issue best. However, the only way this would be true is if the Dream SMP is canon on the QSMP and the damage from Phil saving Wilbur carried over between servers. I suspect this is not the case, though, since generally, it is considered that damage like that does not carry over between servers (otherwise, Big Q would still have his Toothpick scar). Besides a few nods between characters, there is no indication that the Dream SMP is cannon to the QSMP.
Now, on to the 16th.
The day started out simple; everyone was getting on because an event was happening. And that day, Wilbur finally returned to the server after completing his months-long tour. However everyone was doing their best to not release what happened to the eggs to the man, including Phil, to give Will at least a little time of being happy. And so everyone met Wilbur, and there were apologies to Phil about the Hatuna Miku joke. Leading into everyone gathering at the spawn for the event.
Said event was a spy mission on a federation meeting inside the maze. So the server had to go through the poorly lit-up maze, and by the gods, chaos occurred! So many people got lost in the place, and during this time, Phil finally revealed to Wilbur that all the eggs were missing. This led Wil to leave the event because he was frustrated by the seeming lack of worry or work to find the eggs. Phil, though, continued with the event, letting Wilbur have time to understand the extent of how bad things are. And so the group entered the feneration meeting, with Tubbo's laptop completly crashing some time during this so poor man had to be told what happened the next day, where we learned 3 things.
1. The federation has no clue whatsoever happened to the eggs and are investigating the situation themselves to try and find the eggs. (as for why my best guess is to try and return order to the island because the residents without the eggs are... Dangerous.)
2. The federation did send Forever into the nether to investigate the eggs disappearance only for them to lose contact with him. But, they will be continuing their investigation by sending someone else in to continue where Forever left off and figure out what happened.
And last but not least 3. The federation released the minnyme mod, a mod that basically puts level-able Pikmin that look like their controller into the game (yes, that is my best way of describing them).
Side note, these tiny creatures are not meant to be a replacement for the eggs. And it looked like originally these creatures were meant to be given to the federation workers possibly to either help keep them safe or to increase their worker count.
Soon after the server members were found out and worked to escape, in the process they managed to steal the items needed to spawn the minnymes for themselves. After which the group escaped and the federation had to pull a coverup to make it seem like the island members were meant to gain the minnymes.
After this Phil meets up will Wilbur again who had finally realised the full extent of what was going on with the eggs and allowed Phil to fully explain the situation and everything they had discovered so far, as well as Phil explaining how he had gotten in contact with Cheyanne. In addition to this the two had found a water frame playing a specific song that Wilbur had used to find Tallulah after she got separated from him on their first day together. He then went on to copy the song down into a notebook to try and get a message to Tallulah.
Towards the end of this, Slime came and visited, and Phil revealed about the code(?) egg that Smile was hanging with, with Phil and Will following Slime so the man could reveal what happened. During this, I will state I had trouble keeping it together and watching the stream/vod due to the multiple minutes long s*x innuendo between Wilbur and Slime that even Phil was having trouble keeping it together for! This then led into an attempt at a comedy show between Slime, Will and Baghera involving the goldfish joke.
After this Phil and Wilbur went back to Will's house where they were joined by Cellbit for a bit as Will set up his message box to Tallulah before the musician asked for some time alone. After Phil and Celbit left they talked about what has been going on with the eggs and the pair decided to mostly not use the minnymes.
After this the pair met up with the others at the spawn where Phil had an out of character chat with Quackity that led to Phil having to put big Q's minnyme into a glass box because Q's stream or computer seemingly crashed.
After that Phil set off to go to bed for the night.
I hope this catches everyone up for when Phil returns after his vacation with his goddess Wife.
Have fun!
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pixiecaps · 11 months
heres a long recap on qjaiden and qfoolish’s relationship, their ties to cucurucho, and recent lore
it mainly started around the time qjaiden was doing her cucurucho missions and there was a lot of distrust on the island towards her. qfoolish seemed to be one of the few people who genuinely didn’t seem affected by her working with cucurucho. mainly due to the fact he wanted to befriend cucurucho for a cloud. so over time they got closer as friends over this very thing. they both held some type of connection with cucurucho. she eventually shows foolish her base at bobby fields which is a very special place for her. only inviting those over who trust her. foolish & leo were in-fact the second people she ever showed this base to. roier the first and cellbit & richas the third. over time she’s one of the few people who gets to witness and hear about all random interactions foolish has with cucurucho. i feel like over this time they were dubbed cucurucho buddies. there’s also the blue bird mission where jaien is tasked to go to coords which led to a dangerous dungeon but no worries because foolish, cellbit, and bad all follow her invisible (though she was aware of this) because they worried something may occur to her. all of them seemed bonded even closer after that and they called themselves the jaidens. also important to mention foolish and cellbit are technically related since foolish is roier’s father and cellbit is roier’s husband. which makes foolish cellbits father in law.
now to present time foolish gets given the task of arresting tazercraft. when he went to go do that tazercraft were giving jaiden a haircut. so somehow she ends up roped into the arrest and is one of the few witnesses. fast forward theres the interrogation between cellbit and foolish. foolish calls in jaiden to be the witness and lawyer. fun fact there was a court trial previously on the island and jaiden was a lawyer and she slayed. moving along, foolish doesn’t say anything important to cellbit so jaiden tells cellbit she’ll take charge and get the real scoop since her and foolish are bonded. she does this for cellbit because her and cellbit also have a close relationship due to roier her bestie being married to him and then later gaining a genuine respect for each other. remember he was the third person she showed her base too and actually showed the entire base to including the basement. cellbit was also one of those few people who was empathetic towards her during the distrust period. so you could say they’re pretty tight. in this moment she is deliberately choosing to help cellbit.
so afterwards she does just that and speaks with foolish about everything to learn about what truly occurred. and she got all the information from him! however this is where some things begin to get a little mixed up. foolish lies to her about his conversation with cucurucho in an attempt to make himself perhaps look better, maybe more understandable on his part, or even just for some spice (who fucking knows its up to you to have your own interpretation). in this lie he tells jaiden that he was given two options arrest pac and mike or kill richarlyson. the richarlyson part a lie. and jaiden having no reason to distrust foolish or question him as foolish has never once lied to her before believes this. and empathizes with his situation and says she would’ve done the same. she has a strong passion for protecting the eggs as do many of the other island residents. so then after this conversation ends she runs off back to cellbit and informs him of what she was told. unknowingly spreading this lie. this is another instance where things get interesting she once again goes back to speak with foolish. and tells him that she told cellbit about what occurred. foolish admits he assumed she would do that. a moment that insinuates the lie to be calculated on his part. now jaiden here says she isn’t sure if she wasn’t supposed to tell foolish she told cellbit all the information but she felt she had because she felt bad about lying and going behind his back. it is her friend at the end of the day. throughout their conversation it really appears that jaiden doesn’t want this conflict to blow up outta proportion, to me i interpreted it as her character really not being fond of conflict. or at least conflict between her closest friends. despite foolish knowing she told cellbit his trust and bond with jaiden didn’t seem to waver at all. friends who cucurucho together stick together i suppose (bad joke)
the next day foolish gets a couple threats from both forever and fit about the whole arrest situation and betrayal. after hearing foolish decides he’ll try and search for the prison but no luck. then he tries to learn for mr mustard. this is when leo suggests doing a summoning circle to see if this capybara will show up. jaiden logs on just as foolish finishes and he immediately invites her to tag along. foolish, leo, and jaiden did the ritual together and sadly mr mustard was not summoned however cucurucho was. they’re both surprised but they go along with it. foolish takes this chance to ask cucurucho what happened with the arrest, if they were wrong about who kidnapped mr mustard and if they could release pac and mike. and this is when cucurucho asks a very important question. “your decision. alone or accompanied.” foolish responds saying the second option. so important to note foolish had no context about what was going to occur or be said after he replied so he just wanted jaiden to be there. he also doesn’t read this book aloud which leaves jaiden with no context to what was happening as well. im quoting the moment here because i think it’s important to understand why jaiden even tagged along.
foolish: yeah! i think you know it’d be more fun that way. well maybe i dont-
cucurucho: yes
foolish: well congrats jaiden we uh-
jaiden: what?
foolish: okay yeah nevermind yep
cucurucho: follow me
foolish: following
jaiden: okay? well i’m coming too. come on leo
so they follow cucurucho and it takes them to a room in the prison. both never having been there or being sure whats about to happen. this is where cucurucho offers foolish the detective position and the mr mustard report as sorta a reward for the arrest. the report details that mr mustard was last seen at the hide and seek arena and that crushed oranges had been found at chume labs most likely signifying a struggle, and lastly that the murder mystery arena still had to be investigated. foolish questioned if cucurucho was completely sure about all this information and all it replied was “do you want to find mr mustard”. after everything was said foolish asked cucurucho if this was a public thing? cucurucho said no. this position was meant to be a secret. then he asked what exactly stops jaiden from telling others? cucuruchos told him “you said you wanted company. it is your choice. :)” which to me is super intriguing because it insinuates that foolish could’ve been doomed to fail from the start. if someone like bad had been with foolish and he had replied to be accompanied then immediately he would be compromised so cucurucho seems to have definitely been ready to brew some conflict. some important things to note foolish’s decision wasn’t impulsive he surprisingly thought this through and asked many questions. even asking leo for her opinion and if they wanted him to do it. he did ask about pac and mike and each time cucurucho refused to tell him where they were or the fact they had already escaped. foolish’s attempted to also get jaiden a detective role but cucurucho did not seem too into the idea replying with a “no. maybe.” and ended up not doing that. after he agreed to the detective position and the case jaiden and him spoke. she swore secrecy to foolish and that she would not be telling anybody about what occurred. to directly quote her,
“no i’ll be honest i didn’t feel good about tattling. so i hereby swear secrecy to you. i feel like this is bigger than me i don’t want to fiddle with it you know. if you want to tell people, tell people but my lips are sealed”.
that explains her position on everything and why she hasn’t informed others. there’s also a moment after all the cucurucho stuff where bad, foolish, and jaiden hang out but nothing really important happens since neither foolish or jaiden spilled anything to bad.
then rather recently she logs on (today, july 29th, when this was posted). bad decides to interrogate her after his conversation with foolish since she was with foolish yesterday. after all that she goes and tells foolish what happened with everything and that she wasn’t mentally prepared and apologized for the slip up. they then sort their stories out so that they’re on the same page about everything. foolish decides he won’t tell them about cucurucho showing up despite jaiden’s slip up since he wasn’t the one to admit it. she also makes the joke about staying at her base at the time being during all this foolish stuff so she doesn’t get bothered further. foolish asked jaiden if she wants to be kept in the loop and told information about anything that happens in the future and her answer to that is that it is completely up to foolish. up to this point foolish still hasn’t told her that he lied and he doesn’t seem inclined to at all. so i suppose we’ll have to see what he decides in the future. later a disguised bad and pierre calling themselves The Justice League torture foolish to get him to try and confess and admit that slip up to be true. he does not do that at all and says perhaps jaiden was lying or jaiden was the one having the conversation with cucurucho but not him. The Justice League says they would’ve included jaiden in this torture but she had logged off (lol she escaped just in time).
and i think that is everything up until this very present moment. i am normal about these characters as you can tell. if i made typos. no i didn’t 👍
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